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MAMMOTHMAGAZINE, Issue 6, March 2009


The Centre
for Studies on
Human Stress
is dedicated to
improving the
physical and
mental health
of individuals
by empowering
them with
about the effects
of stress on the
brain and body.

Sex differences
in Stress
Editorial Let’s first start with the term sex. It might surprise
By Tania Elaine Schramek, B.A., M. Sc. you to know that there are at least four ways in which to
answer the question ; what is sex ? To understand why, we
must first look at the distinction between sex determina-

Y ou are filling out a questionnaire and you get to

that little box that asks you to indicate what sex you
are. Seems quite simple doesn’t it. You need only answer
tion and sexual differentiation. Biological dictionaries de-
fine sex determination as the processes that establish and
transmit the specification of sexual status. In English, sex
whether you are male or female. For most of us, there is determination is simply how being a male or a female is
nothing complicated about it, Mother Nature decides and decided when the mother’s egg and father’s sperm come
Institut de la santé des femmes
et des hommes (ISFH)
then endows us with all that is necessary to either be a together to begin the process of life. Sexual differentiation
Institute of Gender and Health (IGH) man or a woman. Presto, our sex has been determined. on the other hand, is the developmental process of be-
Does this also mean that our gender has been assigned ? coming male or female. In other words, how we become
the sex we were assigned at the time of sex determination.
In the scientific literature and general public publica- In humans, the first half of sexual differentiation takes
tions alike the terms sex and gender are often used inter- place in the womb (brain development and forming the
changeably. In our field we see titles such as Sex Differ-
ences in Stress Reactivity or Gender Differences in Stress
Reactivity and many take for granted that they mean the … in this issue of Mammoth Magazine we
same thing. You will note however, that in this issue of shall not be using sex and gender inter-
Mammoth Magazine we shall not be using sex and gender changeably precisely because they do not
interchangeably precisely because they do not mean the mean the same thing.
same thing.
Stress : What’s sex got to that differentiate males and females. This last This is where the sex / gender distinction
do with it ? one is a doosie. Now, before sending in your comes into play. Behavioural sex as described
letters to the editor, keep in mind that these above now falls into the category of gender.
categories or levels of sex determination were Would it surprise you to know that when you
internal and external sex organs), the other developed and described when there were check the box M / F you are also answering
half occurs at puberty (when the sex organs clear, and what were then thought of as bio- what you feel your gender is and not neces-
mature to our adult form). logically established sex-specific roles. In fact, sarily your sex ? Here is why. The reason you
for the longest time education and the envi- check male or female is because you identify
The Four Levels of Sex ronment were thought to be the result of the with that gender, or you are stating your gen-
Determination underlying biology. This is in stark contrast der identity. This is rather controversial area
Now for those four kinds of sex I spoke of
above. What early research has taught us is In reality there is no such thing as female hormones or male hormones
that each kind of sex is dependent upon, and
because both sexes have the same hormones circulating in their bod-
is affected by, the other kinds of sex. It all
starts with chromosomal sex (also known as
ies. The differences between men and women lie in the amount of each
genetic sex) whereby the genetic compliment hormone that is around.
of XY makes you a male and XX makes you a
female. The difference lies in the presence of and we could devote at least three issues of
the Y chromosome. Chromosomal sex is es- Mammoth Magazine to the topic and still
tablished at the time of conception and will would have not covered the field. Reiter puts
determine which gonads (testes in males and it well when describing gender as “ The set of
ovaries in females) will form in the foetus. arrangements by which a society transforms
Then there is gonadal sex, which determines biological sexuality into products of human
the hormonal environment the foetus will de- activity ” (Reiter 1975: 159). Thus, to associate
velop in. This brings me to an important note. one’s self as either masculine or feminine is
In reality there is no such thing as female hor- identifying with gender. A famous psycholo-
mones or male hormones because both sexes gist by the name of Sandra Lipzitis Bem de-
have the same hormones circulating in their veloped a gender theory to explain how indi-
bodies. The differences between men and viduals come to use gender as an organizing
women lie in the amount of each hormone category in all aspects of their life. She pos-
that is around. In men, they have more testos- ited that we process information our culture
terone relative to estrogen and progesterone provides on what is deemed masculine or
but they still have them. In females it’s the re- feminine and regulate our behaviour accord-
verse, they have more estrogen and progester- ingly. The first exposure to gender roles in
one but nonetheless still have testosterone. our lives is the time spent with our parents.
We not only learn how to speak and walk with
The next kind of sex is morphological our parents but we also learn how to think
sex. This describes our body shape and type. and behave. Gender differences are signaled
I mentioned above that each kind of sex is de- much sooner than we think.

Studies show that as early on as infancy,

Reiter puts it well when describing gender as “ The set of arrangements parents tend to treat their children differently
by which a society transforms biological sexuality into products of hu- as a function of sex. For instance, in keeping
man activity ” (Reiter 1975: 159). with the notion that girls are more fragile
and vulnerable, parents tend faster to a cry-
pendent upon and affected by the other kinds with today’s view which proposes that biology ing baby girl than to a crying baby boy even
of sex. This is a perfect example because our can set the stage but learning and the environ- though boys are actually at greater risk for
body shape and type is largely influenced by ment can determine what show will be posted infant death. Girls are more cuddled than are
the kind and amount of hormones we have on the billboard. We can thank years of hard-
circulating which is influenced by which go- won battles and scientific studies (and the
nads we have which is influenced by the chro- publications thereof which could probably fill Studies show that as early on as
mosomal compliment we have. What it boils the room you are sitting in now) for this one. infancy, parents tend to treat
down to is that the more testosterone circu- their children differently as a
lating the larger our muscles and bones and function of sex.
the more bodily hair we have and thus our 1. While we portray things as black and white (male
body type is male1. or female) even sex should be considered on a baby boys and as they age ; little boys are al-
continuum. For the purposes of simplicity however
we opted for male-female distinctions. This by no lowed to try more new things than are girls
Finally, there is behavioural sex, which means is a statement that male and female are the of the same age. Parents also inadvertently ap-
describes the series of sex-specific behaviours only sexes or genders for that matter. preciate different things from their boys and

2 Issue 6, March 2009 • MAMMOTHMAGAZINE

…for the longest time education and the environment were thought to be
the result of the underlying biology. This is in stark contrast with today’s
view which proposes that biology can set the stage but learning and the
environment can determine what show will be posted on the billboard.

girls. While girls will often be told that they gender roles in our culture as fact and seem
look cute and pretty, boys are often praised for to think that the same rules apply everywhere
their actions, “ what a big boy you are ; standing and to every one. While this is a normal ten-
on your own ”. Thus, over time girls learn that dency it is nonetheless an erroneous one.
they are appreciated for their beauty and boys
for their accomplishments. Many would argue Here is why. In pre-Industrial Europe
that the role of primary caregiver in most so- for instance it was unthinkable that a woman
cieties is reserved for females. When both par- become a medical doctor. But in the same pe-
ents contribute to child-care however, studies riod in history in Russia, health care was con-
show that boys grow up with the internalized sidered a feminine role and women were the
notion that the role of caregiver is not exclu- doctors. Thus gender roles are not the same in
sively female. Thus children learn what they every culture and as such, the results of stud-
ies conducted in North America cannot be ap-
Thus gender roles are learned plied everywhere. Further still, many studies
have found that men are better than women
through socialization.
at spatial orientation and mental rotation. We
have come to accept this as a certainty in the
see. This is also true for negative traits and be- cognitive sciences and as a clear difference
liefs. A boy growing up in a home in which the between the sexes. The problem is that if we
father beats his mother will often by physically
abusive himself. The same goes for girls, they
often end up becoming victims of domestic Understanding how biology and the environment interact to give rise to
violence in their adult lives when their moth- the beauty of being human, male, female, or somewhere in between,
ers were beaten by their fathers. Importantly, could be a good avenue to explore.
gender role influences are not limited to the
home. What a child sees on television, in the test people from different cultures we do not so differently according to our sex. We (as in
media, at friend’s houses all contribute to how find the same results. Inuit women living in humans) all too often make the assumption
they internalize what a male should be and northern Canada do not fare worse than men that different somehow translates into worse
what a female should be. Thus gender roles on spatial tasks. Just to drive the point home, or lesser than. We do not need mountains of
are learned through socialization. in the pre-WWII job market clerical jobs were scientific evidence to see how this is not the
reserved for men. During the war however, way to look at things.
The problem is that there are several women flooded the job market and the same
credible studies [i.e. well-conducted, peer- clerical jobs (i.e. secretaries) became known as One thing is clear ; men and women
reviewed (see the Mammoth Magazine vol 3 more female occupations and still are today. are different. If we were the same then what
editorial to see what goes into peer review) Thus, many jobs have switched gender roles. would be the purpose of having two sexes ?
and replicated] that show that biology has There must be something beyond reproduc-
tion-based differences ? We got to where we
are today most likely because some of the dif-
One thing we can assert is that gender roles are largely based on what ferences made us complimentary. Here nei-
our own culture dictates ; after all we do not look to other countries to ther Nature nor Nurture wins. Not being able
determine our gender roles. to admit that biology influences behaviour or
that the environment affects biology is not in
strong influences on behaviour (see box 1). The little bell going off in your head keeping with the current state of knowledge
But, there are also other studies that are right now is right on the money. Gender, we possess. Understanding how biology and
credible for the same reasons that show that gender identity, and gender roles have and the environment interact to give rise to the
sex-specific behaviours can be learned. Who continue to change and evolve over time and beauty of being human, male, female, or
to believe ? I certainly cannot provide the an- from one place to another. What this means is somewhere in between, could be a good av-
swer ; in fact no one can. One thing we can that any deterministic view of sex or gender is enue to explore. One thing is definite though,
assert is that gender roles are largely based on too rigid and does not take into account the men and women are exactly the same in the
what our own culture dictates; after all we do reality of what being human (male or female) most important respect ; we are both human
not look to other countries to determine our is. We change, we adapt, and we learn more and as such are deserving of the same consid-
gender roles. Moreover, we tend to accept the and more each time around. We may also do eration and rights.

MAMMOTHMAGAZINE • Issue 6, March 2009 3

Stress : What’s sex got to individuals vulnerable to stress-related disor- gender interact to influence physical and men-
do with it ? ders over the lifespan. She covers events that tal health. Using the dichotomous approach
occur before the crib to those that lead to the of pure sex does not truly inform us and can
crypt. Then, Marie-France Marin will inject a actually lead to erroneous findings. Given that
In this Issue little humour in her explanation of how the research findings often influence health behav-
One way in which men and women are defi- sexes differ with respect to obtaining social iours and outcomes in the general public, this
nitely dissimilar though, relates to stress. support. Finally, as you may have noticed, we can be a problem.
From how we perceive stress, physiologically
respond to stress, to how we cope with stress
differences are found in most studies. Women Using the dichotomous approach of pure sex does not truly inform us
are also more vulnerable to developing stress- and can actually lead to erroneous findings.
related physical and mental health disorders.
Why this might be the case, and what factors tend to adopt an evolutionary perspective The reality is that gender is not static and
might contribute to these differences are when we describe the stress response and instead falls on a continuum that is defined by
exactly what we will be discussing in this is- its purpose; hence, our friendly Mammoth… our culture, religion, geographic location, sex-
sue of Mammoth Magazine. There are many Robert Paul Juster will wrap up volume 6 with ual orientation and ethnicity (to name a few).
variables (biological, psychological, cognitive, a second look at some of the variables dis- As such, important challenges lie ahead in sci-
cussed in this issue but put into the context ence. By incorporating the notion of gender
of evolution. Using evolutionary theory as a in our research we are complicating things on
One way in which men and women backdrop, he will explain what purpose some one level, but we will likely be able to explain
are definitely dissimilar though, of the sex differences may have had back in some of the conflicting findings out there and
relates to stress. our mammoth hunting days. get much closer to the answers we seek. We
have only begun to scratch the surface on un-
environmental to name a few) to consider One of the take home messages in this derstanding sex and gender differences and
when looking at sex / gender differences. Ac- issue is that there are clear sex / gender dif- much work is needed still. When we planned
cordingly, each article in volume 6 does just ferences with respect to stress. But are there this issue of Mammoth Magazine we were
that, explores a different variable that relates really ? At the physiological level we can defi- not aware that the Director of the Centre for
to stress and sex / gender differences. nitely say yes ; but when we look at cognitive, Studies on Human Stress Sonia Lupien Ph. D.,
psychological, and social variables the line be- had been awarded the high honour of receiv-
In the researcher profile of this issue, tween the two becomes blurred because these ing a Canadian Senior Investigator Chair from
Lyane Trepanier reports on an interview variables fall within the framework of gender. the Institute of Gender and Health of the Ca-
with Ron Sullivan Ph. D., a researcher at the We did not discuss gender differences in great nadian Institutes of Health Research for her
Fernand-Seguin Research Centre, who stud- detail in this issue. The reason for this deliber- desire to just that, tease apart sex and gender
ies differences in the brain anatomy of males ate omission is quite simple ; little is known differences in stress. Thus this issue was quite
and females and how these differences might about them. In fact, few researchers in our timely and fitting indeed ! We will be celebrat-
relate to reactions to stress. In his piece, field are aware of the sex / gender distinction ing this event with a scientific meeting of
Robert Paul Juster teases apart reactions (psy- or if they are, studies are not designed in a way some of the top researchers in the field of sex
chological and physical) to stress. Once we that could address the notion of gender. and gender effects in mental health. The goal
have reacted to a given stressor though, what
goes on in our heads ? Pierrich Plusquellec
Ph. D. a visiting researcher at the Fernand- Researchers have found that if the clearly gender biased questions are
Seguin Research Centre, will explain that removed and the data re-analyzed, the previously obtained sex differ-
how we juggle stressors in our minds after we ences disappear.
experience stress and how mulling them over
and over again might put us at risk for depres-
sion and anxiety disorders and explains how There are always trends in science and of this meeting on the 27th or March 2009 is
men and women differ in this respect. Then, one of the current trends is to revisit studies to understand the current state of knowledge,
Shireen Sindi explores the factors that render in which sex differences were observed and to identify what needs to be done, and propose
re-analyse the data using a gender-based ap- ways to do so. A report on what was discussed
proach instead of a dichotomous sex approach. during this day will be made available on our
For instance, many of the questionnaires we web site. One this note, we hope you enjoy
use in psychological studies were developed this issue of Mammoth Magazine !
several years ago. As such, some the questions
reflect the views (and therefore gender roles)
of the day. Researchers have found that if the
clearly gender biased questions are removed
and the data re-analyzed, the previously ob-
tained sex differences disappear. It is therefore
critical that we begin to investigate how sex and

4 Issue 6, March 2009 • MAMMOTHMAGAZINE

B OX 1

The Influence of Biology on Behavior even though he did not have testosterone
around. Thus, learning and experience can
circumvent physiology. But this is only
In the late 1960’s a series of experi- could not engage in mounting behaviour later true for a certain amount of time. These
ments in animals laid the groundwork for on. After all the experiments Dr Young was same male rats eventually could no lon-
most of what we know today about hor- able to conclude that the brain first needs to ger mount, but their experience alone al-
mones and sex-specific behaviours. Re- be organized in a male-typical way for an ani- lowed them to continue to mount in the
searchers found that when a male rat was mal to engage in male-typical behaviours. The absence of hormones for some time.
castrated at birth and thus did not get ex- same was true for female-type behaviours.
posed to testosterone at puberty or over Puberty and thus a large flux of hormones What about humans? The study
his lifespan, he did not engage in male- later activate the brain areas and body that of organizational and activation ef-
typical rat sexual behaviour. They found were organized during development. Think of fects in humans is rather complex. But
the same in females that had their ovaries it this way, what is the purpose of a chair ? To there are some groundbreaking studies
removed at birth. They thus concluded that sit on. Could an Ikea chair serve its purpose that have provided us with some pretty
hormones must be necessary for these sex- if we left it in the box ? No, we need to build strong evidence that biology does play
specific behaviours to occur. In rodents the it first ; then we can use it. Same goes for us. a role in influencing sex-specific behav-
sex-specific behaviours to which I refer are We need to build the brain areas and the body iour. Some children are born intersexed,
lordosis and mounting. When a female rat before we can use them in a male or female which means that even though they are
is sexually receptive she will arch her back way. But what style and model is entirely up genetically male or female they can have
and raise her buttocks i.e. lordose to make to the designer ! You cannot activate (puber- both male and female genetalia. When
mating possible. Male rats mount females. gender theories arose in the 1970’s the
The researchers then gave adult male rats view was that socialization (upbringing,
estrogen and female rats testosterone to learning and education) established our
see if the hormones alone could stimulate gender identities and as such they were
the sex-specific behaviours. Even with tes- malleable and modifiable. In one famous
tosterone female rats did not mount and case, a genetically male child was born
males with estrogen did not lordose. The with both male and female sexual or-
researchers therefore concluded that hor- gans. The doctors performed a surgery
mones alone were not sufficient to induce that removed the male genetalia and the
sexual behaviours. Now keep in mind that parents were told to raise their child as a
for hormones (or any chemical messengers female. They did so but the girl struggled
for that matter) to have their effects they most of her female life with her identity.
must bind to receptors. So, for mounting She felt male and identified most with the
for instance, the testosterone is released male gender. After years of struggle, she
and it travels to the brain where it binds to eventually underwent a sex change and
receptors in the areas of the brain respon- returned to being a male which tremen-
sible for sexual behaviour and mounting is dously improved his quality of life. More
possible. recent studies have confirmed that one’s
gender identity is typically established
Knowing this and seeing the results of by the age of 4 and that the environment
their studies the researchers posited that can do little to really change one’s core
there must be events in early develop- gender identity.
ment that set up the brain to receive tes-
tosterone (i.e. receptors) and the body to So, if I were to sum up all of
develop in the male direction. This in turn ty) something that had not been previously these studies in my words ;
would give rise to male-typical patterns organized (early development and exposure what all of these experiments seem
of behaviour. The same went for females. to hormones). to suggest is that the expression of
WC Young and his colleagues embarked on gender roles (i.e. how we demon-
a set of elegant and complex experiments Many years later a different group of strate our femininity or masculin-
to test whether their theory, which they researchers showed that biology is impor- ity) is largely socially and culturally
called the organizational / activational hy- tant but perhaps not all determining. In one based but the propensity towards
pothesis, was correct. Dr. Young showed experiment they let a rat have lots of sexual identifying with a given gender is
that genetically male rats that were not experience before they castrated him. Inter- most likely biologically based.
exposed to hormones during development estingly, he continued to mount female rats

MAMMOTHMAGAZINE • Issue 6, March 2009 5

How do the Brains of Men and Women
Differ when Dealing with Stress ?
Answers in a Researcher’s Profile : Ron Sullivan, Ph. D.

By Lyane Trepanier, B.A. cused their research on how males respond to

stress, but not on females. This is somewhat
surprising given that his Ph. D. supervisor

R on Sullivan is a behavioural neuro-

scientist and an assistant professor of
research in Psychiatry at the University of
Dr. Sandra Witelson had shown that there are
real anatomical differences between the right
and left hemispheres of the brain between
Montreal and an associate researcher at the men and women. This made Dr. Sullivan
Fernand-Seguin Research Centre of the Louis wonder why females were not given more
H. Lafontaine Hospital. Ron Sullivan seeks attention and studied separately in stress re-
to understand how early-life stress and the search. He recalls his own experience when
mother-child relationship may shape one’s as a graduate student he saw newborn female terns of brain connectivity are in part shaped
response to stress later in life as an adult. Of rats being systematically removed from the by our life experiences. An early upbringing
particular interest to this scientist is whether litter because the experiments were done where constant vigilance was required, as in
these early life experiences might affect males exclusively on the male rats due to the chal- the case of neglect or abuse for instance is
and females differently. Through his work lenges that the cycling hormones in females likely to alter how the brain is activated and
with animal models of anxiety disorders and presented. Since stress affects hormones, it processes a stressor and thus how we react
human studies, he has discovered that not makes it a little easier to study the cause and to stress later in life. Dr. Sullivan notes that
only do male and female brains differ ana- effect when you don’t have to control for cycli- in cognitive tasks, women activate different
tomically, but they also have completely dif- cal variations in hormone levels. “ There are parts of the brain in different patterns, not
ferent patterns of brain activity when faced so many complexities in female hormones just related to stress per say but in all of the
with a stressful situation. and stress activity ” says Dr. Sullivan. systems involving memory or anything with a
strong emotional component. This affects how
Ron Sullivan seeks to understand how early-life stress and the mother-child relationship well an event is remembered. Therefore, it is
may shape one’s response to stress later in life as an adult. important to study early life family adversity
and how this can lead to different responses
to stress in men and women. “ We don’t know
Dr. Sullivan’s interest in how the brain What research tells us is that some stress- if there is a good or bad pattern per say, but
works began at a very young age when he saw related illnesses affect men and women dif- no one is looking at this and it warrants more
his first image of the human brain on televi- ferently. Dr. Sullivan states “ we are discover- investigation, ” says Dr. Sullivan.
sion while watching the Nature of Things ing that females process stress and emotion
hosted by David Suzuki. This was in large
part the driving force that later inspired him
… recently, the health science community had long focused their research on how males
to pursue a Doctorate in behavioural neuro-
respond to stress, but not on females.
science at McMaster University (Hamilton),
which he completed in 1995. He then pursued
post-doctorate research related to stress, hor- differently than males ”. He explains that the Looking to the future, Dr. Sullivan be-
mones, and ulcer formation, at the Douglas amygdala, a brain structure that processes lieves that greater attention will be paid to sex
Hospital Research Centre in Montreal, until emotions and regulates hormone secretion, is and gender differences in all aspects of health
he joined the University of Montreal and the found in both the right and left hemispheres. research. Since chronic stress is an important
Fernand-Seguin Research Centre in 2001. Brain scans of this critical brain area reveal that precursor to many illnesses in both men and
Ron Sullivan has since led a productive career a stress response results in greater activation women, Dr. Sullivan plans to continue his in-
publishing his work in prestigious journals of the right hemisphere in males and greater vestigations. Understanding how stress affects
and presenting his work at scientific confer- left hemisphere activation in females. “ This is men and women differently has important
ences around the world. an important finding because it may start to implications for the treatment of many health
shed some light onto why women are twice problems including mental health, cardiovas-
When asked what led him to focus his as likely to experience certain stress-related cular health as well as personal wellbeing.
research on the neurological differences health problems as men ” says Dr. Sullivan.
between males and females under stress,
Dr. Sullivan will tell you that until recently, How does this all tie back to early life
the health science community had long fo- events ? Our brain structures and the pat-

6 Issue 6, March 2009 • MAMMOTHMAGAZINE

Mind-Body Differences in Distress and
Stress Reactivity Among the Sexes
By Robert-Paul Juster, B.A. In the early 1990s, European research-
ers set out to tease apart sex differences in
reactivity to mildly stressful situations in

T he perception of stress and re-

sponses to stressors differ between the
sexes. While there is strong evidence that sub-
laboratories specializing in biological stress
responses. Several studies consistently
showed that young men react as much as a
tle variations in psychological interpretations two times more than females of the same age
and biological activities can account for these in the release of the stress hormone cortisol
divisions, sex differences to stress represent a in the face of acute stress. In other studies,
controversial and contradicting field of study. increased levels of adrenalin and blood pres-
According to a massive review of the research
out there, women subjectively experience
more stress than men and consistently report If women report more emotional distress but men react with stron-
more physical health symptoms. What is sur- ger mounted “ fight-or-flight ” responses, then are women really from
prising, however, is that it is in fact males that Venus and men from Mars ?
are generally more biologically responsive to
psychological stress. If women report more your skin and damage health via the inter- sure were also more likely to occur in men.
emotional distress but men react with stron- play of these components. When individuals Increased cortisol, adrenalin, and blood
ger mounted “ fight-or-flight ” responses, then are bombarded and distressed with stressors pressure are all biomarkers of a stress or the
are women really from Venus and men from that repeatedly activate biological responses; “ fight-or-flight ” response activated by the per-
Mars ? Science has something to say about this bodily systems undergo undue wear and tear ception of stress. There is a very popular idea
mythological paradox. As this article will re- and begin to break down. in stress science circles called the reactivity
veal, minds and bodies experience stress in hypothesis, which states that abnormal bio-
chorus, but the notes and songs that scientists Using an environmental and psycho- logical and behavioural responses to stressors
hear from each do not always logically or har- logical approach, a recent study by Dr. Nicole represent an important risk-factor for stress-
moniously correspond. Weekes (2005) assessed stress exposure, related disorders. For example, classic studies
stress perceptions, and health symptoms in done in the late 1970s revealed that greater
When measuring “ stress ”, scientists in- young adults and found that stress exposure stress hormone reactivity related to increased
corporate knowledge from three traditions. related to health for both sexes, but stress per- cholesterol, blood pressure, and smoking –
First, the environmental perspective focuses ceptions were predictive of health symptoms the traditional risk-factors for cardiovascular
on objective stressors like the frequency of only for women. This suggests that men may disease. Keeping in mind that women report
more stress and distress predisposing them to
certain diseases, it seems rather odd that men
The presumed intensified expression of emotions is thought to be at the react more to acute laboratory stressors.
heart of women’s greater vulnerability to anxiety and depressive disor-
ders, and yet men seem more responsive biologically to stress. An important distinction should be
made: there is a big difference between stress
hormone responses to acute stress and the
exposures to violent neighborhoods, chaotic be less likely than women to say that they per- normal cyclic day-to-day variations in stress
workplaces, or countless other contexts that ceive and interpret stressors to be affecting
most would deem stressful. Second, the psy- them. From a surveying point of view, can we
chological perspective focuses on the how assume that women cry and men deny ? The
individuals evaluate stressors in terms of presumed intensified expression of emotions
emotional distress. And third, the biological is thought to be at the heart of women’s great-
perspective focuses on biological systems er vulnerability to anxiety and depressive
involved in stress responses. Laboratories de- disorders, and yet men seem more responsive
voted to uncovering the complexities of stress biologically to stress. Women might commu-
phenomena therefore assess stress using dif- nicate emotions and report more hassles then
ferent measures like questionnaires and the men, but when biological activities are consid-
collection of biological markers like stress ered the “ cry and deny ” statement becomes
hormones. As is clear, stress can get under an oversimplification.

MAMMOTHMAGAZINE • Issue 6, March 2009 7

Mind-Body Differences in Distress Researchers also believe estrogen to be
and Stress Reactivity Among the Sexes protective for brain regions involved in the
activation of stress responses. In fact, there is
some pretty compelling research demonstrat-
hormones (dubbed basal cortisol) that help tasks involving social alienation. Consider the ing that older women have the most height-
to ensure the adequate functioning of many of existing stereotypes of gender-typed behav- ened stress responses – perhaps because of
our bodily systems. Basal cortisol levels often iors: women are socializing creatures while depleted estrogen levels after menopause.
provide us with the first indication that stress men are competing beasts. There are many Similarly for men, higher levels of testoster-
systems are going haywire. This cyclic varia- social, cultural, and historical circumstances one are usually accompanied by lower levels
tion begins with a surge in cortisol levels as at play for such beliefs and behaviors, but no of stress hormones (testosterone actually acts
we wake that helps us to prepare for the day. absolutes are agreed upon. Yet, there is some, chemically like estrogen when converted in
Cortisol levels then gradually decline over the albeit limited, scientific evidence that men the brain). Sex hormones add an extra layer
course of the day, cycling back again the next and women react differently to specific stres- of information regarding stress responses
time you awaken. It has been cautiously sug- sors in line with this ageless Venus and Mars among the sexes, but still much more research
gested that women might have higher basal
cortisol levels throughout the day. Thus, if
women already maintain high levels of basal Several studies consistently showed that young men react as much as a
cortisol, then they might simply have fewer two times more than females of the same age in the release of the stress
reserves of cortisol to mobilize during acute hormone cortisol in the face of acute stress.
stress. Fair enough, but maybe the sexes are
also simply stressed by different stressors.
dichotomy. Propensities towards achievement is needed before arriving at any conclusions
Our own data seem to indicate that versus social inclusion have more to do with regarding these elusive sex differences.
this may be the case. Over the years we have personality traits and gender roles though,
asked hundreds of individuals to fill out a so let us turn the page for now and consider In conclusion, what the data seem to
simple survey about stress and we have found another potent candidate for biological sex show is that one’s sex will influence one’s sen-
that men and women tend to report being differences. sitivity to stressors and stress responses. This
stressed by different types of stressors. Now is manifested differently in women who report
over 50 years of research has shown that irre- Sex hormones like estrogen and pro- more stressful life events, daily hassles, and
spective of age, sex, and social status humans gesterone for women and testosterone for health symptoms, and perhaps also greater
are stressed by the same things. Sound con- men are emerging as important modulators day-to-day levels of stress hormones. Men, on
fusing ? NUTS anyone ? Recall that for a stress of acute biological stress responses. Up un- the other hand, report less stress exposures
response to occur in humans we must first til recently, male participants were totally and distress, but appear more stress reactive.
have interpreted a situation as being either over-represented in studies of stress ; only a We have explored how sex hormones can in-
Novel, Unpredictable, as one that Threatens meager 17 % of research participants were fe- teract with stress hormones, but here things
our ego or sense of self, or decreases our male ! The rationale adopted by many stress are far from fully understood. It is also impor-
tant to state that some of this information is
Sex hormones add an extra layer of information regarding stress re- contested with research findings showing the
opposite. Indeed, many hormonal profiles get
sponses among the sexes, but still much more research is needed before
flipped around at different stages through-
arriving at any conclusions regarding these elusive sex differences. out life as does the nature of the stressors to
which we are exposed.
Sense of control, hence NUTS (see every is- researchers was that the reproductive cycle of
sue of Mammoth Magazine for more info !). women makes it harder to discern the magni-
What differs between the men and women tude of their stress responses. Given that es-
we have surveyed is in what they report to trogen and progesterone levels fluctuate over
be NUTS. Specifically, while both men and the course of the cycle, it can make it harder
women state being stressed by work responsi- to tease findings apart. One of the reasons for
bilities, women report more stress from home this is that estrogen is known to contain the
responsibilities, from conflict (78 % VS 58 %), activity of the stress response system. In other
and being blamed for something. Men on the words, when estrogen levels are high stress
other hand reported being stressed by meet- hormone levels are kept lower. The converse
ing the expectations of others and their own is also true. When stress levels are high, this
expectations. can decrease estrogen levels and thus make it
harder to conceive for instance. Think about
Some American researchers propose that our ancestors and evolution; if a major stres-
men might be more reactive to stressors and sor occurred, let’s say a drought, do you think
laboratory tasks involving performance pres- reproduction was on their minds ? Likely not.
sures while women might be more reactive to

8 Issue 6, March 2009 • MAMMOTHMAGAZINE

Ruminate Much ?
That would Depend on Whether
you are a Man or a Woman
By Pierrich Plusquelec, Ph. D. In fact the figures come in at 21 % of women and
13 % of men that will develop a major depression
over the course of their lives. Researchers know

O ne fine day, you arrive at work and

hear one of your colleagues talking be-
hind your back. You avoid confrontation and
that this difference between the sexes appears
in adolescence. Many of them have explored
risk factors that could explain this difference,
rumination was associated with important lev-
els of Generalized Anxiety and to symptoms of
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
carry on with your daily activities. But by the and some, like Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, have
end of the day, this story comes back to mind. made this their war horse. She became particu- Dr. Nolen-Hoeksema went even further
At several moments, for instance, when on the larly interested in understanding why women as she has begun to study the neurobiological
subway, in the locker room of your gym, in are more vulnerable by exploring two big risk mechanisms by which tendencies to ruminate
front of the oven while cooking a family sup- factors of depression : the first deals with stress- might contribute to mental health. She has
per, or even during an advertising break while ful life events, which include those recurrent since identified that rumination is associated
watching a television show – you simply cannot tensions associated with social status, the role of with deficits in concentration and memory, the
stop thinking about that pestilent incident. As women compared to men, and the redefinition incapacity to turn from one coping strategy
you flip it round and round in every angle and of roles for young women during adolescence. to another, and also to cognitive biases in the
try to understand how, when, and why could Secondly, she examined the manner of reacting processing of information. Specifically, above
this colleague have spoken badly about you, to stress, which involves the biological response all others, rumination was linked to a prefer-
and to how many people, and what will hap- in the strict sense and the strategies of adapta- ential remembrance of negative events. These
pen tomorrow ? These scenarios turn in your tion to stress. indices led some neurobiological researchers
head and you will undoubtedly have trouble to discover that the tendency to ruminate is as-
sleeping. Ladies and gentlemen, what you are In order to measure one’s tendency to sociated with greater brain activation in struc-
doing is called « ruminating ». ruminate, Susan-Nolen-Hoeksema constructed tures implicated in emotional regulation (the
a scale based on the frequency with which we amygdala and the medial prefrontal cortex)
Rumination belongs to a class of adapta- use 22 behaviours or thoughts judged to be in response to negative facial expressions and
tion strategies, or rather maladaptations, to ruminative when feeling sad or depressed (for stimuli. Susan Nolen-Hoeksema even contrib-
stress. It is defined as a way we respond to dis- example, I think that I will not be able to do uted to a study that revealed how the tendency
tress by concentrating on the signs of this dis- my work if I cannot snap out a problem). By to ruminate modifies how a gene is turned on
tress, its possible causes and its consequences, following hundreds of participants over sev- or off to do its job (i.e. the expression of a gene)
and thus leaves no room for the necessary ac- eral months, she was able to show that women that plays a role in depressive symptoms.
tions to resolve this distress. More simply, rumi- resorted to rumination more often than men.
nation is characterized by the mental churning She found that people with a tendency towards Taken together, these data suggest that
of elements that disturb or stress us, imagining rumination were depressed, they experienced finding ways to neutralize the tendency to ru-
negative consequences, all the while anticipat- longer periods of depression and were at great- minate terrible thoughts seems like a perfect
ing the next stressor. Science sometimes has er risk of further developing depressive dis- avenue for designing interventions in situa-
a funny way of integrating terminology from orders. People who ruminated also had more tions involving psychological distress. One way
other disciplines. For instance, the psychologi- negative thoughts about the past, present, and might be through teaching individuals who
cal term “ rumination ” stems from the manner future, displayed a fragile capacity to resolve tend to ruminate how to distract themselves
cows churn their food over and over again in problems, felt their social support network so that they can snap out of vicious circles that
their mouths… reduced, and saw their family members grow feed symptoms of depression even more, so
weary of their continued need to talk about that they can ultimately begin a concerted ef-
Did you know that ruminating over your their problems. fort towards resolving the problem.
problems could in part help to explain why
women are more prone to depression than Susan Nolen-Hoeksema was also able to While Susan Nolen-Hoeksema’s article
men ? This is what Susan Nolen-Hoeksema associate ruminative tendencies with other represents 30 years of intensive research on ru-
maintains, a scientist based at the prestigious types of mental health disorders. Therefore, minative phenomena, no one yet knows how
Yale University who recently synthesized an ar- the tendency to ruminate is associated not the tendency to ruminate develops from child-
ticle on the state of knowledge on rumination. only with depression but also with alcohol hood to adulthood, even if it seems to appear
abuse in adolescents and adults. Rumination is in adolescence. Moreover, the magic formula to
Irrespective of what country, culture, or also predictive of auto-mutilating behaviours in scrap this bad habit has yet to be discovered
ethnicity they are from, women are two times young adolescent women, and to an increase in and relies solely upon our capacity to develop
more at risk than men of developing depression. thoughts of suicide in groups of adults. Finally, resilience.

MAMMOTHMAGAZINE • Issue 6, March 2009 9

Sex and Gender Differences
abuse. However, newer studies show that boys
likely experience as much abuse as girls but
do not report their offenders. Thus, we refer

and Vulnerability to Stress- to declared risk for sexual abuse. In fact, at

every stage of development women have a sig-

Related Disorders
nificantly higher declared risk of experiencing
physical or sexual assault. We know that early
sexual abuse predicts poor health outcomes
later in life in general, with victims being
at risk for a plethora of physical and mental
By Shireen Sindi, B.A., M. Sc. stress during pregnancy or of being born ear- health problems as well as lower levels of emo-
ly ? Other than effects at birth, prenatal stress tional and social well-being later in life.
has been linked to delays in psychomotor de-

S ex and gender differences are ob-

served for a wide range of stress-related
conditions. Numerous biological (sex) and
velopment and difficulties adapting to strange
or new situations in the first year of life again
in both boys and girls but this has not been
We know that early sexual abuse
predicts poor health outcomes
social factors (gender and gender roles) can consistently found in all studies. later in life in general,
exert different effects throughout lifespan de-
velopment to predispose the sexes to specific To date however, we are not certain how Some sex and gender differences begin
mental and physical health problems. In this prenatal and early life stress relate to sex- to emerge in childhood but for the most part
article, we will explore some of these condi- specific outcomes, but it is assumed that these most differences between the sexes become
tions as they are thought to relate to either biological activities may set the stage for vul- apparent at puberty. In childhood though,
prenatal stress or stress at every stage in life ; nerabilities during infancy and beyond. Over- girls tend to display more of what are known as
thus from before the crib to the crypt. all though, the emerging pattern in both ani- internalizing behaviours like anxiety whereas
mal and human studies is that the end result boys are more likely than girls to be diagnosed
The Prenatal Period and Early life of prenatal stress seems to predispose males with externalizing behavioural problems like
As developing babies, we are at the mercy of and females to different types of problems Conduct Disorder and Attention Deficit Hy-
our mother’s health and well-being. Experi- over the course of their lives. Sometimes the peractivity Disorder (ADHD). Externalizing
encing powerful stressors (e.g., malnourish- effects are observed as early as in childhood behaviors are easier to detect and impact oth-
ment, poverty, environmental toxins, physi- and adolescence while at others it is only in ers in an obvious manner, whereas conversely,
cal/psychological abuse) during pregnancy adulthood that the presumed effects of prena- internalizing behaviors are more related to
can result in harm to both mother and child. tal stress emerge. anxiety, depression, withdrawal, and somatic
Such stress can be toxic at every stage of complaints and mostly affect the person expe-
pregnancy, but especially so during the first Factors during riencing them. Interestingly, while depression
trimester of pregnancy when basic growth is Childhood and Adolescence is considered an internalizing disorder, during
very sensitive to the resulting high levels of One of the most detrimental risk factors of childhood, the rates of depression among girls
stress hormones. These stress hormones can stress-related disorders later in life is child- and boys do not differ. However, during ado-
cross the placental barrier where they then in- hood sexual abuse. Most statistics indicate lescence, the tables turn. From here onwards
teract with numerous important biochemicals that females are at higher risk for sexual and throughout adulthood, women are two
and impact the developing fetus. Now please
do not panic if you are pregnant and expe-
rience a little stress here and there – here
chronic and / or severe stress is the culprit.

The study of the effects of stress during

pregnancy (and during life for that matter) is
very difficult given that so many other factors
could be contributing to any later negative ef-
fects observed. Despite this, there are consis-
tent enough data in both animals and humans
that show an association between prenatal
stress and increased risk of pre-term birth
and lower birth weight in both males and fe-
males. Both of these outcomes on their own
can have a myriad of different effects over the
lifespan increasing the risk of many physical
and mental health problems; hence, why the
study of prenatal stress becomes complicated.
Are later effects observed the result of the

10 Issue 6, March 2009 • MAMMOTHMAGAZINE

… if a girl cries and complains of some pain after a fall, she is more likely
to receive help in order to address her discomfort, whereas a boy in the
same situation will have the significance of his pain minimized and is
likely to be told that “boys don’t cry”, instead they should be “strong
and tough”.

who mature at an evidently faster rate than drome, migraine headache, and fibromyalgia.
their peers or classmates. Discontentment Moreover, suicide rates are considerably higher
with one’s body is a normal experience for among men. Although women are more likely
many adolescents, but it is when this becomes to attempt suicide, men tend to use more vio-
an all consuming fi xation that stress-related lent means (e.g. guns, hanging VS pills in wom-
disorders are potentially brewing. Conversely en) and unfortunately succeed more.
among adolescent boys, greater satisfaction
may be expressed with regards to pubertal Women are all the same more suscep-
changes, as this is perceived as increasing their tible to other stress-related mental health
masculinity although some findings show that disorders. Higher rates among women are es-
early puberty among boys is associated with pecially pronounced for anxiety disorders, in-
an increased risk for externalizing behavioural cluding generalized anxiety disorders (GAD),
times more likely than men to experience de- problems such as aggression and hostility. simple phobia, social phobia, and panic disor-
pression in their lifetimes. der, and women report more psychosomatic
Another significant component linked symptoms. The later observed sex difference
Adolescence is also a period when eating to adolescence that seems to be a risk factor may partially be explained by the fact that
disorders such as anorexia and bulimia emerge for various stress-related conditions is gender women are less hesitant to enact health-
and their rates are higher for girls. Personal- socialization, which is the process of learning seeking behaviors such as contacting health
ity traits like low self-esteem can increase the about expectations regarding culturally de- professionals.
risk for depressive symptoms among girls fined roles based on one’s sex. Interestingly,
who have a negative body image and for those whereas adolescent boys report more school- Men and women also differ when it comes
undergoing stressful life events. In addition, related stressful events, adolescent girls re- to pain perception. Some evidence shows that
women may be more sensitive to pain. These
differences however, may be shaped by social,
It is during adulthood that very striking sex differences in stress-related cultural, and psychological factors. For exam-
conditions fully surface. ple, if a girl cries and complains of some pain
after a fall, she is more likely to receive help
much scientific focus has been placed on sex port more negative interpersonal events, and in order to address her discomfort, whereas a
hormones like estrogen and progesterone and perceive them to be more stressful than boys boy in the same situation will have the signifi-
their influence on mood states. Keep in mind do. This does not mean that males are not cance of his pain minimized and is likely to be
that some individuals are more sensitive to experiencing distress, but rather that they ex- told that “ boys don’t cry ”, instead they should
hormonal changes than others. It is thought press it differently in a manner consistent with
that hormones are not likely to have a direct cultural and social norms. Considering that
effect on mood on their own, but instead may adolescence is a period whereby self-identity
interact with other psychological factors such is evolving and highly influenced by the some-
as self-esteem, self-identity, as well as differ- times conflicting pressures between personal
ent ways of coping, revealing a clear sex by and parental expectations, it is not surprising
gender interaction. Hormones may also influ- that the sexes uniquely behave in ways to be
ence some of the chemical messengers in the accepted by their peers. In essence, the recon-
brain (i.e. neurotransmitters like serotonin), ciliation of all these factors during adolescent
which play an important role in a variety of largely shapes who we will become and what
psychiatric conditions. conditions might beget us.

When we think about adolescence, hor- Factors during Adulthood

monal issues are often the first culprit to be It is during adulthood that very striking sex
accused, but adolescence involves more than differences in stress-related conditions fully
just hormonal changes. An important factor surface. When compared to women, men are
is the observable change in physical appear- more prone to developing alcohol and sub-
ance. This brings different preoccupations stance abuse or dependence, as well as de-
and increases depressive symptoms and per- veloping antisocial behavior whereas women
ceived stress for some. This effect may be more show a greater propensity towards depression,
pronounced for a minority of adolescent girls irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syn-

MAMMOTHMAGAZINE • Issue 6, March 2009 11

Sex and Gender Differences and
Vulnerability to Stress-Related Disorders

be “ strong and tough ”. The media also rein- take on the role of caring for aging parents
forces such stereotypes that can limit men’s and parents-in-law. Such additions in respon-
ability to emotionally express themselves. sibilities and daily demands may play an im-
portant role in predicting negative physical
Marriage interestingly holds more health and mental health outcomes, particularly
advantages for men in terms of psychological for women who may already be at risk due
well-being when compared to women. Addi- to predisposing biological and psychological
tionally, when compared to single or divorced factors, and for those who do not use appro-
men, married men are protected from devel- priate coping strategies.

… chronic stress not only exacerbates women’s vulnerability to stress-

related health problems, but can predispose them to conditions more
prevalent in men decades earlier.

oping mental health problems like depressive Such chronic stress not only exacerbates bances, whereas men show more symptoms
symptoms in response to negative life events women’s vulnerability to stress-related health of agitation. However, it remains unclear what
such as workplace stress. Women though are problems, but can predispose them to condi- is responsible for the change with age.
more likely to foster social networks outside
of the home environment, such as via the
benefits of employment and work colleagues. Some evidence shows that the rates for depression decrease in older
This being said, many women find it difficult adulthood, such that women are no longer twice as likely as men to be
to cope with the strain of having multiple diagnosed with depression.
roles and responsibilities. When looking at
psychological well-being and overall health tions more prevalent in men decades earlier. Conclusion
outcomes, it is important to keep in mind that For example, earlier research studies suggest- Thus, the effects of pre-natal and early life
over the past decades, there has been a sig- ed that on average, women developed cardio- stress seem to manifest differently in men and
nificant change in women’s roles, which are vascular disease 10-15 years later than men. women and as this article has shown, there
often accompanied by increased demands. But now, in Canada, adult women die more are risk factors that increase vulnerability to
Whereas women used to primarily play the of cardiovascular disease and stroke than do developing stress-related disorders at each
role of homemakers, caring for children men. The case of women’s risk of cardiovascu- developmental stage that are independent of
and their household, today they have largely lar disease represents a societal change still ill prenatal stress. Overall however, women may
maintained these responsibilities in addition understood, but it is suggested that the great- have a greater number of biological as well
to having entered the workforce devoting as er burden of perceived and chronic stress is as psychosocial risk factors that start early in
much time as men to work. Women often also to blame. Interestingly, sex differences are life and are maintained later in life relative to

When looking at psychological well-being and overall health outcomes,

it is important to keep in mind that over the past decades, there has been
a significant change in women’s roles, which are often accompanied by
increased demands.

not typically observed with respect to risk of men. As such, gaining a better understand-
developing other stress-related disorders like ing of the fundamental differences between
obesity, diabetes, and high (LDL) cholesterol. men and women with respect to stress; be
in prenatal, early life or adult experienced is
As we age, the picture tends to change critical. We must first determine the primary
somewhat. Some evidence shows that the effects of stress at each stage of development.
rates for depression decrease in older adult- Then ascertain whether these effects are the
hood, such that women are no longer twice same in both sexes. A tall order indeed, but
as likely as men to be diagnosed with depres- stress science is taking several steps in the
sion. This might be because depressive symp- right direction as young emerging scientists
toms are manifested differently among older are devoting their careers to understanding
men and women. For example, older women how the sexes are alike and how they differ
express more fatigue and appetite distur- with respect to stress.

12 Issue 6, March 2009 • MAMMOTHMAGAZINE

Men & Women : Are we useful for each
other in times of stress ?
By Marie-France Marin B.A., M. Sc. both male and female participants. In another With this in mind, researchers decided
study, women were stressed by having to give to investigate whether social support from
a speech in front of either a female friend or one’s partner would be useful in decreasing

T hursday night 5 : 00 pm, you just

ended a stressful meeting with your boss
that kept criticizing your work and gave you
a female stranger. The results demonstrated
that having a girlfriend present likely pro-
vided social support given that much lower
the hormonal response to a subsequent stres-
sor. To do so, men and women participants
were told what type of stressor they would
three new deadlines for… yesterday. First cardiovascular activity (recall that during a face and were then given 10 minutes to pre-
reflex : you need to vent ! No worries, seek- stress response our heart rate and blood pres- pare for it. The researchers called this the
ing this type of social support is quite normal sure increase, so lower cardiovascular activity anticipation phase. During this anticipatory
given that studies have repeatedly shown that can mean a smaller stress response, see Mam- period, some participants were alone, others
social support is one of the most powerful
weapons in your arsenal against stress. More- … numerous studies have demonstrated that social support has positive
over, numerous studies have demonstrated
effects on both physical and mental health problems ranging from car-
that social support has positive effects on both
physical and mental health problems ranging
diovascular conditions, to depression and to schizophrenia.
from cardiovascular conditions, to depression
and to schizophrenia. In the same vein, so- moth Magazine Vol. 2, So, Why a Mammoth?) received social support from a stranger, and
cial support is related to better recovery from was found in the group where the girlfriend the rest of the participants received support
illness and to longevity. Stress scientists be- was present. What this means is that social from their respective boyfriends / girlfriends.
lieve that social support exerts these positive support is likely better coming from someone Intuitively, one would think that the partici-
effects because it either directly or indirectly you know and trust, especially from one of pants who were with their life partner would
influences stress pathways in the brain and your girlfriends. While these results are very respond less to the stressor and thus have
body. As Mammoth Magazine and the gen- interesting, in everyday life, who are you most smaller stress reactivity. Well, the story is not
eral media alike have explained, stress is an likely to come home and vent to after a stress- that simple! The male participants who were
important contributing factor to the onset of ful day ? Your partner or spouse. So, is he or with their girlfriends during the anticipation
various diseases. So, vent away, the social sup- she a good buffer against stress ?
port will do you some good ! Here is how we
have come to know this.

… stress researchers wished

to determine whether social
support could have immediate on
the spot effects on stress
hormone levels in individuals
exposed to an acute
psychological stressor.

Although there was considerable evi-

dence showing the beneficial effects of social
support on general health, stress researchers
wished to determine whether social support
could have immediate on the spot effects on
stress hormone levels in individuals exposed
to an acute psychological stressor. They also
wanted to find out if social support would
have the same effects in men and women.
One study showed that social support provid-
ed by a woman, but not by a man, was linked
to lower blood pressure in face of stress for

MAMMOTHMAGAZINE • Issue 6, March 2009 13

Men & Women : Are we useful for each other
in times of stress ?

period showed a reduced stress response port? Intuitively, I have the impression that your friend, remember those NUTS…) is also
compared to men who were alone or with a most men who have read this article will hide what makes dealing with stress highly per-
stranger. Interestingly enough, women who this issue of Mammoth Magazine to make sonal. Use what works for you and do it with
were supported by their boyfriends during sure that their wife does not see it whereas whoever provides you the best support.
the anticipatory phase showed a tendency women will have an unexplained tendency to
towards increased stress reactivity. In other leave it on their husband’s night stand with a
words, a partner’s support seems to be ben- bottle of massage oil.
eficial for men but a boyfriend’s support for
women seems to make things worse. These In all seriousness, ultimately though,
findings are quite interesting given that other what science tells us is that things are rarely
studies have shown that married individuals black and white or definite, real life is most of-
live longer than non-married individuals but ten about the gray areas in between. Same-sex
that the protective effects of marital status couples have not been tested in any of these
seems to be greater for men than women. experiments. Also, we now know that being a
man or a woman is not as black or white as it
Ladies, do not jump to any conclusions used to be either. One’s gender identity may
about the usefulness of your husband’s! play a large role. What this also means is that
Gentleman, please do not give up reading if you are a woman and your husband offers What science tells us is that both
this article ! I promise… the story gets more you very effective support; then don’t drop men and women are good sourc-
interesting ! him like a dirty shirt in times of stress only to es of social support ; it is just im-
run to your girlfriends ! The same thing that portant to remember
Some researchers found these results makes stress such and individual phenom- how to provide it.
quite intriguing and decided to further inves- enon (i.e. what is novel to you is not novel to
tigate the question. They conducted essen-
tially the same study as above and assigned
women to one of three conditions before ex-
posing them to a stressor. Some women were
alone, others had their spouse provide verbal
support, and for the rest of the women, their
spouses were asked to give them a neck and
shoulder massage. As demonstrated in the
other study, women who received verbal so-
cial support from their spouse did not exhibit
a smaller stress response than women who
were alone. However, women who received
physical social support (massage) from their
husbands had lower stress hormone levels
and a decrease in cardiovascular activity in
face of the stressor. In other words, physical
but not verbal social support from the partner
was beneficial for women.

Did I not tell you to not conclude too

fast ? What science tells us is that both men
and women are good sources of social sup-
port; it is just important to remember how to
provide it. Another proof that science is often
about nuances… In this case, the nuance is
quite simple : women should talk whereas
men should… massage ! However, it is im-
portant to mention that the effects of physical
social support on men have not been tested
yet. Who knows maybe men benefit not only
from verbal, but also from physical social sup-

14 Issue 6, March 2009 • MAMMOTHMAGAZINE

behavioural responses to stress more gener-
The Evolution of Sex Differences ally ? The physical “ fight ” part of the “ fight-or-
flight ” response is a largely masculine manner
in Stress and Coping of responding to stress in rodents, primates,
and humans but is rarely exercised in females.
Where are cave-women and modern-day wom-
en in this story and why do they perceive more
By Robert-Paul Juster, B.A. Once upon a time, a vigorously activated stress but show less biological reactivity ?
“ fight-or-flight ” response would have been
essential for predators and prey alike. Gradu- In 2000, Dr. Shelly Taylor postulated that

T his year commemorates the 200th

anniversary since Charles Darwin’s birth,
as well as the 150th year since he published
ally over time, biochemicals, cells, glands,
and organs became systematically attuned
to stressors, and the stress response evolved
perhaps it was because evolution had devel-
oped a uniquely female stress response that
was not addressed in male dominated studies.
The Origin of Species. This notorious book and passed on from one species to the next. Dr. Taylor and other eminent stress research-
meticulously documented a vast collection Behavioural strategies simultaneously evolved ers proposed the female-typical “tend-and-be-
of insights that form the theory of evolution. with biological ones, so that differences began friend” stress response as an alternative to the
Briefly, this theory suggests that individuals to emerge in whether certain species fought or male-typical “ fight-or-flight ” stress response.
must constantly adapt to environmental pres- fled, froze or hid, etc. This same range of reac- The central tenant of this theory is that wom-
sures in order to survive and characteristics tions exists in humans faced with challenging en are more vulnerable to external threats be-
that maximize survival are more likely to be situations, some freeze, some just walk away, cause of the demands of pregnancy, nursing,
passed onto offspring. A central tenant to evo- and others still, dig their heels in for the fight. and child care. When we think of cave-women
lutionary theory is the notion that biological Differences in, say, the use of aggression or struggling not to go extinct, “ fighting ” or
and behavioural strategies that gain reproduc- passivity would have been molded and modi- “ fleeing ” may not have been the best course
tive advantages for a particular species will be fied to maximize survival. It is important to of action since it might have meant the loss
more important, evolutionarily speaking, than
the health or well-being of individuals. In the
grand scheme then, advantageous biological To quote Darwin : “ it is not the strongest that survive but those most
systems like our stress response are there- adaptive to change. ”
fore “ naturally selected ” and maintained
throughout time and across species. In fact, it note that no one approach is better or worse her infant or child. Taking other biological
is believed that the cell structures that receive here, so long as you would have lived and and behavioural routes might then have been
stress hormone signals originate from a 500 passed on your genes. To quote Darwin : “ it is more favourable, such as “ tending ” by nurtur-
million year old ancestral gene found even in not the strongest that survive but those most ing her distressed offspring during periods of
primitive fish ! Such Darwinian speculations adaptive to change. ” Therefore, variations in difficulty, as well as “ befriending ” others via
are not without their fair share of religious behavioural strategies in concert with biologi- a social support network that might protect
and secular criticisms alike, but evolutionary cal systems would have evolved when matched against future threats.
theory has proven extremely insightful in our appropriately to environmental pressures (e.g.
understanding of biology. Scientists applying food shortages, climate fluctuations, competi- The “ tend-and-befriend ” theory has re-
evolutionary perspectives to biological and tion with a neighbouring tribe, etc.). So, the ceived some compelling research support in
behavioural problems frame questions in two “ fight-or-flight ” stress response would have animals and humans. In terms of “ tending ”,
broad ways. Firstly, proximate or “ how ” ques- evolved if it assisted our survival in such activi-
tions about biological mechanisms are posed ; ties as hunting mammoths and acclimatizing
for example, how does a stress response work ? to our surroundings.
Secondly, ultimate or “ why ” questions are

In the grand scheme then, advantageous biological systems like our

stress response are therefore “naturally selected” and maintained
throughout time and across species.

proposed ; that is, why did a stress response We have seen in this issue how women
evolve ? Within this framework, evolution- experience more perceived stress, rumina-
ary arguments take a cost-benefit approach tive cognitions, and gravitate to their social
whereby the advantages and disadvantages networks more than men, who in turn experi-
are examined and evolutionary hypotheses ence more stress reactivity. Focusing now on
are proposed. With this methodology in mind, this last point, is it possible that men are more
this article will take an evolutionary perspec- reactive to stressors because of evolutionary
tive to the topics discussed in this issue of pressures that molded differential biological
Mammoth Magazine. hardwiring among the sexes and different

MAMMOTHMAGAZINE • Issue 6, March 2009 15

The Evolution of Sex Differences in Stress and Coping dropped. A long time ago, it was therefore in
the depressed cave-person’s best interest to dis-
engage from unattainable goals (i.e. competing
research has shown that female rodents are with higher rank members of the community)
likely to show nurturing behaviour when sepa- and to withdraw in order to strategize the next
rated from offspring. Human mothers are simi- move. This mental chess game is in essence ru-
larly more affectionate with their children after mination, as the mind endlessly churns differ-
a stressful workday than are fathers. In terms ent tactics that will ultimately focus attention
of “befriending,” women are much more likely on the problem. Evolutionary theorists believe
than men to seek social support during periods that ruminative defense mechanisms were
of heightened stress in numerous animal spe- more frequently exercised by women in our
cies and different human cultures. As described mammoth hunting days because of the social
in this issue, the presence of someone from implications of rumination. Drs. Paul Watson
your social network can help dampen stress and Paul Andrews believe that ruminators are
reactivity for both sexes, but more strongly more attentive to social comparisons and infor-
for women. The “tend-and-befriend” response mation. On the flip side, rumination regretta-
adds an extra layer of understanding to stress- further risk. They may have been assigned oth- bly comes with social costs as the ruminator is
sex differences within an evolutionary perspec- er supportive roles within the group and given likely to be less physically and mentally present
tive, however, careful studies and theorizing that they would still have access to resources for friends and family. Indeed, many symptoms
are always needed as backup. and mates, their survival was ensured. Social of depression, such as sleep problems, strange
harmony may have been restored in these an- appetite, lack of motivation, and so on – are
In considering sex differences in stress- cestral communities because there would have similar to shut-down behaviors observed in
related disorders within the context of evolu- been fewer conflicts within the group. The hibernating mammals. Depressed individuals
tion; two questions come to mind. The first: leaders were ensured of their status as subor- might therefore become more dependent on
why might problems such as depression have dinate individuals would likely have stopped diverse social networks for remediation and
survived evolutionary pressures if mostly adap- challenging them. Thus the entire group be- survival, which might translate into behaviours
tive traits were passed on to offspring ? Some comes stronger (due to fewer injuries putting that seek support from others. Drs. Watson and
theorists (Stevens and Price Rank theory of De- them at risk when other human groups chal- Andrews believe this to be the case, for if rumi-
pression to be exact) propose that depression lenged or animals attacked) and thus the com- nations were to have escaped the Darwinian
may in fact have supported the survival of our munity was stabilized. whip-lash and gone extinct so to speak, it must
genes. While this may sound counterintuitive, have had some advantageous element.
let us explain. According to this view, depres-
sion was selected to aid in the acceptance of Consider a wise quote from Dr. Taylor : “ Biology is not so much destiny
subordinate roles within a hierarchy. Whether
but central tendency, but a central tendency that influences and inter-
a group is composed of males or females, there
is always as dominance hierarchy and chal-
acts with social, cultural, cognitive, and emotional factors, resulting in
lenges to establish it. After a difficult defeat, substantial behavioural flexibility. ”
some individuals who had little faith in their
ability to climb back up the rank ladder would Now to address the second question Taken together, evolutionary theories are
have engaged in behaviours (some voluntary that begs asking : why would women be more often used to explain biological phenomena.
and others not) that signaled to others that vulnerable to stress-related disorders like de- The stress response is an essential biological
they were not fit to compete; hence the out- pression ? According to Dr. Randolph Nesse de- system with wide-spread effects throughout
ward symptoms of depression. These in turn pressive moods evolved from situations when the body and mind. Stress-related diseases
would also prevent others from trying to help certain goals were unattainable and required like depression and cardiovascular disease can
by reinstating their place in the hierarchy. As the individual to disengage and reflect on fu- therefore be considered as the abnormal func-
such, depressed individuals would have been ture courses of action. In fact, many clinicians tioning of biological and behavioural strategies
afforded protection by the group and were less will argue that some depressive episodes sub- that normally promote survival. These “ hick-
exposed to situations that would put them at side only when certain distressing goals are ups ” in functioning would therefore be the
result of wear and tear. These are further man-
ifested differently between the sexes in ways
Editor in Chief Editorial Team – Tania Elaine Schramek, B.A., consistent with evolutionary drives. This being
Tania Elaine Schramek, B.A., M. Sc., M. Sc., Marie-France Marin, B.A., M. Sc., Robert
Co-founder of CSHS Paul Juster, B.A., Shireen Sindi, B.A., M. Sc.,
said, variation is biology’s only rule and noth-
Pierrich Plusquellec, Ph. D., Lyane Trepanier, B.A. ing is set in stone. Consider a wise quote from
Tania Elaine Schramek, B.A., M. Sc. Translation Dr. Taylor : “ Biology is not so much destiny but
Sonia Lupien, Ph. D., CSHS Director Robert Paul Juster, B.A. (Rumination piece) central tendency, but a central tendency that
Robert Paul Juster, B.A. Design influences and interacts with social, cultural,
Jean Lepage, B.A., Communications counsellor Marcel Bélisle, graphic artist cognitive, and emotional factors, resulting in
Illustration – Jason Blackman substantial behavioural flexibility. ”

16 Issue 6, March 2009 • MAMMOTHMAGAZINE

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