Pumps Report

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‫حمزه السيد محمد الصادق نويره‬:‫االسم‬

8574 : ‫رقم الجلوس‬


Newton’s First law states that “Energy can neither be created nor
be destroyed, but can be transformed from one form of energy to
another form.” A pump is a machine which converts mechanical
energy to fluid energy, the fluid being incompressible. the
movement of blade system moves the fluid, which is always in
contact with blade thereby converting mechanical energy of blade
system to kinetic energy. For perfect conversion, the moving blade
should be in contact with the fluid at all places. In other words, the
moving blade system should be completely immersed in fluid
2-classification of pumps

The most used of pumps is the rotodynamic pumps especially the

centrifugal pumps. In rotodynamic pumps, the energy is
transferred by rotary motion and by dynamic action. The rotating
blade system imparts a force on the fluid, which is in contact with
the blade system at all points, thereby making the fluid to move
i.e., transferring mechanical energy of the blade system to kinetic
energy of the fluid.

3- centrifugal pumps

Centrifugal pumps are used for a wide variety of applications.

These applications may or may not be critical in nature. In some
instances, it suffices to buy a pump off-the shelf merely on the
horsepower rating of its motor or by its overall dimensions. The
pumps procured in the above manner may not provide the best fit
of the pump to the application, but the penalties associated with
such a mismatch may not be significant. However, in process
industries, the pumps have to perform vital functions on a continual
basis. In difficult environments, there are significant penalties
associated with downtime and maintenance costs.
4-Centrifugal Pumps Connection

A multi–stage centrifugal pump is one which has two or more

identical impellers mounted on the same shaft or on different
shafts. The important functions performed by a multi stage pumps

1.To produce heads greater than that permissible with a single

impeller, discharge remaining constant. The task can be achieved
by 'series arrangement'

2. To discharge a large quantity of liquid head remaining same.

This task is accomplished by 'parallel arrangement'

4.1Pumps in Series (Multi–Stage Centrifugal Pump)

For obtaining a high head, a number of impellers are mounted in

series or on the same shaft. Figure below shows such an
arrangement for a two stages pump. The discharge from the first
impeller passes through a guided passage and enters the second
impeller. So: Qa = Qb = Q

This figure shows: Two pumps(a,b) in series

At the outlet of the second impeller the pressure of water will be

more than the pressure of water at outlet of the first impeller. Thus
if more number of impellers are mounted on the same shaft the
pressure at the outlet will increased further. So:
(1) Hmtot = Hma + Hmb

(2) Hstot = Hsa + Hsb

this figure shows the curves of two pumps in series

The series arrangement is employed for delivering a relatively

small quantity of liquid against very high heads. The advantages of
multi stage pumps in series over a single stage pump are as

1. Less loss due to friction.

2. Reduced stresses.

3. Small slip leakage.

4. By proper arrangement of impellers axial thrust can be


5. Owing lower specific speed of individual impellers a higher

suction lift possible.
4.2 pumps in parallel

When a large quantity of liquid is required to be pumped against a

relatively small head (which is impossible for a single pump to
accomplish), two or more pumps employed which are so arranged
that each of these pumps working separately lifts the liquid from a
common sump and delivers it to a common collecting pipe through
which it is carried to required height.

This figure shows two pumps in parallel

This arrangement is known as pumps in parallel (since each pump

delivers the liquid against the same head). For two pumps in

(1) Qtot = Qa + Qb

(2) Hmtot = Hma= Hmb

this figure shows the curves of two pumps in parallel

answers of MCQ questions

5- (b) impeller

8-(a) vane axial

11-(d)decreased flow or pressure

16-(b) lower than

20-(c) both A and B

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