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1. Which of the following is not a strategic decision in SCM?

a. Supply Chain Network Design

b. Inventory Policy

c. Plant Location

d. Capacity Planning

2. Which of the following is an operational decision in SCM?

a. Workforce Planning

b. Production Planning

c. Transportation Strategy

d. Production Scheduling

3. True or false: SCM covers the planning and execution of processes required to execute a product's
flow, from acquiring goods and materials through production and distribution to the final customer,
in the most efficient way possible?

a. True

b. False

4. Which of the following is not a component of supply chain planning?

a. Consumer forecasting

b. Supply collaboration

c. Supply chain security

d. Demand plan

5. Which of the following are important in creating a supply chain management strategy?

a. Ensuring the customer is satisfied

b. Using as many resources available as effectively as possible

c. Implementing technology and management software that best fits your business needs

d. All of the above

6. Which of the following is not a benefit of SCM?

a. Higher profits
b. Lower costs

c. Boosting collaboration efforts

d. None of the above

7. Which of the below characteristics is does not indicate supply chain responsiveness?

a. Responding to wide range of quantity demand

b. Maintaining Long Lead Time

c. Handling variety of products

d. High service level

8. The act of moving raw material from supplier to manufacturer is called

a. Outbound Logistics

b. Inbound Logistics

c. Forward Distribution

d. Reverse Distribution

9. Supply chain is concerned with

a. Flow of information in both directions

b. Flow of materials in forward direction & cash in reverse direction

c. Flow of materials in forward direction, cash in reverse direction & information in both directions

d. Flow of materials, WIP, finished goods in forward direction

10. Which of the following is not a measure of supply chain performance?

a. Flexible response

b. Improved Working Capital

c. Revenue Growth

d. Large Inventory

11. Which of the following statements is true?

a. Logistics and supply chain are same.

b. Physical distribution and logistics are the same.

c. Supply chain is a subset of logistics.

d. Logistics is a subset of supply chain.

12. If a customer visiting a departmental store cannot find his desired soap manufactured by
Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUL) in the store, which of the following chain partner will he hold
responsible for the non-availability of the soap?

a. The suppliers of raw materials and components

b. The department store

c. The dealer

d. Hindustan Unilever Ltd

13. The objective of a supply chain is:

a. to improve the efficiency across the whole supply chain

b. to improve responsiveness across the whole supply chain

c. to deliver improved value to the customers

d. a, b & c above

e. b & c above

14. In today’s supply chain, there has been a shift in the power structure in a chain towards

a. Retailers

b. Raw-material suppliers

c. Manufacturers

d. Third-party logistics service providers

15. Which of the following is not a part of facility?

a. Storage

b. Assembly

c. Fabrication

d. Transport

16. A goal of supply chain managers is to use technology and teamwork to build efficient and
effective processes that create ________ for the customer.
A. Value

B. Profit

C. Inventory

D. Processes

17. Assume for a moment that you are a supply chain manager at Apple. One of the commodities
that you plan and purchase is the microprocessor device from Intel. Intel is therefore considered. . ?

A. an internal member of the supply chain

B. a downstream member of the supply chain

C. an upstream member of the supply chain

D. a very important customer of Apple

18. From a supply chain perspective, a company's most important objective is to do what?

A. Create shareholder wealth.

B. Maximize efficiency and minimize costs

C. Meet the real needs of customers

D. Pursue profitability and earnings per share growth

19. Which of the following is not true about pricing?

a. Evaluated by Customer

b. Match Value

c. Higher Price Higher Quality

d. Should be profitable to all members of SC

20. Which of the below information is not relevant to SCM?

a) The availability of resources

b) Status of performance

c) Status of processes

d) Internal recruitment policies

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