Cs Wave Control Centre and Server User Manual: Version 2.0 - 14/03/2006

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Version 2.0 – 14/03/2006

in partnership with
CS WAVE user manual – V2.0


LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................. 5

1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ 8
2. STARTUP ......................................................................................................................... 8
3. ACCESS LEVELS ........................................................................................................... 8
3.1 TRAINEE................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 TRAINER................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 TRAINING MANAGER ........................................................................................... 8
3.4 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR .................................................................................. 8
4. HOME WINDOW............................................................................................................ 9
4.1 INITIALIZATION ........................................................................................................... 9
4.2 IDENTIFICATION .......................................................................................................... 9
4.3 NETWORK CONNECTION................................................................................... 10
4.4 SERVER SELECTION............................................................................................ 10
4.5 GENERAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................................... 15
4.6 QUIT APPLICATION .................................................................................................... 17
5. TRAINER ....................................................................................................................... 18

5.1 TRAINEE MANAGEMENT ( )....................................................................... 18

5.1.1 List trainees ...................................................................................................... 18
5.1.2 Add a trainee .................................................................................................... 19
5.1.3 Delete a trainee ................................................................................................ 21
5.1.4 Modify a trainee profile.................................................................................... 22
5.1.5 Transferring a trainee from one trainer to another. ........................................ 22

5.2 EXERCISE MANAGEMENT ( ) ...................................................................... 23

5.2.1 Listing the exercises ......................................................................................... 23
5.2.2 Analyzing the results on an exercise ................................................................ 24
5.3 MANAGEMENT OF TRAINEE PROGRESS........................................................ 25
5.3.1 List exercises of a trainee................................................................................. 25
5.3.2 Authorize an exercise ....................................................................................... 26
5.3.3 Prohibiting an exercise .................................................................................... 26
5.3.4 Display progress of a trainee on an exercise. .................................................. 27
5.3.5 Display statistics of a trainee on an exercise. .................................................. 28
5.3.6 Analyze results on an exercise (raw results and progress).............................. 29

5.4 REAL TIME CONTROL ( ) ............................................................................. 31

5.4.1 Alert panel ........................................................................................................ 31
5.4.2 Real time follow-up of trainee work................................................................. 32
6. MANAGING TRAINER ............................................................................................... 34

CS WAVE user manual – V2.0

6.1 USERS LIST ............................................................................................................ 34

6.2 MODIFY AN EXERCISE............................................................................................. 34
7. TRAINEE........................................................................................................................ 36
8. SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR...................................................................................... 36

9. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 38
10. STARTUP ................................................................................................................... 38
11. SERVER INTERFACE ............................................................................................. 38
11.1 ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE: SERVER MENUS .......................................................... 39
11.1.1 Server menu...................................................................................................... 39
11.1.2 Tools menu ....................................................................................................... 40
11.1.3 Preferences menu ............................................................................................. 40
11.1.4 Help menu ........................................................................................................ 41
11.2 ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE: CONSOLE........................................................ 41
11.3 ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE: CS WAVE STATION STATUS ..................................... 42
11.3.1 Adding a workstation ....................................................................................... 43
11.3.2 Deleting a station ............................................................................................. 44
11.4.1 Active profiles table.......................................................................................... 45
11.4.2 Archived profile tables ..................................................................................... 46
11.5 ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE: BACKUP MANAGEMENT.................................. 46
11.5.1 Activate daily backup ....................................................................................... 47
11.5.2 Changing backup time...................................................................................... 48
11.5.3 Deletion of daily backup .................................................................................. 48
11.5.4 Backup immediately ......................................................................................... 49
11.5.5 Restore a database ........................................................................................... 49

CS WAVE user manual – V2.0

FIGURE 1: INITIALIZATION WINDOW ............................................................................................ 9
FIGURE 2: USER IDENTIFICATION ................................................................................................ 9
FIGURE 3: MESSAGE INDICATING CONNECTION IS NOT POSSIBLE .............................................. 10
FIGURE 4: CONFIGURATION TOOL ............................................................................................. 11
FIGURE 5: SERVER ADDRESS ..................................................................................................... 12
FIGURE 6: NEW SERVER ............................................................................................................ 13
FIGURE 7: UPDATING THE LIST .................................................................................................. 14
FIGURE 8: SAVING THE SERVER ................................................................................................. 15
FIGURE 9: CONTROL CENTRE HOME WINDOW ............................................................................ 16
FIGURE 10: DISCONNECTION ..................................................................................................... 17
FIGURE 11: USER’S LIST............................................................................................................ 18
FIGURE 12: TRAINEE MANAGEMENT BUTTONS .......................................................................... 19
FIGURE 13: CREATION OF A NEW USER PROFILE. ....................................................................... 20
FIGURE 14: DELETION OF A USER PROFILE. ............................................................................... 21
FIGURE 15: MODIFYING A USER PROFILE................................................................................... 22
FIGURE 16: EXERCISES LIST. ..................................................................................................... 23
FIGURE 17: RESULTS ON A TRY. ................................................................................................ 24
FIGURE 18: PEDAGOGICAL FOLLOW-UP OF A TRAINEE .............................................................. 26
FIGURE 19: PROGRESS OF A TRAINEE ON AN EXERCISE.............................................................. 27
FIGURE 20: RESULTS STATISTICS FOR A TRAINEE ON AN EXERCISE. .......................................... 28
FIGURE 21: RESULTS ON A PARAMETER OF A TRY. .................................................................... 29
FIGURE 22: SYNTHESIS OF RESULTS ON AN EXERCISE................................................................ 30
FIGURE 23: REAL TIME CONTROL OF CS WAVE APPLICATION................................................. 31
FIGURE 24: REAL-TIME FOLLOW-UP OF A TRAINEE.................................................................... 32
FIGURE 25: REAL-TIME FOLLOW-UP OF A PARAMETER. ............................................................. 33
FIGURE 26: LIST OF EXERCISES FOR A MANAGING TRAINER ...................................................... 34
FIGURE 27: MODIFYING AN EXERCISE. ...................................................................................... 35
FIGURE 1 - ICON ........................................................................................................................ 38
FIGURE 2 - MENU ...................................................................................................................... 38
FIGURE 3 – ADMINISTRATION PANEL ........................................................................................ 39
FIGURE 4 – SERVER MENU ........................................................................................................ 39
FIGURE 5 – COMMANDS MENU .................................................................................................. 40
FIGURE 6 – PREFERENCES MENU ............................................................................................... 40
FIGURE 7 – HELP MENU............................................................................................................. 41
FIGURE 8 - ABOUT .................................................................................................................... 41
FIGURE 9 - CONSOLE ................................................................................................................. 41
FIGURE 10 - CS WAVE STATION STATUS ................................................................................. 43
FIGURE 11 – STATION DATA...................................................................................................... 44
FIGURE 12 – CONFIRMATION OF STATION DELETION ................................................................. 44
FIGURE 13 – PROFILES MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................... 45
FIGURE 14 – BACKUP WINDOW ................................................................................................. 47
FIGURE 15 – BACKUP ACTIVATION ........................................................................................... 48
FIGURE 16 – BACKUP CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................. 48
FIGURE 17 – RESTORATION OF DATABASE ................................................................................ 49

CS WAVE user manual – V2.0

CS WAVE control centre user manual – V2.0

Version 2.0 – 14/03/2006

in partnership with

CS WAVE control centre user manual – V2.0


The functions provided by the CS WAVE control module are defined in accordance with the
profile of the person connecting to the system.
This module is essentially an administration module for the CS WAVE workbenchs, except
when used by a trainee, in which case, the module is simply used to display the results.


The application is started up using a shortcut on the user desktop.


The CS WAVE control module interface is defined in accordance with the profile of the user
connecting to the module.
Four types of profile are recognized:
- trainee,
- trainer,
- training manager,
- system administrator.

The trainee has access to a limited number of functions.
A trainee can only access the list of exercises and display his results.

The trainer has access to specific functions which primarily enable him to carry out his
teaching function and manage the exercises.


The training manager defines the general teaching policy applied in CS WAVE. In particular,
the training manager can modify the default parameter configurations of the exercises. All the
functions available to the trainer are available to the training manager.


The system administrator has full access rights to all the information. In particular, he is
authorized to work on the trainer and training manager profiles (add/delete).

CS WAVE control centre user manual – V2.0


The following window is displayed when CS WAVE is launched:

Figure 1: Initialization window

The control centre initializes and loads the modules which it requires. A progress bar at the
bottom of the window indicates the module loading progress.
There is no user interaction possible with this window.

Once all the CS WAVE modules have been loaded, an identification window is displayed.

Figure 2: User identification

All CS WAVE users are assigned a password. A user is identified on the control centre by his
name, surname and password.

CS WAVE control centre user manual – V2.0


The CS WAVE control centre is designed to communicate with the CS WAVE server and the
welding workbenchs. For this purpose, the computer on which the control centre is installed
must be correctly linked to the network. The application can however be launched without
this function.
If not linked to the network, on connection, when entering your identification, the following
window is displayed:

Figure 3: Message indicating connection is not possible

The control centre can however be used to consult the entire CS WAVE information system.
All actions aimed at modifying or creating information in the database are inaccessible.

Similarly, if, when the control centre is operating, loss of connection with the network (and
CS WAVE) occurs, the previous message is immediately displayed again to inform you that
you can only use the application in consult mode.


To allow the control centre to connect to the CS WAVE server, you must indicate the server
address to the control centre. To do so, start the control centre configuration tool using the
“Control centre configuration” shortcut.

The configuration tool window opens.

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CS WAVE control centre user manual – V2.0

Figure 4: Configuration tool

Click the « Server address” tab.

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Figure 5: Server address

Click the « New » button; a new line is displayed, designated « localhost1 ». Select this line.

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CS WAVE control centre user manual – V2.0

Figure 6: New server

Modify the « Name » and « Address » field with the parameters related to your server. The
name can be arbitrary, but the address must correspond to the name of the machine (or its IP
address) in which the CS WAVE server is installed.

Validate your modifications by clicking the « Apply” button. The list is modified and the
name of your server is displayed.

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CS WAVE control centre user manual – V2.0

Figure 7: Updating the list

Select the name of your server in the list (if not already done so), and click the “ activate
selected address” button. The selected server becomes the reference server for the control
centre and its parameters are displayed above the list.

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CS WAVE control centre user manual – V2.0

Figure 8: Saving the server

You can now exit the configuration tools by clicking the « Quit » button.


Once identified, you can access the home window of the control module.
From this window, you will be able to navigate through the various functions provided for
your profile

The home window is divided into four parts (numbered on figure below):

1 – Current function.
2 – Functions available for menu selected.
3 – Operating mode: local or network.
4 – Main menu according to profile of user connected.

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Figure 9: Control centre home window

Description of main buttons:

- Basic functions (common to all profiles):

On-line help

Quit application

Return to previous page

Validate an action

Cancel an action

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- Functions provided for trainees:

Analyze results for a given exercise.

Consult summary of results

- Functions specific to trainer, training manager and system administrator


List all trainees assigned to trainer connected and

access functions for trainee management.

List all exercises and access functions for exercise


Access real time control.


When you decide to quit the control centre by selecting the associated icon, the following
window is displayed:

Figure 10: Disconnection

Click QUIT to quit the application. To reconnect, you will need to reinitiate (see chapter 2).
By selecting DISCONNECT, you will disconnect personally from the control centre. The
application will then display the connection window (see 4.2) without shutting down and will
be ready to receive a new user.
You can also return to the control centre by clicking CANCEL.

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The trainer can manage:

- the trainees (add, delete, modify user profiles),
- the exercises (create and modify exercises),
- pedagogical follow-up of trainees.

The procedures for using the above functions are detailed in the sections below.


5.1.1 List trainees

The button in the main menu displays the list of all the trainees connected.
This list provides, for each user:
- Name,
- Surname,
- Current connection status (Connected, Disconnected, Welding in progress).
- Total time spent on workbench.
- Actual time spent performing virtual welding.

Figure 11: User’s list.

The current user is identified in the header bar of the application (on Fig. 6 : « MAG
MAG (trainer) ») with name, surname and function.
The user is also identified in the users list by a small asterisk between parentheses next
to the name.
Administrator and training manager type users can view all the CS WAVE users in
this way. The trainers can only view the list of trainees assigned to them; the trainees have
no access to this list.

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The following functions are proposed for the trainee management menu:

Add a profile

Delete a profile

Modify a profile

Pedagogical follow-up of a selected trainee

Real time follow-up of a selected trainee

Figure 12: Trainee management buttons

5.1.2 Add a trainee

By selecting the Add a new profile button, a screen is displayed in which the characteristics of
the new user are entered.

A user is added by creating a new profile. The information to be entered is divided into three
- Civil status: information related to civil status of new user,

- Functional identification: profile to be assigned to user created, and

pedagogical data if the user is a new trainee.
The following profiles are proposed: trainee, trainer, managing trainer and
The trainee profile is set by default.
A code, internal to the training organization, can be associated to each trainee.
For a trainee, the following information must also be filled in:
o driving hand (right hand by default) so that the exercises are defined
o progress assigned:
 manual (default value): user chooses his own progress steps ,
 guided: user follows progress recommended by CS WAVE;
o manager: a manager must be assigned to all trainees. This list is used to
select the manager in charge in the list of registered trainers.

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- Access rights: this part is used to assign a password to the new profile.
This heading is also used to authorize the user to calibrate the workbench.

The NAME, SURNAME and PASSWORD fields are mandatory to identify a user.
In addition, the password must be formed by four characters which can only be numbers.

The apply button makes the trainee addition effective whereas the cancel button returns you to
the previous screen without adding a new trainee.

Figure 13: Creation of a new user profile.

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5.1.3 Delete a trainee

When the trainee deletion icon is selected, the following confirmation window is displayed
(Figure 9).

Figure 14: Deletion of a user profile.

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5.1.4 Modify a trainee profile

By selecting the profile edit icon, a screen similar to the one described for adding a trainee is
displayed (section 5.1.2) .

Figure 15: Modifying a user profile.

5.1.5 Transferring a trainee from one trainer to another.

How to reassign a trainee associated to one trainer (A) to another trainer (B):
1) Trainer A connects and edits the profile of the concerned trainee.
2) He modifies the manager for the trainee and assigns the trainee to trainer B.
3) When trainer B connects, he sees the trainee in his list.
4) Trainer A no longer has this trainee in his list.

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5.2.1 Listing the exercises

The exercise management menu is selected to display the list of exercises in tree form.
For each « terminal » exercise, the following is indicated:
- the exercise title,
- the number of tries already performed,
- the number of incorrect tries (errors),
- the combined duration of the tries.

Figure 16: Exercises list.

Use the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ signs located to the left of each line to navigate in the exercise tree
‘+’: the branch is closed. By clicking on this sign, the lower level(s) of the branch are
‘-‘: the branch is open. By clicking on the sign, the branch is closed.

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5.2.2 Analyzing the results on an exercise

The trainer can display the complete set of results on a given exercise.
To do so, the trainer selects the exercise in the exercises list and clicks on the results statistics

icon ( button).

A screen showing the curve of the results is displayed. The trainer can select the parameter
which he wishes to trace using the buttons located under the graph.

The curves represented illustrate the deviation of the errors with respect to the ideal value
equivalent to the value 0 (ordinates) in accordance with the number of tries performed

Figure 17: Results on a try.

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The control module enables the trainer to monitor the progress of the trainees assigned to him.
In this way, he can:
- list the exercises for a given trainee,
- authorize certain exercises for a given trainee,
- prohibit exercises for the same trainee,
- display the progress of a trainee on a specific exercise,
- follow up the results of a trainee on an exercise.

5.3.1 List exercises of a trainee

The list of exercises per trainee can be obtained from the list of trainees (refer to section 5.1.1
List trainees for more information on how to list the trainees).
To list the exercises of a trainee, select the trainee and click on the pedagogical follow-up icon

( button).

Each of the exercises is detailed as follows:

- exercise authorized or exercise not authorized ,
- exercise label,
- exercise code,
- status:
o not started
o if exercise has been started, number of tries
o validated.

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Figure 18: Pedagogical follow-up of a trainee

5.3.2 Authorize an exercise

To authorize an exercise for a given trainee, you must first list the exercises for the trainee
(refer to previous section).
Then, go to the exercise level to be authorized and click the icon.

An exercise must be authorized for all of its levels.
For this reason, to authorize an exercise, you must position yourself on the label which is
directly above the exercise level which you want to authorize.

5.3.3 Prohibiting an exercise

The procedure for prohibiting an exercise is similar to the procedure described above, except

that the exercise prohibit icon is used.

Any exercise prohibited must be prohibited for all its levels.
For this reason, to prohibit an exercise, you must position yourself on the label which is
directly above the level which you want to prohibit.

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5.3.4 Display progress of a trainee on an exercise.

The progress of each trainee can be displayed using a summary table of the work for each of
the parameters.

The following is indicated for each of the parameters:

- label,
- exercise status (validated, on-going, ‘--‘ if not started),
- the number of successful tries (number of validated tries / total number of
- the number of invalid tries,
- the combined duration of the tries on this exercise.

The total number of tries includes the unsuccessful tries, the incomplete tries and the
successful tries.

Figure 19: Progress of a trainee on an exercise.

The buttons located at the bottom right of this page (left to right) are used to:
- print the results table
- display the statistical results of the trainee’s progress
- analyze the results of a step in detail
- return to the pedagogical follow-up for the trainee.

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5.3.5 Display statistics of a trainee on an exercise.

From the exercise progress results synthesis table, you can go to a statistical analysis of the

Figure 20: Results statistics for a trainee on an exercise.

This table provides a set of information on the trainee’s progress. The results are weighted by
reference values to generate statistical data.

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5.3.6 Analyze results on an exercise (raw results and progress)

The results of a trainee on a given exercise can be displayed:

• in raw form (parameter monitored throughout duration of a try),
• in a more synthetic form (parameter monitored on complete set of tries) in order to
illustrate the trainee progress.

 Raw results (results on a given try)

For raw results, the graph shows:

• the tolerance margins in the form of red lines,
• the curve representing the deviations of the parameter values with respect to the ideal
value (blue line in ordinate) as a function of time (abscissa), displayed green.

The try to be displayed can be selected using the TRY box which contains the number of the
try currently being displayed.
A parameter to be analyzed is selected using the buttons located on the curve.

Figure 21: Results on a parameter of a try.

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Progress ( results on complete set of tries on an exercise )

The button is used to call up a synthetic version of the results.

This screen provides a synthesis of the parameter selected in the form of a graph.
To display a different parameter, simply select the appropriate button located below the
This summary graph illustrates the deviation of a parameter with respect to the ideal value for
a concerned exercise (ordinates) as a function of the number of tries (abscissa).
The higher the value, the greater the error. The curve enables you to evaluate the trainee’s
progress by analyzing the ways in which it approaches zero.

Figure 22: Synthesis of results on an exercise.

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The trainer can monitor, in real time, the connections on the workbench and the progress of
the trainees assigned to him.

5.4.1 Alert panel

The alert panel is used by the trainer to monitor the connections on the CS WAVE server. The

alert panel is directly accessible by the icon.

The warning messages relative to errors currently taking place are displayed in red and in
bold type.

By clicking the button located to the right of the console, you can call up, in real time, a
detailed analysis of the error made (see section 5.4.2).

Figure 23: Real time control of CS WAVE application.

The error messages are displayed red so long as the virtual welding process is in progress.
Once the exercise is completed, they are displayed again in black and can no longer be

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5.4.2 Real time follow-up of trainee work

Real time follow-up of a trainee performing an exercise is accessible from the list of trainees
(see section 5.1.1 List trainees for more information on how to list the trainees).

Simply select a trainee who is currently welding and click the icon.

The real-time follow-up screen is divided into three parts:

- a summary of the on-going exercise (level, stage, number of current try),
- the current status of the simulation (on-going or completed),
- gauges providing real-time follow-up of each of the parameters.

Figure 24: Real-time follow-up of a trainee.

Each gauge is gradually filled with yellow when the trainee commits an error on the
associated parameter. When these errors repeat, the gauge begins to fill red, meaning that the
error is abnormally significant.
By clicking on the buttons below the gauges, you can call up a curve providing a real time
representation of the progress of the selected parameter.

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By selecting a button related to follow-up of a parameter, a screen is called up enabling you to

follow up the selected parameter in real time.

This screen comprises:

- a summary of the on-going exercise (level, stage, number of current try),
- the current status of the simulation (on-going, …),
- a curve representing the deviation of the parameter with respect to its ideal
The tolerance thresholds are represented in red.
The curve disappears when the exercise is completed.

The Return button is used to return to the real-time follow-up of the complete set of

Figure 25: Real-time follow-up of a parameter.

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The managing trainer has access to the same functions as those provided to the trainer, except
that he cannot be assigned a trainee. The managing trainer’s function within the CS WAVE
architecture is a pedagogical function. The managing trainer monitors the progress of the
overall training courses and can modify the tolerance parameters of a reference exercise


The managing trainer has a complete view of the trainers and trainees in this window
(see 5.1.1).
As for all the trainers, the managing trainer can follow up the trainees in real time as they are
welding. He can also know which trainers are connected on the control centre.


The managing trainer has a new function in the exercises window. This new button allows the
managing trainer to modify an exercise.

Figure 26: List of exercises for a managing trainer

To modify an exercise, the managing trainer starts by selecting the exercise in the list of
existing exercises (refer to section 5.2.1 for more information on how to list the exercises).

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Once the exercise is selected, the parameter edit icon ( button) is used to display the
current values of each of the parameters indicating, each time, the value and the tolerated
The parameters to be filled in depend on the concerned exercise. These can include:
- nozzle-work distance,
- advance angle,
- bisector angle,
- travel speed
- straightness.
- …

Figure 27: Modifying an exercise.

By validating the modifications, these will apply to all the trainees, including those currently
working on the concerned exercise.
This function must therefore be used with great care.

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The trainee has limited access to the control module functions.

These are limited to the progress follow-up and result analysis functions.

When a trainee connects to the control module, he directly accesses his pedagogical follow-up

To display his progress on a given exercise, the trainee simply selects the concerned exercise
in the list in the pedagogical follow-up page and clicks on the icon to analyze the results
( button.

The functions are those described in sections 5.3.4 and 5.3.6.


The system administrator interface is the same interface used by the managing trainer. This
interface shows, in the users list, the complete set of profiles saved on CS WAVE. The
administrator can add or delete any type of profile.

The control centre is one of the administrator’s tools. The control centre is used by the system
administrator to service the existing profiles on CS WAVE. However, his main administration
tool is the CS WAVE server interface (see user manual for CS WAVE server).

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user manual
Version 2.0 – 14/03/2006

in partnership with

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This document forms the CS WAVE server user manual.

To use the CS WAVE server, the server must be installed in accordance with the procedure
detailed in the « CS WAVE installation manual ».

The application must be configured to automatically start up on startup of the server machine.
Refer to the “CS WAVE installation manual » for more details.
On startup, the server is displayed as an icon in the Windows task bar.

Figure 28 - Icon


The server is used to perform several actions on the database and to monitor the
synchronization status of the machines on its network.

The server interface designated « Administration » is accessed by double-clicking on the icon

or by a menu by clicking right on the icon; this same menu is used to stop the server.

Figure 29 - Menu
This interface is formed by a menu bar, an area containing the server tools (CS WAVE station
status, profiles management, backup) and a console.

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Figure 30 – Administration panel


11.1.1 Server menu

Figure 31 – Server menu

This menu is used to exit the server.

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11.1.2 Tools menu

Figure 32 – Commands menu

This menu is used to access the database processing functions:

- Empty actions log: this command deletes all the data stored in the server
logs and saves the database in a file. Only those programs which are not
connected during this action will receive a complete update of the base.
- Propagate database: This command deletes all the data stored in the server
logs and saves the database in a file. All the programs which are connected to
the server following this action will receive the complete database. This
action is only possible provided no other program is connected to the server.

11.1.3 Preferences menu

Figure 33 – Preferences menu

This menu is used to modify certain server parameters.

- Setup backup directory: This command is used to modify the directory
where the database backup files will be stored, as well as the trainee profile
archive file.

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11.1.4 Help menu

Figure 34 – Help menu

This menu is used to access information concerning the server.

- About: This command displays a dialogue box indicating the version number
of the CS WAVE server.

Figure 35 - About


This window traces all the communications between the server and the CS WAVE clients. It
also indicates the error messages.

Figure 36 - Console

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This window is used to check the synchronization status of the CS WAVE stations.
Each line corresponds to a CS WAVE station.
- Name: network name (or IP address) of CS WAVE station.
- Type: type of application on workstation. Either the machine is a welding
workbench or it is a workstation with a control centre.
- Network connection: indicates if machine is accessible via network. A red X
indicates that the machine is not accessible. The time of the last try performed
is also indicated.
- Database: indicates if the machine database is accessible. A red X indicates
that it is not accessible. The time of the last try is also indicated.
- Synchronization: indicates if the workstation database is synchronized with
the server database. A red X indicates that it is not synchronized. The time of
the last try is also indicated.

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Figure 37 - CS WAVE station status

11.3.1 Adding a workstation

The following button is used to add a new station.

A data entry interface is displayed to allow you to enter the name and type of the new station.

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Figure 38 – Station data

11.3.2 Deleting a station

The following button is used to delete a station.

A confirmation dialogue box is displayed to allow you to accept or reject deletion of the
selected station.

Figure 39 – Confirmation of station deletion


This window is used for overall management of the profiles of all the trainees and trainers.
The window has two tables, one for the trainer profiles and active trainees and the other for
the archived trainee profiles.

Each table contains four columns related to a user profile:

- NAME: Person’s name.
- SURNAME: Person’s surname.
- TYPE: Function, trainee or trainer.
- TRAINER: his assigned trainer if the type is trainee.

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Figure 40 – Profiles management

11.4.1 Active profiles table

This table contains the users which can work on the CS WAVE stations. One or several
profiles of this table can be deleted or archived.

Deletion: To delete a profile, select a line in the table and click the « Delete » button. To
select several lines, hold the “Ctrl” button on the keyboard and successively click on the lines.

Deleting a profile will result in loss of all the results related to the profile

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Archiving: The archives only concerns the trainee profiles. To archive a profile, select the
line in the table and click the “Archive” button. To select several lines, hold the “Ctrl” button
on the keyboard and successively click on the lines.

Archiving a profile will delete the data from the database. However, the information related to
the deleted profile will be kept in a file on the CS WAVE server machine.

Once archived, the selected profile(s) appear in the list of archived profiles.

11.4.2 Archived profile tables

This table contains the trainees which have been archived. One or several profiles of this table
can be deleted or restored.

Deletion: To delete a profile, select the line in the table and click the « Delete » button. To
select several lines, hold the “Ctrl” button on the keyboard and successively click on the lines.

Deletion of a profile will result in loss of all the results related to the profile.

Restoration: Restoring a profile will activate the profile again. To restore a profile, select the
line in the table and click on the “Restore” button. To select several lines, hold the “Ctrl”
button on the keyboard and successively click on the lines.

Once restored, the selected profile(s) appear in the active profiles table.


This window is used to set up daily backup of the CS WAVE server database, to restore a
backed up database and to immediately back up the database.
The backup function is not active by default; it must be activated in order to perform the
backup action.
Backups are performed in files. Each day of the week has a corresponding backup file. In this
way, the backup file of one day is kept for one week before it is written over by the new
backup file.

This function is only possible provided the Windows user account has administrator rights.

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Figure 41 – Backup window

11.5.1 Activate daily backup

Daily backup is performed at a fixed time each day. You can specify the time at which the
backup is performed.
To activate the backup function, click the « Activate backup » button.

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Figure 42 – Backup activation

This action adds and starts the database backup function. Once activated, a summary of the
backup characteristics is displayed.

Figure 43 – Backup characteristics

11.5.2 Changing backup time

Once the backup is activated, the time can be changed by changing the hour entered and
clicking on the « Update backup time » button.
This button only appears when the backup function is activated.

11.5.3 Deletion of daily backup

To delete the backup schedule, click the « Stop backup » button.
This button only appears when the backup function is activated.

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11.5.4 Backup immediately

The database can be backed up manually. This is achieved by clicking on the “Backup
immediately” button. The backup is performed, in this case, in the backup file for the current

11.5.5 Restore a database

Sometimes, it may be necessary to restore a database if the current database has become
damaged. In this case, select the day of the backup file and click the “Restore now” button.

Figure 44 – Restoration of database

If certain days cannot be accessed, this means the backup for this day has not been performed.

Restoring a database results in loss of all the data modified on the CS WAVE stations since
the day of the backup operation.

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