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Merak Global Edit

Release Notes and Getting Started

December 2007
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Overview .......................................................................................................................... 1
System Requirements..............................................................................................................................1
Required Peep settings............................................................................................................................1
Launching Global Edit from Peep.............................................................................................................1
Launching Global Edit ..............................................................................................................................2

The Global Edit Workspace.......................................................................................................... 3

Palettes ....................................................................................................................................................4
Case Hierarchies and Filters ....................................................................................................................6

Working with Edit Documents ..................................................................................... 10

The Edit Document Workflow..................................................................................................... 11
General tab ............................................................................................................................................11
Edit Definitions .......................................................................................................................................12
Creating Edit Definitions.........................................................................................................................13

Documents .................................................................................................................... 18
Audit Log................................................................................................................................................19

About Validation ......................................................................................................................... 22

Validation Status ....................................................................................................................................22
Validation types......................................................................................................................................23

Running an edit document ......................................................................................................... 24

Locking ....................................................................................................................................... 26

FAQs .............................................................................................................................. 27
Permissions ................................................................................................................................ 27
Editing Variables......................................................................................................................... 27
Interests .................................................................................................................................................27
Production ..............................................................................................................................................28
Prices .....................................................................................................................................................28
Other ......................................................................................................................................................29

Editing Forecasts........................................................................................................................ 29

Editing Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 30

Editing Scenarios........................................................................................................................ 30
Setting current scenarios .......................................................................................................................30
Copying scenarios..................................................................................................................................30
Deleting scenarios..................................................................................................................................30
Setting Scenario Consolidations ............................................................................................................30

What we’re still working on.......................................................................................... 31

Changes to custom units not reflected in Peep.......................................................................... 31

How to reach us ............................................................................................................ 32

Global Edit About this Release

These release notes cover the new release of Merak’s Global Edit utility.
Merak Global Edit allows you to batch edit Peep attributes, forecasts, scenarios, and variables.

System Requirements
Global Edit requires that Merak Peep 2007.1 is installed locally and Global Edit is installed in the
same directory as Peep.

Required Peep settings

Before you can use Global Edit with Peep, you must enable the Local Server option in Peep
To enable the Local Server option:
1. From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
2. Click the Runtime tab.
3. Click the OLE Automation Settings… button. The Peep Automation Settings dialog box
4. Select the Local Server (.exe) only option.
5. Click OK.

Launching Global Edit from Peep

• You can launch global edit directly from Peep. From the Options menu, choose Peep
Extensions > Global Edit. 1
Global Edit About this Release

Launching Global Edit

1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Programs > Merak > Global Edit. The Merak
Data Connection dialog box opens.

2. Select the Peep database you want to connect to and log on using your user credentials. 2
Global Edit About this Release

The Global Edit Workspace

Global Edit uses the new Merak interface that that allows you to customize it for your specific
needs. The Workspace consists of the Palette, Edit Documents, and the Hints viewer.

Brief guidance on the
use of Global Edit.

The Global Edit palette Edit documents 3
Global Edit About this Release

Global Edit has two palettes that allow you to organize, select, and edit your data: Cases and Edit
Documents. Each Palette is divided into two sections:
Palette lists - depending on the palette selected, the palette lists all of the objects , for example
cases, in your Merak database.
Palette tasks - a list of all the common tasks associated with the selected palette type is located at
the bottom of the Palette. Common tasks can include tasks like Open, Rename, Delete, New, etc.

A list of all the edit

documents in the current

List of edit document


The Edit Documents Palette 4
Global Edit About this Release

A list of all the cases in

the current database. Drag
cases onto the Documents
tab to add them to an edit

Apply filters and

hierarchies to the Cases

The Cases Palette 5
Global Edit About this Release

Case Hierarchies and Filters

You can apply a hierarchy or Peep filter to the Cases palette.

Defining and applying a hierarchy

You can define a hierarchy using Peep attributes and apply it to the Cases palette.
To apply a hierarchy to the Cases palette:
1. Click the Hierarchies task in the Cases palette. The Define Case Hierarchy dialog box

Click the The Case

Hierarchies Hierarchy
task in the dialog box
Cases palette opens. 6
Global Edit About this Release

2. Double-click on an attribute to add it to the hierarchy. The first attribute you add will remain
at the top of the hierarchy be default. Subsequent additions will be added to the bottom of the

To add an attribute to the

hierarchy, select an
attribute and click the Add

3. To modify the order of the hierarchy, right-click on an attribute and choose Move Up or
Move Down from the shortcut menu. 7
Global Edit About this Release

4. Click OK to apply the hierarchy to the Cases palette. 8
Global Edit About this Release

Applying a filter
You can use Peep filters to filter the hierarchy.
To the filter the hierarchy:
1. Click Filter task on the Cases palette. The Select Case Filter dialog box opens.
2. Select the Peep filter that you want to apply to the hierarchy.

3. Click OK. The filter is applied to the Cases palette. 9
Global Edit About this Release

Working with Edit Documents

Edit Documents consist of tabs that you use to define the edit definitions:
General – Define the name, enter comments, and set the default unit system and scale.
Edit Definitions – Build the edit definitions. Each edit document can have 1-n edit definitions.
Documents – Add or remove Peep cases that will be edited when the document is run.
Audit Log – View a log of the run of the edit document on a case-by-case basis. 10
Global Edit About this Release

The Edit Document Workflow

General tab
Enter or edit Add comments if required. Click to select unit system
document name. and scale.

Select the unit system and

scale when you click the
The Run, Save, and Close
Settings button.
buttons are available from all of
the edit document tabs. 11
Global Edit About this Release

Edit Definitions

List and descriptions of the edit

definitions that will be executed
when you run the edit document.

Use these buttons to

change the order of the
edit definitions.

Click to Add, Delete or Click to validate a

Modify edit definitions. selected edit definition.

The edit definitions are run in the order in which they are listed in the table. This can be important,
as one edit may be contingent upon a previous one.
Use the and buttons to change the order of the edit definitions. 12
Global Edit About this Release

Creating Edit Definitions

Edit definitions are created using a wizard that will take you through the steps required for each
edit type.
There are currently four edit types. Due to the nature of each of the edit type definitions, the
workflows are specific to each edit type::
• Attributes: select the attribute and the value
• Variables: select or enter the variable, scenario, and edit method. The edit method available is
dependent upon the variable type.
o Single value – enter a value.
o Shift – select a relative shift (x months earlier or later), or absolute shift (to a specific
date, and whether to Escalate and/or Inflate data using these settings in the Peep case.
o Time Series Entry – define a period in months and enter data for each period.
o Math Operation – select a date (All or a defined range), a math operation (Add,
Subtract, Multiply, or Divide) and enter a value.
• Scenarios
o New Scenario – select the category and name.
o Set Current Scenario – set the current scenario for each product.
• Forecasts:
o Modify a decline parameter – select the Product, Scenario, Decline Parameter,
Segment, Edit method.
o Copy a forecast – select the source forecast and the target forecast.
o Link a forecast - select the Product, Scenario, and Forecast. 13
Global Edit About this Release

Example: Edit a variable

1. Click the Add button.

The Edit Definition wizard opens. 14
Global Edit About this Release

2. Select Variables and click Next.

The Variable Edit Method Selection dialog box opens.

3. Click the Select Variable button. The Peep Variables dialog box opens. 15
Global Edit About this Release

4. Select a Peep variable.

5. Click OK. Depending upon the variable type, you must select an Edit Method type.
Note: for some edit methods there is only one edit type which is selected by default.
6. Select an Edit Method option (in this case, the only option available is Single Value).

7. Click Next. The Variable Edit Single Value dialog box opens. The step is dependent upon
the edit method selected.
8. Type in the required value and click Finish. 16
Global Edit About this Release

9. The new edit definition is listed in the Edit Definitions tab. Click Finish.

10. Click Save to save the edit definition. 17
Global Edit About this Release

The documents tab lists all of the Peep cases linked to the edit document.

Drag cases from the Cases

Palette onto the Documents
tab to add them to the
document. 18
Global Edit About this Release

Audit Log

The Audit Log stores a record of Click to toggle the You can print or export the
all of the runs of the edit message type (Error, selected record in .xls or xml
document. Select the run that you Warning, Message) on formats.
want to view. or off in the log. 19
Global Edit About this Release

You can sort by columns by dragging the column into the header:

Red arrows indicate Drag the column by which you

where to drag the want to sort onto the header.

The log is now sorted using the

Document column to group the
edits. 20
Global Edit About this Release

Note: If a “Failed to read Peep case, check to ensure that the case still exists and has not been
deleted.” error message appears in the Audit Log, but you are able to open the case in Peep, it
could be that the case name has a trailing white space character. For example, a case could read
“Canada Case X ” (note the extra space following the X) in Peep instead of “Canada Case X”.
In this case, the OLE call to read the case will fail. You must rename the case by removing the
trailing white space to enable GE to read the case.

If you edit the Peep case name to remove any trailing spaces, you must save the changes and
exit both Peep and Global Edit before performing any edits. Failure to do so may cause the
Peep case to lose its model links. 21
Global Edit About this Release

About Validation
An edit definition is valid only when it edits a variable that is common to all of the cases that are
linked to the edit document. An edit document may be invalid if it uses a model variable that is
unique to that model and is not shared by all of the cases linked to the edit document. When you
validate an edit document, Global Edit creates a list of variables that are common to all of the Peep
cases linked to the edit document. This does two things:
• the edit definitions are validated against this list of variables, and
• the list of variables available for editing in the edit definition wizard is limited to the variables
that are common to the linked cases.
If one edit definition in an edit document is invalid, Global Edit considers the entire edit document

Caution: You can run an invalid edit document, but this is not recommended.

Validation Status
You can quickly view the validation status of each edit definition in the Edit Definitions tab.

Validation status 22
Global Edit About this Release

This icon … Indicates this …

Edit definition requires validation.
Edit definition is valid.
Edit definition is invalid
No icon Edit definition does not modify variables; no validation is required.

Validation types
Global Edit has three levels of validation:
• Automatic: When you create a new edit definition, Global Edit automatically checks to see if
it requires validation. If so, the icon is displayed the status column.
• Quick: When you click the Validate button, Global Edit validates only those edit definitions
that require validation − indicated by the icon. After you run the quick validation, all of
the edit definitions should have Valid , Invalid , or no validation required (no icon)
• Deep: When running an edit document, you have the option to validate all of the edit
definitions. This is referred to as “Deep Validation” because it ignores the validation status of
the edit definitions and revalidates each edit definition in the edit document. This requires
Global Edit to retrieve a list of variables from each linked case, and therefore can be very time
consuming. If Global Edit determines that any of the edit definitions are invalid during this
process, the run will be cancelled. 23
Global Edit About this Release

Running an edit document

Before you run an edit document, you should check the validation status of the edit definitions.
Global Edit will not run an invalid edit unless you override the validation process.
To run an edit document:
1. Click the Run button located on the bottom of the edit document. A message opens asking
whether you want to validate the edit document before the run.

2. Click Yes to run a Deep Validation. If you click Yes, the following message will open to
indicate the progress of the validation process. In addition, if you select to perform the deep
validation, Global Edit will not run an edit document if one of the edit definitions is
determined to be invalid. To run an edit document that contains invalid edit definitions, click

Note: If you add or remove cases from the edit document, this can change the
validation status of an edit definition.


Click No to skip the validation process and run the edit document. If you click No, Global
Edit will run the edit document regardless of the edit defintions’ validation status.
3. Once run begins the following occurs:
o A progress bar opens that indicates the progress of the edit.
o The edit definitions are executed in the order in which they are listed in the Edit
Definitions tab.
o If an edit fails, Global Edit will then execute the next edit definition
o The Audit Log tab opens and shows a running tab of the number of errors, warnings and
messages related to the run. 24
Global Edit About this Release

4. Click Stop to terminate the run.

Note: Clicking Stop will only stop the current run and any edits that have been made
up to that point cannot be undone. 25
Global Edit About this Release

Global Edit automatically locks an edit document when you open it. Depending on the security
level of the database, the document will be linked to either the Windows user (unsecured
databases) or the user’s database permissions (secure databases). Locking status is not visible and
only becomes apparent if you attempt to open an edit document locked by another user. 26
Global Edit About this Release


Q: What Peep permissions to I require to run Global Edit?
A: You will need Edit permissions for Models, Global Parameters, and Wells.
Q: I cannot see an edit document in the Edit Documents palette. I know that it exists, so why can’t
I see it?
A: You can only see those edit documents to which you have permissions to all of its linked Peep
cases. See your system administrator to obtain permissions change your Peep case permissions.

You must have READ/WRITE permissions to the models in which Opcost, Capital or Custom
variables (e.g.) Opcost, Capital or Custom) are defined to edit them.

Global Parameters:
If the “Failed to open Peep Global Parameter document "<GLOBALPARMS
DOCUMENT>" error message opens when you try to run Global Edit, you do not have read
access to the Global Parameters. You must have at a minimum Read Access to the Global
Parameters. We recommend that that Full Access be granted.

If the, “Unable to lock lined Well Document “xxx”. You need writer permission to lock
document”, error message opens when you are running an edit document, you do not have Write
permissions to the linked wells. You must have at a minimum Write permissions on the Well
documents that are linked to the Peep cases to edit them.

Editing Variables
Q: I tried to edit a variable that requires a percentage with a value of more than 100% and it I do
not see the change in the Peep case.
A: Some Peep variables’ ranges are constrained by the model to values between 1 and 100%.
Check the model to see whether the model variable’s range is limited to between 1 - 100%

Q: What do Primary and Secondary Limits Reversion refer to?
A: These refer to the reversion on the Peep case Interest Reversions tab.

Q: When I edit Working and NRI interests, what do they affect?

A: When you edit All Working Interests and All NRI Interests, you are editing all of the
available interest variables. All NRI Interests edits the Oil, Gas and ByProduct NRI variables.
Selecting All Working Interests affects all working interests except for those that are NRI and NPI
(US Peep only).

Q: Which variables does the All NRI Interests edit? 27
Global Edit About this Release

A: The All NRI Interests only edits the the Oil, Gas and ByProduct NRI variables.

Q: When I select to overwrite an existing value, what does this mean?
A: When you overwrite an existing value in Peep, you are overwriting the monthly data: therefore,
in the Edit Definition wizard, you must enter a monthly value in the Value box.

Q: If I edit a Capital variable, how does this affect the Peep case?
A: Edits to Capital variables affect the Detail side tab of Peep Capital tab.

Q: Can I use the overwrite existing value method to overwrite an existing capital comment and
insert a new comment if one doesn’t exist?
A: No, if you select to overwrite an existing value, it will not insert a new capital comment if one
does not already exist. To insert new capital value, you must use the time series edit. This will
overwrite existing values. This is the only method to create new capital comments.

Q: I want to create a new capital comment with no value for reporting purposes. Can I do this with
Global Edit?
A: No, you can not create a new capital comment with a value of zero (time series or math
operations). If there is an existing capital comment that is set to 0 by either method, this will be
honored and the comment is not removed.

Q: If an edit zeroes out a capital comment, will the comment remain in the Capital Details and/or
Summary tabs?
A: No, if you zero out a capital comment, it will be removed from the Capital tab.

Q: Is there a method to batch delete capital comments?

A: To batch delete capital comments, select the math operation and multiply the capital variable
by zero.

Q: Can I use the shift operation to edit capital comments?

A: No, shift operations do not affect capital comments.

Q: Can I edit capital comments that are linked to forecasts and economic limits?
A: Yes, any capital comments included in your edit definition will be edited.

Q: If I create an edit without defining a date range, will the capital comments still be edited?
A: If no date range is selected, then the edit will be applied to all applicable date ranges.

Q: Can I edit prices if they are linked to a price file?
A: No, you cannot edit prices that are linked to a price file; Global Edit will only edit manually
entered prices. 28
Global Edit About this Release

Q: Can I use global edit to enable/disable separate economic limit interests?
A: Yes, select the Use Separate Economic Limit Interests variable located in the Other in the Peep
Variables dialog box. Select the scenario that you want to apply it to and select Yes or No to
enable or disable separate economic limit interests.

Q: Is there a method that can be used to edit case dates in the Global Parms?
A: Yes, use the Case Date variables located in the Peep Variables/Other folder. These variables
allow you to edit the Case Evaluation, Escalation, Discount, and Economic Limit dates.

Editing Forecasts

Q: Which Peep decline parameters can be edited using Global Edit?
A: You can use Global Edit to edit all of Peep’s decline parameters.

Q: Can I edit Continuous Rate and Continuous Decline parameters?

A: Yes, set the ContinuousRate or ContinuousDecline operations to continuous in Peep
Decline Parameters.

Q: How do the decline types affect the parameters.

A: Each decline type (Exponential, Harmonic, etc…) have its own parameters. When you create a
forecast edit for a decline parameter, if a specific forecast has a decline type that does not use this
parameter it will not be affected.

Q: Can I edit a forecast curtailment using Global Edit?

A: Yes, but Global Edit will only modify curtailments that are entered in the Forecast Limits (user
defined). Curtailments that are manually entered in the Peep case can not be edited using the
Forecast edit methods. The monthly grid in the curtailment edit replaces the existing monthly data
from the start date. In addition, you can only update Rate limits (Allowable or Percent Reserves) if
they have a value greater than 0 in the decline.

Q: Can I copy a forecast to another forecast?
A: Yes, but you are limited to the names listed in the Forecast Name dictionary. Product forecasts
can only be copied to the same forecast. If the forecast does not exist in the case, Global Edit will
place it in the case; however, if the forecast already exists in the case, Global Edit will generate an
error message that will appear in the Audit Log.

Q: Can I add a product forecast to a case if it does not already contain the forecast’s product?
A: No, you can not link a forecast to a case that does not have the product. If this occurs, Global
Edit will generate an error in the Audit log. 29
Global Edit About this Release

Editing Attributes
Q: Can I change attribute values to values that are not included in the attribute dictionaries?
A: If the attribute uses dictionary values only as defined in the Attribute Definition in Peep, you
will only be able to use the dictionary values. If dictionary values are not enforced, then you will
be able to manually type in a value for the attribute.

Editing Scenarios
Q: When I edit a scenario on some Peep cases, I get an error message indicating that the Base
scenario does not exist. How can this be, I thought that the Base scenario existed in all Peep cases.
A: This error message is generated in cases where the Product tab in the Peep case has never been

Setting current scenarios

Q: I want to set my current scenarios on only a specific set of products. Is there anyway that I can
leave those settings that I do not want to change?
A: Yes, to leave the existing current scenarios as is, leave the product scenario blank (do not make
a selection) in the Set Peep Scenario section of the Edit Definition wizard.

Copying scenarios
Q: If I copy one product scenario’s values to another scenario, is there any way to automatically
set this as the current scenario?
A: If you copy one scenario to another it is not automatically set as the current scenario. To set the
current scenario, you must add another edit definition that sets the current scenario to the edit
document. In addition, you can copy the Base scenario from one case to another.

Deleting scenarios
Q: Can I use Global Edit to batch delete my Base scenarios?
A: No, you cannot delete Base scenarios.

Setting Scenario Consolidations

Q: I only want to set a scenario consolidation for a few products, can I do this?
A: Yes, if you do not want to modify the existing product scenario consolidation, leave this blank
in the edit definition. 30
Global Edit About this Release

What we’re still working on

Changes to custom units not reflected in Peep

If you create a new custom unit in Peep or change either the displayed names or conversion factors
for existing units, these changes are not reflected in Global Edit. 31
Global Edit About this Release

How to reach us

United States

Houston Tel.: +1 713-621-1165


Calgary Tel.: +1-888-986-4357 (toll-free)

Europe and Africa

London Tel.: +44 (0)207 517 2626

Russia and Caspian

Moscow Tel.: 7 495 935 8200 Ext. 1218

South America
International E-mail:
Offices Mexico Tel.: 001 866 326 0174

Argentina Tel.: 0 800 444 0919

Brazil Tel.: 000811 005 9068

Colombia Tel.: 980912 3029

Venezuela Tel.: 0800 1 00 3588

Middle East
Asia and Australia

Malaysia Tel.: +60-3-21694266

Indonesia Tel.: +62-21-5229343

Australia Tel.: +61-1800001112

Thailand Tel.: +66-2-9371300

China Tel.: +86-10-64746699 Ext. 2816

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Merak is a product line of Schlumberger Information Solutions (SIS). For more information about
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