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EU in general
- grand intérêt pour l’Europe: son histoire, ses valeurs, sa culture, dans ce qu’elle est à la fois partagée et variée. Ses objectifs aussi
et sa présence sur la scène internationale
- se sent européen avant tout - sentiment profond (intérêt) renforcé lors de voyages/rencontres à l’international
- envie de travail concret - monde civil service.
- The multicultural atmosphere
Working for an EU institution means that you will be working alongside people from all over the EU member states, creating a
uniquely exciting multilingual and multicultural atmosphere. Not only will you end up with friends and colleagues from a whole
range of countries, but you'll also have your assumptions about the world challenged on a daily basis.
- Lots of responsibility early on in your career
Don't expect to spend your first six months making tea - new EU employees will be challenged! Within four or five months you
could be drafting a proposal and appearing in front of a parliamentary committee to defend it.
- You get several careers in one
Once you have a job with an EU institution, it's perfectly possible (and even encouraged) to move into a completely different field.
For example, a worker hired to do a legal job could move into HR or Policy. Plus, there's no time limit: you can switch careers five,
ten or even fifteen years down the road.
- future plans (IPSO, etc.) => inside, skills
- A chance to make a difference for Europe
Are you looking for an exciting new career in a dynamic, fast-paced environment? Then look no further than the EU. Whether you're
working for an EU institution or an EU agency, the EU offers a stimulating and challenging workplace for everyone. The EU welcomes
applicants from all walks of life, so a career with the EU means working with a diverse and multicultural group of colleagues. You
will have the opportunity to make the most of your language skills, too. Most posts at the EU require that you speak at least two EU
languages. Start a career with the EU and you will be able to further improve your language skills by attending language courses.
Support will also be offered to all new members of staff to ensure that they realise their full potential in their chosen career. A
competitive salary is offered to all successful applicants.
The EU not only offers a wealth of career opportunities in the vibrant and culturally rich cities of Brussels and Luxembourg and even
Strasbourg, it also offers numerous posts in agencies based all over Europe and in EU delegations worldwide.
Interesting and challenging work
In the EU institutions you can work on the major issues that you read about in the news every day: climate change, migration, safety
and security, trade, mobile communication, to name but a few.
Job mobility
We do not offer 'a job for life' but a 'lifetime of different jobs'. Through our internal job mobility scheme, you can move between
services and Institutions.

Brussels or Luxembourg-based career

You usually start your EU career in Brussels or Luxembourg. Both cities are extremely welcoming, green, international and
cosmopolitan and are based in the heart of Europe.
Contribute to Europe's future
You do not work to increase a company's profit but to improve the lives of more than five hundred million European citizens. This
is a challenge and a privilege, every day.
International working environment
You meet colleagues from all EU Member States on a daily basis. The multinational, multilingual working environment is very
enriching and stimulating. You can also pursue opportunities to work in EU agencies based across Europe and EU delegations
around the world.
Diversity and equality
You can enjoy working with diverse and talented colleagues. As an employer, the EU does not discriminate on any grounds such
as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership
of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation. You will be given an equal opportunity to demonstrate
your abilities during the selection procedures.

Why me?
- parfaitement organisé, gère très bien la pression
- sensibilité envers la différence => sens analytique permettant d’appréhender avec toute la finesse/objectivité nécessaire des
contextes très différents
- excellent sens de l’analyse et de la synthèse
- éthique de travail irréprochable - perfectionnisme mais controlé pour éviter de devenir handicapant - très efficace. High
- parcours voulu le plus vaste possible => histoire, options variées, politique, littérature, économie, etc.
=> très grande adaptabilité, apprend vite
- très sociable
- sens de la représentation et des responsabilités
- leadership skills + excellent en travail d’équipe => perçoit rapidement les skills de chacun et comment en tirer parti
- enjoy challenges and work well in stressing situations => volonté de se dépasser
- strategic thinking and task/time management => highly efficient
- charismatic
- adaptable / strong focus & continuous learning
=> eager to both help and learn and evolve

International Cooperation and Development****
-> role important, central face à des problèmes actuels de la société, joue sur la capacité d’action et l’image de l’EU
The Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development is the Commission department responsible for EU policy
on development and delivering international aid.
It is in charge of international development cooperation, adapting to the evolving needs of partner countries, working closely with
the department for neighbourhood policy and enlargement and other Commission services.
The European Consensus on Development commits the EU to eradicating poverty and building a fairer and more stable world.
Based on the 2011 Agenda for Change, EU assistance is concentrated in 2 overall priority areas:
human rights, democracy and other aspects of good governance
inclusive and sustainable growth, to help create growth in developing countries – so poor people have the means to lift themselves
out of poverty
play a key role in the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
promote democracy, the rule of law, and the respect of human rights in developing countries
ensure sustainable economic, social and environmental progress in developing countries
make development aid from different European countries more effective by deepening the cooperation between national
launch negotiations on a revised Cotonou agreement with the African, Caribbean and Pacific group of countries

Education, audiovisual & Culture executive agency

-> joue sur l’image de l’EU, cultive
-> outil important d’intégration et d’influence

Foreign Policy instruments****

-> intérêt : long terme (objectifs) ; apprendre, intérêt présent / histoire
FPI is responsible for the financial and operational components of EU foreign policy. It helps countries cope with crises and maintain
peace, security, law and order. Besides enforcing EU sanctions, FPI fights trade in conflict diamonds and materials linked to torture.
ensure proper use of EU funds for foreign policy and security
support countries during crises
fund and carry out activities in countries of strategic interest to the EU
foster EU relations with 17 industrialised countries and territories
observe elections in non-EU countries
implement EU sanctions
monitor the diamond trade (Kimberley Process)
combat trade in goods used for capital punishment or torture
The Directorate-General for Communication is the Commission department responsible for explaining EU policies to outside
audiences. It keeps the Commission abreast of political developments and of trends in public opinion and the media. It also
coordinates communication campaigns within the Commission.
define and monitor the Commission's corporate image
communicate to the media and public on political priorities and topics of political importance and/or public interest
provide corporate communication tools and expertise to other Commission departments
run pan-European campaigns on the priorities of the European Union (eg: InvestEU, EUandME and EU Protects)
coordinate projects with other EU institutions and national governments
inform the Commission about public opinion and reputational risks in EU countries
report to the Commission on political developments across the EU
help evaluate the Commission's communication activities
provide the Spokesperson's Service

Civil protection & humanitarian Aid operations****

The main mission of the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations is to preserve lives,
prevent and alleviate human suffering and safeguard the integrity and dignity of populations affected by natural disasters and
man-made crises. Headquartered in Brussels with a global network of field offices, DG ECHO ensures rapid and effective delivery
of EU relief assistance.
Inspire, Debate, Engage and Accelerate Action****
I.D.E.A. is an advisory service that provides innovative ideas and a unique space for interdisciplinary research and collaboration on
core Commission priorities. It accelerates ideas for concrete action and reports directly to the Commission president.
provides ideas and inspiration (foresight, data, policy output) for the core priorities of the European Commission’s president,
helping to set the compass that should inform the Commission’s policies
Debate and engage
debates and engages around new evidence-based policy alternatives in the community of think tanks, research, and other
institutions through active outreach (seminars, dissemination of policy ideas, findings and proposals)
accelerates the conversion of these ideas and engagements into concrete and bold action (provide options, best practices) to help
the Commission deliver to its citizens in a fast-changing context
Specifically, IDEA is responsible for contributing to the following Commission priorities:
Geopolitics and Europe in the global order
Green Deal
Digital, technology and innovation
Social market economy
The future of Europe and the EU’s institutions

The Secretariat-General is responsible for the overall coherence of the Commission’s work – both in shaping new policies, and in
steering them through the other EU institutions. It supports the whole Commission.
steer and coordinate the work across the entire Commission to ensure that all initiatives are aligned with the political priorities of
the President
manage the Commission's decision-making process
act as the interface between the Commission and the other institutions and bodies
ensure that the Commission is supported by an efficient, transparent and high-performing administration
lead policy development on certain cross-cutting policy files, such as the European Semester of economic policy coordination, the
Cooperation and Verification Mechanism for Bulgaria and Romania, and on a range of corporate policies, such as the Commission's
Better Regulation agenda

Task Force for Relations with the United Kingdom

In charge of coordinating all the European Commission's work on strategic, operational, legal and financial issues related to the
United Kingdom’s withdrawal and its future relationship with the European Union.

This Commission department is responsible for EU policy on trade with countries beyond the EU's borders.
reach a balanced and reasonable Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the US that respects Europe’s safety,
health, social and data-protection standards
promote a strong foreign direct investment policy
strengthen the EU's strategic partnerships with major trading partners
work with developing countries to help them integrate into the global economy
uphold European values such as human rights, and social and environmental protection
uphold an ambitious trade agenda to the benefit of European citizens, SMEs and the broader economy

European Union supports cooperation and equality between nations.
The European Union’s fundamental values are respect for human dignity and human rights, freedom, democracy,
equality and the rule of law. These values unite all the member states – no country that does not recognise these values can
belong to the Union.
The main goal of the European Union is to defend these values in Europe and promote peace and the wellbeing of the citizens. For
its part, the European Parliament seeks to ensure that these values are realised in the EU legislation.
The EU member states are pluralistic. Nobody may be discriminated against; instead, people and government representatives must
respect others and be tolerant. Everybody must be treated fairly. Minority rights must be respected. Equality between men and
men is promoted. Responsibility must be shared.
The European Union works for social equality. It develops social security and tries to protect the weakest. It seeks to prevent social
exclusion and discrimination.
All these fundamental values are defined in the Treaty of Lisbon Lissabonin sopimuksessa(2009).
The Treaty of Lisbon officially confirmed the universal citizens’ rights as well as political, economic and social rights.
The Charter of Fundamental Rights forbids discrimination because of gender, race or the colour of the skin. Also, discrimination
based on religion or sexual orientation is forbidden.
Additionally, the Charter of Fundamental Rights defines rights to data security, bioethics and good administration. It obligates
employers to look after their employees. For example, employees have the right to access information, negotiate and go on strike.

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