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2017 Kinetic Attraction » Member Area

How to Become a Sex God

Posted Today
by Adam Lyons

Let me ask you a question…

Have you ever had a period in your life where every text message you get comes from
an attractive woman? Or every night you have a new girl in your bed? Or you spend
every day with that one special woman because the two of you connect so deeply?

Basically… have you ever had abundance with women?

If not, then you’re in for a treat because it’s my absolute purpose to make you into a
Sex God in the eyes of women everywhere.

You will have stealth body language techniques hard coded into your brain, so women
will be attracted to you wherever you go (even when you're not trying).

They'll be asking you out, flirting with you, and even the girls that rejected you in the
past will suddenly be all over you.

Now, before we go further, I do have to warn you…

These Kinetic Attraction techniques will change you.

When you do what I say, you’ll have more women in your life than you've ever had.
And it feels good. Which means that you may end up spending less time with your
friends and more time with girls.

Some guys use these principles and take them a bit too far to where it affects
other areas of life, like dating so many gorgeous women they start falling behind
at work. Seriously. 1/2
12.12.2017 Kinetic Attraction » Member Area

But I like to think of it like this:

Remember when you were a kid and all you wanted to do was play with your new toy?

This power that you’re getting—this power over women is your new toy.

So just know that this adjustment period is normal. After you “sow your wild oats” for
about six months or so you'll find a way to balance it all out. In fact, once you have the
woman (or women) you want, you’ll notice that your life feels more balanced than it's
ever been.

However, just like with any other skill, it’s important that you make sure to focus if
you’re serious about being able to get any woman that you want.

When you go through the materials in this program, I recommend that you set
everything else aside, get rid of all distractions, and silence your cell phone so that
you can focus 100% of your attention.

Studies have proven when you focus your attention on a task or skill, it will accelerate
your progress and give you the results you're looking for.

So, whether you have a girl in mind right now that you'd love to be with, or you just
want to actually live your life to its full potential and date tons of attractive women…

Slow down, adjust your focus, and you will be successful—period.

Have fun!

P.S – To make sure you’re totally prepared, I’ve unlocked a very special bonus for you
that I’m really proud of… my super-exclusive Body Language Academy! I was told not
to give away this premium content for free, but what are rules for if not for breaking?

Click here right now to get instant access Body Language Academy and learn how to
become an absolute Sex God within minutes!

© 2017 Kinetic Attraction 2/2

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