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Introduction  01

Theories of Conversation  05

Stages of Conversation 09

Screening Mode 16



Rewarding Good Behavior  20

Conversation Killers  28

The 3 Golden Rules 32



How many times have you seen a beautiful woman, but failed to find the
right words to say hello?

Or worse, you manage to strike up a conversation, but as soon as she locks

eyes with you, the words you need to say fall from your mind’s eye.

Maybe you’re the ‘non-closer,’ where things start well, and she’s talking
with you, but all you focus on is that familiar feeling when you realize you
won’t know what to say next.

If you suffer from dating anxiety, you know it can strike anywhere, at any

Or you’re on a date with a cute chick, things are progressing nicely, when it
suddenly dawns on you that she isn’t replying to your questions, no matter
how hard you try. You become acutely aware that you’re ‘the guy who
won’t shut up,’ and it makes the conversation awkward.

As men, we instinctively know that conversation is key to connecting with
women, but few men realize why. There’s more to a conversation than just
following a checklist to get her into bed.

What you have in your hands is a secret weapon women use to screen their
dates and that you can use to get her in the mood.

 When you understand how to talk to women, and use conversation as

foreplay, you will discover a world of potential, where super-hot women
date average guys, willingly.

Conversation is all about cracking the code and giving women the verbal
cues she needs to see you are a man of value.

Once she gets this sub-conscious connection, she will do the unthinkable;
she will ask for your phone number, another date, to go to bed, and more.  


Let’s be real; women can be tough to crack. It can feel like they’re judging
our every word and move.

They sit in packs, and giggle or laugh; it’s a defense mechanism to prevent
weaker guys from making a move.

We hear this guttural sound, and it gets into our heads, “What if she thinks
I'm not good enough? What if I say the wrong thing and look stupid?”

And now, you’re too afraid to talk to her. This is why a lot of guys do the
dance of ‘throwing a lot of shit at the wall and hoping some of it sticks.’

Well no more. I'm going to turn you into a Navy SEAL sniper when it comes
to conversation with women; I want you to gain the confidence you need to
attract and seduce gorgeous women.

I want you never to feel that fear of talking

3 to women again. 

In high school, I would freeze up or flat-out avoid talking to girls. In fact,

the more attracted I was to someone, the more likely I would avoid talking
to her. And, if I ended up saying a couple of words, they would come out
strange and awkward.

Of course, the girls would look at me with confused, even disgusted

expressions, and either laugh or just turn away. If another guy saw this, I'd
feel even more embarrassed. I had this strange idea that I was supposed to
know what to do, and that other guy must have read the ‘playbook.’

The issue is not that you’re inexperienced or incapable of holding a great

conversation. It’s that we live in a society where boys are never taught the
complexities of communication or how to use language to build eroticism.
Boys are told to be big and strong.

Before you know it, you’re grown and unable to hold a conversation that
stimulates women; it happens to the best of us. Boys are taught that
language should be used to impress and to say what they think women
want to hear (like how attractive they are). This myth is perpetuated as we
get older.

How many movies have you seen that tell you that conversation is a means
for you to impress women? I’ll be teaching you what women really want to
hear. You’ll be shocked and amazed at how easy it is to communicate your
deepest desires in a way that makes her want to be the active player in the


When I began studying psychology and female sexuality, I made some

interesting discoveries that changed my whole paradigm on dating. 
First, I realized that women don't want a man to try to impress them, but
they instead want to connect with them.

She needs to feel like you are getting to know her, and she you (even if she
only views you as a one-night conquest).

Second, I learned that women only value what they work for; in other
words, if you try to give her something she didn't earn, she won't value you.

This is a crucial aspect of dating women and where so many great guys go
wrong; they try to do everything in their power to treat her like a princess,
only to have it backfire.

Instead, I’ll show you how to make her earn your attention in a way that
builds intrigue and a sense of deeper satisfaction in her. The barriers you
may have imagined before will turn into opportunities to connect with each
other on a magnetic level.

Women will find you fascinating and irresistibly sexy and will feel so
comfortable with you, and she just might fall in love!

So, heed these words: proceed with caution.


Men are told that women are attracted to confident men: if you don't feel
confident, you avoid talking to women, which is preventing you from
building confidence. It’s a nasty cycle.

What's worse, if you try approaching women, and the conversation goes
awkwardly, you will tense up and make mistakes. This often results in a
negative response, ranging anywhere from a polite rejection to outright

And, as this enforces your belief that somehow the conversation

breakdown was your fault, when it’s not, it could be another reason for you
to take a step back.

Remember, ‘It takes two to Tango.’ A conversation is a complex dance

between two people, and confidence is the lubrication that eases you into
casual conversation. When this happens naturally, you will be rewarded
with confidence boosters that make you more desirable to her.  

I’ll reveal a few simple hacks I used to change my approach that I think will
work great for you too, along with the edgy ways you can drum up
confidence in conversation by planting a few intriguing details into the mix.

These tools enact the laws of ‘fake it till you make it,’ and will allow you to
step over the hurdles of the confidence conundrum, and gain a fresh new
start on dating.   


Competence breeds confidence. It may sound cliché, but I've found this to
be very true.

Men are tool-oriented; give us the tools, and we’ll make it happen.

Until now, I bet no one has given you the tools of the trade. So why do you
continue to beat yourself up?

Newsflash: you don't need to be a charming prince to get girls. 

You just need to know a handful of conversational skills, and you'll build so
much confidence that you will feel like you can say anything to anyone at
any time, and make it stick.

But, be careful. You can become a great boxer, but that doesn't mean you
can do anything. It means that the execution of a jab, hook, dodge, and
block feels effortless. 

Once you reach this point, it’s time to get creative. She will be impressed by
your confidence, but you’ll just be executing the fundamentals you’ve
learned, with zero effort.

This is when you employ the ultimate conversational KO: The Paradigm

The most important step you will make is to change your thinking from
trying to impress women, to subliminally teaching them the desire to
impress you.

That might sound crazy, especially if you are low in confidence, and don't
see yourself as a man of value. But, a Paradigm Shift is exactly what will
change the game.

Humor me for a moment and imagine that women want to impress you;
how amazing would you feel? Imagine she is flirting with you, using her
most seductive tricks to get you into bed, and all you are doing is standing
in her space?

This isn’t some crazy fantasy; this is what real guys are achieving night after
night with the most gorgeous women in the world.

Just take celebrities for example; most rock stars are ugly. They’re sweaty,
hideous guys who are more into their guitars than hot chicks. Every night,
these stoners get women to line up around the block to beg for their time
and affection.

Sure, some of it is for the fame, but most of them want to get their hands
on these men. We tell ourselves they’re gold-diggers to avoid the truth:
women will work hard for men’s affection, they just aren’t doing it for you. 


Don’t worry, I’m not going to sign you up for an eight-week course on skill
development, but there are basic skills that you will need to either learn or
consciously employ before you can start approaching women. 

Think of these skills like your magic beans; use them well and use them
wisely and your wildest dreams will come true.
There are four stages of conversation that will make her more comfortable
with you and ultimately want to sleep with you. These are:

Questions – this is your most powerful tool. Just be careful that you don’t
sound like you’re interviewing her.

Statements – these include compliments, opinions, and stories.

Listening – there are two types of listening; one that men do and one that
women want to see you do; I’ll teach you how to get it right.  

Humor – making a woman laugh is a straight shot into her psyche.

Whatever you cloak in humor will be immediately absorbed.

That's it! But we will use these as building blocks in a certain sequence, and
with purpose, that combined will result in an incredible, fun, and sexy

Let’s be honest – the whole point of the conversation is to get laid. If she
likes you, she'll already be thinking about sleeping with you, but if you
can’t get into the conversation, you won’t get into her bed.

So, let's talk about how to make her feel comfortable with you. This right
here is exactly why the tools in this book are so powerful.

Conversation is the simplest and cheapest way to connect with a woman.

You don’t need to drown her in gifts to make her want you when you have
the right words to say; this is exactly why musicians and poets are the most
desirable men. Their words are like a siren call that draws women to them.
I’ll even reveal the three ‘wedges’ you can use in daily conversation to
make her react to you like her favorite rock star! 


Start with something easy, and then probe deeper. Use these questions to
break the ice, and allow her to set the conversational tone.

You will use different types of questions to guide her thoughts in different
directions. Maybe you want to tease her, make her work harder, or give her
something sweet to think about as you kiss her goodnight.

Here is an example, with you leading the conversation:

“What did you do today?”

I went to work and did some shopping after.
“Oh? Did you get anything exciting?”
Some groceries and a birthday gift for my little brother.
“Cute, how old is he? You two must be close, are you?
I helped raise him because my mom worked so much when we were kids.
“Wow, you're really caring. What did you get him?”
I'm like his second mom in a way. I got him a video game.
“Nice. I used to play video games, but I work from home now so I would feel
guilty spending time on a video game when I could be getting stuff done.
What do you like to do in your free time?”
I love to read mystery novels.

The Conversational Wedge: “Sweet! Why do you love them?”  

Notice how I'm angling with a “why.” 

Start simple, then ask her what she thinks about the topic. Why does she
like something? Why does she dislike something?

When you ask questions, you skip over the number one mistake people
make when dating, which is to talk about yourself. If you find she is asking
questions about you, turn those around and ask her questions right back. 

The reason questions are so powerful is that they act as compliments; each
time you ask a question, you flatter someone; you’re showing them that
you want to know more about them.

The main thing purpose of conversation is to keep the focus and attention
on her. Women love to talk about themselves, so this shouldn’t be hard for
you to achieve.

Anytime you feel the focus shifting to you, that’s a good time to sidetrack
her with a compliment, another question or a statement about the topic at
hand or something in your surroundings.

For example, if she says:

I like trying to solve the puzzle. The psychology is interesting.

You should respond with something that validates what she has shared
with you:
“Ah, you're a thinker. I like books that help me be more effective in life as

Here you’re still conversing with her but complimenting her on her choices.

Compliments are a great way to make a woman feel comfortable – if you do

it well. Women will see right through you if you aren’t genuine, so be
genuine. Find things about her that you like and tell her.

Just make sure that you compliment her personality and intelligence twice
as much as you compliment her looks. She might have spent two hours
getting ready, but that’s not what she wants you to see. 

Another way to divert the attention away from you is to tell a small story –
one that doesn’t reveal anything on a deep level about yourself, but one
where she would then reciprocate. This way, you’re not talking about
yourself, but you’re more using a small story to bounce back to her.

This works to your advantage because you don’t want to be the one
chasing her and vying for her attention, and she doesn’t want you to be
doing the talking either!

“Wow, you look great.”

“Ha-ha, you're fun. You crack me up.”
“It seems like you have a strong nurturing side.”
“You have gorgeous legs. I'm trying not to stare. Do you
“I'm glad you like to read. Intelligence is important to me.”
“We have the same taste in cheesy horror movies.”
Notice how the last one isn't a direct compliment. Any time you relate to
her, you are implying that it's a good thing.

Men who do all the talking, especially about themselves, is a major turnoff
for women. So, do both her and yourself a favor and shut up! Win, win for
both of you.

These interjections of comments, compliments, and small stories will begin

to make her feel more comfortable with you. She will perceive you as a
great conversationalist (even though she’s doing most of the talking) and
she will truly feel heard – something most women seldom feel when
speaking with men.

Because of this, she will instantly grow more attracted to you as the
conversation goes on; which, will cause her to crave more and more of your
attention. You will start to notice her trying to impress you, flirt with you
and seek your approval. 


The purpose of asking questions is to show her how well you can listen. Pay
attention to what she says, and focus on how you can learn more about
her. Make sure that you use follow up questions as probes to learn more
about her life, thoughts, opinions, and her values.

Some women may give you short answers at first because they might be
shy, or simply assume you don't care (just like most guys that try to pick
her up).

As in the above example, she reveals she loves to read mystery books. If
this happens, keep looking at her after she is done talking, fully expecting
her to talk more. If she looks at you like, “What?” Just play if off casually by
saying, “I'm curious about you. What are your favorite mystery novels?”

The more you demonstrate you are listening to what she has to say, the
safer she will feel in continuing the conversation with you. Soon, she will
learn to reveal her most intimate details about herself.

You don’t have to be a comedian to be funny. We all get laughs from time to
time for just stating the obvious – you know, Seinfeld-type observations.

Or, even by pointing something out about yourself that might be funny; it
shows that you’re a good sport and have a good sense of humor. That’s it; it
doesn’t have to be complicated.

For example, you could say something like, “I had the perfect shirt picked
out to wear tonight, but just as I stepped out my front door I felt something
wet land on my shoulder. Wouldn’t you know it, a pigeon shit on me! I ran
back inside, jumped back in the shower and threw this shirt on – I’m
surprised I made it on time!”

This story says so much. First, it shows her that you put thought into what
you wanted to wear to meet her.

Second, it’s a pretty hilarious story! I’ve never met anyone who hasn’t
laughed at a good bird poop story.

Third, it shows your good nature – that you didn’t respond in anger, but
you’re lighthearted about the story and know how to have a laugh at

Fourth, you’re reassuring her that you don’t have any lingering shit on you
because you showered again.

And finally, you’re showing her that you respect her time and even though
something tragically funny happened to you, it didn’t keep you from
getting there on time.

This is just one, short story but it says so much about your character and
about who you are as a man. She will be all over you after this story – you
may not understand why, but just go with it.

We all screen. We may not answer a call from someone we don’t want to
talk to or avoid an IM from a buddy who’s asking for your second basketball
ticket for tomorrow night. We're picky about who gets our attention, and
rightfully so.

In fact, we screen our dates before we even meet them, and vice versa. It
doesn’t matter how you’re set up – online, through a friend– they’ve been
screened out or in, and your conversation is just the next level of screening.

It may seem counter-intuitive, but screening a woman will make her more
attracted to you. This happens because:

1. It shows you have higher standards than the average guy, which means
you are better than the average guy.
2. It shows you care about her mind, not just her body. This means you
have long-term potential because you want more than just a one-time fling.
3. It creates a more dynamic and interesting conversational fabric that goes
way beyond small talk. 


What's most important to you right now?

How would your friends describe you?
What are you looking forward to most?
What were you like when you were a child?
How are you different now?
What's your most embarrassing memory?
Who is your hero?
Who are you closest to?
What's the hardest thing you've ever done?
What are you most proud of achieving?

In addition to questions, you can use statements to screen as well. By

making certain observations or in response to her stories, you’re revealing
your standards without actually coming out and stating them.

For example, you may notice a couple leaving the restaurant or bar you’re
in, and the man walks out the door in front of the woman.

You might draw attention to this and say something like, “Chivalry is hard
to come by these days. Call me old-fashioned, but a woman should have
her door opened for her. It’s not about feminism or chauvinism; it’s just
plain polite.”

This statement is revealing a lot about your values, and believe me, she will
want to be the woman that you hold the door open for.

No matter how women try to hide it, it’s flattering to be noticed, it’s
flattering to be treated nicely; and for the most part, it just comes down to
basic manners.

But, whatever you do, don’t make these two common mistakes:

Bragging. When you boast about yourself to impress her, you set a
precedent of approval-seeking. You are trying to impress her. If her
standards matter more, she is the most important person. Now you are
chasing, and that's not what she wants. Not to mention, bragging is a
complete turnoff for women!

Complaining. Most guys worry that they are not doing well enough in life.
They feel like they should be making more money, be in better shape, get
more respect, etc. They assume a woman feels the same way. So, they try
to make excuses for their challenges.

She just sees this as complaining, and she wasn't even thinking about all
that stuff until you brought it up! Just remember to talk about what's
important to you, and keep the tone positive.

When you are in screening mode, listening is key. Primarily because you
might be looking for a certain type of response to assess compatibility, but
also because it shows her that you are the one screening her. You'll want to
look curious and focused only on her to signal your intent.

Tilt your head to show you are curious. Nod your head to show you
understand. Smile to show you appreciate her answer. Furrow your brow
when you are confused. And if you don't like her answer, look away,
showing her that she is not earning your interest.

Listen specifically for her values. What does she care about? What direction
is her life moving in?

Also, listen to her beliefs. Are they aligned with yours? Can you appreciate
her worldview? If not, consider keeping things casual, or even moving on
before it escalates to sex. But if they do align with your beliefs, then
perhaps she is a candidate for something more serious. It all depends on
what you’re looking for.

It may sound counter-intuitive, but if reveal your lack of interest based on

her responses, women will try harder to win you over. And, that makes
everything easier, because instead of chasing her for sex, she's chasing you
for approval. 


Humor is an excellent way to screen the women you choose to talk to. You
can learn so much from someone through humor: do they like to laugh?
Can they laugh at themselves? Do they have a good sense of humor? Or, is
it hard to even get a smile out of them? 

Laughing and humor are excellent ways to break the ice and get through an
awkward exchange – they can be lifesavers on a date!

If she says something that meets your standards and impresses you, then
you can reward her with small gestures, referred to as ‘escalation,' to
reward her.

Here are some examples of escalation:

Touch her softly on the elbow (if standing) or knee (if sitting) to show your
attraction to her and your approval of her attempts to impress you
Gently lead her by placing your hand on the small of her back if you’re
moving to a different location
Smile at her or laugh to show her that you are engaged in your exchange and
appreciate her sense of humor
Softly brush her hair out of her eyes or away from her face

These types of escalation are a demonstration of your sexual interest in

her; but you are showing interest as a reward, not as desperation to get
something from her.


There are many ways to flirt. Men who are good at flirting have their own
style. However, there are basic formulas or templates that guys use as a
base before making it their own.

Almost all good flirters use the following guide:

Eye Contact: So much can be said by just looking into each other’s eyes.
You’ll be able to tell how interested she is in you by how constant her eye
contact is. You’ll also be able to determine how much she’s into you or
turned on she is by the intensity of her look.

Body Language: This could be anything from smiling and the way she’s
sitting to what she’s doing with her hands. If she’s facing you it means she’s
completely open to your advances; if she’s leaning into you, it means she
open to your touch, and if she’s rubbing her legs or licking her lips it means
she’s ready to get out of there with you!

Break the Touch Barrier: this one is tricky; you want to wait for her
‘invitation’ to touch her, but you don’t want to miss your cue. If you wait
too long to break the touch barrier, then it will just be awkward when you
do. So, the sooner, the better, but only if she is open to it.

Compliment her early on: this is another thing that just becomes awkward
if you wait too long. It’s never too soon to compliment her, but be strategic
about what you say. Don’t start off by telling her she has a nice ass; instead,
tell her that she has the most piercing blue eyes you’ve ever seen.

The four keys to flirting are her fault, open loops, innuendo, and barriers,
which you are about to learn. 

“What are you trying to do to me? I can barely think straight

around you. You're bad.”
“Don't look at me like that. It makes me feel funny down
“You are so bad. You're getting me so turned on. Quit
seducing me, woman.”
“I can't believe you wore that. Now I can't keep my eyes off
you. You’d better be careful, or I just might have to carry you
off to my cave.”
“Stop being so sexy. You're not getting into my pants, just yet
If you don't quit, I won’t be able to get you out of my mind. 

This formula is also super easy to use, and you can do it just about any
time. You notice something about her that turns you on but frame your
arousal as her fault.

You can amp it up by talking about what you want to do to her (without
getting too X-rated), and act like she's making you think those thoughts.

It's fun because you pretend that you're resisting her attempts to seduce
you. She'll deny it, and then you can pretend like she's lying and is secretly
trying to get in your pants.

I've never had a woman respond negatively to this.

At worst, she'll giggle and deny it.

At best, it will give her permission to be naughty without being judged. 


An open-loop is an unresolved idea. TV shows use open-loops to make you

watch the next episode.

It's called a “cliff-hanger.” Open loops are fun. It drives women wild with
desire, and it's an easy way to get her chasing you and focused on your
opinion of her.

Open loops are fun. It drives women wild with desire, and it's an easy way
to get her chasing you and focused on your opinion of her.

The best part is you can throw open loops into a conversation randomly. 

“You have a great smile. It's my second favorite thing about

“There are three things I like about you: your laugh, your
eyes, and I can't tell you the third because you might get mad
at me.”
“You keep doing this thing that just turns me on. But, I can't
tell you because then you might stop doing it.”
“I have a hunch about you. I bet I know just what to do to
drive you crazy. I can't tell you. That would spoil the
surprise. “

Another easy flirting formula is to use innuendo. Again, you can insert
innuendo, also known as a “double entendre” at the turning point in a

Basically, you are using a phrase or word to have a double meaning.

So, you're talking about one thing, but there's the sense that you are also
talking about something sexual.

Men do this all the time, especially when we were teenagers.

You: “Hey give me that back!”

Your obnoxious friend: “Oh you want me to give it to you?”

My examples will be a bit more refined and classy. Don't worry.

Innuendo is especially easy if you have “go-to” phrases or words you can
use at turning points in a conversation.

This is the point where she will be the one chasing you for approval; you set
it up, and she has taken the bait.

When you see how fun innuendo is, and how much it turns women on,
she’ll be chasing you all the time. 

One tip: if she calls you out on using innuendo, just smile knowingly and
say, “You're naughty. Get your mind out of the gutter.”


I saved barriers for last because it requires a two-step thought process:


“I love your hair. I just want to bury my face in it.”

“Can you feel the thrust of what I'm saying?”
“You're a grown woman. I bet you can take it.”
“I've got a big tip for you.”
“I've taken the coolest photo on my phone. Maybe I'll whip it
out and show it to you later.”
“Hey, I can always rise to the occasion.”
“You're so sweet. I could eat you up.” 
1. You want to do something sexual, but,
2. There's a barrier outside of you and her. 

In fact, barriers work in your favor because it will just make her want you
more. When there is sexual tension between two people, it is intensified
tenfold when they can’t act on it for whatever reason.

Think about any classic romance plot and about how many films have been
about a forbidden affair between unlikely lovers.

It's a formula that works, and women love it: she's a sweet little rich girl,
he’s a bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks (i.e. Greece, Dirty
Dancing). Or, she’s a lowly maid, he’s a wealthy businessman (i.e. Pretty
Woman, Maid in Manhattan). 

Remember, the barrier doesn't have to be real, or serious. It can be small,

silly, and imaginary. The point is to role play and use your imagination. 

“It would never work between us. We'd fight all the time and
have constant wild make-up sex.”
“I wasn't expecting to meet a girl like you. I can't take you
home tonight. You turn me on so much, but we just met.”
“Oh, you're a Red Sox fan? We can't be together. No matter
how much I want you, I'll never let a girl from Boston
seduce me.”
“It's too bad we're in public. I want to undress you and ravish
every inch of your body right now. But, we must be good
with all these people around.” 

There are three common mistakes men make during conversations with
women that either bore, repulse or annoy her, nullifying any potential for a
sexual connection.

Here's an easy-to-use troubleshooting guide to see if you are committing

these common conversation errors, and how you can course correct before
it’s too late. 


Women are attracted to winners, not losers. So even if things aren't going
your way, or your life is challenging, express a winning attitude. Talk about
your goals, and if your challenges come up, discuss them. 

Women want to meet a guy they can have fun with; they're not as complex
as you've been led to believe. 

Often women will criticize other women. Don't join in. It opens the door for
a critical culture between the two of you, and you do not want that.

A feeling that you are judging others will make her nervous about getting
sexual with you because for a woman sex means making herself

Most men confuse showcasing their attributes with bragging. “Show me,
don’t tell me” are words we can all live by. Actions speak louder than
words; and, it’s best for her to see what kind of man you are.

Instead, allow her to draw her own conclusions from your actions and how
you make her feel. Even your statements and small stories will say a lot
about what kind of guy you are. Less is more. 


Put yourself out there, jump in the pool first, be the first person on the
dance floor.

You’ll find the women that resonate with you will start to approach you.
And the women who don't resonate with you - don't waste your time
approaching them.

There’s no need to settle for the first woman that pays you any attention.
Remember, you’re in the driver’s seat. You can pick out who you date.
It's a bit of a polarization process, and you’ll find that when you go first
instead of chasing after women, you'll get a much higher conversation

Maybe you meet fewer women, but the ones you meet will want you more.
More of them will want you more in return.  


Too many guys go on the dating market with a low self-value. This is like
putting a car on the market with a rock-bottom price. Instead of attracting
punters, all people see is a low sticker price and think, “I wonder what is
wrong with it.”

When you know your true value, two things happen. First, you present
yourself differently. This way will attract the attention of quality women
who you deserve to date organically.

Secondly, gorgeous women start to approach you. Just think for a moment
how different your approach will be if she makes the first move. She is
showing you she is interested and she has made a powerful decision to
approach you first; the closing is a done deal. You owe it to yourself to learn
your true value and to use it to your advantage. 


Hollywood brainwashes us into thinking that conversations should be

smooth and flawless. But, as I developed my skills and gained experience, I
realized that the best conversations are full of surprises!
Let it be imperfect, messy even.

Think about the stories you and your best friends laugh at – most of them
are when things go wrong, but there’s often some unexpected resolution.
Mistakes make the best stories. Which, brings me to my final point: meeting
and dating women should be fun!

Humans improve at things they enjoy. So, when you enjoy the process,
you'll build your competence. And, as competence breeds confidence,
nothing is more attractive to a woman than a confident man!

- Brian Burke

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