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Lying from the beginning.

An example of Islamic manipulation of the words of the Qur’an.

The DHIKR, and the People of the DHIKR - The ZABOUR.
Ahl al-DHIKR or people of knowledge in religious matters.

We will see here how Muslims try to give different meanings to the same
words of the Qur’an (such as the DHIKR and The ZABOUR), in
accordance with their false claims.

(Sura XV, v. 9) “That We, We descended the DHIKR (pronounce of

preserved Word of God), and that We (are) for it, conservators”.
Muslims claim that the Qur’an is the DHIKR.
It is a big lie.
It is agreed, even by muslims, that the People of DHIKR are the People of
(Ibn Abbas) Allah means: the People of past Sacred Books. (Interpretation
of Ibn Kathir).
(Ibn Abbas) ... It is meant by the People of the DHIKR: The People of the
Book. (Ibn Kathir).

(Sura XVI, v. 43) “And We did not send from before you except men, We
inspire(d) to them; so ask the People of the DHIKR, if you were not
(Mohsin Khan) So ask of those who know the Scripture [learned men of
the Torah and the Injeel (Gospel)], if you know not. (A MODERN
… And We sent not (as Our messengers) before thee, Oh Muhammad,
other than men whom We inspired (with commands and prohibitions and
signs). So ask the followers of the DHIKR, the followers of the Torah and
the Gospel, if ye know not! (Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs).
… And We did not send before you anything other than men, to whom We
revealed [the DHIKR], So ask the followers of the DHIKR, those
knowledgeable in the Torah and the Gospels; if you do not know. (Tafsir,

The same Qur’anic text was repeated in another Sura.

(Sura XXI, v. 7) “And We did not send before you except men, [that] We
inspire(d) to them, so ask the People of the DHIKR, if you were not
Ahl al-DHIKR or people of knowledge in religious matters.
Muslims base their claim that the Qur’an is the DHIKR on another text in
Sura XV.
(Sura XV, v. 6) “And they said: You, who the DHIKR was descended on
him, that you are mad.”.

We discover the distortion that occurred in this Qur’anic text through the
Sana'a manuscript, the oldest manuscript of the Qur’an.
In the manuscript (DAM 01-27.1), found in the Sana'a Mosque, this text is
presented in another form.
(Sura XV, v. 6) “And they said: You, who the QUR’AN was descended on
him, that you are mad.”.
The Muslims distorted their Qur’an by changing the word Qur’an to the
word “DHIKR” in order to say that it is preserved, according to the verse
n. 9 of the same Sure which announce “We have sent down the DHIKR,
and that We (are) for it, keepers”.
(Die Entstehung einer Weltreligion III, pag. 543).

Logically, during lifetime of Muhammad, people used to hear the Qur’an

for the first time, and there was nothing known of it that people
remembered to be called “DHIKR”, well defined by the article of
definition in Arabic, “AL”!
Ibn Abbas’s saying confirms this.
Accordingly, there is a clear distinction between the Qur’an and the
DHIKR in the original text.
(Sura XV, 1-10) “A L R, those are the Book's verses, a clear Qur’an.
Maybe those who disbelieved wish if they were Muslims. Leave them eat
and they enjoy, and the hope distracts them, so they shall know. … And
they said: You, who the QUR’AN was descended on him, that you are
mad; If you (could) come to us with the angels , if you were from the
honest! We [Allah] do not descend the angels except with the truth, and
they (the disbelievers) were not then waiting. That We, We descended the
DHIKR, and that We (are) for it, Keepers. And We had sent down before
you in the former groups.”.
The position of the word Qur’an in verse n. 6 fits the meaning perfectly,
while the text does not at all fit the word “DHIKR”, as in the current
Qur’ans available to Muslims.
The remembrance, the Torah and the Bible, is preserved.
The current Qur’an is distorted.
The distortion must have also occurred in the text of Sura XVI as well.
(Sura XVI, v. 43-44) “And We did not send from before you except men,
We inspire(d) to them; so ask the People of the DHIKR, if you were not
knowing; With the evidences and the ZOBUR, and We descended to you
the Qur’an (Instead of the wrong word DHIKR currently existing) to
explain to the people what was descended to them, and perhaps they

The Arabic word ZOBUR is the plural of ZABOUR, which means Psalms
as confirmed here afterwards.
The text speaks about the people of DHIKR, and therefore, the phrase “We
descended to you the DHIKR” does not concord with the context, while
the word of the Qur’an is the sound word, because the Sura XVI is
ascribable to the period of the “Prophet” in Mecca (except for verses 126:
128). The total of the Suras ascribable to the period of the “Prophet” in
Mecca does not exceed a third of the Qur’an. So it is not a DHIKR,
something to remember!
The word “Qur’an” is a distortion of the Syriac word “QURIAN”,
meaning the book of prayers or audible church readings, and this was
confirmed by Mr. Luxenberg in his famous book.
And we find a confirmation of that in the Qur’an itself.

(Sura LXXV, v. 17-19) “That truly on Us (is) assembling it, and its
QUR’ANing (i.e. recitation)︎︎. So when We read it, follow its
QUR’AN’AHU (QUR’ANing = recitation). Then that truly on Us (is) its
(Ibn Kathir) So, the first phase was gathering it (the Qur’an) in his chest,
the second phase was recitation and the third phase was its explanation and
clarification of its meaning.
… Ibn ‘Abbas said: This means He will collect it in his chest to recite it.
And when We have recited it to you, then follow its recitation, meaning,
listen to it and pay attention. (Exegesis).
So, the word Qur’an means a book to read.
(Ka’ab) Oh Muhammad, I have revealed to you a modern Torah that opens
the blind eyes, deaf ears, and closed hearts. (ITQAN, the seventeenth
This means that the Qur’an is a new reading of the Torah that was in
Muhammad’s hands.

The killing strike comes from the Qur’an itself.

(Sura XXI, v. 105) “ And We had decreed︎︎ in The ZABOUR (Prophet
David's Scripture) from after the DHIKR (The Sacred Scripture or the
Torah) that the Earth would be inherited by My righteous worshippers.”.
(Ibn Abbas, Sha`bi, Al-Hasan, Qatadah and others) The ZABOUR is that
which was revealed to Dawoud (David) i.e. Psalms, and The DHIR is the
Torah.' (Exegesis of Ibn Kathir).

(Al-Tabari) Dahhak said: The-DHIKR is The Torah, For the ZABOUR

Allah means the books given after the Torah.
Others said: Rather, For the ZABOUR, it is meant the books that God
revealed to those who came after Moses from the prophets, and the
DHIKR is the Torah.
… Ibn Abbas said: The DHIKR: the Torah, and the ZABOUR: the books.
Others said: Rather, the ZABOUR is the book of David, and the DHIKR is
the Torah of Moses.
… ‘Amer said: ZABOUR of David, after the DHIKR of Moses which is
the Torah.
… Sha'bi said: ZABOUR of David, after the DHIKR of Moses. (Tafsir al-
(Ibn Abbas) The “ZABOUR” is the books that God revealed after Moses
to his prophets, and the “DHIKR” is the Torah revealed to Moses.
(Interpretation of Al-Qurtobi).

The commentators have tried to evade and elude the truth.

We give an example.
(TABARI) The people of interpretation were in discordance about The
“ZABOUR” and the DHIKR mentioned in this particular position (!?)
… Some of them said: The “ZABOUR” are all the books written by all the
prophets that God revealed to them, and the DHIKR is the book that Allah
has in heaven.
… Ibn Zaid said: The “ZABOUR” is the books that revealed to the
prophets, and the DHIKR is the “Mother of the Book” in which everything
is previously written.
… Sa`id ibn Jubayr said about “We had decreed︎︎ in The ZABOUR from
after the DHIKR”: We have written in the Qur’an after the Torah.
N.B. In exegesis of Ibn Kathir, Sa`id ibn Jubayr said about “We had
decreed︎︎ in The ZABOUR from after the DHIKR”:
We note the following:
* Interpolation of the phrase “in this particular position (!?)”, Because the
exegesis of the Qur’an text contradict the interpretation of everything
mentioned in the Qur’an about the word “DHIKR”.
This indicates the intended lying.
* If what it is really meant is “Mother of the Book” or “The Qur’an”, then
why did the author of the Qur’an not explicitly mention the right word?
* If the meaning is “Umm al-Kitab” (the Mother of the Book” or “the
Qur’an”, then the sense is not acceptable, as saying “So ask the people of
the DHIKR if you do not know”, have no sense. How can the People of the
Qur’an ask the “People of the Qur’an” (Sic!) or ask the People of the
“Mother of the Book” which is in the islamic Heaven?
For confirmation:
(Ibn Kathir) Mujahid said: The “Zobur” means the Books which came
after the DHIKR, and the DHIKR is the “Mother of the Book” (Umm Al-
Kitab) which is with Allah.
…Thawri said: It is Al-Lawh Al-Mahfuz . (interpretation of the Qur’an).

The lies are very blatant.

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