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Framework for a DLT Based COVID-19 Passport

Sarang Chaudhari Micahel Clear Hitesh Tewari

Dept of Computer Science & Engineering School of Comp Sci & Stats School of Comp Sci & Stats
Indian Institute of Technology Trinity College Dublin Trinity College Dublin
Delhi, India Dublin, Ireland Dublin, Ireland

Abstract—Uniquely identifying individuals across the various is no requirement for a hard computation such as proof-of-
networks they interact with on a daily basis remains a challenge work (PoW) to be carried out for monetary reward), but can
arXiv:2008.01120v5 [cs.CR] 20 Oct 2020

for the digital world that we live in, and therefore the develop- be queried by anyone. However, one of the main concerns
ment of secure and efficient privacy preserving identity mech-
anisms has become an important field of research. In addition, for such a system is based on: How does one preserve the
the popularity of decentralised decision making networks such privacy of user data on a public blockchain while providing a
as Bitcoin has seen a huge interest in making use of distributed robust mechanism to link users to their data records securely?
ledger technology to store and securely disseminate end user In other words, one of the key requirements is to avoid
identity credentials. In this paper we describe a mechanism having any personally identifiable information (PII) belonging
that allows one to store the COVID-19 vaccination details of
individuals on a publicly readable, decentralised, immutable to users stored on the blockchain.
blockchain, and makes use of a two-factor authentication system In the subsequent sections we describe some of the key
that employs biometric cryptographic hashing techniques to components of our system and the motivation that led us to
generate a unique identifier for each user. Our main contribution use them. The three major components are - extraction of
is the employment of a provably secure input-hiding, locality- iris templates, a hashing mechanism to store them securely
sensitive hashing algorithm over an iris extraction technique,
that can be used to authenticate users and anonymously locate and a blockchain technology. Finally, we present a formal
vaccination records on the blockchain, without leaking any description of our framework which uses the aforementioned
personally identifiable information to the blockchain. components as building blocks. However, first we will briefly
discuss some related work and then briefly some preliminaries
I. I NTRODUCTION with definitions and notation that are used in the paper.
The current COVID-19 pandemic has brought into sharp A. Related Work
focus the urgent need for a “passport” like instrument, which There has been considerable work on biometric cryptosys-
can be used to easily identify a user’s vaccination record, tems and cancellable biometrics, which aims to protect bio-
travel history etc., as they traverse the globe. However, given metric data when stored for the purpose of authentication cf.
the large number of potential users of such a system and the [11]. Biometric hashing is one such approach that can achieve
involvement of many organizations in different jurisdictions, the desired property of irreversibility, albeit without salting it
we need to design a system that is easy to sign up for end does not achieve unlinkability. Research in biometric hashing
users, and for it to be rolled out at a rapid rate. for generating the same hash for different biometric templates
The use of hardware devices such as smart cards or from the same user is at an infant stage and existing work
mobile phones for storing such data is going to be financially does not provide strong security assurances. Locality-sensitive
prohibitive for many users, especially those in developing hashing is the approach we explore in this paper, which has
countries. Past experience has shown that such “hardware been applied to biometrics in existing work; for example a
tokens” are sometimes prone to design flaws that only come recent paper by Dang et al. [3] applies a variant of SimHash,
to light once a large number of them are in circulation. Such a hash function we use in this paper, to face templates.
flaws usually require remedial action in terms of software or However the technique of applying locality-sensitive hashing
hardware updates, which can prove to be very disruptive. to a biometric template has not been employed, to the best of
An alternative to the above dilemma is an online passport our knowledge, in a system such as ours.
mechanism. An obvious choice for the implementation of
such a system is a blockchain, that provides a “decentralized II. P RELIMINARIES
immutable ledger” which can be configured in a manner such A. Notation
that it can be only written to by authorised entities (i.e. there A quantity is said to be negligible with respect to some
parameter λ, written negl(λ), if it is asymptotically bounded
This work was supported, in part, by Science Foundation Ireland grant from above by the reciprocal of all polynomials in λ.
13/RC/2094 and co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund
through the Southern & Eastern Regional Operational Programme to Lero - For a probability distribution D, we denote by x ←$ D
the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software ( the fact that x is sampled according to D. We overload the
notation for a set S i.e. y ←$ S denotes that y is sampled
uniformly from S. Let D0 and D1 be distributions. We
denote by D0 ≈ D1 and the D0 ≈ D1 the facts that D0
and D1 are computationally indistinguishable and statistically
indistinguishable respectively.
We use the notation [k] for an integer k to denote the set
{1, . . . , k}.
Vectors are written in lowercase boldface letters.
(a) (b)
The abbreviation PPT stands for probabilistic polynomial
B. Entropy
The entropy of a random variable is the average “informa- (c)
tion” conveyed by the variable’s possible outcomes. A formal
definition is as follows.
Definition 2.1: The entropy H(X) of a discrete random
variable X which takes (d)
h on theivalues x1h, . . . , xn with
i respec-
tive probabilities Pr X = x1 , . . . , Pr X = xn is defined Fig. 1: Masek’s Iris Template Extraction Algorithm
as n
X h i h i
H(X) := − Pr X = xi log Pr X = xi
by Iris.ExtractFeatureVector which takes a scanned image as
input and outputs a binary feature vector fv ∈ {0, 1}n (this
In this paper, the logarithm is taken to be base 2, and therefore algorithm is called upon by our framework in Section VI).
we measure the amount of entropy in bits. This data is then used for matching, where the Hamming
III. I RIS T EMPLATE E XTRACTION distance is used as the matching metric. We have used
CASIA-Iris-Interval database [2] in Figure 1 and for some
Iris biometrics is considered as one of the most reliable preliminary testing.
techniques for implementing identification systems. For the
ID of our system (discussed in the overview of our frame- Threshold FAR FRR
work in Section VI), we needed an algorithm that can provide 0.20 0.000 74.046
us with consistent iris templates, which will have not only 0.25 0.000 45.802
0.30 0.000 25.191
low intra-class variability, but also show high inter-class 0.35 0.000 4.580
variability. This requirement is essential because we would 0.40 0.005 0.000
expect the iris templates for the same subject to be similar, 0.45 7.599 0.000
as this would then be hashed using the technique described in 0.50 99.499 0.000
the section IV. Iris based biometric techniques have received TABLE I: FAR and FRR for the CASIA-a Data Set
some good attention in the last decade. One of the most
successful technique was put forward by John Daugman [4], Table I shows the performance of Masek’s technique as
but most of the current best-in-class techniques are patented reported by him in his original thesis [7]. This algorithm
and hence unavailable for an open-source use. For the purpose performs quite well for a threshold of 0.4 where the false
of writing this paper, we have used the work by Libor Masek acceptance rate (FAR) is 0.005 and the false rejection rate
[6] which is an open-source implementation of a reasonably (FRR) is 0. These values are used when we present our
reliable iris recognition technique. Users can always opt for results to compare the performance of our technique when a
other commercial biometric solutions when trying to deploy biometric template is first hashed and then the FAR and FRR
our work independently. are measured by hamming distances, as opposed to directly
Masek’s technique worked for grey-scale eye images, measuring the hamming distances in the original biometric
which were processed in order to extract the binary template. templates. One would assume the performance of our work
At first, the segmentation algorithm, based on a Hough to get better with the increase in efficiency of extracting
Transform is used to localise the iris and pupil regions and consistent biometric templates by other methods.
also isolate the eyelid, eyelash and reflections as shown
in Figures 1a and 1b. The segmented iris region is then IV. L OCALITY- SENSITIVE H ASHING
normalised i.e, unwrapped into a rectangular block of constant To preserve the privacy of individuals on the blockchain,
polar dimensions as shown in Figure 1c. The iris features are the biometric data has to be encrypted before being written
extracted from the normalised image by one-dimensional Log- to the ledger. Hashing is a good alternative to achieve this,
Gabor filters to produce a bit-wise iris template and mask but techniques such as SHA-256 and SHA-3 cannot be used,
as shown in Figure 1d. We denote the complete algorithm since the biometric templates that we extracted above can
show differences across various scans for the same individual. random vectors. The hash function S3HashR : {0, 1}n →
Hence using those hash functions would produce completely {0, 1}m is thus defined as:
different hashes. Therefore, we seek a hash function that
generates “similar” hashes for similar biometric templates. S3HashR (x) = (sgn(hx, r1 i), . . . , sgn(hx, rm i)) (1)
This prompts us to explore Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH),
where sgn : Z → {0, 1} returns 0 if its integer argument is
which has exactly this property. Various LSH techniques have
negative and returns 1 otherwise. Note that the notation h·, ·i
been researched to identify that files (i.e. byte streams) are
denotes the inner product between the two specified vectors.
similar based on their hashes. In the appendix, we examine
Let x1 , x2 ∈ {0, 1}n be two input vectors. It holds for all
a well-known LSH function called TLSH that exhibits high (1) (2)
performance and matching accuracy but, as determined in the i ∈ {1, . . . , m} that Pr[hi = hi ] = 1 − θ(x1π,x2 ) where
(1) (2)
appendix, does not provide a sufficient degree of security h = S3HashR (x1 ), h = S3HashR (x2 ) and θ(x1 , x2 ) is
for our application. Below we assess another type of LSH the angle between x1 and x2 . Therefore the similarity of the
function, which does not have the same runtime performance inputs is preserved in the similarity of the hashes.
as TLSH, but as we shall see, exhibits provable security for An important question is: Is this hash function suitable
our application and therefore is good choice for adoption in for our application? The answer is in the affirmative because
our framework. it can be proved that the function information-theoretically
obeys a property we call input-hiding that we defined in
A. Input Hiding Section IV-A. We recall that this property means that if we
choose some binary vector x ∈ {0, 1}n and give the hash
In the cryptographic definition of one-way functions, it
h = S3HashR (x) to an adversary, it is either computationally
is required that it is hard to find any preimage of the
hard or information-theoretically impossible for the adversary
function. However, we can relax our requirements for many
to learn x or any partial information about x. This property
applications because it does not matter if for example a
is sufficient in our application since we only have to ensure
random preimage can be computed as long as it is hard to
that no information is leaked about the user’s iris template.
learn information about the specific preimage that was used
We now prove that our variant locality-sensitive hash function
to compute the hash. In this section, we introduce a property
S3Hash is information-theoretically input hiding.
that captures this idea, a notion we call input hiding.
Input hiding means that if we choose some preimage x Theorem 4.1: Let X denote the random variable corre-
and give the hash h = H(x) to an adversary, it is either sponding to the domain of the hash function. If H(X) ≥
computationally hard or information-theoretically impossible m + λ then S3Hash is information-theoretically input hiding
for the adversary to learn x or any partial information about where λ is the security parameter.
x. This is captured in the following formal definition.
Proof : The random vectors in R can be thought of as vectors
Definition 4.1: A hash function family H with domain
of coefficients corresponding to a set of m linear equation
X := {0, 1}n and range Y := {0, 1}m is said to be input
in n unknowns on the left hand side and on the right hand
hiding if for all randomly chosen hash functions H ←$ H, all
side we have the m elements, one for each equation, which
i ∈ [n] and all randomly chosen inputs x ←$ X and all PPT
are components of the hash i.e. (h1 , . . . , hm ). Now the inner
adversaries A it holds that
h i product is evaluated over the integers and the sgn function
Pr xi = 0 ∧ A(i, H(x)) → 1 −
maps an integer to an element of {0, 1} depending on its sign.
h i The random vectors are chosen to be ternary. Suppose we
Pr xi = 1 ∧ A(i, H(x)) → 1 ≤ negl(λ) choose a finite field Fp where p ≥ 2(m + 1) is a prime. Since

there will be no overflow when evaluating the inner product
where λ is the security parameter. in this field, a solution in this field is also a solution over
the integers. We are interested only in the binary solutions.
B. Our Variant of SimHash Because m < n, the system is underdetermined. Since there
Random projection hashing, proposed by Charikar [1], pre- are n − m degrees of freedom in a solution, it follows that
serves the cosine distance between two vectors in the output there are 2n−m binary solutions and each one is equally likely.
of the hash, such that two hashes are probabilistically similar Now let r denote the redundancy of the input space i.e. r =
depending on the cosine distance between the two preimage n − H(X). The fraction of the 2n−m solutions that are valid
vectors. This hash function is called SimHash. We describe inputs is 2n−m−r . If 2n−m−r > 2λ , then the probability of
a slight variant of SimHash here, which we call S3Hash. In an adversary choosing the “correct” preimage is negligible
our variant, the random vectors that are used are sampled in the security parameter λ. For this condition to hold, it is
from the finite field of F3 = {−1, 0, 1}. Suppose we choose required that n−m−r > λ (recall that r = n−H(X)), which
a hash length of m bits. Now for our purposes, the input follows if H(X) ≥ m + λ as hypothesized in the statement
vectors to the hash are binary vectors in {0, 1}n for some n. of the theorem. It follows that information-theoretically an
Then first we choose m random vectors ri ←$ {−1, 0, 1}n for unbounded adversary has a negligible advantage in the input
i ∈ {1, . . . , m}. Let R = {ri }i∈{1,...,m} be the set of these hiding definition. 
Our initial estimates suggest that the entropy of • Blockchain.Broadcast(P, skP , tx): On input a party
the distribution of binary feature vectors outputted by identifier P that identifies the sending party, a secret
Iris.ExtractFeatureVector is greater than m + λ for parameter key skP for party P and a transaction tx (whose form
choices such as m = 256 and λ = 128. A more thorough is described below), then broadcast the transaction tx to
analysis however is deferred to future work. the peer-to-peer network for inclusion in the next block.
The transaction will be included iff P ∈ P.
C. Evaluation • Blockchain.AnonBroadcast(skP , tx) : On input a secret

We have ran experiments with S3Hash applied to feature key skP for a party P and a transaction tx, then anony-
vectors obtained using our Iris.ExtractFeatureVector algo- mously broadcast the transaction tx to the peer-to-peer
rithm. The distance measure we use is the hamming distance. network for inclusion in the next block. The transaction
The results of these experiments are shown in Table II. Results will be included iff P ∈ P.
for a threshold of 0.3 in particular indicates that our approach • Blockchain.GetNumBlocks(): Return the total number of

shows promise. We hope to make further improvements in blocks currently in the blockchain.
future work. • Blockchain.RetrieveBlock(blockNo): Retrieve and return
the block at index blockNo, which is a non-negative
Threshold FAR FRR integer between 0 and Blockchain.GetNumBlocks() − 1.
0.25 3.99 64.26 A transaction has the form (type, payload, party, signature).
0.26 6.35 57.35
0.27 9.49 49.63 A transaction in an anonymous broadcast is of the form
0.28 13.92 43.79 (type, payload, ⊥, ⊥). The payload of a transaction is inter-
0.29 19.60 36.47 preted and parsed depending on its type. In our application,
0.3 26.23 30.79
0.31 34.01 25.10
there are two permissible types: ’rec’ (a record transaction
0.32 42.30 19.33 which consists of a pair (ID, record)) and ’hscan’ (biometric
0.33 50.91 16.00 hash transaction which consists of a hash of an iris feature
0.34 59.04 11.94 vector). This will become clear from context in our formal
0.35 67.05 8.53
description of our framework in the next section which makes
TABLE II: FAR & FRR for the CASIA-Iris-Interval Data Set use of the above interface as a building block. The final point
is that a block is a pair (hash, transactions) consisting of the
hash of the block and a set of transactions {txi }i∈[`] .
A blockchain is used in the system for immutable storage A. Overview
of vaccination records of individuals. The blockchain we
In this section we provide a formal description of our pro-
employ is a permissioned ledger to which blocks can only
posed framework which makes use of the building blocks pre-
be added by authorized entities or persons such as hospitals,
sented in the previous sections. Our proposed system makes
primary health care centers, clinicians etc. Such entities have
use of a two-factor authentication mechanism to uniquely
to obtain a public-key certificate from a trusted third party
identify an individual on the blockchain. The parameters
and store it on the blockchain as a transaction before they
required to recreate an identifier is based on information that
are allowed to add blocks to the ledger. The opportunity
“one knows” and biometric information that “one possess”.
to add a new block is controlled in a round robin fashion,
thereby eliminating the need to perform a computationally
intensive PoW process. Any transactions that are broadcast
to the P2P network are signed by the entity that created
the transaction, and can be verified by all other nodes by
downloading the public key of the signer from the ledger
itself. An example of distributed ledger technology that fulfills
the above requirements is MultiChain [8].

A. Interface
Fig. 2: Blockchain Structure
We now describe an abstract interface for the permissioned
blockchain that captures the functionality we need. Consider When a user presents themselves to an organization partic-
a set of parties P̂. A subset of parties P ⊂ P̂ are authorized ipating in the system, such as a hospital, primary care center,
to write to the blockchain. Each party P ∈ P has a secret key GP clinic etc., that has the authority to add transactions to
skP which it uses to authenticate itself and gain permission to the blockchain, they are asked for their DoB (dd/mm/yyyy)
write to the blockchain. How a party acquires authorization and Gender (male/female/other) details. In addition, the
is beyond the scope of this paper. For our purposes, the organization captures a number of scans of the user’s iris, and
permissioned blockchain consists of the following algorithms: creates a hash H1 (fv) from the feature vector extracted from
the “best” biometric scan data. Our system then generates an user, e.g. when a booster dose has been administered to the
unique 256-bit identifier (ID) for the user: user. However if we go through the set of returned matches
and cannot match ID f to an existing ID in a vaccination
ID = H2 (DoB || Gender || H1 (fv)) (2) record on the blockchain, i.e. this is the first time the user
is presenting to the service, then we store the iris scan hash
If the user is presenting to the system for the first time, data H1 (fv) as an anonymous record on the blockchain, and
then a hash of the user’s iris scan data i.e. H1 (fv) is stored subsequently the ID and COVID-19 vaccination details for
as an anonymous transaction on the blockchain. As we can the user as a separate transaction. In each case the transaction
see in Figure 2, there are three anonymous transactions (i.e. is broadcast at a random interval on the blockchain peer-to-
Hash of Scan Data) stored on the blockchain pertaining to peer (P2P) network for it to be verified by other nodes in
three different users. The reader is referred to Section IV for the system, and for it to be eventually added to a block to
more details on how the hash is calculated in our system. the blockchain. Uploading the two transactions belonging to
Note that the storage of the anonymous hash data has to a user at random intervals ensures that the transactions are
be carried only once per registered user in the system. A stored on separate blocks on the blockchain, and an attacker
secondary transaction which consists of the derived ID and is not easily able to identify the relationship between the two.
the user’s vaccination record is also stored separately on
the blockchain. Figure 2 shows a blockchain in which there
are three COVID-19 vaccination record transactions on the B. Formal Description
blockchain pertaining to three different users. We present a formal description of our framework in Fig-
ure 4 and Figure 5. Note that the algorithms described in these
figures are intended to formally describe the fundamental
desired functionality of our framework and are so described
for ease of exposition and clarity; in particular, they are naive
and non-optimized, specifically not leveraging more efficient
data structures as would a real-world implementation.
Let H be a family of collision-resistant hash functions.
The algorithms in Figure 4 are stateful (local variables that
contain retrieved information from the blockchain are shared
and accessible to all algorithms). Furthermore, the parameters
tuple params generated in Setup is an implicit argument to
all other algorithms.
The algorithms invoked by the algorithms in Figure 4 can
be found in Figure 5.


Fig. 3: Algorithm Workflow A natural direction for future work is to conduct a thorough
analysis of Locality-sensitive hashing in security applications.
Figure 3 describes the overall algorithm that we employ in In this work, we argue that the technique of random projection
our proposed system. When a user presents themselves to an which has provable security for our requirements should be
entity or organisation running the service, they are asked for preferred over a candidate LSH such as TLSH, which has
their DoB and Gender, and to provide an iris scan (Scan). only heuristic security. A more in-depth analysis of TLSH
The system creates a hash H1 (fv) out of the feature vector from a security perspective is a potential avenue of future
extracted from the “best” biometric data out of a few scans work. Our system also does not achieve unlinkability, the
that it takes of the user’s iris. The algorithm then tries to property whereby the stored data pertaining to the biometric,
match the calculated hash H1 (fv) with existing “anonymous” which in our case is the LSH hash, if generated multiple times
hashes that are stored on the blockchain. It may get back a set for the same user should not make it possible to determine that
of hashes that are somewhat “close” to the calculated hash. they belong to the same user. This is important for revocability
In that case the algorithm concatenates each returned hash and then later renewability (when the user enrolls again after
(M atchi ) with the user’s DoB and Gender to produce ID. f It revocation), which our system can support but in a transparent
then tries to match IDf with an ID in a vaccination record manner that reveals the revocation and renewal of the user.
transaction on the blockchain. Keeping this information private is another direction for future
If a match is found then the user is already registered on the work. However since our application is medical and would
system and has a vaccination record. At this point we may just be unlikely that someone would wish to revoke vaccination
wish to retrieve the record or add an additional record for the records, it is not particularly a high-priority feature.
Algorithm Setup(1λ ) Algorithm Authenticate(dob, gender, scan)
ri ←$ {−1, 0, 1}n for i ∈ {1, . . . , m} for i ∈ [m]. Sync()
R ← {r1 , . . . , rm } fv ← Iris.ExtractFeatureVector(scan)
H1 ←$ H hscan ← H2 (fv)
H2 ← S3HashR ID ← H1 (dob k gender k hscan)
numBlocks ← 0 If ID ∈ ids:
ids ← ∅ Return ID
records ← ∅ For each h ∈ hscans:
hscans ← ∅ d ← Dist(hscan, h)
Sync() If d < THRESHOLD:
Return params := (H1 , H2 ) f ← H1 (dob k gender k h)
f ∈ ids:
Algorithm AddRecord(P, skP , dob, gender, scan, record)
ID ← Authenticate(dob, gender, scan) Return ID
If ID = ⊥: Return ⊥
ID ← Enroll(P, skP , dob, gender, scan, record)
Algorithm Enroll(P, skP , dob, gender, scan, initRecord)
payload ← (ID, record)
fv ← Iris.ExtractFeatureVector(scan)
σ ← Sign(skP , payload)
hscan ← H2 (fv)
tx ← (’rec’, payload, P, σ)
ID ← H1 (dob k gender k hscan)
Blockchain.Broadcast(P, skP , tx)
payload ← (ID, initRecord)
records ← records ∪ {(ID, record)}
σ ← Sign(skP , payload)
tx ← (’rec’, payload, P, σ)
Algorithm FetchRecords(dob, gender, scan) Blockchain.Broadcast(P, skP , tx)
ID ← Authenticate(dob, gender, scan) t ←$ {1, . . . , 100}
If ID = ⊥: tx0 ← (’hscan’, hscan)
Return ∅ Queue execution of Blockchain.AnonBroadcast(skP , tx0 )
results ← {record : (ID, record) ∈ records} after time t
Return results ids ← ids ∪ {ID}
hscans ← hscans ∪ {hscan}
Fig. 4: Our Framework for a COVID-19 Passport records ← records ∪ {(ID, initRecord)}
Return ID
Algorithm Sync()
VIII. C ONCLUSION newNumBlocks ← Blockchain.GetNumBlocks()
If newNumBlocks > numBlocks:
In this paper we have detailed a framework to build a For numBlocks ≤ i < newNumBlocks:
global vaccination passport using a distributed ledger. The block ← Blockchain.RetrieveBlock(i)
main contribution of our work is to combine a Locality- (hash, transactions) ← block
sensitive hashing mechanism with a blockchain to store the For each tx ∈ transactions:
(type, payload, ·, ·) ← tx
vaccination records of users. The SimHash LSH function is If type = ’rec’:
used to derive an identifier that leaks no personal information (ID, record) ← payload
about an individual. The only way to extract a user record ids ← ids ∪ {ID}
from the blockchain is by the user presenting themselves in records ← records ∪ {(ID, record)}
person to an authorised entity, and providing an iris scan along Else if type = ’hscan’:
hscan ← payload
with other personal data in order to drive the correct user hscans ← hscans ∪ {hscan}
identifier. numBlocks ← newNumBlocks
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with important caveats.
In fact, such apparent limitations inform a valuable direc-
An open-source algorithm for LSH is TLSH - Trend Micro tion for future work, namely an exploration of hash functions
Locality Sensitive Hash [9]. We believed that this hashing that offer both cryptographic strength and locality preserva-
mechanism can be used on the biometric templates to generate tion while remaining practical. Immediately, there appears to
similar hashes which can then be written to the ledger. be a severe impediment to achieving both simultaneously,
which is that the strict avalanche criterion exemplifying the
desired diffusion property of a cryptographically-strong hash
function is explicitly violated in accommodating locality
preservation. On the other hand, our application in this paper
does not require all of the properties typically demanded
of a crytographically-secure hash function such as second-
preimage resistance and collision resistance. Specifically, the
sought-after property here is a input hiding as defined in
Section IV-A.
Let us consider how a possible attack on TLSH would pro-
ceed with the objective of computing some partial information
about the input, given just the hash h. We can achieve a
lot with some precomputation using a brute-force approach
for all n-bit combinations, where n is a “small” integer
denoting the length of the bit sequence whose appearance
Fig. 6: Overview of the TLSH Mechanism in the input we wish to determine. Suppose we have n = 24,
i.e. a triplet of bytes. We can apply Pearson and find the
In TLSH, the input byte stream is processed using a sliding buckets for every n-bit combination. By looking at the two-bit
window of length 5 to populate the buckets. At each step, 6 designations for each bucket contained in the hash h, we can
triplets (out of a total of 10 possible triplets) are fed into estimate how likely it is that the selected n-bit combination
the Pearson hashing function [10] which is used as a bucket appears in the input. However, since there are a great many
mapping function. The bucket corresponding to the value we preimages that map to the same bucket, we can only make
get from that function is incremented. Finally after the entire rough predictions. Immediately, for example, the absence of
byte stream is traversed, quartile points (q1, q2 and q3) are the n-bit combination or its relative infrequency in the input
calculated using the bucket values. We determine a 2 bit result is evident from a low value corresponding to the associated
for each of the buckets depending upon the value v it stores - bucket.
00 if v <= q1, else 01 if v <= q2, else 10 if v <= q3, else However, we can only establish a likelihood for the occur-
11. The final hash value is the concatenation of an additional rence of the n-bit combination in the input; in particular, we
header and all these individual outputs. strictly cannot determine the positions in the input these n-bit
If one of the bytes from the input stream is changed, it will combinations occur. Nevertheless, we have identified a crude
affect the values of 18 buckets at maximum. However, since method to reveal certain partial information about the input.
the final hash is calculated using quartiles, the effect will not While this immediately precludes TLSH from being employed
be seen on all of the 36 bits (i.e. 2 bits each from each of those in general security applications, if we restrict ourselves to the
18 buckets). When the change in input stream is larger, but specialized context of this work, we see that this approach
localised, the total effect on the final hash per byte of input might not be successful in revealing sensitive information
change is drastically reduced. This allows TLSH (and similar about a user’s iris template, although further investigation
is needed to make firm conclusions. We concede that the
cryptanalytic endeavor in this section is brief and cursory,
we invite the community to conduct further cryptanalysis on
the preimage resistance of TLSH. For the moment, strong
security assurances cannot be made with respect to TLSH.
Instead what we have is heuristic security. As such, TLSH
is a candidate locality-sensitive hash function in relation to

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