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College of Engineering and Technology

Chemical Engineering Department

Assignment No. 2
Methods of Research
Research Problem

Submitted by:
SALAZAR, Marc Joshua J.
BS ChE 3-1

Submitted to:
Engr. Milagros R. Cabangon

Submitted on:
October 15, 2020
1. How is a problem known to be a research problem?

For a problem to be identified as a research problem, it should be

significant, specific, difficult or a knowledge gap which requires solution through
reflective thinking. Its solution should contribute practical changes, progress and
knowledge expansion to the society. The research problem however depends on
the interest and type of research a researcher wants to do.

2. What are the elements of a research problem?

a. Objective of the problem which is to be investigated.

This answers the question why is there a need for inquiry or study

b. Topic or theme which needs to be investigated

This answers what should be studied or researched.

c. Time dimension of a decision problem is always the future

This is important since the time frame must consider in data

d. Area or location in which the study is to be conducted

This answers the question where the study should be conducted.

e. Population or universe from whom the data needs to be gathered

This answers the respondents or beneficiaries that will be involved
in the study.

3. How is a good research problem selected? What are the guidelines in selecting a
research problem?

In ensuring the completion of the study, research problem should be

carefully selected and such guidelines are as follows:
i. Hazards must be considered in selecting a research problem either
physical, social or legal
ii. The research problem must be within the ability of researcher to
iii. It must be within the researcher’s competence to attain an
understanding of the study.
iv. It must be within the specialization of the researcher.
v. It must be within the interest of the researcher. This can help to finish
the whole investigation faster and easier.
vi. It must be chosen by the researcher to avoid excuses.
vii. It must not lean-to violence but by peaceful means. Change and
progress can only be beneficial without the means of violence.
viii. It must not undermine the moral and spiritual values of the people
ix. It must be a door for the solution of the problem intended to be
x. It must contribute to human knowledge which is the purpose of
xi. It must contribute to the progress of the quality of human life.
xii. It must be versatile in terms of the researcher’s resources but
impactful enough to provide significance and development to the
selected population.
xiii. It must require critical thinking since research is considered original
and innovative.
xiv. The results must be practical and implementable.
xv. It should be timely. This means that the research should contribute
an impact to today’s living.
xvi. It can be completed within a reasonable period of time since research
are mostly done by college students.
xvii. It should be researchable and manageable
✓ Data must be accessible and available. Locations of the
selected respondents must be considered.
✓ Data must be accurate, objective and unbiased. This is to
strengthen the reliability of the entire study.
✓ The data must answer the specific questions.
✓ Hypothesis must be testable to determine the validity of the
whole study.
✓ All instruments should be available to investigate and gather
data for the study.
xviii. Researcher must have a reward after the study is completed.
✓ Monetary to maximize the research for further studies and
also for publications.
✓ Promotions, improved specialization, enhanced prestige and
reputation, and satisfaction of intellectual curiosity. These
rewards are some of the reasons why research is widely
developing for the past decades.
4. How is the title of research problem formulated?

Here are the few guidelines in formulating the research problem title:

i. The title must be formulated before starting the research or study. In

this way, the researchers can focus on the investigation and has a
clear perspective of what it is to be studied.
ii. The title must include the topic of the study, population involved,
locale and the period when the data were collected.
iii. It must be brief and concise
iv. It should indicate what is expected to be found in the research study
v. Avoid using the terms “An Analysis of”, “A Study of” and the like since
the research is considered to be done by these terms.
vi. It must be written in capital letters and in an inverted pyramid format.

5. How are the general and specific questions of a research problem formulated?
In formulating a research problem, writing questions are suggested to
define the holistic approach of the study. The following are the guidelines for
such tasks:
i. The statement of the problem should be formulated before
conducting the research starting from general to specific to sub-
ii. State the specific subproblems in interrogative form.
iii. Specific questions must be clear and has only one meaning.
iv. Specific questions must be researchable apart from other questions.
v. Specific questions must be based on facts to increase the reliability
of research.
vi. Answers to specific question must provide development to the whole
study and can be interpreted apart from the answers to other specific
vii. Adding up the answers from the specific questions will yield a
complete development to the research.
viii. The number of specific questions should cover the development of
the entire study.
ix. General statement of the problem should be broken up into
subproblems or specific question.
6. Why are assumptions and hypothesis important in research? What function do
they serve? How are they formulated? Are hypotheses always explicit? Why?

In writing a research, developing assumptions and hypotheses are relevant

to yield specific questions from the research problem and to investigate variables
through scientific method. Assumptions are usually self-evident based on a
phenomenon. Its function is to help in conceptualizing specific question in the
On the other hand, hypotheses are the tentative answers to the specific
questions of the study. It should be explicitly stated for experimental investigations,
since hypothesis is part of the systematic scientific method. However, it can be
implicitly stated in descriptive and historical investigations since the specific
questions play its role in this particular study. Furthermore, hypotheses served as
bases for determining assumptions, data relevance, explanation to the gathered
data and help for the methods, instruments, design and framework of the research.
Here are some guidelines in formulating assumptions and hypotheses:

1. The researcher
1. Hypotheses should
should not assume
be expressed in
the value of the
study since it should
be identified in the
comparative and
significance of the
correlational studies.
2. Hypotheses are
2. The researcher
seldom expressed in
should not assume
descriptive and
the instruments’
historical studies
reliability since it
since subproblems
should be stated in
play their functions.
the methodology.
3. It is usually
3. The researcher
formulated as null
should not assume
hypothesis for easier
the validity of data.
4. The researcher
4. It is formulated
should not assume
based on
the typicality of
subproblems or
specific questions.
5. Remember that
assumption is not
tested, defended, or

Calderon, J. & Gonzales, E. (1993). Methods of Research and Thesis Writing. The
Research Problem. (pp.21-33).

McCombes, S. (2019). How do you define your research problem. Retrieved from

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