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November 6th, 2018. Vol. 02 NO 51 Call:1800-200-3757 www.biotecnika.


JNCASR Mid-Year Eco-Friendly Green PhD (Integrated)

Admission 2018-19 Crackers Developed Program MSc-PhD in
Postgraduate & Research By CSIR Lab Biotechnology @ RCB
Programme Faridabad
Ph.D. Admissions News Ph.D. Admissions
Page 3 Page 11 Page 5


Guidelines for Candidates PHD MID TERM ADMISSION 2018 @ S N BOSE


Planning for PhD

in S t a t e
●● PhD Mid Term Admission 2018 for biological
sciences candidates at S N Bose National Centre for Ba-
sic Sciences, Kolkata. S N Bose National Centre for...

of India Page 4

follows ICAR NET 2018



in many State
Universities. All
rules and regu-
By Preety Suman lations framed
by UGC, India ●● Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board (ASRB)
ICAR-NET (II) 2018 notification has been released. In-
for PhD admis-
State Universities are defined as the uni- terested candidates can check out all of the details on the
sion, allocation of centres, prescribed educational qualifications...
versities that are funded and run by the
Research Super-
state government and now they became the
visor, coursework
joint responsibility of both the Central and
planning and evaluation
Page 10
the State government, following the con-
of PhD thesis based on
stitutional change in 1976. There are 251
Standards and Proce-
State Universities including both public
dures. Students who
and private Universities of which, the UGC NEWS
plan their PhD studies
has been making budgetary plan allocation
in State Universities
for 123 state universities facilitating cre- NEW CELL STRUCTURE IN HUMANS
can perform their
ation, augmentation and up-gradation of DISCOVERED BY SCIENTISTS
doctoral research in
infrastructural facilities. In general, a PhD
the well-sophisti-
cated research envi-
Read more on Page 2 ronment and...

PH.D. ADMISSIONS ●● Scientists at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden with UK


teammates have discovered a novel cell structure in Hu-
mans. As per the research paper published in Nature Cell
Biology, this new structure is a protein...

●● The official announcement for the IISER Tirupati
PhD Biology Program Admissions January 2019 has
been made and the application portal has been opened. Page 12
Interested applicants can check out all of the details on
the course offeres, the minimal...

Page 7
PH.D. ADMISSIONS SPECIAL November 6th, 2018
Vol. 02 NO 51

Guideline For Pursuing PhD in State Universities

of India
There are 251 State Universities including both public and private Universities of which, the UGC has been making budgetary plan allocation for 123 state universities fa-
cilitating creation, augmentation and up-gradation of infrastructural facilities.

Yes. Hostel facility is available for both men and

women in almost all State Universities except a
few like Anna University, Chennai. Based on the
availability of rooms, hostel accommodation shall
be provided to the PhD scholars.

6. How is a Guide and Co-Guide decided?

• The allocation of Research Supervisor for

a selected research scholar shall be decided by
the Department concerned. It depends on the
research interests of the scholars, number of
scholars per Research Supervisor and the avail-
able specialization among the Supervisors.
• In case of topics which are of interdiscipli-
nary nature, the concerned Department may
appoint a Research Supervisor from outside
the Department as Co-Guide with the ap-
proval of Institutional Research Board.

• Note – It is recommended to get the accept-

ance from a Research supervisor prior to the
official processes.
• to permit a candidate to avail the research • Some universities follow the ranking system
ALL THE STATE UNIVERSITIES facilities available at the organization and many other criteria to evaluate the perfor- 7. How many Guides am I allowed to work with?
FOLLOW RULES AND REGULA- mance in the entrance examination. For exam-
TIONS FRAMED BY UGC, INDIA Part-time PhD programme (on Campus): ple, Pondicherry University considers candi- You are allowed to work with only one guide.
FOR PHD ADMISSION, ALLOCA- Candidates working in Govt./Govt. Aided Engi- dates who score more positive marks with less In case of interdisciplinary research and if the
TION OF RESEARCH SUPERVI- neering Colleges and Polytechnic Colleges Govt/ negative marks in the entrance examination. Supervisor retires from the service, a Joint-Su-
Govt. aided/ private Engineering/Technology col- pervisor/Co-Guide who is a subject expert can
SOR, COURSEWORK PLANNING leges or Science and Arts Colleges/ Universities 3. I have completed M. Phil. Will I be ex- also be included.
AND EVALUATION OF PHD shall produce No Objection Certificate from the empted from the Entrance Test?
THESIS BASED ON STANDARDS Head of Institution for PhD registration. 8. Do I need to approach the potential su-
AND PROCEDURES As per the UGC regulations, the particular Uni- pervisor myself?
Additional certificates required in case of can- versity may decide separate terms and conditions
By Preety Suman
didates applying for Part-time PhD programme: for those students who qualify CSIR/UGC JRF/ Yes, that is the preliminary step. Based on your
NET/SLET/ GATE examinations or have passed research interest, you have to approach a super-
In general, a PhD follows master’s degree and • Relieving certificate from the employer M.Phil programme with respect to the entrance visor. Consent from a recognized supervisor
takes four to five years for completion in many – to relieve the candidate to complete his/her test. In general, candidates who qualify exam- from a recognized department is mandatory
State Universities. Students who plan their residential requirement inations or have M.Phil degree are exempted to consider the application for admission to
PhD studies in State Universities can perform • Experience certificate from the em- from entrance test in many State Universities. Ph.D. programmes. PhD application without
their doctoral research in the well-sophisticat- ployer to state the number of years a candi- the consent of the Supervisor shall be sum-
ed research environment and meet researchers date is working with the employer. There are different terms and conditions in marily rejected.
with high expertise in nearly all scientific disci- various Universities.
plines. Here are certain Guideline For Pursuing 2. In the PhD entrance test, what subject will 9. What are the criteria for Exemption
PhD in State Universities of India I be tested in and what is the difficulty level? • No exemption for candidates with M Phil from the Course work?
degree and exemption only for candidates who
1. Who must submit a NOC (No Objection As per UGC regulations, all the State Universi- have qualified UGC, UGC-NET (including JRF)/ As per UGC regulation, the coursework shall be
Certificate)? ties, deemed to be Universities and affiliated col- UGC-CSIR NET (including JRF)/SLET/teacher treated as pre-PhD preparation and a PhD student
leges shall conduct an Entrance test followed by fellowship after admission should undertake a coursework for
There shall be two broad categories of candi- interview for the admission of PhD programme. • The exemption only from written test and a minimum period of one semester. A course must
dates who are expected to submit NOC during Entrance test pattern and selection criteria can be not from the interview for candidates with M. include a course on Research Methodology which
PhD application decided by the individual University. Phil and who have qualified competitive exams may involve quantitative methods and computer ap-
– University of North Bengal plications. A coursework includes
Full-time PhD programme: In case of can- • The entrance test which will be conducted • Exemption for candidates who have ob-
didates who are applying for Full-time PhD by the respective Department and the syllabus tained M.Phil from the same University and • Research Methodology – quantitative
application and have passed their qualifying for the written test differs for various speciali- not for candidates who have obtained a M.Phil methods, computer applications, research eth-
examination from other Boards / Universities, zations based on the department the candidate degree from other Universities. ics and review of published research in the rele-
they need to obtain eligibility certificate from is applying for. vant field, training, field work, etc.
the Registrar of the proposed University, before • The Syllabus of the Entrance Test will con- 4. How is a research topic/ preliminary re- • Advanced level courses in the subject concerned
granting admission to them. sist of 50% of research methodology and 50% search idea decided? • Background paper relating to candidates’PhD work
shall be on subject specific to the Depart- • Special electives – specific to the area of re-
Part-time PhD programme (External): ment to which the candidate is applying. • A Research Advisory Committee (Doctor- search recommended by the Doctoral Committee
Candidates working in reputed industry/organi- • In certain State Universities, for candidates al Committee), for each Ph.D. scholar, will be
zation having R & D facilities and Government applying for interdisciplinary research, the En- formed comprising of Supervisor, Head of the De- In relevance to Exemption criteria from
Research Laboratories where the research work trance Test will be a common Entrance test with partment, Co-Supervisors in case of interdiscipli- coursework,
of the candidate can be officially sponsored by general paper and its syllabus will be framed by nary research and subject experts to review the re-
the employer are considered under this catego- the interdisciplinary Board of Studies. search proposal and finalize the topic of research. • Candidates already holding M. Phil. De-
ry. At the time of PhD admission, such candi- • A minimum cumulative mark of 50% is • This committee will guide the research scholar to gree from the same University is permitted
dates should provide NOC from the employer fixed for selection based on the candidate’s per- develop the study design and methodology of research. to proceed to the Ph.D. without coursework.
expressing their willingness formance in the Entrance test, Qualifying exam • This committee will periodically review and monitor • Scholars with M.Phil. Degree in the Faculty
and Interview. the progress of the research work of the research scholar. of Science and Humanities have been exempt-
• to pay full salary to the candidate • There shall be a slight change in the mini- ed from course works only when the M.Phil. A
• to relieve the candidate to complete the PhD mum qualifying mark in the entrance test where 5. Does University provide any Hostel facil-
research requirement it is 55% in the University of Mysore. ity to a PhD scholar? Next Page>>>>
November 6th, 2018

degree is related to the proposed Ph.D. research mission of the thesis as per UGC guidelines. In 16. I have done my M.Sc in botany, but I sively help them navigate a problem, provide
work and when it is recommended by the Doctor- certain Universities like the University of Madras, have a research project proposal in Microbi- training in research methods and ultimately
al Committee. it is mandatory to publish two research papers in ology, will I be eligible? guide in writing research results. The primary
• Candidates having M.Phil degree from a case of Science discipline in a refereed journal. output of any PhD student is to publish research
different institution and in an interdiscipli- Yes, you can apply. If both the subjects of the papers that disclose new results and discoveries
nary subject may need to undergo the course- 12. Am I expected to teach while pursuing candidate’s post-graduate degree and the disci- made by the students during the course of their
work. PhD at this Institute/University? pline of the department in which the candidate PhD research. Since it is mandatory to publish
• M.Phil. Degree obtained through Dis- is applying for his/her doctoral research are dif- research papers, PhD in State Universities can
tance/Correspondence/ Open University Not mandatory. However many Universities ferent, then their PhD degree will be mentioned improve the chance of wider recognition and
System is not considered for exemption of will support the PhD scholars involving in as “interdisciplinary”. contribution to the scientific community for
course works. teaching with Teaching Research Fellowship. any PhD research Scholar. Also, India has a
• In integrated PG and PhD Degree, Can- To conclude, by joining in a State University, growing demand for researchers who are nec-
didates may be exempted by the Department 13. Will I be selected for the written test/ PhD Students can work with highly educated essary to drive the country to the forefront of
from the PhD coursework. interview if I meet the eligibility criteria? and experienced faculty advisors who exten- innovation and excellence.
• All other candidates admitted to the PhD
programme shall be required to complete the • The admission is entirely based on merit basis.
Ph.D. coursework prescribed by the Depart- • The research board shall screen the applications
ment. as per the eligibility norms and the candidates who
meet the eligibility criteria will be called for en-
10. Is a transfer to/ from another University trance test followed by an interview.
possible during the course of PhD program? • 50%-55% of marks from the qualifying exam-
ination, i.e. PG Degree and another 50% based on
• The candidates pursuing their Ph.D. with entrance examination comprising of both written
one University can transfer their registration to test and interview shall be considered for the se-
certain State Technical Universities like Anna lection of candidates for PhD candidates.
University of Technology (Madurai) for which
the candidate’s existing status regarding the 14. How many seats are there for PhD ad-
coursework, confirmation of registration and mission this year?
duration of study shall be considered and suita-
bly upheld at the discretion of Vice-Chancellor. It depends on the number of PhD students un-
• Transfer of Ph.D. candidate from one Su- der an individual Research Supervisor.
pervisor to another Supervisor can be accom- • A Professor can guide a maximum of eight
plished with mutual willingness granted by (8) Ph.D. scholars.
both the present and proposed Supervisors. • An Associate Professor can guide up to a
• For a change of supervisors, documents in- maximum of six (6) Ph.D. scholars
cluding No Objection Certificate from the pres- • An Assistant Professor can guide up to a
ent supervisor, Willingness certificate from the maximum of four (4) Ph.D. scholars.
proposed supervisor and the details of scholars
currently pursuing research under the proposed 15. What do I need to do other than filling up
supervisor are necessary. the online form? Do I need to post a print out
• As per UGC announcement on 2016, of the application form? Do I need to post a
women PhD candidates are allowed to copy of my certificates, mark sheets, etc.?
transfer the research data to the University
where she relocates from the parent Uni- Application form can be downloaded from the
versity because of marriage without any University website and filled-in form should be
hurdle. In such a case, it is mandatory to sent to the University administration along with
give credit to both the parent University certificates and mark sheets.
as well as the University where the female
candidate relocates. In some Universities, an online application
needs to be duly filled in, to be printed, and to
11. Is it mandatory to publish a research pa- be duly signed by the concerned Scholar, Su-
per before submitting the thesis for award of pervisor, HOD of Supervisor and Joint Supervi-
PhD degree from this Institute/University? sor if any and to be sent to the University along
with the photocopies of certificates and mark
Yes, it is mandatory to publish at least one re- statements
search paper in a refereed journal before the sub-

JNCASR Mid-Year Admission 2018-19 –

Postgraduate & Research Programme
The Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) is a multidisciplinary research institute located at Jakkur, Bangalore, India. It was established by the Department of
Science and Technology of the Government of India, to mark the birth centenary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

JNCASR invites applications for admission to M.S. While the vast majority of those pupils the onset of the January semester). So as to qualify
JNCASR HAS A BRIGHT AND DI- (Engg. / Research) / PhD Programmes in Sciences and are pursuing Ph. D. degree, we also have students for consideration in these interviews, students need
VERSE STUDENT BODY. AT THE Engineering for the session starting from January registered in our Integrated Ph. D., M. S. / M. S. to meet different academic criteria, as stated under a
MOMENT, THERE ARE 291 STU- 2019. M.S. (Engg. / Research) / PhD Programmes (Engg.) programmes. The student population at variety of degree programmes listed from the menu
DENTS ENROLLED IN THE SEVERAL in Sciences and Engineering notification from stu- JNCASR is drawn from throughout the length page. Admission in these programs is fairly compet-
ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES OF THE dents who have qualified in NET-JRF under CSIR/ and breadth of this nation; additionally, we often itive. All students That Are admitted to the Centre’s
UGC fellowship schemes or DBT/ICMR – JRF/ have overseas students visiting the Centre un- programmes get stipends Which Are more than suf-
CENTRE. SCHEMES OR DBT/ICMR – INSPIRE-JRF or GATE / JEST / GPAT. JN- der different exchange programmes. Nearly ficient to cover their tuition and living expenses, such
JRF/ INSPIRE-JRF OR GATE / JEST CASR invites applications for admission to all new students joining the Centre throughout as hostel fees, etc
/ GPAT M.S. (Engg. / Research) / PhD Programmes in the August semester every year are admitted, We generally expect students to take less than five years to
Sciences and Engineering for the session start- according to their performance in interviews finish a regular Ph. D. programme. Students that are admit-
By Diluxi Arya ing from January 2019. Detailed information carried out in the early summer. Certain pro-
about eligibility standards, fellowships and on- grammes additionally consider acknowledging
line application form can be found at www.jncasr. students halfway through the academic year (i.e., at Next Page>>>>
PH.D. ADMISSIONS November 6th, 2018
Vol. 02 NO 51

ted to the Integrated Ph. D. programme also get an M. S. de- mammalian (mouse) model systems, and our lab proaches and methods utilized in understanding how
gree, typically 3 years in their programme of study. Along Research Programmes: facilities include the world’s largest locomotor ac- the nervous system functions and determine many
with carrying out research, students take a combination Evolutionary and Integrative Biology Unit tivity monitoring setup. Field studies are carried behaviours of organisms, including humans.
of required and elective courses. The majority of courses out on fruit flies in Bangalore and on elephants
are held on-campus and taught by the Centre’s faculty 1. How do animals know what time of day it is? in the Western Ghats. Much of the work we do Importance notice for prospective applicants:
members. However, students may also opt to attend a 2. How can neuronal inter-connectivity from the isn’t done everywhere else in India. Prospective
few courses at other scientific institutes in the Bangalore brain affect the everyday rhythms of animals? students or postdocs who’d like to get involved • Interviews for admitting students in respective
area. Along with regular academic courses, additional- 3. Why does a particular mortality rate stabilize in top-of-the-line research in chronobiology, evo- Units will be held subject to the vacancies available.
ly, there are seminar courses, and we’ve introduced a some populations while destabilizing others? lutionary genetics, population ecology, wildlife • Selection to the degree programmes of JN-
course on scientific writing. After finishing two years 4. How can patterns of resource accessibility and biology, animal behaviour, and neurogenetics are CASR is subject to exceptional academic back-
in their Ph. D. programmes, pupils must pass an oral genetic relatedness affect the nature of animal welcome to contact us. ground score/percentile/rank obtained in national
comprehensive examination, in which they are present social groups? fellowship exams, recommendations of the refer-
and so are quizzed about their research, in addition to the 5. How can genetics and ecology interact to Neuro Sciences Unit ees and performance at the interview.
material covered in their coursework. Since 2002, the impact the path of evolutionary change? • Mere fulfilling the vital qualifications/eligibili-
Centre is recognized as a”Deemed to be University” Right now, the research interests of this Unit include ty standards won’t require an applicant to be short-
by the University Grants Commission, and students’ These are some of the questions we’re address- the study of synaptic function and its relationship listed for interview.
degrees are awarded directly by JNCASR. Since the ing, employing a combination of approaches (lab with Intellectual Disability, neurogenetics of behav- • The committee shortlists the candidates for writ-
inception of the Centre, 324 degrees are given; these in- experiments, computer simulations, field studies) iour in Drosophila, molecular and cellular mecha- ten evaluation or interviews based on the standards
clude 178Ph. D.’s, 87 M. S. degrees (Integrated Ph. D.), and a range of techniques from qualitative ge- nisms of human brain/mind disorders, biomaterials • The Units offering admission will be men-
55 M. S. (Engg.)And 4 M. Sc. (by research – Biological netics, reverse genomics, phenomics, behaviour for interfacing sensory organs with soft analogue tioned in the application type
Sciences). Pupils that are alumni of the Centre have studies, physiology, molecular biology, ecology, devices as well as molecular neuro-oncology. The
gone on to enjoy successful academic careers, and math and statistics. Our experimental work re- diversity in individual research themes of the faculty Last date for submission of filled-in applica-
are spread out throughout the world. quires the use of both insect (fruit flies, ants) and also reflect the widely different kinds of scientific ap- tion: 22 November 2018

PhD Mid Term Admission 2018 @ S N Bose

National Centre for Basic Sciences
Hello everyone!! Welcome back to Biotecnika’s very own show. We bring to you a lot of facts about the recent Nobel awardees in the field of Biosciences and have a look at the
work done by Nobel Laureates in the past years.

needs to have qualified a National Level

Test (NLT) such as JEST or GATE at the
time of application.

c) there isn’t any age limit for admission.

But applicants should haven’t completed
M.Sc before 2016.
d) A paper advertisement in leading dailies
throughout India is going to be circulated by
e) Candidates will be permitted to apply through
online mode only. No request of accepting hard
copy of the application will be entertained.

4. Fellowship:

In Accordance with the principles of Funding

Agency. For the first two years, an individual will
get a fellowship as Junior Research Fellow(JRF).
Thereafter, upon fulfilling the eligibility standards
of the financing agency, the students will be up-
graded as Senior Research Fellow(SRF). The pro-
gramme is strictly residential and all students will
The Centre charges no fee for the programme. All ic development of students. The students, after regis- be given on-campus accommodation.
PHD MID TERM ADMISSION 2018 students joining the centre get contingency grants to tering using a Research Supervisor, must undertake
FOR BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES CAN- meet research contingency expenses which include a prescribed Course Work Programme according to 5. On-line Application: Starts on 27th Octo-
DIDATES AT S N BOSE NATIONAL expenses for attending conferences and training pro- existing UGC regulations. The details of the admis- ber 2018 and Closes on 18th November 2018.
CENTRE FOR BASIC SCIENCES, grams in India. The students also get generous sup- sion procedure are furnished below:
KOLKATA. S N BOSE NATIONAL port to attend International Conferences outside India 6. Interview Date: 26th November 2018
from the Centre. The Centre has extensive collabora- a) 1. Basic qualification:
CENTRE FOR BASIC SCIENCES, tive research programs together with other premier In the matter of admission, the decision of the
KOLKATA PHD MID TERM ADMIS- International & National institutions through bi-lat- M.Sc/Masters with First Class/Division i.e., Director of the Centre is binding and final.
SIONS 2018 NOTIFICATION AS eral exchanges in which the PhD research scholars minimum 60 percent in aggregate (55 percent
PER DETAILS GIVEN BELOW take an active part. The Centre receives various ex- for SC/ST/OBC applicants ) in Physics, Chem- • For any academic/official query, please
tramural funds from different funding agencies of istry, Applied Mathematics, Biophysics, Bio- write to
India and abroad for its different research programs. chemistry, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology. • For any technical question, please write
By Diluxi Arya
The Centre is fully equipped with the state-of-the- to
art infrastructure (computational and experimental b) Further Qualifications required
The S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Scienc- ) including a digital library for advanced research along with Basic Qualification: Important Dates:
es, a premier autonomous research institute Entirely in chosen areas of Physical, Chemical, Biological
aided by the Department of Science and Technology, and Mathematical Sciences. For research profiles CSIR NET-JRF OR UGC-NET-JRF ( Dec • Publication of the advertisement in
Government of India invites applications with con- of those Faculty members and facilities available at 2016, June/Dec 2017, June/Dec 2018) with Newspapers: 27th October 2018
sistently good academic record (First Division/Class) the Centre, please see the URL: the validity of this award until 01.02.2019) OR • Online application system starts on:
to apply for midterm admission into the PhD Pro- At present, the Centre has almost 160 students in its INSPIRE — PROVISIONALLY SELECTED 27th October 2018
gramme in Physical, Chemical & Biological Scienc- PhD and Integrated PhD (IPhD) programmes. The and Award Letter to be valid up to 01.02.2019. • Online application system closes on:
es for the Academic Year 2018-19. The programme Alumni of the Centre have gone to work in research 18th November 2018
is fully residential and the students are offered and academic sectors in India and abroad. The Cen- It’s compulsory that the applicants • Tentative Interview Date:
on-campus accommodation and boarding facilities. tre provides an excellent atmosphere for the academ- with”Provisional INSPIRE Award” also 26th November 2018
November 6th, 2018
Vol. 02 NO 51 PH.D. ADMISSIONS 5

PhD (Integrated) Program MSc-PhD in

Biotechnology @ RCB, Faridabad
The Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB) is an autonomous institution of education, training and research established under the auspices of United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Department of Biotechnology (DBT, India).The Parliament has passed the RCB Bill, 2016 to provide statutory status to the existing institution.


By Diluxi Arya

The Program:

Research-based learning is the hallmark

of RCB academic program. The PhD (In-
tegrated) degree program (MSc-PhD in Bi-
otechnology) is provided to students who
have graduate degree in any discipline of
science, engineering or medicine. The pro-
gram in its first year (1st and 2nd semester)
provides extensive learning opportunities
in the broad field of life sciences and bi- gy and Interdisciplinary Life Sciences The Indian and foreign students ad- Caution money (Rs. 5000) is payable
otechnology though rigorous classroom (JGEEBILS) Last date for applying for mitted to the program shall receive at the time of admission.
teaching and hands-on lab experiments. JGEEBILS: 15 November 2018. Short- the RCB-Ramachandran-DBT fellow-
In the second year, the student is mostly listed students, based on their perfor- ship Rs. 16000 a month for the first 2 PhD thesis examination fee (Rs.
required to work at a research laboratory mance in the JGEEBILS, will be invited years of this program, after which the 10,000) is payable at the time of PhD
under the supervision of a research guide to appear for interview for their final Indian students shall have to qualify thesis submission. Hostel electricity
in an area of mutual scientific interest, and selection to the PhD (Integrated) pro- for the junior/senior research fellow- charges are as per the installed meter,
submit a Master’s dissertation at the end of gram. The interview will be to assess ships offered by CSIR, ICMR, DBT, or and the cooperative mess charges are to
their 4th semester. Depending on the per- the student for his science aptitude and other such funding agencies. The per- be paid as per the actuals.
formance review of the student, he can be interest in a career in scientific research formance of the foreign students, after
advised to exit the program with a Master’s and development. completion of their MSc component of The fees may be revised during the
degree (provided all academic and other the program, shall be assessed by the course as per the provisions in the RCB
requirements are fulfilled) or permitted to Up to 20 students, who meet the de- Student Advisory Committee and ac- ordinance in this regard.
continue in the program for pursuing the sired criteria for selection, may be ad- cording to its positive recommendation
PhD thesis research at the exact same lab. mitted. There will Be reservation of the student will be awarded the RCB- Duration of the Program:
At this phase, the pupil may also exercise seats for students from the SC, ST, OBC DBT International Doctoral fellowship
his decision to leave the program with a and PWD categories in accordance with equivalent to the fellowships offered to The duration of this PhD (Integrated)
Master’s degree on satisfactory comple- the orders of the Govt. Of India in this Indian students from different funding program is a minimum of five years and
tion of this course and dissertation require- respect. agencies according to the relevant DST a maximum of 7 years. HOSTEL FA-
ments. guidelines. Currently, the amount of the CILITIES On campus shared lodging
The PhD (Integrated) program is gov- Foreign students junior research fellowship is Rs. 25000 and boarding facilities are available for
erned by the RCB ordinances and regu- a month and it’s Rs. 28000 per month admitted students on payment of pre-
lations. The course curriculum has a very Students with 60% aggregate marks for the senior research fellowship. scribed fees.
substantial emphasis on lab training, and (or an equivalent grade point average)
after the conclusion of this course work the in Bachelor’s degree in any branch of Fees: Application Procedure:
student is required to work for a Master’s Science, Engineering, or Medicine are
dissertation followed by a PhD thesis. eligible to apply for admission. Stu- The following fees are payable at the Eligible candidates can apply online
dents in the final year of their qualify- beginning of each semester. for admission to the PhD (Integrated)
ing degree program are also eligible to program of the Regional Centre for Bi-
Admission: apply provided they produce a proof of otechnology. The application fee of Rs.
having secured the required marks in 500 can be paid on line. The SC, ST,
their undergraduate degree program at Sem.1 Sem.2 Sem.3 PWD applicants and foreign students
Indian students onwards
the time of admission to the PhD (Inte- each
are exempted from payment of the ap-
Eligibility criteria grated) program. semester plication fee.
Academic Rs.5000 Rs.5000 Rs.5000
Students with 60% aggregate marks Eligible students are required to ap- Administration Important Dates:
(or an equivalent grade point average) ply online for admission and fellowship Fee
in Bachelor’s degree in any branch to the app. Shortlisted students shall Tuition Fee Rs.6000 Rs.6000 - The last date for submitting the appli-
of Science, Engineering, or Medicine be invited to appear for a Skype-based cation for admission to RCB is 28 Feb-
are eligible to be apply for admission. interview due to their selection to the ruary, 2019 for
PhD (Integrated) program. The inter- Laboratory Rs.6000 Rs.6000 Rs.6000 the Indian students and 31 March,
Students from the SC, ST, OBC (non- Fee
creamy layer), and PWD categories view is to assess the student for his sci- 2019 for the foreign students. Last date
shall be given a relaxation of 5% marks. ence aptitude and interest in a career in Medical Fee Rs.3000 Rs.3000 Rs.3000
to apply for the JGEEBILS is 15 No-
Students in the last year of their qual- scientific research and development. vember, 2018.
ifying degree program are also eligible
to apply provided they produce a proof Up to five students, that meet with the Student Rs.1000 Rs.1000 Rs.1000
of having secured the necessary marks desirable criteria for selection, might Amenities Fee missions-JGEEBILS
in their undergraduate degree program be admitted. Admission of foreign stu-
dents is subject to them getting the stu- Hostel Fee Rs.1200 Rs.1200 Rs.1200 CONTACT DETAILS FOR QUERIES:
at the time of admission to the PhD (In-
tegrated) program. Eligible students are dent visa from the Govt. of India.
required to appear for the Joint Grad- Phone: +91-129-2848800,
uate Entrance Examination for Biolo- Fellowships: Email:
PH.D. ADMISSIONS November 6th, 2018
Vol. 02 NO 51

PhD Admission 2018 (Winter Session) @ Regional

Centre for Biotechnology (RCB)
The Centre offers a doctoral program resulting in the award of the PhD degree to students holding a post-graduate degree (or an equivalent) in any field of Science, medicine, or
technology. The chosen students are expected to undergo a coursework followed by research resulting in a doctoral thesis under the mentorship of its own faculty.

the time of interview like.

• Joint CSIR-UGC test for Junior Research
Fellowship (CSIR/UGC JRF)
• Innovation in science Pursuit for Inspired
Research (DST-INSPIRE)
• DBT Junior Research Fellowship
• ICMR Junior Research Fellowship
• Any other nationally-competitive fellowship
Provided by the Government

Selection Procedure:

The applications received by the due date will

be scrutinized for eligibility. Eligible candidates
Will be called for a written test followed by an
interview of the short-listed candidates during
13-14 December 2018.

Fellowship: The students admitted to the pro-

gramme will Need to avail the fellowship for
which they’ve Qualified according to the rules
defining new horizons in providing world- program is suited to applicants having interest to of the financing agency. RCB will have no fi-
REGIONAL CENTRE FOR BIO- class education, research and training at the work in the interface of multiple disciplines in the nancial obligation regarding The same.
TECHNOLOGY HAS ANNOUNCED interface of multiple disciplines for the benefit areas associated (but not restricted ) to structural
THE OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION of mankind. RCB has a solid commitment to systems, synthetic and chemical biology, virology, Fees:
FOR PHD 2018 WINTER SESSION. exploring new frontiers, furthering science and plant biotechnology, molecular medicine, analysis
MSC/MTECH IN ANY BRANCH connecting revolutionary areas of Biotechnol- of complex diseases, drug discovery plans. The The student admitted to the PhD programme
ogy through cutting edge research. The Centre details of the variety of research programs at RCB will have to pay the following fees:
OF LIFE SCIENCES/ MPHARMA/ boasts of this state-of-the-art research laborato- can be viewed on our site (
MVSC/ MBBS OR AN EQUIVALENT ries at par with the international criteria. RCB • Laboratory Fees: Rs. 6000 per semester
DEGREE. CANDIDATES ARE ELI- is also establishing a Bio-incubator in associa- Eligibility Criteria: • Academic Administration Fees: Rs. 5000 per
GIBLE TO APPLY FOR RCB 2018 tion with BIRAC that links promising research semester
PHD ADMISSIONS outcomes to commercialization by nurturing I. Qualifications: MSc/MTech in any branch • Medical Fees: Rs. 3000 per semester
technology development in the broad area of of Life Sciences/Chemistry/MPharma/ MVSc/ • Student Amenities Fees: Rs. 1000 per
By Diluxi Arya biopharmaceuticals. MBBS or an equal degree. semester
ii. Qualifying Marks: 60% aggregate score • Caution Fees: Rs. 5000 (once, at the time of
The Institution: The Doctoral Degree Program: or equal grade in the qualifying degree exam- admission, refundable)
ination (5% comfort for SC/ST/OBC allowed • Thesis Examination Fees: Rs. 10000 (at the
Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB) is The Centre offers a doctoral program resulting in according to the GoI standards ). time of submission of thesis)
an institution of national importance, created the award of the PhD degree to students holding iii. No of seats: Twenty (20)
by an Act of Parliament, established by Gov- a post-graduate degree (or an equivalent) in any iv. Reservation of seats: According to the GoI Application Process:
ernment of India through the Department of field of Science, medicine, or technology. The guidelines.
Biotechnology (DBT) under the auspices of chosen students are expected to undergo a course- v. Along with the above, applicants must have The last date of submitting online applications is
UNESCO. RCB has emerged as a pioneering work followed by research resulting in a doctoral qualified any of the following examinations November 20 2018.
institute for research in Biotechnology and is thesis under the mentorship of its own faculty. The and maintain a legitimate fellowship offer in
November 6th, 2018
Vol. 02 NO 51 PH.D. ADMISSIONS 7

IISER Tirupati PhD Biology Program Admissions

January 2019
IISER Tirupati admits students in the disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics and related interdisciplinary areas of research. Along with research, the programme
involves coursework and teaching assistantship.


By Diluxi Arya

IISER Tirupati invites applications from

potential candidates for admission to the
PhD programme, January 2019. Please be
aware that the precise eligibility criteria Qualified at least ONE of those afore- above-mentioned requirements at the to shortlist applicants for inter-
for January 2019 admissions may differ mentioned additional eligibility stand- time of admission. A provisional degree views.
from department to department and are ards certificate is mandatory at the time of
given below. Information about individ- admission (Scheduled to be 1st Jan Fellowship:
ual faculty profiles and areas of research (OR) 2019).
can be obtained from the IISER Tirupati Upon selection and subsequently join-
site. A valid CSIR/UGC-JRF or CSIR/ Application Process: ing the PhD program, applicants who
UGC NET-LS (Date of examination don’t possess any CSIR, DBT and IN-
The broad areas of research in each de- should be June 2016 or later) or even Only online applications will be ap- SPIRE, will be qualified for institute
partment in which applications are invited INSPIRE-Ph. D. fellowship proved. Applicants can submit their fellowship at par together with CSIR,
include the following: forms for the respective departments in DBT etc., however without HRA com-
Note: the following links: ponent.
IISER BS-MS ( A l l Biology Please Note:
Biophysics, Neurobiology, Plant Biology, IISERs) Dual degree
Ecology and evolution, Cancer biology & having CGPA >= 8.0 are The candidates should carefully All communication with candidates
Immunology, Genome Biology, Chemical exempt- ed from fill and submit the online applica- will be by email only.
Biology, Infectious disease. other cri- teria tion form on or before November
as per in- Kindly check this website for periodic
Eligibility Criteria: stitute norms. updates.

Students with minimum 55% marks 1. In case of any application-related

in aggregate (overall percentage; with particular questions, please contact
subjects) or CGPA 5.5 out of 10-point the various departments along with
scale in master ’s degree in any branch your application number cited in
of Science Physics/Chemistry/Math- T h e the subject at the following email
ematics/Biological Sciences/Ecolog- fel- addresses:
ical Sciences/Agricultural Sciences/
Psychology or any equivalent degree.
Candidates with B.E/ B.Tech/ M.Tech/
M.VSc or MBBS degree satisfying the 20th, 2018. Applications will be Applicants age shouldn’t exceed
above criteria of marks may also ap- screened, and shortlisted candi- over 28 years in the time of joining.
ply. l o w - dates will be intimated further On the other hand, the relaxation
ships/ through emails only. in age will be considered as per the
Additional Eligibility Criteria: scores/ Govt. Of India regulations or when-
ranks Candidates belonging to reserved ever appropriate candidates are not
JGEEBILS 2017 exam or DBT-JRF-A m u s t category will have to submit appli- available, in exceptional circum-
/ ICMR-JRF / DBT-BINC / ARS-NET be valid a t cable certificates if selected. No TA/ stances.
(ICAR) least until Jan- u - DA is going to be paid for attending
ary 2019. Please be aware that the the interview. Important Dates:
For CSIR-LS rank-holders, up to rank admission criteria can change during
200 are eligible the next round of admission. Selection Procedure: • Opening date of Online Application:
October 25th, 2018
For DAE-JEST/GATE rank-holders 2. SC/ST, PD and KM candidates Per- The shortlisted candidates will be
up to rank 600 (GATE Life Scienc- centage may be relaxed with 5% or 0.5 called for interview and the final de- • Closing date of Online Application:
es) are eligible. No cut-off for GATE in the case of CGPA. cision is based on interview perfor- November 20th, 2018
Ecology. mance.
3. Candidates in the final year of • Interview Dates (Tentative):
General Information to the Applicants: the qualifying degree are also eligi- The respective departments may December 13th-16th, 2018
ble to apply. But, their final selection use additional standards (based on
The candidate MUST have: is subject to their successful conclu- academic performance and/or per-
sion of the qualifying degree with the formance in the national level tests)
PH.D. ADMISSIONS November 6th, 2018
Vol. 02 NO 51

Dibrugarh University PhD Research Admission

(DURAT) 2018
The official notification for the Dibrugarh University Research Admission Test (DURAT), 2018 for admission into the PhD Programmes. Interested and eligible candidates can check
out all of the details on the courses, application procedure, important dates and more below

sion of the form. No other mode of payment is


4. The applicants can save and review the infor-

mation entered before submission, which can be
edited on subsequent login. However, after Sub-
mission, editing of information shall not be pos-

5. On submission of the Online Application

Form by an applicant, an Admit Card with a
Unique Number shall be generated against each
successful submission of Application. The Can-
didates shall have to take a print out of the Ad-
mit Card and bring it to the Examination Hall
on the Date

6. The Submission of Online Application Forms

shall be automatically closed after the last date.

7. There shall be no alternative procedure for

Application for appearing in the DURAT 2018
and the University shall not receive the Applica-
tain at least 55% marks in OR equivalent grade Form, intending candidates are advised to follow tion Fee except the procedure mentioned at (b) 3.
DIBRUGARH UNIVERSITY IS point in the Master’s Degree, in which he/ she in- the following instructions: above.
A UNIVERSITY IN THE INDIAN tends to appear in the DURAT.
STATE OF ASSAM. IT WAS SET UP 1. The candidate shall be required to register Important Dates:
IN 1965 UNDER THE PROVISIONS A relaxation up to 5% of marks or an equivalent in the portal by entering Full
OF THE DIBRUGARH UNIVERSITY relaxation of the grade in the qualifying degree is Name, Username, Password and a Mobile Num- a) Date of Notification : 22.10.2018
allowed for the candidates belonging to SC/ST/ bers to log in. The candidate will get an “Activa- b) Online Application portal activates on :
ACT, 1965. ENACTED BY THE AS- OBC (non-creamy layer) and Differently -Abled tion Code” in the mobile which is to be entered for 25.10.2018
SAM LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. IT category. Activation. c) Last date of submission of Online
IS A TEACHING-CUM-AFFILIAT- Applications : 20.11.2018 (till 5.00 p.m.)
ING UNIVERSITY. Application Procedure: 2. After Activation, the candidates shall be re- d) Date of the DURAT 2018 : 09.12.2018
quired to log in with his/ her username and pass- (10:30 a.m. to 01:00 p.m)
By Diluxi Arya a) Online submission of the DURAT 2018 word and shall be required to fill up the Online e) Date of the Declaration of Result :
Application Form will begin from 25.10.2018. Application Form with correct and appropriate by 23.12.2018
Eligibility Criteria Application for DURAT 2018 is through online information.
mode only. No other means of application is ac- Note: As per the latest UGC Guidelines, DU-
A candidate intending to appear in the DURAT cepted. The last date for submission of Applica- 3. The applicants shall be required to pay the RAT is exempted only for the NET-JRF and
2018 for admission to the Doctor of Philosophy tion is 20.11.2018 (up to 5.00 p.m.). DURAT Fee of Rs. 600/- only through the M.Phil (in regular mode and in the relevant
(PhD) and M.Phil Programmes shall have to ob- online payment gateway by using Debit Card/ subject only) qualified Candidates.
b) For submission of the Online Application Credit Card/ Internet Banking during the submis-
November 6th, 2018
Vol. 02 NO 51 PH.D. ADMISSIONS 9

NBRC PhD & MSc (Neuroscience) Programmes

Admissions 2019
NBRC conducts advanced research in diverse areas of the interdisciplinary field of neuroscience. Stop by our faculty research pages on the NBRC site to get a flavour of the ongoing work. If
you’re enthusiastic about a career in brain research, think about joining our PhD or M.Sc. (Neuroscience) programme.


By Diluxi Arya

PhD (Neuroscience)

Neuroscience is interdisciplinary in na-

ture. So students from varied academic
backgrounds may excel in neuroscience
research. Our present pool of PhD students
has a varied background like Biology, Life Sciences 2018 (JGEEBILS 2018). icine from a recognized Institute / ics and Communications Engineering
Physics, Chemistry, Engineering and Med- Selected candidates will be called for U n i v e r s i t y. / Computer Science and Information
ical Science. interview. Technology / Instrumentation Engi-
Candidates appearing for final year of neering.
You will undergo 1 year of teaching pro- PhD (Neuroscience) the qualifying exam are eligible to ap-
gramme, learning the basics about the brain ply. • Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST)
– from molecular to computational neuro- Master’s degree or equivalent in any (2019) (for Physics).
science and everything in-between. You’ll branch of Science such as Life Sciences At least 55 percent (50% for SC / ST
also receive an opportunity to rotate in a / Physics / Chemistry / Mathematics / / PH candidates) marks or equivalent • CSIR / UGC / DBT / ICMR evalu-
variety of labs for a closer look at the re- Statistics / Computer programs / noun grade or grade point average from sec- ation for Junior Research Fellowship
search work, and zero-in on which excites / Veterinary Science / Psychology from ondary (10th) examination onwards is (JRF) in Biology / Physics / Chemistry
you the most. a recognized Institute / University. necessary. / Mathematics. The validity of this fel-
You’re also eligible if you have done a lowship ought to be such it can be acti-
Each of the admitted candidates receives minimum of four-year course leading to Candidates must calculate their per- vated on 31st August 2019 or later.
Junior Research Fellowship of Rs. 25,000 Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in En- centage up to 2 decimal points to deter-
a month + HRA (in lieu of hostel accom- gineering / Technology / Medicine from mine their eligibility. • UGC-NET Lectureship qualified on/
modation) for its first two years. After a recognized Institute / University. after Dec 2016.
two years, you’ll be qualified for Sen- • Only Indian nationals
ior Research Fellowship of Rs. 28,000 a Candidates appear- are qualified According to their performance in al-
month + HRA (in lieu of hostel accom- ing for final for the above most any of the preceding qualifying
modation). year of the quali- p r o - grammes. exams, candidates will be short-listed
fying exam are eli- for interviews to be held in NBRC.
If you fulfil the minimum eligibility gible to ap- ply. • Reserva-
standards, it is possible to appear for tion / Conces- M.Sc. (Neuroscience)
one of many different examinations to At least 5 5 sions for SC
be eligible for the PhD admission inter- percent / • Joint Graduate Entrance Examination
view. Click here to find out if you fulfil ( 5 0 % S T / PH for both Biology and Interdisciplinary
minimal eligibility standards for admis- for SC / candi- dates Life Sciences (JGEEBILS)
sion to our PhD programme. Click here ST / P H w i l l be ac-
to find out about the entrance exami- can- d i - cording M.Sc. Programme applicants will be
nations. dates) marks t o rules screened via JGEEBILS only.
o r equivalent of Gov- ern-
M.Sc. (Neuroscience) grade or grade point ment of India / Candidates will be short-listed for a
aver- age from secondary UGC. two-tier interview according to their
This really is a two-year programme. (10th) assessment onwards is performance in the JGEEBILS exam.
1 year of taught coursework programme necessary. Recognized National En-
is accompanied by a full-time research trance Ex- Important Deadlines:
project during the second year in one of Candidates aminations
the NBRC labs. You might be eligible to must calculate For PhD At • NBRC Application (Online) start
switch to Integrated M.Sc.-Ph. D. pro- their percent- a g e NBRC: date: 26th October 2018
gramme of NBRC. Click here for more up to 2 decimal points to determine • Last date of receipt of application
information. their eligibility. PhD (Neuroscience) (Online / Offline) at NBRC: 31st
March 2019
Each of the students is provided with a M.Sc. (Neuroscience) • Joint Graduate Entrance Examina- • Last date of receipt of requests for
fellowship of $12,000 a month + HRA (in tion for both Biology and Interdisci- the hard copy of application form: 1st
lieu of hostel accommodation). B a c h e l o r ’s d e g r e e o r e q u i v a l e n t plinary Life Sciences 2018 (JGEE- March 2019
in any branch of Science such as BILS 2018). • Interview for the M.Sc. program:
If you meet the minimum eligibili- Life Sciences / Physics / Chem- May 2019
ty criteria for admission to our M.Sc. istry / Mathematics / Statistics / • Graduate Aptitude Test in Engi- • Interview for the PhD program: May
Programme, you need to appear for Computer applications / Pharmacy neering (GATE-2018/GATE-2019) in 2019
Joint Graduate Entrance Examination / Ve t e r i n a r y S c i e n c e / P s y c h o l o g y Physics / Chemistry / Mathematics
for both Biology and Interdisciplinary / E n g i n e e r i n g / Te c h n o l o g y / M e d - / Electrical Engineering / Electron-
ICAR NET 2018 November 6th, 2018
Vol. 02 NO 51

ICAR National Eligibility Test – ICAR NET 2018

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is an autonomous body responsible for co-ordinating agricultural education and research in India. It reports to the Department of Agricultural Re-
search and Education, Ministry of Agriculture.The Union Minister of Agriculture serves as its president. It is the largest network of agricultural research and education institutes in the world.

the eligibility conditions for admission to the

examination such as the qualification, disci-
pline, age, category, etc. Their admission to the
examination will be purely provisional. If at
any stage, it is found that they do not fulfil all
eligibility conditions; their candidature will be
cancelled/ rejected and fee paid for examina-
tion will be forfeited.

ii. The candidates are not required to attach a

copy of any of the documents /certificates in sup-
port of their candidature at the time of submission
of online application. However, the candidates in
their own interest must satisfy themselves about
their eligibility for the test. In the event of any inel-
igibility being detected by the Board at any stage,
including after declaration of result, their candida-
ture shall be cancelled and they shall be liable for
legal action.

iii. OBC candidates whose caste is not listed

in Central List (as available on National Com-
mission for Backward Classes website www.
CENTRES: Transaction charges for Debit Card/Credit Card/
AGRICULTURAL SCIENTIST RE- and who are not covered under the
NEFI’/ payment, as the case may be, will have to
CRUITMENT BOARD (ASRB) IC- provisions as applicable to OBC-Non Creamy
The centres of ICAR-NET (II) – 2018 Exami- be borne by the candidate.
Layer (NCL) candidates, shall be treated as
AR-NET (II) 2018 NOTIFICATION nation where the examination will be conducted General Category candidates for all purposes.
HAS BEEN RELEASED. INTER- in Online Computer Based Test (CBT) mode are The fee must be paid online through the online
Accordingly, OBC Candidates belonging to
ESTED CANDIDATES CAN CHECK mentioned in APPENDIX­-I. Candidates may application form available on the website: http://
Creamy Layer shall indicate their category as
select two (02) centres in order of their pref- and only.
erence. The ASRB will make all efforts to allot
THE CENTRES, PRESCRIBED ED- preferred centre of the first choice. However, the For Online payment: Payment can be made
iv. In case the claim of candidates regarding
UCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS, Centres of Examination could be changed at the through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking
Age, Educational Qualifications, Scheduled Caste
AGE LIMIT, APPLICATION FEES, discretion of ASRB. Candidates must select the from 10.00 hrs on 09.11.2018 till 17.00 hrs on
(SC)/ Scheduled Tribe (ST)/ Other Backward
APPLICATION PROCEDURE, IN- centre of examination carefully. No request for 29.11.2018.
Class (OBC)/Divyang is found to be incorrect, it
change of centre would be entertained at a later may render them liable to be disqualified by the
stage. There may be more than one venue at any/ Board and their candidature will stand cancelled.
BELOW all centres depending upon the number of candi-
dates. There is no restriction on the number of attempts
By Diluxi Arya v. Due care should be taken by the candidates
for appearing in the National Eligibility Test.
to fill up their application form. No request for
PRESCRIBED EDUCATIONAL QUALI- change in any field i.e., Centre of Examination,
Discipline, Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth,
ICAR-NATIONAL ELIGIBILITY TEST Gender, e-mail Id, Mobile No., Phone No., Cat-
(NET-II) – 2018 A candidate must possess a Master’s degree or The Detailed Plan of Examination is given in
egory, Medium of Examination etc. will be con-
equivalent in the concerned Discipline and spe- APPENDIX-III.
sidered under any circumstances except bonafide
1. The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment cialization completed on or before 31.12.2018 spelling mistakes etc. Candidates are therefore
Board (ASRB) will hold ICAR-NET (II)- 2018 from any Indian University incorporated by an RULES OF EXAMINATION:
advised to be very careful while filling up their
Examination during 27.12.2018 to 31.12.2018 Act of Central or State Legislature in India or application forms.
(which may be extended to January 2019 de- other educational institution established by an The Rules of Examination are given in APPEN-
pending on the number of candidates) in On- Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed Uni- DIX-IV.
vi. In case multiple applications are received
line mode at 34 Centres across India in a staggered versity under Section 3 of the University Grants from a candidate, the latest application will only
slot-wise examination format as per the Rules and Commission Act, 1956 or he/she must have qual- HOW TO APPLY:
be considered, ignoring all earlier applications(s);
Scheme of Examination indicated in this notifica- ification from a foreign University recognized as without refunding /adjusting Application Fee re-
tion. Online registration for the examination shall equivalent by the Government of India (Gol). The A candidate seeking admission to the Examina-
ceived for the other Applications.
start from 10.00 hrs on 09.11.2018 till 17.00 hrs list of Disciplines and its prescribed educational tion must apply online in the prescribed Applica-
on 29.11.2018. Candidates are advised to read the qualifications are as given in APPENDIX – II. tion Form available on the website: http://www.
vii. No candidate will be allowed to take the
notification carefully before filling the Online Ap- and Important
examination unless he/she holds a certificate
plication Form. AGE LIMIT: Instructions to the candidates for filling online ap-
of admission for the examination. After down-
plication are given in Annexure-1.
loading the Admission Certificate, check it
2. National Eligibility Test (NET) is a qualifying A candidate must have attained the age of 21 carefully and bring discrepancies/errors, if any,
examination for determining eligibility for the posi- years as on 01.07.2018. There is no upper age A candidate must read the provisions, contained
to the notice of Controller of Examinations,
tion of Lecturer/Assistant Professor in the State Ag- limit for the National Eligibility Test. in this Notification for ICAR-NET (II) – 2018
ASRB, KAB – I, Pusa, New Delhi – 110012 or
ricultural Universities (SAUs) and other Agricultural Examination carefully and abide by the same. A
email to immediately.
Universities (AUs). Candidates clearing the National APPLICATION FEE: candidate must fulfil all the conditions of eligibil-
Eligibility Test will be eligible to apply for the post of ity regarding age limit, educational qualifications,
viii. In the event of a candidate being issued
Lecturers or Assistant Professors in the SAUs/AUs. OBC candidates whose caste is not enlisted in etc. prescribed for admission to the examination.
more than one admission certificate from the
NET certificates will be issued by the ASRB to the Central List (as available on National Commis- Board, he/she should use only one of these Ad-
qualified candidates to enable them to apply against sion for Backward Classes website www.ncbc. The online Application process will be opened
mission Certificates for appearing in the exami-
vacancies to be notified or advertised by the State and who are not covered under the pro- from 10.00 Hrs on 09.11.2018 to 17.00 Hrs on
nation and inform about the same immediately to
Agricultural Universities/Agricultural Universities. visions as applicable to OBC-Non Creamy Lay- 29.11.2018 after which the link will automatically
the Controller of Examinations, ASRB, KAB – I,
SAUs/AUs will satisfy themselves with regard to the er (NCL) candidates, shall be treated as General get disabled.
Pusa, New Delhi – 110012 or e-mail to net2018@
fulfilment of prescribed eligibility condition/criterion Category candidates for all purposes. According-
for requisite posts of Lecturers/ Assistant Professors ly, OBC Candidates belonging to Creamy Layer IMPORTANT NOTES:
including authenticity of the NET Certificate in the shall indicate their category as ‘General’.
possession of the candidates. i. Candidates must ensure that they fulfil all Next Page>>>>
November 6th, 2018
Vol. 02 NO 51 NEWS 11

ix. No request for withdrawal of candidature/ website: NET/ARS Noti- advised not to bring any valuable/costly items to disqualify him from admission to the examination.
application received from a candidate after he/ fications / Other Instructions Syllabus for various the Examination Venue. The Board will not be
she has submitted his/her application will be en- disciplines ( responsible for any loss incurred due to non-ad- xxii. A candidate who has been declared by the
tertained. bus ). herence of these instructions. Board guilty of impersonation or for online sub-
mitting wrong/incorrect/misleading/false infor-
x. The Admission Certificates would be made xiv. All communications in respect of an appli- xvi. The ICAR-NET (IT) – 2018 Examination mation or for submitting fabricated documents or
downloadable from the website: http://www. cation made for this Examination should be ad- will be conducted in Online mode at the designat- documents which have been tampered with or for and only. dressed to the Controller of Examinations, ASRB, ed Centres. The answers are to be indicated on the making statements which are incorrect or false or
Candidates are requested to visit the website: KAB – I, Pusa, New Delhi – 110012 or e-mail to Computer itself during the Examination. for suppressing material information or otherwise and and should invariably con- resorting to any other irregular or improper means
in regularly for updates. All the information tain the following particulars:- xvii. In case of any discrepancy between English for obtaining admission to the examination, or for
related to the examination will be uploaded/ and Hindi versions of the information, the English using or attempting to use unfair means or for mis-
updated on this website only. No other form 1. Name and year of Examination- ICAR-NET version as available on the Website of the Board behaviour or misconduct in the examination hall,
of communication will be used for the issue of (II) – 2018 will be treated as final. may, in addition to rendering himself be liable to
admission certificates. 2. Name of candidate (In full and in Capital criminal prosecution:
letters) xviii. This notification including Online Ap-
xi. In case of any discrepancy (spelling or sur- 3. Registration No. plication shall be available on ASRB’s Website: a) Be debarred permanently or for a specified
name etc.) in name or father’s name of the candi- 4. Centre of Examination and period.
date, he/she will be required to submit an original 5. Roll No. (If communicated)
affidavit indicating the discrepancy and certifying 6. E-mail id (as indicated in the Application xix. The candidates are required to bring along • By the Board, from admission to any exami-
the correct name along with other supporting doc- Form) the original of any of the valid Photo Identity Card nation or appearance at an interview held by the
uments at the time of their submission. 7. Telephone/Mobile number like Voter Card/ Aadhar Card/ Passport/ Driver’s Board for selection of candidates and
License/ PAN card apart from the Admission Cer- • By the Indian Council of Agricultural Research
xii. The applicants are advised to regularly check Note: – Communication received without prop- tificate to be issued by ASRB, at the time they ap- from Employment under them
the e-mail provided in the Application Form for er mention of the above particulars will not be pear for the Examination. Please note, that in case
update(s)/ information/ communication with re- entertained. the candidate does not present the original of the b) Will be liable to disciplinary action under the
gard to the Examination. They must check the Identity Card at the registration desk at the centre, appropriate rules if he/she is already in service un-
spam/junk/inbox/trash folders also of the mail- xv. Please note that carrying Mobile Phones/ he/she will not be allowed to take the examination der Government/ Indian Council of Agricultural
box. They are also advised to save the e-mail Bluetooth devices/ pagers or any other electronic under any circumstances. Research/ State Agricultural Universities/ Other in contacts of their e-mail communication device is absolutely prohibited in Agricultural Universities etc.
account so as the e-mails with attachments sent by the Examination Centre premises. Any infringe- xx. The decision of the Board as to the eligibility
this e­mail I.D. do not go to the spam folder. ment of this instruction can lead to disqualifica- or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the LAST DATE FOR FILLING OF ONLINE
tion. Candidates are advised in their own interest examination shall be final. APPLICATION:
xiii. Syllabus for ICAR-NET (II) – 2018 Ex- not to bring any of these item(s) to the Examina-
amination is available on the Syllabus Link on tion venue since the provision for their safekeep- xxi. Any attempt on the part of a candidate to ob- The last date for filling up of online application
ASRB’s website: ASRB’s ing cannot be assured. The candidates are also tain support for his candidature by any means may form is 17.00 hrs on 29.11.2018.

Eco-Friendly Green Crackers Developed By

In an initiative to curb pollution during festive seasons like Diwali, Scientists at CSIR Lab have developed Environment-Friendly Crackers “Green Crackers”. The announcement for the same
was made by Harsh Vardhan, Minister for Science and Technology. The Green Crackers are claimed to extremely less polluting.


By Preety Suman

Researchers from two renowned National

CSIR Labs namely Central Electrochemical
Research Institute (CECRI) Karaikudi & Ta-
mil Nadu and National Environmental Engi-
neering Research Institute (NEERI) in Nagpur
have collaborated to work on this project. CSIR
Scientists not only have developed these Green
Crackers by modifying the chemical composi-
tion of flower pots “Anar” burst in Diwali but
they were also successful in building & setting with the base as aluminum powder. Where- firecrackers and they received a positive re- cal Research Institute, and National Botani-
up Country’s first emission testing facility for as the NEERI Scientists have The research- sponse. Further Petroleum and Explosives cal Research Institute.
firecrackers. ers at NEERI have developed an improvised Safety Organisation (PESO) has to give a
eco-friendly version of what are called `bijli’ green signal for the same. However, there are no updates on com-
CSIR – CECRI work involved around devel- crackers.SWAS (safe water releaser), SAFAL mercialization of these crackers, as to when
oping modified chemicals used in firecrack- (safe minimum aluminum) and STAR (safe Advance research for the development of it will in the markets. Hopefully, by Next
ers at a firm based in Sivakasi. A commonly thermite cracker)n are the three prototypes better versions of green crackers and also Diwali these Green Crackers will on the
used component in firecracker is aluminum developed which showed at least 30 – 35 per- electronic-based crackers is being conduct- shelves in the market. It would be a ma-
powder. Scientists noticed that by replacing cent reduction in particulate matter. ed at 6 different CSIR labs namely Central jor change brought in by the government
it with magnesium and magnesium-based Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, to curb the immense pollution caused by
compounds crackers like flower pots re- As per Harsh Vardhan, a demonstration of Central Leather Research Institute, Indian bursting crackers especially on festivals
leased 25-30 percent less particulate matter these novel eco friendly firecrackers was Institute of Chemical Technology, National like Diwali.
(PM) compared to the traditional flower pots given to the manufacturers of traditional Chemical Laboratory, Industrial Toxicologi-
NEWS November 6th, 2018
Vol. 02 NO 51

New Cell Structure In Humans Discovered By

The Karolinska Institute is a medical university in Solna within the Stockholm urban area of Sweden. It is recognised as Sweden’s best university and one of the largest, most pres-
tigious medical universities in the world.

Staffan Strömblad, Principal investiga-

tor – professor at Karolinska Institutet in
a statement showed us how excited the
team was on the discovery of such a novel
structure. He says its indeed surprising to
know that such kind of structures was still
unknown to us.

These reticular adhesions can open up an-

swers to questions on how during cell division
process the cell remains to its extracellular ma-
trix. As per current theory, the adhesion com-
plex dissolves during cell division allowing the
cell to divide. But the current discovery falsifies
this statement.

In an experiment done by the researchers

on human cell lines using confocal microsco-
py, the adhesion complex was blocked which
resulted in the disruption of its memory func-
tion. Hence they concluded that these new cell
structures oversee the capacity of daughter cell
Scientists at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden look over the assembly of large protein com- to take up the right position after cell division
THE STRUCTURE IS A NEW TYPE with UK teammates have discovered a novel plexes inside them. These receptors connect
cell structure in Humans. As per the research outside matrix with cell interiors which enables
CELL USES TO ATTACH TO ITS paper published in Nature Cell Biology, this the cell to analyze its environment and hence it Studies will now be done to examine how this
SURROUNDINGS AND PROVES TO new structure is a protein complex used by the responds accordingly. new protein complex behaves in living organ-
PLAY A KEY PART IN CELL DIVI- cells to attach to its surrounding. It is believed isms. It will be interesting to see how it behaves
the novel protein complex plays a key role in These novel structures named as reticular ad- in other environments. This novel discovery
SION cell division. hesions has a unique molecular composition may open doors to an exploration of areas of
By Preety Suman unlike the current adhesion receptors already human cell still unexplored.
The cells surface as receptor molecules that known.

FSSAI Releases Orders For Testing of Pulses For

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is an autonomous body established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Goverment of India. FSSAI is responsible for
protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety.

The reports were motivated by an order tober 12, 2018, which says, “There is Minimum Residue Limit (MRL),
I N D I A I S A C O U N T R Y T H AT the following MRL of glyphosate
which taught its import branch to test a possibility of higher levels of res-
LO V E S I T S D A L S A N D A imported dals for the presence of the idues of herbicide “glyphosate” in in pulses (in a dry state) will be
SIGNIFICANT PORTION herbicide glyphosate. pulses, thereby negatively impacting considered to be as standard until
O F W H AT W E C O N S U M E the health of the consumers.” Howev- further changes are observed in the
IS IMPORTED. HOWEVER, The order came after the FSSAI not- er, FSSAI insists that there is no con- codex website.
ed that India currently doesn’t cern of any kind.
THERE ARE HAVE BEEN • Beans – 2 mg/kg
have any food safety regu-
SEVERAL REPORTS IN THE lations related to levels As per FSSAI Order lab • Lentils – 5 mg/kg
M E D I A , W H I C H WA R N E D of glyphosate testing • Peas – 5 mg/kg
P E O P L E A G A I N S T E AT I N G in pulses. should be • Soya Bean – 20 mg/kg
Glyphosate is an imported The usage of herbicides & pesti-
By Shekhar Suman ingredient found Beans, Len- cides on the crops has to be mon-
from where In- til, peas, itored and controlled by all coun-
dia imports and Soy- tries to keep a check on the quality
Dals & Pulses are a staple food in pulses in bean to of the crops, to make sure its de-
India. As per government figures, a specif- m e a s u r e void of carcinogenic substances
50.8 Lakh tonnes of pulses worth Rs ic brand the levels of that can affect the health of the
17,280 crore has been imported by In- of herbicide or weed killer, which is glyphosate. consumers on a large scale.
dia in the April to December period of used.
the financial year. The regional offices are to collect This initiative taken by FSSAI is
There have been claims in the current the data from the labs and present applauded and let’s hope the pulses
In the past few days, there are have been times that glyphosate might be car- at FSSAI headquarters every 15 being served to the consumers are
reports in the media, which warned cinogenic. In order to deal with these days. safe.
people against eating ’poisonous’ dals, concerns of alleged toxicity of dals,
particularly masoor and moong dals. FSSAI published a circular dated Oc- As per Internationally accepted

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