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fh..1'v'kl t..lot-l\ce .ctqoht-ll.lce ~TlIl\.h

Llo~1A ~ ;JtT ,;JUlIJ


h9",,)''';;: 'lOO"" ch1'C if 81hYear No. 13

. i .' .... Uh.""f"k1. ~1..~,I\'f Jl'fDh~,f\1'f ~T..)t\.h
"Jlh "°11 ~ "'C r..,.") IUnp. ADDIS ABABA- 18111
January, 2002
f ih1l-(1 +dJl1f"T 9'11c 0."" m.II":~"" fmirJ .

"7aJc6li]. CbNTENTS'

I f""C'1' (t?;/Iilf1P. 1,9"

9"hC 0."" 1,")-(1 ch1'C Council of Ministers Regulations No. 76/2002'
fh.:"V'k.f m.'i" 1I,,00'1~T oo07hc:" 1'1Ih, "'1**"7.1 Ethiopian Health Profesionals Council Establishment
f"''1' 9°hc 0.'''' 1.")-(1 1~ iif.?;fitl , t Council of Ministers Regulations ~...Page 1686

f"'"C'1' ?ohc 0."" 1.")-(1<h1'CG'?;/IDf~!!

h"h.Tf"k.f m.'i" lI"oo-1~i' OO"7hC-l' 1.IIh,oo'J:*'tJu . COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS No. 76/2002
. fWIl) VDJ,th.fC'T ~hC'o.T 1,")-(1
f"'l,t"'''''C'1' 9°hC. 0.-1' fh.-1'V'k1 &..Y..~.I\'f Jl'fDh~,f\1'f
&T-(1t\.h.hht,~D7. "111\:",,) r'&\Il)")'i" "'''lIlC "oow()") ESTABLISHMENT COUNCIL OF
nwtJ)W' "'P;(- <h1'C~~/n!~'ff%"").,.~ ?; n"'1,~11w' oolPl"" MINISTERS REGULA
, .
f,u") 1,")-(1"w'''';I:A :: PART 1
hl't:A !J. General
1. Short Title
Ii' "iifJ-C C"h .
These Regul~tionsm~ybe citedas the "Ethiopian Health
ProfesionalsCouncil EstablishmentCouncil of Ministers
~u 1,")-(1"fh.""V'kf tn.'i" 1I"00'.e~~' OO"'lhc"" 1-1Ih,
D7**O,,1""C'1' 9"hc 0.:", f,")-(1 <h1'C ij?;/ Regulations No. 76/2002."
IUf:lP." "'-(1"" t\.m"''' ~1.I\A:1 2. Definition
~. ""C~""L In these Regulations unless the context otherwise
f.cJ>"" "1 '1-0 "'1\ ""C1'9° fD7.J'()mm' I1A"~ Uh.,..,.C requires:
ntLu 1.")-(1: I) .'Health PTofession"means any medical, pharmacy,
b' "fm. 'i" 00'1" "7""" "7")~W'9" Vihh9'"'i" : nursing health assistance technicians and any other
.. f4-C"7().: f~Ch : fmS l.c;..,. f.f;hti1''iT 'h'i" health related field of study;
D7,,)~w''')9'' fm.'i" "mlln~ 00-1") .fm.cJ>&\I\A; 2) "Health Profession ~ssociation" means a legally
~. "flftS 11"00-1 "'unc" ow",:,. 'h1").c;")~") fm.'i" recognized association which represents the respec-
. oo'.f flCe;: f"7.whA ih:J'f "'IUOC .~'ID-I
tive branch of health profession;
f. "Vm.'i" "'*9"" D7I\T "h1::1"&\ im.'i"' 11)0.1 :
., ht\.th :'4-CD7f\ mf,'r 111."~h "1A..,"""" V"7.()1' 3) "Health Institution" means nospital, health centre,
"'i 011;1"")foohl\hA .,...,IIC fcit1h'i"ID-")'i" O"'lh clinic, pharmacy or a health related institute that
hl-A CD~9'"o~, f"'lh9'" f"IM") "1A..,"":" f"7.()1' renders preventive medicine and gives curative
"'*9'" ~CD'; . treatment either by charging fees or fdrfree;
9.' "foo'1 -o.cJ>:" D7l:J1651. f9'"hhC CDl"''''''' "'I""" 4) "Professional Cqmpetence Confinnation Cer-
fm.'i" CD~9'" "'''''1. "",D7;(- 1i1A"l"""'T") 1\"'10 tificate" means a professionallicence which entitles
ch:" 'h,,)~~A fD7.()1' foo-1L.cJ>f: ~ID-; to provide medical or other health related services.
1::. "D7.~h.f;C" W~9'" "7.~h""C" "71\"" 'h,,)1.~1.9'" 5) "Ministry" or Minister" m,eans the Ministry or
.. "'h"'I\' fm.'i" 1'n.cJ> "7,th'f;C CD~9'" "7.~h:"C ~ID- II
Minister of Health, respectively:

~;J&:r-;Jf4,1IJ7"'1'.' itif.i!
f1~ CP;J 3.40
Unit Price Negarit G.P.O.Box 80,001
- ~--~-,~.,:""~",~,"""",-"",.,,..,...
'I~' jiif.U.ft% ~n.eo/AA ";Jt',:" ;JILITJ'h'PC n:'PC I .,.'} njf1.~ ,\.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 13 18thJanuary, 2002-Page 1687

tlr':A ~
itl\m.t; tlI\OO',f~:Y- ooOl/tlC:" 1-tlh. Health Professionals Council
1o-it tlCj:A Ii Sub-Section 1
Establishment of Health Professionals Council
fm.t; 11f\00'.f~:Y' OOOl/tlC.'}-1.tlh. 00**9"
3. Establishment
The Ethiopian Health Professionals Council (herein after
i:' 00**9"
refered to as the "Council") is hereby established by
"-m~"-f: 1\P7,~it:"-t,.ft'" fh..1-f-~! m.t; tll\(lD<!~'.f these Regulations.
ooOl/tlC.'}-,,-Ilh. (hllU n:\1\ "1-tlh.(D'" ~f,,.tll\ fOl/,m&-)
'ULOI-,..r oo'PI..'}' "-*<h":/.A :1 4. Powers and Duties of the Council
The Council shall have the following powers and duties:
!~. f1-tltbm, P'AtJJ1'f1 ",oltlC
I) advise the Minister on matters provided in these
1.tlh.(D' fOl/_h"'~.'}- P'AtI]1t; ,,_oltlt.:" ~li~;"A : Regulations; .
Ii' lULU 1-111 (N-(DI'1'" 1-P'f:.f, I\~ OI/,~hT~ 1 2) work in collaboration with the appropriate bodies, to
,fOl/tI&-A j ensure that health professional trainings offered in
~. nU1~'1: (D'it1' fOl/,l'1m(D'1 fmS tll\(lD<I~'.f the country are of high standard;
P'Amt; ''&..'}- '11\(D' rJ-~:J- h1Jlil~~ h..,tl11 3) make sure that professional ethics is observed by
ill\:t:(D' hill\:" ;JC noo,,.'H1C f.,l'1t.A : professionals;
i:' fOO',f P'''9''..,tlC nlll\oo'!~:Y- oo'f-..,n~ 1 ! I.;J 4) follow up and supervise that the names of registered
j professionals and those who are cancelled from the
!~. nU1~": (D'h1' nf1.H.lD' fOl/_oot'10..'}-t; OA~ A~ registry due to various reasons are properly kept by
9"tI1 ,f.y-:y, hoP'l'111 fOl/_Y'I.U-'} 111\00'!~'.f h9" the secretariat;
n~- ih4,,1' 0.": (101-I1t1A00 ,fU'1 ~h;r"-I\A : 5) supervise the performance of the Executive Commit-
f.,.f>aJmt.A : tee;
?;, fP't- hh4.'0?, \'10'1,'1:1 hlPt.c f.,.f>tI]m&.A : 6) examin and submit to the Ministry matters directed
f.111 h1<1>~- n~(~) : h1<1>~- H"t(';) ~t; (~) : to it in accordance with Articles 14 (2), 15 (l) and
'it' 'ULU (2), and 16 (4) of these Regulations and those matters
h1<1>~' tk(~) oo'PI.'} fO?<I>C'OI\.'}-1 h1Jlo-9"
that need to be decided by the Ministry along with its
fO?,~h'I:..-1 (D""'~. fO?_m~<h 1-P'f:.f-1 noooocooct;
V.,.,11 nOl/hA 1\00,~it,.J.;~ (D,,,~ h1Jl<l>C11 opinIon.
fnh'l\'1 7) perform other matters directed to it by the Minister.
t. nO?,~it'1-~ fO?,oo..,I\'1'1 "'1\°':;- ,,-..,tl&..'}- !ht; 5. Members of the Council
(D.t;A :: The council shall have the following members:
I) regional health offices or health offices of city
?"t. hI\1-tlh.(D' htll\T
administrations directly accountable to the Federal
1-tlh.(D' fO?,h"'~.'}' h'.I\.'}' ~li...;J-A : Government, each represented by one represen-
,;- ftlAA ooh'''P'J~'c m.t; O.r.' (D~9" <1>1';1- '''m~''1: tative Member
1\4..1..&.1\'001°1P'.'}' ftr., fh"-OI/ ooit.,.P,~-c m.t; 2) representatives selected from the following
O,r.' h1P'1~' ,,'milf":Y- htlA organs of the Ministry:
~. hO?,h.f'I\-.'}' fD?~itof:~ I
00 n..'}' hill\:" f.,.ro-flIm- (a) Health Service and Training
'f'milf:'}"': " Department Head Member
u) fmS h1Aoll\°:"t; itAmt; 009"~! (b) a representative of Health
:~I\4, " Professionals Education and Training
1\) fmS t1l\oo',f~:Y- .'}'9"UC.'}'t;P'Amlf O'~., Team. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . ...
. .
1',1,f.: '''mil~ " (c) a representative of Health Professionals
(h) fmS tlI\OO',f~:Y-I.I.~ 9"1.t1t; °19"101/ Standardization and Evaluation Team
0' ,f.'1 h1~' "'mil~ " (d) a representative of Health Services
(0) fm.t; h1Aoll\°.'}' O'~-1 h11:
Team '
",milf., " (e) a representative of Legal and Medico
IP) fih..,t; DIl.\\'1"";JA h1Aoll\o'1' h1~' Legal Service "
(f) a surgical specialist "
'f'mil~ " (g) one internal medicine specialist Member
I.) h1~'f<l>P. ihtl9"t; oo',f hh'r;i'fi\.h.'}'
", m ftf.,. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. "
3) Representativesselectedfrom the following 0

fa) h1Y:f(D.it1' 1,1£ ihtl9"t; oo'.,f health professionals associations:

(a) two representatives of the Ethiopian
hit'L'if i\.it:" " Medical Association "
f.' hO?,h'''''':'' fm.t; tll\oo'!~:Y' OI/"Int..'}- f"'(D.tI]m-
(b) a representative of the Ethiopian Public
.,-milf:1' I
Health Professionals Association "
V) ftllh.IJP:Y- UlJU(ICo-I\'} ,"milf':}"- htlA (c) two representatives of the Pharmacy
A) fmS hmlW:" tll\oo',f~'.f' OI/unc h1Y.: Association , "
".mil,. .
" (d) two representatives of the Ethiopian
tll) f4-COl/{}.it.y:.f, OI/unc 0-1\,1, Nurses Associati on '.
','(nl1f':Y- ". " (e) a representative of the Health Assistants
(0) f.,e ..if OI/t)(1C 0-1\ ,1' ,,'milf':Y' " ,
Association '
IP) fmS '-"H:i'. OI/unc h'B': "'ml1~ " (f) a representative of the Laboratory ,
I.) f"(1t."'~ 'I:tI~'lifli:Y- OI/unc h1~' Technicians Association '
,,'ml1" " (g) a representative of the Radiography
tt) ft.'\f'''1&.4. 'I:tJ~'li'li"1" OI/unc h11: Technicians Association "
,,'mil" "
"~'{i~:Uit~t';1ot.A 't;Jt,')";JILtIJ 'lI'f'IVO:lft: :H"t :':!fn~;'f'~, ;<Federal NegaMIGateta """";N(nH3"18IhJal'luary;2002...:..:.:.Pagelfj8g,,

!!, fODJ':;~t:" h{1"'P'$'.Cc; tl:lJ"I'C I}t\p' AaJ'} 4)

A representative, of the Drug.' Admjnistration and
h"} ,r: "'O'\1f. ; ","""'"'''''''''''''' "
" ,Control Authority,.. ;"., ,..,...member
?;. f,h/UUC'} OI/.t{1,,:c ','w\1f:.}'. ...""""""'"'''''' " 5) Two representatives of the -
'i.. hltf. f,",{'. "11W' 0, 'rC9"; ~,(1~.I\'Llr'r tH'1')'''' Ministry QfEducation ....t "',"""" Member
., ~,,<p,v.e;:t1ln. h"III-o",), ,('It:':O" t\.,t\..:1' h\11t,).r 6) Notwithstanding to the above provisions and when it
nhIIA.,,), t\.ciJht\. f.'.1"~,t\. '::", " is deemed necessary, other appropriate' organs may
also be represented if they are willjng todo so.
:4' f1.llh.w, ~,11A t\ODlf,,} fOl/..e{1~.A'l' rm{1~.c.r:'}', 6. Criteria to be Member of the Council
UIJ"}<;:O"9" f"'l1h.W' ~,11A fOl/,iH.t\..}"} ODODl/C;:sP',}'. Any member should fulfil the fol.lowingcrit~ria:,
UI/U;/.I\:,. ~,t\ n ,} : I). Should!Je freefrom substance addiction;
i). fiJ{J (}.it eA'hnc;w,'~(JJ.: 2) should be free from alcoholism;' .
., \'~,Ai'A("O:~":" ' eA""y./.:~'O',: 3) if he/she is a health profesional should be a registered
!:. ffllS Ilt\ilD',e tun n(1O',e(l)' f,"rl/J/I',n : professional; ,

!!. nF'''~9u''111-r f"'rflJ(}1,,,. : 4) should be ethically commendable;

1':' n~,iJ9"(~'O)' fIl, "e;: flnc; : 5) should;be mentally,healthy; and '
.. hCID,e(l)'
"'",, 'J(; (H'I,rm$'. mT~'A'HH'
,.,," eA"'~ I.,V.n'}:: 6) not criminally accused and convicted in relation with
his profession,
?~. h"'I1h.dJ' hl}A ",). itt\OD.,.H'c; f1.V.t\,,}'), i\t\oP".tl'~' 7. Removal and Substitutibnof Council Members
jj. h"}.r:f".llh.w' hIlA nOl/.h".t\..)- 9uh1,(>.y'1' hhll ,I') A member' may 'be' removed from the council
.. A.,,} t\. "... f.'.y.ltA : ' ,
membersh.ip for the following reasons: '

0) IllI.U .V,"}.fl'~,"}.,.?.. :~ rm.I'I.'} h'hn.,.o.,l' (a) if h~/shefails to fulfill anyone of the criteria
sP'.t. O"it'I' ~,"},v,.") "',(>1'1'0(; O..,.C " set undel' Article 6 of these Regulations
m,(',9" :
(b) failure, to be present, at two consecutive
t\) ,et\9"')9" /..:J>.r: mJ.'..9~ hit"~,r.'(I\J 11t\UI/",m:" meeting without anY' permission or prior
h 1J.t\:,. '#'1'1:":" f. (/II,;:it,n(} IIsP:f..,. t (}.If,,) notification and who fails to improve conduct
},(; n~'(".ct:9" UI/itm')""I:,e "'(}'I"Y"} "',eifliA following: a written warning.
It "'C :: 2) whenever a council member is removed fron1 mem-
H. M,'),r: f".llh. ~,11A h~,11A":" 1'/11""")' 9"h"},e,} bership, the organ who selected and sent the 111emher
.. hC':"':" (}./..mC ~,Ilt\.") r/llCfn fithO" h\1A 9u'}h shall send a substitute.
~,I1A r/llCfn oolth ht\n,} :: 8. Work Procedures of the Council -
I) the council shall adopt its own rules of procedul'e.
~I;. itt\".W~.d)' f~,'I'/.'C P'''~F'C(~'} 2) there shall he a quorum if more than half of the
?i' ".111,,(1)' f/..O',,} fit,n(} I} P'''~p'C(~'} ,v:Hl members are present.
,e(I)a) A:: 3) every decision shall he endorsed bya majority vole.
~. hl,I}It,,: h"lf11fli Illtf. 0.1')"9uAO'" ".Ilh. J.',(:'/..A :: and if the meeting getsolied , then
","',,, the ch<.lirmanshall
',~ ~ " " ,

t. }"evn.I;. (1)"'1), n.r:9"{J ,nA6"1. f(II/\Ct: (}Jf') : have a casting vote.

},h'A n h'Ah"'h~.t\ o,n...n.m. (I)"I:~ ,r:9"{J 4) the regular meeting of the council shall he made four
,(',c:, I.CPA:: , times a year, however, when deemed necessary the
ii. f"'111,,(I)' r/ll,;: it,nOll W~r/ll:" ii " IL .l',tl%P'A :: chairman may call extra ordinary nieeting upon the
., 11'(:'9" },'H'.~,it/..I\'l.",,: h',.ll1"m:' 1,'I11t,,,,h"lU1fli decision of more than half of the memhers of the
nlt,(', frri,.:,. o,it°'l(,1h f""l1,,(I)' o,n...n. ~,it;,:'t.\f. cou nciI.
(l'f)011 h.m/.. J.';')""I:\ :: 5) the term of office of members of the council shalll1l'
?;. f",l) 1,,(1)' 1,11":" fP'/.. /lC/II'} M/''it:'' '~(lD'} five years. ' '

,(',11";1:\:: 9. On!ans of the Council ,

Th~ council shall have the following 'organs:

!!. itt\".11',,(I),1,t..It:", ' (a)' Executive committee: '

".Ill,.(f). f(II/.h".t\.:,. MIlt:" .e.(:'~.:J'A : (h) Education and Training sub"committce;

0) f P' /.. ~,it /..1101/.i' 01/.,,: : (~) Professional ethics sub.committee;
t\) f''''9"11(;:''(; P'Amc; ",p'f:,f' '}( t'UI/.,';: (d) Registration and Professional Iicense sUb-commit-
(It) fe,n',e P'''9''''111C "'P'f:'}" '}(J.htl('1.": : tee;
rfIJ) f9""'" W; f(ln',e !...<p,f.: ',.,(W:,}'.'}( t\OI/,'1;: (e) Secretaria,t.
'1') 7.'(),/..:,. n':" 1';:':0)' :: Slln-Scctioh 2
'} ( hC':A H Exccutive Committee
itt\ P' /.,' ~,itJ,7.(I'/: t,UIJ."; 10. McmbcJ:'iof the Executive Committee
I) The Executive Committee consists of the following
y. itt\F' /.. " it!..? 01/. t'OI/.,','O)' h /1" :,. members:
(i' f P'/.. 1,it/..Y.0I/. 1101/.":0)' fUl/.h".t\.:,. ~,I}":" (a) ChairmQnof the Council , Member
.r..(:,~.:J'A : '(b) Vice Chairman of the CounciL "

0) f".lll"O)' ,t\A'r/ll"}nc '"'''''''''''''''',''' (},n...n. (c) . a representative of HcallhProfessional

t\) f".lll"O)' 9" t\."'OD')nC ..., 9" o,n...o. TrainingandEducationTeam , "

(It) f m,tl Ilf\cID',e?:JJ':"9"UC;:"c; /"Al1l(; (d), a representrative of Health Professionals

n',v:"} h"},f.: ,,'O)\1f. ~,I}A Standardizationand Evaluation
1'/11) fm,tl Ilf\cID',esP',f. ,v.t.:.r,9"$'.W,' "19"111'/ Teani .. .,.:. , ~ ','"..''''''''''''''' ..
(\. ,f:") h "},f.: "'O)\1f, " (e) chairman of the threesub-comniittes ...: "
'1') fmS ~,"A"It\":'. O',r:'} ~,"},r:"'01\1,(1.. " (f) a representativeof the Legal and
I.) fy'it,,: "}(J...t"}i'o'?'1; O-ll...n.9)',)'. " McdicolCgal Service..:...: ..
0) f,),"I(; UI/,J;.i't\,;JAk'A"It\":'. ~,,,}J': (g) a representative of Drug Admirtistraiton
'''In\1.e. " " and ControJ Authority "

i'i) fr/ll.f::~t ,)- "~'I'IJ'C(;1',it",p"v.C: (h) a representative of the Ethiopi?n

Ilt\p'Aan ~,'},r.' "'O)\1J.', " Nurses Association. .,
.,.) f"C(l',}'. UI/IJllC~,"},r:"'(I)tlJ.', " (i) a representativeofre1ated
n) f"':\p,:~ (1D',e~,"}.r: "'(I)11J.', " professions "
.,,,. /ilt:xr'ltll A..S!.~.I\~:M'1' :~tL"I "'1'1: ):,~ 1'f: X .,... XIU!:fff't,r. Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.13 181h January, 2002-Page 1689

", f.,:flh.,;). n-Oftn.Ii' r In "o. h".fl ham' . h"~:" 2) The c.:hairman

and vice-chairmanof the council
tIDtthA fl"'I.),h'}'C, .,.tIDf:nU')' ,~'(t'uyit. It shall be elected and appointed by the Minister from
I~' fp'/,. I\h.t.""". t1f17..1: hfl~'}' f"'l.tlDlll1'."f' amongmembersof thecouncil.
h.,.flhom' I\f'~'}' tlDtthA '~I"Ii'A II 3) Members of the executivecommittee shall be
!t. fULU 1\')eI-'" ')o'h 1\')+~'(Ii) f"'Y. ~"m' O.'fC:9" electedfromamongthe membersof thecouncil.
I\hdA'L 0"'l.'I'')n.1' '1.IL "."..'-1' I\1}~'1'9" nt1"'1.-t:m.
4) Notwithstanding to the provisions of Sub-Article
A.a)h'" "~1'~A' II '
( 1) of this Article. other members may also be
represented in the committee if it is found neces-
Hil hitiP./,. I\hd."iIIJ. t1"'1.'1:m. pi A n,')c,' -"""'C: sary.
I' ,
f"../,. I\hd.""'I. t1"'1>t:m' f"'1.h-N\..1' P'An}')'I 11. Powersand Duties of the Executive Committee
",,,,,},,,'1' f~'f~.:J'A : '. . The Executive Committee shall have the following
.. ')0'''') t1"'l.t:9'~1.')
6' " .('!lN~fllJA .: I"~,:':a)'') .('h,"" powers and duties:
.n".A: f~$II}(n".A : . I) establishsub-committees,coordinateand supervise
~. nU.tJ,<':)'"uP,,,!.-). fil?"'''''4' (().I't).sP'.}'..,...,,1/..'P. their work: .

(1DI"(i:,:m'') .('!..')",flJf.\ : 2) ensure whether the decisions passed as per these

;:. f'I,'}h.m.') m"'1).sP".f. .fhd.~'fllJA : regulations are implemented;
!~. ''''U"m' ()UI/f,ltn(aofHH' 'I.It M:(a.') "'\1.,.
3) execute the decisions of the council;
f~".t..A:: "(j,,, '1"Ullm. fm(a",':,:m.') m.I't).sP".f- 4) shall represent and run the duties of the council at
the time when th~ council is not in-session: it
"u''''.(I.'mf~''' /\(1D/\6)'1' M!~"}"A'" :
cannot, however, suspend or reverse the decisions
.1 f.,.I.h.m., f/)/\.1' ",/)/\,1, "'''If1t..~). ,ehc,'m''IA : of the council.
~. h',."h.w' f"7.uP~/\.1'') ",~":1' "'''''1/...). !he.' 5) .carry out the day to day activities of the council.
m.','A I: 6) 'perform such other matters as are directed to it hy
the council.
..~. hit IP/'. I\hd."iI?t''''I.-,..m. fh""t..c: p'~-"..c:q.).
It. f/"/'. hhd."C'I/. t1"'1,'l:m-"t..(a. fi",'(aI'I"~ P'Cq.). 12. Meetings of the Executive Committee
J!.'rI.'" A II I) The Executive Committee shall adopt its own rules
". f P'/'. I\h~.""'I. t1"'1..t:a).~ 1Y),hdA'1. ~'I: f,(an of procedure; .

nfl" II 2) The Executive Committee shall be convened as

I~' "I\fl~-" ,,-,-y'" n~" "..n'. '"AD''' -,.I)f~.f,tj ".A:: rpay be necessary;
!t. ~.t'')'"')''' fD''''k .n~""'" of}AIi"1. fOlJ.,fAft.('): 3) There shall be a quorum when more than hal for the
.f.''''ff ~h-" nh." tJ.NId./\ (aof}"n.m-(()''1~y"'''~' membersof the ExecutiveCommittee arepresent at
,.'f I..,." II its meetings.
4) Each decisionshall be endorsed by a majority votc.
?;. f I" /,. I\h4.""'I. t''''I,,':a)' f I" t.. "uP') h9Uh')' in case of a tie, however, the chaiman shall have a
'ttID.}. '~lr'e'A II
casting vote;
5) The term of office of the Executive Committee
')(lIh h~" ~ shall be five years.
htt ')o.ft') t1"'..l:sP~}"
"",Qoft') t1",.e:,.t. I\raft'1'",')~c:c,' Sub-Committees
:0:' " . fp'''. IluP')

Ii' ~.r')""... 'o-It, t1.,..1:I\raft.}.h,."~OJ'h""'} 13. Composition and Terms of the Sub-Committees
tID\\"A""t"ttt'" I) Each sub-committee members shall be elected from
ft. '')o-h t11,.e: I\""'~' fP'/'. UtID') hfOh:" quP.} among the members of the council;
""'e' A\II 2) The term of the sub-committee mempers shall he
f.1"'''(:'~''e' P'''''''e' , ~'. ')O-h t107.'1:P'/.\fIJ')'I five years;
.,.-tft(: . 14. Powers and Duties of Education and Training Suh-
')o-lt t1"tot. '1.h."""}' "..AfIJ')'I .,...,.."..}-
,.-r~:"", The sub-commitee shall have the following powers and
It, nth..",,' --.t' ,"c:tt.,. .1'fOUf::"fh"''''I.~'1
. """"WA y',.,~.ntID"."~ f/'."~' II"'" .eel-c..A; 1) participate in the' preparation and amendment
process of the curriculum of the medical profession
I' ,--.r of''':'' "'I.:J,,~ ~",'c,'"(afIJA=m.m.":,)fO
"''''~.l\ltLA'', t11..e: ,."tt". 2)
and forward its opinion thereof.
give professional competence confirmation ex-
t~. mI."",... -,"1..1-"1'4\"4, OJ'''k''".f.') ,""'''''.ce amination and submit the results to the Executive
.r,,(::'1:\. Committee; ,

~, ltttP'~..h"k mCfJ1!trc-}' A""", hhd.~"'I. 3) Implement decisions passed according to these

"-tot.. .r+cra". regulations;
~, It'''''~'' 6~"+" -7i~" it"../,. hhL~"'I. 4) submit monthly report of its performance to the
"-t-1:8- ""... .''''cra". Executive Committee;
I' 'MraC\' ~"tC.~of:' n.,.,o.(O. u-k:" f\OD(DfIJ.}- 5) forward its opinion to the Executive Committee on
1-'f"..,~ ...~'f' tt.,!t!t","~~"t the progress and improvement of its work:
,;. A.A-t- n",40 I\lt4.~"" t1"7..l:fP' f"7.(aIl1'T') 6) may form teams to carry out its powers and duties
"'"...".. properly;
7) perform such other duties that may be directed to it
by the ExecutiveCommittee.
'I"'lin~~n ~ID".t:\ ~:J":" :JI/.nl tl,'f1':X/~'f1C;X",'} Xtl",U 'HI"~ Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. t 3 t 8111
Janual'Y,.2002-Page 1690

..., f9"1,.,IJ'i VIIO','4,J'1.' 'l''''f'~' 1o-h tJlI7,1:r'/Af1J1C; 15. Powers and Duties of Registration B(1dProfesional
,,_Cl'IJC License Sub-Committee .
10-h tJ117..1:
m' fll7,h'''t\o:'' r'AffJ1C; "-<f}llt.:"
The sub~committeeshall have the following powers and
"'f~:J-AJ d\1ties: .,

Ii' 1\9"1,,,'I'i 1\110','l1J'.'J- 1II/1.;J"tftiJ.

fS"'...hc mI."':" 1) verify applications and the documents attached
f".,,'''':O' ""ODAh!f.sP':(-1Cj ",.rf,Hm- fOtJ."'Cn- thereto ,that are submitted for registration, profes-
III/hl.l,sP'f1 ODC9"~'f9"coot.m-'} m,m."" hm'ta~ sional competence confirmatiof! certificate ..nd
submit the result. along with its. opinion In the
UIIl1;JC I\r't. hh4_~II7, tJ"7_1:m-_r"'Cll/A; Executive Committee. '
'ft, fllO',' 4,J'1.- oohLC.y.':(,'} nff./.~m' hH;1~.y. 2) set the criteria for a profession~JJicense of the
I\r't. hhL1a"7- tJ"7.,1:m-'<I'Cll/A ; respective standard and submit same to the Ex-
I~' hl\r' t.m- h1CP~ mcv'P. "TC')' I\r' t. h"'~,~"7, ecutive Committee.
tJ"7,'l:m- '+Cll/A; 3) submit to the ExecutiveCommiJtee monthly report
ff' hl\r't.m- lJi.'1i'C; ooi'ii'iA I\r't, hit~.~"7, of its performance.
tJ"7_of:m-vtall ,"'CllA II 4) forward its opinion on the progress and im-
?;. ,,...,llCC; ~I\4l,~":'} n-"1n,m, lJ-~:J' I\oomffJ:" provement of its work to the Executive Committee.
"'}o\':('/A O-.f.''i1''} I\"7**'J° f,-:;'I\AII 5) May form teams to carry out its powers and duties
proper! y.
:':1,' fno-,r r'~ '}°<f}'IC1'P'f'::'" '}o.'" fl"7,'1; r'AffJ'}C; -"""IC 16. Poweni ,md Duties of Profesional Ethics Sub-Commit-
'}o-h )1"1"7.'1;(1)' fIP/.h-"I\"} P"AffJ'}C; "...,'It."', tee
f,'i~:J'AI .
,\ The sub-committee shall have the following powers and
Ii' fmS 11D',r f"7,m","'m' P'~ 'Ju""IC III\oohn-r duties.
n'II\"o'J' 1\'" f"7A'c'n hit'} "''''o{lI\'' 'J°coot. I) It shall conduct investigation where complaints arc
,r'110~AI ',.P,f.'} ,rtl}t.A I lodged on the non-observance of a professional
~. (lItH i','}<I'?, '} i','}<I'"'. (Ii) rIPIP/';" f"7.cI'C
(1m"} h... I\OI/f'} U'~ o"/it/.~ rlPtj-r'} '1/.;1',m: 2) If it finds suffici~nt evidence to support the
ooAO,'} n It'} ,f.' mc 'I.II. m'''''I' f,t' h'}P"cI'Co{l
complaint submitted as per Sub.,Artic1e (I) of this
Article, it may instruct the professonal. against
(luP"'I\~' ho.'} hit I\cI'/.fHH"1I\11D..r f,A'1Ai
whom the complaint is lodged, to come up with a
t. f1ltH i','}"''''' '} i','}"''''' (Ii) rlPo.'/,'} f''''''mm'1 defense in one month time. .

"''',IIC',' :~I\~, ~;" I\uPmn).} f"7..rit',}"1\- "7"'/.~ 3) Collect evidence that may help it to implement the
~-:;.'} f,(Ull1'I/A1 powers and responsibilities vested in it hy Suh-
H' (1111\IID'.r I\f, N' /. Um?} t, it I; 1/11
.../.~ },vtlJ-'Ju Article ( I) of this article.
UIII\'iD',rw, f"'omm,'} uPA""; I/"/"'/.~ huP/.rlP/. 4) Having examined the complaint hrought up a!:minst
n:\1\ f9°CuPt.m''} m'm':" h:,>n);" 'Ita,n,n: I\P't. the profe~sional apd the statement of defense and
i',it~,"'''7, fl"7",;m' .rcl'CIIAI evidence submitted thereby submit its finding to
the Executive Committee along with a proposed
?;, itl\P' (,.m' h'}'P}, tDCUlp' ";/,c.). I\P' t. hit~,~"7,
t'IP/,'l;m- ,r"'CII!A1 5) Submit to the Executive Committee a monthly
1;' ",,,,'IC',' ~I\4l,~":'} fH.'tU.W' rJ,~:J' 1\uP 10ffJ.), report oUts performance;
h,}~.~}"A O',t':'i~1''} I\OI/**'JU f,:}"I\Ai 6) May form teams to carry out. its duties ..nd
%. ".",,~}', UP' t. h"'~,~"7, flIP/..';a" f"7,om.""'} responsibilities properly.
",." 'It. .), ,Ph',-10",'A II 7) Perform such other duties that may directed to it hy
the Executive Committee. .

:(%. f'} \'1"7,'1;fhl}'(,~C P''1 P'CI~,}

17. Meetings ofa Sub-Committee
Ii' },-P,}P''}p,. '}o'it \'1"7,'1; h,}f.i',it~.I\'I.'d: ito{lO'1
f,'i I.'PAII
I) each sub-committee may have meetings as it is
deemed necessary.
~, h~"r'}p,'},~ '} { J'''7,'1; i',1)1\:" h..,o"/'{j n"f, c'1:n'. 2) there shall be a quorum when more than half of the
'IliAD'" ',,'l't J4'i ("AI: members of each sub-committee are present at ils
;=, f}"r'}p,'}p,. '}o'''' fl"7,'1; m'ta~ (I,f.''J"~' 0{1&\61»1 meetings.
,PA4.AI hh-A fl},h-/A f,H1&,I\ ,f.-'Ju",,'}fl-l'uPI\h'" 3) the decision of each s,ub-c;ommittee shall be passed
l1,ntao,CI'- wta~~ ,t',~'J°1",.,'r/.'P/AII by a majority. vote of members present at the
!f. (JILtJ h,}"''''' f"'f,~11(1)- h,}f,-hnn.,. "tj: hI'} meeting. In case ofa tie the chairman shall have a
P,'}P,. '}o-'" \'1"7,,1;ft.o-'} fh.}'t,CC; f...1Io'l P''1 casting vote.
p'c'H' flPoot.,r hW-1'1' P'(', i',it~,CJ"7, fl"7.'1; 4) . without prejudice to the provisions of this Article
each sub-committee shall adopt its OWn rules of
fl..eo 1.:"'(1)- "-", (,.n.}- "'~1'I\,/A:I
procedure which will be operative wh~n it is
endorsed by the Executive CQq1mittee.
10'''' hf,:/A !f
itl\ 1-'I'i,(I)- "'-ih4l_'}-n,,)- Sub-Section 4
The Secretariatof the Council
X~~. itl\""I'i,(I)' "'-ih4l.:'- n."'- ou!l:!l:9"
"'ll'i.W- h"'l:~ oor't' n.:" n"7.tit')'-r ",ooGt11W-' 18. Establishmentof the Secretariatof the Council
U"7_ooY,O-t..~"''''-('.G: 9"hT/A I..~ ).(,.c f"7,oot.C; The Council shall have a secretariat which will be nm
flJl\"" "-lJI\"'- f"'-/n."'- "'<f}qt,"', f"7..t'hC;CJJo'}",,/n...,- by a Registrar and Deputy Registrar to be elected and
f,'iI.'P/A:: appointedby theMinisterfrom theMinistry to deal witt
day'to day activities.
fll~'jiir.?;f:Ui ~Yot.&\ ";J/.:" ;J1J.tlJ~1'C n:'l'C X"''} IiWH! ~.9'" Federal Negarit Gazeta ~ No. 13 18thJanuary, 2002-Page 1691

19. Duties of the Secretariat

~jl.AA"';£I$I.P,,~,~ta.}~' 'h~'I}~~:i. .

I f1'11t\ (I}' ~'ifl. .). 'lOlJb"'fr-}' '} "'''''M

, ,
''}' rhr,(I}.CjA: The secretariat of the council shall have the following
, , ,
~' / "" ,"
, ~,' fdO'.f "1'~":J' ;"'/.;J16',1. .f9~lttJO ~f)/."',} f.f'I'\llJ

I) register and keep the names, their professional

. :':OJ."t 11i\00'.fr'f~ !(!t9"r, fOO'.f 1./.1, h '}.ltu-9"
1\.(\..:)'. ~,O"111 .fl\:':OJ. oo/.l,sP'.)', 001,°,(1 f,f,.'A:
standard, and other necessary documents of the
ool",n.9",(\,filN1 tlet:.}.f,rrr.A: h'}.ltU-9"l'Cl'", . . professional to whom a professional competence
h nfqoo.,: '(1oo'}cJ'P':" ;JltllJ 1l}~.WllJ .rf.C;JA:: ,confirmation certificate is given. The Tegister shall
'j be °PFn to thepublic and the list shall be published
g. I1qu.},: qu'f(l}.'1 noo.t.OJ.: nw,},lA :"llJ.}.: np'''
I yearly in a state-owned newspaper.
.; 9OtlJf1C -l",~,(\,} (I}''''~?'1' m~9'" ;100 1'11'\
h-:" 9"tI')
2) register and keep the names of those profesionals
" .f.Y':)" I)(\or'.f9"')""}' k,Aoli\"'}' OJ~/.1' who have terminated the.~rservice due to death.
oO'U°l(l f,~.'A: quitting th~ profession, a crim~nal sentence. a
t, (\9"'U',Wi I\dO'.f :1'1\"':1' 01//.:J'l6b1. f9"ittlC w/..,..}. deCision on ethical non-observance or other similar
,:' fO?,I"c:n. tII/UoAh:J:sP'.}'.'}li fl1i\(IO'~fsP"}",} 0'11':.1. grounds.
. I. " ,

htll/.tit., O.£IDt..I\'" I\9",U',')(i I\(IO'.f &.:P,e.' 3) submit to the registration and licence sub-commit-
1.,c',f:.1'.'} \-101f."".r"'CI)A:: tee applications for registration and pro(essional
,-, (\.1\..',1. h9"'U1'\ '-,',,'
'J(' f"'I'OD~., ,'.O"It...}') fhr, competence confirmation certificate that are direc-
OJ.erA: ted to itby the Minister. '
?;, f:"9"UC:,.li f p'" 9"Olf)C ".P,f:'}',,} .e,,'nI\A: 1\"'&, 4) perform other duties related to r.egistration.
7,(;'/.'1:J':':OJ'9" ',..V,f.I\OIf,£IDI\h,"(f)' \-1°,/.''''f,oot..A:
5) r,eceive educational and ethical matter and direct it
to the appropriate committee for its execution.
7~' 1,'H'.~,""Jn'. h~.tit'I;~,','h','IJ'~.OJ'"}'}
Q) perform other duties directed to it by the Ministry
(\.(\..:1. "''''')1..:" ,('hr,OJ.liA:: and the Council.
tJl.:A i: PART 3
itl\'IO'.f .n,<f':" 01//';J",6b1.f9"ittlC m/.""} 9"1'111 Registration of Professional Competence
r:?}" ithOO'.f .n..,.:,.tII//':J16b1. f9"lttU: ffl/'''''}hit&A1. .,.} Confirmation Certificate
01/'}~:OJ'9" fm.ct 111\(,o",ff'OO"f ~n,""} tII/I..'J16b1.f9"ithC 20, The NeCL"..,'sityof Professional Competence Confir-
m/..":,, 1\/:' /.cD' """"11.\:: mation Certifi(:ate
?;'p.. f(IO'.f .n,"':" O,/I...'J.,"bA f9"ithC m''''',}' I\tII/"n'.} Every health professional should have a professional
itl\OIf",'c.n OI/OOAh:J: competence confirtnation certificate.
21. Application for ProfessionarCompetence Confirmation
p.' f(lO'.f .n.""}' Ol//.:J',"b},. f9"ithc: m/."':,' I\tII/orf.}
fll'lA'c.n 'I'.N: OIf,tit.".~. nO'/..f(f)lI}(l)' ODoo/,.f
I) the application for professional competence confir-
lIDo.',,:,, nOlfj,:;j:~: (.':C9" -,.(,,,(.\.y. lID:"/.11 hf\().}::
mation certificate shall be submitted in the form
.. ~,eIDt.\t):I:hilt;eIDAtI:Fm'
.' '.. '" ,.. 'JC fO'/ h"'1\"}''} ),/,'~"'iA
prepared in accordance with the directives of the
o.,r:.1. i,''
. ,," 0;/:"/.1)~,I\IJ:": .
u) /"Am'i hmo,~.IH' f:"9"UC:" "'*9" fOlfA'C11 2) the applicant should attach with his application the
f:"9"tJC:".' lI!-/it/.l,: following original documents;
1\) >,'}.~.i',it&A"~"": nA9"9",\': (i',:H'c'Hi:r) (a) credentials from institutions oftrainimL
\ ~
'r(~'''1t..9'' (f).itl' t)I\/..U:" "'*9" fOlf."'C1) (h) documents given by an institute'in evidence
(/I/it/.:~:; of completing an internship programme. .

,It) °'l.tit:"~"I')r1.(J)it"(l)' lIDII.'I.:" fllO'.f .n.""} (c) concerning professionals who, upon the de-
/..""i eID(l)'O,l':ll\IF':(l)..} 1)oJ'eID1\ t1'l: .r~U'}~. cision of the Minister, are required to take
/.."",'OI/htP':(l)''} fOlf..fltf, (/'/it/.~': professional competence confirmation ex-
eID) },'}.~"hit&.I\'I."": nOlf.tit.}-~. fOlf,mf<l~ 1\.(\"-:". amination, document to the effect of testifying
o~?,:)":'" . that one has passed such an examination.
(d) other documents that may be required hy the
I:' i',OD;':\t):'il\(,o'.f .n.""}- tII//.:J1fib1.f9"ithC w/..,..}.
i',o,,).IJ ql\(I}' Y!H) f"'mo"OJ.'} he':.f .ehe':I\A::
3) The applicant shall pay the license renewal fee
'?!"!:.' . fOO'.f 1L<f'.)' 0I//.;J1""/. f9"i\tle m/..,..} itl\OI/
determined by the appropriate Regulations.
p.' fllO'.f .n.f.-l' 0I//.,'Y'6b1. f9"ittlC m/."',}' IJfh9"it.}. 22. Renewal of Professional Competence confirmation
'~OD'J: eID:J'.V.ithhlJ-}.:
!:.. f(IO..f .n,"'~}' OI//';J1"b1. f9"ittlc m/.""} I\
I) the professional competence confirmation cer-
fOlf.&.Au, oy'}~:{l)'9"lIhon'.f fOlf,t1'l'I\':",} OIfo:IA'}'
tificate should be renewed every five years.
2) any professional who wants to renew the profes-
u) f9"ittlC a)/,""I: 1.1t hcryh-h hh'}1: (l)C n&,.}' sional competence confirmation certificate shall
01/eIDAh9: fOl/:"/.11: fulfil the following:
h) foo..r , , 9"uU1C ool\h.fsP"}",} fOlf.,.I\:": (a) submit an application one month before the
ch) },'}.V.hit&A1."": f).,.qq,OJ.}.'} &..,.r, certific3:te expires;
fOl/l\ et:: (b) fulfill professional ethics criteria;
tIP) ftll/ltf.1i h(t:.f f,DOh&.A:: (c) should pass the examination that may he
given by the council when necessary;
(d) pay renewal fees.
1K' liit}f~H~ d..f./..l\ .,;MT ;Jli.tfJ <111'C1.r 1'C 1. '1"1.111211\.,., FederalNegaritGazeta- No. 3
~ 18111
January, 2002 Page1692

r;'f.' f{1D',' ~.:J>.P:hlt"7,Y: tD"'" h1tOllIPl1' 23. Suspension or Cancellationof ProfessionalLicence

.e.tJ1 ,r.1'" tD"'" OfltJ '.1'" "'IPl.'f- ''''.fDm fllL'i" The professionallicenceof any health professionalwho
'11t{1D'.' h~9u..,t)C ODOD~.,,,",f1 '11)'" IIL'i 111t--, violatesthese regulationsor directives on health profe~-
~ 1 '.I1-).;,.tD. ~.~~ .e.;"'~A tD"''''' ""'ltiAu
sional ethics issued under these regulations shall be
suspended or cancelled,as the ~ase may be.
hr':A 9. PART 4
Powers andDuties of the Minister
hlt"7.thT'" P'AII)1c; ,""'fIC 24. Powers of the Minister'
1)'9.' hlt07.t"'T'" P'AflJ1 . I) having examined matters suomitted to him in
ji. 01/.t h:"", nfl tJ '.1'" ~1.,.'" 9.(1;)OIlIPlT f"7."'C accordance with Article 4 (6) of thes'eregulations.
0.1t.}'1 "~f"~' hODlODl n~"! the Minister:. ' .
(a) may uphold the proposed decision or render a
V) ftD.l}). 1l}0'1 1t"7'" '.:" tD.e.'}" '1& 1 f.,.ltf different decision., I

tD.l}). It OIl hm T' (b) may direct the case to the appropriate sub-
It) n~"'t)o' fA"'tfJ&~ tD.e.9U.'/A'"m. ~..,.~.e. I1It committee so that the case may be re-ex-
11-).;J.tD.~ 1 '.,C; "'flJC'" htD.,,). 1".0 ;JC amined and submitted with a proposed de-
cision when it is believed that the case has not
~1-'t"'CofI ,1tP'&. ~h~.~"7. t-OI/..f:tD.~1-'t been examined properly. .'

OIlIth 1t"7y"l.., .e.",f"A II 2) the decision of the Minister shall be final with
~. ntLtJ~1"''''}0'h ~1"'''' (ji)(It)OPIPlTItV-It.,.~ respect to cases re-examined 'by the appropriate
sub-committeefor thesecond time persuant to Sub-
"l,t nf77.ODlth"'tD.1 0'''' t-"7.1: 'I;"'11 ,.~.e. n.,.OD Article (1) (b) Qfthis Article. ,
Ith'" OI/~thT'" fOl/.f"A~.tD. tD.,,). fODQ,l,lif 3) based on the proposed decision submitted by the
.e.r,c;/AII Gouncilthe Minister may suspend the licence for a
f.' ,~t)q.tD. nooJ..,.,..cofIlt."f' ftD'l}). 1l}11 ODlPl."f' specified period of time on one of the following
OI/.th."f''''h01£h~,.It.."f'n"'1?,. ~ 1 '.v-).;J.tD.1t.,.tD"'~ .1) when it is found that one has been performing
"l'1. ~.:J>~1 It..''',y'' .e.~'''A! as a health professionalwithout registration or
.,- ft,e.oD""11lD,e.9"fau- f t..cJ>,P,.
') ft.fft.v.:itfmS 'It\o.>- renewing the licence.
,fH' "'''IIlC ft.(a/.. O.1~:
2) if found employing a health professional
whoselicensehas been suspendedor cancelled
~. n,,'(amlD- fun',f t..4>.f.: uu',i'i 11;'Il\t."-f: nht."'lD' for violatingthese regulationsor who does not
fm,'i ".!,:9" OJ.itl' fltLU,r.')11 n"'m.,.(t-"" 9"h')f.y.:f. even have a professional licence, in the health
fun',f t..cJ>~ f;J'1.r.11"" OJ,e.9" f,"(all"l""') lD,e.9" institution for which one is responsible and
opened based on one's professional license.
fun',r t..cJ>.¥..£l.\.c(I f t\.t\OJ.') fm. 'i Ilt\un'f ft.flP/.. 3) until a court or the council decision is passed
f"'1')' }.'),r.I''': on the above mentioned illegal act under
I:' nh,)"'K' ~!! ') h')"'K' (!O(u)-(uu) f-I'm"'(alD- Article 24 Sub-Article4(a-d).
But if the case which is mentioned under
U1OJ1' "'OlIlC M:/n."" fD,e.'JD1\1.fl'\OJ' "'C(1 lD-ft~
Article 24 Sub-Article3.3 will be seen by the
}.ith.OJ(a') f.'lit: Minister,or by the councilor the sub-commit-
,e.u.,)'i nh,)"'K' ~!! ') h,)"'K' 1:(;:)f-f'm"'(aOJ' tee the suspension must be decided within 6
.,.°1'1(: ftl'/.;J'fOJ. nO?~it""", dJ,e.'Jun1.Il,\OJ' OJ,e.9"
4) withoutprejudiceto what is generallystated in
11, \1O?i:dJ' hrr., }.1P'OJ'11j.IDC'ut OJ.it1'OJ''''~ Article 23 above, the Minister may cancel, the
tl'J°1')',}.ht\,H.t: licensebased on theproposeddecision submit-
~. nh')"'~' ?);: f-I'm"'(aOJ. hm.4>I\,e.h";J1C}.')1."'mn.,. ted by the council and for one of the following
I"f I ",'l'\lD' nuy..r"'C11t\"" fOJ.ft~ Vft1l oolPl"". reason~:
(a) when the appropriate body proves that
tI'J.tit"','to hllU nUY.h-f.t\-,}.u.~;J'~:f' nh')~ t..cJ>~') the license is' acquired through
t\.(tC1' ,e.:f'''I\i fraudulentdocuments.
0) d..4>.1J.
f""')'OJ. n,h(a'}' O?itl~ hO?tt,e..,..,.t\unrr}
(b) when theHealth Professionalis convic-
ted for a serious crime which could
nuy.uut\h,,'lD' h ttl\ ntI'Jitl~ ft.l;J11': indicate that one has no adequate com-
t\) "m.'i' t)t\un..".,"" "",4>""ft\.t\OJ' unl'}') n"7.fPf,e. petence to be considered as an ethical
h't¥.. f(l)11.1\ f.'C1."" "'h(l1'4."';;:"": f.,.l;J1m
Health Profesional.
~ ,), i (c) if found to have been deliberatcly
working above one's capacity in con-
,h) Ir.,1It\- fm.'i' t)"un'f""" ""'9""I'IC') n"7..4'l') travention of the Health Professionals
IJ.~;J'h.,.(tmtD. f.l)f nl\,e. ft.1P/.. f","'f ~').r.rr." ethics.
tJ'I) hm.'i' t)"au-.".,.,: 0~1,r.O"" (I):""" U1OJ1'1':,.,.. (d) if found to have been rendering health
services in return for an illegal benefit
"",..,..,...,. it.I\ fm.'i 'It\un',r.,..,. h11\"Iit-""
whilesuspendedandincontraventionof .
(IIIitm1: '"l;J°I''' n.,.,r.;J;JO? nK', ".,.(amlD-') a.writtennoticeand a dicision of suspcn-
O?itm')"'ct,"'i' f~1P, lD-"~ 1'(1 it.1P/.. f"'"1 slon.
~,)"j 5) withoutprejudiceto what is generally statcd in
Article 19 (2) if service is tenninated due to
?;. fh,)"'K' Ij~ ') h')"'W 00 hm.cJ>l\,e. h";11C ~').r..,. suspension or cancellation for criminal
mn+ I'':' j n(l)')1.1\ :"11)""'i n,-,.,9""IIlC 1.1."t\"" convictions and non-observanceof ethics. the
lD.ft~sP~f' n~1P,'" Ir., nanIPl1l 9"tI')f"" h11\"Iit-"" registry kept to thh;effect shall be open to the
ft.!t'l1' f'" fH 001'"11 t\,'111111tift:"', ,e.rr'ilAt: 000')
public. It shall also be published in a state-
owned newspaperwithin 48 hours.
°1,..."" ,?fLII)9" n~~ (a'H, (I).it1' ~ '),tllDtlJ ,e..r.l;JI\t: 6) The Minister may issue health rofessionals
j. tI'J.~it"','tot\llU ,r.')11 hLKK9" fO?l~ "m.'i Ilt\au-,f , ,
ethical directives that may be 0 assitance in
9""IIlC oooot.,fsP:f'') t\"'tD.II)"" ,e.:f'I\I\11
the implementationof these regulations.

t 11i I1CIt~r J..lot-A ~;1t.)- ;1","'~ Ie 'Pc I 4'1 '.r. FederalNegaritGazeta No. 13 18thJanuary, 2002-Page 1693

hlj:A ~ PART5
A f.: A ~ Y:'J;J1.1P."1" MiscellaneousProvisions
25. Obligationto Cooperate
I j,~l:.
.) .. foP+t10C ,~:J-
~'J~m''JD''l\tt''fl m~9" IlAno'.f 1b~iJ" uojPl,l fl.-}- Any individual or professional or office or health
mf,'JDfm.t; .,.*')0 mf,'JD~CoPt. flt1 hilA Off.tJ"'J-O " institute or an organ which is carrying out an inves-
f."oPl\\1.'~m" +PJIlC I\..,\1c;m1 hm. 'i 111\00-1;lC tigation should in any way cooperate in providing
informationrelatedto a HealthProfessional"nd that the
n"'llnOO~~,tt.mft fuo+IlOC PJ1..:J- "'1\1t-}-"
duties which are mentioned in this regulations wil! be
?;,;. .hl.~tty.".1' 1\1\1\,,,:':m- tJ?~.
~tJ' '.'11 f07_:I"~'Jon~tJJ.fD '.'J-O: rJDoPll CD~')O 26. InapplicableLaws
hlPt,C nlLtJ ,:t1l n.,.i1'~,.",1'~f':f' ,,~ ."L~ot.,-}- No other regulation, directive or practice which is
h~tf lm.,"u inconsistentwith this regulations shall have effect with
, .
respect to mattes governed by these regulaitons.
'G1.', ,.'J0'~0I/~~c;f,1-}- :t.H.
~IJ 1.'Jo(1 nA..1..~.A .,;J1,-}-',ftllJ !,.-}-tpl hmll)O"" +'J 27. Effective Date
:f.9"~ fOc;~(t..iJ A:: These Regulationsshallenter into force as of the date of
, their publicationin the Federal Negarit Gazetta.
h.ctl\ nO" 1'C X +1 XilU!i. ~.')O Done at Addis Ababa, this 18thday of January, 2002.


fh/l-f'A'." ~'ot."If. st'l"ht.(}.YIf. &T-ot\.h THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC

'f1CY'J'i M9" tl8J1'tI8J.f.f:'C~.'" :J-+oo


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