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32 A: I'm sure we'll have a great time at Joan's party tomorrow night. B: Yes, | agree. All our friends will be there. ‘A: Will your father let you take the car? B: No, I'm afraid he won't. We form the future simple with will and the bare Infinitive. Will is used for all persons. .g. Susan will post the letters tomorrow morning. We form questions by putting will before the sub- ject. . Will Kate lend you her book? We form negations by putting not after will. The short form of will not is won't. 2.9. He will not/won't pay the bill. ' wil " He/Shelit wil " } phone. YouMe/They will W INCHCe RIVE | wit 1 will he/she/t } phone? will youtwelthey Recut | I will not won't He/Shejt will not won't } phone YouWe/They willnot won't {or future actions which may or may not happen. We'll visit Disney Worid one cay. for predictions about the future. Lite will be better lity years from now. % for threats or warnings. shoot. for promises or on-the-spot decisions. 1 help you with your homework. ® with the verbs hope, think, believe, expect, etc. the expressions I'm sure, I'm afrald, etc. and the adverbs probably, perhaps, etc. 1 think he will support me. He will probably go to work ioe = Time expressions used with the future simple include: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week/month/ year, tonight, soon, in a week/monthiyear, etc. What will life be like in the 21st century? Look at the prompts and make sentences using will or won't, as in the example. People / live longer v People will live longer. Robots / do most of the work People / use electric cars Pollution / disappear People / die of serious diseases Children / stop going to schoo! People / go on holiday to the moon Nousen SLRS We use: ‘ Will you ...? to ask someone to do something for us (request). eg. Will you post these letters for me, please? an you post these letters for me, please?) © Shall | ...2 when we offer to do something for someone else. eg. Shall | help you clean your room? ‘Do you want me to help you clean your room?) © Shall we ...? to make a suggestion. eg. Shall we go to the theatre tonight? (=Why don't we go to the theatre tonight?) ‘Ask questions using the prompt: the example. 1 Tho garden is vory untidy. (I/ cut / the grass) Shall | cut the grass? 2 It's a lovely evening. (we / go for / a walk) 3. Ineed a hot drink. (1/ make / some tea) 4 It's very quiet in here. (1/ turn on / the radio) 5 The Smiths are back. (we / visit / them) 6 I've cut my finger. (|/ get /a plaster) What does will/shall express in each sen- tence? Underline the correct meaning. 1. Tidy your room or I won't let you go to the party. (threatirequest) 2. Your daughter will have a very successful career. (warning/prediction) Shall | carry your shopping bags for you? (offer/suggestion) Vil buy a present for my mother (on-the-spot decision/preciction) Will you take out the rubbish, please? (suggestion/request) Replace the words in italics with Will you, Shall | of Shall we, as in the example. Why don't we spend ourholidays in Spain this summer? Stall we spend our holidays in Spain thie sum- mer? Do you want me 10 go to the supermarket for you? Can you pick up the children trom school for me, please? Why don't we listen to that new CD? Do you want me to book the tickets for you? Can you take my jacket to the dry-cleaner's for me, please? ‘eg, Will you pay the bills? Yes, I will Will you Yes, we will. No, ime wont. Yes, he/sheit wil 2 PEERS No, helsheli wont Nia bays Yes, they wil No, they wont In pairs, ask and answer questions using the prompts below, as in the example. Will you have a party on your birthday thie year? Yeo, I will. / No, won't. have a party on your birthday this year? go to university when you finish school? travel abroad if you have enough money? {go out with your friends at the weekend? watch TV this evening? study hard for next term’s exams? learn how to drive next summer? ‘ Answer the following questions about yourself using | think/I hope// expect I'l. or I'm sure|I'm afraid I'l .., as in the example. e 41 Where will you be at 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon? expect I'l be at home. Where will you go at the weekend? Where will you spend your holidays? ‘What will you do if you fail your exams? When will you buy your own car? ‘Who will you ask for help if you are in trouble? easen NOTE: We do not use the future simple after: while, before, until, as soon as, after, if and when. We use the present simple instead. e.g. I'll make a phone call while | wait for you. (NOT: .. while-Hwvit-weittor you) “When” can be followed by the future simple if it is used as a question word. e.g. When will you return? don't know when Helen will be back. “When” is followed by the present simple if it is used as a time word. 9. Please phone me when you finish work. a They ...will/l go. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present simple or the future simple. (go) to school when they .. (be) five years old 21 -» (Call) you before |. = (leave) for Paris. 3 He (write) a letter to her every day while he .... (be) at college. 4 We (do) our homework when we seneeneesnnenese (GAL) HOME 5 John... (fix) the tap as soon ashe (come) back from work 6 When ..... sw» (you/pack) your suitcase? 4 Isasganers .« (not/do) anything until you - (be) ready. 8 wren .. (youlphone) me? 9 I promise | (buy) you a present when | (return) from my holiday. 10 When she... .. (pass) her driving test, she (buy) a car. a ESS IDG AU He is going to throw the ball. ‘We use be going to: for plans and intentions we have about the near future. 2.9. Bob is going to drive to Manchestor tomorrow morning. @ when there is evidence that something is going to happen in the near future. @.g Look at thet tree. It is going to fall down. FF Long fon ' am i'm He/She/it is 's Jone ss YouWe/They are ‘ro leave. InCUCeRtIVe Am 1 Is he/shesit ‘going to Are youlwelthey J !eave? ili awn Doves it I am not ‘mnot He/She/t is not isn't aig You/We/They arenot aren't eaves of the verbs from the list. rescue, explode, jump, fall 1 She going to 2 The car jump... out of the plane. into the river. 3 The aeroplane 4 He ‘2g. Are you going to call him? Yes, |am. Yos, | am/we are 2 al No, 'm notiwe aren't Yes, helsheit is. it.2 Bheises No, he/shefitisnt. Rani Yas, they are No, they aren't. Fill in each gap with be going to and one Jennifer and Mark are going to spend their holidays in difforent places this summer. Look at the table. In pairs, ask and answer questions using the prompts given, as in the example. SA: Is Jennifer going to take her passport? SB: Yes, she is. Fill in the gaps with will/shall or the correct form of be going to and the verb in brackets. > (1) ...Shall we go... (welgo) to the football match on Saturday? can't. | (2) sosneuene (help) my sister. ‘Oh yes. She is moving house, isn’t she? That's right. @) ... (yourhelp) us? Yes, I'd like to. What time (4) (Vcome) to your house? I'm not sure yet. | (5) (probably! phone) you on Friday to tell you. Is that alright? Yes. I think | (6) (be) in then. Okay. (7) .. (we/go) for a walk now? Id rather not. Look at those black clouds. t@) a (rain). Let's stay in and waich a video. B: Great idea. POP 2 PORe Fill in the gaps with shall, will or the cor- rect form of be going to. Tho shops are closed tomorrow. 1...will... buy bread and milk today then. we tell Mr Peck about the Ree accident? : That's a good idea. Maybe he can help. I's too dark in here to read. 2 Is it? 1 turn on the light Please come and see us. : We visit you soon, that's a promise. BPEOre | wear a jumper or a coat? : It's very cold. Take your coat. (Gan ws oo Suto play, Mum? : No, we . have dinner now. o PeEOe Shae ou a We can use the future simple, be going to, present continuous or present simple to talk about future actions. a) He'll sell his car. (will: the future action may or may not happen) b) She's going to study abroad next year. (be going to: to express intention) ©) Thoy're leaving for Mexico tomorrow. (present continuous: for an arranged action) d) The bus leaves at nine o'clock. (present simple: for timetabies) A. Jonathan is not satisfied with his life as it is. He has already decided to change a number of things. Look at the prompts and say what he intends to do, as in the exampI © move to the city centre He is going to move to the city centre. = sae! fe © buy a bigger house © apply for a job with a law firm ’ B_ Now look at Jonathan's diary. What has he already arranged to do? Make sentences, as in the example. ‘le Monday, &th April — move to/the city centre 1 He's moving to the city centre on Monday, th Ly April (7 Tueeday, oth Apil— Mr Brown comolcolloctthe car ,* Wednesday, toth April — sign the contractor a new house Friday, 12th April — have an interview with Mr Ford at 10 o'clock 1 Sunday, 20th June — get married 2 Mysister 3. What time .... 4 Natalie 5 Megan... 6 The flight to Berlin Put the verbs in brackets into th present continuous or the present simple. 1 “ls Gordon coming... (Gordonicome) with us tonight?" “No, he .../sn’t... (be/not)” ve (go) to university in September. (the play/start) tomorrow? (have) a birthday party on Saturday. (sing) in the school concert tomorrow night. (leave) at six o'clock. 7 The Browns .. (move) to their new house this wookend 8 Whattime .. (tho forry/roach) Calais tomorrow afternoon? aps with one of the verbs Fill in th from the list in the correct tense. walk, come, post Oh, no! | forgot to post this letter. " cy Don't worry. it for you| ‘on my way home. Tom Ford to our town next week. By cones ne manne Will | take the children to the playground for you? Vil call you when | will finish work. Will you to clean the carpet, please? The film is starting at 8 o'clock. Wait here until he will come. The Queen won't not attend the parade tomorrow. onsenas \ sion Box Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Dear Martha, 11) ...' writing. (write) to tell you my good news. 12). (save) enough money from my parttime job and, at last, | 3) (open) a flower shop, My father . (own) a shop years ago and . Give) me some advice and suggestions. He 6) (think) that my shop 7) (be) a success, because there isn’t another flower shop in the area. ‘The shop isn’t ready yet. My brother 8). relia the inside of the shop and tomorrow he 9) eee (Paint) the outside. 1 10) .. ww (need) to buy a new sign. My mother 11) evsemerm at (want) me to call the shop “Rose”, but | 12) . (stillthink) aboutit. Anyway, Ijust hope the local people 13) ike) it. 114) (start) work next Monday, 115) . (probably/phone) you some time next week if | 16) . - (have) time. Wish me luck. 4 he) on Best wishes, Nicky ee Rob Brown and Molly Gould are opera singers. A reporter hes interviewed them about their summer plans. Look at the table and, in pairs, ask and answer questions using the prompts, as in the exemple, se aa oi eae Ce 38: Yes, he is. Is Molly going to give any concerts in the summer? A: Yes, sho fs. Rob Brown Molly Gould * give /concerts vi v * g0/to India a x * appear/inaTVshow x v * 90 on holiday in August ¢ s * take part /in charity events % S * sing /at the Queen Mother's birthday x x celebrations + make /a record ¥ x * sing /in a rock opera x “ Look at your notes from the Oral Activity above and ‘complete the newspaper article about Rob Brown and Molly Gould. Rob Brown and Molly Gould, up-and-coming opera ‘singers, talked to our reporter, Emma Smith, yesterday. She asked them about their future plans, and this is what she found out: SEA ORE A GEO EIST summer. Rob .. Revision 1 (Units 1 a 1 Igo to bed alter midnight. (seldom) | seldom go to bed after midnight. 2. I don't drink tea in the moming. (often) Rewrite the sentences putting the adverb in brackets in the correct place. 3. She washes the dishes after dinner. (usually) 4 eatin restaurants. (rarely) 5 Do they go for a walk on Sunday afterioons? (often) 6 Do you visit your grandparents on Saturdays? (usually) 7 Mary is late for meetings. (never) 8 They don't go abroad on holiday. (usually) Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. A: Excuse me. What time 1) ..does the bus for Plymouth leave...? (the bus for Plymouth/leave) B: it) (eave) in half an hour. 3) . (you/go) to Plymouth too? A: Yes. | 4) (visit) my grand- daughter. She 5) .. fv) tere. And you? BY VG) sini (live) there too. 17) i (do) a course at tne college. ‘A; What subject 8) .. » (youlstudy)? B: Tourism, ‘A That's interesting. B: 19) (come) here twice a week because | 10) (work) in a hotel at the moment. It's work experience Ay Yes,141) (think) that is very important. 12) (yourike) the work? B: Yes,1 13) (ove) it [Ah, look! Here comes the bus! Put the verbs in brackets Into the past simple or the past continuous. 1 He ...was watching... (watch) TV when the tele: phone ...rang... (ring) B Newsiccss ‘ (Clean) the house while he (work) in the garden. 3. When we ees (find) the cat it (play) under the bed 4 Joan (have) a shower when the window cleaner (come) 5 ES Sa 5 Grandma (knit) white Grandad ..... . (smoke) his pipe. 6 When! .. (arrive) home, Father (paint) the front door. (walk) when 7 Bob and Sally — (start) to rain. 8 What (yourtalk) about when |... 7 .. (come) in? 91 (read) my newspaper when they (knock) on the door. 40 As Fiona (wash) the glass, sne (cut) her finger. 11 Mother (break) the vase while she (cust) it 12. My brother (build) a sandcasto while | (swim) in the sea. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the present perfect simple. e ‘Wellnown pop singer Zippy Spring 1) ...hae recently eigned.... (recently/sign) a new record deal with Star Records in London. Zippy's success 2) years ago when he 3) ‘song which 4) of the charts. However, he 5) (have) a car accident six months ago and 6) . (stay) in hospital for a long time. . (make) his first public appear- .. (begin) five svmees (FECOFG) (go) to the top He7) ance three weeks ago and 8) (thank) his fans for all their love and suppor ‘The music he plays 9) (be) popular with older people since the beginning of his career, but recently younger people 10) ‘ (star) to take an interest too. Zippy only 11). deal last week but he 12) (already/write) a number of songs for his new record. He 13) (ust/announce) that he 14) (Stan) to plan his next European tour. (ign) the Fill in the gaps with has/have been (to) or has/have gone (to). e 1 A: | .have... never ..been to... Austria, but | would love to go. BI there three times. It's a beautiful country. DAS seremnnrnnnns YOU the Italian restaurant in town? B: No, but Pauline She said it was lovely. . there twice. 3. A: Are Mandy and Kate coming to the cinema? B: No, they ‘out with their cousins. 4A: Where is Dad? B: He sees WOTK. A: But it's Sunday. He doesn't work on Sunday! Fill in the gaps with already, yet, ever, never, Just, soar, since, how long, always or for. Some ‘of them can be used more than once. eS 1) ..How long... nave you been in Rome? : I've been here 2) last week. What about you? : I've been here 3) only three days. Which places have you visited 4) . 12 Well, I've 5) .. . visited the Vatican museum twice and I've spent a whole moming in the Piazza di Spagna. haven't been to the Vatican 6) | intend to. Have you eaten at a traditional restau- rant7) n? }: No, | haven't. But I've 8) visited Fontana di Trevi. Oh, yes. I've 9) wanted to go there and throw a coin in the water! Have you 10) earscan .. been to Venice? No, Ihave 11) sow been there, butI've 12) sone arranged t0 ‘spend two days there before I return home. E LOS is Put the verbs in brackets into the pre- sent simple or future simple. 1 1.will/'l help... (help) you with the shopping before eee (go) to the gym. aa y a (not/be) at home when . (have) the dinner party 3 ~ (go) to the airport after she (finish) work on Friday night. 4 When we v= (arrive) on the island, we (G0) straight to the beach. 5 They. (buy) @ new car when they (sell) their old one. 6 When Bob and Marie...... (ged) married next month, thay (move) into their new house. ® Choose the correct item. 1 We ...B.. on holiday next weekend. A go B aregoing C goes 2 James is a good student. He his homework every evening. A do B isdoing C does 31 this film. Let's watch something else. A have seen Baw © amseeing 4. Fred fell off the ladder while he the ceiling, A usedto paint B was painting © painted 5 Ted is car last month. A sold B has sold 6 Tho sun ‘every morning. A isnising B rises © was rising TU asosone MY fitst Cassette player when | was eighteen, A have bought B am buying © bought 8 Donna venom her hair, It is still wet A has just washed B iswashing © washes 9 Jennifer... eat vegetables, but now she does. A used to B didn'tuseto © doesn't yp correct the mistakes. Peter plays football at the moment. ‘My parents have bought a new fridge yesterday. Sarah was writing three letters so far today. 11am going to the gym every Tuesday. | expect | go shopping on Saturday. Do you come with us tomorrow morning? Did you see my dog? He’s run away. Mandy will buy a car as soon as she will pass her driving test. C is selling evoaurene Oral Activity ee 6 @ OY @Hr0Nn Vouson ous He always wanted to be a runner. He started running at the age of seven He won the school championship when he was 15 years old He joined the national team four years ago. He has won several medals so far He has recently received the “Aihieie of the Year’ award. He got married iast month He has already taken part in two international championships. ing Activity (Suggested answer) He always wanted to be a runner. He started running at the age of seven. He won tho school championship when ho was 1 years old. He joined the national team four years ago and he has won several medals 50 far. He has recently received the “Athlete of the Year" award and he got married last month. He has already taken part in two international ‘championships. UNIT 5: The Future Robots will do most of the work People won't use electric cars. Pollution will disappear. People won't die of serious diseases, Children won't stop going to school. People will go on holiday to the moon. Shall we go for a walk? Shall | make some tea? Shall | turn on the radio? Shall we visit then? Shall | get a plaster? prediction 4 _ on-the-spot decision offer 5 request Shall | go to the supermarket for you? Will you pick up the children from school for me, please? Shall we listen to that new CD? Shall | book the tickets for you? Will you take my jacket to the dry cleaner's for me, please? a a (Ss’ own answers) 162 1 are 7 will notwon't do, 2 will!'l cal, leave are 3 willl write, is 8 will you phone 4 willl do, get 9 will buy, return 5 willl fix, comes 10 passes, willl buy 6 will you pack is going ofall 4 is going to is gong to explode rescue : Is Jennifer going to travel by train? No, she isn’t. : Is Mark going to travel by train? Yes, ne is. Is Jennifer going to buy any souvenirs? : Yes, she is. : 1s Mark going to buy any souvenirs? : Yes, he is. Is Jennifer going to spend much money? : Yas, she is. : IS Mark going to spend much money? : No, he isn't. : Is Jennifer going to hire a car? : Yes, she is. Is Mark going to hire a car? : No, he isn't. amy'mgoing to = 5_wil/Il_ probably holp phone Will you help 6 willl be shall | come 7 Shall we go 8 is/'s going to rain P OP © © ‘Shall will will 5 Shall 6 are|'re going to He is going to sell his car. He is going to buy a bigger house. He is going to marry Susan He is going to apply for a job with a law firm. '* Mr Brown is coming to collect the car (on Tuesday, Sth April. ‘* He's signing the contract for a new house on Wednesday, 10th April. '* He's having an interview with Mr Ford at 10 o'clock on Friday, 12th April He's getting married on Sunday, 20th June, tee is going 6 leaves does the play 7 are moving start 8 does the ferry is having reach is singing willl post 3 is coming is/'s going to walk Shalll | take the children to the playground for you? "il call you when | finish work. Will you clean the carpet, please? ‘The film starts at 8 o'clock. Weit here unit he comes. ‘The Queen won't attend the parade tomorrow. have/'ve saved am/'m going to open owned has/'s given thinks wil’ be has/'s already painted is/'s going to paint need wants am/'m siill thinking wil like amy'm starting will’ll probably phone have Oral Activity SA: SB: SA SB: SAL SB: SA: SB: SA: SB: SA: SB: SA: SB: SA: Is Rob going to goto India in the summer? Yes, he is. Is Molly going to go to India in the summer? No, she isn’t. Is Rob going to appear ina TV show in the summer? No, he isn't. Is Molly going to appear in a TV show in the summer? Yes, she is. 's Rob going to go on holiday in August? Yes, he is. Is Molly going to go on holiday in August? Yes, she is. Is Rob going to take part in charity events in the summer? Yes, he is. Is Molly going to take part in charity events in the summer? Yes, she is. Is Rob going to sing at the Queen Mother's birthday celebrations in the summer? No, he isn't. Is Molly going to sing at the ‘Queen Mother's birthday celebrations in the summer? No, she isn't, Is Rob going to make a record in the summer? ‘Yes, he is. Is Molly going to make a record in the summer? No, she isn't. Is Rob going to sing in a rock opera in the summer? No, he isn’t. Is Molly going to sing in a rock opera in the summer? Yes, she is. Writing Activity (Suggested answer) is going to go to India, but Molly isn't. Molly is going to appear in a TV show, but Rob isn't. Rob and Molly are going to go on holiday in ‘August, and they are going to take part in charity events, Rob and Molly aren't going to to sing at the Queen Mother's birthday celebrations. Rob is going to make a record, but Molly isn’t. Molly is going to sing in a tock ‘opera, but Rob isn't 163 164 Revision 1 (Units 1 - 5) I don’t often drink tea in the morning, She usually washes the dishes after inner. | rarely eat in restaurants. Do they often go for a walk on Sunday afternoons? Do you usually visit your grandparents on Saturdays? Mary is never late for meetings. They don't usually go abroad on holiday. leaves 8 are you studying Are you going 9 come am/'m visiting 10 am/’"m working lives, 11. think tive 12 Do you like am/'m doing 13 love was cleaning, was working found, was playing was having, came was knitting, was smoking arrived, was painting were walking, started were you talking, came was reading, knocked was washing, cut broke, was dusting ‘was building, was swimming began 10 have started recorded 11. signed went 12 has already had written, stayed 13 has just made announced thanked 14 has started as been UNIT 6: SA: Who was Volta? SB: He was the man wholthat invented the electric battery. SA: Who was Columbus? SB: He was the man who/that discovered America. eee CP 1 have been 3 have gone 2 Have... bento, 4 has gone to has been 2 since 8 already/just 3 for 9 always 4 sofar/already 10 ever 5 already 11 never 6 yet 12 justiaiready 7 yot 1 go 4 arrive, willl go 2 will novwon't be, 5 will/il buy, sell have 6 get, willl move 3. will go, finishes 2c 3A No oo oo o> 4.8 5A Peter is playing football at the moment. 2 My parents bought a new fridge yesterday. 3 Sarah has written three letters so far today. 4 1go to the gym every Tuesday. | expect | will go shopping on Saturday. Will you come with us tomorrow morning? 7 Have you seen my dog? He's run away. 8 Mandy will buy a car as soon as she Passes her driving test. Relatives 4. SA: Who was Von Zeppelin? ‘SB: He was the man whoj/that first airship. 5. SA: Who were the Kelloggs? $B: They were the men who/that made the first comflakes. 6 SA: Who was Cleopatra? SB: She was the woman who/that ruled Egypt.

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