Results: Conversion, X Vs Reaction Time, T (100 Ml/min)

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Reactor volume= 10 L @ 10,000 mL

Temperature= 30.7°C

Flowrate= 100 mL/min

Total flow
rate of
Flow rate Flow rate Residence Concentration
solutions, Conversion,
Time Temperatur of NaOH, of Et(Ac), time, τ Conductivity of NaOH,
F0 X (%)
(min) e (°C) FNAOH FEt (min) (mS/cm) CNaOH (M)
(mL/min) (mL/min)
0 32 99 101 200 50 8.75 0.0321 0
5 32.2 100 100 200 50 8.15 0.0287 10.59
10 32.4 103 101 204 49.02 7.77 0.0265 17.45
15 32.6 91 101 192 52.08 7.41 0.0244 23.99
20 32.9 102 100 202 49.5 7.16 0.0228 28.97
25 33.1 97 99 196 51.02 6.93 0.0213 33.64
30 33.3 93 101 194 51.55 6.71 0.0198 38.32

Conversion, X vs Reaction Time, t (100 mL/min)

Time (min)

0 10.59 17.45 23.99 28.97 33.64 38.32
Conversion, X (%)

( C A0−C A )
Reaction rate constant,k=
τ avg C2A
(50.45 ) ( 0.0198 2)
¿ 0.6219

Reactor volume= 10 L @ 10,000 mL

Temperature= 33.4°C

Flowrate= 200 mL/min

Total flow
rate of
Flow rate rate of Residence Concentration
solutions, Conversion,
Time Temperature of NaOH, Et(Ac), time, τ Conductivity of NaOH,
F0 X (%)
(min) (°C) FNAOH FEt (min) (mS/cm) CNaOH (M)
(mL/min) (mL/mi
0 33.5 204 206 410 24.39 6.17 0.0163 0
5 33.7 201 205 406 24.63 5.74 0.0134 17.79
10 33.8 199 203 402 24.88 5.41 0.011 32.52
15 33.9 200 202 402 24.88 5.24 0.0097 40.49
20 34.0 198 203 401 24.94 5.16 0.0091 44.17
25 34.1 194 202 396 25.25 5.09 0.0085 47.85
30 34.2 198 203 401 24.94 5.06 0.0083 49.08

Conversion, X vs Reaction Time, t (200 mL/min)



Time (min)




0 17.79 32.52 40.49 44.17 47.85 49.08
Conversion, X (%)

( C A0−C A )
Reaction rate constant,k=
τ avg C2A
( 24.84 ) ( 0.00832 )

¿ 4.675


Residence time, τ (min)

Table 1: Residence Time for 100 mL/min

10000 mL 10000 mL
τ 0 min= τ 20min =
200 mL /min 202 mL/min

τ 0 min=50 min τ 20min =49.50 min

10000mL 10000 mL
τ 5 min = τ 25min =
200 mL /min 196 mL/min

τ 5 min =50 min τ 25min =51.02 min

10000mL 10000mL
τ 10 min = τ 30 min =
204 mL /min 194 mL /min

τ 10 min =49.02min τ 30 min =51.55 min

10000 mL
τ 15 min =
192mL /min

τ 15 min =52.08 min

Table 2: Residence Time for 200 mL/min

10000 mL 10000mL
τ 0 min= τ 20min =
410 mL /min 401 mL/min

τ 0 min=24.39 min τ 20min =24.94 min

10000 mL 10000 mL
τ 5 min = τ 25min =
406 mL/min 396 mL /min

τ 5 min =24.63 min τ 25min =25.25 min

10000 mL 10000 mL
τ 10 min = τ 30 min =
402 mL /min 401 mL /min

τ 10 min =24.88 min τ 30 min =24.94 min

10000 mL
τ 15 min =
402 mL /min

τ 15 min =24.88 min

Table 2: Results For Preparation Of Calibration Curve

Concentration Conductivity
of NaOH (M) (mS/cm)

0.0500 10.7
0.0375 9.7
0.0250 7.5
0.0125 5.6
0.0000 4.0

Concentration of NaOH (M) vs Conductivity (mS/cm)

Conductivity (mS/cm)

10 f(x) = 1.75 x + 2.25

R² = 0.99
0 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.05
Concentration of NaOH (M)

Graph 1: Concentration of NaOH (M) vs Conductivity (mS/cm)

Interpolation of Concentration of NaOH, CNaOH (M)

( y 2− y 1 )
y= y1 + ( x −x1 )
( x 2−x 1 )
Table 3: 100 mL/min

( 0.025−0.0375 ) ( 0.0125−0.0250 )
y 0 min =0.0375+ ( 8.75−9.7 ) y 20 min =0.0250+ ( 7.16−7.5 )
(7.5−9.7 ) ( 5.6−7.5 )
y 0 min =0.0321 M y 20 min =0.0228 M
( 0.025−0.0375 ) ( 0.0125−0.0250 )
y 5 min =0.0375+ ( 8.15−9.7 ) y 25 min =0.0250+ ( 6.93−7.5 )
(7.5−9.7 ) ( 5.6−7.5 )
y 5 min =0.0287 M y 25 min =0.0213 M
( 0.025−0.0375 ) ( 0.0125−0.0250 )
y 10 min =0.0375+ ( 7.77−9.7 ) y 30 min =0.0375+ ( 6.71−7.5 )
( 7.5−9.7 ) ( 5.6−7.5 )
y 10 min =0.0265 M y 30 min =0.0198 M
( 0.0125−0.0250 )
y 15 min =0.0250+ ( 7.41−7.5 )
( 5.6−7.5 )
y 15 min =0.0244 M

Table 5: 200mL/min

( 0.0125−0.025 ) ( 0.0−0.0125 )
y 0 min =0.0250+ ( 6.17−7.5 ) y 20 min =0.0125+ ( 5.16−5.6 )
( 5.6−7.5 ) ( 4.0−5.6 )
y 0 min =0.0163 M y 20 min =0.0091 M
( 0.0125−0.025 ) ( 0.0−0.0125 )
y 5 min =0.0250+ ( 5.74−7.5 ) y 25 min =0.0125+ ( 5.09−5.6 )
( 5.6−7.5 ) ( 4.0−5.6 )
y 5 min =0.0134 M y 25 min =0.0085 M
( 0.0−0.0125 ) ( 0.0−0.0125 )
y 10 min =0.0125+ ( 5.41−5.6 ) y 30 min =0.0125+ ( 5.06−5.6 )
( 4.0−5.6 ) ( 4.0−5.6 )
y 10 min =0.0110 M y 30 min =0.0083 M
( 0.0−0.0125 )
y 15 min =0.0125+ ( 5.24−5.6 )
( 4.0−5.6 )
y 15 min =0.0097 M

Conversion, X (%)

C NaOH ( t=0 )−¿ C

X= NaOH (t)
×100 % ¿
C NaOH (t =0 )

Table 4: 100 mL/min

0.0321−0.0321 0.0321−0.0228
X 0min = ×100 % X 20 min = ×100 %
0.0321 0.0321
X 0min =¿ 0% X 20 min =¿28.97%
0.0321−0.0287 0.0321−0.0213
X 5 min = ×100 % X 25 min = ×100 %
0.0321 0.0321
X 5 min =¿ 10.59% X 25 min =¿33.64%
0.0321−0.0265 0.0321−0.0198
X 10 min = ×100 % X 30 min = ×100 %
0.0321 0.0321
X 10 min =¿17.45% X 30 min =38.32 %
X 15 min = ×100 %
X 15 min =¿23.99%
Table 5: 200 mL/min

0.0163−0.0163 0.0163−0.0091
X 0min = ×100 % X 20 min = ×100 %
0.0163 0.0163
X 0min =¿ 0% X 20 min =¿44.17%
0.0163−0.0134 0.0163−0.0085
X 5 min = × 100 % X 25 min = ×100 %
0.0163 0.0163
X 5 min =¿ 17.79% X 25 min =¿47.85%
0.0163−0.011 0.0163−0.0083
X 10 min = ×100 % X 30 min = ×100 %
0.0163 0.0163
X 10 min =¿32.52% X 30 min =49.08 %
X 15 min = ×100 %
X 15 min =¿40.49%


A Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) is reactor equipped with a stirrer or other mixing
device to perform a productive mixing that operates in an open system, which means there is a flow
in and out of the system. In this session, students were tasked to conduct the experiment with two
different flow rates, which are 100 ml/min and 200 ml/min which are controlled by V5 and V10.

In order to associate the saponification process between NaOH and Et(Ac) in the CSTR, the
conductivity values, which can be monitored directly from the control panel, plays a vital role in
estimating the amount of reaction occurred throughout the system. For both flow rates, it was
observed that the conductivity values were decreasing with time. This scenario correlates with the
disappearance of NaOH with time or in other words, the saponification process were happening in
the reactor.

For 100 ml/min of flowrates, the initial conductivity for the solution was 8.75 mS/cm which
shows that there were high amount of unreacted NaOH in the system whereas the final conductivity
value at the 30th minute of the first run, was 6.71 mS/cm. In contrast with the 200 ml/min of flow
rates, which was carried out as the second run, the initial conductivity was 6.17 mS/cm as a result of
continuity of saponification from the first run, and the final conductivity was 5.06 mS/cm.
By plotting the graph of conductivity against concentration of NaOH, the concentration of
NaOH can be determined. Furthermore, the decline of conductivity values for both flowrates were
getting slower with time which indirectly pointed out that the reaction were approaching its final
stages. However, after 30 minutes of each run, the conductivity value never achieve a steady state as
it keep decreasing with time. This proves that the saponification process were still ongoing or

For a further analysis on the reaction, the percentage conversion, X is an effective and
improve alternatives to determine the amount of reactant that were already reacted in terms of
mole in the system. By referring the table for both flow rates, the conversion were increased with
time. For the same duration of time for both 100 ml/min and 200 ml/min flow rates, the calculated
final conversion are 38.32% and 49.08% respectively. It proved that as the flow rate of the solution
increases, the conversion, X is also increases.

By using the graph of conversion against reaction time for both flow as a reference, it can be
seen that the conversion is directly proportional with time. For a comparison, the slope for 100
ml/min of flow rates is lower than 200 ml/min of flow rate. This shows that the conversion are
happening faster for a higher flow rate. For evidence, the average residence time for 100 ml/min
throughout the experiment was about 50 minutes which is almost twice the amount of residence
time taken for 200 ml/min of flow rates which was about 25 minutes.

For the reaction rate constant, it is defined as the proportionality constant in the equation
that expresses the relationship between the rate of reaction between NaOH and Et(Ac) and their
respective concentrations throughout the chemical reaction. By using the equation provided, the
value of reaction rate constant, k can be calculated. For the first run (100 ml/min), the value of k is
0.6219 whereas for the second run (200 ml/min), k is equal to 4.675.

There is a huge difference for both flow rates in terms of value of k. This situation occurred
due to high difference of residence time for each run operated in the experiment. To be specific, the
average residence time for 200 ml/min of flow rate was about 25 minutes, which is almost half the
residence time for 100 ml/min of flow rate, which was about 50 minutes.

Moreover, the final concentration of NaOH for the second run (200 ml/min) is 0.0083 M,
which is much lower compared to the final concentration for the first run (100 ml/min), which is only
0.0198 M as the result of continuity of reaction took places in the second run. These two
components are highly affected the reaction rate constant, k in the experiment. If each flow rate
were run separately, the value of calculated k will be more realistic and the difference will be lower.

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