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Theoretical Framework

According to the researchers of University of Washington (2008), there are two

areas of psychological research and theory is of critical importance here: addiction and

mood disorders. To the extent that your child becomes preoccupied with the games,

has seemingly uncontrollably urges to play when their attention should be on other

topics, such as school, spends more and more time doing nothing but playing the

games in order to get satisfaction from them, that is, the behaviour is comparable to an

alcoholic or drug’s addict having increased tolerance for their substance of choice, and

refuses school or stops doing homework , then they maladaptive habit, if not an

addiction, could be in the making, and you should seek professional help

( Tucker,2012). Jones elaborates that according to the students, gaming has little

impact, either positive or negative, on their academic lives. About two-thirds (66%) felt

gaming had no influence on their academic performance.

A majority of this research has examined associations between video game use

and aggressive behaviour, but there has also been some interest in the effects of video

games on school performance. Video games are recent new form of entertainment, the

first meta-analysis (Anderson & Bushman, 2001; Sherry, 2001) showed that there is a

steadily growing body of research looking at their impact on players.

Conceptual Framework
This study shows that the independent variable is the online games, which has

an effect directly to the dependent variable, which is the Academic Performance of the


Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will have a great value in helping the parents, teachers,

administrators, especially the students.

To the parents, it will serve as basis to help share with other parents the

information about certain social media or ideas to help each other in parenting and for

monitoring of their children about the proper using of social media.

To the teachers, it will provide additional knowledge on what strategies they

will use to educate and help students about the e extent of use of social media to their

academic performance.

To the administrator, it will serve as their basis on what kind of programs and

policies they will implement to lessen the extent of use of social media to the academic

performance of the students.

To the students, the results of this research will surely benefits to them. With

this they will realize that too much spend in using social media can affects to their

academic performance in school.

To the future researchers, it will serve as their basis and guide in conducting

research related to this topic.

Scope and Limitation of the study

This study will determine the extent of use of social media and its relationship to

the Academic Performance of the Senior High School students of Private University in

Iloilo. In this study, the antecedent are strand, sex, allowance and residence and the

dependent variable is the extent use of social media and its relationship to academic

performance which is the independent variable.

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