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Contents ts Chapter t : Network Analysis of Ac Circuit and Dependent Sources .. Shapter 2: Initial conditions” Chapter 3: Transient analysis in circuit by direct solution Chapter “ansient analysis in circuit by Laplace Transform .. Chapter 5: Frequency Response of Network... Chapter 6: Fourier series and transform Chapter 7: Two- Port Parameter of Networks Qld Questions solu: ions of IOE 2071 Shawan 2070 Chaitra .. 2070 Ashad 2069 Chaitra 2069 Ashad 2068 Mangsir 2068 Baishakh .. 2067 Magh 2066 Bhadra .. 2064 Falgun .. a i ati : Fleets re Circuit Th ory (SyHabus) Content Chapter 1: Network amalysie of Ac chreuit and dependent Source. (8 hours) VA Mesh An V2.Nodal Analysis and parallel resonance in RIC Cireuits 1.3.1, Impedance and phase angle of series resonant circuit, 1.2. Voltage and current in series resonant circuit 13 Nandwidth of the RLC circuit , N34. High and Lowe 2: (nblial conditions, 2 hoursy 2.1, Chavacteristios of various network clements. ri Initial value of derivatives, 2.3, Procedure for evaluating smitial conditions 24 Mn condition in the case of RLC network Chante ‘Transient analysis in RLC circuit by direct solution. (10 hours) 41 [ntenduction "4.2, Virat order differential equation. 4.4, Higher order homoyencous and non-homogeneous differential equations. 44. Particular integral by method of undetermined co-efficient 4 3.9, Response of RL. circuit with TSA, NC excitation 4.5.2. Exponential & lation 15.4, Sinusoidal Pxeitation 1.6, Hesponse of KC cirewit with : 16.1, DC excitation 4.2. Vexponential Excitation vill 3.6.3. Sinusoidal Excit 3.7. Response of RLC circuit with * i 3.7.1. DC excitation 3.7.2. Exponential Excitation 3.7.3. Sinusoidal Excitation 3.8. Response of parallel RLC circuit with DC excitation, Chapter 4: Travisient analysis in RLC circuit by Laplace Transform. _ (8 hours) 4,1. Introduction : 4.2. The Laplace ‘Transformation 43. Important properties of Laplace Transformation, 4.4, Use of partial fraction expansion in analysis Using Laplace Transformations, 4.5. Heaviside’s partial fraction expansion Theorem 4.6. Response of RL circuit with 4.6.1. DC excitation 4.6.2. Exponential Excitation 4.6.3: Sinusoidal Excitation 4.7, Response of RC circuit with 4.7.1, DE excitation 4.7.2. Exponential Excitation 4.7.3. Sinusoidal Excitation 4.8. Response of RLC circuit with 4.8.1. DC excitation 4.8.2. Exponential Excitation 4.8.3. Sinusoidal Excitation 9. Response of parallel RLC circuit with exponential excitation. “4,10: Transfer Functions poles and zeros of Networks. Chap ter 5: Frequeney Response of Network (6 hours) 5.1. Introduction i q 5.2. Magnitude and Phase Respénse | 53, Bode diagrams : 5.4, Band Width of Series and parallel Resonance ckt. . 5.5, Basie concept of filters, high pass, low pass, band pass and band stop filters, | Chapter 6: Fourier series and transform (6 hours) i | : 6.1. Basic concept of Fourier series and analysis, | i 6.2. Evaluation of Fourier coefficients for periodic non-sinusoidal waveforms in electric” networks h i 63 Introduction of Fourier transforms Chapter 7: Two- Port Parameter of Networks (6 hours) 7.1, Definition of two- port networks 7.2. Short circuit admittance parameters r : 7.3. Open cireuit impedance parameters 7.4. Transmission short circuit admittance parameters le 7.5. Hybrid parameters \ 716. Relationship and transformation between sets of parameters fd 7.1. Application of filters "7,8. Application to transmission lines 7.9. Inierconnection of two-port network (cascade, series, parallel) { . Network Analysis of Ac Circuit and. Dependent Sources An Electrical Network is an interconnection of capacitors, source, current and switches. An glectrical circuit is a network con: 1g of a closed loop, given & return path for the current. Linear electrical networks, a special type consisting only of sources (voltage or current), linear lumped elements (resistors, capacitors, inductors): and tinear. distrusted elements (transmission lines), have the property that signals are linearly, They. are thus more easily analyzed, using powerful frequency domain methods such as Laplace transforms, to determine DC response, Ac response, and transient response. [_ Source) electrical elements such as resistors, inductors, [= = et = Tene] fr ty a eS Praca 6S =] FI a | *Dependent Sources: The Source that can be controlled by. a voltage or current existing at some other place of the circuit is known as dependent source. *VCVS = Voltage controlled Voltage Source fee — ve venta *CCVS = Current Controlied Voltage Source 1] Page Note: “Consider eae all outgoing current while using KCL at a particular node except given current source direction. Voltage controlled Current Source ae 7 — tH va CS vera *CCCS = Current controlled Current Source a j fa Owe =Kla 1.L.Nodal Analysis: 7 ‘Steps to be applied for solving any circuit by Nodal analysis 1. Find out the possible no. of nodes, Select one as reference node arid assign the node voltage to the rémaining nodes + such as V1, V2, and V3 and so on: : 3. See the types of source present on the circuit and solve accordingly. Typel: [CHAPTER-1] [Electric Circuit Theory] Wass aelt ons . Solution: Using KCL at node | Note: Consider ‘ail outgoing current while-using KCL at a “Rs particular node except given current source direction. ° a I ee + zl 2 Bl) s + =~ “a Yi + (G)va+ (Z G11 V1 + G12 V2 + G13 V3. OnGi2= (4) 0r,G13 = (2 Using KCL at node 2: v2-v3 RS ona=(h+2ed)ve+(2)vi+(2)v3 Re, OnI2 = G21 Vi + G22 V2 + G23 V3-. vaslolt And Using KCL at node 3: Bay tae tas : tytyd t\e5 5 o, 1B =(S+54+2)v34(S)vat Or, 13 = G31 V1 + G32 V2 + G33 V3 - Now, Putting equation (i),(ii)and (iii) in matrix form “(GLIVI= 10) ; eT 3] Page . [Electric Circuit Theory) ” Ta-B ‘Thus using Cramer’s Rule calculate V1, V2 and V3 G21 G22°.G23 [et G12 G13 G31 G32 G33. yas vie@ va-5 ' Git G12 G12 11 G12 G12 Where, =|G21 G22. G23 A1l=|I2 G22 G23] + \c31 G32. G33. 13 G32. G33. | Git 11 G12 Ef (G11 G12 1Y : A2Z=(G21'.12 G23 A3= |G21 G22 12 G31 13. G33. G31 G32_ 13! Example 1.1: In the Network shown, find current through exch resistor using Nod: analysis t i f zal i 320 | — v3 l 580 | | Solution: Let us assigin nodal Voltage V1, V2, V3 and reference node as shown in the figure Using KCL at node 1: 210 + (VI-V2)41 + (V1-V3)92= 0 Or,3V1-V2 -2 V3 -10=0 {CHAPTER-1] [Electric Circuit Theory] Using KCL at node 2: -20 = (V2-VI)*I + (V2-V3)*3 Or,-20 = 4V2-V1-3V3 -—~ Using KCL at node 3: 0 (V3-V2)*3 + (V3-0)*5 + (V3-V1)*2 ---~ (iii) Or,10V3 -2V1 -3V2 = 0-— Solving equation (i), (ii) and (iii) we have ~ V1 =-0.1818 Volt - V2 = -6.545 Volt V3 =-2 Volt Current through each resistor are: Note: Use calculator for solving thrée equations, most of the student make errors while solving the equation by themselves plus most importantly it save your time. 3.6364 A 20 13.6. val 50 AQA ‘Type 2: Circuit Containing Voltage source in addition with current source 2. a, Voltage source in the circuit that can transformable into current source 5|Page . ww RS ~ ie ‘RE vil pe — ee v3, re SX s, wir!) Ser) eer w(t) oRo a. 5 S SS _ * Then apply KCL. on the particular node and solve accordingly 2. b. Voltage source not transformable into current source 2. bi. The voltage source involving reference node - —— aa VL yg yd aD See 24) ; ‘ a 7 . a 1.6 (Ve- Va) = Vb — Va +3Vd +24 62.4=-0.6 Va—Vb-3Vd --: “Also, Vb -Vd=0.2 Vm Or, Vb ~ Vd = 0.2 (Ve-Vd) Or,Vb- Vd +0.2 Vd=- 4.8 ‘Or,Vb-0.8 Vd=-4.8 --——-—————-—= (ii) From node A: ae Bee 600-565 Ve.vy ‘Solving equation (i). and (iii) we get Va =~ 14.22 Volt Vb = -15.129 Voit Ve=-12.91 Volt ‘The current through 4Q resister is = DM2d415.109 4 = 0.22725 Amp fd 1.2. Mesh, Analysi Steps to be applied for solving any circuit by Mesh analysis Find out ihe possible no. of loops Assign the loop current along with their direction Cheok the type of the source and classify the circuit on the basis of source prese and solve accordingly wo Applying KVL on loop (1): “RI (UB) +R4 (1-2)=VI OR, (RI+R4) I+ CRA) 2+ ERI) B= VI SS 10|Page Where, RI)=RI4R4, RI2=R4 and R=. RL Applying KVL on the loop (2): : > R2 (12-13) +R4 (2-1 1)=-V2 Or, (-R4) I + (R2+ R4) 12 + (-R2) 1B. =—Vv2" Or, R21 11 +R2212 +23 13 =-V2 Applying KVL on loop (3): R31 T+ R32 12 + R33 13.= V3 =~. - (iii) . Now, Putting equation (i),(ii)and (iii) in matrix form ~, [RID] R11 R12 R13 my pvt R21 R22 nz . [2 = fr} R31 -R32_ R33 ial v3 ‘Then, using Cramer’s Rule calculate 11, 12 and 13, net 2 a= 82 . & — 43 Bea . R11 R12 R13 1 R12 R13 Where, =| R22 R23 A1=|v2 R22 R23 ne R31 R32 R33 V3 R32 R33. R11 V1 R13 R11 R12 Vi A2 [rs v2. R23] ” 43=|R21 R22 V2 R31 V3_ R33. R31 R32 V3 re | Page “ R3 : “ "Oy. | 3 \ 1 \ ih < Re : Res [ Vs= Rs Is (> : | j Lo f ‘Then apply KVL on the particular loop and solve accordingly 2-b. Current source not transformable into Voltage source 2.b.i. Current source Present in the perimeter of any individual loop: i rER-1] [Electric Circult Theory] -From loop (1): 4 5 Wels = 10] And for other loop solve accordingly 2. b.ii, Current souree present in the common branch betweea any two loops From Super loop: (loop (1) and loop (2) are now same loop) 13 RI+ (13-12) R2+ (1 2)R3=VI+V3. — Also,11—-I3=Is_- And solve accordingly ‘Type 3: Dependent Source in circuit: : 3) } Keen | a we ' mt G c a Ou From loop (1): tl =Is (i) 13|Page From super loop: 13 =K Vn Or, Tis, = K (12-13) Rn--- ~() F And solve accordingly Example.1.3: Using mesh analysis, determine the loop current for the network 4 following figure. . Solution: Considering loop current as shown in the figure, From loop (1): < : i : T=10A - From super mesh: W-3=0.4Vn > Or, HW -13 = 0.4 (12 ~13)4 14|Page a [CHAPTER-1] [Electric Circuit Theory] Or, I = 1.6* 12 +0.6 #13 = 0— wi And from loop (2): . : 20 =4 (2-13) +3 (12-11) Or, 20=412-4134312-311 Or, 20=712-31-413 ~ iy ~- Solving equation (i), (ii) and (iii), we get 12=4.545 A 7 1B=-4.5454 : ; 13 Series and Parallel resonance in RLC Circuits: t # Resoiuance in series RLC circuit: aL Ie ve ae ae, 0°, a0 Wwe ir ay OT re ‘ I | c Le J VF REO We know, Se 15|Page . = 2nflie ive Xf, Linear fianction of “f” ie Xca, rectangular hyperbolic function, 2 Rak : a ' ; And R! independent of +f* | e if i ‘For lower frequency of the input AC. voltage, X, << Xc and for higher-frequency of the input AC voltage: Xi, >> Xc. Thus there exist an intermediate frequency such that uy - XE Ke And this particular frequency is known as resonant frequency graphically, we can draw the relation between Xi, Xe and R with referenes fo input frequency | ~ as shown in figure F XL Phe teaaine— ~ Peis unity ea ; j | Pris teading / (Ma=an) +r Pe aut y 5+ | covsvz) : xe! At certain frequency fa, * AO=0B The resonant frequency can be evahiated as j . 7 ie Xi=Xe 7 | i j [Electric Circuit Theory] f=. "Bai At this frequency of AC input voltage, the current is maximum. i, sand the current is in phase with the applied voltage. At resonance, X;, = Xc or, Vi. In phase representation, | Fo Note: | i * Atresonant frequency voltage across Land Care | very high in magnitude then input voltage but V, . ° | and Veis equal and opposite. ie. Vi+Vc=0.S0, | the series LCR circuit is also known as Voltage resonance.circuit. *® At half power point, the phase angle between | and Vis 45° : ! | Ve Tand V are in phase # Resonance Curve: Point A and B on the curve are known as half power point, At point A and B power delivered on R is equal t6 half the power deliver on R at resonant Frequency. I7|Page se | a= Imax _ Imax . or, |= max = max 7 4 Ve aia Bandwidth of the circuit is defined as the frequency band for which power delivered on Resistance R is more than half of the maximum power. ] £ ‘ BW=6-f / Where, fj and fare haf power frequencies . f= lower power frequency = higher power frequency Now for derivation of half power fiedicncy, let us consider at any instant in series RLC circuit, : 2 JResQ-xey? At resoriant frequency (f Now, [=== . 2 Mann CET or CHAPTI [Electric Circuit Theory] But at frequencies f; and fy; should be equal to 1. But, at resonance L-Xc=0 Xi—Xc=R (at f, or f) Concluide if we increase frequeney from f to fi; Xt increase by © and Xc decreases by 5 so that X,- Xe=R (at fr) So, at resonance frequency (fo) Xo =2nfyL- At frequertcy f, Xia = 2mfyL. Xi2- X= F Qnf,L ~ Info = = Similarly, - 19|Page [CHAPTER-1I [Electric Circult Theory] ‘Thus, BW = =f = # Quality Factor: , Ivis a measure of voltage magnification produced in the circuit at resonance. - — ix. Q= Ma . Vig = Voltage across L at resonance Vin = ImacXig And-V = Iya R” Xex Q= Xe or, Q=*B [ Xyo= Xeo at resonance] Higher the value of R, Lower is the quality factor. Q.1. A 50Q resistor is connected in series with a coil having resistance R and inductance L, a Capacitor C and 100V variable frequency supply as shown in figure below. At 2 frequency of 200Hz, the maximum current of 0.7 Amp flows through the circuit and - voltage across the capacitor is 200V. Determine the value of R,L and C. Mem 500 . : | i 20| Page “[CHAPTER-1] " [Electric Circuit Theory] - Solution: + From the question: fy = 200Hz And Z=/GOFRY 4 & Xo? Now, at Resonant X= X¢ So0,Z=50+R R= 92.850 Now, = Ve=I* Xe 7 200= 0.7 2m*200+C C=27. 48F Also, ~ ave cA 200= 2nvL+27.48+10-° L= 23.04 mH 21|Page * vt an inductive reactance and a capacitiy thus conditions may read Resonance of a parallel ac circuit will take place when reactance are connected in parallel as shown in the figure below, ‘under which current resonance. ‘The parallel RLC circuit is said to be in resonance when impedance (2) is maximum. We have, I A For 7 to be minimum tots Ke =0 :R “xP : ; : _ Or, B+ @*L? = & TR? Or, O=\/TE-T? . Or, Or, Or, # Phasor Diagram for parallel RLC circuit: So at resonance’ Ie= hy, Sing, and the resultant current or net current is again in phase with voltage, Af resonant frequency, a very small in phase current is drawn by. circuit ie. h, Cosy. Here Ic and I, Sing, may greater than hh, Cosy, but since they act in opposite direction they. get cancel out. At resonant, sind, VV gh Xe Zpy Zn Zr= Xi * Xe ising, Note:.| I, and Ic are very larger than Ip at resonasce so, the parailel resonance circuit is also called current resonance circuit. # Resonance.Curve: Zonax | | | | [Eléctric Clrcult Theory] - Pn ee |» Quality factor in parallel «ireuit is measure of current magnification, \ is ie Qe iE Note: At resonance of parallel RLC cireuit, © Za=X.* Xe at Dame © Line current is minimum and equal to-“=* and is in phase with applied voltage. jl VvoR ie. Lg=- The total Impedance at resonant | is: | R . | RX, | 1 Z z=Eeth | 2 oh =R+ fou j Z=Rt+ 7 2 Z=R+ES [RY OL? = alc 24|Page [CHAPTER-1] [Electric Circutt Theory] Comparison between voltage resonance and current resonance: SN | Particulars Voltage Resonance _| Current resonance 1. | Impedance under | Z=R; the minimum — | Z=L/RC, the maximum resonance condition ue . . 2. [Power — factor at | Unity Unity resonance 3. | Resonant frequency =i foe 4. | Quantity magnified Voltage ‘Current 5. | Magnification(Quality | wL/R wLR - | factor) %._| Bandwidth R2aL R2nL 7. |Magnitude of. current | I=V/R, the | I=V/(L/RO), minimum under resonance | maximum | condition { Example.1. 4: An inductive circuit of resistance 20, and inductance 0.01 H is connected parallel with capacitor C and with 250V, 50 Hz supply. () What value of capacitance placed in parallel will produce resonance? (ii) Determine the total current takes from the supply and the current in the branch circuit? : Solution: L(0.01H) Ir RAD I ie : Ig c 250 V, 50 Hz : 25|Page [CHAPTER-1] {Electric Circuit Theory] Daur Sor parallel RLC circuit, Daf X_ = 2n* 50°00 XL =3.140 + Zp, = V2? + 3.729 At resonance 2B Je ee Or,.C = 722.6 uP (i) fg x 2Earraze1072 0 0.01 by = 36.13 A Branch currents are: And tan, = = 575° Also, 26| Page | | | eee [CHAPTER-1] [Electric Circuit Theory} eee LEIA i (Bectete cire bd Te= go = VoC = 250*2n250*722.6"10"° 4 T= 56.75 A < 90° Problems: #Determine the nodal Voltages of the figure below: Figure.t [Ans: V, = 26.67V, WV, = 6.667V, V3= 173.33V, V3 = —46.67V] #Use mesh analysis to firid the current I, from the figure below: Figure [Electric Circuit Theory] Figure.6 # Resonance . Q.L: A coil of resistance 40. and inductance 0.75H forms part of a series circuit for which the resonant frequency is SSHz. If the supply is 2S0V, S0Hz, find (i) the line current, (fi) cireuit power factor, (iii) Voltage across the coil. [Ans: 3.93A, 0.63 leading, 939V] . . 29|Page [Electric Circuit Theory] Doe a ULE Q.2: A S0uK Capacitor, when connected in series with a coil having 400. resistor, ” resonates at 1900Hz. Find the inductance of the coil. Also obtain the circuit current if the _ applied voltage is 100V. Also calculate the voltage across the capacitor and the c Tesonance. . {Ans: 0.5mH, 2.5A, 7.96V, 100.31V] Q.3: A 220V, i96Hz AC source supplies a series RLC. circuit with a capacitor and a coi j Ifa coil has 5010 resistance and SmH inductance, find the value of capacitor for which | Yesonance frequency is 100Hz. Also calculate the Q-factor and half power frequencies of the circuit. : ; TAns: 507pF, 62.83, 100.795Hz, 99.205Hz } Parallel Q.4: The dynamic impedance of a parallel resonant circuit is 500KQ. The-circuit consists of a 250pF capacitor in parallel with 2 coil of resistance 10Q.Calculate (i) the coil ifiduetance (ii) the resonant frequency, (iii) the Q- factor of the circuit. | {Ans: 1.25mH,284.7KHz,223.6 ] Q.5: ‘Calculate the impedance of parallel- tuned éircuit shown in figure below at a_ frequency of S00KHz and for bandwidth of operation equal to 20KHz / L —w Initial Conditions # Initial Conditions: The vale of dependent variables and its derivatives just after any change is made is known as Initial condition, Example, i(0*) = * i ‘is the tependent value at t = 0* condition. # Changing Elenient [Switch]: : an tsa . : te0 Sf oe (i) Initially it Was opened at t= 0° and going | (i initially it was closed at t= 0" and going for closed at t= 0° open for att=0* Att=o al Att= 0 pro Att= 0p Att= 0 (ii) t= 0" the time just after the switch is (ii) t= 0* the time just after the switch is closed, opened, (iii) t= 0" the time just before the switch is |. (jj) t= 0° the time just before the switch is closed. opened. (iv) i(0* )the value of the current just after the| (iv) i(0" )the value of the current just after the switch is closed. switch is opened. ferent circuit elements: # Initial cond While evaluating initial condition for different circuit elements, we should know about two. conaliions for better understanding (a) De-energized condition (b) Energized condition. (a).De- ee condition: If a current doesn’t pass pass through ‘the inductor and there is is no voltage across capacitor at t= 0" then itis termed as De-energized element. 31] Page | | TCHAPTER-2] [Electric Circuit Theory] t=0 £ ter zo! ey M+ R L c t=O [ f ae 7 °* WC PF R At, t= 0° there is zero value of current passing through inductor and capacitor for both - circuit shown in above figures, (b). Energized condition: If a current pass through the inductor and there. is voltage across capacitor at t= 0: then it is termed as energized element. R, m : —w— ie | t=0 | t=0 7 ei mt c a | | SR a c| . 4 a Vo “OR? -vo P L - eter ee Et | _ At t= 0" there is some value of eurent passing through inductor and capacitor For both circuit shown in above figures. 1. For Inductor: t=0 From the circuit, (De- energized) in(0)=0 Now let us consider the current through conductor can chan; 'ge. instantaneously (i.e, i:(0°) | have some current value ) " 32] Page [Electric Circuit Theory] i) =0 ». i,(0°)= Constant Value ‘We know, diy at diz, = i,(0°) - i,(0) = Constant Value dt=0" -0 =0 Thus, ay,» Sonstant : 7 oO viz This is impossible because there is no any such practical voltage source. Thus our assumption of inductor current change instantaneously is wrong. Hence we can conclude that current speough inductor cannot change instantaneously. ix") ie ~~ (i) Equation (i) is known as continuity relation for Inductor. Now, From continuity relation of inductor in Fig.(i) iO) = iLO") =0 ‘Note: Current through inductor ‘cannot change instantaneously but voltage does. Le. i, (0) = ix") And V0) # Vi(0") [This shows that at t = 0" there ghould be a zero current in inductor, and to be zero current there ~ must be an open circuit in place of Inductor.] Also, Vi(0) = 0 So, circuit of Fig.(i) at t= 0° is Thus V0") =Vo° iO) 0 i Thus we conclude that the De-energized inductor can be replaced by open circuit at And Fig (ii) : From the circuit, (Energized) At this circuit for time at y all the voltage and current attains their maximum value or final value as switch was in this position (ON)’for very long. time. Thus i,(0°) = Io = (constant) a Vi (0-)=L& Vi. (0) =0. 4 [This shows that at t = 0° there should be a zero voltage across inductor, and to be zero voltage across there must be a short circuit in place of inductor. So, Circuit at t= 0"is ee 34|Page / | 4 ~ [Electric Circult Theory] roe [ PoP. From the cireuit (0°) = 42 =], And Vi(0-)=0 Thus we a that the inductance.of energized condition is replaced by short circuit at 0 or t= and t . are From continuity relation for inductor, i,(0°) = i,(0") = Ip ‘Now, circuit at t= 0° is From the circuit i:(0°) =o And V;(0") =Vo-fn#2R, ; Thus we conclude that the energized inductor is replaced by cutrént source at t = 0° 2. ForCapacitor: [chAPTER-21 [Electric Circuit Theory] From the circuit, (De- energized) Ve(0)=0 Now let us assume that voltage across capacitor can change instantaneously (i.€. Vc(0*) have some current value ) V0V=0 Vc(0") = Constant Value We know, Note: Voltage across’ capacitor cannot . change instantaneously but current does. Thus, : Constant Le, Ve(O) = Vel") ics SN And ic(0) # ic(0") icra . This is impossible thus. our assumption of voltage across capacitor can change instantaneously is wrong. Hence we can conclude that voltage across capacitor cannot change instantaneously. ite, Vel) = Ve(0") ~(i) Equation (i) is known as continuity relation for capacitor. Now, : — Continuity relation of capacitor in Fig.(iii) j Ve(0") = Ve(0") = 0 [This shows’ that at t = 0° there should be a zero voltage across capacitor, and to be zero voltage there must be a short circuit in place of capacitor.] “Also, ic(0")= 0 36|Page [Electric Circuit Theory] So, circuit of Fig, it = 0" is Thus . Vc(0") =0 ic’) =2 = 1, Thus we conclude that the De-energized capacitor can be replaced by short circuit at t=0* And 7 | | et a Vo 6 are L c ae Fig (iv) From the circuit, (Energized) At this circuit for time at t= 0" all the voltage-and current attains their maximum value or Final value as switch was inthis position (ON) for very long time. Thus Vo(0") = Vo (constant) : dV, dV, io(0-)=C FE=CM=C +9 ic(0-)=0 [This shows that at t = 0° there should be a zero current through capacitor, and to be zero current there must be an open circuit in place of capacitor.] : So, Circuit at t= 0" is 37|Page From the circuit Vc(0")= Vo And ic(0-)=0 ‘Thus we conclude that the capacitor of energized condition is replaced by open circuilat te 0 or = one ‘ | Front continuity relation for inductor, Vc(0") = Ve(0") = Vo Now, circuitatt=0" is + <=) a ea ‘ | And ig(0*y= Se ‘Thus we conclude that the energized capacitor is replaced by Voltage source at t= 0" © 3. For Resistor: And for resistor there-will be: sie. in(O) FRO’) : a And Vp(0)#VR(0") 38|Page [CHAPTER-2) [Electric Circult Theory] ‘Summary: De-energized Energized Circuit : Elemerits | att=o'or| . “att=0° At te0- or tee Ato er No. need | : Inductor | to ae >] - w change | . : circuit '0.C elements = Jaiyoymiv0’) q i { | i / | 1 { No need | « | Capacitor | to i > | > ) | change | . ae | 7 circuit | 2h, S.C ey elements | aC | | # Voltage - current (V-I) relation of different circuit elements: (a) Resistance or Resistor (R. “Here, Va=in*R 39|Page R RoW ‘The voltage across a resistance change’ instantaneously the current through it als o| changes instantaneously and vice versa, (b) Industo. (L) L = ii Hore, V=. Ltt ole ed On dic=2Vi dt Integrating ive : JV at ‘The current through an inductor cannot change instantaneously. Thus inductor acts'a open circuit for tie newly applied energy at the instant of switching, but if Ip current is already flowing ia the inductor before switching action, the inductor may be considered as'a current source ig. (©) Capacitor (C Here, ic = [a= Vc] ie tOVe “ Or, ie = < Orig CM 1: Or, dVo =F iedt Integrating I [CHAPTEI [Electric Circuit Theory] Vo= 2 figadt ce For a system of fixed capacitance, the: voltage cannot change instantaneously. Thus for a suddenly. applied energy source a capacitor is equivalent to a-short circuit. Hence on connecting an uncharged capacitor to an energy source, a current flows instantaneously. # Initial conditi is in the case of a s RLC network: “In the circuit shown below switch Kis open for a long time at t = 0 switch is going to + di ei . close then find i(0*), qe’) and a 0"). t=0 Solution: It’s a de-energized condition, so at t= 0° inductor is replace with open circuit and capacitor is replace with short circuit. Circuit at t = 0° is shown below oe oy K ROL c | Wo (®) | So we know by inspection IO)=0= iL), Ve(0" i") =i.) =0 Amp =Vo(0") Now, to find (0°), apply KVL at t> 0 in the circuit, M1|Page Putt =0* OnVo= iH *R+L Bory + ¥e(0) OnVe=0+L EG) +0 Soy =" Amps ae L seat wi * Now, to find $3 (0°), differential equation(i) w.r.t‘t’ , we get v, *RHLE + Ve *ReL a tf RLS + L fiat Differential oe lly a7 Slran Ligh : O60 REWIFL GO) +7iO) ee oro= Re 4.0) +0 at? vi Rv - a0") =~" 2 Amp/ sec”. _Tovarrer 2] {Rleetrie cl Circult Theory) _ eae # lh initial conditions in the case of a two-loop RLC network: ‘In the circuit shown below switch K is open for » lony time at t = 4 switch is closed then find (0), 200°), 40%) , oye a 2H OF on ah ei fh, t=0 Solution: I's a, de-energized condition, so at t= 0° inductor is replace with open circuit and capacitor is replace with short circuit. Circuit at t = 0° is shown below a By inspection, iL(0-) = (0°) = 20°) = 0 and 1,09) = <2 7 Also sVc(0") =Ve(0") = o. ” Now, to find eg ) He ta $200") apply KVL att> 0 in the circuit, E f R R ae SN rcs: T AWA = WO gy ©) oF (0) ) Bh oe | From loop (1): Vo=VaitVo Or, Vo=RIM in +2 Sis = iaddt Differential wrt‘? Or,0=RI E+ 20, ~i2) 43|Page [Electric Circuit Theory] Putt=0" Or: o=rittoys t in") -2 200°) Or, O= RISO) +2*¥2-249 dah + oY ae = Cena Amp/sec ‘ i 1 | i | ae From loop (2): ‘Ve + Vao + Vi =0 Org fin — iyddt + R2* in +L =0-— Or, VerR2*in +L St =0 Putt=0" Or, We(0")+ R2* i,(0°) +L 200) =0 Or, 0+ R2*0 +L S200")= 0 7 | 200°) = 0 Ampiiee Now, to find ee @ ") and = (0, differential equation (i) and (ii), ai, : From equation (i) after dfs, 0= RS Put t=0" |

0 in the circuit 00 re | os x Vosin(wot +0 Pai) 1 3H ie ; From the citcuit, Vosin (at + 6) = Va +Ve i Or, Vesin(ot+ §)=i * Riga ne Differential diy pa OF Vor @costat+ d= R e+ 4;, Or, Vor @ cos(w* 0+ $) = RAO") +2 in(0") ee Vo sin On Vor @ cos = R 0") +2 MOE di, Yor w cos “OS dig?) = 228 Ampisee ‘at | Again, from the circuit , (Outer loop ) Vosin (ot +6) = Va +Vi Or.Nasin (ot + 4)=R* in + LG? din Putt=0" Or,Vasin (@* 0+ 4) =R* i (0') +L 20") Or, Vosin 6= Revosn sia +70") : : Yosin Oe Ampisee Note: Remember there is a difference between loop current and branch current. They are not same current. Here, ir- ip = i, as iy and ip are loop currerit Bh sy where as ‘i’ is branch current. The above Example 2.1 is of branch current. - . 47 |Page {Electric Circult Theory] ten, Solution: It’s a de-energized condition [since switch (ON at t=0" ) make short circuit and aj current pass through it}. so at t= 0 "inductor is replace with open circuit. lL { i | | in") | b : 1000, : 2 on 9 = YuO= VO) rf | | V (0°) = 200 Volt ay : Now to fing & 7 var att= 0" take circuit diagram at t> 0 is as shown below : : : t / 2al 0) 1 I Applying KCL at t> 0 - 2=intiy 48|Page [Electric Circuit Theory] Note: Here student get confuse whether to use KVL at t> 0 ‘OR’ KCL at t >0, it depends upon your own practice, But. in my suggestion if there is pure parallel circuit along with current source Put t= 0" like this example.2.2 use KCL at t > 0 and for other circuit use KVL att>0. ruevany 2esatT Svde Different wart HO Lyi. ‘ : OTe at a =i 9! - Opa OTVO) 0’) =~ 200%100 & (0°) =~ 2x10' volt/sec Again from equation (i) dv at, of . Different war.t't adv dv oo dds Put t= 0" ay (0°) = 210° volt/sec” Problems: QL: The circuit of figure below was under steady sate before the switch was opened at time t= 0. IF Ry = 10, Ry = 20, C= 0.167F, determine Vo(0), V(0") and i(0*). t=0¥ [Ans Ve(0)=24V, VelO')=24, i0"}= 8A) 49|Page [Electric Circuit Theory] Initial Condition: Q.2: The circuit of figure below was under steady state before the switch was opened at ¢ ; _=OFind the voltage and current for all four circuit elements at time t= 0° 4 4H : | ua) : ¢ | o ‘60V [Ans: Current: 3A,3A,3A,0A and Voltage:0V,15V,30V.0V J Q.3: The switch position 1 under steady state. The switch was put to position 2 att 0. Find Vi,V2, iy and i, at t= 0" ie ; : Ke Be it 10a: aa | sal [Ans: V,(0")= OV, V,(0")= 30V; is(0°)=34, 1(0°) = 0A] 1 switch is opened at t=0. Find the value of V,9v and Sy at t= 0" 1pF 2 t {Ans VO oval, Y(0"}= 107V/s and So} 10" vis] e 50| Page aia > [CHAPTER-2] [Electric circuit Theory] as ; : Q.5: In the given circuit, Switch i is epenca att t=0, Find the values ofv,5 a y and SY a vatt= o : CFT (4 7 _ 100005 3H | : av, Pv. WH fAns: V(0"}= 2000Volt, OR -2*10°V/s and So ae Vis}} Q.6: In the given cireuit, C; is cliarged to ‘M0Voks i in the polarity shown. Switch is closed 3, diy. @iy di, a att=0. Find the value of j,i, % ca qe amd 2 at t= 9 diy [Ans: i:(0°}= 204, in(0°)= 10, “a e TOR O.8A/s"} -5 Als, Shoy= 1.3 Als, ZO -3 Als, QUT: In the given circuit, Switch is opened at O.Find the values of V,,V3, a“ = att= o [Ans: V,(0")= 100Volt, V,(0*)= ovort, (0° 1000 Vis, S00 Vis} 51|Page fer ee ae [CHAPTER-3] [Electric Circuit Theory] EPR UC EL green Transient Analysis By Direct Solution : i fe a j # Steps (procedure) to be applied for solving any circuit: i 1. Recognize the circuit elements and'remember the V-I relationship of the circuit element. 2. Apply KVL or KCL at t> 0 in the circuit. * > 3, “After the application of KVL or KCL we will get the differential equation so solve that differential equation to obtain the value of response. Example :( how to find out differential equation from the given circuit) t=0 - a Applying KVL att>0 Vo=Ve+Vi cieR+ Lt Or,Vo =i R+Le HRY, Or += *i= 2 att iL Equation (i) is first order differential equation of eurrent. If question is asked to find out the first order fa differential equation of inductor voltag¢ Applying KVL at t>.0 Vo= Vr + Vi, a [Electric Circuit Theory] ero} Or,Vo R+V, Or,Vo=2 SV, dt*R+V, [since i= i,= SMW dt] Differentiating Ray oan =Rey, 4 Or, 0 ve ae ay, R +2evn Or, Set E*Vi=0 ) . Equation (ii) is first order differential equation of inductor voltage al : of Example: Applying KCL at t> 0 Ty = in + ip 1 Onlo=Z+ Tf Vad R Differentiating 53 | Page © TCHAPTER-3] Example: [Electric Circuit Theory] =0 Applying KVL at t>.0 Vo=VatVe OrVo=i* R+ Ve ae dt 1 O1Vo= cHE*R Ve “[since i= ic =C or, Se Equation (iv) is first order differential equation of voltage across capacitor. ‘If question is asked to find out the first order differential equation of current then, Applying KVL at t> 0 Vo=Vat+Ve OrVo=i* R42 fide Differentiating di ae Or, O=R B+ Sa; di Or, = | ; Tae —— (v) Equation (v) is first order differential equation of current. Transient Analysis By Direct Solutior 54| Page to find out the frst order differential eq Applying KVL at t> 0 ‘ Vo=Ve+Ve i Or,Vo=i* R +8 OrVo= M14 4g aM On aaa - Equation (vi) is first order differential equation of charge (q). < Example: Applying KCL att > 0 To = ig tic Ono=e+ 0 bv, av Jo Vy wv One aR * ae dvi i , Wytaye On ta Y Equation (vii) is first order differential equation of inductor voltage. Here, General first order differential equation is given as: . eR 55|Page é ‘ [CHAPTER-3] [Electric Circuit Theory] ae Mua UC ree eae = f atPAy=Q n general the time is alvays independent variable in circuit analysis while current through inductor, capacitor and voltage across inductor; capacitor is taken as dependent 1 variable, # Differential Equations: For study of any circuit transient analysis, it is necessary to be familiar With the mathematical concept of differential equations and the solution techniques. The order of the differential equation represents the highest derivative involved and is equal to the number of energy storing elements Type L: (first order nou-homogeneous differential equation): pe “te *y=0 To obiain the solution of this differential equation, let us multiply both sides by et ort pay wenta ete 3 dty-eP9 oe at aoe Q Integrating both sides w.r-t ‘t yehim fern Qat+K Note: Remember that this solution is only for first order linear differential equation .In easy sense if Q = constant value, for example Q= 100. And for the Q = 10.e-* or Q = 100sin300¢ this solution is not valid. YO= oMQe Bax ern y® +Kevt Where K is constant ‘This gives general solution of Ist order linear differential equation, Type 2: (first order homogeneous differential equation): dye) = “TP *yW®=0 Thus solution of this differential equation is given as 56|Page [Electric Circult Theory] y()=KePt aicuna "Where K is constant Type 3: (second order homogeneous differential equation): PIO p dvet ASE TBSP + Cry =o The general solution of the above second order differential equation is y(t) = Kye! + Ky eS2t Where K; and Kp are constants. And, $1 and S2 are the roots of the quadratic equation AS? + BS + C= 0, and are given by S1,S.=- 2 + 2 VB=4AC Case I: If rots are teal arid, # S then the solution is given as y(t) = KyeSt* + Kz eS Case II: If roots are real and $,= So then the solution is given as y(t) = (Kit Kat) e* Case III: If roots are complex then the solution is given as Si), S2=-a4) 0% y(t)= e7@"[K;, coswat + Kz sineat] Type 4: (second order non-homogeneous differential equation): Af104 p8O+E*y =O oo ae? [1] “The general solution of the above second order differential equation is y(t) = Natural response + Forced response y(t) = yn + ye(®) - 57|Page ee Yu find sft) oot G0 in equation [1], thus 2% a P+ ew@rcrym=o aun ‘v2 according 4s homogeneous differential equation solution 4 19 tind yi the riethod of undetermined coefficient is used:’in this method solution for yx) #8 selected on the basis of source in the circuit as given in i ce or Excitation. Trial solution for ye(t) 8) DC Source (V5) ~-yx()= A b) Exponential Source (Vye~*) yp(t) = Ae-®t “or? ye(t) = Atemot © Vasimat or V,, cos@t: ys(t)= A cosot +B sinot determined coeffi it of vet Select the tal solntion for ys48) on the basis of source as given in the above table. Replace the de variable of differential equation by the trial solution of yr) and solve figr ient. Applying KVL at t> 9 Vo= Vai Vi 58| Page i [Electric Circuit Theory] This is first order differentia’ squation, sa the solution is “i@=S+ Kent i@= 2+ Ke _--{i) _ Now to find the value of K, put t= in above equation i@)= +Ker: 109-2 ——— Now to find i (0°) use initial condition, the given civeitit is de-energized circuit so i(07) = 0 From continuity relation of inductor i(0) = i’) =0 i Circuit at = 0" is, ee w hs ROD vuo" y i(o")=0 Yo ‘ont Poo From equatian (a) K=- “2 , so the equation (i) becomes as i@= Yo [Electric Circuit Theory] _ [CHAPTER-3] (i@=2a-e) amp] i method Find the expression of voltage across inductor Vi. (t) using classical'm vo Applying KVL at t> 0 Vo=2Va+V, OnVo=i*2R+V, * pr OrnVo=tfV.dt*2R+V, — [since i= ist sVat] Differentiating 2R a =?Rs : Or, OF V+ a This is first order differential equation, so the solution is ViW=8 +Kevt Where,Q=0 andP =2 2R, Vi®= Ke i) Now to find the value of K, put t= 0" in above equation 2k, Vi@')= Keto : K=V,, (0°) @ 3 Ce VoS From the circuit i,(07) = % And Vi(0)=0- 0 From continuity relation for inductor, i, (0°) = i,(0") = wee Now, circuit at = 0" is From the cireuit i,(0")=¥2 : c And V;,(0") = Vo—i(0°Y *2R, Or, Vu(0")=Vo- 42K Or, Vi(0")= = Vo From equation (a) K = —Vo, so the equation (i) becomes as i, [VL (= —Vo eE* Volt] {Electric Circuit Theory] {CHAPTER-3] SUNT “Alternative way’ Applying KVL at t> 0 Vo=2Va+Vi OnVo=i* R+LE Org + sim Ye This is fitst order differential equation, so the solution is i@=S4+ Ker Where, Q=42 and P= z ‘ | : 2k, i i@= we +Keat—. --(i) Now to find the value of K, put t = 0° in above equation 2 i@)= ve +Kear? K=i@y- ze — = @ Now to find i (0°) use initial condition, the given circuit is energized so circuit at t = 0° From the circuit i,(0°) =% And Vi(0)=0 “Sites 7 - 62|Page i ICHAPTER-3) From continuity relation for inductor, i, (0)=i,(0") Now, circuit at t=0' is But we have to find the V(t) so we know tie Vi @=LE : 2n, aj%e Yee Ve @=L* Bast : +9 Me ¥2R 2% VWO=L*0-3 tFeT" ) 2, LV) =— Vo et" volt 1 [CHAPTER-3] [Electric Circuit Theory] in the circuit shown switch is opene tor for t > 0. = 0. Obtaii the expression for current through induc 1 10 ns. Use classical method. Voltage across inductor afte Solution: Apply KVL in upper loop: 20 30 2a) se 3 Apply KVL in lower loop: a Or, Gt 405 = 20...) 20 age 49 tke Oni=ztKe™. 8) , ¢ Putt= 0° )=4+K On K= 10-4 Raed ac aa Ad .d for a long time & then it is s ddenty closed at t ‘Also calculate the | [CHAPTER-3) [Elect ic Circuit Theory] Mice re EN vaca si at t=0- 3 £-Vic(10. ms) =-2 e110 : 2 4 65| Page TERE Sc es HAPTER-3] {Electric Circuit Theory] © . 2. Exponential Excitation: [Find the expression of current i (t) using classical method t=0 A a j vi=Voe oO a) 3 : ft et | 7 4 Applying KVL at t> 0 Vo et = Vat Vi a This is first order non-homogenous differential equation, so the solution 2) Now to find ix(t), the auxiliary equation of (1) is S+E rizo a in(t)=K eT" ey i)) ‘Now to find ig(t), take a trial solution according to source present, : : Casel fa 7, then the trail solution is taken as : _ Q=Ae Now, replacing the value of dependent variable of equation (1) by the value of trial solution of ip(t), then *. 7 : 66|Page 7 : didewaty | ~ Va.e-% -* ae TE Aemety = ae Vp eat Or,-A aenat + * [Aenaty R OnAta +? v. Ona = yl 7 Hence from the eqiiation (2),(3 ) and (6), the complete solution is 1 = in +ig() ‘ R ’ Ori (Q)=K ett 4 . Be . Now to find the value of K, put t= 0" in above equation Bo, Von” i@)=Ketes 4 x o-ao ay Voy Ori (0")=K +4 Ea ~ (8) Vo Or;K =i (0°) oz a pa Now to find i (0°) use initial condition, the given circuit is de-energized i, (0) = 0 From continuity relation for inductor, 10) =i0) Voy, From equation (8) K =~ , so the equation (7) becomes as [CHAPTER-3] [Electric Circuit Theory] Cael Ita=#, then the trail solution is taken as ig(t) = Ate" (10). Now; replacing the value of dependent variable of equation (1) by the value of tral solution of + ip(t), then afte), R -aty = Yoo eee A R at ee OrAle~** -aten*t] +7 * [Ate] 7 o R : ; Or,A[I-at] +7 * [At] = : 4 Since we have a= © 1 | 4 Vo ] OnAs 3 - | Thus equation (4) becomes as, | | in(t)= Se ett -- (12) i Hence from thé equation (2),(3) and (12); the complete solution is i 4 (= in(t) + ie(t) j i 8 | Oni =Ke + Yepx erat (13) j | i Now to find the value of K, put t= 0" in above equation : R, 1@)=Kerr? + Teg s era Ori 0')=K \ [CHAPTER-3] ) (4) Now to find i (0°) use initial Condition, the given circuit is de-energized i, (0°) = 0 From continuity relation for inductor, i,(0°) = iL(0)= 0 . From equation (14) K= 0, so the equation (13) 1O= eee Amp ~ (9) Q.2: An exponential source V(t) Weis su circuit comprising R iddenly applied at time t = 0 to a series R-L = 1 Qand L = 0.01 H. Obtain the expression for the current i(t) in the circuit using classical method, a Solution: een Applying KVL at i> 0 ler =, +, “At sj at Or, 10 e* = i* 1 49.9) x dia 1oe~*t Wy + Ls | = lett “dt” O01 0.01 orgs 100 * i= 1000 e~#t (1) This is first order non-homogenous differential equation, so the solution is 1 = in(d) + in (2) Now to tind ‘(0 the auxiliary equation of (1) is ; : di at 100 0 in() = K e7200t = (3) Now to fina ise, ‘ake a tral solution according to source present, 100, so condition is a x é [CHAPTER-3] int) = Ae 4 Now, replicing the value of dependent variable of equation (1) by the value of trial solution o iy(), then - Ae] + 100 *[AN~#] = 1000 €** Osh 4 e-* + 100 * [Ae~**] = 1000 e°* Or,A [-4 + 100] = 1000 -5(5) OrA= 10.41 — Thus equation (4) becomes as, 6) at! i= 1041 *e Hence from the equation (2),(3) and (6), the complete solution is i (= in(t) + ie) ” Ori (t) = K e720 +.10.41 * eae ‘Now to find the value of K, put t= 0" in above equation i(0")=K e720 + 10.41 eH? . : Ori (0')=K-+ 10.41 OrK =i (0')= 10.41 = (8) Now to find i(0") use initial conditidn, the given circuit is de-energized ic(0') = 0 | | From continuity-relation for inductor, ix(0) = ip") = 0 | 10.41, so.the equation (7) becomes as ] @) From equation (8) K i (Q=- 10.41 e710 + 10.41 * e-* Amp ---- Jo|Page_ “OICHAPTER:3] [electric circuit Theory] Q3: An'exponential source V(@) = 100¢"*ig suddenly appliéd at time t= 0 to a series RL. circuit comprising R= 1 Q and L~ 0.25 H. Obtaie the particular solution for the current (0 in the circuit using classical method, i ‘Solution: | Applying KVL for solving at t> 0 °, 100e~* = Vx +-V, Or, 100 e=4" Ons+4 * Ord +4e — (1) This is first order non-homogenous differential equation, éo the solution is 1O= in) + int) — ~=-(2) Now to find in(t); the auxitiary equation of (1) is ae qt4tiz0 in(Q=Ke~* - “=-.(3) Now to find ir(t), take a trial solution according to source present, Here a=4 and = 4, so’condition ig a = g ip(t) = Ate“*t — — (4) Now, replacing the value of dependent variable of equation (1) by the value of trial solution of in(O, then a[Ateq dt - 4* [Ate™*] = 400 ett Or-At4 et + Ae +4. A tem#t = 499 goat T|Page = Ae eee [CHAPTER-3] [Electric Circuit Theory] Petes. (Plectric< Or,A [-4t+ 1 +4t] = 400 Or,A = 400 -- —(6) . ‘Thus equation (4) becomes'as, : et) Hence from tie equation (2),(3) and (6), the complete solution is i= int) +in(t) Oni (@=K et +400t* et —— —() "Now to find the value of K, put t= 0" in above equation. 1(0)=K et + 400t * e-#9 Oni OV=K+0 Or.K=i(0") ~8) Now to find i.(0°) use initial condition, the given circuit is de-energized i,(0-) =0 From continuity relation for inductor, ic(0°) = i,(0°)= 0 From equation (8) K = 0, so the equation (7) becomes as “i ()=400t*e* Amp — moat) 3. Sinusoidal Exe’ jon: Find the expression of current i (t) using classical method wa. | * V)=Va Sin(wt +0) © > 3 i 72|Page [Electric Cireuit Theory] eae tn Applying KVL at t> 0 Viv Sin (ot + @)= Va+Vz ° FV Sin (ot + 6) di Or, -(1) ' This is first order non-homogenous differential equation, so the solution 1 (0 = int) + int) Now to find ix(t), the auxiliary equation of (1) is z ap Bisie aL in()=K et! Now to find is(0), take a trial solution according to source present, it) = A Cos (wt + ©) +B Sin (wt + 0) --- Now, replacing the value of dependent variable of equation (1) byt the value of trial, solution of ip(t), then AlA‘Cos (wt +) + BSin (wt+) 148 ot 2 *[A Cos (ot + ©) +B Sin (ot + 6] = 22 Sin (ot +0) Or, -A @ Sin (at + ©) + B @ Cos (at + 8) +8 * [A Cos (at + 6) + B Sin (wt + ©)} = Sin (ot+@) Equating the coefficient of Cosine and Sine, we get Bott *A=0—- 73|Page [Electric Circuit Theory) OS icee ool [CHAPTER-3} Lo 26V gt A= Ve" Tope R =V_*—R_ B=Vn L2w?eR? Thus equation (4) becomes in(t) =~ ‘aS Cos (at + 0) + Vin * rer Sin (ot + O)--- (6) Hence from the equation (2),(3) and (6), the conaplete solution is 3 2 ADF KO + int) Or: .. i(=Kett-v,,* Cos (at + ©) + Vn * R_¢ a Pater? Now to find the value of K, put t= 0° in above equation 4 . iO)=K er? -V_ aes Taran 098 (0°04 ©) + Vin * GS no Tom Sin (@*0+0) + Oni (0!) = K. - Vin * raags Cos (8) + Vn * aE Sin (0) or, K=i@)+ Vn + Ze Cos — Vm + = sik (8). Now to find i (0°) use initial condition, the given circuit is de~ energized 40) =0 From continuity relation for inductor; ix(0") = i(0*) = 0 From’ equation (8) K = Vm « kw 1 Tara 050 ~ Vim « =F sin 0, so the equation (7). becomes i Toe “Rig _h, 1O= (vm * Haren? ©08 0 - Vm » SoS Sin() ett Vv, # +Vat Sin (t+) Amp mE Cos (at + 8) ate a Q.4:' Determine the complete Solution for the carfent Wha the switch k is closed at t= Oo in the circuit shown in figure below using classical approach, rs 74|.Page Solution: Applying KVL at t>0 100 cos (10% +2) =i 20+0.1 2 - - Set 200i = 1000 cos (10° + 7/2) ..... i=in ip and to find inmake 1000cos(10%t +F)=Q=0 ineq’....(i) i) Now, the complete Solution of equiation is : . ay 200i =0 | ive komm Also, to find ip, taking trial Sohition ig = A. cos (10°t + n/2)+ B sin(10°t + 2/2) From equation (i) or £ [A cos (10° 1/2) +B sin (10% 2/2)] + [A cos (10°t + 2/2) + B sin (10°t+ 2/2)] = 1000 cos (10° + 2/2) ~ — 10° A sin (10° + 1/2)+ 10° B cos(10*t + 2/2) + sin (10°t-+ 1/2) = 1000 cos (10°t + 2/2) 200 1 200 A cos (10° + n/2) + 200 B Comparing sin (10°t + 2/2) and cos (10° + 1/2) on both sides we get 75|Page CHAPTER-3] {Electric Circuit Theory] MUU UE a eee 0=-10° A+ 200B 1000 = 10°B + 200A Solving above equation A=0.1923 B= 0.9615 And, X =A? +B? = 0.9805 $= tant (8) =1130° Thus, ' ip =X sin (10°t+ n/2 +6) ip= 0.9805 sin (10°t + 90° + 11.30°) | ir = 0.98 sin (10° + 101.30°) j Solution is i(t) = i) =k £7 + 0.98 sin (10°t + 101.30") putt=0" | i(0')=k + 0.96 s : | 0=k+0.96 : 7 2 k=-0.96 2 1) =-0.96 7" + 0.98 sin(10°t + 101.30°) Amp int ip | Q5: In a series R-L circuit the applied voltage is V (t) = 10 sin (10 + 2) with R =20,L=_ 0.01 H, V (1) is applied at t = 0, Obtain the particular Solution for current i(t) through the circuit. Assume zero initial current through the inductor. (Use classical method). Solution: : . . Applying KVL at t> 0 } VO=Vet vy, 10sin(I04 +2 )mix2+001 $i { ) $+ 200; = 1000 sin (10+ eu 2 To find iy, a. 200i=0 in w=8s kent y= ke™ Also, a . | To find is, taking trial solution in= A Cos (1o1+2) +B sin (io+2) Put i) = ip, in equation (i) fu Cos (tot+2) Bsin (10% +E +200[ A cos (1o%+2) +B. sin (10%+2)1 = 1000 sin (101-2) on A 10% sin (104+ ) +B. 104 cos (104+) 4200 A eos (10+) +290 B sin 6 6, Raaa6 r (o1+2)- 1000 sin (104+) Comparing sin (10% +4) and cos (ot+2) 6n both sides we get, 1000 =—10* A+200B... 0=10°B+2004. wii) Solving equation (ii) & ( ii) A=-0.09996 B=0.001992 k= /A74B? = 0,09997 and = tan Thus, + ie . = K sin (10't : . : “ [Electric Circult Theory] Nene eC ea ace oe i= 0,09997 sin (104 + 30°— 88,85") ip = 0.09957 sin (10't-S8.85°)" Now, The complete Solution is i= int ip i(t) = k e2% +0,09997 sin (10°t- 58.85%) putt=0* “ i (0+) =k + 0.09997 sin (0-58.85°) i(0+) = k 0.08555 From question i (0°) =0 2 k= 0.08555 So, (8) = 0.08555 €200% 0,09997 sin (10°t-58.85°) Amp. # Response of R-C Ci tl 1. DC excitation: Find the expression of voltage across Vc (1) using classical method t=0 VQ © 0 : Vo=Ve+ Ve OF,Vo=i* R+Ve OnVor CHE #R+Ve [since i= ica c He * 78| Page This is Fist order ditferential equation, so the solution is VeW=2 +k ent Where, Q= 72 ang Pek Vo (t) = Vo+ Kennet (0) Now to find the value of K, put t= 0° in above equation Ve(O')= Vo+K ene"? K=Ve (@')- Vp-— ~ (ay Now to find V(0") use initial condition, the given circuit is de-energized circuit Circuit at t= 0" is From the circuit, Vc(0") =0 j From equation (a) K = -Vo, so the equation (i) becomes as an, ‘Vo ()=Vo-Vo en® Voit 79,|Page [Electric Circuit Theory] Dre CE! 2. Exponential Excitation Find the.expression of current i (t) using classical method t=0 pe Ve) =Voe ad | i 1) +6 Applying KVL at t> 0 Vo e7% = Vat Ve OnVoe* = i*R+2 fic dt Differentiating a wat abeRgtay OreVoae"®=F#R+2* i di 4 Vout git sj, Vooe Onze cR . —(1) ‘This is first order non-homogenous differential equation, so the solution FO= iN + it) ~2) Now to find in(), the auxiliary equation of 1) is diva 7 : G+ tizo se Bl Page Cameo Case! Irae 2 a then the trail solution is taken as in(t) = Aemat Now, replacing the value of dependent variable of equation (1) by the value of trial solution of in(t), then : d[Ae~at MEL epee Vouentt R Or, -Agett+ 2 # fag-aty. _Vooe™tt ay (Aes) *R . 1 Ovata+ a Hence from the equation (2),(3) and (6), the complete solution is 7) = init) + in(t) a You. Oni D=K eR + — H+ grat ma ; , Es ’ Now to find the value of K, putt = 0° in above equation 1 You i(Q=K ete? + —R— ¥ ao > . fo-ay) Oni(oyeK + ¥ OnK =i (0)--=4 81|Page Thus Vc(0")=0 ico’) =%2 From equation (8) K = Yo i@= (2 - oa & then the trail solution is taken as Cael Ita=F, ig(t) = Ate“ (10) Now, replacing the value of dependent variable of equation (1) by the value of trial solution of ir(t), then fat rt ] at F & Atemat cm [Ate~*] at tematy 4. 4 Or,Ale"** -ate™*"] +2 * [Ate Or, ALL-at] + * (At}= Ze Since we ait ce we have a cH = Yow Ona = — Ye Hence from the equation (2),(3) and (12), the complete solution is iO = int) + in(t) Oni ()=K eat Many grat (13) Now to find the value of K, put t= 0" in above equation 17K ee? Meas ge ao : ‘ Oni @")=K * OnK = i (0°) (14) Now to find i (0") use initial condition, the given circit is de-energized i,(0°)=0 From circuit at t= 0" Thus Vc(0") =0 ic(ory = 02 From equation (14) K =. so the equation (13) becomes as Vo “at Vout o-at i@=yee sett ett Amp — Q6: An exponential source V() = 10e*is suddenly applied at time t='0 to a series RC " citeuit comprising R = 1 0 and C= 0.L F. Obtain the expression for the oucge i(e in the circuit using classical method. : 83| Page - Solution: fe KVLatt>0_ ent = Vat Ve Pe ee Ore =i* 142 fidt -Differentiating Or,- 4 *10 e~# Org 103 seem (1) ‘This is first order non-homogenous differential equation, so the’solution is 1 = in(0) + in( - —--(2) Now to find in(t), the auxiliary equation of (1) is : ee 10*i=0 iQ =K ett -(3) Now to find it), take a trial solution according to source present, Here, a=4 and © = 10, s0 condition is a4 z int)= Ae*t -... ~ (4) Nov, replacing the value of dependent variable of equation ® by the value of trial solution of ie(0), then Se) + 10 * [Av #t] =-40 ev #t Or-A 4 et + 10 * [Ae] = -40 ev ## Or,A [-4 + 10] =-40 01,A = -6.667 -—— Bes Electr ae | le.Circult Theory} SUE aaa Thus equation (4) becomes as = 6.667 * ett 6) Hi . fence from the equation (2,3) and (6), the complete solution ie IO=in) +i Oni (Y= K e410 6.667% ott -() a Now 'to find the value of K, put t= 0" in above — ; 10) =K e100 6.667 + nino, OK =i (0')+6.667 - —~ (8) Now to find i (0°) use initial condition, the given circuit is de-energized Thus Vc(0")=0 . * ic(0*) =10 amp From equation (8) K = 16,667, so the equation (7) becomes as i (8) = 16.667 e-1" -6.667 * e~**: Amp Q.7: An exponential source V(t) = 20e“'is suddenly applied at time t = 0 to a series R-C circuit comprising R = 1.Q and C = 0.25F. Obtain the parte solution for the current i(t) in the circuit using classical method. Solution: Applying KVL at t> 0 : | . : : 10e~** = Va + Ve Differentiating -4t or-4*10€ “g5 [Page = [CHAPTER-3) [Electric Circult Theory] Tene 5 di _ Ong ta tin -40e7* — weveeones (1) ‘This is first order non-homogenous differential equation, so the solution is 1D = in(O)+ ie) > ~---{2) Now to find ig(6), the auxiliary equation of (1) is a geje ti al in(t)=K et — -(3) ~ Now to find i;(0), take atrial solution according to source’present, pea Here, a= 4 and = 4, so.condition is a= Gy g(t) = Ate — -(4) Now, réplacing ihe value of dependent variable of equation (i) by the value of trial solution ig(t), then 40e* apaten*] 4 + [Ate“*# se] + 4% [Ate Or,-At4 ew + Aewt +4 A tet =-40 6 Or,A [-4t+ 1+ 4t]=-40 40 - OrA (5) Thus equation (4) becomes as, ip(t) =~ 40t* e~** Hence from the equatSion (2),(3) and (6), the complete solution is i= in) + i Or,i@)=K e7#t ~ 40t* e~* --— (7) Now to find the value-of K, put t= 0" in above equation i(0°)=K e-*0- 40¢ * em? [Electric Cire Oni O)=K+0 OFK =i — Now to find i (0°) use initial condition, the given circuit is energized ic(0) = 0 From circuit att=0 ~—»)__ ae “ > Ve a : Thus V<(0'y = ic(0") =20 amp From equation (8) K = 20, so the equation (7) becomes as 1 (Q = 20* em#t ~ 40¢ + g-4t Amp 3. Sinusoidal Exei Find the expression of current i (t) using classical method vi) = Vm Sin(wt +0) - >t Applying KVL att > 0 Vin Sin (@t + ©) = Vat Ve 87|Page ee OnVySin(ol OVI RE SLA Difforentiating ' a Cos (at + 8) _---(1) ‘This is first order non-homogenous differential equation, so the solution is ~2) i) =in(t) + ie) — Now to find iy(t), the auxiliary equation of (1) is (3) Now to find ig(t), take a trial solution according to source present, (4) int) = K eC asa ig(t) = A Cos (wt + ©) + B Sin (at + ©) —~ Now, replacing the valué of dependent variable of equation (1) by the value of trial solution of ie(@), then AIA Cos (wt-+) + BSin (wt +) ], 1 a 1A Cos (at + 6) +B Sin (ot + 0)] =“2a Cos (at + 6) Or, -A @ Sin (ot + ©) + B w Cos (at + 6) + FAIA Cos.(at + ©) + B Sin (at + ©} (wt + 0) Equating the coefficient of Cosine and Sine, we get Solving equation (a) and (b) AF Vy t oo Von" eRe Cw?R B= Vp *~ Vo" ii oaRe 88|Page Thus equation (4) becomes WON raeaCOs (+0) +\y 4 EAE Sin (+0) — Hence from the equation @, (3) and (6), the- reomplete solution is “FO = into + iggy) ; Or, 1®=K ee w+ V, "THREES (01+ O)+ Vint me 20h sin (t+) Now to find the value of K, put t= 0° in above equation Cw? i(@=K ec? +Va im TaeFesCos O + Vn Tormisin © on* i@)=K +V, + Me hos 04 V_* Lew? Tas msia - Rae LCwR og Or, K=i(0°)—.Vm + as bos + Vn » To oepea Sim (8) Now to find i (0°) use initial condition, the given citouit is de-energized ic(0") = 0 Circuit at t= 0" ° + Vit) = Vn Sin(@)) 7) i@')= Yasin Yasin @?R. . From equation (8) K = “#2 — vm» * eee Cos + Vm « asin, so the equation (7) becomes _ i Yassin Cos +.Vm + eR oi Jena + y. aC Cog 1O-(42 — vm + See iPaeeesi Sin ) even’ + Vv, * 28 —c, (ot+ oy + y,, # Co" - Am aoe sin (ot + 0) p _TCHAPTER-3] [Electric Circuit Theory] ERO Ue Eee . . - 7 : A 4, BY Q.8: In a series R-L cireuit the applied voltage is V(t) = 10 sin (10't + ¢ ] with R 0.25F, V(t) is applied at t = 0. Obtain the Complete Solution for current. through the eirenit, Assurue zero initial curtent through the inductor. (Use clas: -method). : Solution: Applying KVL att 0 VQ=VetV 0 sin (lore \=ixaeeR+ste fidt Differentiating di O+2ie sin 10't+ or u “@ Now, To find in, : dic) Getizo wor Seker i KE eee Also, ti) To find ir, taking trial solution ACos (104+ 2 J +B sin[ 10" + Put i(t) = ig, in equation (i) GIA Cos 10%) 8 sin (10h +2 E)I+20 A cos (10% +2 ) +B. sin (t0't+3 y= 5 sin{104 +2) or, A 10%, sin (10+) 4 B, 10° e+e a in . sin { 6) * B. 10° cos (10% +2} + 2A cos lott+g ) + 2B sit (104 +8) =ssin(rots ) 4 a [electric Circuit Theory] _ 7, Comparing sin ( lots? } and cos (ote "5=-10'A+2B.. ii) : a O=10°B+2A ) Solving equation (ii) & (iii) A=:5*10-* B=10* 10-8 Thus, : ip=-5* 10-4 Cos (to's) 4 10* 10° sin (1o'+#) Now, The complete Solution is iM=ivtip | “=k eX 5 * 10-* Cos (10% +2) + 101078 sin (104-2) put=o° i(Or)k-5*10-4 Cos(2) +10* 107 sin(2) i(0+) = k —4.329 * 107+ 20sin30° _ 2 From question i (0° 25 . . ook =2,5004329 So, - 7 -8.sin (10% +E | i() = 2,5004329 et +- 5 * 1074 Cos (oe Es 10* 10-®-sin (10 +5) Amp. 2 91|/Page {Electric Circuit Theory] “[CHAPTER-3] # Response of RLC cireuit with ‘1. DC excitation Solution for 2" ord ferential equation of RLC series circuit Applying KVL at t> 0 in above circuit ; VatVi+Ve=Vo ' di ir, Ong #R+LE 42 fidt=Vo— Differentiating ai ari OsRGtLS eet +heja ean @i Rai Mika t, Ovge “Tat,” oR =0 @ te .* Which is 2™ order differential equation and its auxiliary equation is, 92| Page : [Electric circutt Theory] PTER-3 2 CHAPTER'3] Transient Analysis By Direct Solution: R . : Where, a = = = Damping Coefficient 1 ©, = Natural Frequency The solution of equation (2) depends upon ‘the nature of roots: Case I: If 4 < @, (under damped) The roots will be complex, then the system is said to be under damped and the roots are given as S), S.=-a + JCD[we — a] $1S.=—at jog where a= fos — a? Hence the solttion of equation (2) is given by : z i() =e [K, cos wat + Kz sin mgt] Put = 0" i(0+) = e~*°[K, cos(wg * 0) + Kz sin(wq * 0)] i@+)=K, We know that it’s a de-energized circuit so inductor current is i(0°) = i(0") = 0 K, =i@0")=0 . Equation (4) becomes i(t) = e-*[K, sin gt] () Differentiating equation ( 5)’, we get ae Kp[(—ae sin wat + wae cos wat] ------- (6) Putt=0" + digs = QOD = Kawa naar 93|Page . [CHAPTER-3] [Electric Circuit Theory] SC U UL cn ae eee Now to find $(0°) use equation (1) edie a - IR+LE+cSidt=Vo iR+LB4 Ve=Vo Putt=0' i@yR* ize ) + Ve(0") = Vo | As the circuit is de-energized so that current through inductor i(0’)=i(0")=0 and voltage across capacitor Ve()=Ve(0") =0 : $ O*R+ iso) +0=Vo Thus equation (7) becomes as: Yo Kak Hence the solution under damped condition is given as Amp (8) Case Ik: If = a, (critically damped) In this case, =2e fk : Re2 & : j Ifa = @, then roots will be real and equal and the roots are given as 81, $2 aL 94| Page [Electric Circuit Theory] Hence the solution of equation (2) is 9) i(® = (K+ Kit) ~*~ Putt =0* i@)=K, From continuity relationship i(0)=i(0") = 0 Ky =0 : i(t) = Kot wat Taking dérivative of equation (10) MK, fenat nat qo Ke le — ate Put t= 0° SO)=K 7 Now to find 2(0') use equation (1) IR+LE+2fidt=Vp a IR+LE+Vc= Vo Put t= 0° iO)R+ LEO’) + Vo(0") = Vo (0")=0 and voltage across As the circuit is de-energized so that current through inductor. i(0° capacitor V(0") =Ve(0") = 0 OR +120) +0=Vo ane a0-% So equation (9) becomes ier eerie EE «, (over damped) In this case roots are real and unequal aid the roots are given as ; Se-ay S,=<-a2 Solution of equiation (2) is given by 7 “iQ = Kyent!" + Ke * — Putt=0° i!) =K,+Ke Ky + Ky =0-—+———- (a) Now differentiating equation (13) we get a SO = Ky (ase + Ka (aot Put t= 0" dior) _ at Ky (a4) + Kz(—ag) -—~ Now to find 20+) use equation (1) R+L +2 fidr=v, dt e R+LA4Ve=V, q at are Put t=0" iOR+LE0)+VeO)=Vo As the circuit is de-energized so that current through inductor (0° capacitor Vc(0"}=Vc(0") = 0 96 | Page i(0")0 and voltage across So equation (13) hecomes as Yo. TT Kay) + Ko(—a2) ~ Solving equation (a) and (b) we get: Hence equation { 2) becomes - Yo ent 4 2, L (oy a2) - Uay—a2) i@= e722! Amp i ‘Under damped condition Solution for 2" onder differeatial equation of RLC parallel “TCHAPTER-3] {Electric Circuit Theory] Recess: NNectric Circuit | SICENCU UL en eae) Applying KCL at t> 0 in above circuit . ip ti, + ig = To veay we Orgt TI Vdt+ CF =o Differentiating av dvi Vy oP teye OG T+ Se +i v=0 @v Gav pee One “cat Which is 2™ order differential equation and its auxiliary equation is, 248o4ia s?+is+h=0 Which has two roots S and Sz The solution of equation (2) depends upon the nature. of roots: Case I: If B < @, (under damped) The roots will be complex, then the system is said to be under damped and the roots are given as . $1, S.=—-B+¥(—1)[w% — 2] —B+j ay" where ay = fox — a? ‘ICHAPTER'3] [Electric circuit Theory) [AEE ea LE Hence the solution of equation (2) is given by : VO) = ePIK, cos wat + Kz sin wat] — == (4) > Put=0* . V(0+) = e“B*OfK, cos(wq « 0) + Kz sin(wg * 0)] VOOH)=K, We know that it’s a de-energized cifcuit so voltage across capacitor is Ve(0") = Ve(0") = V(0") =0 ° K.=VO")=0 Equation (4) becomes V@)=e7*8[K, sin wat] Differentiating equation ( 5) , we get K,[(—B)e“P* sin wat + wye®* cos wat] -————~ © at Put t= 0" We. S0')=Ke wa “Now to find A) use equation (1) : via av _ Le tfvar+oS =I ' VG +i+eS=1 Put t=0" aia Wane ens V(O')G+ cz )+ iL0') = Ip , 99|Page [CHAPTER-3] [Electric Circuit Theory] As the circuit is-de-energized so that current through inductor i(0")=i(0")}=0 and voltage actoss capacitor Ve(0"}=V<(0")= 0 Thus equation ( 7) becomes as: oa Hence the solution under damped condition is given as i , V(t) = e7F [= sin wa Amp —————~ (8) Case Tk: If = @ (critically damped) i GL In this case, =e If a= «then roots will be real and equal and the roots are given as $1, $= Hence the solution of equation (2) is ~ (9) Vit) = Kit Kit) e-Bt Putt=0" VO")= As the circuit is de-energized so that current through inductor i(0)=i(0")=0 and voltage across =V(0'=0 capacitor V.(0"} V (t)= Kat e7# : Differentiating : [EE a 100| Page K, [e-# — p ten BY Putt=0* Wye aO= Ke Now to find Xo) use equation (1) Via av Rr {sVat+CS =1 VGtitceS-1 Putt=0" ‘ ; A ee VO'VG + CF") + 1,0") = Io As the circuit is de-energized so that current through inductor i(0°)=i(0°)=0 and voltage across capacitor Ve(0")=V(0") = 0 ora +c Xo +0=1 Thus K, = Hence the solution critically damped condition is vit) = ten. Case III: If B >, (over damped) _ : ‘ In this case roots afe real and unequal and the roots are given as Sims By 101| Page [CHAPTER-3] [Electric Circuit Theory] Transient Analysis By Direct Solution V(t) = Kye7®t + Kze7P2t -— Putt=0* _ V(0")=Ki + Kz Ky + Ky= 0 == (a) Now differentiating equation (12) we get ’ AVO_ K, (—B, Jem Fst + Ka(—BaeP2* ; MO = K, (Bx) Putt=0" . aver) a Ky (-B).+ Ko(—Ba) Now to find $2(0°) use equation (1) AAs the cirouit is de-energized S0'that current through inductor i(0") = i(0*) = 0 and voltage across capacitor Vo(0)=Ve(0") = 0 : via av qt svat Cg =o VIG Hit CZ =I Put t=0" ited at sabe abinbae VOO')*G+ C20) + 10") = fo org +e Zo')+0=% AV gy lo, i 8 ; So equation (13) becomes as ‘olving equation (a) and (b) we = Ky (-By) + Ka(-Ba) — 102| Page. ers caesar ue Si y K,=—2 oC =B bk 2 C(B:-Ba) K Hence the solution over damped Condition is given as v= - le Bit to en Pat Amp cen et o-wD : Under damped condition Solution: Circuit at t> 0 “08H pus | eee 103| Page [CHAPTER-3]° .~ (Electric Circuit Theory] RC ne Crt yg toa te Applying KVL at t> 0 in above circuit Va tVi+Ve=0 iosost42fiae= : Oni*2 405542 fidt=0- Differentiating, di Chg Ae . 2849524 jG Ord +OS SS + i= 0 ai ‘ae Hy aeie Onda 4S + 2*i=0 Q) Which is 2" order differential equation and its auxiliary equation is, S?+48+2=0 Which has two roots $; and S> Solution of equation (2) is given by i) = Kyen O58 4 Kg 3.4it Putt=0* a 4 i@)=K, +k, ow to find (0°, its an energized condition circuit so circuit at t= 0° From the circuit, i,(0°) =i,(0") = i¢o'y =o But voltage across capacitor Vc(0" Ve(0") = 244 * Volt 104| Page . P= K,C oseye- 058 4 K,(-3.41 Putt=0* MO) ~ k,(— 0.58) + K,(-3.41) — Now to find So use equation (1) 2it0shs2fide=o 2it0s4+ve=0 Sat Putt=0' 240.5 40)+Ve0)=0 AS the cirenit is de-energized so that current through inductor i(0")=i(0" capacitor Vc(0")=V¢(0") = 2 Volt OR +05 20+ 2=0 So equation (4) becomes as —4=K,(- 0.58) + K(~3.41) ~ Solving equation (a) and (b) we get: : K.=-141 : K,= 141 Hence the complete solution is: "i= = 1.41074 4 gte-aate 105| Page Now differentiating equation (3) we get Jen 34tt ——~ (4) )0 and voltage across Amp fe ies RLC ci Qi: A voltage V(@) = 20 is suddenty applied at time t = 0 toa ee ‘om comprising R= 20. L111 and C= 1. Obtain the expression for the current civewit using classing mnethod. Solution: Applying KVE at t> 0 : - Vn 2Vi + Ve=V) a iepside 20 Which is 2"! order differential equation and its auxiliary equation is, S?+2$+150 * Which has two roots $; and S, Hence the solution of equation (2) is 1) = (G+ Kot, ent — ~ (3) Pi 6 i@)=K, From continuity relationship i(0)=i00")=0, Kk) =0 i) = Kate Taking derivative’ of equation (4) ao a Ka fe“t = tem" Putt=0* 106 | Page [Electric Circuit Theory) din, OOK, Now to find nC) use equation a) inal, i245 +V,=20 ae i244 Vo= 20 Putt=0" io) 4 Seo . i(0°)*2 + 500") + Ve(O") = 20 As the circuit is de-energized so that current through inductor i(0°)=i(0°}=0 and voltage across” capacitor Ve(0")=Vo(0"} = 0 092 +40") +0=20 digs tO )=20 Thus K, = 20 So equation (4) becomes i(t) = 20 e~*t Amp: Q.11: A voltage Vit) = 100 is suddenly applied at time t = 0 io 2 series RLC circuit comprising R = 4Q., L =1H and C= 3F. Obtain the expression for the current i(t) in the circuit using classing methed. Solution: - Applying KVL att> 0 Va HV. + Ve=VO di ms Ori #441 atosl dt =100 -— Differentiating +g Phy cae On E+ gat 107| Page “[lectric Circuit Theory) Transient Analysis By Direct a -- (2) a Or, +44 sti =0— Which is 2" order differential equation and its auxiliary equation is, S?#4S$+5=0 Which has two roots S; and Sz $,S.==24j1 Hence the solution of equation (2) is given by : i(t)= e-*[K, cost + K, sin t] —— Put=0" iow =e 0[K, cos(0) + K, sin(0)] 104) =K, We know that it’s a de-energized circuit so inductor current is i(o’y: i@)=0 . K, =i@)=0 3 Equation (3) becomes : j | | i= e-[K, sint] — = (4) Differentiating equation ( 4), we get di 9) c~2t o: ae Re Kel(-2)e-** sine} eo" cost] ------ (5) Putt =o" Now to find 20") use equation (1) {Oo =K, i | Watt Ses fide= 100 i+ 4 Ve =100 [CHAPTER-3] i: [Electric Circuit Theory) Putt=0' iO'y94 4 Ay gn . i(0')¥4 + Px) )+ Ve(0') = 100 As the circuit is de~ener capacitor Ve(0"= dso that current through inductor i(0°=i(0")=0 and voltage across di. OFR +50") +0 = 100 ae So) = 100 Thus equation becomes as: K.= 100 Hence the solution is given as i() =100e-*'Sint_ Amp Q.12 Using classical method, obtain the expressian for the voltage across the inductor in the circuit shown in the figure below. Solution: Applying KCL at t> 0 in above circuit in ti, tic =O v Y awe Ongaet Bf Vdt+ It =0 Differentiating WAV gayao orate t aq tat 109 | Page | } | : Se UE Ee Tani IAPTER-3] (Electric Circuit Theory] BRM MARA fv yWageye -~ (2) Orga t45,73 i i its auxiliary equations, | Which is 2" order differential equation and it S?4+4$+3=0 Which has two roots S; and Sz is . S Sy 1 de i Solution of equation (2) is given by Vit) = Ket + Ket —— Putt=07 V(0')=K, + K, Now to find V(0"), we have from the question Vc(0") = Vc(0") = V0") = 10 V, But i= iO!) =0. : : : Ki +K2=10——-— (a) Now differentiating equation (3) we get Seakidet + K2(-3)e3t Putt=0* Now to find X0') use equation (1) : _ dag +3 fVae+ 1 & =o, V4 +5, 420 | a Putt=0* 10| Page VeO'y+4 + Moo" + i(0')= 0 As the circuit is de-energized so that cu capacitor Ve(0)=Vc(0') = 10 V 10*44+ “ory 4g O44 Hoy +0=0 ve (0) =—40 So equation (4) becomes as —40=.K,(-1) + K,(-3) — Solving equation (a) and (b) we get: K)=15 Ki= -5 Hence the complete solution is : : Vv). oe Set + 15e-3t Amp Q.13: In the two mesh network shown in figure, find the current i and iz when the switch is closed at &= 0, using classical approach. 40 4Q; Solution: Circuit at t> 0 111 | Page Applying KVL at loop (i) f 40=VetVe q ts 40= 44 i +2 f(y — ip) at q * Differentiating =4 S84 24, +2. 024 424+ 2h Now again applying KVL at outer loop of the circuit 40=Ve+VatVe : | : 40=4ise4*igt ot M2 ‘From equation (1) = Aj, din 4 (odin, som aris 4 (224i) 4 00 g(22+i,) © 40=4i, 8S + ai, $02 Shy ond =02 &h dy ig 40-024 at 81st Bi, i, di, anit - Get 405 440 i,= 200 °) ich is 2! : : Which is 2 order non-homogeneous differential equation so Solution is given as IN) = in + gp MCU Uwe) feet Now to find iy, take auxiliary equation S?4+ 40.58 + 40 =0 Si=- 1.01 ; } : : 2 = — 39.49 So in = Kye" + K,e-3949t To find ip, take trial solution as source present and put it in equation (2) ity = A (constant) ea da az t 405 ae 40A=200 0+ 0+40A=200 A=5 Thus, ii = 5 Thus the complete solution is in(t) = Kye"! + Kze- 394 + 5 ~ Putt =0" i(0°)=Ky + Kz +5 As circuit is de-energized, so circuit att = (oc ' wvO oo =40 t(0"}*0, { a7) Wo") =10 x \ So, 10=Ki +K2 +5 Ky + Ko , 113 | Page Ree aeit [Electric Circuit Theory] PCAC ya Now differentiating equation (3) we get = Ky (1.01 er Ht + K(—39.49) e794" +0 Put t= 0° So)= K,(-1.01) + Kp (-39.49) To find $2(0°) take equation Ww. diy paz dey a2 Stir Putt=0" 400°) = 2 S400") + i,0) Sy) +10 —5=Ky(-1.01) + K,(—39, AQ) ---— Solving equation (a) and (b) we get Ki=5 K2=~1.30« 1073 Hence the solution for ii(t) of the circuit ig” iQ =5 e1t_ 439, 10-90-3949 |g Amp Also, from the equation ay i= 2 ity a og. ; i,(t) = 2 alse LOL _ 130 « 19-3¢~3949t 45] +5 e7#O! — 1.30 « 10-36-2948 4 § (8) = -5.1. e291 4 9, 497 3949 45 Amp Q.14: Using classical method, find the current through inductor in the network. Solution: Circuit at t> 0 Note: if the question didn’t give 20 it you any current direction and (ei | asked you to find branch current | |} i mS | like in this question Q.14 (current | i 1F== | through inductor), then it’s better I 2 | to use branch current as shown in i + | the circuit t >0 because it helps | | you to find'direct branch current | Applying KVL at loop (1) expression. 10 = Vea + Vi + Vis io | : | 10-20) +i) + 124+ 3i; ad 10=5i, + + 2in ip = 5-25-05 Now applying KVL at outer loop 10= Vine Var * Ve a 10 = 2h, + ig) + Lie + 7S igdt 115 | Page pee aan [Electric circuit Theory] Differentiating dis, giz 4 j, org sath (1) put value of iz in above equation From equation 4 di, 5 -25i,— 05 3) pales sifs—25i-08 3] +( ggg 5-059= 251, i 0 ays . #i, gdh 25} a 15-6 ae 2.5 iy 1.66 i, = 3:33 a oe 7 4 pea Which is 2 ordet non-homogeneous differential equation so, solution is given as i(Q= inet ie A Now to-find iy, take auxitiary equation } S* +45 + 1.66 =0 . Si =- 0.47 ‘ Soviny = Ky e747! + Kye7353t To find iie, take trial solution as source present and put it in equation (2) qt 2) ine = A (constant) PAL as qe t 4 41664-3353 0+-0+1.66 A=3.33 L A=2 Thus, ip =2 Thus the complete solution is HO=Kye-O47 4 Ker 353t 4 9 Putt=0" a inO@)=K, +K, 42 As circuit is de-energized, so circuit at t= 0" From the circuit, i)(0"}= 0 and i,(0°)=3.33 Amp. “gy atl $0, 0=Ky + Ky +5. ; ( Ky +K, : \ Now differentiating equation (3) we get : \ diy _ ae = Ki(—0.47)e-47" + K, (—3.53)e7353t 4.0 | Put t= 0" di SHO") = Ki(-0.47) + Kp(-3.53) : | To find $2(0") take equation (1) “ig = 5-251, +05 % Put t= 0" fi : ae di, iO") = 5 + 2.5% (0*) + 0.5 FXO") 3.33=05 B00')+5 117 | Page : fees By 3,34 = Ky(—0.47) + Ky(—3.53) > ©) Solving equation (a) and (b) we get Ky, =-6.85 K2= 1.85 x Hence the solution for current through inductor iy(t) in the circuit is in(t) = —6.85 e047 + 1.85 e254 5 Amp 2: Exponential excitation Q.15 An exponential voltage V(t) = 20e~** is suddenly applied at time t = 0 to ase RLC circuit comprising R = 20, L'=0.5H and C = 1F. Obtain the expression for th he current i(f) in te cireuit using classing method. Solution: Note: For ‘ain ic oil Applying KVL at t> 0 Excitation in 2" of differential. equation VQ)=VatVLtVe are also two cases: 20e~% = ie2 +052 42 fidt—(y © Casel: if fal # ISylor So} thea Differentiating Take ip= Ae™ “t © Case IT: if” n- 4 #20 e~ Or 4 *20 e' oe os +i : lal = [S,lor Si : then Take ip= on05 S424 4 is 80 ent Ate~** 4 ort ade 160 e~4t ~ (2) This is 2" order non-homogenous differential equation, so the solution is [Electric circuit Theory] 1O= in + ign) — Now to find ix, the auxiliary equation of (1) is S4+4s+2=0. | | ~058 | | S=-3.41 : NO = Kyer P58 4 gr ste (4) Now to find ir(t) take a trial solution according to source present, : Here, a= 4 and $= 0.58 and $2 = 3.41, so condition is a # S; or S ao) Now, repldcing the value of dependent variable of equation (1) by the value of trial solution of ie(), then in = Ae~#t z —160e~* Uae] yg Alten) apport Or,A*4* 4 eH — 16 *Ae~# + 2 Ae =—160 en *# Or.2 Ae~#® = ~160.e74 Or,A = —80 Thus equation (5) becomés as, id) = —80e™* —- (6) Hence fromthe equation (3),(4) and (6), the complete solution is i=in) +O), Oni (= Kren 5 + Kye 48 — gent. (1) Now to find the value of K, put t= 0° in-above equation © 4 (0°)= Ky + Kz — 80 ial condi [CHAPTER-3] SO ney [Electric Circuit Theory] B0= Ky + Ky = (a) Now differentiating equation (7) we get * 3 -4t SE «Ky (--0.58)0° 5 + Ky (3.4 e941 + 80 # 4e Put t= 0° S40") = K,(-0.58) + K,(-3-41) + 320 To find fo" ) take equation (1) ‘ 20e*# = 42 + 65S + Ve us 40 = Ky (—0.58) + K,(—3.41) + 320 —~ Solving equation (a) and (b) we get, Ke Hence the equation (7) becomes E (8) =~2, 42 7 8 4 82. 4207341 gpe~t amp G.16 Af exponential voltage V(t) = 20e73¢ js suddenly applied at time t = 0 to a series | REC cireuit comprising R = 40, L =1H and C = iF. Obtain the expression for the | current i(t) in the circuit using classing method. Solution: Applying KVL at t> 0, . Vit) = Vn + Vi +Ve - 120| Page We yea ean [Electric Circuit Theory] pee 20e- = j di at a U4 tet SUN Ger Differentiating Or,~3 #20 e°3t = a 1-3 #20 et 4 Se ie Hh Bi _- (2): : oni + 4 31=—60 63 This is 2 order on-homogeusns differential equation, so the solution is 3) i (= in + KO — Now to find ix(t), the auxiliary equation of (1) is * -$24454+3=0 St S2=-3 (4) in(t) = Kye" + Kpe7 * Now to find i;(t), take a trial solution according to source present, Here, a= 3 and S=J and $2 =3,, So condition is a ='S1 oF Sz is(t) =e ) pendent variable of eqization (1) by the value of trial solution of Now, replacing the value of de in(Q), then eel 4 de] “l , 3[Ate~3] = —60 est ne ane) A[Ae** — 3Ate~*"] + 3[Ate™*"] = -60 e~* Or, — 30-3 — 3[Ae7t — 3Ate™**] + 4[Ae™t — 3ate“4] + 3[Ate~3*] = —60 e-* Or, alent — 3Ae 3" + Gate + 4Ae™S" — 12Ate™* + BAteTS = —60 mS. Or, —2Ae7% =—60 27 121| Page A=30 “Tlnus equation (5) becomes as, ~ (6) ims 30te™* - : Heuce fron the equation (3),(4) and (6), the complete solution is ig) = int) + ivf) ~ (7) Ori (f)=Kye7! + Ke" 3 +. 30te™3t-— Now 40 find the value of K, put t= 0" in above equation i(0')= Ky + Ky +0 Now to find i (0°) use initia! condition, the given circuit is de-energized i(0")= 0 | 0= Ky+K, = --(a) Now differentiating equation (7) we get Ky (De + K,(=3)e7 + 30e-#* — 90te-3t : Put t= 0° BO’) = Ky (-1) + K,(-3) +30 =0 To find S00") take equation (1) 2c = jag y A at Ve Putt=0' singh HeO)= 20 ‘Thus, ~10 = Ki(-1) + K,(-3) — Solving equation (a) and (b) we get, Kes 222|Page Kes ence the equation (7) becotnes : 1O=~Se-t + 5e-3t + g0te-% Amp Sinusoidal Excitation: . Q.17: In a RLC series circui voltage V(t) = 25 Shite containing R = 5Q, L = 1H and C = 0.25 F a sinusoidal resultant current i(t) f is suddenly applied at time t = 0. Using classical method, find the . 7 (0) for t > 0. Assume zero current through inductor and zero voltage ‘cross capacitor before application of voltage. Solution: Applying KVL at t> 0 VQ) = Vert Vi+Ve 7 ai . 25 Sindot = iss + 1+ 4fidt-— Differentiating 01,250 Costor=5 + St44i° dt_. dt? ont + 5H 4 41 =250 Costot — ---- (2) ores This is 2" order non-homogenous differential equation, so the solution is -(3) i) = in + ie — i Now to find ix(t), the auxiliary equation of (1) is s?4+58+4=0 at (4) int) = Kye7 + Kae Now to find ip(t), take a trial solution according to source present, 123 | Page i CICHAPTER-3] [Electric Circuit Theory] Transient Ani is(t) = A Cosl0t + B Sint — i trial solution , Now, replacing the value of dependent variable of equation () by the value of 0 hutio of y(t), then : : : eP{ACostar+ BSintor) gta costot+ BSiniol] + 3[A CosLOt + B Sintog=. Or, ee i i 250 Cos1ot Or, ~100A Cos10t — 1008 Sin 0t — 50A Sin10t + 5B Cos10t poe Cos10t + 4B Sintoy = t 250 Cosi0t E j ! i Or, SinLOt{—-100B — 50A + 4B} + Cos10t{—100A + 50B + 4A} = 250 Cos10t a Ay i i Equating the coefficient of Cosine and Sine, we get i —50A — 96B= a) i ee 3 a : ~96A + 50B = 250 (by He Solving equation (a) and (b) 1 J) de j bd 4 : % B= 1.06 Lt « — ‘ 4 ‘huss equation (5) becomes as, 4 is() = —2.04Cos10t + 1,06Sin10¢ (6) og a ¢ Hence from the equation (3),(4) and (6), the complete solution is 1O=in(t) + in) Ori (t) Kye" + Kye #t 7 2.04 CoslOt + 1.06 Sint.“ —~ Now to find the value of K, putt=0" in shove equation FO D= Ky + Ky 2.04 | CHAPTER-3] [Electric Circult Theory] Sealy 2.04 = Ky + K ~ ~ (a) Now differentiating equation (7) we get SE= Ky (Det + Ka(—4)e~™ + 20.4 Sint + 10.6 CostOt Put t= 0° ‘ FO")=K,(-1) + K,(-4) +0+ 10.6 To find $2(0") take equation (1) 2ssinlor=i+5 +124 Ve Put t= 0" a dint) SO) = Thus, —10.6 = K, (—1) + K,(—4) — * Solving equation (a) and (b) we get, K i= -0.82 : K.= 2.87 Hence the equation (7) becomes i ()=—0.82e"' + 2,87 e° — 2.04 Cosl0t + 1.06 Sin10t Amp Problems: Q.1: The switch in figure has been closed for a long time, It opens at t = 0. Find i(t) at t> 0, Use classical method. L3H I T Xt — R 125|Page PTER3} [Ans: i(t) = (4 + 2e72")] Q.2: The switeh in figure has been opened for a long time. It is closed at t = 0. Fi complete expression for the current using classical method. 100. [Ans: i(@)= (—1.67e720" + 5 )Amp] Q.3: If the initial current through the inductor be 1A, find i,(t) at t > O in the cirenit below using classical method. =0 x R [Ans: i,(t)= et Amp Q-4:In the network shown, C is initially charged to Vo, the switch K is closed at t Solve for the current i(f), Using Classical method, t=0 -f sin Zet Ame] QS: Find the voltage across the capacitor at-t > 0 using classical method. t=0 r ae @ 12 @ : { 2v) 2i ==IF Vb) Hint: At node 1 -V,=2-Y a a yd ty, =1 [Ans: V2 (t)= (2 —2e-®5*) Vott] 127| Page "[CHAPTER-3] [Electric Circult Theory] Transient Analysis By Dir #Q.6:The network shown in figure below is under steady state condition. The closed at t = 0. Determine the current through 10 ohm resistor connected. terminals AB,[Use élassical method] t=0 a 1 3 2 \ a oe | | toon? [ee [Ans: ift) = (-2.495e-2 + 0.412e73 + 3.3) Amp] Q.7:In the circuit shown in figure below, the switch is closed at = 0, find i,(t) classical method. it : i ' i as ae a | 0G | = sen; “00 4 nov F ue ; on Eee i [Ans: i(t) = (—4.5e773-5t + 1.421e7635t + 3,3) Amp] 128| Page See UEC N eer reme ela + TCHAPTER-3] [Electric Circuit Theory] Q.8: In the circuit of the figure below, the switch is open and the circuit reaches a steady state, At =0, the switch is closed. Find the current in the inductor for t> 0 using classical method, . 7 . A . “100 = | Hele @) [Hint: Use A ~Y transformation | fAns: i(t) = ( 0.067e-357t + 0.6) Amp] in the circuit of the figure below, the switch is close at =0, find V (® for t > 0 if the [Ans: V(t) = (3e7°5t + 5) Volt} 129| Page HAPTER-3] [Electric Circuit Theory] igouaaaala oq” to “b” at t= 0. Find Q.10:In the circuit shown, switch is changed from positior expression for current i1(t) and 2(t) using classical metod. | ‘I : wonz [ toy : ho \: | 4@\ 38 preset Se eee se TAns: iy{t) = (10 — 4.31e735% +.0, 68715) A, alt) = (5 — 3.37635 4 0, 87¢71390t) gy ENaE yo emi [CHAPTER-4] [Electric Circuit Theory] Transient Analysis By Laplace Transform Some Important Formula: + Lio]=1 7 ° LUvoj=Vv o. uly=2 oO * LIZ=sI-i@') . uy = S'I-Si(0") - io’) + Lifjiay = 2 e Me eos : : : © L{Sinbt] = = * L{Cosbt] = © ‘Lfte*4y car © Lfe~**sinbt} orcad ars . Le™**Cosbt] = Se * #Steps to be ‘applied for solving any circuit by Laplace Transform * Apply KVL or KCL in the circuit at t > 0 * . After application-of KVL or KCL we will always get differential equation, so take the transform oni both sides of the equation. * After that we will get a equation containing initial condition, so substitute the value of initial condition * Keep the dependent variable on the one side of equation and remaining term on the other side of the equation then apply Heaviside’s partial fraction, © Finally take the inverse Laplace Transform to et the dependent variable as a function of time 131 | Page X \ ° “AEtectrie Circuit Theory] #Heaviside’s Partial Fraction Expression: : 2 Let any funtion, I(S) = 9G) * 1). Ifall the roots of Q(S) are non repeated os P(S) 1S)" Ges, ay Hy --- Kn 1)" Ss, ts, tus, ‘ To find K, : aoe . PS) : SESS) SS) * +o, = PCS) © G@S)-SS) Ki then put S = —Ss POS) _ Ke" GGG STS) Ps Ka GSyG+Sp. = then put §: j-—_S) Example 4.1: 1=—S*2) __ PEELE S(S#5)G+05H1) Ki) Kp kK; K, S48, 85,6 s test See t Ser =—)__ HEED * 132| Page ——— (12) Ki “Gapere ean then put $=0 @ How 1 Ki 5 And For Ky ' = (S+2) Gr maGoem *S+5) (s#2) S(S+6)(S+1) = 542) OCS OSH) K)= then put S Ky 20 And For Ks : (S12) ; SGHGiaGa) *S+6) (si2) FEsneen then put § = (642) : : COC ESC And For Ky ____#2) * Ki mcoea *StD Kat) : . Ka = Seeayere then put = —1 =f 142) 4 CDCHS)C1t6) 1 420: Thus 3 ee 20 * 545} 5 "S46 20 SH e 133 | Page “[CHAPTER-a) {Electric Circuit Theory] Se UC ace 2) If some of roots of Q(s) has power P(S) (sts) eo © GES) SHS)? (SHS) Kis Kay 4 kp eo (ese "SHS? GsnF To find Kir : ‘ eS PS) . r Ku= GigpGrsy? StS) S+s) = P(S) — Ku= Gyapreerapioe then pues = Si : To firid Kye ee ing differentiating then put S = Gas (@rsps+Sp | after doing a en put Kon To find Kig2) P¢S) after doing double differentiating then put S = ] after doing (r-1) times differentiating then put S = Si — For Example 4.2: 1S) -apagep ist Kaz Kas. K ¥ Gay t GF Genet Sa To find K Ss __s “GH then put = —4 134|Page To find Ky3 as Kn Gem *S+D? s Gap then put $= 1 To find Kz is =———_+45 3 Kp Gurern (S +1) Kn =iislera! To find Ki; Se : Kn -Gper) 56rd ki~ 26a! ku= gale Ki ery 24) [Electric Circuit Theory] _ [CHAPTER-4] wy - NOTE: It is not necessarily important. to use Heaviside’s partial fraction for solving partial fraction on Laplace Transform . if student know another process for solving partial fraction it is relevant. _S+2-8549 then put $= —1 135|Page Ce Cun Cle 3) Msome of roots of Q(S) are Complex + PS) Sacineraim “ 1s Shoe Seane To find K PCs) Trecineranny *S +4 JB) P(s) SH24]3 | K= rep then put S = a+ JB | . { : pa s | For Example 43: I= eas : | To find K | aes ajaysraay * S + 2-33) 2 Then put $ = —24J3 ait ote te 2 153 and = 5— J Fiad the expression of current i ({) using ¢lassical method ICHAPTER-4]. - . For solving homogenous differential equation or non- homogenous differential equation from Laplace Transform, method Vo=VatVi On.Vo=i*#R+LE dt Orgt+ ej = Ye the procedures are” same, ak u procedure doesn’t depend upon source present like classical method. Le. solve évery problem Yo with same procedure. oy R Orsi -i(o) +E +12 Taking Laplace Transform on both sides Now to find i (0°) use initial condition, the-given circuit is de-energized circuit so i(0.) = 0 From continuity relation of inductor iLO) = iO) Circuit at t= 0" is R Vo Or, [S +7 1= 3. st] ve nT dS se oe hh Ort= Jef] Now applying partial fraction, 137| Page 2. And For Ky Voy | = R Kenge ce Voy _—- = Zk then put $= =T i= Ye Me oR i@= 2% HO=2Ga.6 d the expressio pistes n of voltage across inductor Vi, (9 usitig Laplace Transform method Note: Whiie integration there must be limit of “0° to °t’ otherwise L.T method using “L.T on | cannot be used. ee - Applying KVL at t> 6. Vo=2Ve+ve O8,Vo + i* 2R+ yp ret OnVo= Ef. Vidt*2R+v_ [since SV de] 0 OnVo=[ EI vi dt +S (ivy dt J* 2+ Or, Vo=[in(O-) +22 fév, dt]"2R + v,. [since (07) = 2 9, vy, dt) L Now to find ij, (0°) use initial condition, the given circuit is energized so circuit at t= 0 From the circuit i,(0°) = And V,0)=9 < From continuity relation for inductor, iu(0) Now, circuit at t= 0” is oe 139|Page [CHAPTER] + t 4 From the circuit ino'y=¥8 : Thus equation becomes as | ‘Or, Vo= Ee FE fun d*2R + yz { ' ‘Taking Laplace Transform on both sides § You Ye op y Mey Or, isan aR+ 2R+Vi 2R4SL Or, Vi fea Now taking Inverse Laplace Transform, we get mh, (= =Vo eT" Voit] [{CHAPTER-4] [Electric Circuit Theory] Qu: In the network shown, the switch is closed at t =0. Find the current supplied by the source using Laphice Transform method, t is = AWW osF == | | Solution: Applying KVL at outer loop at t>0 10 =2i, +55 Ln ieat = 2429 pares sty 10-= 2i, + ag lin iadt + 5 fpindt + = 1 ft. * 10 = 2in + V(0 d+ gg hoindt Since it’s a de-energized condition so Vc (0°) = Ve (0°) = 0 and also i; (0°) =i (0°) 0 10= 24, +042 ffi dt ~en “9570 2 ‘Taking Laplace Transform Rar t208 [2+ 9] : bes Taking Inverse Laplace Transform i,(t) = Set ~(i) And, NE EE ee 141 | Page ACHAPTER-4) . [Electric Circuit Theory] Transient Anal See. ‘lBleet : Now applying KVL at loop (1) att> 0 1 ' diy 1 10 = i, +10 é Taking Laplace Transform . Ms Pat+sh- iO) i 8 i Beal+sy- > i ry i= Seep ; | Using partial fraction = > ; i | 10 B a | i sep step) i i To find A j ! 10, } ——* i s+, j 1 | To find B io I Be ser *S +4) : : i - B=22 then puit$ = —1 : , B=-10 Thus equatidn(ii) becomes 4 io _ 10 10 Ws Sea en rey [CHAPTER-4] ESN [Electric Circuit Theory] Taking liverse Laplace Transform i, = 10 10e71 (iii) This, according to the question the current supplied by the source is iti, (= 10—10e-** +5 ett i() = 10 - Se“! Amp Q.2: In the network shown in figure below the switch K is closed at t = 0. Using Laplace Transformation method find the two mesh currents i; and iy . t >. 70 70, + + = - i a 1e5pre = (eees Solution: Applying KVL at outer loop att>0 diy . 75 = Tig + Tiz + 0.2 ae Taking L.T on both sides 2 = 71, + 71, + 0.2(Slp = i(0*)) Since its de-energized condition so is (0°)= in (0° )=0 and also Ve(0") =Vc (0") =0 78 s Ty + Ty +.0.2(Slp — 0)- 2 = 7ly +12(7 ¥ 0.28) -— * Applying KVL at loop (1) at t> 0 1434 Page Circuit Theory] STR ule Ens mec} 75 = Ti +795 walt (ia — iaddt ee iol ~ tat on oad dt + 5, 75 = Tin + appiges ols — ba) : oo 75 = Ti + Ve(O7) + spgrzors Soa — Hadat : 2 tty oy 5 = Tiy +0 + seecaors bole igjdt. Taking L.T on both sides . ; a in 1 Lk a = 7, +o ht ak oats 18541076 S$ 185e1076 S - L = 71, + 54054.05 * m — 54054.05 * c i 75 _ 1 (7885408408 bh Ba, (FE) - 54054005 «2 di) 75 = I,(7S + 54054.05) — I, + 54054.05 — Putting.this two equation in matrix form and solve from Cramer’s Rule, we get 2 7 EM, 7 (7 + 0.28) 75] Ue} 7S +54054.05) —54054.05 Thus i; | 7 (7 +.0.28) (78 + 54054.05) —54054.05. A= 7 *54054.05 —"(7 + 0.28) (7S + 54054.05) - A=—378378.35 — (49S + 371 ; 2 10810.815) : ¢ 37837835 + 14S? + 378378.35 ~ (378378.35 + 1.482 +10859:81S) 378378.35 — 378378.35 — 1.48? ~ 10859,81S : 148? — 10859.815 ~ 756756,7 (1.48? + 10859.815 + 756756.7) Lae 144| Page q [CHAPTER-4] [Electric Circuit Theory] MU) 75° And, a=[s Ce 75 5404.05 =4054083.75 Se (625 + 158) = W(1SS*+525544054053.75) se CSS 15 25844054053,75) s 7 7s Also, aes s : (78 +54054.05) 75 tos 525 Casas $4054053.75 s n(ass%+5a5st40s405a.75) = Ss = _ 15845258 +4054053.75 + Now, t= 4 4 ~(AS?+10859.818+7567567) — Se1.4e(S?+7757S+540540.5) yz —2SS45285+-4054053.75 : = Tge8(6+70.32)(5+7686.67) = Git) Using partial fraction 245258+4054053.75 A |B 1.4+S(S+70.32)(S+7686.67) _ S " (S+70.32) ce (S+7686.67) To find A 15824525S+4054053.75 14¥S(S+70.32) (S¥7686.67) *S 158?.4525S+4054053.75, TaeGeroan(se7ea6er) hen-put S = 0 *15004525+0+4054053.75 T4+(0+70.32)(0+7686.67) A=5.35 To find B 145|Page 15S?4+52554+4054053.75 4.44S(S+70.32)(S+7606.67) «($+ 70.32) 158*+525S+4054053.75 14+5(S#7686.67) 70.32 then put S = 5(-70.32)?+525+(—70.32)+4054053.75 B ’ -1.4970.32(—70.32+7686.67) B=-5.45 . To find C . 1.4S(S+70.32)(S+7686.67) #8 7686.67) 15S?-+525S+4054053.75 = 7 14=8(5+7032) then put S 7686.6" 5(~7686.67)?+525«(~-7686.67)+4054053.75 ~1.4+7686.67(-7686.67+70,32)" B=10.80 Thus equation (ii) becomes as = __158+4054578.75, ' SS#7032)(5+76866) — § 5 10.80 (S+7032) * (S+7686.67) [= 535 345 10.80 g S ” (G+70.32) * ($+768667) Taking LL.T i,(© = 5.35 — 5. 45e°7032t 1 419, gge-7686.67t Amp— Ae =4054089.75 sain, Me 40s405a75 Gas +10859.818+756756.7) Se1.4«(S?477578+540540.5) 4054053.75, é 14*S(5+70.32)(8+7606.67) Using partial fraction 146 | Page 4054053.75 A 14-8(547082)(8476068) = 5 To find A. As 4054053.75, 8 . 148(S+70.32)(8+760667) * : ‘A 4055053.75 iaGrroazsevasean then put S = 0 : A 405405375 : 140(0+70:32)(0+768667) A=5.35 ‘To find B : ; 4054053.75, 3 1a-SG+7082)(S+ 76866 * S + 70.32) ; . 4054053.75 1AsS(S+7686.67) then put S = +70.32 4054053.75 ~1.4670.32(—70.3247686.67) B=-54 . To find C : ae 4054053.75 7 : Co eae mem * + 768667) 5 B = 1954053.75-— thon put $= —7686.67 * TaS(S470232) 4054053.75 Taa97686.67(~7686.67+70.32) B= 0.049 : ‘Thus equation (iii) becomes as 405005375 __535__s4_ aaa g (5+7032)(S+768667) S$ (S¥7033) + Brreangy 5A 0.049 : (+7032) * (S+768667) Poy Taking LL.T : : in(t) = 8.35 — 5.407752" + 0,0490~759557" Amp i,(6) = 5.35 -5. : a in the network shown in figure steady state is rea hed with the switch open. Using i the'switch is ck a neue ‘Transform method, determine the value of i(t) for t> 0 when the svt dod att=0 ; j | Solution: iH oom | io. 1 | : g ee TS oa : ; a i He cee Applying KVL in foop (1) at t> 0 ‘4.4 a oe 2i+ 1g t 05-1) =0 Taking L.T on both sides 21+ S1-i(0*) +0.51-0.51, =0 Circuit at t= 07 Since it’s a Energized condition so i (0") = i (0) =53 = 10a And also Vc (0°) =Ve (0 )=5 V aI +SI~ 10+ 051-051, =0 2.51 + SI— 0.51, = 10 (2.5 +S)1= 0.51, = 10 — Applying KVL in Loop (2) at t> 0 O5(i, 1) +2 f),, nat = 0 ~) +2 fo nde tt fiat = 0 05, -) +VeO") +3 fidt=0 05, -) +5 +7 Higat = 0 Taking L.TT on both sides 0:51, rost+i+bs 0. (05+2)h -05t= -§ —0.5SI + (0.58 + 1)I, = = Gi) Putting two equations in-matrix form and solve from Cramer’s Rule, we get 149| Page PTER-A] (Electric Circuit Theory] (4 2 [oss : ass : 1) i + Thus _@5+8) -05 a=[ -058 ~ (0.58 +1) A= (25 +S) * (058 +1) — 0.5 * 0.55 A= 1.255 + 2.5 + 0.58? + $ — 0.255 A= 0.58? + 25 +25 ws 10 0.5. — [ (05S + 1) A,= 100.58 + 1) — 25 A= 58 +10-2.5 58+7.5 10845 (S?+4545) 1 Sapo ii) Using partial fraction uses Ke GH-NSH)~ Gap + Geary To find K K=—_losts Sepenwy *S+2-) 10s+15 (S424) then put S = —2 +] Jocaey 415 (C2ajt2ey L0J—5 a Pe ea NOTE: Thiis is very impor to know that Vc(0)could h; positive or negative value. when direction of current voltage polarity are same} “likewise in this example take | V(0") = +Volt And if direction and voltage polarity are different likewise |. as shown below. then take | Ve (0) =—Volt 150|Page [Electric Circuit Theory] Kk ==!G@0I-s) 2 Ke at04is 2 K=54)8. : And ke=5—J3 _ Thus equation (iii) becomes as ; 5 : he Sth 4 of ~ Gap t Gap Taking LT i= (5+ j2) erg GH jeer in Se-*(elt +o ) + jSe-2tGelt — eo) ar (te) ze (etme) Oe : 5e a i= 10e*Cosit—Se*sinit Anip © Q.5: The capacitor initially charged to voltage of 1V as indicated in figure, Find the expression for i(t). | 5 iv 5° 0SF ~w *) 3m Solution: Applying KVL at t>0 VetVat Vi i ce ; ai . idtt+ix2+15=0 151|Page Re eRe o apt ' di : Lagldt+ s fidt-+ia2+2 0 Vo(O") + hidt+ie2theo “From the circuit at t =0",.i(0") = O(as inductor is de-energized ) and Vc(0") = Ve(o)=" WW ] ot ai wits fidt+iv2+o=0 Taking L.T in both sides : 314 21+SI-i(@*) =0 2 si-o=t gl+aitsi~o=2 2 ee Gt2+5=2 S+28+2)) 1 s,s 1 SP42842 a 1 ste2stisi 2 (GH)? * Taking I.L.T on both sides i=e™'sin1t Amp Q.6: Solve for i(8) in cireuit us shown in figure below in which 3F capacitor is initially charged to 20 volts, the 6F capacitor to 10 volts and the switch is closed at 152| Page [CHAPTER-4] Solution: Applying KVL at t> 0 VertVritVrotVo2 = 0 if eG sfejidt+1sitiei¢2 glgidt+1eitisi+2 40, sLaidt+sGidttisitisit sf idttsGidt=0 54, 1k a av art VerO) +3 fpidt-+ 14141414 VeQ(07) +2 fide =0- From the question it is given that Veq(0™) = 20 volt and V¢_(07) = 10 volt apt Fey tetra —2045fidt+1+itt*it10+efidt=0 Taking L.T in both sides ae wyhe Geiss Itt sts 0 : 153| Page {CHAPTER-4] {Electric Circult Theory) 28) Taking 1.L.T on both sides i() = Se~95t Amp @.7: An exponential voltage. 4e~3t is applied at time t = 0 to a series RLC cireyiy comprising R’= 40, 1, = UH and C = 3F. Obtain complete solution for the current, Assume zero current. through the ee and zero voltage across the capacitor before j application of the veltage. (Use transform method.] 7 a . ] Solution’ © : Applying Ki. at t>0 ota a 4e’ Satie 4e-3t = ai + ee eye ee re se = A+ T+ Ve(O) +3 ride From tie auestion Ve(O) = O-and i(0’) =0 fet aain Seorayt vat ‘Taking L.T on both sides alesiniory 4s! : =4l+Si-o43t . =i(4+s43) 154| Page SH G43)" ~ Using partial fraction pee SHGRF Ga * ep (s+3)? To find K 4 : = Gensay *G+1) K= aa aay then put S= =-1 K=-1 To find Ky) Sea Ko= Garey * +3) a= eo then put S=—3 ~ 443 To find Ki; : Kus aay OF9" ‘Kirgglen] | Ku= thin pals = 3 aa Ki Thus equation (i) becomes as 155|Page _[CHAPTER.4) (Electric Circuit Theory) [RUA UES AEraE! WS et o 6 Dea > Gt Hat Bae — (Sa) ° (SH) (843)? Taking 1LL.T on both sides we get iQ =e" +e + Gte“" Amp Q.8: Find the voltage across the capacitor of the circuit shown below using Laplace Transform method. = | ; ; se 3t@) Solution: Applying KCLatt>0 0 ~ Se" = ip tig tic Set =i yt iy ga pha Vat + e+ 2 Set a2? vat gist v ow res ta fyvat+ 42 ) tats ee Se =i,(0-) +2" v av nC tp hvdet S428 _Since it's a de-energized condition soi, (0-) = i,(0*) = 0 and ve(0") = ve(0*) =0 = 7S VCO) = seticod! (Sy ae4 24 940 rhvdt+ +2 2 Taking L.T on both sides 5 v . : gt 4V + 2¢SV— v(or)) ] 156 | Page [CHAPTER-4] [Electric circult Theory] wm = Et V4 26V-0) ‘ Bp = G+ 4429 5S = 8_ Sess 5s = SS 2+(S+3)(S2425405) 258 =— 258 (S+3)(S+0.29)(S41, 70) Using partial fraction re 258 KK Ky =o SS (S+3)($40.29)(5F1.70) ~ Sey t ($¥0.29) + a0” To find K; 258 EHCErorysra7 *S +3) KS then pits = 3 (S+-0.29)(S+1.70) aula - To find K2 ass : Ka= (S+3)(S+0.29)(S+1.70) Gt 0.29) 5 then put 8 = -0,29 To find K3 2.58 } . Ks = Gayerozneeim * S + 1.70) 2.55 Gas then put $ = ~1.70 Ky=231 aera os 157|Page a1 125) + (S+1.70) Taking LL.T on both sides we get v(t) ==2. 12e73* — 0. 1e7-92 + 2. 34e-17* Amp i | | Q.9: A Sinusoidal Voltage 25Sin10t is applied at time t = 0 to a series RL cireuit * comprising’ resistor R= SQ and induetor L = 1H. By the method of Laplace ‘Transformation find current i(f), Assume zero current through inductor before application of voltage. Solution: Applying KVL at t> 0 init =i» at 2ssiniot=i+5 +15 ‘Taking L.T on both sides 25010 Haine = 51+ SI-i(0*) From the question i(0°) = i(0") = 0 250 (S*+100)(S+5) * Using partial fraction 250K (S+100)(S+5) ~ +5) To find Ky «(S+5) ; : | =. 250 - Ki" Groner 250 i Gevaamy Se Pues Kj=2 158 | Page To find K K=_—_2_ (S+10))(S—10))(S+5) G+10) kK=—_280_- ‘c= Croton ccaayay then put S = ~10) K=-14j4 . 2 And ayy) ke=-1—j8 Thus équation (i) becomes as p= 4 CHD Gr (S+8) "(F210)" (S=20) Taking LL.T st ae 4 eT (1 + Je" + (1 = | Holtone ) so erst — 2 ee 1x6 Ze + 2Cos10t + Sin1ot Amp : : Problems:- Q.L:The switch in figure has been closed for a long time. It opens at t = 0. 0. Use Laplace Transformation method. [Ans: i(t)= (4 + 2e71°)] 159| Page Tenaprer-a) [electric Q.2: The switch in figure has been opened for a'long time. It is closed at t= 0. Find the rent using Laplace Transformation method complete expression for the cut ‘ : 20a . 100 ea ae ae 4 ae Oroov is | L 01H. | K | * | | “a \ i [Ans:it)= (—1.67e7200 + 5 )Amp] Q.3: If the initial current through the inductor be 1A, find i,(t) at t > 0 in the circuit below-using Laplace Transformation method. >€ t=0 R, [Ans: i,(t)= e73-"* Amp] 160'| Page | [CHAPTER-4] [Electric Circuit Theory] MARCHE EUEIEOL Aer eae Qud:In the network shown, C is initially charged to Vo, the switch K is closed at t = 0, Solve for the current i(t), using Laplace Transformation method. t=0 Ge | —— iO —_ a Coe [Ans: i(t) A sin Z-t Amp] Q.5:Find the voltage across the capacitor at t > 0 using Laplace Transformation method. t=0 - x 2 wm 10 Q) [aeeKaas | , dav aa ==IF. V(t) PPT [Ans: V3 (t) = (2 — 2e~°5*) volt] 161|Page teres) tteece ‘#Q.6:The network shown in figure below is under steady'state condition. The switch is ‘closed at-t = 0, Determine the current through 10 ohm resistor connected between terminals AB,| Use Laplace Transformation method] t=0 x : q een } LW WI 100, 100 1H \i@ = 10a S100 rv) i [Ans; i(t) = (—2.495e72 + 0.412e73% + 3.3) Amp] Q.7:In the circuit shown. in figure below the switch is closed. at t= 0, find ij(f) u Laplace Transformation method. ve at — oF oe ge z 0 A 100v-> | lL: (Ans: i(t) = (—4.5e775-65" + 4421-635 + 3.3) amp 7 eee / 162| Page : 1 [CHAPTER-4] Q.8: In the circuit of the figure below, the switch is open and the circuit reaches @ steady state. At t=0, the switch is closed, Find the current’in the inductor for t > 0 using Laplace method. . 100 a, a sey 100 ii 200 - 7X 0 | ‘3100 . | ey : [Hint: Use A — Y transformation | [Ans i(t) = ( 0.067e7357' + 0.6) Amp] Q.9: In the circuit of the figure below, the switch is close at t=0, find V(t) for t > 0 if the. initial capacitor voltage be 2V, use Laplace Transformation method. - (Ans: V(t) =(3e7°5' + 5) volt] Q.10:In the circuit shown, switch is changed from position “a” te “b” at t = 0. Find the expression for current il(t) and i2(t) using Laplace Transformation method, ee eters eee 163|Page * 50. 2H 100 is) iv 1 vax was ET Onmie Ai) \ | “ao 328 [| Jody. [Ans s(t) = (10— 4.316795. +0, 682-13.) A, > inft) = (5— 3.37e745% +0.87e7159%) A} Q.44: In figure below, the capacitors C, and C, are initially discharged. The switch K is close at t= 0. Find the Voltage Vilt) for t > 0 using Laplace Transformation method. 0 | Xo S8 rote | - | CQ wo — [Ans: Volt) = ( 6. 74€7 9991-78 — 6, 74@~303408.22t ) yojs] 164| Page © [Electric Circuit Theory] [CHAPTER-5] Frequency Response of Network Frequency Response: Network function can be représented in rectangular fori in steady state as follows: NGjw) = RW) + XW) : / Where, R(o) is real part of NGw) X(w) is imaginary part of NG) Or,NGo) = [NGo)| < 6(@) Where, NGjw) = JR?(@) +X) ——-» (1) oo = tan? (2@Y < 0(@) = tan (FS) 2) From (1) and (2), we see that both magnitude and phase angle of network function depends upon the frequency, Poles'and Zeroes: ‘A network function is always ratio of two - polynomial in "S". ie. N(sy = POS) _ oS" aS" +... + ays? (S) = Q6) “bs” + b|S™ +... + bes? _K(S=Z1) (S- Z) «. (6 Zs) (s- Pi) (S- Ps)... (S- Pm) ‘ = Scale factor. Zj, Zp .... Zy are the roots of. P(s) and P,, P. P,, are the roots of Q(s) 165| Page PTER-S] - [Electric Circuit Theory] Frequency Response of Network If the complex frequency "S" takes a value equal to’any one of the roots of LO} ies i either $ = Z, or Zp, ... or Zn, then, the network function becomes Zero. Hence these Toot are Known as zero of the network function and the factor of the network function and the «factor (S -_Z,), (S - Za) «.. (S - Zn) are known as zeroes factors. aa: A If the complex frequency "S' takes a value equal to any one of the roots of Q(S) i, ¢, either $ = P, or,P) or .... or Pn, then the network function n. becomes 0, Hence these Toots are known as poles ‘of network functions and the factors (s - Pi). (S = Pr) are. known as poles factor. # Transfer function or Network function of two port Network: Two port Network consists of four terminals Terminals pair 1-1? makes input port 1. Terminals pair 2-2” makes output port 2: V,(s) is the voltage at port 1 * . V2(s) is the voltage at port 2 4a We) is the current at port 1 In(s) is the current at port2~ : 4 Reference polarities and direction ‘of: currerit are taken as shown it 166 | Page MCSE SCE | FredliencyReshonse of tet # Transform Impedance and udmittance of different cireuit elements: Circuit Elements Transform impedance in| Transform admittance in) S-domain s-domain- | Resistor(R); in O ‘ R i i R L . inductor (L); if H SL ae | : SL | Capacitor (Chin | 7 sc i x L J Network Function of Two port Network (TPN): 1) Driving point network function: © The ratio of Quantities of same port. )Driving point input impedance and admittance (Zi, and ¥ 11) ty) = 22 ty — Here, 23. Aly is) + \ Yu@) = Zo ii)Driving point output impedance and admittance (2:9 and Yn) aS Laal9) = ey He =2 ere, Zag = a Yo2(S) = m Transfer Network Function: * Ratio of quantities of different port © Ratio of quantity of output port to quantity of input port is called forward * transfer network function. * Ratio of quantity of input port to quantity of output port is called reverse transfer network function. erento ereegee 167 | Page « [CHAPTER-5] [Electric Circult Theory] [Marne mace eae Ramee . i)Forward transier impedance and admittance (22) and Y21) oy oe Va 7. (8) = WD 2 Here, Zo te a i - (9) - | Yar (S) = we) | ii)Reverse transter impedance and admittance (Z)2 and Y12) 7 ¥ulS) told) = Hy 4 Here, Z12 # Ya 1S) Ye) = 22 ; iii)Fotward voltage ratio transfer function (Gz1) and Forward current ratio transfep function (@2;)" . # Steps to find transfer function of given circuit: Write the given network in $-domain Consider port-i Perform series- two ports, . 4) Write KVL fo, all loops. 5) | Find the value of required iransfer function. ’s source having voltage Vi and port-2 as given according to question, Parallel reduction of possible. Reduction should not involve any of the we it below: Example.L.Find Za) for ci [CHAPTER-5] [Electr Cirtuit Theory] Solution: Writing in S-domain, iS eo v Resistor and Inductor are in parallel, so reducing as. =2//8 =28 ~ 248 hk 7k Me 2, = 43s Here, port-2 is open circuited, ic. f= 0 Applying KVL in right loop; 28 w= (Su 2 2 . Me Example.2.Find Y2, and Gy; for circuit below: ee 169| Page [Electric Circuit Theory] Gea eee _ Solution: [Electric Circuit Theory] [Iaertis ec aan [CHAPTER-S] Gy, = Applying KVL in loop | / wa(S4s+ 1) ie PB, Applying KVL in loop 2 Ww=G+tD — [Ash=0} 1 va SH : Yu = 37 Also, i vs h, - Ganz Ee), sez)? G5, = SDS) 21 S354 Example3 Find driving point input impedance and voltae ratio transfer function of following circuit. . 1H 1H PENI [088 — 1s) - | ft 12 171|Page [Electric Clreuit Theory] APTER-S] - Gena at Solution: Writing in S-domain, The driving impedance of port-| is given as Z, 21 Tstst stl s’+2s 21> Fett aya) 4 (Gea) +a} in at Pa Teas WA A" 2s 1 Za faa ah! Ast4 afin stl Ly 2 Fs - 20° Fass ~ s+2s st “943841 : .- Hence, Zy = Zi +Zy. 42s st “S43sti * F3sh . 243st1 Zu> Fett S43s41 Zu= _ the voltage ratio, Cee function i is given as, 173 | Page Gear ua icc aan) tree CHAPTER-5] [Electric Circuit Theory} Ga (8)= ye b * V; Vi(s) Gn =e Gals) = Zi, 13) stl Gu (9) = Fy3sr1 Example. Find voltage ratio transfer function 3a Solution: Writing in $-domain, } i | j | | | Performing series-parallel reduction; * ‘3 3a 7 : 7 a= (G//q) +t oF t= Gur) 174| Page Applying KVL in left loop; Vy = (2, +2) _ (2848, 4 = (Stags - a) ' ~ Ager] t Applying KVL in right toop; 1 V2 =%h =sorh SH ~ 262644) 175|Page [Electric Circult Theory] a i i) Zu Gi) Example.5 For the given resistance network, determine the value of @ Zn Gi) iv) Yar (¥) Solution: = * Note: Always take direction of I; and) Ib clockwise and As Netra anticlockwise respectively as Loop-1: shown in figure. For other loops, o you can consider any direction. Mah! i Leop-2: 2p + 1p + Ly +14 = 0 [Here, V2 is voltage across lohm resister. It is not source] j Loop-3: Note: For network involving two or more than two loops, write ae. KVL in matrix form and solve by ‘ Loop-4: Cramer's rule, by doing so, you : : can find all variables in terms of antl tht+th-Is=0 the variable in RHS (here V1) Writing above equations in matrix form, ‘ : 3 ’ : ‘P41 0 =1 0} fl I, . é Oo 4 oO 1 felejo} 7 -10 4 -1] [ls 0 0-1 -1 4) In) Lo You can also Write KVL in matrix form directly as, R11 R12. R13 R14] fh A 4 ; : R21 R22’ R23 R24) |b] _] 0 R31 R32 R33. R341 {I3| ~] 0 R41 R42 R43 R44! LA! Lo 176 |Page {CHAPTER-5] [Electric Circult Theory] Cte aaa a ee on Ri = Sum of all resistor through which current Ij flows. Rir= Sum of all resistor through which both current Ij and I; flows, -ve value , [f both 1; and Ij in clockwise direction. -ve value, If both I; and I in anticlockwise direction. ‘tve value, If one in clockwise and other in anticlockwise direction. For above equation, R13 =—1 [1) and I both are clockwise, so —ve] RI4=0 : . R22=2+1+1=4 R24 = i [h is anticlockwise and I, is clockwise direction. So +ve] And so on..... 7 Thus matrix is 1 0 -1 of fh I, OO ees |(0 10 4 -1/"Jb]~}o 01-14) Wy bo : This equation is same as equation (1) vy, @O- A= hy . Solving by Cramer’s Rule; —0-=1-0] -/9 4 021 palt 0 a algo a4. —-1 4 » 177|Page Thus Since V2 is voltage across 10 (i) Gee | resistor. For resistor current flows oe from + to — Here, direction of | is Wee #1 ‘ opposite. of that suggested by polarity of Vz. Hence, ve sign: iii) 178| Page Example.6: For the given two-port network, determine G,(S) and driving point input impedance 2 ‘with 2 20 resistor, functions. voltage ratio transfer function (a)’ () Zi(S). If this netwotk is terminated at port- then for this terminated network, find the following network @-—— Zu(Sy — ZS) Gi) YS) @) a21(S) 179|Page Note:* If port-2 not-terminated, I> = 0. So, no need to include KVL for foop2 in matrix. “if port-2 terminated, 1:40, Include KVL for loop2 in network. For given network, port-2 is not terminated, So writing KVL for loop 1 and 3 in matrix form, . 2S +1 =25 Jf] = [% . -2s 48+ Ig] = () Port-2 is open: So no current : flows through 19 resistor. Hence, : @ Gu= 2 no voltage across it. Va= 2S(Ig) Here, ee, = 45? +68 +1 a+. V, : Pras Gl=2se% Lo Ay 2S * Vi; SA 482+ 6S 41 Y= I 4S*2V, aoa 482+6S41 asta, Gy = SS = 48? Vi aSt65ea oe Also : : (6) Zi= : vy, —2s A=) = 4 “Lo ase SE DY, 180| Page. - 4 ait 2 5H A 4s246Stt Vi 45246541 | Gay > ase wae | ast rest Now, Eee _ If this network is terminated at port-2 with 20 resistor; . Writing KVL for loopi,2 and 3, and putting in matrix form +1 0 as yy : ang to 3. 2s JE ie [°] Here, port-2 terminated, | “St illst Lo In-#0. so write KVL for 2S+1 0 ~28 loop-2 as well. a=] 0 243 25 -2 2S asa =(28 +1) Pst 3 ae 72s [Ss an 3] = 20S? + 20S +3 i =4 @ %y=% Here, h 0-28] 0° 28+3 2s 0 2 4841 ay f2S+3 28 lS aseal =(48? + 14S + 3)V, . Ar _ (48? +148 +3)v, = 1: A 20S? + 208 +3 i= 181| Page [Electric Circuit Theory] Rr Ce ein cen Ye va 2ostfa0sia j 1,7 Gara asteaases aosTea05+3 Gi) 2a E : Hefe, Wi ~2l3 : 2S+1°V, 2S ‘ A, 0° 0° 2s - —as, 0 4541 v.[2, 425 ’ alas astal - ' =(-487)V, be As ' 4 25D 20S?-+208-+3 a (es?)v." i Ve 208?+20S+3 {6s?v1 2 = —aiszizosea_ _ __8S"_ (48?414S+3)Va 482414543, wpSta20545 : (-482)vy" : 4 (ii) Yy= B= ees =. _ 4S) _ : : : Vi Vi 2082420843 (482)v ' 2082320843 ___(~48?) (asteuastaWi ~ 482414813 26st 4205+3 (iv) 182| Page Beet aie meets TElectric Circuit Theory] " Bxample.7: In the network shown in fig, find the following network fanction. i. Voltage ratio transfer function Gzi(s) ii. Transfer admittance [Y2,(s)] pote : fT DE < 2 i 10 ; 10 ; : ! | Here.“5 "Now applying KVL in loop (1) and (2) and then putting them in matrix from. we get” Seat! +28) (1 +28) L]:fv [Sa 8) 2 [8] ss 4258) (sop +1428) 05-44-2299 ys) GE a)asa. (i +28) ee 2s) hare Fez 1428) as+4)- (+28) | a seat! +28)as+4-c +28) 2(1+ 28) 2 4271428) 0844-429! Now appling KVE in foop (1) and 2) and then putting them in matrix from. we get [ +1438) (128) [eed {> a42s) . G+1+25)4°° : «yen wa 228)___ TUNA eget 28) as +4)-01#25) ee : ~Vi(1 +28) “Bera : 4 (B5+1428) e544 -1 +28) fipscetisibssesteeeee ( Kay) Eeeassunenniaaaan Yul Be7 ros (2541428) a8+4)-(1 +25) Also, Now, SIEMEIENag 2) He el : (yt1+28Ja5+4 (+25) Example.8: For the network shown in figure below, determine the voitage ratio transfer - function & the transfer impedance, iF Solution: ‘The voltage ratio transfer function is given as Here, 185|Page ie STS Tet TOgha Then, Taking KVL at toon: Vi(s) = Z; f+ Zo(li-h) . Vi(s) = (Zi + 22) 1 -Zrh....-.) And: : loop Il; (Z: + Zs.+ Za) Zz =0...... (ii) » ‘Also, Va(s) = Z4 Is) ......... (iii) Using Cramer's rile, Nig, | ; ea 0 (ZytZyt Ze (O° 7732, LAL, Ly+ Lt Ls <_(ZAZ HL V, : tqy= —— tv "OO" ZEAL ZZ Let ZL ADT, And Ini - ZNi Thus, The transfer impedance Z»; = % 1 = ERAN Zip ZT AZZ I 47,7) (ZAZAZ NV, LAB LZ ZZ D4Z Ly) | (186 | Page 1 2a1= FES $548 And, : 1 VAs : Voltage tatio transfer function Go, ya 7.22) tone (ZiZs4ZZ3+Zi Zt Zaye Gy = oe lt) a | 3Qsi5) eu te apd s(t) * (+1) * GH Gsts) * 5 * Ssr5) : Example.9: If the two port network is terminated With 20 resistor at port -2 then for this terminated network find following network functions. @ Gy Gi) ax Solution: <» Writing in'S-domain; 187| Page [CHAPTER:5) [Electric Circuit Theory] Pare ag se Se Lg ne) ao : . 0 @s+7) 28 0 28 (1428+) =v, {@8-+7) (1425 +2) — 45} = of} Go : : 1-0. ceases 4 =-V,/5(+ 28+) -2s| aa 188 | Page Hence, 2 [-sa +28+3)2s] Gu= z Z . S1Qs#7)(142s+5)-45"|-5[5(1425+=)+25]-1]105+(28#7)] Example.10: For the network of following figure, find the current ratio transfer function. 21, 4 aN a + sia ost a cc@) 10, i psn 7 q I | | Solution: 189| Page Pact aites ok acer [Electric Circuit Theory] From the figure'l, = —(Ig + 14) (1) : Note: Incase of presence of oe Voltage or current source (dependent or independent), don’t write KVL directly in matrix tigth—h aa : Loop3: als =2(lp+ 14) =I +e +g hy 2 3 +4 = Ky Applying Supermesh ABCD; . / / Uy ttl + =0 Bly + 1g + 1p = 0- Also. i-k Substituting [5 from equation (3) in equation (2) 31, +4(-3l, -1,) —, = 0 y+ Aly + 1 = 0. - (5) Now, Substituting Value of Iy from équation (4) in equation (5); 9 +244 +h = 0 bon “yt 36 bh 11 i oy, b= 1. i 26 . 190| Page # Bode diagram: General procedure for constructing bode plot: Rewrite the Transfer function given by the question in time-constant form. Identify the corner frequencies (types) associated with each’ factor of the transfer * functions. Knowing.the corner frequencies, draw the asymptotic magnitude plot. This plot’, consists of straight line segments with line slope changing at each corner frequency by +20dB/decade for a zero and — 20 dB/decade for a pole. For a complex conjugate zero or pole the slope changes by+ 40dB/decade. Calculate the phase’angle for different frequencies and draw the asymptotic phase angle curve ‘ Type t: ~ Sketch the asymptotic Bode plots for the transfer function given by, 20(s+ 5)” CO) = GF oe + 215+ 2) Solution: Transfer function is given by, 20(s+5) +10) (S+21s+20) 20(s+5: GO)= GD) (#11730) G(s) = 2oese( ° G(s)= i. 10x 120% Aaro(t +3) 05 (1 +4) 6(9) => a +91 + Ss) +39) Z Putjo > s ohei~ 0.5 [I +ja/5 [1+ jo] [1 +jo/0] [1+ jo/20] So its corner frequencies are’ I(-), 5(+), 10(-), 20(-) 191| Page

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