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systematically. 2, The method gives the total ‘complem 3. Initial conditions a problem as one of the fi 4, There is no need to solve for ‘Acshor table of Laplace transforms is given in Table 4.1. ‘The solution of differential ¢4! | solution-the pal ation. specified in the transformed ns are incorporated into the st steps rather than asthe last step. arbitrary constants separately. rentary function-in one oper re automat ‘equations. Further, the initial rations is routine and progresses Table: Table of transforms ticular integral and the fy" Fs) Lut) i s at 1 # 1 x i ale 1 1 Cay o Ta 8. cos wt 3 ae me sin(ox +8) ssin@+w cos Se 10, cos(wt + 0) : ae cos §~ w sin 8 Sa oro ee Theory + All) should be thought ofa being ing mult lied by ut) ie, Rt) =0 for <0 Some important transforms: L{i(}= KG) = 1 Ltt Livy} = we) 4.1.1 Some importa 4£4:1Some Important Properties of Laplace Transform i) Linearity perties of Laplace Transform Bost) Time differentiation i _ 7a 0} =f to} =s8(9) - 90 Lew) = 1& Heo) = uf wo} = s'F(s)- sf(0")- 00°) L =f {f(D} = 4g fo} = SFG 8 O80) — FO) Ts {i =s1-i(0') “sights on Electric Circuit Theory] | — rea rere ESTEE ECE iiiy Time integration rs. {fia] 3 iv) Frequency differentiation If L{flt)} = Fis), then L{e™ A} = Fis +) L{e™ 0} = Fs- a) 4.1.2 _Inverse Laplace | transform ‘The operation of obtaining fit) from its Laplace transform F(s) is known as the inverse Laplace transform. =A = 5g EF) eas Though one could evaluate the inverse Laplace transform of F(s) by using above equation, normally the transform table is used to obtain the inverse Laplace transform. nsion in Analysis using evi Laplace Wransorm aucciacusucaumcaiecauie A differential equation of the general form cei sage ta gett ed Bont Get a= V(t) becomes, as a result of the Laplace transform, an algebraic equatiO” which may be solved for the unknown as Wil gic tat ati L{v(t)] + initial condition terms 108) =" ays" + a)" + pis tay Let the se general form ofthis equation i quotient of polyno and Qs) ‘i grator and denominator polynomials be dexigrated respectively #5 Pa) 18) = Qs) In general, the transform expression for I(s) must be broken into simpler ' before any practical transform table can be used. rst step in the expansion of the quotient P(s)/Q(s), we check to the order of the polynomial P is less than that of Q. If this is tot fulfilled, we divide the numerator by the denominator 10 in amr expansion in the form PGs) _ avn, Pils) Ga) 7 Bot Bis+ Bs! + ++ Bas" + O66) where m and n are the orders of the numerator and denominator respectively. Next, we factor the denominator polynomial Q(s), Q(S) = as" + ays"! +... + dp = aol$ ~ 81)--(5— Se) a or, very compactly, Q(s) = a II (s-5) iH where IT indicates a product of factors, and si.Sm..-» Se the 0 roots of the equation Q(s) = 0. Now, the possible form of these roots pe Cased: If all roots of Q(s) = 0 are simple, then the partial fraction — Py) yp (6~8)(6—8))... (9-8) S781 S72 =s Where k's are real constants called residues. 0 is of multiplicity of r, then the partial (~s)' “s-5 @-s0 peated root, ae 4 anemia roots form a complex conjugate Paty then the party ‘each pair of com In an expansion of a quotient of polynomials by partial fractions, it may be necessary to use @ combination ofthe three rules given above. — 43. Heaviside’s Partial Fraction Expansion Theorem value of the root of the Is, To consider a general case of repeated roots, let PO) RG) ty QO “Gash a5 GF Multiplying equation (i by RUS) = kyls~ 5)" + als — Wass Pie geng knot ds” By using these methods, all the coefficients of the partial fraction expansion can be found and the transform equation can be written as ry Fe-3F ingle root s, repeated r times. The corresponding fit) may now be for the general case, by taking the inverse Laplace transform of 48 the time-domain solution for simple roots. Likewise, for repeated rots, £1 dR) =o! ds (a1! is equation isthe root that is repeated r times. By using s for the case of both simple and repeated roots, a jon is obtained in the form originally given as Heaviside's expansion theorem. rr in reo i i 4.4 Application of the Laplace transform in Circuit, Analysis 4.4.1 Application in the First Order System 1) Step Response of RL Circuit without any Initial Value of Current through Inductor. o Figure: An RL circuit Applying KVL for t> 0, vat VL=Vo or iR+LG=V, gi Ri Ve a LITT ‘Taking Laplace transform on both sides, Me L or,st-i@) +B =~ By observation at t = 0" i@)=0 From continuity relation for inductor, W)=)=0 Qin ————————$_ _——— Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides, we get Mo fe i-V(i-ett) y, s1=1o(1—e") where l= 2) Step Response of RL Circuit with some Initial Value of Current through Inductor Figure 1: RL circuit with some initial value of current through inductor Applying KVL for t> 0, Yat VL= Vo di i on iR+ Las Vo gi Rive oat eine See re er Tasights i ‘Taking Laplace transform 0 oR or, s1- iO") += Figure 2: Equivalent circuit att = 0- From figure 2, vy iO eR ~ Hei (9) mn both sides, 0) From continuity relation for inductor, i) =i) @ From equations (1) and (2), sl ~ Tea Bye L a Taking inverse Laplace transform on th on both sides, we get 3) Step Response of RC Circuit witho vol oss Capacitor neat MY Inkl Valve of Fige Applying KVL for t> 0, vat ve= Vo t oir +e flidt=Ve a or.iR + J. idk + Ef dt Vo tit onin+vgoy+tftiat= Ve ic(0") + Gh it Taking Laplace transform on both sides, we Bet py YAO), LL Me o s Cs s By observation at (= 0. capacitor, @ Ri+ = “angi: on Electric Crew pt, Lv, Css rescues (I) By observation at t = 0°, vO) = or, I= c @ R+ x) 4) Step Response of RC Circuit with Some Initial Value of Vo y, Capacitor R Voltage across Capaci - . R = ar Se eer J a Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides, we get v.@ i) cSRVout anon inet + Mat eck Figure: RC circuit with initial value of voltage across capacitor sis fe FR (Ve+ Veal Applying KVL for t> 0, Vat vo= Vo 5) Response of RL Circuit Excited by Exponential Source to or.iR+$ fiat=v, L ee ve 4) oF iR efia+efia-ve : tal source oF, iR + ve(0")+ ef idt=V, Figure: RL circuit excited by exponential Applying KVL fort > 0, ‘Taking Laplace transform on both sides, we get ‘tv=Voe™ y, Me dy. ie Lofii it +L b= Ve n= oF IR +L Gy 7 (+8) Sta" sik Taking inverse Laplace transform on bth sides, we get et ‘Taking Laplace transform on both sides, We 8 ; RM) is G sl-i0)+[1-T ssa (i) i@=0 1 W0}*10)=0 non) 6 Response of RC Circuit Excited by Exponential Source From (1) and (2), R,_Vel t=0 s-0+TI- Tg R R) Me (+ Dr Lita Vet D c ; eren(or8) 5 swemee (3) Figure: RC circuit excited by exponential source s+) Applying KVL for t > 0, fc Case IIB, then equation (3) becomes Yet v= Voe™ ] Ye ork +2 fi dt= Ve L “ : i “Gor | on iR + ver) + £ idt=Vie™ | ‘Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides, we get 7 ~ Taking Laplace transform on both sides, we get Y aa ae) we ‘ | m+ 11 y a Case tae, th Becs tg, then equ [Men equation (3) becomes ve(0)=0 vy eek, : = Ve(0") = ve(0)=0 secseaeseenenn Q) re ber ape J | From equations (1) and (2) (s+ a(s+ fa aT Ee uation (0) * erent) (CE) ee -e Iaslghs on Eietic Cre Frage ‘(ee -— op “aed ray (s+ZQ) (as — oa) Case I: o=ae then equation (3) becomes et deed] 1 Response of RL Circuit Excited by Sinusoidal Source t=0 Z wrongs Tb Figure: Series RL circuit driven by a sinusoidal ac source V,f[1 _a oI R Sea tay Applying KVL for t > 0, ‘Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides, we get Vat Vi, = Vn sin(wt +8) di inet ate) sosssssesstenenees A) ae neon 1 GR Ifa. Gp then equation (3) becomes on Et i= sintot + 0) (es “wale di or, 1 t+ Bi = 2 [sn ct cos 0+ cost sin 6] Taking Laplace transform on both sides, we get R woos, sing + fra Yn[apo0sg , ssing PEt ie ae wl ‘ Nola — Re Ry T of, I~ (0° Ya ‘@ cos +s sind (2+) ) ODE) (0+ i= ya[ eons? )=0 or, T= a2 ra (a+ a oe a Taking inverse Laplace ‘transform on both sides, we get ie — Vin] cos6 + s sin6) i ral sto 1648) or, = nl costes ee) E) @+0(s+f) g+ssind] __A_, Bs+D a eee a eS @+09(0+¥) ce ct the values of A, B, and D, By partial fraction, we wi Hence, equation (3) becomes pa AL BetD. 7B eto) SL Dew ae o onl Rt Feat Frat otf ‘Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides, we get 4 D i= Ae t+ Beosat +) sinat -&B \2 wonactrn afar . @) . Response of RC Circuit Excited by Sinusoidal Source Ye R vest) > te Figure: RC circuit excited by sinusoidal source Applying KVL for t> 0, Vat Vo= Vo sin(iot +8) ait or iR + [i d= Vy sigan +0) Insights on Electric Circuit Theory ae L on RZ ited CH idt= Coit Va sintat +9) lt PAR + ve(0) +4 or, iR + Vel +h 1dt= Vo [sin wt cos 9 Cos cot sin 8] Taking Laplace transform on both sid ve es, we get @c0s8 | ssing eur wD LL yf 5 Cs Mal at eS | stu vo(O") 11 or, RI WO thy, By observation at t= 0", v0) =0 From continuity relation for capacitor, : v0") =v(0) =0 vee 2) From equations (1) and (2), AIL, [acose+ RI 104g f= vq | meas] aL) _y, [02c0s6+ s sing on.1(R+ 5) = Val er ] or, 1= Yas [0.080 + s sind Terai] ” i (s+ Let a8[_w.cos0+ssin6]__A | Bs+D :) tte R +04 (s+g5)] sR By partial fraction, we will get the values of A, B, and D. Hence, equation (3) becomes A -—A_ | Bs+D 1-A_, BstD pe Fe Re xo? A. _Bs @ on t= 9 Tt F+o ota ) stk be. RC || i “Traighs on Blecrc Circuit Theory Taking inverse form on both sides, We Bet Laplace transform 01 x ing D a D nwt j=Ae t+ Beosat ts, sin ot cnicacttea oe) of] 442 Application of Laplace Transform in the Second Order System = 1. _ Step Response of RLC Series Circuit 1-9 0 : > Figure: Series RLC circuit excited by de I. source Applying KVL for t> 0, vatvtve=Vo +k hav, ong +R + ED iat or, ine + fia= Vo Revd0V+ah idt=V, ‘Taking Laplace transform on both sides, we get LUst—i(o*)] + RI OL ve Fa) By observation at t= 0° ve(0) = 0 and (0) = 0 From continuity relation for capacitor and inductor, vel0")= vel) = 0 0) i") =i) =0 = From (1), (2), (3), LILy, div, Ust-0] +RI +043 12% 1).% ont(sL +R +b) =¥ R 4) -y, ont +Bap)-% Ve L onl RT tay s*Lstie Ma eee L onl Goa e- a) Ry, where s), 8: = 3 =, (RP an ~ a a EC or, 81, 9=-0+ aa? oO ee ee where a= 3p and n= The Case I: If < @,, then the roots will be complex and equation (4) can be written as “Insights on Electric Circuit Theory Me pees +a)'+ (fore) % on = gt pas ee ore Fay toe (os, Fay +( or, I= ‘Taking inverse Laplace transform, we get v, j-Ye ee = sinayt Case II: If «= oy, then roots will be real and equal, and given from 8,)=— 0 Hence, equation (5) can be written as Me oe ont Fray @ta) Ye ae cr Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides, we get iateice Case i: Ifa> wy, then roots will equation (6), will be real and unequal, and given from si=-0+a—@? 8=-a-Va—o, Hence, equation (5) canbe writen as em _— five DeLee: ‘ “en 7 2 a Fig Applying KCL for t> 0, ictin tis, A parallel RLC circuit : cde f yaueten or, cH t Pvarepfvarav=t, oc YO) +tfvattov=n ate “nsights on Electric Circuit Theor en | ith sides, we get ote ‘Taking Laplace transform a where = 36 ~ damping cece, g. = 1 o) 1 = Sean = lee = natal cpv-vaot Se tis *OY so) frequency. rd » then the system pe cas is said 0 be uy By observation at t= 0", Mal be complex, and equation (4) can be ead 2: underdampes nod 0G in(0) = 0 and vo(0) = 0 i, From continuity relation for inductor and capacitor, ie £ i 1 aaGea ae ig(0)= (0 =0 S+OstTe = y(0') = Li(0") = 0 2) ts vc(0") = ve(0) = 0 (3), - ee From equations (1), (2), and (3), $+ 20+ (9) < 7 y- ay aoe 2c" ac) +(e) -(Gc) i Vig C[sV-0]+0+p5 +GV=5 or, v(cs+t+a)=4 é Vann ! Seek 4) o,V= ~ oe (stay + (Vo, —a) 8 be 2V= ¢ ov es G-m) Ben ated A(5) 01, V= Taper as where w= ora where s, and s, are the roots of 7+ 2.4L . 1 given by ci omg, Vv Sa Foo Taking inverse Laplace transform, we get + S0=-at Yao? Sh8=-a Hence, equation (5) can be written as “Insights on Electric Circuit Theory ‘Unsihts on Blecre Grea Teor é a V"Gaer® hk c onV" Gray ‘Taking inverse Laplace transform on bot sides, we get abet v-gte o> oy, then roots will be real and unequal, and given from sa-ate—o, g2-a-\e-o, Hence, equation (5) can be written as 1 ae] ‘Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides, we get raking inverse Laplace transform on both & c (ete) 45 Transform Impedance and Admittance of Different Circuit Elements ee 1) Resistor (R) i 14) Z,(9-R ee Ort x8) = Rin ve aking Laplace transform on both sides, ee ato 7 a > Y.(s) = Transform admittance of inductor. “Taking Laplace transform on both sides, es) = €1sVels) - Ve(O 0] Let ve(0") = 0 So, Ie{s)= Cs VelS) 1 Vel8) 7,46) = Transform impedance of capacitor. SC Tels) 1s) _ = Transform admittance of capacitor, , SC= ye ggy 7 Vets) = Tran at. #28) =F se _—___________________ 46 Transfer Function or Network Function [H(s), T(s), or N(s)] . The ratio of a voltage or current response to the source voltage or curren in the transformed circ isfer function. The tran function indicates how the network transfers an input from the sour ‘an output response. Transfer functions are also called network fianctions. 4.6.1 Network Function of Two-Port Network (TPN) ord Figure: Two-port network with standard reference directions for voltages and currents. Consider an arbitrary network made up entirely of passive elements. To indicate the general nature of the network, let it be represented by the symbol ofa rectangle (or a box). Ifa conductor is fastened to any n0 the network and brought out of the box for access, the end of conductor is designated as terminal. ‘Terminals are required 1 Connecting driving forces to the network, for connecting some network (say, a load), oF for making measurements, The minim fhumber of terminals that are useful is two, Also, the terminals at associated in pars, one pair fora driving force, another pair forthe loa Ste, Two associated teminals are given the name terminal pair Of Pt Suggesting a port of entry into the network, WW iti orticmctrer Theory ie terminal (1, 1°) (2, 2) makes input port or port iput port or port 2. ‘there are four variables (V,, 1, v, tage and current polarities as shown mal @ TPN. V and I; ate the With the reference direction and Network function is ratio of any two variable. The transfer function ims. mhos, or be a dimensionless ratio taken as input and output 1g Point Network Function Is the rato of vo quantities of sae pont i, Vis) 2u(8) = a is called driving point impedance of port I or input impedance. 8) = oe is called driving point admittance of port I or input driving point admittance. Zxx(5) = ara is called driving point impedance of port ? ot output driving point impedance, Yn(s) = ww is called driving point admittance of port ? ot owput driving point admittance. 2) Transform Network Function the ratio of two quantities of different port YihMbMM Wr Ve VV: 4. Forward transform network function is the ratio of quantity of port 2 to that of port I. Gn) = 48 or forward voltage gain ot simply, voltage gain called forward voltage ratio transfer function cae called forward admittance. «called forward impedance. Je forward current rato transfer function gy LG) forward current gain or simply, current Bain Reverse transform network function Itis the ratio of quantity of port 1 t0 that of port 2. Gifs) = UE is cated rere vollage ratio transfer fiction 18) = 9) ox reverse voltage gain Yi9)= oa is called reverse admittance. vi \ Zs) = is called reverse impedance. is called reverse current ratio transfer function or airls) = reverse current gain. All the above transfer functions can be summarized by the expression ant 1. Ifx=y, then itis called driving point network function. 2. Ifx#y = Transform network function, called forward transform network function. called reverse transform network function Procedure to find network function of two-port network (TPN) 1. Transform the circuit in the s domain, voltage drop. 3. Check either TPN mminated or unter " ‘ sminated at port 2. ‘unterminated (open circuit), then h=0. “Insights on Ecoie Gn 4q_Poles and Zeros of Network Function “re network function i always the ra itcan be writen as POS) __ ag! Fash Qs) “bis FT where the a and b coeff passive elements and no = 0 has n roots, and Q(s} Q(s) may be written as roots tio of two polynomial in s. Hence, NO)= Stents are real and positive for networks of Controlled sources. Now the equation POs) ) = 0 similarly has m roots Both P(s) and 4 product of linear factors involving these _p Gaas- 5- NOS) =K (6p) (= pa) (a) where K = #2 is a constant known as th i 2 the scale factor, and 2, 2 sevcen Zo Pls Bis very Pm 8F€ complex frequencies. When the variable § has the values 2), 23, su... 2m the network fiction vanishes; such complex frequencies are known as the zeras ofthe network function. When the variables as th values p, ps Pa the network function becomes infinite; such’ complex fiequencies are known as the poles of the network function. The factors (8 ~ 21) ($~ 2) nu (8 ~ 2) ar known a8 zero factors; the factors (6 ~ pi) (8 pa) vee (8~ Pa) ate known as pole factors. Thus, poles and zeros are known as critical frequencies. A network function is completely specified by its pols, zeos, andthe seale factor. 4.8 Normal form of Second Order System The auxiliary equation of second order RLC series circuits given by 1 i¢™4 gba Eek. or, s” *ReStie 0 Where Ree= af Ne te oto SEC : were G= ee damn a8 a op cet een ons +E YLT ons? +250,8 + On =9 tion (1) is known as normal form of se will be complex, La (D as cond order system au IPR < Rep $< Ite r0 and system is said to be underdamped. IFR= Re, C= 1 then root will be real and equal, and system is to be critically damped. IfR > Rey £> ly then root will be real and equal, and system is said to be overdamped. In steady state, s may be replaced by jo. Hence, equation (1) becomes (wy + 2C0,G0)+0,'=0 OP, rir 41 ow,-(2F 2g t=O Equation (2) is known as normal form of second order system in steady state 1p + 2itu=0 me (28) where p= rs WM isisiccon Beenie Cicer Theory _,._— Find the expression for curr Laplace transform method, *"°%8" inductor for t > 0 using t=0, v.@) % Solution: t= a R R Ve f Figure 1 Applying KVL fort > 0, Veit VR +VL= Vo or, Ry +iR+L Gey, or, i(R, +R) +L PWR, +R) +L A= Vo di or IR, + L Ge = Vo where Ry= Ri +R gi Ry Me Bar ey Taking Laplace transform on both sides, bof L, “Insights on Electric Cireuit Theory v.@ P Figure 2: Equivalent circuit at t= 0" From figure (2), (0 = FE fa (09) From continuity relation for inductor, 40") = (0) = ~ @) From equations (1) and (2), ‘Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides, we get BQ) ch [SEC SEA ae OBOE hae kL ® * 1= To lo ~ Tinta) problem 4.2 Using Laplace transfor m current and voltage of capacitor ae the expression for Do. t=0 c Figure 1 Applying KCL for t> 0, ay ovat v+3Pvdr+3 fvar=o av on Get 4v + 3y(0")+3 fv dt=0 ‘Tasights on Electric Circuit Theory) des, ‘Taking Laplace transform of. both si : sy, s¥-0 pv-woravens 8 By observation at t= 0+ 2 io) = 9 yo) =2.Vand il tor and inductor, From continuity relation of capaci v sve) yo") =v) = 29 « iO") =i = sone(3) ea(0")= Li) = 0 From equations (1), (2), and (3), we Bet vy [sv-3]+4v+0+35=0 aav(erse3)e2 or, V(s +48 +3)= 28 2s 2s : or, V= Ty 4s43 +1) +3) Ef 21 2(-3) OV GN EIFD 6FIG+D “1 3 joe ee OVS S43 Taking inverse Laplace transform, we have va-e'+3e™ Now, ice 44 39% ee) te Alternative method Applying KCL for > 0, ictin+ip=0 “Insights 2 pe onict V+3P vasa f yang . fv dt~ or ie 4+ 3¥00')+ 39 v dt=o Taking Laplace on both sides, eraves¥, 3¥ 4 By observation at t= 0", i()=0 From continuity relation for inductor, i(0") = in) =0 WO") =L iO") =0 From equations (1) and (2), 2) 1e+4v+04+3%=0 onleravs tag or, (48 + 3)V + slo=0 @) Also, i= CE or, i= 1 s ‘Taking Laplace transform on both sides, we get lo=sV-w0") (4) By observation at t= 0", vO)=2V From continuity relation for capacitor, WO')=vO)=2V AS) “Insights on Electric Circuit Theory] Pe rom (4) 4 (5) Ie=sV-2 sn (6) or, sV-le=2 . punting equation (3) 2nd) “TOE s -l in matrix form, As, vapr et 3-5 2s on, V= Fas +3) vee ot, V= Ga Iys+3) on =H IST 1) 3 a3 in| OVE SET s+3 Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides, we get ya-et+3e Ay +6 Also, le="4 “T45+3)—st or ke= C4543) ~(8s + 6) onde Fe 1Ys+3) onke=-f 8CN+6 , _ 8(-3)+6 US CT+3) * 6+ 3-3 + Dy, alee See stl 543. Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides, we get ig et 9¢ of ‘thod, find the expression for problem 4.3 Using Laplace transform me current {in the circuit for t> 9 Or R100 Lei Col pF solution: Applying KVL for t> 0, vat vi + Ve= 200 i did or, in + Lg + Gli dt = 206 1 7p hidt=206* di or, 10; +1 di or, 10i + + 108 Pia + 10° e= 206 on, 101 ++ ve(O") + 10°f i dt=20e* di at ‘Taking Laplace transform on both sides, m 0" I 1 tor + 1 i(07)+ 28s 106 E91 ay i) =0, v0) = 0 nascent i@')=i@)=0 2 Ve(0") = ve(0) = 0 QB) 7 From (1), (2), and (3), 10°) __20 1 C O+s+ 2) “32 20s 01, 1(s? + 108 + 10) = 5 Tnsights on Electric Circuit Theory| Solving, we get “ ‘a-=--1099024, B= 1000024, D= 3000212. ‘Then, equation (4 becomes 1000024 , 1000024s + 8000212 seer le 1000024, 1000024s + 8000212 Te Sa2 Te Das + (+ 10°25 or, I= 342 (s+ 5) + (999.9) 1000024 | _1000024(s + 5) om IS? G45) + (099.9) 1 (8000212 — 51000024) x 999.9 x 999.9 “GOR Taking inverse Laplace transform, i= -1000024e" + 1000024e"* cos 999,9t + 3000e~* sin 999.9 Problem 4.4 For the circuit shown, find the current and voltage of capacitor for t> 0 using Laplace transform method. t=0 on 109 10 uF [2074 shwin) Insights on Bec Crea i Solution: Applying KVL fort > 0, Vioa + Ve=0 (A) 14 on, 1Oi+ Taig fidt=o o ‘ or, 101+ 10° Fidt+ 10° Fidt=o0 0 or, 10i+v.(0') +10" fiat=0 0 Taking Laplace transform, we get 1or+ 222, igtLo co 5Q) 109 t wv@ OZ 0c. 4 Figure 2: Equivalent circuit att = 0 From figure 2, 10 20 Ve} Vea) = 79-5 * =F V From continuity relation for capacitor; v.(0") = -v,(0) = # (2) nai ia _ .-- From equations }) and (2), ° Zot sorte 0 «(10-2 on igs 1 2B on, = S10 203 s+ 10) ‘Taking inverse Laplace transform, we get 3) 22 gt isje From equation (A), waz on. yet Devt ye tte Problem 4s After being closed for a long time, if the switch in the circuit shown is opened at t=0, obtain the expression for iy(t) and v.(t) for t> 0 using Laplace transform method. solution: Figure 1 Applying KVL t> 0 in left oop, AB=S (tid) + Sie tin) tv, or, 48 = 10i, + 10i,+v, or, 48 10i,+ 100% y, ox 48104 +1 Taking Laplace transform on both sides, we get 8 BS eronsiopv.-woyty, wn) i) 5Q 5Q 29 #v@ —vinzroc. dL S.C. Figure 2: Equivalent circuit at t = 0" From figure 2, 48 48 MOT 48 _96 VO) = van(0)= 2x = From continuity relation for inductor and capacitor, o'r i= @ rr ero 96 swn(3) v0") = V0) = 7 dB) From equations (1) an Co a -10x 75 s,2 seven) or, 101, + (105 +1)Ve="s *°7 101, + (10s + DVe “Applying KVL for t>0 in right loop, ye va 0 di of, ve-2iu “t= 9 on, G+ 2i,-Ve=0 ‘Taking Laplace transform on both sides, we get shy - iy(0°) + 2h - Ve=0 4B or, sh - +21,-Ve=0 48 of, ($+ 2) Vea tired i (5) Arranging equations (4) and (5) in matrix form, we get “48,9607 Ee Soe 7 By applying Cramer's rule, ier pee os 10 (10s +1} lees a 48 960 48 on, he BD TO + 1) iy oer Tuee) ‘= T0=(105+ Iyer) or, fy = —at48208 + 672 75(105"+2is + 1) or, t= 432084 672__ 242 7098 +p 2) = 3208+ 672 OU TO5(87 + 2.15-+ 13) A, _Bs+c ones Fs eTD _|-43205 +672 6 A= |7Os(s?+ 2.18 + Lays s=0" 70x12 “8 So, Bs+C Wog* 33 21s+12 =) 4320s +672 ___ 8s" + 16.85 +9.6+ Bs? +Cs 70s(s+2.1s+12)~ — s(6"+2.18+12) or, 4320s + 672 = 560s” + 1176s + 672 + 70Bs + 70Cs Equating the coefficient of s, 4320 = 1176 + 70C or, C= 44.91 Equating the coefficient of s*, 0=560+70B or, B= 78 Now, equation (6) becomes 8 8s - OF WLS Fy Dex. 05 + (105) + 000975 4491 FF Dxsx 1.05 + (1.05)" + 0.0975 ro 44.91 Equating the coefficient of s, + 1,05 = 1.05) — 5 I ob te So (+ 1.05)" + (Yo0s73 2256 = ~4704 + 70¢ on hs" Ge 2 s+ 105) 8S ey on =$ grrosrroaTae 2 nai Hence, equation (8) becomes 2 or, Ves SoH aia 03122“ 105) + 03129 wn “Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides, -105t, =32 6.9058 &-"Sin(0,31221 eo asa SH 1.05 45.71 x Ae ae 2 Le Syne (8+ 1.05)"+ (03123 | ~~9, 143.85 sin 10s 9.3122 99.42 03122 1 p= 88! c0s (031221) + 170.755 €™™ sin(0.31220) 4 G+ 1.05)" (OFF *O3129 “Tas HAT (ara i ‘Again by Cramer's Rule. Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides, we get L 10 (48/5 + 960/7) Ve= 32 + 45.71e! cos 31994 153.733e"''sin0.3122t + y, of 42 48/5. 318.44 &!5sin0.3122¢ a AT A - 4 Ye= ~32+45.71e" 050.3122 + 1.64.71e-!™sin0 31228 volts j $0619 (829) Problem 4.6 = Keeping the switch at position 'a’ fo time, if the switch is TO -(l0s' + s +208 +2) ‘ping Pe ‘a ig time, if the switch 10 {lds 5208 +2), moved to position ‘b’ at t=0 in the cireuit shown below, find the 960s? + 2256s ~ 2688 expression for current through and voltage across capacitor i Ot, Ve = "0566+ 2.15 ¥ 1.2) using Laplace transform method. A | BstC Io | ye OME RDS TS a — 2 A = | 9005+ 2256s — 2688 = 2688 5) Tos(s7+2.18+1.2) “5| 5-9" 70x 12 v= 1s Equation (7) now becomes tT F vjo732, Bt 7. [2074 Chaitra} Solution: 9605+ 225652688 : 70 = 320-6725 ~38.4+ Bal +Cs or, «3 9603! + 22565 — 2688 = 94942 — 4704s — 2688 + 70Bs? + 8 Equating the coefficient, of s?, 960 = ~2240 + 70B or, B= 45.7) Pe ee Applying KVL for? 0, vig tye +¥er=0 ouivt piatey piste? rn) ey onospiats figs fide Piao on ity. fides vaO)+ fit =O, ° ° on it ayia +e (0") + vex(0")= 0 @ Taking Laplace transform on both sides, we get realy, Og ay By inspection at t= 0", r)y=0 10 ont 555 Taking inverse Laplace ioe "esfom on bth sides, we et a on va= fidt+ fiat ° =, a= VedO)+ Fide Bs ‘Taking Laplace transform on both, sides, yq(0") = or, Ver= 10: 1a ee 5(0+2) wae] . ng { tecke 5 Va=s[425] Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides, Ver= S{1—e*] Again, vast ia 0F, Ver = vei(0") *fi at ° Taking Laplace transform on both sides, Vo, = 2a), 1 r ae 8 "Tnsights on Electric Circuit Theory] OS 10 100 _ or, Vas Pae42) 3 20h + sh, ~ io", ‘ 7 snd) 1 ] Applying KVL fort > 0 in oy on va= e+ s[} 5#2, V= Vs Ve loop, oe 100=204,+—4, | on, Var "5-542 01, 100= 2012 +755 inde rangi apc fom no i, Hs 2 Van ae or, 100 = 20i3 + 10° Fi, dt-+ 19°! Problem 47 : S ‘finde tm the network shown below a steady state is reached with the > a A site k open with V= 100 V, Ry = 10 Q, Rr=209,Rs= 209, , 100 = 201: + v,(0") + 1o'fina | ti and C= 1 pF at ime t= 0, the switch is closed. Evaluate 4 using Laplace transform method for t> 0, Taking Laplace transform on both sides, we get . 00 ) 100 501, +O, ge 4 $ s 7 ~ 10%) _ 100 _y,(0" I R, Ry R; % 120 ate cs @ =v iy ip c di [2074 Chaitra} al 102 Solution: a ally 202 $209 k =v i) a scB og’ : Figure 2: Equivalent circuit att = 0" From figure 2, 100 _ 10 NO)=T9+207 3 4 e yo x 2 199 2 Figure 1 v0) = vara) =394 19% 100573 Applying KVL for t > 0 in left loop, From continuity relation for inductor and capacitor, V=vet¥ | cid ee ‘i i) ==> can) = 204, + 1 ee ee eer S v0) = v0) =75 ‘Taking Laplace transform on both sides, we get ee “asigha on Electric Circus Theory —e “Insights on Electric Circult Theory 10 +a0e a h=3r20) 36 ® | ‘a 20) ox = 10 50)" ea 38+ 20) whe {- ta)’ 5D ‘Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides, WE Bet i= 5(1 ' Guesher) From equations (2) and (4), we get 5 e eusia)=9 100. 200 + soe 200 100 100. 0% 398+ 10 2018+ 5x10) ~ “so ¢ Laplace transform on both sides, we get Laplace transform method, find the expression fori, and t=0 10Q [2072 Chaitra] t=0 (se el ity Figure 1 Applying KVL for t> 0 in loop 1, die ig ssi Loi, + 1 G+ 10i, ~ 10), = 100 on 28+ = 1b 100 Taking Laplace transform on both sides, we get 201, + [sli ~i,(0")] -10h, 12 By observation at t= 0, a i@)=0 +. i4(0°) = in(0)=0 or, 201, + sh, ~ 101, = 722 or, (s+20)I, — 101, = @ Applying KVL for t> 0 in loop 2, Get Win + 102-11) =0 di dip Se Met 1=0 ‘Taking Laplace transform on both sides, we get (sl, i,(0")] + 20 - 101, = 0 wee(2) (ee EG] 100s +20) 56+ 30K8+ 10) 1004-30420) _, __100(-10+20) __ (0ys+30\-30+10) * -10)(-10+30)(s+10) 2 161050 >) es Taking inverse Laplace transfor on both sides, we get <2) = B.33 + 1.6676 510 ae BP B38+ Leer 558) ia i gn 4.9 on ing Caplac) transform method, fing the current through inductor and eapacitor for €> 0 in the circuit shown below. £0 2a Rv an [2072 Chaitra} Solution: Figure 1 t 7, 2i, +6ic +3 fic dt=12 0 Take Laplace transform on both sides, we get Je_12 + ble + 3S=-S 12 SAD, 2 1, + (68 + 3)lo= 12 seveee (1) Applying KVL for t > 0 in outer loop, i tic) + hm 12 Tnsights on Electric Circuit Theory By observation att =O» i@)r0 (0")=in(0 = R or, (6+ 2+ 2c='s 2) ‘Writing equations ind ioe matrix form, [ 2s GOT [2] (+n 2 2 24-2654) pace ees Lr 9e= (6+ 2)68 +3) 24s — 728 - 36 488 +36 485436 = igs ts) OS" Fae 6 35—125- 6) S65'* 118 +6) ‘and then, take inverse Laplace transform to get the expression of i). Problem 4.10 Use Laplace transform method in the circuit to find the voltage and current of capacitor. Solution: a Ry Vor by | = “) TP : Figure 1 Applying KVL for > 0, Vai + Veo +Ve=0 ‘ i 10 Ori +R +S Fidt=0 of, i(R FRI VCOE Fidtoo 0 Taking Laplace transform on bath sides, we get Ri +R) +O, Ag ox [i+ Ra) +36 |= a) By observation at t= 0°, v0) = Vo From continuity relation for capacitor, ve(0") = vel) = Vo 8) From equations (2) and (3), we get 1 V on t[ +R) +35] =m or.t(R+3h)=%8 where R=R, +Ry eek ea tae fer) iad % or,I= =, Taking inverse Laplace transform, we get V. in Pe ervenn or, i= (PY) even 288) Ri + Ra From equation (1), Vo=—Vpi = Vea 0F, Vo = -i(R, + Ra) 01, vo=-iR cave Be] sone (4) ve=Vae™ Problem 4.11 Using Laplace transform, find the currents ir and i, for ¢> 9, Applying KVL for t > 0 in loop 2, 4 gat 2-i)=0 Taking Laplace transform on both sides, we get 1 [2073 Shrawan) bn + lst 1)~ f0)-in0y]=0 or 5h+$(b-h)=0 sf on-£1,+(¢+8)n=0 Ish, +(8+95)h_ R 50. or, 9sI) + (95+ 8)l2=0 From (1) and (2), S48 IK 16 [ 98 we tll o] A 16(9s+8) ___2(9s+8) __2(98 + 8) D7 BF BNI FB) 9S FHIS+E GFN +H) cee )) Figure 1 Applying KVL for t> 0 in loop 1, ae 1d C finde gg lai) =0 or, vo(0") +> iy dt + -~be ue ae Lis 2(-9+8) ve 4-72 +8) jst tt Gt DEI) 76+ 8)C8+) ‘Taking Laplace transform, we get oe 44 vc) o Ll or, y= — rar ) Ast+1) 1s+8) sts Tals (0°)-i0')))=0 et) Hs Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides, we get By observat i@)=0 at " je 1y(0°) - i(0°) = i,(0")= i) =0 ae iby 95 1gs____188 or, +2459) -h)=0 aban gel ge Bre AE “sights on Blecric Cireuit Theory EE ial Insights on Electric Creat Theory a_ eae ‘aking Laplace transform on both sides, oc b= ETI FOND 100. sis) — i(0") + 1016) OD i s oes + 250000 HS By observation at t= 0°, (0) = 800 uC = 800 « 10-%¢ i(0)=0 800«10° 2. VO) = "gqo® = 200V “Taking inverse Laplace transform 9 both sides, we get Problem 4.12 in the eircit shown in figure below, the eapacitor has an j Charge of qe = 800 UC with polarity shown in the figure, arrent it) if the switeh is closed at t = 0 using Laplace transform method. From continuity equation for capacitor and inductor, i) =i) =0 v(0") =-ve(0") = -200 V ) becomes 1=0- 102 ee So, equat I ed y 200 102 ss) -0+ 1019) - + 25000042 100. xe =1H 250000 100 200 (2072 Kartik] on ts)[ 5+ 102 1] poou es Solution: + 10s + 250000) I) = 100 + 200 to. og 300 “ 1 oF, IS) = 25 705 + 250000 =a ep ) = Fy Drews + 25 250000 f : 300 RB Applying KVL for t> 0, On 1S) = Gg (200975) 249975 100 = vi + Viog + Ve + ¥, 0 loi +s s - i 100: "% Trt a Tif 0 1 +10 (t) + v40") + 25000 Fig a ne 2975_ oF U8) = 0.6 5p (aamo75 Taking inverse Laplace transform, we get i(Q) = 0.6e* sin h(499.97 re, obtain the expression for volta shoyen in figures closed at t= O using Lapiacy actor ithe Swi [2075 Ashwin) 102 Figure 1 Applying KVL fort > 0 in left loop of figure 1, 205i, or, i= Taking Laplace transform, we get 4 is Applying KVL for > 0 in outer loop of figure 1, di 20= 101, +294 di dg or, Get Sik = 10 Taking Laplace transform, we get DN icon Bcc ar Figg OO From continuity elation for inductor =0 : Taking inverse Laplace transform, 1 valde) Hence, voltage across inductor is given by di, = wal ‘dt or, ve = 4e* Problem 4.14 For the given two-port network, determine the driving point impedance and voltage ratio transfer function. 19 | 19 transform network is shown in figure |- Since port 2 is unterminated, I =0 as shown in figure 1. Applying KVL and arranging in matrix form, = J s By Cramer's rule, (Saleh or, = HSE F464 oul 0 rag whl Ol. § _2Vis by 8.4 CFOS + aS +6544 1sSe$ Driving-point impedance of port | is Ne im 2 =VeVS44) Ss 6544 WS +6447 se+ay ‘Voltage ratio transfer function is 2 deta] Vin ayo =4(8' +65 +4) problem 4.15 Find the forward vottage ratig forward transfer admittance (2074 Chaitray Solution: Since port 2 is unterminated, fy = 0 and the transform network is given by paneer S+st2“ lts+e Late z,) V)=Vih=0,V2= Vo From equation (1) and igure (>) =k V)= ba Vs tlm ° From equations (2) and (3), and figure (b), b=hn Vs v1 eae ) Oy ba If the network is symmetrical, then 4M hk dh oh [-ah= 1] In the similar manner, we can find out the conditions for symmetry in terms of other parameters. 7.4 Interconnection of Two-Port Networks A given two-port network, with some degree of complexity, can be built up from simpler two-port networks whose ports are interconnected in Certain ways. Conversely, a two-port network can be designed by combining simple two-port structures. as. building blocks. From the designer's point of view, itis much sig & teeter wch easier to design simple blocks and practical pi ® complex network in-ane piece. A further uch easier to shield smaller units and. thus ~fedluce parasitic capacitances to ground Series Connection Figure 1: Series Connection The Z-parameter equations of two two-port networks N, and Ny are 7 Ny and Ny (I) (wok Less 2 If these two TPNs are connected in series as shown in figure, then rt oo) = Iwand( or, Vi=Z; i+ Zak where Z)) = Zia + Zitw, Zi2=Zize+ Zio» Again, V2= Va + Vi» ‘Similar substitution will result V2=Zah+Zah (4) where Z2y = Zoia* Zatoe 222 = Ze + Zam Been is 0 TPNs are given and they are TET-parameter of alent T-parameter of the combination? series, how to find equiv: =. lent Z-parameter of the combinati meter into equivalent T-parameter n ‘= Find equiva — «Transform equivalent Z-para 2) Parallel Connection Figure: Parallel connection For network Ny, the Y-parameter equations are soon (I) For network Ny the Y-parameter equations are a V; If these two TPNs are connected in parallel as shown in figure, then Vi=Vun= Vig and V; = Vas= Van > + V2 Yin i immer where Yin = Yiie+ Viny Yi2=Yian* Yip where Ya) = eYa1™ Yau Yai Yon= Vans + Yay Ln! oe they are connected in Zeparameter of the If Z-parameter of two TPNs are parallel, how to find combination? sain Ansi) + Transform individual 2. dual Z-parametr into Y. + Find equivalen ae parameter of the combination * Transform equivalent Y-parameter into equivalent Z-parameter Cascade Connection ods su by In -h Nee ef ee? vi Vil Na | Va Ve | Nb | ¥> vs rg—_+ e+ 4 by Figure: Cascade connection of two-port nenworks For the network N,, the transmission parameter equations are (l= [e ole) tat Lc, DJL For the network Ns, the transmission parameter equations are []- [s By [v = Ley DolL-tn Tw. If these two TPNS are cascaded as shown in figure, then Vip, fan = iby V2 = 0 mest) ry Ee SI ove aI o ate ge 8 where pd" ee Problem 7.1 Find the Y jnd g the network is reciprocal or not. parameters of the TPN and abso find whether Solution: ‘The transform network is shown in figure 1 a 2s rl mn + | ort 2 short circuited i figure 2. Then, from equations (1) and@), —- 4 am 42 Figure 2 KVL in loop | gives V,=3sh ~3sh a KVL in loop 2 gives 4 -Eh=0 | fo zo KVL in loop 3 gives -AV, = -3sh; + 4sly or, 4sly = 3sh - 4V; 3 1 or, h=gh-5Vi From eqiations (5) and (3), put vata vy =3eh -38[ #) : P 98 or, Vi 38-7 t3V1 — <8 on] a From equations (4) an -8/38)V1_=8 G1) Yuna NE From equations (B) and (4), 1 28 Yung orate oemeenenncn uit ThEOTY | Case B_Appying Vat port 2 and making or I shot {4s shown in figure 3. Then, from equations (1) an I, Ya Vhio 0 io (8) and word! 4y oSF _4y Gece : s oat ah) Applying KVL in loop 2, V2=3sh + 38h, Applying KVL in loop 3, avie(e+g)b+3h = oD Gey (+3) oe) o,h-0-— 5 seed 6s" or, b= Do Gray )) From equations (11) an V2 wah Se or, V,= 1824 38 iss! of SYy, + 38 From equations (6 and (1), MG nase +1 vt Yar From equation: 1 Yarf-o For g parameters, (@=YuVit¥aVe -8 or, T= 3g Vit OV2 oll 4, Y2M, Te +0 and” h=YaVitYnV2 og +1 oe neceoviel “as ‘v2 ven(lS) % From equation (15), an vier 65 (16) . From equation Avro LPO 35 Comparing equations (17) and (16) wit parameters, we eet ) th the equations of & LL —E 8 gur-gyeen0 mst 38 B= Ger 1 826s +1 Since gia # av the network isnot reiproct. Problém 7.3 Find transmission an port network and check y «4 admittance parameter for the given two- cits reciprocity and symmetry. [2074 Chaitra] For Y parameters; 1)=YuVit Yo od) 1=YniVi+ Yao sous (2) ‘Apply Vj, at port and make port 2 short circui shown ae from equations (1) and. Vemice Wie F In Some, — bab Va oe Figure 1 Applying KVL in loop 1, Vieh+h : r Applying KVL in loop 2, -Y At-E a 2 -2V=2h+h . : OF =-2Vi= 2p raene6) tor From (5) and (6), 5+ Vi=(-2V; -2h) +h €) or, 3V:=-h 1) 1; 1, ony 33 Yay, 2397 From (7) and (5), vish-3vi or, h=4V1 4 a Aine ony, 4 +" Applying V2 at port 2 and making port | short circuited ie., Vi = ( shown in figure 2. Then, from equations (1) and (2), Now, vd 1=4Vi+(3)Vy 2 3 h=-3V,+3V. os eae a \y, From equation (13), a From equations (10), (1 es ) 1 0 TY [=] Via gh+gVe 12 4/b]-/2v, } F 2 ajlnl Lv, From (14) and (15), 3 oe und bealGusdv)epye 2, 0 +l osk= 31-3¥, =|2V2 2 4) =2Vx(4-8)+(-1)[4V2-2V2] Naiipoena espera =8V2-2V2* 6V2 pages Bea 7 =. 2s 4} =14-8)+ (2-0) oh== 930-30 : 7 bea 7 of n= Vat3Ch)) =3V, pees a), From (16) and (15), Vv. 4 = 1(4V2~ 4V2) -1(-1)(-4V; + V2) Dara iprocal. =0+(-3V2)=-3V, the network is recip Since Y= Yin # Yon, the network is not symmetrical ‘ : srt on Blectric Circuit Theor Problem 7.4 Find Z-parameters and hence T-parameters for the TPN shown in figure. 1 2 fetcrintagje fe net v, 22 guy, 12 y, L 4 r > ~ [2072 Chaitra] 2 "2 i=0 2 1 eal 1 ie) ‘a > Figure 1 Applying V; at port | and making port 2 open circuited as shown in figure 1. Then, from equations (1) and (2), Applying KVL in loop 1, } 413, -24=V, fae foEN ‘ \Polying KVL in(supermes) (lop 3 and loop 4), i sosse (3) of, 21) ~ 315 -314=0 von (4) Also in the branch containing current source, (5) eens (6) sesesnee (TY From (3) and (7), “an -2(8)n-v, 9 Now, Vi= bxte= 1 (33 2M 919 Zany (i ci zat port 2 and making port | open circuited i.e, 1) = 0 9, From (11) and (14), al ‘Soon ie Then fom eqaons(1)9842) 1g KVL in supermesh (loop 3 and loop 4) 25-14-24=0 -3L=0 sve (12) Also, in the branch containing current source, sone (13) (as) ovo (14) WW ition ear Crear rigg ———___— ane(Ghn a or, = 1 (6) i‘ o-| ae ‘Also, V2= Fy s or, Va= “) Problem 7.5 iss meters and . For the TPN shown below, fin transmission parameters and y- LAS parameters. «92 1 Ti 7, 0a bh } v, 0.515 + =u A i Ey, | 2 ‘ Yr [2073 Shrawan] Applying Vi at port 1 and making port 2 short circuited ie, V» = 0 as shown in figure 2. Then, from equations (1) and (2), {, iL ok 2 : Mh 0.51, ( 6 V,=0 Figure 1 40 Applying V, at port | and making port 2 open circuited i.e., 1; = 0 a8 1" shown in figure 1. Then, from equations (1) and (2), Figure 2 KVL in outer loop gives Vi+10h=0 or, V, =-102 nerernenes 8) ‘Insights on Electric Circuit Theory From equations (a) and (8)- From (b) and (9), A By [266710] c DI*L 0.25 15. V, = AV2 + BC or, V; = 2.667V: 1s woe (UD) or, [1 = 0.25V2 + 1.5¢ From equation (10). | = 0.25V2— 1.5(-0.1V; + 0.2667V2) or, I) =0.25V2 + 0.15V; - 0.4V2 or, fy =0.15V; -0.15V> : (ee Yo] -[oss ~0.15 sneeene (13) Ya YnJ~L-0.1 0.2667. Problem 7.6 For the two-port network shown in figure below, find Z- Parameters. ' 1 iia T 1a i te vy, 20 2a Oy vy, fe 1» [2072 Kartik] WN igh on Bee Cre Fae » ( it 1 and port 2 is open eit h-o tt supermest vy, Applying KVL on supermesh, V2= 21s +k) or, V2= 2-31; + la) or, Va = 61 + 21s Also, 1=3h, a Applying KVL on loop 1, Vie ht 2 20 7 “in Elecric Circuit Theor | an on, Sle + 81)=0 or, 5Iy= 8h oY or, 15h ~ SV; = or, SV: =; aL or, Vi=2 \ V2=-3h-& or, -SV2= 151-1; or, ~Sv2 = 141, seeees iV), y; lL 01,2 = T= 5 Solving (iii) and (iv), or, ~14l, =-151, SV; or, SV =I, on2y-iesd “Ss ‘Supply V2 in port 2 and port 1 is open circuited i.e, I, = 0. 1-012 19 va hag bs Apply KVL in loop 2, Va=2(h-h) ne Also, -Shh +2h,=0 of, 5I;=21, * Solving equations (ii) and (i), we get ve=21,-2() or, V2= 2“ or, V2 =, 101; ~ 4, of, V2 = 6h, Hence, the Z-parameters are al 4 MW, 6 n= 3 Z2=5 21-5 Un=5 xxx a

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