Finite Volume Method For Water Hammer Simulation: June 2002

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Conference Paper · June 2002

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Michał Szydłowski
Gdansk University of Technology


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TiASWiK’02 159


Michał Szydłowski

Technical University of Gdańsk

Faculty of Hydro and Environmental Engineering
ul. Narutowicza 11/12, 80–952 Gdańsk

Abstract: The numerical solution of equations of one–dimensional unsteady water

flow in a pipeline is presented. The method reported here is based on finite volume
method (FVM). The fluxes of conserved variables between computational cells are
approximated using the Roe scheme of the Riemann problem solution. The proposed
scheme is implemented to analyse water hammer phenomenon in a single, horizontal
pipe. The computed results are compared to analytical solution of unsteady water flow
equations. A good agreement between these results is observed. However, the
measured experimental data are not represented properly by the numerical solution.
Copyright © TiASWiK 2002.

Keywords: water hammer, shocks , numerical simulation, finite volume method

1. INTRODUCTION can be artificially modified as a result of replacing the

origin partial differential equations by the set of
Numerical analysing of water hammer phenomenon equivalent differential equations (Ghidaoui and
involves solution of one–dimensional unsteady water Karney, 1994). Due to this transformation some
flow equations. This set of equations can be derived additional terms appear in equations and the solutions
from continuity and Navier–Stokes equations of origin and equivalent problem are not identical.
(Puzyrewski and Sawicki, 1987). The water flow Approximation of equations (1a,b) can add the
equations are usually presented in non–conservative numerical error (due to numerical dispersion and/or
form and for horizontal pipe they can be written as diffusion) to the solution distorting its consistence with
follows (Parmakian, 1955; Streeter and Lai, 1962) problem physical nature. Ghidaoui and Karney proved
∂h ∂ h a2 ∂ u that in the MOC schemes examined by them the
+u + =0 (1a) numerical errors are excluded when Courant number
∂t ∂x g ∂x
(Cr) is equal to unity. This condition can be exactly
∂u ∂u ∂h f satisfied only on fixed numerical grid and for constant
+u +g + uu = 0 (1b)
∂t ∂x ∂ x 2D wave celerity. When Cr<1 the schemes are dissipative
where u represents averaged value of flow velocity in x and celerity is artificially modified. The MOC
direction, h is a pressure expressed as a hydraulic head, properties presented above limit application of the
g is an acceleration due to gravity, a is a wave celerity, method to simplified problems simulation. In general,
D is a pipe diameter and f is Darcy–Weisbach friction the local value of wave celerity is never constant for
coefficient. The most widely used method to solve example due to water compressibility and elasticity of
hyperbolic equations (1a,b) is method of characteristics pipe material. Moreover the characteristic curves of
(MOC) (Bednarczyk, 1974; Wiggert and Sundquist, equations (1a,b) are not the strait lines when the local
1977, Goldberg and Wylie, 1983; Wichowski, 1998), value of flow velocity can not be neglected.
Unfortunately, equations (1a,b) approximated by MOC Additionally the celerity variation makes possible the
discontinuities (shocks) to appear in the solution. MOC
160 M. Szydłowski, Finite volume method for...

and large majority of finite element method (FEM) and  D p − p0 

finite difference method (FDM) schemes are not able to A = A0 1 +  (6)
 e E 
handle such phenomenon. Finally, numerical schemes
applied to solve equations (1a,b) generally don’t satisfy In the equations (4,5,6) E and K denote the elasticity
the mass and momentum conservation condition due to module of pipe material and water, respectively, and e
non–conservative form of equations. To avoid above is the thickness of the pipe wall. Equation (2) can be
disadvantages the equations in conservative form rewritten as
should be solved using the scheme based on FVM. This ∂U
+ divF + S = 0 (7)
grid method requires an approximation of conserved ∂t
variables fluxes between computational cells. In order To integrate the equations system (7) in space by FVM
to calculate the fluxes the Godunov idea of the the one–dimensional domain x should be discretized
Riemann problem solution (Godunov, 1959) is widely into set of N line segment cells (Fig. 1). Each cell is
used. Such approach originally developed to solve the defined by its centre point and each flow variable is
Euler equations and then applied to Saint–Venant averaged and constant inside the cell.
equations (Glaister, 1993; Ambrosi; 1995, Szydłowski,
1998) can be generally used to solve any hyperbolic
equations system of conservation laws. The Godunov cell 1 cell 2 cell i-1 cell i cell i+1 cell N-1 cell N

scheme for water–hammer simulation was proposed by

Guinot (2000). In the present paper the Roe (1981) x=0
x1 x2 x i-1 xi x i+1 x N-1 xN
scheme of Riemann problem solution is used to solve cell-interface i+1/2

the unsteady pipe flow equations.

Fig. 1. Discretization of one–dimensional calculation
WATER–HAMMER EQUATIONS Integration of equation (7) and applying the
Ostrogradski–Gauss theorem (Bronsztejn and
The system of equations describing the unsteady water Siemiendiajew, 1973) yield for each cell i
flow in the pipeline can be written in conservative form ∂ Ui
∆xi + ∫ (Fn )dB + ∫ Sdx = 0 (8)
as follows (Puzyrewski and Sawicki, 1987) ∂t B ∆x i i
∂U ∂F
+ +S = 0 (2) where ∆xi is the length of cell i and Bi represents the
∂t ∂ x
cell boundary. The first term of equation (8) represents
where time evolution of conserved variables p and q inside the
 a2    cell i. The surface integral represents the total normal
   0 
flux through the boundary of the cell. The last term is
 p
U =   , F =  A , S= 
an integral of source term. All integrals in equation (8)
 2    (3a,b,c)
q  q  f qq  can be substituted by corresponding sums of two
 Ap + 
 ρA    components as follows
 2 ρAD 
∂ Ui
In the vectors of variables U, fluxes F and sources S ∆xi + (Fi +1 / 2 − Fi −1 / 2 ) + (S i +1 / 2 + S i −1 / 2 )∆xi = 0 (9)
symbols p and q denote the pressure and the mass ∂t
discharge, respectively, ρ is the water density The fluxes F and source terms S must be estimated at
depending on the pressure, A is the area of pipe cross– cell interfaces (at the boundaries between two
section, D is the pipe diameter, f is Darcy–Weisbach neighbouring cells). In order to solve equation (9) the
friction coefficient and a denotes the local value of numerical scheme should be completed by the time
wave celerity. Assuming water compressibility and integration technique. Finally, the algebraic equations
pipe material elasticity the wave celerity can be defined must be solved for each cell i.
as (Puzyrewski and Sawicki, 1987)
a= (4)
ρ + 
 K eE 
In order to calculate the flux Fi+1/2 the solution of
where water density and cross–sectional area can be approximate Riemann problem (Godunov, 1959)
expressed as the linear functions of pressure proposed by Roe (1981) can be applied. The full
 p − p0  computation procedure is available in the literature
ρ = ρ 0 1 +  (5)
 K  (Roe, 1981; Toro, 1997), so in this paper only some
significant to solution of water hammer equations
details are presented.

TiASWiK’02 161

The original problem (2) neglecting the source term Applying the Roe idea of approximate Riemann
can be transformed to the following form problem solution the numerical flux at i+1/2 cell–
∂U ∂U interface can be expressed as
+A =0 (10) 1 1
∂t ∂x Fi +1 / 2 = (FL + FR ) − A ∆U (18)
where U is the same as in equation (2) and jacobian 2 2
A=∂F/∂U can be written as where subscripts L and R denote left and right side of
i+1/2 cell–interface, ∆U is an increment of pressure
 a2  and mass discharge between cells i and i+1. Values of
0 
A= A (11) pressure p and mass discharge q needed to calculate
 A 2q 
 the elements of matrix A from equation (12) can be
ρA 
evaluated as follows
In the approximate Roe solution of the Riemann p + pR q + qR
problem the equation system (10) is linearized by p= L , q= L (19a,b)
2 2
replacing the jacobian A by averaged matrix A . The If the conserved variables UR and UL necessary to
both forms of jacobian matrix must be diagonalizable estimate flux (18) are equal to cell–centre parameters
in the Roe approach. The above condition means that (Ui and Ui+1) then the numerical scheme is of first–
following equation must be satisfied order accuracy in space. In order to ensure the second–
A=RΛL (12) order accuracy approximation a function extrapolation
where Λ is a diagonal matrix containing the technique can be imposed. In the scheme presented
eigenvalues of matrix A, whereas R and L contain here function values are extrapolated from the cell
associated right and left eigenvectors. The eigenvalues centre–point to the cell–interface by MUSCL
λi of matrix A can be evaluated by solution of reconstruction technique (van Leer, 1979).
characteristic equation (Coulson and Jeffrey, 1982)
A − λI = 0 (13)
where I is the identity matrix. Considering jacobian
matrix (11) the roots of (13) are equal to
λ1 = u − u 2 + a 2 (14a) In order to complete the solution of equation (9) a
numerical scheme of time integration must be
λ2 = u + u 2 + a 2 (14b)
implemented. For given computational cell i equation
where u=q/(ρA) is the flow velocity. The (9) can be written in another vector form
corresponding right (r) and left (l) eigenvectors can be ∂ Ui
calculated solving following equations (Coulson and = Xi (20)
Jeffrey, 1982) ∂t
Ari = λi ri (i = 1,2) (15a) where vector X containing all the terms of equation (9)
except for the time derivatives can be expressed as
l i A = λi l i (i = 1,2) (15b)
(F − Fi −1 / 2 ) (
Solution of equations (15a,b) for water–hammer X i = − i +1 / 2 − S i +1 / 2 + S i −1 / 2 ) (21)
problem yields following right and left eigenvectors, ∆xi
respectively where source terms at the both cell–interfaces can
 1  be set equal to averaged values Si+1/2=(Si+Si+1/2)/2 and
  Si–1/2=(Si–1+Si)/2, respectively. The solution of equation
r1 =  A  2 2 
 2  u − u + a   (20) can be obtained by integration in the time
a  increment 〈t, t+∆t〉. The general time integration
 1  scheme, defining a new function values can be written
 
r2 =  A  2 2 
(16b) as follows
 2  u + u + a  t + ∆t
a  Ui
n +1 n
= U i + ∫ X i dt (22)
 A t
a2  2 u + u + a
2 2  
where superscripts n and n+1 denote previous and next
l1 =  a    (17a)
2A u 2 + a 2   time level on the numerical grid. Scheme (22) can be
 −1  realized in explicit or implicit way. In the present work
 A 2 
the two–step explicit scheme is applied
 − 2  u − u + a  
l2 =  a   (17b) p n
U i = U i + 0.5∆tX i
2A u2 + a2  1 
 
n +1 n p
Ui = U i + ∆tX i (23b)
162 M. Szydłowski, Finite volume method for...

The above scheme is of second–order accuracy in time This kind of verification is possible only for simplified
and its stability is restricted by the local value of the water flow case when wave celerity can be assumed
Courant number (Potter, 1977) constant. In the second test the numerical solution is
examined against experimental data.
u i + u i2 + ai2
Cr = ≤1 (24)
∆ xi / ∆t Test–case no 1
where subscript i denotes concerning cell. The water hammer phenomenon is analysed in single,
horizontal, frictionless pipe of length L=500m and
A consistent set of initial and boundary condition is diameter D=0,1 m. The downstream valve closure
required to complement the water hammer equations experiment is simulated (Fig. 3).
solution. All conditions must be imposed in accordance
with characteristics theory (Godunov, 1975). To start
the computation the initial values of pressure and mass
discharge must be known inside every computational h0 =ρ . 0g
cell at time t=0. Analysing the characteristic curves of
equations (2) (Fig. 2) it is seen that the boundary D

conditions at each domain boundary is required. u0

Unfortunately, there is no possibility to set any function L

value exactly at the boundary in FVM. It is impossible

because the grid nodes are located in the centre–points Fig. 3. Test–case no 1 geometry
of computational cells. To impose the boundary
condition the corresponding flux through the boundary As an initial condition the steady state is assumed. The
must be computed. In order to estimate the numerical initial values of pressure p0=0,5 MPa and velocity
flux through boundary of computational domain, the u0=0,4 m/s in the whole pipe are constant. At time
virtual cell outside the domain can be defined (Fig. 2). t=0,5 s the sudden and total valve closure at the
downstream of the pipe is executed. Due to this
_ t
manoeuvre the water hammer appears. The wave
celerity is constant and equal to 1000m/s. Additionally
the water incompressibility (ρ(t)=1000 kg/m3) and pipe
virtual cell 0
virtual cell N+1
material rigidity are assumed. The boundary conditions
cell 1 cell 2 cell N-1 cell N are kept constant during simulation. At the upstream
x=0 x=L
x boundary the pressure value equivalent to initial
hydraulic head is imposed. Due to closed valve there is
Fig. 2. The scheme to impose the boundary conditions no water flow (u=0 m/s) through the downstream
and the characteristic curves of equation (2) boundary. This pipe section is treated as the closed
boundary. The pipe was discretized with 500 cells
To calculate the fluxes by the Roe scheme the values of (∆x=1 m) and the simulation was carried out with time
variables U are necessary inside virtual cells 0 and step ∆t=0,0005 s. Such assumed numerical parameters
N+1. One of the parameters (pressure p or mass ensure the Courant number value equal to 0,5. The
discharge q) is known from boundary condition and numerical and analytical solution is presented in
second can be estimated using Riemann invariant. For Figure 4.
unsteady water flow equations (2) the unknown
function values inside left and right exterior cell can be p [MPa]
computed applying following Riemann invariants, 1.0
respectively (Puzyrewski and Sawicki, 1987)
p 0 + ρ 0 a 0 u 0 = R1 (25a)
p N +1 − ρ N +1 a N +1u N +1 = R N (25b)
where R1 and RN+1 are the Riemann invariants computed 0.4
using known function values from interior cells. 0.2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

In order to verify the numerical solution method Fig. 4. Test–case no 1 – analytical () and numerical
presented in this paper two test–cases are considered. solution obtained using dissipative (+) and non–
In the first one computed results are compared to dissipative (•) scheme
analytical solution of unsteady water flow equations.

TiASWiK’02 163

The pressure variation in time at the valve section is steady state friction term produces results absolutely
shown in this picture. In the calculated results obtained different from physical ones (Fig. 5a,c).
using the scheme of first–order accuracy the numerical
diffusion is observed. The wave fronts are strongly a)
smeared and the maximum pressure value is decreasing p [MPa]
in time. If scheme of second–order accuracy is applied 1.0
a quite good agreement with analytical solution is
observed. The maximum values of pressure and wave
period are properly reproduced. The steep wave fronts 0.6
are slightly smoothed due to replacing in solution the 0.4
function discontinuities by narrow regions where
parameters are continuous. The better agreement could
be ensured by numerical mesh refining. 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
t [s]
Test–case no 2
In this test case the computed results are compared to p [MPa]
measured data. The physical experiment was performed
at hydraulic laboratory of Environmental Engineering 1.0

Department of Technical University of Warsaw. The 0.8

laboratory equipment details and measurement method 0.6
are described by Lewandowski and Makowski (2000).
In general, the experiment is similar to the previous one 0.4

(Fig. 3). The water hammer phenomenon is analysed in 0.2

circular, horizontal, steel pipe of length L=72 m and
diameter D=0,042 m. The thickness of pipe wall is 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
e=0,003 m. The elasticity modules of pipe material and t [s]
water are set E=2×1011 Pa and K=2×109 Pa, c)
respectively. The pipe friction coefficient f is defined p [MPa]
by Colebrook–White formula and calculated for 1.0
roughness coefficient k=0,08 mm. The initial condition
is imposed in accordance with experiment. Initially the
flow parameters are constant (steady state). The velocity 0.6
is equal to u0=0,38 m/s in the whole pipe. The pressure is 0.4
set equal to p0=0,51 MPa at the valve section and
increase along the pipe due to pressure losses defined as
∆x u 02 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
∆p = f ρ (26)
D 2 t [s]
The boundary condition during simulation are assumed d)
p [MPa]
as follows – at the upstream boundary the constant
value of pressure is imposed and downstream boundary 1.0
is treated as closed boundary after valve closure. That 0.8
manoeuvre begins at time t=0,38 s and goes on by
0,114 s. During this time the velocity at valve section is
interpolated between values 0,38 m/s and 0 m/s. The 0.4
pipe was discretized with 72 cells (∆x=1 m) and the 0.2
simulation was carried out with time step ∆t=0,0005 s,
what ensures the Courant number value approximately 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
equal to 0,6. The measured and calculated results of t [s]
pressure variation at valve section are presented in
Figure 5. Fig. 5. Test–case no 2 – measured (a) and calculated
pressure variation at valve section
One can find that unexpected results are obtained. The (b) frictionless case computed using non–
best agreement between experimental data and dissipative scheme
computed pressure values is observed when dissipative (c) steady state friction term case computed using
scheme is used (Fig. 5a,d). More accurate scheme non–dissipative scheme
applied to solve water hammer equations including (d) steady state friction term case computed using
dissipative scheme
164 M. Szydłowski, Finite volume method for...

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