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School FOUR
Teacher Areas / MATH EINSTEIN

Quarter QUARTER 2
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of improper fractions and mixed numbers
Is able to recognize and represent improper fractions and mixed numbers in various
B. Performance Standards
forms and contexts
 Identifies proper fractions, improper fraction and mixed number
C. Learning Competencies /
 Illustrates proper fractions/improper fractions/mixed form
Write the LC code for each  Develops  perseverance in doing despite difficulty
Lesson 31: Identifying proper fractions, improper fraction, and mixed number
A. Reference
1. Teacher’s Guide pages  TG Grade 4 pp. 132-135
2. Learner’s Material pages  LM Grade 4 pp. 103-105
 Mathematics for a Better Life 4, pp. 138-141
3. Textbook pages  Integrative Mathematics 4, pp. 276-283
 Enjoying Mathematics Workbook, pp. 90-91
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)

 K to 12 Mathematics Curriculum Guide (May 201 6), p. 88

 A DepEd-BEAM Distance Learning Program supported by the Australian
B. Other Learning Resources Agency for International Development
 (for fraction images)
 tablet, PowerPoint
A. Visualize and identify fractions using pictures.

a. b.

A. Reviewing previous lesson

or presenting the new
a) Drill _________ ___________


1/10 4/10 7/10 10/10

b) Review c. What part of the line is point A? Point B? Point D? ______, ______, _______

B. Draw the fractions using the tablet. (think-pair share)

4/8 1 2/3 5/2

B. Establishing a purpose for How many of you go to the market with your parents? Why do you have to go to the
the lesson market with your parents?
 Have the pupils watch a video clip
a) Motivation  What did the little boy is doing? Are you going to do the same? Is it easy to
use the weighing scale?
 State the objective of the lesson.
Have the pupils to read and understand the situation:
One Saturday morning, Albert accompanied his mother to the market to buy fruits.
They bought 3/4 kilograms of dalandan, 6/4 kg of santol and 1 1/4 kg of
rambutan. Albert carried the fruits in going home.
C. Presenting Ask these questions:
examples/instances of the - What fruits did Albert and his mother buy?
new lesson - What kind of a boy is Albert?
(Presentation) - Will you do the same to your mother?
- Group the pupils with 4 members each team
- Using the weighing scale, they will weigh the fruits and let them record the
 Performing the activities, TG p. 133
 Let the group illustrate the fractions used in the problem.
 3 groups – using number line
 3 groups – using region
D. Discussing new concepts  3 groups – using sets/groups
and practicing new skills #1  Let them present their output using the tablet. Presentation of outputs will based
on the first 3 groups who will finish first as shown in the random selection of the
(Constructivism and Scaffold)  Ask the pupils to say something about the activity, TG p. 133
 What can you say about the first fraction? Can you give other examples>
 How about the second fraction? Provide other examples.
 What is the third fraction? Can you provide your own example?
Do the following activities and show your answer using paints apps in your tablet.
a) Give the fraction of the shaded part and write the fractional name.
1) 2)

3) What fraction is between point C and point E? What its fractional name?
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #2
(Guided Practice) A B C D E F G

b) Draw and shade the objects showing 10 out of 8 and name the fractional
name using sets or groups.

c) Draw and show the fractional part of 6/12 using number line and what its
fractional name?

Do the following.
1. Using sets or groups of ball, color or shade to show seven-ninths
F. Developing mastery
and what is the fractional name
(Leads to Formative
2. Illustrate 2 1/2 in number line and write its fractional name.
Assessment 3)
3. Showing pie, show 10/3 and identify the fractional name.
(Independent Practice)
4. Mother bought 15 pieces of fruits. If 8 of them are apple, what part of all the
fruits are apples? What kind of fraction is it?
G. Finding practical Read the problem.
applications of concepts Illustrate or draw all fractions mentioned then identify which fraction is improper
and skills in daily living fraction, proper fraction and mixed number.
(Application/Valuing) Father bought 3/4 kilogram of mangoes, 5/6 kilogram of fish. He also bought
1 1/2 kilogram of bananas.
H. Making generalizations and Lead the pupils to generalize.
abstractions about the  What is fraction?
lesson  What is proper fraction, improper fraction and mixed form?
Read each question and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What kind of fraction is shown in the illustration?
a. fraction
b. proper fraction
c. mixed number
d. improper fraction
2. Which of the following is considered as proper fraction?




I. Evaluating learning

3. In order for a fraction to be considered an improper fraction, what must be

a. It must have a whole number and a fraction.
b. The numerator is less than the denominator.
c. The numerator is greater than the denominator.
d. The denominator is greater than the numerator.

4. A number consisting of a whole number and a fraction is called mixed

number. Which illustration is true?



a. I and II c. II and III

b. III and IV d. I and IV
5. Illustrate 5/8 using number line.
1) Give 2 examples of proper fraction and illustrate using number line.
Proper Proper
Fraction Fraction

2) Give 2 examples of improper fraction and draw using region.

Improper Improper
Fraction Fraction
J. Additional activities

3) Give 2 examples of mixed number and illustrate using sets or groups.

Mixed Mixed
Number Number



A. No. of learner who earned

_________ of Learners who earned 80% above
B. No. of learner who scored
below 80% ( needs _________ of Learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? _________Yes _________ No

No. of learners who have _________ of Learners who caught up the lesson
caught up with the lesson
D. No of learner who
continue to require _________ of Learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal /supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share w/other teacher?

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