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If the crank and the connecting rod are 300 mm and 1 m long respectively and the crank
rotates at a constant speed of 250 r.p.m., determine the crank angle at which the maximum
velocity occurs is ____
a) 45
b) 75
c) 90
d) 60

2. Which of the following expression represent the angular acceleration α of the connecting rod?
a) −ω2 . sin θ/n
b) −ω2 . cos θ.n
c) ω2. cos θ/n
d) ω2 . sin θ.n

3. When the piston is accelerated, the piston effort is given by which of the following the
a) F(L) – F(I)
b) F(L) + F(I)
c) F(L) ± F(I)
d) F(L) – F(I) + R(f)

4. For the given data of an Internal combustion engine : Mass of parts = 180 kg bore = 175 mm,
length of stroke = 200 mm, engine speed = 500 r.p.m., length of connecting rod = 400 mm and
crank angle = 60° from T.D.C, find the inertia force.
a) 17.56 N
b) 19.2 N
c) 18.53 N
d) 18.00 N

5. Area of the turning moment diagram represents _______

a) Work done
b) Work done per revolution
c) Power generated
d) Power generated per revolution

6. While drawing the turning moment diagram, which of the forces in not taken into account?
a) Inertia force
b) Force on connecting rod
c) Force on crank
d) Coriolis force
7. Coefficient of fluctuation of energy is ratio of _______
a) Mean fluctuation energy to work done per cycle
b) Maximum fluctuation energy to work done per cycle
c) Minimum fluctuation energy to work done per cycle
d) Mean fluctuation energy to power generated per cycle

8. For a 4 stroke IC engine, Tmean = 1875 N-m, then find the work done per cycle.
a) 23.56 kJ
b) 11.78 kJ
c) 5.89 kJ
d) 2.94 kJ

9. If the minimum speed of the engine is half the maximum speed, then coefficient of fluctuation
is _____
a) 0.5
b) 1.5
c) 2
d) 0.66

10. Coefficient of fluctuation is the ratio of ______

a) The maximum fluctuation of speed to the mean speed
b) The minimum fluctuation of speed to the mean speed
c) The maximum speed to the mean speed
d) The minimum speed to the maximum speed

11. The main function of a flywheel is to cause variations in the speed of a shaft caused by
torque fluctuations.
a) True
b) False

12. When the flywheel absorbs energy, its speed ________

a) Remains unaffected
b) Increases
c) Decreases
d) Goes down to 0

13. The ratio of the maximum fluctuation of energy to the ___________ is called coefficient of
fluctuation of energy.
a) minimum fluctuation of energy
b) workdone per cycle
c) coefficient of fluctuation of energy
d) none of the mentioned
14. The tensile stress in the flywheel rim due to the centrifugal force acting on the rim is given
a) ρ v2/4
b) ρ v2/2
c) 3ρ v2/4
d) ρ v2

15. The speed variations of the engine caused by the fluctuation of engine turning moment are
controlled by

a. Meyer’s expansion valve

b. D – slide valve

c. flywheel

d. governor

16. The net force acting on the crosshead pin is known as __________
a) Crank pin effort
b) Crank effort
c) Piston effort
d) Shaft effort

17. Piston effort acts along the line of stroke.

a) True
b) False

18. In a horizontal engine, reciprocating parts are retarded when the piston moves from
a) TDC to BDC
b) BDC to TDC
c) Midway to TDC
d) BDC to midway

19. When engine torque is more than mean resisting torque, then the flywheel _______
a) Has uniform velocity
b) Has 0 velocity
c) Has acceleration
d) Has retardation

20. When the work is done on the gases, which of the following effect is observed on the turning
moment diagram?
a) Formation of negative loop
b) Formation of positive loop
c) Formation of an infinite loop
d) Formation of no loop

1. In the presence of frictional resistance, the expression for piston effort is _________
a) F(L) – F(I)
b) F(L) + F(I)
c) F(L) ± F(I) – R(f)
d) F(L) – F(I) + R(f)
2. 5. Crank effort is the product of crank pin radius and _______
a) Thrust on sides
b) Crankpin effort
c) Force acting along connecting rod
d) Piston effort
3. 7. From the data given:
crank-pin circle radius = 300mm
mass of the reciprocating parts = 250kg
difference between the driving and the back pressures is 0.45 N/mm2
The connecting rod length between centres is 1.2 m and the cylinder bore is 0.5 m.
engine runs at 250 r.p.m & 30° from T.D.C.
Find the piston effort.
a) 32.4 kN
b) 35.2 kN
c) 37.3 kN
d) 40.2 N
4. Which of the following process is not the part of working of a 4 stroke I.C Engine?
a) Compression
b) Suction
c) Exhaust
d) Turbine flow
5. A negative loop is formed in the turning moment diagram because the pressure inside the
cylinder is _______ than the atmospheric pressure.
a) Equal
b) More
c) Less
d) No pressure inside
6. Work done per cycle is calculated as _______
a) Tmean × θ
b) Tmin × θ
c) Tmax × θ
d) Tmax × θ/2
7. For a 4 stroke IC engine, the angle θ assumes a value equal to _______
a) π
b) 2π
c) 4π
d) π/2
8. A shaft fitted with a flywheel rotates at 250 r.p.m. and drives a machine, the torque
fluctuated about 18750 N-m, find the power required to drive the machine.
a) 49.125 kW
b) 24.56 kW
c) 12.28 kW
d) 6.14 kW
9. The moment of inertia of a flywheel is 6500 kg-m2, from the turning moment diagram, it
is found that fluctuation of energy is 56000 N-m, if mean speed is 120 rpm, then find
maximum speed.
a) 121
b) 119
c) 122
10. The flywheel of a steam engine has a mass moment of inertia of 2500 Kg-m2. The
starting torque of the steam engine is 1500 N-m and may be assumed constant, using this
data find the angular acceleration of the flywheel in rad/s2.
a) 0.4
b) 0.6
c) 0.3
d) 1.2
11. In a turning moment diagram, the variations of energy above and below the mean
resisting torque line is called
a) fluctuation of energy
b) maximum fluctuation of energy
c) coefficient of fluctuation of energy
d) none of the mentioned
12. If E = Mean kinetic energy of the flywheel, CS = Coefficient of fluctuation of speed and
Δ E = Maximum fluctuation of energy, then
a) ΔE = E / CS
b) ΔE = E2 × CS
c) ΔE = E × CS
d) ΔE = 2 E × CS
13. Maximum fluctuation of energy in a flywheel is equal to
a) Iω(ω1 – ω2)
b) Iω2CS
c) 2ECS
d) all of the mentioned
14. The flywheel of a machine having weight of 4500 N and radius of gyration of 2 m has
cyclic fluctuation of speed from 125 r.p.m to 120 r.p.m. Assuming g = 10m/s2, the
maximum fluctuation of energy is
a) 12822 N-m
b) 24200 N-m
c) 14822 N-m
d) 12100 N-m
15. In a horizontal engine, reciprocating parts are accelerated when the piston moves from
a) TDC to BDC
b) BDC to TDC
c) Midway to TDC
d) BDC to midway
16. Piston diameter = 0.24 m, length of stroke = 0.6 m, length of connecting rod = 1.5 m,
mass of reciprocating parts = 300 kg, mass of connecting rod = 250 kg; speed of rotation
= 125 r.p.m; centre of gravity of connecting rod from crank pin = 0.5 m ; Kg of the
connecting rod about an axis through the centre of gravity = 0.65 m
Find angular acceleration of connecting rod in rad/s2.
a) 16.782
b) 17.824
c) 15.142
d) 17.161
17. The coefficient of fluctuation of speed is the _____________ of maximum fluctuation of
speed and the mean speed.
a) product
b) ratio
c) sum
d) difference
18. The speed of an engine varies from 210 rad/s to 190 rad/s. During the cycle the change in
kinetic energy is found to be 400 Nm. The inertia of the flywheel in kg/m2 is
a) 0.10
b) 0.20
c) 0.30
d) 0.40
19. When mass of the reciprocating parts is neglected then the inertia force is _____
a) Maximum
b) Minimum
c) 0
d) Not defined
20. The ratio of the height of a Porter governor (when the length of arms and links
are equal) to the height of a Watt’s governor is
a) m/m+M
b) M/m+M
c) m + M/m
d) m + M/M
21. When the sleeve of a Porter governor moves upwards, the governor speed
a) increases
b) decreases
c) remains unaffected
D) None of these
22. For two governors A and B, the lift of sleeve of governor A is more than that
of governor B, for a given fractional change in speed. It indicates that
a) governor A is more sensitive than governor B
b) governor B is more sensitive than governor A
c) both governors A and B are equally sensitive
d) none of the mentioned

23. The sensitiveness of a governor is given by

a) ωmean/ω2 – ω1
b) ω2 – ω1/ ωmean
c) ω2 – ω1/ 2ωmean
d) none of the mentioned
24. When the speed of the engine fluctuates continuously above and below the
mean speed, the governor is said to be
a) stable
b) unstable
c) isochronous
d) hunt
25. The equilibrium speed of a governor varies from 30 rpm to 20 rpm, find the
sensitiveness of the governor.
a) 0.4
b) 1.5
c) 0.66
26. Consider two governors A and B running at the same speed. When this speed
increases or decreases by a certain amount, the lift of the sleeve of governor A is
greater than the lift of the sleeve of governor B. Which of the following
statement is true for the above situation?
a) Governor A is more sensitive than B
b) Governor B is more sensitive than A
c) Governor A is equally sensitive as B
d) Lift does not affect sensitivity
27. 7. For a governor, the sensitivity is 0.5 and the mean speed is 20 rpm, find the
minimum speed.
a) 15 rpm
b) 25 rpm
c) 30 rpm
d) 40 rpm
28. The sensitiveness of an isochronous governor is ______
a) 0
b) 2
c) 1/2
d) 1
29. An isochronous governor is not practical because of the following reason.
a) Friction at the sleeve
b) Weight of the spring
c) Impossible to achieve 0 range
d) High use of porter governors
30. 1. When equilibrium speed is constant, then the governor is called ______
a) Pickering
b) Hartung
c) Porter
d) Isochronous

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