3rd - 5th Grade Lps

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3rd – 5th Grade Fitness Lesson that incorporates reading, spelling, and math

WARM UP: Roll The Dice Fitness
 Students will stand on their own poly spot (spots spread out around the gym) 
 I will begin by rolling the dice 
 Students& I will perform the fitness activity that corresponds with the Dice 
 The fitness activities will be displayed on a poster in the gym 
TASK 1: Fitness Scrabble 
Equipment Needed
1. 5 Cones/Group Cards
2. Scrabble Pieces 
 split up class in to 5 groups of 4 and send them to their group area (marked by cone)
 Scatter the scrabble letter pieces in the center circle of the gym 
 I will communicate to the class a locomotor/fitness movement (Run, high knees, crab walk, side step,
lunge, etc.) 
 The 1st person in each group will take off to the middle to bring back a letter, then the next student goes
 students will work together in their groups to make words out of the letters they bring back
 at the end of each round each group will add up their points made from each word as I walk around and
approve the words
 the team with the most points gets to tell the other groups a quick exercise to do.

TASK 2: Rock/Paper/Scissors Chase

Equipment Needed:
1. 10 Poly Spots
  students split up in to partners and line up facing each other on the mid-line (marked by poly spots)
 each pair will play rock, paper, scissors. the loser of will have to turn around and begin running to the
end line behind them, while the winner chases them
 if the student who is chasing tags their partner before they reach the end-line they give themselves a
 If the student who is being chased makes it to the end-line before being tagged, they get a point 
 play to 5-10 points (depending on time)

STANDARD 1. Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Demonstrates, in isolation, mature patterns of locomotor, nonlocomotor and manipulative movement skills.
Demonstrates a combination of locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills. (NY.S1.3.4) Demonstrates a
mature combination of locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills. (NY.S1.3.5)
STANDARD 2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and
Identifies emerging forms of simple strategies, tactics, and communication techniques in chasing/fleeing
activities. (NY.S2.2.3)
Identifies emerging forms of simple strategies, tactics and communication in small-sided games and other
physical activities. (NY.S2.2.4)
Demonstrates emerging forms of simple strategies, tactics and communication in small-sided games and other
physical activities. (NY.S2.2.5)

3rd – 5th Grade Basketball Passing + Shooting Skills Lesson

Warm Up: HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Workout

Students will stand on poly spart scattered around the gym
We will participate in an interval workout, 5 exercises (30 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds of rest)
Music will cue when to “work” and when to “rest”

Task 1: Partner Pass (bounce + chest pass)

 students will be split up in to partner pairs. 1 ball per pair

 students will stand across from their partner
o first practice chest pass back + forth
o then bounce pass
o then a sequence: bounce > chest > bounce 

Task 2: Shooting form practice

 students will remain with their partners, standing across from each other 
 Students will "shoot" the ball practicing correct shooting form
 the other partner will lets the ball bounce once in between, retrieve it, then it is their turn 

Task 3: Basketball Hot Shots Game

 split up class in to 4 teams, 1 in each corner of the gym

 scatter poly spots and cones around the basketball hoops of the gym.
 1 ball per team, 1 student from each team will dribble out to the court, pick a spot to shoot from
 if they make it in, they pick up the cone/poly-spot that they shot from and bring it back to their team
 if they miss, they dribble back to their team and pass the ball to the next person in line

STANDARD 1. Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Demonstrates, in isolation, mature patterns of locomotor, nonlocomotor and manipulative movement skills in a
variety of physical activities. (NY.S1.1.3)
Demonstrates a combination of locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills in a variety of physical
activities. (NY.S1.1.4)
Demonstrates a mature combination of locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills in a variety of
physical activities. (NY.S1.1.5)
STANDARD 2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and
Identifies emerging forms of simple strategies, tactics, and communication techniques in chasing/fleeing
activities. (NY.S2.2.3)
Identifies emerging forms of simple strategies, tactics and communication in small-sided games and other
physical activities. (NY.S2.2.4&5)
3rd-5th Grade Soccer Skills Stations Lesson Plan:


Warm Up: Create Your Own Workout (pick out of the bucket to see whose workout we will be
participating in together as a class.) In the beginning of the year I had students create their own HIIT
workouts. We use them for warmups periodically throughout the year.

 Explain and Demonstrate:

 while students are sitting in the quiet circle i will explain and demonstrate the skills we will be working
on today 
Task 1: kicking practice 
 first explain and demonstrate kicking and trapping to students
 Each student gets a ball
 when the music is on students can move around the gym while dribbling their ball
 when the music stops they trap the ball
Task 2: Stations 
 STATION 1: Kicking accuracy 
o students will get a ball and stand on a floor spot that is 10 feet from the wall
o students will kick their ball at the wall using the inside of their foot, keeping the ball on the
ground and trying for a straight line kick. Laminated circle target will be taped on the wall for
students to aim at.
 STATION 2: Partner pass 
o Students will get in to partners at this station 
o each partner will stand on a floor spot facing each other and have a partner pass
o to receive the ball, students must trap it before kicking it back to their Partner 
 STATION 3: Dribbling around obstacles 
o at this station, cones of various sizes will be scattered around the area
o each student will get a ball and dribble around the area while trying to keep it in bounds and
avoid the obstacles 
 STATION 4: Trapping/toe touch station 
o Each student will get a ball and perform toe touches alternation their feet on top of the ball
o students will count how many toe touches they can get in a minute 

STANDARD 1. Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

Demonstrates, in isolation, mature patterns of locomotor, nonlocomotor and manipulative movement skills in a
variety of physical activities. (NY.S1.1.3)
Demonstrates a combination of locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills in a variety of physical
activities. (NY.S1.1.4)
Demonstrates a mature combination of locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills in a variety of
physical activities. (NY.S1.1.5)

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