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1. Tell us about yourself.

2. What are your greatest strengths?

3. What are your greatest weaknesses?

4. Tell me about something you did or failed to do that you now feel a little ashamed of.

5. Why did you leave your previous job?

6. What are your career options at this moment?

7. What are your hobbies & interests?

8. Which is the last book you read?

9. Tell about a situation when you or your work was criticized

10. How do you feel about reporting to a younger person (minority, woman, etc)?

11. Would you lie for the company?

12. If given a chance, what one thing you would like to change in your life which you have done?

13. Can you work under pressure?

14. What makes you angry?

15. Who has inspired you in your life and why?

16. Are you willing to travel or relocate?

17. How could you have improved your career progress?

18. Where could you use some improvement?

19. How do you define success and how do you measure up to your own definition?

20. Are you a team player?

21. What is more important to you: the money or the work?

22. Where do you see yourself five years from now?

23. What contributions could you make in this organization that would help you to stand out from
other applicants?

24. Which subjects have you enjoyed studying the most and why?

25. Which subjects did you dislike and why?

26. What do you consider to be your most significant professional/ academic achievements and why?
OR What was the toughest challenge you’ve ever faced? OR What is your single largest
achievement so far? Why do you consider it to be your largest achievement?

27. What are the types of assignments that keep you engaged and what are those that do not excite

28. Describe an incident that has had a deep impact on you and brought about a significant change?
29. Have you ever adopted a non-traditional approach to manage a project / situation or to solve a
problem? Briefly describe the project / situation of the problem, the approach and the outcome.

30. Could you share with us one experience in your recent past, wherein you were placed under a lot
of stress and how you handled that situation?

31. Tell us about a situation wherein you influenced a team of people to implement on innovative idea.
OR Give me an example of your creativity (analytical skill managing ability, etc.)

32. Could you explain to us how were you able to handle a recent situation wherein you faced a
dilemma between you ethics & integrity and achievement of crucial desired result?

33. Tell us about one thing that you not only preach, but also strictly Practice?

34. Provide an example when you approached your work with a mindset of having limited resources
or time. Please include details of the context, the action you took and the results that were
achieved. OR Describe a situation when you faced a difficult problem and you were able to solve
it. Please include details of the context, the action you took and the results that were achieved.

35. Long & short term objectives?

36. You as a person?

37. What are your personal goals in life? How would getting into XYZ Company help you in your journey
towards your Personal Goals?

38. Why would you like to do a project with the XYZ Company and how do you think you can add value
to XYZ Company and to yourself?

39. Reflect on a time when you turned down an opportunity. What was the thought process behind
your decision? Would you make the same decision today?

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