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Directory Services Vencimiento 20 de ene.

de 8:59 CET
Cuestionario Cali cado • 50 min

Introduction to Directory
Services Intenta nuevamente una vez que estés listo CALIFICACIÓN


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Centralized Management

LDAP Directory Services

Active Directory

OpenLDAP Directory Services


Cuestionario: Directory 70%

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VENCIMIENTO 20 de ene. de 8:59 CET INTENTOS 3 cada 24 hours
1. Question 1 / 1 puntos

How are things organized in a directory server?

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PARA APROBAR 80 % o más 70 % By a relational database structure
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By a series of nested groups

By a hierarchical model of objects and containers

By a flat text file


Yep! A directory server organizes objects and containers into a hierarchical structure.

2. Question 1 / 1 puntos

In order to authenticate user accounts against AD, what must be done to the computer

Configure remote logging

Join it to the domain

Configure the firewall

Enable the administrator account


Excellent! A computer needs to be joined to the domain before user accounts can be
authenticated against the domain controller (instead of local accounts).

3. Question 1 / 1 puntos

Which component of an LDAP entry contains the unique entry name?

Common name

Organizational unit

Distinguished name


You got it! The distinguished name, or DN, is the unique entry for an LDAP record.

4. Question 0 / 1 puntos

Which is NOT an advantage of replication of data in terms of directory services?

It provides redundancy for your data.

It allows you to manage user accounts locally.

It decreases latency when you access the directory service.

It allows flexibility, allowing you to easily create new object types as your needs change.


Not quite. Please review the videos in the "What is a Directory Server?" module for a refresher.

5. Question 1 / 1 puntos

A directory service is being installed on an exclusively Windows network. Which

directory service software would be appropriate to install?



Active Directory



Awesome! Microsoft's Active Directory uses Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to
store directory data and has some customization and added features for the Windows platform.

6. Question 1 / 1 puntos

A Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) entry reads as follows: dn: CN=John
Smith ,OU=Sysadmin,DC=jsmith,DC=com. What is the common name of this entry?

John Smith



CN=John Smith ,OU=Sysadmin,DC=jsmith,DC=com


Right on! CN is the common name of the object. In this case, since it’s a person, we use John
Smith as the name.

7. Question 0 / 1 puntos

Which of these statements are true about Domain Controllers (DCs)? Check all that

Delegation can be used in Active Directory.


Right on! Just like you can set NTFS DACLs to give accounts permission in the file
system, you can set Access Control Lists on Active Directory objects.

You should always use your Domain Admin or Enterprise Admin for day-to-day use.

This should not be selected

Not quite. Please review the videos in the "Managing Active Directory" module
for a refresher.

Changes that are safe to be made by multiple Domain Controllers at once are tasked by
granting them Flexible Single-Master Operations.
The default Organizational Unit (OU) called Domain Controllers contains all Domain
Controllers in the domain.


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8. Question 0 / 1 puntos

Juan, a network user, sends an email to you, the IT admin of the network, stating that
his account is locked because he has lost his password. Select all appropriate steps in
helping Juan resolve his situation. Check all that apply.

We need to check the "User must change password at next logon" box so a new
password can be created at the next logon.


You got it! We’re going to have to make sure that the "User must change
password at next logon" box is checked to force a password reset on next logon.

Issue a temporary password.

Ask Juan questions to help him remember his password.

Make sure the password reset is authorized by verifying that Juan is who he says he is.


You got it! Password reset should only be done when you’re absolutely sure that
the person requesting the password reset is allowed to do so. Many organizations
will have policies and procedures that require the request to be made in person,
or that the person otherwise prove that they are who they say they are.


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9. Question 1 / 1 puntos

You'd like to change the minimum password length policy in the Default Domain Policy
group policy preference (GPO). What's the best way to go about doing this?

Open ADAC and edit policy settings there

Open the Group Policy Management Console by running gpmc.msc from the CLI

Manually edit config files in SYSVOL

Edit the Windows Registry to change group policy settings


Well done! To change a group policy, we need to open GPMC and edit policy settings there.

10. Question 1 / 1 puntos

What are the main differences between OpenLDAP and Microsoft's Active Directory
(AD)? Check all that apply.

AD is open-source, and OpenLDAP is not.

OpenLDAP works on any operating system, AD does not.


Great work! OpenLDAP can also be used on any operating system, including
Linux, Mac OS, even Microsoft Windows.

OpenLDAP doesn't work on Windows, but AD can be used on any operating system.

OpenLDAP is open source, and AD is not.


Great work! OpenLDAP is a popular directory service that is free and open-source.


Great, you got all the right answers.

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