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1. Question: What is the use of Customer Relationship Management to seller?

Answer: I have learned that Customer Relationship Management is the combination of practices,
strategies and technologies that is use to manage and analyze customer interactions. CRM helps
seller to gain an insight into the behavior of their customers and adjust their operations and
strategies to ensure that customers are served in the best possible way. Since all the customer-
related data is stored in CRM, it helps seller to analyze the needs of their customers and even
anticipate and foresee their problems. All this increases customer satisfaction and ensures
loyalty, as well as higher profit margins. By means of understanding their customer needs and
behavior, sellers were able to identify the correct time to promote their product. CRM will also
help sellers segment their customers and give them insight into which are the more profitable
customer groups. CRM helps seller to optimize their daily schedules and prioritize tasks to make
sure customers are not ignored. In fact, CRM allows sellers to spend more time with customers,
which leads to a stronger customer base. Finally, it helps seller to safely and centrally store their
contacts, sales opportunities, activities and scheduled plans in one place, and have uninterrupted
access to the database from multiple locations. Rest assured that their data won’t just get lost.

2. Question: What is the use of Customer Relationship Management to customer?

Answer: As what Mr. Reyes taught us, Customer Relationship Management is all of the
activities, strategies and technologies that companies use to manage their interactions with their
current and potential customers. As what they said, “customer is king", truly, customer serves
as the backbone of every business. With regards to that, CRM system facilitates development of
better and effective communication channels. Therefore, CRM have a chance to provide
customers with various ways of communication. At this point, customers can contact companies
through a variety of channels, including email, phone and website. They can also contact through
different departments, such as sales, marketing and customer service which provides customer an
easy access. CRM software can speed up responses to customer inquiries by using ready-made
email templates. In addition, CRM provides a better customer experience by being able to
instantly offer the latest information on the products, deals and contracts, as well as to quickly
answer customer questions. Finally, Customers are important as no business exists without its
customer base. When it comes to dealing with customer service requests, speed is everything.
With all contact interaction history just a click away, CRM can serve customers in the most
efficient way by offering quick solutions to problems and not to mention that phone calls can be
made straight from the system.

3. Question: What is the use of Customer Relationship Management to companies and business

Answer: CRM is a useful tool for companies and business establishments because it helps them
build relationship with their customers that, in turn, creates loyalty and customer retention. Since
customer loyalty and revenue are both qualities that affect a company’s revenue, CRM is a
management strategy that results in increased profits for a business. CRM helps businesses learn
about their customers, including who they are and why they purchase your products, as well as
trends in customers’ purchasing histories. Furthermore, CRM software allows businesses to
optimize their customer interactions. By means of simplifying many of the more complex
customer interaction processes, CRM increases customer satisfaction. Finally, CRM strategy
helps in building up better communication within the company. Sharing customer data between
different departments will enable them to work as a team. Each employee will also be able to
answer customer questions on what is going on with their product or service. By functioning as a
well-informed team, it will help increase the company’s efficiency overall and offer a better
service to customers.

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