CerealBoxProject 1

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Cereal Rubric
2016- 2017
_____/325 pts

The purpose of this assignment is for students to demonstrate that they understand and know about
how to read a Nutrition Label and what it takes for a cereal to be healthy.

You must make up your own cereal. (Including a logo, the Nutritional Value and a Spokesperson.) You
are also to create a Box for your Cereal. Then you must present it to the class.

Actively worked on the Cereal Box every day in class- _____/150 pts

What is your Cereal Called? - _____/20 pts

What is the slogan?- _____/5 pts

Who is the spokesperson?-_____/10 pts
What is the Logo? _____/10 pts
Nutritional Facts Label -
○ Serving Size- _____/15 pts
○ Fat Content-
■ Saturated Fat- _____/5 pts
■ Trans Fat- _____/5 pts
■ Polyunsaturated Fat-_____/5 pts
■ Monounsaturated Fat-_____/5 pts
○ Total Carbohydrates-
■ Dietary Fiber- _____/5 pts
■ Sugars- _____/5 pts
■ Other Carbohydrates- ____/5 pts
○ Vitamins-____/20pts
○ Calories-_____/15pts
■ From Fat- _____/10 pts
○ All the Daily Values of the above listed- _____/15 pts
○ Cereal with Milk?- _____/15 pts
○ Ingredients List-______/20pts

Why did you choose this Cereal?- ___/25 pts

Presented to the Class- ______/50pts

Extra Credit Options

Brought in their own Box- _____/5pts
Made a sample of Cerel-_____/25pts
Project Based Lesson
I have attached about the Project based Lesson I use. I teach this once a year to my foods
classes. I truly enjoy teaching this lesson because they students learn so much and they also
love it so much as well. They get to create their own cereal, including the name, design a box,
and the logo. As well as they can create some of the cereal for a sampling. This uses almost all
core subjects to create and complete this assignment. The students use the rubric up above to
create their project in small groups.

Cooperative Lesson Plan

Bellow is a lesson plan that uses Powerpoint presentations, lesson worksheets, and the rubric.
Students will work in groups to cook in a cookoff with partners. The rubrics are included in the
lesson when you buy it. I could use this actually this next week teaching. Students love to
compete and work with their peers.

My Plate

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