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113 113 | FIRST YEAR OF 3-YEAR B.A. (HONS.) ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, 2016 CLUSTER—2 (JAPANESE, KOREAN AND CHINESE) | Field of Study Code : JAPU (403) / KORU (404) / CHNU (405) ] FIRST YEAR OF 3-YEAR B.A. (HONS.) ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, 2016 CLUSTER—2 (JAPANESE, KOREAN AND CHINESE) SUBJECT ...... peter ete es | (Field of Study /Language) Time Allowed : 3 hours idle ares 160) FIELD OF STUDY CODE . NAME OF THE CANDIDATE ..... . INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES ()) Attempt all questions. (i) AU! answers must be written directly on the question paper, Nothing must be attached to the question paper. REGISTRATION NO. (ii) The Question Paper has two Sections— Section—A and Section—B. CENTRE OF EXAMINATION .. . (iv) Answer the questions of Section—A by putting a circle around the letter (a or b. or c. or dj; for example, @ representing the correct choice. DATE et ath ecetecstes etd (*} If more than one answer is selected, the answer will be marked wrong. (Signature of Candidate) (vi) No half mark will be awarded. Eee eee eee eee (Signature of Invigitator) (vil) One extra sheet provided at the end of the paper can be utilized for rough work, “Signature and Seal of Presiding Officer) /113-A, /113-A /113-A 2 SECTION—A : { Marks : 50 } Question Nos. 1-40 are of 1 mark each. Question Nos. 41-45 are of 2 marks each Encircle the correct answer : 1, ____ getting the highest marks in the class, Ashish still had problems with the teacher. a. Despite of b. In spite of c. Eventhough d. Nonetheless 2. he was seen to be an aggressive politician, he was a quiet and loving family man at home. a. Although b, Despite In spite of d, Nevertheless 3. This method is widely used algorithm is not only effective but also very simple. a. because its b. because c. it is because d. because of its our own situation into perspective. 4. That is @ story of hardship a. puts b. it puts cc. that it puts d. that puts 113-0 3 5. The police were greatly outnumbered by rioters, 6. Its said that he was aman, 7. After the discovery of the abandoned getaway vehicle, nearby riverside forest region. a 8. You'd better take a taxi. ___, you'll be late. a Therefore Consequently Furthermore Otherwise whose figures: those figures that its figures its figures that who appeared he appeared that appears and appears that the bank robber is the bank robber who the bank robber is the bank robber who is ran into hundreds. to have the vision of an eagle and courage of a lion. believed to be hiding in the 9, Mohan wasn’t tired. » he took a nap. a. Otherwise b. In spite of c. Hence 4. Nevertheless 10. The weather was terrible. , we decided to delay our trip. a Furthermore b. Therefore c. Besides d. Otherwise Encircle the correct meaning of the underlined idioms : 11. He is out and out a reactionary. a. no more b. thoroughly cin favour of 4. deadly against 12. Leaders should not only make speeches they should also be prepared to bell the cat. a, to take lead in danger b, to tie a bell to a cat’s neck ¢. to be alert of the enemy d. to make noise 13. Oily tongue a Flattery >. Hungry person c. Strong critic d. Rich food 7113-4, 5 [P.7.0. Encirele the correct answer : 14, 18. 16. 17. 18. 4 ike red T-shirt over there. The one with the white dots. aoa ban c. the d. None of the above What do you usually have for breakfast? aoa b. an c. the d. None of the above My friend is good volleyball. a in b. to ce. with dat Sunil apologized ____ being late. a. with b to ce. for a. in Which of the following is a synonym for Apparent? a. Masked b. Obscure cc. Distinct 4, Indistinet 19, 20. Architect : Building : Sculptor : ? a. Museum b. Stone ©. Chisel 4. Statue ‘Boat is to water’, Therefore, ‘Plane is to a fly bd. sky ©, float 4. air Find the odd one out and encircle the correct answer : 22, a, Crusade bd. Cruise c. Expedition @. Campaign a, Comea Retina © Vision a. Pupil [P.T.0. Encircle the correct answer : 23, The words in italics are translated from an artificial language. agnoscrenia means poisonous spider delanocrenia means poisonous snake agnosdeery means brown spider Which word could mean ‘black widow spider? a. deeryciostagnos b. agnosdelano ¢. agnosvitriblunin 4. trymuttiagnos. 24, The words in italics are translated from an artificial language. Jjalkamofti means happy birthday maftihoze means birthday party mentogunn means goodness Which word could mean ‘happiness”? a. jalkagunn b. mentohoze c. — moftihoze d. hozement 28. ‘The words in italics are translated from an artificial language. myncabel means saddle horse conowir means rail ride cabelalma means horse blanket Which word could mean ‘horse ride’? @. cabelwir b. conocabel c. almamyn 4. conoalma /113-A 8 In the following letter series, some of the letters are missing, which are given in that order as one of the alternatives below. Choose and encircle the correct alternative : 26, _a_b_abaa_bab_abb a aaabb b. ababb c« babab a babba 27. gfe_ig_eii_fei_gt_ii a eifgi . b. figie e ifgie 5 a. ifige Encircle the correct answer : 28. Look at the series 80, 10, 70, 15, 60, _ What number should come next? a 20 b. 25 c 30 4 50 29. Look at the series 2, 6, 18, 54, __ What number should come next? a 108 ‘ b. 148 co 162 a 216 30. There are eight mango trees in a straight line. The distance between each mango tree is three metres, What is the distance between the first mango tree and the eighth mango tree? a. 24m > 27m 30m do 21m 7113-4, 9 [P.7.0. Each question given below consists of a statement, followed by two Arguments I and II. ‘You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which is a weak argument. 31, 7113-4 10 32. Statement : Should all the annual examinations up to Std V be abolished? ‘Argument I: Yes. The young students should not be burdened with such examinations which hampers their natural growth Argument Il; ; No. The students will not study seriously as they will get automatic promotion to the next class and this will affect them in future. a. Only argument I is strong b. Only argument Il is strong Neither argument I nor argument Il is strong @. Both arguments I and Il are strong Statement Should there be a cap on maximum number of contestants for parliamentary clections in any constituency? Argument 1 Yes. This will make the parliamentary elections more meaningful as the voters can make a considered judgment for casting their votes. Argument I : No. In a democracy any person fulfilling the eligibility criteria can contest parliamentary elections and there should be no restrictions. a. Only-argument I is strong b. Only argument Il is strong cc. Neither argument I nor argument Il is strong d. Both arguments I and Ii are strong Encircle the correct answer : 33. Who was the leader to announce the establishment of the People’s Republic of China atop Tiananmen Square on October 1, 1949? Lu Xun b. Deng Xiaping ¢. Sun-Yatsen Mao Zedong 34, The Chinese currency ‘Yuan’ is also known as a. Yen b. RMB Won Dong 38. The largest island of Korea also considered a vacation paradise by Koreans is a. Koje-do b. Ullung-do ©. Nami-do a. Cheju-do 1113-A 11 [P.T.O. 36. What percentage of Korea is mountainous? a 70% b. 40% ce. 50% a. 25% 37. Which Asian country will host the 2020 Olympics? a, Korea >. Japan ©. China d. Singapore 38. What is the national flower of Japan? a. Cherry blossom b. Chrysanthemum c. Wisteria d. Rose /113-A, 12 39. Plastic Bags : Think Twice Almost every store puts its products into plastic bags. They are easy, convenient, strong and lightweight. They are also terrible for the environment. Plastic bags are typically used for only a few hours—may be even a few minutes, However, it can take hundreds of years for them to break down in a landfill. When plastic bags end up in the wild, they can be very dangerous to animals, who might eat the bags or get tangled up in them. ‘The next time you go shopping, be sure to bring reusable bags with you. Which of the following best describes the order of ideas as presented in the passage? a. Benefits are put forth, drawbacks are articulated, a judgment is made b. A question is asked, an answer is given, an answer is rejected c. A fact is described, a question is asked, an opinion is examined 4. A problem is explained, evidence is provided, a solution is offered 40, Land of Few New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. It was first discovered by Europeans in 1642. It was one of the last places of Earth to be settled by humans. ‘Today, New Zealand is home to almost five million people. That may sound like a lot. But it’s actually not compared to other countries with the same amount of land. New Zealand has few people. But it has many sheep—just over 30 million of them. That means there are about 7 sheep for every 1 person. That may sound strange. But it makes sense. Wool is one of New Zealand’s biggest exports. ‘The author wrote this passage mostly to a. illustrate New Zealand’s beauty b. examine New Zealand's export c. discuss New Zealand’s population d. identify New Zealand's problem /113-A, 13 [P.7.0. Read the following passage and encircle the correct answer : Among the most important themes in the Disney movie The Little Mermaid are those of questioning conventional thinking, and pursuing a dream. Not only is Ariel, the little mermaid, demonstrating original thought (something that many seem to think she is lacking), but also she is rebelling against her speciesist father. When Ariel expresses her love for the human prince, King Trident is furious. When Ariel points out angrily that he does not understand her, or even know the man whom she loves, Trident retorts, “Know him? I don't need to know him! He’s a human!” In a very real way Disney is encouraging children to question preconceived ideas that we may have against a certain group. Disney also teaches children to pursue what they love. We see that Ariel’s love for Prince Eric is more important than all else. in turning to the Sea Witch, Ursula, for help, Ariel makes a mistake, but no true hero or heroine is flawless. Ariel puts herself, her family, and all men folk in danger, but we see that with the help of her prince, she is able to put everything right. At the end of the film, when Ursula has forced King Trident to sacrifice his kingdom for his caughter's soul, the Sea Witch rises out.of the water, gigantic and terrifying, wearing the king’s crown and holding his magic trident. She laughs evilly and declares that she is the ruler of all mermen and women. “So much for true love” she screams victoriously. Eric, however, succeeds in piloting the prow of his ship straight through her belly, vanquishing her. The moral here is that while we all make mistakes, what is truly important is, how we right the wrongs we may do to cthers. 41. The author's attitude towards The Little Mermaid is primarily one of a. appreciation b. frustration c. — stoicism d. ambivalence 42. Ursula’s quote “So much for true love” primarily suggests a. the marriage was unacceptable to her b. she was mocking true love c, she is speciesist 4. Trident was her true love 7113-A 14 43. Which of the following would best illustrate assertion made in the lines “Disney is encouraging children to question preconceived ideas that we may have against a certain group’? b. ©. 4. A movie about the development of the iPod A movie that details the horrors of war A movie about a girl who overcomes her fear of snakes A movie that documents the travels of a rock band Why does the author use parentheses around the comment (Something that many seem to think she is lacking)? The 113-4, To indicate a side comment to the reader To indicate that it is unimportant To indicate a humorous tone To indicate a shift in meaning author's main point ins the passage is Ariel should not have been allowed to marry Prince Eric only Prince Eric truly understood Ariel Ariel demonstrated original thought The Little Mermaid teaches children to follow their heart 15 {P.T.O. SECTION—B { Marks : 50 ) All questions are compulsory Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles/prepositions : 1, The potatoes are ten rupees .. kilogram. 2, The car does 100 kilometers .. 3. Tmet him at we seuss School playground. 4. She stays bed until ten every morning. Tam prepared .. .. any questions. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences : 6. of humankind / the habit / reading is / one of / resources / of / the greatest /113-A 16 Bx294 are / we enjoy / that / belong to us / than if / much more / they / borrowed / reading books Rewrite the sentences correctly : 2x36, 8. The man to who I sold my house was a cheat. 9. The performance of our players was rather worst than I had expected. 10. A lot of travel delay is caused due to the inefficiency and lack of good management ‘on behalf of the railways. 13-4 7 [P.T.0. 11, Observe the following two pictures on cleanliness, drive undertaken by schools : Write a few jines on what is common and uncommon in them. 7113-A 18 10 113-A 19 [P7.0. 12. How do you think the language you have chosen to study is going to benefit you in the future? 13-4 20 18. Choose any social/cuitural/political news you may have read or seen on television and summarize it in 300 words. What are your views on the piece of news? 20 113-4, 21 [P.7.0. 7113-A 22 [P.T.0. 23 7113-A SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK /113-A, 24 E16—3525%2

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