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The pandemic brought about by the spread of the Corona Virus Disease 2019
(COVID 19) has reshaped education. From the traditional face-to-face learning, schools,
including Philippine School Doha (PSD), have been forced to think of new ways to promote
learning continuity. While it is true that the danger of COVID 19 looms around the world,
we educators cannot let this fear paralyze us and prevent us from carrying out our mission
and vocation of providing quality education for our learners. Hence, the conceptualization
of this module was born.
This module was born out of the necessity for education to continue despite the
lack of face-to-face instruction. It is a true testament of an educator’s resilience, to bounce
back from a challenge in order to make sure that the learning adventure with the students
continues. This is designed as an interactive-storytelling module where learners are
regarded as ADVENTURERS who traverse from one learning destination to another. This
learning kit is supplemented with synchronous learning via Zoom or Google Meet and
asynchronous learning through supplemental open educational resources like videos,
podcasts, and text.
Dear Adventurer, I, teacher Wama your English 8 teacher and virtual tour guide,
warmly welcome you to our learning journey together.




Table of Contents
Module No. Topics Page No.

Preface 2

Role of Parents 4

General Objectives 6

Learning Objectives 7

Module Overview 7

1 The Beginning of My Afro-Asian Adventure 10

References 26

Virtual Classroom Policies 26

Grading System


The Role of Parents
The School-Home or Parent-Teacher partnership is very vital in the students’ academic
achievement and success in education. Parents play an important role in their children’s
attitudes about learning and support learning at home. This partnership is an important
factor to help students reach their maximum potential. As we shift to a new paradigm of
the online teaching-learning process, we believe that educating students cannot be
achieved by teachers’ efforts alone. Parents’ involvement in the education of their children
is essential. Thus, parents are encouraged to play the following roles to supplement that
of the teachers’.

 Setting up parental controls for a safe and worry-free screen time of their children
 Providing physical and technical support in setting up the children’s learning station
at home, checking internet connection and any laptop malfunction
 Providing a conducive place for their children to work during live lessons, with good
lighting, quiet and comfortable venue for learning
 Providing necessary school materials/equipment needed as required by the subject
teachers for their children’s project/ output/ performances/ activities
 Making sure that their children are dressed appropriately (school uniform) while
participating in live lessons
 Establishing routines/ schedule and house rules in online (synchronous) and offline
learning (asynchronous)
 Monitoring the conduct of proper behavior of their children during live
 Ensuring that the child is on task within the given schedule
 Monitoring the children’s work constantly by browsing the module or logging on
to the PSD e-desk /learning portal
 Monitoring their children’s progress in school regularly, by constantly checking
their work through browsing the module and logging on to the PSD e-desk portal
and making sure that the homework/ assigned activities are done
 Motivating their children to do their best in everything that they do by giving
commendations on their achievements and encouraging them to work
 Maintaining harmonious parent-teacher relationship and attending scheduled
parent-teacher conferences and other important school meetings
 Reading communication sent by the school and accomplishing the required
response for each letter
 Answering the school’s online survey and correspondence as honestly and
promptly as possible
 Communicating clarifications or issues with the teacher within the official work


 Keeping in touch with the teachers to keep themselves up-to-date with their
children’s progress
 Raising issues and concerns through the proper forum
 Complying with the school policies on discipline and integrity
 Following protocols set by the various school offices in transacting academic
concerns, payments, and other school-related matters
 Maintaining a happy disposition to create a safe space for their children where they
can lay out all their issues or concerns that are bothering them to treat their parents
as their friends
 Coaching/ helping students to build good habits and develop skills in good time
 Looking for ways to inspire their children to avoid stress and discomfort of
performing the task


General Objectives
As you go through different adventures in this module, you will be exploring the
African and Asian region through its literature. Along the way, you will also be developing
language, literacy, and communication skills. Aside from these skills, your Afro-Asian
literary adventures will also lead to a better understanding of the Afro-Asian culture and
tradition. Most importantly, it is expected that you will be able to develop core values like
empathy and compassion through the selected texts and various activities.

By the end of your travel adventure in this module, you should be able to:
1. apply different reading techniques;
2. determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by
noting context clues;
3. note implicit signals used by the writer to indicate coherence;
4. explain visual-verbal relationships illustrated in tables, graphs and information
maps found in expository text;
5. compare and contrast the presentation of the same topic in different literary
6. compare and contrast one’s belief/ convictions with those presented in a material
7. review subject-verb agreement;
8. use parallel structures;
9. determine various social, moral, and economic issues discussed in the text;
10. analyze literature as a mirror to a shared heritage of people with diverse
11. review different types of paragraphs;
12. apply conventions, mechanics and style in writing effective paragraphs; and
13. develop paragraphs that illustrate each text type.



Timeframe: 15 days (synchronous and asynchronous learning)

In this module, you are going to go on an Afro-Asian adventure by reviewing,

relearning and applying different reading styles in understanding and appreciating Afro-
Asian literary text.
By the end of your travel adventure in this module, you should be able to:
1. differentiate scanning from skimming;
2. apply appropriate reading styles;
3. evaluate text through reading for critical understanding; and
4. create an advocacy promoting the importance of literacy and education.
Ultimately, your enriched literacy skills and rediscovered love for Afro-Asian literature
will transform you into reading advocates and promoters of literacy.

This module is designed as an itinerary of your Afro-Asian adventure through your

reading of various Afro-Asian literature. In the course of your journey, you will also enrich
your literacy and language skills as you traverse from one concept to another. This module
is divided into six different learning destinations:

(The Call to Adventure): This section contains the different tour packages of concepts
that you need to learn during your Afro-Asian Adventure. Aside from text presentations of
the concepts in this module, you will be aided with additional educational videos,
infographics, and other learning materials that you can access via the PSD E-desk. You also
have your English Teacher, Teacher Wama, as your tour guide in this journey. So, worry not
dear Adventurer!


(Guided Tour): This destination asks you to step out of this module and go on a tour
via Zoom or Google meet together with other fellow adventurers. Here your virtual tour
guide, Teacher Wama, will help you clear doubts and misunderstanding. This is also the
part where you can share your learning and adventures with other adventurers. A journey
is more fun when shared with others!

(At the Crossroads): This section gives lesson exercises to check what you have learned
from the different concept tour packages in The Call to Adventure section. Remember the
lessons, reflect, and revisit the concept tour packages if you must. You need all these to
choose the right paths in your adventure.

(Taking a Detour): This section gives a side trip of additional learning adventure to clear
out the bushes of misunderstanding and confusion. As you get near your destination, an
adventurer’s mind must be clear from doubts and confusion. Go ahead and take this

Learning Output
(The Ultimate Treasure): This section requires you do challenging tasks like solving
problems and mysteries. This will not be easy, but an Adventurer like you must go through
tests and challenges before you can claim your treasure. Stick with it, dear Adventurer!
Your reward is waiting.


Learning Outcome
(You did it!): This section calls on you to highlight and showcase your significant
discoveries and learning. Armed with knowledge, skills, and values, be ready to show the
new and better version of yourself dear Adventurer.

The path in your adventure is not a straight line, there are twists and turns.
Sometimes, there is a need to revisit learning destinations to deepen your understanding
of the lesson before you can move to another learning destination. Yet, full of twists and
turns the path may be, I believe that you have what it takes to succeed Adventurer. Carry


The Call to Adventure
At the start of your adventure, you meet a fellow adventurer named Asha. She
plans to travel to some Asian countries but has no idea how. Her first concern is how much
she needs for the tour. Help Asha by looking for the information that she needs from the
travel blog below.

Sample SOUTHEAST ASIA Itineraries

Southeast Asia is a favorite region for vacationers because it’s cheap, exotic, tourist-
friendly, and if you’re an ASEAN resident, close to home. Every day, we get
messages asking for sample Vietnam-Cambodia or Cambodia-Thailand or Singapore-
Malaysia itinerary. So here it is: a compilation of sample multi-country routes!
Itinerary #1: Thailand-Cambodia for 6 Days

Stops: Bangkok + Ayutthaya Day Tour, Siem Reap

Entry point: Bangkok
Exit point: Siem Reap
Estimated Budget: USD 245 (QAR 892)

I’ve done this itinerary twice (as part of a longer trip), and I am willing to do it again
given the chance. This itinerary is easy, and it showcases two of the region’s most
amazing destinations: Bangkok and Siem Reap.

Itinerary #2: Vietnam-Cambodia for 7 Days

Stops: Ho Chi Minh City, Phnom Penh, Siem Reap

Entry point: Ho Chi Minh City
Exit point: Siem Reap
Estimated Budget: USD 260 (QAR 947)


How much does Asha need to prepare for itinerary 1? _____________

How much does Asha need to prepare for itinerary 2? ____________

How did you find the answers for the questions above?

Did you read the whole article or did you scan the article for keywords about prices?

WAMA A. JORBINA, DALC P a g e | 10

Skimming and Scanning

There are occasions when you do not have to read a selection thoroughly and pay attention to all the
details in it. A busy adventurer like you needs to learn speed-reading techniques in order for you to move
from one place to another fast. There are two techniques in speed reading: SKIMMING and SCANNING.

Read and analyze the infographics below to know more about skimming or scanning.

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Let’s go back to Asha’s situation, if she had to find the answer to her question about
the budget for the tour, would you recommend scanning or skimming the blog?

Explain your choice.

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Guided Tour

You’re doing great dear Adventurer, you deserve a quick stop. Be ready with your
answers to the questions in your first adventure, your virtual tour guide, Teacher Wama
will discuss your answers together with other fellow adventurers like you.

At the Crossroad
Did you enjoy your break Adventurer? Now back to your learning adventure! Let us
review what you have learned from your previous tour. Given the situations below, decide
what is the appropriate speed-reading technique for each item. This exercise is uploaded
in the quiz section of the PSD E-desk, answer it there.

1. Given a book about African wildlife, Jin wants to know the life
span of a cheetah. ______________

2. Maru has to know the capital cities of each Southeast Asian

country. ______________

3. Father wants to know the opinion of the writer about the Anti-
terror bill. ______________

4. The patient wants to know the chemical content of his

medicine based on the medicine bottle label. ______________
5. The teacher reads the student’s journal for her to have an idea
how students feel about the story. ______________

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The Call to Adventure
Great job for passing the challenge Adventurer! Now, we are off to our next
learning tour. For this section let us focus on scanning. Go to page 37 of your Everyday Life
in Afro-Asian Literature book, scan through the first story, A Cup of Tea, fill in the table
with the necessary information from the story. Time yourself and record how long it took
you to find the answers. A word file of the table is also found on the PSD e-desk. Download
the file and put your answers there.

Time Duration:
Questions Answers
1. Who was the Japanese master during
the Meiji period?
2. Who visited the Japanese master?
3. What overflew while being poured?
4. What school of thought did the
professor want to learn from the
Japanese master?

Well done Adventurer! You did well but there is still a room for you to improve. Read and
understand the tips below to be better at scanning.

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At the Crossroad
Time to apply what you have learned dear Adventurer, go back to page 37 of your
Everyday Life in Afro-Asian Literature book, scan through the second story, Muddy Road, fill
in the table below with the necessary information from the story. Time yourself and record how
long it took you to find the answers. A word file of the table is also found on the PSD e-desk.
Download the file and put your answers there.

Time Duration:______________

Questions Answers
1. What was the vocation of Ekido and
2. Whom did Tanzan help while crossing
the road?
3. How did he help that person?
4. What is one thing that Ekido and
Tanzan were prohibited from doing?

The Call to Adventure

Good job, Adventurer! Now that you have toured the city of scanning, it is time for
you to move to the land of skimming. Go to page 37 of your Everyday Life in Afro-Asian
Literature, skim through the Zen story entitled Obedience and answer the question below.
Answers must be one to three sentences only. Write the time duration for skimming and
answering above the answer. Upload the word file of your answer on the PSD e-desk.

Time Duration: ___________

What was Bankei’s style of teaching?


Way to go Adventurer! To do better in you next skimming excursion, read and understand
the following advice on how to go about the land of skimming smoothly.

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At the Crossroad

Venture into the land of skimming, go to page 38 of your Everyday Life in Afro-
Asian Literature. Skim through the story Right or Wrong and answer the question below.
Answers must be one-three sentences only. Write the time duration for skimming and
answering above the answer. Upload the word file of your answer on the PSD e-desk.

Time Duration: ____________

Why did Bankei keep forgiving the thief even if the accused repeated
his mistake again and again?


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Guided Tour

You have successfully completed your scanning and skimming tour, Adventurer. High five
to you! Be ready to discuss the answers to the following questions when you meet your
virtual tour guide Teacher Wama.

- Did your time duration for scanning and skimming improve after you have
learned about the tips and advice for scanning and skimming?
- If yes, which scanning and skimming tips really helped you?
- If no, give possible reasons why it did not improve.
- Give at least one more tip for scanning and skimming.

Taking a Detour
You have successfully ventured on scanning and skimming. Keep all the
learning adventurer, they will come in handy as you get to the peak of your adventure. For
this part, let us take a little detour on to the land of critical reading.

While scanning and skimming are important in noting important details right away, there
are times in your literary adventure when you are asked to have a deeper understanding
of the text. You will be asked not just to get information in plain sight but to analyze,
evaluate, and judge. In this case, you need to apply critical reading skills. Read the
infographic on the following page to know more about critical reading.

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WAMA A. JORBINA, DALC P a g e | 18
Youtube Adventure!

Take a pause from your adventure in this module and hop to Youtube. Scan the QR
code below to venture into Youtube for more learning on critical reading. As you watch
the video take down notes using the Cornell Note system, see the example below.

Scan this QR code

Cornell Note:
Questions (2) key words, concepts, ideas,
drawing, scribbles

What is the video about?
What did you learn from the video?


Guided Tour

Be prepared to ask your questions and discuss what you’ve learned about critical reading
with your virtual tour guide Teacher Wama and other fellow adventurers.

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At the Crossroad
Use critical reading in understanding and appreciating the Japanese allegory
entitled The Gentlemen of the Jungle on page 18-21 of your Everyday Life in Afro-Asian
Literature book. After that, fill in the diagram with the needed details. A file of the diagram
is uploaded on the PSD E-desk, download the file, answer and upload the file with your
answers on the PSD E-desk. You are also free to design your own mind map, just make sure
to include all the needed details asked in the sample.

WAMA A. JORBINA, DALC P a g e | 20


Guided Tour
Your virtual tour guide will discuss the story The Gentlemen of the Jungle, share
your ideas and learning about the story with other fellow adventurers. Ask questions, or
tell your tour guide if there is a concept that is still unclear to you. Your next learning
destination will be full of challenging tasks, so make sure that you are well-equipped with
the right knowledge and skills.

Take a break Adventurer, even an active adventurer like you needs rest in order to have
more energy for the next learning destination.

This secret Asian treasure is waiting for you,


WAMA A. JORBINA, DALC P a g e | 21

The Ultimate Treasure

After a series of concept tours and detour, you are ready for the next challenge. Do
the following tasks with your whole heart and mind, and a treasure will surely be yours in
the end:

First Task: Synchronous Quiz on Scanning, Skimming, and Critical Reading (with your tour
guide, Teacher Wama)
Date: ___________________________
Second Task: Read the story A Country Boy Quits School (page 61-67, Everyday Life in
Afro-Asian Literature). Create a mind map/ schematic diagram containing the following
a. Title and Author
b. Main Characters and description
c. Problem and Solution
d. Lesson that we can learn
e. Points/ events in the story that you like or dislike
f. Comparison of yourself and that of the Country Boy
Due Date: ______________________

You are bound to your final mission adventurer but before that, relax and take a break.

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You did it!

For your last mission in this adventure you are first called to reflect on the skills that
you have attained through the skills checklist. Then you are called to inspire other
adventurers through your advocacy project promoting reading and education.
Skills checklist: On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, rate yourself
according to the skills that you have developed in this adventure. Write remarks on how
you can improve this skill, or give the reason for your rating. After the rating, you also need
to fill in the reflection box by completing the phrases. A word file of this checklist is
uploaded on the PSD e-desk, download the file, answer it, then upload the answered
checklist on the PSD e-desk.

Skills Rate Remarks

1. I can locate important facts and keywords in a
text quickly through scanning.
2. I can draw out the gist or the main idea of a
text rapidly through skimming.
3. I can distinguish which speed-reading
technique should I use in different situations.
4. I can read a text carefully and actively for
critical understanding.
5. I can explain the themes from literature and
relate them to my experiences.
6. I can inspire others to realize the importance
of reading and education.

The most important lesson that I’ve learned from this adventure is ….

I can apply this lesson in the following situations (give at least 2)…

Aside from the lessons, I have also developed the value or trait of…

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My Advocacy: After your adventures in scanning, skimming, critical reading, and learning
from Afro-Asian selections, you have become a different person dear Adventurer. You can
also inspire others to take on a learning adventure in reading and in education though a
literacy and education awareness promotion.

1. Design a campaign to promote the importance

of literacy and education.

2. Choose one from any of the following forms:

- TikTok (minimum 45 seconds; maximum 1
- Jingle Campaign (minimum 1 minute; maximum
2 minutes)
-Infomercial (minimum 1 minute; maximum 2
3. Your work will be graded as follows:
Content (explanation of advocacy)- 10 points
Clarity of Presentation -10 points
Strong call to action - 10 points
Creativity and Entertainment - 10 points
Value __________
Total 40 points
4. All output must be in the digital format and should
be uploaded on the PSD e-desk
not later than___________________.

WAMA A. JORBINA, DALC P a g e | 24

Congratulations dear Adventurer!
You have succeeded in all your challenges and mission!!!

Your efforts and determination in completing this adventure has earned you this Asian
Mandala. Bring this mandala with you in your future journey!

I am proud of you Adventurer!

Until our next learning adventure…
-- Your Virtual Tour Guide,
Teacher Wama

WAMA A. JORBINA, DALC P a g e | 25

Billiones, P.Exploring Life through Afro-Asian Literature: Phoenix Publishing
House. 2013

Villamin,A, et. al.Skill Builders for Efficient Reading: Phoenix Publishing



Reading for Critical Understanding.


Skimming and Scanning.htt:// English%202020-2021/en05skim-e3-f-skimming-


Strategies for Critical Reading.


Strategies for Skimming.


Virtual Classroom Policies

To ensure a positive and productive learning environment, all students must adhere to the
following virtual class policies:
Synchronous Learning
1. Students must be well prepared in going to the online class. They must be in the
school-provided online learning platform on time or 5 minutes before the
scheduled class.

2. Login credentials must not be shared. Sharing of login information violates other
students' and teachers' rights to confidentiality and could allow class participation
by unauthorized persons and/or lead to disruptive behaviors that detract from a
productive and positive learning environment. Students must not share their
personally identifiable information (class link, link given by the teachers,
downloaded activities) to other people.

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3. Students must make sure that their computer’s audio, video, and internet
connectivity are working before the start of classes.

4. Students must immediately notify the teacher in case untoward incidents happen
(power failure, laptop malfunction, connectivity problem, etc.)

5. Students are required to have an appropriate place (good lighting, quiet, with
strong connectivity, comfortable) in conducting synchronous lessons. They should
have a learning space free from any form of distraction around them. They should
also make sure that they are the only person who can be seen from their camera.
6. Students must use their PSD system e-mail account to log in to the Zoom or Google
Meet virtual class session.

7. Students should follow the given format for their user IDs on screen.

CN First Name Surname

Example CN 1 Leo Tan

8. Students must observe proper grooming and complete school uniform.

9. Virtual class sessions are designed for students. To prevent disruptions to the
learning environment, parents/guardians should not actively participate in check-in
sessions, although parents/guardians may assist their child with technology and/or
remain nearby.
10. Students must keep their cameras on throughout the synchronous learning
sessions to ensure a constant connection with the teacher and classmates.
Students who will turn off their cameras without a valid reason shall be
considered absent in the class interaction of learners.

11. Students should mute their respective microphones upon entering the virtual
classroom. They can only turn on their microphones when the teacher calls them
to speak and share their ideas or ask questions.

12. Students are highly encouraged to participate actively in online learning


13. Students have the right to express themselves and share their opinions and ideas
freely. However, they have to do it with full respect and courtesy.

14. Students must show respect to classmates at all times. They should refrain from
making any vulgar statements or gestures that may interrupt the class from
learning and demotivate their classmates. They should always be respectful and
courteous to other students and teachers during virtual class sessions.
Inappropriate, offensive, or threatening comments; misrepresentation of identity,

WAMA A. JORBINA, DALC P a g e | 27

and/or disruptive behavior by any participants during virtual class sessions will not
be tolerated and be reported to POD for the sanctions.

15. Since Philippine School Doha is an academic institution, appropriate and formal
language must be used at all times. Students should not use obscene, profane,
threatening, disrespectful and informal language such as Internet slang ( LOL ,
BRB, etc.)which may include but not limited to images or memes in any
communication with the teachers. PSD highly advocates against name- calling or
cyberbullying whether during synchronous sessions or elsewhere. Any violation of
this rule shall be subjected to disciplinary action.

16. Students must avoid doing any recordings or taking screenshots at any time during
synchronous learning sessions. They should not transmit or post any part of the
virtual class session on any social media platform.
17. Any confidential or personally identifiable information related to Teachers or
students participating during virtual class sessions should not be collected,
discussed, or shared.
18. Students should avoid spamming the chat boxes. The chat box is for educational
purposes, only things that are related to the lesson can be raised in the chat box.

19. Students should adhere to the provisions stipulated under the students’ manual of
the school and the new guidelines/policies set by the Office of the Prefect of
20. Students are strictly prohibited from opening social media accounts, playing
games online, and opening other sites during synchronous lessons unless
instructed by the teacher.

The Use of PSD E- Desk and Other Online Platforms

1. Students must only use the PSD E-desk and its other resources for educational
purposes only.

2. Students must practice keeping the confidentiality of information. It is

prohibited to share passwords, links (exclusive to their classes), email
addresses, and other contact information without the permission of the
concerned party.

3. Students must use an email address and profile picture that is appropriate for
an educational environment. Email addresses that use profanity or may
otherwise be construed as offensive, shall not be permitted. Profile pictures
should be a headshot of the student only and may not be offensive or
inappropriate in any manner. the teacher reserves the right to determine if a

WAMA A. JORBINA, DALC P a g e | 28

student's email address and/or profile picture is inappropriate. Students using
an inappropriate email address and/or profile picture will be required to update
their user profiles.

4. Students are strongly prohibited from using another student’s account in

logging on the PSD E-desk or other platforms.

5. Teachers will post or upload course materials or learning tasks by anytime

between 1 PM to 7 PM. Students are highly encouraged to always log on to their
PSD E-desk accounts for updates.

6. Teachers are available for consultation and concerns via the PSD E-desk forum,
psdqatar email addresses, and other duly authorized platforms as per schedule
given to students. All concerns and questions sent beyond 3 PM will receive a
response the next day.

7. Students must use written and oral communication responsibly. They have to
avoid the use of vulgar words, condescending or belittling, and aggressive
language or any forms of bullying.

8. All communications with other students must be course-related, polite,

courteous, and respectful. Sending unsolicited email to other classmates is

9. Students must report to their teachers if there is any form of communication

that they deem is inappropriate or makes them feel uncomfortable.

10. Students must be mindful of what they post online. Posting of obscene,
threatening, offensive, or inappropriate materials is prohibited.

11. Students should submit their learning tasks/homework according to the file
type specified by the teacher (MS Word, pdf, etc). All files that are too big to be
accepted in the PSD E-desk must be uploaded to a specific google drive (address
to be given by the teacher).

12. Students are given the freedom to manage their time during asynchronous
lessons, but they have to make sure to finish the task/s in the allotted period
given by the subject teachers.

Academic Honesty
1. Copying another student’s work, or allowing others to knowingly copy a
student’s work and plagiarism or misusing content from the Internet is not

WAMA A. JORBINA, DALC P a g e | 29

allowed. Once discovered, the student may incur zero marks as a result of the
misbehavior and will be dealt with accordingly.

2. Students are strongly prohibited from doing tasks or answering tests for other

3. Students are not allowed to copy or share answers to the activities during their
asynchronous lessons.

4. Students are not allowed to collaborate with other students (work with) on
your assignments unless directed to do so by your teacher. Working together is
useful in the traditional classroom, but it is not permitted in our online
environment without specific teacher instructions to do so. In addition, parents
may not log in to a student account and complete coursework on behalf of the

5. Students must inform their parents once there is a letter for parents uploaded
on the PSD E-desk. Only the parents should read and confirm all the reply slips
sent to them through the PSD E-desk.
Grading System

(To be announced)

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