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Nour Bendellaa Philippine school Doha SY 2020-2021

Marhaban, today we are

going to, learn how to
introduce ourselves
T.Nour Bendellaa Philippine school Doha SY 2020-2021

This is Josh he is from the Philippines This is Ben he is from America

-Simple introduction:

Marhaban ,kayfa haaluka?


(Hello how are you?)

Marhaban ,ana bekhair shukran . wa


anta kayfa haluka?

(Hello, am good thank you, and you?)
T.Nour Bendellaa Philippine school Doha SY 2020-2021

Ana bekhair shukran.masmuka?


(Am good thanks. What’s your name?)

esmee Josh , wa anta masmuka?


(My name is Josh and you?)

- Esmee Ben, tacharfna ya Josh.

(My name is Ben, nice to meet you Josh)

Tacharafna ya Ben. Men ayna anta?


(Nice to meet you Ben. Where are you from?)

-Ana men amreeka. ana amreeke , wa anta?

(I’m from America. I’m American, and you?)
T.Nour Bendellaa Philippine school Doha SY 2020-2021

- Ana mena alfelebeen.ana felebeene.

(I’m from the Philippines .I’m Filipino.)

Wa ayna tadrusu ya Josh?


(And where do you study Josh?)

Adrusu felmadrasate alfelebeenia be dawha. Wa


(I study in Philippine school Doha. And you?)

Wa ana kadaalek

(Me too.)
T.Nour Bendellaa Philippine school Doha SY 2020-2021

surertu be maarefateka ya Josh. taaba


yawmuk , wadaan.
(It was nice to meet you Josh. Have a good
day, bye.)

wa ana kadalek .maa salaama


(Me too .goodbye)

*Note: Practice the conversation using your personal information (names and nationality). You
can rely on the previous videos for the pronunciation.

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