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Cadillac News

WEDNESDAY, October 7, 2020

CN Trusted. Local. Connected. 75¢
in breast A breast cancer journey during COVID-19
By Victoria Martin
Cadillac News


developments in breast
cancer are always
evolving, the last de-
cade has shed a lot of
light on how different
types of cancer are
looked at and treated.
“There are so many
(developments) across
the board,” Dr. Judy
Tsai, hematology and
oncology specialist at
the Susan P. Whealake
Center in Reed City,
said. “There really is
a lot is going on right
When looking to
treat breast cancer,
Tsai said it is impor-
tant to narrow down
what type a patient is
dealing with.
The term breast
cancer, Tsai said, is
a general term that
encompasses many dif-
ferent forms.
“There are a lot of
different forms of
breast cancer and each
has a different way of RICK CHARMOLI | Cadillac News
approaching it,” she Registered nurse Jody Dwyer takes the blood pressure of cancer patient Julie Kitson, 48, of McBain at the the Susan P. Wheatlake Regional Cancer Center in Reed City.
said. Kitson has been undergoing her treatment for breast cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic and she believes it has not impacted the quality of her care at all.
Tsai said there are
three main categories
of breast cancer.
The first and gener-
ally most receptive to
McBain woman happy with cancer treatments in spite of pandemic
treatment is hormone- By Rick Charmoli returned her call, and Julie said er. Instead, he had to listen via
early August, Julie said things
receptor-positive Cadillac News she remembered running to the video conference call. It was at
changed, and she was able to
breast cancer, which is bathroom so she could have some this appointment that the doctor
bring one person to her appoint-
caused by the effect of REED CITY — On March 13, a privacy to tell him the news. With explained the size of her tumor
female hormones and lot of things changed for a lot of a smile, she remembered how and the margins around it. She
While she did bring someone,
affects more than 50% people due to COVID-19, but Julie weird it must have looked to other also had a lymph node removed.
there were a few times she didn’t,
of those diagnosed Kitson and her family started a shoppers and her mother-in-law. After she recovered from her
and that was on purpose.
with breast cancer. different journey. surgery, then she was ready to
“It was the only thing I was in
This form of breast During Presidents’ Day week- start her infusion treatment.
control of. COVID and cancer are
cancer has proven to end in February, the 48-year-old
MOVING QUICKLY not your choice, but I could con-
be receptive to hor- mother and grandmother from With the news giving on a Fri- trol coming by myself,” she said.
mone therapy and McBain, noticed her right breast day, Julie said she was scheduled
ALL SHE KNOWS She has two more infusion
tumor removal, Tsai wasn’t looking right when she to meet with her doctor the fol- When Julie first found out she treatments left with the last
said. got out of the shower. Kitson said lowing Monday. had breast cancer, she was given scheduled for Oct. 15. After that,
“If caught in the ear- her daughter was visiting so she By Friday, Julie was scheduled two options for treatment. She Julie said she will start radiation.
ly stages, there are bet- opted to call her doctor once her for surgery. While COVID-19 could have gone through the Although she has more treat-
ter ways to implement daughter had left because she was in the area, delays and the Munson Healthcare system or ments to do and radiation, Julie
chemo or hormonal didn’t want to alarm her. complete shutdown were still not Spectrum Health. She opted for said she is feeling good about how
therapy now that mini- She went to her doctor and in effect. Julie said the speed in Spectrum. things are going.
mize the chances of was told she needed a diagnos- which things happened didn’t Despite having concerns about Depending on which thing she
the cancer ever coming tic mammogram. The test was give her time to process the news having to go to Grand Rapids dur- read, Julie said she either had a
back,” she said. scheduled, as well as was an or what was happening. In turn, ing a pandemic, she quickly had lumpectomy or a partial mastec-
The second is called ultrasound. On the day her tests Julie said she didn’t have time to those concerns relieved. While tomy on her one breast. She also
HER2-positive breast were run, Kitson said she was worry about it. she is having her cancer journey said she never asked what stage
cancer, which is told not to leave without setting Looking back, Julie said she occur during a global pandemic breast cancer because it wouldn’t
caused by a specific an appointment for a biopsy. doesn’t know why she has breast she said she expected to hear change her approach. She also
protein. And the third That procedure was done, and cancer. There is no family history. more about how different things didn’t want to be burdened with
and most difficult to the results came back on March She also did the genetic testing, are from staff. how others would react or the
treat is called triple- 13. and there wasn’t anything that That, however, hasn’t happened well-intentioned stories that usu-
negative breast cancer. Although she ran a daycare for stood out. She said it could be any too much. ally follow.
Both the HER-2 and 10 years out of her home, once number of things. It could have “This is all I know,” Julie said That said, Julie did see on a file
triple-negative forms her oldest son was diagnosed been environmental, stress, or of her treatment during CO- that her breast cancer is Stage
of breast cancer affect with Type 1 Diabetes, she started maybe a weakened gene. VID-19. 3, but she is not going to let that
around 15% of those working within McBain schools’ As for the surgery, Julie said With her decision to go have dictate how she feels or dwells on
diagnosed. kitchen. The biggest reason she everything happened the same her treatment through Spectrum, negatives. She already knows it
While just as com- took the job was so she could see day including the “planting” of that also meant utilizing the Su- will be an uphill battle, much like
mon as HER2, triple- what her son was eating. a radioactive seed as a marker, a san P. Wheatlake Regional Cancer any cancer diagnosis, but she is
negative breast cancer She still is working in the mammogram, the removal of the Center in Reed City. The center ready to fight.
is the most difficult to school so, on March 13, news of seed, and then the surgery. She aims to treat the whole person
treat because it’s not schools closing due to COVID-19 was able to come home that night. including their body, mind, and
known to be caused was starting to break. She had Although things were not spirit.
by a single driver and, just been released from school completely shut down due to The center is a comprehensive AND VICE-VERSA
typically, the most ag-
Daily that day when she missed a call COVID-19, Julie said there were regional treatment facility bring- Jody Dwyer’s job is to be the
Code Type: UPC gressive
Version A of the three
Stats: 0 from the doctor. Instead of call- already restrictions in place. ing together the full range of ser- rock for the various patients that
Customer: 3075-Cadillac News
Order #: P36240-001
P.O. #:
and often MAG: 1.00
BWA: 0.0030
ing back, she opted to stop by the “Mike (her husband) was al- vices for patients. The cancer cen- come through the doors of Susan
Ordered By: only
Polarity: Positive Up
responds to
Width: 1.4690
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office, and she got the news. Julie lowed to come in, but there was ter typically features a Wellness P. Wheatlake Regional Cancer
invasive treatments
Date Run: 01/07/2003 Flexo Width: 0.0000 had breast cancer. no waiting room. He also was Center, which includes a library, Center.
such as chemotherapy. While her head was swirling allowed to come back with me,” boutique, gift shop, and an inte- As a registered nurse at the
from the news as well as from CO- she said. “He was only allowed to grative therapy room, but those facility, COVID-19 hasn’t changed
VID-19, Julie had other business order food and have it brought to services were not offered due to that. If anything, it has made her
See Developments on to attend to. him. After the surgery, we were COVID-19. Those types of servic- job that more important. What
page 4 “That day, I promised my brought back to the room, and we es have started being offered, and has changed is the thought that
mother-in-law I would take her waited until someone could walk Julie said he has utilized them. goes into, and the occasional
to Jo-Ann Fabrics. I couldn’t tell us out.” From March 20 on, Julie said overthinking that happens about
Vol. 149 No. 102 her because I hadn’t even told my Mike was allowed to be there Mike wasn’t allowed to accom- what she does in her home life
husband yet,” Julie remembered. for the surgery, but Julie said pany her to any of her appoint- that has become more difficult.
She was with her mother-in-law when the results were discussed ments. Her first infusion was on
8 11885 00300 6 in the store when her husband he was not allowed to come with- June 4. Starting in late July or See COVID on page 2

Cadillac News
2 Cadillac News - Believes in a Cure | Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Battling breast cancer during COVID pandemic

Continued from page 1 about masks, handwashing, and how im-
portant it is. That they are not only pro-
With those things weigh heavily on her tecting our family but my patients, too.”
mind, Jody said there have been times
of guilty feeling over things like going
out to eat with her family. There also has
Rick Charmoli | Cadillac
been anxiety about all the equipment she Julie Kitson has Julie knows her battle with breast can-
needed to wear. been undergoing cer is not over, but she feels she is getting
Although wearing personal protection her treatment the best care possible despite there being
equipment such as gowns and facemasks, for breast cancer a pandemic.
protective eyewear, and/or face shields during the COVID- While some would look at going
have had a place within the medical pro- 19 pandemic through cancer during a pandemic as
fession before COVID-19, Jody said it was at the Susan added stress in an already scary situa-
a lot to process when it became an all- P. Wheatlake tion, Julie said it is all she has known. In
day-everyday thing. Regional Cancer some ways, she feels as if the treatments
The first time she wore the goggles, she Center in Reed she is getting are even better because of
had an anxiety attack. City. the pandemic.
“I wasn’t mentally prepared. I had a With her infusion treatments finishing
patient sitting in the chair, and they are in October, Julie will move on to radia-
scared. I’m there, the goggles are fogging tears that night. The next day she had a It was more than just going out to eat tion. The plan is not fully fleshed out just
up, and I’m like, ‘How am I going to do better day, and as time progressed, they with her family but other decisions like yet, but she is hopeful she will be done
this,’” she said. “‘How am I going to get moved on to new face shields, and that if her children would attend school this with that by the middle of December. The
through my feelings of claustrophobia?’ has helped. fall in person or virtually. goal has always be finished with treat-
I’m trying to listen to the patient, but I While that claustrophobia has sub- “It has led to a lot of thinking and over- ment and moved into the surveillance
had a hard time. I ended up going home.” sided, the inner struggle with and the thinking. I need to be true to myself and mode by Christmas.
She said the feeling of not being able to fear of her home life potentially im- do what is right for my kids, but I also “I feel that I still get great care. If any-
be the nurse she needs to be and what she pacting her patients has not. The past want what is right for my patients,” she thing, maybe it’s more tailored toward
needs to be for her patients weigh heav- seven months have included a lot of soul said. “It has been a big struggle for me. me. I have gotten amazing care and treat-
ily on her mind. Jody said she had some searching. I gave a lot more education to my kids ment because of COVID,” she said.

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In Memory of
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515 E. 13th St., Cadillac Grandma & Mor Mor
231-775-1155 231-775-9362 Miss You So Much! The Lepine Family
Wednesday, October 7, 2020 | Cadillac News - Believes in A Cure 3

Age, family history largest factors Did you know?

determining breast cancer risk

Metro Creative Services

Women diagnosed with

breast cancer who want
to speak with someone
By Chris Lamphere one more of risk of developing They include obesity in post- who has survived the dis-
Cadillac News the disease. menopausal women, a woman ease can do so thanks to a
Dr. Judy Tsai, oncology and he- not having children at any point unique program sponsored
REED CITY — While narrow- matology specialist with Susan P. in her life, the age at which a by the American Cancer
ing down the cause of breast Wheatlake Regional Cancer Cen- woman begins menstruating Society.
cancer in any individual is very ter in Reed City, said there are a and the age at which she begins Courtesy photo The Reach to Recovery
difficult to do, experts have a number of things that have been menopause. Dr. Judy Tsai, oncology and hematol- program from the ACS
pretty good understanding about identified as being potential risk ogy specialist with Susan P. Wheatlake connects current cancer
what sort of factors make some- factors for breast cancer. See Risks on page 4 Regional Cancer Center in Reed City. patients with breast cancer
survivors via an online
Volume 149 Number 102 ©2020 Cadillac News. chat.
How to Contact THE CADILLAC NEWS: The Cadillac News retains the publication rights to all contents Patients, regardless of
produced or supplied by the Cadillac News. Use of said materials
without the written consent of the Cadillac News is prohibited.
where they are in their
Cadillac News 130 N. Mitchell St., PO Box 640, Cadillac, MI 49601 cancer journeys, can con-
Contents copyrighted; all rights reserved.
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Lavender - All Cancers Awareness ribbons have long served as a

way for people to make a statement of
support for a cause or issue.
130 N. Mitchell St., Cadillac

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Thyroid Cancer Pancreatic Cancer
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Uterine Cancer Leiomyosarcoma
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Marigold/Blue/Purple Periwinkle
Brain Cancer Honors Caregivers Kidney Cancer
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Grey Plum Orange
Cancer Kelly Green
Melanoma Leukemia Multiple Myeloma
Black Breast Cancer
Your Full Service Pharmacy Pink Burgundy
Childhood Cancer Carcinoid Cancer Head & Neck Cancer Sarcoma/Bone
Gold Zebra Stripe Burgundy/Ivory Cancer Yellow
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142 Main St, Marion 615 RW Harris Dr., Manton 102 S. Mitchell St., Suite A
231-743-9814 231-824-6655 231-775-1226

Pink - Breast Cancer Pink - Breast Cancer Lavender - All Cancers

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Auto Service INC.
215 N. Main St., Evart 9438 Morey Rd., McBain 302 N. Pine St., McBain
231-734-2707 231-825-2729 231-825-2110

Pink - Breast Cancer Lavender - All Cancers Lavender - All Cancers

McBain Family
119 N. Roland St., McBain
LC Family
Pharmacy 9052 E. 13th St., Cadillac 2141 Plett Rd., Cadillac
57 N. Morey St., Lake City
231-775-4840 231-775-9920

Pink - Breast Cancer Lavender - All Cancers Purple - Pancreatic Cancer


205 E. Cass St., Cadillac

2500 Weigel Street 411 Dailey Dr., Reed City
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Plum - Honors Caregivers Pink - Breast Cancer Teal/White - Cervical Cancer

108 E. Harris St., Cadillac 21380 M-115 Road 108 N. Mitchell St.
231-775-5711 Marion, MI 49665 231-825-4080 231-775-7424
4 Cadillac News - Believes in a Cure | Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Early warning signs for breast cancer Reach to Recovery

Continued from page 3

Metro Creative Services signs for breast cancer are not the darkening of the breast Even people facing a possible breast cancer di-
same for all women, but the most • Dimpling or puckering of the agnosis can sign up. The program works by asking
Breast cancer affects millions of common signs include a change skin patients and volunteers to join the program and cre-
women across the globe every year. in the look or feel of the breast or Women with breast cancer also ate profiles on the Reach to Recovery website (www.
According to the World Health Orga- a change in the look or feel of the may notice physical changes in their Patients then look for a match by
nization, breast cancer is the most nipple. A discharge from the nipple nipples, including: searching volunteer profiles, filtering through sug-
frequent cancer among women, af- is another common warning sign of • Itchy, scaly sore or rash on the gested matches and sending an online chat request to
fecting 2.1 million women each year. breast cancer. nipple volunteers. Patients and volunteers can then sched-
As daunting as that may seem, the Physical changes in the breast can • Pulling in of the nipple or other ule a chat and discuss any concerns patients may
WHO also notes that early diagnosis vary, but Susan G. Komen® advises parts of the breast have.
can greatly reduce a woman’s risk of women who notice these changes to It’s important that women rec- Volunteers with the Reach to Recovery program are
dying from breast cancer. bring them to the attention of their ognize that physical changes in breast cancer survivors who have been trained by the
Women can be proactive in the physicians immediately: their breasts are not necessarily in- ACS to provide peer-to-peer support to people facing
fight against breast cancer by learn- • Lump, hard knot or thickening in- dicative of breast cancer. In fact, the a breast cancer diagnosis. Volunteers can provide
ing to identify early warning signs side of the breast or underarm area American Breast Cancer Foundation support to patients, but are prohibited from offering
of the disease. The nonprofit breast • Change in the size or shape of the notes that not all lumps in the breast medical advice. More information about the Reach to
cancer advocacy organization Susan breast cause cancer and that many such Recovery program, including how to join as a patient
G. Komen® notes that the warning • Swelling, warmth, redness or lumps are benign. or volunteer, is available at

Continued from page 3 ting the disease significantly a specific driver, they are more fectively, Tsai said scientists have shown to improve a woman’s
— by five times the normal rate easily treatable. For instance, been making strides in identify- chances of not developing breast
Tsai said breast cancer is tied if someone is found to have a Tsai said hormone-receptor ing specific genetic mutations as- cancer.
to the effect that the hormone known mutation associated with positive metastatic breast cancer sociated with the disease. These One behavior that has been tied
estrogen has on the body over breast cancer. can nowadays be treated with advancements have given health to increased risk is excessive con-
an extended period of time: that While breast cancer can occur oral medication alone, allowing care providers the tools they sumption of alcohol. Tsai said
is why women who begin men- in men (about 3,000 cases occur patients to live longer and have need to develop treatment and studies have shown higher risk
struating earlier in life, or who every year), in women, it is 10 better quality of lives. prevention strategies earlier in a in women who consume more
begin menopause later in life, are times as common, occurring Tsai said developments in patient’s life. than six drinks a week compared
more at risk of developing breast about 300,000 times a year. breast cancer treatment have While many of the factors that to women that don’t drink any
cancer. Tsai said there are three cat- come gradually over the years, lead to increased risk of breast alcohol during the week.
By far the biggest factors dic- egories of breast cancer diag- but within the last five to 10 years cancer can’t be controlled, such Tsai said limiting alcohol in-
tating a person’s risk of develop- nosis. The first and generally especially, a number of major ad- as family history and age, Tsai take is a good idea, especially if
ing breast cancer, however, are most receptive to treatment is vancements have been made. said there are some things tied to a person already has other condi-
age and family history. hormone-receptor positive breast Triple negative breast cancer is a person’s lifestyle that can make tions that would predispose them
The older a woman gets, the cancer, which is caused by the ef- the most difficult to treat because a difference to developing breast cancer.
greater chance they’ll develop fect of hormones. The second is it’s not known to be caused by a One thing is eating healthy, Another simple thing a woman
breast cancer. While every wom- called HER2-positive breast can- single driver. Typically, Tsai said although Tsai said there hasn’t can do is get regular breast can-
an has a one in eight chance of cer, which is caused by a specific triple negative also is the most been conclusive evidence that cer screenings. Tsai said women
getting breast cancer at some protein. And the third and most aggressive of the three catego- eating particular types of food age 50 and over should get a
point in their lives, the odds in- difficult to treat is called triple ries and often only responds to will necessarily reduce or in- mammogram every year. For
crease over the age of 70. negative breast cancer. more invasive treatments such as crease one’s chances of getting women with a family history of
As for having a family history Since hormone-receptor posi- chemotherapy. breast cancer. breast cancer, it’s a good idea to
of the disease, Tsai said this tive and HER2-positive breast Along with advancements in Getting plenty of exercise is get regularly tested even earlier
increases the probability of get- cancers can be traced back to treating breast cancer more ef- another activity that has been in life, in their 30s or 40s.

Developments in breast cancer treatment

Continued from page 1 there is a higher success does not mean success in
rate for the surgery.” another. Although, they are
But new developments In utilizing treatment often closely related.” 1450 N. Mitchell St., Cadillac, MI
have been made that show before tumors are removed, But no matter the type of
triple-negative and HER2 doctors are able to shrink cancer, Tsai said catching 231-775-3448 |
cancer responding to ear- the size of tumors and any form as early as pos-
lier treatment prior to any make surgery a lot more sible is always important.
surgery. manageable. “Seeking care as early as
“We are finding that cer- But success in surgery or possible is important,” she
tain types of cancer like treatment is not the same said. “There have been ad-
HER2 and triple-negative as success in a patient’s vances that will cure most
respond better when treat- survival, Tsai said. diagnoses if caught early
ments like chemo or hor- “It is important that we enough and, even if caught
mone therapy are moved are careful in distinguish- in late stages, there are a lot
upfront before the surgery,” ing between the two,” she of options now to improve
she said. “(...) In doing this, said. “Success in one area the quality of life.”

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