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Yr tone wy nen sequence impedances |. The impedance offered to t js he flow of positive sequence currents is called positive seq dance 7 uence impedance Z,. The impedance offered to th ‘ |, The impedance offered the flow of negative sequence currents is called negative sequence impedance Z; © the flow of zero sequence currents is called zero sequence impedance Zy. sequence Impedances of Transmission Lines ansmission lines are stati , , =z. Consider a three on co ponents in a power system. Phase sequence has no effect on the impedance ie. , phase transmission line with selfimpedance Z, per phase and equal mutual impedance 2, between phases. Neutral = Z, et /,1, and 1, be the line current and /, isneutral current flowing through the ground having impedance Z, The hase voltage at the two ends of line are V7,» caused by the current 1, due to selfimpedance 2, and b) ¥, and ¥,",¥,' and ¥," respectively. The voltage drop in the line ‘a yy currents /, and ,due to mutual impedance Z,, ptween line ‘b’ and ‘a’ and between line ‘c’ and ‘a’ so, I (Z,+Z,) +1 (Zy+Z,)+ 12 +2,) v,-¥; Zyl + Daly + Zyl + Zula the 4) = Z,,+2,)+I(Z,+Z,)+1.(Z,+2Z,) VeVi Zl + Zyly + Zale tZalle tle Hh) = (Z,+Z,)+1(Z,+2,)+ 12,42.) ral + Zigly + Bele + Zale #1 + I)= matrix form, the above equations can be written 25, We) pa4z, 2442, Eth] nui |a]z.4Z, 7,42, FatZa{lh Zyth, 2% Me 2.11, viv! | |Z,+2, CE EAT CADEMY Bhilal, Raipur #GATE ACADEMY Bhilai, Raipur GATE ACADEMY Bhi ila. Ralnur Scanned with CamScumer ysis : Symmetrical Co, 16 power system Anal ” Applying symmetrical tr ansformation 2] tn) cya formation [Pa ]= i pretelt sical ae Sel mponent impedance mati, : ymmetrical CO! y lz TE [z. J] Zs called SY e Z,4Z, 242, 2,42, wIZ.+Z, Z4Z, 2,42, 4q+2, 2,42, 2,42, hot uyfzez, 242, zz dF] Bie a|lzez, Zaz, ZZ a} La a}|zsz, 2,42, Z, ad Z,Hla+ay, 2,4(e+8 2,10 a)2_ 0, +04 Nm a2, 40+0')2, 02,4140 Vol 1] fz.s2z, 43 Lia a||z,+22,43 Lat a||zs2z.+32, leata?=0 = ata’ 2,422,432, 0 ofa o ? 0 Zz 0 rs Z 0\-% 0 a 00% amy Zz o 2, 2, ~aecougl el t Va| [2,+2z,43z, 0 o ye v= 0 z-z, 0 |r v2 0 Ie | 0 2,-z,])2 | Z% 0 oF Vo] [Vee] [ele 0% ojn Vo |-| owe |=| de oo alle va} wae) [Zl }) Equal positive and negative sequence impedance, i. Z, = : (2) Zero sequence impedance is much larger than positive and negative sequence impedance. (@) The sequence circuit equations are in decoupled form i. there are no mutual sequence impedances, Becus ‘mutual impedances non diagonal elements exist in matrix while for a diagonal matrix mutual values ate2e%, (4) Inverse of sequence impedance matrix (inverse of diagonal matrix is inverse of diagonal elements) pe") 4 lu ooo Feet er) tur -[2 = Ze “+—${7, —. Le + + ? Zz ve vs 4 7 —___— ——____, Scanned with CamScumer

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