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Advances in Engineering Software 34 (2003) 339–349

A multidimensional performance model for consolidating

Balanced Scorecards
Alain Abrana, Luigi Buglioneb,c,*
École de Technologie Supérieure (ETS), Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Que., Canada
Software Engineering Management Research Laboratory (SEMRL), Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Que., Canada
SchlumbergerSema, Via R. Morandi 32, I-00050 Rome, Italy
Received 1 July 2002; revised 17 January 2003; accepted 12 February 2003

A Balanced Scorecard (BSC) presents the quantitative goals selected from multiple perspectives for implementing the organizational
strategy and vision. However, in most current BSC frameworks, including those developed for the Information and Communication
Technology field, each perspective is handled separately. None of these perspectives is integrated automatically into a consolidated view, and
so these frameworks do not tackle, either in relative or in absolute terms, the contribution of each goal to the whole BSC. Here, this issue is
highlighted, candidate consolidation techniques are reviewed and the preferred technique, the QEST model, is selected; more specifically,
three options are presented for incorporating the QEST model into a BSC framework.
q 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Keywords: Software performance measurement; Balanced Scorecard; QEST model; Indicators; Strategy

1. Introduction […], in improving organizational effectiveness in the

accomplishment of agency (organization) mission and
1.1. Context goals” [OPM—
htm]. The following five phases are defined for managing
Evaluating the IT function remains a challenge: well- organizational effectiveness:
known financial measures such as ‘return on investment’
(ROI), ‘internal rate of return’, ‘net present value’ and † Planning work and setting expectations
‘payback’ time have been demonstrated to be inadequate, † Continually monitoring performance
both in explaining IT investment decisions and in assessing † Developing the capacity to perform
them. In assessing IT investments, it is crucial to understand † Periodically rating performance in a summary fashion
how organizational and strategic goals are achieved, and how † Rewarding good performance
IT investments contribute to these goals. Since the financial
dimension alone is not sufficient and hides the relations (e.g. 1.2. Generic performance management and measurement
cause and effect) among processes, an improvement step has frameworks
been suggested which would introduce additional dimen-
sions (or perspectives) of analysis [18,21]. Performance Over the years, several frameworks have been developed
management is defined by the United States Office of to address the management of organizational assets, both
Personnel Government as “the systematic process by which tangible and intangible. The three main ones are the
an agency (organization) involves its employees (resources), Balanced Scorecard (BSC), the Intangible Asset Monitor
(IAM) and the Skandia Navigator.
* Corresponding author. Address: Software Engineering Management
Research Laboratory (SEMRL), Université du Québec à Montréal,
Montreal, Que., Canada. Tel.: þ 39-33-8954-6917; fax: þ39-6-8307-4200.
1.2.1. Balanced Scorecard
E-mail addresses:; lbuglione@rome. In 1993, Robert S. Kaplan of the Harvard School (L. Buglione). of Business, and consultant David Norton developed
0965-9978/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
340 A. Abran, L. Buglione / Advances in Engineering Software 34 (2003) 339–349

Fig. 1. Balanced Scorecard: original perspectives [19].

the BSC, an evolution of the concepts in the Tableau de † Learning and growth: this perspective identifies the
Bord which emerged in France at the turn of the 20th infrastructure the organization has to build and
century [13]. The aim of the Tableau had been to translate manage to create long-term growth and improvement
each company’s unitary vision and mission into a set of through people, systems and organizational
objectives, through the identification of Key Success procedures.
Factors and Key Performance Indicators. Kaplan and
Norton defined the BSC [17] as a multidimensional The execution of this strategy is then monitored
framework for describing, implementing and managing through an internal performance measurement framework
strategy at all levels of an enterprise by linking, through a with a set of goals, drivers and indicators (both lag
logical structure, objectives, initiatives and measures to an and lead types) grouped into each of the four
organization’s strategy. The resulting scorecard provides perspectives.
the details of an enterprise view of an organization’s The other key objective of a BSC is to tell the story of the
overall performance: it complements the financial organization’s strategy. Three criteria help in determining
measures with other Key Performance Indicators around whether or not this objective has been achieved:
customer perspectives and internal business processes, and
around organizational growth, learning and innovation. It † Cause-and-effect relationship: every measure selected
must be noted that the BSC is not a static list of measures, should be part of a cause-and-effect relationship (causal
but rather a logical framework for implementing and relationship chain) which represents the strategy.
aligning complex programs of change, and, indeed, for † Performance drivers: the drivers of performance (lead
managing strategy-focused organizations. In summary, a indicators) tend to be unique since they reflect what is
scorecard is to be used to facilitate the translation of different about the strategy of a company.1
strategy into action. † Links to financial indicators: the various strategic goals
The four basic perspectives of the original BSC are: (such as quality, customer satisfaction and innovation)
Financial, Customer, Internal Processes, Learning and must also be translated into measures which are
Growth (Fig. 1). ultimately linked to financial measures.

† Financial: this perspective typically relates to profit- 1.2.2. Intangible Asset Monitor
ability—it is measured, for instance, by the ROI, Return Developed by Karl Sveiby, this framework [28,29]
On Capital Employed and Economic Value Added. classifies the intangible part of a balance sheet into a so-
† Customer: this perspective includes several core or called family of three thematic areas, each of them
generic measures of successful outcomes from the composed from four categories (growth, renewal, efficiency,
company strategy, like, for instance, customer satisfac- stability/risk):
tion, customer retention, and market share in targeted
segments. † Internal structure: consists of a wide range of concepts,
† Internal processes: this perspective focuses on the models, computers and administrative systems.
internal processes that will have the greatest impact on
customer satisfaction and on achieving an organization’s 1
On the differences between BSC and the Goal–Question–Metric
financial objectives. (GQM) paradigm, refer to Ref. [6].
A. Abran, L. Buglione / Advances in Engineering Software 34 (2003) 339–349 341

Table 1
Comparison of performance and measurement frameworks


Tangible Assets Tangible net book Financial Perspective Shareholders’ equity Financial Perspective Financial
Intangible Assets Internal structure Internal Process Organizational Capital Process Perspective Internal Process
External structure Customer Perspective Customer Capital Customer Perspective Customer
Individual competence Learning and Growth Human Capital Infrastructure and Learning and Growth
Perspective Innovation Perspective
People Employee

† External structure: relationships with customers and perspective, thereby expanding the analysis to five
suppliers, brand names, trademarks and image. perspectives (financial, customer, employee, internal
† Individual competence: people’s capacity to act in business process, learning and growth).
different situations, including skill, education, experi-
ence, values and social skills. The five distinct perspectives derived from the original
scorecard and adapted to the ICT field are:
The basic tenet of the IAM framework is that people are
the organization’s only profit generators, since every human † Financial Perspective: How do our software processes
action is converted into both tangible and intangible and software process improvement initiatives add value
knowledge structures, in other words a ‘knowledge to the organization?
perspective’. † Customer Perspective: How do we know that our
customers (internal and external) are delighted with our
1.2.3. Skandia Navigator product?
Developed by Edvinsson and Malone, this framework † Process Perspective: Are our software development
[11,27] combines the two previous framework structures, processes performing at sufficiently high levels to meet
applying the BSC presentation format to the family of the customer expectations?
three IAM categorizations and using them under the † People Perspective: Do our people have the necessary
Intellectual Capital label in a supplement to the Skandia skills to perform their jobs and are they happy doing
Annual Report. Also, the Navigator uses the same four so?
perspectives (‘focus’) as the BSC,2 with a central and † Infrastructure and Innovation Perspective: Are process
pervasive ‘Human Focus’. improvement, technology and organizational infra-
structure issues being addressed with a view to
1.3. The Balanced Scorecard tailored for the ICT field implementing a sustainable improvement program?

Table 1 summarizes how both tangible and intangible

A few attempts to adapt the BSC for software intensive
concepts are being addressed in each of the generic
organizations (SIOs3) have been reported, such as:
frameworks presented, as well as for those tailored to ICT
† the Balanced IT Scorecard (BITS) proposed by the
European Software Institute (ESI) [16,22 – 24]: provides
a new version of the four original perspectives (financial, 1.4. An issue: determining the overall value in a BSC
customer, internal process, infrastructure and innovation)
and adds a fifth one, the People Perspective. Of these generic frameworks, Kaplan and Norton’s
† the BSC of Advanced Information Services Inc. [14]: BSC framework has the largest market penetration and
considers the ‘employee’ element as a distinct tackles performance at several levels, from the organiz-
ational level to the small business unit, and to the
The fourth perspective is called ‘Renewal and Development’ instead of individual level. However, while providing a vast array of
‘Learning and Growth’. individual quantitative indicators, it does not provide for
SIOs are organizations whose main objective is software development consolidated performance values, either for the individual
and sales, departments or organizations which develop software as an perspectives or for their consolidation. Although in a BSC
integral part of their end-products, and organizations which develop
software for internal use to achieve better business results or whose
the logical (i.e. causal) links are described textually, there
software department can be described as an independent organizational unit is no provision in a BSC for a quantitative consolidation
(European Software Institute definition, 1997). for each perspective to handle separately its various
342 A. Abran, L. Buglione / Advances in Engineering Software 34 (2003) 339–349

numbers of indicators representing the various elements of added to the BSC framework and integrated into a
each business strategy. Even though it is structured performance measurement system (PMS):
logically to represent the series of causal links between
the goals and drivers, a BSC framework does not provide † A model providing a multi-perspective approach [15];
the support necessary to represent quantitatively how † A model which expresses these multiple viewpoints in a
much each perspective contributes, either in relative or in single, consolidated value;
absolute terms. In practice, the consolidation has to be † Dimensional principle [8]: the dimensional principle
carried out intuitively by the users of the BSC; this refers to the direct relationship between the number of
consolidation is, of course, subject to significant varia- elements to be represented and the number of dimensions
bility of assessment and interpretation depending on the used for their representation. A proper representation of
expertise and background of the users. an entity must align the number of elements to be
Current BSC frameworks function as ‘dashboards’, in represented and the number of dimensions used to
that they are made up of sets of individual indicators (like represent them. If this principle is not respected, the
the various gauges on an automobile dashboard) which danger is a loss of information. A well-known visual
provide the elements necessary for monitoring the deploy- example is the way in which the ancient Egyptians
ment of a (business) strategy. Knowing the business links painted human subjects. They used a 2D representational
(causal relationships) across the various indicators, the style instead of a three-dimensional (3D) format. This
business executives must then, each time, figure out a misalignment—translated from paintings to operational
consolidated assessment of current organizational perform- data management—can cause similar misconceptions
ance. Since BSC frameworks do not include techniques for when data is analyzed for the decision-making process.
consolidating individual perspectives, this has to be done † A model with a formal and consistent way to express
subjectively, without the benefit of a formal quantitative the outcomes.
representation. Therefore, consolidated assessments which
can be communicated unambiguously and consistently to In Section 2, candidate consolidation techniques are
those with a knowledge of the consolidation rules are not identified and analyzed against the above evaluation
possible. criteria. In Section 3, the QEST multidimensional perform-
Using a BSC, a manager can typically gain access to ance measurement model is presented, with an emphasis on
detailed information about the goal, driver and indicator its consolidation features; both the 3D original version and
(GDI) elements for each BSC perspective and about the its nD extension of the QEST model are presented. In
follow-up actions to take when results do not meet Section 4, three options are presented for combining the
established itemized thresholds. But, as with any QEST model in a BSC framework, thereby consolidating
automobile dashboard or control panel, an overall the ICT BSC final outcomes into a single overall value. The
value of that perspective is not defined. It is therefore, summary is presented in Section 5.
challenging to answer concerns at aggregate levels above
that of the details included in the BSC, whether for
internal or external purposes. This issue can be restated 2. Candidate consolidation techniques
in the following way: How can the consolidated
management view of performance, and the data collec- Some PMSs proposed in the literature are reviewed and
tion view, be expressed? How, for instance, can a analyzed against these consolidation requirements.
question on process performance be tackled, a question
which, when translated into BSC terms corresponds to: † The Performance Pyramid [19] approach, by Lynch and
What is the overall value expressed by a set of indicators Cross, uses a pyramid-shaped ‘map’ for understanding
chosen in your organization for the Internal Process and defining the relevant objectives and measures for
Perspective? each level of the business organization (four levels are
This paper addresses the consolidation issue and identified: business, core business processes, department
illustrates the way in which a software performance and teamwork, individuals).
measurement model, namely the Quality factor þ † The Performance Prism [20], developed jointly by
Economic, Social and Technical dimensions (QEST) Accenture and the Cranfield School of Management
model, can be used for a BSC for information and (UK), allows two groups of stakeholders (investors
communication technology (ICT) organizations (referred and customers) and up to five groups of stakeholders
to as ‘ICT BSC’ in this paper). (employees, suppliers, intermediaries, regulators and
communities) to be handled in the performance
1.5. Requirements and evaluation criteria management measurement scheme through a 3D shape
(a prism with 5 facets). This approach could be
To tackle this issue, we have determined that the positioned midway between a value chain like in the
following mandatory high-level capabilities have to be EFQM Excellence Model [12] and the BSC. For
Table 2
Comparison of performance management—measurement models

Perspectives handled Model Dimensions Dimensional Performance Consolidated

type handled principle value for each performance
respected perspective value

Reference: Financial Closed N/A N/A No No

Balanced Scorecard—BSC Customer (Map)
(D. Kaplan and D. Norton) Internal process
Learning and growth
Candidate Performance Measurements Systems (PMS)

A. Abran, L. Buglione / Advances in Engineering Software 34 (2003) 339–349

Performance pyramid Business Closed N/A N/A N/A N/A
(R. Lynch and K. Cross) Core business processes (Map)
Departments and workteams

Performance prism Stakeholder satisfaction Closed G3 N No Yes

(A. Neely and C. Adams) Strategies
Stakeholder contribution
General framework for Can be used with any 4-perspective Closed N/A N/A Yes Yes
performance measurement set (typically the ones in the Kaplan and (Map)
(P. Rouse, M. Putterill and Norton’s BSC)
S. Ryan)

Table 3
Comparison of performance management—measurement models: the case for QEST models

Candidate PMS Perspectives handled Model type Dimensions Dimensional Performance value Consolidated
handled principle for each perspective performance value

QEST 3D (Buglione and Economic, Open G3 Y Y Y

Abran) Social,
QEST nD (Buglione and QEST nD can be used with Open Gn Y Y Y

Abran) the desired set of perspectives
344 A. Abran, L. Buglione / Advances in Engineering Software 34 (2003) 339–349

the purpose stated in this study, the following constraints 3.1. The 3D basic model
have been identified: the calculation matrix does not use
the geometry to derive the performance results, and it is The initial QEST model proposed a geometrical
limited to handling five perspectives. representation of quality performance with the number of
† The General Framework for Performance Measure- dimensions corresponding to the number of viewpoints
ment [25], developed by Rouse, Putterill and Ryan at considered; in addition, this number of dimensions can vary,
the University of Auckland (NZ), uses Data Envelop- depending on the organization’s choice of the number of
ment Analysis models to represent performance dimensions they wish to take into consideration in their
graphically with a 3D pyramid having a square base PMS. The QEST model is thus not limited to 3 or 4
where each of the four faces corresponds to the dimensions, but provides a multidimensional structured
original four BSC perspectives. Measures are linked to shell which can then be populated with the criteria specified
the critical success factors and to the underlying for any project, on the basis of management objectives: it is
processes or cost drivers. therefore, referred to as an open model. Such a topology in a
performance model also makes it possible to handle
Table 2 presents a high-level comparison of these multiple and distinct viewpoints, all of which can exist
three performance measurement approaches and the BSC concurrently in any software project. The various features of
framework, including the following evaluation criteria: the QEST model have been documented:
the number of perspectives taken into account, whether
or not the approaches have a fixed structure or a dynamic † Theoretical considerations [2,3];
one allowing for a variable number of perspectives, the † Geometrical and statistical foundations [4];
representational format used and the provision of a † Implementation of the model [10];
performance value for each perspective and a consoli- † Quality Factor [3] and Quality Factor through QFD [7].
dated value for all perspectives.
From Table 2, it can be observed that none of three The basic purpose of the structured shell of this open
candidates respect at the same time the three criteria, model is to express performance as the combination of the
where a geometrical representation is used only to specific measures (or sets of measures) selected for each of
present the distinct results visually. the specified dimensions, these values being derived from
Furthermore, no geometrical formula is associated with both an instrument-based measurement of productivity and
the particular shape used for deriving performance indi- a perception-based measurement of quality in the initial
cators, and the dimensional principle is not respected. QEST quality model. The QEST models handles both
weighting factors and thresholds; the selection of weights
and thresholds is of course context dependent.
3. QEST: a multidimensional model for software For demonstration purposes, when three perspectives are
performance measurement selected for assessing quality (and performance), a 3D
geometrical representation of a regular tetrahedron is
In addition to the above PMSs proposed for the generic selected as the basis for the QEST model, and is illustrated
measurement of performance, a measurement model orig- in Fig. 2:
inally designed for measuring the quality and performance of
ICT projects, the QEST model, has been proposed by † the three measurement dimensions ðE; S; TÞ in the spatial
Buglione and Abran. It is to be noted that this model is representation correspond to the corners of the pyramid’s
generic and not restricted to the quality domain: it could be base, and the convergence of the edges to the P vertex
generalized to the generic measurement of performance. We
will see that this QEST model does indeed meet all the
requirements and evaluation criteria for a consolidated
representation of performance. Note that some of the topics
discussed in this paper were developed individually and
presented, over a few years, in our previously published
papers. These papers were addressing some of the measure-
ment needs of middle managers somewhere in the organiz-
ational ladder. Two key characteristics of this new paper:

† this is the first time we have been able to combine these

individual pieces of research into a broader and integrated
organizational perspective;
† this paper also addresses some of the information needs of Fig. 2. QEST model and its hyperplane sections corresponding to two
managers with full organizational accountability. assessments at different points in time, relative to normalized targets.
A. Abran, L. Buglione / Advances in Engineering Software 34 (2003) 339–349 345

correspond to the maximum performance level—the EFQM or the Malcolm Baldridge models, or others like
normalized target; the BSC or the Skandia Navigator where the number of
† when the three sides are of equal length, the solid shape stakeholder viewpoints can be significantly increased.4
that represents this 3D concept is a pyramid with its While they have been described and illustrated using
triangular base and sides of equal length (tetrahedron). three dimensions, the QEST/LIME models, being open
models, are not restricted to the representation of three
The use of this pyramid-type geometrical representation dimensions of performance. Their geometrical approach is
imposes the following constraint: the sides must be equal. In generic and allows for the handling of any number of
practice, this constraint is met by normalizing the target dimensions, through the use of appropriate algebra corre-
values to 1 for each of the three different dimensions sponding to the number of dimensions selected, that is, the
chosen—and with the representation of corresponding sides use of n dimensions. This was demonstrated in Ref. [9]: the
with a length value of 1 (regular tetrahedron). This allows mechanism to be used for n dimensions is a simplex,
the representation of the dimensions through a normalized definable as the convex hull of any d þ 1 affinely
set of values between 0 and 1 for each axis and on a ratio independent points in some Rn ðn . dÞ; where d represents
scale. the number of dimensions taken into account. There are, of
With this 3D representation, it is possible to determine course, both advantages and disadvantages to this. For
and represent performance using the three classic geometri- instance, by using matrix calculations, it is possible to
cal concepts: distance, area (the hyperplanes in Fig. 2) and extend the underlying concepts of the QEST/LIME models
volume; furthermore, the ratio between the volume of the to n dimensions, and we have demonstrated the backward–
lower part of the truncated tetrahedron and the total volume forward validity of this mechanism for any number of
of the tetrahedron itself represents the normalized perform- dimensions. The models are thus able to take into account a
ance level of a project being assessed against its greater number of stakeholders. However, from the fourth
performance target which is specified as the apex of the dimension on, it is no longer possible to take advantage of
tetrahedron, as demonstrated in Ref. [4]. the visualization of related concepts in a direct way.
Thus, the volume within this 3D shape immediately In Table 3, a summary review of the characteristics of
shows in a visual way the assessment of quality at a point in both the QEST 3D and QEST nD models are presented
time against the specified target represented, in a normalized using the same criteria as those listed in Table 2: both QEST
way, by the apex of the tetrahedron; similarly, when models respect the dimensional principle and allow for
performance is reassessed throughout a project life cycle, consolidation for each individual perspective, as well as for
the sloped section of the hyperplane represents how consolidation of all perspectives considered. Table 3
performance is progressing in the three dimensions, and highlights the relevance of investigating the use of the
whether or not quality is progressing within each dimension. QEST models, in particular QEST nD, the n-dimensional
This is the added visual value that a geometrical extension and generalization of the basic model, to a generic
representation can provide, together with the support of ICT BSC.
the corresponding geometrical formula, to adequately
consolidate the quantitative values of the concepts measured
individually for each edge. By analogy, a management 4. Integration of QEST and BSC
dashboard’s power is limited to a series of individual gauges
and controls providing a feel for the distinct elements; it The two options for integrating QEST and BSC are
does not provide for a combined representation or for the discussed next. For simplicity’s sake, in this text examples
overall status of a given phenomenon. To summarize, the are limited to the specific case of n ¼ 3:
geometrical approach of the QEST model makes it possible
to represent the measurement of performance in a simple 1. BSC (QEST nD): every ICT BSC perspective applies the
and visual way for an immediate grasp of the current status basic QEST model as a measurement system using
of project performance at any time.
Furthermore, an extension of the QEST model to the 4
Atkinsons, Waterhouse and Wells [1] distinguish between two groups
whole software life cycle has been developed, namely the of stakeholders: Environmental Stakeholders, who belong to the external
LIfecycle MEasurement (LIME) model [5]; this QEST/ environment of the organization, which defines the critical elements of its
competitive strategy (customers, owners, community); Process
LIME model is the QEST instantiation to the whole stakeholders, who are employees and suppliers working within the
software development life cycle, and is applied to each environment defined by the external stakeholders to plan, design,
development phase. implement and operate the processes that make the company’s product
and deliver it to its customers. In addition, Sharp, Finkelstein and Galal [26]
3.2. The n-dimensional extension propose a 5-step procedure for the identification of stakeholders in the
requirement engineering process, where there are four baseline
stakeholders: users (mapping to the social perspective), developers
Of course, other profiles could be included in a (mapping to the technical perspective), decision-makers (mapping to the
QEST/LIME model, including quality models such as economic perspective) and legislators.
346 A. Abran, L. Buglione / Advances in Engineering Software 34 (2003) 339–349

the related nD extension (i.e. QEST 5D for 5 perspec-

tives, and so on);
2. QEST nD (BSC perspective): each ICT BSC perspective
represents one of the dimensions of the tetrahedron
(taking into account the n-dimensional extension of

4.1. First option: BSC(QEST nD)

Here, the BSC would manage separate, and often

disjointed, performance values. This would produce n
different quantitative outcomes for each perspective, with
only descriptive linkages at the strategy level, and no clear Fig. 3. QEST application to a single BSC perspective.
traceability of quantitative contributions to the overall outcome will be a normalized measure indicating the
strategy level. performance value for a specific perspective. Repeating this
The mapping of the elements of the BSC and QEST calculation for all the possible perspectives taken into
frameworks is presented in Table 4. account, the ICT BSC (QEST nD) will return a ‘first-level
Some differences can be noted between the two frame- value’5 for internal benchmarking analysis. This value can
works. First of all, what in QEST is referred to as a be useful whether or not software-intensive organizations
perspective would correspond to the logical sum of a goal intend to maintain the same GDI (goal –driver –indicator)
and one of its related drivers in a BSC perspective, a more architecture during (at least) two subsequent time sequences
granular subdivision than in QEST. Thus, this group of in order to monitor its evolution over time.
elements (goal þ its related drivers) is directly referred to We illustrate in Fig. 4 how, for a given BSC perspective
a list of n indicators. In the same way, in the QEST (e.g. Infrastructure and Innovation), the QEST approach can
model the indicators are directly referred to a perspective be applied. The consolidated normalized performance value,
(i.e. economic, social or technical). Another difference is following QEST application, would be equal to 0.9808.
the ability of the QEST model to handle normalized values;
this is also, of course, a constraint.
Since QEST handles normalized values, some 4.2. Second option: QEST nD(BSC)
additional BSC framework elements must be gathered:
lower thresholds for each measure in order to derive a Here, with the joint application of QEST and BSC, the
normalized value for each goal þ driver (G þ D) topic QEST model represents the ‘glue’ for the whole BSC
and its weight, where the sum of the G þ D perform- framework and provides a unique consolidated value for all
ances for each QEST perspective will be equal to 1; in the perspectives considered.
Fig. 3, G1D2 stands for goal no.1 – driver no.2 within a This second option addresses the following concern:
certain BSC perspective. after considering the internal performance value for each
Extending the concept to n possible tuples of GxDy perspective, the next logical question an executive asks
elements, the application of the QEST nD calculation when assessing the overall business view is: What is the
mechanism will produce two ðn þ 1Þ square matrices, upper consolidated view of the whole BSC value? That is, is it
measure (UM) and grand measure (GM) from which the p possible to obtain an overall performance value first, and
values (the ratio of UM to GM) will be derived. The final then carry out a drill-down in-depth analysis (e.g. top –down
analysis) from there, perspective by perspective, looking for
Table 4
single indicators and relationships hypothesized across
Mapping of BSC and QEST structural elements
goals selected in the initial design of the organizational
BSC QEST strategic BSC map? In this case, the mapping between
QEST and BSC is easier, as shown in Table 5.
Perspective Perspective The concept of ‘perspective’ is the same in this case,
while the value for each of the perspectives taken into
Indicator Indicator account (Fig. 5) is that derived from the calculations shown
Measure Value collected in the field in Fig. 4. This means that each perspective will have only
– Weight one performance value from the BSC(QEST nD) calcu-
Target Upper Threshold
lation, proposed in Section 4.1. In this case, the QEST
– Lower Threshold
– Normalized value 5
In this paper, the term ‘first-level value’ is used to express the
Initiatives SPI-related process area for
consolidated value from a tree of values, as a result of the QEST
calculation algorithm.
A. Abran, L. Buglione / Advances in Engineering Software 34 (2003) 339–349 347

Fig. 4. QEST application to a single BSC perspective: map and values.

Table 5 model must take into account just the three values as
Mapping of BSC perspectives and QEST structural elements they are.
Extending the concept to n possible perspectives, the
application of the QEST nD calculation mechanism will
Perspective Perspective produce two ðn þ 1Þ square matrices, UM and GM, the p
Perspective value from QEST Indicator values being their ratio. The final outcome will be a
application normalized measure representing the consolidated value of
Measure Value collected in the
the whole BSC. Repeating this calculation at regular time
– Weight intervals (either projects or business intervals), a ‘con-
Target Upper Threshold solidated top-level value’ for internal benchmarking
– Lower Threshold analysis is available to management, provided, of course,
– Normalized value that the organization maintains the same GDI architecture
Initiatives SPI-related process area for
across successive time intervals.

4.3. Integration of the options: BSC(QEST nD) þ QEST


From the two previous sub-sections, it can be observed

that these two ‘options’ are not mutually exclusive, but can
be seen as complementary to one another. An implemen-
tation sequence is shown in Fig. 6.
The first phase consists in the classic construction of the
BSC strategic map, which describes the causal links among
the organization’s goals. The next phase consists in its
‘translation’ into a set of consolidated performance values,
one for each perspective (through the ‘QEST nD[BSC
perspective]’ option). The output will constitute five
Fig. 5. QEST application to the whole BSC framework. performance values, which will represent the inputs for

Fig. 6. Sequence for integrating the QEST model into the ICT BSC framework.
348 A. Abran, L. Buglione / Advances in Engineering Software 34 (2003) 339–349

the overall BSC calculation (Phase 3). Here also, the roll-up and roll-down the pieces of information. The current
application of the QEST nD calculation mechanism, technology of BSC does not allow for full roll-up of the
through the use of the simplex, will produce a ð6 £ 6Þ information. This is a key strength of QEST nD which, in
matrix. Its result will be the final consolidated performance addition, does it with known geometrical concepts, as well
value p for the whole BSC. as with multiple views at once. Of course, it does not ignore
the roll-down features of BSC, nor the somewhat limited
roll-up features but it rather enhances these roll-up features.
5. Conclusions Options for integrating the BSC and the QEST nD model
were presented next. The first option consisted in managing
The BSC framework provides senior executives with a the BSC perspectives separately, while the second one
powerful analytical tool for putting their organizational consisted in consolidating the perspective performance
strategy into action. Causal relationships are stressed in the values to derive the overall BSC value. Both options are
BSC structure, and this makes it possible to aggressively valuable and valid for capturing different measurement
pursue, through close monitoring, the detailed actionable viewpoints: the partial and overall performance values
items supporting the corporate strategy. However, the BSC expressed by an ICT BSC system. It is possible to read data
framework does not formally specify ‘how’ a given BSC and analyze them with a ‘layer’ logic, from top to bottom,
perspective (through its GDI elements) contributes to the considering each BSC perspective as a separate layer
whole BSC value, nor does it provide for a consolidated contributing to the final result.
performance value for the whole organization, and the The three levels of analysis a manager should perform
global strategic target. could therefore, be:
The availability of such consolidation rules would
provide executives with single values as well as the 1. Look at the overall BSC value (the ‘BSC (QEST nD)’
corresponding information model for interpreting the option);
information provided. These rules would also allow for a 2. Look at the single perspective values (the ‘QEST
top-down decomposition, so that an understanding could be nD(BSC)’ option);
gained of the background forces driving each consolidated 3. Analyze each single perspective for follow-up action on
view. The availability of consolidated values could, in turn, the basis of the usual BSC ‘strategic map’, looking at
lead to the establishment of standard sets of consolidated results in the single ‘layer’ as well as the contribution
measures and to the institutionalization of internal –external resulting from the causal links across the goals from the
benchmarking practices. different perspectives.
Key concepts of the original Kaplan and Norton BSC
framework were presented, together with highlights of the In this way, QEST nD becomes a n-dimensional
tailoring available for the ICT field. Some of the value of performances measurement system providing a consoli-
BSC is in the separate treatment of factors. However, such dated ‘value’ to the ICT BSC and to the proxies it takes into
separate treatment has also some limitations: for instance, account, with a holistic focus on the whole BSC.
there is in the BSC approach an hypothesis that, when Consolidated numbers focuses the attention, and (through
managers define the various views, the linkages across the related synthesis—done with pre-defined and agreed
views are both properly described, properly implemented upon rules) facilitate the communications of strong
and that the strategic linkages are indeed present. However, messages. Of course consolidated figures do not provide
the current BSC technology does not provide techniques to cause and effect relationship—this is provided by the roll-
formally define, verify, implement, consolidate and analyze down features and facilities.
such linkages. Some candidate PMSs for improving a BSC The research work presented here has put the emphasis
framework were identified and analyzed against a list of on the measurement aspect in performance management.
relevant criteria, pointing to some of their limitations in this Undoubtedly, case studies and empirical evidence are useful
context of intended use. The QEST model was presented in the context of technology transfer (e.g. in terms of
next and discussed with respect to the same set of evaluation grasping the concepts conveyed by the model, and to present
criteria. While the basic initial QEST model can be used for hints and tips to implement them in terms of either success
three perspectives at once, its extension and generaliz- or failure factors). Right now, neither case studies, or
ation—called QEST nD—makes it possible to handle any empirical evidence, demonstrate the validity of such model,
number of perspectives simultaneously, including their since its novelty, waiting for a trial phase during next
multidimensional consolidation. In fact, senior managers months in ICT companies, mainly already adopting BSCs,
needs both to make high level synthesis of information interested in this approach.
coming from various partial views and, simultaneously, the Last but not least, further investigation is required to
ability to breakdown the information into much more tackle more specialized issues, such as the following: Is it
granular view to get more explanatory power. That is, the possible to measure and ‘weight’ the contribution in terms
managers (and in particular senior managers) need to both of performance that goals from one perspective provide to
A. Abran, L. Buglione / Advances in Engineering Software 34 (2003) 339–349 349

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