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e-INCLUSION AND Employability of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in the EU KLUZER, RISSOLA


E-Inclusion Policies and Initiatives

in Support of Employability of
Migrants and Ethnic Minorities
Stefano Kluzer
in Europe*
Scientiªc Ofªcer
In Europe, when we speak about ICT and employability, e-Inclusion poli-
Information Society Unit
Institute for Prospective cies come immediately into play. Besides considerations about social eq-
Technological Studies—Joint uity and quality of life beneªts, which are seen to derive from the use of
Research Center, European ICT in our society, the urgency to extend access to ICT and increase usage
Commission capacities among weak or non-users also reºects an economic concern.
Ediªcio EXPO Given the shrinking labor force in Europe, increasing the labor market par-
c/Inca Garcilaso, 3 - E-41092 ticipation of women and older people, reducing the number of unem-
Sevilla ployed people—particularly among young generations—and achieving a
Spain fuller economic integration of immigrants and ethnic minorities are all cru-
⫹34 95 4488 346 cial goals. To support the growth and innovation aims of Europe, how-
ever, these groups must also match the skills required in the labor market,
Gabriel Rissola
and digital capabilities ªgure high among such requirements.
Dynamic Thinking Marginalized Groups in Europe
Organization (D-O-T) In the European policy discourse at the intersection of social policies and
c/de l’Est 15 1-2 (08001) information society policies, the dominant notion when talking about
Barcelona marginalized groups is that of “social exclusion.” There is, in fact, no es-
tablished deªnition of social exclusion, but there is a broad understanding
⫹34 93 302 0004
that is a multidimensional, dynamic condition that has to do with the lack
of material and social resources affecting socioeconomic opportunities,
health, wellbeing, and general quality of life. Income poverty is undoubt-
edly an important risk factor for social exclusion, and, based on this meas-
ure, some 16% of the EU population (i.e., 78 million people) suffer from
it, with women more likely to be exposed, and around 19 million children
among them. Signiªcantly, 31 million workers (out of about 200 million)
are earning extremely low wages and another 17 million experience in-
come poverty despite employment (European Commission, 2008c;
Zimmer, 2009).
Based on more direct measurements of social exclusion through multi-
ple deprivation indexes, approximately 16–17% of the population in the
UK has been found to suffer from high levels of social deprivation
(Helsper, 2008). These people are up to eight times more likely to be dis-
engaged with the Internet than those who are socially advantaged; the
digitally and socially excluded correspond, depending on the studies, to
9–13% of the UK’s population (four to six million adults). In the Nether-
lands, another study also using multiple deprivation indexes found that
about 11% of the total population of adults above 25 years of age would

*The views expressed in this article are the authors’ and do not necessarily reºect those of the European Commission.

© 2009 USC Annenberg School for Communication. Published under Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
license. All rights not granted thereunder to the public are reserved to the publisher and may not be exercised without its express written permission.
Volume 5, Number 2, Summer 2009, 67–76 67

belong to the socially excluded. Signiªcantly, statisti- vestment and innovation in ICT research; and to
cal analysis showed that ICT skills seem to have an support inclusion, better public services, and im-
effect on social exclusion: the lower these compe- proved quality of life through the use of ICT (Euro-
tencies, the more people are excluded, especially in pean Commission, 2005). To achieve those aims,
the social participation dimension (Jehoel-Gijsbers & there are various actions such as regulation, funding
Vrooman, 2007). for research and pilot projects, promotion activities,
and partnerships with stakeholders.
EU Views and Policies on ICT Skills As part of the i2010 framework, e-Inclusion poli-
for Marginalized Groups cies have gained importance, exempliªed by the
2006 e-Inclusion Riga Declaration (European Com-
In March 2000, the EU heads of state and govern-
mission, 2006b)3 and the 2007 Communication on
ment adopted the Lisbon Agenda, an ambitious pol-
e-Inclusion (European Commission, 2007). Today,
icy scheme which set the goal of making the EU, by
the importance of digital inclusion support initiatives
2010, “the most dynamic and competitive knowl-
is widely acknowledged, even though the develop-
edge-based economy in the world, capable of sus-
ment of e-Inclusion policies in Europe is uneven and
tainable economic growth with more and better
not yet a clear priority in many countries, in addition
jobs and greater social cohesion, and respect for the
to the fact that existing initiatives are still frag-
environment.”1 The building of an “information so-
mented and in need of better coordination.
ciety for all” was identiªed as a key driver and as a
The European e-Inclusion policies look at disad-
proof of progress of the Lisbon Agenda and two
vantaged people in two ways. First, all those who
subsequent policy frameworks were adopted to
are non-ICT users are considered to be disadvan-
steer related policies at the European and member
taged in today’s information society. The i2010 An-
states levels.
nual Report in 2007 found that 40% of the
The action plans eEurope 2002 and 2005 aimed
population at that time in the 27 EU Member States
to develop modern public services and a dynamic
(EU27) had no Internet skills, but higher percentages
environment for e-business through widespread
were found in older age groups, people with a low
availability of secure and cheap broadband access
education level, and those outside the labor force.
and network services. Investing in human resources
e-Inclusion measures thus ªrst aim to increase their
and training was the second main objective of these
digital literacy and access opportunities, as well as
plans, focusing on young people and education (by
to minimize new barriers created by the use of ICT
connecting all schools to broadband networks); on
in service provision and other areas (e-Accessibility).
digital literacy and skills for working in the knowl-
Disabled and elderly people are the primary targets
edge economy (European Computer Driving Licence
of such measures.
Foundation, 2009);2 and on participation in the in-
Second, groups considered disadvantaged from a
formation society through eAccessibility (”design for
socioeconomic point of view—and more precisely,
all” measures, etc.) and access opportunities (with a
those at risk of social exclusion—are the object of
goal of at least one PIAP [Public Internet Access
growing attention, as they tend to suffer more than
Point] per 10,000 inhabitants). The subsequent poli-
others from digital exclusion and because social eq-
cy framework, launched in 2005 following the re-
uity and cohesion priorities make it important to
vised Lisbon Agenda, is known as “i2010—A
bring to them the beneªts of digital technology. Ef-
European Information Society for Growth and Em-
forts, therefore, are made to identify marginalized
ployment,” and it has three broad aims: to create a
groups, to understand their main problems and
single European information space, which promotes
needs, and to devise ways to promote the use of
an open and competitive internal market for infor-
ICT by these groups and/or by those who assist and
mation society and media services; to strengthen in-
deliver services to them (public services, voluntary

1. See Presidency Conclusions of the Lisbon European Council, March 23–24, 2000, available at
2. The ECDL (European Computer Driving License) scheme received a major boost in this phase.
3. This document was a Ministerial Declaration approved unanimously on June 11, 2006, at Riga, Latvia (European
Computer Driving License Foundation, 2009).

68 Information Technologies and International Development


groups, charities, etc.). The most developed case of fore, it is supported in many ways by the member
this approach is currently provided by the UK gov- states.
ernment’s Delivering Digital Inclusion Action Plan Across Europe, PIAPs and telecenters are tradi-
(UK Government, 2008). tionally run by Third Sector organisations (TSO: edu-
cational institutes, organizations of the elderly,
The Crucial Role of Public Internet migrant organizations, community media, social
Centers and the Third Sector community centers, organizations of the disabled,
etc.) and, only in the last few years, also by public
A recent survey by CEDEFOP (European Commission,
bodies (normally, local municipalities or regional
2008b) has conªrmed that European society is
deªnitively moving toward a knowledge-based
economy, given the higher level of qualiªcations re-
quired for European workers over the next years.
Joining Efforts Between Policy
There is a direct impact of education in reducing the Makers and Practitioners
chances of being unemployed (EUROSTAT, 2007), so The Third Sector is heterogeneous in nature, and de-
low-qualiªed employable adults who do not meet spite its important role at ground level, it has still a
the minimum requirements to access the formal Vo- weak voice in the e-Inclusion dialogue process
cational Education and Training (VET) system need launched from Brussels with the “e-Inclusion 2010–
to improve their competencies by informal educa- Be part of it!” campaign (European Commission,
tion if they want to reduce or not augment their risk 2007). A recent workshop on this topic held at the
of exclusion from the labor market. conclusive event of that campaign—the “European
Precisely for those at the weak side of the chain, Ministerial e-Inclusion Conference & Expo,” organ-
PIAPs present throughout Europe have become a ised in Vienna in December 2008—brought interest-
privileged channel for digital literacy and adult edu- ing conclusions about the present and future of
cation in the last decade (Rissola, 2007). Through TSO’s contribution to e-Inclusion:
adult training and guidance, they contribute to per- • While the public sector has a key role at the
sonal fulªlment and development (cultural capital), funding level, most e-Inclusion projects are exe-
active citizenship and inclusion (social capital), and cuted by, or in close cooperation with, TSO, yet
employability (human capital). the Third Sector is not a partner in policy mak-
Telecenters, the more extended model of PIAPs, ing (but should be).
have developed incipient expertise in training adults
by applying different organizational models based
• TSO are important to involve citizens since they
know how to address and reach people from a
on the centric role of facilitators (motivators, train-
user-oriented perspective, but they know less
ers, etc.). Despite their limited focus on economic
about how to involve media and technology
aspects, telecenters have proved important to pro-
(which is still seen as inappropriate for human-
vide basic key skills for employability to low-qualiªed
centered initiatives in many of them) inside
adults at risk of exclusion from both the labor mar-
those dynamics.
ket and the formal VET system, offering them free
access, openness, proximity, informal networking, • Monitoring tasks that could lead to proper im-
and learning opportunities. Notably, the improve- pact assessment of TSO initiatives on social in-
ment of digital, interpersonal, civic, and learning-to- clusion are not usually developed.
learn competencies, which are a veriªed result of • E-Inclusion should also consider the participa-
the learning experience in telecenters, are useful for tive processes to involve socially excluded
beneªciaries to not only get a (new, better) job, but groups in the development of technological
also to acquire entrepreneurial competencies (Euro- platforms that they might use or that aim to
pean Parliament and the Council, 2006) and, poten- address their needs.
tially, set up their own small business. It is worth • TSO need to secure funding to subsist, but
mentioning that self-employment is an interesting there are neither stable public funding lines de-
alternative to alleviate unemployment, and there- voted to telecenters, nor enough private do-
nors. Relevant exceptions are Microsoft’s

Volume 5, Number 2, Summer 2009 69


Unlimited Potential program, which is support- migrants and ethnic minorities are not at all an
ing several TSO running telecenters for the homogeneous group, which also holds true from an
“hard to reach,” and Telecentre-Europe’s net- e-Inclusion perspective. Understanding their speciªc
work of networks ofªcially launched at Vienna. characteristics and needs regarding employability
• TSO are sometimes afraid of becoming/acting and the role of ICT is thus important. Second, other
as government services delivery points, but to potential sources of disadvantage (old age, disability,
beneªt from public funding, TSO have to be gender, etc.) are present among IEM as well, multi-
ºexible enough and also take some responsibil- plying their vulnerability in many cases. For instance,
ity for ensuring that they can be reliable part- a recent study on immigrant women’s position in
ners who can keep on delivering beyond short- the European labor market clearly highlights their
term project funding. doubly disadvantaged condition (Rubin et al., 2008).
Third, in recent years, many migrants into Europe
• Cooperation between TSO and the European came for economic reasons, and their stay is thus
Commission (EC) is just starting in this policy
closely related to their integration into the labor
area. Very high fragmentation is the main ob-
market. This occurred during the economic expan-
stacle here, as there are not “obvious” interloc-
sion of the past few years (although with limitations
utors (with exceptions regarding the digital
such as the assimilation of migrant workers in low-
inclusion of the elderly or disabled people,
skilled tasks that ignored their professional skills,
where established dialogue platforms do exist),
wage gaps compared to natives in similar occupa-
and therefore, there is a need to structure the
tions, etc.), but it is being challenged in the current
voices coming from TSO.
economic crisis. In any case, IEM are a growing and
• There is also a need to identify the right policy already signiªcant part of the European society, so
makers to discuss e-Inclusion measures at local, social policies and initiatives should attend to their
regional, and national levels, as they vary in speciªc needs and favour better conditions for their
each territory. TSO should talk to member employability, including efforts that should be un-
states’ representatives in EU fora to help them dertaken through speciªc e-Inclusion initiatives.
form more constructive policy. In fact, immigrants from outside the EU, so-called
• The ePractice portal4 that was promoted by the third-country nationals, are playing an important
EC is becoming an important arena of discus- role in this context. Net migration into Europe has
sion where many actors and information con- increased signiªcantly in the past two decades: It
verge, but the questions remain as to how to has been around 1.5 to 2 million people per year
deal with all this knowledge and feedback, as from 2002 onward (compared to 200,000 units in
well as how to use it to improve the participa- the 1980s and around 750,000 units in the 1990s).
tion of all sectors in the design of e-Inclusion In 2006, 27.3 million foreigners were registered as
policies. living in Europe; 18.5 million of them were third-
In our view, a stronger dialogue and partnership be- country nationals, i.e., from non-EU member states.
tween policy makers and practitioners is needed to The number of the foreign-born, including therefore
produce more consistent impact in the three spheres immigrants who acquired new citizenship, reached
of e-Inclusion (social, cultural, and human capital). 50 million, or approximately 10% of the EU27 total
Developing Disadvantaged Groups’ While the current economic crisis is reducing and,
in some countries, reversing immigration ºows, im-
ICT Skills for Employability: The
migration into Europe and the growth of second
Case of Migrants and Ethnic and third generation immigrant populations are ex-
Minorities pected to continue in the coming decades.
As a recent workshop5 on ICT and immigrants and Given the aging of the EU population, immigra-
ethnic minorities (IEM) in Brussels made evident, im- tion will be the unique factor in demographic

4. See
5. See for further descriptions and documentation of the work-

70 Information Technologies and International Development


Figure 1. Net migration to the EU25, 1980 to 2007 (in millions).

Source: Eurostat, demographic statistics.

growth in the overall EU27.6 Increasing participation tic skills, and more generally, “non-routine skills.”
rates of women and older workers in the labor mar- This seems to be true also for service sector “low-
ket (one of the goals of the Lisbon Agenda) will skilled” jobs, even though it is acknowledged that
manage to compensate until 2020 for the retire- “there is still little ªnancial recognition of the new
ment of the “baby boom” cohorts; after that date, competencies and skills necessary for these jobs . . .
a continuous decline of the total EU labor supply is with an impact on gender inequality, since women,
expected. The size of the working-age population especially migrant women, disproportionately hold
(15–64 years) is expected to decrease by 48 million service sector jobs” (p. 8).
by 2050 (European Commission, 2006a). As immi- A clear picture of the current skills proªle of im-
grants and their children will be called to play a cru- migrants in the EU does not exist and would likely
cial role in compensating (albeit only partly) for this change in the future with new inºows and the edu-
decline, it is also important that their skill proªles cational achievement of immigrants’ children cur-
match those needed in the labor market. rently at school. Table 1 shows that a few years ago,
Recent analyses (European Commission, 2008b) the educational proªle (just a proxy of skills) of the
clearly show that the next decade will see a general foreign workers population (not simply third country
upward trend in skills demand in Europe, with an in- nationals) varied signiªcantly across EU countries.
creasing demand for a high-qualiªed and adaptable On average, there was a greater prevalence of lower
workforce, as well as for more skills-dependent jobs. education levels compared to the national popula-
Also, in the service sector, where most employment tion, but also, in a number of countries, tertiary level
opportunities are expected to be created and where education was more common among foreigners
immigrants (especially women) are often employed, than nationals.
there is a clear tendency toward the broadening of Concerning children and young people with mi-
the required skills portfolio at all occupational levels. grant backgrounds, while their school achievement
Customer orientation skills and digital literacy are also varies signiªcantly across countries and across
much in demand, along with transversal key compe- ethnic groups, there is a general concern, as “there
tencies, such as problem-solving and analytical skills, are signiªcant and often persistent gaps in their ed-
self-management and communication skills, linguis-

6. Eurostat’s conservative projection is that around 40 million people will emigrate to the EU between 2006 and 2050.
See Giannakouris (2008) for projections to 2060.

Volume 5, Number 2, Summer 2009 71


Table 1. Distribution of foreign and national population (aged 25 to 64 years) by level of

education (2002–2003).
Less than upper secondary Upper secondary Tertiary level

Foreigners Nationals Foreigners Nationals Foreigners Nationals

BE 52.3 37.8 25.7 33.5 22 28.7
DK 30.7 27.6 41.7 46.7 27.5 25.7
DE 47.1 13.6 38.2 62.4 14.7 24
EL 42.1 46.8 40.9 35.3 17 17.9
ES 43.3 58.3 28.5 17.2 28.2 24.6
FR 63.9 33.5 20.6 42.5 15.5 23.9
IRL 21.3 40.1 28.6 35.4 50.1 24.5
LU 43.8 27.5 38 56.7 18.2 15.8
NL 43.7 31.9 31.5 43.3 24.8 24.9
AT 42.9 19.3 43.4 63.7 13.7 17
PT 55.4 79.1 28.1 11.1 16.6 9.8
FI 29.1 24.8 46 42.4 24.9 32.8
SE 23.7 18 45.4 55.5 30.9 26.5
UK 30.9 17.4 25.5 53.1 43.6 26.2
CZ 25.9 11.7 52.5 76.6 21.5 11.7
HU 20.2 27.4 52.6 58 27.2 14.5
SK 13.2 13.8 67.8 75 19 11.2
Source: OECD/Sopemi (2005)
Note: For DK and NL 2002 data. 7.4%, 13%, 6% and 43.4% of the foreign population did not respond to the
question on education attainment in Germany, Ireland, Sweden and the UK, respectively.

ucational attainment vis-à-vis their peers” (European used for/by migrants and ethnic minorities in a wide
Commission, 2008a). range of activities and contexts, from e-government
The digital capabilities of the IEM population are (although there are not many services devoted to or
unknown. High uptake and use of ICT, especially for adapted for this customer group) to education and
communication purposes, highlight an overall high cultural initiatives, from social and political activism
level of digital inclusion. However, the limited avail- to measures providing ICT access and learning op-
able statistics also clearly show the existence of im- portunities. While neither exhaustive nor statistically
portant access digital divides across and within IEM representative of the whole ªeld,8 the overview pro-
groups (mostly reºecting age, gender, and education vides a good picture of the initiatives carried out on
differences).7 Fighting such divides and increasingly the ground around Europe in recent years.
second-level use/knowledge gaps is therefore still From the survey, we identiªed several initiatives
important. which address the link between ICT skills promotion
Research by IPTS has analysed more than 150 ini- and employability from different perspectives. Fol-
tiatives in the EU27 member states, where ICT are lowing, we provide a short summary of them.9

7. See Simon (2007) for data on Germany and Ofcom (2008) for the UK.
8. The survey that identiªed these initiatives aimed to map the variety of experiences by providing all kinds of “exam-
ples,” rather than by achieving an extensive coverage. However, based on cross-checks with other surveys, project da-
tabases, etc., it can be stated that the vast majority of such initiatives supported by public funding schemes has been
captured. On the other hand, there are many more initiatives around that have been initiated and carried out by mi-
grant individuals and collectives on their own means, than the few ones reported in the overview.
9. A one-page description of all the cases mentioned below can be found in recent work by Kluzer, Hache, &
Codagnone (2008).

72 Information Technologies and International Development


Promoting e-Inclusion in a “Digital measures to empower migrant women who often

Citizenship” Perspective enter employment relationships which are far below
their qualiªcation in order to secure their extended
Over 30% of all cases from the survey include the residence in the country. The DO IT! Initiative in Bel-
provision of access opportunities to PC and Internet gium has been launched (with funding from Micro-
connectivity, usually associated with some form of soft) by Interface3 in collaboration with 11 other
basic digital literacy training, such as an introduction NGOs to provide IT and language training to non-
to operating systems and ofªce applications and to European resident women, a group which is suffer-
some Internet activities like using email and con- ing from a much higher unemployment rate than
ducting Web searches. Many of these initiatives do their European counterparts. Under this scheme,
not target IEM speciªcally, as they are part of 4,500 people were provided with IT skills training in
broader e-Inclusion measures for digitally excluded 2007. The MAKS project in Kuregem (also in Bel-
people, disadvantaged groups, and deprived areas. gium) provided desktop publisher qualiªcation to in-
However, as migrants often fall within these catego- terested local residents, 80% of whom have an
ries, they are also reached by these measures. immigrant background. The “eIntegration” project,
Initiatives in this category reºect the idea that all launched in 2008 by the Bulgarian State Agency for
citizens should be put in the conditions to be able ICT, provided a nine-month course for a group of
to use ICT if they so wish, characterizing such condi- 80 Roma men and women between the ages of
tions as a new citizenship right for those living in 16 and 30. The four-phase course used the iCentres
the information society, rather than as any speciªc network being developed in Bulgaria (also with sup-
utilitarian goal. The notion that some level of digital port from Microsoft), and its last stage for expert-
capability is a necessary (albeit not sufªcient) condi- level skills (100 hours) envisaged meeting prospec-
tion for gaining employment or improving one’s pro- tive employers and embarking on a three-month in-
fessional prospects in our society is undoubtedly ternship program in the IT area.
behind that idea. The provision of generic digital ac-
cess and literacy opportunities, without a clear link New Digital and Social Media
to the concrete needs and expectations of the in-
tended beneªciaries, goes often wasted, however.
A variation on the previous category concerns initia-
Developing ICT Skills for tives where the focus is on the use of new digital
Employability media and audiovisual content production. Such ini-
tiatives are multiplying as a consequence of the suc-
We refer here to training initiatives which promote cess of social networking and other Web 2.0
more or less advanced digital skills and other trans- services, which are making it much easier to pro-
versal competencies (such as problem-solving, com- duce and share digital content online. Three types of
munication skills, linguistic skills, and others) with projects have been identiªed under this category,
the explicit aim to enhance the learners’ overall em- two of which also address employability aspects.
ployability, or possibly, their work chances in speciªc The ªrst type is represented by vocational training
jobs or sectors. The IT industry itself is a main poten- initiatives aimed primarily at promoting work oppor-
tial destination, and in fact, it is also an initiator tunities for IEM in the traditional and new media
and/or supporter of such initiatives.10 When industry. For instance, Mediashakers in the Nether-
migrants and ethnic minorities are addressed, lands and Mundo in Finland have this goal. The sec-
women, young people, and the Roma population ond type includes initiatives which develop (critical)
are often the selected targets. For instance, the multimedia technical and social skills to promote
InterCulturExpress (ICE) development partnership in creative expression and employability among young
Austria (supported by the European Social Fund’s people at risk of exclusion. Roots&Routes TV, based
Equal Initiative) included ICT training as one of the in Germany, and XénoCLiPse and Bordergames in

10. The Irish initiative, Fast Track to IT (see http://www.ª, providing IT training and job matching services for
marginalized youth, is a well-known case: Between 1999 and 2008, it trained 6,500 young people, 3,500 of whom
found a job requiring the skills provided by the courses.

Volume 5, Number 2, Summer 2009 73


Spain, are all projects of this kind, with a pan- “clients,” one third of the employment ofªcers
European perspective (although Bordergames was found that the program made it easier to match job
actually implemented also in Morocco and in the seekers with employment offers. ePortfolio Skåne,
favelas of São Paulo in Brazil). The third type in- with contribution from the European Refugee’s
cludes projects which enable digital content produc- Fund, will extend this experience to 30 of Skåne’s
tion by IEM people, without employability concerns, 33 municipalities.
but rather to explore their cultural heritage, enhance
communication capacity, and support active citizen- ICT-based Services to Support Self-
ship (Voces Gitanas in Spain, Wikim in France, employment and Small Enterprises
iRespect in the UK, and WMAs in the Hague). All
Finally, a few cases have been found, especially in
these initiatives tend to have a strong community
the UK, of initiatives which provide online standard
focus and sometimes also involve elderly people
business services or services to promote the use of
(i.e., Senioren Migranten in Germany and Migrations
ICT for eCommerce and other business-related pur-
a Besançon in France).
poses, targeted speciªcally to individual or small en-
trepreneurs with an immigrant background.
ICT-based Tools for Evaluating KCBMEB, EMBS, ICTCULT, and MEEM are all British
Skills, Assessing Training Needs, ICT-related projects addressing so-called Black and
and Matching Job Supply and Minority Ethnic businesses. This is a particularly im-
Demand portant area, as all around Europe immigrants
The development of such tools was an explicit goal are very active in starting new businesses. For in-
of the Equal initiative supported by the European stance, according to the OECD, foreign-born per-
Social Fund (ESF) over the period 2000–2006. Sev- sons accounted in 2005 for some 12% of the self-
eral projects were thus funded by it, some of them employed in the UK; 13% in Belgium, France, and
speciªcally addressing IEM. Pontest, for instance, Germany; and over 14% in Sweden—ªgures which
helps identify skilled workers in Poland requested by are generally higher than the share of immigrants in
SMEs in the Trentino Alto-Adige region in Northern the labor force. This is seen to reºect, in some cases,
Italy. DP NOBI in Germany and Work in the Czech an improved position for immigrants in the host
Republic also combine online support and match- country’s society, but also the fact that some catego-
making services for job seekers and potential em- ries of immigrant workers are using self-employment
ployers. The Ethnic Jobsite (ETJOB) in the UK is an- as a fallback solution to cope with the growing
other match-making service. It has been helping difªculty of labor market entry (insufªcient social
over 300 organizations ªnd the right employees and capital, language difªculties, problems with the rec-
comply with the Race Equality Duty established for ognition of qualiªcations, etc.) (OECD/Sopemi,
the public sector in 2000. 2007).
ICT-based tools can also be used to assess skills
and give visibility to capabilities and past experiences Challenges and Recommendations
of IEM workers in order to compensate for the fre- for the Future
quent lack of recognition of educational and profes- 1. We need to enhance our understanding of
sional accreditations issued in origin countries. the speciªc role of e-skills both in increasing the
Besides Pontest, another initiative focusing on this possibilities of speciªc target groups (e.g., immi-
comes from Sweden (it is not included in the over- grant women) to improve their labor market posi-
view report). The City of Malmö carried out the ESF tion (get job, get a better position, develop self-
project “Making newcomers’ competencies visible in employment or a micro-enterprise, etc.), and in the
Skåne,” whereby recently arrived immigrants cre- role of NGOs providing digital training and social
ated their qualiªcation portfolio during the introduc- services in helping those people to develop their e-
tion program when they learn Swedish. Besides skills and ªnd adequate paths to enter/progress in
positive learning and empowerment effects on the the labor market.11 A bottom-up approach would

11. There is an ongoing research study co-led by Maria Garrido (University of Washington, USA) and Gabriel Rissola
(Dynamic Organization Thinking, Spain) speciªcally addressing this topic.

74 Information Technologies and International Development


secure a positive integration of those people into European Commission. (2006a). The demographic
the labor market by better matching their compe- future of Europe—from challenge to opportunity
tencies with the kind of labor tasks deployed, thus (COM[2006] 571 ªnal). Brussels: European Com-
democratising the “better employment” Lisbon mission.
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76 Information Technologies and International Development

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