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Asbury College Inc.

Developmental Reading II
Method 9

Course Outline
1 Semester A.Y. 2020-2021

Unit I Theories: reading and Writing in the Early Years

Lesson 1 Theories of Learning and Early Literacy Learning Theories

Definition of Emergent Literacy
Transitions on the Perspectives of Emergent Literacy
Learning Theories Supporting Early Literacy Development
The Constructivist Model
Views on Reading
Theories on Reading Acquisition
Theories on Early Writing Development
Early Writing Acquisition

Lesson 2 Early Literacy Behavior

Behavior of Emergent Literacy

Lesson 3 Emergent Reader and Emergent Writer

Characteristics of an Emergent Reader
Stages of the Reading Process
Characteristics of an Emergent Writer
Stages of Writing Development
Reading and Writing Independence

Lesson 4 Promoting Early Literacy

Vehicles to Early Literacy
The Role of Home in Promoting Early Literacy
The Value of Language in Promoting Early Literacy
The Value of Reading in Promoting Early Literacy
The Value of Writing in Promoting Early Literacy
The Role of the School in Promoting Early Literacy
Unit II Approaches to Teaching Reading: A Philippine Perspective
Development of the Four-Pronged Approach
Subject Nomenclature and Description for English
Goals of English Instruction in the Elementary Level
Goals in Teaching English Language
Goals in Teaching Reading
Language Acquisition
Study Skills and Comprehension Skills in Reading

Lesson 5 The Four-Pronged Approach

Rationale of Four-Pronged Approach

Lesson 6 Developing a Genuine Love for Reading (GLR)

Rationale and Objectives of GLR
Pre-Reading Activities
Motive Question
Vocabulary Building
Vocabulary Building through Context Clues
Vocabulary Building through Picture Analysis
Systematic Phonic Instruction
Development of Vocabulary, Comprehension and Writing Skills
Prediction as Pre-Reading Activity
During Reading Activities
The Art of Story Reading
Making Predictions while Reading
Developing Reading Skills
Sample Lesson Plan Employing Grade 5

Lesson 7 Developing Critical and Creative Thinking Skills

Nature of Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking
Barriers to Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking
Sample Lesson Plan in Critical and Creative Thinking
“The Boy and the Mermaid” by Maximo Ramos

Lesson 8 Post-Reading Activities

Reading and Writing Connection

Lesson 9 Grammar and Oral Language Development (GOLD)

Rationale and Objectives of GOLD
Grammar and its Dimensions
Teaching Grammar
Oral Language Development
Teaching Speaking
Lesson 10 Transfer Stage
Transfer Stage
Specific Literacy Experience: The Reading Act
Differentiated Instructions
Sample Lesson in Critical and Creative Thinking and Transfer
“The Untouchable Trees” By Juan Flavier

Unit III Developmental Reading 2 Practicum and Apprenticeship

Important Reminders during the apprenticeship and practical record’=
Ten Steps for Implementing Repeated Reading Tactic
Reading Practices during Actual Participation
A Prediction/Summarization Tactic
A Text Lookback Tactic
The Verbal Retelling Tactic
A Storytelling Tactic
Some flexible Grouping Strategies to Enhance Reading
Round-Robin Reading
Some flexible Groupings Strategies on Enhance Reading
Round-Robin Reading
Template Triangle of Key Points, Connections and Questions
Student Reflection Strategies on

Lecture/Reporting, Remedial Reading Activity, Narrative Report, Case Study/Reaction
Paper/Critique, Self Directed Learning, Quizzes and Projects
Class Standing 60%
Quizzes, Lecture/Report Presentation, Class Participation/Attendance 30%
Projects, Critique, Reaction Paper, Reading Remediation Output 30%
Periodical Examinations 40%

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