Gregory Malfoy

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Gregory Malfoy

Chapter 1
It is with shock and confusion that this reporter informs the wizarding public that despite all
expectations to the contrary Lucius, Narcissa and Draco Malfoy have walked away from their trial
completely free. During this war Lucius, Narcissa and Draco's involvement in the war has not been
kept secret. Lucius Malfoy was arrested for breaking into the Ministry of Magic with other Death
Eaters and dressed in Death Eater robes, leading the attack on the at the time 15 year old boy-who-
lived and his closest friends. Lucius Malfoy went to Azkaban for his actions only to be broken out a
year later.
Draco Malfoy was known to be on the Astronomy tower with Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape
and other Death Eaters the night that Albus Dumbledore was murdered, speculation has even
arisen that Draco Malfoy was the one that was supposed to kill Dumbledore. Draco Malfoy's
position as a Death Eater was also never in question during this war.
Narcissa Malfoy likewise was a presence throughout the last year of hell as a Death Eater. And yet
despite all this evidence and witnesses that gave evidence that they were Death Eaters, the Malfoy
family solicitor Mister Nigel Blackcreep managed to put together an amazing defence for them,
proving that they had never once been seen casting any long lasting harmful curses, never once had
been seen casting an unforgivable and put together the defence that they had acted as they had out
of fear not for their own life individually but for the lives of their family members.
However the nail in the coffin for the people that wanted to see Lucius, Narcissa and Draco Malfoy
in prison came with the arrival of THE most unexpected and shocking character witness FOR the
family. It was with some smugness and knowledge that he had won that Mister Nigel Blackcreep
called to the stand Mr Harrison James Potter, the boy who lived, chosen one and defeater of you
know who. This reporter can tell the readers that the stunned silence was so loud in the court that
Mr Potter's footsteps fairly rang out as he walked to the stand. Dressed in fine wizarding robes and
looking every inch the Lord of one of the Ancient Houses Mr Potter took to the stand.
To say that confusion was running through the court by this point would be an understatement. The
rivalry between Mr Potter and Draco Malfoy has been well known throughout our world with
Draco Malfoy providing damaging interviews about Mr Potter during their fourth and fifth years at
Hogwarts. Lucius Malfoy was known to lead the attack in the Ministry of Magic that ended in the
death of Sirius Black, Mr Potter's beloved godfather. And so the court was understandably
confused as to why Mr Blackcreep who had so far put forward a good defence for his clients to get
them a minimum sentence would call forwards Harry Potter as a defence.
And then Mr Potter proceeded to defend the Malfoy family in front of a completely shocked court.
He filled the court in on how he had overheard Draco Malfoy talking to a trusted fried about how
he was terrified that his mother would be killed if he did not kill Albus Dumbledore, he informed
the court of how Draco Malfoy had been unable to commit the act of murder when he had the
chance. Mr Potter also told the court how when he and his companions of the last year Hermione
Granger and Ronald Weasley were captured while they were on their mission and taken to Malfoy
manor, Draco despite clearly recognising him through the stinging hex Miss Granger had cast to
conceal Mr Potter's identity, did not give him away.
He then went on to inform the court of Narcissa Malfoy's act of bravery, how when she had been
sent to check his pulse after you know who had hit him with the killing curse for the second time in
his life she had lied and told you know who and the Death Eaters that Harry Potter was dead.
Allowing him time to recover and act out his plan to destroy you know who for good. This action
was at great risk to herself and her husband, who would no doubt have been killed for the
And finally Mr Potter spoke on behalf of a visibly stunned Lord Malfoy, while having not committed
any such redeemable actions as his wife and son had Mr Potter urged the court to understand the
fear that Lord Malfoy must have felt towards his own life but more importantly his families lives.
Mr Potter pointed out that the Malfoy family motto is 'Family First' and that without a doubt this is
what he believed Lord Malfoy had tried to do, protect and guard his family from a mad man as best
he could. Putting himself through torture and even being imprisoned so that he could protect them
as best he could.
Looking straight at Lord Malfoy Harry Potter spoke the words that shook the court and
undoubtedly assured the three their freedom. He told the court that he forgave the family for all
previous actions, that he understood in hindsight why they had committed them and that in a form
he respected and admired they for the love, loyalty and utter devotion that they had displayed to
one another in a time of fear, pain and uncertainty.
It did not truly come as a shock to the court therefore when the Wizengamot declared that the
Malfoy family were free of charges of being Death Eaters and were free to return home
Mr Potter left the court long before any reporters could get to him, staying only long enough to
hear the result of the Malfoy families trial.
A month later…
"Master, Harry Potter is in the apparation room for you," The House elf squeaked bowing politely
as it popped into the breakfast room causing the fifteen of them to freeze before looking at each
other completely stunned.
"Harry Potter? Your sure?" Samuel asked shocked.
"Yes Master, that's what he said his name was," The house elf bowed.
"Invite him here for breakfast," Marcus said peering over the top of his news paper.
"Grandfather, I'm not sure that's the best idea," Lucius argued hesitantly.
"Nonsense, it is breakfast time and we are eating so it is only polite to ask our guest to join us. Plus
we have not had a chance to thank you young man for what he did, now bring him here Tiddy,"
Marcus commanded.
"Grandfather I seriously doubt Mr Potter will be comfortable eating with us," Lucius sighed.
"Then we will have to make him comfortable dear," Carina chuckled. They sat in a hesitant silence
for the next few minutes until Tiddy walked back into the room with Harry Potter following
hesitantly behind, visibly tensing at the sight of them all sitting there looking back at him.
"Mr Potter, welcome to Malfoy Manor. You of course know my wife and son. This is my
Grandfather Marcus Malfoy, my mother Carina, my great-uncle Samuel and his wife June, their son
Marcus and his husband Leandre, their children Orlandus, Tiberius and Phoenix. And this is my
brother Gregory, my youngest brother Mikhail and his wife Julia," Lucius stood and made the
introductions slowly going around the table, each Malfoy nodding to his or her name.
"As my grandson said Mr Potter welcome to Malfoy manor. We all owe you a big thank you for
what you did for my grandson, granddaughter and great grandson," Marcus struggled to his feet
with his walking stick and walked over to Harry who hurried to meet him. Marcus despite his
wrinkles and the fogginess to his grey blue eyes looked just like Lucius, only older with white hair.
"Thank you for your welcome sir, it's nice to meet you. And I only did what was right," Harry said
quietly blinking when the old man laughed amused.
"I apologise Mr Potter but considering your fame it is hard to believe the rumours of how humble
you are, however meeting you I can see it is all true. Not a lot of people would have done what was
right after everything that has happened to you and what my grandson, granddaughter and great
grandson have put you through," Marcus chuckled patting Harry's shoulder as the teen turned bright
"Potter," Draco said hesitantly as he walked over to them. Marcus gave his great grandson a
reassuring nod.
"Yes?" Harry met Draco's eyes unsurely.
"I…I would like to say thank you very much for everything you did, for saving me at Hogwarts and
for speaking up for my parents and me at the trial, you didn't have to do that, I owe you so much
more than my thanks," Draco said honestly. Amused they watched Harry's blush returning.
"I meant what I said at the trial, I admire the choices you made in respects for the loyalty and love
that you showed each other, you made bad choices, but for the right reasons. There's nothing to
thank me for," Harry said softly looking at the floor embarrassed.
"There is everything to thank you for. After everything that you have been through because of the
dark side, because of our family for you to sit down and try and understand why we did what we
did, and then to actually forgive us enough to speak for us. And not only that but you freed us as
well as everyone else from that madman," Narcissa spoke gently as she cupped Harry's face much
to his clear shock before pressing kisses on either cheek and giving him a light hug.
"Of the three of us I have done you the most damage, and for that I can never apologise enough. I
do not believe you will know, but to purebloods children are one of the greatest gifts, be they our
own or someone else's, a magic child is sacred. And that includes blood difference. I wish that I had
never had to treat you, scare you, harm you as I have over the years. And I truly and honestly
mourned the death of Sirius and the pain you clearly felt at his loss. I would have completely
understood if you had not spoken for me, I was expecting you speak on my wife and son's behalf
when our solicitor informed us you were speaking for us. I do not deserve your kindness or
forgiveness, but I will prove that you were not mistaken to do so," Lucius's voice the most open and
relaxed Harry had ever heard it, warm and honest instead of his usual cold drawl, he stayed at an
acceptable distance from Harry clearly unsure that he would want him near to him. Harry thought
over his words before meeting his eyes again.
"My dad died giving his life for my mum and me, what you did was not that much different. I
cannot understand some of the things you have done, and yes while I may have forgiven your
actions towards me in the past it will be harder to forget them, but I believe you will show you are
different now that you have the chance to. May…may I ask you something though?" Harry asked
unsurely flicking his eyes away before looking back.
"Of course," Lucius nodded.
"If children are so sacred, why did you put that diary in Ginny's cauldron?" Harry asked in a rush,
as he finished and saw Lucius's face tightening wondering whether he was about to be chucked out
on his ear.
"I admit that was a rather foolish mistake on my part. The Dark Lord gave the diary into my father's
keeping, when they were younger. When he died naturally it passed to me. I forgot about it until
Draco's…and your first year. I spent nearly the entire year trying to figure out what it was and could
only find out that it was truly dark magic, the darkest I have ever seen. I still do not understand what
Dumbledore meant about it holding his memory, but all I knew was it was dark. I thought
continuous about what to do with it, I was planning on getting it to the Ministry when I spotted you
all in the bookshop. I admit it was a foolish thing of me to do, but I slipped it into the youngest
Weasley's cauldron because she was the only one I could get to under the belief she would take it
straight to her parents, who would of course realise it was dark and either take it to Dumbledore or
the Ministry. I did not believe for a second that she would keep it, or that it would be what it was,"
Lucius admitted. Harry scanned his eyes for a few seconds before nodding lightly.
"Why don't you sit down and join us for breakfast?" Carina, Lucius's mother if Harry remembered
correctly from the introductions smiled warmly at him reminding him of the presence of the rest of
the Malfoy family. Though he had known from somewhere that Lucius had brothers he wasn't
expecting the family to be this big.
"Oh, I don't want to intrude," He said quickly flushing.
"You wouldn't be, the elves are delighted to have the family back in the manor and have been
cooking for double our number, it would be an honour to have you eat with us. We promise nothing
is poisoned," Leandre if Harry remembered right grinned. He was clearly one of the none blood
Malfoy's at the table, his hair was a chocolate brown colour with matching eyes, his smile much
more ready and his manner easier.
"Oh I didn't mean…" Harry flushed deeper.
"Ignore Leander, he is simply teasing, he likes to poke fun at the intimidating reputation we have.
Poor Marcus did not know what to do with himself when Leander walked up to him in Hogwarts
and asked if the stick up his bum was comfortable or not," A deep baritone voice drew Harry's
attention to who he believed was the middle Malfoy brother. While there were distinct likenesses
between Lucius and Gregory, there was no way of mistaking this man as anyone but a Malfoy, there
were also clear differences as well.
Gregory was broader shouldered than Lucius who was by no means small in that area himself. He
had a muscular frame, but not over done, his deep purple robes fitted to highlight his firm chest and
stomach as well as accentuate his defined biceps. His hair was more golden blonde than the silvery
blonde Lucius and Draco possessed, but he noticed that the younger brother Mikhail also had the
more golden shade. His skin was a tanned olive brown instead of the paleness of Lucius and Draco,
though he was happy to note that Draco was finally loosing the greyness that he had possessed for
nearly two years now. His eyes were a deeper blue and incredibly intense as they locked on Harry
and refused to budge, almost making it as though Harry could physically feel the weight of that
gaze upon him. His lips Harry noted with a jolt were full and looked sinfully sensual.
"It was even better when he met Samuel, Marcus brought him home for Christmas a year after they
had been dating, he just walked over and started chatting to Samuel happily, I've never seen so
many Malfoy's gawping in one go," Carina snickered amused breaking Harry from his perusal and
praying that no one else had noticed it, he laughed at genuine amusement at the image.
"Uncle Leander and Harry would get on, the Malfoy reputation doesn't hold much sway on him
either," Draco said. Harry glanced to the side to see if that was a good or bad thing considering his
uncaring of the Malfoy name meant he had quite often told Draco what he thought of him and even
hit him a few times. But Draco was looking amused.
"Here Mr Potter, have a seat, please," Gregory motioned to Mikhail who was sitting beside him and
everyone shuffled slightly around the round table to make a space for him as Gregory stood and
pulled out the chair. Feeling bad that they had had to move to make room for him, and admittedly
slightly nervous of sitting next to the intense Malfoy he made it to the seat and sat, murmuring
thanks even as he blushed when Gregory tucked his seat in for him.
"Please help yourself Mr Potter, there is much more than enough for everyone," Marcus smiled as
Harry sat unsurely for a moment. Feeling slightly awkward and out of place he placed some
pancakes and sausages onto his plate.
"Please just call me Harry, Mr Potter reminds me of the reporters," Harry said, unable to repress the
look of distaste on his face at the thought.
"Then you will call us by our names in return," Carina nodded. "May I ask how you are?"
"How I am?" Harry blinked at her confused.
"You have had an incredibly stressful few years, I am asking if you are as alright as can be
expected," Carina said slowly looking slightly confused. Harry blinked at her a few more times.
"Oh…sorry not many people ask that," He laughed. "I'm…ok, it's just taking time adjusting. Mostly
to living in an actual house instead of a tent and being able to go outside," Harry smiled.
"Not many people ask how you are?" Gregory frowned, his attention had been solely on Harry since
he had sat down, his gaze still heavy.
"Most want to hear about the last battle or talk about people we lost or about if I'm joining to auror
department. Someone even asked me who I thought should be Minister of Magic," Harry scrunched
his nose at that one.
"The masses see the hero," June said quietly speaking for the first time, though her brown eyes were
warm and understanding. "While you are a person who has suffered for what they now celebrate,"
"I…yes…I guess," Harry nodded with a sad smile.
"I have to ask about your comment of getting used to not living in a tent," Gregory's hand brushing
his arm got Harry's attention and distracted him from the slightly depressing thoughts that lingered
most days.
"Oh, me, Hermione and Ron lived in a tent for pretty much the whole year, we would apparate to a
random location one of us came up with then we would set wards around the tent," Harry explained
"Very clever, not staying in one place too long," Marcus nodded approvingly.
"It was actually Hermione's idea. Everyone may be calling me the hero, but me and Ron wouldn't
have lasted five minutes without her," Harry chuckled.
"There was never any doubt when you didn't show up for months who was keeping you hidden,"
Draco snorted.
"My, Draco was that a compliment? While insulting me and Ron I think," Harry grinned. Draco
looked at him quickly looking slightly worried but rolled his eyes when he saw the amusement.
"What, I got extreme vindictive pleasure knowing that he was being thwarted at every move by an
18 year old muggleborn witch," Draco grinned viciously. The family all tensed slightly only to relax
when Harry burst out into laughter.
"Oh, I'll have to tell Hermione and Ron that one, it never occurred to us that way," Harry said
through his laughter.
"How are your friends?" Samuel asked. "There has not been much about them in the papers,"
"Oh they're in Australia at the minute tracking down Hermione's parents," Harry said lightly.
"Tracking them?" Narcissa asked curiously.
"Oh, Hermione wiped their memories to forget about her and their names before making them
believe that they were moving to Australia, where she had arranged a house and practice for them.
However she didn't include a memory for them not to like to travel and they decided to have a
wander across Australia before settling. Her and Ron are on their trail," Harry chuckled.
"Very inventive, I would very much like to meet this Hermione," Marcus said, amusement dancing
in his eyes. There was silence for a few moments while everyone took some food or drink.
"Can I ask how far along you are?" Harry asked Julia who was sitting next to Mikhail, the bump of
her stomach clear now it wasn't hidden by the table. She fairly beamed happily at him as she
"I'm five and half months now, a little girl," She grinned.
"The first Malfoy girl in nearly five generations," Lucius added with a smile.
"I'm sure she is going to be spoilt to death then," Harry smiled at June. "Congratulations, to both of
"Thank you. We believe that the Weasley's will be expecting their first member of the next
generation, and that your father's friend, Lupin, had a blessing of his own," Mikhail commented.
"Oh yes, Fleur is due in a month, Remus and Tonks had a baby boy two weeks before the battle.
Teddy. They asked me to be godfather," Harry knew that he grinned goofily every time he said or
thought it but he had fallen in love with Teddy upon site.
"I don't think they have to worry about babysitting, ever," Leander chuckled seeing the grin.
"Remus joked they were going to have to search me before I left the house," Harry admitted
"May…may I ask how Andromeda is doing?" Narcissa asked hesitantly sobering Harry up
"She is…she is…coping. Her husband died earlier in the year, but with everything that has
happened I don't think she really had time to accept it, and she was distracted with Tonks'
pregnancy. But its hit now, she is struggling but it helps to have Remus, Tonks and Teddy in the
house I think. She'll be alright," Harry answered honestly.
"I did not know about her husband…I realise that this is an awkward question to ask you, but I
would rather you were honest rather than try and spare my feelings, though I do not deserve that.
Do you think she would talk with me?" Narcissa asked. Harry sat thoughtfully for a moment before
speaking slowly.
"I think it would be a long process, but if you write to her I believe she will respond, it may be a
while of writing first before actually meeting each other again, Andromeda has practically wiped
any Black family from her mind," Harry felt bad at Narcissa's wince but she nodded
"Thank you," She said softly.
"The best way into her good books would be to send a present for Teddy with your letter, she has an
incredible soft spot for him," Harry said cursing his easy heart. "I'm sorry but I will need to be
going soon," Harry sighed as he looked at the clock.
"Of course, what is it we can do for you Mr…Harry," Lucius corrected at the look he got.
"It's actually about Headmaster Snape, I am partitioning for him to have his portrait made and hung
in the Headmaster's office. I was hoping I could add your name to the list," Harry said quietly. The
Malfoy's all stared at him slightly stunned.
"May I ask why you are doing that for him. Yours and Severus's relationship is no great secret,"
Lucius asked.
"He saved my life more times than I can count or probably know about, all the time he worked so
hard for the light side at his own risk, going so far as to kill his mentor for it, he was a great man
and he deserves to be respected," Harry said firmly.
"We will all sign," Marcus said firmly. Harry smiled weakly but thankfully and pulled out the form
he had with him. One by one all twelve Malfoy's signed their name.
"There are a lot of light names on there already," Gregory commented.
"They all owe him their lives," Harry huffed.
"I have a feeling you can be very persuasive when you want to be," Gregory smirked, somehow it
was unlike the usual Malfoy smirk, Gregory's made his heart speed up. Feeling his face heating up
as well he stood as he tucked the parchment away safely.
"When I want to be yes. Thank you very much for breakfast, it was lovely to meet you all," Harry
smiled. There was a chorus of various replies, Marcus telling him to come back any time and to
bring Hermione sometime, before he was able to leave. A pair of sea blue eyes locked on his back
and stuck in his mind.
Chapter 2
Harry scrunched his nose as he gazed down at his hand in disgust. Yet another overly large, sweaty
handed politician had gripped his hand tightly as they said hello to him leaving his hand feeling, for
lack of a better word, gross.
He blinked when a white handkerchief appeared in his line of vision held by a black gloved hand.
Following the ice blue robe sleeve up to a broad, shaped chest he met the deep blue eyes that had
been haunting he waking and sleeping thoughts for the last two weeks. Gregory Malfoy was
standing almost uncomfortably close to his back, turned slightly to see him, his eyes as intense as he
remembered and just as focussed.
"T…thank you," Harry cursed his slight stammer as he took the handkerchief and rubbed his hands
clean gratefully, focussing o that rather than the man.
"You are welcome, here," Gregory quickly transfigured two napkins into cotton gloves and held
them out to Harry who pulled them on. "Now you know why we always wear gloves to these
things," He said lowly as Harry tugged on the last one.
"I'm going to have to invest in some, this is ridiculous, why are they all so sweaty," Harry
"Do not tell Lucius I said so but I believe it comes with being a politician," Gregory leant closer to
Harry so his long hair swept forward fanning Gregory's spicy, warm scent towards Harry. He
actually smiled slightly as Harry laughed at his comment as he straightened.
"I won't tell him I promise," Harry chuckled.
"You do not seem very happy considering it's a party," Gregory commented capturing two wine
flutes from a waiter passing the corner Harry had tried to hide himself in and handed one to Harry.
"Oh, no its…fine," Harry mentally groaned at his weak assurance, Gregory's raised eyebrow told
him the Malfoy had definitely caught onto it. "I don't want it to seem like I'm whining," Harry
shrugged looking at the floor. He swore he felt his heart jolt when an incredibly soft leather covered
finger gently urged his chin back up to meet blue eyes.
"You would not be whining, do you not wish to be here?" Gregory asked.
"Not really," Harry found himself admitting. "Parties aren't really my thing. Plus Ron and Hermione
are busy with each other, rightfully so, and the other Weasley's, besides the twins, keep trying to get
me to dance with Ginny, not to mention everyone seems to think I want to be flattered," Harry
sighed. "Sorry, see whining,"
"It's not whining. I am not really one for these events myself, but Grandfather has insisted that we
come out in force to try and repair the damage to the family name. Ginny is the Weasley's only
daughter is she not?" Gregory asked with an unreadable expression.
"Yes, we dated for a little while," Harry said before his brain could think.
"Dated? You have not got back together?" Gregory looked curious now, with something else Harry
could not put his finger on.
"No, her and her family want us to but…" Harry paused, he had only said this to the twins before
"But?" Gregory urged gently when Harry's pause lasted too long.
"But I have changed too much since then, she is too…immature. She wants the boy-who-lived who
will be the whole white knight thing," Harry sighed.
"And you do not wish to have to be the one doing the protecting anymore?" Gregory said causing
Harry to look up at him shocked, he understood exactly what Harry was trying not to say. Blushing
embarrassed he nodded. "That is nothing to be ashamed of Harry, you have had to be strong for too
long, you deserve to have someone who will look after and protect you," Gregory said softly.
"Unfortunately her and the Weasley's don't see it that way, they think I just need some time before
we get married and have messy haired redheaded kids together," Harry winced at the idea.
"You do not wish for a family?" Gregory asked curiously.
"Oh no, I'd like a family…I'd love one," Harry said quickly.
"Just not one with Miss Weasley?" Gregory said.
"Yes, to be honest I think part of the reason I asked her out was kind of because it was expected of
me. Marry Ginny, become an official part of the Weasley family, one of the lightest families,"
Harry sighed.
"From what I have heard from my brother and nephew and the papers I have read you have been
pushed to be what people expect for too long," Gregory said honestly watching Harry's eyes widen
before he lowered them and took a hasty sip of wine.
"Can I ask you something?" Harry asked quietly after a while, so quietly Gregory only just heard
him over the music.
"Of course, I believe I have pried into your life enough for it to only be fair to return the favour,"
Gregory smirked.
"Can I ask where you have been the last few years? I'm presuming you weren't in Britain as you
didn't get caught in it all," Harry asked slightly quickly.
"No I wasn't, Lucius made me promise to stay away after the return, as the next Malfoy in line it
was too dangerous for me to come back. The rest of us stayed in a manor we have in Greece.
Marcus and Leander have three children, and of course June is pregnant so it was essential to keep
them safe," Gregory explained tightly.
"I wasn't accusing you of being a coward, I was just curious," Harry said quickly, reaching out to
touch Gregory's arm unconsciously before blushing and pulling his hand back.
"I know you were not, but I feel like one," Gregory shrugged.
"Your family needed you were you where," Harry said firmly. "What are Marcus and Leander's
children's names? I'm afraid I was in so much shock at seeing so many Malfoy's and having names
thrown at me I can't remember, sorry," Harry admitted embarrassed.
"Orlandus is the oldest at 22, Tiberius is 15, and Phoenix is ten," Gregory smiled warmly at the talk
of his cousins making Harry smile with him. "They were disappointed at not talking to you when
you visited but I'm afraid we were a little wary of making you uncomfortable and trying to get our
footing back after you showed up," Gregory chuckled. "I would have been incredibly impressed if
you had remembered all of us,"
"I admit there are more of you than I expected," Harry smiled shyly.
"Uncle Samuel and his side of the family preferred to stay away from the events in Britain, Leander
was pregnant with Orlandus during the first war, so they moved to one of Uncle Samuel's properties
in Rome and stayed there most of the year. Grandfather did not agree with my father's choices but
because of his health he had already passed over the Malfoy estate, my father while intelligent was
a weak man and was easily taken in by the charm and promise of power offered to him. Grandfather
got myself and Mikhail out and we moved in with him, but Narcissa was already pregnant and
Lucius was threatened with her's and Draco's lives," Gregory explained softly.
"I'm sorry that your family had to go through so much," Harry pulled Gregory away from the
memories that were filling his eyes with a light touch to his shoulder. Once again those sea blue
eyes were locked onto Harry's with the intensity that hit him to his core.
"Thank you, a lot of people say we brought it upon ourselves. You truly are a unique being Harry,"
Gregory smiled in a way that made his eyes glitter and Harry curse rather imaginatively in his head.
"I'm not unique I'm just…oh Merlin's draws!" Harry groaned quickly stepping closer and in front of
Gregory so that he was hiding him mostly from sight of the ballroom. Gregory blinked down at the
chosen one who was suddenly much closer and appeared to be hiding.
"Is everything alright Harry? Only if we carry on standing like this people are going to think I am
talking to the wall," Gregory raised an eyebrow when Harry looked up at him sheepishly.
"Sorry, one of my stalkerish fans. I think she's Lord Flint's daughter. She actually outright offered to
have my child and proposed to me!" Harry winced. "It's not funny! She's bloody scary!" Harry
huffed when Gregory let out a deep rumbling laugh, the sound bringing a blush to Harry's cheeks.
"I apologise, it is just the horror on your face is quite amusing," Gregory smirked.
"I'm glad I can provide amusement," Harry huffed sticking his tongue out at Gregory. The middle
Malfoy brother blinked down at him completely shocked making Harry start chuckling himself.
"Uncle Gregory, you ok?" A curious voice proceeded someone leaning curiously around Gregory to
see who he was talking to. Harry looked down to see the youngest Malfoy staring at him wide eyed.
"Hey, its Phoenix, right?" Harry smiled at the boy. He was a perfect mix of his parents, he had the
Malfoy blonde hair, though more of a honey blonde, and the pale skin, but his warm chocolate eyes
were Leander's. His hair had the same waviness that Leander's possessed and fell just short of his
shoulders, a stray curl falling into his eye as he stared up at Harry.
"Phoenix," Gregory nudged the young boy.
"Oh, yes sorry Mr Potter, I'm Phoenix," The boy blushed holding out his hand formally.
"It's nice to meet you, just call me Harry," Harry smiled taking the hand.
"Why are you hiding in the corner?" Phoenix looked between Harry and Gregory curiously.
"Harry's hiding from some scary ladies," Gregory smirked down as Harry blushed again.
"Oh why what do they want?" Phoenix glanced around the ball room as though the women would
stand out.
"At the minute to dance," Harry scrunched his nose up getting a giggle from Phoenix.
"Oh are you like dad, papa and Uncle Gregory?" Phoenix asked curiously. Gregory choked slightly
bringing one gloved hand up to cover his face.
"Erm, like them?" Harry asked looking between the two Malfoy's.
"You'd rather dance with the men," Phoenix said innocently. Harry chuckled when he realised
Gregory was embarrassed, Phoenix was looking between them confused.
"I erm…well…I don't mind, but the ladies here are scary," Harry shuddered.
"Oh, ok. I'm going to get a coke," Phoenix grinned before bouncing off. Harry glanced up at
Gregory who was rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"From the mouths of babes," He shook his head with an exasperated sigh.
"He's cute," Harry chuckled despite how flustered he was.
"He's a menace. Is your stalker still here?" Gregory asked. Cautiously Harry peaked around Gregory
before quickly dodging back.
"No, but I think Ginny is looking for me," Harry winced. "Urgh why did I let myself get dragged
here?" Harry groaned.
"Why did you let yourself get dragged here if you don't enjoy these things?" Gregory asked.
"Apparently I've been cutting myself off and buried myself in the reparations, I spend most of my
day at Hogwarts, nearly everyone I know practically shoves me into my dress robes and out to these
things because they think it will make me have a good time," Harry sighed.
"Instead you end up hiding in the corner waiting till you can leave?" Gregory frowned.
"If it's not politicians wanting me to support their ideas and careers, its men and women wanting to
be the one to say they slept with the man-who-lived-twice, or it's the Weasley's trying to push me
towards Ginny," Harry admitted quietly.
"You truly do not like your fame?" Gregory asked, no tone of disbelief or accusation in his voice. A
simply statement.
"No, I just want to be myself, to be Harry for once. I did what I had to, and I lost people that I cared
about along the way. I don't want to have to rehash it again and again and again, I don't want to be
turned into the next Dumbledore, and I don't want to carry on where I am the wizarding worlds
darling one minute and a dangerous lunatic the next," Harry frowned.
"People are petty. It is not quite the same, but I understand a little what you mean. Being a Malfoy
means I am viewed a certain way, have expectations upon me to do certain things, there are always
people creeping around wanting things off me, to use me to get ahead. I am the only one of my
brothers that did not marry young, people wish to date me just to have a connection to the Malfoy
name. I understand some how difficult it is Harry," Gregory spoke softly, his eyes never leaving
Harry's face as he spoke. Harry felt that he was being given an insight into the man's life and mind.
And it left him feeling not quite so isolated.
"Thank you. It's nice to know that someone understands," Harry said softly. Gregory's gloved finger
once again raised Harry's chin as he looked away. This man was a complete and utter mystery to
Harry, he had the Malfoy coolness and detachment from everyone else, the natural superiority and
grace that it seemed after meeting the collection all Malfoy's possessed, even young Phoenix held it
to some degree. But there was a warmth like a small flame lingering inside of Gregory that drew
Harry in, feeling as though Gregory was allowing him to see it. It hid behind his amazing blue eyes
that told so much that his Malfoy mask hid away.
"Harry there you are! Come on!" Harry winced as Molly grabbed his arm and started tugging him
away. "The junior under minister wants to speak to you," Harry shot Gregory a hopeless and
apologetic look over his shoulder before following after Molly with clear reluctance, once again
leaving a pair of blue eyes locked on his figure until he was out of sight.
"You're playing with fire there brother," Mikhail's soft voice came from behind Gregory as he
watched Harry disappearing into the crowd.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Gregory said blankly turning to his brother who snorted
in amusement.
"Ah ha. I would advise against playing with him Gregory, he's the nations darling right now, not to
mention that Grandfather is rather taken with him. Playing with his heart will do you no favours,"
Mikhail said lowly.
"Who said anything about playing?" Gregory raised an eyebrow at his brother before walking away
leaving his brother staring stunned after him.
Chapter 3
Harry blinked blankly at the redheads in front of him who were currently chattering on at him, at
not to, as they had been for the last hour and a half. He had been sitting in the Three Broomsticks
having lunch with Neville and catching up on everything from the last year, enjoying spending time
with his gentle, understanding friend who due to liberal amounts of dittany was getting less and less
scars. And then Molly, Ginny, Percy and Arthur had seated themselves at the table and started
talking away. His warm and friendly feelings for Neville had disappeared when after twenty
minutes the traitor had escape by saying he was due for a meeting at the Ministry. Though he had
thrown Harry an apologetic look before flooing out.
The conversation had started out safe enough, the repairs at Hogwarts, the ball last week, Ron and
Hermione had managed to finally track down her parents, their engagement. And then Molly and
Ginny had started in on their not so discrete hint dropping and prodding, Percy had added his two
knuts worth with a superiority that he had not lost despite the choices he had made in the last few
years, and Arthur had sat smiling and murmuring agreements to things he had no idea to what he
was agreeing to.
"Ah Harry, I'm sorry that I'm so late," The familiar voice had him freezing up before a large, warm
hand fell onto his shoulder. Looking up he met sea blue eyes with an eagerness that surprised him
from the moment that he had heard the deep, slightly gravelly voice that still managed to sound
smooth and cultured. "I do hope you did not think I stood you up," Gregory added.
"No its alright, Molly, Ginny, Percy and Arthur were keeping me company after Neville left," Harry
smiled catching on.
"Ah that is good then, I did not think that I would be so late. The Healer was late in flooing in
Julia's results," Gregory rolled his eyes.
"That's alright, is Julia ok?" Harry asked slightly concerned.
"Oh she's fine, she had an appointment two days ago, her and the baby are both totally fine,"
Gregory gave that small smile that warmed his eyes.
"I'm glad. Shall we?" Harry stood quickly and probably a little too eagerly but if Ginny flashed her
cleavage at him one more time or flicked her hair he was going to crack.
"Harry, aren't you going to introduce us?" Molly's words were polite. Her tone and scowl were not.
"I am Gregory Malfoy. A pleasure," Gregory bowed his head politely but he didn't remove his hand
from Harry's shoulder. The grip was firm but not painful, reassuring and warm. And once again
Gregory was much too close to Harry for the good of Harry's thought processes. His spicy scent
drifting over Harry and through his senses like a drug. And somehow it managed to relax him at the
same time.
"Malfoy," Percy sneered at Gregory making Harry's hackles rise. "I had heard that you were all
coming back into the country,"
"Yes, after everything that happened we came home to give what support we could to my brother
and his family as well as hopefully righting wrongs that have been made," Gregory said tightly.
"That will take a lot of work," Arthur snorted.
"But at least they are making the effort to do so, unlike the other families that are just leaving the
country," Harry said sharply causing the four Weasley's to look at him shocked.
"Well…yes of course. I did not know you knew any of the other Malfoy's besides Lucius, Draco
and Narcissa Harry," Molly smiled weakly.
"I met them when I went round to ask them to sign Severus's petition," Harry shrugged lightly so
that he didn't disturb Gregory's hand which he was quite happy with staying where it was for as
long as possible.
"You went alone to Malfoy Man…erm…that was…" Ginny stammered catching the dangerous
flash in Harry's eyes that she had the sense to recognise as warning.
"It was perfectly safe. They were all very polite and welcoming," Harry said shortly.
"It was foolish, just a few months ago they would have…" Arthur started but Harry snapped his
eyes onto him.
"Just a few months ago Draco lied to save mine, Hermione and Ron's lives. And only a little bit
after that Narcissa lied right to Voldemort's face to beat him," Harry snapped before gathering his
cloak. "I'll see you on Thursday," He nodded to them all before leading Gregory into Diagon Alley.
Once they were in the alleyway both of them seemed to stop at some unnamed signal and turned to
each other.
"I apologise if I overstepped my bounds or caused problems with your friends, I did not mean to
cause trouble, but you looked as though you needed rescuing," Gregory said quietly, if he was any
other man but a Malfoy Harry would say that he was looking at him unsurely.
"Oh no! I did need rescuing, I was trying to come up with a polite way to run away when you came
over. I'm sorry for what they were saying," Harry frowned.
"You do not need to apologise Harry, it is not something that everyone is not thinking or saying
behind our backs," Gregory shrugged.
"Well you don't deserve it, the Malfoy name was cleared and you are trying to put things right,"
Harry scowled.
"Thank you for your defence Harry, it means a lot to me…and to my family, and not just because of
your name. We know that what you are saying, you truly believe it," Gregory said softly. Harry felt
the blood rushing to his cheeks, he couldn't stop himself from blushing and he couldn't pull his gaze
away either.
"I erm…well thank you for your rescue," Harry stammered, blushing darker as he did so.
"I take it you were being pushed towards Miss Weasley again?" Gregory smiled slightly.
"Yes, again. They were alright to start with. Then they started on the hints, if I heard bonding
ceremony or proposal one more time I was going to scream," Harry sighed rubbing his temple.
"Do you have any plans for the rest of the afternoon?" Gregory asked. Harry started and looked up
at him cautiously wondering whether the middle Malfoy was being polite or actually wanted his
"Not really, I just had plans for lunch with Neville and the afternoon to myself," Harry said slowly
not sure what to say so as not to embarrass himself. He really wished Hermione was in the country
so that he could talk to her about this.
"Would you mind my company for a little while then?" Gregory asked, his eyes drilling into Harry.
Harry felt his breath catch in his throat, the idea of getting to spend more time with the middle
Malfoy had been playing on his mind lately, he had even been curious as to whether he would be at
the next party Harry would be dragged to!
"I'd like that," He admitted shyly, seeing the flash of…something running through Gregory's eyes.
He wished that he was better at reading people for emotions other than hate and danger, those two
and he knew what you were thinking but the minute it was anything else he was clueless.
"Did your friend manage to retrieve her parents safely?" Gregory asked as they started off at the
slow stroll down the alley. Almost cautiously Gregory's hand was placed in the middle of Harry's
back as a guide as they walked together.
The Alley had been one of the places that the wizarding public had rallied round to restore. Various
builders and constructors donating their time to help rebuild the alley back to its former glory,
constant repairs were being made on the shops that had been damaged and destroyed in various
attacks. Ollivanders was already repaired and running again for the new term coming up.
So Diagon alley was once again a small hive of activity with either shoppers, builders or volunteers
helping where they could. Embarrassingly it was Gringotts that needed the most repairs after their
little episode with the dragon.
"Yes, she finally tracked them down. She's restored their memory and explained everything that
happened in the last year. They're coming back in the next couple of days," Harry smiled at the
thought of finally being able to see his friends again.
"It must be strange for you, having spent the last year with only them from what I have heard, to
them being out of the country and away from you," Gregory part asked, part questioned.
"We've not really been away from each other for very long in the last seven years to be honest, a
month at the most, and even then we could owl each other occasionally. It sort of feels like I've lost
a limb to be honest," Harry chuckled embarrassed at the confession.
"From what I have heard, and what little you have said it sounds like they are very good friends,"
Gregory gave Harry his sort of smile that made his eyes glitter.
"I couldn't have lasted this long without them. They are like family to me, we have our snaps and
snipes at each other and our fallings out. But in the long run we love each other too much not to be
there when we are needed, and when we're not talking we miss each other," Harry explained before
blushing. "Sorry, I'm going on,"
"There is no need to apologise Harry, I asked, I wanted to know. They are clearly important to you.
You do not mind that they are together?" Gregory asked curiously.
"No, not at all. In fact it's a relief," Harry burst out laughing at the question.
"A relief?" Gregory asked looking amused at the hilarity Harry was showing, even if he was
looking bemused as well.
"Ron has been metaphorically pulling Hermione's pigtails since we met her on the train for our first
year of Hogwarts. Everyone else has seen it coming for years, but they seemed blind to each other's
feelings and danced around each other until this year," Harry rolled his eyes. "Everyone's relieved
that they have finally seen the light and realised that they are obviously meant to be together,"
"That is a long time to have feelings for each other," Gregory raised an eyebrow.
"If Ron wasn't such an idiot they probably would have gotten together in our sixth year," Harry said
"An idiot?" Gregory was definitely looking amused now.
"He decided that sucking face with another girl was a healthy way to deal with the fact he was in
love with our best friend. He took denial to a whole new level,"
"Oh dear, that would have made things uncomfortable for you," Gregory snickered catching Harry's
attention. The man didn't laugh a lot, but when he did it felt as though a shock was running through
all Harry's nerves.
"Being in between those two is never a pleasant experience when they are fighting. They may love
each other to the end and back, but by Merlin can they fight!" Harry mock shuddered even as he
scrambled to get his brain functioning again.
"They sound a little like Leander and Marcus, Leander will not take 'the Malfoy shit' as he phrases
it. When they fight we all go to the other side of the manor," Gregory snorted.
"Yup they definitely sound alike. Ron and Hermione would start growling at each other and the
Gryffindor common room would clear like everyone had apparated," Harry smiled at the memory.
"I would very much like to meet them both, they sound exceedingly interesting," Gregory said
"I think they would find you very interesting as well," Harry grinned, using the excuse of someone
passing a little too close to step closer into Gregory's space.
"I believe that anything Weasley is repelled to anything Malfoy," Gregory said equally as softly as
"I could say the opposite, and yet you are intrigued to meet Ron," Harry raised an eyebrow.
"However your friend has every right to think bad of the Malfoy family, especially if my nephews
stories of all your past dealings in school, not to mention with my brother are to be believed,"
Gregory pointed out leading Harry down a side alley that Harry had only been down once or twice.
It was a higher class part of Diagon, and had escaped with the least damage.
"And yet I have seen passed that to see the truth. The Weasleys are a light family yes, but the most
important thing to them is family. We may not agree with the choices that your family have made,
or with the views that over the years Draco has expressed to us, or more importantly Hermione.
However we saw that Lucius, Draco and Narcissa had become disillusioned with Voldemort and
Narcissa saved my life," Harry spoke plainly but Gregory felt the words straight to his chest.
"You really, truly are a unique being Harry Potter," Gregory shook his head looking away from
Harry's piercing green eyes.
"There is too much hatred, I've spent to long hating and being hated. Holding onto a pointless hate
is not worth the energy," Harry answered simply.
Gregory led Harry to a table outside of a café. They seated themselves and Gregory waved to the
nearby waiter before turning back to Harry. "My normal is tea and the cake of the day from here is
always delicious, do you mind?"
"That's fine," Harry smiled.
"Hatred is in human nature," Gregory said going back to the conversation.
"And hatred is what created Voldemort. He hated and hated, he hated his muggle blood, he hated
his wizarding blood. Both worlds failed him and he hated enough to want to destroy both. It's
because of his hatred that he was defeated. Both times," Harry sighed.
"Both times?" Gregory frowned before shaking his head. "Please do not feel that you have to speak
to me about this, I know how tired you must be of having to discuss it," He said quickly.
"No its alright, this I don't mind talking about too much to someone who is not simply looking for a
story. Voldemort, who never knew love, who never loved couldn't understand it, so he
underestimated the power of love. My mother died for me, because she loved me, the oldest magic
alive, the magic that runs through all our veins, magic more powerful than anything else. She
activated it with her sacrifice, because she loved me. And that is the reason the spell backfired, that
is what protected me that night. Love," Harry smiled sadly.
"Love? Something so simple?" Gregory frowned.
"Ah ah! You are underestimating it as well. Humans are ultimately selfish beings, but love, love
makes us step in front of curses to protect those we love. Love meant that Voldemort, so powerful
in mind magic, couldn't take control of a fifteen year olds mind," Harry to his shock found himself
enjoying this conversation, talking about it to someone unbiased.
"A fifteen year old! Please tell me…" Gregory's eyes were wide as he looked at Harry.
"Yes it was me. After the events in the Ministry of Magic…when…when Sirius was killed. I chased
after Bellatrix, but Voldemort had arrived at the Ministry. He and Dumbledore duelled but
Voldemort took control of my mind to try and kill me that way. However the pain I was feeling
from Sirius's loss, the overwhelming love I felt for Sirius and the overwhelming grief that came
with it, my love for my friends that went into danger with me, thinking we would be facing
Voldemort, the love I felt for my parents, even the love I felt for Dumbledore, my flawed mentor,
but someone who had been there for me. All of it was too much. As I said, Voldemort never knew
love, he never tried to find it, and he couldn't stand to feel it in me," Harry's eyes were distant as he
spoke, the memories still so clear in his own mind.
"He was hatred where you are love," Gregory speaking pulled him back and he looked at Gregory
"We are similar you know. Very similar," Harry said quietly. Gregory clearly wanted to speak but
their waiter brought their tea and cake so he had to wait with clearly ill disguised impatience for the
man to walk away.
"What do you mean you are alike, you are nothing alike," He said quickly.
"But we are. Both orphaned at a young age, brought up somewhere where we knew we weren't
welcome, made to think there was something wrong with us because of our magic. At Hogwarts we
were singled out, me for being 'the boy who lived' him for being the heir of Slytherin. The Sorting
Hat wanted me in Slytherin. Both Parseltongues. We even looked similar, before the whole snake
face thing. But we were different in our choices," Harry smiled. "Dumbledore once told me that it is
our choices that decide who we are,"
"What choices?" Gregory asked cautiously.
"I chose not to be bitter about my childhood, instead I appreciated the friendship and love that was
offered to me, I found my own family instead of looking for revenge. I chose to protect the world
that had left me in a home where I wasn't wanted, who alternately loved or hated me," Harry
"Back to love. You chose love over hate," Gregory picked up.
"Exactly. And finally…it was love that stopped that killing curse from doing its job in the Final
Battle," Harry said hesitantly. This was the first time he had spoken about it outside of Hermione
and Ron.
"How do you mean?" Gregory asked hesitantly, his blue eyes searching Harry's face intently.
"I faced Voldemort knowing I was going to be killed, I faced him to protect those that I love.
Hermione, Ron, Mrs Weasley, Mr Weasley, Fred, George, Bill, Charlie, Fleur, Remus, Tonks,
Teddy, Kingsley, Neville, Ginny, Luna, Percy, Severus. For the people I had lost, Sirius, Moody,
my parents, Cedric. I died with all the love that I had been offered in my life, with all the love I had
been shown in my heart. I died to protect them," Harry finished in barely a whisper.
"Just as your mother died for you," Gregory gasped.
"Exactly, it was because of love that the killing curse, the epitome of hate, wouldn't work," Harry
smiled nodding.
"You had too much love for the hatred of the killing curse to work," Gregory figured out.
"Exactly. It was even love that stopped him from casting the curse at the wrong moment," Harry
smiled at the look of complete confusion on Gregory's face. "A mother's love protected me in my
first confrontation with Voldemort, my own mother's love, just as a mother's love protected me at
the last confrontation,"
"Narcissa," Gregory blinked.
"Exactly. It was her love for Draco that gave her the courage to defy Voldemort to his face. Love, is
more powerful than anything else out there," Harry sat back and sipped his tea as he watched
Gregory absorbing everything that he had just been told.
"Everyone is talking about some deep and amazing power that you must have held, some spell or
ritual you cast," Gregory smirked.
"And it is something as simple as love," Harry nodded.
"I repeat, you are an amazing, unique person Harry Potter," Gregory chuckled.
"We just agreed that it was simple," Harry frowned, he really thought that Gregory was different,
that he wouldn't be the same as everyone else in the wizarding public making a hero out of him.
"Yes it is simple, it is something that we all have. But even so you did have a deep and amazing
power. You have shown it with my family, the ability to allow your love to overcome hatred. Not
many could face their death and think only of the love they have been given despite the hatred they
have felt, not many could love so much and forgive after so much heartache and pain in their lives.
You have mentioned your childhood, and I will not pry, but it's clear that you have every reason and
right to resent the deal that life has given you. But instead you choose to see the love you have,"
Gregory gave Harry a true, honest smile that softened the blonde's face and allowed Harry to see
that warmth, that light that burnt within the middle Malfoy clearly.
"As I said, too much is wasted on hate and bearing grudges. I refuse to live my life like that, I have
seen what that creates, I've seen the monster you become," Harry shook his head. "And just as I
have learnt that lesson, so has Hermione and Ron. I'd like to think that we have come out of this
"I think you have Harry. Your mere presence at my families trial says that you have. And it burns in
your eyes," Gregory placed a bare finger under Harry's chin, raising it so that their eyes locked.
Electricity shot through Harry's system. His heart was beating a thundering tempo, his magic sang
through his body and he had never felt someone else's heat, someone else's awareness the way he
felt that lone finger on his chin.
"My eyes?" He managed to breathe out.
"Your eyes, they have seen so much, the best and the worst of human kind. Your experiences, your
pains. They all burn there for everyone to see. Along with a knowledge and a wisdom," Gregory
spoke softly, but the words were so powerful Harry could feel them brushing along his skin.
"You see all that?" Harry breathed out reaching up to careful wrap his fingers along Gregory's wrist,
no longer able to resist touching this man.
"I see you Harry. I see the reluctant hero, who really doesn't want anything to do with his fame, who
did what he did only to protect those he cares about and loves. I see the man you have become, that
you have shaped into taking in all the knowledge you have learnt along the way to try and become a
good person. I see the strength of your courage and the power of your soul, but your wish to not
have to lead anymore, to be allowed to just be," Gregory said before blinking his eyes and breaking
the intensity of the moment just before it become too much.
"No one just sees or knows that much," Harry's tone wasn't accusing but Gregory averted his eyes
and gently took his hand back. Stupidly Harry felt cold without that touch, without Gregory's eyes
on him.
"I…I am not a seer…it is more…more empathic seeing. I see what others feel if that makes sense,
what feelings make up their character," Gregory shrugged embarrassed, which completely stumped
Harry. He wasn't sure that embarrassment was something a Malfoy could feel.
"That's pretty cool, so do you have any luck with any other things to do with sight?" Harry asked
curiously. Even though he didn't have the best history with divination, and the best human seer that
he met had been Trelawney, he still had a healthy respect for it.
"Erm, well I'm good with the tarot cards but everything else to do with divination does not work for
me. Grandfather says that his mother had a skill of sight, so perhaps that is where I get it from,
Phoenix is showing to have some promise with the tarot cards as well, Orlandus though has more
luck with a crystal ball and rune stones," Gregory relaxed as he spoke seeing only open interest on
Harry's face.
"As long as you don't suddenly and randomly start prediction my death it's not a problem with me,"
Harry grinned guessing people had reacted badly the past to the revelation of Gregory's skills if his
reaction was anything to go by.
"Randomly predicting your death, why on the earth would I do that?" Gregory asked confused.
Grinning wider Harry started telling Gregory about his classes with Trelawney from the first one.
Chapter 4
Harry lost all the air in his lungs in one great puff of air as a body collided with his, the force of the
impact causing him to have to spin them both around before sucking in enough air to blow the curly
hair out of his face. He grunted when a second pair of arms wrapped around them both and
squeezed tightly.
"Guys, believe it or not, but in the two months you've been gone…I haven't suddenly developed the
ability…to not need to breathe!" Harry choked out slapping his hand against Ron's back. Remus'
chuckles had him glaring even as he was released and sucked in a full lung full of air gratefully.
"Wow…geez I didn't think you could manage to get more freckly!" Harry snickered looking at Ron,
dodging out the way of the swing his friend made at his head.
"Here we are, tea you guys?" Tonks smiled as she walked into the room with the tea tray.
"Erm, did you make it?" Harry asked cautiously.
"No mum did," Tonks glared at Harry.
"What, you make it like tar!" Harry defended reaching out and deftly snatching Teddy from where
he was on the carrier on Tonks' front. Tonks rolled her eyes good naturedly while Remus snickered.
"Come on you two, tell us all about Australia," Remus urged as Harry and Tonks settled into their
seats, Harry settling Teddy into his arms and rocking him gently.
For the next two hours they sat listening to Hermione and Ron telling them about Australia and the
funny stories as they tracked her way ward parents literally across Australia, then when they found
them taking the memory charm off and having to explain everything to them. Most parts had the
other three in fits of laughter as they told the story. Once they were done Tonks took Teddy and her
and Remus left the three alone under the excuse of going to make supper for them all.
"So you ok living here?" Ron asked after a few beats.
"Yeah…it's kind of nice living with Remus, and having Teddy close by. Tonks and Andromeda are
great as well," Harry nodded.
"You moved in a week ago?" Hermione asked refilling her tea cup.
"Yup, Remus kind of got angry at me when he came to Grimmauld and realised how dank it still
was. He pretty much had me packed and was frog marching me to the Floo within an hour," Harry
chuckled embarrassed.
"Mum's a little upset you chose to move in here and not at the Burrow," Ron said factually, no
accusation, just a hint of question to his tone.
"Your mum, and most of the others are a little…a lot for trying to force me and Ginny together,"
Harry admitted quietly.
"That's a no go?" Ron asked. Glancing up nervously Harry just shook his head. He knew as close as
they were that Ginny was Ron's little sister. "Finally, I was terrified that you were going to realise
this like twenty five years down the line when you were married and had three kids together!" Ron
breathed out in relief.
"Realise?" Harry asked confused blinking at the two of them confused.
"That you and Ginny weren't meant to be together, and that, unless we're really mistaken and you
haven't been checking out Dean's arse for two years that you're gay," Hermione said simply.
"I…well…I mean…you see…I just…well…"
"That's a yes then," Ron snickered interrupting Harry's stammering. "Don't worry I will try and
speak to the others, get them to back off. You have spoken to Ginny right?"
"I've tried. I explained that we weren't right together, that I maybe needed someone a little older and
mature, that she was brilliant but just not, as it turns out my type," Harry said exasperatedly.
"And she's not listening?" Ron guessed.
"Any chance she gets she flirts with me, hints at us getting back together, she constantly tries to get
me to dance with her at every ball and party, her and your mum constantly bring up bonding
whenever we're together," Harry rubbed his eyes tiredly.
"I'll speak to them Harry, don't worry," Ron clasped Harry's shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
"I don't want to cause trouble, or for them to be angry at me," Harry said quietly staring down at his
"Harry we've been through a lot in the last year, everyone has changed a lot, but you especially. No
one can expect you to want the same things Harry, or that you were making the right choices
before," Hermione smiled warmly reaching out to squeeze his hands.
"And you're not going to lose us, don't worry," Ron grinned. "So, what have you been up to?"
Harry had finished telling them how the repairs to Hogwarts and Diagon Alley had been going and
was in the middle of telling them how his attempt to get Severus's picture in the Headmaster's office
was going, in fact he was only a little off telling them about his trip to the Malfoy's when Remus
and Tonks walked back into the room. A beautiful grey eagle owl was perched on Remus' arm,
puffed up and looking around imperiously. When it spotted Harry it took off and flew smoothly
across the room to him, causing Hermione to give a loud gasp when she saw what was attached to
the owls leg.
Harry blinked looking down at the bundle as he untied it. The bouquet of various flowers was
wrapped carefully in a red silk scarf, which when he unwrapped it and let it loose of the sticking
charm holding it together revealed a necklace and a letter.
"Harry…what the hell have you been up to while we have been away?" Ron exclaimed also staring
at the flowers completely wide eyed.
"What do you mean?" Harry asked confused looking up with the letter and necklace in his right
hand, the bouquet on his lap.
"Harry that is an intent courting present. In the Wizarding world it is common to send gifts stating
intent to the person you wish to start a relationship with, generally it is from the dominant in the
relationship to the submissive, but it is becoming a little more common for it to be the other way
around. The most common and traditional gift to send is flowers as it is the easiest way to
completely express what you want said, a second present however…" Hermione paused her lecture
looking at the necklace.
Harry lifted the necklace into the air so that they could see it. It was silver with a beautiful fine
silver chain. It was a five pointed pentagram in a circle, the circle was made out of a black stone.
"Oh Harry!" Hermione gasped shuffling forwards.
"What?" He was feeling really confused now, though the necklace was beautiful.
"It's the meaning behind the gifts that you need to take into account as well. If I'm not mistaken…
yes, the stone making the circle is black obsidian, that stands for healing, protection, divination and
peace. The pentagram has long stood for protection against evil, a potent protection against evil, the
strongest in our world. A circle around a pentagram is meant to contain and protect. It also
symbolises eternity and infinity, cycles of life and nature. The symbol means that it will protect the
wearer and the home. Each point of the pentagram is a ward and represent the five elements, four of
matter fire, earth, air and water, the last is magic itself, spirit. It has the a womb shaped defence and
a protective pentagon in the centre," Remus reeled off in teacher mode.
"It's an incredibly powerful symbol to give to state you're on your original intent," Tonks
"Who sent it?" Ron asked eagerly.
"You said obsidian means divination and peace?" Harry asked as he placed the necklace carefully
along his thigh and picked up the sealed letter.
"Yes, do you know who it is?" Hermione asked, her eyes shining brightly.
"I…I think…maybe…" Harry knew who he hoped it was, knew who he wanted to be saying those
things, to be apparently trying to start a relationship with him. But he couldn't bring himself to open
the envelope and see the name of one of the women who had been chasing after 'the man who
"Harry?" Andromeda's gentle voice made him realising he had been sitting staring at the envelope
so hard that he hadn't heard her coming into the room with Teddy, and apparently having been there
for a little while. Looking up startled he met her grey eyes, eyes so like Sirius's that sometimes it
hurt and sometimes it made him feel warm and safe, this time was the latter. "Do you want it to be
from someone specific?" Sometimes he really did wonder whether the woman could read minds.
"Perhaps," he bit his lip looking back to the envelope. Andromeda seemed to want to look after him
and partially mother him, but not in the smothering, demanding, controlling way that Molly seemed
to want to do.
"Sweetie you want know until you open it," Andromeda smiled walking over to stand by his chair.
Knowing she was right he sucked in a breath and quickly opened the letter. His eyes didn't even
bother looking at the contact but instead dragged straight down to the bottom to look at the
"Oh my!" Andromeda gasped also seeing the name of the letter. Looking up Harry was shocked to
see that Andromeda was looking completely stunned, her mouth hanging open, her eyes wide as she
stared at the letter.
"What who is it from?" Ron, Hermione, Remus and Tonks all said at the same time stepping closer.
"That's…my…oh…oh Harry how on earth…" Andromeda spluttered.
"Who the hell is it?" came the response. Looking up Harry could see they were starting to get
"Gregory Malfoy," Harry managed to say through his own shock, and happiness.
"Lucius Malfoy's younger brother?" Hermione gasped.
"How do you even know Gregory?" Remus asked confused.
"I met him, and the rest of the family when I went to Malfoy manor to get them to sign Severus's
petition. We spoke again at the last ball and met up five days at Diagon, we had lunch together and
chatted for most of the afternoon," Harry muttered. He knew he should have mentioned this sooner.
"And now he wants to start a relationship with you," Andromeda smiled.
"You went to Malfoy manor alo…never mind," Ron squeaked at the glare he received from Harry.
"So Gregory Malfoy huh," Hermione started grinning. "Is he who you hoped it would be from?"
"Maybe," Harry muttered. "What do the flowers mean?" he said, partially to distract and mostly
because he wanted to know.
"Oh of course. Well let's see you have eight peony, they stand for healing. Anemone six of them
stand for…fragile. Apple blossom, oh there's lots of them, they stand for promise. Four white
chrysanthemum means truth, four red chrysanthemum means sharing. Five crocus for foresight. Ten
freesia for spirited. Hibiscus flowers mean delicate beauty. Eleven larkspur means beautiful spirit.
Twenty pink roses for friendship. Fifteen red roses for passion. Two white roses for security. Two
stars of Bethlehem for hope. Ten pink tulips for caring. Seven white for forgiveness. And…thirty
violet tulips for faithfulness," Hermione went through the bouquet.
"Wow, those are some pretty strong declarations," Tonks breathed out.
"Well clearly his intentions towards you are promise, truth, sharing, security, healing, friendship,
passion, caring and faithfulness. He sees you as spirited, fragile, a delicate beauty and a beautiful
spirit. On his side he has hope and I'm guessing wishes for forgiveness. The foresight though I don't
understand," Remus frowned.
"I do," Harry was blushing furiously from the collection of different meanings, delicate beauty
especially. "So basically everything that these flowers mean…he is saying he intends for a potential
relationship?" he asked for clarification looking up from the array.
"Basically yes. Harry, these are only sent out when there is an intention of a serious relationship,
with the result on the senders part hoping for a long term, possibly permanent relationship. Gregory
Malfoy has only sent one," Andromeda said softly resting her hand comfortingly on Harry's
shoulder. Blinking he stared at the flowers and the necklace before lifting the letter to actually read
it this time.
Dearest Harry,
I hope that this does not come as too much of a shock, I have not exactly been inconspicuous about
my intentions and feelings towards you, but then after spending time with you I believe that you do
not take into consideration how attractive you are in personality and looks, and therefore think that
people are only interested in you because of your fame.
Firstly I would like to assure you that this is not my reason for my interest in you. I would like to
think that you know me well enough to know that fame and money are of no interest to me in a
partner. Money I have more than enough of, fame too much and not for the best reasons at the
moment. I realise that this may be a bit quick, but already after only a little time with you I find
myself wishing for just five minutes more in your presence, just a little longer to talk to you, just a
little longer to merely see you.
You are an incredibly beautiful person, both inside and out, you Harry Potter have one of the
brightest souls I have ever seen and I find myself drawn to you like a moth. Your mere presence
makes my heart beat faster than it has in years, and I find myself nervous in a way I have never felt.
It is incredible really, one smile from you and my heart starts beating faster and my palms start
I realise that you have plenty of very good reasons as to why you shouldn't accept my request, I am
hoping that I have not read you wrong and one of those is that you're not attracted to me, but I
promise you that my interest is purely upon you and you alone, and that I will do my best, should
you give me the chance, to look after you, treat you, spoil you and care for you the way you
I hope you like the gifts and the meanings, I confess that this would have come sooner than today
had I not spent the last four days agonising over the right flowers and finding the perfect second
gift. I believe that this is going to be a matter of amusement to my family for a while now. Anyway
whether you accept or not the necklace, and of course the flowers, are yours to keep. And I hope
that you will join me at El Marno's at eight o'clock tomorrow evening. I have organised for your to
be able to floo straight into the private entrance with the password 'security' and we have an
extremely private booth booked. No one will know you were there, no one will bother you.
I hope you will consider my request for a date and a potential relationship and I eagerly await and
look forward to hopefully seeing you tomorrow.
With great affection
Gregory Malfoy
Harry bit his lip when he finished reading the letter and looked up at the others. The admission that
he made Gregory nervous, that Gregory was genuinely interested in him had his head spinning and
his heart thumping a tempo against his chest.
"Well?" Hermione demanded clearly having lost any patience she had left after he had read the
letter three times through.
"He…he wants me to meet him tomorrow for a date at El Marno's, a private booth with assurances
no one will bother me, he's arranged for me to privately floo in," Harry said quietly not believing
that he was actually saying this, that this was real.
"We're going to have to go through your wardrobe and find something for you to wear! Something
that really brings out your eyes and your skin, that highlights your figure, El Marno's is a fancy
place, so we'll have to make sure you're in the finest dress robes! Oh and I'll nip out and buy you a
new pair of dragon hide boots, your shoes are fancy enough for balls and that but really you need to
wear boots with dress robes, I'll get you a few pairs! And maybe a new cloak!" Andromeda reeled
off excitedly.
"Wait! Mum, Harry's not said that he wants to go!" Tonks interrupted.
"Oh of course he does look at his face! The only reason he wouldn't go is because he doubts that
Gregory really likes him. From the time I spent around the Malfoy family while Narcissa and
Lucius were engaged Gregory isn't the type to use emotions against people, and he detests political
plays, he even refused Abraxus's attempts to marry him in a bonding contract to several wealthy
families that would have been good for his reputation, and Abraxus was not a man you said no to.
No, Harry is going," Andromeda said firmly.
"Doesn't Harry get a say in this?" Ron asked slightly incredulously.
"Harry, everything political, money, name aside, and your doubts. Do you want to go? Do you like
Gregory?" Andromeda asked Harry, meeting his eyes and telling him it was alright with that one
"Yeah…yes I want to go tomorrow, yes I like Gregory," Harry admitted glancing nervously at Ron.
"Hey, we talked through the Malfoy's reasons for everything they did, I may not like Draco and
Lucius, but I can be civil to them, and I don't know the rest of them. As long as this guy makes you
happy, as long as he is what you want, I'll support you on this. You deserve someone who makes
you happy, and if those flowers are anything to go by he wants to make you happy," Ron smiled
reassuring Harry.
"Oh Ronald, you really have grown up!" Hermione cooed breaking the tension and getting a laugh
from everyone, including Ron, though he was blushing deeply as well.
"Did you…" Harry cut off running a finger over his necklace.
"Remus gave me a bouquet, earring and then my engagement ring, we were a little rushed," Tonks
"Ron gave me my engagement ring and then while we were away a bouquet with ribbons on, a little
in reverse but again because of circumstances," Hermione chuckled, automatically running her
thumb over the new ring on her finger, the diamonds and sapphires glinting in the light.
"Though I'm guessing neither our bouquets were quite as elaborate as yours. I believe Gregory has a
lot to say to you, a lot that he wants to give you, and he couldn't decide what to settle on," Remus
"So you going tomorrow?" Tonks asked with a smirk and wriggling her eyebrows.
"I he's so…and why would he…"
"Do not even finish that sentence! You are a gorgeous, clever, brilliant, kind and wonderful man
and Gregory has clearly seen that! Why wouldn't he want you!" Remus said firmly.
"But, he's older than me, he could have anyone! Why would he want an inexperienced 18 year old?"
Harry sighed, the excitement dying slightly as all his doubts crept back in.
"He's only 35, that's barely any difference in the wizarding world. And as for the rest, you don't see
yourself as everyone else does. He could have anyone, so could you, but he clearly wants you.
Harry his magic is bound in those flowers! An oath to mean everything that they stand for, those
flowers will last for as long as your relationship, he has literally given you a piece of himself,"
Andromeda smiled shifting Teddy higher on her hip as he started to wake.
Harry looked thoughtfully at the flowers, that would explain the buzz he got every time he ran his
fingers over the petals or stems. Biting his lip unsurely he looked at the letter one last time before he
picked up the necklace and fastened it around his neck feeling a spark of…protection and warmth
washing over him as soon as the clasp was fastened. Running his finger along the cool metal of the
pendant Harry looked up at them to see them grinning.
"You'll help me dress right?" He asked looking around the room.
"Oh Merlin you should not have said that!" Tonks grimaced.
"We'll nip to this little shop I know in Edinburgh! They are fantastic at making robes, I used to go
there before…before I married we'll find you the perfect set of robes for tomorrow! And maybe a
little hair cut? And the boots!" Andromeda clapped.
"Don't worry we'll have you looking so amazing that he will struggle to keep his hands off you!"
Hermione grinned.
"So what does he look like?" Tonks asked eagerly leaning forwards in her seat. Hermione also
perked up while Remus and Ron rolled their eyes. Smirking a little Harry absently reached up to
touch the pendant around his neck as he started describing the gorgeous Malfoy, who apparently
wanted him.
Chapter 5
Harry bit his lip as he stepped into his bedroom and closed the door behind him. It was seven
o'clock and he had just showered so that he could get ready to go to the restaurant. The entire day
had been hectic as he, Hermione, Andromeda, Tonks and to his disgust Ron, had gone shopping for
his outfit for tonight. Ron had grumbled the entire time, but he had supported Harry as they watched
frightened along with Tonks as Hermione and Andromeda hit the shops with scary determination
and speed.
They had decided to buy a whole new outfit for Harry so in the end they had gone to Paris for the
day to get privacy and to hit the best shops according to Andromeda. His mind had been kept off of
everything with the hecticness of the day and the amount of colours, designs, fashions, styles and
everything else that had been thrown at him. At one point he had found himself locked in a
changing room with a scarily high pile of clothes and demands to come out after he had tried each
thing on, it was only Ron and Tonks that controlled the other two from coming into the tight space
with him.
In the end, and a number of shops they had managed to find a new outfit for him, he had had his
shoulder length hair trimmed a little neater and shorter so it just brushed the top of his collar.
Andromeda had insisted on this as he hadn't had his hair cut since Hermione's attempt, he had
quickly agreed when he had really looked at his hair and realised how bad it was.
Now he was ready to get dressed for tonight and he could feel the panic and doubt creeping over
him. What if Gregory wasn't going to show up and instead there were people there to laugh at him,
what if Gregory realised that he didn't really want Harry this way and just left.
"You're panicking," Andromeda's quiet comment made him squeak in shock as he jumped, nearly
losing his towel in the process.
"Andromeda!" He protested even as he threw his wand back onto the bed after automatically
summoning it to himself. Andromeda just gave a light and airy chuckle as she made her way over to
his wardrobe where the robes, shirt and trousers that they had picked out were hanging in their
covers. Slowly she started pulling them out and laying them on the bed starting with the black shirt.
"You're panicking," Andromeda repeated as she started taking the cover off his trousers.
"A little yes," Harry sighed sitting down on his bed, making sure to keep himself covered.
"Honey I know that we haven't really known each other very long, and if you are not comfortable
talking to me about this then just tell me. But I can see that you have been hut, I can see that you
have some major doubts about yourself worth and how you see yourself is definitely not equal to
who you really are. After what little Tonks has told me, I think that this probably has something to
do with those animals that Dumbledore left you with. But honey you are a gorgeous, intelligent,
bright, brave young man that anyone would be lucky to have. And Gregory has clearly seen that. I
cannot claim to know Gregory well, but I know him enough to know that for him to offer you the
courting gifts, for him to have sent those flowers, those meanings, he already knows what he wants,
he already has feelings for you and he is sure that you are who he wants, that a relationship with
you is what he wants. He isn't going to change his mind or think he made a mistake," Andromeda
said gently sitting next to Harry on the bed and taking his hand.
"Andromeda, can I ask something?" Harry bit his lip nervously after he had sat in thought for a little
"Of course, fire away," Andromeda beamed.
"You said that Gregory had sent out the flowers and courtship once before. Do you know what
happened?" Harry asked nervously.
"I do not know the exact details, those if you want to know you are going to have to ask Gregory
himself about. However I do know that the man was just interested in the Malfoy name, no one
really knows how Gregory found out, but he did. He cut the courtship off immediately and moved
to stay with Marcus in Italy for a while," Andromeda told him.
"I'm…I'm just scared that he is going to realise that I'm not the one he wants…I really like him, a
lot, already. Even at this point if he changed his mind it's going to really hurt," Harry admitted
quietly staring down at his lap.
"Oh Harry," Andromeda sighed.
"He's the first real choice I have made for myself you know," Harry said softly looking up at
Andromeda's face.
"The first real choice?" Andromeda asked.
"Most of the decisions that I have made in my life haven't really been my own. I've been pushed or
nudged towards making them. Even dating Ginny was because people expected it, she wanted to
date me and people thought that I would end up marrying her and becoming part of the Weasley
family. Gregory is the first that I've made because that is what I want," Harry sighed.
"Honey, you've spent time with him before haven't you?" Andromeda asked, at Harry's nod she
gave him a comforting smile. "And you enjoyed the time you spent with him?"
"Well, you are going to go to that restaurant looking amazing, you will take Gregory's breath away
and make him realise more than he already knew that he made the right choice, you will sit down
and have a wonderful meal with him, spend the evening chatting, he will try and impress you, you
will linger over dessert and hopefully get a little goodnight kiss at the end of the night before you
come home where we shall be waiting eagerly for you to come home and tell us how it went,"
Andromeda smiled before kissing his forehead. "Now come on you need to get ready,"
"Alright," Harry gave a firm nod sucking in a deep breath and putting Andromeda's words close to
his chest.
"Come out when you're done and we'll make sure you're just right," Andromeda patted his hand
before standing and making her way to the door.
"Andromeda!" Harry called standing up.
"Yeah honey?" she smiled turning around.
"Thank you," Harry smiled, no matter how nervous it was it was an honest smile.
"You're welcome, no get yourself ready, it wouldn't do to be too late," Andromeda said before
leaving his room. Sucking in a deep breath he turned to the outfit laid out on the bed and started to
put it on. They had picked out a black Egyptian cotton shirt with black dragon hide trousers that fit
him perfectly. The robes were pretty amazing he had to admit, and that was with all the impressive
robes that he had been wearing to the various parties and balls that he had been dragged to. They
were an icy green shade that while they were cotton moved like water around him, flowing with his
movement. They were styled with a high collar and slightly billowing sleeves that fell a little passed
his wrist. Ornate golden buttons closed the robes over his chest but they were open from the waist
down allowing his tight trousers to be seen as he walked. Andromeda had insisted that they be fitted
around his shoulders and chest but looser around his arms, which he had to admit suited him a lot
better. He looked a lot less scrawny.
Once he was finished pulling his robes on he eyed the boots that they had bought. The black dragon
hide boots were knee high and had thin golden curves worked through the material, but it was the
heel that worried him. Andromeda had insisted that he needed to get something with a heel to it that
gave him a little height, something Hermione had agreed with. So he ended up with these boots that
had a good one and a half inch heels. Something he was not used to walking in. Sighing he sat down
on the bed and laced the boots on over his trousers before taking a precautionary walk up and down
his bedroom until he was sure that he could stop wobbling while he walked.
"Harry that's ten to! Are you ready?" Remus asked poking his head through the door.
"Well I'm dressed, not sure I'm ready. I've only been on one date before and that was a complete
mess!" Harry winced at how high pitched his voice sounded.
"That's because you arranged to meet up with another woman at the end of your date, and because
you were out with a woman, no matter how tom boyish she may have been," Ron snorted. "Looking
smart mate," he whistled.
"I look alright?" He asked reaching up to touch the pendant around his neck.
"You look gorgeous Cub, Gregory isn't going to know what hit him. But he will think you have
stood him up if you don't hurry it up," Remus chuckled throwing his arm around Harry's shoulders
and hugging him to his side.
"I don't know about hurrying up, I think I'm going to throw up," Harry groaned.

"I haven't seen you this nervous since…actually no, I have never seen you this nervous before.
What is going on?" Carina asked her son as she eyed him from across the room where he was sitting
attempting to read his book.
"It's nothing mére," Gregory said quickly before mentally wincing.
"Alright, firstly I am your mother Gregory Malfoy, I know when there is something wrong for you.
And secondly you only call me mére when you are agitated about something. So what is going on
Gregory?" Carina asked placing her own book down onto the table beside her.
"I…I have sent out an official courting bouquet and present and have sent a request for a date for
tonight," Gregory said in a rush leaving his mother sitting open mouthed staring at him and his
grandfather's cup of tea smashed in the doorway from where he had been walking into the room.
"You…you sent out a courting bouquet and present! Why didn't you tell us? Who is it? Have they
responded about your date? What time are you going?" Carina rambled out excitedly clapping her
"What flowers and present did you send?" Marcus asked quickly making his way into the room,
ignoring his dropped cup.
"Erm, well I had Marc help me pick them out but well, I had a lot to say. I sent him eight peony, six
anemone, apple blossoms, four white chrysanthemum, four red chrysanthemum, five crocus, ten
freesia, eighteen hibiscus flowers, eleven larkspur, twenty pink roses, fifteen red roses, two white
roses for security, two stars of Bethlehem, ten pink tulips, seven white tulips and thirty violet tulips.
My present was a circled pentagram in silver and onyx," Gregory listed with a faint blush.
"That is a rather serious intention to have sent my boy," Marcus smiled gripping Gregory's
"Who is it?" Carina asked concerned.
"Promise me you will not overreact?" Gregory asked nervously.
"Now I am worried. But we will not overreact. Who is it?" Carina sighed.
"Harry Potter," Gregory waited holding his breath as the news sank in.
"He was a lovely boy, so polite and honest, intelligent as well, forgiving and open minded. He is
younger though," Carina frowned.
"Not really when you think of everything that he has been through. What Gregory is offering him is
what I think he would need. Plus he has had the world on his shoulders for so long, it will do him
good to have someone that will look after him and care for him, not to mention someone who is
able to handle the media," Marcus argued.
"So you are alright with this?" Gregory asked relieved.
"We like Harry, he is a good choice. But there have never been any suspicions that he likes men
dear," Carina pointed out.
"I met with him a few days ago in Diagon and we spent the day together. He was receptive to any
casual touches, we spoke about a lot of things, he blushed whenever we were close. I believe I have
a good chance with him mother," Gregory said, though the doubt that had been building in his mind
since he sent the gifts had been pointing this fact out to him continually.
"Did you not see the way he looked at Gregory when he came here? If that boy isn't interested in
you then I am a Weasley!" Marcus snorted. "He could barely keep his eyes off of you,"
"Grandfather, I this works out and Harry and I start dating, you are going to have to be civil about
the Weasleys!" Gregory said worriedly.
"Oh do not worry I will behave. Now has he answered you back?" Marcus waved off Gregory's
"No, I told him just to meet me there if he wants to come, I didn't want to get a rejection letter,"
Gregory cleared his throat.
"So you would rather he just stood you up?" Carina frowned confused.
"It will be in private," Gregory cleared his throat.
"I've told you, there is no way that boy isn't interested! He will show up, especially with those
declarations you made. He will show up," Marcus scoffed waving his hand.
"I hope so," Gregory sighed rubbing his eyes, he hadn't really slept much last night.
"Oh, you really do like him," Carina smiled.
"Do you think I would send another courting gift if I wasn't serious about this? Especially one with
declarations like that," Gregory shrugged.
"You told him about your foresight, the crocus?" Marcus raised his eyebrow.
"He just said it was interesting, and that as long as I did not start predicting his death he was fine
with it," Gregory smiled at the memory.
"I am happy for you, if he is what you want and you are sure that he will make you happy," Carina
"He is different, there is just something about him that pulls me in. I have not been able to stop
thinking about him since that first time I saw him," Gregory explained awkwardly. "Could we
maybe keep this between ourselves, at least for the first few dates,"
"Oh dear, I think it may be a little late for that," Marcus smiled awkwardly.
"What do you mean?" Gregory asked worried.
"Potter! Potter! Seriously? You have a date with Potter?" Lucius said incredulously as he walked
into the room, followed by Draco, Leandre, Samuel, Orlandus and Phoenix. Gregory groaned and
covered his face realising he was stupid if he hoped that this could stay secret amongst his family.
"I told you that Harry liked uncle Gregory," Phoenix grinned at Orlandus.
"A Potter dating a Malfoy, that would be the first in nearly eighteen generations!" Samuel chuckled.
"Potter! Seriously!" Lucius repeated.
"Yes Lucius, Potter, the same one that got your arse off the hook," Gregory scowled at Lucius.
"It's nothing against him! It's just we have been waiting for nearly eight years for you to send
another courtship, and you send it to Potter who is probably the most eligible person in our world
right now," Lucius sighed.
"Thank you so much for that vote of confidence brother," Gregory huffed.
"Oh, you are a Malfoy, if you want him, you'll have him. Just make sure you do this right," Lucius
snorted smacking Gregory lightly on the back of the head.
"Conversation topics that will be safe should things become awkward, Quidditch, Defence against
the Dark Arts, Remus Lupin, Teddy Lupin going by the other week, Ron Weasley, Hermione
Granger, ask him to explain what the D.A is. Don't talk about Black unless he brings it up, same
with his parents!" Draco listed in a way that made Gregory feel like he should be taking notes on
"What time is your date?" Orlandus asked.
"Eight," Gregory felt slightly overwhelmed.
"Eight! Its nearly seven now! Come on, you have to shower and start getting ready, naturally you
will need to be there ten minutes early, he will likely be ten minutes late. While you are showering,
I will pick out something for you to wear!" Leandre flustered grabbing Gregory's hand and tugging
him to his feet and swiftly out the room before anyone could say anything. As soon as they were
halfway up the stairs Leandre let go of Gregory's hand.
"Thank you," Gregory sighed.
"It's alright, I know how they can be. Don't worry, that man was taken with you, and from what
Phoenix blabbed even more so at the ball. It will go fine," Leandre reassured him patting him on the
"Lucius is right though, Harry could have anyone he wants. Why would he want an older, jaded,
middle brother," Gregory frowned.
"Why wouldn't he want a generous, warm, giving, intelligent man who has a hell of a lot of love to
offer, loyalty and someone who won't see him for his name, money or fame," Leandre smiled
warmly. "Now go get your butt in the shower, and I will be in your bedroom with an outfit for you,"
"You were serious about that?" Gregory blinked.
"Of course I was, I'm not letting you dress yourself for such an important date! Now shower!"
Leandre scowled pointing to Gregory's en suit.
"Yes sir!" Gregory snickered saluting before hurrying to the bathroom, avoiding the stinging hex
Leandre threw at him with scary speed.
By the time he stepped out of the bathroom Leandre had laid out an entire outfit for him and put
away the one he had picked out earlier and was sitting on the window seat of Gregory's room
"Oo good, that's twenty to, now get yourself dressed, good luck I'm sure it will go wonderfully, floo
out of your room and we'll all be eagerly waiting for when you get back," Leandre grinned hurrying
over to kiss Gregory's cheek before moving out the room. Gregory blinked before shaking his head,
Leandre was a breath of fresh air and a relief in this family.
Turning he looked at what clothing Leandre had picked out for him, smiling when he realised that
the outfit was a hundred times better than the one that he had picked out for himself. A dark grey
shirt that fitted him like a glove, showing off his broad chest and muscled arms, a soft dove grey set
of robes buttoned down the left side of his chest with silver buttons, the buttons went down to the
top of his thighs with a high collar. The trousers Leandre had chosen were a light light grey cotton
with a pair of grey sued boots that matched the colour of his shirt. Finishing tying his right boot he
stood and quickly brushed his hair so that it lay smoothly before braiding it to the side and typing it
with a leather throng.
One last look in the mirror and he turned to attach his pocket watch to his robes and slipped it in his
pocket before making his way to the fireplace. Taking a handful of the floo powder in the pot on the
mantle place he breathed out slowly and threw it in.
"El Marno! Security," he called out before stepping into the flames.
"Gregory! Welcome back, it is good to see you again," Keith Marno grinned as he stepped
forwards. They shared a warm handshake Gregory managing to smile despite the nerves he was
feeling. "I have set up the booth where and how you have asked. This must be someone special,"
"Because you are a friend, I will tell you that I have sent a courting bouquet and present to him.
This does not go beyond us though," Gregory said firmly, meanwhile thinking if he shows up.
"Don't worry I won't tell anyone else, and I will be serving you myself, this will remain private.
Though I do not think that this is all for your privacy," Keith raised his eyebrow.
"No it's not, but I will wait to see if he arrives first before you find out who he is," Gregory was
aware of his Malfoy mask slamming into place as he eyed the clock.
Ten minutes later he could feel his heart sinking, it was now ten past eight, Harry was clearly not
coming. He had just knocked back the glass of wine he had been sipping for a distraction when he
noticed Keith coming towards him with a wide, if not totally shocked grin on his face and an
amazing figure close behind him looking distinctly nervous.
Chapter 6
Harry stumbled out of the fireplace with even less grace than normal having been thrown through
by Tonks on the other side barely giving him enough time to throw the floo powder in and call the
name and password of the restaurant. He looked around to find a man dressed in smart robes
standing looking at him relieved before shock kicked in as he clearly worked out who he was.
"Is Gregory Malfoy still here?" He asked concerned, praying that he hadn't already left.
"Yes sir, please follow me," The man visibly yanked himself back together and started to lead Harry
away from the fireplace. "I am Keith Marno,"
"Nice to meet you," Harry managed to smile despite his nerves and rolling stomach. Keith seemed
to understand as he merely nodded his head before leading Harry passed the decorated screens that
were partitioning the rest of the restaurant off, just as Gregory had promised they were being given
Keith opened some beautiful stain glass doors and led Harry out onto a balcony. At the far end there
were two pieces of ice blue fabric decorated with glowing golden and silver swirls, the candlelight
from within making it glow prettily.
"To doubly ensure your privacy, and I will be serving you myself," Keith explained before the
fabric of the entrance parted at their approach and they were able to walk inside. Harry took in the
candles floating around the ceiling, on the table and even on the floor giving the whole place a
magical feel to it.
The next thing he noticed was Gregory. The man always looked gorgeous and amazingly put
together whenever Harry had met him before. But tonight he was simply breathtaking. The soft grey
of his robes framed his body beautifully, the black hide trousers hugged his thighs in a way that
literally made Harry's mouth run dry. His golden hair glowed in the candlelight as it was twisted
into an elegant braid, the black leather of his tie standing out against his hair and his robes. His blue
eyes seemed to glow in the light as they fixed on Harry.
Gregory had swiftly climbed to his feet as they entered, but not before Harry had seen the hurt and
rejection written across his face making him feel even more guilty. But then Gregory's eyes swept
up the length of his body making Harry's head spin with the heat in them, before they locked with
his own, the hunger, affection and pure heat in them catching his breath. Both of them absently
noted a grinning Keith slipping back out, but their attention was firmly fixed on each other.
"I thought you had…"
"I'm so sorry I'm…" Gregory and Harry both went to speak at the same time before they both
laughed, their nerves lessening slightly. "I'm sorry I'm late, it really wasn't intentional," Harry
sighed stepping closer to the table and Gregory as he stepped around.
"It's alright, I just thought that perhaps I had read the signals wrong," Gregory smiled slightly, but
Harry could see the doubt in his eyes.
"No you didn't, you read them just right. Mrs Weasley, Ginny and Percy showed up ten minutes
before I was due to leave. In the end Tonks grabbed me and shoved me through the fireplace when
they were arguing with Andromeda, Hermione, Ron and Remus," Harry grinned. His ears were still
ringing slightly with the force of blows being exchanged between Andromeda and Mrs Weasley.
"Ah, I take it they were not happy to come and see you dressed to go out?" Gregory guessed.
"Exactly. It's good to see you again," Harry smiled feeling himself relaxing in the older man's
"I am very glad you came," Gregory assured him bending to press a kiss to Harry's cheek before
leading him to the table. Harry flushed slightly when Gregory pulled his seat out for him before
pushing it back under him. "Do you like wine?" Gregory asked suddenly realising he had ordered it
without realising.
"Yes but I am afraid I am a little bit of a lightweight," Harry laughed.
"I have a feeling that there is a story to that," Gregory raised an eyebrow as he filled Harry's glass
and then refilled his own.
"There is, one Hermione is very fond of telling. One of my dorm mates thought it would be a good
idea to smuggle firewhisky into our dorm at the start of sixth year. As you can imagine five sixteen
year olds drinking for the first time did not go down well. Ron ended up streaking around the
common room at twelve at night, unfortunately because it was a Friday night there was still about
twenty people in the common room - including Hermione. Neville somehow managed to stick
himself on top of Dean's bed canopy, Dean is a soppy drunk and ended up blubbering all over us,
while Seamus apparently is even more of a flirt while drunk and tried to feel up anything that was
breathing and chat up a few of the portraits, and I am a giggly drunk - I spent six hours sitting
giggling every few seconds, so much that I lost my voice the next day," Harry admitted sheepishly.
He froze however at the sound of Gregory's deep, amused laugh, his baritone voice sending a fire
down Harry's veins.
"I do not know whether to encourage you to drink more or not now," Gregory admitted with a
"Are you trying to get me drunk?" Harry teased with a grin pulling himself back together.
"Would it help me?" Gregory smirked getting a laugh from Harry.
"Probably not, I think giggling at everything that you said and did would be a little bit of a mood
killer," Harry admitted.
"I do not want you incapacitated when we are together, though getting to see you like that once or
twice would be amusing," Gregory watched amused as a blush spread across Harry's cheeks.
"Thank you for the flowers and the necklace, I loved them," Harry found the courage to say,
reaching across the table to touch Gregory's hand.
"I think I over did it on the flowers, normally you pick five or six different flower types," Gregory
told him looking slightly embarrassed. "Marc helped me pick them from the garden, though he
spent most of it laughing at me rather than helping," Gregory grumbled slightly, rolling his eyes at
the memory of Marcus sitting on the grass holding his side as he laughed.
"Hermione explained to me the meaning of all of them, I…they were amazing, truly," Harry said,
cursing having his mother's skin as a blush lit up his cheeks.
"She also explained the magic of the flowers?" Gregory asked.
"That you place a little of your magic in them to show that you are telling the truth with the words
you speak with them, if you break the promise you are making in them then the flowers with wither,
if not for the duration of our courting and relationship they will stay fresh," Harry recited. Seeing
Gregory's look Harry laughed. "Hermione tends to swallow the words of textbooks and repeats
them word for word, no doubt she read them exactly like that,"
"They are true, as was the meaning of the necklace," Gregory's nimble fingers reached across the
table and lifted the pendant from where it could be seen underneath his collar. "Thank you for
accepting my request to court you," Gregory lifted his eyes to meet Harry's.
"I…I have done a lot of things, you know of some, others perhaps I will tell you…but…but
relationships are not something that I have much experience with, they are not something that I
really don't know my way around," Harry admitted, turning his eyes away from Gregory as he
admitted what had been worrying his mind, really since had met Gregory for the first time.
"Then allow me to guide you. Harry it is understandable, the last four years of your life when
other's would have been thinking about relationships, you have been trying to stay alive. I care for
you as you are, the person you are sitting before me. Just be yourself and tell me if you are
uncomfortable with anything, and it will be fine. I have no doubt we will have ruts and bumps in the
road, but we can work through them," Gregory smiled, raising Harry's chin with his finger.
"I think I can manage that," Harry laughed weakly, the touch making his skin tingle.
"Ah, my apologies, your first course," Keith grinned wider as he walked over to them with two
bowls which he carefully placed in front of them. Gregory scowled at the man but Harry caught the
twinkle in his eyes as he sat back. "Anything else I can get you?" Keith asked cheerfully looking
between them.
"No, we are good thank you," Gregory answered after looking questioningly at Harry.
"Alrighty then, enjoy!" Keith beamed before hurrying back out.
"Hard to believe he was two years above me in Slytherin is it not," Gregory rolled his eyes.
"He was a Slytherin?" Harry blinked looking after the man stunned.
"As was Leandre," Gregory snickered. "We do get a few crazy ones every now and then. Keith
spent most of his last three years using his cauldron to cook food for the entire Slytherin house, then
once someone transfigured a cooker for him cooking on that as well. It was no surprise when he
wanted to open a restaurant," Gregory shook his head.
"I can scarily picture that," Harry laughed. "The most we had was the Weasley twins with their trick
food and Seamus trying to transfigure rum and just blowing it up,"
"I have heard of the twins tricks, Draco found them quite amusing, though of course he would never
show it. He filched a canary cream off one of the Gryffindors and gave it to Lucius when he came
home for Christmas," Gregory snickered as Harry burst out laughing at the image that popped into
his head. "I hope you do not mind, Keith is very good at giving you something you will love, so I
just told him to pick for us," Gregory explained as Harry turned to his soup.
"I trust you," Harry shrugged before dipping his spoon into the soup. Taking small sip he closed his
eyes as the taste exploded across his tongue. It was a chicken broth but there were herbs and a nice
salty taste to it, the richness was delightful.
"I trust it meets your approval?" Gregory chuckled making Harry open his eyes.
"He knows what he is doing," Harry sighed happily after taking another spoon full.
"That he does," Gregory smiled before tucking into his own. They sat in a comfortable silence for a
little bit as they ate, neither of them having been able to stomach much throughout the day. It was
only when they were at least halfway through their bowls before Gregory spoke. "You said
Hermione was the one who told you about the flower meanings. Does that mean she and your other
friends know who you are out with?"
"Hmm? Oh yes, Hermione, Ron, Remus, Tonks and Andromeda know, they were all there when
your gifts arrived," Harry said before taking another sip of his soup deciding to torment Gregory a
"And what did they say?" Gregory prompted, the glitter once again in his eyes telling Harry he
knew what game he was playing.
"Well, Remus wants to meet you, As do Hermione, Tonks and Ron, Andromeda was the most
encouraging, making sure I didn't back away because of nerves. Most as long as I am happy and
this is what I want they are going to support me. When I left they were facing off again Mrs
Weasley, Ginny and Percy," Harry assured him with a smile.
"Are you close with Andromeda, when you speak about her your voice is very fond," Gregory
enquired softly.
"I was living in Sirius's old house, but it's very large and dark, quite depressing really. When
Remus, Tonks and Andromeda found out they moved me into Andromeda's house with them.
Andromeda has sort of taken to fussing and mothering over me, but not in the smothering way Mrs
Weasley does," Harry shrugged.
"I faintly remember Andromeda from around the time Lucius was courting Narcissa, our families
mixed a bit during the process. Lucius asked to court Narcissa when she was fifteen so they had to
wait three years before they could bond. Andromeda ran away to marry a few months before
Narcissa turned seventeen. After that we barely saw the family until the marriage as they hid away
in shame," Gregory's tone told him exactly what he thought of that.
"Andromeda really won't speak much about what happened when she chose to run away to marry
Teddy. Only how romantic he was, he even bought her a bouquet and a promise ring to follow with
the traditions. But she doesn't really speak much about how the Black's reacted, though I know she
has started writing Narcissa after the first four or five letters," Harry shook his head.
"It was pretty bad. Sirius's mother of course is well known for having been completely and utterly
loopy, Walburga managed to convince Narcissa's parents to withdraw from the betrothal between
herself and Lucius before the Malfoy's got there first. It lasted two months and was horrendous! I
was eleven and in my first year at Hogwarts, Narcissa was going around crying and sobbing all the
time, she kept trying to write to Lucius but her family had charmed her owl so she couldn't, it was a
month before Christmas when it happened so I was home for the second month and got to see
Lucius stomping around like an insulted Hippogriff, father was fuming at the insult, Grandfather
and Uncle Samuel were trying to speak with the Blacks to sort it out, mother was alternating
between trying to calm Lucius down, Mikhail was six and starting to set things on fire with
accidental magic and she kept trying to get audiences with Lady Black. Eventually Lucius stormed
Hogwarts and wouldn't leave Narcissa's side until the Blacks granted an audience with him and
Grandfather, he followed her around school for three days, slept in a transfigured bed at the bottom
of the Girls dormitory staircase, sat outside her classes," Gregory told him, the clear amusement he
held for it still clear in his voice.
"People always sort of presume that Lucius and Narcissa were an arranged marriage," Harry said
after a moment of chuckling at the image.
"My father probably would have arranged a marriage for Lucius with him being the eldest, and for
myself had I not gone to live with Grandfather as soon as I left school. Luckily for Lucius he fell in
love with someone of acceptable blood and name, so Father allowed the courting and marriage,"
Gregory sighed.
"I'm sorry, I did not mean to bring up a sore subject," Harry apologised placing his free hand on top
of Gregory's. Gregory blinked down shocked at Harry's pale hand covering his own, it had been
years since someone outside of the family had offered him comfort and a gentle touch. Slowly he
turned his hand around and linked their fingers together.
"It is…a difficult subject, but I would have you know everything about me, and my father is a large
part of what has shaped me into who I am. I promised myself when I was fifteen and he forced
Lucius to join…join with V…V…Voldemort that I would never be like him," Gregory frowned at
their joined hands.
"Lucius joining Voldemort never made sense to me, even when Voldemort was still charismatic and
less…snake faced. Lucius isn't really the type to bow down and kiss hems," Harry admitted softly.
"No he is it," Despite the sadness in his eyes Gregory seemed amused at the phrasing. "My mother
had escaped with Mikhail, he was still too young to leave unprotected, she came with us to
Grandfather's. We all tried to get Lucius, Narcissa and Draco, we even tried kidnapping them once,
but father was furious that we had escaped, he had offered all three of us to V…V…Voldemort, so
he was humiliated when he could only give Lucius. So he clung on to him, ensured that Lucius and
Narcissa were surrounded by dangers to them even after the first defeat," Gregory explained.
"They are safe now?" Harry asked concerned.
"No one dares to show their support of him no matter how faithful now that he is definitely gone.
They are finally safe, and now Grandfather, Uncle Samuel and the rest of us have come back the
Malfoy family is a strong unit once again," Gregory smiled.
"I have to admit it was a shock walking into the room and finding so many Malfoy's sitting there
looking back at me," Harry laughed.
"You had a bit of a flustered look on your face as the realisation sank in. It made you look even
more handsome," Gregory smiled warmly, his eyes glittering. Harry's cheeks lit up once again with
his embarrassment. "Although I will admit, your blushes are even more delicious," Gregory's smile
turned to a smirk as he reached across the table with his other hand to brush Harry's cheek.
Harry sucked in a deep breath, there was too much contact between them, too much electricity, too
much fire running through his veins and not enough breath getting into his lungs.
"From the moment I saw you, I was pulled to you, forgive me if I am making you uncomfortable
but I want you to know I am really serious about this. You are unlike anyone I have ever met Harry
Potter," Gregory said unsurely scanning Harry's face to see how he felt.
"You know…I hadn't really planned much passed the Last Battle, morbid as it is I wasn't really sure
I would survive it really. But I resolved myself to the fact that even if I did survive I would
probably be alone for a long time, I couldn't stand to be with someone who didn't truly care for me,
or saw me only as the boy-who-lived, the last Potter heir and an easy way to money and fame. And
then I met you. I was so scared I had embarrassed myself when I visited your family that morning,
because I could hardly take my eyes off you," Harry sighed.
"That is good, because I was afraid I was going to embarrass my family by grabbing the new
saviour and trying to kiss him. As it was they found it amusing how I ensured you were sat next to
me," Gregory chuckled.
"I think I nearly ran when you stood up and made room for me," Harry laughed covering his eyes as
his cheeks heated up again. He blinked when his hand was tugged away and a warm kiss pressed to
the centre of Harry's palm.
"So I am thinking of dragging you closer and you are thinking of running from me?" Gregory
huffed, managing to keep a straight face.
"I was thinking of apparating away before I did something embarrassing and completely uncouth
like pouncing on you," Harry felt his face flaming even darker at the confession he could not
prevent from slipping from his lips.
"Well I would definitely not have been complaining," Gregory's chuckle was slightly husky in a
manner that made Harry shift in his seat, the images flashing through his mind not helping his
"I think your family may have, we may have put Julia into early labour," Harry said slightly
breathlessly as he squeezed Gregory's fingers.
"I'm not sure, quiet and shy as she comes across she is a little bit of a fan girl for two men," Gregory
"Ah, you just shattered my illusions of her," Harry mock pouted.
"If you carry on doing that I really won't be able to control myself," Gregory sighed feeling his
blood heating rapidly and heading to places that weren't conducive to being in public, or for
"You wouldn't see me complaining," Harry managed to tease back despite the fact he was swiftly
moving much into the same predicament as Gregory.
Neither men were very sure whether they were relieved or angry when Keith walked in, the look on
his face clearly telling them that he was aware that he had interrupted something. Harry had never
seen anyone move as quickly as Keith did in that moment, whipping their empty soup bowls away
from them and directing their plates to settle in front of them. They barely had time to hear his,
'enjoy', as he was already out of their little area.
"Well…I think it is a good thing we definitely weren't in the main part of the restaurant," Harry said
but it came out as slightly more like a gasp.
"I would say so. I thought it was difficult before," Gregory breathed out rubbing his eyes with one
"Difficult?" Harry asked unsurely, suddenly feeling horribly exposed after such an intense moment.
"It was hard enough when I first met you to not drag you to me and ravage you, now that I have
spoken my intentions and know that there is a chance with you…it is damn near impossible,"
Gregory opened his clenched eyes to allow Harry to see the lust and passion burning in them.
"Yes, you're right it's definitely hard, difficult! It's very difficult," Harry nodded blushing darkly.
Gregory's chuckle did nothing to help his situation and he glared at Gregory choosing to throw one
of the boiled carrots on his plate at the man. He burst out laughing at the completely stunned look
on the Malfoy's face.
Gregory blinked shocked at the man sitting across from him, his emerald green eyes sparkling
amazingly with his humour as he clutched his side.
"Oh, your face!" Harry choked out.
"I don't believe I have ever had food thrown at me before…hm," Gregory picked up one of his
cherry tomatoes and threw it across to Harry. Harry paused in his laughter, looking at the tomato on
his lap before looking to the entirely pleased look on Gregory's face before starting to laugh again,
this time Gregory joining in.
"How did we go from heavy flirting and suggestions of ravishment to throwing food to each other,"
Gregory chuckled as they calmed down.
"I have no idea, it just seemed like a good idea," Harry snickered wiping his eyes.
"Do you want your carrot back?" Gregory asked, his smile belying his polite and courteous tone.
"No that is alright you keep it," Harry shrugged before popping the tomato into his mouth.
"Cheeky. More wine? Or have you reached your limit?" Gregory teased.
"I am not that much of a lightweight thank you very much, I can take one more glass," Harry
chuckled before looking at the meal Keith had chosen for him. He had 2 beautiful looking lamb
chops, boiled potatoes with what tasted like mint and parsley on them and a selection of carrots,
peas that had been mixed in a minty gravy. "This is delicious," Harry sighed cutting a piece of his
"I did think to try and impress you by taking you somewhere impressive and chessily romantic like
Paris…and then I thought of what I had learnt of you, and I thought perhaps you would prefer
something private and simple, where we could just enjoy each other's company and learn to know
each other from a differing context from before," Gregory had a question to his tone.
"You're right. I prefer quiet and personal to big flashy gestures meant to impress," Harry nodded.
"This has been perfect. Nothing like the one and only other date I have had," Harry grumbled
rolling his eyes.
"Oh now I have to hear this after that look!" Gregory pushed him.
"Oh no, please don't ask about that!" Harry groaned.
"Oh come on, please Harry!" Gregory pushed, his blue eyes turning into puppy dog pleading that
made Harry feel himself melting almost straight away.
"They should be damn illegal," Harry huffed before finding himself launching not only into the
story of the date with Cho but the whole experience.
"She cried?" Gregory blinked, looking as though he wasn't sure whether he should laugh or look
"Yup, I was the first out of the trio to kiss someone, so Ron asked me what it was like, and I believe
my response was wet," Harry chuckled.
"I have to admit it is pretty amusing that you made a date with a girl before telling her you were
meeting up with another that was around you all the time in the pub," Gregory chuckled.
"Alright, alright, I saw my fault there, probably really wasn't the best thing to do. It just didn't occur
to me that everyone else didn't realise that me and Hermione are like brother and sister. Her and
Ron have been a major part of my life in the eight years we have known each other, they're my
family," Harry smiled.
"I admit after hearing you talking about them I am very relieved that they are ok with this. I had no
idea how I was going to start to try and win them around," Gregory said softly.
"You would have tried to win them around?" Harry blinked surprised.
"Of course, don't you know, once and Malfoy wants someone they do everything they can to get
them. And I want you very much," Gregory shrugged as though he was merely discussing the
"What about your family?" Harry asked nervously, voicing what had been lingering as a small voice
in the back of his mind since Gregory sent the letter.
"Well, Grandfather has fallen in love with you I think. When mother called me out of fidgeting and
being distracted today and I told them we were going on a date, grandfather was practically
bouncing in place," Gregory shook his head as Harry relaxed and started laughing at the image.
"Mother was thrilled, she likes you, but she was worried you might not like men, and our age
difference. Then when I asked if they could keep it quiet until at least tonight in case you didn't
show up, Grandfather revealed Lucius, Draco, Leandre, Samuel, Orlandus and Phoenix had been
listening in at the door for most of the conversation," Gregory said with fond exasperation.
"How did they take it?" Harry bit his lip.
"Lucius kept repeating the fact you were a Potter, I think he was a little stuck on that, but he had no
disagreement. Draco gave me advise on what he knows about you. The others were all excited, and
Leandre helped me to escape from the rest before they got overbearing as I was nervous enough and
helped me pick my robes,"
"It seems to be going much too well. I was expecting Lucius or Draco to have a problem with it,"
Harry breathed out in relief.
"I believe my brother and nephew have realised their mistakes against you. Draco was a spoilt and
arrogant child who thought he was entitled to everything, it was only really when he was twelve and
learnt the truth about what my father had done that he started to calm down, but he had to keep up
pretences, much like Lucius," Gregory explained covering Harry's hand.
"Are you done?" Keith called barely popping his head inside.
"Yes we have finished," Gregory smirked at his friend as he came all the way in.
"Phew you could have cooked eggs with the heat passing between you two earlier! I was just glad
that I have strengthening charms on the tables here!" Keith grinned waving their plates away and
waving their desserts in front of them. Harry laughed embarrassedly at the comment while Gregory
elegantly flipped Keith his middle finger, only getting a grin from the man as he bounced out their
"I apologise for the idiot," Gregory sniffed but Harry could see how fond he was of the man.
"I think we deserved that after what he had to walk in on earlier," Harry blushed before looking to
his dessert. He had thought that he was hungry, but looking at the delicious looking strawberry ice
cream, strawberry sauce mixed with strawberries he quickly changed his mind. Glancing over at
Gregory's he noticed he had sticky toffee pudding.
"I have a dangerous sweet tooth," Gregory grinned.
"You and Remus would get on well, Merlin help you if you go near his chocolate," Harry laughed
shaking his head.
"Do you want a taste?" Gregory asked holding out his spoon. He felt as though he was in one of
those clichéd programs Petunia used to watch while he was cleaning of an afternoon, it didn't stop
him from leaning across the table slightly and allowing Gregory to guide the spoon to his mouth.
Licking his lips he gave a small hum of assent at the gloriously light sponge and sweet treacle.
"Taste of mines?" Harry grinned holding his spoon with a bit of strawberry and ice cream on. When
Gregory's eyes fluttered at the sweetness Harry found himself offering Gregory another bite after
having a few spoonfuls himself.
As opposed to the rest of the meal they ate their desserts in near silence, alternating between bites of
their own dessert and feeding a bite to the other. Harry had never felt so comfortable sitting in
silence with someone else apart from Hermione and Luna, and he had definitely not spent fifteen
minutes just gazing into their eyes, only looking away to look to their desserts or spoons, their gazes
also lingering over each other's mouths. Once again the tension was growing in the air.
When they finished they both sat back sipping their wine and sitting still quietly as they tried to get
themselves back under control. Gregory was so intense, he had such a powerful presence that
seemed to light Harry on fire with a mere look, no one had ever had that power over him before and
Harry couldn't help but feel disconcerted and scared by the intensity of feelings he was having for
this man, even while he absorbed and bathed in the intensity of it all.
"I believe we have just ruined my favourite dessert and strawberries for my for the rest of my life. I
do not think I will be able to eat either again without…reacting to the memory of this," Gregory
finally broke the silence with a rueful smile to Harry.
"I don't think I have ever had such an intense dessert," Harry admitted sheepishly.
"Are you finished?" Gregory asked, his tone slightly hopefully that Harry wouldn't be.
"Yes, I should probably be getting back. I think they will have thrown Mrs Weasley, Ginny and
Percy out by now and are sitting in wait," Harry said regretfully standing up.
"I will also likely be facing a full Malfoy interrogation waiting for me, and alerts on every fireplace
so they know which room I floo into," Gregory told him as he too stood.
"Hm, I have Hermione and Ron to look forward to alongside Remus, Tonks and Andromeda, I feel
worse for myself," Harry shrugged.
"Oh, how your words cut!" Gregory groaned holding his chest.
"How can I make it up to you?" Harry asked suddenly aware of how close they were standing now.
Gregory's eyes locked on his face and seemed to be trying to read his meaning from his face.
"I have a lot of ideas, but only a few are appropriate for a first date," Gregory said intensely
stepping closer to Harry so they were nearly pressed against each other.
"Perhaps save the others for later dates?" Harry suggested bravely holding his breath as soon as he
was done.
"Later dates? Hmm, do not make promises unless you mean them," Gregory bent his head and
brushed the tip of his nose from behind Harry's ear, along his cheek till they were nose to nose, their
lips inches away from each other.
"I don't say anything I don't mean," Harry challenged raising his eyes to Gregory's. The smirk that
he was given was almost vampire like, but so, so blood boiling.
"Then I will hold you to at least several more dates," he said as his arm crept around Harry's waist
and tugged him against his solid body. The feeling of Gregory's solid arms wrapped around him, his
hard, muscled delicious chest against his own sent Harry's intelligent mind disappearing into the
recesses of his brain and the images he had had since meeting this man danced through his mind.
"Only several?" Harry smirked managing the comeback just.
"You are treading dangerous waters my beautiful," Gregory growled before sealing their lips
together in a fierce, fire filled kiss that had been lingering on the edges of everything they did all
night. Their tongues clashing and battling for dominance, their fingers gripping each other's robes
as they pressed as much of themselves together as they could, Harry raising himself onto his toes,
Gregory supporting him as he held him. And everything else faded away from their minds as they
fed the heat they had been stoking all night.
Chapter 7
"Your Uncle Harry is lit up like a lumos spell today isn't he Teddy!" Tonks grinned nuzzling
Teddy's cheek with her nose.
"Alright, hand over my godson, stop teasing me and be gone with you!" Harry huffed holding out
his hands, the grin on his own face completely unaffected.
"Oh my, look at all those pearly white teeth Teddy! Maybe I should spell on some sunglasses to
stop you from going blind!" Tonks said while faking shielding her face. Teddy giggled as Harry
huffed and glared at Tonks. "Nope, you're still glowing," she shook her head grinning.
"You're a cruel, cruel woman you know! Not only was I practically pinned down and drilled for
every second of the date last night, now I am being teased and mocked to death! I hope you see
what a cruel woman your mummy is Teddy, harassing your poor, sweet, loving uncle Harry like
this!" Harry sniffed dramatically.
"Poor and sweet m E! After that kiss you described there is nothing sweet about you, from what you
said it was downright hot an Y!" Tonks snorted.
" off," Harry stuck his tongue out.
"Oh! Oh I'm wounded! After taking on Molly Weasley and a deluded Ginny who has been planning
your wedding this is how you treat me! Oh…oh the pain!" Tonks swooned.
"You two are worse than children you know that," Andromeda shook her head as she walked into
the kitchen. Harry and Tonks turned to grin at her side by side.
"I was merely trying to take Teddy so that Tonks could get to work before she was late, but she
insisted on teasing me," Harry pouted at Andromeda.
"You are going to be late Tonks," Andromeda frowned looking at the clock.
"Oi! Snitch! And you, you're supposed to be on my side!" Tonks laughed as she passed Teddy to
"I'm just much cuter," Harry shrugged with a smirk.
"Do not say anything mother," Tonks glared when Andromeda opened her mouth making Harry
start snickering and Andromeda to smile.
"See you agree with me," Harry said smugly. He blinked when he was suddenly looking at a female
version of himself wearing an identical smirk to his own.
"Erm…I know you two act like siblings, but it is slightly disconcerting to see my wife looking like
my godson," Remus said slowing as he walked into the kitchen. Harry and Tonks burst out laughing
at the expression on Remus' face.
"Alright you two. Tonks you need to be at work, Remus you at Hogwarts, the two of you shoo! We
will see you at lunch," Andromeda said firmly.
"Alright, alright," Tonks grumbled with a huff bending to kiss Teddy's cheek and then kissing
Harry's, getting a small happy smile from him, especially when Remus repeated her actions while
she flooed out.
"Are you sure you don't mind this Harry?" Remus asked for the fiftieth time.
"Remus you and Tonks are needed, I'm not much use at any of the restoration sites for the next
week or so. I don't mind at all spending some time with my godson," Harry glowered at Remus
when he opened his mouth again and he pointed to the fireplace.
"I'll see you at lunch," Remus chuckled kissing Teddy one last time before flooing out. Harry shook
his head before turning to Andromeda who was smiling at him.
"So, you had a good time last night?" She asked with a smile.
"You know I did, I seem to remember a five way interrogation last night," Harry said amused.
"Yes yes, but that was in front of everyone else, and you gave basic details and descriptions. I want
to know how you felt it went," Andromeda shook her head settling at the counter with her cup of
"I…it…it was amazing. I had so much fun, we discussed some really important things, jokes,
flirted, just sat in silence. And I didn't feel uncomfortable once! Well it was slightly uncomfortable
when Keith came in after things had gotten a little intense between us, but I didn't feel
uncomfortable with him. I felt as though I could be myself and that that was what Gregory wanted,"
Harry grinned happily again as he took a seat on the other side of the counter.
"And do the other Malfoy's know?" Andromeda asked concerned.
"Yes, he said his cousin, Marcus helped him pick the flowers, and that his mother had figured out
something going on and had gotten it out of him that we were going on a date, his grandfather came
into the room while they were talking and Lucius, Draco, Leandre, Samuel, Orlandus and Phoenix
listened in at the door. They seemed to take it well," Harry smiled.
"I doubt Gregory would allow it to affect anything even had they not. Malfoy's tend to chase after
something or someone that catches their eyes to the very end, no matter what others think. That is
probably why he took the risk of sending you the courting request despite previous history with his
family. Though given his past he must be very serious about this to send you a courting request
straight off," Andromeda mused as she made up a cup of tea for Harry as well.
"Straight off?" Harry asked curiously.
"Yes, wizards and witches can date before courting requests are sent out. In fact generally its only
the older wizarding families that send out courting requests before dating and then it tends to be the
really serious or heirs. Generally you date, then a courting request, then an engagement and then
marriage," Andromeda explained.
"Could it be because I am the Potter Lord he went straight to Courting?" Harry frowned
"No dear, the heir/first born bit only applies to the one sending the request. It was basically to stop
unwanted pregnancies and a rushed marriage which naturally would cause the family
embarrassment, if you went straight into courting it showed that you were serious and that
realistically at the end there was a marriage likely to happen," Andromeda waved off his concern,
picking up on I despite his attempts to sound casual.
This was what he liked about talking to Andromeda, whenever he had questions about the
wizarding world she would just explain it to him, discretely if they were in public, unlike Hermione
and Ron who no matter how much he loved them always made it a little difficult for him to ask
about things he didn't really understand about the wizarding world and customs. Hermione would
look at him as though he should have researched it and go into lecture mode, reciting whatever book
she read it from with a slightly put upon air. Ron would look at him as though he was a little slow,
always seeming to forget that Harry hadn't grown up in the wizarding world as he had, before
explaining it slowly but confusingly. And both of them would do this loudly no matter where they
were, making Harry feel embarrassed more than once over the years. Now he went to Andromeda,
Neville or Remus if he needed to know something.
"I have lost you dear," Andromeda's chuckle brought him out of his thoughts making him look at
her apologetically.
"Sorry, I was thinking how grateful I am to have you hear to talk about all this with. It's so much
easier than discussing it with anyone else," He admitted.
"Ah Harry, you really are a breath of fresh air in my life, you and Teddy both. You have given me
the strength to carry on where my sorrow and grieving would have broken me. I do not think I will
be able to thank you for that," Andromeda chuckled again as Harry cheeks flared up, but he was
getting used to compliments from her now and didn't try and deny them, though she could see it was
an effort to force down the natural instinct. "So he promised you more dates?" She asked to bring
things back to their original topic.
"Several at least," Harry nodded happily. "How is it going with Narcissa?" He asked cautiously.
"Better than can be expected after so long of being estranged. She seems to really want to get back
in contact, to meet Nymphodora properly, and she seems genuinely sorry about Ted. We have
started catching up on each other's lives after I left. She has explained about Abraxus and the rest of
the family trying to rescue them. After everything with Draco I can understand them going along
with it to protect him," She sighed.
"Everything with Draco?" Harry asked confused.
"Yes, when Draco was born there were complications, he was two months early after Abraxus had
hit Narcissa with the cruciatus curse to keep Lucius in his place. They had a choice between Draco
who may not have survived anyway and possible damage preventing further pregnancies, or a very
late abortion spell. They chose Draco, who thankfully lived, but there was too much damage to
Narcissa's womb for another child to be carried to term. Narcissa loves children as well, she always
wanted a large family, with lots of children of her own," Andromeda frowned sadly.
"No wonder they did everything in their power to protect Draco," Harry shook his head as more
pieces of the Malfoy puzzle slotted into place. "He hit his own pregnant daughter-in-law with the
"I forget you have not only seen the effects of that curse but felt it. Yes, when she was four months.
The damage lingered and when the strain of a heavier pregnancy hit her body, she couldn't cope
with it and went into early labour. Magical pregnancies can be delicate things as it is," Andromeda
said, before grinning in a manner that reminded Harry that this was Sirius's favourite cousin. "And I
want you to know I expect you to have an engagement ring on that finger at least before you and
Gregory give me any more grandchildren!"
Harry didn't know whether to be embarrassed at the declaration, awed that Andromeda really did
seem to consider him an adopted son, pleased she seemed to think that he and Gregory had a certain
future, or just plain flustered. In the end he made a squeaking noise before glaring at Andromeda
when she burst out laughing, neatly patting her grey streaked black hair neatly back into place
where it was held in a knot at base of her neck once she was just giggling.
"That was cruel! I only found out a year ago men can have babies," Harry pouted.
"I apologise," Andromeda managed to say through her giggles, her grey eyes shining, cheeks
flushed red with her humour.
"Yeah, you really look it," Harry snorted. "At least you love me Teddy bear, everyone else seems to
think that this is pick on Harry day," Harry said mournfully to Teddy who blinked sleepily back.
"Oh you have brightened up an old lady's life," Andromeda wiped her eyes as she calmed down.
"Old, you're 56, you're nowhere near old," Harry snorted.
"Are Hermione and Ron coming over here later?" Andromeda asked choosing to ignore his
"Yes, I don't think going to be heading over to the Burrow anytime soon," Harry winced.
"Ah yes probably a good thing, Merlin knows what that deluded, self absorbed obsessive witch
might do should you show up. I would suggest to Arthur that he check Molly and Ginny into St
Mungo's but he's so hen pecked and under her thumb he would even consider it," Andromeda ranted
with an annoyed scowl.
"You had fun arguing with her last night then huh?" Harry said dryly watching amused as she
looked a little embarrassed at the outburst.
"I told her a few much needed home truths. The foolish woman was insisting that you were madly
in love with Ginny and seemed to be under the delusion that you were trying to protect her still by
staying away and you just needed to realise it was safe for you to be together again for the wedding
to happen," Andromeda told him. By the time he had finished telling everyone the basic details of
how things had gone, then been rung out for a little more information he had been shattered and so
had gotten the bare basics of the fight that had been going on when he left, though he wasn't sure he
wanted to know everything that had been said.
"I led her on, going out with her," Harry sighed.
"Harry you were a teenager in the middle of a war, constantly being told that you and Ginny were
meant to be together. You lived with bigoted Muggles who made you doubt whether being with a
man was acceptable, never mind the fact that while everyone else had time to think about
relationships you were trying to stay alive, so it makes sense you didn't know which gender you
wanted till now. Never mind that everything that has happened to you will have changed who you
are and what you are looking for," Andromeda said firmly, gripping his chin.
"I just don't know what to do to get her to stop," Harry groaned.
"I would advise should this carry on that you seriously think of getting a restraining order, I am very
worried about what they might do when they find out how serious you and Gregory are,"
Andromeda admitted concerned.
"You really think they will get that bad?" Harry worried at his lip as he started rocking slightly
when Teddy fussed in his sleep.
"I think it potentially could. They seem worryingly fixed on the fact that you and Ginny belong
together. Obsessively so," Andromeda admitted.

Harry was playing with Teddy in the living room a few hours later while Andromeda had a nap
thinking over what Andromeda had said to him. He had to admit, he had been uncomfortable with
the intenseness Ginny had showed when they had been together, but then once they had broken up
that had just gotten worse, added in with Molly's behaviour and he was giving serious thought to
what Andromeda had said.
"Oh, wonder who that is Teddy bear, you stay here while uncle Harry goes and sees who's here,"
Harry said after someone knocked on the door. Placing Teddy on his bouncy chair he clipped him in
before hurrying to the front door, making sure his wand was ready before opening it.
"If I don't make any sudden movements, will I avoid being attacked?" Gregory smiled amused
eyeing Harry's wand while Harry stood there stunned.
"Gregory!" Harry would deny that he squeaked to his dying day.
"I apologise for just showing up like this," Gregory said his smile fading slightly as uncertainty
flashed through his eyes instead.
"No, no! It's a nice surprise, sorry I was just shocked to see you," Harry said quickly, a happy smile
of his own crossing his face. Gregory was just opening his mouth to respond when a wailing cry
echoed through the house. "Oh shoot, come in," Harry called softly over his shoulder as he hurried
through the house leaving Gregory to follow.
Making his way into the living room he found Teddy sobbing to himself in his bouncy chair, his
dummy having fallen out and was laying a little bit away. His small face was screwed up and his
hands clenched as he cried.
"Hey there Teddy bear, what's all this about?" Harry said softly unbuckling him and lifting him out
before reaching for the dummy. Gregory poked his head unsurely into the room as Harry sucked the
dummy quickly before easing it into Teddy's mouth. "Sorry, Andromeda is sleeping, I didn't want
him to wake her up," He apologised standing.
"It's alright. So this is Teddy?" Gregory asked curiously making his way over. He blinked shocked
when Teddy blinked at him before his hair became a golden blonde and his eyes the sea blue Harry
was coming to love. Giving a grin Teddy chattered happily at Gregory from behind his dummy as
Harry laughed.
"Yes this is Teddy, he's a metamorphagus like Tonks," Harry explained.
"A metamorphagus?" Gregory said surprised.
"Yes, he also has some faint strains of Remus lycanthropy, though the Healers that we have seen
don't think he will transform, but he can smell and hear his bottle being made three rooms away,"
Harry chuckled amused.
"I bet that's fun!" Gregory chuckled. Harry blinked at him as that laugh went through his system
causing him to shiver contently as though sound heated his blood nicely. Gregory unfortunately
seemed to catch this if the smirk that Harry received was anything to go by, and then Gregory was
in his space, his face inches away from Harry's and his blue eyes intent on Harry's face.
Harry watched as Gregory came closer, clearly giving Harry time to pull away or say no before
their lips met. Both were aware and careful of Teddy between them, and Gregory's kiss was clearly
a greeting. His lips gentle and caressing as he cupped Harry's face before pulling back slowly.
"Hey to you too," Harry grinned contently feeling the tingle in his lips.
"Hello. I was informed that I should be 'playing it cool' and not have gotten in contact with you
again for a few days, but I found myself wishing to see you again," Gregory smiled slightly as his
thumb brushed over Harry's cheek bone.
"I'm glad, I don't think I could have lasted a few days without at least speaking to you again," Harry
smiled brightly. "Do you want some tea?" He asked kissing Gregory's palm.
"That would be nice," Gregory nodded before following Harry through to the kitchen. He smiled at
Teddy when the curious baby eyed him after he was placed in his play pen while Harry pottered
over to the kettle.
"How did your interrogation go?" Harry asked with a grin as he got out two mugs, milk and sugar.
"Everyone was gathered by the time I got back," Gregory groaned rolling his eyes as he leant
against the counter. "I did not get to bed till two in the morning, they wanted to hear how I felt it
went, how I felt you responded, did I think there were future dates, did I think we had a serious
future, did I think you felt comfortable around me, did I feel comfortable, was conversation easy,
was conversation difficult, did we have any awkward silences, what did we talk about, what didn't
we talk about, did you enjoy the restaurant did you…"
"Alright, alright I get it!" Harry laughed holding up his hands in surrender.
"They only released me after I nodded off while they were talking about what I had told them,"
Gregory huffed.
"I take back what I said yesterday, you had it worse," Harry said sympathetically holding out
Gregory's tea.
"Thank you. I take it yours went alright?" Gregory asked taking a sip of his tea.
"It wasn't too bad. I managed to deflect most of their questions. But they were all waiting for me,
and I had to describe the date and how I felt about it, how I felt it went, what you were like, how
you acted, did I think there would be more dates," Harry grinned leaning on the counter opposite
"So did I meet approval?" Gregory asked slightly nervously.
"Well…" Harry drew off before laughing at the look Gregory gave him. "You met much approval,
though they want to meet you," Harry reassured him.
"Ah, that is good then! My grandfather wants to invite you and your friends to the new café in
Diagon. It would just be myself, him, my mother and Mikhail," Gregory looked at Harry hopefully
giving him no choice really in what his response would be, never mind what the others would do if
they found out he had said no.
"I'll ask the others when they are free and owl it to you?" Harry suggested.
"That sounds fine. I think Grandfather is intrigued to meet you again, and to meet your friends,"
Gregory told him just as Teddy started crying again.
"Ah I'm sorry Teddy bear are we ignoring you? Ah it's your lunch time isn't it, I'm sorry," Harry
cooed gently as he lifted Teddy carefully out and went over to put the kettle back on.
"Do you want me to take him while you get his bottle ready?" Gregory offered seeing Harry
juggling Teddy while trying to get the bottle ready, though he was managing pretty well.
"Oh, you don't mind?" Harry asked unsurely.
"It will give me good practice for the next baby Malfoy," Gregory chuckled holding out his arms.
Shooting him a grateful look Harry eased Teddy into Gregory's arm before moving to get his bottle
ready. Teddy started crying again at finding himself in strange arms so Gregory started bouncing in
place to try and sooth him a little.
"Julia should be about six and a half months now right?" Harry asked curiously as he poured
mixture into the water in Teddy's bottle.
"In a week yes, she's starting to get used to the idea she's going to be a mum, Mikhail is still
panicking," Gregory smiled triumphantly as Teddy started to quieten down.
"It's their first baby right?" Harry asked turning as he shook the bottle.
"Yes, they've been trying for a few years to have a baby, so they are even more excited and nervous
than they probably normally would be. No matter how much I tell them everything will go fine,"
Gregory said fondly.
"Your sight?" Harry asked curiously as he tapped the bottle with his wand to cool it to the right
temperature before holding his arms out for Teddy. Gregory watched as Harry settled Teddy into
the crook of his arm and started feeding him.
"Yes, I do I readings on the baby regularly to make sure that everything is ok," Gregory told his
"That's sweet," Harry smiled brightly.
"Most people don't feel that way," Gregory chuckled picking up his tea again.
"Why? If you don't mind me asking. You seemed really nervous about telling me you had sight,"
Harry was unsure whether this was a topic that Gregory was comfortable with talking about.
"I am not sure whether you know, but I initiated a courting before," Gregory paused and waited for
Harry's nod before giving one of his own and carrying on. "I was twenty six, I…we met in Greece,
it started out casually, dates, just spending time together, after a few months I sent the courting
bouquet and gift. We had been courting for three months when I decided to tell him about my sight.
He was a little strange about it at first, but he didn't say anything about breaking the contract, and he
seemed to get used to the idea. Two months later I…I saw him with another man when I touched
him. He said it was the first and only time, I probably only saw it because he was feeling so guilty.
When we were arguing he said that my sight made him uncomfortable, it made him feel like I didn't
trust him and that he had no freedom if we were to get married. He left," Gregory avoided looking
at Harry as he spoke, while Harry watched him with growing dread and sadness.
"But your sight is something you can't help. It's your gift," Harry frowned.
"I guess the idea that there was a chance I would see something, or that I could do readings about
something that he didn't want me to see was too much for him," Gregory was still not looking at
"Gregory we may not have known each other for very long, but I seriously doubt that you would
invade my privacy like that on purpose, and if you got a vision, or a reading pertaining to me, if I
have nothing to hide then I have nothing to worry about," Harry said casually, smiling warmly
when Gregory finally looked at him.
"I would be invading your privacy though," Gregory frowned looking to the side again.
"Not intentionally and that's all that matters. Gregory, you can't help having the sight, it hasn't
influenced my choices towards you so far and isn't going to," Harry said firmly walking over so he
was standing in front of him.
"You say that now, but what happens when I have a few visions of you, that I see something that
you don't want me to see. You could change your mind the…" Gregory was shocked when Harry's
lips against his silenced his, Harry leaning up careful of Teddy to place a gentle kiss against his lips.
Harry hadn't been able to bare the doubt or pain that flickered through Gregory's eyes while his face
remained mostly blank except for the tightness Harry could see. Whoever Gregory had previously
courted had really done a number on Gregory, he had clearly made Gregory doubt that anyone
would want him with his sight. He hadn't been able to think of any other way to stop Gregory's
doubts from spilling forwards and to try and reassure him except this way.
"Your sight is not going to change my mind about our relationship Gregory, I can promise that
now," Harry swore.
"I won't try and see anything without your permission, but sometimes I just get visions," Gregory's
tone was still worried as he scanned Harry's face.
"Have I told you about my friend Luna?" Harry asked, smiling as Gregory looked completely
confused at the conversations apparent change.
"Erm no," he shook his head.
"Luna Lovegood, people call her looney Lovegood because she is…eccentric would be the best
word. They choose to ignore the fact she is incredibly insightful and intelligent because she doesn't
quite fit in with how people think you should act. She is more than comfortable in her own skin.
She is also a vision seer. It tends to be close to home, people that she cares about, has frequent
contact with, or things that will directly influence her, because of this she tends to have half a foot
in the vision world all the time. The way she chooses to convey her images however have people
writing her off as completely looney and not having anything very important to say, even
Hermione. With Luna you need to learn to trust her and decipher her messages before you can
benefit from them. I'm not even sure that she does it on purpose, it's just her method of translating
what she is seeing," Harry explained watching Gregory's eyes widen in shock.
"You're friends with another seer?" He asked slowly.
"Yup, she's one of my closest friends, she has visions of me quite a bit, although much less so since
I stopped being in mortal peril every five seconds," Harry grinned. "Though she did ruin my
birthday present for her when she assured me that she was going to love the necklace that I had
bought her and should stop worrying about it," Harry rolled his eyes at the memory.
"And it doesn't bother you?" Gregory frowned seeing where Harry was going with this.
"No. I know she's not invading my privacy or any crap like that, definitely not on purpose. She can't
help her gifts, she's…Luna. I chose her as my friend and to be a part of my life knowing that, so I
can't be angry or uncomfortable with her when she has a vision of me," Harry said simply.
"Thank you," Gregory smiled slowly stepping back into Harry's space. He slowly stroked his
fingers along Harry's cheek before kissing him slowly, but thoroughly. Pulling apart Harry grinned
at him and pecked him once more on the lips before he removed Teddy's bottle from his mouth and
grabbed his burping blanket so he could wind the drowsy baby.
"Gregory? This is a surprise," Andromeda voice brought their attention to the woman in the
doorway who was quickly patting her slightly sleep ruffled hair back into place. Harry grinned at
her as he rubbed Teddy's back, Gregory looking unsure as to whether he had been caught with his
hand in the biscuit tin or not.
"Andromeda, it has been a long time," Gregory nodded his head to her politely, taking a small step
back away from Harry.
"It has. Here to see Harry so soon after your date, you are eager," Andromeda smirked walking over
to them. Harry grinned at Gregory as he started bouncing and rocking slightly to get Teddy fully off
to sleep.
"I…erm…yes I wished to see Harry again to make sure he had survived the inquisition last night,"
Gregory said seeing he was going to be getting no help from Harry.
"Knowing my sister and your family I would believe that you were as much at risk as Harry,"
Andromeda snickered as she poured herself a cup of tea herself.
"It was…interesting yes," Gregory said tactfully causing Andromeda to laugh. "Oh yes, Narcissa
asked that I bring this over for you, she said that you mentioned wishing to see pictures of Draco as
a baby," Gregory said tugging out a tiny book from his pocket and setting it on the counter before
resizing it. Staring at the thing incredulously Harry stopped rocking and looked between them.
"That's not a few pictures!" Harry choked out. Going by the size of the leather bound photo album
this contained a blow by blow account of Draco's life!
"Yes, Narcissa thought maybe you would like to see the family album. She's a little overeager,"
Gregory admitted softly.
"She's trying to make it up to me," Andromeda sighed.
"She misses you, she has missed you for a long time. I think she is hoping that she will at least get
to have a place in Teddy's life that neither of you could have in your children's," Gregory nodded.
Just as Andromeda opened her mouth a wailing alarm went through the house causing Harry to
tense straight away.
"Andromeda take Teddy, Gregory stay in here!" Harry said firmly as he carefully passed a now
wailing Teddy into Andromeda's arms and dropped his wand into his hand from his holster.
"Harry I'm not staying in here!" Gregory frowned, his own wand already in his hand.
"Gregory you are a Malfoy, if they are rogue Death Eaters then you are going to become an
immediate target!" Harry frowned.
"And you aren't? Harry I am not staying in here while you go there alone!" Gregory argued.
"Oh Merlin…Andromeda floo Hermione and Ron at the Burrow and get them over here asap.
Gregory you cover my back, you stay behind me at all times, shoot first questions later! We're
going to the left. Watch your back," Harry's tone brooked no argument and he was already moving
to the back door.
Harry stood to the side of the door and opened it before cautiously slipping out, wand raised as he
moved swiftly and sharply. Gregory following as best he could in the same manner. He and Harry
stuck to the edge of the house scanning the garden cautiously and in a slight crouch for any type of
"What type of wards do you have?" Gregory hissed.
"Only the most determined would be able to get through, they are left over from the war when this
was one of the safe houses, doesn't mean this isn't someone determined though," Harry said
pointedly. "Stay close," he said firmly. Gregory just nodded his acceptance of what was clearly
terms that meant Harry would just stun him and shove him inside the house.
They moved swiftly around the house, shooting revealing spells occasionally, Harry casting once
Gregory hadn't heard of before. At his questioning look he got a brief explanation.
"It reveals how many heart beats are in a 50 yard parameter of the spell," Harry explained. It was
when they got around to the front of the house that they saw what had set off the wards. Sighing and
starting to scowl Harry's tense posture faded and instead anger started to take over as he stared at
the crowd they could just about make out gathered at the gate to Andromeda's property, though the
flashing and shouting left no doubt who they were.
"Bloody reporters!" Harry snapped. Huffing he raised his wand and murmured a spell which raced
towards the reporters leaving them no chance to escape. Harry and Gregory listened to the shrieks
and screams that followed before there was practically a mass apparation away from the house. At
the look he got from Gregory the anger faded and he turned sheepish as he explained. "it's a spell
me and Hermione found while we were on the run, it makes the victim feel like there are bugs all
over them and under their skin for the next hour. Nothing permanently harmful,"
"They come around here often?" Gregory frowned.
"Enough to be annoying, they used to show up outside Grimmauld place, now somehow they have
caught wind of the fact I'm here and show randomly here instead," Harry sighed tiredly sinking
against the wall behind him as he covered his eyes. Gregory stepped forwards and wrapped his arms
around Harry, tugging him against his chest and holding him there with his hand on the back of
Harry's neck, rubbing his neck with his thumb when he felt the tension there.
Harry was tense in his arms only for a few moments, reminding Gregory that he was likely the first
person Harry had been romantically involved with to touch him and comfort him in such a way.
From what Harry had said he would actually guess he was one of the few that would offer comfort
and support after a situation like this. Swiftly though Harry's body melted and relaxed into the
comfort being offered to him, wrapping his own arms around Gregory's waist and pressing his face
into Gregory's shoulder as he soaked up the warmth and strength the blonde was offering.
Harry didn't know what scents Gregory wore, whether it was aftershave, his deodorant, whatever
the elves washed his clothes with. But that scent, slightly spicy, but completely male and powerful.
It surrounded Harry and always made him shiver whenever he caught a whiff of it. Now surrounded
by his strong arms and scent Harry felt himself relaxing and feeling safer quicker than he ever had
before after one of these 'attacks'.
"You could get into trouble for that," Gregory said after a moment where Harry had completely
"Don't you know, I'm the boy who lived. They'll complain, someone will pass it on to Kingsley
because they aren't sure what they are supposed to do about it. Kingsley will come here, have a
grump at me, have some tea and relax, ask me not to do it again, before leaving," Harry shrugged
one shouldered, snuggling closer into Gregory.
"The benefits of knowing the Minister of Magic huh?" Gregory chuckled pulling Harry closer to his
"The benefits of everyone being too worried to do anything about me for fear of me going nuts,"
Harry snorted.
"Harry what wa…" Hermione and Ron skidded with to a halt with Fred and George right behind
them seeing the two of them before they started grinning making Harry roll his eyes.
"Don't think there is any danger out here Fred,"
"Nope, don't think so either George," The twins were now leering and wiggling their eyebrows
causing Harry to snicker into Gregory's chest.
"Everything alright?" Hermione asked sounding as amused as she looked.
"Just reporters," Harry sighed.
"Ah, Kingsley going to be visiting?" Ron asked calmly, though he was assessing Gregory curiously.
"Probably. Used the insect hex on them this time," Harry nodded.
"At least you didn't blow…"
"Anything around them up this time," The twins snickered.
"They were being particularly annoying right after I got released from the Hospital wing and got to
Grimmauld Place, I got fed up and blew up the railings of a small garden area opposite the house.
No one was hurt," Harry told Gregory seeing the curiousness in his eyes.
"You blew up the railings?" Gregory said amused.
"It got them to leave for a while. Kingsley wasn't too happy after that one, told me to use more
confined spells if I was going to use them on the reporters," Harry grinned.
"I can put my family solicitors in touch with you if you wanted, they aren't allowed to hound you
like this, especially at your home," Gregory said thoughtfully brushing his hand along Harry's
"Really?" Harry asked hopefully.
"Yes, you can sue them, it will definitely discourage them from coming to your home. My family
solicitors are very good with pushing for privacy laws and ensuring that you wouldn't be followed
the way you are now. They have managed to do so for all our family for three hundred years now.
Nothing is printed about our family unless there is cold hard facts, even Lucius," Gregory said
"That would be nice, they can't keep coming around here," Harry sighed sinking into Gregory again.
"I'll owl them when I get home, do not worry they will be in touch as soon as possible," Gregory
smiled slightly.
"It's very nice to meet you Mr Malfoy," Hermione said pointedly making Harry blush.
"Oh sorry! Guys this is Gregory Malfoy, Gregory this is Hermione and Ron, and Fred and George
Weasley," Harry made the introductions embarrassed.
"It's nice to meet you all," Gregory nodded his head to them.
"It's nice to have a face to put to the things we have been hearing," Hermione smiled at him.
"So this is the Malfoy that has…"
"Swept our little Harry off his feet," Fred and George were beaming now.
"Accept nothing off of them," Harry said quickly glaring at the two.
"Harry Harry Harry, you have…"
"So little trust in us?" The twins started pouting.
"Do anything and I will declare an all out, no holding out prank war," Harry said firmly wrapping
his arms back around Gregory's waist tightly.
"I think that he was just declared off limits guys," Ron chuckled seeing the put out looks on the
twins faces.
"You're scary when…"
"You want to be Harry," They pouted as their shoulders sank.
"Stay away!" Harry said firmly.
"Oo he's protective," Fred and George chorused together before blanching at the glare they got from
Harry. "We'll go and tell…"
"Andromeda and Bill that its clear," They said quickly before hurrying back into the house.
"Bill's here?" Harry asked perking up.
"He was at the Burrow when Andromeda called, we all came through," Hermione nodded.
"Come on we should head back inside," Gregory smiled leaning down to brush a kiss over Harry's
lips. Harry pulled away suddenly and stared at Hermione incredulously where she was blushing
"You did not just say aww Hermione!" Harry choked out trying not to laugh, especially as Gregory
was fighting a smile of his own.
"Sorry?" Hermione offered embarrassed, looking unsurely at Gregory, looking relieved when she
saw the amusement on his face.
"Remind me to put you off next time you and Ron decide to play tonsil hockey," Harry grumbled
lacing his fingers through Gregory's and leading him into the house through the front door, the
others trailing behind as he led the way back into the kitchen.
"Oh Harry, the twins said that it was reporters, are they still alive dear?" Andromeda looked up
from where she had managed to calm Teddy down and get him back to sleep.
"Of course they're still alive," Harry huffed letting go of Gregory to hug Bill tightly.
"Good to see you too," Bill said hugging back tighter.
"How have you been?" Harry asked concerned.
"We're fine, Fleur is slightly hormonal, apparently Veela genes and pregnancy hormones make for
an interesting mix," Bill chuckled.
"Bill this is Gregory Malfoy, Gregory this is Bill Weasley," Harry smiled as he tugged a slightly
unsure looking Gregory to him again.
"I heard all about you last night, it's nice to meet you," Bill gave his friendly smile that managed to
put even the Goblins more at ease and held out his hand to Gregory which was quickly accepted.
"Last night?" Gregory asked curiously.
"My mother called round all of us to inform us that Harry was on a date last night, and an account
of how he was 'being corrupted' by a Malfoy, breaking Ginny's heart, how you were confused and
being encouraged by 'bad influences' you know her best rants," Bill rolled his eyes.
"I think you are one of the bad influences there Andromeda," Harry said amused.
"I believe so. I take it you aren't agreeing with your mother?" Andromeda gave Bill an eagle eyed
"Of course not, Fleur and Charlie were fuming, I just closed off the floo connection," Bill said
"We just went back to our apartment when they came back to The Burrow…."
"The minute they started off and we realised what was going on we just walked out," Fred and
George shrugged.
"You know as long as you are happy we are. Just expect Fleur to smother you slightly the next time
she sees you, I swear that she tries mothering me at times," Bill grinned rolling his eyes.
"I do not mean to cause trouble," Gregory frowned, seeing the group shift slightly he finished what
he was going to say. "But as long as Harry wants me, I am not going to give up," He smiled slightly
at squeeze Harry gave to his fingers.
"Good, and we have your back. They should calm down, and if they don't then it's their loss and we
won't change how we feel or that you're our little brother," Bill assured Harry.
"And just so you know if you hurt him, we will make your life living hell," Hermione said
pleasantly making Gregory blink at her.
"I have no intentions of hurting Harry," he said honestly.
"That's good, just so you know. And we had to do the warning thing as well," Ron shrugged putting
his arm around Hermione's shoulders.
Hearing the grandfather clock chiming Gregory glanced at the clock with a sigh. Leaning down he
wrapped his arms around Harry and pulled him back against his chest, lowering himself to speak
into Harry's ear.
"I need to get going. I will owl our solicitors and I await your owl about meeting for lunch," He said
"I let you know by tonight. I'm glad you came. Sorry about the reporters and being attacked by my
family," Harry said turning in Gregory's arms.
"I enjoyed being with you, reporters and attacking family and all. I'll see you soon," Gregory said
before kissing Harry in a way that yet again managed to make Harry's head spin, his heart stop
before starting a pounding rhythm instead. Fisting his hands into Gregory's robes he kissed back
just as eagerly, both of them only pulling back when air became an issue.
"See you soon," Harry nodded licking his lips. When he turned from regrettably watching Gregory
flooing out to find everyone watching him with various expressions of grins, leers and amusement.
"Shut up," he grumbled stomping back into the kitchen to pour himself another cup of tea.
Chapter 8
Harry smiled slightly nervously as they walked into the new and very expensive café in Diagon as
he spotted Gregory, Marcus, Carina and Mikhail seated at a very private table near the back. They
all stood when they spotted Harry and his group making him feel even more nervous. Sure he had
met them before and they had all been nice to him, but he hadn't been being courted by Gregory
Remus placed his hand on Harry's back and gently urged him forwards when his pause was
threatening to become a little too long, Hermione's hand in his gave a gentle squeeze. He wanted
this to go well so badly, and he was worried that they weren't going to all get along. Sucking in a
deep breath he led the way through the café to the Malfoys fighting the urge to run screaming from
the place, why did he have to choose a partner with such an intimidating family?
And then Gregory had reached for him, his scent was surrounding him, his body warmth soaking
into him, and then his lips were on his. Closing his eyes he slipped his arms around Gregory's waist
as the older man's hand cupped his face gently. The kiss was gentle and chaste, they remembered
whose company exactly they were in, but the contact with Gregory calmed down the nerves in his
stomach. Pulling apart he smiled at Gregory's warm blue eyes as they scanned his eyes.
"Hey," Harry smiled.
"Hello," Gregory smiled back brushing a piece of hair out of Harry's eyes.
"Harry it is wonderful to see you again," Carina smiled reaching forward and kissing both of
Harry's cheeks. He blinked slightly surprised but smiled at the woman when she pulled back.
"It's nice to see you again too. Erm, this is Remus Lupin, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and
Neville Longbottom," Harry stepped back to Gregory's side as he introduced the four of them.
"This is my grandfather Marcus, my mother Carina, and my younger brother Mikhail," Gregory
introduced his side of the family before holding his hand out to Remus who's eyes had not left him,
intently taking in the interaction between him and Harry. "And I am Gregory,"
"I have heard a lot about you," Remus smiled slightly accepting the hand.
"Remus!" Harry hissed as his cheeks lit up making him bury his face into Gregory's arm as they
turned a darker red. Marcus let out a deep chuckle of amusement even as his faded blue eyes shone
with something that none of them could really name.
"It is a pleasure to meet you all, Harry has told us enough about you to have made me eager to meet
you," He smiled shaking Ron's hand and placing a kiss on Hermione's before turning to shake
Neville and Remus' hands.
"Thank you for inviting us," Hermione said politely as they all shuffled to get seated, Harry ending
up between Gregory and Remus, blushing a little again when Gregory pushed his chair in for him
before seating himself. The round table just seated them all comfortably and allowed everyone to
see each other.
"It is a pleasure, and it is nice to meet Harry's family, especially considering the recent
developments," Marcus smiled at Harry and Gregory, the smile getting wider when Harry
automatically reached up to play with his necklace.
"I admit it is nice to get the chance to meet your real family and not the one that is whispered
about," Remus said softly.
"Ah yes, our family have been too long dipped into the dirt. Hopefully we will be able to ease the
stain that has crept upon our family name," Carina sighed.
"One of you having a relationship with the Chosen One will speed that along," Remus said lightly,
but his eyes were sharp.
"Remus!" Harry choked horrified at the accusation but before he could say anything else Gregory
brushed his fingers along his cheek getting his attention and stopping his family from responding.
With a small smile Gregory shook his head before raising determined eyes to meet Remus'.
"I can understand why you would think that that could be a motive for me to court Harry, I
completely understand why that would be a worry, and I know that is what a lot of people are going
to think. But my request to court Harry was purely because of Harry and not anyone else the
wizarding world believe him to be," Gregory said firmly.
"Just Harry," Hermione smiled softly, the four teenagers at the table seemingly sharing some inside
knowledge as they smiled at each other.
"There is no motivation of this towards being a good way to start improving your name in the
wizarding community again?" Ron asked calmly, his eyes scanning over all four Malfoy's.
"We know that our reputation is to be cold, but family is the most important thing to us. There
hasn't been a courting contract in the Malfoy family since my great grandfather," Marcus said
honestly. "My son was foolish, and greedy, but unfortunately he was very good at hiding it until it
was too late, the rest of us put family first and foremost,"
"We would never encourage any of our family to court for anything but love, we don't marry for
money or fame, we have more than enough of that," Mikhail added.
"We're sorry to have started on such a note," Remus smiled his normal warm smile, clearly satisfied
with their answers.
"It is understandable that you would be worried as to our intentions towards this matter, you care
for Harry and want to best for him," Carina shook her head.
"Welcome to Mike's Magical Meals and Drinks. Here's your menus, I'm your waitress Dawn, can I
get you anything to drink?" The waitress smiled overly brightly at them all as she bounced over to
the table, the menus floating to in front of everyone and hovering till they took them. After they all
placed their various drink orders they turned to their menus. "When you decide what you want just
tap it with your wand and your order will be placed,"
"I'm starving," Ron groaned happily eyeing the meals.
"You're always hungry," Harry, Neville and Hermione snorted.
"I'm a growing boy," Ron pouted.
"Ron you came into your majority last year, you're not going to grow anymore," Neville said dryly
peering over his menu at the redhead.
"Thank Merlin," Harry added in the mutter getting a chuckle from Remus, Gregory and Marcus
who heard him.
"I believe that you two are engaged?" Mikhail asked Hermione and Ron, who as normal both
nodded to the question.
"They spend seven years dancing around each other and end up going out then engaged within two
months," Harry laughed grinning at the twin glares he was getting.
"I believe you are expecting your first?" Remus asked Mikhail who somehow managed to look pale
and happy at the same time. Grinning as he remembered Gregory saying he had been panicking
Harry ducked behind his menu shooting a look at Gregory whose eyes were shining with
amusement when they met his own.
"Yes, my wife is six and a half months along," Mikhail nodded.
"I was a complete mess by this point when Tonks was pregnant, she suddenly decided that we had
nothing ready and had to have everything ready in a month, I have never had to work so hard in my
life," Remus shook his head. "Totally worth it though,"
"Teddy is a very cute baby," Gregory spoke up.
"Ah of course you saw him when you visited," Remus smiled proudly.
"He's a really good baby, and I got a little practise in for when the new Malfoy is around," Gregory
chuckled. "Did you get into trouble for your reporters?" He asked Harry.
"Nah, just as I said Kingsley came round, had a grumble, cup of tea and relaxed a little," Harry
smiled at the concern for him.
"Harry thinks he gets away with it because no one wants to punish the hero of the hour, but
Kingsley sees him as a little brother, he can't say no to Harry or tell him off," Remus snickered.
"Not to mention the puppy dog eyes, you should watch out for that, Harry's puppy dog eyes can
have you crumbling in seconds," Neville nodded to Gregory.
"Sirius taught them to him, we didn't stand a chance after that," Remus sighed shaking his head
before grinning when Harry lightly shoved him.
"Thank you for the warning, I will remember that," Gregory chuckled placing his arm along the
back of Harry's chair.
"You're giving away all my secrets," Harry protested in a mock huff before he brightened and
turned to Gregory. "Oh yes, thank you for the solicitor by the way, he's brilliant. Though I think he
may be eagerly planning a full scale attack on the Prophet,"
"Ah you spoke to Mr Blackcreep?" Carina asked.
"Yes, he's said that the best thing to do is go for them for everything that they have printed over the
years to show that we are serious, that includes taking pictures and publishing damaging articles on
a minor," Harry nodded.
"He's also requested that I give permission for him to put in complaints on my behalf for the articles
printed about me during Fourth year to give him more power to go after them with," Hermione said
with a slightly vicious smile.
"Ah yes, I remember those articles, they claimed that you were together correct?" Marcus asked
"Hermione and I were never together, she's like my little sister, they were just going for as much
ammunition as possible," Harry shook his head in answer to the unspoken question.
"If you do not mind me asking, how did you manage to get Ms Skeeter to write that article for you
in your fifth year?" Mikhail asked before looking confused when the four teens started laughing, a
glance to Remus showed he was also looking extremely confused.
"Sorry, just…ah good memories," Harry managed to say through his laughter.
"The days when we were sweet, innocent and young," Ron agreed.
"Please, that was the year that you ran an illegal Defence Against the Dark arts club right under
Umbridge's nose, helped the twins torture her with their jokes and gave her an everlasting fear of
centaurs after you led her into the Forbidden Forest," Remus snorted.
"Well, aside from that then," Neville grinned.
"Ms Skeeter is an illegal animagus, she turns into a beetle, I discovered her secret at the end of our
fourth year and kept her in a jar for a month before releasing her upon the agreement that she would
watch exactly what her quill wrote about Harry," Hermione smirked.
"I knew I would enjoy meeting you," Marcus chuckled clapping his hands after a few moments
silence as they absorbed what they were being told.
"You guys are unbelievable. It's amazing I'm not greyer," Remus shook his head.
"And just think you have the second of the second generations of Marauders to grow up yet," Harry
laughed patting Remus on the shoulder as he groaned.
"Wow this looks really nice," Hermione sighed as her ham, cheese and tomato open sandwich
appeared in front of her along with her drink. Harry hummed as he took his first bite of his cheese
jacket potato. He had been so nervous that he hadn't been able to have anything to eat that morning
so any food would have been heavenly, but the potatoes was baked to perfection and the cheese was
incredibly tasty.
"I trust there will be no food fights today, I think hot potato and cheese may hurt," Gregory
murmured into Harry's ear making him laugh at the memory of Gregory's face, sparkling green eyes
lifted to meet Gregory's eyes, smiling at the shine he saw in them.
"I knew I should have gone for the cold pasta," he pouted.
"Ah, I will thank the deities for small mercies then, would you like a taste the open sandwiches are
delicious from here," Gregory asked holding a small forkful of the warm chicken sandwich with a
light garlic and herb sauce on it. Thinking how nice it smelt Harry automatically leant forwards and
took the offered bite before humming lightly again as the taste spread over his tongue. The café
definitely lived up to its reputation.
"That's really nice, want a try?" He grinned holding out a fork full of his own. He had to quickly
look away with a blush growing on his cheeks when Gregory's tongue darted out to wipe at the faint
layer of grease the cheese had left on his lower lip, but that didn't really help as he was met with the
stares of everyone else at the table who had apparently been watching the interaction.
"You two are very natural with each other," Carina smiled getting Gregory's attention from where
he had been looking at Harry slightly confused. Harry smiled pleased seeing Neville grinning at him
amused, but clearly happy for him.
"Gregory said you managed to track your family down Ms Granger? That was a very, very
inventive way to keep them safe by the way," Marcus smiled at Hermione who looked inordinately
pleased at the compliment, especially from a Malfoy, which was one of the things she had been
nervous about coming to meet them.
"Thank you, yes we managed to track them down safely, after following them almost across the
entire length of Australia. Once again we were forced into a tent," Hermione rolled her eyes.
"It must have been a little more relaxing this time around though?" Gregory asked before looking
confused when Harry and Neville both started laughing.
"Don't tease him!" Hermione scolded though she was looking more than a little amused herself
while Ron had turned a spectacular shade of red to the tips of his ears.
"Ron ah didn't really enjoy the wildlife in Australia," Neville choked out through his snickers.
"The spiders took a liking to me, I found seventeen in my belongings," Ron pouted scowling
between Harry and Neville who hadn't managed to get control of their laughter yet. Remus started
snickering behind his hand, looking apologetically at Ron when he turned to scowl at him.
"I take it you do not like spiders?" Mikhail asked looking between them.
"I've had a few bad experiences with spiders," Ron sighed.
"Amen to that," Harry snorted managing to calm enough to take a sip of his iced coffee.
"Bad experiences with spiders?" Gregory asked curiously.
"Just a little," Harry scrunched his nose at the memories of his spider run ins.
"There is a story there," Marcus said, the question in his tone.
"Well the first time I had a run in with spiders my twin brothers thought that it would be a good idea
to turn my teddy bear into a spider, the one that I was holding at the time, I was completely freaked
out by it of course and I hated spiders ever since. Then we had the Forbidden Forest episode," Ron
shuddered slightly.
"The Forbidden Forest?" Remus choked his eyes widening.
"It was during out Second year, during the Chamber of Secrets, Hagrid to defend himself told us to
follow the spiders. The Creature was a basilisk, which spiders are scared of so they were running
from the castle, but also the creatures that Hagrid was accused of letting loose into the castle the
first time was a Acromantula that escaped to the Forbidden Forest," Harry started explaining.
"So of course, we just had to follow the trail of spiders into the forest, at night, with only Fang -
Hagrid's dog - with us. We followed them right into the forest and in the Acromantula's den where
Aragog and his children lived. He gave us information and proved to us that Hagrid was innocent,
but unfortunately the no eating rule only applied to Hagrid. We ran for it, luckily Harry knew one
spell to fight them off, and then my dad's enchanted car that we had driven to school at the start of
the term, showed up and rescued us, not before we had been chased through half the forest by about
fifty huge spiders," Ron groaned shuddering slightly.
"Then of course there was Harry's run in with the Acromantula in the maze," Neville said seeing
that Harry wasn't going to say anything.
"Maze? The Triwizard tournament?" Gregory frowned slightly.
"Yes, one of the creatures in the maze was an Acromantula that decided it was going to have a little
nibble on my leg," Harry said reluctantly.
"How big of a nibble?" Gregory asked looking as though he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to know.
"Enough that I was in pain, but not enough that I couldn't run," Harry shrugged. "Fawkes healed it
for me after I got back to Hogwarts,"
"I can see why you wouldn't like spiders," Carina shivered slightly.
"And unfortunately that is one of their tamer stories. It's no wonder I have turned grey early,"
Remus said dryly running his hand through his hair.
"Our crowning jewel has to be Gringotts," Ron grinned.
"That will be hard to beat," Harry nodded with a laugh.
"Not that you are going to try," Remus said warningly.
"Of course not," Harry chuckled. "We've done enough for a lifetime,"
"Two lifetimes," Ron nodded.
"Which is why you have agreed to take on training to be a curse breaker?" Hermione raised her
eyebrow at the red head who gave a relaxed shrug.
"Do you mind me asking about your NEWT's? Draco has not really been willing to even look into
it, but we have heard that anything gained last year has basically been made null and void for
obvious reasons," Mikhail asked carefully but Neville laughed.
"Yes I am physical proof of those reasons," he snickered.
"You are as bad as him you know," Hermione sighed pointing at Harry who looked mock offended.
"Luna says she thinks they make me look rugged," He said easily stroking his hand along a still scar
ridden cheek.
"We are allowed to resit our exams, or sit them in our case, next May with this year's seventh years,
it gives everyone nearly a year to recover, revision etc," Harry explained ignoring Ron and Neville
who were bickering over whether scars were distinguishing or not.
"What will you do for a year?" Carina asked curiously.
"Well aside from revision there is still a lot of restoration efforts being made, myself, Harry and
Ron have been requested to go over everything that we have done in the last year and all the things
we know with the Unspeakables which will probably take a while, Harry has some ideas of things
he wants to do. We'll be kept busy," Hermione chuckled.
"The Ministry are chasing after us for various positions," Harry sighed after finishing his last bite of
his lunch and sunk back slightly into his chair.
"The Ministry?" Marcus asked.
"Heads and under Heads of departments are all getting in contact with us trying to temp us into their
department, being able to claim one of the Golden Trio or Leader of the resistance of Hogwarts in
their department would be a big step on the ladder," Ron snorted turning away from comparing
Neville to Mad Eye.
"You are being Head Hunted," Marcus nodded in understanding.
"We're going to have to be careful about what jobs we accept from now on, otherwise we are likely
to be turned into media circus," Harry sighed. He turned and smiled slightly at Gregory when the
older man placed his arm along the back of Harry's chair.
"What do you want to do?" Carina asked curiously.
"I am set to go into Curse Breaking, my brother and our…skill with Gringotts caught the Goblins
attention. Luckily they are grateful enough after the amount of Goblins V…Voldemort killed to
overlook our break in and turn it into a good thing. They are also willing to start training me after
Christmas even without my NEWT's," Ron smiled.
"I am going to be helping replant and re set the greenhouses at Hogwarts and work in them till after
my NEWT's then Professor Spout wants to train me in a Mastery to be her replacement," Neville
smiled humbly even though Harry was grinning proudly at him.
"I am going to concentrate on passing my NEWT's first before I consider my career, although I am
considering taking a Mastery in Charms," Hermione sighed.
"I did want to be an auror, but I have seen enough violence, I'm considering what I am going to do,"
Harry shrugged.
"I am sure you will come up with something," Gregory gently stroked his fingers up Harry's neck
managing to pull a shiver from him.

"What are we doing here? Where are we?" Harry asked curiously looking around the bright, warm
sunny area that had portkeyed to. They were standing in a harbour on a beautiful turquoise blue
seas, the harbour was made of a glowing white stone, and filled with dozens of various sized boats.
"We are in Greece, and as for what we are doing here…" Gregory smirked as he tugged Harry
forwards by their joined hands. Harry's suspicions grew as Gregory led him along the harbour to
where a man was waiting by a large boat.
"Master Gregory! A pleasure as normal, and your guest, Master Harrison," The man smiled brightly
when they reached him, his skin was tanned a deep bronze colour and he looked around 25, his
smile wide and welcoming when he shook their hands.
"It's good to see you Aetos," Gregory nodded as he shook his hand.
"Everything is ready Master Gregory," Aetos said pleasantly before jogging up the gang plank onto
the boat making Harry's eyes widen.
"Shall we then?" Gregory held out his hand again.
"This is our date?" Harry smiled biting his lip.
"Yes. Is that alright?" Gregory asked, though going by the tone in his voice he didn't need Harry's
"I suppose it will do," Harry shrugged before laughing when Gregory tugged him into a kiss.
"Come on my minx," Gregory said warmly before tugging Harry onto the boat. Harry gazed around
in wonder at the boat he was being led onto, while he said boat the damn thing was about 30 ft long
and looked as though it had enough space for about thirty people comfortably. But what else could
you expect from a Malfoy?
Gregory led him to the prow of the boat just as the engines fired up, the sound of an electric motor
missing and instead replaced with a soft, rumbling murmur. At the prow was a large space where a
blue blanket had been placed down on the floor with a mound of cushions on top, a large basket sat
to one corner with what looked like a cooler next to it. Laughing Harry took it all in in disbelief as
he made his way to the front of the boat, looking at the sparkling expanse of sea that could be seen
around them as the boat glided out of the harbour.
"Now I know why you insisted on the swimming trunks," Harry said turning back to Gregory,
knowing that the man hadn't turned away from him yet.
"I wanted it to be a surprise," Gregory nodded.
"It really is. I've never been out of the country before," Harry admitted looking back out over the
sea and to the green hills behind them on the island they had portkeyed to. So completely different
to anywhere he had seen at home.
"Never?" Gregory frowned slightly.
"My relatives took holidays but they would never have dreamt of taking me with them," Harry
"I'll take you anywhere you want to go Harry," Gregory said firmly making Harry turn back to him.
Meeting those sea blue eyes that were only even more blue as though reflecting the sea Harry read
the honesty in his words and could see the growing feelings Gregory held for him written clearly on
his face. Holding out his hands in request he wrapped them tightly around Gregory's waist when the
older man stepped against him, he lifted his head to brush feather light kisses along Gregory's jaw
before pressing their lips together as his eyes fluttered shut. Being with Gregory like this pushed
away any doubt or panic he felt when they weren't together, pushed away the natural insecurities he
had had drummed into his head when he could taste Gregory's desire for him, and feel him holding
him firmly but gently as though he afraid he would disappear like mist in his arms. Flicking his
tongue over Gregory's lips he pulled back, his face completely content as he met those eyes again.
"Right now I am more than happy being right here with you," Harry responded brushing a few
strands of long blonde hair that had escaped Gregory's pony tail with the increasing wind behind his
"Then lets enjoy it," Gregory nodded. Stepping back to the blanket Harry watched him with wide
eyes as he started undressing, removing his shoes and socks before quickly unbuttoning his robes
and throwing him off to the side, quickly followed by his shirt. Harry felt his mouth going dry as his
eyes hungrily feasted on the rapidly exposed tanned flesh of Gregory's chest and stomach, Gregory's
very defined and muscled tanned chest and stomach that was leaving Harry's mouth dry and his
head worryingly spinning. He had to grip onto the rails of the boat behind him when the shirt was
removed from the broad, defined shoulders he had only before been allowed a hint of an idea of
when his hands were stroking along them, which were in fact better than he had managed to
imagine them, which was saying something.
Leaning back heavily he watched slightly wide eyed as Gregory's hands drifted to the buttons of his
trousers and without any embarrassment what so ever pulled them down to reveal his slightly fitted
deep blue swimming trunks, but even better powerful corded thighs and calf's dusted with golden
hair that made Harry tighten his grip in the railings almost painfully. When devious blue eyes met
his own and a smirk tugged at the sensuous mouth and realised he had just been given an intentional
"Do I need to pay you now?" Harry asked slightly breathlessly before laughing at the confused look
that replaced the smug one.
"There are some Muggles who take their clothes off and get paid for it, I think you would put them
all out of a career, or make a very good living from it," Harry explained.
"I believe that was a compliment, right?" Gregory asked slowly as he prowled towards Harry
making him gulp slightly.
"Definitely, just as it is a good thing you are courting me," Harry nodded.
"And why is that?" Gregory asked as he placed his hands on either side of Harry on the railing.
"Because I am one step closer to ensuring that only I am allowed to touch you," Harry pressed his
face against Gregory's cheek, turning so his lips brushed against the warm skin there.
"You are the only one whose allowed to touch me now," Gregory murmured, his hands swept up
Harry's back and to his front before he started undoing the buttons on Harry's shirt. He paused
halfway through unbuttoning them when Harry suddenly tensed and gripped his wrists tightly.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm…I have scars," Harry answered hesitantly, refusing to lift his eyes from where they were fixed
on Gregory's chest.
"Harry everyone has scars," Gregory said softly.
"No…I have…I have bad scars, a lot of them," Harry shook his head tightening his grip even
further making Gregory wince. Letting go of Harry's shirt he turned his hands around to shift
Harry's grip, taking his hands in his own.
"Harry you are gorgeous to me, with or without scars," Gregory said honestly but when Harry's eyes
met his he could see the doubt in them. Kissing the hands in his he kept his eyes locked with Harry's
as he finished undoing Harry's shirt and slipped it from his shoulders. Giving Harry a few moments
to gather himself he waited before he lowered his eyes and allowed it to roam over Harry's body. He
had a good tan forming from the amount of time he had spent outside while on the run and with the
amount of work outside he had been doing with the restoration works, unfortunately for Harry's
discomfort this meant the silvery scars showed up clearer on his body.
Harry jumped when Gregory's finger gently swept over the scar over his shoulder, the touch was
gentle but clearly there. Harry's eyes were locked on Gregory's fingers as they traced each and every
one of the scars marring his front, his touch always the same, stroking along the length of each scar
before drifting to find the next. His breath seemed harder to catch with each touch until his was
breathing heavily, watching the rise and fall of his own chest when Gregory's finger ran the length
of the last scar before he lifted his eyes to meet Harry's. Each touch had felt so intimate, almost too
much and seemed to light a fire in Harry's chest and his eyes widened when Gregory lifted the same
hand and brushed away Harry's fringe from his forehead. Involuntarily Harry gripped onto
Gregory's wrist as his eyes fluttered shut at the gentle, stroking finger that traced out the shape of
the lightning bolt on his forehead. When he felt soft lips brushing over it he shuddered slightly at
the feeling it started through his body.
"Did that hurt? It still feels like it's healing," Gregory asked concerned, pulling back with a small
"It's the first time anyone has ever touched it like that. It doesn't hurt, not anymore, that it finally
just healing properly," Harry shrugged keeping his eyes closed.
"You have nothing to be ashamed of Harry, you're gorgeous," Gregory sighed brushing his fingers
down Harry's cheeks.
"I'm scared," He shook his head.
"That doesn't make you any less gorgeous. Scars show us where we have been, they don't dictate
where we are going," Gregory tilted his head back making him open his eyes so he could look at
him. There was nothing but honesty in them making Harry's relax a little.
"I like that," He smiled slightly.
"It's something I have heard. You don't ever have to hide from me Harry, I am not going to think
any less of you because you have been scarred, it shows me some of the things that you have had to
go through, and have managed to come out the way you have is something to be proud of," Gregory
shook his head.
"Thank you," Harry smiled slightly against Gregory's chest as he leant forwards. Resting his cheek
against the sun warmed skin he looked out over the endless the sea the boat was ploughing across,
the back and forth motion of the boat, the warm safe arms wrapped firmly around him, the noise of
the waves, and the soft, steady thump thump thump underneath his ear driving away the last of his
fears of Gregory's reaction.

Harry was sure that his face wasn't going to return to its normal shade for at least another four
hours. They were sitting on the pillow nest, well he was sitting up, Gregory was sprawled
luxuriously on his back, his tanned skin shining a little with sweat - which the bastard managed to
make look good! One leg bent at the knee showing off powerful muscles every time he
automatically swayed his leg slightly, his arms behind his head with his eyes closed as he soaked up
the sun.
Harry took a hasty swig of the cool white wine that Gregory had taken from the cooler, the man was
trying to kill him, or make him pounce on his he was sure. After they had simply stood wrapped
around one another for at least twenty minutes enjoying the contact Gregory had persuaded him
over to the pillows, and out of his trousers so he was only wearing his red and gold swim trunks -
which had gotten a chuckle from Gregory and a hasty explanation he had gotten them off Viktor
Krum as a joke for a Christmas present as they sent each other items themed from the tasks.
Then he had found himself seated on the - naturally - scrumptiously soft pillows that still somehow
managed to provide support at the same time, while Gregory fished out two glasses and poured
them some of the delicious wine before settling comfortably back onto the pillows looking for all
the world like some Greek god on holiday. And Harry didn't know which of the beautiful sites to
take in, the endless sparkling sea, the close by land where he could make out some villages, ruins,
fields, hills and valleys, or Gregory. It really was a hard choice, and it was leaving him feeling more
and more flustered.
"If you are truly uncomfortable you your state of undress then I won't be offended if you wish to put
your shirt on," Gregory's voice snapped him out of his stewing session turning to find blue eyes
watching him concerned.
"It's not my 'state of undress' that is causing me problems," Harry snorted turning quickly away,
better make that five hours before he retained any state of normal colouring. He let out a squeak…
manly noise of shock…when a warm body suddenly wrapped itself around him from behind, two
tanned legs that he had not seen moving appeared on either side of him, and he was pulled back
against the chest he had been three steps away from drooling over.
"What sort of problems would they be?" Gregory spoke right into his ear, causing delighted shivers,
and despite the heat, goosebumps to erupt over his skin.
"You know exactly what sort of problems," Harry grumbled despite finding himself relaxing back
into Gregory's chest.
"There is nothing to be shy about my minx," Gregory squeezed him gently as Harry's fingers found
Gregory's plait which had slipped over their shoulders and started playing with the end.
"Just seeing you makes me react it ways I haven't reacted to anyone else before," Harry grumbled,
huffing when Gregory's chuckle rumbled into his ear.
"That is a good thing," Gregory laughed.
"For you maybe," Harry scowled slightly giving the plait in his hands a gentle tug.
"Do you think I do not react to you every time I see you? That yesterday despite my family and
your family being there I did not just want to grab you and kiss you until both of us forgot where we
were," Gregory asked lowly, his hand stroking along Harry's inner thigh in an arousing, but almost
absent manner.
"Well, when you put it like that," Harry laughed, annoyed slightly at how breathless he sounded.
"You dislike that you react so easily to me?" Gregory asked, a little of the seduction gone from his
voice and was replaced with confusion. Something Harry didn't want. Placing his wine glass safely
to the side, Harry placed one hand over the top of Gregory's and ran his other along the leg on his
"It is not that I don't like it, it's just it scares me a little, no one has had this pull on me before, my
body has never reacted so quickly and easily to someone else's presence," Harry admitted.
"You know I would never pressure you into something that you are not ready for?" Gregory asked
softly nuzzling the skin behind Harry's ear.
"I know that, that's not what scares me. I guess I just feel so strongly for you already, and react so
easily to you, I am worried what I will feel for you three weeks, three months down the line, and
that…" Harry drew off lowering his head, he didn't want to say it out loud, it sounded so childish
and silly.
"Harry, you will not be left being the only one feeling so much," Gregory said, clearly managing to
guess the words Harry hadn't wanted to say. And he didn't sound amused, if anything he sounded
relieved. "Harry, every time I have seen you you manage to pull me in even more. I swore to myself
that I would never open myself to the hurt of sending out another contract, I had decided that I was
just not one of those people blessed to have a real love in their life. And then you walked into our
dining room and managed to blow apart every single walls I had pulled up to protect myself apart
with one glance and a blush," Gregory laughed shaking his head as Harry raised wide eyed to look
at him.
"You are something completely different Harry Potter, and even though I knew there was a good
chance I would be rejected, I could not stop myself from sending out the Courting Offer, because it
would hurt more to have not done so and wonder. You are not the only one afraid of how quickly
their feelings are developing and of being the only one," Gregory smiled at him warmly.
"You're like the sun," Harry sighed dropping his head back onto Gregory's shoulder and closing his
eyes as his scent surrounded him.
"Sorry?" Gregory wasn't exactly sure where that had come from.
"You're like the sun. You practically glow whenever you smile and your golden, every time I'm
with you I feel a little warmer, you drive out the cold I didn't even realise had sunk in. You're so
intense, so powerful and strong, and I'm worried if I get too close you will burn me out, but when
we're not together I just want to see you again to be close to you and bask in the warmth you give
out," Harry admitted, his blush returning but he didn't care, it felt good to say the things that had
been in his mind since the first day he really met Gregory.
"Anytime," Gregory promised. Harry watched the scenery again, this time from within Gregory's
arms, feeling his body against him instead of having the distraction of staring at it.
"Master Gregory?"Aetos's voice called from somewhere close by but not intruding making Gregory
groan reluctantly.
"Go on, I'll top up our glasses," Harry smiled turning his head slightly to kiss him. Gregory gripped
his chin hand pressed deeper into the kiss, using his grip to angle Harry's head at a better angle, his
tongue sliding in to tease Harry's until when he pulled back they were both breathless and Harry
was looking more than a little dazed.
"I'll be right back," He promised kissing Harry softly before untwining from him and standing up.
Harry turned and reached into the cooler where the wine was being kept at exactly the right
temperature - according to Gregory - through cooling spells, but he froze reaching out when his
eyes caught something on Gregory's back that caused an extremely interesting reaction.
When Gregory walked back over five minutes later, it was to find Harry sitting staring blankly over
the railings, his topped up glass in hand and with a blush to rival how red he had been before. When
Harry jumped and spun around looking guilt as he heard Gregory's footsteps Gregory began to get a
little worried.
"Harry? Are you alright?" He asked slowly scanning Harry's face.
"Yes," Harry choked out quickly before taking a breath. "Sorry, it's just…when you got up to leave
I noticed something,"
"Yes?" Gregory frowned wondering what Harry had noticed, his mind scanning through numerous
options. Surely Aetos would have warned him if he had something stuck to his back.
"Do you have a tattoo?" Harry rushed out leaving Gregory to catch up before he smirked, only
smirking wider when Harry glared adorably at him.
"Yes, would you like a closer look?" Gregory asked.
"Don't say it like that!" Harry groaned throwing a pillow at Gregory's chest as his face felt as
though it was on fire.
"I apologise," Gregory chuckled sounding very unapologetic. He walked over and replaced the
pillow he had caught before lying down on his front, allowing Harry's eyes to draw along his
muscled back, sculpted bum which his trunks did every compliment to and down his defined and
muscled legs before pulling back up. Honestly the man was a work of art, and Harry had every
intention of ensuring that he was his and his alone.
But right now his eyes were drawn to the top of a design in black that he could see peaking over the
top of Gregory's trunks on the right side of his lower back.
"You can touch," Gregory told him turning his head so his could watch Harry while resting on his
crossed arms.
"If you give permission to do that you might regret it," Harry muttered making Gregory laugh.
"I highly doubt I will be filing molestation charges against you," Gregory shook his head. "You
have permission to touch me whenever and however you want,"
"I'm telling you, you will regret that," Harry laughed before pulling his Gryffindor confidence
together, kneeling up he brushed a kiss along Gregory's shoulder blades and down his back,
listening to his hitching breaths and soft groans. The slight tang of the salt in Gregory's sweat only
drove Harry's senses higher and he couldn't help but swirl his tongue over the ink marked skin he
had been aiming for before he lifted his head.
Slowly and suddenly, ridiculously, feeling a little shy Harry hooked the waistband of Gregory's
trunks and pulled them down enough to reveal his tattoo.
"An eagle?" Harry asked, running his finger over the beautiful and detailed work.
"When I was a child and a teenager, no matter how much mother tried, we were always expected to
have a certain standard of behaviour, always expected to achieve the best results in everything, we
always had to be immaculate. Going to Hogwarts wasn't the escape I had hoped it to be, instead I
had to wear the act whenever I was in public view of anyone from my house in case word got back
to my father. I had a thought after we had a lesson on animgus transformations that if I could be any
animal I would be an eagle, they are free to fly around the skies as and where they wish, and they
are fierce enough to protect themselves and those they love. When we managed to escape, I had this
done as a mark of my freedom, and of ensuring that no matter how far away we were, I would never
allow Lucius to become like our father," Gregory explained.
"Thank you for telling me that," Harry said softly pressing another kiss to the eagle. "I really like it,
it suits you,"
"Never think of getting something done yourself?" Gregory asked tugging Harry down onto the
cushions and turning onto his side so that they could look at each other.
"I've considered it yes, I just can't decide what I want done. Bill had promised to take me to the
place he got his tattoo done when I decide," Harry smiled.
"You are very close to him yes?" Gregory said with something in the tone of his voice that made
Harry look at him.
"You're jealous?" He grinned amused.
"No…not jealous just…" Gregory frowned making Harry laugh and put him out of his misery.
"Bill is completely straight, and like a big brother to me. I had a brief crush on him when I met him,
but that's it. And besides I do not want to even imagine what Fleur would do to anyone that even
imagined having an affair with Bill," He laughed wriggling closer to kiss Gregory. "I will never
cheat on you,"
"Never say never," Gregory smiled sadly before starting when Harry's hands gripped his face
"Never," He said firmly. Gregory scanned his face intently before smiling softly and leaning
forwards to kiss Harry again, it wasn't an acceptance of Harry's words but it would do for now.

For the next two hours they simply lay, sometimes in silence but most of the time talking about
various things as they either sunbathed, looked out over the sea or sat staring at each other. Harry
discovered the basket held their lunch, a Greek salad with cheese and a delicious dressing, a cheesy
pasta dish, chicken pieces that they ate with their fingers and a mouth watering chocolate mousse to
Harry was lying on his front with his head resting on his arms and turned towards Gregory where he
was lying on his back, his eyes closed as he soaked in the sun after their meal. Harry was trying to
explain various things from the muggle world that he intended to try that he hadn't been allowed or
had been spoiled for him in his childhood, including Amusement parks, the zoo, cinemas and things
like that.
"I think I would like to go and see this cin…ema, it sounds very interesting," Gregory said
thoughtfully. Harry blinked once before he burst out laughing, the put out look on Gregory's face
not helping any.
"I'm sorry, I just had this image of taking you and all your family to a muggle cinema, all of you
sitting there in your suits and dresses that probably cost more than most of the Muggles in the
theatre make in a month," Harry wiped a tear away and pressed his lips to Gregory's bicep in
apology. Gregory merely snorted looking slightly amused himself at the image Harry had painted.
"Yes well, perhaps the two of us could go for one of our dates?" Gregory suggested.
"You'd come with me?" Harry smiled. "To the muggle world?"
"I trust you to lead me right, it will be an interesting and new experience for me. Besides this
cinema idea sounds very interesting. And it's something you want to do," Gregory shrugged. He
blinked at the nearly blinding smile he received in return, but none the less looked pleased with
himself for clearly making Harry happy.
"It's a deal," Harry nodded.

"That was amazing," Harry sighed contently, feeling lazy and tired despite having just laid down all
day as he and Gregory stepped back onto the harbour beside Aetos who was grinning between
"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Gregory smiled brushing a kiss to the nape of Harry's neck before
holding his hand out to Aetos. "Thank you my friend,"
"Master Gregory allows me to use his boat whenever, taking him and his partner out is not a
problem," Aetos shook his head looking amused as he shook it.
"It was nice to meet you, thank you," Harry smiled shaking the man's hand when it was held out to
"You as well young Master, good luck to you both," Aetos nodded his head before climbing back
onto the boat.
"I don't think I have enjoyed being on there as much as I have today," Gregory smiled wrapping his
arm around Harry's waist as they slowly made their way along the harbour to the portkey point. The
setting sun lighting up the white stone into beautiful colours.
"I think that's one of the most amazing days I have had," Harry laughed shaking his head.
"Now that is good to hear," Gregory smiled turning suddenly so he was in front of Harry and pulled
him into his chest so he could kiss him. "I cannot get enough of you," he admitted softly.
"I don't want you to get enough of me," Harry smiled against his lips, gripping onto his open robes.
"Really?" Gregory smirked.
"Uh huh, because then you will keep coming back for more," Harry grinned sealing their lips
together again and just drowning in the scent, taste and feel of Gregory. He would never get enough
of this man. Never.
Chapter 9
"Harry dear," Harry sucked in a breath looking up as Molly Weasley hurried her way towards him
through the workers. Luckily those he worked most often with and got assigned areas with were a
mixture of Order members and D.A members so at least he knew anything that was about to
explode was going to be kept quiet, however it did mean that he was currently being shot
sympathetic looks as they knew one way or the other that he had been avoiding the Weasley
"Mrs Weasley," Harry smiled tightly wiping his forehead. He did not need to do this now, he had
been working for nearly four hours in helping rebuild the wall to the inside courtyard of the castle,
it was the one he, Hermione and Ron had walked down in their second year discussing who could
be the Heir of Slytherin after their Transfiguration lesson.
"Harry dear you haven't been around the Burrow for a while," Molly smiled as she reached him.
"I know I'm sorry, things have been busy lately. And I've been settling in at Andromeda's," Harry
gratefully caught the refilling water goblet floating around them as it passed him and drained it
"You were more than welcome to stay at the Burrow dear, you should be with family right now!"
She smiled even brighter making Harry wonder if her cheeks were hurting yet.
"I am with family, Remus and Teddy are my family, Tonks and Andromeda quickly becoming
family as well. Besides the Burrow is busy enough right now without you needing me there," Harry
said softly but sharply.
"None sense, you could still move in, we could get your things and…"
"Mrs Weasley, I am happy staying at Andromeda's," Harry interrupted.
"You wouldn't have said this before you started…hanging around with that Malfoy man! I mean,
having a meal with Malfoys really Harry!" Mrs Weasley flared up. Harry fought not to roll his eyes.
The picture of himself and the others with the Malfoys having their lunch had been in the papers the
day after their meal, complete with another nice incriminating picture of Gregory with his arm
around Harry's chair and plenty of theories as to what was going on. Ron had spent the last week
and a half living at Hermione's parents with her after Mrs Weasley had started an argument with
them after the paper had come out.
"No I probably wouldn't have because I still hadn't fully gotten used to the idea of actually saying
what I wanted and not just being walked all over by everyone demanding what they wanted of me
or thought was best for me. But that is about time, not Gregory. And as for having a meal with the
Malfoys, as Gregory is Courting me I think having lunch with them is the least that I will be doing.
It was very nice actually, Marcus Malfoy - Gregory's granddad has the best stories to tell," Harry
knew he was being blasé about it, but he had received enough letters about their relationship.
"Courting? No! No! You wouldn't," Mrs Weasley choked, the others around them had given in
pretending not to listen and were now openly gawping in.
"Yes Courting, and why wouldn't I?" Harry asked calmly.
"You're not gay!" Mrs Weasley's pitch was rising loud enough that had everyone not been listening
they would be anyway.
"I can assure you I am," He shrugged.
"But…no!" Mrs Weasley shook her head.
"I'm afraid it's true, and I am being Courted by Gregory," Harry shrugged. "And I am incredibly
happy," He added sharply.
"So it's true then Harry, you're being courted by Gregory Malfoy?" Seamus asked excitedly
hurrying over. Harry shook his head slightly amused, Seamus had always been the gossip in their
dorm, keeping the rest of them up to date on the politics, affairs and relationships of the school and
their year specifically. Though Harry was happy to say that after the events of fifth year Seamus
was less likely to believe right away what was published about Harry in the papers, coming to him
for confirmation.
"Yes its true," Harry smiled at the thought of the man who was rarely from his thoughts now.
"I've only ever seen pictures here and there of him, and I saw him at one of the balls but he doesn't
really seem to talk to others. What's he like?" Seamus asked eagerly. Mrs Weasley spluttered a little
as she was jostled to the side slightly as Parvarti, Susan, Ernie, Justin, Michael, Dean, Katie and
Angelina hurried to surround him to hear the best they could what he would say. Neville strolled
over with Luna's hand in his looking as amused as Harry at their friends reactions.
"Well he's incredibly private, he doesn't really like the fame that comes with the Malfoy name, even
though he and his family are trying to right the wrongs that have been made in its name. He loves
his family a lot, he's incredibly loyal to them and I think would really do anything for them. He's an
amazing listener and he always seems to know what to say or when I need to hear something. He's
intelligent and quick minded, and he knows how to banter and have a laugh. He's so romantic as
well, our first date he took me to his friend's restaurant and ensured that we were completely
private, his friend waited on us himself, and we just spent the night having a meal and talking. And
yesterday he took me to Greece and out onto the sea in his boat, with white wine and a Greek meal
for lunch, just the two of us sitting on the deck talking, or just sitting together in the sun," Harry
blushed when he realised he had been gushing. Mrs Weasley was looking like she had swallowed a
lemon tree, the girls and Seamus and Ernie were hanging off his every word and looking as though
they were going to swoon comically.
"Oh he sounds amazing Harry!" Angelina squealed hugging him tightly all of a sudden. "I'm so
happy for you!"
"And from the pictures he risked meeting Remus, Ron, Hermione and Neville?" Justin grinned
nudging Neville teasingly.
"And he's met Andromeda, Bill, George, Fred and Teddy," Harry nodded.
"Wait, what did he send you with your flowers?" Susan asked. Harry had learnt that it was rude to
ask what flowers had been sent, but the present seemed fair game. Pulling out his necklace he
allowed Katie to take the pentacle and stroke a finger over it while the others crowded close to see
"Oh that is beautiful Harry, and so perfect for you," Parvarti snickered.
"I will ignore that second part Miss Patil!" Harry sniffed.
"Stop this!" Mrs Weasley's yell had them all turning to look at her slightly incredulously and
worried, the others moving a little to block Harry from direct sight of her.
"I think you should leave now," Ernie frowned at her, crossing his arms lightly, leaving them loose
enough to be able to get to his wand quickly if it was needed Harry noticed with a small spark of
"Who do you think you are talking to, you need more respect. This is between myself and Harry!"
Mrs Weasley pulled herself up with a glare.
"Actually when you are trying to ruin the happiness Harry has finally gotten and more than deserves
it involves all of us," The deep voice had them all looking to the right to see a familiar figure had
approached while they had been distracted. A grin broke across Harry's face and he was moving
with three of the others in a second. "Ouch! Guys come on!"
"You took your merry time, we were expecting you weeks ago!" Katie glared slightly as she shifted
a little from the body pile so she could direct it properly.
"Hey, I went from a battle to helping win the finals for my team, give me a little break would you?"
Oliver laughed.
"It's good to see you," Harry grinned reaching down to help Oliver back to his feet and giving him
another hug.
"Good to see you too, and coming back to hear you have finally allowed someone to sweep you off
your feet," Oliver grinned back ruffling Harry's hair and laughing at the familiar squawk of protest.
"I wouldn't say swept off my feet," Harry chuckled as he tried to pat his hair back into some type of
"Ah yes, have keep them chasing you, we taught you well," Oliver nodded sagely.
"Ah shut up!" Harry groaned his cheeks turning red. "Didn't you lot torture me enough when I was
"Never," Oliver, Katie, Angelina and Alicia chorused after looking at each other.
"I give in," Harry sighed.
"Enough!" Mrs Weasley stepped in again actually stamping her foot this time. Seamus started
looking as though he was constipated as he tried desperately not to laugh, Harry meanwhile was
standing blinking at her a little stunned.
"You were told that you had said enough. You don't have anything more to say that Harry needs to
hear," Neville said quietly.
"You belong with Ginny!" Mrs Weasley shouted clearly fuming by now.
"I belong with no one. I want Gregory," Harry frowned at her. Andromeda's words were circling in
his head, he needed to think about it a little more.
"Yes!" the group around Harry chorused.
"Molly, I think it is time you leave, you have made quite enough of a scene," The sharp Scottish
tones of Headmistress McGonagall carried to them as she swept towards them, the slight limp that
she had gained from one of her duels from the Last Battle doing nothing to make her look less
intimidating and graceful.
"Minerva surely you agree with me, a Malfoy!" Mrs Weasley spluttered.
"I do not believe that Mr Gregory Malfoy was anywhere near the war. And Harry proved that
Lucius and his family were involved in fear for each other's lives. I believe it shows Harry's heart
and kindness that he is giving Gregory a chance when most would over look him for his name,"
Minerva said sharply as she came to a stop by Harry, putting her hand on his shoulder and
squeezing it gently.
"This is ridiculous! Harry you need to get this out of your system right now! We didn't push you to
get back with Ginny, we knew that you needed and little time, but this is enough. You and Ginny
belong together, and you will be together. I know you are desperate for affection from anyone who
will give you it but this is whoring yourself out for…" Harry wasn't exactly sure who managed to
hit her, but the loud bang echoed through the courtyard and Minerva, Oliver, Angelina, Seamus,
Dean and Neville all had their wands out and pointed at where she had been standing. Been being
the operative word as Mrs Weasley had flown through the air and into the wall opposite them
slumping to the floor looking unconscious.
"I just rebuilt that bit of wall," Luna sighed a little mournfully seeing the slight bend to the stones
where Mrs Weasley had hit.
"Ms Bones, would you float Mrs Weasley to the Hospital wing, tell Madame Pomphrey wheat
happened and inform her that I want a mind healer brought from St Mungo's before she is released,"
Minerva sniffed tucking her wand away and brushing invisible lint from the skirt of her robes.
"Of course Headmistress," Susan smiled sweetly before hurrying off, applying a stunning spell to be
sure before floating Mrs Weasley off.
"Are you ok Harry?" Neville asked softly putting his hand on Harry's free shoulder.
"Is that what people think? That I am so desperate for someone to love me that I will just throw
myself at anyone? That I would just accept Gregory's courtship because he offered?" Harry
"Merlin no Harry. Even if what anyone else but your friends thought mattered, they only need to see
you two together for five minutes to know you really like Gregory and vice versa," Neville shook
his head.
"Those who care about you know that you wouldn't play with someone's heart like that, and that
you wouldn't accept the courtship of someone you did not genuinely have feelings for. Besides that,
you do not need a relationship to be loved," Minerva said gently.
"She's right Harry. Don't listen to that old hag," Seamus piped up. "Sorry Professor…
Headmistress…sorry," Seamus grinned sheepishly at the look that he was shot.
"However crudely he said it Seamus is right. She wants Ginny to marry your name, your fame, to
have that for her family. Don't worry about it," Oliver grinned.
"Come on, we've still got work to do," Harry smiled.
"Yes, Master, of course Master," Seamus bowed dramatically scurrying back.
"Stop being a drama queen!" Harry huffed a laugh.
"You're all doing a wonderful job here," Minerva looked around the courtyard admiringly.
"We should be done by September with most of it," Neville nodded looking around as well.
"You're all working so hard," Minerva smiled at them as the others started filtering back to where
they had been working.
"Thank Merlin for magic or everything would have taken years to put back," Harry said eyeing the
destroyed wall that was slowly being reformed.
"The construction companies and workers are run off their feet assessing what needs done, repairing
what amateurs can't and setting what has been done. I don't think they are sleeping much," Minerva
nodded. There were a group of them running around Hogwarts desperately trying to get the school
ready for September along with all the volunteers.
"Come on you can help me in my section," Harry grabbed Oliver's hand and dragged him over to
the wall he had been working on. "It's a little unstable still so half needs to be done by hand, half by
magic. Right now we are using strong sticking charms until the construction guys can go over it
with the right spells," Harry explained as he heaved another stone into place.
"So, Gregory Malfoy?" Oliver grinned as he followed Harry's lead.
"Shut up," Harry huffed.

"I'm home!" Harry called stepping through the front door. He had flooed in twice and decided that
he preferred walking down to the gates and apparating back once he was finished at Hogwarts.
Flooing would never agree with him.
"Good day?" Andromeda called from what he figured was the kitchen. Tugging off his boots he
groaned as his aching body gave a grumble at him for over working it, it had been a long day.
"Alright, Mrs Weasley showed up at Hogwarts. I'm presuming to try and show me the error of my
ways," Harry sighed making his way down the hallway, he looked up when he stepped into the
kitchen and blinking to see Gregory sitting at the table. "Hey,"
"Hello," Gregory smiled at him making the tension in him relax that had lingered since Mrs
Weasley had showed up. As he crossed the room to Gregory he glanced at Andromeda who was at
the counter pointedly looking at the kettle to allow them some privacy.
"I'm sweaty," Harry warned Gregory as he reached up and tugged Harry closer to his seated form.
"Don't care," Gregory shrugged giving a stronger tug and smirking when Harry ended up sitting in
his lap. Laughing Harry leant forwards pressing his lips to Gregory's and soaking in the warm kiss
given to him, Gregory's arms winding around his waist and tugging him closer so they were pressed
fully against each other, giving a little tug so Harry was resting his full weight onto Gregory.
Harry smiled against Gregory's lips fully sinking into the kiss and allowing his eyes to flutter shut
as he soaked up the feeling of being in Gregory's arms, his soft, warm drugging kiss soaking into
Harry, the gentle brush and flick of Gregory's tongue against his lips before languidly slipping into
Harry's mouth when he grated it entrance making him settle into the warm glow he was feeling.
When they pulled apart Harry grinned a little goofily at Gregory who simply smiled back,
Andromeda's giggle brought their attention back to the fact that she was in the room and they turned
to find her sitting on the other side of the table, four cups of tea sitting there and she was looking
amused. Grumbling a little to himself Harry dropped his head onto Gregory's shoulder and simply
snuggled into him, he felt Gregory's shock in the stillness of his body for a second before his arms
tightened back around him.
"You push yourself too hard Harry," Andromeda tutted standing and making her way to the fridge
to pull out a bowl of grapes, putting it on the table in front of Harry who smiled thankfully at her.
Since she had found out his weakness for grapes they had been stocked in the fridge ever since.
"We wanted to get the courtyard finished up today, the construction guys have to be at Diagon
tomorrow so we needed it done. Oliver finally arrive so we had an extra pair of hands," Harry
"Oliver? Your old team captain?" Andromeda asked as Harry tugged himself up into a sitting
position to take a sip of his tea, making to move to get off of Gregory's lap now that he was settled.
"Yup, he's back in the country after his match," Harry smiled happily, grinning a little and looking
at Gregory when he was squeezed a little tighter around his waist. Looking into sea blue eyes he
noticed the slightly darker colour to them as Gregory was fighting a scowl to keep his face neutral.
"Oliver is one of my oldest friends, him and the twins looked after me after I joined the Gryffindor
team," Harry explained stroking his finger along Gregory's brow.
"You'll have to forgive him, Malfoy's are unfortunately notoriously possessive and jealous equally
of those they love and care for," Marcus's voice had Harry looking over his shoulder to see the old
man walking into the kitchen and sitting himself beside Andromeda at the other side of the table.
"I'd guessed as much. Hello Marcus," Harry smiled at the old man making no move again to get up
when Gregory showed no sign of wanting him to.
"Hello Harry, when Gregory said he was coming by to see you I thought I would tag along, I hope
you don't mind, I don't have much call for pleasant social outings anymore," Marcus explained.
"Of course I don't mind, it's nice to see you again," Harry said honestly. He liked the eldest Malfoy,
he said what he thought and had an amusing sense of humour and was interesting to listen to. And
while he respected power he did not discriminate on where it came from, he had clearly been
impressed with Hermione.
"Oh you are sweet dear. I wanted to ask how you are doing after the newspapers," Marcus asked
concerned. Harry blinked between him and Gregory when Gregory tensed underneath him. The
tiredness from the day had his thoughts working on slow and he couldn't quite figure out what the
problem was.
"I'm doing fine. Mrs Weasley showed up today but it was handled," He frowned looking between
Marcus and Gregory, automatically resting his hand on Gregory's shoulder, rubbing his thumb in
soothing circles on his neck.
"We were unsure whether you were ready for your courtship to become public," Marcus said seeing
the confusion in Harry's eyes. Sighing Harry turned to look at Gregory who while he was looking
calm had worry in his blue eyes, worry that quickly turned to shock when Harry smacked the back
of his head hard enough for him to feel it. Ignoring Andromeda trying to hide her smile behind her
tea cup and Marcus staring completely stunned at them.
Harry however was focused on Gregory who was staring at him completely stunned. He huffed
annoyed before dropping his head back onto Gregory's shoulder and snuggling back into him,
closing his eyes tiredly.
"What was that for?" Gregory asked slightly indignantly after a minute when Harry said nothing.
"Because you're an idiot," Harry said without moving an inch. He could hear Andromeda snickering
"Why exactly am I an idiot?" Gregory asked.
"If I didn't want people to know you are courting me I wouldn't have gone out in public with you
and your family, and if I didn't want people to know you are courting me then I would never have
accepted your offer," Harry huffed before pressing his nose against Gregory's neck after another
"You may have wanted to keep things quiet for a while," Gregory said a little defensively, though
his arms tightened around Harry.
"Wouldn't have gone out with you in public," Harry repeated. "You are not a dirty secret Gregory,"
"Alright, point taken," Gregory smiled kissing Harry's temple.
"Mm good…going to sleep now," Harry yawned tightening his arms Gregory and nodding off.
"I will take that as you are staying for supper," Andromeda snickered as Gregory looked down at
Harry surprised but from his expression made it clear that he was not moving.
"It won't be trouble?" Marcus asked concerned.
"Of course not. Tonks will be working late tonight, Remus will be home though. You are both more
than welcome," Andromeda waved them off.
"I think Harry would like to spend some time with you, conscious, especially if Molly Weasley
showed up," Andromeda scowled a little.
"I thought she cared for Harry, the youngest Weasley male definitely supported him," Marcus
"All the male children support him and Gregory except for Percy. Molly Weasley wants Harry to
marry Ginny, and that girl is obsessed with him. She wants to be the next Mrs Potter, Molly wants
Harry in her family. She cares for him, but she cares more for being connecting to him, to his
money and the knowledge that should he become her son in law he would make sure that her and
Arthur live in comfort to the end of their days wanting for nothing," Andromeda sighed shaking her
"And she confronted him at Hogwarts today?" Gregory frowned.
"I'll firecall Neville and ask him what happened," Andromeda nodding already standing and making
her way to the fireplace, however before she could the fire flared green and the tall figure of the
Acting Minister of Magic stepped out. His eyes quickly scanned over the two Malfoy's, Andromeda
half way across the kitchen and Harry curled up on Gregory's lap.
"You should be warned, Harry is as bad as a kitten or a puppy for your reputation," Kingsley
"Kingsley, have a seat, tea? Harry hasn't hexed more reporters has he? He didn't say anything about
it and he wasn't grumbling about them," Andromeda asked concerned.
"If you have any juice I would prefer that actually," Kingsley asked politely. "And no he hasn't
attacked any more reporters thank Merlin. Actually I got a call from St Mungo's telling me that
Headmistress McGonagall had requested a mind healer for Molly Weasley after she verbally
attacked Harry," Kingsley raised his eyebrows accepting the glass from Andromeda.
"Verbally attacked?" Gregory growled out before rubbing his hand over Harry's back when he
shifted and muttered in his arms.
"Yes, though Harry's friends did a good job on defending him, she's still unconscious and has been
moved to St Mungo's while they try and undo the hexes on her," Kingsley smiled at him.
"Do you know what was said Minster?" Marcus asked concerned. Sighing Kingsley nodded and
filled them in on the exchange.
"I can't believe she said those things to Harry! Wait until I get my hands on her, she will see exactly
how dangerous a Black can be defending their family!" Andromeda hissed out.
"I'll pretend I did not hear that," Kingsley said pleasantly. "I called round the Weasley boys and
filled them in on what happened, they were all furious to say the least," Kingsley added with a
"Ronald has already moved into Hermione's parents house to be away from her," Andromeda shook
her head. "And Arthur just follows along blindly with whatever she says or does,"
"Arthur is a good man and will fight for what is right, except when it comes to fighting his own
wife," Kingsley scowled.
"I just heard what happened at Hogwarts is Harry alrigh…" Remus skidded to a halt in the doorway
before smiling at the sight that greeted him. "He looks just fine,"
"He's worn himself out working away again," Andromeda said fondly glancing over at the tousle of
dark hair.
"They are all working so hard at the castle," Kingsley nodded.
"Minerva says that the D.A are all there nearly every day with the exception of them taking days off
when they are needed elsewhere or to take a break," Remus chuckled taking a seat at the table and
stripping out of his dusty robes.
"The D.A?" Marcus asked.
"Dumbledore's Army. Harry, Hermione and Ron started it in their fifth year to teach certain students
Defence Against the Dark Arts when Umbridge wasn't teaching them properly. Harry taught the
students most of the year before they got caught, they were running it without Umbridge's
knowledge of course. All of Harry's students got top marks that year," Remus smiled proudly.
"Minerva is still asking him to take the teaching position?" Kingsley asked.
"Yes," Gregory answered getting shocked looks from them. "What? We spoke about it a few times.
He wants to take it but he feels he will be using his fame as he doesn't have the full qualifications
"I would think beating a Dark Lord would more than count as a qualification," Marcus chuckled.
"We keep trying to tell him that, and to show him that he has proven he can teach well, but he
doesn't listen," Andromeda frowned.
"He wants to at least get his NEWT's. Though I think he could probably do with a year off without
any real responsibility except a bit of revision for this year after everything that has happened,"
Gregory said a little coolly.
"We…we hadn't thought of it that way. Merlin we should have though, we have been trying to force
him into taking the teaching offer when we should have thought about the fact that he might have
needed a little time to just be," Remus groaned rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"He's had a lot of expectations on him for a long time, and he has been working towards one thing
for a long time, he needs to be able to enjoy his freedom for a little while. It's not like he has to
work right away," Gregory shrugged lightly ensuring he didn't wake Harry.
"Everyone expects more from Harry every time he gives his everything, even us," Kingsley smiled
sadly. "I will speak to Minerva, tell her to find someone else at least for this year and to leave Harry
Gregory smiled as he felt Harry snuggling closer to him, his hands still fisted tightly in the fabric of
Gregory's summer robes as he gave a small content sigh making Gregory feel content at the idea his
presence was appreciated and wanted even in Harry's sleep.

Harry slowly came back to consciousness, the first thing he really took in was that while he was
pleasantly warm and comfy there was a small ache in his lower back and neck from the angle he
was sleeping at. The second was the warm hum of voices from around him and occasionally from
underneath his ear. The third came quickly after the second in the form of strong arms wrapped
tightly around him and a large hand rubbing up and down his back whenever he shifted a little, the
strong spicy smell that he had quickly come to recognise in seconds filled his senses and he let out a
small mortified groan burying himself deeper into Gregory's shoulder.
"Harry?"Gregory asked concerned as the voices around him stopped.
"I fell asleep on you," Harry's was apologetic as he stated the obvious.
"I did not mind," Gregory chuckled, the voices hurriedly starting up conversation again. Harry
could hear Teddy's gurgling in the background as well.
"I'm so sorry, I was really tired and you were comfy," Harry muttered.
"Harry I did not mind, it was nice being able to hold you," Gregory kept his voice low as he spoke,
his hand stroking up and down Harry's back again. Lifting his head Harry scanned Gregory's face
but could see nothing but the truth there.
"Thank you," Harry smiled a little pressing a kiss to Gregory's lips.
"You have just made me look forward to being able to sleep with you in my arms," Gregory
smirked as Harry's cheeks lit up, pressing a kiss to the hot skin.
"Gregory," Harry grumbled turning his face to press it against Gregory's cheek.
"I'm sorry, too forward?" Gregory winced a little.
"No, definitely not, but now that's all I'm going to think about when I go to bed tonight," Harry said
softly into Gregory's ear, smiling when Gregory's arms tightened around him. Discretely putting up
a privacy charm between them and the others he placed a kiss to Gregory's cheekbones.
"That was cruel," Gregory huffed.
"What? You don't want me thinking about being curled up around you?" Harry asked innocently not
moving his face from against Gregory's.
"You know that I do, but now it is all I am going to think about of a night time, and our relationship
is not ready yet for what exactly I want to do to you," Gregory said his voice a growl that sent a
shiver down Harry's spine.
"Wouldn't be so sure about that," Harry said a little breathlessly.
"I want you so badly," Gregory sighed dropping his head onto Harry's shoulder making him tense
"I'm hearing a but in that statement," Harry said a little sharper than he had intended.
"But, I want to do this properly, I don't want to rush any side of our relationship, including the
sexual side," Gregory said honestly.
"Does it have anything to do with trusting me?" Harry asked attempting to shuffle away but
Gregory latched onto his hips.
"No, it's about wanting to make sure we are ready and that we don't rush into anything. I want you
so much it hurts sometimes, and Merlin knows how many times when I am with you I wish I could
press you against the nearest flat surface and make you scream my name, but I want us to do this at
the right pace for us, I want this to be right. Please don't be angry," Gregory said worriedly.
"I'm not. Sorry guess I'm still a little narky from waking up," Harry said sheepishly. Seeing the
concerned look on Gregory's face he pressed a kiss to his lips. "Honestly, I'm not angry or upset at
you, I just wanted to know why you wanted to wait. When you're ready we're ready," Harry smiled
kissing him again.
"You're ready?" Gregory asked starting to frown.
"But you aren't, and this is about us," Harry shook his head pressing a kiss to Gregory's brow.
"This isn't about me not trusting you," Gregory said again scanning Harry's face concerned.
"I know, I just had to ask, I trust that you are telling me the truth. Besides just because we aren't
ready for sex doesn't mean in the close future we can't sleep together," Harry grinned getting a smile
"That is true," Gregory nodded before blinking when an orange bounced off Harry's arm. Turning
they found Andromeda, Remus and Marcus sitting watching them amused. Harry took down the
privacy shield and glared at Remus who had no doubt thrown the orange.
"That looked like an intense conversation," Remus smiled but Harry noted the flash of worry in his
"It was," Harry blinked when they all looked at him expectantly, the silence lasting for five minutes
before Gregory pressed his face into Harry's shoulder to try and smother his laughter.
"Oh fine you're not going to tell us!" Remus pouted a little. "Nice sleep?" He grinned instead.
"Very comfy," Harry nodded sliding off Gregory's lap into the chair next to him, but he left his legs
resting on Gregory's lap. He was suddenly thankful for the fact that Hermione had taught him the
freshening up and cleaning spells considering how much work he had done that day, at least he
hadn't smelt. Groaning a little he rolled his shoulder as he felt the ache there.
"You're sore?" Gregory frowned.
"A lot of lifting work today," Harry shrugged with a small smile.
"We heard what happened at Hogwarts," Andromeda said softly.
"Who came?" Harry sighed looking between them all.
"Kingsley, the St Mungo's team contacted him informing him that Minerva McGonagall requested
that the mind healers look at Molly Weasley," Andromeda explained.
"Oh joy," Harry said dryly.
"Harry, you were going to tell us?" Remus frowned.
"Of course I was," Harry smiled standing and making his way the fridge.
"Harry," Remus groaned.
"What I was going to tell you!" Harry huffed pouring himself some orange juice.
"It's the when that bothers me," Remus shook his head.
"I would have told you," Harry said defensively flopping into his chair.
"You don't have to keep things like this to yourself anymore Harry," Andromeda said softly.
"Thank you for the motivational speech, I will take it to heart. I'm going to shower," Harry said
sharply draining his glass as he walked out the room.
"Sorry, we shouldn't have done that in front of you," Remus apologised to Marcus and Gregory, the
latter was looking after Harry concerned.
"I am more concerned to his reaction," Gregory frowned.
"He's used to having to deal with everything himself. The only people that he will really go to is
Hermione and Ron," Remus admitted.
"Have you considered that you need to earn that trust first," Gregory said quietly.
"Excuse me?" Remus frowned at the Malfoy who simply looked back showing nothing on his face.
"Harry is spoken to me enough about you to know that while you are here for him you haven't been
the most constant figure in his life. Some of that is because of the war, but not all of it. Harry is
someone that you earn that trust from, for it to become automatic for him to tell you things,"
Gregory answered.
"I…he said that," Remus frowned.
"He didn't have to," Gregory said a little softer. "And pushing him won't help. I will go and wait for
him in his room to speak with him if you don't mind," Gregory said standing.
"Go on," Andromeda nodded before Remus could say anything. "Down the hallway, third door on
the right,"
"Thank you," Gregory nodded leaving the kitchen and following the directions. The room opposite
Harry's had the sound of the shower being on letting him know where Harry was, slipping into
Harry's room he looked around curiously. There weren't a lot of personal things in here that spoke
of Harry, his firebolt against the wall, his trunk, some books, a slightly battered snitch, robes and
some clothes were scattered on the floor and on the chair in the corner, an owl cage was sitting
clean and empty in the corner that had obviously belonged to Hedwig, a framed picture of Lily and
James Potter sat on the bedside table next to a large leather bound photo album.
Sitting down on Harry's bed Gregory picked up the photo album after a seconds consideration as to
whether it was invading Harry's privacy and started flicking through it. It started with pictures of
what was clearly a younger James, Remus, Sirius Black and another boy, in the various pictures
they were laughing and had their arms around each other or mucking about. Gregory looked closely
at James Potter's face seeing the similarities between him and Harry, they were definitely there, but
as well as having Lily's eyes from the pictures he looked at of Lily he could see Harry had her chin
and her nose. The pictures of Lily were from about 16 up, with James and the other four now.
His eyes drank in the picture of Lily and James's wedding, Sirius Black standing as James's best
man. There were a couple of pictures of the wedding party, everyone smiling happily for the camera
and waving or dancing. And then there were the pictures of Lily and James clearly deeply in love
and peering into each other's eyes or wrapped around each other. And then came the pictures of
baby Harry with one or both of his parents, Sirius or Remus. And then at the end were pictures of
Harry from aged eleven to sixteen with Hermione and Ron, Neville, and various other friends, a
group that he could presume was the D.A they had been told about, an all Gryffindor picture in a
red and gold room Gregory could presume was the Gryffindor common room.
"See anything interesting?" Harry voice startled Gregory out of his perusal of the photos and he
looked up guiltily at Harry to find him leaning against the doorway of his bedroom wearing just a
pair of muggle jeans, a towel around his shoulders, his bare shoulders.
"I'm sorry I did not meant to pry," Gregory said a little choked as he managed to pull his brain
together enough to manage a sentence.
"I'm not angry," Harry shook his head walking fully into the room closing the door behind himself.
"Ah that's the original Gryffindor Quidditch team when I joined," Harry smiled sitting next to
Gregory and pointing to the picture.
"I wanted to make sure that were ok," Gregory buried his fingers into Harry's wet hair turning his
head up to look at him.
"I'm alright, I shouldn't have lost my temper like that," Harry shook his head.
"I may have interfered," Gregory admitted, seeing Harry's questioning look he explained what had
been said.
"Thank you, I think…I think I needed Remus to understand that but I couldn't tell him myself,"
Harry sighed flopping back onto his bed.
"You are far too tempting," Gregory shook his head looking down at Harry.
"Sorry," Harry grinned up at him unrepentantly seeing the dark flash in blue eyes. Reaching his
arms out in offering he breathed in contently as Gregory lowered himself over Harry and pressed
their lips together, the ever present hunger in their kisses lighting Harry's blood and making him
arch into the kiss, cupping the back of Gregory's neck. He grinned when he got a deep groan in
response to nipping Gregory's bottom lip before sinking even further into the kiss.
They lay for a good fifteen minutes exchanging kisses and just enjoying each other's copy, being
with each other, feeling the other against them and just enjoying the time. Neither of them wanted
to go back to the real world, just wanting the simple peace and understanding that existed between
the two of them. But finally Gregory pulled away and flopped down next to Harry sucking in deep
breaths as he tried to get control of himself and his body, licking his slightly swollen lips and still
tasting Harry there.
Panting slightly himself and fighting down the arousal shooting through his body he turned and
pressed his lips over Gregory's heart before settling comfortably in his arms using his chest as a
"Thank you for talking to Remus. It's not that I don't trust him or want to tell him. But its automatic
to keep it to myself," Harry admitted.
"You can talk to me about these things, I know that your automatic response is to keep it to
yourself, I just want to become one of the people that you go to about it," Gregory smiled running
his fingers soothingly though Harry's hair.
"You will, I know you will. It will just take time, I don't keep things to myself because I don't trust
you or because I want to keep it from you, it's just an automatic thing for me," Harry sighed
reaching across Gregory's chest to link their fingers together.
"I understand Harry, we all have our ways of protecting ourselves or traits that we have developed. I
know that I put up a mask in public that make me seem cold and uncaring," Gregory shook his
"You didn't with me," Harry grinned looking up at him.
"You are very different. I wanted you too much to bother putting my mask up, and you made me
feel as though it wasn't needed," Gregory shook his head. "Come on we should be getting back
supper will be ready now,"
"Urgh I feel an idiot for storming out like that!" Harry groaned. "What your grandfather will think!"
"My grandfather I think has fallen in love with you, you in his eyes can do no wrong. He practically
ambushed me and demanded that I bring him with me," Gregory chuckled.
"I don't believe you," Harry shook his head.
"I wouldn't lie to you, I believe he is eagerly looking forwards to our bonding, if not planning it
already," Gregory shook his head. "Give it a few years and I think he will prefer you to me,"
"Alright, alright he likes me, come on silver tongue," Harry laughed standing and tugging Gregory
with him by their joined hands.
"They understand Harry, especially after what I said to Remus," Gregory gave him one last kiss
before they made their way back down the hallway to the kitchen.
"Hey that's good timing I was about to come and tell you supper is ready. You do like carbonara
don't you Harry?" Andromeda asked walking passed them to place the large bowl of pasta on the
"Yup," Harry nodded eagerly, his nerves about facing them again after his storm out forgotten as his
stomach reminded him that he had been working hard all day.
"Take a seat then, you serve yourself," Andromeda told Gregory and Marcus.
"Thank you for sharing your food with us," Marcus said formally.
"Welcome to our table," Andromeda responded with a nod of her head. They all quickly filled their
plates and settled what they wanted to drink before tucking in.
"How is Oliver doing?" Remus asked after a few moments of silence.
"He's doing good, he's tired, going straight from the battle to a major Quidditch match, but he's
always been nuts like that," Harry shuddered.
"Ah I have heard a few stories about your first team," Andromeda chuckled, seeing the questioning
looks he was getting from the Malfoy's he explained.
"Oliver was completely nuts, to him it wasn't just the house cup we were aiming to win it was the
world cup. The twins joke that he about wet himself the first time he saw me chasing the snitch and
realised he had a full team,"
"He certainly sounds…enthusiastic," Marcus tried diplomatically chuckling at Harry's description
while Remus and Andromeda were looking a little embarrassed.
"Obsessed is more the word. One time he had us all up at five o'clock for a week to practice before
breakfast, then we had training at five o'clock till seven, we just about made it for supper. We were
shattered, the other Gryffindors just expanded the furniture we fell asleep on in the common room
rather than waking us," Harry chuckled.
"You had to be facing the Slytherins," Gregory chuckled.
"Of course, can anyone but the other house bring out that type of competitiveness in the Gryffindors
and Slytherins. Flint had the Slytherins practising after breakfast for an hour, during lunch and from
three to five, and two days he had them out there from eight to ten when they couldn't make the
lunch one," Harry snorted.
"It is definitely a good thing you do not take that competitiveness so seriously," Marcus chuckled
looking between him and Gregory.
"I think for this Malfoy I am more than willing to bury the hatchet," Harry smiled at Gregory who
was still holding his hand underneath the table.
Chapter 10
Harry shifted Teddy's nappy bag higher on his shoulder as he walked down the pathway from the
gates of Malfoy Manor where he had aparated in to the Manor itself. He couldn't really believe that
it had been nearly two months since he had made this same walk and met Gregory for the first time
completely unsure of his welcome and nervous as hell. Well he was still a bit nervous today, it
would be the first time he had been around a larger group of Malfoy's, including Draco, since he
and Gregory had started courting.
Gregory, well Marcus through Gregory, had invited Harry to the manor for lunch with Teddy as
Remus and Tonks were busy all day with work and Andromeda was having the day to herself in
Paris. He had been unsure as to whether he really wanted to come, but the hopeful look on
Gregory's face, even through floo call, and the knowledge that he would have to do this sooner or
later had had him agreeing. Plus Gregory had walked into the Lion's den for him, he could walk into
the snake pit, again. And he had Teddy with him which amazingly added a little more security.
Looking down at Teddy he smiled when he realised he was fast asleep and drooling a little against
Harry's chest in the carrier Harry had strapped them both into before leaving. His hair was
flickering between aqua blue and sapphire blue reminding Harry of waves. He couldn't believe
Teddy was three months old already, and beginning to show signs of mischief, much to Remus and
Tonks' horror and Harry and Andromeda's amusement, after he turned Remus' skin green with some
accidental magic after Remus had taken his bottle away from him.
Sucking in a deep breath as he walked up to the steps to the front doors Harry steeled himself before
knocking. The door was almost immediately answered by a neat looking house elf who curtsied
"Master Marcus is being telling me to bring you through, the family is being in the gardens," The
house elf told him before leading him through the great long hallways to the back. Harry honestly
thought that most of the things lining the hallways, on tables or hanging on the walls looked as
though they belonged in a Museum or an art gallery. Stepping out of a set of large French windows
the house elf then led him further down along a pathway that was lined with neatly trimmed red and
white rose bushes, trailing up and over a trellis forming a beautifully secluded walkway.
Finally Harry heard voices talking, some laughter and the sound of who had to be Phoenix calling
loudly to his dad. Stepping out Harry hid a wince when he realised that nearly all the Malfoy's were
here. Marcus, Carina, Samuel, Marcus younger, Leandre, Gregory, Mikhail, Julia, Draco, Phoenix
and who Harry reckoned had to be Tiberius - Leandre and Marcus's middle child. Just as he was
considering whether he could obliviate the House elf and run for it Marcus caught sight of him and
his aged face broke into a warm smile as he stood and made his way over to Harry with a fair speed
that belied his age and walking stick.
"Harry, I'm so glad you came!" Marcus smiled kissing Harry's forehead before hugging him gently.
And suddenly Harry felt so much more at ease, he didn't know how the older man managed to do it,
but his genuine happiness at seeing Harry helped a lot.
"Thank you for inviting me, erm I was baking last night so I made some extra," Harry said a little
embarrassed carefully pulling a shrunk box from the nappy bag and holding it out. He hadn't wanted
to show up empty handed, but he felt a little embarrassed now.
"Oh! Home baked, what is it?" Marcus asked eagerly looking like a little kid on Christmas day
making Harry smile a little.
"Just some scones and muffins, erm I wasn't sure what everyone liked so I made some blueberry
muffins, some chocolate ones and some raspberry ones," Harry reeled out.
"How about we don't tell the others about these hum?" Marcus's eyes had lit up and he was tugging
the lid off the box eagerly.
"Too late great-grandpa, I heard the words home baked and chocolate," Julia laughed.
"You developed bat ears along with a baby," Marcus pouted at her making Harry laugh as she rolled
her eyes at him.
"Hello Harry, it's wonderful to see you again," She smiled kissing his cheeks.
"You too, how are you both doing?" Harry asked, Julia had a calmness and serenity about her, a
quietness that you would think would get lost amongst the Malfoys strong personalities, but instead
she stood out and seemed to fit right in.
"We're both good thank you," Julia smiled brightly rubbing her hand over her stomach. "Mikhail
and the others are panicking as though I am due tomorrow instead of another month and a half,"
"Gregory mentioned Mikhail was panicking a little," Harry chuckled.
"He's already been hexed several times. This must be Teddy," Julia smiled looking at Teddy where
he was still snoozing happily.
"We're right in the middle of his nap time," Harry said apologetically.
"At least he won't be cranky when he wakes up, Gregory was terrible for that until he was about
four, if you woke him from his nap Merlin help you," Marcus chuckled as they walked further into
the garden with Harry laughing now.
"What has grandfather been saying about me?" Gregory drawled as he spotted them and walked
"Now why would you think I had said anything about you?" Marcus asked feigning shock.
"Because you have that look in your eyes and Harry is laughing," Gregory snorted as he reached
them, leaning forwards careful of Teddy and kissing Harry softly. "Hello,"
"Hey," Harry grinned at him.
"Merlin you two have it bad!" Marc snickered before his breath left him in a whoosh when Leandre
hit him in the stomach.
"I'm sorry for the idiot with the big mouth. It's nice to see you again Harry," the brown haired man
smiled warmly making Harry chuckle despite the blush still covering his cheeks, Gregory was
scowling grumpily at his cousin.
"It's nice to see you all again as well," He nodded shyly seeing everyone's attention was on him.
Julia made her way to the nearby garden table and chairs allowing Gregory to slip beside him and
wrap his arm around his waist sensing the uncertainty in Harry.
"I think Tiberius is the only one of us that you haven't met yet," Marcus smiled placing his hand on
Harry's shoulder and motioning to the teen who was almost the spitting image of Leandre just with
Marcus's blonde hair.
"Hello," The teen nodded politely though he was looking Harry over extremely curiously.
"Hi," Harry tried to smile at the teen but he was feeling a little overwhelmed again.
"Come on let's sit down," Gregory tugged him over to a table with Marcus eagerly behind them.
"Thank you for coming," He said softly kissing Harry softly once more before they reached the
"I'm not sure I'll ever get used to the sight of so many Malfoys without becoming overwhelmed,"
Harry laughed weakly.
"You do get used to it eventually," Marcus assured him with a soft smile.
"I'm not so sure about that," Harry snorted amused, he wasn't sure the sight of so many Malfoys
would ever stop being a shock to him.
"Mr Potter," Samuel smiled politely coming over to their table and sitting opposite Marcus.
"Call me Harry please," Harry smiled at the older man as Gregory slipped his hand into Harry's.
"We have been hearing a lot about you the last few months, mostly from Father," Samuel chuckled
making Harry smile a little.
"That's true, we can't wrestle anything but the basic details from Uncle Gregory, not that Uncle
Marc, Uncle Mikhail and father haven't tried," Draco smiled unsurely as he walked over.
"Draco," Harry smiled at the other teen not entirely sure what sort of greeting he would be getting,
especially as he was dating his uncle.
"Is this Teddy?" Draco asked curiously stepping a little closer.
"Yup, he should wake in about an hour," Harry said a little apologetically as Draco peered at his
"He's cute," Draco smiled as Teddy's hair turned a brighter blue as he shifted against Harry's chest
rubbing his face into it a little.
"You sound shocked," Harry said a little unsurely.
"The last baby I saw was Phoenix, he was not a cute baby," Draco whispered.
"I heard that Draco Malfoy," Leandre scowled making Draco jump and look at him guiltily.
"He got cuter," Draco said sheepishly. "At about five months,"
"Phoenix was a cute baby!" Leandre crossed his arms.
"He really wasn't," Marcus said quietly to Harry with a wince.
"He's gorgeous now, he's going to be a heartbreaker," Harry smiled at Leandre.
"He is isn't he? I'm dreading him going to Hogwarts and hitting his teenage years," Leandre
chuckled sitting down at the table.
"You're going to be chasing the boys and girls away from him," Harry laughed. "He's attending
Hogwarts?" He asked.
"Marcus and I have decided to move over here again, Orlandus has gotten a job over here with
Ollivander, he said he needs help setting up the shop again and running it, Tiberius will finish his
schooling in Hogwarts, and with Phoenix starting school it was the best time to make the move
back," Leandre nodded.
"It's partly my selfishness as well, I would like to have the family all back together again, in one
place," Marcus added.
"It must be nice to be together again," Harry smiled.
"Normally we could only speak through firecalls and owls, we barely got to see each other face to
face," Draco nodded.
"It's a little strange to us to all be together," Gregory chuckled.
"Imagine what it's like for me!" Harry snorted. "The rest of you were a sort of myth around
Hogwarts," He said making them laugh.
"So I was a legend?" Gregory smirked.
"Much less of one in the flesh," Harry shrugged before laughing at the disgruntled look Gregory
threw him.
"That hurts I hope you know that," Gregory sniffed.
"You look devastated," He grinned.
"I truly am," Gregory nodded seriously before breaking and smiling himself, leaning forwards to
kiss Harry softly.
"Wow it's unbelievable…" Draco's voice had Harry pulling away and looking at him cautiously.
"Uncle Gregory acting all loved up, never thought I would see the day," Draco teased, Leandre
hiding a smile behind his hand.
"Watch yourself nephew, now we are all moving back you are going to have to bring the boyfriend
or girlfriend back to meet us," Gregory snorted placing his arm along the back of Harry's chair.
"Grandfather?" Draco pouted at Marcus.
"Sorry Draco, it's the joy of having family," Marcus shrugged.
"I have already faced Harry's," Gregory mock shuddered, capturing Harry's hand when he smacked
his arm and kissing the back of it. When he turned back around he caught the uncertain look on
Draco's face, knowing what he wanted to ask but not wanting to shake the boat.
"Remus, Tonks, Andromeda, Neville, Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ron and Hermione," Harry said
"Sorry," Draco winced.
"It's alright, they're basically adopted family," Harry shook his head.
"Have…" Marcus started to ask before cutting himself off.
"Have?" Harry asked.
"Have you heard anything about Molly Weasley?" Marcus asked softly.
"Molly Weasley?" Draco asked with a frown.
"She decided to tell me, loudly, at Hogwarts in front of all my friends that I was confused, being
influenced and that I belonged with Ginny. The others hexed her, McGonagall demanded she was
taken to St Mungo's and given a mental health check," Harry summed up.
"You and the Weaselette?" Draco asked slowly.
"Draco," Gregory said sharply, clearly stunning nearly everyone at the table.
"It's a legitimate question," Marc said softly stepping behind Leandre and putting his hands on his
"It's a personal question," Gregory snapped.
"After the war my perspective on things changed, or I was allowed time to really think about what I
wanted in the future. Ginny was…what was expected…not what I wanted. And even if what I
wanted hadn't changed, with how much her, Mrs Weasley and Percy have been pushing me, I would
not want her anymore," Harry said softly putting his hand on Gregory's forearm.
"Perspectives?" Samuel frowned.
"What I want, what type of partner I want," Harry admitted, his free arm wrapping around Teddy.
"And you decided…."
"Enough," This time it was Marcus that stepped in interrupting Samuel. "Harry has told us enough.
It's not our place to ask any more. Harry has said that he is not interested in Ginerva Weasley,
Gregory trusts that, that is enough,"
"No buts. If anyone has reason to be suspicious its Harry of me. Harry and I have discussed it, I
trust him, that's all I need to know," Gregory said firmly.
"They're right, this is Harry's personal business, the only person that has the right to ask Harry is
Gregory," Leandre added.
"I never really thought that you looked very comfortable when you were with her, you always
looked a little uncomfortable, but I figured that was because Weas…Ron was there as well," Draco
"She was a little too…grabby and clingy, especially in front of Ron," Harry shuddered. "It's not
funny! I swear I had nail marks!" Harry pouted at Draco when he started laughing.
"You're definitely gay Potter," Draco snickered.
"Thanks, I figured that one out for myself Malfoy," Harry rolled his eyes, but his grin showed the
teasing tone in it.
"So she's still chasing you then?" Marcus asked.
"She wants to be the next Mrs man who lived twice," Harry sighed.
"And Molly Weasley? What has happened with her?" Marcus asked concerned.
"Well Arthur, Percy and Ginny tried to get her released from the hospital but McGonagall used her
position as Headmistress to make sure she stayed there. The Healers are performing a mental health
check on her, they said it could take a couple of days, but Bill said they have told them that they
have found nothing so far, but she is showing obsessive tendencies towards me and Ginny and me
and Gregory," Harry sighed.
"What are you going to do?" Samuel frowned.
"Andromeda suggested a restraining order, Hermione is putting together a tasteful statement from
me about me and Gregory to release to the press before anyone else can beat us to it, Mr Blackcreep
is going to go over the statement before we release it," Harry told them before blinking when he
saw the looks that he was being given.
"That's a lot of planning," Marc said sounding a little stunned.
"Oh we might have trouble controlling the press from mobbing me, but we do know how to plan
ahead," Harry chuckled.
"I can verify that one, even if they were planning on the seat of their pants they managed to plan.
By the way, fifth year, how did you organise the D.A meetings?" Draco asked eagerly leaning
"That's been annoying you huh?" Harry grinned.
"Yes! We tried to figure out how the hell you planned it, you never met at the same time or on the
same day, we couldn't figure out how you did it, no notes were passed, you never exchanged any
signals!" Draco said frustrated.
"We charmed galleons, me and Hermione had the master galleon, everyone else had one connected
to ours. The serial numbers around the edges of the galleon would change to the date and time of
the meeting when we changed ours and the others galleons would heat up to let them know, then
they would go back to normal," Harry explained laughing when Draco groaned and dropped his
head onto the table.
"That's how you managed it?! Oh come on! How would we think about that!"
"That was the general idea," Harry snickered.
"What are you two talking about? D.A?" Gregory frowned looking between the two of them.
"Defence Association, or Dumbledore's Army. We ran illegal Defence lessons during our Fifth year
when Umbridge had banned us from using magic in lessons and took over the school," Harry told
them amused.
"You ran an illegal defence group?" Gregory asked amused.
"Yeah, well we weren't learning anything, and with the war I managed to get convinced that people
should learn to protect themselves…"
"Hermione convinced you huh?" Gregory smiled.
"And Ron shockingly," Harry nodded.
"You know, we only joined that damned squad of hers so we would know what she was up to and
what she was planning, and to keep her from looking at us and finding out that we were practising
our defence in the Common room," Draco said quietly.
"You were practising in the Common Room?" Harry grinned looking amused, much to Draco's
clear relief.
"Yeah, we didn't get as good results as you lot did, but we weren't not going to practice," Draco
"So everyone was running around behind her back," Harry snickered.
"Pretty much," Draco grinned. Before anything else could be said Teddy shifted and let out a wail
of displeasure starting to shift unhappily.
"Sorry," Harry said as he stood, quickly lifting Teddy out of his carrier and un-strapping it from
around himself as he laid Teddy in his arms and grinned down at him when his hair turned a fiery
red showing his displeasure. "Do you have somewhere I can change him?"
"I'll take you, we have a changing table set up ready in the conservatory," Gregory stood and
wrapped his arm around Harry's waist and led the way back along the pathway.
"That went better than I thought," Harry said over Teddy's quieter wails.
"What were you expecting?" Gregory asked taking the nappy bag off Harry's shoulder for him.
"I was expecting things to be awkward between me and Draco,"
"I admittedly did speak to him this morning, but he pretty much told me he had nothing against you
and would try and make you feel welcome here. He wants you two to be able to get on," Gregory
"That would be nice, I think we could actually get on if we tried," Harry chuckled as they stepped
into the conservatory. They made their way over to the changing table and Harry quickly got to
work as Teddy started crying louder again. "Alright Teddy Bear," Harry kissed his cheeks before
laying him down on the changing table.
"You're good at that," Gregory said impressed as he watched Harry quickly stripping Teddy out of
his shorts and vest and quickly stripped his nappy off.
"I babysit quite a bit," Harry grinned as he cleaned Teddy up and talced him before putting another
nappy on him.
"Remus and Tonks are needed in the repairs?" Gregory asked.
"And Tonks is needed at the ministry, she might be clumsy but she's one of the top aurors. They
don't like to have to both leave Teddy so soon, especially not after they took part in the Final Battle
and had to leave him,"
"That must have been horrible for them," Gregory winced.
"Remus got quite badly injured, it was touch and go for a few days," Harry nodded, grimacing as he
remembered the days spent sitting by Remus' bed, bandaged and recovering himself, Tonks refusing
to leave Remus' side.
"Harry?" Gregory cupped his face making him look up at him. "I'm sorry I did not mean to bring
something bad up,"
"No its just, I nearly lost Remus as well, Teddy nearly lost him," Harry winced. Gregory stroked his
thumb over Harry's cheekbone before bending to kiss him softly. They parted with a laugh when
Teddy let out a squeal, his hair now blonde and black as he waved his arms at them demandingly,
looking slightly put out.
"Were we ignoring you? I do apologise," Gregory chuckled tickling Teddy's stomach.
"Ok, shorts on and we're done Teddy bear," Harry assured the baby grinning when his eyes turned
green but his hair became fully black. He giggled a little when Gregory wrapped his arms around
his waist and rested his chin on his shoulder to peer down at Teddy in his arms getting a giggle and
grabby hands from the baby.
"You don't stay upset for very long do you," Gregory said warmly giving his finger for Teddy to
grab onto.
"He's a really content baby," Harry nodded.
"Ah, we are about to eat if you two are ready?" Carina smiled brightly from where she was standing
in the doorway making Harry blush at being caught with Gregory was wrapped around him. Carina
however just seemed pleased for some reason.
"I think we're ready yes," Harry said embarrassed.
"It's lovely to see you again Harry, I'm glad that you came," Carina said once they reached her,
Gregory's arm still wrapped around the teen's waist.
"I'm glad I came, it's nice to see you again," Harry said shyly, Carina while being warm and friendly
had an air of control and power around her that made her slightly intimidating. Not to mention the
fact that she was Gregory's mother and someone he loved and respected a lot, and he always felt
like he was a second away from making an idiot of himself in front of her.
"This is Remus and Nymphodora's son?" She asked looking at Teddy who appeared to be intently
trying to pull Gregory's finger off. "Narcissa will be upset that she wasn't here today,"
"Where are she and Lucius?" Harry asked curiously.
"They are having a weekend away, just some time to themselves, they've gone to one of our houses
in Italy," Gregory told him kissing Harry's cheek gently.
"That's a nice idea, I'm sure they could use a break after everything," Harry hummed.
"They could, and a little time alone. They have not been able to leave the country for nearly twenty
years, I think a holiday was needed," Carina chuckled.
"Though Grandfather nearly had to shove them into the fireplace to get them to leave, especially
with the ball tomorrow," Gregory said amused. Harry winced at the reminder.
"You will be going as well won't you?" He asked Gregory pleadingly making Carina hide a laugh
behind her hand when she caught the flustered look on her son's face. If it wasn't for the fact that
she knew Harry had no idea what he was doing she would be worried that he would take advantage
of her son, because he well and truly had him wrapped around his little finger.
"You are being forced to go again?" Gregory asked.
"Yes, apparently I should still be going out and 'having fun'," Harry winced again.
"May I escort you then?" Gregory asked formally, his glittering eyes telling a different story.
"I suppose, no better offers have come along," Harry shrugged nonchalantly before laughing when
Gregory tugged him back against his strong chest and nipped his ear. "I'd like that," He said once he
stopped laughing kissing Gregory's cheek.
"Is uncle Gregory pouting?" Tiberius asked incredulously when they stepped back into the small
clearing of grass they were gathered in.
"He is! Quick, grab the camera!" Mikhail grinned making Leandre lunge for the camera as Gregory
straightened and tried to set his face blankly.
"Aw, Harry make him do it again!" Draco encouraged from where he was leaning against Marcus,
the pair of them laughing.
"Hey, why are you looking at me for it? It could have been Carina," Harry pouted a little himself
good naturedly.
"Oh trust us, that's only a pout a lover can cause," Leandre informed him, still holding the camera
"You're all cruel, I hope you know that!" Gregory glared at them as he held out Harry's seat for him
before sitting down himself.
"It's what family is for," Marc shrugged.
"Yes do you not remember how much you teased Mikhail when he brought me and my parents
home?" Julia snorted.
"Oh?" Harry looked at her interested as Gregory stared at her pleadingly.
"He kept making kissy faces at Mikhail throughout the meal whenever our parents weren't looking
while Mikhail was trying to impress them," Julia told him, her grin a little evil proving to Harry
what Gregory had said about her not being as innocent as she appeared.
"To be fair Julia was his first girlfriend, and he had teased me when I brought my first boyfriend
home," Gregory protested. "Not to mention he gagged for nearly three weeks straight every time he
saw us after he caught us kissing!"
"I was nine years old!" Mikhail exclaimed. "It was disgusting to even think about at that age!"
"You have seen nothing until you saw Ron with his ex-girlfriend," Harry snorted as he finished
filling his plate one handed.
"That was mentally scarring, and I actually felt sorry for Wea…Ron," Draco nodded.
"Won Won," Harry corrected before they both burst out laughing.
"Won Won? She called him Won Won?!" Gregory choked seemingly torn between laughter and
being horrified. When Harry and Draco managed to nod he let out a sound that appeared to be
between them both. "And you wonder why I don't like women,"
"So you don't want me to call you any nicknames?" Harry asked looking wide eyed at Gregory.
"I erm…" Gregory stammered, unsure as to whether Harry was being serious or not.
"Honey bear? Blondie bear? Muffin? Sugar lumps?" Harry suggested with a straight face watching
Gregory grow more and more horrified until the others couldn't hold in their laughter anymore.
"Oh, I think you have more than a run for your money there," Marcus was laughing hard enough to
have to hold his side.
"That a no then?" Harry asked still managing to keep his face mostly straight.
"Please, please tell me you are kidding!" Gregory pleaded.
"You don't like them Muffin?" Harry asked sadly before finally laughing at the strangled noise
Gregory made. "Don't worry I'm teasing you,"
"Oh thank Merlin," Gregory slumped in his seat glaring at his mother beside him as Carina wiped
tears from her eyes.
"And aunty Hermione says that your uncle Harry can't act," Harry grinned to Teddy who jabbered
back when he realised he had his godfather's attention.
"You are cruel and evil," Gregory shook his head.
"I have my moments," Harry shrugged.
"Oh that was brilliant Harry, wait until we show Lucius that one," Carina shook her head.
"No, I'll be called Muffin or Blondie Bear for weeks!" Gregory groaned.
"What's it worth?" Tiberius smirked.
"Tiberius don't blackmail your cousin," Leandre scolded.
"At least not where we can hear," Marc added before coughing when he was smacked in the
"Just remember you have to bring your first boyfriend/girlfriend back, and all of us are here to greet
them," Gregory smirked.
"Gregory don't threaten Tiberius," Carina rolled her eyes.
"He started it!" Gregory protested.
"I thought I was the younger one," Harry raised his eyebrow at his partner who smiled sheepishly at
"How do you manage that?" Mikhail suddenly asked Harry.
"Hmm?" Harry asked confused, he felt as though he had missed half a conversation.
"Hold the baby and eat at the same time, how are you managing?" Mikhail asked a little
"Erm, you just get used to it pretty quickly, especially if you want to eat a meal that isn't particularly
dried by heating charms," Harry said slowly before glancing at Gregory who nodded to his unasked
question, Mikhail was still freaking.
"Dear I told you, everything will come to you, you'll either learn through trial and error or it will
come naturally," Carina reached across the table to pat Mikhail's hand.
"I'm going to do it wrong and hurt the baby," Mikhail groaned.
"Remus put Teddy's nappies on backwards for a week and kept swaddling him a little too tightly,
and he's more than fine," Harry offered.
"He put his nappies on backwards?" Marcus asked amused.
"Yup, Tonks nearly killed him after the fifth leak," Harry nodded.
"See every new parent makes mistakes at first," Julia patted her husband's arm gently.
"I nearly dropped Samuel the first time I held him," Marcus joined in.
"What!" Samuel asked incredulously turning to look at his father.
"Well you were an energetic thing even then, the healer handed you to me and you started to kick
and thrash while displaying quite well how healthy your lungs were, I nearly lost my grip on you,"
Marcus explained cheerfully while his son gawped at him a little horrified.
"Lucius nearly dropped Gregory the first time he held him as well do you remember?" Carina
"Ah yes, he'd been passed around the entire family nearly and jiggled quite a lot before Lucius got
him, threw up all over him," Marcus snickered.
"He was horrified and almost just let him go," Carina finished.
"Charming," Gregory grumbled amused.
"You had pretty good aim, you managed to get him chin to chest," Marc grinned clearly lost in the
memory. "I think you nearly got some in his hair which he was beginning to grow out,"
"Harry!" Gregory complained to the dark haired teen who was clinging to Teddy tightly as he tried
to catch his breath through his laughter.
"S…s…sorry," Harry managed to get out through his laughter.
"Traitor," Gregory pouted.

Harry watched amused as Draco stared down fascinated at Teddy, the young baby busy entertaining
himself with blowing spit bubbles - a newly discovered skill. Teddy was resting on his back on the
blanket in front of Harry where Harry was comfortably seated between Gregory's legs resting back
against his chest. They were both playing a game of exploding snap with Phoenix and Tiberius,
though the cards had been placed under a silencing bubble so they didn't scare Teddy.
Tiberius had warmed up to him after he had overheard Harry sharing some of the secret passage
ways in Hogwarts to Phoenix, the young boy eager and nervous to be attending the school next
week, when Harry had assured him that he would be spending a fair amount of time there helping
with the rebuilding still going on and that he would come and speak to him his older brother had
seemed to let go of the reservations he appeared to have about Harry, and as it turned out appeared
to be quite the chatter box once he got started, much to Harry's amusement.
"…do really well in my charms and potions, but my Defence is flagging and I really need to be
doing better in that to be able to get the apprenticeship with Master Michael," Tiberius pouted even
as he wrestled his brother for the cards.
"I could help you if you wanted," Harry offered before blinking a little confused when Carina,
Marcus, Marc, Leandre and Mikhail who were seated at the table next to their blanket went quiet.
He was about to turn to look at Gregory wondering if he had done something wrong when Tiberius
"Would you really? If I don't receive an E at least in my OWL's I won't be accepted by him, and I
need an O in my NEWT's but I am only really an A," Tiberius asked hopefully.
"Of course, I'm not qualified, but I've always gotten O's and the others I taught in fifth year all got
O's in their OWL's and exams," Harry said unsurely.
"That would be amazing, I've been really worried about it, and Hogwarts has higher standards,"
Tiberius grinned.
"Tiberius, Phoenix, why don't you go and get the chessboard to play with your brother?" Leandre
told his sons. The boys nodded and hurried off towards the manor, leaving Harry wondering if he
had done something wrong.
"Harry, please don't feel like you have to offer to do this," Marcus said softly as Harry looked
around them unsurely, Gregory's arm having tightened around his waist a little.
"I don't, I want to help him out if I can, and if you don't mind," He added nervously.
"Oh, we don't mind, we just don't want you feeling like you have to because you are dating
Gregory," Carina shook her head.
"Grandma, Pot…Harry wouldn't do anything he doesn't want to. And he's not the type to try and
earn points with the family by using Tiberius. He offered because he's a goody toe shoes who likes
to help," Draco said good naturedly having settled on making Teddy's toys levitate around him.
"I honestly just want to be able to help him if I can," Harry nodded.
"If you don't mind, then thank you. He really does want this apprenticeship," Marc said in gratitude
to Harry.
"I don't have anything on my plate but the repairs, it will break up the days," Harry shrugged.
"But the repairs," Gregory snorted.
"What?" Harry put his head on Gregory's shoulder to look up at him.
"But the repairs, you work yourself silly on the repairs," Gregory frowned.
"They were busy days you caught me on," Harry protested.
"Yes, ok," Gregory shook his head disbelievingly kissing Harry gently making him smile a little
into the kiss.
"What?" Harry asked Draco when they parted seeing the blond grinning at them.
"Never thought I would see you being so…you were always hurrying away from Weaslette when
she got too lovely," Draco admitted.
"Ginny was my Pansy," Harry said simply, suppressing a smile when Draco visibly shivered,
though they shared an emphatic look. Harry couldn't stop himself from cuddling back a little bit into
Gregory who automatically tightened his arms around him even as he carried on talking to Mikhail
and Carina.
"I had a good time," Harry said as Gregory escorted him and Teddy through the front gardens of the
manor to the gates that evening.
"I'm glad, I was a little worried about how comfortable you would be with them all," Gregory
"I think it went well?" Harry looked at him questioningly.
"It did, I think Grandfather is a little more in love with you, and the others all liked you," Gregory
assured him.
"It was a nice afternoon," Harry nodded snuggling a little more into Gregory's side.
"And you still wish for me to escort you to the ball tomorrow?" Gregory asked ten minutes later
when they reached the gates.
"I'd like that, I might actually enjoy the damned thing a little," Harry pouted slightly.
"Shall I pick you up, then we can go together?"
"See you at eight?"
"I'll be there," Gregory nodded.
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then," Harry smiled a little coyly gripping Gregory's summer robes
and tugging him forwards by them to seal their mouths together in a deep kiss.
"I…have been…wanting to do….this….all…day," Gregory mumbled between kisses.
"Glad I wasn't the only one," Harry sighed before sealing their mouths together once more.

"I feel like I am in a straight jacket," Ron grumbled tugging on the lapels of his robes awkwardly.
"At least you have new robes this time," Harry snorted absently tugging on his outer robes.
"How do you make that look so natural when you have been wearing robes for like, ten years, less
than I have!" Ron complained.
"Because I have been forced into these straight jackets for all the time you were playing traveller
with Hermione,"
"You mean being mauled by spiders,"
"They didn't maul you Ron," Hermione rolled her eyes as she walked into the room. "Zip me up,"
She told Harry turning to her back to him.
"You know I should feel slightly worried that my fiancé goes to you to be zipped up instead of me,"
Ron huffed fighting with his tie.
"Its automatic," Hermione shrugged as Harry zipped her up.
"You look gorgeous," Harry grinned.
"And you wondered why we thought you were gay," Ron teased.
"I might just be planning to seduce your fiancé away from you," Harry stuck his tongue out.
"I sincerely hope not," Gregory's baritone voice had Harry spinning with a bought smile ready on
his face, his legs moving towards the older man before he could think about it.
"I have nothing to worry about," Ron said putting his arm over Hermione's shoulder, watching his
friend light up contently, Hermione nodded resting her head on his shoulder watching them before
blushing darkly when Harry kissed Gregory deeply in welcome.
"Are you ready for this?" Gregory asked once they parted making Harry's face scrunch as he shook
his head. "Well I brought these for you, to maybe make it a little better," Gregory smirked as he
held out a pair of neat black silk gloves to Harry who suddenly chuckled.
"I had forgotten about that," He admitted taking the gloves.
"You forgot our second meeting?" Gregory asked jokingly, though there was a little hint of
vulnerability in his eyes that made Harry admit the truth.
"Actually I was a little more focused on remembering you than the actually topic of the
"Oh," Gregory looked thoughtful for a second before looking inordinately pleased making Harry
nudge him with his elbow even as he blushed a deep red.
"We should probably be getting ready to leave," Hermione spoke up to remind the two of their
presence amused.
"Ah, Ms Granger, Mr Weasley, a pleasure to see you again," Gregory nodded to them.
"Call us Hermione and Ron please," Hermione shook her head as she pulled Ron over to them.
"If you will call me Gregory,"
"Ok, let's get this over and done with," Harry said mournfully.
"I am glad you are looking forward to spending so much time with me," Gregory joked taking
Harry's hand once he had finished pulling his gloves on, he regretted the lack of skin on skin contact
but he enjoyed Harry being so close to him either way.
"It's nothing personal, you want to go spend time together somewhere, anywhere else, I'll be
perfectly happy," Harry snorted.
"We won't stay for long, just enough to keep your well wishers and my grandfather happy,"
Gregory promised kissing his cheek before glancing at Hermione and Ron to check if they were
ready to apparate. At a shared nod the foursome popped out and arrived side by side at the
apparation point at the manor of yet another well off witch or wizard wanting to celebrate. "Trust
me," Gregory kissed his temple seeing the unhappy look on Harry's face before he led the way up
the steps, Hermione and Ron right behind them, Ron looking faintly horrified himself as Hermione
talked about them dancing.
"I do," Harry sighed before letting go of Gregory's hand and pressing against his side so the older
man wrapped his arm around Harry's waist and held him closer.
"Ah Lord Potter and…Lord Gregory, a pleasure to see you, the papers were correct then?" Lady
Flint deflated a little as she pounced on them just as they made it into the ballroom.
"Yes the papers were correct for once, although Gregory is courting me not just dating," Harry
smiled tightly as he saw Bernedette Flint hovering close by.
"Ah…you know my daughter Bernedette I think," Lady Flint grabbed her daughter's hand and
practically threw her in front of Harry anyway making him scowl a little.
"Ah Bernedette, you look more beautiful every year," Gregory intercepted taking the young
woman's hand and kissing it politely, making Harry, Hermione and Ron stare at him a little
confused. "Any straight man would be more than lucky to have you," He added smoothly making
the three of them fight to keep their faces straight at the pointed comment. As it was both Lady Flint
and Bernadette flushed and hurried off.
"I'm not sure if that was brilliant or mean," Hermione said softly still trying to control her chuckles.
"I think it was both!" Ron clapped Gregory on the shoulder.
"Just getting my point across nicely," Gregory shrugged, though he did look happy. He had been
worried that while Harry's friends accepted their relationship it did not mean that they would get on,
but it appeared he was being accepted and welcomed among them.
"Mr Potter," A large, sweaty, man grasped Harry's hand and began wringing it before he was aware
of the man making it impossible for him to avoid the handshake.
"Hello," Harry said a little disgruntled.
"Lord Garthry, a pleasure to see you as always," Gregory brought the man's attention to him from
where it had been focused, a little too intently, on Harry. The man paled when he noticed Gregory
and the arm that was still wound around Harry's waist.
"Gregory, a pleasure, a pleasure as always, ah…you and Mr Potter know each other?" The man
smiled weakly, Harry finally being able to slide his hand from the man's weakened grip, glaring as
Hermione and Ron scuttled off to the bar.
"I am escorting Lord Potter to this ball as his intended, surely you have read the papers?" Gregory's
smile was a flash of teeth and danger, which the man clearly picked up on.
"Of course I did, but you do know that you can't believe everything that you read in the papers, a lot
of things, especially about young…Lord Potter here are quite unbelievable," Lord Garthry smiled
sharply back getting his own dig in. Before Gregory could respond however Harry linked his
fingers together with the ones resting on his hip and smiled sweetly at the unpleasant man.
"I know, it's quite unbelievable isn't it, the perfect partner for me, so close and yet so far away, and
us meeting quite by coincidence. Almost too good to be true,"
"Yes…quite…ah you will have to excuse me, I need to speak with…over there," The man
stammered under Harry's pleasant smile and innocent blinking, quickly hurrying off.
"Well I was a little worried that someone was about to be hexed, but apparently Harry has it under
control," Marcus chuckled as he stepped next to Harry, kissing the young teen's cheek in welcome
when he received an honest and warm smile in response to seeing him. "I was close by when I
caught your interaction with Lord Garthy and thought you may need some assistance, evidently
not," He explained seeing Gregory's curious look.
"If you have the ability to speak and manage things like that, why don't you?" Gregory asked a little
"I didn't like what he was implying about you," Harry muttered blushing.
"You're unbelievable," Gregory smiled kissing Harry's cheek as Marcus chuckled completely
"I'll be taking that as a compliment,"
"Has he hexed anyone yet?" Marc asked hopefully joining them as they sat down at a table finally.
"Not yet," Marcus shook his head.
"Damn, I owe Julia twenty galleons," Marc slumped at the table.
"Told you not to bet her he would break in five minutes, your cousin has much more control than
that," Marcus said smugly.
"You two are traitors," Harry glowered as Hermione and Ron joined their table.
"You had it under control," Ron shrugged.
"Traitors," Harry repeated. "Is Tiberius ok to come over tomorrow for his first lesson?" He asked
"Yes, he's looking forward to it, 11 is still ok?" Marc smiled.
"That's fine, I've set up a basic plan of what we will be doing for the next few months written up, I'll
give it to Tiberius to bring back with him so you can look it over and add or take off anything from
the plan,"
"Do you have any major plans for him?" Marcus asked.
"I plan on teaching him the Patronus Charm, that always impresses the examiners," Harry nodded.
"That is advanced magic," Marc frowned.
"Harry managed to learn at thirteen, and he taught us and the rest of us to perform it 15 to 14. It's
doable," Hermione told him.
"Thirteen? Really?" Marcus blinked shocked.
"Yes, Remus taught me to perform it," Harry said shyly.
"That's wonderful, if you can teach Tiberius to perform the Patronus he is sure to pass his OWL's,"
Marcus nodded.
"If anyone can teach him to manage it Harry can," Ron said surely.
"I'll do my best to," Harry assured them. "And I will make sure that he learns what he needs, and I
have spoken to Headmistress McGonagall, students are allowed personal tutors if they plan to go in
for apprenticeships, so I will be able to carry on tutoring him at school,"
"That's good news, he will be relieved," Marc smiled.
"Pardon us, I am stealing Harry for a dance," Gregory smiled talking Harry's hand.
"Gregory, I can't dance!" Harry squeaked even as he was tugged to his feet.
"Watch your toes," Ron called before yelping when Hermione hit him.
"Gregory I really can't dance," Harry hissed as they made their way onto the dance floor, the quiet
whispers and murmurs around them making him aware that they were being watched.
"Trust me to guide you, we'll be fine," Gregory murmured tugging Harry gently against him and
taking his hand as he settled his other around Harry's waist.
"Oh Merlin," Harry grit his teeth and took a step back when Gregory stepped forwards, his body
tense and he was fairly sure that he was close to breaking Gregory's hand as he held on tightly while
they started moving across the floor, he was fairly sure to the music.
"See, just move with me, feel how my body moves and follow," Gregory soothed after a few
moments, gently spinning them as they moved.
"Sorry," Harry winced as he stepped onto Gregory's toes.
"It's alright I didn't feel it, why do you think dragon hide is so popular in the wizarding world,"
Gregory reassured him getting a slightly strangled giggle as Harry concentrated on moving with
Gregory as instructed. "You're doing fine, relax a little,"
"I can't I'll trip over your feet or something," Harry shook his head.
"You won't, relax," Gregory smiled a little. Finally after a song and a half more Harry began to
relax into Gregory's arms, moving more easily and freely and he actually began enjoying it. He felt
that dancing with Gregory, being this close to him, it was a whole new intimacy, a new discovery of
intimacy between them, another from their kisses and hugs, from hand holding, from sitting pressed
against each other, from falling asleep against him. Moving to a rhythm, being close to each other,
moving together, he was enjoying it more and more the less he stepped on Gregory's feet and got
into the rhythm of the music. "See I told you,"
"Alright told you so, though had you not been wearing dragon hide you would have been limping
out of here," Harry smiled meeting Gregory's blue eyes and managing to relax a little more.
"One two three, one two three, one two three," Harry pressed his mouth to Gregory's shoulder to
smother his laughter as Hermione and Ron went a little stiltedly passed with Hermione speaking the
rhythm and Ron's face locked in concentration.
"It seems you are not the only one that struggles," Gregory said amused watching Hermione and
Ron as they moved passed.
"I think Ron might be a little bit worse than me," Harry commented as he concentrated on his steps
still, not daring to look away from Gregory or his feet.
"Are you enjoying it?" Gregory asked concerned. "We can sit down if you want,"
"No….I'm getting the hang of it, maybe a little longer," Harry said slowly. Gregory nodded and
pulled Harry a little closer before they started moving to the slower waltz that started up.
"Have you had fun?" Marcus asked as Harry sat heavily on a chair at their table panting slightly,
Gregory smiling a little slipped more gracefully into his seat.
"It was much better than I thought it would be," Harry chuckled, cheeks flushed as he linked his and
Gregory's fingers together.
"Charming," Gregory smirked raising their hands to kiss the back of Harry's.
"You know what I mean," Harry rolled his eyes.
"Here," Marcus poured them both a glass of the wine at their table, sliding them across the table.
"Thank you," Harry said gratefully as he took a needed drink.
"You seemed to be getting better the longer you danced," Marcus complimented him.
"Eventually, though I almost stepped on Lady McDonald's ridiculously long train on her robes,"
Harry told Marcus quietly making the old man burst out laughing, much to the visible shock of
those around them at the other tables.
"Grandfather I think you just caused about seven heart attacks in the older generations," Gregory
said dryly as Harry soaked up the warm sight of Marcus's laughter, for some reason the feeling of
acceptance seeping even further into his chest.
"My apologies," Marcus chuckled taking a calming sip of his wine. "Excuse me, I need to go talk to
Lady Michaels," Marcus pulled himself to his feet and made his way through the tables to a
slightly…large looking lady.
"Thank you," Gregory placed his free arm along the back of Harry's chair. Shifting in his seat so
that he rested against Gregory's chest a little.
"For what?" Harry asked confused.
"He's happy with us all being back together, but there was a lingering sadness in him, you…you
have given him that last bit of brightness to wash away those shadows," Gregory placed a kiss on
Harry's neck making him slump a little into him.
"Don't, it's true. You have managed to make him happy, he's happy that I have found someone, and
he is growing to love you, faster than I am I think," He rumbled softly.
"Gregory," Harry turned to look at Gregory's serious face, the look in Gregory's eyes making him
not argue. Instead he leant forward and kissed Gregory softly.
"You make me happy, so happy," Harry admitted. Awe swept across the blonde's face as he stared
at Harry, searching for any trace of a lie in him. Seeing none he smiled, the warmest, most honest
smile Harry had seen from him. The kiss that Gregory pressed to his lips sank deep into his bones
and warmed a coldness that he hadn't realised still existed there.

"Gregory I…" Harry and Gregory spoke at the same time before Harry blushed looking nervously
at his feet. The rest of the ball had passed fairly well. Marcus and even Marc had claimed Harry for
a few dances, Hermione had managed to guide him through a dance, and he had had plenty more
dances with Gregory. They had spent a couple of hours chatting as well at the table, Harry was
happy to see that Hermione and Marcus were getting on well. Eventually though Harry had tired of
the politicians coming and attempting to get something out of him, even with the intimidating
figures of the Malfoys, and a glaring Hermione and Ron.
They had all kept coming through the night, all asking for something or asking about he and
Gregory. Eventually Harry had had enough, and Gregory had seemed to sense this and they had said
goodnight to everyone else before beating a hasty retreat to the apparation point.
Gregory had wrapped his arms around Harry and aparated them out quickly when they noticed Lord
Thomas hurrying towards them for his seventh attempt to get Harry's help in getting him a higher
place in the Wizengamot. Gregory was fairly sure that Harry was going to hex the man if he tried
making another illusion towards bribery. So he had aparated them out before Kingsley had his work
cut out for him.
"Sorry, go on," Gregory brushed Harry's fringe out of Harry's eyes, not wanting to part from him,
not wanting to let him walk through the front door they were standing beside.
"Will…will you…it doesn't matter," Harry turned a spectacular shade of red and tried to hurry to
the front door but the older man grabbed his arm and tugged him back.
"Harry, what were you going to ask?" Gregory's open face and questioning eyes made Harry tell the
truth, even though his face amazingly managed to turn an even darker shade of red.
"Will you stay the night?" He asked in a rush.
"Are you sure?" Gregory asked hesitantly looking up at the house.
"It's alright, I understand you don't want to, never mind I was just…"
"Harry stop. I want to, I don't want you to think you have to," Gregory reassured him.
"I didn't ask because I think I have to," Harry rolled his eyes, feeling a little bit better.
"You're sure this is what you want?" Gregory asked glancing at the house again.
"I want you to stay," Harry said as honestly as he could manage.
"Andromeda or Remus aren't going to kill me in the morning are they?" Gregory asked nervously,
but Harry appeared to take that as an answer because he took Gregory's hand and started tugging
him through the front door.
"Of course not, I'm eighteen Gregory,"
"Because Andromeda and Remus know some scary hexes, and Tonks as well probably," Gregory
whispered as they made their way up the stairs as quietly as they could.
"They're not going to hex you," Harry whispered back amused tugging him up the last step and
down the hallway. Quietly they made their way into Harry's room, Gregory moving to stand at the
end of Harry's bed while the teen shut the door behind himself and leant against it, looking across
the room he met warm blue eyes and gave a soft smile. "Do you want to use the bathroom first?"
Harry asked shyly.
"Thank you," Gregory kissed Harry gently once before slipping passed him and into the en suit
bathroom to Harry's room. Harry let out a shaky breath and ran his hand through his hair as he tried
to bring his mind up to date with what had just happened. He had been thinking about it for the last
few weeks, but he had thought that it would take him a lot longer than this to actually ask Gregory.
But tonight had been so nice considering where they had been that he didn't want to say goodnight
to him, not tonight.
Tugging off his robes he quickly changed into a pair of pyjama trousers and after considering his
top decided to stick with how he normally slept. He used the time to scan the room quickly for
anything he might not want Gregory to see, and after shoving the odd sock and pair of boxers into
his wash basket he perched on the side of his bed waiting for the blonde to come out the bathroom.
When Gregory stepped out Harry was fairly sure that his mouth went dry before threatening the
reality of drooling at the sight. He had of course fondly remembered the image of Gregory in tight
swimming trunks, bare chested, sunbathing, but he found to his shock, and slight disbelief his
memory and dreams did not do the reality justice. Gregory had transfigured a pair of white pyjama
bottoms that were a little form fitting, leaving his tanned, muscled chest open for Harry's perusal.
Perusal he was quite happy to make the most of.
The middle Malfoy made his way across to the bed and slipped onto the opposite side to Harry,
sitting looking at him curiously.
"Harry are you sure you want me to stay?" Gregory asked uncertainly.
"Yes, I really do, I've just, not slept with someone like this before that is well, that I'm in a
relationship with," Harry rambled a little turning so his legs were on the bed as well.
"You trust me?" Gregory asked softly.
"Of course I do," Harry frowned turning to look at his blonde again.
"Then come here," Gregory lay down and opened his arms in offering. Harry considered for a
second before he rolled a little closer and shuffled over to Gregory's side before shuffling down to
lay his head on Gregory's shoulder and chest, lying tensely as Gregory wrapped his arm around
Harry's waist and hugged him close.
Rubbing his hand up and down Harry's back soothingly Gregory smiled as Harry finally relaxed
into him, his whole body sinking into his own as he dug his fingers a little into the muscles of
Harry's back with his movement.
"Are you purring?" Gregory asked amused.
"No," Harry muttered a little petulantly, though he had to admit himself so of the petulance was lost
with the bonelessness he was currently experiencing.
"Well it sounds very much like it," Gregory chuckled lightly.
"I'm choosing the better part of valour and ignoring you," Harry sniffed shifting a little in Gregory's
arms to cuddle more into his side.
"I'm glad that you could be the better man," Gregory nodded with mock seriousness before smiling
when Harry leant up to kiss him.
"I'm wiped out, all those moochers make me tired," Harry complained.
"All that dancing would tire you out as well," Gregory added as he tugged the covers over them.
"Hm, night night," Harry sighed resting his head on Gregory's chest and listening to the soothing
whoosh whoosh whoosh noise underneath his ear.
"Night, night," Gregory closer his eyes soaking up the feeling of Harry's warm body pressed against
his, of getting to hold Harry in his arms.

Gregory frowned when he woke up knowing that something wasn't quite right but it taking a few
beats and for his mind to wake up fully for him to realise what exactly. Jerking upright he looked
around the room to clarify the fact that, yes, Harry wasn't in the bed or in the room. Frowning he
looked towards the bathroom and felt a little cooler when he saw that the door was open and Harry
clearly wasn't in there either.
If he had been at home he would have worried that Harry had panicked when he woke up and left,
but could you really leave when it's your own place and your own room? Though maybe he did
regret that they had slept together. Had he done something in his sleep that made Harry
uncomfortable. Merlin he hoped that he hadn't had a morning erection or anything embarrassing
like that. Maybe he had said something in his sleep or…
"Damn you're awake, seriously you were unconscious when I left!" Harry's grumble had him
blinking towards the door seeing Harry standing in the doorway holding a tray and looking sleep
mussed still.
"Huh?" Gregory asked a little dumbly but his brain couldn't really come up with anything else.
"I was awake for about an hour but then Marcus firecalled to make sure you were here when it got
to ten o'clock, Andromeda knocked but you carried on sleeping so I took the call, then I thought I
would make us some breakfast to wake you up with. Not sure if you were a morning person or not,"
Harry spoke as he made his way into the room and closed the door behind him with his foot before
making his way to his side of the bed and placing the tray down before taking off his - Gregory
thought he called it a hoodie, one of his muggle clothing pieces - and then placing the tray on the
bed before carefully crawling back onto the bed. "Gregory?"
"I wasn't sure where you had gone," Gregory said, his still sleepy mind spinning to take everything
"I really thought you would still be asleep, I've been twenty minutes at the most, and you really
were deep asleep when I left, you didn't even twitch when Andromeda knocked," Harry said
"It's alright, I just wasn't sure if you had panicked or…" Gregory shrugged.
"No! It…it was really good waking up next to you," Harry smiled leaning over to kiss Gregory.
Pushing away the confusion waking without Harry had caused Gregory wrapped his arm around
Harry's waist and tugged him closer deepening the kiss and sliding his tongue out to taste Harry,
which got him a content moan from the back of Harry's throat and the dark haired teen pressing
closer to him.
When they parted both were clearly satisfied with the kiss, Gregory watching Harry licking his lips
contently. Then it dawned on him.
"Andromeda knocked?" He choked.
"She's fine," Harry grinned settling back down against the headboard and tugging the tray forward
to reveal two cups of tea, a plate of a few slices of toast and jam, a plate of blueberry pancakes and
two small bowls of fruit. "Honestly, she told me I was a big boy. There was an embarrassing
attempt of her to say something about protection and silencing charms, but I grabbed the tray and
ran for it," Harry shrugged seeing the disbelieving look on Gregory's face.
"She…oh Merlin," Gregory groaned slumping back on the bed covering his face. "It's not funny!"
"It is a little," Harry shrugged taking a bite of his piece of toast. "Once I recover from the
embarrassment. At lease there are no hexes,"
"I might be wishing for the hexes when I get home if grandfather firecalled you. I'll have another
interrogation waiting," Gregory grumbled.
"Better fill up then," Harry said placing a piece of toast to Gregory's lips. Giving in Gregory bit into
the piece of toast before taking it off Harry, pressing a slightly sticky kiss to his lips before picking
up his tea cup settling back to have breakfast in bed with Harry.
Chapter 11
"Hey," Harry smiled as the front doors to Malfoy manor opened and Gregory smiled at him from
the doorway.
"Hello," Gregory reached out and gripped Harry's lapels, tugging him forward sharply and pulling
him into a kiss that had Harry's toes curling, his hand gently gripped the back of Harry's neck, his
thumb moving in soothing strokes over the skin of his neck.
"You two are sickening you know that," Draco snickered from inside the manor making them pull
apart, Harry blushing slightly when he realised that Draco, Lucius, Tiberius and Leandre were
standing on the stairway smirking in practically identical ways except for Leandre who was just
looking generally amused, his eyes glittering.
"Gregory really, snogging Tiberius's tutor is very uncouth," Lucius smirked wider as Gregory
groaned and pressed his fingers to his eyes.
"Leave them alone," Leandre snickered.
"Yeah, that's just really gross!" Tiberius scrunched his nose up in a way that made Harry and Draco
"Are you ready to start?" Harry asked Tiberius squeezing Gregory around the waist.
"Yup," Tiberius hurried down the stairs and stopped in front of Harry looking so eager Harry had to
smile a little.
"Are you sure that you are ok with us sitting in?" Gregory asked quietly.
"Sure," Harry shrugged easily, it didn't bother him at all, they wanted to make sure that Tiberius
would be getting the help he needed, he was also guessing that all of them including Gregory, were
curious to see what he could do.
"Harry!" Marcus hurried fairly quickly down the stairs and tugged Harry away from Gregory's side
and into a hug of his own. "I hope you don't mind but I added myself to your list of watchers,"
"Of course not," Harry smiled at the old man, hugging him back and receiving a happy smile in
"We set up a room through here," Leandre motioned forwards.
"I'll see you before you leave hopefully Mr Potter," Lucius nodded his head slightly to Harry.
"Sorry?" Lucius blinked at him shocked, speechless for the first time since Harry had met him.
"You can call me Harry," Harry said quietly meeting Lucius's eyes. The older man stood still for a
few seconds scanning Harry's face before he nodded.
"As long as you call me Lucius," He said before nodding again and sweeping off.
"I think you may have just sent him into shock," Gregory chuckled wrapping his arm around
Harry's waist and leading him into the room they had prepared, all the furniture pushed to the side.
"I like to keep Lucius on his toes," Harry smirked leaning up to kiss a laughing Gregory's cheek
before he moved to the centre of the room and motioned Tiberius in front of him. The other four
Malfoy's moved to stand in the corner of the room.
"What's first?" Tiberius asked eagerly.
"Alright first I want you to fire every offence spell you know at me," Harry said drawing shocked
looks from the other five people in the room.
"Erm…" Tiberius shot a nervous look at his family.
"It's ok, I'll defend myself, I need to be able to feel the strength that you have in your spells and the
concentration to be able to work out where best I need to help you. Don't worry you won't hurt me,"
Harry assured him moving ten steps backwards and drawing his wand ready.
"Stuptify," Tiberius shot the first spell which Harry quickly and easily deflected.
"That's not your full strength, shoot them like you mean them, or you'll be wasting both our time,"
Harry said firmly, and smiled when he saw Tiberius's eyes narrow slightly in determination. The
next seven spells were shot quickly and fairly powerfully, though Harry swatted them aside easily.
Over the next fifteen minutes Tiberius shot more and more spells at Harry, quite an impressive
selection really, he wasn't lacking there. Though it became apparent that as he was going along he
was becoming more frustrated with the fact that he hadn't managed to hit Harry once and with the
apparent ease that Harry was blocking his spells.
"Enough," Harry called and Tiberius dropped his hands to his knees panting and sweating. "That
was good,"
"It was rubbish I didn't hit you once!" Tiberius snapped. He could see the other four shifting a little
as though to interrupt but he spoke first.
"Tiberius I have had a hell of a lot more training than you, if you had managed to hit me then you
would be ready to take your NEWT's right now and you wouldn't need my help. That was really
good, you have good strength into your spells and you have a great knowledge of spells. We need to
work on your concentration and deliverance, and get you more comfortable with your spells to get
you more inventive," Harry assured him walking over to pat Tiberius on the shoulder.
"Really?" Tiberius asked hopefully, his scowl easing up a little.
"Really," Harry smiled. "Now, come on, we're going to work on your stunning spells, and we need
a volunteer," Harry grinned at the four Malfoy's watching who all blinked back at him.
"Uncle Gregory will," Draco smirked before quickly hiding it when Gregory looked at him. "You
should help him, it will go down well with him," He whispered nodding to Gregory.
"Of course," Gregory stood and made his way over.
"Ok Tiberius, concentrate and do your best," Harry patted the teen on the shoulder and stood beside
him as he pointed his wand at Gregory.
"Stuptify!" Tiberius shouted. Gregory jerked as he went stiff before dropping backwards.
"Ok, that was a good effort but you're flourishing your wand unnecessarily. A stuptify should be a
short sharp jab, quick, efficient it's a spell that you need to use quickly," Harry instructed as Draco
woke Gregory up and helped him up. "Ok again,"
"Stuptify!" Tiberius managed it again with a lot less flourish.
"That was better, but still too much. Ok, watch closely," Harry turned to Gregory who was being
helped back to his feet by Draco. Draco grinned and hurried out the way before watching eagerly,
making Gregory look nervously between them. "Ready?"
"Yes," Gregory nodded, sounding a little unsure.
"Stuptify," Harry performed the spell as sharp and clean as he could. He winced when Gregory was
blasted off of his feet backwards a few feet before slamming to the floor.
"I can never get that much power behind my spells!" Tiberius groaned.
"Flourish less and you will, with practise you'll be able to put more power behind your spells,"
Harry assured him before moving to help Gregory up when he groaned and sat up a little stiffly.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm fine," Gregory winced.
"Sorry, I should have put a mat or something behind you," Harry apologised guiltily.
"I'm fine, you just pack quite a punch," Gregory laughed kissing Harry softly to reassure him.
"Alright, enough snogging the tutor," Leandre called.
"Draco you can replace Gregory as test dummy," Harry called standing ad tugging Gregory to his
"What why?!" Draco pouted.
"Because you knew exactly what was going to happen and set him up to do it," Harry said without
turning around.
"Know it all," Draco grumbled good naturedly stomping to the middle of the floor and faced
"Ok, as I did, less flourish, concentrate your power, focus your concentration. Deep breath before
you perform the spell. There is no rush, no hurry, take your time, focus," Harry said softly resting
his hands on Tiberius's shoulder, when the teen nodded, his face drawn with concentration Harry let
go and stood back. Tiberius shot his spell at Draco managing to knock him back a little but not by
"That was better already," Harry patted Tiberius on the shoulder as a smirking Gregory woke Draco
"It was terrible," Tiberius sighed.
"You need to stop thinking about how good you want and need the spell to be, and just concentrate
on the spell," Harry said softly. Tiberius looked at him before nodding. "Close your eyes. A deep
breath. Think of nothing but performing the spell." Tiberius sucked in a deep breath and closed his
eyes, concentration heavy on his features.

"Alright, enough for now, good job," Harry called a stop as Leandre dropped backwards, Tiberius
managing to knock him back a few feet.
"I can go for longer," Tiberius argued.
"No, you need to stop now, we'll carry on next week. Pushing yourself too hard for too long is not
going to help you. You made good progress today," Harry shook his head.
"Alright, thank you," Tiberius smiled at Harry before hurrying over to his dad.
"That was brilliant to watch, you have a real way with teaching," Gregory wrapped his arms around
Harry's waist from behind and kissed his cheek.
"He's got really good potential," Harry shook his head.
"And a great teacher, who also happens to be very sexy," Gregory muttered into Harry's ear making
him blush. Harry raised green eyes to Gregory.
"Sexy huh?" He smiled a little.
"Incredibly," Gregory kissed along his cheek to his lips, slowly pressing their lips together as one of
his hands cupped Harry's jaw.
"Seriously? You two are going to scar me for life!" Draco grumbled stomping passed them, his hair
sticking up in all directions and likely a bruise forming on his bum and back.
"I can afford to pay for your counselling bill," Harry grinned at him making Gregory and Leandre
start to laugh, Tiberius grinned smothering his own laughter behind his hand.
"Oh no, you are not engaging Harry in a banter, I am stealing him away to spend at least a little time
with my partner before he has to go home," Gregory shook his head when Draco opened his mouth,
grabbing Harry's arm and started tugging him towards the door. Laughing at Gregory's enthusiasm
Harry trailed after him waving over his shoulder to the others.
Gregory led Harry to the staircase and slipped his hand down Harry's arm to his hand. Leaning over
his pressed his lips to Harry's before leading him up the stairs. Again Harry stared in wonder at the
hallways and corridors of Malfoy Manor, the rooms that they passed by that had the doors open.
Each room was beautifully decorated, so many times when he had pictures Malfoy Manor when
Draco had spoken about it or when he thought about where Draco lived and he had imagined a cold,
empty, dark place. Malfoy Manor was far from that, warm, decadent colours were on the walls in
some places, rich bold colours in others, gentle calm pastels were on some walls. The huge paned
windows let in lots of sunlight brightening the place up even more.
"This was my favourite room when I was a teenager," Gregory told Harry leading him into a large
cream and brown room, a thick white carpet was on the floor. Three of the walls were covered floor
to ceiling in bookshelves absolutely filled with books, the other wall had shelves filled with various
divination items, crystal balls, tarot cards etc. In front of a huge set of French windows that led onto
a beautiful balcony that overlooked the gardens. A two seater white sofa sat slightly to the right of
the French windows and it was to this that Gregory's led him.
"It's beautiful," Harry breathed looking around the room and realising that the wood around the
French windows were carved to look like two cherry blossom trees.
"It's the only good thing that I can look back on that my father did for me. I loved reading, and he
encouraged my divination. He made this room for me, I spent most of my childhood here," Gregory
explained sitting down on the sofa and drawing Harry down as well. Harry sat down and curled
against his chest, resting his head on Gregory's shoulder.
"It's really lovely, I could spend hours here," Harry sighed looking around the bright room.
"Could you spend time here at the Manor?" Gregory asked softly. Harry blinked and lifted his head
to rest it on his chin onto Gregory's shoulder to look at him curiously, trying to read what he was
meaning on his face. But Gregory's protective mask was up and Harry wasn't getting a read from
Frowning at this he reached up and pressed his hand to Gregory's cheek, rubbing his thumb gently
over his cheekbone, his green eyes searching over Gregory's face until it relaxed a little and allowed
through the nerves he was feeling through.
"What do you mean spend more time at the manor?" Harry asked keeping up the soothing motion of
his thumb.
"I...I liked the other night and morning, getting to sleep beside you, getting to wake up with you.
That was good and I thought, maybe, we could do it a little more often. Here and at
Andromeda's?" Gregory bit his lip when he was finished, his grey eyes looking at Harry anxiously.
"I'd like that," Harry smiled lifting himself up to press their lips together gentle, sliding his hand
from Gregory's cheek to his neck as Gregory pressed their lips together more firmly, wrapping his
arm around his waist and holding him against his body as the kiss deepened when Harry opened his
mouth to allow Gregory to slide his tongue against his own.
"Harry?" Harry and Gregory looked up from where they were lying on the sofa, Gregory had his
favourite book, the Kalevala, open and was reading out loud for the both of them. Lucius was
standing in the doorway looking uncertain but firm at the same time.
"Everything ok Lucius?" Gregory asked.
"I want to talk to Harry, privately, if that's ok?" Lucius asked looking between them.
"Yes that's fine," Harry interrupted Gregory, standing up and bending to kiss Gregory softly before
he made his way to the doorway and to Lucius. He could feel his nerves bubbling in his stomach, he
had no idea why Lucius would want to speak to him privately, especially right now, but he covered
them as best he could and met Lucius's when he reached him.
Lucius nodded his head to him and then to Gregory over his shoulder before he turned and led
Harry a little down the hallway to the room next to Gregory's room. Harry stepped into the sitting
room, this one holding a lot of reds and silver, following Lucius to the black and silver leather sofa
sitting in front of the fireplace, sitting down he took a breath before looking at Lucius expectantly.
"I wanted to talk to you," Lucius started before frowning and looking down at his hands he brushed
a piece of lint from his robes.
"Ok," Harry said slowly.
"I wanted to say something about you and Gregory," Lucius said quietly.
"Lucius I understand that you'll be worried about us but..."
"I'm not worried," Lucius shook his head.
"Oh...erm..." Harry stammered not sure where this was going now, he had been sure that Lucius
was going to warn him not to hurt Gregory, or that this was something about Lucius being
concerned that he was going to hurt Gregory.
"While I may have been acting to protect my family as best I could, you were in effect my enemy
for a while, you were also the only chance of survival along with Dumbledore that I could really see
for us. So I watched and listened and learnt about you. And I know that you wouldn't use someone's
emotions against them, especially not far enough to accept a courting offer from Gregory. Any
doubts that I may have had were wiped when I saw the way that you look at him, you wear your
heart on your sleeve Harry, and your heart is definitely invested in this," Lucius smiled.
"I don't understand what you wanted to talk to me about then," Harry frowned a little, though the
blush covering his cheeks made Lucius smile a little wider.
"I wanted to say thank you to you. For giving him a chance, for seeing passed everything that has
gone on between us. You had every reason not to trust Gregory and not to look at him twice,
especially right now when I am pretty sure you could have anyone that you wanted. Choosing
Gregory will not be the easy choice and it will not be met with a lot of agreement from the public.
I...what I am trying to say is, I am thankful that you did not allow our past together, no matter how
understanding you have been about the reason behind the choices I have made, to influence how
you looked at Gregory," Lucius said, uncharacteristically shaky in his speech.
"I...I'll be honest, the first day I came here for Snape, there was something about Gregory. When we
met for the second and third time whatever pull we had between us get even stronger for me. When
he sent me the flowers and necklace, I will admit that for a moment I did consider how the public
would take us being together, how my friends would, but my closest friends told me that they would
be happy for me as long as Gregory made me happy and that he was what I wanted. I...I haven't
made a lot of choices for myself, I haven't thought about what I want a lot in my life. In this I am
willing to be selfish. Gregory is who I want full stop, and as long as I am what he wants no one is
stopping us from being together," Harry looked up once he had finished to meet Lucius's eyes, the
sparkle in them complimenting his smile and suddenly making Harry see how alike he and Gregory
actually were.
"He has made a very good choice," acting on impulse Lucius leant forwards and briefly hugged
Harry who floundered for a second before patting Lucius a little awkwardly on the back. "We have
not seen him this happy in a very long time. Thank you,"
"You have nothing to thank me for. He makes me happier and feel more wanted than I have ever
known," Harry admitted awkwardly.
"Come I had better return you to him before he attempts to eavesdrop through the doorway," Lucius
chuckled making Harry laugh as well, if a little shocked at the sign of a sense of humour coming
from Lucius.

"You are really not going to tell me what Lucius said?" Gregory complained as Harry tugged off his
shirt wriggled into a pair of his pyjamas.
"Nope," Harry grinned making his way to the side of the simply massive bed.
"Not even a hint?" Gregory pleaded, watching Harry crawl up onto the bed and over to his side.
"It was nothing bad, threatening or the like," Harry offered sliding underneath the thin silk sheet
they had decided was all they needed for the night and leaning over Gregory's half reclined form to
kiss his shoulder.
"Fine I give in!" Gregory huffed dropping flat onto his back.
"It only took you what? eight hours?" Harry laughed.
"I'm persistent," Gregory snorted before letting out a whoosh of air when Harry dropped on top of
"It's a very attractive trait on you, if not a little annoying," Harry smirked before bursting out
laughing when Gregory's fingers dug into his side and started tickling.
Ten minutes later Harry cried uncle having spectacularly lost the tickle fight considering the only
ticklish place he had managed to find on Gregory was his feet and had found that he himself was
apparently riddled with ticklish spots. He was lying on his front with Gregory straddling his thighs,
the hands that had been tickling him with all the persistence Gregory had claimed were now
stroking up and down his sides soothingly. Gregory leant forwards and brushed a kiss over the back
of Harry's neck making him sigh contently and rest his head to the side to allow Gregory more
He tensed up sharply however when Gregory's lips moved down to where he knew the first of his
scars started on his back. He jerked to sit up but Gregory shushed him, his hands never stopping
their soothing stroking motion. He relaxed reluctantly into the mattress underneath him, the feeling
of Gregory's lips tracing the path of every scar on his back feeling relaxing and giving him the
feeling of being worshipped and loved exactly how he was. But he could practically feel the
question hovering on the tip of Gregory's tongue, the question he knew was coming.
"Don't, please don't," Harry closed his eyes, clenching his hands into fists.
"Harry, there are too many scars and some are too old for the things that happened to you at
Hogwarts," Gregory carried on.
"Gregory, please," Harry pleaded. Gregory turned Harry over and brushed his fringe out of his eyes
making him open them, the pain in the green clear and made Gregory's heart clench.
"Harry, trust me,"
"I do," Harry groaned painfully, lifting his hands to cover his face.
"I am not going to think any different of you Harry. But I have to know, Harry, this looks like
abuse," The silence after his words confirmed everything for him, and he lifted his hands to ease
Harry's away from his face. The shamed blush on Harry's cheeks making fury and sorrow wash
through him like a wave. "Who?"
"My uncle. My aunt sometimes. My cousin didn't leave scars but he broke my arm once," Harry
said shortly turning his eyes to the side as tears welled up.
"Look at me Harry," Gregory said softly stroking Harry's face gently. Harry finally balled up his
courage enough to meet Gregory's eyes terrified that he was going to see disgust in his partners
face. "You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of Harry, those...those animals hurt you, that is
nothing to do with you, you were a child. It changes nothing between us Harry, except for me to
know that you are so much stronger, and brave and...more than I thought,"
"I'm the saviour of the wizarding world, and I allowed my muggle family to abuse me," Harry
snorted, a tear rolling down his cheek as he looked away from Gregory again. The older man firmly
tilted his face back towards him.
"You were a child in the care of people that were supposed to love and care for you, you didn't let
them do anything to you. Harry, you have nothing at all to be ashamed about. I can understand that
family are completely different to fighting against the outside world," Gregory shook his head.
"My own family couldn't love me," Harry whispered the fear that had always echoed around his
head since he was old enough to understand what was going on wasn't normal.
"Yes they do," Gregory said gently. Shocked Harry lifted his eyes once again to Gregory's face.
"Remus, Tonks, Hermione, Ron, Neville, Andromeda, they all love you so much, Grandfather loves
you already after a few months, and I am pretty sure that I am well down the road towards being
head over heels, will follow you to the end of the earth, to the stars and back if you so much as
asked. They were wrong, and disgusting, and clearly idiots if they couldn't love you, because it is
not a difficult thing to do,"
"I..." Harry choked trying to cover his face again as tears spilt from his eyes. Gregory gripped his
wrists to stop him from covering his face and instead leant down to brush his lips over the corners
of his eyes, following the tear tracks down his cheeks. Harry pulled his hands away from Gregory's
and hesitated a second before he wrapped his arms around Gregory as he buried his face into the
blonde's shoulder and started sobbing into it.
"Shush it's ok, it's ok, it's ok, it's going to be fine," Gregory gently rocked them as he settled them
onto their sides and held Harry close to his body.
"Thank you," Harry breathed out seconds before he finally fell asleep against Gregory's chest, his
eyes feeling puffy and raw, but feeling lighter than he had in a long long time.
"I'm always going to be here Harry, always," Gregory's sighed, shifting them into a more
comfortable position and making sure they were covered before resting his cheek against Harry's
hair and holding him tightly as he fell asleep and through his sleep, protecting Harry as best he
could from the memories that they had stirred up that night. His own dreams full of the images of
the man he was falling in love with being hurt by those things that should have loved Harry, and the
images of exactly what he would like to do to them.
Chapter 12
"Harry?" Harry turned blinking slightly confused as he was pulled from his thoughts to see Draco
standing in the doorway in his pyjamas.
"Hey," Harry smiled slightly.
"Sorry I was…couldn't sleep I got up to have a walk and get something to drink and saw the
fireplace lit, I didn't mean to intrude," Draco rambled a little making Harry look at him closer. He
had small bags under his eyes and was looking quite rumpled and shaken.
"You're not intruding. I couldn't sleep myself and I didn't want to wake Gregory," Harry shook his
"Do…," Draco started to say before biting his lip and looking unsurely around the room.
"You can ask whatever it is you want to know, come and sit down, it's getting colder," Harry
offered patting the sofa he was on.

"I don't come in here a lot, Uncle Gregory wouldn't mind, but it is so much his room it always feels
like intruding a little," Draco admitted as he quickly crossed the space to the sofa Harry was on and
settled down, tucking his feet underneath himself.
"It makes me feel safe," Harry admitted.
"The room does or he does?" Draco asked gently.
"Both," Harry softly.
"Do you think when…if Gregory and you bond, would you…" Draco started to ask but trailed off
looking unsure.
"Would I?" Harry prompted.
"We are all curious as to whether you would feel comfortable living here?" Draco asked.
"Honestly? After everything that happened last year I thought that I would never feel comfortable in
this place, I came or Severus that first time, the second time for Gregory, but each time I dreaded it.
But over the last two months, sleeping here and spending more time, the good memories and getting
to know your family properly, the manor is actually already starting to feel a little like home," Harry
"You're god for each other you know," Draco smiled.
"Hmm?" Harry blinked at Draco confused.
"I'm the only one that has really known the both of you separate and apart, we may not have been
friends but I'm sure you'll agree our rivalry allowed a certain amount of insight into each other. You
would come alive when you were with Gra…Hermione and Ron, and later Neville and Luna, when
you were playing Quidditch, after our adventures, but you just get this look on your face when you
are with Uncle Gregory, there is something in your eyes…" Draco trailed off with a fond smile as
he rested his chin on his hand. "And Uncle Gregory, Father used to tell me about what he was like,
how confident he was, but I didn't realise how different he was until you got together. He smiles
more, his confidence isn't half feigned anymore, he lights u whenever you are together. Though he
is a bit creepy that he never takes his eyes off you hardly when you are in a room together. You
both seem to know when the other enters the room…I wish that I had something like that," Draco
"We're still young, you have plenty of time to find someone, I guess I just got really lucky," Harry
couldn't help his smile even as he poked Draco in the leg with his foot. Laughing Draco batted is
foot away. "Is there someone you have in mind?" Harry asked curiously.
"Maybe," Draco hedged.
"Someone I know?" Harry smiled.
"Perhaps…you won't tell anyone?" Draco asked nervously.
"I promise, it will stay between us," Harry said sobering up seeing how nervous Draco was.
"Marcus Flint," Draco blurted out.
"Really?" Harry blinked feeling more than a little shocked.
"He's changed since school, worked on his appearance and well...he was always kind to me and
looked after me, not because he cared about my family money or name but because he wanted to
make sure I was ok, because he saw through my mask and saw the scared little boy underneath,"
Draco blushed not meeting Harry's eyes.
"Have you made a move?" Harry asked.
"No," Draco sighed. "I seem to lose all my courage when I see him,"
"Well then, if you are serious as you say you are send him a courting bouquet," Harry suggested.
"What! I can't that would be…"
"He's probably worried that you wouldn't be interested so he hasn't made a move first. You say you
can't tell him when you are with him, so send him the bouquet, let him know you are interested.
Hermione said that more submissive partners are doing it,"
"I…will think about it, if I decide to…will you…" Draco drew off biting his lip.
"Any help you need just let me know," Harry nudged their shoulders together before standing. "I
had better get back to bed, I need to try and get some sleep,"
"Sleep well Harry…and thanks," Draco smiled.
"Gregory won't mind you staying here as long as you need to Draco," Harry assured him, pausing
unsurely before bending to hug the blonde. "Night," He smiled before walking out the door leaving
a grinning Draco seated on the sofa.
Harry slipped quietly through the hallways before sliding into the now very familiar bedroom. He
loved Gregory's bedroom, the soft colours and decadent yet simple furniture, the wide open, airy
space after eleven years of sleeping a practically living in a cupboard. He smiled as he stepped up to
his side of the bed a looked at Gregory snuggled down underneath the covers. He slipped as quietly
as he could underneath the covers and wriggled closer to Gregory before settling down and tugging
the covers over his shoulders as he rolled so his back was practically against Gregory's chest.
He smiled softly when he felt a kiss pressed the back of his neck as strong arms wrapped around his
waist, a warm body pressed against his back. He closed his eyes and breathed in a warm scent of the
night mixed with the warm, spicy scent of Gregory that he was fairly sure he could pick up
anywhere at any time now. And as it always did it managed to relax the remaining tension from his
shoulders and back as he sunk into the warmth and comfort being offered to him without a word.
"Did I wake you?" He asked concerned.
"I missed you beside me, I woke when I realised you weren't in bed," Gregory assured him,
nuzzling gently into Harry's shoulder. "It is completely unfair, in two short months of sleeping next
to each other a couple of times a week you have ruined me for sleeping alone,"
"I apologise completely and sincerely for that," Harry laughed.
"Somehow I completely and sincerely doubt your sincerity," Gregory snorted nipping Harry's
shoulder to get some more laughter from him. "Was it another nightmare?" he asked concerned
snuggling even closer to him.
"Yes," Harry sighed, long having given up trying to hide his nightmares from Gregory after
sleeping together had become a habit.
"I wish that I could take them from you,"
"I wouldn't want you to suffer them," Harry shook his head turning slightly so that he could see
Gregory's face while still remaining in his arms.
"You have already had to live once through most of them, you should not have to relive them,"
Gregory frowned leaning forwards to brush his lips over Harry's cheek. Harry rolled over in
response to the touch and buried himself into Gregory's chest.
"This makes it better," He admitted. Gregory's arms tightened around him before one hand came up
to comb through Harry's hair.
"I wish I could make it all better,"
"You are, gradually you are," Gregory's arm tightened even more and he tugged Harry's hair enough
to get him to lift his head so that he could press their lips together in a promise, he smiled softly and
pressed back, curling in closer around the strong warmth that offered him a pathway from his past
to a future he had never imagined.

"Gregory! Gregory you have a delivery!" Marcus called, hobbling through the corridors at an
amazing speed for his age.
"Grandfather! Slow down! You'll hurt yourself!" Lucius said concerned as Marcus hurried into the
"Here, they're from Harry," Marcus held the bundle in his arms out to Gregory who blinked
confused between his Grandfather and the bundle.
"Harry was here?" Gregory asked.
"Yes," Marcus nodded.
"Why didn't he stay?" Gregory frowned.
"He asked me to pass this to you and tell you that he had some things to sort out before tonight but
he would see you then," Marcus assured him before pressing the bundle into Gregory's arms. "Now
open that I'm curious as to what all this is about! He said the letter first," Marcus motioned towards
the letter stuck to the wrappings as he took his seat, everyone else shuffled forwards in their seats to
see, even Mikhail who had to split his attention between Gregory and his month old baby daughter
Dear Gregory,
Ok I'm not very good at things like this, and Hermione has told me just to say what I think so that's
what I will do. It's been six months to the day since you sent me my courting bouquet, and I wanted
to do something special for it, including organising my first date or us. So I hope you like your
present and that you will join me tonight at the coordinates below. See you tonight.
Gregory smiled thinking back to how nervous he had been six months ago sending his bouquet and
wondering whether Harry would be receptive to his advances or not. Setting the letter down on his
empty plate so that he could get the coordinates later before he carefully pulled away the bindings
on the bundle. He smiled warmly when a bouquet was revealed.
"Oh Gregory they perfect!" Carina gasped.
"Flowering almond for I continue to hope, Red Camellia for you're a flame in my heart, Red
Catchfly for youthful love, Red daisies for beauty unknown to the possessor, Daffodils for
happiness and Althea for consumed by love, that is some bouquet," Marc patted his cousin on the
back as Gregory stared down at the flowers.
"Love…he loves me," Gregory grinned.
"Of course he does!" The entire table responded rolling their eyes.
"There is something else," Narcissa pointed to the wrappings. Gregory eagerly reached forwards
and tugged the wrappings further back to reveal something that made them all gasp.
"Yes he definitely loves you my boy," Marcus smiled at his grandson as Gregory ran a reverent
finger over the present.
"They must have cost a fortune!" Draco gawped. The tarot deck was exquisite, finally made and
soaked in magic that Gregory could feel came from Harry himself even though he could feel that
the pack had never been touched before.
"Grandfather can I speak to you in private please?" Gregory asked making his mind up as he picked
up the cards and held it close. He ignored the knowing grins from the rest of his family and
followed his Grandfather when Marcus just smiled and stood.

"Wow…" Gregory breathed out looking around the area he had been led to.
"You set up something special for us on all of our dates, I wanted to do the same," Harry said from
the side, Gregory turned to see his partner leaning against the wall beside where he had apparated
"Where are we? Gregory asked looking back at the area awed.
"One of the Black houses, I thought that it would be perfect for tonight. The house is a wreck, the
garden however was just what I wanted," Harry pushed off from the wall and stepped closer to
Gregory, pulling a flower from behind his back and quickly pinning it to Gregory's lapel. Gregory
appreciated the shy blush on Harry's cheeks before he looked down to see a bridal rose there. "It's
getting ahead I know, but it is the meaning was perfect," Harry flushed.
"Happy love, do you mean it?" Gregory asked softly capturing Harry hands.
"Yes…I was too nervous to say it face to face first," Harry apologised softly, wiggling a hand free
to run his fingers over Gregory's cheek.
"I love you too Harry Potter able to stop himself From tugging Harry not being able to stop himself
from tugging Harry against him, the younger man meeting him in the kiss.
"Come on," Harry smiled brightly gripping Gregory's hand and dancing out of his reach, tugging
him along the pathway, through a slightly over grown trellis that had glittering fairies fluttering
through them. Tiny giggling coming from them making Harry roll his eyes amused and wave a
hand at them.
Gregory gasped once again when he saw exactly what Harry had prepared for them. There was a
gazebos set up with roses twined around the walls giving off a sweet smelling scent into the air,
bobbing around the ceiling were a multitude of small balls of multi-coloured lights bobbing around
merrily and providing the only light except for the candles on the small round table in the centre of
the gazebos. The table was set up with a white table cloth and two settings for them, their starter
already sitting on their plates.
"Master Malfoy," Harry smiled pulling out the chair for Gregory. Sitting down Gregory looked at
the plate.
"Is this…"
"Toast and duck pâté," Harry nodded sitting down opposite him.
"My favourite," Gregory smiled.
"I know," Harry smiled teasingly back, nudging him gently under the table with his foot. "Wine?"
"Please, this is absolutely perfect Harry!" Gregory sighed looking around them. The place despite
being the massive grounds of a manor felt wholly intimate for them, their own little world. Harry
smiled shyly at him tucking his hair behind his ear in a uncertain move.
"You have planned so many amazing dates, I wanted to do something special for you, for this
anniversary," Harry admitted.
"Just the fact that we are here, together half a year later, would make this perfect. This just makes it
a hundred times more so," Gregory chuckled.
"Half a year," Harry laughed "I can't believe it really,"
"In a good way, or a bad way?" Gregory asked, fairly sure he knew the answer but with a small
flash of doubt.
"Most definitely a very good way," Harry reached across to squeeze Gregory's hand. "Half a year
ago I didn't think I would be sitting opposite a man that I love so much, with a future together that I
am looking forwards to. I can never thank you enough for giving me this," Harry said softly.
"You have no idea how much you have given me Harry, the thought that I would be sitting opposite
a man that I love so much, and that loves me despite everything, I had given up hope of ever getting
"I guess we're both happy with where we have ended up then," Harry said lightening the
atmosphere. It worked and they both settled back with smiles on their faces as they started to eat.
"This is delicious Harry," Gregory hummed with pleasure, taking another huge bite almost straight
"Do you like it?" Harry asked with a tone of vulnerability that made Gregory pause mid bite and
blink at his partner.
"You made this?!" He choked, all sense of Malfoy decorum and ingrained manners of not speaking
with your mouth full flew out his mind as he realised why Harry was looking so nervously at him.
"I wanted to do something special," Harry shrugged.
"Have you made the whole meal?!"
"Yes," Harry smiled bashfully at Gregory who was sitting staring awed at him.
"No one has ever home cooked me a meal before," Gregory admitted.
"Then it's a good thing I have done all your favourites. And that I have something to blackmail you
with in the future," Harry snickered before all out laughing when a piece of toast hit him in the

They had finished their shepherd's pie with cheesy mash - Harry had been slightly stunned and
relieved when Marcus had told him that that was Gregory's favourite meal, he had been preparing
himself to make some fancy meal that he had likely never heard of - and it had only endeared him
even more to his partner. And they had moved onto their puddings, chocolate fudge cake, Harry had
moved around the table so that they were practically side by side, shoulders pressed together. Harry
had his legs over Gregory's thighs as they sat eating from the same plate.
"This has been absolutely amazing," Gregory sighed pressing a sweet tasting kiss to Harry's lips.
"Not finished yet," Harry shook his head, sliding to his feet and holding his hand out. Wondering
what else there was Gregory locked their fingers together and followed Harry. He watched confused
as the table slid to the side leaving the space in the centre of the gazebo. "Will you dance with me?"
Harry asked as a soft music welled up from all around them.
"I would love to," Gregory nodded moving with Harry to the centre before sliding his arm around
Harry's waist to hold him close before they started swaying gently together, moving simultaneously.
Harry wasn't sure how long they danced for, they were neither of them willing for the night to end
or to let go of each other.
The music carried on, some songs Gregory was familiar with, others that he thought had to be
muggle, but Harry had picked ones that he knew Gregory would enjoy and he had not failed.
Finally Gregory felt the words burning in on his tongue, the magic of the night urging him on so
that the peace of their moment together wore to a point he had to stop. Harry lifted his head from
Gregory's shoulder where it had been resting for the last half an hour at least. Smiling reassuringly
Gregory took and small step back before sucking in a deep breath and then dropped to one knee.
"There are so many pretty words and promises that I could make in this moment, but I would like to
think that you would already know them and know my feelings towards you. So I will keep it
simple. We have spent this last six months together and I would be the happiest man alive to get to
spend the rest of my life with you. So Harry Potter would you do me the great honour in marrying
me?" Gregory breathed out, nerves biting at him as Harry stared down wide eyed at the simple but
beautiful ring that he had pulled from his pocket.
Harry let out a completely indescribable noise before he tackled Gregory onto the floor slamming
their lips together before tugging away before Gregory could even begin kissing him back to scatter
kisses over his face.
"Is that a yes?" Gregory asked weakly.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Harry chanted between kisses. Laughing just a little hysterically
Gregory wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and flipped them over pressing their lips more
firmly together before giving Harry a taste of his own medicine and pulled away too quickly.
However Harry felt the complaint dying on his tongue when Gregory gently gripped his wrist and
slipped the ring that he had luckily managed to keep hold of through Harry's tackle onto Harry's
ring finger. Both of them sucked in a deep breath as the magic swelled around them from the ring
sealing their promise together.
At Malfoy manor the whole family paused and looked at each other before grinning and cheering,
the family magic swirling around them acknowledged the extension of their family. Andromeda,
Remus and Tonks sat up straighter even as Teddy let out a delighted giggle, the three of them
grinning before they realised exactly what they had felt even as the family magic carried on dancing
and twirling over their skin.
Back in the gazebo Harry and Gregory were completely unaware of their families rushing towards
their fireplaces to floo each other and basically have a good gossip. They were completely wrapped
up in each other, Harry was wrapped tightly around Gregory, their lips sealed tightly in a kiss as
they held each other close, the ring on Harry's finger glittering in the lights still hovering overhead.
Chapter 13
"I'm scarred you know! Seriously, traumatized! I think I lost about twenty years off of my life,"
Harry groaned as he dropped onto the bed. He umphed when Hermione flopped right on top of him,
Ron wriggling onto the other side and making himself comfy.
"You're getting bonded!" Hermione grinned hugging him tightly.
"I am well aware of that thank you, I was there at the proposal," Harry sniffed but he couldn't help
the grin on his face as he hugged Hermione back, conveniently getting a glance of his ring.
"Yeah yeah its gorgeous," Ron laughed rolling his eyes as he rolled over to throw his arm over
Hermione and Harry.
"I'm so happy for you," Hermione sighed resting her head on Harry's shoulder.
"I'm pretty happy myself right now," Harry admitted with a breathless laugh. "But it hasn't really
sunk in. I can't really believe it actually happened,"
"It will feel like that for a while," Hermione smiled at Ron throwing her arm over him.
"Two weddings," Ron smiled. "Are you planning on having yours soon?" He asked curiously.
"I don't know really, I think we both want to be married sooner rather than later, I know you guys
are happy waiting for a year or two but we're pretty agreed on not wanting to wait," Harry sighed.
"Everyone goes at their own speed, you know what's right for you. Besides it gives me a chance to
dry run with your wedding before my own," Hermione snickered.
"Our own," Ron corrected amused.
"Of course dear,"
"How did Remus, Tonks and Andromeda take it?" Ron asked.
"I told you, I'm traumatized!" Harry huffed.
"That bad?" Hermione laughed.
"I was drilled for every second of the proposal, they pounced on me as soon as I walked through the
door, it was scarring!" He groaned.
"They're happy for you," Hermione smiled.
"Yeah, and the Malfoy's are as well, I think Marcus nearly broke some ribs, not to mention how
excited Tiberius was when I went for his lesson yesterday," Harry smiled softly.
"And you're moving into the manor?" Ron asked.
"Gregory asked, I like it at the manor, but we are going to get our own place as well, split our time
between them," Harry nodded.
"Sounds like a good idea, though I'm fairly sure you could go days without seeing someone else in
that place unless you tried to," Hermione smiled.
"Will you be ok visiting there, maybe staying over occasionally?" Harry asked nervously.
"You managed to get over it, and I imagine it feels very different now it's not housing the
personification of madness and evil," Hermione shook her head.
"Its…starting to feel like a home," Harry nodded. "As much as here,"
"Should I be worried?" Gregory's amused voice came from the doorway, making them all look from
the pile they had been in.
"Yes, we're planning on having a threesome, would you like to make it four?" Harry grinned.
"Harry!" Hermione spluttered blushing while Gregory started laughing.
"No offence to Hermione and Ron but absolutely not. I do not share," Gregory growled playfully
reaching into the pile and dragging Harry out, Ron and Hermione laughing as they watched Gregory
throw Harry over his shoulder.
"Brute!" Harry yelped through his own laughter.
"I have come to kidnap you," Gregory told him.
"You have have you? For what?" Harry asked curiously while admiring the view that he had while
hanging over Gregory's back.
"It's a surprise. Please pardon my kidnapping, I shall return him soon," Gregory bowed his head to
Hermione and Ron where they were still comfortably sprawled on the bed.
"It's ok, we're needing to head over to the Ministry to register our new address," Ron shook his
"We have a meeting in half an hour," Hermione added.
"Harry told me about you r house, congratulations," Gregory smiled at the two of them.
"Thank you, it's a little in need of work but it is perfect," Hermione beamed happily.
"Enjoy your surprise, and congratulations yourself," Ron clapped Gregory on the back.
"We're happy, for you both," Hermione nodded kissing Gregory's cheek. He blinked before smiling
at them both.
"Am I allowed to say bye before you kidnap me?" Harry laughed.
"Sure," Gregory nodded turning so Harry was facing them. Hermione kissed his cheek with a smile
and Ron managed to give him a weird hug. "Right, come on then,"
"You're nervous," Harry blinked twisting a little to see Gregory's face as they moved outside and
towards the apparating wards.
"A little," Gregory admitted setting Harry down on his feet. He swayed for a second before cupping
Gregory's face.
"What's this surprise?" He asked curiously.
"It's a traditional Malfoy present to a future bonded moving into the manor," Gregory told him.
"What sort of present?" Harry asked curiously.
"Come with me to see?" Gregory asked holding out his hand.
"Of course," Harry smiled stepping passed the hand and wrapping his arms around Gregory's waist.
The older man wrapped his arms around Harry, burying his nose into Harry's hair and breathing in
his scent before he apparated them out and into the entrance hall of the manor. It was suspiciously
empty as they made their way directly up the stairs, normally one or a few people would pop up
randomly to see who had apparated in. And to his worry Gregory's nerves only seemed to get
worse. "You know with how nervous you're getting my mind is flashing to all those rumours about
Malfoy ritual sacrifice and such," Harry joked.
"Sorry I just…I really want you to like this," Gregory admitted. Harry jogged a little to fall level
with him, wrapping his arms around Gregory's waist.
"I'm sure I will," Harry assured him. "It's in your bedroom?" Harry asked confused when they came
to a stop outside the now very familiar room.
"Yes…close your eyes?" Gregory asked softly, licking his lips nervously.
"I'll love whatever it is," Harry leant up on his toes to kiss Gregory, slowly and teasingly while
running his fingers through the blonde hair he loved to touch. When he pulled away Gregory was
looking a lot more relaxed and had a soft smile on his lips.
"Thank you," Gregory sighed leaning down to kiss Harry softly, licking into his mouth and
deepening it more than the previous kiss before pulling away leaving Harry to lean after him with a
whine chasing his lips. Smiling at the glower he got Gregory took Harry's hands. "Close your eyes,"
Trying to push down his own nerves now - and dear Merlin please let him like whatever this was -
Harry allowed Gregory to tug him into his bedroom. Once he was standing in what he reckoned to
be the middle of the room they stopped and he listened to Gregory take a deep breath before he was
encouraged to open his eyes.
What he saw took his breath away. Gregory's room had changed. There was now three doors
leading off from the bedroom instead of the one door that had led to the bathroom. The colour was a
soft pastel green with grey carpets, sheer silver curtains hung covering the windows - which were
now French windows leading to a small balcony, silver hangings surrounded the bed - the same one
as before Harry was happy to see - and white, grey and black covers were on the bed.
"What…" Harry blinked looking at Gregory.
"Come look at the rest?" Gregory took his hand again and led him through the first door, this one
led through to a living room a crimson red carpet on the floor, a black three seater and two seater
sofa in front of a fireplace with a gorgeous coffee table in the centre. There were bookshelves lining
the walls, which were done in a deep grey and red colour. And then Gregory led him through into
the last room making Harry gasp at this room, it was a massive kitchen, a range cooker stood in the
centre of a U shape of the counter which were a white marble, a huge window looked out over the
orchid that Harry loved, a dining table stood passed the counters. Harry moved forwards running his
hands reverentially over the counters in what was his dream kitchen. Looking along all the utensils
and equipment Harry could see that he had everything that he could ever possibly want in the room.
"This is…"
"Yes?" Gregory asked nervously.
"This is my present? All of this?" Harry spun around to stare at him wide eyed.
"Yes, its traditional when someone is joining the family and moving into the manor to change or
make rooms for them and for the new couple to make them feel more at home," Gregory nodded.
"This is…"
"Yes?!" Gregory gritted out, nervous clearly getting to him now.
"Too much, Gregory this is completely amazing but it's too much," Harry shook his head even as
his eyes drifted over the kitchen again.
"It's for both of us technically so you can't grumble too much. for example I know you enjoy
cooking and that you would want a kitchen of your own, while I get to benefit from having you
cook for me," Gregory smiled walking over to him. "Do you like them?"
"I love them. Its…us," Harry smiled into Gregory's shoulder.
"I know that we said we would buy somewhere, a home away from here, but while we are here we
need somewhere separate from the others as well if we want it, this is for us here," Gregory
"You know we still sleep separately half the nights," Harry said.
"We do," Gregory frowned looking confused.
"We should probably practise living together before I move in here," Harry offered.
"You want to…"
"I'm not ready to move out of Andromeda's just yet, soon but not right now. But to be honest the
nights that we aren't together I hate, like you said you have ruined me for sleeping alone," Harry
pressed his lips to Gregory's as he smiled happily.
"That sounds amazing," Gregory hummed. "I feel lonely without you in my arms,"
"There is a muggle tradition you know," Harry said pulling away from their kiss to look at Gregory
with twinkling eyes.
"A tradition?" Gregory asked pouting slightly even as he tried to lean in to kiss Harry again,
growling when Harry leant back.
"Yup, when they move into a new place together or get a new place together," Harry nodded.
"Alright, what's this tradition?" Gregory asked with a sigh seeing that he wasn't going to be able to
carry on the kiss.
"It's called christening the place. You…celebrate the new place by enjoying each other's company
in the place,"
"Enjoying each other's company? You mean…" Gregory looked down at Harry with eyes that
darkened like a storm. Harry barely finished nodding when he found himself slammed against the
counter and his mouth with devoured in a searing. Groaning loudly he wrapped his arms around
Gregory's neck when the older man wrapped his hands around Harry's thighs and lifted to set him
on the edge of the counter.
Stripping their clothes off was done quickly and while with not much finesse they were both more
than content when their bare skin pressed against each other. Gregory kissed down Harry's neck,
pausing to suck a love bite onto the tender skin of Harry's neck while his hand moved around to cup
Harry's arse.
The groan Harry let out was embarrassingly loud and dirty when he thrust their hips together for the
first time, even more so when Gregory's teeth dug into the skin of his neck before he started moving
with Harry. It took them barely seconds to fall into a rhythm with each other, their bodies moving in
sync as they rocked their bodies together, clinging tightly while their lips found each other again,
the kiss this time messy and slightly distracted.
Harry panted into Gregory's mouth trying to fight off the orgasm that was rapidly approaching, not
wanting this to finish too soon, but the feeling of Gregory's heavy and hot cock brushing against his
own swollen and sensitive one was sending his head spinning, the feeling of it brushing against his
stomach, leaving a trail of pre cum made his body tremble. Groaning louder in response to the
panting moan Gregory was letting out Harry wrapped his legs tighter around the strong waist of his
lover, of his fiancé, of the man that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. And with that
thought Harry cried out and held tightly onto Gregory as he tipped over the edge.
He was barely coming back to himself when Gregory thrust hard against him three more times
before spilling over himself, making Harry whimper a little pitifully as the feeling of Gregory's hot
cum hitting his stomach and spent cock, but he held on tightly to his golden haired lover, rubbing
his back and kissing him gently as he came down from his high.
"Wow," Gregory breathed out when they pulled away from exchanging lazily kisses.
"Oh yes," Harry sighed knowing he had a stupid smile on his face and not caring.
"I think we should go and take a bath before we stick together," Gregory snickered making Harry
grimace before nodding when he shifted.
"We're also scrubbing this counter," Harry snorted. "I can't move," he groaned dropping his head
onto Gregory's shoulder.
Eventually Harry managed to convince Gregory to carry him through to the bathroom and they had
sat soaking contentedly together for the last half an hour, Harry sitting in front with his back pressed
against Gregory's chest. He was lazily brushing his hand up and down Gregory's thigh, soaking in
the presence of his lover while they were in their rooms.
"Hermione and Ron asked something today," He said softly, not really wanting to break the peace
between them.
"Hmm?" Gregory opened his eyes.
"They were asking if we wanted to get married sooner or later, I guessed what you would want but
well, what do you want?" Harry asked softly, focussing on the golden thigh underneath his fingers.
"I would prefer to be bonded to you sooner love," Gregory said softly tightening his arm around
Harry's waist. "That way you can't escape me!" He added teasingly into Harry's ear getting the
laughter he was looking for.
"And where am I going to be running to?" Harry asked amused.
"I don't know, somewhere away from my mad family," Gregory laughed.
"You have met my lot haven't you?" Harry snorted.
"Point. I like this," Gregory sighed.
"Talking about our families while we're naked in the bath?" Harry turned his head to grin at him,
squeaking when he got his side pinched in retaliation.
"Getting to relax and hold you against me, though the nakedness is definitely a plus," Gregory
smirked as his fingers brushed dangerously low on Harry's stomach.
"I like it to," Harry admitted, all teasing gone as he rested his head back against Gregory's shoulder.
"I love you," Gregory said softly kissing Harry's cheek.
"I love you too, always," Harry smiled turning to meet his lover's lips for a slow and luxurious kiss.

"Is this Tiberius' lesson plan?" Marcus asked pulling some parchment towards him. Harry looked up
from where he was behind the counters of their new kitchen making cinnamon buns.
"Ys, I have had to change it around a little," Harry nodded.
"Oh, is everything ok?" Marcus asked concerned.
"Don't worry, I just forgot to factor in pure Malfoy determination, he's been doing his own research
and practise so he is further ahead than I originally assessed him to be," Harry laughed.
"He's doing well?" Marcus smiled.
"Very, he'll be more than ready to sit his exams and pass them with flying colours," Harry nodded.
"Wonderful. You seem to be settling well into the rooms here," Marcus added looking around the
kitchen which seemed to have somehow unofficially become a Malfoy retreat, he had had to float
poor Julia through to their bed when she had come in to get a little respite from Selena and ended up
nodding off with her head on the table.
"I love them," He admitted. "I've never really had a home you know, Hogwarts was something like
one for a while but it was a school and with everything that happened there it was never a proper
home. The Burrow felt something like a home as well I guess, I have happy memories of being
there but that was more because my family was there. Andromeda's is the closest I've had to a real
home though, and we always knew it wasn't going to be for long, especially when things were
obviously becoming serious with me and Gregory,"
"But here?" Marcus asked hopefully.
"Honestly, I expected not to relax properly or feel at home here after everything that happened. But
it is, its somehow become home to me along the weeks I've spent here," Harry smiled softly looking
around the room Gregory had made for him.
"I'm glad, having you here makes it feel as though I finally have my whole family together again,"
Marcus admitted his eyes far off and a little sad in a way that always reminded Harry of the fact that
this man had had to live through his son splitting up his family and trying to ruin his Grandsons, and
his great Grandson's lives.
"You just want to keep me around for my cooking," Harry teased kissing Marcus' cheek as he
placed a cup of blackberry tea and one of the still slightly cooling cinnamon buns he had been
defending from the old man in front of him. Marcus started but smiled as he met Harry's eyes,
reaching out to squeeze his hand before picking up his tea gratefully.
"Harry you have to hide me!" Fred groaned stomping into the kitchen and flopping dramatically at
the table.
"What have you done this time?" Harry asked amused as he started putting together a cup for the
"We only blew off his eyebrows!" Fred pouted.
"Have you left George behind then?" Harry shook his head.
"No we split up. He will probably get here soon,"
"Whose eyebrows did you blow off exactly?" Marcus asked, looking unsure as to whether he should
be concerned or not.
"Charlie's," Fred whimpered.
"Oh dear, you're a dead man walking," Harry stifled his laughter.
"It's worse, it was meant for Bill," Fred whined.
"Ah that's why you needed to split up," Harry nodded.
"Harry!" George's whine preceded him into the kitchen where he wrapped his arms around Harry.
"You two are such drama queens," Harry shook his head trailing back to his kitchen area, trailing
George behind him as the twin seemed to have decided to make a limpet impression.
"Last time we caught them both they cast that waxing hex on us that waxed every single hair from
our body," Fred yelped.
"Every hair Harry, every hair!" George nodded against his shoulder.
"They turned them into really bad drag queens for 48 hours, no one could undo it," Harry told
Marcus whose eyebrows were nearly on the top of his head now.
"We may have overdone the strength in the potion a little," Fred nodded thoughtfully.
"They're going to kill you two you know," Ron said cheerfully as he strolled into the kitchen.
"We know!" The twins sobbed.
"Tea?" Harry asked.
"Please, oo what are you making?" Ron asked eagerly sniffing the air.
"Cinnamon buns," Harry answered.
"The gooey ones?" George asked hopefully lifting his head.
"Surely you wouldn't deprive condemned men a last meal?" Fred fluttered his eyelashes.
"Or your best friend!" Ron grinned.
"Oh help yourselves, the second batch is out of bounds though," Harry said firmly going back to his
"Yes sir!" The three Weasley boys chimed in already descending on the plate.
"Harry," Andromeda smiled as she walked into the kitchen with Teddy bouncing happily on her
"Hi Andromeda," Harry grinned moving over to kiss her on the cheek and then Teddy.
"Do I want to know why Bill Weasley just aparated into my house, searched through my kitchen,
living room and your bedroom before apparating back out with only a sorry?" Andromeda asked as
she moved to sit next to Marcus.
"Oh no, the nets closing in around us!" Fred groaned.
"Guys, you come hide with me whenever you do something to annoy one of the others, you don't
exactly make it hard," Harry rolled his eyes.
"This happens a lot?" Marcus asked, looking as though he was thoroughly enjoying himself.
"Quite yes, you'll regret allowing them access to the wards," Harry smirked at the twins while they
pouted at him.
"And here we thought that…"
"You loved us!" They sniffed.
"Oh I do, I just prefer Charlie and Bill," Harry grinned, stooping down to lift Teddy onto his hip
where he had crawled over to him as soon as Andromeda set him down.
"FRED! GEORGE!" The shout seemed to echo through the manor and the twin turned pleading
eyes onto Harry.
"Oh for, get in the storage cupboard," he sighed motioning to the larger cupboard in the room.
"Thank you!" the twins squeaked before disappearing into the cupboard as footsteps thumped
"And you wonder why they keep coming to you," Ron shook his head laughing.
"Shut up," Harry sighed rubbing his nose with Teddy's and getting a spitty kiss back.

"Hey, dad called me about mum today," Ron said quietly making Harry look up from the book he
had been reading. He was sprawled out with his head on Hermione's lap, Ron's head on his in front
of the fireplace. He had thought Ron was asleep. Looking up he met Hermione's eyes but she shook
her head, Ron hadn't told her what had gone on then. Reaching down Harry ran his fingers through
Ron's hair.
"What happened?" He asked.
"The mind healers are in agreement that there is something wrong but they also agree it's not
anything to do with any spells or curses. She's still obsessed over the fact that you're going to marry
Ginny, and she's trying even from St Mungo's to have it proven that Gregory has done something to
you. She won't listen to reason. The Healers have stopped dad, Percy and Ginny from being able to
see her, they said that they're just encouraging her, they won't see that there is anything wrong with
what she's saying and doing," Ron sighed.
"Muggles call it enabling I think, when family or close friends just encourage the delusion that what
they are thinking is right," Hermione nodded.
"I'm sorry mate, after everything you've been through I wanted this time, when you have everything
ahead of you to be happy, but I couldn't not tell you," Ron patted Harry's leg.
"I wanted to know. I tried to visit but the Healers said that it wouldn't help her, that it could just
make her worse right now," Harry admitted.
"I bet Gregory loved that," Ron smiled slightly.
"It was like having a grumbly, overprotective bear following me," Harry rolled his eyes fondly.
"I like Gregory," Hermione said dropping her head onto the sofa behind her.
"So do I," Harry laughed when she swatted his shoulder.
"No, he is just right for you, you fit together. Like me and Ron do," Hermione carried on, looking
fondly at her own fiancé who beamed back.
"I love him," Harry said simply.
"Hey Harry do you mind if I sit and read with…oh sorry I didn't realise you had…I'll just…" Draco
started backing out the room.
"Oh come on Malfoy, there's enough space, just don't wriggle too much," Ron patted his thighs.
"What?" Draco blinked.
"He's telling you to come join us, but there are rules!" Harry said seriously. "Reading time is also
time for a cuddle puddle,"
"Don't look at me, it is the rules but we did not come up with that name,. The twins called it that
when we used to get funny looks when we gathered like this in the common room, the name kind of
stuck," Hermione explained when Draco looked at her hoping she would as normal be the sane one.
"One lap left Malfoy…Draco, if you're going to join us," Ron nodded. Draco walked over looking
as though they were all going to jump up and laugh at him, but when none of them moved except to
pick their books back up he dropped onto the floor and slowly rested his head onto Ron's lap.
"This is quite a nice way to read," he admitted twenty minutes later breaking the comfortable
silence they had read in.
"Right? Much more relaxing," Ron agreed.
"Ok, I admit I am slightly worried that you seem to be including my nephew in this now," Gregory
said amused from the doorway where he was standing with Lucius an hour or so later.
"We wanted a Malfoy to add to our threesome, you wouldn't join in so we corrupted and coerced
your nephew," Harry shrugged.
"Harry! We weren't! it's just a cuddle puddle!" Draco spluttered blushing darkly.
"A…" with that the two Malfoy brothers in the doorway burst out laughing.
"Why does it nearly always get that reaction?" Harry sighed, trying to stifle his smile at the image
of his finance leaning on his brother as they laughed. They looked even more like each other when
they were laughing he absently noted. "Alright either join us or go away and laugh somewhere
"What?" That stopped the laughter.
"You either join us or go away, you're braking up the peace!" Hermione nodded.
"Join you in your cuddle puddle?" Lucius raised his eyebrow.
"It's quite nice actually," Draco added as he got comfy again. The two brothers looked at each other
before shrugging.

Carina was more than a little bemused when she came up to tell them supper was ready and found
her sons, grandson, future son in law and his two friends lying in a strange twisted pile with their
heads on each other's laps read quite peacefully. And she never really expected to hear the words
'cuddle puddle' coming from Lucius's mouth in all her life. Shaking her head she just passed on the
information of supper and turned to head down herself, thinking that Harry had made a much much
more interesting way of life in the manor and he had not even fully moved in yet.
Chapter 14
Harry hummed contentedly as he smiled sleepily, turning his head a little to meet Gregory's. The
older man smiled back at him before leaning down and pressing another kiss to Harry's shoulder.
He sighed and hummed again stretching slightly as Gregory's hand brushed along his side.
"You're tired?" Gregory asked a little concerned leaning forwards to brush their noses together
before kissing Harry.
"A little, I did some work after my lesson with Tiberius, which was no easy task itself. He's getting
better every time I see him," Harry smiled proudly.
"You're working hard, I saw some magazines in the kitchen," Gregory said as he laid down next
Harry. He shivered at the hum of contentment Harry gave when he realised Gregory was shirtless
and stretched against him like a cat.
"I saw them when I was out shopping with you mind?" Harry bit his lip nervously glancing
over his shoulder at his lover.
"You want to start planning the wedding?" Gregory asked softly.
"I thought we could start looking, what do you think?" Harry asked again.
"I think maybe we could have supper and start looking through those magazines," Gregory grinned
wrapping his arm around Harry and went back to placing kisses on the back of Harry's neck.
"Really?" Harry bit his lip to try and hide the growing smile of his own.
"Harry, the sooner I get a ring on your finger the better! I was terrified you were going to want to
wait a while," Gregory chuckled.
"You realise that I want a ring on your finger just as much," Harry smiled turning over in Gregory's
arms facing his fiancé.
"Really?" Gregory smiled his blue eyes twinkling.
"Really, you are mine Mr Malfoy," Harry rolled to straddle Gregory leaning down to kiss him.
Gregory's hands cupped Harry' hips tightly and he rolled his growing erection up against Harry
pulling a groan from the younger man. He reached up to twist his fingers into Gregory's hair and
pressed down harder into the kiss, rolling his hips in time to Gregory's rhythm.

"I am hungry," Gregory grumbled as he came out the bathroom braiding his hair. Harry looked up
from where he was pulling his socks on and had to lick his lips at the sight that greeted only had a
pair of soft linen trousers on that he liked to lounge around in, no shirt with water still beading his
golden skin."What?"
"Nothing, just looking at you, my fiancé," Harry knew he was smiling like an idiot but he couldn't
help himself.
"Is that right," Gregory walked over and gently tugged Harry to his feet, wrapping him in his arms
before leaning down to kiss him.
"I love you," Harry said between kisses.
"I love you too," Gregory smiled brushing his lips down Harry's cheek. "So much," They went to go
back to their kiss when Gregory's stomach let out a loud rumble.
"Maybe we should feed you before you eat me!" Harry laughed pulling away.
"That could be arranged," Gregory smirked.
"Food!" Harry scolded playfully taking Gregory's hand to tug him into their kitchen.
"Ah Harry, Gregory good evening," They had barely walked into the kitchen when Marcus walked
in himself.
"Why does his name come first? I'm your grandson," Gregory snorted.
"Now now don' be petty," Marcus shook his head.
"That means he prefers me," Harry mock whispered making the two laugh.
"Do you mind if myself, Marc, Lucius and Carina join you for supper? The others bar June and
Mikhail have gone out and we want to give them a little time together," Marcus asked.
"Of course not," Harry smiled.
"There goes our romantic evening," Gregory sighed.
"Are we interrupting?" Marcus asked concerned looking a little mortified.
"Of course not! You're more than welcome, he's just being grumpy because he's hungry," Harry said
"And it will take longer to make food for all of us," Gregory pouted.
"I could go for a take away if you would eat it," Harry mused.
"What is a takeaway?" Lucius frowned walking into their kitchen.
"It's a muggle restaurant that you go to to take food home with you," Harry tried to explain.
"Like a doggie bag?" Carina asked curiously.
"Not really, it's an entire meal. And there are lots of different types you can have as well, Italian,
Tai, Chinese, Japanese, India, pizza, American," Harry listed moving to turn the kettle on as Marc
wandered in.
"Pizza?" Marcus asked curiously.
"It's muggle," Lucius scrunched his nose up.
"Oh Lucius you are not five anymore worried about muggle cooties. This sounds very interesting, I
would like to try some of this muggle take away," Marcus said eagerly.
"I do love Tai food but only that small place in Aberdeen does it properly," Carina nodded.
"What is pizza?" Gregory asked curiously wrapping his arm around Harry's waist.
"Oh it's that muggle Italian food!" Marc nodded.
"I would like to try that," Gregory nodded.
"I like Chinese," Lucius muttered looking a little put out for his scolding.
"Shall I go get us supper?" Harry laughed.
"I think that would be lovely Harry dear," Marcus smiled brightly.
"I'll go get it," Harry nodded.
"Do you want me to go with you," Gregory asked unsure.
"Don't worry, I think we need to ease you into the muggle world, a take away is shop isn't it. You
set out plates and cutlery and drink and I'll be back in a bit," Harry shook his head.
"Be careful,"
"I'm going to a couple of restaurants, I'll see you soon," Harry smiled.

"Ok I have a couple of pizzas, some Chinese, some Tai, a little Italian and American," Harry
announced walking into the kitchen and started unpacking his bottomless bags.
"Harry this must have cost you a small fortune!" Carina gasped shocked.
"What? Oh no, muggle food is much cheaper than the wizarding world, and bigger portions,
especially take away. This barely came to twenty galleons probably," Harry laughed.
"Oh wow!" Gregory groaned as he opened the pizza box and bit into a massive slice of meat feast
"Hey! Wait for us all to sit down and unpack," Harry smacked his hand.
"But..." Gregory pouted as Harry snatched the pizza slice and bit into it himself. Harry laughed
dodging out the way as Gregory snatched at him, dancing nimbly away from his Malfoy around the
kitchen. Gregory finally managed to capture him around the waist smothering slightly greasy kisses
all over Harry's cheek before meeting his smiling lips.
"You two are sickening," Hermione snorted walking into the kitchen, grinning when Harry just
stuck his tongue out at her.
"Hope you don't mind us joining you for supper?" Ron asked glancing around at the Malfoys in the
room, most of which were inspecting their loot.
"More than enough, I'm introducing take away," Harry nodded to the table wrapping his arms
around Gregory's waist.
"Oh do you have chow mein?" Hermione asked eagerly grabbing a plate and making her way over.
"I swear that woman can eat more Chinese than I can," Ron muttered to Gregory who was watching
with wide eyes as Hermione piled her plate high.
"Oh my, this is delicious!" Carina declared. "What is it?"
"That's a burger, with cheese and bacon I think," Harry smiled.
"It's amazing! Father, here try some of this!" Carina placed another burger onto Marcus' plate who
proceeded to take a massive chunk out of it.
"s good," He nodded delightedly.
"Harry you're going to have to cook so more muggle meals for us," Marc said through a mouthful of
fried noodles and garlic chicken. Gregory hid a smile in Harry's shoulder as Marc and Lucius
started a fork battle over the fried rice.
"Here try this," Harry held a fry to Gregory's lips.
"What is it?" Gregory asked before opening his mouth obediently. Harry couldn't help his chuckles
at the expression that crossed his lover's face as the taste hit him.
"Delicious!" Gregory quickly walked them fully over to the table loading his plate up as soon as he
was there.

"Oh Merlin I think I might explode!" Marcus groaned undoing his belt with a sigh.
"That was brilliant!" Carina hiccupped slightly as she took the last mouthful of her plate and then
slid down in the chair contented.
"We shall have to go and visit a few muggle restaurants if you say they are even better than this!"
Lucius nodded.
"Can't...move," Marc groaned.
"I am not heaving your arse to bed, Leander can come and collect you when he gets back home,"
Gregory huffed poking his cousin in the side with his foot where he was lying on their living room
"Don't, I'm going to throw up," Marc whimpered pathetically.
"Ugh, is it ok if we stay here tonight? I don't think I can make my way home without being ill,"
Hermione grumbled.
"Of course, I have had the House Elves prepare rooms for all of you, yours is just a little down from
here," Marcus perked up happily.
"Oh, thank you!" Ron said surprised.
"Teddy has his own nursery here," Harry smiled softly shifting so he was settled more firmly into
Gregory's side.
"Oh what's this?" Hermione pulled a few magazines from the table.
"Just some things I picked up," Harry blushed a little.
"You're starting to plan the wedding?" Carina beamed.
"We both want to start, waiting isn't really something we want to do," Gregory nodded.
"Plus I need to read up on a more traditional bonding, it wasn't something I really spent a lot of time
looking into," Harry admitted softly.
"Are you wanting something big or small?" Carina asked flicking through one of the magazines
Hermione handed her.
"Small," Gregory said firmly when he felt Harry tense slightly against him. "Family and close
friends only, we don't want our bonding day to turn into a circus," Gregory huffed.
"There are so many things to plan," Hermione grimaced flicking through the magazine.
"Don't pull that face, you are going to enjoy planning every single minute detail of our wedding,"
Ron snorted.
"Probably with colour coordinated notes and several files on everything," Harry nodded. "And I am
sure your expertise will be greatly appreciated as my best woman," Harry hurriedly added when
Hermione turned the stink eye onto him.
"Best woman?" She asked pressing her hand to her chest.
"Of course, your my best woman, Ron my best man," Harry shrugged before letting out an umph as
he disappeared underneath two Gryffindors.
"Oh Merlin Harry!" Hermione squealed.
"Mate," Ron sniffed a little.
"Ron are you crying?" Harry asked amused.
"No! I have something in my eye!"
"Ah ha. You realise I am putting you in charge of making sure the Twins don't slip anything into
any of the food, drink or just generally guests right Hermione?" Harry smirked at the determined
look she got.
"There sounds like there is a story behind that," Marcus asked, always endlessly amused by the
Twins antics. And Harry was not sneaking him parcels of their products.
"They turned Fleur's mum into a giant canary at their wedding, and they slipped her ex a puking
pastel," Hermione shook her head.
"Actually," Harry coughed blushing.
"Harry!" Hermione and Ron exclaimed.
"That would have been me and Charlie for the ex," He confessed. "What he was totally drooling all
over her! And he made a comment about Bill's scars, bastard deserved it," Harry huffed.
"Remind me never to upset you," Marc drawled amused as Hermione and Ron leant against each
other laughing.
"That is a good theory to live by," Harry nodded before grinning.
"Oh, I like this," Harry looked up to see Gregory looking over his shoulder at the page he was on in
his magazine. He had been flicking through them for the last hour getting some ideas while
everyone chatted softly among themselves. Marcus and Hermione were in a deep conversation
about spell crafting, which Marcus was apparently very skilled at much to Hermione's delight. Ron,
Marc and Carina were discussing the current Quidditch league table and Lucius Gregory had been
chatting softly about some renovations to the manor.
"That one?" Harry pointed.
"Mm, what do you think?" Gregory asked.
"That it's a good thing we have similar taste, I was having a look at that myself," Harry nodded.
"Maybe some different colours, but that I like that cake," Gregory leant forwards to kiss Harry
"I was thinking maybe different types of cake for each tier though? Not everyone likes the same
cake, so maybe a plain sponge, chocolate, fruit cake and lemon?" Harry suggested.
"It's sort of traditional for a Malfoy wedding cake to be quite large, normally around 5 tiers," Lucius
offered hesitantly.
"We could come up with a couple of different types," Harry nodded. "Actually gives everyone a
better selection,"
"You don't mind?" Gregory asked.
"You have your traditions, I want them to be a part of it," Harry shook his head.
"Well my apologies, but I cannot stay up as late as I used to," Marcus said heaving himself to his
"I should probably get to bed as well, I have an early morning," Hermione pouted.
"If the party is dispersing," Carina nodded.
Harry and Gregory stood to see everyone out, getting plenty of hugs and kisses before they were
alone. Harry squeaked when he found himself pressed against the door to their rooms and kissed
thoroughly, moaning and gripping onto Gregory's golden hair when he pressed a knee between
Harry's thighs and pressed upwards.
Panting into Gregory's mouth Harry tilted his head back and groaned when lips continued to kiss
and nip down his chin and to his neck. He could feel the bruise that Gregory was worrying onto his
skin, and he could feel the tingles shooting down from their connection there to where he was
rocking his hips against Gregory's firm thigh.
"Come, bed," Gregory said huskily, his blue eyes looking like a storm as they roved over Harry.
"Most definitely," Harry licked his lips hungrily and followed quickly after his fiancé to their

"Oh good Merlin! I am so sorry Gregory!" Harry sat up blinking at the shriek that went through the
room. Blinking sleep away he quickly wrapped his sheets around his waist and shuffled to the
bedroom door to investigate. What he found had him laughing. Hermione was blushing furiously
and facing away covering her eyes and still stammering out apologies, while Gregory was blushing
furiously and trying to cover himself with a tea towel.
"It's ok, I'm not used to anyone else being up this early so I...erm," Gregory started to try and crab
walk around the island even though Hermione wasn't looking, giving Harry the perfect view of his
bare bum.
"I'm so sorry! I heard someone moving around in here when I came to get my bag and I thought it
would be Harry so I came in to say goodbye and you were...I am so sorry!" Hermione babbled.
"Its fine really," Gregory assured to mortified girl.
"Sorry," She whimpered.
"You can stop laughing as well, cruel!" Gregory nudged Harry as he shuffled passed into the
"Harry, I'm so s..."
"It's ok, no harm done, and you can see I'm not bragging now," Harry winked walking over to her.
"I shouldn't have just barged in, this is your home," Hermione sighed.
"Mione, if we had a problem with people coming in we would use locking charms. It's ok, you
didn't do it on purpose," Harry smiled hugging her. "Now you're going to be late. I shall see you
tomorrow for lunch?"
"Yeah, I'll floo call tonight and let you know how it goes," Hermione hugged him and kissed his
cheek before hurrying out, still doing an impression of a tomato.
"Let you know how what goes?" Gregory asked walking out in a pair of silk blue boxer shorts.
"Molly has a few tests being done today, Hermione, Ron and Bill are going and then to speak to the
Healers about where to go next with her care," Harry sighed reaching out to press himself in a hug.
"You should have told me," Gregory said softly as he hugged him tightly.
"Sorry I just didn't want to spoil everything," Harry admitted.
"I'm here to share these things with you and to try and make them a little easier," Gregory scolded
gently. "And here was me trying to spoil you a little this morning,"
"Spoil me?" Harry asked.
"I was making you breakfast in bed," Gregory motioned to the work space he had been at.
"Breakfast?" Harry asked a little hesitantly.
"Hey I can't do much, but I make a mean scrambled eggs and toast," Gregory grinned.
"Mmm, love you," Harry reached up to wrap his arms around Gregory's neck and press their lips
"Mr Potter! Mr Potter! Is it true that you are engaged to Gregory Malfoy? Mr Potter! Mr Potter!
You were seen buying wedding magazines, were they for yourself? Mr Potter! Mr Potter! How do
you feel about marrying into a family with such strong ties to You-Know-Who? Mr Potter! Mr
Potter! What have you to say about the fact that Molly Weasley has been put into St Mungo's and is
being treated by mind healers, and the accusation that you cheated on Miss Weasley before leaving
her for Gregory Malfoy?! Mr Potter! Mr Potter! Are you under a love potion?" The questions were
endless as he tried to make his way through the crowd.
Two pairs of hands gripped his arms making him start and begin to fight, until he met the eyes of a
determined Oliver and Katie, Angelina, Fred, George and Lee surrounded them and they quickly
made their way down the street to the safety of the twins shop.
"Oh for..." George growled and spun around to face the crowd as the others got Harry into the shop.
"Look you pack of nosy, interfering, insensitive vultures! Harry is a eighteen year old men who has
sacrificed enough for you people, he does not need you constantly hounding his shadows and
thinking that you have any right to make his decisions for him, or judge him. Harry has given and
lost enough for you ungrateful cretins, and now you are seriously wanting to judge him for taking
the chance at being happy, for falling in love. The only people who have any rights to raise concern
over Harry's relationship is his family, and we can all see how much Harry and Gregory clearly love
each other. And we are more than happy for them. So you lot can just butt out and leave things well
enough alone. Oh and whoever asked the question about the love potion, you are the biggest moron
out of this entire gaggle, including the moronic moron who asked if Harry was spying on the
Malfoy family. If he was under a love potion, he wouldn't be able to tell you he was, idiot!" George
spat out.
"What about your mother and your sister?" Someone shouted from the crowd.
"I love my mother very much and I always will. However she is not well and she is currently in the
best place for her right now, getting the help she needs. And as for my sister, Harry never cheated
on her, they have been broken up nearly a year and a half now. She is just bitter because Harry has
moved on and is happy! Now, you will all move off my premises!"
"Thank you, you didn't need to do that," Harry sighed from where he was leaning against a stand in
the shop rubbing his temples.
"No it had to be said. Wait until Marcus hears about this he will be furious," Fred snorted.
"Never mind Grandfather," Lucius drawled as he stepped out of the fireplace behind the twins
counter. As he watched Lucius metaphorically roll up his sleeves and glide across the shop, Harry
absently wondered when they had linked up all their floo systems under a family connection,
meaning they could floo into any space owned or frequented by any member of their family.
"Excuse us," Fred and George nodded before stepping outside with Lucius.

Changing Times
I think all readers can agree that within the last months since the end of the war, many things have
changed within our world. People have pulled together to repair and rebuild, everyone is taking a
step forward and our community appears to be closer than ever. There have been a few unusual
examples of these changes, but I think that we can all agree that the image of Lucius Malfoy
standing strong and proud in front of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes defending Harry Potter, the
boy-who-lived, standing shoulder to shoulder with Fred and George Weasley (Owners of the
aforementioned Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, the fasts growing business recorded in the last fifty
years) and lecturing the crowd about Harry Potter's right to freedom and privacy, has to be one of
the most unusual sights many of us have seen for a very long time.
One of Messer's Weasley had not long stood on the steps of his shop after he, his brother and some
friends escorted Lord Potter to safety after a crowd formed around him. Messer Weasley then
proceeded to 'tell off' the crowd about their treatment of the saviour. (For the exact speech see page
seven). Before Lord Lucius Malfoy then stepped out of the shop and in spectacular fashion lectured
the crowd about their hassle of the young man who had merely tried to shop in the alley.
It is safe to say that the crowd felt suitably cowed and guilty for their swamping of the young man,
and all the reporters, myself included, had the fear of Merlin, Morgana and Circe put into us with
the threats of invasion of privacy the Malfoy Lord threatened us with. The golden haired Lord stood
in vehement defence of his soon to be brother-in-law.
That's right, Lord Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, seems to have found true love and happiness
with Gregory Malfoy, and they plan to be wed as soon as possible. This we found out from a short
to the point letter from Lord Potter, who stated that he was proud of his fiancé and very much in
love with him, and a request to allow them to plan and enjoy this important time in peace.
I think I speak for us all when I say that we will be eagerly watching this pairing, from afar, and
what the future holds for them.

Chapter 15
Harry crossed his arms slowly and started taping his wand against his bicep in a slow rhythm as
maintained a calm and controlled aura while staring at the four standing in front of him. He started a
slow tap of his foot to the same rhythm of his wand as he ran his eyes over them, looking for the
weak link, the one that would break first.
He raised an eyebrow and then narrowed his eyes as one finally broke, a bead of sweat rolling down
his forehead as he gulped. Harry shifted his weight only slightly to dangerously calm and won.
"We were only talking to him!" Seamus squeaked holding his hands up innocently.
"Only Ron, Hermione and Neville have had the chance to talk to him!" Padma nodded frantically.
"We were just talking, friendly like!" Oliver grinned shakily.
"Sorry!" Justin just gulped.
"Hello, your friends were just interrogating me," Gregory smiled as he walked over and brushed a
kiss over Harry's lips.
"I know, Tiberius came and got me," Harry nodded to where the younger Malfoy was standing
slightly behind him looking a little worried.
"Hey Kiddo," Gregory hurried over to hug his nephew and Harry turned back to the others who had
been about the try and sneak off, but under his green eyed glare froze.
"We saw him walking through the grounds and just wanted to see what he was like and make sure
he was good for you," Padma said quickly.
"You're marrying him, we just wanted to see for ourselves," Seamus added.
"So you decided to accost my fiancé?" Harry snapped.
"We're really sorry?"
"Harry if you have finished torturing your friends?" Gregory called amused.
"We're sorry!" Oliver called as Harry gave them one last dirty look.
"It was nice to meet you all," Gregory simply said pleasantly, wrapping his arm around Harry's
shoulder when his dark haired lover reached him. The three of them watched amused as Harry's
friends disappeared as though they had apparated.
"That was brilliant Harry!" Tiberius said slightly awed.
"Haha I couldn't help myself, they all looked so guilty being caught," Harry snickered.
"Should I be thanking you for defending and protecting me?" Gregory asked amused.
"Nephew present!" Tiberius grumbled before Harry could say anything. Green eyes twinkled as
they looked at Tiberius who managed to look both disgruntled and happy.
"Spoil sport," Gregory huffed.
"So what are you doing here?" Harry asked cuddling into his lover's side.
"I wanted to come and see you both, I knew you had lessons today,"
"It was amazing Uncle Gregory! Harry taught me how to cast a patronus, I finally cast a fully
corporeal one! It's an eagle!" Tiberius said excitedly.
"That's absolutely fantastic Tiberius! you're doing amazingly!" Gregory beamed hugging the young
"Thank you, but its Harry, he's a really good teacher, everything makes so much more sense when
he tells me it, he's even started going over things that we cover in class so I understand them better,"
Tiberius said blushing.
"You don't take enough credit, you're the type of student every teacher wants," Harry shook his
"Can you wait to tell dad and father? I want to tell them myself?" Tiberius asked Gregory.
"Of course," Gregory nodded. "But well done, I'm so proud of you,"
"Thank you Uncle Gregory. I need to get going, I have charms," Tiberius beamed racing off to
where a girl was waving to him.
"Who is that?" Gregory asked watching as Tiberius reached the girl and seemed to puff his chest
out as he pointed back to them.
"That is his crush, Selina," Harry grinned.
"His crush?" Gregory perked up and actually moved slightly to have a better look at the girl. "He
told you?"
"He doesn't have to, I have heard enough about her from him to tell, plus I watched Ron and
Hermione have a crush on each other for years," Harry rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arms
around Gregory's waist and pressed his nose into his shoulder. "Missed you today,"
"As did I, I am not going to hear the end of this when we get back to the manor," Gregory snorted
wrapping his own arms tightly around Harry.
"I may have been annoying them all until I said that I was leaving to come and see you both. I heard
something muttered about forming co-dependency before I left,"
"They're just jealous," Harry grinned standing on his tip toes to kiss Gregory.
"Mr Potter!" The call had Harry springing at least seven inches away from Gregory and
straightening his clothes on instinct before he remembered he was no longer a student here.
"Headmistress," Harry cleared his throat.
"I am very disappointed in you!" She tutted as she reached them.
"We were just saying hello!" Harry pouted.
"I am not talking about that! I am talking about the fact that your fiancé was in the castle and you
did not bring him to meet me!"
"My apologies Headmistress, Gregory this is Minerva McGonagall, the one that managed to put up
with myself, Ron and Hermione for six years, Headmistress, this is my fiancé, Gregory Malfoy,"
Harry smiled proudly making Gregory's chest puff out a little bit.
"A pleasure Mr Malfoy, I believe that you have already had an interrogation, so I will not repeat
that," McGonagall nodded her head, but her eyes looked him up and down and then took in his
interaction with Harry as well.
"Ah you passed the others?" Harry grinned.
"Yes I stopped them to ask why they were fleeing in such a hurry, honestly Mr Potter intimidating
your friends!" McGonagall tutted but her eyes were glittering in amusement Gregory noticed.
"I learnt from the best," Harry grinned. "I added a dash of professor Snape, a dab of Dumbledore
and a good mixing of your, I'm very disappointed in you, look. It was very effective!"
"I'm impressed, that would have been an interesting mix to see. What are your plans for the rest of
the day Mr Potter? I believe that you have not long finished your lesson with Young Malfoy?"
"Yup, he's doing really well, he's going to breeze through his exams," Harry nodded.
"I have a small favour to ask of you Harry, one of my Gryffindors is having a few problem, Mr
Gretson, he has amazing skill in Defence, and he wants to become an auror, but when it comes to
actually performing the spells while he has the power, understanding and knowledge of them, his
confidence and precision lets him down. Would you have him in your lessons with Mr Malfoy for a
few weeks, just to help him along?" McGonagall requested primly. Gregory was slightly confused
and startled when Harry snorted after looking closer at McGonall's face.
"Crafty Headmistress, very crafty, much more subtle and sneaky than Dumbledore, are you sure
that you weren't a Slytherin?"
"Ah there is a little Slytherin in us all Mr Potter," McGonagall smiled slightly, it was in fact very
similar to the smile she had worn when she had told Oliver that she had found him a seeker, Harry
thought a little nostalgically. "Will you do it?"
"I suppose so," Harry said amused.
"Wonderful I will have him come to your next lesson. Now I will let you two get on with your day,
see you tomorrow Mr Potter, it will be good to see the courtyard finished tomorrow," McGonagall
nodded and made her way back into the school again.
"What was that about?" Gregory asked Harry as soon as the Headmistress was out of earshot.
"That was an attempt at getting some unity between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Tiberius has,
naturally, become one of the leaders of Slytherin, Gretson is much the same for Gryffindor, by
getting them in the same room as me and have them working together, she is hoping that they will
become friends. It has already caused a bit of a stir of confusion for the house rivalries that I am not
only marrying a Slytherin, but tutoring one, and now good friends and about to become family with
Draco. McGonagall is a craft old cat, she's using that to try and break through the rivalry," Harry
"I hope it works," Gregory smiled softly.
"Do you doubt my abilities? I caught Ron and Draco having a conversation with each other, very
pleasant and with no one else around!" Harry raised his eyebrow at Gregory.
I would never doubt your abilities," Gregory smirked. Harry blinked before smacking his shoulder
"Pervert, you know what I meant," Harry snickered.
"Are you ready to get going?" Gregory smiled unrepentantly.
"Yup, I'm kind of nervous, in a good way," Harry said linking their fingers together.
"I am a little too, it feels strange, setting the date for our wedding and applying for the licence to
marry," Gregory nodded.
"You realise they're all going to kill us for doing this without telling them?" Harry chuckled as they
reached the gates.
"Oh yes, but I am not starting up an argument over what season wedding we should have it in,
when, what date is the best, we wouldn't be getting married for years," Gregory snorted.
"Yup I can picture the arguments," Harry winced.
"I think that they have already started to be fair," Gregory huffed.
"Ready to make it all official then?" Harry grinned wrapping his arms around Gregory's waist.
"More than," Gregory aparated them out quickly.

"No escaping me now," Gregory kissed Harry's shoulder looking at the marriage licence that Harry
found himself unable to stop looking at.
"I never thought I would be here, holding the marriage licence for myself and the man that I love,"
Harry said brightly.
"You know you just make me love you more and more when you say things like that," Gregory
sighed kissing Harry's shoulder again, and then up his neck to meet the waiting lips. "I love you,"
"I love you too," Harry smiled.
"Let me see it!" Marcus practically bounced into the room, holding his hand out demandingly.
"Did you get it?" Lucius demanded only inches behind his grandfather, and practically being
elbowed out the way by Carina who was looking just as eager.
"Here we are," Harry held out the licence which Carina got to first.
"Oh my, congratulations, oh Merlin I didn't think I would see this day!" She squealed.
"Thank you so much mother," Gregory said dryly twining his arms around Harry's waist.
"Oh you know what I mean, oh I am so happy for you both!" She beamed kissing both their cheeks.
"Yes congratulations," Lucius smile was not quite as exuberant as his mother's, but it was no less
intent or honest and Harry reached forwards to squeeze his hand in thanks.
"We have to have a party to celebrate this! All of our families and friends together," Marcus nodded
to himself.
"Erm...that would mean meeting all of my lot," Harry said slowly. "You have met most of them and
their strangeness in dribs and drabs, meeting them all at the same time is...something completely
"I am sure we will all cope, it will be intense for them as well having so many Malfoy's in one
place. Besides can you imagine the ancestors rolling in their graves with so many Gryffindors and
Slytherins mixing happily and celebrating a Malfoy/Potter wedding!" Marcus chuckled delightedly.
"I think they already are with Harry living here," Lucius snorted amused.
"If you're sure," Harry shrugged.
"If you really don't want it Harry of course we won't have the party," Marcus said seriously,
touching Harry's cheek gently with one hand and making Harry smile brightly at him.
"No, it would be nice to be able to celebrate properly with the people we care about most. Besides it
will be good practice for the wedding!" Harry agreed.
"Wonderful! Let's start planning!"
"Dear Merlin, you Malfoys are terrifying when you are planning a social event!" Harry groaned
painfully dropping his head onto Draco's shoulder who snorted and patted his shoulder consolingly.
"I know, I thought Hermione was scary when she was planning a study schedule!" Ron said
laughing as he dodged out the way of his fiancé's stinging hex. He dodged behind Draco who
started complaining about putting him in the firing line.
Harry looked across the street where he could see into the shop where Gregory, Marcus and Carina
were organising the catering for the party. Harry as fairly sure that they had chosen to use the newly
opened shop of a muggleborn who was trying to get her business off the ground on purpose.
Malfoys he had learned generally always had a purpose or something to say with their actions, and
he knew that any lingering, faint doubt of her welcome at Malfoy manor had been erased from
Hermione's mind, never mind what it would say when the news got out.
It was with pure instinct that Harry turned when he felt the approaching curse, his shield flying up
and second before Hermione's did catching the curses that came at them from both directions.
Before either of them could move their wands from the finishing motion of a shield spell Ron raised
his arm and circled his wand over his head in a clockwise circle before flicking it outwards as he
intoned the unusual shielding spell that they had found during their time on the run The fire hex that
had been thrown at them from a third position was easily absorbed into the water shield.
Hermione and Ron grabbed Draco's hands and threw him into the middle of the triangle the three of
them automatically moved into as soon as he passed them.
"Gregory and the others are in that shop, they're going to go for them in a second," Harry grit out
"Then perhaps it's time you and Hermione try that other spell we found," Ron responded quickly as
the three of them deflected and responded to the curses being flung at them.
"Draco, you and Ron need to shield me and Hermione to give us time to cast," Harry said to the
"With pleasure," Draco already had his wand drawn and had been firing curses over the golden
trio's heads. It seemed they moved by some unseen signal, Hermione and Harry shifting so that
Draco and Ron could protect them. Even as he met Hermione's eyes and casted the intricate wand
movements and murmured spell words to cast the spell, he was aware of the surreal fact of them
trusting Draco Malfoy to protect them, and for Draco to do it gladly.
And it was that thought he focussed on, the unshaken, bone deep love he felt for Gregory and the
way that he made him feel, the love that he felt for Marcus and the way the old man made him feel,
that warm ember in his chest growing brighter by the day that warmed the little boy from the
cupboard under the stairs, Carina who looked at him like he had hung the stars and smiled at him
like he was the best thing that had ever happened to her son. Hermione and Ron who were his best
friends, his family, who could have made his life hell over his relationship, who could have nipped
it in the bud before it went anywhere with one word, but who had set aside all the history and hatred
and had given the Malfoys a chance, for Harry, who had stepped willingly into Malfoy Manor
despite what happened there because harry would be calling it his home. He thought of Fred and
George, his brothers who he could see on the edge of the barrier fighting to rip it down.
And it was this that fuelled the spell along with his magic, this spell was based upon protection of
those you loved, and as he and Hermione locked eyes facing each other and snapped their wands up
into the air their love formed a shape. The massive golden lion curled out of the golden magic
pouring from their wands, uncurling into it shape and roaring fiercely as it leapt into the air.
The witches and wizards actually cried out in fear as the near 10 foot lion sprang at them, roaring
and swiping at them. It barrelled around the ring they had formed, just knocking them off their feet,
and it was only when those it had already attacked tried to fire spells to destroy it that they found
the real danger this spell caused. Their magic would not be able to harm anyone or anything, in
particular those the spell casters had been thinking about.
It took barely any time to cast binding or stunning spells at the terrified attackers, and once the lion
had done its job of touching the last attacker, though this one it took what could only be described
as great delight of patting into the side of a building hard, it rose into the air before crashing back
down and exploding, its light and warmth touching everyone within twenty feet, meant to catch any
hiding attacker and take down the barrier the attackers had put up.
"Harry!" Gregory practically flew over to him as soon as the barrier was down and yanked him into
his arms. Something Harry was grateful for as the magic he had just used had completely wiped him
out. Gregory's strong arms held him up as he sagged into him and he pressed his nose into Harry's
hair. "Merlin Harry, I was terrified,"
"Are you all ok?!" Carina asked frantically.
"Aside from being a little tired, I think we're all ok," Hermione nodded where Ron was holding her
tightly too.
"Merlin you two that was some..."
"Impressive spell work, we nearly..."
"Wet ourselves when..."
"It appeared," Fred and George commented when they reached him, but their eyes were serious as
they looked them over.
"It was quite spectacular spell work, but you shouldn't have had to perform it," Gregory frowned.
Harry chuckled against his chest as he watched Marcus make his way over, his walking stick and
feet connecting with more than a few of their fallen attackers along the way.
"They're Death Eaters," The old man said in faint disgust before reaching out and touching first
Draco's face, then Harry's. And then he turned and gently touched Hermione and Ron's faces
making sure that they were all ok.
"You were all amazing," Carina said softly hugging her grandson to her side.
"Yes, quite spectacular from what we have been hearing," Harry turned and grinned sheepishly at
Tonks. "Wait till mum hears about this one," She shook her head.

It took them nearly five hours to get away from the Ministry of Magic, having to give statements on
what had happened, explain the spell that they had used and what it did, and where they had found
it, and then wait for the aurors to look it up. The only reason that Gregory had not been separated
from Harry along with the others was because he had kicked up what could only be called merry
hell, and started spouting laws that Harry weren't sure were even real but seemed to intimidate the
aurors enough to not risk it.
But finally they were able to go home, and they had flooed straight into their rooms, Harry sending
a patronus to the others to let them know they had finally got away but were tired. He received
messages back of a similar sort, all reassuring them that the others had been released too.
Harry stood still as Gregory stripped him of his clothes, his fiancé hadn't been able to stop touching
him since he had been able to reach him after the attack, even if it had just been touching his
shoulder or holding his hand. But now that they were alone a fire had lit in the eyes that Harry loved
and lit a responding one in Harry despite his tiredness.
Gregory's eyes didn't leave his as he reached down and undid the fastening on Harry's trousers and
slipped them slowly down his hips, his fingers brushing the bare skin as he went. Harry obediently
stepped out of the trousers when Gregory indicated. Harry closed his eyes and hummed as
Gregory's finger tips skimmed over his stomach and around his hips before gripping them tightly
and tugging Harry against himself.
It felt a little strange to be completely undressed against Gregory's fully clothed body, but the grip
Gregory had on him and the fire in his eyes had Harry easily responding to reach up and wrap his
arms around his lover's neck, pulling him gently down into a kiss that seemed to soothe the
anxiousness in the other more than anything else so far had. Gregory held him a little tighter and his
kiss was a little hungrier as he guided them backwards to their bed.
Harry wrapped his arms and legs tightly around Gregory, welcoming him into his embrace but
blinked up at him confused when Gregory just stared down at him, his hands pressed on either side
of Harry's head against the mattress.
"Gregory?" Harry murmured confused.
"I have never been so scared and so terrified in all my life! You were in danger and I couldn't get to
you. I love you," Gregory sighed.
"I love you too," Harry smiled brightly reaching up and gently tugging Gregory down into a kiss.
When they finally parted Harry brushed his fingers gently over Gregory's cheek. "I'm fine,"
"Merlin Harry," Gregory dropped his forehead to Harry's shoulder.
"It's alright most of the others freaked out a little the first time I was attacked in front of them as
"I did not freak out!" Gregory protested lifting his head to scowl at Harry.
"Yes you did!" Harry nodded cheerfully.
"I did not!"
"Did too!" Harry laughed escaping just as Gregory pounced.
"Get back here! I did not freak out!"
"Oh you so did!" Harry laughed dancing out the way as Gregory lunged at him.
"Take that back Harry!" Gregory growled.
"N.O.P.E!" Harry continued dancing out of the way of Gregory's hands.
"Malfoys do not freak out!" Gregory managed to grab Harry around the waist and threw them both
back onto the bed.
"Yes you do!" Harry grinned wrapping his arms and legs around Gregory.
"I know what you're doing," Gregory smiled back brushing his fingers along Harry cheek and
following with his lips. Harry closed his eyes at the touch and as he seemed to be surrounded by
Gregory's scent more than ever.
"Oh, what's that?" He asked before gasping as Gregory's other hand slipped down his stomach to
grasp his erection.
"You're distracting me from what really happened earlier. I know that, thank you," Gregory sealed
their lips together before Harry could respond, but he felt Harry's lips smile against his. Harry
tightened his arms around Gregory, pressing his body closer and deepening their kiss hungrily.

"Harry, how are you this morning?" Marcus smiled as he brushed Harry's fringe away from his
"Marcus, good morning," Harry smiled brightly. "I'm fine this morning thank you!"
"I can see that," Marcus chuckled.
"Sit down I will make you some tea and breakfast," Harry said already moving to do so.
"Oh thank you! I was not expecting to get to taste more of your fine cooking when I came to check
on you!"
"Ah ha, that is why you just happened to show up at breakfast time old man," Gregory grumbled as
he walked out of their bedroom pulling on his shirt.
"Gregory!" Harry admonished as he caught the bowl of batter that had been mixing itself to check
on it.
"What! He keeps coming in and eating my share of food!" Gregory huffed.
"There is more than enough! You do like crepes right Marcus?" Harry asked.
"Oh crepes! I love crepes!" Marcus hummed.
"Yeah there is more than enough when there are just three of us but after him..."
"Good morning I just wanted to see how everyone was doing," Carina smiled walking into the
"We came to check as well," Charlie, Fred and George waved walking in behind her. Harry grinned
as he looked at Gregory whose shoulders dropped.
"This is what duplication spells are for," Harry said softly kissing his cheek.
"I know, but I want to have your cooking all to myself," Gregory pouted.
"I like having our family together, mixing and talking and getting along," Harry said looking at the
table where everyone was sitting, and smiling wider when Ron, Hermione and Draco walked in
together chatting.
"Yes I know you do, you're lucky I love you so much, I expect extra crepes!" Gregory huffed
tugging Harry against his chest.
"I'll make some of your vanilla biscuits as well," Harry chuckled.
"Ooo did I hear something about crepes?" Lucius asked brightly walking into the kitchen.
"I need to buy us a bigger table, it's not good for it to get extended that often," Gregory sighed.
"Alright everyone, start laying the table! Ron, Fred, Draco start sorting out drinks for everyone,"
Harry ordered.
"Now!" Harry's green eyes flashed as he looked at them, Gregory watched amused as the three
scrambled to do as they were told. "Lucius that includes you, get the forks and knives out please,"
"Have I mentioned I love you?" Gregory snickered watching his older brother hurrying to the
utensil draw.
"Not today," Harry kissed him.
"Well I do. I even love your love of our crazy family,"
"Why did we think it was a good idea to combine both our crazy families together?" Harry laughed
watching as Marcus clapped at new joke George was showing him. He smiled contently as Gregory
leant in and kissed him.
Somewhere in the back of his mind Harry heard the attack, he heard the words of the cutting curse,
but he felt it more as it made its way across the kitchen and hit Gregory in the side. Harry cried out
as Gregory was blasted away from him, hitting the counters hard, he gasped as red smeared thickly
across the white cabinets and pooled too rapidly around Gregory.
He heard the others crying out and spells being cast, but he had already ducked behind the counters,
wand drawn and Snape's healing spell formed already. Gregory coughed and winced in pain,
shifting to hold his side as he looked trustingly at Harry. His dark haired lover winced and fought to
keep his control as Gregory coughed and blood splattered from his lips, but he grit down and
continued the incantation.
The blonde closed his eyes as the pain he had been feeling eased a little, he could feel Harry's magic
surrounding him, working its way into the too deep wound and starting to heal it, the beautiful
sound of Harry's voice as the song like incantation fell from it soothed him almost as much.
"Harry," Gregory said as soon as the wound was healed enough.
"Gregory?" Harry trembled slightly and fell forward into his lover's arms scattering kisses over his
face, ignoring the blood that covered them both.
"It's ok, I'm ok, you did amazing, thank you," Gregory comforted rubbing his back and ignoring the
pain from the not quite healed wound.
"Gregory!" Carina hurried around the corner frantically, breathing out a sigh of relief when she he
was ok.
"What happened?!" Harry asked holding onto Gregory.
"It was Ginny, she disguised herself as Charlie, the idiot attacked while we were all still here,"
Hermione frowned coming around the corner as well. "Are you ok Gregory?"
"I'm fine, Harry healed me pretty well, not much left for the healers," Gregory had to smile, even if
it came out more as a grimace, at the honest concern in the young woman's face.
"We're taking her to Tonks now Harry," Fred said, his face unusually serious as he peered over the
counters. "Gave us a bit of a scare there mate,"
"I always keep people on their toes," Gregory coughed and winced.
"Come on, we need to get you to St Mungo's," Harry said gripping Gregory's arm, Lucius hurried
over and gripped the other.
"Ah Merlin, little gentler Lucius!" Gregory complained as they lifted him to his feet.
"You bastard, you should have died! Died! And then Harry would have been mine!" Ginny
screamed from where she was on the floor, looking more than a little beat up, hogtied into place by
Hermione's curse.
"I would never be yours, you're selfish, arrogant, irritating, vacuous and completely unbearable,
never in a million year would I be with you. And now you have proven just how stupid you are, I
am going to throw everything I have at you now," Harry glared, stomping hard on her wand and
listening to the satisfying crunch as they passed it.
Ginny cried out as she watched her wand shatter under Harry's anger right in front of her, looking to
her brothers with teary eyes.
"Don't even think that we are going to defend you, you're not better than a Death Eater. Attacking
Gregory because Harry loves him, thinking that you have a right to Harry! You're selfish and you
are not our sister!" Ron growled out furiously.
"Come on we need to get you to St Mungo's," Harry said softly.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked concerned as he walked into the bedroom with a tray balanced
in his hands.
"I'm fine, honestly, you do not need to fuss," Gregory smiled. "It's good to be back in our bed
"Good, I guessed that considering the grumbling that you did while we were at St Mungo's," harry
"Is that..." Gregory sniffed the air eagerly making Harry chuckle and place the tray down onto his
lap before sitting down next to him.
"Vanilla biscuits that I promised you yes, and some honeyed milk," Harry gently kissed Gregory.
He blinked confused when Gregory gripped onto his top and pulled him into a deeper kiss.
"It's not your fault, don't even bother to deny it, I can see it written all across your face. It wasn't
your fault,"
"I know, but at the same time, this is kind of my life, not one attack but two. I have put you and
your family in danger, she managed to get in through the wards," Harry sighed.
"Things will calm down, as the years go by it will calm down. And she used dark magic to both get
through the wards, using it against her brother as well, and against me in the attack. She will be
going to prison. Now come lie beside me," Gregory patted the bed. Huffing Harry did as he was
told, curling up against Gregory's side. "I love you, and even if this is something that we can expect
on a regular occurrence, you would be worth it. I love you, and I trust you're strong enough to
protect us. I knew who you were when we stated this,"
"Thank you," Harry kissed Gregory gently. "I love you,"
"Love you too," Gregory tugged him in for another kiss that tasted of vanilla and honey making him
hum happily.

Chapter 16
"Shhh," Gregory whispered through his muffled laughter. Harry muffled his own laughter into
Gregory's shoulder as he pressed closer to his fiancé.
"Where did they go?" The both of them stopped breathing as they heard Carina's voice close by.
"Huh they came in here, they had no other way out," Ron said.
"Oh my Hermione is going to kill them!" Remus snickered.
"Kill who?" Hermione's voice joined the others.
"Harry and Gregory have disappeared," Ron said slowly.
"What, but the only way out is passed all of us," they could hear the confusion in her voice.
"They've snuck out," Remus was laughing now.
"Why?! But we were in the middle of planning!" Hermione protested.
"Honey, you know how much I love you, and I do, so so much, but you were going a little over
board, until Harry said about them getting more drinks neither of them had said anything in over an
hour...honey," Ron coughed.
"What...they were offering opinions," Hermione protested.
"Maybe we could use a locating spell on them," Carina suggested making Gregory look at Harry
side eyed, only for Harry to smirk mischievously at him.
"That wouldn't work, I knew I shouldn't have taught him the charm to block that spell," Hermione
"Honestly let the two of them alone, Ronald is right they haven't been able to say a word for hours,"
Marcus snorted. "Come on,"
"How long do you think before they go?" Harry whispered.
"Another half an hour or so probably," Gregory whispered back. He gripped Harry's hips and lifted
him up onto the low cabinet that they kept in their kitchen cupboard before settling himself between
Harry's legs.
"I can't believe that we are having to hide in here from them over our wedding plans, I thought they
weren't going to stop, Harry groaned.
"I knew they were going to be excited about this but I didn't think that they would be this excited,"
Gregory huffed, he leant forwards to nose Harry's cheek. Harry turned and captured his lips in a soft
"Sure you don't want to run away?" Harry whispered.
"Don't tempt me," Gregory groaned.
", green or turquoise?" Harry asked looping his arms around Gregory's waist.
"I like blue,"
"I like blue too, it reminds me of your eyes, what about with silver?" Harry suggested.
"I like that, seat covers?" Gregory smiled.
"Basic, I did not like all those ruffly, type thingies," Harry scrunched his nose.
"Here," Harry said.
"Here, really?" Gregory asked shocked.
"Yes, in the ballroom with maybe the ceremony in gardens?" Harry asked.
"In the rose garden," Gregory nodded.
"I would love that," Harry grinned.
"Small, no big fuss or trumpets," Gregory sighed.
"Family and friends only, something personal," Harry nodded.
"There, sorted," Gregory grinned.
"The coast is clear now my boys, and don't worry I will have a word with Carina, and I think
Ronald is talking to Hermione," Marcus said through the door. Harry and Gregory froze staring at
each other before they burst out laughing as they heard Marcus walking through the kitchen.

"How are there so many shades of blue?!" Harry groaned as he bounced Teddy on his hip.
"Welcome to the nightmare of planning a wedding," Andromeda laughed.
"Honestly there are so many decisions to make over choices I didn't know existed," Harry huffed.
"Have you started to put the food list together?" Andromeda asked.
"Oh that is all Gregory! I can cook but I have no idea what types of food you serve at things like
this. I am just going to look over his list at the end and yay or nay it," Harry smiled.
"I love this shade and it will go lovely with silver," Andromeda held up a swatch.
"Oh I like that one," Harry nodded. He added it to the small pile of blue swathes that he liked.
"So aside from all the planning of the wedding how is everything going?" Andromeda asked.
"Perfectly to be honest," Harry smiled widely. "I love him, he is...perfect. Merlin I sound like a love
sick fool," Harry sighed bouncing Teddy a little more.
"Of course you do, you're marrying him, I would be worried if you weren't sounding like a love sick
fool," Andromeda chuckled.
"I have something to ask you about, something that I wanted to talk to you about," Harry said
"You want to move fully into the manor," Andromeda smiled.
"I...yes," Harry looked worriedly at Andromeda.
"Harry, it was always going to happen, you have been staying over here more and more. And so
have we, I know you don't see it, but we gravitate to you, this place, this kitchen is becoming home
and a safe spot for us more and more. This however means that you come and visit more! Don't
think that you're getting away from me this easy," Andromeda smiled.
"I haven't even spoken to Gregory about this yet," Harry said sitting down at the table.
"You really think that he is going to say no?" Andromeda snorted.
"No, not really," Harry blushed.
"Harry? You here?" Gregory called through their rooms.
"Well now is as good a time as any," Andromeda blinked. "Gregory, I'm sorry I was just leaving,"
She smiled as Harry's fiancé walked into the kitchen.
"Oh, I hope I wasn't interrupting," Gregory looked between them.
"No not at all honestly, I shouldn't have stayed this long, I was only supposed to be dropping Teddy
off, luckily Narcissa was running behind, as normal," Andromeda smiled.
"You're going out with Narcissa?" Gregory said brightly.
"Yes, we're having lunch together. Now, I had best be off," Andromeda pressed a kiss to Harry and
Teddy's cheeks and then to a surprised Gregory's.
"Lunch that is good, it will make Narcissa's month," Gregory grinned.
"I know, they seem to be making good progress," Harry nodded.
"Everything ok?" Gregory frowned.
"HowaboutifImoveinherewithyou?" Harry blurted out. Even Teddy was blinking up at him a little
confused never mind Gregory.
"I'm sorry what?" Gregory asked sitting down next to Harry.
"I have been thinking about things, the way things are going, and well I am here most of the time,
and I was just thinking, well it seems a bit silly going back and forth and well I have been thinking
about it and wondering if you would mind..." Harry squeaked when Gregory leant forwards to seal
their lips together.
"Are you asking if I would mind you living in here permanently?" Gregory asked when he pulled
"Yes," Harry bit his lip.
"You really want to...Merlin yes!" Gregory tugged Harry forwards for anther deep kiss. "Oh sorry
Teddy," Gregory pulled back to kiss the top of Teddy's head when he made an affronted noise as he
was squashed between them.
When he looked up Harry was beaming happily at him.
"I love you," He said leaning forward to kiss Harry.
"I love you too," Harry said against his lips.

"Harry! Harry is it true?!" Marcus called excitedly hurrying as fast as he could into the room.
"Yes, yes I am making beef stroganoff," Harry said distractedly as he was chopping enough beef to
feed an army.
"What really? Oh wonderful! I meant that you're moving in? Fully, properly," Marcus said
"Yes I am, nearly everything is here anyway," Harry smiled softly.
"Wonderful!" Marcus beamed wrapping his arms around Harry and hugging him tightly
"Marcus!" Harry laughed.
"I'm so happy my boy! This is wonderful, I was hoping that you would move in fully soon. You
bring so much life to this old place!" Marcus said.
"Thank you," Harry smiled hugging Marcus back.
"Oh this is so wonderful, all my family under one roof!" Marcus grinned. He blinked when Harry
leant over and kissed his cheek. "Harry?"
" is something important to me, more important than nearly anything else. I don't
really think that I have said it before, but thank you so much for welcoming me into your family,
and for making me feel a part of it. It means more to me than you will ever know," Harry said
"Oh Harry, you have become a big part of this family, we're glad to have you, all of us," Marcus
sniffed as he tugged Harry into a bone breaking hug.
"Everything ok?" Gregory asked confused as he stepped into the room.
"I was just telling Harry that I am happy he is moving in," Marcus smiled at his grandson.
"Dear Merlin how on the earth did you find out about that already?! I swear these walls have ears,"
Gregory groaned dropping down into a seat.
"Hard day?" Harry asked concerned.
"I swear they are all idiots! How hard is it to do what I pay them to do?!" Gregory groused.
"Well they do run several massive companies, and they don't have your brains and charm to help
them do it," Harry grinned at Gregory's initial scowl and then appeased look. He placed his tea cup
down in front of him before pressing his hands into his shoulders and massaged them gently.
"How was the rebuild?" Gregory asked.
"Busy, we're getting there slowly but surely, if nothing else I have a good option in building work,"
Harry laughed leaning down to kiss Gregory before he moved back to finishing supper.
"So, how much of the wedding have you planned?" Marcus asked casually as he sat down at the
table. "Oh don't look at me like that, I am not an idiot," Marcus rolled his eyes.
"Most of it," Harry shrugged.
"And when are you going to put Carina and Hermione out of their misery?" Marcus asked.
"When they stop trying to plan our wedding for us," Gregory smirked,
"In a couple more days, once we get the important things booked," Harry corrected.
"Spoil sport," Gregory grumbled before laughing when Harry threw a bit of raw carrot at his head.

"Well?" Harry cleared his throat as he held his arms out uncomfortably. He shifted when they just
stared back at him without saying anything. "Ok, you seriously have to say something here,"
"Remus are you crying?" Harry asked concerned.
"You look gorgeous," Remus sniffed hurrying forwards to hug Harry.
"You look lovely, it's just...perfect!" Andromeda beamed.
"Looking good little brother," George and Fred chorused.
"Gregory is going to be blown away," Hermione rescued him from Remus' arms to hug him herself.
"He won't know what hit him," Ron nodded.
"Perfect, just gorgeous, so handsome," Tonks sniffed herself hugging him tightly.
"My grandson is a lucky man," Marcus smiled.
"Honestly it is very unusual to have so many people here," The owner complained, at least until
Marcus levelled him with what Harry had termed the Malfoy glare. He all but squeaked and hurried
over to Harry. "So are you happy with the design?" He coughed.
"Yes it feels comfortable," Harry nodded reaching down to tug gently at the lapels of the white
robes. "Are you sure I look..."
"You look perfect!" they all said making Harry smile shyly.
"I like them," Harry nodded brushing his hand along the length of the robes.
"Wonderful, just let me pin your robes and I will get them into the right place," The gentleman
"You're sure they're not similar to Gregory's?" Harry asked Marcus.
"No, they're quite different in design," Marcus assured him.
"Well then, these are my wedding robes...Merlin that sounds really weird to say, so weird," Harry
sucked in a quick breath glancing to the side to look at himself in the mirror.
"It's going to be a perfect day," Hermione smiled stepping up to his side as the owner stepped away.
"We will make sure of it mate," Ron nodded nudging his shoulder in Harry's.
"I can't wait for it!" Harry admitted with a soft smile peering at the image of himself in his wedding
Chapter 17
"Gregory...Gregory...Gregory...we're supposed to be concentrating," Harry laughed nudging his
lover off of him only for Gregory to roll back and start pressing kisses over his shoulder again.
"You're too tempting," Gregoy huffed sliding his hand up Harry's shirt and stroking his side.
"So you're not interested in planning our wedding?" Harry asked. Gregory blinked and rested his
chin on Harry's shoulder pouting.
"That's not fair,"
"Aww I'm sorry," Harry poked him in the cheek.
"You aren't sounding truely sympathetic to my pain,"
"Is it a great pain?" Harry asked, his eyes glittering in amusement.
"Yes, it is! Plan my wedding with the man that I love, or take advantage of him laid out topless on
our floor looking good enough to eat," Gregory's attention went right back to Harry's body, his lips
trailing over his shouder and back.
"You keep putting off picking the food your mum and Hermione will take over again," Harry said.
But he rolled over and dropped fully down onto the floor, wrapping his arms around Gregory's
"At this point I am thinking that might not be abad thing, that will keep them happy, we will stop
having to worry about who likes what, who has allergies and who is vegitarian. And I can spend my
time eating you up," Gregory bent down and gave into the temptation of Harry's lips kissing him
deeply, his hand creeping down over Harry's side and to cup his bum.
"Harry, Gregory, the music has come in for the wedding we just need to make a choice on it, and
the selection for the wedding band," Ron shouted.
"I have heard this band, they are are wonderful," Draco's voice headed with the others towards the
"I have heard of them too, one of my friends grandchildren had them play at their wedding too,"
Marcus agreed.
"It depends really on what style of music that you want," Carina hummed.
"Do you think if we lie really realy still they wont know we're here?" Gregory muttered against
Harry's lips.
"I don't know, but we could try," Harry muttered back.
"Are you two here? Oh Merlin!" Ron yelped covering his eyes.
"There goes that plan," Harry sighed before standing with Gregory's help.
"Boys," Marcus smirked at them when they walked into the room once Harry had pulled a top on.
"Really? You're getting married in two weeks, and you're still all over each other?" Carina
"I would be worried if we weren't," Gregory snorted wrapping his arms around Harry's waist.
"Your Grandmother and I were about ready to kill each other three weeks before the wedding,
though of course we were an arranged marriage and had only really spent more than an hour with
each other before it came to the planning of the wedding," Marcus grinned.
"We were working on the music for the wedding," Harry said putting his pad down onto the kitchen
table where they had taken up residence.
"Clearly," Ron snorted.
"Gregory got distracted!" Harry defended.
"I'm a bad influence," Gregory nodded, sarcasm heavy in his tone.
"A very bad influence, I am glad that you finally admit it!" Harry smiled brightly.
"Where did you get up to?" Hermione asked, her cheeks burning red as she avoided looking at
"Not very far really," Harry sighed.
"Well the food..." Carina started to say.
"All sorted," Gregory said quickly.
"Really?" Harry, Carina and Marcus said at the same time.
"Yes, i wanted it to be a surprise, Keith is going to cater for us, and he is going to plan the menu if
we said the dietary needs for anyone with allergies," Grgeory said a little nervously.
"Really?!" Harry beamed.
"Yes is that ok?" Gregory double checked even though Harry's smile said it all.
"You are so romantic!" Harry laughed turning and pressing a sweet kiss to Gregory's lips. "His
restaurant was our first date! Of course its ok that he caters for us! His food is amazing too,"
"Are you sure that is what you want to go fo..."
"Yes!" Harry and Gregory firmly interupted Hermione.
"Fine," She huffed shuffling a set of papers underneath the pile in front of her.
"We do need advise on the music though," Gregory offered. "We have our first dance sorted, but the
rest of the music we are struggling. We want lighter music for while we are eating, and then for the
evening dance we want a mixture of fun and traditional dancing,"
"We can work with that!" Hermione, Carina and Marcus each drew out a list making Harry eye
Gregory, silently asking if they could run for it. Draco and Ron were both edging back from the

"I'm going to die, this is the most dangerous thing I have ever seen, you can not expect me to risk
my life!" Draco rambled as he stared wide eyed at the structure in front of him.
"Don't be so dramatic Draco! It looks fun!" Marcus beamed hurrying over to the rollarcoaster and
climbing into the cart with a speed that impressed Harry. Grinning Harry hurried over as well
holding tightly onto Gregory's hand and tugging the wide eyed man behind him. His brave fiance
grabbing his nephew and forcefully dragging him along too.
"Harry this really does not look safe!" Gregory gulped as the thin metal bar fell over their laps, the
only thing holding them into the car.
"Harry I have to agree!" Ron coughed gripping onto the front of the car.
"Honestly Ron, you fly around hundreds of feet in the air on a thing stick with nothing holding you
in place and going at stupid speeds, and you are worried about this?!" Hermione rolled her eyes.
Three pairs of eyes widened as the roller coaster started moving forwards.
"Yes! Have a bit of fun!" Carina chuckled leaning over the side as they started climbing the track.
"Grandmother, sit back in the cart!" Draco pleaded grabbing for her.
"This is interesting," Lucius coughed, peering nervously over the side.
"Its going to get good in a minute!" Hermione said excitedly as they got the top of the track.
"Why are we stopping, has something gone wrong?" Gregory asked worried.
"Nope, nothing is wrong, its for the anticipation, but I would sit back," Harry grinned.
Harry, Hermione, Carina and Marcus were all laughing gripping their sides as they walked away
from the roller coaster, Gregory, Draco, Ron and Lucius had screamed their way right around the
track, holding onto the bar in front of them for dear life, though Hermione and Harry were also
laughing at the fact that Marcus and Carina had gone around with their arms up in the air copying
the muggles and laughing the whole time.
"That was wonderful, where to next?" Marcus asked excitedly, linking arms with Harry.
"How about the swinging ship?" Harry suggested.
"That looks a little better," Gregory nodded.
"I want to go on that next!" Carina pointed to one of the rides that was currently tipping its
passengers vertically in the air to floor and spinning fast enough that they were a blur.
"And that one!" Marcus pointed to another that was plunging its passengers into a hole in the
"Can't we go on that next?" Lucius pouted pointing to the ferris wheel.

Harry smiled and hummed happily as Gregory ran his fingers through his hair where he was lying
on the grass with his head on his fiancé's lap. They had stopped to have their picnic and then they
were heading to a couple more rides. They had come here to spend a little time just relaxing and
having a bit of fun as the tension of the wedding plans built up, and those that were the biggest part
of helping to plan the wedding had come with them.
"Its not funny!" Lucius huffed glaring at his brother who was grinning cockily at him.
"I have never heard you hit that pitch before, not even when Mikhail created that..."
"Stop right there!" Lucius snapped.
"Created that what?" Draco asked looking between the two of them eagerly.
"Clown!" Gregory said quickly before Lucius could stop him.
"You're scared of clowns?" Harry grinned.
"No!" Lucius snapped.
"Is that where my clown toy went when I was little? The one Pansy's mum got me, that was my
favourite!" Draco pouted.
"No, you left it somewhere!" Lucius said quickly, looking more than a little shifty for them to
believe him.
"Are you feeling any better?" Hermione tried to hide her laughter as she peered down at her own
fiancé lying in her lap groaning slightly.
"No! I feel sick! I'm going on no more rides!" Ron moaned pitifully.
"I really don't understand, you have done drops that make me feel ill on your broom!" Hermione
shook her head.
"Its not the same thing at all!" Draco defended making Harry smirk.
"Exactly, its completely different!" Ron nodded.
"I think its wonderful!" Carina laughed nudging Marcus.
"Mother," Lucius groaned.
"Wait till I tell the others you wouldn't go on rides your mother would," Marcus snickered.
"Whose good idea was this?" Ron asked leaning around to glare at Harry who just grinned back.

"Harry?" The dark haired young man blinked at the familiar voice, turning to his bedroom door.
"In here Remi!" He called, the werewolf walked into the room with a small smile when he saw
Harry sitting on the bed staring at his wedding robes. "Did I forget you were coming around? I
swear if its not to do with flowers, music, ribbon colour or vows it flies out of my head," Harry
"No, I just thought I would stop by and spend a little time with you, I know grgeory is away till the
morning," Remus said sitting down next to Harry, looking to the robes hung up on the side of the
wardrobe too.
"Thank you, my mind has been spinning without him here," Harry admitted curling his legs up and
leaning into Remus who immedietly wrapped his arm around his cub.
"Cold feet?" the werewolf asked concerned.
"Not really, just...overwhelmed I guess. I would marry him tonight if I could, but everything has
happened so quickly at the same time, and I'm getting married! I can't believe I'm getting married in
a week," Harry laughed.
"I'm so happy you have found someone who looks at you the way Gregory does," Remus squeezed
him slightly.
"I know, I never thought anyone would to be honest," Harry hummed.
"They would be so proud of you you know, all three of them," Remus smiled when Harry looked at
him wide eyed.
"I sometimes think, they're Malfoys," Harry bit his lip.
"They would love Gregory, if not simply for the way he looks at you and the way he treats you but
the fact they aren't anywhere near what we all believed Malfoys to be," Remus shook his head.
"I wish..they could be there," Harry sighed cuddling into Remus.
"Do you remember what SIrius used to say? The ones that love us never really leave us, they will
always be with us in here," Remus touched over Harry's heart smiling as watery green eyes looked
at him but Harry was also smiling brightly.
"I'm glad you're here with me Remi," Harry smiled.
"I love you cub," Remus sniffed slightly.
"Remi, will you give me away?" Harry asked softly.
"Really?!" Remus asked wide eyed.
"Yes, I really want you to be the one to walk down the aisle with me," Harry looked properly at
"I would be honoured," Remus beamed hugging Harry tightly until he squeeked. "Sorry, sorry!"
"Its ok," Harry laughed.
"Thank you so much Harry, you have no idea what this means to me," Remus admitted softly.
"I wouldn't want anyone else with me," Harry smiled.
"Come on, lets get something to eat," Remus tugged Harry to his feet, reaching out to carefully put
the wedding robes away again.
"That sounds like a plan!" Harry bounced to his feet and wrapped his arm through Remus' tugging
him to the kitchen.
Chapter 18
"Harry? Harry!" Gregory whispered shaking the younger man in his arms gently. Harry grumbled
and tucked himself into a tighter ball in Gregory's arms. "Harry,"
"Gregory? What?" Harry mumbled cracking one green open to glare at Gregory. The blonde man
fought his smile back, Harry looked like an angry kitten, especially with his black hair falling
around his face the face it was.
"Harry, you know I love you right?" Gregory asked slowly making Harry fully open his eyes.
"Yes," Harry said slowly rolling over to face Gregory.
"Sorry my brain has been taking over, I just wanted to say before tomorrow...I really and truly love
you. I wish that I had had you in my life sooner, since I met you I have not been happier. You have
made life so much brighter and given my future so much hope,"
"Where is this coming from?" Harry asked slightly concerned, wriggling an arm free of the covers
to cup Gregory's cheek.
"I just needed to tell you, tomorrow is going to be mad, and we're not going to get much peace until
night. I just need you to know how much I love you, and that I will spend the rest of our lives
together loving you," Gregory moved forward to press their lips together.
Harry was still a little sleep heavy and a little foggy, and Gregory could taste that in their kiss, he
pulled him closer and deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue into Harry's mouth when he opened his
mouth in offering.
"I can't wait to marry you and have the rest of our lives together," Harry hummed when they parted.
"But you need to sleep if you are going to look Malfoy fabulous tomorrow,"
"Malfoy fabulous?" Gregory snickered even as he allowed Harry to tug him back under the covers
and crawled half over his lover's body to rest on top of him.
"Its what me and Neville call the whole thing you guys have going on, looking perfect and
preened," Harry said tiredly pressing his nose into Gregory's neck.
"Malfoy fabulous. Wait till I tell Lucius," Gregory snickered.
"Marcus liked it," Harry mumbled already nodding off again.
"Of course he would," Gregory rolled his eyes hugging Harry a little closer as he felt sleep dragging
him under.
"I love you," Harry muttered more asleep than awake. Gregory smiled contently to himself,
allowing Harry's soft breaths to pull him under too.

"I'll see you in a few hours," Gregory grabbed Harry round the waist and pulling him in for a kiss.
"Love you, see you soon," Harry pulled him in for another kiss.
"Alright love birds break it up and get it moving!" Lucius rolled his eyes grabbing hold of Gregory
and pulling him towards the door with Mikhail and Carina's help, while Hermione and Remus
hustled Harry back into the bedroom.
"Love you!" Gregory called just as he was shoved out into the hallway.
"Alright, you in the shower, have a really good clean and here are the herbs," Hermione shoved the
pouch into his hands and nudged him towards the bathroom.
"I feel sickly," Harry groaned.
"Its just the thought of standing in front of people," Andromeda smiled kissing his cheek.
"Its just nerves," Remus nodded smiling.
"I will make you some tea and dry toast to eat after your shower," Tonks nudged his shoulder
before hurrying into the kitchen with Teddy on her hip.
"Is everything ready? I feel like I have forgotten something!" Harry fretted even as they nudged him
even closer to the bathroom.
"Hey, as long as you and Gregory are here and you have the rings nothing else matters," Ron
smiled. "You have the rings right?"
"Yes I have the rings, they're there," Harry smiled a little. "I feel really stupid,"
"Its your wedding day, if you weren't nervous I would be worried!" Remus chuckled.
"I spent the morning of my wedding shaking so much I nearly spilt tea all over my wedding dress,"
Andromeda said fondly.
"I just can't believe we're doing this,"
"Its going to go perfectly, the day will be beautiful and at the end of it you will be married to the
man you love," Neville said walking over and hugging him. "Now get your arse in the shower!"
"Alright alright, I'm going, before one of you try and get in with me!" Harry huffed amused turning
and finally walking into the bathroom.

Harry brushed his hands down his wedding robes slightly reverently, sighing happily as he looked
at them on the hanger one last time before he put them on. The shower and tea and toast had helped
to settle his stomach. He was feeling a lot calmer and less panicked, though excitement was now
coursing through him, especially as the sound of work going on outside their window to set things
up for the wedding.
"Hey hunny," Andromeda stepped into the room and walked over to him, wrapping her arm around
him as she too looked at his robes. "Are you ok?"
"Yes, it just feels a little surreal to think that tonight I will be married to Gregory," Harry smiled.
"Are you feeling better?"
"Much, you were right it was just a little burst of nerves,"
"It happens to everyone, I think if you are not a little nervous before you're wedding there is
something wrong," Andromeda laughed. "You're going to look so handsome today,"
"Thank you for being here," Harry said softly turning to look at her.
"Its me that needs to thank you for letting me be a part of your life, for letting me be a part of this,"
Andromeda kissed his cheek. "Now I am going to open that door and let the wolves descend, we're
going to get you ready for your wedding,"

"Harry? Could I have a quick word please?" Marcus popped his head into the rooms just as Harry
was laughing with Ron and Hermione at the kitchen table. They were still in their dressing robes.
"Of course," Harry stood and followed Marcus out into the corridor and down to Gregory's library.
The older man seated himself in one of the armchairs in the room and waited for Harry to sit
himself on the love seat that he and Gregory had spent hours curled up together.
"Now Harry, I know you know that I am very fond of you. And I have already told you how much
of an impact you have had coming into our lives. But I wanted to have a little chat before the
"Is everything ok?" Harry asked a little concerned.
"Oh yes of course! Its nothing bad I promise. I just wanted to say, before the madness of the
wedding where we won't get a moment in private...thank you. Thank you so much for everything
that you have done for this family, you have managed to make everything a little brighter for us and
a little better. I would say some twoddle about welcoming you to the family today, but you are
already family, today is just making it official. Harry, I love Gregory, that boy has an honest heart
and one of the lightest souls any Malfoy has possessed for a long time. And seeing him so happy
and so in love, it means more than you will ever know. And Harry, I love you too. You are a kind
and generous young man with more love in your little finger than most people have in their life.
You have made my much happier and so much fuller since you have come into it. You may
not be my Grandson by blood, but by Merlin you are my Grandson, and I want you to know that I
will go to the ends of the earth and back for you if you needed me," Marcus choked up a little
wiping his eyes before chuckling a little embarrassed.
Harry however stood and moved across the space between them. He dropped to his knees and
wrapped his arms around Marcus tightly, the older man hugging back just as fiercely.
"You have no idea how much it means to me to hear that, thank you...Granddad," Harry glanced up
cautiously to see Marcus beaming at him.
"Come lets get you back so you can finish getting ready for the wedding, before Hermione hunts us
down," Marcus snickered.

"How are you getting on?" Ron called through the door.
"I think I am done!" Harry called back. Hermione, Ron and Remus stepped inside. Tonks and
Andromeda had gone to Narcissa to get dressed themselves for the wedding, and because Narcissa
had wanted to see Teddy in the baby robes that she had bought for him specially.
"Oh wow," Remus grinned.
"Harry," Hermione sniffed hurrying forwards to throw her arms around Harry.
"You look beautiful!" He said hugging her back. Her purple robes were gorgeous and she looked
totally stunning in it. "You're looking quite stunning yourself," he wriggled his eyebrows at Ron
who actually blushed. Huffing he shoved Harry gently before clapping him on the shoulder.
"What about me?" Remus asked with a mock pout holding his arms out.
"Remi, talk about hot stuff, if I was a little older and you weren't like my uncle/father!" Harry
"I'm nearly the same age as Gregory!' Remus huffed making them all laugh. "Cheeky brats,"
"Its nearly time to head down," Hermione said softly.
"Ok," Harry nodded and stepped over to his dresser. He brushed his fingers over the flowers that
Gregory had sent him at the start of their courting, well preserved with magic still and sitting in
their bedroom, making both of them smile frequently. He picked up his necklace and put it on, he
had worn it every day since Gregory had sent it to him. He tucked it into his robes, placing his hand
over the necklace and closed his eyes thinking on everything that he and Gregory had been through
since te older man had sent him the necklace and the flowers.
"Harry?" Remus touched his shoulder.
"Your father wore this on his wedding day, I managed to get it back. He wanted to give it to you on
your wedding day, he spoke about it after you were born, so I held onto it to pass it over at the right
time," Remus held out the ornate wooden box to Harry before taking Hermione and Ron out the
Harry turned the box in his hands for a moment working up the courage to open the box, while
fighting down the lump in his throat. clearing his throat he finally built himself up and flipped open
the wooden box. The first thing that caught his eyes was the beautiful wizard's watch that was
inside. Fuelled by magic it would tell you the time anywhere in the world that you asked it to, it
would also show you coordinations to help with apparition, and could be transformed into a port
key with damaging the magical properties of the watch, one of the few magical items that could
have repeated port key magic cast upon it. It was a beautiful watch, golden, of course, with rubies in
the hour marks, the hands were delicately carved pieces of gold, but when he looked closer he
noticed both hands had lilies in the centre of them, and the point was the shape of a lily leaf. Feeling
his eyes well up he noticed a carving on the inside of the boxes lid and tilted it to see it better.
To our darling son, James. We can't believe she finally said yes.
Laughing brightly at the slight insight more into his grandparents he slipped the watch from the box
and closed it around his wrist. It hesitated for a second before the magic recognised him and re-
sized to fit his wrist perfectly. Looking at himself once more in the mirror he smiled at the sight
before nodding his head and turning to meet the others and head down to get married.

"Now there is a little something that we need to tell you before we go out there," Ron said with a
serious face just as they entered the conservatory where they were to wait for their cue.
"Oh Merlin, what now?" Harry groaned having visions of invading reporters to Death Eaters.
"Nothing bad just hard headed Weasley boys," Hermione laughed.
"What do you mean?' Harry frowned in confusion.
"Never mind there is our cue, off you go," Remus nudged them as the white sparks lit up the sky.
"Remus? What's going on?" Harry asked as Hermione and Ron stepped out arm in arm to walk
down the aisle. He couldn't see the area that they had set up for the wedding ceremony from here as
the line of hedges blocked the view. The red carpet would lead the way through and into the
marquee that had been set up ith heating charms to protect everyone from the winter weather. Snow
was falling lazily outside, giving a peaceful, almost otherworldly feel to the day.
"Don't worry about it," Reus smiled holding out his arm for Harry to take. Narrowing his eyes at the
same Harry sighed and relaxed realising that it wasn't going to be anything bad. He stepped up to
Remus and slid his arm through the werewolf's taking in a deep breath. "Ok?" Remus smiled.
"More than," Harry grinned.
"Well then shall we?" Remus said and stepped forwards only to pause and turn when Harry didn't
step with him.
"Remus, I'm glad you're here with me. I love you, you know that right?" Harry said softly.
"What brought that on?" Reus' eyes were bright and happy.
"It seems to be the day for it. I just wanted you to know, how much you mean to me," Harry said
kissing his cheek.
"I love you too cub, now lets go and get you married," Remus hugged him briefly but tightly, before
they rescued their position and stepped outside.

Gregory shuffled nervously in place, tugging on the lapels of his robes as he glanced over his
shoulder towards where Harry would come from. Everyone was already seated and waiting in the
rows that they had set up. The scent of roses was heavenly in the air.
In the end they had managed to win for their simple wedding. A white marquee was set up in the
rose garden, it was made out of simple white lace that was beautiful still, they had chairs set up in
four rows on either side of the aisle, white cushioned ones with silver bows on the back. Different
flowers in shades of blue were twined around the marquee. And around the alter he was standing in
front of white roses and blue ipheion were twined together along with ivy. Harry and he had stood
here yesterday morning side by side and conjured the alter and the flowers to grow around it as was
traditional, only their magic would be allowed in this area.
There was a quiet peace to the area even as magic hummed in the air in expectation of what was
about to happen. It was set up exactly as they had wanted it, and he could not stop shuffling in
excitement and nerves. Lucius and Mikhail were looking at him with barely hidden amusement as
he gave another shuffle. He could hear his grandfather snickering openly behind him while his
mother, Andromeda and Narcissa were nattering away excitedly.
The priest stepped up to the alter and smiled warmly at Gregory, he had performed the birth
blessings for himself, Lucius, Mikhail, Marcus, Selene, Tiberius, Draco, Orlandus and Phoenix. He
had been the one to marry Lucius and Narcissa, Marcus and Leander and Mikhail and Mikhail and
Julia. Harry had agreed straight away when Gregory had told him of the priest and asked that he be
the one to marry them. He was smiling at Gregory like a proud family member, which at this point
he practically was. He looked at Gregory who nodded to show he was ready. Straight away white
sparks lit up the sky singling to Harry and is party that they were ready to start.
He took one more breath before turning to look down the aisle. He could see out the corner of his
eyes all of their friends and family turning to look as well. And then Ron and Hermione stepped
into view, walking down the aisle together looking quite stunning themselves in their wedding
robes, and complimenting each other nicely. Both of them grinned widely at him as they reached
their spot and stepped to the side to wait for Harry, Ron giving him a small thumbs up which made
him smile as well.
And then Harry stepped into view. He had never looked more stunning or gorgeous to Gregory's
eyes as he did at that moment walking towards him, arm in arm with a proud and beaming Remus.
But he had eyes for no one but Harry right at that moment. Their eyes met and held as Harry walked
towards him, and everything for a moment seemed to stop. He was marrying the man that he was in
love with, they were actually getting married. He had never expected to be standing here.
Remus touched his arm before taking Harry's hand and placing it inside his own. He gave a faint
sniff as he kissed Harry's cheek before he moved back down the steps to go and stand next to Ron
and Hermione. Harry squeezed his hand gently as they moved closer together, taking a moment just
to look at each other and appreciate this moment, only then did they turn to the priest who was
waiting patiently for them.
"We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Gregory and Harry, they have come here
today willingly to embrace mother magic and to ask her blessing on this day to bond them
Gregory tightened his hand around Harry's, not able to stop his smile from getting even wider.
"Gregory, do you promise to respect and care for Harry as long as you live. Do you promise to love
and care for him, to be there for him through the good times and the bad, in sickness and in health.
Do you vow to be loyal to him, and never break the trust with which he is entrusting you on this
"I do," Gregory nodded quickly.
"Harry,do you promise to respect and care for Gregory as long as you live. Do you promise to love
and care for him, to be there for him through the good times and the bad, in sickness and in health.
Do you vow to be loyal to him, and never break the trust with which he is entrusting you on this
"I do!" Harry said a little breathlessly. His heart was doing something interesting in his chest at this
"Please turn to each other and join hands," The priest looked between them.
They turned and joined their free hands together taking another chance to smile at each other. The
priest removed a piece of white ribbon from the altar and laid it over their hands, before taking the
mixture of water and herbs that he had mixed. this got poured over their hands and then splashed
around them, and almost straight away they could feel the air becoming more pure.
"Gregory, do you vow your magic to Harry, will you bond it with him here and willingly twine
yours together with him in a bond that will last a lifetime?"
"I will," Gregory nodded. At his words the half of the ribbon hanging over his hand moved and
wrapped around their hands in a couple of loops.
"Harry, do you vow your magic to Gregory, will you bond it with him here and willingly twine
yours together with him in a bond that will last a lifetime?"
"I will," Harry smiled. His end of the ribbon moved and wrapped around their hands. It met the end
of the first part and sealed back together, a faint glow starting to get brighter.
"Gregory and Harry have promised their lives, magic and love here in front of you all. Who here
gives Gregory away?" The Priest looked up.
"I do," Carina stood and made her way over to them, with a warm smile and with tears in his eyes
she touched her wand to the ribbon her magic making it glow a little brighter.
"And who stands with you?"
"We do," Lucius and Mikhail stepped forwards and touched their wands to the ribbon. Lucius met
Harry's eyes and smiled warmly at him, nodding his head before he took his place again.
"And who here gives Harry away?"
"I do," Remus stepped forwards and touched his wand to the ribbon, he gave a little sniff and
dabbed his eyes with what Harry thought was Andromeda's hanky as he stepped back into place.
The glow of the ribbon was now nearly too bright to look at.
"And who here stands for him?"
"We do!" Hermione and Ron stepped forwards, their part in the ceremony now making the ribbon
glow brighter still.
"Their marriage has been freely and lovingly blessed by their family. Gregory, Harry, allow your
magic to be free,"
Harry closed his eyes and let loose his magic as Marcus had spent endless hours teaching him to do.
He heard gasps from the crowd before concentrated firmly on making sure that he did this properly.
Hermione grinned at Ron and nudged him nodding towards the stunned looking Malfoys. Even in
this moment Harry managed to stun them. Teddy gave a happy squeal and gurgle from the crowd as
he recognised his godfather's magic, clapping his hands excitedly. Gregory's magic was a beautiful
and stunning electric blue, Harry's however was what caused the reaction, a beautiful glittering,
moving golden shade, is magic surrounded and danced playfully with Gregory's magic, surrounding
it lovingly and protectively.
Their magic settled down and around their hands, seeping into the ribbon which glowed blindingly
for a second and then disappeared into their hands.
"Gregory, please place your ring on Harry's finger as a symbol of the unending love that you have
for him," The Priest directed once their magic was settled.
Gregory took the ring from Lucius and slipped it onto Harry's finger, lifting his hand and kissing the
ring there before lowering his hand.
"Harry please place your ring on Gregory's finger as a symbol of the unending love that you have
for him,"
Harry took the ring from Hermione and slipped it onto Gregory's finger, sucking in a deep breath as
he realised that that was it, they were married.
"I now pronounce you bonded. You may kiss the groom," The Priest beamed.
A laughter went out as Gregory tugged Harry against him and kissed him firmly, Harry only being
able to hold on and kiss back as best he could. They pulled away however at the sound of musical
bells, opening their eyes they looked up to see fireworks exploding over their heads, but instead of
loud bangs it was the sound of bells. Suddenly the mutterings about Weasley boys made sense and
Harry turned to grin at the Weasley twins as a cheer went up among the crowd once again.

Harry was in a little bit of a daze, he was standing next to Gregory in front of their favourite seat
having his picture taken. He was staring into Gregory's deep blue eyes, and all that could go around
his head was that this man was his husband, actually his husband.
They had had what felt like a few thousand pictures taken already, and his smile was beginning to
hurt a little, though he did not think that he could stop smiling either as the word husband buzzed
around his head.
"Ok, I will head back and get some pictures of the family, I won't need you for at least ten minutes,"
The camera man smiled knowingly at them before turning and hurrying away.
Gregory made a faint noise before he grabbed Harry and tugged him into another kiss. This wasn't
the sweet and chaste kisses that they had exchanged for the pictures, or the gentler kiss when they
had been announced married. This kiss was demanding and hungry, something that Harry returned
with equal hunger, holding onto Gregory's tightly and kissing back a fiercely. Kissing his husband
back just as fiercely.
"What is the smile for?" Gregory asked pulling back a little.
"We're married, you're my husband now," Harry beamed.
"For now and always," Gregory sighed contently.
"We did it, we actually did it," Harry laughed pulling Gregory in for another kiss.
"How does it feel Mr Malfoy-Potter?"
"Pretty good Mr Malfoy-Potter,"
Gregory laughed and swept Harry off his feet, sinning them around in a tight hug. Over their head
fireworks were still exploding in golden, silver and blue sparks trickling down to land in a fine
dusting on the floor around the whole garden.
But Harry and Gregory were aware of none of this as they stood in each other's arms kissing and
revelling in the fact that they were married. They were finally married.
Chapter 19
Harry tilted his head back as he felt the night breeze brushing passed his face, the smell of spices
and herbs, of heat and sea were heavy on the air around him. There were voices chattering, laughing
and calling to each other a little bit away from where he was standing. Even though he was
blindfolded he was fairly sure that he was once again standing on Gregory's boat.
They had finished their evening with their friends and family, laughing and dancing, Narcissa and
Andromeda had shown everyone up by performing an amazing quick step together, while Ron bless
him had tried his best to waltz Hermione around the floor and had failed, her beaming smile and
happy laughter had cheered him up though. Marcus had stolen Harry from 5 dances with Gregory
until his husband, his husband, had snarled at his grandfather and told him to go get his own
husband, only to start snarling when Tiberius had laughingly whisked Harry away for a spin around
the dancefloor while he was distracted. Gregory had thrown his hands up when their next dance had
been interrupted by Carina. Harry had been laughing so hard he had barely been any use dancing
with his new mum in law.
It had been an amazing day, Harry had loved every second of it. Through it all, not matter where
they were he and Gregory had met each other's eyes every few seconds, not wanting to let the other
out of their sight. He was sure that neither of them had stopped smiling since they had said their
vows, his cheeks were actually starting to hurt, but he could not stop the overwhelming happiness
that was running through him. He was married. To a man he loved with all his heart. He had an
extended family that he loved and felt at home with.
He started a little before humming when lips brushed over his cheeks right under the blindfold, and
then to his lips.
"What are you smiling so widely for?" Gregory asked softly, his fingers dancing along Harry's
"Life is perfect," He sighed contently leaning back into his husband's strong body.
"Yes, it is. Not much longer and I will take the blindfold off," Gregory promised before moving
away again.
Once their night had finished they had said a long round of goodbyes to everyone, lots of hugs,
kisses and promises to write or floo. And then Gregory had placed the blindfold over his eyes and
apparated them away for their month-long honeymoon. The had landed on the boat, and Gregory
had led him to the front before disappearing to make the last-minute preparations. Harry had no idea
what they would be doing for their honeymoon, Gregory had insisted on planning it all for them.
He started when the engines started up and they moved, the wind picked up and started playing with
the ends of his hair, tousling it more than it probably already was. It must had been a good fifteen
minutes before strong arms wrapped around him again, turning him around and capturing his lips.
He groaned slightly and twisted his fingers through golden hair unfalteringly, the move automatic
now, and sank himself into the kiss. Without seeing Gregory, it somehow felt more intimate and
sensual, the taste of Gregory, of the slightly bitter whisky he had been drinking, and the sweetness
of their wedding cake all enhanced on his own tongue.
They parted far too soon for Harry's liking, but then Gregory's fingers were tugging at the knot of
the blindfold and pulling it away from his eyes. He gasped at the sight of the boat, white roses and
fairy lights had been twined around the railings of the whole boat. They were standing on the deck
which had a mattress in the centre covered with silk sheets and cushions, and surrounding it little
orbs of light were glittering prettily casting a glow over the sleeping space. And covering every inch
of the deck were thousands upon thousands of red rose petals.
He looked up at Gregory wide eyed after he had taken everything in, unable to believe how
beautiful it was. "I wanted our first proper time together, our first night as husbands to be special,"
Gregory admitted softly.
"This is definitely perfect," Harry sighed wrapping his arms around Gregory's waist and pressed his
cheek to his chest.
"Well for the next month we will be sailing around Greece and then along Italy, and finishing up in
the south of France,"
"Oh Merlin, that's amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you," Harry gasped throwing his arms
around Gregory's neck and pressing kisses all over his face and lips.
"I promised you that I would show you the world, this is the start of it. And it will be just the two of
us," Gregory pressed his lips to Harry's.
"You're sailing us?" Harry grinned.
"Yes, and we have an international permit, so we can stop wherever we like, see what we like, go
where we like," Gregory grinned. "I stocked up on tourist books for all the places we will be going
passed, so tomorrow we can sit together and plan out the things we want to see, places we want to
"Gregory, this is...this is amazing, thank you," Harry said softly. His already over full heart felt as
though it were swelling even more with love.
"I wanted this to be special, you deserve special," Gregory shook his head combing his fingers
through Harry's hair. "And now, I really want to take you out of those robes,"
"I'm nervous," Harry laughed.
"Good nervous?" Gregory asked concerned.
"Yes, definitely good nervous. It's just so silly, all we have done together, we're married! And I'm
"It's not silly. I'm a little nervous myself to be honest, I want this to be perfect," Gregory admitted.
"You're here, I'm here. It's already perfect," Harry assured him sweetly.
"You're right," Gregory said softly, with a loving smile. He pulled Harry closer and pulled him into
a deep kiss, easily distracting him from his nerves as they lost themselves in the kiss once again.
This, this was natural, perfect, and for Harry like coming home.
The two of them were so lost in their kiss that Harry didn't realise that they had moved onto the bed,
and Gregory had stripped them both down to their underwear, he only realised when his husband's
hand moved down to cup him bum. He gasped into the blonde's mouth and arched closer,
needing...wanting more.
"Gregory, please," Harry gasped.
"Don't worry, I will take care of you," Gregory promised.
Tenderly he laid Harry down flat on the soft coverings, sealing their lips a few more times before he
moved to sweep his way down along Harry's jaw. The younger man gasped and twitched in his
husband's grip, humming as those lips moved down his neck, sucking gently on the skin. He traced
the path down to Harry's chest, giving careful attention to as much of it as he could before his lips
found perky nipples.
Harry felt as though he were going mad, his skin was on fire and he was so hard it felt like it should
hurt. He was burning with desire, and he ached for Gregory between his legs. The groan Gregory let
out when he tugged his hair to pull him away from his nipples did nothing to help matters either.
"Gregory, I need you, please, I need you!" Harry begged, writhing on their bed.
"I'm here," Gregory's voice was several octaves lower than normal, and when he looked up at Harry
his eyes were practically black with desire. He looked gorgeous as well, simply gorgeous. Like a
Greek god, the moonlight and glow from the lights around the boat made his golden skin glow
heavenly, his golden hair looked like a silk shower. He was looking at Harry with so much love, so
much passion that Harry's breath caught in his throat.
"No, more I need you inside me!" Harry begged.
"I cannot say no to that," Gregory breathed out breathlessly. Their lips sealed together once again
and Harry groaned into when Gregory removed their underwear. There was a relief of skin on skin
contact, and Gregory trembled slightly underneath Harry's hands when he felt his young husband
utter the lubrication and stretching spell against his lips. "Harry!"
"I don't want to wait," Harry shook his head.
"You're going to kill me,"
"La petite Mort," Harry gasped as Gregory pressed three fingers slowly inside of him, testing and
feeling, his eyes drinking in the sight of Harry arching in pleasure.
"Indeed," Gregory groaned as he moved to press himself between Harry's milky pale legs, and
rested himself against his entrance.
Their eyes met, and everything seemed to pause for a moment, that moment hanging between them
as they absorbed that this was the final step. Harry's chest was heaving slightly as he wrapped his
arms around Gregory's neck and tilted his lower half just slightly to press himself down onto his
husband's hard erection.
Gregory gripped him tightly, one hand on his hip, the other wrapping under his back, and he pressed
into him with exquisite pressure, inch by inch burying himself into Harry's warmth. The Malfoy had
to hold on tightly and drop his head onto Harry's shoulder as he fought from just thrusting
mindlessly as his body demanded he do. He wanted this to last, their first time together, and he
wanted to watch Harry come undone.
Harry writhed like a wild thing underneath him as they moved together, his fingers biting into
Gregory's back as they moved together. The younger man's legs were wrapped around Gregory's
waist and his beautiful voice were crying out in pleasure, driving his husband's own desire and
pleasure higher and higher. They were moving together in perfect sync, and the dark haired younger
man felt as though he were going mad with pleasure as Gregory found his prostate.
Finally, though Gregory could not hold on any longer, it was too perfect, and too much pleasure, he
reached between their sweat slicked bodies to grasp Harry in his hand, and that was all it took. With
a soft cry Harry spilled into his hand and between their bodies, the warm, hot grip of Harry's body
around his own finished Gregory off, and with a loud cry of pleasure he spilled himself inside his
husband, pressing deeply and holding himself there for as long as he could.
They both collapsed onto the bed together, and Harry pulled the covers up around the two of them
as they lay cuddling beneath the stars. He smiled as he realised that there were heating charms over
the silk sheets to keep them warm in the cool night air. It was beautiful, lying beneath the stars with
the soft lighting glittering around them. Gregory was warm, and perfect against his side as they both
caught their breaths.
They lay exchanging lazy kisses for a little while before Harry pulled back and pressed his hand to
Gregory's face, stroking his fingers over those beloved features.
"What?" Gregory asked with a tired smile.
"I love you, so much," Harry sighed contently.
"I love you too Harry. Here is to the rest of our lives," Gregory pulled him closer for one last kiss
before they cuddled together under the covers to go to sleep.
Gregory groaned and shifted slightly, before giving in and poking his head out of the covers, they
were still moving as he had spelled the boat to do, but Harry was not at his side.
"Good morning Mr Malfoy-Potter," Harry said.
"Good morning Mr Malfoy-Potter," Gregory grinned lazily. He sat up a little to see Harry walking
towards him with a large tray. Gregory groaned when he realised that Harry was wearing only his
own shirt from the day before, which lay just passed his thighs.
"I thought you may be hungry after all that exercise yesterday," Harry said placing the tray on the
bed by Gregory's legs before setting down next to him.
"Last night definitely tired me out," Gregory grinned wiggling his eyebrows.
"I was talking about the dancing, pervert!" Harry gasped in mock horror. He laughed when Gregory
pounded on him, pressing kisses all over his face.
"Are you sore?" Gregory asked concerned.
"No, you were gentle. I was a little tense but when I started moving it was fine," Harry assured him.
He smiled up at him, wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling him down for a sweet kiss. "It
was perfect, thank you,"
"We have the rest of our lives to enjoy each other now as well," Gregory beamed.
They settled comfortably onto the bed and tucked into the big breakfast Harry had made them,
alternating between feeding each other and pressing kisses to each other wherever they could reach.
Once they were done Gregory summoned the tourist books he had collected and spread them out
around them. They got comfortable, Harry settled between Gregory's legs with his back pressed
against his chest, and they started flicking through them together.
Harry had not had so much fun in a long time, they were laughing and joking, reading through
everything and talking about the things that they wanted to do and see. Gregory advised some of the
places that he knew Harry would like that he had visited before, he also showed Harry some of the
places that he wanted to visit.
They lay there most of the morning, Gregory leaving only every now and then to make sure that
they were still on course, or direct them through a more difficult patch. During one of these times
Harry stretched out languidly on their bed, closing his eyes with a sigh as he felt the sun shining
down on him, the warmth caressing his skin as the wind did the same. He felt bonelessly content,
and overflowing with happiness. He opened one eye and looked at the ring sitting on his finger,
admiring as the sun bounced off the metal.
He started with a laugh with his hand was suddenly captured, Gregory standing over him with a
smile brighter than any Harry had ever been gifted with from the other man. His husband lifted the
captured hand and pressed a kiss to each fingertip, to his knuckles, and then pressed a kiss to the
ring he had placed on Harry hand only the day before.
The younger hummed in appreciation as Gregory released his hand and instead laid himself over his
husband, settling comfortably between Harry's eagerly parted legs and drew him in for a drugging
kiss. They both gasped when Gregory's naked hardness pressed against Harry's still loose entrance,
and with a gentle nudge questioned whether Harry wanted him again. It was a silly question, and
the lubrication spell being uttered against his lips was his answer.
Their books were floated absently off the bed as the two got lost in each other, enjoying their first
day together married properly.
Though Harry was glad for all the privacy spells around the boat when he nearly had a heart attack
as a large yacht went passed them not long after they had finished and were snuggling together.

Harry sighed contently as he laced his and Gregory's fingers together as they walked along the
cobbled stairs streets of Athens. It was beautiful, absolutely stunning, And clearly a completely
different world. They had just finished with the Parthenon. The ruins themselves were stunning, still
intact, it felt as they were walking through history. There were dozens of building to look at, and a
few that they could go into.
He smiled a little amused as Gregory reeled off another fact from the tourist book he had his nose
buried in. Apparently, Julia's warning had been something he should have listened to, his husband
was a serious tourist. But it was all interesting facts, and he was enjoying walking through the city
with Gregory, taking in the beauty and learning more about it. Their first trip of their honeymoon
was going pretty well.
Gregory had apparated them onto land when they had docked in the harbour, and they had taken a
slow walk into the city. Lunch had been in a beautiful little café where they had ordered a few
different things so Harry could try Greek food, something Gregory had delighted in showing him.
And then they had carried on strolling through the city. Then they had gone to the Parthenon and
spent a few hours walking around there, before heading back into city.
Just knowing that he had a month, alone with Gregory with days like this, endless sailing, popping
onto land and having an explore, and repeat, that felt amazing, and he was enjoying it so much
already. It was heaven, he couldn't have asked for a better honeymoon.
"Am I boring you?" Gregory asked sounding amused.
"Hmm, no, not at all," Harry assured him, stepping a little closer and snuggling closer when
Gregory wrapped his arm around his shoulders.
"You looked a thousand miles away, thinking of anything good?" he wiggled his eyebrows cheesily
making Harry snort.
"Two days married and you have shown your true colours as a pervert," He shook his head in mock
disappointment, even as his eyes glittered.
"I know, I know, it was such hard work keeping it from you for so long,"
"I wondered what that look of concentration was,"
"It's why I was still single after all this time,"
"That I still find hard to believe, but I am not going to say anything because everyone else's loss
was my luck," Harry smiled. Gregory said nothing, but he stopped and swept down to press their
lips together.
They both blinked when there was a flash beside them, turning to see a man grinning and holding a
camera. He started saying something in Greek waving the camera, to which Gregory quickly
responded and nodded to the man.
"What's going on?" Harry asked as they followed him back to a little store.
"He asked if we wanted a copy of the picture," Gregory said as he pulled out some money. Some
quick work and then man was sliding a photo across the counter of his shop fresh from the printer.
Harry blinked when he saw it before smiling brightly and pulled it closer. He was aware of Gregory
talking to the man beside him, but he was lost in the beautiful photo.
The man was very good and had framed it perfectly with one of the large ruins behind them, the two
of them perfectly in the centre. Gregory was bending slightly to reach his lips as he was stretching
up, his own dark hair a shock beside Gregory's golden hair, which was lit up by sun surrounding
them. They looked so happy, and so in love though. The man had managed to capture exactly how
Harry had been feeling in that moment perfectly.
"I love it," Harry said brightly smiling at the man. He grinned widely back, clearly understand the
sentiments. He quickly tucked the photo in a plastic wallet for them and passed it Harry. "We
should try and get photos taken everywhere we visit,"
"That's a good idea," Gregory agreed, taking the photo to have another look himself.
"Thank you," Harry kissed him on the cheek.
"For what?"
"This, everything," Harry kissed him again and then on the lips, wrapping his arms around his neck.
They blinked when there was another flash, and turned to see the same man wiggling his camera at
them. Gregory turned back to Harry to see green eyes staring up at him with a pleading expression.
"Oh fine," He snorted walking back into the shop.

Harry flopped back onto the beach towel, throwing his arms out and soaking in the sun. His book
was clasped in his hand, still marking his place, as he closed his eyes and relaxed for a moment. It
was different to relaxing on the boat, even though that was lovely as well. They had come inland to
Lindos this time, and had a little walk around the beautiful town, visiting the market there where he
had picked a few things up, and had lunch before head down to the beach.
The beach was part of a Wizarding resort, carefully spelled away from muggles, so there were all
sorts of magic going around that Harry loved watching. He was currently stretched out on the towel
with a drink at his elbow and enjoying the sound of the waves, which was quickly becoming a
favourite of his.
He started and opened green eyes to glare at his husband when cold drops of water hit his hot skin,
though his glare did not last long when he took in the water rolling deliciously down golden skin
and blue eyes which were glittering brightly.
"Come with me!"
"Where are we going?" Harry asked as he placed a bookmark in his book and tucked it safely under
the towel, before taking Gregory's hand and letting him pull him to his feet.
"Someone further down the way is doing rides on Hippocampus," Gregory said excitedly.
Moving further down the beach than they had explored earlier Harry saw a little wooden jetty
floating a good few feet out into the sea. They walked along it, and when they got close enough
Harry saw several Hippocampus splashing around at the end of the jetty, they were so beautiful,
bright white tipped in blue.
"Do you think they are looked after well?" Harry asked suddenly, Hagrid and Hermione's voices
ranting about how mistreated magical beings were by Wizards popping into his head.
"They are free to come and go," Gregory assured him. "Hermione won't have a reason to shout at
you," he added impishly. Harry gently nudged him before smiling at the witch at the end of the jetty
as they reached her. One of the Hippocampus moved into the place where they would easily be able
to climb onto her.
"You wouldn't be honeymooners by any chance, would you?" The witch asked brightly.
"Yes, how did you know?" Harry asked.
"Lachesis always knows, she likes taking the newlyweds,"
"Fate, appropriate," Gregory nodded as Harry climbed down and onto Lachesis' back.
"It's why she is called that," The witch explained. Gregory climbed on behind Harry, and the
younger man shuffled back so he was resting against his chest. This close he could see that
Lachesis' skin had a translucent quality to it, shining in a rainbow of colours when the sun glanced
off of it, like petrol in water. "Bubblehead charms please lovebirds,"
They both applied the charms and then held on as Lachesis shot out into the sea, climbing the waves
easily, her beautiful, sleek body moving underneath them. She dived under briefly and then broke
back through the water, before plunging them down and into the underwater world.
It was spectacular, nothing at all like it had been when Harry had had to go under the Great Lake for
the second task in the Triwizard Tournament. The whole place was lit up in an otherworldly blue
glow, but was bright and glittering and full of life.
Brightly coloured underwater plants of muggle and magical variety swept underneath them on the
seabed, every now Lachesis would dip them down lower and swim through the plant life. Fishes of
a rainbow of colours were swimming around in shoals as far as the eye could see, especially the
further out to sea that they got. Hippocampus appeared every now and then to swirl around them in
a herd, and Harry even spotted a few merpeople popping their heads out of some of the deeps to
watch them curiously.
They were swimming for a good hour and a half before Lachesis surfaced and good swim away
from the jetty, Harry rested further back against Gregory and hummed happily when he wrapped his
arms around his waist, they snuggled close as they enjoyed the trip back to land, the lovely cool
waves lapping at their legs as the sun dried them off.
"Thank you, that was amazing," Harry patted Lachesis as he climbed off of her and back onto the
jetty with a gentle shove from Gregory, before turning and helping his husband up.
"Thank you," The witch said gratefully as Gregory handed over a good few notes of cash to her.
"I enjoyed that," Harry sighed wrapping his arms around Gregory's waist as they made their way
back to their towels on the beach.
"I thought you might," Gregory sounded smug but Harry just squeezed him tightly shaking his
head. He pressed a kiss to the skin of his chest over his heart, tasting the salt on his skin from their
trip in the sea.

Gregory started when gentle arms twined around his neck, his Grandfather beamed even wider at
the sight of Harry.
"My dear! You are positively glowing!" Marcus said brightly.
"Hello Grandfather," Harry settled beside Gregory on the hearth of the wizarding pub. They had
managed to get a private room to make a call back home.
"Have you been having a good time? Gregory has just been telling me about a few of the places you
have visited! Honestly it has been the quietest two weeks of my life, without the two of you hear the
manor feels half empty!"
"We're missing you all too," Harry said fondly. "I am missing our evening chats,"
"Oh, I am missing it too! Never mind, plenty to talk about when you are home. Now you are having
fun yes?"
"Its been wonderful, we have been to so many places!" Harry said excitedly.
"Where are you currently?" Marcus asked.
"We are in Mystras, we have just spent the morning walking around and seeing the ruins in the
muggle part of the city, we decided to have an early lunch, and then Gregory is going to take me to
the wizarding market this afternoon," Harry explained excitedly.
"Is everything ok?" Marcus' sharp eyes scanned over the two of them.
"Oh just me being silly, I don' think I drank enough water while we were walking around, I was
feeling a little dizzy and faint," Harry said embarrassed. "I'm fine now!" He said exasperated when
he caught the looks Gregory and Marcus were shooting him.
"We're going to spend a few hours sitting inside and cooling down," Gregory assured his
Grandfather. Harry rolled his eyes and then squealed when Gregory lunged at him pressing kisses
over his face.
"Enough of that! You are two weeks into your honeymoon haven't you had enough of each other to
speak to your poor old grandfather for two minutes without mauling each other!" Marcus said
balefully, but when they looked up he was watching them happily.
"Never!" They declared at the same time, before the three of them laughed.
"Gregory was telling be about your trip to the Samaria Gorge, did you enjoy that?" Marcus asked
once they had settled down.
"Oh it was beautiful, so beautiful! We walked as far as we could along it. And we stopped halfway
along to have a swim in this beautiful lake! It was a lovely day, we got some pictures,"
"Harry insisted that we get a camera, we have been taking photos in every place we have been to,
and have asked someone to take a photo of us at every spot," Gregory told his grandfather.
"Oh wonderful! I can't wait to see them,"
"I will make some of my banana bread and we can have tea while we look over them, there are
some lovely ones of us," Harry promised.
"Now that really is something to look forward to," Marcus nodded.
"We are stopping at Myrtos beach tomorrow, and in a couple of days after that the Delphi theatre
and Meteora. Then we are onto Italy," Gregory pulled out his list.
"You have a list," Marcus said fondly.
"We are very organised! And we are coming back with about 100 new history books for his library,
and that is just from Greece," Harry teased gently.
"And we are coming back with around 1000 knick knacks from everywhere we have been visiting,"
Gregory teased back.
"I will let you two get going, do take care Harry dear," Marcus said concerned.
"I will, honestly don't worry, it was just a little dizzy spell," Harry assured him.
"If you are sure," Marcus hummed.
"We will speak to you in another couple of days," Harry promised blowing the older man a kiss.
"I love you both, enjoy yourselves!" Marcus waved.
"Love you too," Harry waved.
"Love you Grandfather, speak to you soon," Gregory said before finishing the call and then making
the second.
"Harry! Gregory!" Ron, Hermione, Remus, Tonks and Andromeda called as soon as the connection
went through.
"Hey everyone," Harry waved settling against Gregory's side as he took in his family. They had
obviously been eagerly awaiting their call.
"You both look like you have been having a wonderful time!" Andromeda sighed happily.
"We are, it is so relaxing. Between spending time on the boat, and getting to explore its perfect,"
Harry sighed happily.
"Oh Merlin, you two are even more loved up!" Ron teased.
"Yes we are," Gregory pressed a kiss to Harry's forehead causing groans from their audience.
"You have been busy then?" Remus asked.
"Yes and no, we have been just taking our time and enjoying it. A day or so on the boat, and then
coming in land to explore, and then back to sailing on the boat," Harry explained.
"It does sound wonderful your letters have been lovely! So many places to get to visit," Hermione
said excitedly.
"Its been wonderful! And we still have so much to see," Harry said before telling them in a little
more detail what they had been doing, and the places that they had seen.
"We will speak to you soon then?" Andromeda asked when they had finished.
"Yes, we will call again," Harry nodded.
"We're missing you," Ron smiled softly.
"I'm missing you too, I will see you soon though,"
"You carry on enjoying yourself! The sun and adventure is obviously doing you well, you're
glowing," Tonks complimented him.
"You're the second one to say that!" Harry shook his head.
"Its probably all the sex," George said as he and Fred popped into view of the call.
"Oh Merlin!" Harry groaned covering his burning face before glaring at the snickering Gregory was
letting out.
"Oh come on guys!" Ron grimaced.
"What! They are on their honeymoon, did you think they were spending it playing checkers?" Fred
"I wanted to pretend they were," Remus grumbled mulishly.
"We have been very busy playing checkers then," Gregory nodded seriously.
"Gregory!" Harry groaned half tackling him to try and cover his mouth.
"We will let you get going before this gets even more frisky," Hermione smirked.
"Hermione!" Harry whined.
"Sorry sorry, carry on having fun and keeping us up to date," She waved.
"See you soon, love you all," Harry waved back at them.
Harry sighed and flopped back onto the floor as the call ended and reached his hand up for Gregory.
Tugging his husband down he sealed their lips together in a sweet, drugging kiss that made their
blood sing and their hearts beat a little faster.
"Mmm, you are far too tempting, I want nothing more than to take you take you back to the boat
and make love to you," Gregory sighed against his lips.
"How about, we go and see the market and then make our way back to the boat, go down to our
bedroom, and I ride you on our bed?"
"Harry," Gregory groaned as Harry chortled evilly.
"Shall we get going then, sooner we do, the sooner we are back on the boat," Harry suggested.
"Are you sure you are feeling ok?" Gregory asked worriedly.
"Yes I'm sure, honestly I just felt a little dizzy that's all! I have drunk plenty of water and cooled
down enough in the last two hours. Now come on," Harry wiggled from under him, before tugging
him to his feet.
They quickly settled up at the bar, and Gregory bought them two large bottles of water making
Harry roll his eyes fondly, before they stepped out and made their way to the wizarding market. It
was hidden in one of the ruined buildings, so very good charms layered over the whole place to
protect it from muggle eyes.
Stepping inside the market was eye opening. He thought that Diagon had been impressive, and it
was, but this, this was something else. It was an explosion of colour and noise, stalls were
everywhere in wonky lines as their owners called and touted their wares, different animals and
beasts cried out into the noise, and colourful fabrics and items were everywhere.
Harry loved it. They were walking along hand in hand, squeezing into through the crowd to look at
stalls that caught their eyes. They stopped at one of the jewelry stalls where Harry spotted a
beautiful silver bracelet with black stones, it reminded him strongly of his necklace, the first gift
Gregory had ever bought him, the piece that he had not once taken off since he had been sent it. Just
as he was reaching for it, Gregory's hand plucked it away and handed it over to the store owners
along with the money for it.
Harry looked over his shoulder to glare at his husband playfully, only to be me with an unrepentant
look. Shaking his head he stepped out of the way with Gregory and allowed his husband to slip the
bracelet onto his wrist and slid the clasp into place.
"Thank you," Harry admired the bracelet on his wrist before wrapping his arms around Gregory's
neck and kissing him sweetly.
"It suits you," Gregory said but his fingers went to the necklace around Harry's throat instead.
"I was so nervous when I got the bouquet, letter and necklace," Harry admitted.
"Hermione told me what it all was, what it meant. I was scared to look at the letter, because I
wanted it to be from a certain someone, and I wasn't sure how hurt I would be if I didn't see your
name on the bottom of the letter,"
"How glad were you that it was my name?"
"Exceedingly. Though I could not have imagined that we would be standing here,"
"Me either, when I sent that I hoped that you would give me a chance, that I would be given the
time to woo you. Not in my wildest dreams did I imagine this," Gregory said pulling Harry closer
and feathering kisses over his face. Harry closed his eyes and sank into the kisses contently.
"I have been thinking," Harry hummed.
"Mm hm?"
"You know we said about a second home, away from Malfoy manor?"
"Yes?" Gregory was looking at him curiously now.
"What do you think to buying a little villa here in Greece as a little holiday home?"
"And when we are in Britain," Gregory asked.
"The manor has become my home, the home I have been longing for, I don't really want anywhere
else," Harry said.
"You mean that?" Gregory asked happily.
"I love it there, I love having the family around us, popping in, mine and Marcus' evening cups of
tea and chats, everyone coming to us if they want to have a chat,"
"You have managed to become the heart of that old place and give it life again," Gregory kissed his
"Don't be silly I haven't done anything," Harry protested.
"When I lived there before, and when I returned there was always something, a heaviness, you have
breathed fresh air into the place, you have given it new life. Are you sure you will be happy
"I don't want to be anywhere but home. And if we have somewhere here, and the boat to get away
every now and then, it will be perfect," Harry assured hm.
"Grandfather and mother will be delighted," Gregory smirked.
"Lets wait till we get back to tell them?" Harry suggested.
"Or we could save our ears and write to them,"
"Is that anyway to speak to your husband! I should take you over my knee," Gregory growled into
his ear.
"Promises promises," Harry breathed out looking at Gregory with burning eyes.
"You know they have a market like this very close to Delphi," Gregory's voice was husky as he
made the suggestion.
"Really, you know now you mention it, I probably could do with going back to the boat and having
a nice...long...relaxing lie down," Harry licked his lips stepping closer.
"You need to stop looking at me like that for a moment, or I am going to overshoot the boat, or
splinch us," he groaned before he apparated them away and back to their boat.
Chapter 20
Harry stood at the prow of the boat watching with excitement as Italy came into view. Gregory was
busy steering their boat through the last little stretch, but Harry was excited to see another country.
He still couldn't believe that this was their honeymoon, that this was what they were getting to do.
He hummed happily to the music playing behind him, some Greek style gentle music he had taken a
liking to while they had been there.
His skin was nice and tanned now, he was feeling 100 times more relaxed than he had when they
had left. He loved getting time for just the two of them as well. They were already planning other
holidays that they could take doing something like this. Harry was sure he had convinced Gregory
that their next holiday would be along the Nile so that he could see Egypt. They also hoped that
they could convince Ron and Hermione to come on a little holiday with them as well.
He turned around and hurried through the boat and up to where Gregory was standing steering the
"You know you look incredibly sexy like that," Harry said walking up to his husband. He really did.
Wearing only shorts and a loose white linen shirt that showed off his golden skin and muscled
chest, His golden hair was braided today, and the wind was capturing it and the loose strands and
blowing it around his face. He looked up at Harry's words and smirked at him, but his eyes were
playful, and he motioned the younger man over to him.
"I could say the same, I think I won't take you back home, we will just tour around in this boat, see
the world,"
"You will have no argument from me. I do however fear what your grandfather would do to us,"
"You have a good point, I will just have to chain you up in our bedroom," Gregory nodded
"You wouldn't dare. You however would look incredible chained to our bed," Harry smirked.
"Ugh, you are going to kill me one of these days," Gregory huffed.
"You started it!"
"I know," Gregory kissed him, and then turned to look back to the water as the land became clearer
and clearer.
"It's weird, I'm excited to get here, and at the same time it feels like we are a step closer to having to
go home," Harry sighed pressing against his side.
"Well then, we go home, and properly start our married life. Planning what we want to do with our
future, maybe extending the rooms a little now that we are staying there full time. Look at adding a
nursery or two maybe,"
Harry grinned at his completely unsubtle attempt at being subtle. "Or two?"
"Just a thought," Gregory shrugged nonchalantly.
"Are you broody dear?"
"No! Well, maybe a little, just slightly. Come on seeing you with Teddy, and now Selena you can't
blame me for thinking what you would look like holding our babies," Gregory grumbled.
"I'm just teasing you," Harry kissed his cheek. "I would love to start thinking about a family to be
"Yes, once we are settled, I thought maybe we could start trying. I want a few kids,"
"You have mentioned that a few times, do you have a number in mind?" Gregory asked interested.
"Well, not as much as the Weasleys, but I was thinking maybe 5 or 6," Harry shrugged. He looked
concerned when Gregory choked and spluttered.
"6! I was thinking you were about to say 3 or 4!"
"I told you I wanted a big family, would you not want that many?" Harry asked nervously.
"No, no I would, I would love a load of children running around," Gregory assured him quickly.
"But?" Harry frowned hearing the undertone.
"But the Malfoys aren't knowing for being able to have big families, honestly no pureblood family
is. Mere and father were classed blessed to have 3 of us," Gregory explained gently. "The likelihood
of us having more than 3 isn't very likely,"
"Oh darling," Harry smiled brightly cupping Gregory's face and pressing a sweet kiss to his mouth.
"Haven't you heard? I'm very good at beating all the odds. So, 5 to 6 it is, we will have to plan on
where we are going to add their rooms to ours," Harry hummed.
Gregory blinked down at him before grinning happily.

Sassi Di Matera, was beautiful and eerie at the same time. The two of them walked around the
abandoned city taking in everything, and popping in and out of the houses that had been made from
caves. They were lovely and cool, and it was very interesting to see the different additions of
history to the place.
" of the first human dwellings in Italy...what?" Gregory asked pausing in his explanation of
the history of the city from memory.
"Nothing, I just enjoying seeing you like this," Harry shook his head.
"Sorry I get carried away," Gregory flushed.
"No, no I love it," Harry shook his head.
"If you're sure,"
"Your intelligence is incredibly sexy Gregory," Harry assured him, walking a little ahead of him.
Gregory smirked to himself before hurrying to catch up, already picking up from where he left off.
They had gotten comfy on a hill top and pulled out the packed lunch Harry had put together for
them. Resting with his head in Gregory's lap where they were sitting under an olive tree Harry
breathed in the drier, sweeter air surrounding them. Gregory's long fingers were combing through
his hair, tugging lightly every now and then.
He felt boneless under the attention, and he was fairly sure he didn't want to move for a good while.
He reckoned he may have eaten a little too much of the good food that they had stocked up on as he
was feeling a little queasy. He couldn't help it though, he loved the foods they were trying. He had
amused Gregory by collecting recipes from different restaurants that they had visited, he had a little
stockpile of recipes now to try when they returned home. He couldn't wait to cook a big meal for
the family when they got back, he was planning on doing something for them all, getting the whole
family round the day after they got back, and cooking a selection of meals from all the places that
they had been to.
"What are you plotting?" Gregory asked making him crack an eye open to see that he had been
watching him.
"Just a family meal when we get back," Harry shrugged. "Plus, I am going to have to catch up with
Tiberius on his lessons that he has missed over this month while we have been away. He's come on
in leaps and bounds, but he has his exams coming up, so I want to make sure he is feeling confident
before he goes into them,"
"I'm sure he will understand, you didn't miss one even the week leading up to the wedding,"
Gregory said amused.
"He's a good student," Harry shrugged.
"And he has a very good teacher,"
"I don't know about that,
"I do," Gregory smiled starting to run his fingers through Harry's hair again. Happily, Harry's green
eyes fluttered shut again as he soaked up the feeling.

"Everything ok?" Harry asked as he walked into their bedroom to see Gregory laid out on the bed
with tarot cards laid around him.
"There is something that is niggling at me, but I don't know what it is," Gregory huffed frustrated.
"You are seeing something?" Harry asked curiously. Gregory had had a few visions in their time
together, that he had told him about. But he had not seen him like this.
"Yes, but it's not very clear, just something is coming, something big,"
"Good or bad?" Harry asked nervously.
"It's definitely not bad, I just can't see what it is," Gregory assured him quickly, reaching his hand
out for Harry. He slipped onto the bed next to Gregory, a small concerned crease on his forehead as
he looked down at the new deck Gregory lay out. "It's just annoying me with how vague it is, I hate
getting visions like this,"
"They aren't always clear?" Harry asked. Gregory was so distracted that he didn't have his normal
defence up that he still had not managed to let down when it came to his gift, despite meeting Luna
a good few times.
"No, sometimes they come through crystal clear, and then the next time it's very foggy, sometimes
it will be a few visions, each one getting a little clearer. It's frustrating,"
"Why don't you take a break? It may come through clearer after you have...distracted yourself,"
Harry suggested coyly. Gregory frowned and opened his mouth clearly to protest, but then Harry's
nimble hand slipped inside of his trousers, and when he turned his lover was wearing a smirk with a
look of promise on his face. Waving his wand Gregory quickly moved the cards out the way as he
turned around in Harry's grip to kiss him, his hips rolling into the grip that Harry had around him
even as they sank down onto the mattress.
On the small table in their bedroom four of the cards rearranged themselves with a soft glow, laying
themselves out in a line, and unseen by the two men the Lovers, Queen of cups, Ace of Cups and
Empress cards slipped back into their normal places.

"You have never done it?!" Gregory asked shocked.

"No! You know Hogwarts only has brooms," Harry laughed as he was pulled through the market,
aiming at one particular stall. He rolled his eyes fondly when Gregory picked out the fanciest rug
that he could find, and then led Harry to the small take off area that stall had next to it. Getting
settled onto the carpet Harry looked a little dubiously at Gregory making him laugh and lean over to
press a kiss to his lips.
"Don't worry I know how to fly one perfectly," He promised before they were in the air and flying
over the coastal city of Tropea.
"If you start singing about a Whole New World I'm jumping," Harry snorted.
"Sing what?" Gregory asked confused.
"Nothing, I will tell you later," Harry laughed. "So, tell me about this place?"
"Well it was supposed to be founded by Hercules..." Gregory started explaining. For Harry, this had
to be the best trip that they had taken except for their Hippocampus ride, pressed up against
Gregory's side letting the warm, husky rumble of his husband's voice wash over him as he told him
about the city, and pointed out various things about it, including the two cathedrals, one with an
unexploded muggle bomb from world war 2 sitting outside its doors.
The city was beautiful and looked as though it had been built out of the cliff that it sat on
overlooking the sea, the colour of the stone of the buildings matching in perfectly. The buildings
seemed to twine around the cliff face down onto the beach. It was truly lovely.
Gregory took them on a couple of loops around, and then out to sea for a little bit, Harry had to
laugh again when his husband dipped them slightly to the sea so Harry could run his fingers through
the beautiful turquoise water, he really was going to have to find a way to show him Aladdin.
They finally landed on the beach, and while Gregory rolled up their carpet, Harry wandered off to
get them some sun loungers on the busy beach. He was feeling a lot more confident wandering
around in a different country, the first week he had stuck to Gregory's side every time they went
inland, culture shock was quite a thing for him, but as the time had gone on he had found that
everyone was welcoming, and there was always someone to help if he got a little turned around.
As he settled on the sun lounger and waited for Gregory he closed his eyes and breathed in the air,
ready to enjoy another day in paradise.

Harry giggled and tucked his head to his shoulder as Gregory brushed tickly kisses to his neck and
ear, distracting him a little from his cooking. They were squeezed into the little kitchen on the boat,
with Gregory 'helping' him cook. It was just something simple, they had had a full day out, and had
treated themselves to a big lunch so that Harry wouldn't have to cook much for them.
They had spent the day at Paestum, viewing its three large temples. Gregory had blushed when he
had admitted that he really wanted to visit this site because it had two temples to Hera, the Goddess
of Marriage, as well as a temple for Athena, they had also gone to a small temple for the Capitoline
Triad Minerva, Jupiter and Juno. They had toured the temples and the ruined city, they had drifted
around the museum which while Harry had enjoyed, he had enjoyed watching Gregory's reaction
more, their last visit after lunch had been to the painted tombs the site held, Harry had been in awe
of the beautiful colours and scenes of everyday life and heroic quests that the walls held.
They had had a really good day, and now they were just enjoying their evening on the boat. Gregory
had decked out the top deck of the boat again, minus the bed this time, and they were now cooking.
Well Harry was and Gregory was trying his best to distract him. And it was working. He turned and
pressed his lips to Gregory's absently waving his wand to carry on with their meal. Wrapping his
arms around Gregory's neck he hopped up onto the counter and tugged his husband between his
legs, his hands already roaming hungrily over his body, his lips hungry as he tasted him.
Cooking could wait.

Gregory paused where he was, holding their ice creams as he drunk in the sight of his husband lying
on a blanket on the sand reading. His skin hand tanned a beautiful brown shade that made his green
eyes seem even brighter. It sounded egotistical, but he liked to think those eyes were shining even
brighter again since their wedding day, they seemed to be brimming with happiness, love and life.
Something had released in Harry the moment they said their vows, like some small sadness he had
been holding onto had finally been let go, and he could just live his life, and look forward to their
future now.
Watching Harry and his family joke around together, laughing and teasing him had filled him with a
joy he couldn't express. Harry filled his life and completed it in a way he had not really realised he
was missing until those green eyes had met his, and that beautiful blush had crossed his cheeks. He
was so lucky, he knew that, to be the person that Harry fell in love with and chose to give his heart
to, he was more blessed than he could have ever have hoped to be.
Harry seemed to feel his eyes on him, and he turned with a bright smile when he saw Gregory
standing there, his smile and his eyes beckoning him forwards. He would never have enough of this
man. Striding over to Harry he knelt next to him, and before the younger man could say anything
swooped down to press a kiss to his lips.
"What was that for?" Harry laughed when they parted, by no means complaining. He accepted his
ice cream as he put his book to the side and sat up.
"Nothing, just because I adore the ground you walk on," Gregory so loud enough that the two
women on the blanket next to them giggled.
"Gregory," Harry groaned, his cheeks lighting up that beautiful shade again.
"I'm not sorry for telling you the truth," Gregory shrugged. "I have a surprise for you after lunch,"
"What is it?" Harry asked eagerly.
"A surprise," Gregory shook his head before snorting when Harry pouted. "If that doesn't work with
Phoenix do you think it will work with you?"
"I would watch how you phrase that, are you saying I'm not cute?" Harry raised his eyebrow
looking at Gregory seriously.
"Well, no, not cute, not like Phoenix because that would just be weird, but handsome, and gorgeous,
and beautiful and wonderful, and I am of course susceptible to your charms, I just really don't want
to ruin this surprise!" Gregory tumbled out worried.
Harry raised his eyebrow again and blinked twice before smirking making Gregory sink forwards
"You're cruel," He sighed.
"I know," Harry said cheerfully before taking another lick of his ice cream.

"This is what we are doing?" Harry asked excited as they walked down the little jetty. Towards a
little red and gold rowing boat.
"Yes, I thought the best way to see the Amalfi Coast would be to row around it. I know we are
spending a lot of time on a boat already, but this is..."
Harry leant up and pressed a quick, but heated kiss to Gregory's lips. "Getting to see you rowing,
muscles straining in the Italian sun, sweaty, I am in that boat,"
"Come on then," Gregory shook his head at his husband's impish look.
They got settled into the boat and then Gregory started rowing them around the coast. They went
around the coast, taking in the beach, the sea, the wildlife, the city which was interesting to see from
different angles. It was such a beautiful town, and the coast was simply breath taking, even better
than the books had described. He closed his eyes as breathed in the scent of the sea.
They moved around the coast, and Gregory then rowed them into a little cove, it was simply breath
taking, the sunlight coming through the entrance lit the cove up in an entrancing glittering blue
"Hey, hang on," Harry said reaching out to touch the other man's hand to stop him rowing them
back out of the cove. Turning back to look at him, Gregory looked at him questioningly. "I wanted
to find the right moment to give you this, now seems pretty perfect,"
"Give me what?" Gregory asked curiously.
"I spotted this a couple of days ago, and it was pretty perfect for you, I thought, so, here," Harry
held out the wrapped box to Gregory, making him very curious when he spotted the blush on Harry
Taking the box, he carefully undid the wrappings and took the lid off. What was inside took his
breath away, the simple silver heart had four emeralds down one side and an engraving down the
other saying 'You Will Always Have My Heart', it was resting on a leather chain. He bit his lip and
looked up to where Harry was sitting nervously watching him.
"I love it, I really love, thank you so much," Gregory quickly took the necklace out and put it on,
running his fingers over the heart. "I love it,"
"I'm glad," Harry sighed.
"Were you nervous?" Gregory asked.
"A little, you never really wear jewellery and well, I wasn't sure, but I thought that you might like
"I love it," Gregory assured him. He moved carefully forwards and pressed a kiss to Harry's lips.
"I have loved this, I know I have said it before, but thank you," Harry hummed settling back into the
"Me too. I can't believe that we only have four days left, it's flown by," Gregory sighed, his fingers
still playing with the locket.
"I was worried you know," Harry laughed tangling their fingers together.
"About what?" Gregory asked curiously.
"I don't know, I just had this insane thought that we might spend a month together and... I don't
know, that you would get bored of spending time with just me," Harry laughed nervously.
"Harry, I will never, ever get bored of spending time with you, ever. I vowed my whole life to you,"
"Thank you, I told you it was silly," Harry smiled. He carefully knelt up in the boat, slightly worried
about tipping them, and wrapped his arms around Gregory's neck. "It's just, this is all so new,"
"For me as well," Gregory chuckled wrapping his own arms around Harry's waist.
"I think we are doing pretty well so far,"
"I think we are doing excellent," Gregory nodded leaning in for another lingering kiss. "Lucius and
Narcissa didn't speak for two days on their honeymoon when she laughed at how long he spends in
the bathroom,"
"He sulked for 2 days?" Harry snorted.
"2 whole days...and slept in the bathroom, grandfather was worried they were going to end up
separated before the ink was dry,"
"That is brilliant," Harry smothered his laughter into Gregory's shoulder. He groaned a little when
Gregory pressed a kiss to his neck, and then another, finally Harry was shivering a little in his arms,
and clinging onto his shoulders, taking a deep breath to try and get his brain working again he case
a privacy spell on the entrance of the cove, and tapped the oars to row them across the little beach at
the end.
"Harry what..." Gregory blinked when Harry stood and stripped off all his clothes, before stepping
over the side and into the crystal cool water. Gregory stared at him stunned as he watched Harry
swim through the crystal water, able to see every single part of his gorgeous husband. Green eyes
glowed when Harry rolled onto his back, beckoning Gregory.
He was standing on the boat, watching hungrily as his husband swam gracefully around in the water
looking like a nymph from the legends he had been reading recently. He was glittering and glowing
in the light coming into the cove. Slowly he pulled off his own clothes, not taking his eyes from
Harry the whole time, not wanting to miss a moment of this. He was fairly sure that this was going
to become one of many favourite memories of Harry.
Slipping into the water as well he swam slowly towards Harry, his eyes hungrily watching him, he
felt slightly predatory as he stalked after the now laughing younger man in the water, the sound of
his laughter bouncing off the walls of the cove, beckoning and calling Gregory to him.
Several times he swam quickly out of reach when Gregory caught up to him, darting away before he
could get his arms around him, wet skin brushing tantalisingly over his hands before he set chase
again. Finally, though the burning desire in his stomach was too strong, and he decided it was time
to finish their game now. With a burst of energy he used his muscles to speed through the water
between them. He had time to see Harry's wide, lustful green eyes before he pounced on him,
drawing him close to himself as he fastened their lips together and fed the flames of their desire as
he tasted Harry.
His hands roamed under the water, feeling Harry's slick skin, moving his hands down to cup his
bum and stroke teasingly light between his cheeks making Harry shiver lustfully in arms. Lifting
him easily in the water, Harry twined his legs immediately around his waist and held onto his
shoulders, his own hands wandering caressingly over Gregory's shoulders and arms, down his chest
and through his hair, his lips burning a pathway behind his hands, his tongue and teeth coming out
occasionally to taste the wet, tanned skin underneath his lips.
Gregory was hard and burning for Harry, desperate to be joined with him again. moving quickly to
the small section of beach he lay Harry down, their hips and legs were still being lapped at by the
waves, but Gregory could kneel over Harry and start worshipping his body, trying to show with his
touches how he saw Harry, brushing and massaging his tanned skin, soothing and flaming the
passion in that smaller body until Harry was writhing underneath him, mewls and pleas falling from
his lips, and yet still Gregory slowly made his way down his body, worshipping every inch that he
could, fighting back his own desires as much as he could.
Finally, though he slipped back up Harry's body to share a kiss with his love, while lining himself
up with Harry's body. One firm thrust had them joining together for the second time that day,
Harry's body a hot and welcoming grip around him, his walls fluttering and caressing him, more
than ready for him after their time together this morning.
Looking down on his beautiful husband, spread out on the white sand, green eyes burning like fire,
his cheeks flushed with pleasure, the crystal water lapping around him, Gregory had never felt
luckier in his life. This, this was for his eyes only, Harry's cries of pleasure for his ears only. This
was his life, his love. And it would never get more perfect.
Chapter 21
Gregory smiled down at his young husband who was practically asleep in his arms. They had had a
busy last day exploring and making the most of it, up early and exploring around Paris for the day.
Harry had been so excited, dragging him here there and everywhere. They had finished up
exploring Versailles, wandering around the beautiful palace hand in hand. Gregory had surprised
him by organising for them to have supper in the palace, calling in a rather big favour, and paying a
slightly extortionate amount. But after the palace had closed to the visitors, he had escorted Harry to
the dining room, which had been set up for them with candles.
Harry had loved it, and they had had their last meal of the honeymoon in a way he knew Harry
would never, ever forget. Following that they had taken a stroll around the ornate gardens which
were lit up for them and them alone. Walking and chatting softly, it had been like they were in their
very own world, enjoying each other's company and the peace of the gardens surrounding them.
Eventually though they had had to return, their bags had already been sent on ahead of them by the
workers in the Parisian dock that Gregory had left their boat in this morning. All there was, was for
them to apparate home. Harry had been so tired that Gregory had been worried about him
splinching himself, so he had insisted on side along.
He was glad he did, because by the second jump which landed them in London, Harry had been
drooping. Their third jump landed them in Malfoy Manor, and Harry had practically nodded off
against his shoulder. It was 0130 in the morning, and the manor was in silence, the other occupants
no doubt fast asleep.
"Gregory?" Well nearly all of them.
"Grandfather," Gregory smiled turning to see Marcus holding a cup of tea.
"I wanted to make sure you got back ok," Marcus admitted sheepishly walking over quickly and
wrapping him in a tight hug. "You look wonderful, married life is clearly agreeing with you," He
smiled looking his grandson over fondly before looking to Harry. He chuckled when he realised that
Harry had nodded off in Gregory's arms.
"We had a busy day," Gregory chuckled, bending and lifting Harry into his arms. Harry mumbled
something to himself, something with Gregory's name in, and then snuggled into his shoulder,
settling deeper into sleep it seemed.
"Get to bed, I will see you in the morning," Marcus patted Gregory's free shoulder.
"Come around for brunch?" Gregory asked.
"I don't want to intrude on your first morning back," Marcus shook his head.
"Harry will want to see you," Gregory said firmly brushing a kiss to Marcus' cheek before turning
and making his way to their rooms, his precious burden held close to his chest. He had loved their
honeymoon, but it was good to be home as well.
Harry yawned widely as he yanked his dressing robe on. He hummed as he looked around their
bedroom, happy to be home. He loved the boat, but he had to admit the cabin had started to feel a
little cramped. He was used to big bedrooms now, be it the Hogwarts dorm, his bedroom at
Andromeda's, but especially here.
Bending down he pressed a soft kiss to Gregory's lips smiling against them when his husband
stirred and pressed back.
"It's gone 1000 love, I will go put some tea and breakfast on," Harry explained.
"I asked Grandfather round for brunch," Gregory yawned snuggling a little deeper into the blankets,
but opening his ocean blue eyes to look at Harry.
"Oo good, I will see what we have in," Harry smiled kissing Gregory again before shuffling to the
kitchen. He dug out the shopping list he had made with all the items that he would need to make his
family meal tomorrow night and left it on the side, along with the letters to everyone informing
them of it. The House elves would take them and make sure that they were passed out.
"Harry!" The dark-haired man laughed as he was buried into a hug from twin redheads, Carina not
far behind, and the three of them getting shoved out the way so Marcus could claim his hug.
"Marcus said you would be having brunch,"
"You have been coming around?" Harry asked, a little shocked.
"I have had to have something to keep me occupied without your company," Marcus smiled.
"He has amazing ideas! We have a few new products out, and some more to come," George nodded
happily. Harry smiled softly to himself as he moved to turn the kettle on.
"You look so tanned! And glowing! It is so good to have you home!" Carina beamed pulling him
into another hug before moving to get some teacups down.
"You are finally alive then!" Lucius said as he swept in. "Honestly I have come and gone twice!"
Harry blinked a little when he found himself swept into a hug before his eldest brother in law made
his way to the table. He had to shake himself a little at that thought. Lucius was his brother in law.
"They are literally just back from their honeymoon, leave him along Lucius," Julia rolled her eyes
as she swept over herself and pulled him in for a hug. He kissed her cheek, and then baby Selina's.
"Merlin, she has grown already!" He shook his head looking down at the pretty little baby.
"Merlin already?!" Gregory mock groaned walking out the bedroom braiding his hair.
"You thought you would be able to escape us?" Lucius smirked.
"We thought we might get a little peace and quiet. Honestly, we will be here 365 days a year, you
couldn't give us one morning?" He said casually as he hugged Carina tightly.
"Wait what?!" Carina gasped yanking back and looking between him and Harry wide eyed. Marcus
was a second behind, his eyes widening.
"You guys didn't even wait till official bruncheon time," Gregory nodded hugging Lucius, Fred,
Julia, Selina, George and Marcus before finally reaching Harry and taking his cup of tea from his
amused husband who was shaking his head at him.
"365..." Lucius trailed off, also looking between them.
"Well perhaps not 365, we will be taking holidays and little breaks abroad," Gregory shrugged
taking a sip of his tea.
"But, what about your second home?" Marcus asked wide eyed looking between them.
"We decided the money that we had planned towards that can go on a couple of little holiday
homes. We will expand our rooms here a little, if that is ok?" Harry asked.
"Of course it is, but, is that really what you want or are you doing this for us because..." Carina
paused when Harry just hugged her.
"While we were away I realised that even though I was having an amazing time, I was looking
forward to coming home," He emphasised the word and blushed when all the Malfoys beamed at
"Oh Merlin!" George suddenly blurted out making them all turn to him. "Sorry, sorry I just realised
that you're a Malfoy now!"
"Did you forget the wedding we attended a month ago?" Fred asked his twin dryly.
"No! Of course not, but it hadn't hit either, I hadn't really thought about it," George flapped his
hand. "But he's a Malfoy!"
"And I am a Potter," Gregory teased.
"Oh Merlin, a Malfoy Potter!" George gawped.
"I think you broke him," Harry snickered as he moved to start cooking.
"Are you sure about this Harry? Please don't feel you have to," Marcus said softly as the others
teased George.
"I know I don't have to do anything I don't want to," Harry smiled. "I want to Grandfather,"
"We can make a start on expanding the rooms for you," Marcus beamed.
"We had a few ideas actually. We wanted to have a second living room, a little bigger for when
everyone comes around," Gregory hummed as he leant against the counter beside where Harry was
cooking at the stove.
"What about a nursery?" Carina asked casually, but her eyes were gleaming.
"Actually, we wanted to add two, and four rooms for children," Gregory said with matching
casualness, but he couldn't stop his smirk when the Malfoys at the table went silent, the twins
starting to roar with laughter as they obviously clicked on.
"Stop it," Harry rolled his eyes at his husband amused.
"Harry and I want a few children,"
"That's putting it mildly, Harry has wanted a flock of kids since his second year," George laughed.
"Seriously he's been adopting first years since his second year, from all houses," Fred snickered.
"You sound like I have been kidnapping them!"
"You practically did. Honestly, they followed him around like ducklings,"
"I wasn't that bad!" Harry protested.
"It was adorable to watch, we called him mummy Harry behind his back," Fred smirked.
"You did not!" Harry gawped.
"Oh, they really did," Ron snorted as he walked in clearly having heard the conversation. "You look
so tanned!" He grinned as he walked over the hug Harry tightly.
"Missed you," Harry smiled squeezing back.
"I really missed you," Ron smiled before letting go and moving to hug Gregory. "Missed you too,
I've had no one to tease,"
"It's been quiet without you around," Gregory teased back.
"How many grandkids am I looking forward to then?" Carina obviously couldn't wait any longer.
"We were thinking just a few," Harry shrugged, a teasing look of his own appearing.
"5 or 6." Gregory nodded before laughing when Lucius choked on his tea. Carina and Marcus were
staring at them wide eyed.
"You're kidding, right?" Selina choked.
"Nope, that is actually the amount that I want," Harry laughed.
"Bloody hell, I thought Marcus and Leandre were rabbits," Lucius snorted.
"Lucius, do not be so crude!" Carina scolded.
"Sorry Mother," Harry had to press his face into Gregory's shoulder, he would never get tired of
seeing Lucius cowed by his mother.
"5 or 6?!" Marcus asked hopefully looking between them.
"Yup, we talked about it while we were away," Gregory smiled as he handed Harry the plates he
was motioning to.
"You realise no Malfoy has managed to have that many children?" Carina said gently.
"I know, but as Harry pointed out he is quite known for changing things from the impossible,"
Gregory chuckled.
"That he does, if anyone can break that it will be Harry," Fred snorted.
"Do you remember that time..."
"No!" Harry pointed at Ron.
"You don't even know what I was going to say!" Ron laughed.
"I don't care, you want food you keep stum!" Harry warned.
"Mean," Ron grumbled.
"I know," Harry snickered.
"How was it being home?" Lucius asked, snagging a slice of toast as the plate floated passed.
"It was strange waking up in our own bed," Harry admitted.
"And not rocking in the boat," Gregory hummed.
"I bet that boat did some rocking," Harry burst out laughing as Lucius did some ridiculous eyebrow
wiggle before yelping when Carina clipped him with a stinging hex. Gregory just rolled his eyes
before taking his seat at the table as Harry floated everything else down onto the surface and joined
them all himself.

Marcus was laughing and chatting with the twins when they walked into Harry and Gregory's
kitchen, only to pause when they saw Harry sitting at the table with Gregory fussing over him.
There were also a small line of House elves wringing their hands worriedly.
What was even more concerning was that neither of them seemed aware that they now had an
"...m fine Gregory, you don't need to call the Healer," Harry was arguing.
"Harry, you had another dizzy spell, you can't blame it on lack of water," Gregory sighed.
"I'm fine," Harry smiled running his fingers through Gregory's hair. The elder man was kneeling in
front of the chair Harry was seated in looking concerned. "Honestly, it was just me being silly, I
haven't eaten properly today,"
"Harry," Gregory was looking mutinous.
"I am fine, honestly," Harry shook his head.
"What's happened?" Marcus frowned walking in fully.
"He had a dizzy spell," Gregory tattled before Harry could say anything.
"I went a little dizzy that was all. I have been standing over the hot cooker for a little while and
haven't had much to eat, that's all. I feel 100% now!" Harry rolled his eyes.
"Maybe a healer wouldn't be a bad idea Harry?" George frowned reaching out to touch his forehead.
"Stop fussing, I am fine!" Harry shook his head.
"Have you had any other dizzy spells you haven't told me about?" Gregory asked. Harry pursed his
lips. "Harry?"
"I have felt light headed a couple of times, had a few head rushes, that's all though," Harry shook
his head.
"Please let me call a Healer!" Gregory was looking concerned now.
"Gregory, I am absolutely fine," Harry cupped his face. "We have been busy, and I wasn't used to
the heat, that is all. If I have another dizzy spell I will go to the Healer, but I need to finish supper,"
"The House elves could finish," Gregory protested lightly, keeping his hands on Harry's waist as he
"No, it's our first family meal since the wedding, I am ok now. No offence guys and girls," Harry
added looking to the House elves.
"As long as young master is ok," One of the elves squeaked before they popped out.
"You terrified them," Gregory scolded.
"Yes, them," Harry raised an eyebrow at his fussing husband. "Now, you lot can start laying the
table, Fred can you get the big serving bowls out please," Harry ordered moving back to the cooker.
He ignored the concerned looks they were all shooting him as he went back to cooking, Gregory
hovering close by, his blue eyes barely leaving him.
Harry reached out and brushed their hands together, squeezing Gregory's hand in comfort and ran
his thumb over the band on his husband's finger, before turning to go back to cooking. This seemed
to relax Gregory a lot more, and by the time every started piling into the room he was much more
"What am I doing with these?" Hermione asked him. Gregory was at the table laughing with
Remus, Ron, Bill, Lucius and Marcus sr. Carina, Ron Tonks, Andromeda and Narcissa were talking
about something else - something he guessed was conspiring considering the looks they kept
shooting him and Gregory. Leandre, Mikhail Marcus jr. and Julia hadn't arrived yet.
"I need you to mix this sauce in slowly please," Harry passed her the sauce before glancing over his
shoulder and moving closer to her. "Mione,"
"I need your help with something," He muttered glancing over his shoulder once more before
Gregory narrowed his eyes at his husband and his friend, everything about their demeanour said
they were discussing something that they did not want sharing, both looking shifty. He narrowed his
eyes further when Harry glanced over his shoulder and glanced around to make sure no one was
close to overhear anything.
Something was going on with Harry, and he was not stupid enough to fall for 'not eaten enough' and
his husband had an idea about what was going on. He wasn't going to make a scene about it, he
knew that Harry would be mortified if he made a scene in front of their family, but once everyone
was gone.
He turned back to smile as the three missing family members arrived, calling out their greetings,
and Harry announced supper was ready.
"Can you get the drinks on the table please love," Harry called to him.
"Of course," He stood and made his way to the cooling cupboard, levitating out a variety of
alcoholic and none alcoholic drinks for everyone. He snagged Harry round the waist and he went to
walk passed him, pressing a deep kiss to his lips. The smile that Harry gave him, with bright eyes
was the only thing stopping him from dragging Harry to their room to demand answers.
"Oh Merlin, Harry you have outdone yourself!" Andromeda hummed as the food descended onto
the table in front of them all.
"It's recipes that I picked up while we were away," Harry explained.
"He has been dying to try them out," Gregory chuckled sitting next to Harry and linking their
fingers together. "He got the recipes from people wherever we went,"
"The food was amazing, and so different, Gregory bought me a load of recipe books while we were
there as well," Harry smiled sweetly at his husband.
"Well if you need a guinea pig for some recipes, you know where I am," Ron mumbled through a
mouthful of food. "Holy Merlin Harry, this is amazing!"
Harry blushed as every started piling up their plates and giving their compliments. Everything
seemed to be going down well, and everyone was trying a little of everything. Some of them
recognised dishes, particularly the well traveled Malfoys. But Hermione recognised a couple of the
French dishes, Andromeda and Tonks the Italian. Remus had apparently spent a time in Greece
researching werewolves and so was familiar with a good few of those dishes.
"We have a little surprise for you too," Andromeda smiled, and her little group from earlier all
looked pleased with themselves. They were onto their deserts and everyone was relaxed and
comfortable chattering away.
"We put this together for you," Narcissa slid an album across the table to them. Harry blinked at the
beautiful wedding album, leaving it for Gregory to pick up to look through.
"These are..." Harry stared at the pictures from their wedding morning, when they were both getting
ready and there was not way anyone had had a camera.
"I found a spell, you can turn a memory into a photo, it is like pevensive, only onto paper," He
"We all got together and came up with the best pictures that we could from the day. We know you
have the professional photographer's pictures to come, but we thought you might like this as well,
it's a little more personal," Carina actually looked a little nervous, making him realise how much
time had gone into this.
"It's wonderful!" Gregory assured them.
"We left a little space as well, for your honeymoon pictures," Ron grinned.
"Oh! I will go get them, Hermione come help me!" Harry grinned bouncing to his feet. He blanched
at the narrow eyed, knowing look his husband gave him, telling him that he had not fooled him. But
Gregory said nothing as he dragged Hermione to their bedroom, quickly snagging the photos where
he had had them ready from this morning to show off. Instead he turned to Hermione with a serious
face and nodded.
"Oh you look so happy!" Carina sighed.
"Yes, we had a wonderful time," Gregory nodded, but his eyes were on Harry who had been more
than a little distracted since he and Hermione had come back from 'finding' the photos.
"Well, we had better get going, I'm sure you two are still tired," Hermione yawned and made a point
of stretching noisily. Harry shot her a look for her unsubtle moves.
"What, but I was going to have more, oomph! Yes, tired quite tired," Ron yelped. Harry rolled his
eyes and glanced at Hermione, Ron trying to discretely rub his shin where Hermione had no doubt
kicked him.
Gregory glanced between Harry and Hermione, completely aware that something was going on
between them, the only thing stopping him from freaking out at Hermione's discrete call to leave
them alone was the beaming smile that she had on her face.
"I was thinking about as many of us meeting up for lunch in Diagon tomorrow?" Carina suggested
as they all stood.
"We will try and make it," Fred and George smiled bending to kiss Harry's cheeks, then Gregory's
to his surprise.
"I was thinking of having supper together on Saturday, is that ok for everyone?" Harry asked
standing with the photo album.
"That would be wonderful," Marcus Sr beamed nodding.
"Are you cooking?" Julia asked hopefully.
"Yes I will be cooing. The elves will be boxing up the left overs from tonight and dropping them off
to you," Harry laughed.
"Thank you, it was wonderful," Tonks kissed his cheek.
"You really did amazing," Remus hummed.
"We're looking forward to seeing the pictures from the honeymoon," Andromeda kissed him.
Gregory was gritting his teeth. He wanted nothing more than to kick everyone out and demand from
Harry what was going on, but he had to be patient and smile at everyone. He honestly did not keep
track of saying goodnight to everyone, just getting them to the door as politely but fast as he could.
Finally, finally he closed the door behind the last of their family and turned around to see Harry
making his way into the living room. Following him quickly he opened his mouth to confront Harry
as his husband sat down and patted the sofa next to him. Narrowing his eyes Gregory moved to sit
next to Harry, trying hard to fight down the panic building in his chest. He stilled a little when he
saw Harry was looking at a photo in the album of the two of them at the wedding, having their first
They were swaying together, and Harry was looking up at him with so much love and happiness,
and he was looking down at Harry as though he was the moon itself.
"Harry, what's going on?" He asked.
"I have had a suspicion for the last couple of days as to what is going on," Harry licked his lips and
then finally looked up to meet Gregory's worried eyes. Setting the album to the side he turned so he
was facing his husband and took one of his hands.
"Harry you're worrying me. What is going on?" Gregory admitted softly.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you, I just didn't want to say anything until I was sure. Hermione
knows how to perform the spell, so I wanted to wait for this evening when I saw her," Harry bit his
lip nervously.
"So, we may have to bring forward the extension of our rooms, for the nursery in particular," Harry
looked up at him as he moved their joined hands to press against his stomach.
"Oh...oh, oh! Oh! You're and...Oh!" Gregory's eyes widened almost comically.
"Is that ok? I know it's a lot faster than we planned but..." Harry squeaked when Gregory pounced
on him kissing him over what he was sure was every inch of his face.
"Oh Merlin! A baby! We're going to have a baby!" Gregory laughed jumping to his feet. He paced a
lap around the room seeming unable to sit still as Harry got to his own feet, laughing gently at the
excitement in his husband.
"Yes a baby," Harry laughed.
"Oh! I'm going to be a dad, we're going to be parents, we're having a child, together, we made a
baby!" Harry covered his mouth to try and smother his laughter at his husband's rambling
"Yes you're going to be a dad,"
"Oh Merlin, Harry!" Gregory swept him off of his feet, spinning him in a tight circle as he hugged
him close, alternating between scattering kisses over his face and pressing kisses to his lips deeply.
"I was a little worried that you wouldn't be happy, a little too fast," Harry looked at him with soulful
green eyes.
"This, us creating something, could never be anything more than perfect. We have all time in the
world for everything that we want to do. Having a family with you, could never be anything but
perfect," Gregory smiled.
"I love you," Harry groaned pulling the blonde down for a deep kiss.
"I love you too," Gregory murmured when they parted, before a massive smile took over his face
again, "We're going to be parents!" Gregory laughed swinging him around in the air.
Chapter 22
"Ok! I have had enough!" Harry and Gregory looked up startled as Marcus and Carina stormed into
their kitchen. Harry was sitting at the kitchen table and Gregory was making them both a cup of tea,
fruit for Harry.
"No! You have been acting strange for three months since you came back from the Honeymoon!
You avert every question or query that we make. Something is going on and I want to know what! I
am worried, we are worried! What is going on?" Marcus ranted, storming over and sitting down
opposite Harry and glaring between the two of them.
"Erm..." Harry said again.
"We were going to tell you next week what is going on, we have been waiting for a while until
everything was safe," Gregory said walking back over to the table and placed the cups down, his
hand resting on Harry's shoulder as he sat down himself.
"Safe?" Carina frowned.
"Is everything ok? What is going on?" Marcus was looking more frantic by the second.
"We have some good news Grandfather," Gregory smiled brighter and brighter as he took Harry's
hand now and faced his family.
"What is going on?!" the two of them demanded.
"We're having a baby," Harry said. The two blinked at him before massive smiles started forming
and growing as what they had just been told sank into their minds.
"A baby?" Carina said softly.
"A baby," Harry smiled nodding and resting his hand on the small bump that had formed in the last
few weeks.
"How far along?" Marcus' smile looked like it hurt, and excitement was starting to show in him.
"Four months next week, we didn't want to make the announcement until we were further along,"
Harry explained.
"Four...the honeymoon?" Carina laughed.
"You two were busy!"
"Grandfather!" "Father!" The three others protested making the old man laugh evilly.
"You're really..." Carina pressed her hands to her mouth as she stared at them with wide eyes.
"We are. Only Hermione and Ron know beside us, I asked her to perform the spell to check for me
the night after we returned from the honeymoon, I had my suspicions but didn't want to get
Gregory's hopes up," Harry explained.
"You have ruined our big revelation," Gregory laughed.
"Oh I don't care! Congratulations," Carina and Marcus hurried around the table and pulled them
both into a hug.
"The manor is going to be alive with little feet and laughter again, finally," Marcus smiled fondly at

"Is it true!" Harry barely managed to keep from scalding himself as he jumped in shock at their door
being slammed open and Lucius, Narcissa and Andromeda hurried in.
"Bloody hell you're going to put me into early labour! And Grandfather can't keep a secret to save
his life!" Harry grumbled mopping the few drops that had spilt from the sofa.
"How do you know it wasn't mother that told us?" Lucius asked curiously, when Harry just shot him
a pointed look he shrugged. "Point taken,"
"So it is true then?!" Andromeda squealed. Harry stared at the normally collected and calm witch
with mild horror.
"Are we under attack?" Gregory stumbled out of their bedroom wearing only his boxers and
clutching his wand as sleepy eyes gazed around the room.
"Yes, I think we are," Harry snorted amusedly.
"Is it true?!" Fred and George apparated out of nowhere into the room, quickly finding Harry and
staring at him expectantly.
"Merlin's balls...Grandfather!" Harry bellowed.
"Does this mean it is true or not?" Fred demanded.
"Are we under attack?" Gregory asked confused still holding his wand up.

"I was just so excited," Marcus muttered into his breakfast trying his best to look sheepish.
"You flooed the whole family, and announced it to the papers!" Gregory scowled throwing the
papers down onto the table in front of his Grandfather. The front page main Headline read 'The
Potter-Malfoy's expecting their first baby in just five months time. Boy or Girl?'
"I was really excited?" Marcus scrunched down a little further managing to look like Phoenix being
"At least it saved us the fuss," Harry shrugged placing a cup of tea in front of Marcus and kissed his
"We may have wanted the fuss," Gregory huffed. When Harry shot him a look he relented a little.
"Ok, neither of us are the type to like the fuss,"
"I am sorry," Marcus muttered.
"It's fine, done now. We can just announce the second one," Harry shrugged going back to the
cooker to finish plating up.
"You're already talking about the second one when you haven't even had the first," Hermione
laughed as she and Ron walked in and took their seats at the table.
"Should you be doing that mate, you know being pregnant and all?" Ron asked concerned watching
Harry lift the heavy pan from the cooker.
"I am pregnant Ron, not paralysed, I am fine," Harry laughed. His friend had been hovering around
him like a worried shadow every chance he got, he was worse than Gregory. "And we plan on
having more, so next one is our announcement,"
"I am fairly sure you are making Grandfather's century," Lucius drawled.
"Don't be so rude Lucius! When you get to 190 you can talk about centuries!" Marcus huffed.
"You don't look a day over 150," Harry said kissing his cheek as he moved to take his own seat at
the table.
"Thank you...Hey!" Marcus shot him a betrayed look as everyone at the table started laughing.
"Tuck in," He instructed and everyone dived into their breakfast, eagerly discussing the newest
addition or teasing Marcus.
Harry sat back and nibbled on a piece of bacon as he looked at everyone. They came to breakfast
every day, all of them gathering to start the day together, chatter and laughter filling his kitchen. He
didn't cook every morning, sometimes he allowed the elves to, but more often than not he would.
And he loved it. Hermione and Ron had their own suit here now for when they wanted to stay over,
and they all used the Manor as a home base to meet up for meals and gatherings, if someone was
bored or wanted some company they would wander over to the manor and spend time here. Marcus
loved it and so did Harry.
His mind flashed to a skinny, small, lonely boy standing in the kitchen of Private Drive cooking
breakfast for a family that wouldn't love him, watching enviously as Dudley counted his presents
and then started complaining loudly about how there were fewer presents than the year before. He
remembered watching enviously as Petunia and Vernon fussed and loved Dudley, knowing that
they would never love him like that. He remembered the little boy from the cupboard under the
stairs, so sad and alone.
And then he looked at what he had now, his husband was sitting next to him laughing at something
his best friend said, it sounded like he was poking fun at Ron for his fussing over Harry, Hermione
was in a deep discussion with Lucius about the right potions for someone who was pregnant, his
brother in law was looking excited. Carina and Marcus were practically squirming in their seats and
they talked about Selina having company in the Manor. Julia was also looking quite excited at the
prospect of a playmate for Selina and was going through all of Selina's things that she had grown
out of or was too old for now that Harry and Gregory would be able to use when their little one
came along. Fred and George seemed busy trying to start a betting pool on the gender of the baby,
and loudly proclaiming they were going to be the favourite uncles, Harry was fairly sure that
Leandre was going to tackle them for the title, Marcus jr was smirking and no doubt plotting how
he would be the favourite while chatting with Bill and Charlie. Tonks and Remus were talking with
Andromeda about their expanding family and the fact that they weren't planning on having another
child just yet. In the playpen, Teddy and Selina were babbling in excited baby talk and throwing
cuddly toys at each other.
"Hm?" He blinked and turned when Gregory kissed his cheek.
"Ok?" Gregory asked concerned.
"More than," Harry beamed happily. gregory laughed and leaned in to press their lips together.
"Harry?" Remus smiled as he walked into the room that they were changing into the nursery for the
baby. The dark-haired man was sitting in the middle of the room with a circle of baby clothes
around him. Now five months along his stomach was visibly showing.
"Oh is it nearly time for the cinema?" Harry blinked. "I lost track of time sorry," he sniffed.
Remus looked mildly panicked for a moment before he crossed the room to sit next to him on the
floor, looking at him with concern when he noticed the tears on his face. "What's going on?"
"I'm just...I was just looking at this and thinking...I was just sad that Sirius and Mum and dad aren't
here with us, I was looking at the clothes and thinking about holding the baby, and I realised that
they wouldn't get to hold my baby, or see them, they won't know them," Harry gripped the baby
grow in his hands tightly.
"Oh Harry," Remus wrapped his arm around the younger man's shoulder and pulled him closer. "It's
not easy. I wish that they were here to meet Teddy, I wish I could have seen Sirius and James hold
him and coo over him, I wish that Lily could have fussed over him and start trying to teach him
charms from the moment he can talk. But, they will be there with you every moment, they will see
your baby, they will see their first steps, their first words, every moment, they're right there with
"That...sounds kind of creepy, can you imagine Sirius hanging over your shoulder?" Harry laughed
through his tears.
"Oh Merlin, I take it back," Remus mock shuddered.
"Sorry, I'm just being emotional," Harry shook his head before turning and wrapping his arms
around Remus tightly. "I'm glad that you're here, Remi," He said softly.
"I love you Harry," Remus squeezed him. "I'm glad that I am here with you for this,"
"I'm so lucky, I have so many people around me now, people I love,"
"And people that love you," Remus let him go and smiled at him warmly as he picked up a tiny
jacket and stroked a gentle hand over it reverently. "Come on we have a cinema trip to look forward
to," He leant over and kissed Harry's cheek.
"Don't look so amused!" Harry scolded teasingly.
"Don't tell me that you didn't plan this trip for at least 85% amusement factor of seeing the Malfoys
at the cinema," Remus snorted helping Harry to his feet.
"I deny everything,"
"Of course you, I have no shame in admitting I will be watching their faces as much as the film,"
Remus snickered. "What are we going to watch?"
"...Wizard of Oz," Harry grinned.
"Oh, merlin..." Remus covered his mouth.
"I may have them convinced that it is about some powerful wizard and him ruling his country,"
Harry broke into laughter.
"I am definitely looking forward to this!" Remus joined in, leading him down the corridor.
Harry grinned at Remus as Gregory squeezed his hand while staring up at the massive screen wide-
eyed. Harry was fairly sure that his husband had not blinked in nearly an hour, and the same could
be said for the rest of the Malfoys. Phoenix kept getting glared at by the people in front of him as he
kept leaning further and further over the seats trying to get closer to the screen. Marcus was
muttering to Lucius who was completely enraptured in the film, Harry was fairly sure he was also
taking notes for the twins, he was mildly concerned that he had seen Flying Monkies on the list.
The rest of the Malfoys were enraptured, completely with the film. It had been amusing listening to
them grumble about having to dress in muggle clothes and go into the muggle world for this, but
Harry had pouted at Grandfather who had ordered them all that they had to go.
The pouting had been hilarious, and they had all been so determined not to enjoy or be impressed
by the cinema. The had quickly fallen away the moment the film started playing. They had all
gasped and jumped at the sight of the previously black screen bursting to life for colour and the
cinema filling with sound. Gregory had reached out and took Harry's hand, squeezing it tightly.
Now they couldn't take their eyes off the screen. Tonks and Remus were sitting a little away from
him and Gregory, the werewolf taking more enjoyment from watching the Malfoys amusing
expressions, particularly Draco who had been sitting with his mouth open from the start, while
Tonks was sitting comfortably scrunched into her seat, her feet resting on the back of the chair in
front of her chewing happily on popcorn.
Carina was settled comfortably into her chair munching on her popcorn and staring at the screen
while battling with Julia for the tango blast drink sitting between them.
Settling back into his seat he grinned to himself and contented himself with watching the awe of his
husband's face as he watched the film enchanted.

"That was amazing!" Orlandus crowed as they walked down the street. "We need to go and see
"But they melted her with water Seriously?! How does that even work!" Draco grumbled but his
eyes were shinging excitedly.
"She must have really smelt, she wouldn't have been able to shower or wash," Leandre nodded in
"It was wonderful, I can't believe that they managed to make a story into a moving picture, why
have we never done that!" Carina shook her head.
"There has to be a way to do it, and make it even better," Orlandus frowned rubbing his chin and
clearly starting the work out the ways to do what they had seen in the Wizarding world.
"What did you think of the story?" Harry smiled up at Gregory, his husband had his arm wound
around Harry's waist, his head resting gently on the bump that seemed to be getting bigger by the
"I enjoyed it, the idea that it was all a dream though, she never really met all those people," Gregory
frowned looking a little upset. Pausing and pulling his husband to a stop Harry stood on his tip toes
and brushed their lips together.
"Well, I can tell you that there is a musical which is from the Wicked Witch of the West's point of
view, and she isn't evil in it. We could go and see it some time?" He suggested.
"That sounds wonderful, now stop snogging in the street, you insisted we go to a muggle restaurant
as well," Lucius grunted as he stalked passed.
"They aren't going to poison you, Lucius!" Harry teased his brother in law as he and Gregory started
walking again.
"He is just sore because he doesn't want to admit that he enjoyed something else muggle," Gregory
"I did not!" Lucius glared.
"Really, because I am fairly sure that I saw tears in your eyes at the end," Mikhail snickered as well
moving to stand on Harry's other side.
"I...Just remember I will fully be Lord Malfoy without Grandfather here to glare at me one day, I
can kick you all out the manor and make you live like paupers!" Lucius declared greatly.
"My money is on Harry," Tiberius laughed making his cousin shoot him a betrayed look.
"Wishing me dead my lad?" Grandfather's eyebrow rose to an impressive height as he looked at
Lucius who blanched as the old man's walking stick started tapping against the floor.
"Well done, now he is going to live to 900 just to be stubborn!" Leandre snorted.
"Hey!" Grandfather pouted.
"Where is this bloody restaurant? I am starving!" Bill groaned looking around.
"Just here," Harry laughed motioning to the restaurant that they were standing outside of.
"Oh...great," The eldest Weasley took Fleur's hand again and led the way into the restaurant.
"This is really posh Harry," Remus whispered looking around as they sat down.
"As tempted as I was to take them to McDonalds just to see their expressions, I thought a higher
class place would make them feel more comfortable," Harry said. "Gregory was funny enough," He
"Harry! You said you would tell no one!" Gregory hissed.
"Oh, Merlin! No!" Hermione fell about laughing.
"He looked like he had walked into a potions lab that had exploded," Harry snickered before doing
an impression of holding every limb in as tightly as he could.
"Harry!" Gregory groaned.
"Sorry my love," Harry pressed a kiss to his cheek before turning. Grinning wider he mouthed at
Hermione 'hilarious' making the witch start laughing even harder.
"I know,"
"I know, you love it,"
"I am not sure, I miss my shy Harry who would blush every time I looked at him," Gregory sighed
and then gasped in mock pain when Harry hit his arm.
"Geez, they get worse," Tiberius shook his head.
"Hey!" Harry and Gregory turned to the teen with glares.
"Remember who helped you get 100% on your tests kid," Harry gently bumped his chin.
"You're right, thank y..."
"Hey shush, I was teasing, that was purely you," Harry shook his head.
"No without you..."
"I wasn't the one sitting the test, I just helped give you the information, you weilded it in the right
way and aced your tests," Harry patted his shoulder. "I'm realy proud of you,"
"We all are," Grandfather beamed in pride.
"Does that mean I can have a glass of wine with supper?" Tiberius asked hopefully turning to his
"One!" Marcus Jr sighed pouring an extra glass.
"To Tiberius," Harry lifted his glass of apple juice, and the rest lifted their glasses and toasted the
blushing boy.
"While we are making announcements, we have one of our own," Bill coughed, but he was looking
like he was glowing.
"Seriously?!" Harry beamed with excitement looking at Fleur and her glass of coke.
"What?!" Gregory frowned.
"We're pregnant," Fleur grinned.
"Well done!"
"This is amazing!"
"Bill and Fleur!" Another toast went around the table as the young couple blushed and smiled
"This is wonderful. Teddy, Selina and the two babies will be growing up together!" Harry said
"To family," Carina said smiling proudly as she looked around at them and raised her glass one
more time.

"Harry?" Gregory yawned walking into the living room dragging his fingers through his mussed
hair. He was wearing nothing as he had taken to sleeping since the honeymoon. Harry felt himself
stirring in his pyjama pants at the sight of his gorgeous husband, wondering yet how he had
managed to find such a beautiful man both on the outside and the inside.
"Did I wake you?" Harry asked concerned setting his book to the side.
"No, I had a dream, woke you and realised you had gotten up," Gregory smiled wandering over and
pressing a kiss sweetly to his lips before straightening and looking at the book Harry had set to the
side, smiling when he read the title, baby names.
"A vision?" Harry asked.
"Everything ok?" Harry asked gently. Gregory was far more comfortable in discussing his visions
and sight, but sometimes after having one, he was a little on edge, particularly if it was a bit
"Yes," Gregory frowned a little running his fingers through his hair again. Harry licked his lips as
his hormones fired up completely at the sight of tanned muscles rippling right in front of his eyes.
Speaking of right in front of his eyes, lowering them to look straight on a certain part of Gregory
was right in front of him, and he could not stop himself from licking his lips.
"You don't sound sure," Harry yanked his focus back and looked up into knowing blue eyes which
brought a blush to his cheeks.
"I think I saw a flash of our future. It was not very clear as we obviously have a lot that would
influence that future but..."
"But?" Harry asked interestedly.
"It was happy, and warm, the feeling of love, and a lot of children," Gregory grinned.
"Really?" Harry smiled happily.
"Yes, all I could feel was contentedness," Gregory sighed contently.
"I look forward to every day with you," Harry leant forward and kissed Gregory's hip gently before
his tongue flicked out and he licked the skin there, grinning when Gregory sucked in a deep breath.
"Speaking of more children," Gregory licked his lips as Harry starting stroking the heavy flesh in
front of him, quickly encouraging his husband to full hardness.
"Yes?" Harry said before licking the head of his cock.
"How about we get a little practice in for baby number 2?" Gregory smirked thrusting his hips
forward a little.
"The amount we have done this and you think we need practice?" Harry laughed before taking the
flesh into his mouth in one smooth move. Gregory groaned and buried his fingers into Harry's hair.
"Can ne...v...never have too...much practice...Merlin Harry! Your mouth!"
"How about we move to the bedroom?" Harry asked pulling back a little.
"Move now," Gregory growled.
"Hey lover boy, you're going to have to help me up!" Harry laughed wiggling his fingers at his
"Sorry!" Gregory flushed hurrying back across the room and pulling Harry to his feet. "I keep
forgetting," He admitted sheepishly.
"You can make it up to me," Harry murmured tugging Gregory down for another kiss and pressed
himself against his husband's body as best he could with his protruding stomach.

Gregory gawped after his husband while his loving, caring, wonderful family all laughed around
"Oh Merlin, welcome to the wonderful world of this is your fault!" Lucius laughed patting his
brother on the shoulder.
"I don't understand..." Gregory muttered.
"It's his hormones dear, he is just a little out of whack right now. He's not actually angry at you,"
Carina assured him.
"But...all I said was..."
"He's a little emotional right now, that is all," Marcus Jr laughed.
"Although he has a point, Agnes and Gertrude are terrible names," Hermione snickered.
"He wanted something about different though," Gregory frowned.
"Not quite that different," Narcissa shook her head.
"How do I fix it?" Gregory frowned.
"My best advice would be a big bar of chocolate and cuddles," Remus patted him on the shoulder.
"You always ended up eating most of the chocolate that you brought me as an apology dear," Tonks
"It's the thought that counts!" Remus said brightly earning a laugh and kiss from his wife.
"Right, chocolate and cuddles," Gregory nodded standing. "Merlin he hasn't moved that quickly in
"Ok, this is heaven," Harry sighed dropping his head back.
"I thought we could use a little break. They mean well, but our family have taken to hovering,"
Gregory rolled his eyes pouring a little more oil into his hands and going back to massaging Harry's
slightly swollen feet.
"They care, but they are getting a little much," Harry groaned as Gregory hit a particularly sore
spot, easing the discomfort from his muscles. "This was a perfect idea, thank you,"
"Well, you're six months along, you won't be able to apparate soon, it was now or never," Gregory
smiled raising Harry's leg a little to press a kiss to his calf before going back to the massage.
"It's perfect, thank you," Harry dropped his head back onto the pillow feeling the warm sun washing
over him.
Gregory had brought him out to the ship for the weekend, they were sitting on the deck in a small
nest of pillows. He was lying sprawled out, propped up comfortably in swim trunks while Gregory
massaged his sore muscles, his husband was in swim trunks of his own.
Aetos had been beside himself when they had shown up and had seen that Harry was pregnant, he
had congratulated the two of them over and over and handed over the keys to the boat with one last
excited handshake.
Gregory had set the course around the Greek islands and set them out from harbour before joining
Harry on the deck.
It reminded him so much of their date that he couldn't stop the happy smile from crossing his face
as he soaked up the sun and listened to the gentle lap of the waves around them, never mind the
memories of their honeymoon.
"What are you smiling about?" Gregory asked softly, moving further up his leg and digging his
fingers just right into his calf.
"Remembering," Harry cracked open one eye in time to see the warm expression crossing Gregory's
"We have plenty of time to make lots more memories," Gregory smiled.
"Yes we do, you, me and the baby," Harry stroking his hand over his stomach lovingly.
"You, me and the baby," Gregory nodded placing his hand next to Harry's. "Oh, hello!" He laughed
when he felt a little kick to his hand.

"How about...Nathanial?" Harry asked.

"Nathanial...I like it," Gregory nodded. "Sophia?"
"Definitely like that one," Harry nodded. "William?"
"William...I really like that," Gregory nodded.
"No, I don't like that one," Gregory shook his head after a moment.
"Ok, Oliver?"
"Yes on the list,"
"Yes," Harry nodded.
"You realise we are going to have to narrow this down soon?" Gregory laughed reaching over to
grab the chilled apple juice and topping up their glasses.
"You realise if you keep getting me to hydrate this way I am going to be up and down to the toilet
every five minutes?" Harry teased but took the glass.
"The healer said that you had to stay hydrated if I was to take you away," Gregory shrugged.
"You do realise that plenty of men and women have babies in hot climates all the time without
risking drowning?" Harry snickered. "Mother hen,"
"I am not!" Gregory protested.
"Oh, you totally are!" Harry poked his thigh gently with his foot.
"I am a heard-hearted Malfoy!"
"Yes, no you're all teddy bears, and you forget Mr Malfoy-Potter, I am also a Malfoy now!" Harry
"Oh, that I never forget, I thank mother magic every day,"
"Charmer," Harry shook his head but he lifted himself up to kiss Gregory.
"Only with you," Gregory promised.
"Ha, I saw you charming that saleswoman into giving us that last cot," Harry shook his head, his
green eyes glittering brightly.
"Ok, for you as well," Gregory shrugged unrepentantly. "You really liked that cot,"
"My hero," Harry grinned widely tugging him in for another kiss.

"Ok, expectant Dads and mums, welcome to your first class. This is the first of six to get you ready
for the birth of baby. We will be covering what to expect during the birth and the lead up to the
birth, and we will be going through how you will help look after baby once they're here," The witch
looked like Trelawney on steroids.
"Are you kidding me?" Gregory hissed into Harry's ear from where he was sitting on the mat behind
"What is that smell?" Harry groaned rubbing his protested stomach. He wasn't the only expecting
parent doing so, a lot of the others were sitting with scrunched up noses.
"This is to be a joke," Gregory groaned.
"Is this Mikhail and Julia pulling a joke on us?" Harry muttered staring at the woman with horror.
"And you gentlemen?" The woman turned to them and they realised that she had been speaking to
"Erm, sorry what was that?" Harry asked.
"We're introducing ourselves and telling every how far along we are, and saying a little bit about
ourselves," She smiled at them so brightly Harry resisted the urge to shout nox.
"Erm, I'm Gregory, this is Harry, we're seven and a half months along, don't know what we're
having...and it's our first baby," Gregory spluttered out when it became clear Harry wasn't going to
"Wonderful, wonderful," The woman beamed before moving onto the next victims...couple.
"She's a serial killer," Harry muttered making Gregory stifle his laughter. "I am serious! No one is
that happy and nice, I'm telling you, we need to get Kingsley to send aurors to check under her
"Why under the patio?" Gregory asked confused.
"Oh, muggle thing, it's a stereotype joke that when someone kills someone else they bury them
under the patio," Harry shook his head.
"Would you care to share with class Harry? Gregory?" The woman smiled at them.
"We were just talking about murder," Gregory smiled brightly.

"How did class go? You're earlier than we thought," Grandfather smiled as they walked in. Julia and
Mikhail started snickering getting confused looks from the others.
"We were kicked out," Harry shrugged dropping onto the sofa and groaning happily.
"Kicked out?! For what?!" Carina choked.
"Inappropriate conversation," He responded brightly before smiling when Gregory handed him a
"Inapprop...what the hell were you guys talking about?" Ron coughed.
"Murder," Harry shrugged. "You two, by the way, are going to regret that!" He added pointing to
his brother and sister in law who tried to look innocent.
"Why were you talking about murder at a lamaze class?!" Carina spluttered.
"You didn't meet the teacher," Gregory muttered sitting down next to Harry and shifting so his
husband could settle comfortably against him, throwing his legs over Gregory's.
"She is totally a murderer, no one can be that nice," Harry grimaced.
"They have a point," Mikhail muttered.
"You're cruel," Harry huffed.
"She did help us learn," Julia defended holding her hands up, the smirk on his face however couldn't
be hidden.
"Cruel!" Gregory shook his head.

"Here?" Gregory turned back to Harry to see him shaking his head. Sighing he levitated the cot 5
more inches to the left. "Here?"
"No," Harry shook his head again.
"No," Harry shook his head and then grimaced when Gregory sighed again. "I'm sorry, I'm being
really picky,"
"No, well yes you are, but it's ok, you want everything to be perfect, that is completely
understandable," Gregory floated the cot down and made his way to Harry, wrapping his arms
around his waist and kissing his forehead.
"It's just...I had a nursey when I was a baby, but after mum and room was the
cupboard under the stairs until I was elven and the Dursleys got scared enough that they put me in
Dudley's second bedroom. I just, I want our baby to have everything perfect," Harry frowned
reaching down to stroke his stomach.
"Harry," Gregory tilted his chin up. "How long has this been going through your head?"
"Since I found out really," Harry admitted.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Gregory shook his head before kissing Harry's forehead and cheeks.
"It was just sort of spinning around in my head, I didn't want to say it out loud because I feel
silly," Harry bit his lip.
"Harry, the way you were treated, these thoughts you have, they aren't silly, it is perfectly normal to
worry about our baby having the life that you did, it is perfectly normal to want them to have a
better life. I know I think the same way, I know I have worries that I will turn out to be like my
father was with us with our children. The thing that stops me worrying about that is 1) seeing how
Lucius and Mikhail are with Draco and Selina and 2) Knowing that you will be here, knowing your
love and kindness would never allow me to become him. Having worries is normal Harry,"
"Thank you," Harry sighed.
"Our baby will not have the life that you had, he will have a good life, a happy one," Gregory ran
his fingers through Harry's hair. "He or she will have so much love, and family, and happiness
around them, they will have cousins to play with, they will have aunts and uncles, grandparents who
will dote on them, they will have the best of everything and will want for nothing. Merlin forbid
anything at all happens to us, they will never, ever end up in the same situation you did," Gregory
assured him.
"Promise?" Harry asked.
"I promise," Gregory smiled, sealing it with a kiss.
"Promise me another thing?" Harry asked when they parted, his green eyes sparkling with mischief.
"What?" Gregory felt a grin forming at the sight of that mischief.
"Promise our kids will not end up spoilt brats the way Draco was when we were kids?" Gregory
could not stop the laughter that formed at the request.
"I promise," Gregory laughed pulling his husband close again and kissing him sweetly.
"You're going to be an amazing father," Harry sighed happily.
"So will you. Merlin, I love you, Harry, so much, now and always," Gregory promised.
"I will always love you too," Harry smiled, his happiness shining through.
"Come on, bed, you need rest," Gregory wrapped his arm around Harry's waist and started leading
him to their bedroom.
Harry yawned when they walked into the room. He smiled when Gregory followed him to his side
of the bed and helped him up onto it, lifting his legs gently and pulling the covers over him. Only
then did he go around the bed and climb in himself.
Harry shuffled so that he was lying with his back pressed to Gregory's chest, his husband wrapping
a strong, warm arm around his waist, his hand spanning over the gentle swell of Harry's stomach
and started rubbing it gently.
"We don't have that long now," Harry murmured tiredly.
"Not long at all, then we will have our perfect little baby in our arms," Gregory smiled pressing his
nose to the back of Harry's neck.
"Do you regret us not finding out the sex?" Harry said and then yawned widely making Gregory
chuckle fondly.
"No, I want a surprise, to the point I have been concentrating so hard on not seeing the sex of the
baby I have nearly popped a blood vessel," Gregory snorted.
"I can't wait," Harry linked their fingers together and raised their joined hands to press a kiss to
Gregory's wedding ring before dropping their hands back to his stomach.
"Go to sleep my love," Gregory snuggled closer.
"M no tird,"
Gregory smiled as Harry's breathing evened out as he slipped into sleep. He had been struggling to
sleep right through the night the last few weeks, the baby kicked or he needed to pee, or he had
heartburn. Gregory tried to be there for him through it all, wanting to share in as much of this with
Harry as he could.

"Guys..." Harry stared in wonder at the gifts laid out in front of him.
"Now before you turn all noble and..."
"...start saying that you can't take this..."
"..from us, just remember that these all..."
"...need testing and you will be helping us out. They..."
"...are completely safe of course!" Fred and George reassured Harry and Gregory.
"You two must have been working on this for months!" Gregory said awed as he picked up the
mobile which had bright and happy creatures waving and dancing around it.
A fairy giggled and flew into the air, making her way to Harry landing on his stomach, she
crouched down and rubbed her cheek gently against the swell of his belly making little cooing
noises and patting it.
"She is a babysitter, she will keep an eye on the baby, and if he or she needs anything will come get
you. She won't be able to do much, fix a cover, put a dummy back in, maybe pass a small teddy, but
we thought she may come in handy," Fred explained.
"You made her?" Gregory asked awed.
"Yes, she took a little bit of work, but we hoped she would be useful to you," George nodded.
"This is brilliant. Thank you guys so much!" Harry beamed.
"Nothing but the best for our little niece and nephew," George leant over and kissed his cheek and
then hugged Gregory.
"Thank you guys!" Gregory smiled hugging Fred as well. "They really went all out on this!" He
looked at the numerous items the twins had brought for them.
"They must have been working night and day on these," Harry agreed, tapping the bouncy chair and
watching as it activated and started a gentle rhythmic bounce.
"This is brilliant," Gregory held up the chest carrier prodding at it. "Warming and chilling charms as
needed, lightening charms,"
"That will definitely come in handy!" Harry nodded.
"Everyone is so excited for the baby," Gregory dropped onto the floor next to Harry where he was
sitting propped up against the sofa.
"Teddy was born during the war, none of us could really celebrate it, there was a half blessing for
him, but we couldn't do a proper one until after the war, and even then we had to wait for everyone
to recover. This is the first family baby out of the war that we can really celebrate the existence of,"
Harry shrugged.
"I know what you mean, it's why everyone was so excited about Selina, she was the first baby since
Orlandus that we have been able to celebrate properly, all the other kids have been born with a
cloud hanging over their heads really. Now, we are free of the family stain and we are able to all be
here to celebrate. ven Orlandus' blessing was under a cloud," Gregory sighed.
"What happened?" Harry asked gently linking their fingers together.
"Father. He was there, he was spouting his rubbish about V...Voldemort, when mother tried to
quieten him down and asked him not to spoil the day, he went to hit her. Grandfather was furious,
and the whole day was spoilt," Gregory sighed, that far away look in his eyes with a dull pain he got
when he talked about his father.
"We don't have anything like that to worry about now, just a future, a good one," Harry leant up to
kiss his cheek.
"Yes, a very good one," Gregory laughed, pulling himself from the moment and focussing on the
here and now. "There is one problem though,"
"What?" Harry frowned a little lifting his head from Gregory's shoulder.
"I have no idea what the heck that thing is!" Gregory pointed at one of the items sitting on the floor
looking completely baffled. Harry tilted his head to one side and then the other, squinted at the item
and then leant a little closer.
"I...have no clue!" Harry admitted. "Poke it,"
"I'm not poking it, you poke it!" Gregory snorted.
"Poke it!" Harry nudging him.
"I am not poking it, I know the twins!" Gregory protested.
"Oh, so you will send your pregnant husband to poke it?!" Harry said indignantly.
"They will have put a failsafe on it for if you poke it," Gregory shook his head.
"Because I'm pregnant?" Harry asked.
"No, because they know what you will do to them if they catch you in a prank. They're not stupid,"
Gregory started laughing. "You're scary when you're pissed,"
"Aren't you lucky you're married to me," Harry grinned.
"Yes, I am," Gregory softened.
"Big softie," Harry leant up pressing their lips together gently.
Chapter 23
Harry stepped into the living room and grinned at the sight that greeted him. Gregory was sitting on
the floor with their 9-month-old son William sitting on his chest bouncing happily as he giggled.
Gregory's blonde hair was spread out on the carpet and he was looking a little tired, but the look of
love on his face as he gazed up at their son filled Harry's heart. William's blonde hair was getting
longer and curlier and Harry could see his green eyes were sparkling as he looked down at his Papa.
"Hey," Harry said softly so as not to startle them as he stepped fully into the room.
"Daddy," William beamed at him, bouncing a little more on Gregory's stomach.
"Hey, Nina woke me up, William was fussing, I think he is teething again," Gregory nodded to their
babysitting fairy who was perched on the coffee table nearby sleeping.
"Again? They're all coming in at once," Harry lay down next to Gregory, reaching up to steady
William when he reached out for Harry.
"Mmm although the little monster decided to settle down the minute we lay down here. I think that
we were just wanting a little attention," Gregory tickled William's stomach getting giggles from
"He's missed you the last few days, we both have," Harry leaned over to kiss Gregory softly before
snickering against his mouth when a small hand gently hit the back of his head. Turning he grabbed
William's pudgy little hand and kissed it. "Jealous boy," He teased.
"I missed you both too, so much, I forgot how difficult it was," Gregory had been away in Greece
for three weeks dealing with business that demanded his attention but had been put off after the
birth of William.
"Not so long next time," Harry hummed.
"I don't think I will be going away from you all for that long until this one here is at least 18, maybe
30," Gregory grinned at him.
"Sounds good to me," Harry sighed contently resting his head onto Gregory's shoulder and got
comfortable as William entertained himself with playing with his Papa's hands.

Harry grumbled to himself as he snuggled deeper under the covers and tried to fight the urge to
wake up. It had taken himself and Gregory a couple of hours to get William to sleep the night
before, and it felt like they had only just gotten back in bed.
He heard the sound of little whispers from inside their room, and next to him he felt Gregory
stirring before he let out a low groan, obviously hearing the whispering himself. All of a sudden
there was a battle cry and little bodies collided with them and started bouncing on the bed.
"Daddy! Papa! Come on get up, get up!"
"Daddy I want pancakes!"
"No scrambled eggs!"
"No! Bacon!"
Gregory growled and caused shrieks of giggles and laughter as he grabbed two of the little hellions
around the waist and yanked them down, two more shrieks filled the air as Harry dove up and
grabbed the other two.
"And who exactly helped you out your bed Mr?" Harry asked Oliver, their three year old giving him
a big cheeky grin as he fluttered his green eyes innocently.
"Than," Oliver answered.
Gregory and Harry turned to look at their oldest, Nathaniel had perfected the innocent look now at
nine years old, which he was teaching his brother, and he used it now to grin cheekily at them.
"And Olivia and Sophia, you guys had nothing to do with it?" Gregory looked at their daughters in
his grip, the 7 year old and 5 year old respectively giggled burying their blonde heads into their
Papa's shoulders.
"Daddy, can you make me pancakes?" Sophia asked.
"Eggs!" Oliver argued.
"I want bacon!" Nathaniel pouted.
"Ok, ok! It's as it is Saturday, I will cook whatever breakfast you want," Harry chuckled.
"Me too?" Gregory raised his hand getting giggles from their kids.
"Hmm, I don't know, what do you guys think?" Harry asked the kids.
"No!" Oliver shook his head.
"No?!" Gregory gasped clutching his chest.
"No!" Oliver nodded.
"Wounded! I am wounded!" Gregory dropped dramatically onto the bed. The girls giggled and
dropped down on top of him causing him to grunt out a wheeze of breath, and then again when the
boys wiggled free of Harry and dropped on top of him as well.
"While you lot squash Papa I am going to go and start breakfast," Harry shook his head amused,
climbing out of bed and pulling on his dressing gown.
"Ok, we will be out once we're done," Sophia informed him cheerfully.
Chuckling to himself and ignoring the pleas of help from his husband, Harry made his way down
the hallway to the kitchen, stopping in by the nursery to find William already awake and giving him
a still slightly gummy smile.
"Da da," He held up his hands to Harry.
"At least you are nice and peaceful for now. Give it another few months," Harry chuckled to himself
as he lifted William onto his hip and carried onto the kitchen.
"Nana, nana!" William cheered.
"Oh, you are making breakfast demands now as well are you?" Harry huffed blowing a raspberry
onto William's cheek getting a riot of giggles.
"Now that is a sound I never get bored of hearing first thing in the morning," Grandfather chuckled
from the table as he placed his newspaper down.
"Here we go," Harry deposited William on the table top in front of Grandfather and bent to kiss his
cheek before heading into the kitchen.
"Are they squashing Gregory again?" Grandfather asked cheerfully as he tickled William's tummy.
"Yup, they missed him," Harry said as he started putting the different breakfasts together.
"We missed him too, I take it we won't be seeing him for a little while?" Carina sat next to
Grandfather and started pulling faces for her grandson.
"Not likely. We're having a selection today," Harry said tilting his head to accept a kiss on the cheek
from his mother in law as she came over to make herself a cup of tea.
"Morning!" Fred and George called as they bounced into the room.
"Good morning lads, what time did you two get home last night? It must have been late,"
Grandfather asked curiously as they settled at the table.
"We didn't get in till around 0300 in the morning. The cinema has been an absolutely massive
success though, it has been packed out every single night for the last 4 months since we opened. We
had a huge group from America yesterday who came to view it, which is why we were open so late.
They want to invest in it and help us open a cinema in New York," Fred grinned.
"Congratulations!" Harry hurried over to hug Fred, George, and Grandfather, Carina following him.
The three of them had worked tirelessly over the last few years to figure out to make muggle ideas
work on magic. It had been hard work and taken a lot of mistakes and explosions for them to perfect
their work. The twins had even moved into the Manor seven years ago, and Grandfather had set
aside 3 rooms for them to use as workshops.
But now they had a massive line of products that people could not get enough of. Mobiles, cinemas,
TV's that could play the films that they were making, and they were working on more. It was quite
often that the three of them disappeared into the muggle world to get ideas.
"What are we congratulating?" Ron asked as he, Hermione, Hugo, and Rose came in.
"Uncle Harry!" Rose beamed as she and her brother raced over to him. Scooping them up he
hugged them as he listened to Hermione and Ron congratulation the troublesome trio as they family
called them.
"The others are squishing uncle Gregory if you want to join them," Harry grinned.
"Yay!" He watched as the kids ran off down the corridor and then blinked when he realised that
there had been a blonde head in amongst the red hair. Turning he grinned as Draco and Astoria
walked into the room.
"Where is Scorpius?" Draco frowned looking around.
"He ran on ahead to help squash Gregory," Harry laughed hugging Draco and then Astoria. "You
guys haven't been around for a while,"
"The business is keeping us busy. Neville is complaining that I keep emptying his greenhouses of
ingredients to use in my potions before anyone else can buy them," Draco rolled his eyes.
"We told him it was family prerogative," Astoria sniffed flipping her hair before bending to hug
"You're all cruel," Gregory grunted stumbling down the hall with what looked like all the children
clinging a limb. Oliver was on the floor wrapped around Gregory's leg and giggling as he was
dragged along.
"Uncle Harry!" Teddy pounced on him from behind.
"Bloody hell Teddy, you get bigger and bigger every time I see you!" Harry laughed hugging his
godson tightly. He was home for the Christmas holidays from Hogwarts and Harry was enjoying
spending as much time as he could with him.
"All we get is grunts and mumbles and glares, you get hugs and smiles," Remus huffed as he and
Tonks sat down, baby Kelly was perched on Tonks' knee and grinned toothlessly at everyone.
"Don't ignore me," Gregory whined draping himself over Teddy and hugged both he and Harry
getting laughter from the near teenager.
"See!" Remus whined.
"That's because we're the cool uncles!" Gregory grinned.
"You and daddy aren't cool," Sophia laughed.
"Hurt! Wounded!" Harry groaned. "How can you say we're not cool?" He pouted.
"Dad!" Nathaniel groaned.
"I think you're really cool uncle Harry," Rose assured him.
"That's because he's not your dad, he's just embarrassing!" Sophia rolled her eyes.
"Thank you, Rose, at least you have good taste, I don't know what happened with our kids dear,
somehow we managed to produce them with bad taste, hopefully, Will will at least have some
"Dad!" All four of his older kids groaned while William just giggled and bounced in Grandfather's
arms at the sound of his name.
"I am a cool father Potter-Malfoy, you are not," Draco sniffed.
"No your not dad," Scorpius snorted causing an uproar of laughter from around the table.
"I am a cool Grandfather though, right Scorpius?" Lucius snatched his grandson up from behind
hugging him tightly.
"Of course Grandfather," Scorpius beamed.
"Charming," Draco pouted.
"There there Draco, we can start a club for uncool fathers," Harry laughed as he waved some of the
plates and bowls of food to the table. He shook his head as he watched the kids cheer and descend
on the table and the food, the adults wading in to try and gain control of the situation.
Harry started and then smiled as arms wrapped around his waist and a strong, warm body pressed
against his back. He hummed and dropped his head forward as lips pressed to the back of his neck
and round to his jaw.
He sighed contently and pressed back against Gregory's chest, lifting his own arms to Gregory's,
linking their fingers together. Automatically his thumb went to the ring on Gregory's finger, rubbing
the now time-worn metal.
He remembered the day he slipped that ring onto Gregory's finger, he remembered seeing Gregory
for the first time, those intense blue eyes burning into him. He remembered their first date, the
nerves and the excitement, and the feeling of rightness.
He doesn't think that he could have imagined that over a decade later he would be here.
He looked out at the moonlight glittering on the sea and the faint lights from land sparkling in the
distance. Their boat was bobbing gently with the motion of the waves lulling him into an even
deeper sense of contentment as he allowed his head to rest on Gregory's shoulder so he could look
up at the stars.
"You're thoughtful tonight," His husband said softly, kissing his neck again, where his chain was
sitting, the pendant Gregory had sent him in his courting request still resting safely around his neck.
"Just thinking. Are they all asleep?" Harry asked.
"Yes, William was fighting it, but he conked out. The girls were asleep the minute their heads hit
the pillows," Gregory chuckled. "What are you thinking about?"
"Having a mad and passionate affair with someone else," Harry grinned.
"Really? Do you have anyone in mind?" Gregory chuckled.
"Hmm, would have to be a blonde, I definitely have a thing for blondes with blue eyes," Harry
"I may have someone in mind for you,"
"You do realise I can't have an affair with my husband, that defeats the purpose," Harry snorted
turning in Gregory's arms and wrapping his own around Gregory's neck.
"I would be worried if I wasn't constantly reminded that we are still sickeningly in love," Gregory
snorted brushing kisses to Harry sun-kissed cheeks. "Still so beautiful,"
"I look tired," Harry shook his head.
"No, beautiful," Gregory smiled.
"You haven't changed since that morning I walked into the dinning room and saw you sitting there,"
Harry tilted his head as he brushed his fingers over his husband's cheeks.
"I've gotten old," Gregory shook his head.
"You have not," Harry laughed pulling him down for a kiss.
"So what were you thinking about?" Gregory pressed making Harry laugh again.
"If you must know, how happy I am. We have five amazing children, I have a husband I love with
all my heart and who loves me the same, I have amazing if slightly mad family who are always
around, we have a beautiful home, I am just happy, so happy,"
"I had thought I wouldn't get to have this. I thank mother magic every day for what I have been
blessed with," Gregory sighed. "You know…"
"What is it?" Harry asked curiously, pulling back from resting his head on Gregory's shoulder to see
his husband looking a little embarrassed.
"I've never told you this but...the night before we came back to Britain, I was out here on the sea on
this boat, and I was thinking about our future in Britain. I was sure that it was a mistake and we
were just going to bring darkness and disdain on the whole family. I went down to the bedroom and
cast my tarot cards,"
"What did it tell you?" Harry asked curiously when Gregory paused again.
"That there was a massive possibility of love and a lifetime of happiness in my future if I took the
chance on it," Gregory smiled fondly. "It's the first time that I haven't fully trusted in my sight, I
thought it was meant for someone else in the family, but it was enough to convince me to go to
Britain. And then you walked into the room and...I hoped that it had been me. If I hadn't had that
reading, I probably wouldn't have taken the risk to try,"
"I am glad that you did, I can't imagine any another life,"
"Me either. I love you Mr Malfoy-Potter,"
"I love you too Mr Malfoy-Potter," Harry grinned. "I never get fed up of saying that,"
"Me either," Gregory laughed dipping down to kiss Harry sweetly. "Happy anniversary my love,"

Harry and Gregory looked around the nursery trying to spot the elusive teddy bear that William was
demanding. Both were sure the last place they had spotted it was in here, but they couldn't find it.
Harry paused when he came across something shoved into the corner of the cupboard and his
snickers of amusement drew Gregory to his side, who after peering over his shoulder and spotting
the item himself started laughing too.
"Do you think we should actually ask Fred and George what it is?" Harry asked staring at the object
in the corner of the cupboard.
"It has been over 9 years, maybe we should," Gregory hummed.
"Or you could poke it," Harry shrugged.
"I'm not poking it, you poke it," Gregory huffed.
"I'm not poking it, it could be dangerous, you poke it," Harry protested.
"As I have told you a million times they wouldn't hurt you, you poke it,"
"So you're going to make your poor pregnant husband poke it?" Harry raised his eyebrow.
"Yes, there will be a failsafe I am telling you, you poke it," Gregory waved at the mysterious object.
"I am not poking it, you poke it,"
"I am not po….wait did you say pregnant?" Gregory blinked as his brain caught up with him.
"Yup," Harry grinned.
"Again," Harry nodded.
"Oh, Merlin!" Gregory laughed wrapping his arms around Harry and kissing him sweetly as he spun
them around.

Marriage is a mosaic you build with your spouse - millions of tiny moments that create your love
Gregory Malfoy
Capitulo 1
Es con sorpresa y confusión que este reportero informa al público mágico que, a pesar de todas las
expectativas en contrario, Lucius, Narcissa y Draco Malfoy se han alejado de su juicio
completamente libres. Durante esta guerra, la participación de Lucius, Narcissa y Draco en la
guerra no se ha mantenido en secreto. Lucius Malfoy fue arrestado por irrumpir en el Ministerio
de Magia con otros Mortífagos y vestirse con túnicas de Mortífagos, liderando el ataque contra el
niño de 15 años que vivía y sus amigos más cercanos. Lucius Malfoy fue a Azkaban por sus
acciones, solo para ser estallado un año después.
Se sabía que Draco Malfoy estaba en la torre de Astronomía con Albus Dumbledore, Severus
Snape y otros Mortífagos la noche en que Albus Dumbledore fue asesinado, incluso ha surgido la
especulación de que Draco Malfoy era el que se suponía que debía matar a Dumbledore. La
posición de Draco Malfoy como Mortífago nunca estuvo en duda durante esta guerra.
Narcissa Malfoy también estuvo presente durante el último año del infierno como Mortífago. Y, sin
embargo, a pesar de todas estas pruebas y testigos que dieron evidencia de que eran Mortífagos, el
abogado de la familia Malfoy, el señor Nigel Blackcreep, logró armar una defensa increíble para
ellos, demostrando que nunca se les había visto arrojar maldiciones dañinas duraderas, nunca
Una vez los habían visto lanzar un imperdonable y armar la defensa de que habían actuado como
lo habían hecho por temor no por su propia vida individualmente sino por la vida de sus
Sin embargo, el clavo en el ataúd para las personas que querían ver a Lucius, Narcissa y Draco
Malfoy en la cárcel llegó con la llegada del testigo del personaje más inesperado y sorprendente
para la familia. Fue con cierta suficiencia y conocimiento que había ganado que el señor Nigel
Blackcreep llamó al estrado al Sr. Harrison James Potter, el niño que vivió, eligió a uno y derrotó
a quién sabe quién. Este reportero puede decirle a los lectores que el silencio aturdido fue tan
fuerte en la corte que los pasos del señor Potter sonaron bastante mientras caminaba hacia la
tribuna. Vestido con finas túnicas mágicas y mirando a cada centímetro, el Señor de una de las
Casas Antiguas que el Sr. Potter subió al estrado.
Decir que la confusión estaba corriendo por la corte en este punto sería un eufemismo. La
rivalidad entre el Sr. Potter y Draco Malfoy ha sido bien conocida en todo el mundo con Draco
Malfoy proporcionando entrevistas perjudiciales sobre el Sr. Potter durante su cuarto y quinto
años en Hogwarts. Lucius Malfoy era conocido por liderar el ataque en el Ministerio de Magia que
terminó con la muerte de Sirius Black, el amado padrino del Sr. Potter. Y, por lo tanto, el tribunal
estaba confundido sobre por qué el Sr. Blackcreep, que hasta ahora había presentado una buena
defensa para que sus clientes obtuvieran una sentencia mínima, llamaría a Harry Potter como
Y luego el Sr. Potter procedió a defender a la familia Malfoy frente a un tribunal completamente
conmocionado. Llenó la corte sobre cómo había escuchado a Draco Malfoy hablando con
un amigo de confianza sobre cómo estaba aterrorizado de que mataran a su madre si no mataba a
Albus Dumbledore, informó a la corte de cómo Draco Malfoy no había podido cometer el acto de
asesinato cuando tuvo la oportunidad. Potter también le dijo a la corte que cuando él y sus
compañeros del año pasado, Hermione Granger y Ronald Weasley fueron capturados mientras
estaban en su misión y llevados a la mansión Malfoy, Draco a pesar de reconocerlo claramente a
través del hechizo hechizo que Miss Granger había lanzado para ocultar La identidad del señor
Potter no lo delató.
Luego pasó a informar a la corte sobre el acto de valentía de Narcissa Malfoy, cómo cuando ella
había sido enviada a controlar su pulso después de saber quién lo había golpeado con la maldición
asesina por segunda vez en su vida, ella había mentido y dicho ¿Quién y los Mortífagos que Harry
Potter estaba muerto? Permitiéndole tiempo para recuperarse y representar su plan para destruir,
sabes quién para siempre. Esta acción fue un gran riesgo para ella y su esposo, quienes sin duda
habrían sido asesinados por la traición.
Y finalmente, el Sr. Potter habló en nombre de un Lord Malfoy visiblemente atónito, sin haber
cometido acciones tan redimibles como su esposa e hijo si el Sr. Potter había instado a la corte a
comprender el temor que Lord Malfoy debe haber sentido hacia su propia vida, pero lo más
importante Sus familias viven. El Sr. Potter señaló que el lema de la familia Malfoy es "Primero la
familia" y que, sin duda, esto es lo que él creía que Lord Malfoy había tratado de hacer, proteger y
proteger a su familia de un loco lo mejor que pudo. Sometiéndose a tortura e incluso encarcelado
para poder protegerlos lo mejor que pudiera.
Mirando directamente a Lord Malfoy, Harry Potter pronunció las palabras que sacudieron la corte
y sin duda les aseguraron a los tres su libertad. Le dijo a la corte que perdonó a la familia por
todas las acciones anteriores, que entendió en retrospectiva por qué los habían cometido y que, en
una forma que los respetaba y admiraba por el amor, la lealtad y la total dedicación que se habían
mostrado mutuamente en Un tiempo de miedo, dolor e incertidumbre.
No fue realmente una sorpresa para el tribunal, por lo tanto, cuando el Wizengamot declaró que la
familia Malfoy estaba libre de cargos de ser Mortífagos y podía regresar a casa de inmediato.
Potter dejó la corte mucho antes de que los periodistas pudieran llegar a él, y se quedaron solo el
tiempo suficiente para escuchar el resultado del juicio de las familias Malfoy.
Un mes después…
"Maestro, Harry Potter está en la sala de apariencias para usted", chilló el elfo de la casa
inclinándose cortésmente mientras entraba en la sala de desayunos, causando que los quince se
congelaran antes de mirarse completamente aturdidos.
"¿Harry Potter? ¿Estás seguro?" Samuel preguntó sorprendido.
"Sí, Maestro, así dijo que se llamaba", se inclinó el elfo doméstico.
"Invítalo aquí para el desayuno", dijo Marcus mirando por encima de su periódico.
"Abuelo, no estoy seguro de que sea la mejor idea", argumentó Lucius vacilante.
"Tonterías, es la hora del desayuno y estamos comiendo, así que es cortés pedirle a nuestro invitado
que se una a nosotros. Además, no hemos tenido la oportunidad de agradecerle al joven por lo que
hizo, ahora tráigalo aquí Tiddy", ordenó Marcus .
"Abuelo, dudo mucho que el señor Potter se sienta cómodo comiendo con nosotros", suspiró
"Entonces tendremos que hacerlo sentir cómodo, cariño", se rió Carina. Se sentaron en un silencio
vacilante durante los siguientes minutos hasta que Tiddy regresó a la habitación con Harry Potter
siguiéndolo vacilante detrás, visiblemente tenso al verlos a todos sentados allí mirándolo.
"Señor Potter, bienvenido a Malfoy Manor. Usted, por supuesto, conoce a mi esposa e hijo. Este es
mi abuelo Marcus Malfoy, mi madre Carina, mi tío abuelo Samuel y su esposa June, su hijo Marcus
y su esposo Leandre, sus hijos Orlandus , Tiberius y Phoenix. Y este es mi hermano Gregory, mi
hermano menor Mikhail y su esposa Julia ", Lucius se puso de pie e hizo las presentaciones
lentamente alrededor de la mesa, cada Malfoy asintiendo con la cabeza a su nombre.
"Como mi nieto le dijo al señor Potter, bienvenido a la mansión Malfoy. Todos le debemos un gran
agradecimiento por lo que hizo por mi nieto, nieta y bisnieto", Marcus se puso de pie con su bastón
y se acercó a Harry que se apresuró. a encontrarse con el. Marcus a pesar de sus arrugas y la neblina
en sus ojos azules grises se parecía a Lucius, solo que era mayor con el pelo blanco.
"Gracias por su bienvenida señor, es un placer conocerlo. Y solo hice lo correcto", dijo Harry
parpadeando en voz baja cuando el viejo se rió divertido.
"Me disculpo, señor Potter, pero teniendo en cuenta su fama, es difícil creer los rumores de lo
humilde que es, sin embargo, conocerlo puedo ver que todo es verdad. No mucha gente hubiera
hecho lo correcto después de todo lo que le sucedió. tú y lo que mi nieto, nieta y bisnieto te han
hecho pasar ", Marcus se rió entre dientes acariciando el hombro de Harry cuando el adolescente se
puso rojo brillante.
"Potter", dijo Draco vacilante mientras se acercaba a ellos. Marcus le dio a su bisnieto un
asentimiento tranquilizador.
"¿Si?" Harry se encontró con los ojos de Draco inseguro.
"Yo ... me gustaría decir muchas gracias por todo lo que hiciste, por salvarme en Hogwarts y por
hablar por mis padres y por mí en el juicio, no tenías que hacer eso, te debo mucho más que gracias
", dijo honestamente Draco. Divertidos vieron el regreso del sonrojo de Harry.
"Quise decir lo que dije en el juicio, admiro las elecciones que hiciste con respecto a la lealtad y el
amor que te mostraste, tomaste malas decisiones, pero por las razones correctas. No hay nada que
agradecerme", dijo Harry mirando suavemente al suelo avergonzado.
"Hay todo por lo que agradecerte. Después de todo lo que has pasado por el lado oscuro, por nuestra
familia, para que te sientes y trates de entender por qué hicimos lo que hicimos, y luego de
perdonarnos lo suficiente para hablen por nosotros. Y no solo eso, sino que nos liberaron a nosotros,
así como a todos los demás, de ese loco ", dijo Narcissa gentilmente mientras acunaba la cara de
Harry para su gran sorpresa antes de presionar besos en cada mejilla y darle un ligero abrazo.
"De los tres, te he hecho el mayor daño, y por eso nunca puedo disculparme lo suficiente. No creo
que lo sepas, pero para los sangre pura, los niños son uno de los mejores regalos, ya sean nuestros o
de alguien más, un niño mágico es sagrado. Y eso incluye la diferencia de sangre. Desearía nunca
haber tenido que tratarte, asustarte, lastimarte como lo he hecho a lo largo de los años. Y lamenté
sinceramente la muerte de Sirius y el dolor que claramente sentía su pérdida. Hubiera entendido
completamente si no hubieras hablado por mí, esperaba que hablases en nombre de mi esposa y mi
hijo cuando nuestro abogado nos informó que hablaste por nosotros. No merezco tu amabilidad o
perdón, pero Demostraré que no te equivocaste al hacerlo, "la voz de Lucius, la más abierta y
relajada que Harry había escuchado jamás, cálida y honesta en lugar de su acostumbrada frialdad, se
mantuvo a una distancia aceptable de Harry, claramente inseguro de querer él cerca de él. Harry
pensó sobre sus palabras antes de encontrarse con sus ojos nuevamente.
"Mi papá murió dando su vida por mi madre y por mí, lo que hiciste no fue muy diferente. No
puedo entender algunas de las cosas que has hecho, y sí, aunque haya perdonado tus acciones hacia
mí en el pasado, será es más difícil olvidarlos, pero creo que mostrarás que eres diferente ahora que
tienes la oportunidad de hacerlo. ¿Puedo ... puedo preguntarte algo? " Harry preguntó
inseguramente alejando sus ojos antes de mirar hacia atrás.
"Por supuesto", asintió Lucius.
"Si los niños son tan sagrados, ¿por qué pusiste ese diario en el caldero de Ginny?" Harry preguntó
apresuradamente, cuando terminó y vio la cara de Lucius apretarse preguntándose si estaba a punto
de ser arrojado a la oreja.
"Admito que fue un error bastante tonto de mi parte. El Señor Oscuro entregó el diario a mi padre
cuando eran más jóvenes. Cuando murió naturalmente, se me pasó. Lo olvidé hasta que Draco ... y
tu primer año. Pasé casi todo el año tratando de descubrir qué era y solo pude descubrir que era
realmente magia oscura, la más oscura que he visto. Todavía no entiendo lo que Dumbledore quiso
decir con que guardara su memoria, pero todo lo que sabía estaba oscuro. Pensé continuamente
sobre qué hacer con eso, estaba planeando llevarlo al Ministerio cuando los vi a todos en la librería.
Admito que fue una tontería por mi parte, pero lo metí en el caldero más joven de Weasley porque
ella era la única a la que podía llegar bajo la creencia de que se lo llevaría directamente a sus
padres, quienes por supuesto se darían cuenta de que estaba oscuro y se lo llevarían a Dumbledore o
al Ministerio. No lo creía por un segundo, que ella se lo quedaría, o que sería lo que era, "L Ucio
admitió. Harry escaneó sus ojos por unos segundos antes de asentir ligeramente.
"¿Por qué no te sientas y te unes a nosotros para el desayuno?" Carina, la madre de Lucius, si Harry
recordaba correctamente las presentaciones, le sonrió cálidamente recordándole la presencia del
resto de la familia Malfoy. Aunque desde algún lugar sabía que Lucius tenía hermanos, no esperaba
que la familia fuera tan grande.
"Oh, no quiero entrometerme", dijo rápidamente sonrojándose.
"No lo estarías, los elfos están encantados de tener a la familia de vuelta en la mansión y han estado
cocinando por el doble de nuestro número, sería un honor tenerte comer con nosotros. Prometemos
que nada está envenenado", Leandre si Harry recuerda a la derecha sonrió. Era claramente uno de
los Malfoy sin sangre en la mesa, su cabello era de color marrón chocolate con ojos combinados, su
sonrisa mucho más lista y su actitud más fácil.
"Oh, no quise decir ..." Harry se sonrojó aún más.
"Ignora a Leander, simplemente está bromeando, le gusta burlarse de la intimidante reputación que
tenemos. El pobre Marcus no sabía qué hacer consigo mismo cuando Leander se le acercó en
Hogwarts y le preguntó si el palo en el trasero era cómodo o no". no ", una voz grave de barítono
llamó la atención de Harry sobre quién creía que era el hermano Malfoy del medio. Si bien existían
distintas semejanzas entre Lucius y Gregory, no había forma de confundir a este hombre con nadie
más que con un Malfoy, también había diferencias claras.
Gregory era más ancho de hombros que Lucius, que no era en absoluto pequeño en esa área. Tenía
un cuerpo musculoso, pero no había terminado, su túnica de color morado oscuro se ajustaba para
resaltar su pecho y estómago firmes, así como para acentuar sus bíceps definidos. Su cabello era
más rubio dorado que el rubio plateado que poseían Lucius y Draco, pero se dio cuenta de que el
hermano menor Mikhail también tenía el tono más dorado. Su piel era marrón bronceada en lugar
de la palidez de Lucius y Draco, aunque estaba feliz de notar que Draco finalmente estaba
perdiendo el color gris que había poseído durante casi dos años. Sus ojos eran de un azul más
profundo e increíblemente intenso cuando se clavaron en Harry y se negaron a moverse, casi
haciendo que Harry sintiera físicamente el peso de esa mirada sobre él. Harry notó que sus labios
estaban llenos y se veían pecaminosamente sensuales.
"Fue aún mejor cuando conoció a Samuel, Marcus lo trajo a casa para Navidad un año después de
que habían estado saliendo, simplemente se acercó y comenzó a conversar con Samuel felizmente,
nunca había visto tantos Malfoy boquiabiertos de una sola vez", Carina rió divertido, rompiendo a
Harry de su lectura y rezando para que nadie más lo hubiera notado, se rió de la genuina diversión
ante la imagen.
"El tío Leander y Harry se llevarían bien, la reputación de Malfoy tampoco le influye mucho", dijo
Draco. Harry miró a un lado para ver si eso era bueno o malo teniendo en cuenta que no le
importaba el nombre de Malfoy significaba que a menudo le había dicho a Draco lo que pensaba de
él e incluso lo golpeó varias veces. Pero Draco parecía divertido.
"Aquí, señor Potter, siéntese, por favor", Gregory le hizo un gesto a Mikhail que estaba sentado a su
lado y todos se movieron ligeramente alrededor de la mesa redonda para dejar un espacio para él
cuando Gregory se levantó y sacó la silla. Sintiéndose mal por haber tenido que moverse para
dejarle sitio, y admitiendo que estaba un poco nervioso de sentarse junto al intenso Malfoy, se sentó
y murmuró gracias mientras se sonrojaba cuando Gregory lo acomodó.
"Por favor ayúdese señor Potter, hay mucho más que suficiente para todos", Marcus sonrió mientras
Harry se sentaba inseguro por un momento. Sintiéndose un poco incómodo y fuera de lugar, colocó
unos panqueques y salchichas en su plato.
"Por favor, llámame Harry, el señor Potter me recuerda a los periodistas", dijo Harry, incapaz de
reprimir la expresión de desagrado en su rostro ante la idea.
"Entonces nos llamarás por nuestros nombres a cambio", asintió Carina. "¿Puedo preguntar cómo
"¿Cómo estoy?" Harry parpadeó ante ella confundido.
"Has tenido unos años increíblemente estresantes, te pregunto si estás tan bien como se puede
esperar", dijo Carina lentamente, un poco confundida. Harry parpadeó varias veces más.
"Oh ... lo siento, no mucha gente pregunta eso", se rió. "Estoy ... bien, solo me está tomando tiempo
adaptarme. Principalmente a vivir en una casa real en lugar de una tienda de campaña y poder salir",
sonrió Harry.
"No mucha gente pregunta cómo estás?" Gregory frunció el ceño, su atención había estado
únicamente en Harry desde que se había sentado, su mirada aún pesada.
"La mayoría quiere escuchar sobre la última batalla o hablar sobre las personas que perdimos o
sobre si me uniría al departamento de aurores. Alguien incluso me preguntó quién creía que debería
ser el Ministro de Magia", Harry arrugó la nariz ante eso.
"Las masas ven al héroe", dijo June hablando en voz baja por primera vez, aunque sus ojos
marrones eran cálidos y comprensivos. "Si bien eres una persona que ha sufrido por lo que ahora
"Yo ... sí ... supongo", asintió Harry con una sonrisa triste.
"Tengo que preguntar acerca de tu comentario de acostumbrarte a no vivir en una tienda de
campaña", la mano de Gregory cepillando su brazo llamó la atención de Harry y lo distrajo de los
pensamientos un poco deprimentes que permanecían la mayoría de los días.
"Oh, yo, Hermione y Ron vivimos en una tienda de campaña durante casi todo el año, nos
apareceríamos en una ubicación aleatoria que uno de nosotros ideó y luego colocaríamos barreras
alrededor de la tienda", explicó Harry con pesar.
"Muy inteligente, no permanecer en un lugar por mucho tiempo", asintió Marcus con aprobación.
"En realidad fue idea de Hermione. Todos pueden estar llamándome héroe, pero Ron y yo no
hubiéramos durado cinco minutos sin ella", se rió Harry.
"Nunca hubo ninguna duda cuando no apareciste durante meses quién te mantenía oculto", resopló
"Dios mío, ¿Draco fue un cumplido? Mientras me insultaba a mí y a Ron, creo", sonrió
Harry. Draco lo miró rápidamente luciendo un poco preocupado, pero puso los ojos en blanco
cuando vio la diversión.
"¿Qué, tengo el placer de venganza extrema sabiendo que él estaba siendo frustrada en cada
movimiento por una bruja muggleborn de 18 años," Draco sonrió brutalmente. La familia se tensó
un poco solo para relajarse cuando Harry se echó a reír.
"Oh, tendré que decirles eso a Hermione y Ron, nunca se nos ocurrió de esa manera", dijo Harry
entre risas.
"¿Como estan tus amigos?" Samuel preguntó. "No ha habido mucho sobre ellos en los periódicos".
"Oh, están en Australia en el momento de localizar a los padres de Hermione", dijo Harry a la
"¿Rastreandolos?" Narcissa preguntó con curiosidad.
"Oh, Hermione borró sus recuerdos para olvidarse de ella y sus nombres antes de hacerles creer que
se mudarían a Australia, donde había arreglado una casa y practicar para ellos. Sin embargo, no
incluyó un recuerdo para que no les gustara viajar y decidieron pasear por Australia antes de
establecerse. Ella y Ron están siguiendo su rastro ", se rió Harry.
"Muy inventivo, me gustaría mucho conocer a esta Hermione", dijo Marcus, con diversión bailando
en sus ojos. Hubo un momento de silencio mientras todos tomaban algo de comida o bebida.
"¿Puedo preguntar qué tan avanzado estás?" Harry le preguntó a Julia quién estaba sentada al lado
de Mikhail, con el estómago despejado ahora no estaba oculto por la mesa. Ella le sonrió
alegremente mientras asentía.
"Ahora tengo cinco meses y medio, una niña", sonrió.
"La primera chica Malfoy en casi cinco generaciones", agregó Lucius con una sonrisa.
"Estoy seguro de que va a ser mimada entonces", Harry sonrió a June. "Felicidades a ambos,"
"Gracias. Creemos que los Weasley estarán esperando su primer miembro de la próxima
generación, y que el amigo de su padre, Lupin, tuvo su propia bendición", comentó Mikhail.
"Oh, sí, Fleur vence en un mes, Remus y Tonks tuvieron un bebé dos semanas antes de la batalla.
Teddy. Me pidieron que fuera el padrino", Harry sabía que sonreía tontamente cada vez que lo decía
o pensaba, pero lo había hecho. enamorado de Teddy en el sitio.
"No creo que tengan que preocuparse por cuidar niños, nunca", se rió Leander al ver la sonrisa.
"Remus bromeó que iban a tener que buscarme antes de que salga de la casa", admitió Harry
"¿Puede ... puedo preguntar cómo le va a Andrómeda?" Preguntó Narcissa vacilante, sobrio Harry
al instante.
"Ella está ... está ... lidiando. Su esposo murió a principios de año, pero con todo lo que sucedió, no
creo que realmente haya tenido tiempo de aceptarlo, y estaba distraída con el embarazo de Tonks.
Pero ahora es un golpe, ella está luchando, pero ayuda tener a Remus, Tonks y Teddy en la casa,
creo. Estará bien ", respondió Harry con sinceridad.
"No sabía sobre su esposo ... me doy cuenta de que esta es una pregunta incómoda para hacerte,
pero preferiría que fueras honesto en lugar de tratar de evitar mis sentimientos, aunque no merezco
eso. ¿Crees que ella hablaría con ¿yo?" Preguntó Narcissa. Harry se sentó pensativo por un
momento antes de hablar lentamente.
"Creo que sería un proceso largo, pero si le escribes, creo que ella responderá, puede ser un tiempo
antes de volver a encontrarse, Andromeda prácticamente ha borrado de su mente a cualquier familia
negra" Se sintió mal por el respingo de Narcissa, pero ella asintió comprensivamente.
"Gracias", dijo suavemente.
"La mejor manera de entrar en sus buenos libros sería enviarle un regalo a Teddy con tu carta, ella
tiene una debilidad increíble para él", dijo Harry maldiciendo su corazón fácil. "Lo siento, pero
tendré que irme pronto", suspiró Harry mientras miraba el reloj.
"Por supuesto, qué podemos hacer por usted, señor ... Harry", corrigió Lucius ante la mirada que
"En realidad se trata del Director Snape, estoy haciendo una partición para que haga su retrato y lo
cuelgue en la oficina del Director. Esperaba poder agregar su nombre a la lista", dijo Harry en voz
baja. Los Malfoy lo miraron atónitos.
"¿Puedo preguntar por qué estás haciendo eso por él? La relación tuya y de Severus no es un gran
secreto", preguntó Lucius.
"Me salvó la vida más veces de las que puedo contar o probablemente sepa, todo el tiempo trabajó
muy duro por el lado de la luz bajo su propio riesgo, llegando incluso a matar a su mentor por eso,
fue un gran hombre y él merece ser respetado ", dijo Harry con firmeza.
"Todos firmaremos", dijo Marcus con firmeza. Harry sonrió débilmente pero afortunadamente y
sacó la forma que tenía con él. Uno por uno, los doce Malfoy firmaron su nombre.
"Ya hay muchos nombres claros", comentó Gregory.
"Todos le deben la vida", resopló Harry.
"Tengo la sensación de que puedes ser muy persuasivo cuando quieres serlo", sonrió Gregory, de
alguna manera era diferente a la sonrisa de Malfoy habitual, Gregory hizo que su corazón se
acelerara. Sintiendo su rostro calentarse también, se puso de pie mientras guardaba el pergamino a
"Cuando quiero ser sí. Muchas gracias por el desayuno, fue un placer conocerlos a todos", sonrió
Harry. Hubo un coro de varias respuestas, Marcus le dijo que regresara en cualquier momento y que
trajera a Hermione en algún momento, antes de que pudiera irse. Un par de ojos azul marino se
clavaron en su espalda y quedaron atrapados en su mente.
Capitulo 2
Harry arrugó la nariz mientras miraba su mano con disgusto. Sin embargo, otro político
excesivamente grande y sudoroso le agarró la mano con fuerza mientras lo saludaban, dejando su
mano sintiéndose, por falta de una palabra mejor, asquerosa.
Parpadeó cuando apareció un pañuelo blanco en su línea de visión sostenido por una mano
enguantada negra. Siguiendo la manga de la túnica azul hielo hasta un cofre ancho y con forma, se
encontró con los profundos ojos azules que habían estado obsesionando sus pensamientos de vigilia
y sueño durante las últimas dos semanas. Gregory Malfoy estaba parado casi incómodamente cerca
de su espalda, se volvió levemente para verlo, sus ojos tan intensos como los recordaba e igual de
"T ... gracias," Harry maldijo su leve tartamudeo mientras tomaba el pañuelo y se limpiaba las
manos agradecido, enfocándose en eso en lugar del hombre.
"De nada, aquí", Gregory transfiguró rápidamente dos servilletas en guantes de algodón y se las
tendió a Harry, quien se las puso. "Ahora sabes por qué siempre usamos guantes para estas cosas",
dijo en voz baja mientras Harry tiraba de la última.
"Voy a tener que invertir en algunos, esto es ridículo, ¿por qué están todos tan sudados?", Se quejó
"No le digas a Lucius que lo dije, pero creo que se trata de ser un político", Gregory se inclinó más
cerca de Harry para que su largo cabello se extendiera y avivara el aroma picante y cálido de
Gregory hacia Harry. En realidad, sonrió levemente cuando Harry se rió de su comentario mientras
se enderezaba.
"No le diré que lo prometo", se rió Harry.
"No pareces muy feliz teniendo en cuenta que es una fiesta", comentó Gregory capturando dos
flautas de vino de un camarero que pasaba por la esquina donde Harry había tratado de esconderse y
le entregó una a Harry.
"Oh, no, está bien", Harry gruñó mentalmente ante su débil seguridad, la ceja levantada de Gregory
le dijo que el Malfoy definitivamente lo había captado. "No quiero que parezca que me estoy
quejando", se encogió de hombros Harry mirando al suelo. Él juró que sintió que su corazón se
sacudía cuando un dedo cubierto de cuero increíblemente suave suavemente empujó su mentón
hacia arriba para encontrarse con los ojos azules.
"No estarías lloriqueando, ¿no deseas estar aquí?" Gregory preguntó.
"En realidad no", se encontró admitiendo Harry. "Las fiestas no son lo mío. Además, Ron y
Hermione están ocupados el uno con el otro, con razón, y los otros Weasley, además de los
gemelos, siguen tratando de hacerme bailar con Ginny, sin mencionar que todo el mundo parece
pensar que quiero sentirse halagado ", suspiró Harry. "Lo siento, veo quejarse"
"No es quejarse. Yo no soy realmente uno de estos eventos, pero el abuelo ha insistido en que
salgamos a la fuerza para tratar de reparar el daño al apellido. Ginny es la única hija de los Weasley,
¿verdad?" Gregory preguntó con una expresión indescifrable.
"Sí, salimos un rato", dijo Harry antes de que su cerebro pudiera pensar.
"¿Fechado? ¿No has vuelto a estar juntos?" Gregory parecía curioso ahora, con algo más que Harry
no podía identificar.
"No, ella y su familia quieren que lo hagamos pero ..." Harry se detuvo, solo había dicho esto a los
gemelos antes.
"¿Pero?" Gregory instó gentilmente cuando la pausa de Harry duró demasiado.
"Pero he cambiado demasiado desde entonces, ella es demasiado ... inmadura. Quiere al niño que
vivió, que será todo el caballero blanco", suspiró Harry.
"¿Y ya no deseas ser el que hace la protección?" Gregory dijo causando que Harry lo mirara
sorprendido, entendió exactamente lo que Harry estaba tratando de no decir. Sonrojado
avergonzado asintió. "Eso no es nada de lo que avergonzarse de Harry, has tenido que ser fuerte por
mucho tiempo, mereces tener a alguien que te cuide y te proteja", dijo Gregory suavemente.
"Desafortunadamente, ella y los Weasley no lo ven de esa manera, piensan que solo necesito algo
de tiempo antes de casarnos y tener hijos pelirrojos de cabello desordenado juntos", Harry hizo una
mueca ante la idea.
"¿No deseas una familia?" Gregory preguntó con curiosidad.
"Oh no, me gustaría una familia ... me encantaría", dijo Harry rápidamente.
"¿Pero no uno con la señorita Weasley?" Gregory dijo.
"Sí, para ser honesto, creo que parte de la razón por la que la invité a salir fue porque se esperaba de
mí. Cásate con Ginny, conviértete en una parte oficial de la familia Weasley, una de las familias
más ligeras", suspiró Harry.
"Por lo que escuché de mi hermano y sobrino y de los periódicos que leí, han sido presionados para
que sean lo que la gente espera por mucho tiempo", dijo Gregory honestamente observando los ojos
de Harry ensancharse antes de bajarlos y tomar un sorbo de vino.
"¿Puedo preguntarte algo?" Harry preguntó en voz baja después de un rato, tan en silencio que
Gregory solo lo escuchó sobre la música.
"Por supuesto, creo que he entrometido en tu vida lo suficiente como para que sea justo devolverle
el favor", sonrió Gregory.
"¿Puedo preguntarte dónde has estado los últimos años? Supongo que no estabas en Gran Bretaña
ya que no te atraparon en todo", preguntó Harry un poco rápido.
"No, no lo estaba, Lucius me hizo prometer que me mantendría alejado después del regreso, ya que
el próximo Malfoy en la fila era demasiado peligroso para mí regresar. El resto de nosotros nos
quedamos en una mansión que tenemos en Grecia. Marcus y Leander tiene tres hijos y, por
supuesto, June está embarazada, por lo que era esencial mantenerlos a salvo ", explicó Gregory con
"No te estaba acusando de ser un cobarde, solo tenía curiosidad", dijo Harry rápidamente,
extendiendo la mano para tocar el brazo de Gregory inconscientemente antes de sonrojarse y
retirando su mano.
"Sé que no, pero me siento como uno", Gregory se encogió de hombros.
"Tu familia te necesitaba donde estabas", dijo Harry con firmeza. "¿Cuáles son los nombres de los
niños de Marcus y Leander? Me temo que me sorprendió tanto ver tantos Malfoy y que me
arrojaran nombres que no puedo recordar, lo siento", admitió Harry avergonzado.
"Orlandus es el mayor con 22 años, Tiberius tiene 15 y Phoenix tiene diez", Gregory sonrió
cálidamente al hablar de sus primos haciendo que Harry sonriera con él. "Estaban decepcionados de
no hablar contigo cuando lo visitaste, pero me temo que desconfiamos de hacerte sentir incómodo e
intentar recuperar el equilibrio después de que apareciste", se rió Gregory. "Hubiera estado
increíblemente impresionado si nos hubieras recordado a todos"
"Admito que hay más de ti de lo que esperaba", sonrió Harry con timidez.
"El tío Samuel y su lado de la familia prefirieron mantenerse alejados de los acontecimientos en
Gran Bretaña, Leander estaba embarazada de Orlandus durante la primera guerra, por lo que se
mudaron a una de las propiedades del tío Samuel en Roma y se quedaron allí la mayor parte del
año". no estaba de acuerdo con las elecciones de mi padre, pero debido a su salud ya había pasado
por alto la finca Malfoy, mi padre, aunque inteligente, era un hombre débil y fue fácilmente
absorbido por el encanto y la promesa de poder que se le ofreció. El abuelo nos sacó a Mikhail y a
mí. y nos mudamos con él, pero Narcissa ya estaba embarazada y Lucius fue amenazado con las
vidas de Draco y ella ", explicó Gregory suavemente.
"Lamento que tu familia haya tenido que pasar por tanto", Harry apartó a Gregory de los recuerdos
que llenaban sus ojos con un ligero toque en su hombro. Una vez más, esos ojos azules se fijaron en
los de Harry con la intensidad que lo golpeó hasta el fondo.
"Gracias, mucha gente dice que lo trajimos sobre nosotros mismos. Realmente eres un ser único
Harry", sonrió Gregory de una manera que hizo que sus ojos brillaran y Harry maldijera de forma
imaginativa en su cabeza.
"No soy único, solo estoy ... ¡oh, los sorteos de Merlín!" Harry gimió rápidamente acercándose y
enfrentándose a Gregory para ocultarlo principalmente de la vista del salón de baile. Gregory
parpadeó hacia el elegido que de repente estaba mucho más cerca y parecía estar escondido.
"¿Está todo bien Harry? Solo si seguimos de pie así, la gente va a pensar que estoy hablando con la
pared", Gregory levantó una ceja cuando Harry lo miró tímidamente.
"Lo siento, una de mis fanáticas acosadoras. Creo que es la hija de Lord Flint. ¡Realmente se
ofreció a tener a mi hijo y me lo propuso!" Harry hizo una mueca. "¡No es gracioso! ¡Es
aterradora!" Harry resopló cuando Gregory dejó escapar una risa profunda y retumbante, el sonido
trajo un sonrojo a las mejillas de Harry.
"Pido disculpas, es solo que el horror en tu cara es bastante divertido", sonrió Gregory.
"Me alegro de poder ofrecerte diversión", resopló Harry sacando la lengua a Gregory. El medio
hermano de Malfoy parpadeó hacia él completamente sorprendido, haciendo que Harry comenzara
a reírse.
"Tío Gregory, ¿estás bien?" Una voz curiosa procedió cuando alguien se inclinó curiosamente
alrededor de Gregory para ver con quién estaba hablando. Harry miró hacia abajo para ver al
Malfoy más joven mirándolo con los ojos muy abiertos.
"Oye, es Phoenix, ¿verdad?" Harry le sonrió al niño. Era una mezcla perfecta de sus padres, tenía el
cabello rubio Malfoy, aunque más bien rubio miel, y la piel pálida, pero sus cálidos ojos color
chocolate eran los de Leander. Su cabello tenía la misma ondulación que Leander poseía y caía
justo por debajo de sus hombros, un rizo suelto caía en su ojo mientras miraba a Harry.
"Phoenix", Gregory le dio un codazo al niño.
"Oh, sí, lo siento, señor Potter, soy Phoenix", se sonrojó el chico tendiéndole la mano formalmente.
"Es un placer conocerte, solo llámame Harry", sonrió Harry tomando la mano.
"¿Por qué te escondes en la esquina?" Phoenix miró entre Harry y Gregory con curiosidad.
"Harry se está escondiendo de algunas damas aterradoras", sonrió Gregory mientras Harry se
sonrojaba de nuevo.
"Oh, ¿por qué quieren?" Phoenix miró alrededor del salón de baile como si las mujeres se
"En el momento de bailar", Harry arrugó la nariz y Phoenix se rió.
"Oh, ¿eres como papá, papá y tío Gregory?" Phoenix preguntó con curiosidad. Gregory se atragantó
un poco alzando una mano enguantada para cubrir su rostro.
"Erm, ¿como ellos?" Harry preguntó mirando entre los dos Malfoy's.
"Prefieres bailar con los hombres", dijo Phoenix inocentemente. Harry se rió entre dientes cuando
se dio cuenta de que Gregory estaba avergonzado, Phoenix los miraba confundido.
"Erm ... bueno ... no me importa, pero las mujeres aquí dan miedo", se estremeció Harry.
"Oh, está bien. Voy a comprar una coca cola", sonrió Phoenix antes de rebotar. Harry miró a
Gregory que se frotaba el puente de la nariz.
"De la boca de las chicas", sacudió la cabeza con un suspiro exasperado.
"Es lindo", se rió Harry a pesar de lo nervioso que estaba.
"Es una amenaza. ¿Tu acosador sigue aquí?" Gregory preguntó. Con cautela, Harry se asomó
alrededor de Gregory antes de esquivarlo rápidamente.
"No, pero creo que Ginny me está buscando", Harry hizo una mueca. "Urgh, ¿por qué me dejé
arrastrar aquí?" Harry gimió.
"¿Por qué te dejaste arrastrar aquí si no disfrutas estas cosas?" Gregory preguntó.
"Aparentemente me he cortado y enterrado en las reparaciones, paso la mayor parte de mi día en
Hogwarts, casi todos los que conozco prácticamente me empujan a mi túnica de vestir y a estas
cosas porque piensan que me hará tener un buen momento ", suspiró Harry.
"En cambio, ¿terminas escondiéndote en la esquina esperando hasta que puedas irte?" Gregory
frunció el ceño.
"Si no son políticos que quieren que yo apoye sus ideas y carreras, son hombres y mujeres que
quieren decir que se acostaron con el hombre que vivió dos veces, o son los Weasley los que
intentan empujarme hacia Ginny", dijo Harry. admitió en voz baja.
"¿Realmente no te gusta tu fama?" Gregory preguntó, sin tono de incredulidad o acusación en su
voz. Una simple declaración.
"No, solo quiero ser yo mismo, ser Harry por una vez. Hice lo que tenía que hacer y perdí a las
personas que me importaban en el camino. No quiero tener que repetirlo una y otra vez , No quiero
que me conviertan en el próximo Dumbledore, y no quiero continuar donde estoy, los mundos
mágicos querida un minuto y un lunático peligroso al siguiente ", frunció el ceño Harry.
"La gente es mezquina. No es exactamente lo mismo, pero entiendo un poco lo que quieres decir.
Ser un Malfoy significa que soy visto de cierta manera, tengo expectativas sobre mí para hacer
ciertas cosas, siempre hay personas que se mueven por ahí queriendo cosas. yo, para usarme para
salir adelante. Soy el único de mis hermanos que no se casó con jóvenes, la gente desea salir
conmigo solo para tener una conexión con el nombre de Malfoy. Entiendo lo difícil que es Harry ",
dijo Gregory suavemente, sus ojos nunca dejaron la cara de Harry mientras hablaba. Harry sintió
que le estaban dando una idea de la vida y la mente del hombre. Y lo dejó sintiéndose no tan
"Gracias. Es bueno saber que alguien entiende", dijo Harry suavemente. El dedo enguantado de
Gregory una vez más levantó la barbilla de Harry mientras miraba hacia otro lado. Este hombre era
un completo y absoluto misterio para Harry, tenía la frialdad y el desapego de Malfoy de todos los
demás, la natural superioridad y gracia que parecía después de conocer la colección que poseía todo
el Malfoy, incluso el joven Fénix, hasta cierto punto. Pero había un calor como una pequeña llama
persistente dentro de Gregory que atrajo a Harry, sintiendo como si Gregory le estuviera
permitiendo verlo. Se escondió detrás de sus increíbles ojos azules que dijeron tanto que su máscara
Malfoy se escondió.
"¡Harry, ahí estás! ¡Vamos!" Harry hizo una mueca cuando Molly lo agarró del brazo y comenzó a
tirar de él. "El viceministro menor quiere hablar contigo", Harry lanzó a Gregory una mirada
desesperada y de disculpa por encima del hombro antes de seguir a Molly con clara reticencia, una
vez más dejando un par de ojos azules fijos en su figura hasta que se perdió de vista.
"Estás jugando con fuego, hermano", la suave voz de Mikhail salió de detrás de Gregory mientras
veía a Harry desaparecer entre la multitud.
"No tengo idea de lo que estás hablando", dijo Gregory volteando a su hermano que resopló
"Ah, ja. Aconsejaría que no juegues con él, Gregory, él es el querido de las naciones en este
momento, sin mencionar que el abuelo se siente atraído por él. Jugar con su corazón no te hará
ningún favor", dijo Mikhail en voz baja.
"¿Quién dijo algo sobre jugar?" Gregory levantó una ceja hacia su hermano antes de alejarse
dejando a su hermano mirando atónito tras él.
Capítulo 3
Harry parpadeó inexpresivamente a los pelirrojos frente a él que actualmente estaban parloteando
sobre él, como no, como lo habían estado durante la última hora y media. Había estado sentado en
las Tres Escobas almorzando con Neville y poniéndose al día con todo desde el año pasado,
disfrutando de pasar tiempo con su amable y comprensivo amigo que, debido a las cantidades
liberales de dittany, tenía cada vez menos cicatrices. Y luego Molly, Ginny, Percy y Arthur se
sentaron a la mesa y comenzaron a hablar. Sus sentimientos cálidos y amistosos por Neville habían
desaparecido cuando, después de veinte minutos, el traidor había escapado diciendo que debía
reunirse en el Ministerio. Aunque le había lanzado una mirada de disculpa a Harry antes de salir.
La conversación había comenzado lo suficientemente segura, las reparaciones en Hogwarts, el baile
la semana pasada, Ron y Hermione habían logrado finalmente localizar a sus padres, su
compromiso. Y luego, Molly y Ginny comenzaron con su indirecta no tan discreta: Percy había
agregado sus dos nueces con una superioridad que no había perdido a pesar de las elecciones que
había hecho en los últimos años, y Arthur se había sentado sonriendo. y murmurando acuerdos
sobre cosas que no tenía idea de lo que estaba aceptando.
"Ah Harry, lamento haber llegado tan tarde", la voz familiar lo hizo congelarse antes de que una
mano grande y cálida cayera sobre su hombro. Al levantar la vista se encontró con los ojos azules
del mar con un entusiasmo que lo sorprendió desde el momento en que escuchó la voz profunda y
ligeramente áspera que aún lograba sonar suave y culta. "Espero que no creas que te levanté",
agregó Gregory.
"No, está bien, Molly, Ginny, Percy y Arthur me hacían compañía después de que Neville se fue",
sonrió Harry.
"Ah, eso es bueno, entonces, no pensé que llegaría tan tarde. El Sanador tardó en hablar de los
resultados de Julia", Gregory puso los ojos en blanco.
"Está bien, ¿Julia está bien?" Harry preguntó un poco preocupado.
"Oh, ella está bien, tuvo una cita hace dos días, ella y el bebé están totalmente bien", Gregory le dio
esa pequeña sonrisa que le calentó los ojos.
"Me alegro. ¿Deberíamos?" Harry se levantó rápidamente y probablemente un poco demasiado
ansioso, pero si Ginny le mostraba su escote una vez más o le sacudía el pelo, se iba a romper.
"Harry, ¿no vas a presentarnos?" Las palabras de Molly fueron educadas. Su tono y ceño fruncido
no lo eran.
"Soy Gregory Malfoy. Un placer", Gregory inclinó la cabeza cortésmente pero no quitó la mano del
hombro de Harry. El agarre era firme pero no doloroso, tranquilizador y cálido. Y una vez más,
Gregory estaba demasiado cerca de Harry para el bien de los procesos de pensamiento de Harry. Su
aroma picante a la deriva sobre Harry y a través de sus sentidos como una droga. Y de alguna
manera logró relajarlo al mismo tiempo.
"Malfoy", Percy se burló de Gregory haciendo que los pelos de Harry se elevaran. "Escuché que
iban a regresar al país"
"Sí, después de todo lo que sucedió, volvimos a casa para dar todo el apoyo que pudimos a mi
hermano y su familia, así como con suerte para corregir los errores que se han cometido", dijo
Gregory con firmeza.
"Eso requerirá mucho trabajo", bufó Arthur.
"Pero al menos están haciendo el esfuerzo para hacerlo, a diferencia de las otras familias que acaban
de abandonar el país", dijo Harry bruscamente, causando que los cuatro Weasley lo miraran
"Bueno ... sí, por supuesto. No sabía que conocías a ninguno de los otros Malfoy además de Lucius,
Draco y Narcissa Harry", Molly sonrió débilmente.
"Los conocí cuando di la vuelta para pedirles que firmen la petición de Severus", Harry se encogió
de hombros ligeramente para no molestar la mano de Gregory, que estaba muy feliz de quedarse
donde estuvo el mayor tiempo posible.
"Fuiste solo con Malfoy Man ... erm ... eso fue ..." Ginny tartamudeó captando el peligroso destello
en los ojos de Harry que tuvo el sentido de reconocer como advertencia.
"Fue perfectamente seguro. Todos fueron muy educados y acogedores", dijo Harry brevemente.
"Fue una tontería, hace solo unos meses tendrían que ..." comenzó Arthur, pero Harry miró a los
"Hace solo unos meses, Draco mintió para salvar la mía, las vidas de Hermione y Ron. Y solo un
poco después de eso, Narcissa mintió directamente a la cara de Voldemort para golpearlo", espetó
Harry antes de recoger su capa. "Los veré el jueves", asintió con la cabeza a todos ellos antes de
llevar a Gregory al Callejón Diagon. Una vez que estuvieron en el callejón, ambos parecieron
detenerse ante una señal sin nombre y se giraron el uno hacia el otro.
"Pido disculpas si sobrepasé mis límites o causé problemas con tus amigos, no quise causar
problemas, pero parecía que necesitabas ser rescatado", dijo Gregory en voz baja, si él fuera
cualquier otro hombre que no fuera un Malfoy Harry diría que lo estaba mirando inseguro.
"¡Oh, no! Necesitaba ser rescatada, estaba tratando de encontrar una forma educada de escapar
cuando viniste. Lamento lo que decían", Harry frunció el ceño.
"No necesitas disculparte Harry, no es algo que todos no estén pensando o diciendo a nuestras
espaldas", se encogió de hombros Gregory.
"Bueno, no te lo mereces, el nombre de Malfoy se borró y estás tratando de arreglar las cosas",
frunció el ceño Harry.
"Gracias por tu defensa Harry, significa mucho para mí ... y para mi familia, y no solo por tu
nombre. Sabemos que lo que estás diciendo, realmente lo crees", dijo Gregory suavemente. Harry
sintió la sangre corriendo por sus mejillas, no pudo evitar sonrojarse y tampoco pudo apartar la
"Erm ... bueno, gracias por tu rescate", tartamudeó Harry, sonrojándose más oscuro mientras lo
"¿Supongo que la empujaron hacia la señorita Weasley nuevamente?" Gregory sonrió levemente.
"Sí, de nuevo. Estaban bien para empezar. Luego comenzaron con las pistas, si escuché una
ceremonia o propuesta de unión una vez más, iba a gritar", suspiró Harry frotando su sien.
"¿Tienes algún plan para el resto de la tarde?" Gregory preguntó. Harry se sobresaltó y lo miró con
cautela preguntándose si Malfoy era cortés o si realmente quería su compañía.
"En realidad no, solo tenía planes para almorzar con Neville y la tarde para mí", dijo Harry
lentamente sin saber qué decir para no avergonzarse. Realmente deseaba que Hermione estuviera en
el país para poder hablar con ella sobre esto.
"¿Te importaría mi compañía por un rato entonces?" Gregory preguntó, sus ojos perforando a
Harry. Harry sintió que se le cortaba la respiración, la idea de pasar más tiempo con el medio que
Malfoy había estado jugando en su mente últimamente, ¡incluso tenía curiosidad de saber si estaría
en la próxima fiesta a la que Harry sería arrastrado!
"Me gustaría", admitió con timidez, al ver el destello de ... algo corriendo por los ojos de
Gregory. Deseaba ser mejor leyendo a las personas en busca de emociones que no fueran odio y
peligro, esos dos y sabía lo que estabas pensando, pero en el momento en que era otra cosa no tenía
ni idea.
"¿Tu amiga logró recuperar a sus padres de forma segura?" Gregory preguntó mientras comenzaban
en el lento paseo por el callejón. Casi con cautela, la mano de Gregory se colocó en el centro de la
espalda de Harry como guía mientras caminaban juntos.
El Callejón había sido uno de los lugares donde el público mágico se había reunido para
restaurar. Varios constructores y constructores donaron su tiempo para ayudar a reconstruir el
callejón a su antigua gloria, se estaban haciendo reparaciones constantes en las tiendas que habían
sido dañadas y destruidas en varios ataques. Ollivanders ya estaba reparado y volvía a funcionar
para el próximo período.
Entonces, el callejón Diagon fue una vez más una pequeña colmena de actividad con compradores,
constructores o voluntarios que ayudaban donde podían. Vergonzosamente, fue Gringotts el que
necesitó la mayor cantidad de reparaciones después de su pequeño episodio con el dragón.
"Sí, finalmente los rastreó. Ella les restauró la memoria y les explicó todo lo que sucedió en el
último año. Regresarán en los próximos días", sonrió Harry ante la idea de finalmente poder volver
a ver a sus amigos. .
"Debe ser extraño para ti, haber pasado el último año solo con ellos por lo que he escuchado, estar
fuera del país y lejos de ti", preguntó Gregory en parte, en parte cuestionado.
"Realmente no hemos estado lejos el uno del otro por mucho tiempo en los últimos siete años para
ser honesto, un mes como máximo, e incluso entonces podríamos búhos de vez en cuando. Parece
que he perdido una extremidad para ser honesto ", se rió Harry avergonzado por la confesión.
"Por lo que he escuchado, y por lo poco que has dicho, parece que son muy buenos amigos",
Gregory le dio a Harry una especie de sonrisa que hizo brillar sus ojos.
"No podría haber durado tanto tiempo sin ellos. Son como una familia para mí, tenemos nuestros
disparos y francotiradores el uno con el otro y nuestras caídas. Pero a la larga nos amamos
demasiado para no estar allí cuando estamos son necesarios, y cuando no estamos hablando nos
extrañamos ", explicó Harry antes de sonrojarse. "Lo siento, voy a seguir"
"No hay necesidad de disculparte, Harry, pregunté, quería saber. Son claramente importantes para
ti. ¿No te importa que estén juntos?" Gregory preguntó con curiosidad.
"No, para nada. De hecho, es un alivio", se echó a reír Harry ante la pregunta.
"¿Un alivio?" Gregory preguntó luciendo divertido por la hilaridad que mostraba Harry, incluso si
él también parecía desconcertado.
"Ron ha estado metafóricamente tirando de las trenzas de Hermione desde que la conocimos en el
tren para nuestro primer año de Hogwarts. Todos los demás lo han visto venir durante años, pero
parecían ciegos a los sentimientos del otro y bailaron alrededor hasta este año", Harry puso los ojos
en blanco. "Todos se sienten aliviados de que finalmente hayan visto la luz y se hayan dado cuenta
de que obviamente están destinados a estar juntos".
"Es mucho tiempo para tener sentimientos el uno por el otro", Gregory levantó una ceja.
"Si Ron no fuera tan idiota, probablemente se habrían reunido en nuestro sexto año", dijo Harry con
"¿Una idiota?" Gregory definitivamente parecía divertido ahora.
"Decidió que chuparle la cara a otra chica era una forma saludable de lidiar con el hecho de que
estaba enamorado de nuestro mejor amigo. Llevó la negación a un nivel completamente nuevo".
"Oh cielos, eso te habría hecho sentir incómodo", se rió Gregory captando la atención de Harry. El
hombre no se rió mucho, pero cuando lo hizo, sintió como si un shock recorriera todos los nervios
de Harry.
"Estar entre esos dos nunca es una experiencia agradable cuando están peleando. Pueden amarse
hasta el final y de regreso, pero por Merlín pueden pelear". Harry se burló estremeciéndose mientras
luchaba para que su cerebro volviera a funcionar.
"Suenan un poco como Leander y Marcus, Leander no tomará 'la mierda de Malfoy' mientras lo
dice. Cuando pelean, todos vamos al otro lado de la mansión", resopló Gregory.
"Sí, definitivamente suenan igual. Ron y Hermione comenzarían a gruñir el uno al otro y la sala
común de Gryffindor se despejaría como si todos se hubieran aparecido", Harry sonrió al
"Me gustaría mucho conocerlos a ambos, suenan extremadamente interesantes", dijo Gregory
"Creo que también te encontrarían muy interesante", sonrió Harry, usando la excusa de que alguien
pasaba demasiado cerca para acercarse al espacio de Gregory.
"Creo que cualquier cosa que Weasley sea rechazada por algo Malfoy", dijo Gregory con la misma
suavidad que antes.
"Podría decir lo contrario, y aun así estás intrigado por conocer a Ron," Harry levantó una ceja.
"Sin embargo, tu amigo tiene todo el derecho de pensar mal de la familia Malfoy, especialmente si
se debe creer las historias de mis sobrinos de todos tus tratos pasados en la escuela, sin mencionar
con mi hermano", señaló Gregory guiando a Harry por un callejón Harry solo había caído una o dos
veces. Era una parte de clase superior de Diagon, y había escapado con el menor daño.
"Y, sin embargo, he visto pasar eso para ver la verdad. Los Weasley son una familia ligera, sí, pero
lo más importante para ellos es la familia. Puede que no estemos de acuerdo con las elecciones que
tu familia ha hecho, o con las opiniones que sobre los años que Draco nos ha expresado, o lo que es
más importante, Hermione. Sin embargo, vimos que Lucius, Draco y Narcissa se habían
desilusionado con Voldemort y Narcissa me salvó la vida ", dijo Harry con claridad, pero Gregory
sintió las palabras directamente en su pecho.
"Realmente, realmente eres un ser único Harry Potter", Gregory sacudió la cabeza y apartó la
mirada de los penetrantes ojos verdes de Harry.
"Hay demasiado odio, he pasado mucho tiempo odiando y siendo odiado. Mantener un odio inútil
no vale la pena", respondió Harry simplemente.
Gregory llevó a Harry a una mesa afuera de un café. Se sentaron y Gregory saludó al camarero
cercano antes de volverse hacia Harry. "Mi normal es el té y el pastel del día desde aquí siempre es
delicioso, ¿te importa?"
"Está bien", sonrió Harry.
"El odio está en la naturaleza humana", dijo Gregory volviendo a la conversación.
"Y el odio es lo que creó a Voldemort. Odiaba y odiaba, odiaba su sangre muggle, odiaba su sangre
mágica. Ambos mundos le fallaron y odiaba lo suficiente como para querer destruir a ambos. Es por
su odio que fue derrotado. Ambos veces ", suspiró Harry.
"¿Ambas veces?" Gregory frunció el ceño antes de sacudir la cabeza. "Por favor, no sienta que tiene
que hablarme sobre esto, sé lo cansado que debe estar de tener que discutirlo", dijo rápidamente.
"No, está bien, esto no me importa hablar demasiado con alguien que no está simplemente buscando
una historia. Voldemort, que nunca conoció el amor, que nunca amó no podía entenderlo, por lo que
subestimó el poder del amor. Mi madre murió por mí, porque me amaba, la magia viva más antigua,
la magia que corre por todas nuestras venas, la magia más poderosa que cualquier otra cosa. Lo
activó con su sacrificio, porque me amaba. Y esa es la razón por la que hechizo contraproducente,
eso es lo que me protegió esa noche. Amor ", Harry sonrió con tristeza.
"¿Amor? ¿Algo tan simple?" Gregory frunció el ceño.
"¡Ah, ah! Tú también lo estás subestimando. Los seres humanos son en última instancia seres
egoístas, pero el amor, el amor nos hace ponernos delante de las maldiciones para proteger a los que
amamos. El amor significaba que Voldemort, tan poderoso en magia mental, no podía tomar el
control de una mente de quince años, "Harry para su sorpresa se encontró disfrutando de esta
conversación, hablando de ello con alguien imparcial.
"¡Quince años! Por favor dime ..." Los ojos de Gregory estaban muy abiertos mientras miraba a
"Sí, fui yo. Después de los eventos en el Ministerio de Magia ... cuando ... cuando Sirius fue
asesinado. Perseguí a Bellatrix, pero Voldemort había llegado al Ministerio. Él y Dumbledore se
batieron en duelo pero Voldemort tomó el control de mi mente para tratar de matar Sin embargo, el
dolor que sentía por la pérdida de Sirius, el amor abrumador que sentía por Sirius y el dolor
abrumador que conllevaba, mi amor por mis amigos que se pusieron en peligro conmigo, pensando
que estaríamos enfrentando a Voldemort, el Amor que sentía por mis padres, incluso el amor que
sentía por Dumbledore, mi mentor defectuoso, pero alguien que había estado allí para mí. Todo era
demasiado. Como dije, Voldemort nunca conoció el amor, nunca intentó encontrarlo. , y no podía
soportar sentirlo en mí ", los ojos de Harry estaban distantes mientras hablaba, los recuerdos aún tan
claros en su propia mente.
"Era odio donde estás amor", hablando Gregory, tiró de él hacia atrás y miró a Gregory sonrojado.
"Somos similares, sabes. Muy similares", dijo Harry en voz baja. Gregory claramente quería hablar,
pero su camarero les trajo el té y el pastel, por lo que tuvo que esperar con impaciencia claramente
disimulada para que el hombre se fuera.
"¿A qué te refieres con que eres igual? No eres nada parecido", dijo rápidamente.
"Pero lo estamos. Ambos huérfanos a una edad temprana, criados en algún lugar donde sabíamos
que no éramos bienvenidos, nos hicieron pensar que había algo mal con nosotros debido a nuestra
magia. En Hogwarts fuimos señalados, yo por ser 'el chico que lo vivió por ser el heredero de
Slytherin. El Sombrero Seleccionador me quería en Slytherin. Ambas lenguas Parsel. Incluso
parecíamos similares, antes de todo el asunto de la cara de serpiente. Pero fuimos diferentes en
nuestras elecciones ", sonrió Harry. "Dumbledore una vez me dijo que son nuestras elecciones las
que deciden quiénes somos"
"¿Qué opciones?" Gregory preguntó con cautela.
"Elegí no amargarme por mi infancia, en cambio aprecié la amistad y el amor que me ofrecieron,
encontré a mi propia familia en lugar de buscar venganza. Elegí proteger el mundo que me había
dejado en un hogar donde no era querido, quien alternativamente me amaba u odiaba "Harry se
encogió de hombros.
"De vuelta al amor. Elegiste el amor sobre el odio", respondió Gregory.
"Exactamente. Y finalmente ... fue el amor lo que impidió que esa maldición asesina hiciera su
trabajo en la batalla final", dijo Harry vacilante. Esta era la primera vez que hablaba sobre eso fuera
de Hermione y Ron.
"¿A qué te refieres?" Gregory preguntó vacilante, sus ojos azules buscando atentamente el rostro de
"Me enfrenté a Voldemort sabiendo que me iban a matar, lo enfrenté para proteger a los que amo.
Hermione, Ron, la Sra. Weasley, el Sr. Weasley, Fred, George, Bill, Charlie, Fleur, Remus, Tonks,
Teddy, Kingsley, Neville, Ginny, Luna, Percy, Severus. Por las personas que había perdido, Sirius,
Moody, mis padres, Cedric. Murí con todo el amor que me habían ofrecido en mi vida, con todo el
amor que me habían mostrado. mi corazón. Morí para protegerlos ", terminó Harry en apenas un
"Justo cuando tu madre murió por ti", exclamó Gregory.
"Exactamente, fue por amor que la maldición asesina, el epítome del odio, no funcionaría", Harry
sonrió asintiendo.
"Tenías demasiado amor para que el odio a la maldición asesina funcionara", descubrió Gregory.
"Exactamente. Incluso fue el amor lo que le impidió lanzar la maldición en el momento
equivocado", Harry sonrió ante la expresión de completa confusión en el rostro de Gregory. "El
amor de una madre me protegió en mi primera confrontación con Voldemort, el amor de mi propia
madre, así como el amor de una madre me protegió en la última confrontación".
"Narcissa", parpadeó Gregory.
"Exactamente. Fue su amor por Draco lo que le dio el coraje de desafiar a Voldemort a la cara. El
amor es más poderoso que cualquier otra cosa", Harry se recostó y sorbió su té mientras veía a
Gregory absorber todo lo que acababa de tomar. sido dicho
"Todos están hablando de un poder profundo y sorprendente que debes haber tenido, algún hechizo
o ritual que lanzaste", sonrió Gregory.
"Y es algo tan simple como el amor", asintió Harry.
"Repito, eres una persona increíble y única, Harry Potter", se rió Gregory.
"Simplemente acordamos que era simple", Harry frunció el ceño, realmente pensó que Gregory era
diferente, que no sería el mismo que todos los demás en el público mágico convirtiéndolo en un
"Sí, es simple, es algo que todos tenemos. Pero aun así, tuviste un poder profundo y sorprendente.
Lo has demostrado con mi familia, la capacidad de permitir que tu amor supere el odio. No muchos
podrían enfrentar su muerte. y piensen solo en el amor que les han dado a pesar del odio que han
sentido, no muchos podrían amar tanto y perdonar después de tanta angustia y dolor en sus vidas.
Han mencionado su infancia, y no voy a entrometerse, pero está claro que tienes todas las razones y
el derecho de resentirte por el trato que te ha dado la vida. Pero en lugar de eso eliges ver el amor
que tienes ", Gregory le dio a Harry una sonrisa sincera y sincera que suavizó la cara del rubio y le
permitió a Harry ver ese calor, esa luz que ardía en el centro de Malfoy claramente.
"Como dije, se desperdicia demasiado en el odio y guardar rencor. Me niego a vivir mi vida así, he
visto lo que eso crea, he visto el monstruo en el que te conviertes", Harry sacudió la cabeza. "Y así
como aprendí esa lección, también lo hicieron Hermione y Ron. Me gustaría pensar que hemos
salido de esto más sabio".
"Creo que tienes a Harry. Tu mera presencia en el juicio de mi familia dice que sí. Y te arde en los
ojos", Gregory colocó un dedo desnudo debajo de la barbilla de Harry, levantándola para que sus
ojos se cerraran.
La electricidad atravesó el sistema de Harry. Su corazón latía a un ritmo atronador, su magia
cantaba a través de su cuerpo y nunca había sentido el calor de otra persona, la conciencia de otra
persona de la misma forma en que sintió ese dedo solitario en su barbilla.
"¿Mis ojos?" Se las arregló para exhalar.
"Tus ojos, han visto tanto, lo mejor y lo peor de la especie humana. Tus experiencias, tus dolores.
Todos arden allí para que todos los vean. Junto con un conocimiento y una sabiduría", dijo Gregory
suavemente, pero las palabras eran tan poderosos que Harry podía sentirlos rozar su piel.
"¿Ves todo eso?" Harry exhaló extendiendo la mano para colocar cuidadosamente sus dedos a lo
largo de la muñeca de Gregory, ya no podía resistirse a tocar a este hombre.
"Te veo Harry. Veo al héroe renuente, que realmente no quiere tener nada que ver con su fama, que
hizo lo que hizo solo para proteger a aquellos que le importan y aman. Veo el hombre en el que te
has convertido, que tú he tomado la forma de asimilar todo el conocimiento que has aprendido en el
camino para tratar de convertirte en una buena persona. Veo la fuerza de tu coraje y el poder de tu
alma, pero tu deseo de no tener que liderar más, para que se te permita solo sé ", dijo Gregory antes
de parpadear y romper la intensidad del momento justo antes de que se volviera demasiado.
"Nadie solo ve o sabe tanto", el tono de Harry no era acusador, pero Gregory desvió la mirada y
suavemente retiró la mano. Estúpidamente Harry sintió frío sin ese toque, sin los ojos de Gregory
sobre él.
"Yo ... no soy un vidente ... es más ... una visión más empática. Veo lo que otros sienten si eso tiene
sentido, qué sentimientos conforman su carácter", Gregory se encogió de hombros avergonzado, lo
que dejó perplejo a Harry. No estaba seguro de que la vergüenza fuera algo que Malfoy pudiera
"Eso es genial, así que ¿tienes suerte con otras cosas que ver con la vista?" Harry preguntó con
curiosidad. A pesar de que no tenía la mejor historia con la adivinación, y el mejor vidente humano
que conoció había sido Trelawney, todavía lo respetaba.
"Erm, bueno, yo soy bueno con las cartas del tarot, pero todo lo que tiene que ver con la adivinación
no funciona para mí. El abuelo dice que su madre tenía una habilidad para ver, así que tal vez de ahí
es de donde la obtengo, Phoenix está mostrando También tengo alguna promesa con las cartas del
tarot, aunque Orlandus tiene más suerte con una bola de cristal y piedras rúnicas ", Gregory se
relajó mientras hablaba, viendo solo interés abierto en la cara de Harry.
"Siempre y cuando no comiences de forma repentina y aleatoria a predecir mi muerte, no es un
problema para mí", sonrió Harry adivinando que la gente había reaccionado mal en el pasado a la
revelación de las habilidades de Gregory si su reacción era algo que sucediera.
"Prediciendo al azar tu muerte, ¿por qué demonios haría eso?" Gregory preguntó
confundido. Sonriendo más, Harry comenzó a contarle a Gregory sobre sus clases con Trelawney
desde la primera.
Capitulo 4
Harry perdió todo el aire en sus pulmones en una gran bocanada de aire cuando un cuerpo chocó
con el suyo, la fuerza del impacto causó que tuviera que girarlos a ambos antes de aspirar suficiente
aire para quitarse el cabello rizado de la cara. Él gruñó cuando un segundo par de brazos los
envolvió a ambos y los apretó con fuerza.
"Chicos, créanlo o no, pero en los dos meses que se han ido ... ¡De repente no he desarrollado la
habilidad ... de no necesitar respirar!" Harry se ahogó golpeando su mano contra la espalda de
Ron. Las risas de Remus lo hicieron deslumbrar incluso cuando fue liberado y succionó un pulmón
lleno de aire agradecido.
"Wow ... caramba, ¡no pensé que pudieras lograr ser más pecosa!" Harry rio al mirar a Ron,
esquivando el camino del columpio que su amigo le hacía en la cabeza.
"Aquí estamos, ¿chicos?" Tonks sonrió mientras entraba a la habitación con la bandeja de té.
"Erm, ¿lo lograste?" Harry preguntó con cautela.
"No mamá lo hizo," Tonks miró a Harry.
"¡Qué, lo haces como alquitrán!" Harry se defendió extendiendo la mano y agarrando hábilmente a
Teddy de donde estaba en el portaaviones en el frente de Tonks. Tonks puso los ojos en blanco con
naturalidad mientras Remus se reía.
"Vamos ustedes dos, cuéntenos sobre Australia", instó Remus cuando Harry y Tonks se
acomodaron en sus asientos, Harry acomodó a Teddy en sus brazos y lo balanceó suavemente.
Durante las siguientes dos horas se sentaron escuchando a Hermione y Ron contándoles sobre
Australia y las historias divertidas mientras rastreaban su camino hacia los padres literalmente a
través de Australia, luego cuando los encontraron quitándose el encanto de la memoria y teniendo
que explicarles todo. La mayoría de las partes tenían las otras tres en carcajadas mientras contaban
la historia. Una vez que terminaron, Tonks se llevó a Teddy y ella y Remus los dejaron solos con la
excusa de ir a cenar a todos.
"¿Entonces estás bien viviendo aquí?" Ron preguntó después de unos latidos.
"Sí ... es agradable vivir con Remus y tener a Teddy cerca. Tonks y Andrómeda también son
geniales", asintió Harry.
"¿Te mudaste hace una semana?" Preguntó Hermione rellenando su taza de té.
"Sí, Remus se enojó conmigo cuando vino a Grimmauld y se dio cuenta de lo húmedo que estaba
todavía. Casi me hizo empacar y me sacó una rana al Floo en una hora", se rió Harry avergonzado.
"Mamá está un poco molesta porque elegiste mudarte aquí y no en la Madriguera", dijo Ron de
hecho, sin acusación, solo un indicio de pregunta en su tono.
"Tu madre, y la mayoría de los demás son un poco ... mucho por tratar de forzarnos a mí y a Ginny
juntas", admitió Harry en voz baja.
"Eso es un no ir?" Ron preguntó. Levantando la mirada nerviosamente, Harry sacudió la
cabeza. Sabía tan cerca como ellos que Ginny era la hermana pequeña de Ron. "¡Finalmente, estaba
aterrorizado de que te dieras cuenta de esto como veinticinco años después cuando te casaste y
tuviste tres hijos juntos!" Ron exhaló aliviado.
"¿Darse cuenta de?" Harry preguntó confundido parpadeando a los dos confundidos.
"Que tú y Ginny no estaban destinados a estar juntos, y eso, a menos que estemos realmente
equivocados y no hayas estado revisando el trasero de Dean durante dos años que eres gay", dijo
Hermione simplemente.
"Yo ... bueno ... quiero decir ... ya ves ... yo solo ... bueno ..."
"Eso es un sí", se rió Ron interrumpiendo el tartamudeo de Harry. "No te preocupes, trataré de
hablar con los demás, hacer que retrocedan. Has hablado con Ginny, ¿verdad?"
"Lo intenté. Le expliqué que no estábamos bien juntos, que tal vez necesitaba a alguien un poco
mayor y maduro, que ella era brillante pero simplemente no, ya que resulta que mi tipo", dijo Harry
"¿Y ella no está escuchando?" Ron adivinó.
"Cada vez que tiene la oportunidad, coquetea conmigo, nos insinúa que volvamos a estar juntos,
constantemente trata de hacerme bailar con ella en cada baile y fiesta, ella y tu madre
constantemente traen lazos cada vez que estamos juntos", dijo Harry. sus ojos cansados.
"Hablaré con ellos Harry, no te preocupes", Ron apretó el hombro de Harry, dándole un apretón.
"No quiero causar problemas, o que se enfaden conmigo", dijo Harry mirando sus manos en voz
"Harry, hemos pasado por muchas cosas en el último año, todos han cambiado mucho, pero tú
especialmente. Nadie puede esperar que quieras las mismas cosas Harry, o que hayas tomado las
decisiones correctas antes", sonrió Hermione con calidez. extendiendo la mano para apretarle las
"Y no nos vas a perder, no te preocupes", sonrió Ron. "¿Que has estado haciendo?"
Harry había terminado de decirles cómo iban las reparaciones a Hogwarts y al Callejón Diagon y
estaba a punto de decirles cómo iba su intento de conseguir la foto de Severus en la oficina del
Director, de hecho, solo estaba un poco fuera de decirles sobre su viaje a los Malfoy cuando Remus
y Tonks regresaron a la habitación. Una hermosa lechuza gris estaba encaramada en el brazo de
Remus, hinchada y mirando imperiosamente a su alrededor. Cuando vio a Harry, despegó y voló
suavemente a través de la habitación hacia él, haciendo que Hermione emitiera un grito ahogado
cuando vio lo que estaba unido a la pata de los búhos.
Harry parpadeó mirando el paquete mientras lo desataba. El ramo de varias flores estaba envuelto
cuidadosamente en un pañuelo de seda rojo, que cuando lo desenvolvió y lo soltó del adorno
adhesivo que lo mantenía unido reveló un collar y una carta.
"Harry ... ¿qué demonios has estado haciendo mientras hemos estado fuera?" Ron exclamó también
mirando las flores con los ojos completamente abiertos.
"¿Qué quieres decir?" Harry preguntó confundido mirando hacia arriba con la carta y el collar en su
mano derecha, el ramo en su regazo.
"Harry, ese es un intento de cortejar presente. En el mundo mágico, es común enviar regalos
declarando intención a la persona con la que deseas iniciar una relación, generalmente es desde el
dominante en la relación hasta el sumiso, pero se está convirtiendo en un un poco más común para
que sea al revés. El regalo más común y tradicional para enviar es flores, ya que es la forma más
fácil de expresar por completo lo que quieres decir, un segundo regalo sin embargo ... "Hermione
hizo una pausa mirando el collar. .
Harry levantó el collar en el aire para que pudieran verlo. Era plateado con una hermosa cadena fina
de plata. Era un pentagrama de cinco puntas en un círculo, el círculo estaba hecho de una piedra
"¡Oh Harry!" Hermione jadeó arrastrando los pies hacia adelante.
"¿Qué?" Se sentía realmente confundido ahora, aunque el collar era hermoso.
"Es el significado detrás de los regalos que debes tener en cuenta también. Si no me equivoco ... sí,
la piedra que hace el círculo es obsidiana negra, que significa sanación, protección, adivinación y
paz. El pentagrama tiene mucho tiempo representaba la protección contra el mal, una protección
potente contra el mal, la más fuerte en nuestro mundo. Un círculo alrededor de un pentagrama está
destinado a contener y proteger. También simboliza la eternidad y el infinito, los ciclos de la vida y
la naturaleza. El símbolo significa que protegerá el usuario y el hogar. Cada punto del pentagrama
es una sala y representa los cinco elementos, cuatro de materia fuego, tierra, aire y agua, el último
es la magia misma, el espíritu. Tiene una defensa en forma de matriz y un pentágono protector en el
centro ", Remus se tambaleó en modo maestro.
"Es un símbolo increíblemente poderoso para indicar que estás en tu intención original", murmuró
"¿Quien lo envió?" Ron preguntó ansioso.
"¿Dijiste que obsidiana significa adivinación y paz?" Harry preguntó mientras colocaba el collar
cuidadosamente a lo largo de su muslo y recogía la carta sellada.
"Sí, ¿sabes quién es?" Preguntó Hermione, sus ojos brillaban intensamente.
"Yo ... creo que ... tal vez ..." Harry sabía quién esperaba que fuera, sabía quién quería decir esas
cosas, aparentemente tratando de comenzar una relación con él. Pero no pudo abrir el sobre y ver el
nombre de una de las mujeres que había estado persiguiendo al "hombre que derrotó".
"¿Harry?" La suave voz de Andrómeda lo hizo darse cuenta de que había estado sentado mirando el
sobre con tanta fuerza que no la había escuchado entrar a la habitación con Teddy, y aparentemente
había estado allí por un rato. Levantando la vista sobresaltado, se encontró con sus ojos grises, ojos
tan parecidos a los de Sirius que a veces dolía y a veces lo hacía sentir cálido y seguro, esta vez era
lo último. "¿Quieres que sea de alguien específico?" A veces realmente se preguntaba si la mujer
podía leer mentes.
"Quizás", se mordió el labio mirando de nuevo al sobre. Andromeda parecía querer cuidarlo y
cuidarlo parcialmente, pero no de la manera sofocante, exigente y controladora que Molly parecía
querer hacer.
"Cariño, quieres saber hasta que lo abras", Andrómeda sonrió caminando hacia su silla.
Sabiendo que ella tenía razón, contuvo el aliento y rápidamente abrió la carta. Sus ojos ni siquiera
se molestaron en mirar el contacto, sino que lo arrastraron directamente hacia abajo para mirar la
"¡Oh mi!" Andrómeda jadeó también al ver el nombre de la carta. Al levantar la vista, Harry se
sorprendió al ver que Andrómeda estaba completamente aturdida, con la boca abierta y los ojos
muy abiertos mientras miraba la carta.
"¿De quién es?" Ron, Hermione, Remus y Tonks dijeron al mismo tiempo que se acercaban.
"Ese es ... mi ... oh ... oh Harry, cómo demonios ..." Andromeda farfulló.
"¿Quién demonios es?" vino la respuesta. Al mirar hacia arriba, Harry pudo ver que estaban
empezando a preocuparse.
"Gregory Malfoy," Harry logró decir a través de su propio shock y felicidad.
"¿El hermano menor de Lucius Malfoy?" Hermione jadeó.
"¿Cómo conoces a Gregory?" Remus preguntó confundido.
"Lo conocí a él y al resto de la familia cuando fui a la mansión Malfoy para que firmen la petición
de Severus. Hablamos nuevamente en el último baile y nos reunimos cinco días en Diagon,
almorzamos juntos y conversamos durante la mayor parte del tiempo. tarde ", murmuró
Harry. Sabía que debería haber mencionado esto antes.
"Y ahora quiere comenzar una relación contigo", Andrómeda sonrió.
"Fuiste a la mansión Malfoy alo ... no importa", chilló Ron ante la mirada que recibió de Harry.
"Entonces Gregory Malfoy, eh", comenzó a sonreír Hermione. "¿Es él de quien esperabas que
"Tal vez", murmuró Harry. "¿Qué significan las flores?" dijo, en parte para distraer y sobre todo
porque quería saber.
"Oh, por supuesto. Bueno, veamos que tienes ocho peonías, representan la curación. Anémona seis
de ellas representan ... frágil. Flor de manzana, oh, hay muchas, prometen. Cuatro crisantemos
blancos significa verdad, cuatro crisantemos rojos significa compartir, cinco azafrán para la
previsión, diez fresias para el espíritu, las flores de hibisco significan belleza delicada, once
larkspur significa espíritu hermoso, veinte rosas rosadas para la amistad, quince rosas rojas para la
pasión, dos rosas blancas para la seguridad, dos estrellas de Belén para la esperanza. Diez tulipanes
rosados para cuidar. Siete blancos para el perdón. Y ... treinta tulipanes violetas para la fidelidad,
"Hermione pasó por el ramo.
"Wow, esas son algunas declaraciones bastante fuertes", Tonks exhaló.
"Bueno, claramente sus intenciones hacia ti son promesa, verdad, compartir, seguridad, curación,
amistad, pasión, cuidado y fidelidad. Te ve como enérgico, frágil, una delicada belleza y un
hermoso espíritu. De su lado tiene esperanza y yo Estoy adivinando deseos de perdón. La previsión
aunque no entiendo, "Remus frunció el ceño.
"Sí," Harry se sonrojó furiosamente por la colección de diferentes significados, especialmente
delicada belleza. "Entonces, básicamente, todo lo que significan estas flores ... ¿está diciendo que
tiene la intención de una relación potencial?" pidió una aclaración mirando hacia arriba desde la
"Básicamente sí. Harry, estos solo se envían cuando existe la intención de una relación seria, con el
resultado por parte de los remitentes esperando una relación a largo plazo, posiblemente
permanente. Gregory Malfoy solo ha enviado una", dijo Andromeda descansando suavemente su
mano reconfortante sobre el hombro de Harry. Parpadeó y miró las flores y el collar antes de
levantar la carta para leerla esta vez.
Querido Harry
Espero que esto no sea una gran sorpresa, no he sido discreto sobre mis intenciones y sentimientos
hacia usted, pero luego de pasar tiempo con usted, creo que no tiene en cuenta lo atractiva que es
su personalidad. y mira, y por lo tanto piensa que la gente solo está interesada en ti por tu fama.
En primer lugar, me gustaría asegurarle que esta no es mi razón para mi interés en usted. Me
gustaría pensar que me conoces lo suficiente como para saber que la fama y el dinero no me
interesan en una pareja. Dinero que tengo más que suficiente, fama demasiado y no por las
mejores razones en este momento. Me doy cuenta de que esto puede ser un poco rápido, pero ya
después de solo un poco de tiempo contigo, me encuentro deseando solo cinco minutos más en tu
presencia, solo un poco más para hablar contigo, solo un poco más para verte.
Eres una persona increíblemente bella, tanto por dentro como por fuera, Harry Potter tienes una
de las almas más brillantes que he visto y me siento atraído hacia ti como una polilla. Tu mera
presencia hace que mi corazón lata más rápido de lo que lo ha hecho en años, y me siento nervioso
de una manera que nunca me he sentido. Es realmente increíble, una sonrisa tuya y mi corazón
comienza a latir más rápido y mis palmas comienzan a sudar.
Me doy cuenta de que tienes muchas razones muy buenas por las que no deberías aceptar mi
solicitud, espero no haberte leído mal y una de ellas es que no te atraes, pero te prometo que mi
interés está solo en ti y solo en ti, y en que haré lo mejor que pueda, si me das la oportunidad de
cuidarte, tratarte, consentirte y cuidarte de la manera que te mereces.
Espero que les gusten los regalos y los significados, confieso que esto habría llegado antes que hoy
si no hubiera pasado los últimos cuatro días agonizando por las flores correctas y encontrando el
segundo regalo perfecto. Creo que esto será divertido para mi familia por un tiempo. De todos
modos, ya sea que acepte o no el collar, y por supuesto las flores, es suyo. Y espero que te unas a
mí en El Marno's a las ocho de la mañana de mañana. He organizado para que puedas flotar
directamente en la entrada privada con la contraseña 'seguridad' y tenemos una cabina
extremadamente privada reservada. Nadie sabrá que estabas allí, nadie te molestará.
Espero que consideren mi solicitud de una cita y una posible relación y espero ansiosamente y
espero verlos mañana.
Con mucho cariño
Gregory Malfoy
Harry se mordió el labio cuando terminó de leer la carta y miró a los demás. La admisión de que
puso nervioso a Gregory, que Gregory estaba genuinamente interesado en él hizo que su cabeza
girara y su corazón latiera con fuerza contra su pecho.
"¿Bien?" Hermione exigió claramente haber perdido la paciencia que le quedaba después de que él
leyó la carta tres veces.
"Él ... quiere que lo conozca mañana para una cita en El Marno's, una cabina privada con la
seguridad de que nadie me molestará, él está dispuesto a que yo fluya en privado", dijo Harry en
voz baja sin creer que en realidad estaba diciendo esto. que esto era real
"¡Tendremos que revisar tu guardarropa y encontrar algo para que te pongas! Algo que realmente
resalte tus ojos y tu piel, que resalte tu figura, El Marno es un lugar elegante, así que tendremos que
hacer ¡seguro que estás en la mejor túnica de gala! Ah, y te compraré un nuevo par de botas de piel
de dragón, tus zapatos son lo suficientemente elegantes para las bolas y eso, pero realmente
necesitas usar botas con túnicas de gala, yo ' ¡Te conseguiré algunos pares! ¡Y tal vez una capa
nueva! " Andrómeda se tambaleó emocionada.
"¡Espera! ¡Mamá, Harry no ha dicho que quiere ir!" Tonks interrumpió.
"¡Por supuesto que lo mira a la cara! La única razón por la que no iría es porque duda de que a
Gregory realmente le guste. Desde el momento en que pasé con la familia Malfoy mientras Narcissa
y Lucius estaban comprometidos, Gregory no es el tipo para usar las emociones contra la gente, y
detesta las jugadas políticas, incluso rechazó los intentos de Abraxus de casarse con él en un
contrato de vinculación con varias familias ricas que habrían sido buenas para su reputación, y
Abraxus no era un hombre al que le dijiste que no. Harry se va ", dijo Andrómeda con firmeza.
"¿Harry no tiene algo que decir en esto?" Ron preguntó un poco incrédulo.
"Harry, todo político, dinero, nombre aparte, y tus dudas. ¿Quieres ir? ¿Te gusta
Gregory?" Andrómeda le preguntó a Harry, mirándolo a los ojos y diciéndole que estaba bien con
esa mirada.
"Sí ... sí, quiero ir mañana, sí, me gusta Gregory", admitió Harry mirando nerviosamente a Ron.
"Hey, hablamos sobre las razones de Malfoy por todo lo que hicieron, puede que no me gusten
Draco y Lucius, pero puedo ser amable con ellos, y no sé el resto de ellos. Mientras este tipo te haga
feliz, mientras él sea lo que quieres, te apoyaré en esto. Te mereces a alguien que te haga feliz, y si
esas flores son algo que quiere que te haga feliz ", sonrió Ron tranquilizando a Harry.
"¡Oh, Ronald, realmente has crecido!" Hermione arrulló rompiendo la tensión y riéndose de todos,
incluido Ron, aunque él también se sonrojaba profundamente.
"¿Tú ..." Harry cortó pasando un dedo sobre su collar.
"Remus me dio un ramo, aretes y luego mi anillo de compromiso, estábamos un poco apurados", se
rió Tonks.
"Ron me dio mi anillo de compromiso y luego, mientras estábamos lejos, un ramo con cintas, un
poco en reversa, pero de nuevo debido a las circunstancias", se rió Hermione, pasando
automáticamente su pulgar sobre el nuevo anillo en su dedo, los diamantes y zafiros brillaban. en la
"Aunque supongo que ninguno de nuestros ramos de flores fue tan elaborado como el tuyo. Creo
que Gregory tiene mucho que decirte, mucho que quiere darte, y no pudo decidir en qué
conformarse", se rió Remus. .
"¿Entonces vas a ir mañana?" Tonks preguntó con una sonrisa y moviendo las cejas.
"Yo es tan ... y por qué iba a ..."
"¡Ni siquiera termines esa oración! ¡Eres un hombre magnífico, inteligente, brillante, amable y
maravilloso y Gregory lo ha visto claramente! ¡Por qué no te querría!" Remus dijo con firmeza.
"Pero, él es mayor que yo, ¡podría tener a cualquiera! ¿Por qué querría a un joven de 18 años sin
experiencia?" Harry suspiró, la emoción se desvaneció ligeramente cuando todas sus dudas
volvieron a entrar.
"Tiene solo 35 años, eso no es una gran diferencia en el mundo mágico. Y en cuanto al resto, no te
ves a ti mismo como todos los demás. Él podría tener a cualquiera, tú también, pero claramente te
quiere. Harry es su magia. atado en esas flores! Un juramento para significar todo lo que
representan, esas flores durarán tanto tiempo como tu relación, literalmente te ha dado un pedazo de
sí mismo ", Andrómeda sonrió moviendo a Teddy más alto en su cadera cuando comenzó a
despertar .
Harry miró pensativo las flores, eso explicaría el zumbido que recibía cada vez que pasaba los
dedos por los pétalos o tallos. Mordiéndose el labio inseguramente, miró la carta por última vez
antes de levantar el collar y abrocharselo alrededor de su cuello sintiendo una chispa de ...
protección y calor cubriéndolo tan pronto como se abrochó el broche. Pasando el dedo por el frío
metal del colgante, Harry los miró y los vio sonreír.
"Me ayudarás a vestirme, ¿verdad?" Preguntó mirando alrededor de la habitación.
"¡Oh Merlín, no deberías haber dicho eso!" Tonks hizo una mueca.
"¡Iremos a esta pequeña tienda que conozco en Edimburgo! Son fantásticos para hacer túnicas, solía
ir allí antes ... antes de casarme, ¡te encontraremos el conjunto perfecto de túnicas para mañana! Y
tal vez un pequeño corte de pelo ¡Y las botas! Andrómeda aplaudió.
"¡No te preocupes, te haremos lucir tan increíble que luchará para mantener tus manos lejos de
ti!" Hermione sonrió.
"Entonces, ¿cómo se ve?" Preguntó Tonks inclinándose ansiosamente hacia adelante en su
asiento. Hermione también se animó mientras Remus y Ron rodaron los ojos. Sonriendo un poco,
Harry alargó la mano distraídamente para tocar el colgante alrededor de su cuello cuando comenzó
a describir a la hermosa Malfoy, que aparentemente lo quería.
Capítulo 5
Harry se mordió el labio cuando entró en su habitación y cerró la puerta detrás de él. Eran las siete
en punto y acababa de ducharse para prepararse para ir al restaurante. Todo el día había sido agitado
ya que él, Hermione, Andrómeda, Tonks y para su disgusto Ron, habían ido a comprar su atuendo
para esta noche. Ron se había quejado todo el tiempo, pero había apoyado a Harry mientras miraban
asustados junto con Tonks mientras Hermione y Andrómeda llegaban a las tiendas con aterradora
determinación y velocidad.
Decidieron comprar un atuendo completamente nuevo para Harry, así que al final se habían ido a
París por un día para tener privacidad y visitar las mejores tiendas según Andromeda. Su mente se
había alejado de todo con la agitación del día y la cantidad de colores, diseños, modas, estilos y
todo lo demás que le habían arrojado. En un momento se encontró encerrado en un vestuario con un
montón de ropa aterradoramente alta y exigió salir después de probarse cada cosa, fueron solo Ron
y Tonks los que controlaron a los otros dos para que no entraran en el espacio reducido con él.
Al final, y en varias tiendas que habían logrado encontrar un nuevo atuendo para él, le habían
recortado el cabello hasta los hombros un poco más ordenado y más corto, por lo que solo rozó la
parte superior de su cuello. Andromeda había insistido en esto, ya que no se había cortado el pelo
desde el intento de Hermione, había aceptado rápidamente cuando realmente lo miró y se dio cuenta
de lo mal que estaba.
Ahora estaba listo para vestirse para esta noche y podía sentir el pánico y la duda arrastrándose
sobre él. ¿Qué pasa si Gregory no iba a aparecer y en su lugar había gente allí para reírse de él?
¿Qué pasa si Gregory se dio cuenta de que realmente no quería a Harry de esta manera y
simplemente se fue?
"Estás en pánico", el comentario silencioso de Andrómeda lo hizo chillar en estado de shock cuando
saltó, casi perdiendo su toalla en el proceso.
"¡Andrómeda!" Protestó incluso cuando arrojó su varita sobre la cama después de convocarla
automáticamente para sí mismo. Andrómeda soltó una risita ligera y aireada mientras se dirigía a su
armario donde las batas, la camisa y los pantalones que habían escogido colgaban de sus
mantas. Lentamente, comenzó a sacarlos y a ponerlos en la cama comenzando con la camisa negra.
"Estás entrando en pánico", repitió Andromeda cuando comenzó a quitarle la cubierta de los
"Un pequeño sí", suspiró Harry sentado en su cama, asegurándose de mantenerse cubierto.
"Cariño, sé que realmente no nos conocemos desde hace mucho tiempo, y si no te sientes cómodo
hablando conmigo sobre esto, entonces solo dime. Pero puedo ver que has estado en la cabaña,
puedo ver que tienes algo importante las dudas sobre tu valía y cómo te ves definitivamente no es
igual a lo que realmente eres. Después de lo que Tonks me ha dicho, creo que esto probablemente
tenga algo que ver con esos animales con los que Dumbledore te dejó. Pero cariño, eres un joven
hermoso, inteligente, brillante y valiente que cualquiera tendría suerte de tener. Y Gregory lo ha
visto claramente. No puedo decir que conozco bien a Gregory, pero lo conozco lo suficiente como
para saber que para ofrecerte los regalos de cortejo, por que le haya enviado esas flores, esos
significados, ya sabe lo que quiere, ya siente algo por usted y está seguro de que usted es quien
quiere, que lo que quiere es una relación con usted. cambia de opinión o piensa que cometió un
error ", dijo Andrómeda, sentándose suavemente a continuación a Harry en la cama y tomando su
"Andrómeda, ¿puedo preguntarte algo?" Harry se mordió el labio nerviosamente después de haberse
sentado un momento pensativo.
"Por supuesto, dispara", sonrió Andrómeda.
"Dijiste que Gregory había enviado las flores y el cortejo una vez antes. ¿Sabes lo que pasó?" Harry
preguntó nerviosamente.
"No sé los detalles exactos, si quieres saber, tendrás que preguntarle al propio Gregory. Sin
embargo, sé que el hombre estaba interesado en el nombre de Malfoy, nadie sabe realmente cómo
se enteró Gregory, pero lo hizo. Cortó el cortejo inmediatamente y se mudó a quedarse con Marcus
en Italia por un tiempo ", le dijo Andrómeda.
"Estoy ... solo tengo miedo de que se dé cuenta de que no soy el que quiere ... Realmente me gusta
mucho, ya. Incluso en este punto, si cambió de opinión, realmente va a doler ", Admitió Harry
mirando tranquilamente su regazo.
"Oh Harry", Andrómeda suspiró.
"Es la primera elección real que he hecho por mí mismo, sabes", dijo Harry mirando suavemente a
la cara de Andrómeda.
"¿La primera opción real?" Andrómeda preguntó.
"La mayoría de las decisiones que he tomado en mi vida no han sido realmente mías. He sido
empujado o empujado a tomarlas. Incluso salir con Ginny fue porque la gente lo esperaba, ella
quería salir conmigo y la gente pensaba que yo terminaría casándome con ella y formándome parte
de la familia Weasley. Gregory es el primero que he hecho porque eso es lo que quiero ", suspiró
"Cariño, has pasado tiempo con él antes, ¿no?" Andrómeda preguntó, ante el asentimiento de Harry,
ella le dio una sonrisa reconfortante. "¿Y disfrutaste el tiempo que pasaste con él?"
"Bueno, vas a ir a ese restaurante con un aspecto increíble, le quitarás el aliento a Gregory y harás
que se dé cuenta más de lo que ya sabía que tomó la decisión correcta, te sentarás y disfrutarás de
una maravillosa comida con él, pasarás el tiempo charlando por la noche, él tratará de
impresionarte, te demorarás en el postre y, con suerte, recibirás un beso de buenas noches al final de
la noche antes de volver a casa, donde estaremos esperando ansiosamente que vuelvas a casa y nos
cuentes cómo te fue, "Andrómeda sonrió antes de besar su frente. "Ahora vamos, tienes que
"Está bien", Harry asintió con la cabeza y aspiró profundamente y acercó las palabras de
Andrómeda a su pecho.
"Sal cuando hayas terminado y nos aseguraremos de que tengas la razón", Andrómeda le dio unas
palmaditas en la mano antes de pararse y dirigirse hacia la puerta.
"¡Andrómeda!" Harry llamó de pie.
"¿Si, cariño?" ella sonrió dándose la vuelta.
"Gracias", sonrió Harry, no importa cuán nervioso estuviera, era una sonrisa sincera.
"De nada, no te prepares, no sería demasiado tarde", dijo Andrómeda antes de salir de su
habitación. Respirando hondo, se volvió hacia el atuendo tendido en la cama y comenzó a
ponérselo. Habían elegido una camisa negra de algodón egipcio con pantalones negros de piel de
dragón que le quedaban perfectamente. Tenía que admitir que la túnica era increíble, y eso era con
todas las túnicas impresionantes que había estado usando para las diversas fiestas y bailes a los que
lo habían arrastrado. Eran de un tono verde helado que, mientras eran de algodón, se movían como
agua a su alrededor, fluyendo con su movimiento. Estaban diseñados con un cuello alto y mangas
ligeramente onduladas que cayeron un poco pasando su muñeca. Botones dorados adornados
cerraban las túnicas sobre su pecho, pero estaban abiertas desde la cintura hacia abajo permitiendo
que sus pantalones ajustados se vieran mientras caminaba. Andrómeda había insistido en que se
ajustaran alrededor de sus hombros y pecho, pero más flojos alrededor de sus brazos, lo que tenía
que admitir que le quedaba mucho mejor. Se veía mucho menos flaco.
Una vez que terminó de ponerse su túnica, miró las botas que habían comprado. Las botas de piel de
dragón negro le llegaban hasta la rodilla y tenían finas curvas doradas trabajadas a través del
material, pero era el talón lo que le preocupaba. Andromeda había insistido en que necesitaba
conseguir algo con un tacón que le diera un poco de altura, algo con lo que Hermione había estado
de acuerdo. Así que terminó con estas botas que tenían buenos tacones de una pulgada y
media. Algo en lo que no estaba acostumbrado a caminar. Suspirando, se sentó en la cama y se
calzó las botas sobre los pantalones antes de caminar por su habitación con precaución hasta que
estuvo seguro de que podía dejar de tambalearse mientras caminaba.
"¡Harry eso es diez! ¿Estás listo?" Preguntó Remus asomando la cabeza por la puerta.
"Bueno, estoy vestida, no estoy segura de estar lista. ¡Solo he estado en una cita antes y eso fue un
completo desastre!" Harry hizo una mueca al oír el tono agudo de su voz.
"Eso es porque arreglaste reunirte con otra mujer al final de tu cita, y porque estabas fuera con una
mujer, no importa cuán joven haya sido", resopló Ron. "Buscando compañero inteligente", silbó.
"Me veo bien?" Preguntó levantando la mano para tocar el colgante alrededor de su cuello.
"Te ves hermosa Cub, Gregory no sabrá qué lo golpeó. Pero pensará que lo has puesto de pie si no
te apuras", se rió Remus, pasando su brazo por los hombros de Harry y abrazándolo a su lado. .
"No sé sobre apresurarme, creo que voy a vomitar", gruñó Harry.

"No te he visto tan nervioso desde ... en realidad no, nunca te había visto tan nervioso antes. ¿Qué
está pasando?" Carina le preguntó a su hijo mientras lo miraba desde el otro lado de la habitación
donde estaba sentado tratando de leer su libro.
"No es nada más", dijo Gregory rápidamente antes de hacer una mueca mental.
"Muy bien, en primer lugar soy tu madre Gregory Malfoy, sé cuándo hay algo mal para ti. Y en
segundo lugar, solo me llamas mére cuando estás agitado por algo. Entonces, ¿qué está pasando
Gregory?" Carina preguntó colocando su propio libro sobre la mesa junto a ella.
"Yo ... he enviado un ramo y un regalo oficial de cortejo y he enviado una solicitud para una cita
para esta noche", dijo Gregory apresuradamente, dejando a su madre sentada con la boca abierta
mirándolo y la taza de té de su abuelo se estrelló en la puerta desde donde había estado entrando en
la habitación.
"¡Tú ... enviaste un ramo de novia y un regalo! ¿Por qué no nos lo dijiste? ¿Quién es? ¿Han
respondido sobre tu cita? ¿A qué hora vas?" Carina divagó emocionada aplaudiendo.
"¿Qué flores y regalo enviaste?" Marcus preguntó rápidamente entrando en la habitación, ignorando
su taza caída.
"Erm, bueno, hice que Marc me ayudara a elegirlos, pero bueno, tenía mucho que decir. Le envié
ocho peonías, seis anémona, flores de manzana, cuatro crisantemos blancos, cuatro crisantemos
rojos, cinco crocus, diez fresias, dieciocho hibiscos flores, once espuela de caballero, veinte rosas
rosadas, quince rosas rojas, dos rosas blancas para seguridad, dos estrellas de Belén, diez tulipanes
rosados, siete tulipanes blancos y treinta tulipanes violetas. Mi regalo fue un pentagrama circular en
plata y ónix ", enumeró Gregory con un leve sonrojo.
"Esa es una intención bastante seria de haber enviado a mi hijo", Marcus sonrió agarrando el
hombro de Gregory.
"¿Quién es?" Carina preguntó preocupada.
"¿Prométeme que no reaccionarás de forma exagerada?" Gregory preguntó nerviosamente.
"Ahora estoy preocupado. Pero no vamos a reaccionar exageradamente. ¿Quién es?" Carina suspiro.
"Harry Potter", Gregory esperó conteniendo el aliento mientras las noticias llegaban.
"Era un niño encantador, muy educado y honesto, inteligente también, indulgente y de mente
abierta. Sin embargo, es más joven", frunció el ceño Carina.
"No realmente cuando piensas en todo lo que ha pasado. Lo que Gregory le está ofreciendo es lo
que creo que necesitaría. Además, ha tenido el mundo sobre sus hombros durante tanto tiempo, que
le hará bien tener a alguien que cuidarlo y cuidarlo, sin mencionar a alguien que pueda manejar los
medios de comunicación ", argumentó Marcus.
"¿Entonces estás bien con esto?" Gregory preguntó aliviado.
"Nos gusta Harry, es una buena opción. Pero nunca ha habido sospechas de que le gusten los
hombres queridos", señaló Carina.
"Me reuní con él hace unos días en Diagon y pasamos el día juntos. Era receptivo a cualquier toque
casual, hablamos de muchas cosas, se sonrojaba cada vez que estábamos cerca. Creo que tengo una
buena oportunidad con él madre ", dijo Gregory, aunque la duda que se había estado acumulando en
su mente desde que envió los regalos le había estado señalando este hecho continuamente.
"¿No viste la forma en que miraba a Gregory cuando vino aquí? ¡Si ese chico no está interesado en
ti, entonces soy un Weasley!" Marcus resopló. "Apenas podía apartar tus ojos de ti"
"Abuelo, esto funciona y Harry y yo comenzamos a salir, ¡tendrás que ser cortés con los
Weasley!" Gregory dijo preocupado.
"Oh, no te preocupes, me comportaré. ¿Ahora te ha respondido?" Marcus rechazó la preocupación
de Gregory.
"No, le dije que se reuniera conmigo allí si quería venir, no quería recibir una carta de rechazo",
Gregory se aclaró la garganta.
"¿Entonces preferirías que él te pusiera de pie?" Carina frunció el ceño confundida.
"Será en privado", Gregory se aclaró la garganta.
"¡Te lo dije, no hay forma de que ese chico no esté interesado! Aparecerá, especialmente con esas
declaraciones que hiciste. Aparecerá", se burló Marcus agitando su mano.
"Eso espero", suspiró Gregory frotándose los ojos, realmente no había dormido mucho la noche
"Oh, realmente te gusta", Carina sonrió.
"¿Crees que enviaría otro regalo de cortejo si no hablara en serio sobre esto? Especialmente uno con
declaraciones como esa," Gregory se encogió de hombros.
"¿Le contaste sobre tu previsión, el azafrán?" Marcus levantó la ceja.
"Simplemente dijo que era interesante, y que mientras no comenzara a predecir su muerte, él estaba
bien con eso", Gregory sonrió al recordarlo.
"Estoy feliz por ti, si él es lo que quieres y estás seguro de que te hará feliz", sonrió Carina.
"Él es diferente, hay algo en él que me atrae. No he podido dejar de pensar en él desde la primera
vez que lo vi", explicó Gregory con torpeza. "¿Podríamos mantener esto entre nosotros, al menos
durante las primeras fechas"
"Oh querido, creo que puede ser un poco tarde para eso", Marcus sonrió torpemente.
"¿Qué quieres decir?" Gregory preguntó preocupado.
"¡Potter! ¡Potter! ¿En serio? ¿Tienes una cita con Potter?" Lucius dijo incrédulo mientras entraba en
la habitación, seguido de Draco, Leandre, Samuel, Orlandus y Phoenix. Gregory gimió y se cubrió
la cara al darse cuenta de que era estúpido si esperaba que esto pudiera permanecer en secreto entre
su familia.
"Te dije que a Harry le gustaba el tío Gregory", Phoenix sonrió a Orlandus.
"Un Potter saliendo con un Malfoy, ¡sería el primero en casi dieciocho generaciones!" Samuel se rio
entre dientes.
"¡Potter! ¡En serio!" Lucius repitió.
"Sí, Lucius, Potter, el mismo que te sacó el culo", Gregory frunció el ceño a Lucius.
"¡No es nada en su contra! Es solo que hemos estado esperando durante casi ocho años para que
envíes otro cortejo, y se lo envías a Potter, quien probablemente sea la persona más elegible en
nuestro mundo en este momento", suspiró Lucius.
"Muchas gracias por ese voto de confianza hermano", resopló Gregory.
"Oh, eres un Malfoy, si lo quieres, lo tendrás. Solo asegúrate de hacerlo bien", resopló Lucius
golpeando ligeramente a Gregory en la parte posterior de la cabeza.
"Temas de conversación que serán seguros si las cosas se vuelven incómodas, Quidditch, Defensa
contra las Artes Oscuras, Remus Lupin, Teddy Lupin pasando la otra semana, Ron Weasley,
Hermione Granger, pídale que le explique qué es el DA. No hable sobre Black a menos que lo
mencione, ¡lo mismo con sus padres! " Draco enumeró de una manera que hizo que Gregory
sintiera que debería estar tomando notas sobre esto.
"¿A qué hora es tu cita?" Preguntó Orlandus.
"Ocho", Gregory se sintió un poco abrumado.
"¡Ocho! ¡Son casi las siete ahora! Vamos, tienes que bañarte y comenzar a prepararte, naturalmente
necesitarás estar allí diez minutos antes, es probable que llegue diez minutos tarde. Mientras te
duchas, elegiré algo para que te pongas! " Leandre se puso nervioso y agarró la mano de Gregory,
lo puso de pie y salió rápidamente de la habitación antes de que alguien pudiera decir algo. Tan
pronto como estaban a medio camino de las escaleras, Leandre soltó la mano de Gregory.
"Gracias", suspiró Gregory.
"Está bien, sé cómo pueden ser. No te preocupes, ese hombre fue llevado contigo, y por lo que
Phoenix criticó aún más en la pelota. Todo irá bien", le aseguró Leandre dándole palmaditas en la
"Lucius tiene razón, Harry podría tener a quien quiera. ¿Por qué querría un hermano mayor,
cansado y medio?", Frunció el ceño Gregory.
"¿Por qué no querría a un hombre generoso, cálido, generoso e inteligente que tiene mucho amor
que ofrecer, lealtad y alguien que no lo verá por su nombre, dinero o fama", sonrió Leandre
cálidamente. "Ahora ve a buscar tu trasero en la ducha, y yo estaré en tu habitación con un atuendo
para ti"
"¿Hablaste en serio sobre eso?" Gregory parpadeó.
"¡Por supuesto que lo estaba, no te dejaré vestirte para una cita tan importante! ¡Ahora date una
ducha!" Leandre frunció el ceño señalando el traje de Gregory.
"¡Sí señor!" Gregory soltó una risita saludando antes de apresurarse al baño, evitando el hechizo
punzante que Leandre le lanzó con velocidad aterradora.
Cuando salió del baño, Leandre le había tendido todo un atuendo y guardó el que había elegido
antes y estaba sentado en el asiento de la ventana de lectura de la habitación de Gregory.
"Oo bueno, son veinte para, ahora vístete, buena suerte, estoy seguro de que saldrá
maravillosamente, saldrá de tu habitación y todos estaremos esperando ansiosamente cuando
regreses", sonrió Leandre apresurándose a besarse. La mejilla de Gregory antes de salir de la
habitación. Gregory parpadeó antes de sacudir la cabeza, Leandre era un soplo de aire fresco y un
alivio en esta familia.
Se volvió y miró qué ropa le había escogido Leandre, sonriendo cuando se dio cuenta de que el
atuendo era cien veces mejor que el que él mismo había escogido. Una camisa gris oscuro que le
quedaba como un guante, mostrando su amplio pecho y brazos musculosos, un conjunto de túnicas
de color gris paloma suave abotonado en el lado izquierdo de su pecho con botones plateados, los
botones bajaban hasta la parte superior de sus muslos con Un cuello alto. Los pantalones que
Leandre había elegido eran de algodón gris claro claro con un par de botas de ante gris que
combinaban con el color de su camisa. Terminando de atar su bota derecha, se puso de pie y
rápidamente se cepilló el cabello para que quedara suavemente antes de trenzarlo hacia un lado y
tipearlo con una multitud de cuero.
Una última mirada en el espejo y se volvió para fijar su reloj de bolsillo a su túnica y se lo guardó
en el bolsillo antes de dirigirse a la chimenea. Tomando un puñado del polvo de flu en la maceta en
el lugar del manto, exhaló lentamente y lo arrojó.
"¡El Marno! Seguridad", gritó antes de pisar las llamas.
"¡Gregory! Bienvenido de nuevo, es bueno verte de nuevo", sonrió Keith Marno mientras daba un
paso adelante. Compartieron un cálido apretón de manos que Gregory logró sonreír a pesar de los
nervios que sentía. "He establecido el stand donde y cómo lo has pedido. Esto debe ser alguien
"Debido a que eres un amigo, te diré que le envié un ramo de noviazgo y se lo regalé. Sin embargo,
esto no nos supera", dijo Gregory con firmeza, mientras pensaba si aparecía.
"No te preocupes, no se lo diré a nadie más, y te serviré a mí mismo, esto seguirá siendo privado.
Aunque no creo que esto sea solo por tu privacidad", Keith levantó una ceja.
"No, no lo es, pero esperaré para ver si llega primero antes de que descubras quién es", Gregory se
dio cuenta de que su máscara Malfoy se cerró mientras miraba el reloj.
Diez minutos después podía sentir su corazón hundirse, ahora eran las ocho y diez, Harry
claramente no iba a venir. Acababa de hacer retroceder la copa de vino que había estado tomando
para distraerse cuando notó que Keith se acercaba a él con una amplia, si no totalmente sorprendida
sonrisa en su rostro y una increíble figura cercana detrás de él que parecía claramente nerviosa.
Capítulo 6
Harry salió tambaleándose de la chimenea con aún menos gracia de lo normal al haber sido arrojado
por Tonks al otro lado, apenas dándole el tiempo suficiente para tirar el polvo de flu y llamar el
nombre y la contraseña del restaurante. Miró a su alrededor para encontrar a un hombre vestido con
una elegante túnica de pie, mirándolo aliviado antes de que la conmoción lo golpeara, ya que
claramente descubrió quién era.
"¿Gregory Malfoy sigue aquí?" Preguntó preocupado, rezando porque ya no se hubiera ido.
"Sí señor, sígame", el hombre se retiró visiblemente y comenzó a alejar a Harry de la
chimenea. "Soy Keith Marno"
"Encantado de conocerte", Harry logró sonreír a pesar de sus nervios y su estómago revuelto. Keith
pareció entenderlo mientras simplemente asentía con la cabeza antes de llevar a Harry a pasar las
pantallas decoradas que estaban dividiendo el resto del restaurante, tal como Gregory había
prometido que se les daría privacidad.
Keith abrió unas hermosas puertas de cristal manchado y llevó a Harry a un balcón. En el otro
extremo había dos piezas de tela azul hielo decoradas con brillantes remolinos dorados y plateados,
la luz de las velas desde el interior la hacía brillar con elegancia.
"Para asegurar doblemente tu privacidad, y yo te estaré sirviendo a mí mismo", explicó Keith antes
de que la tela de la entrada se separara al acercarse y pudieran entrar . Harry observó las velas que
flotaban alrededor del techo, en la mesa e incluso en el piso, dándole a todo el lugar una sensación
Lo siguiente que notó fue Gregory. El hombre siempre se veía hermoso y sorprendentemente
armado cada vez que Harry lo había visto antes. Pero esta noche era simplemente impresionante. El
suave gris de su túnica enmarcaba su cuerpo maravillosamente, los pantalones de cuero negro
abrazaban sus muslos de una manera que literalmente hacía que la boca de Harry se secara. Su
cabello dorado brillaba a la luz de las velas mientras se retorcía en una elegante trenza, el cuero
negro de su corbata destacaba contra su cabello y su túnica. Sus ojos azules parecían brillar a la luz
mientras miraban a Harry.
Gregory se había levantado rápidamente cuando entraron, pero no antes de que Harry hubiera visto
el dolor y el rechazo escritos en su rostro haciéndolo sentir aún más culpable. Pero luego los ojos de
Gregory recorrieron la longitud de su cuerpo haciendo que la cabeza de Harry girara con el calor en
ellos, antes de que se cerraran con los suyos, el hambre, el afecto y el calor puro en ellos
recuperaron el aliento. Ambos notaron distraídamente que Keith sonreía escapando, pero su
atención estaba fija en el otro.
"Pense que tenias…"
"Lo siento mucho ..." Gregory y Harry fueron a hablar al mismo tiempo antes de que ambos se
rieran, sus nervios disminuyeron ligeramente. "Lo siento, llegué tarde, realmente no fue
intencional", suspiró Harry acercándose a la mesa y Gregory mientras daba un paso.
"Está bien, solo pensé que quizás había leído mal las señales", Gregory sonrió levemente, pero
Harry pudo ver la duda en sus ojos.
"No, no lo hiciste, las leíste bien. La Sra. Weasley, Ginny y Percy aparecieron diez minutos antes de
que me fuera a ir. Al final Tonks me agarró y me empujó por la chimenea cuando discutían con
Andromeda, Hermione , Ron y Remus ", sonrió Harry. Sus oídos todavía sonaban ligeramente con
la fuerza de los golpes intercambiados entre Andrómeda y la Sra. Weasley.
"Ah, supongo que no estaban felices de venir a verte vestida para salir". Gregory supuso.
"Exactamente. Es bueno verte de nuevo", sonrió Harry sintiéndose relajado en la presencia del
hombre mayor.
"Estoy muy contento de que hayas venido", le aseguró Gregory inclinándose para presionar un beso
en la mejilla de Harry antes de llevarlo a la mesa. Harry se sonrojó un poco cuando Gregory sacó su
asiento para él antes de empujarlo debajo de él. "¿Te gusta el vino?" Gregory preguntó de repente al
darse cuenta de que lo había ordenado sin darse cuenta.
"Sí, pero me temo que soy un poco liviano", se rió Harry.
"Tengo la sensación de que hay una historia sobre eso", Gregory levantó una ceja mientras llenaba
el vaso de Harry y luego rellenaba el suyo.
"Hay una que a Hermione le gusta mucho contar. Uno de mis compañeros de dormitorio pensó que
sería una buena idea pasar de contrabando el whisky de fuego a nuestro dormitorio al comienzo del
sexto año. Como puedes imaginar, cinco jóvenes de dieciséis años beben por primera vez no bajó
bien. Ron terminó rayando alrededor de la sala común a las doce de la noche, desafortunadamente
porque era un viernes por la noche todavía había unas veinte personas en la sala común, incluida
Hermione. Neville de alguna manera logró quedarse encima de Dean el dosel de la cama, Dean está
borracho y terminó lloriqueando sobre nosotros, mientras que Seamus aparentemente es aún más
coqueto mientras está borracho e intentó sentir todo lo que respiraba y charlar algunos de los
retratos, y yo soy una risita borracho: pasé seis horas sentado riendo cada pocos segundos, tanto que
perdí la voz al día siguiente ", admitió Harry tímidamente. Sin embargo, se congeló ante el sonido
de la risa profunda y divertida de Gregory, su voz de barítono envió un fuego por las venas de
"No sé si animarte a beber más o no ahora", admitió Gregory con una sonrisa.
"¿Estas tratando de emborracharme?" Harry bromeó con una sonrisa reponiéndose.
"¿Me ayudaría?" Gregory sonrió mientras Harry se reía.
"Probablemente no, creo que reírte de todo lo que dijiste e hiciste sería un poco mortal", admitió
"No quiero que estés incapacitado cuando estemos juntos, aunque llegar a verte así una o dos veces
sería divertido", observó Gregory divertido mientras un sonrojo se extendía por las mejillas de
"Gracias por las flores y el collar, me encantaron", Harry encontró el coraje para decir, estirando la
mano para tocar la mano de Gregory.
"Creo que lo hice en las flores, normalmente eliges cinco o seis tipos de flores diferentes", le dijo
Gregory con un poco de vergüenza. "Marc me ayudó a recogerlos del jardín, aunque pasó la mayor
parte del tiempo riéndose de mí en lugar de ayudarme", gruñó Gregory levemente, rodando los ojos
al recordar a Marcus sentado en la hierba sosteniendo su costado mientras se reía.
"Hermione me explicó el significado de todos ellos, yo ... fueron increíbles, de verdad", dijo Harry,
maldiciendo por tener la piel de su madre cuando un sonrojo iluminó sus mejillas.
"¿Ella también explicó la magia de las flores?" Gregory preguntó.
"Que colocas un poco de tu magia en ellos para demostrar que estás diciendo la verdad con las
palabras que hablas con ellos, si rompes la promesa que estás haciendo en ellos, entonces las flores
se marchitan, si no es por la duración de nuestro cortejo y relación se mantendrán frescos ", recitó
Harry. Al ver la mirada de Gregory, Harry se echó a reír. "Hermione tiende a tragarse las palabras
de los libros de texto y las repite palabra por palabra, sin duda las lee exactamente así".
"Son ciertas, como era el significado del collar", los ágiles dedos de Gregory se estiraron sobre la
mesa y levantaron el colgante desde donde se podía ver debajo de su collar. "Gracias por aceptar mi
pedido de cortejarte", Gregory levantó los ojos para encontrarse con los de Harry.
"Yo ... he hecho muchas cosas, sabes de algunas, otras quizás te cuento ... pero ... pero las
relaciones no son algo con lo que tengo mucha experiencia, no son algo que realmente no conozco a
mi manera "admitió Harry, apartando la vista de Gregory mientras admitía lo que le había estado
preocupando, realmente desde que conoció a Gregory por primera vez.
"Entonces permíteme guiarte. Harry, es comprensible, los últimos cuatro años de tu vida cuando los
demás habrían estado pensando en las relaciones, has estado tratando de mantenerte con vida. Me
preocupo por ti tal como eres, la persona que estás sentada antes que yo. Solo sé tú mismo y dime si
te sientes incómodo con algo, y todo estará bien. No tengo dudas de que tendremos surcos y baches
en el camino, pero podemos superarlos ", sonrió Gregory, levantando la barbilla de Harry. con su
"Creo que puedo manejar eso", se rió Harry débilmente, el toque hizo que su piel hormigueara.
"Ah, mis disculpas, tu primer plato", Keith sonrió ampliamente mientras caminaba hacia ellos con
dos cuencos que cuidadosamente colocó frente a ellos. Gregory frunció el ceño al hombre, pero
Harry captó el brillo en sus ojos cuando se recostó. "¿Algo más que pueda conseguirte?" Keith
preguntó alegremente mirando entre ellos.
"No, estamos bien, gracias", respondió Gregory después de mirar inquisitivamente a Harry.
"Muy bien, entonces, ¡disfruta!" Keith sonrió antes de salir corriendo.
"Es difícil de creer que estuvo dos años por encima de mí en Slytherin, no es así", Gregory puso los
ojos en blanco.
"¿Era un Slytherin?" Harry parpadeó mirando al hombre aturdido.
"Al igual que Leandre", se rió Gregory. "De vez en cuando tenemos algunos locos. Keith pasó la
mayor parte de sus últimos tres años usando su caldero para cocinar alimentos para toda la casa de
Slytherin, y una vez que alguien transfiguró una cocina para él también. sorpresa cuando quería
abrir un restaurante ", Gregory sacudió la cabeza.
"Apenas puedo imaginar eso", se rió Harry. "Lo máximo que tuvimos fue a los gemelos Weasley
con sus trucos de comida y Seamus tratando de transfigurar el ron y simplemente explotarlo".
"He oído hablar de los trucos de los gemelos, Draco los encontró bastante divertidos, aunque, por
supuesto, nunca lo mostraría. Arrancó una crema de canario de uno de los Gryffindors y se la dio a
Lucius cuando llegó a casa para Navidad", se rió Gregory. Harry se echó a reír ante la imagen que
apareció en su cabeza. "Espero que no te importe, Keith es muy bueno para darte algo que te
encantará, así que solo le dije que eligiera para nosotros", explicó Gregory cuando Harry se volvió
hacia su sopa.
"Confío en ti", Harry se encogió de hombros antes de sumergir su cuchara en la sopa. Tomando un
pequeño sorbo, cerró los ojos cuando el sabor explotó en su lengua. Era un caldo de pollo pero
había hierbas y un agradable sabor salado, la riqueza era deliciosa.
"¿Confío en que cumpla con tu aprobación?" Gregory se rió entre dientes haciendo que Harry
abriera los ojos.
"Él sabe lo que está haciendo", suspiró Harry felizmente después de tomar otra cuchara llena.
"Eso es lo que hace", sonrió Gregory antes de meterse en la suya. Se quedaron sentados en un
cómodo silencio durante un momento mientras comían, ninguno de los dos había podido soportar
mucho el estómago durante todo el día. Fue solo cuando estaban al menos a la mitad de sus cuencos
cuando Gregory habló. "Dijiste que Hermione fue la que te habló de los significados de las flores.
¿Eso significa que ella y tus otras amigas saben con quién estás fuera?"
"¿Hmm? Oh, sí, Hermione, Ron, Remus, Tonks y Andrómeda lo saben, todos estaban allí cuando
llegaron tus regalos", dijo Harry antes de tomar otro sorbo de su sopa, decidiendo atormentar a
Gregory un poco.
"¿Y qué dijeron?" Gregory preguntó, el brillo una vez más en sus ojos le dijo a Harry que sabía a
qué juego estaba jugando.
"Bueno, Remus quiere conocerte. Al igual que Hermione, Tonks y Ron, Andrómeda fue la más
alentadora, asegurándose de que no retrocediera por los nervios. La mayoría de las veces, mientras
esté feliz y esto es lo que quiero que sean va a apoyarme. Cuando me fui, estaban enfrentando
nuevamente a la Sra. Weasley, Ginny y Percy ", le aseguró Harry con una sonrisa.
"¿Estás cerca de Andrómeda? Cuando hablas de ella, tu voz es muy cariñosa", preguntó Gregory
"Vivía en la antigua casa de Sirius, pero es muy grande y oscura, realmente deprimente. Cuando
Remus, Tonks y Andromeda se enteraron de que me llevaron a la casa de Andromeda con ellos.
Andromeda se ha preocupado y se ha preocupado por mí, pero no de la manera sofocante que hace
la Sra. Weasley "Harry se encogió de hombros.
"Recuerdo ligeramente a Andrómeda de cuando Lucius estaba cortejando a Narcissa, nuestras
familias se mezclaron un poco durante el proceso. Lucius pidió cortejar a Narcissa cuando tenía
quince años, así que tuvieron que esperar tres años antes de poder unirse. Andrómeda se escapó
para casarse con un unos meses antes de que Narcissa cumpliera diecisiete. Después de eso apenas
vimos a la familia hasta el matrimonio, ya que se escondieron avergonzados ", el tono de Gregory le
dijo exactamente lo que pensaba de eso.
"Andromeda realmente no hablará mucho sobre lo que sucedió cuando decidió huir para casarse
con Teddy. Solo por romántico que fuera, incluso le compró un ramo y un anillo de promesa para
seguir con las tradiciones. Pero ella realmente no habla mucho sobre cómo reaccionaron los negros,
aunque sé que ella comenzó a escribir Narcissa después de las primeras cuatro o cinco letras ",
Harry sacudió la cabeza.
"Fue bastante malo. La madre de Sirius, por supuesto, es conocida por haber sido completamente
loca, Walburga logró convencer a los padres de Narcissa de que se retiraran del compromiso entre
ella y Lucius antes de que los Malfoy llegaran primero. Duró dos meses y fue horrendo. Tenía once
años y en mi primer año en Hogwarts, Narcissa andaba llorando y sollozando todo el tiempo, seguía
tratando de escribirle a Lucius, pero su familia había encantado a su búho, así que no pudo, fue un
mes antes de Navidad cuando sucedió, así que estuve en casa por segundo mes y pude ver a Lucius
pisoteando como un hipogrifo insultado, el padre estaba furioso por el insulto, el abuelo y el tío
Samuel intentaban hablar con los negros para resolverlo, la madre alternaba entre intentos para
calmar a Lucius, Mikhail tenía seis años y comenzó a prender fuego con magia accidental y ella
seguía tratando de atraer al público con Lady Black. Finalmente, Lucius irrumpió en Hogwarts y no
dejó la casa de Narcissa de lado hasta que los Negros otorgaron una audiencia con él y el Abuelo, la
siguió por la escuela durante tres días, durmió en una cama transfigurada al pie de la escalera del
dormitorio de las Niñas, se sentó fuera de sus clases ", le dijo Gregory, la clara diversión que tenía.
porque todavía está claro en su voz.
"La gente siempre presume que Lucius y Narcissa fueron un matrimonio arreglado", dijo Harry
después de un momento de reírse de la imagen.
"Mi padre probablemente habría arreglado un matrimonio para Lucius con él siendo el mayor, y
para mí no hubiera ido a vivir con el abuelo tan pronto como saliera de la escuela. Afortunadamente
para Lucius se enamoró de alguien de sangre y nombre aceptables, así que el padre permitió el
cortejo y el matrimonio ", suspiró Gregory.
"Lo siento, no quise mencionar un tema dolorido", se disculpó Harry colocando su mano libre sobre
la de Gregory. Gregory parpadeó sorprendido por la pálida mano de Harry cubriendo la suya,
habían pasado años desde que alguien fuera de la familia le había ofrecido consuelo y un toque
gentil. Lentamente giró su mano y unió sus dedos.
"Es ... un tema difícil, pero quisiera que supieras todo sobre mí, y mi padre es una gran parte de lo
que me ha convertido en quien soy. Me lo prometí cuando tenía quince años y obligó a Lucius a
unirse ... unirse con V ... V ... Voldemort que nunca sería como él ", Gregory frunció el ceño ante
sus manos unidas.
"Lucius unirse a Voldemort nunca tuvo sentido para mí, incluso cuando Voldemort todavía era
carismático y menos ... con cara de serpiente. Lucius no es realmente del tipo que se inclina y besa
los dobladillos", admitió Harry suavemente.
"No, lo es", a pesar de la tristeza en sus ojos, Gregory parecía divertido por la frase. "Mi madre
había escapado con Mikhail, él todavía era demasiado joven para dejarlo desprotegido, ella vino con
nosotros al Abuelo. Todos intentamos atrapar a Lucius, Narcissa y Draco, incluso tratamos de
secuestrarlos una vez, pero el padre estaba furioso porque habíamos escapado". , nos había ofrecido
a los tres a V ... V ... Voldemort, por lo que se humilló cuando solo podía darle a Lucius. Así que se
aferró a él, asegurándose de que Lucius y Narcissa estuvieran rodeados de peligros incluso después
de la primera derrota, "Gregory explicó.
"¿Están a salvo ahora?" Harry preguntó preocupado.
"Nadie se atreve a mostrar su apoyo, sin importar cuán fiel sea ahora que definitivamente se fue.
Finalmente están a salvo, y ahora el abuelo, el tío Samuel y el resto de nosotros hemos regresado, la
familia Malfoy es una unidad fuerte una vez más, "Gregory sonrió.
"Tengo que admitir que fue un shock entrar a la habitación y encontrar a tantos Malfoy sentados allí
mirándome", se rió Harry.
"Tenías una mirada un poco nerviosa en tu rostro cuando la comprensión se hundió. Te hizo ver aún
más guapo", sonrió Gregory cálidamente, con los ojos brillantes. Las mejillas de Harry se
iluminaron una vez más con su vergüenza. "Aunque lo admito, tus sonrojos son aún más
deliciosos", la sonrisa de Gregory se convirtió en una sonrisa mientras extendía la mano sobre la
mesa para acariciar la mejilla de Harry.
Harry respiró hondo, había demasiado contacto entre ellos, demasiada electricidad, demasiado
fuego corriendo por sus venas y no había suficiente respiración en sus pulmones.
"Desde el momento en que te vi, me sentí atraído hacia ti, perdóname si te estoy incomodando pero
quiero que sepas que soy realmente serio sobre esto. Eres diferente a cualquiera que haya conocido
a Harry Potter", dijo Gregory inseguro. escaneando la cara de Harry para ver cómo se sentía.
"Sabes ... Realmente no había planeado mucho pasado la Última Batalla, mórbido como es, no
estaba realmente seguro de sobrevivir realmente. Pero resolví el hecho de que incluso si
sobreviviera, probablemente estaría solo Durante mucho tiempo, no pude soportar estar con alguien
que realmente no se preocupaba por mí, o que solo me veía como el chico que vivió, el último
heredero de Potter y una forma fácil de ganar dinero y fama. Y luego Te conocí. Estaba tan asustada
que me avergoncé cuando visité a tu familia esa mañana, porque apenas podía quitarte los ojos de
encima ", suspiró Harry.
"Eso es bueno, porque tenía miedo de avergonzar a mi familia agarrando al nuevo salvador y
tratando de besarlo. Como lo encontraron, fue divertido cómo me aseguré de que estuvieras sentado
a mi lado", se rió Gregory.
"Creo que casi corrí cuando te pusiste de pie e hiciste espacio para mí", se rió Harry cubriendo sus
ojos mientras sus mejillas se calentaban de nuevo. Parpadeó cuando su mano fue retirada y un
cálido beso presionó el centro de la palma de Harry.
"¿Entonces estoy pensando en acercarte y estás pensando en huir de mí?" Gregory resopló,
logrando mantener una cara seria.
"Estaba pensando en aparentarme antes de hacer algo vergonzoso y completamente grosero como
lanzarte sobre ti", Harry sintió que su rostro ardía aún más oscuro ante la confesión que no pudo
evitar que se le escapara de los labios.
"Bueno, definitivamente no habría estado quejándome", la risa de Gregory era ligeramente ronca de
una manera que hizo que Harry se moviera en su asiento, las imágenes que pasaban por su mente no
ayudaban a su situación.
"Creo que tu familia pudo haberlo hecho, podríamos haber puesto a Julia en un parto prematuro",
dijo Harry ligeramente sin aliento mientras apretaba los dedos de Gregory.
"No estoy segura, tranquila y tímida cuando se da cuenta de que es una fanática de dos hombres",
sonrió Gregory.
"Ah, acabas de romper mis ilusiones sobre ella," Harry se burló.
"Si continúas haciendo eso, realmente no podré controlarme", suspiró Gregory sintiendo que su
sangre se calentaba rápidamente y dirigiéndose a lugares que no eran propicios para estar en público
o para conversar.
"No me verías quejarme", Harry se burló de él a pesar del hecho de que rápidamente se estaba
moviendo en la misma situación que Gregory.
Ninguno de los dos hombres estaba muy seguro de si se sentían aliviados o enojados cuando Keith
entró, la expresión de su rostro les decía claramente que estaba consciente de que había
interrumpido algo. Harry nunca había visto a nadie moverse tan rápido como lo hizo Keith en ese
momento, alejando sus cuencos de sopa vacíos y dirigiendo sus platos a acomodarse frente a
ellos. Apenas tuvieron tiempo de escuchar su "disfrute", ya que él ya estaba fuera de su pequeña
"Bueno ... creo que es bueno que definitivamente no estuviéramos en la parte principal del
restaurante", dijo Harry, pero salió un poco más como un jadeo.
"Yo diría que sí. Pensé que era difícil antes", suspiró Gregory frotándose los ojos con una mano.
"¿Difícil?" Harry preguntó inseguro, de repente sintiéndose horriblemente expuesto después de un
momento tan intenso.
"Ya fue bastante difícil cuando te conocí para no arrastrarte hacia mí y devastarte, ahora que he
dicho mis intenciones y sé que hay una posibilidad contigo ... es casi imposible", Gregory abrió los
ojos cerrados para deja que Harry vea la lujuria y la pasión ardiendo en ellos.
"Sí, tienes razón, definitivamente es difícil, difícil. Es muy difícil", Harry asintió sonrojándose
sombríamente. La risa de Gregory no hizo nada para ayudar a su situación y miró a Gregory
eligiendo tirar una de las zanahorias hervidas en su plato al hombre. Se echó a reír ante la mirada
completamente aturdida en el rostro de Malfoy.
Gregory parpadeó sorprendido por el hombre sentado frente a él, sus ojos verde esmeralda brillaban
asombrosamente con su humor mientras se agarraba a su costado.
"¡Oh, tu cara!" Harry se ahogó.
"No creo que alguna vez me hayan arrojado comida antes ... hm", Gregory tomó uno de sus tomates
cherry y se lo arrojó a Harry. Harry se detuvo en su risa, mirando el tomate en su regazo antes de
mirar la expresión de satisfacción en el rostro de Gregory antes de comenzar a reír nuevamente, esta
vez Gregory se unió.
"¿Cómo pasamos del coqueteo pesado y las sugerencias de desvanecimiento a arrojarnos comida",
se rió Gregory mientras se calmaban.
"No tengo idea, solo me pareció una buena idea", se rió Harry secándose los ojos.
"¿Quieres que te devuelva la zanahoria?" Gregory preguntó, su sonrisa desmentía su tono cortés y
"No, eso está bien, guárdalo," Harry se encogió de hombros antes de meter el tomate en su boca.
"Descarado. ¿Más vino? ¿O has alcanzado tu límite?" Bromeó Gregory.
"No soy tan liviano, muchas gracias, puedo tomar un vaso más", se rió Harry antes de mirar la
comida que Keith había elegido para él. Tenía 2 chuletas de cordero de aspecto hermoso, papas
hervidas con lo que sabía a menta y perejil y una selección de zanahorias, guisantes que se habían
mezclado en una salsa de menta. "Esto es delicioso", suspiró Harry cortando un trozo de su chuleta.
"Pensé en tratar de impresionarte llevándote a un lugar impresionante y romántico como París ... y
luego pensé en lo que había aprendido de ti, y pensé que tal vez preferirías algo privado y simple,
donde pudiéramos disfrutar cada uno compañía de otros y aprender a conocerse desde un contexto
diferente al anterior ", Gregory tenía una pregunta sobre su tono.
"Tienes razón. Prefiero callados y personales a grandes gestos llamativos destinados a impresionar",
asintió Harry. "Esto ha sido perfecto. Nada como la única y única cita que he tenido", gruñó Harry
poniendo los ojos en blanco.
"¡Oh, ahora tengo que escuchar esto después de esa mirada!" Gregory lo empujó.
"¡Oh no, por favor no preguntes por eso!" Harry gimió.
"¡Oh vamos, por favor Harry!" Gregory empujó, sus ojos azules se convirtieron en un cachorro
suplicando que hizo que Harry se sintiera derretirse casi de inmediato.
"Deberían ser malditamente ilegales", resopló Harry antes de encontrarse lanzando no solo la
historia de la cita con Cho sino toda la experiencia.
"¿Ella lloró?" Gregory parpadeó, como si no estuviera seguro de si debía reírse o parecer
"Sí, fui el primero del trío en besar a alguien, así que Ron me preguntó cómo era, y creo que mi
respuesta fue húmeda", se rió Harry.
"Tengo que admitir que es bastante divertido que hayas hecho una cita con una chica antes de
decirle que te encontrabas con otra que estaba a tu alrededor todo el tiempo en el pub", se rió
"Está bien, está bien, vi mi culpa allí, probablemente realmente no fue lo mejor que podía hacer.
Simplemente no se me ocurrió que todos los demás no se daban cuenta de que Hermione y yo
somos como hermanos y hermanas. Ella y Ron han sido una parte importante de mi vida en los
ocho años que nos conocemos, son mi familia ", sonrió Harry.
"Admito que después de oírte hablar de ellos, estoy muy aliviado de que estén de acuerdo con esto.
No tenía idea de cómo iba a comenzar a tratar de ganarlos", dijo Gregory suavemente.
"¿Hubieras tratado de ganarlos?" Harry parpadeó sorprendido.
"Por supuesto, no lo sabes, una vez y Malfoy quiere que alguien haga todo lo posible para
conseguirlos. Y yo te quiero mucho", Gregory se encogió de hombros como si simplemente
estuviera hablando del clima.
"¿Qué hay de tu familia?" Harry preguntó nerviosamente, expresando lo que había permanecido
como una pequeña voz en el fondo de su mente desde que Gregory envió la carta.
"Bueno, creo que el abuelo se enamoró de ti. Cuando mi madre me llamó para estar inquieto y
distraído hoy y les dije que íbamos a una cita, el abuelo estaba prácticamente rebotando", Gregory
sacudió la cabeza mientras Harry se relajaba. y comenzó a reírse de la imagen. "Madre estaba
emocionada, le gustas, pero estaba preocupada de que no te gusten los hombres y nuestra diferencia
de edad. Luego, cuando pregunté si podían mantenerlo en silencio hasta al menos esta noche en
caso de que no aparecieras, el abuelo reveló a Lucius , Draco, Leandre, Samuel, Orlandus y Phoenix
habían estado escuchando en la puerta durante la mayor parte de la conversación ", dijo Gregory
con exasperación.
"¿Cómo lo tomaron?" Harry se mordió el labio.
"Lucius siguió repitiendo el hecho de que eras un Potter, creo que estaba un poco atascado en eso,
pero no tuvo ningún desacuerdo. Draco me aconsejó sobre lo que sabe sobre ti. Los demás estaban
emocionados y Leandre me ayudó a escapar. del resto antes de que se pusieran dominantes ya que
estaba lo suficientemente nervioso y me ayudó a elegir mi túnica "
"Parece que va demasiado bien. Esperaba que Lucius o Draco tuvieran un problema con eso",
suspiró Harry aliviado.
"Creo que mi hermano y mi sobrino se han dado cuenta de sus errores contra ti. Draco era un niño
malcriado y arrogante que pensaba que tenía derecho a todo, fue solo cuando tenía doce años y
aprendió la verdad sobre lo que mi padre había hecho que comenzó para calmarse, pero tenía que
seguir fingiendo, al igual que Lucius ", explicó Gregory cubriendo la mano de Harry.
"¿Ya terminaste?" Keith llamó apenas asomando la cabeza dentro.
"Sí, hemos terminado", sonrió Gregory a su amigo mientras entraba.
"¡Uf, podrías haber cocinado huevos con el calor que pasaba entre ustedes dos antes! ¡Me alegré de
tener hechizos fortalecedores en las mesas aquí!" Keith sonrió, agitando sus platos y agitando sus
postres frente a ellos. Harry se rió avergonzado por el comentario mientras Gregory movía
elegantemente a Keith con su dedo medio, solo obteniendo una sonrisa del hombre mientras
rebotaba en su área.
"Pido disculpas por el idiota," gimió Gregory pero Harry pudo ver lo cariñoso que era con el
"Creo que merecíamos eso después de lo que tuvo que pasar antes", se sonrojó Harry antes de mirar
su postre. Había pensado que tenía hambre, pero al mirar el delicioso helado de fresa, la salsa de
fresa mezclada con fresas, rápidamente cambió de opinión. Al mirar a Gregory, notó que tenía un
pudín de caramelo pegajoso.
"Tengo un diente dulce peligroso", sonrió Gregory.
"Tú y Remus se llevarían bien, Merlín te ayudará si te acercas a su chocolate", se rió Harry
sacudiendo la cabeza.
"¿Quieres probar?" Gregory preguntó extendiendo su cuchara. Sintió como si estuviera en uno de
esos programas cliché que Petunia solía mirar mientras limpiaba una tarde, no le impidió inclinarse
ligeramente sobre la mesa y permitir que Gregory guiara la cuchara hacia su boca. Lamiéndose los
labios, emitió un leve zumbido de asentimiento ante la esponja gloriosamente liviana y el dulce
"¿El sabor de las minas?" Harry sonrió sosteniendo su cuchara con un poco de fresa y
helado. Cuando los ojos de Gregory se agitaron ante la dulzura, Harry se encontró ofreciéndole a
Gregory otro bocado después de tomar unas cucharadas.
A diferencia del resto de la comida, comieron sus postres casi en silencio, alternando entre
mordiscos de su propio postre y dándole un mordisco al otro. Harry nunca se había sentido tan
cómodo sentado en silencio con otra persona aparte de Hermione y Luna, y definitivamente no
había pasado quince minutos solo mirándolos a los ojos, solo desviando la mirada para mirar sus
postres o cucharas, sus miradas también persistían una sobre la otra. bocas Una vez más, la tensión
crecía en el aire.
Cuando terminaron, ambos se sentaron a tomar un sorbo de vino y se quedaron quietos mientras
trataban de recuperar el control. Gregory era tan intenso, tenía una presencia tan poderosa que
parecía encender a Harry con una simple mirada, nadie había tenido ese poder sobre él antes y
Harry no pudo evitar sentirse desconcertado y asustado por la intensidad de los sentimientos que
sentía. estaba teniendo por este hombre, incluso mientras absorbía y se bañaba en la intensidad de
"Creo que acabamos de arruinar mi postre favorito y mis fresas para el resto de mi vida. No creo
que pueda volver a comer sin ... reaccionar al recuerdo de esto", Gregory finalmente rompió el
silencio con un una sonrisa triste para Harry.
"No creo que haya tenido un postre tan intenso", admitió Harry tímidamente.
"¿Has terminado?" Gregory preguntó, su tono ligeramente esperanzado de que Harry no lo fuera.
"Sí, probablemente debería estar regresando. Creo que ya habrán echado a la Sra. Weasley, Ginny y
Percy y están esperando", dijo Harry lamentablemente poniéndose de pie.
"También es probable que esté enfrentando un interrogatorio completo de Malfoy esperándome, y
alertas en cada chimenea para que sepan en qué habitación me encuentro", le dijo Gregory mientras
él también se levantaba.
"Hm, tengo que esperar a Hermione y Ron junto a Remus, Tonks y Andromeda, me siento peor por
mí mismo", se encogió de hombros Harry.
"¡Oh, cómo se cortan tus palabras!" Gregory gimió sosteniendo su pecho.
"¿Cómo puedo compensarte?" Harry preguntó repentinamente consciente de lo cerca que estaban
parados ahora. Los ojos de Gregory se clavaron en su rostro y parecían estar tratando de leer su
significado en su rostro.
"Tengo muchas ideas, pero solo unas pocas son apropiadas para una primera cita", dijo Gregory
acercándose intensamente a Harry para que estuvieran casi presionados uno contra el otro.
"¿Quizás guardar a los demás para fechas posteriores?" Harry sugirió valientemente conteniendo la
respiración tan pronto como terminó.
"¿Citas posteriores? Hmm, no hagas promesas a menos que te refieras a ellas", Gregory inclinó la
cabeza y apartó la punta de la nariz por detrás de la oreja de Harry, a lo largo de su mejilla hasta que
estuvieron nariz con nariz, sus labios se separaron unos de otros.
"No digo nada, no quiero decir", desafió Harry alzando los ojos hacia los de Gregory. La sonrisa
que le dieron fue casi como un vampiro, pero tan, tan sangre hirviendo.
"Entonces te mantendré al menos en varias citas más", dijo mientras su brazo se arrastraba
alrededor de la cintura de Harry y tiraba de él contra su cuerpo sólido. La sensación de los sólidos
brazos de Gregory envolviéndolo, su duro y musculoso pecho contra el suyo envió la mente
inteligente de Harry desapareciendo en los recovecos de su cerebro y las imágenes que había tenido
desde que conoció a este hombre bailaron en su mente.
"¿Solo varios?" Harry sonrió burlonamente manejando el regreso solo.
"Estás pisando aguas peligrosas, mi hermosa", gruñó Gregory antes de sellar sus labios en un beso
feroz y lleno de fuego que había permanecido en los bordes de todo lo que hicieron toda la
noche. Sus lenguas chocaban y luchaban por dominar, sus dedos agarraban las túnicas del otro
mientras se apretaban tanto como podían, Harry se puso de puntillas, Gregory lo sostuvo mientras
lo sostenía. Y todo lo demás se desvaneció de sus mentes mientras alimentaban el calor que habían
estado alimentando toda la noche.
Capítulo 7
"Tu tío Harry está iluminado como un hechizo lumos hoy, ¿no es él Teddy?" Tonks sonrió
acariciando la mejilla de Teddy con su nariz.
"Muy bien, entrega a mi ahijado, ¡deja de molestarme y vete contigo!" Harry resopló extendiendo
sus manos, la sonrisa en su rostro no se vio afectada.
"¡Oh, mira todos esos dientes blancos perlados, Teddy! ¡Tal vez debería deletrear unas gafas de sol
para evitar que te quedes ciego!" Tonks dijo mientras fingía proteger su rostro. Teddy se rió cuando
Harry resopló y miró a Tonks. "No, todavía estás radiante", sacudió la cabeza sonriendo.
"¡Eres una mujer cruel, cruel, lo sabes! ¡No solo estuve prácticamente inmovilizada y taladrada por
cada segundo de la cita de anoche, ahora estoy siendo objeto de burlas y burlas hasta la muerte!
¡Espero que veas qué mujer cruel es tu madre es Teddy, acosando a tu pobre, dulce y amoroso tío
Harry así ". Harry olisqueó dramáticamente.
"¡Pobre y dulce m E! ¡Después de ese beso que describiste, no hay nada dulce en ti, por lo que
dijiste que era francamente caliente y Y!" Tonks resopló.
"fuera", Harry sacó la lengua.
"¡Oh! ¡Estoy herido! ¡Después de enfrentar a Molly Weasley y una Ginny engañada que ha estado
planeando tu boda, así es como me tratas! ¡Oh ... oh, el dolor!" Tonks se desmayó.
"Ustedes dos son peores que los niños, lo saben", Andrómeda sacudió la cabeza mientras entraba a
la cocina. Harry y Tonks se volvieron para sonreír a su lado.
"Simplemente estaba tratando de llevar a Teddy para que Tonks pudiera ir a trabajar antes de que
llegara tarde, pero ella insistió en burlarse de mí", Harry hizo un puchero a Andrómeda.
"Vas a llegar tarde, Tonks", Andrómeda frunció el ceño mirando el reloj.
"¡Oi! ¡Snitch! ¡Y tú, se supone que debes estar de mi lado!" Tonks se echó a reír cuando le pasó a
Teddy a Harry.
"Soy mucho más lindo," Harry se encogió de hombros con una sonrisa.
"No digas nada madre," Tonks fulminó con la mirada cuando Andrómeda abrió la boca, haciendo
que Harry comenzara a reírse y Andrómeda sonriera.
"Te veo de acuerdo conmigo", dijo Harry con aire de suficiencia. Parpadeó cuando de repente
estaba mirando una versión femenina de sí mismo con una sonrisa idéntica a la suya.
"Erm ... sé que ustedes dos actúan como hermanos, pero es un poco desconcertante ver a mi esposa
como mi ahijado", dijo Remus lentamente mientras entraba a la cocina. Harry y Tonks se echaron a
reír al ver la expresión en el rostro de Remus.
"Muy bien, ustedes dos. Tonks, necesitan estar en el trabajo, Remus, ustedes en Hogwarts, ¡los dos
deben ir! Los veremos en el almuerzo", dijo Andromeda con firmeza.
"Está bien, está bien", se quejó Tonks con un resoplido inclinándose para besar la mejilla de Teddy
y luego besando la de Harry, obteniendo una pequeña sonrisa feliz de él, especialmente cuando
Remus repitió sus acciones mientras ella flotaba.
"¿Estás seguro de que no te importa esto Harry?" Remus preguntó por quincuagésima vez.
"Remus, tú y Tonks son necesarios, no soy de mucha utilidad en ninguno de los sitios de
restauración durante la próxima semana más o menos. No me importa en absoluto pasar algún
tiempo con mi ahijado", Harry fulminó con la mirada a Remus cuando abrió su boca otra vez y
señaló a la chimenea.
"Te veré en el almuerzo", se rió Remus besando a Teddy por última vez antes de salir. Harry
sacudió la cabeza antes de volverse hacia Andrómeda que le sonreía.
"Entonces, ¿la pasaste bien anoche?" Preguntó con una sonrisa.
"Sabes que lo hice, parece que recuerdo un interrogatorio a cinco bandas anoche", dijo Harry
"Sí, sí, pero eso estaba en frente de todos los demás, y diste detalles y descripciones básicas. Quiero
saber cómo te sentiste," Andrómeda sacudió la cabeza y se sentó en el mostrador con su taza de té.
"Yo ... eso ... fue increíble. Me divertí mucho, discutimos algunas cosas realmente importantes,
bromas, coqueteé, simplemente me senté en silencio. ¡Y no me sentí incómodo una vez! Bueno, fue
un poco incómodo cuando Keith entró después. las cosas se pusieron un poco intensas entre
nosotros, pero no me sentí incómodo con él. Sentí que podía ser yo mismo y que eso era lo que
Gregory quería ", Harry sonrió feliz de nuevo mientras tomaba asiento al otro lado de la puerta. el
"¿Y lo sabe el otro Malfoy?" Andrómeda preguntó preocupada.
"Sí, dijo su primo, Marcus lo ayudó a recoger las flores, y que su madre había descubierto algo que
estaba pasando y le había dicho que íbamos a una cita, su abuelo entró en la habitación mientras
hablaban y Lucius, Draco, Leandre, Samuel, Orlandus y Phoenix escucharon en la puerta.
Parecieron tomarlo bien ", sonrió Harry.
"Dudo que Gregory permita que afecte cualquier cosa, incluso si no lo hubieran hecho. Malfoy
tiende a perseguir algo o alguien que los mira hasta el final, sin importar lo que otros piensen.
Probablemente por eso se arriesgó a enviarte el solicitud de cortejo a pesar de la historia previa con
su familia. Aunque dado su pasado, debe ser muy serio al respecto para enviarle una solicitud de
cortejo de inmediato ", reflexionó Andrómeda mientras preparaba una taza de té para Harry
"¿Directamente de?" Harry preguntó con curiosidad.
"Sí, los magos y las brujas pueden salir antes de que se envíen las solicitudes de cortejo. De hecho,
generalmente solo las familias de magos mayores envían las solicitudes de cortejo antes de salir y
luego tienden a ser los realmente serios o herederos. Generalmente, usted sale con una cortejo.
pedir, luego un compromiso y luego matrimonio ", explicó Andrómeda.
"¿Podría ser porque soy el Señor de los Potter que fue directamente a cortejar?" Harry frunció el
ceño pensativo.
"No querida, el heredero / primogénito solo se aplica al que envía la solicitud. Básicamente era para
detener embarazos no deseados y un matrimonio apresurado que naturalmente causaría la vergüenza
familiar, si entraste directamente en el cortejo demostró que hablabas en serio y que, de manera
realista, al final era probable que ocurriera un matrimonio ", Andrómeda desestimó su
preocupación, recogiendo a I a pesar de sus intentos de parecer casual.
Esto era lo que le gustaba de hablar con Andromeda, cada vez que tenía preguntas sobre el mundo
mágico, ella simplemente se lo explicaba, discretamente si estaban en público, a diferencia de
Hermione y Ron, quien no importaba cuánto los amaba, siempre lo hacía un poco difícil para él
preguntar sobre cosas que realmente no entendía sobre el mundo mágico y las
costumbres. Hermione lo miraría como si debiera haberlo investigado y entrar en modo conferencia,
recitando cualquier libro del que lo leyó con un poco de aire. Ron lo miraba como si fuera un poco
lento, siempre parecía olvidar que Harry no había crecido en el mundo mágico como lo había hecho
antes de explicarlo lenta pero confusamente. Y ambos harían esto en voz alta sin importar dónde
estuvieran, haciendo que Harry se sintiera avergonzado más de una vez a lo largo de los
años. Ahora iba a Andrómeda, Neville o Remus si necesitaba saber algo.
"Te he perdido querida", la risa de Andromeda lo sacó de sus pensamientos y lo hizo mirarla
"Lo siento, estaba pensando en lo agradecido que estoy de que escuches hablar sobre todo esto. Es
mucho más fácil que discutirlo con alguien más", admitió.
"Ah Harry, realmente eres un soplo de aire fresco en mi vida, tú y Teddy ambos. Me has dado la
fuerza para continuar donde mi pena y mi dolor me habrían roto. No creo que pueda agradecer
gracias por eso ", Andrómeda se rió de nuevo mientras Harry levantaba las mejillas, pero ahora se
estaba acostumbrando a los cumplidos de ella y no trató de negarlos, aunque podía ver que era un
esfuerzo por reprimir el instinto natural. "¿Entonces te prometió más citas?" Ella pidió que las cosas
volvieran a su tema original.
"Al menos varios", asintió Harry felizmente. "¿Cómo te va con Narcissa?" Preguntó con cautela.
"Mejor de lo que se puede esperar después de tanto tiempo de distanciarse. Parece que realmente
quiere volver a ponerse en contacto, conocer a Nymphodora adecuadamente, y parece sinceramente
arrepentirse de Ted. Hemos empezado a ponernos al día con las vidas de los demás después de que
me fui. Ella ha explicado acerca de Abraxus y el resto de la familia tratando de rescatarlos. Después
de todo con Draco, puedo entender que lo acompañaron para protegerlo ", suspiró.
"¿Todo con Draco?" Harry preguntó confundido.
"Sí, cuando Draco nació hubo complicaciones, fue dos meses antes de que Abraxus golpeara a
Narcissa con la maldición cruciatus para mantener a Lucius en su lugar. Tenían una opción entre
Draco, que de todos modos podría no haber sobrevivido, y posibles daños para evitar embarazos
posteriores. , o un hechizo de aborto muy tardío. Eligieron a Draco, quien afortunadamente vivió,
pero había demasiado daño en el útero de Narcissa para que otro niño fuera llevado a término.
Narcissa también ama a los niños, ella siempre quiso una familia numerosa, con muchos hijos
propios ", Andrómeda frunció el ceño con tristeza.
"No es de extrañar que hicieron todo lo posible para proteger a Draco", Harry negó con la cabeza
mientras más piezas del rompecabezas Malfoy encajaban en su lugar. "¿Golpeó a su nuera
embarazada con el cruciatus?"
"Olvidé que no solo has visto los efectos de esa maldición, sino que la has sentido. Sí, cuando tenía
cuatro meses. El daño persistió y cuando la tensión de un embarazo más pesado golpeó su cuerpo,
no pudo soportarlo y entró en parto prematuro. Los embarazos mágicos pueden ser cosas delicadas
como son ", dijo Andrómeda, antes de sonreír de una manera que le recordó a Harry que este era el
primo favorito de Sirius. "¡Y quiero que sepas que espero que tengas un anillo de compromiso en
ese dedo al menos antes de que tú y Gregory me den más nietos!"
Harry no sabía si sentirse avergonzado por la declaración, asombrado de que Andrómeda realmente
lo considerara un hijo adoptivo, contento de que ella pensara que él y Gregory tenían un futuro
determinado, o simplemente nervioso. Al final, hizo un ruido chirriante antes de mirar a Andrómeda
cuando estalló en carcajadas, acariciando cuidadosamente su cabello negro con mechas grises en su
lugar, donde estaba sujeto en un nudo en la base de su cuello una vez que solo estaba riendo.
"¡Eso fue cruel! Hace solo un año descubrí que los hombres pueden tener bebés", Harry hizo un
"Pido disculpas", Andromeda logró decir a través de sus risitas, sus ojos grises brillando, sus
mejillas enrojecidas por su humor.
"Sí, realmente lo miras", resopló Harry. "Al menos me amas, oso de peluche, todos los demás
parecen pensar que esto es molesto el día de Harry", dijo Harry tristemente a Teddy, quien parpadeó
"Oh, has iluminado la vida de una anciana", Andrómeda se secó los ojos mientras se calmaba.
"Viejo, tienes 56 años, no estás ni mucho menos", resopló Harry.
"¿Hermione y Ron vendrán más tarde?" Andrómeda preguntó eligiendo ignorar su respuesta.
"Sí, no creo que vaya a ir a la Madriguera pronto", Harry hizo una mueca.
"Ah, sí, probablemente sea algo bueno, Merlín sabe lo que esa bruja obsesiva engañada y egoísta
podría hacer si aparecieras. Le sugeriría a Arthur que revise a Molly y Ginny en San Mungo, pero él
es tan gallina y lo haría bajo su pulgar. incluso considéralo ", Andrómeda gritó con un ceño
"Te divertiste discutiendo con ella anoche, ¿eh?" Harry dijo secamente mirando divertido mientras
ella parecía un poco avergonzada por el estallido.
"Le conté algunas verdades hogareñas muy necesarias. La mujer tonta insistía en que estabas
locamente enamorada de Ginny y parecía estar bajo la ilusión de que aún estabas tratando de
protegerla al mantenerte alejado y solo tenías que darte cuenta de que era seguro que vuelvan a estar
juntos para que se celebre la boda ", le dijo Andrómeda. Para cuando terminó de contarles a todos
los detalles básicos de cómo habían ido las cosas, luego lo llamaron por un poco más de
información, lo habían destrozado y, por lo tanto, había entendido lo básico de la pelea que había
estado sucediendo cuando se fue, aunque no estaba seguro de querer saber todo lo que se había
"La conduje, saliendo con ella", suspiró Harry.
"Harry, eras un adolescente en medio de una guerra, constantemente te decían que tú y Ginny
estaban destinados a estar juntos. Vivías con muggles intolerantes que te hacían dudar si estar con
un hombre era aceptable, sin importar el hecho de que mientras todos De lo contrario, tuvo tiempo
para pensar en las relaciones que intentaba mantener con vida, por lo que tiene sentido que no
supiera qué género quería hasta ahora. No importa que todo lo que le haya sucedido haya cambiado
quién es y qué está buscando para ", dijo Andrómeda con firmeza, agarrando la barbilla.
"Simplemente no sé qué hacer para que pare", gruñó Harry.
"Aconsejaría, si esto continúa, que piense seriamente en obtener una orden de restricción, estoy
muy preocupado por lo que podrían hacer cuando descubran cuán serios son Gregory y usted",
admitió Andromeda preocupado.
"¿De verdad crees que se pondrán tan mal?" Harry se preocupó por su labio cuando comenzó a
mecerse ligeramente cuando Teddy se quejó mientras dormía.
"Creo que potencialmente podría. Parecen preocupados por el hecho de que tú y Ginny están
juntos. Obsesivamente," admitió Andromeda.

Harry estaba jugando con Teddy en la sala de estar unas horas más tarde, mientras Andrómeda
dormía una siesta pensando en lo que le había dicho. Tenía que admitir que se había sentido
incómodo con la intensidad que Ginny había mostrado cuando habían estado juntos, pero una vez
que se separaron, eso empeoró, se sumó al comportamiento de Molly y estaba pensando seriamente
en lo que Andrómeda había dicho. .
"Oh, me pregunto quién es ese oso de peluche, quédate aquí mientras el tío Harry va y ve quién está
aquí", dijo Harry después de que alguien llamó a la puerta. Colocando a Teddy en su silla
hinchable, lo abrochó antes de apresurarse hacia la puerta principal, asegurándose de que su varita
estuviera lista antes de abrirla.
"Si no hago ningún movimiento repentino, ¿evitaré ser atacado?" Gregory sonrió divertido mirando
la varita de Harry mientras Harry estaba allí aturdido.
"¡Gregory!" Harry negaría haber chirriado hasta su último día.
"Pido disculpas por aparecer de esta manera", dijo Gregory, su sonrisa se desvaneció ligeramente
cuando la incertidumbre pasó por sus ojos.
"¡No, no! Es una agradable sorpresa, lo siento, me sorprendió verte", dijo Harry rápidamente, una
sonrisa feliz cruzó por su rostro. Gregory solo estaba abriendo la boca para responder cuando un
grito gimió en la casa. "Oh, dispara, entra", gritó Harry suavemente sobre su hombro mientras
corría por la casa dejando que Gregory lo siguiera.
Al dirigirse a la sala de estar, encontró a Teddy sollozando en su silla hinchable, su muñeco se había
caído y yacía un poco alejado. Su pequeña cara estaba arrugada y sus manos apretadas mientras
"Hola, oso de peluche, ¿de qué va todo esto?" Harry dijo suavemente desabrochándolo y
levantándolo antes de alcanzar el muñeco. Gregory asomó la cabeza inseguramente en la habitación
mientras Harry chupaba el muñeco rápidamente antes de meterlo en la boca de Teddy. "Lo siento,
Andrómeda está durmiendo, no quería que la despertara", se disculpó de pie.
"Está bien. ¿Entonces este es Teddy?" Gregory preguntó curiosamente mientras se
acercaba. Parpadeó sorprendido cuando Teddy le parpadeó antes de que su cabello se volviera rubio
dorado y sus ojos azul marino que Harry estaba amando. Sonriendo, Teddy charló alegremente a
Gregory desde detrás de su muñeco mientras Harry se reía.
"Sí, este es Teddy, es un metamorfago como Tonks", explicó Harry.
"¿Un metamorfago?" Gregory dijo sorprendido.
"Sí, él también tiene algunas cepas débiles de licantropía Remus, aunque los Sanadores que hemos
visto no creen que se vaya a transformar, pero puede oler y escuchar que su botella está hecha a tres
habitaciones de distancia", se rió Harry entre dientes.
"¡Apuesto a que es divertido!" Gregory se rio entre dientes. Harry parpadeó cuando esa risa
atravesó su sistema y lo hizo temblar contento como si el sonido calentara su sangre
agradablemente. Gregory desafortunadamente pareció captar esto si la sonrisa que Harry recibió era
algo por lo que pasar, y luego Gregory estaba en su espacio, su rostro a centímetros del de Harry y
sus ojos azules fijos en el rostro de Harry.
Harry vio como Gregory se acercaba, claramente dándole tiempo a Harry para alejarse o decir no
antes de que sus labios se encontraran. Ambos eran conscientes y cuidadosos de Teddy entre ellos,
y el beso de Gregory fue claramente un saludo. Sus labios suaves y cariñosos mientras tomaba la
cara de Harry antes de retroceder lentamente.
"Hola a ti también", Harry sonrió con satisfacción al sentir el cosquilleo en sus labios.
"Hola. Me informaron que debería estar 'jugando bien' y no haberme contactado nuevamente por
unos días, pero me encontré deseando verte de nuevo", Gregory sonrió levemente mientras su
pulgar rozaba la mejilla de Harry. hueso.
"Me alegro, no creo que pudiera haber durado unos días sin al menos hablarte de nuevo", Harry
sonrió alegremente. "¿Quieres algo de té?" Preguntó besando la palma de Gregory.
"Eso estaría bien", asintió Gregory antes de seguir a Harry a través de la cocina. Le sonrió a Teddy
cuando el curioso bebé lo miró después de que lo pusieran en su corral de juego mientras Harry se
acercaba a la tetera.
"¿Cómo fue tu interrogatorio?" Harry preguntó con una sonrisa mientras sacaba dos tazas, leche y
"Todos estaban reunidos cuando volví", gimió Gregory poniendo los ojos en blanco mientras se
apoyaba contra el mostrador. "No me acosté hasta las dos de la mañana, querían saber cómo me
sentí, cómo sentí que respondiste, si pensé que había fechas futuras, si pensé que teníamos un futuro
serio, si pensé que tú me sentí cómodo a mi alrededor, me sentí cómodo, fue fácil la conversación,
fue difícil la conversación, tuvimos algún silencio incómodo, de qué hablamos, de qué no hablamos,
¿disfrutaste del restaurante, ¿no… "
"Está bien, está bien lo entiendo!" Harry rio levantando sus manos en señal de rendición.
"Solo me liberaron después de que me quedé dormido mientras hablaban de lo que les había dicho",
resopló Gregory.
"Retiro lo que dije ayer, lo pasaste peor", dijo Harry con simpatía sosteniendo el té de Gregory.
"Gracias. Supongo que el tuyo salió bien." Gregory preguntó tomando un sorbo de su té.
"No estuvo tan mal. Me las arreglé para desviar la mayoría de sus preguntas. Pero todos me estaban
esperando, y tuve que describir la fecha y cómo me sentí al respecto, cómo me sentí, cómo eras,
cómo actuaste, pensé que habría más citas ", sonrió Harry apoyándose en el mostrador frente a
"¿Entonces encontré la aprobación?" Gregory preguntó un poco nervioso.
"Bueno ..." Harry se retiró antes de reírse de la mirada que Gregory le dirigió. "Recibiste mucha
aprobación, aunque ellos quieren conocerte", Harry le tranquilizó.
"¡Ah, eso es bueno! Mi abuelo quiere invitarte a ti y a tus amigos al nuevo café en Diagon.
Seríamos solo yo, él, mi madre y Mikhail", Gregory miró a Harry con la esperanza de no darle más
opciones. su respuesta sería, no importa lo que harían los demás si descubrieran que él había dicho
que no.
"¿Preguntaré a los demás cuando estén libres y te lo daré?" Sugirió Harry.
"Eso suena bien. Creo que el abuelo está intrigado por conocerte nuevamente y por conocer a tus
amigos", le dijo Gregory justo cuando Teddy comenzó a llorar de nuevo.
"Ah, lo siento, osito de peluche, ¿te estamos ignorando? Ah, es la hora de tu almuerzo, ¿no? Lo
siento", dijo Harry suavemente mientras levantaba a Teddy con cuidado y se acercaba para volver a
poner la tetera.
"¿Quieres que lo lleve mientras preparas su botella?" Gregory ofreció ver a Harry haciendo
malabarismos con Teddy mientras intentaba preparar la botella, aunque se las arreglaba bastante
"Oh, ¿no te importa?" Harry preguntó inseguro.
"Me dará buenas prácticas para el próximo bebé Malfoy", se rió Gregory extendiendo los
brazos. Lanzándole una mirada agradecida, Harry puso a Teddy en el brazo de Gregory antes
de moverse para preparar su botella. Teddy comenzó a llorar nuevamente al encontrarse en brazos
extraños, así que Gregory comenzó a saltar para tratar de calmarlo un poco.
"Julia debería estar como seis meses y medio ahora ¿verdad?" Harry preguntó con curiosidad
mientras vertía la mezcla en el agua en la botella de Teddy.
"En una semana, sí, ella está empezando a acostumbrarse a la idea de que va a ser madre, Mikhail
todavía está entrando en pánico", Gregory sonrió triunfante cuando Teddy comenzó a calmarse.
"Es su primer bebé, ¿verdad?" Preguntó Harry volteándose mientras sacudía la botella.
"Sí, han estado intentando durante algunos años tener un bebé, por lo que están aún más
emocionados y nerviosos de lo que probablemente estarían normalmente. No importa cuánto les
diga que todo saldrá bien", dijo Gregory con cariño.
"¿Tu vista?" Harry preguntó con curiosidad mientras golpeaba la botella con su varita para enfriarla
a la temperatura correcta antes de extender sus brazos hacia Teddy. Gregory observó mientras
Harry acomodaba a Teddy en el hueco de su brazo y comenzaba a darle de comer.
"Sí, hago lecturas del bebé regularmente para asegurarme de que todo esté bien", le dijo Gregory en
voz baja.
"Eso es dulce", Harry sonrió brillantemente.
"La mayoría de la gente no se siente así", se rió Gregory recogiendo su té de nuevo.
"¿Por qué? Si no te molesta que pregunte. Parecías realmente nervioso por decirme que tenías
vista", Harry no estaba seguro de si este era un tema del que Gregory se sentía cómodo para hablar.
"No estoy seguro de si lo sabes, pero inicié un cortejo antes", Gregory hizo una pausa y esperó el
asentimiento de Harry antes de dar el suyo y continuar. "Tenía veintiséis años, yo ... nos conocimos
en Grecia, comenzó casualmente, fechas, solo pasando tiempo juntos, después de unos meses envié
el ramo de cortejo y el regalo. Estuvimos cortejando durante tres meses cuando decidí decírselo.
sobre mi vista. Era un poco extraño al principio, pero no dijo nada acerca de romper el contrato, y
pareció acostumbrarse a la idea. Dos meses después yo ... lo vi con otro hombre cuando lo toqué.
Él. Dijo que era la primera y la única vez, probablemente solo lo vi porque se sentía tan culpable.
Cuando discutíamos, dijo que mi vista lo ponía incómodo, le hacía sentir que no confiaba en él y
que no tenía libertad si nos casáramos. Se fue ", Gregory evitó mirar a Harry mientras hablaba,
mientras Harry lo miraba con creciente temor y tristeza.
"Pero tu vista es algo que no puedes evitar. Es tu regalo", Harry frunció el ceño.
"Supongo que la idea de que había una posibilidad de que viera algo, o que pudiera hacer lecturas
sobre algo que él no quería que viera, era demasiado para él", Gregory todavía no miraba a Harry.
"Gregory puede que no nos hayamos conocido por mucho tiempo, pero dudo seriamente que
invadas mi privacidad a propósito, y si tienes una visión o una lectura que me pertenece, si no tengo
nada que ocultar, entonces yo No tengo nada de qué preocuparse ", dijo Harry casualmente,
sonriendo cálidamente cuando Gregory finalmente lo miró.
"Sin embargo, estaría invadiendo tu privacidad", frunció el ceño Gregory mirando a un lado
"No intencionalmente y eso es todo lo que importa. Gregory, no puedes evitar tener la vista, no ha
influido en mis elecciones hacia ti hasta ahora y no va a hacerlo", dijo Harry caminando con
firmeza, así que estaba parado en frente de él.
"Dices eso ahora, pero qué sucede cuando tengo algunas visiones de ti, que veo algo que no quieres
que vea. Podrías cambiar de opinión el ..." Gregory se sorprendió cuando los labios de Harry contra
los suyos silenciaron Harry se inclinó con cuidado de Teddy para colocar un suave beso en sus
Harry no había sido capaz de descubrir la duda o el dolor que parpadeaban en los ojos de Gregory
mientras su rostro permanecía casi en blanco, excepto por la tensión que Harry podía
ver. Quienquiera que Gregory haya cortejado previamente realmente había hecho un número sobre
Gregory, claramente había hecho que Gregory dudara de que alguien lo quisiera con su vista. No
había sido capaz de pensar en otra forma de evitar que las dudas de Gregory se derramasen y tratar
de tranquilizarlo, excepto de esta manera.
"Tu vista no va a cambiar mi opinión sobre nuestra relación Gregory, puedo prometer eso ahora",
juró Harry.
"No intentaré ver nada sin tu permiso, pero a veces solo tengo visiones", el tono de Gregory todavía
estaba preocupado mientras escaneaba la cara de Harry.
"¿Te he hablado de mi amiga Luna?" Harry preguntó, sonriendo mientras Gregory parecía
completamente confundido ante el cambio aparente de las conversaciones.
"Erm no", sacudió la cabeza.
"Luna Lovegood, la gente la llama loca Lovegood porque ella es ... excéntrica sería la mejor
palabra. Eligen ignorar el hecho de que es increíblemente perspicaz e inteligente porque no encaja
con cómo la gente piensa que debes actuar. Ella es más que cómoda en su propia piel. También es
una vidente de la visión. Tiende a estar cerca de casa, a las personas que le importan, tiene contacto
frecuente o cosas que la influenciarán directamente, por eso tiende a tener la mitad un pie en el
mundo de la visión todo el tiempo. Sin embargo, la forma en que elige transmitir sus imágenes hace
que la gente la descarte como una loca y no tenga nada muy importante que decir, ni siquiera
Hermione. Con Luna necesitas aprender a confiar en ella y descifrarla. sus mensajes antes de que
puedas beneficiarte de ellos. Ni siquiera estoy seguro de que lo haga a propósito, es solo su método
de traducir lo que está viendo ", explicó Harry al ver los ojos de Gregory abrirse en estado de shock.
"¿Eres amigo de otro vidente?" Preguntó lentamente.
"Sí, ella es una de mis amigas más cercanas, tiene visiones de mí un poco, aunque mucho menos
desde que dejé de estar en peligro mortal cada cinco segundos", sonrió Harry. "Aunque arruinó mi
regalo de cumpleaños para ella cuando me aseguró que le encantaría el collar que le había
comprado y que debería dejar de preocuparse por eso", Harry rodó los ojos al recordarlo.
"¿Y no te molesta?" Gregory frunció el ceño al ver a dónde iba Harry con esto.
"No. Sé que no está invadiendo mi privacidad ni ninguna basura como esa, definitivamente no a
propósito. No puede evitar sus dones, es ... Luna. La elegí como mi amiga y para ser parte de mi
vida sabiendo eso, así que no puedo estar enojado o incómodo con ella cuando tiene una visión de
mí ", dijo Harry simplemente.
"Gracias", Gregory sonrió lentamente, volviendo al espacio de Harry. Lentamente acarició la
mejilla de Harry con los dedos antes de besarlo lentamente, pero a fondo. Separándolo, Harry le
sonrió y lo picoteó una vez más en los labios antes de quitarse el biberón de Teddy de su boca y
agarrar su manta eructa para poder enrollar al somnoliento bebé.
"¿Gregory? Esto es una sorpresa", la voz de Andrómeda atrajo su atención hacia la mujer en la
puerta que rápidamente estaba acariciando su cabello ligeramente despeinado y despeinado en su
lugar. Harry le sonrió mientras frotaba la espalda de Teddy, Gregory parecía inseguro de si había
sido atrapado con su mano en la lata de galletas o no.
"Andrómeda, ha pasado mucho tiempo", Gregory asintió educadamente con la cabeza, alejándose
un poco de Harry.
"Lo ha hecho. Aquí para ver a Harry tan pronto después de tu cita, estás ansioso", sonrió
Andromeda sonriendo caminando hacia ellos. Harry le sonrió a Gregory cuando comenzó a saltar y
balancearse ligeramente para que Teddy se durmiera por completo.
"Yo ... erm ... sí, deseaba volver a ver a Harry para asegurarme de que había sobrevivido a la
inquisición anoche", dijo Gregory al ver que no iba a recibir ayuda de Harry.
"Conociendo a mi hermana y a tu familia, creo que corriste tanto riesgo como Harry", se rió
Andromeda mientras se servía una taza de té.
"Fue ... interesante sí", dijo Gregory con tacto haciendo que Andrómeda se riera. "Oh, sí, Narcissa
me pidió que te trajera esto, ella dijo que mencionaste que deseabas ver fotos de Draco cuando era
un bebé", dijo Gregory sacando un pequeño libro de su bolsillo y colocándolo en el mostrador antes
de cambiar su tamaño. Mirando la cosa con incredulidad, Harry dejó de balancearse y miró entre
"¡No son unas pocas fotos!" Harry se ahogó. ¡Según el tamaño del álbum de fotos encuadernado en
cuero, esto contenía un golpe a golpe de la vida de Draco!
"Sí, Narcissa pensó que tal vez te gustaría ver el álbum familiar. Está un poco ansiosa", admitió
Gregory suavemente.
"Ella está tratando de compensarme", suspiró Andromeda.
"Te echa de menos, te ha extrañado durante mucho tiempo. Creo que espera poder tener al menos
un lugar en la vida de Teddy que ninguno de los dos pueda tener en tus hijos", asintió
Gregory. Justo cuando Andrómeda abrió la boca, una alarma llorosa atravesó la casa y Harry se
tensó de inmediato.
"Andromeda lleva a Teddy, ¡Gregory quédate aquí!" Harry dijo con firmeza mientras pasaba
cuidadosamente a un Teddy que ahora lloraba en los brazos de Andrómeda y dejó caer su varita en
su mano desde su funda.
"¡Harry, no me quedaré aquí!" Gregory frunció el ceño, su propia varita ya en su mano.
"Gregory, eres un Malfoy, si son Mortífagos rebeldes, ¡te convertirás en un objetivo
inmediato!" Harry frunció el ceño.
"¿Y tú no? ¡Harry, no me quedaré aquí mientras tú vas solo!" Gregory argumentó.
"Oh Merlín ... Andrómeda floo Hermione y Ron en la Madriguera y tráelos aquí lo antes posible.
Gregory me cubres la espalda, te quedas detrás de mí en todo momento, ¡dispara las primeras
preguntas más tarde! Vamos a la izquierda. Vigila tu espalda, "El tono de Harry no admitió
discusión y ya se estaba moviendo hacia la puerta de atrás.
Harry se paró a un lado de la puerta y la abrió antes de salir con cautela, con la varita en alto
mientras se movía rápida y bruscamente. Gregory lo siguió lo mejor que pudo de la misma
manera. Él y Harry se quedaron en el borde de la casa escaneando el jardín con cautela y agachados
para cualquier tipo de movimiento.
"¿Qué tipo de salas tienes?" Siseó Gregory.
"Solo los más decididos podrían pasar, los que quedan de la guerra cuando esta era una de las casas
de seguridad, no significa que no se trate de alguien determinado", dijo Harry
deliberadamente. "Quédate cerca", dijo con firmeza. Gregory solo asintió con la cabeza al aceptar lo
que claramente eran términos que significaban que Harry simplemente lo aturdiría y lo empujaría
dentro de la casa.
Se movieron rápidamente por la casa, disparando hechizos reveladores ocasionalmente, lanzando
Harry una vez que Gregory no había oído hablar antes. Ante su mirada inquisitiva obtuvo una breve
"Revela cuántos latidos hay en un parámetro de 50 yardas del hechizo", explicó Harry. Fue cuando
llegaron al frente de la casa que vieron lo que había disparado las salas. Suspirando y comenzando a
fruncir el ceño, la postura tensa de Harry se desvaneció y, en cambio, la ira comenzó a dominarse
mientras miraba a la multitud que apenas podían ver reunidos en la puerta de la propiedad de
Andrómeda, aunque el parpadeo y los gritos no dejaron dudas de quiénes eran.
"¡Malditos reporteros!" Espetó Harry. Resoplando, levantó su varita y murmuró un hechizo que
corrió hacia los reporteros, dejándolos sin posibilidad de escapar. Harry y Gregory escucharon los
gritos y gritos que siguieron antes de que prácticamente hubiera una aparición masiva fuera de la
casa. Ante la mirada que recibió de Gregory, la ira se desvaneció y se volvió tímido mientras
explicaba. "Es un hechizo que Hermione y yo encontramos mientras estábamos huyendo, hace que
la víctima sienta que hay insectos por todas partes y debajo de su piel durante la próxima hora.
Nada permanente dañino".
"¿Vienen por aquí a menudo?" Gregory frunció el ceño.
"Lo suficiente como para ser molesto, solían aparecer fuera del lugar de Grimmauld, ahora de
alguna manera se han enterado del hecho de que estoy aquí y se muestran al azar aquí en su lugar",
suspiró Harry cansado hundiéndose contra la pared detrás de él mientras se tapaba los ojos. Gregory
dio un paso adelante y envolvió sus brazos alrededor de Harry, tirando de él contra su pecho y
sosteniéndolo allí con su mano en la parte posterior del cuello de Harry, frotando su cuello con su
pulgar cuando sintió la tensión allí.
Harry estuvo tenso en sus brazos solo por unos momentos, recordándole a Gregory que
probablemente era la primera persona con la que Harry había estado involucrado sentimentalmente
para tocarlo y consolarlo de esa manera. Por lo que Harry había dicho, realmente adivinaría que era
uno de los pocos que ofrecería consuelo y apoyo después de una situación como esta. Rápidamente,
aunque el cuerpo de Harry se derritió y se relajó en la comodidad que se le ofrecía, envolviendo sus
propios brazos alrededor de la cintura de Gregory y presionando su rostro contra el hombro de
Gregory mientras absorbía el calor y la fuerza que el rubio le estaba ofreciendo.
Harry no sabía qué olores usaba Gregory, si era para después del afeitado, su desodorante, lo que
sea que los elfos lavaran su ropa. Pero ese aroma, ligeramente picante, pero completamente
masculino y poderoso. Rodeaba a Harry y siempre lo hacía temblar cada vez que lo olía. Ahora
rodeado por sus fuertes brazos y olor, Harry se sintió relajado y más seguro que nunca antes de uno
de estos 'ataques'.
"Podrías meterte en problemas por eso", dijo Gregory después de un momento en el que Harry se
había relajado por completo.
"No sabes, soy el chico que vivió. Se quejarán, alguien se lo pasará a Kingsley porque no están
seguros de lo que se supone que deben hacer al respecto. Kingsley vendrá aquí, se enojará hacia mí,
toma un poco de té y relájate, pídeme que no lo vuelva a hacer antes de irme, "Harry se encogió de
hombros y se acercó a Gregory.
"Los beneficios de conocer al Ministro de Magia ¿eh?" Gregory se rió entre dientes tirando de
Harry más cerca de su cuerpo.
"Los beneficios de que todos estén demasiado preocupados para hacer algo por mí por temor a que
me vuelva loco", resopló Harry.
"Harry, qué…" Hermione y Ron se detuvieron con Fred y George justo detrás de ellos, viéndolos a
los dos antes de que comenzaran a sonreír, haciendo que Harry rodara los ojos.
"No pienses que hay algún peligro aquí Fred"
"No, tampoco lo creas George", los gemelos ahora estaban mirando y moviendo las cejas, haciendo
que Harry se riera en el pecho de Gregory.
"¿Todo bien?" Preguntó Hermione sonando tan divertida como parecía.
"Solo periodistas," suspiró Harry.
"Ah, ¿Kingsley va a visitarnos?" Ron preguntó con calma, aunque estaba evaluando a Gregory con
"Probablemente. Usé el maleficio del insecto sobre ellos esta vez," asintió Harry.
"Al menos no sopló ..."
"Cualquier cosa a su alrededor esta vez", se rieron los gemelos.
"Estaban siendo particularmente molestos justo después de que me dieron de alta del ala del
Hospital y llegué a Grimmauld Place, me cansé y exploté las rejas de un pequeño jardín frente a la
casa. Nadie resultó herido", dijo Harry a Gregory al ver el curiosidad en sus ojos.
"¿Volaste los pasamanos?" Gregory dijo divertido.
"Les obligó a irse por un tiempo. Kingsley no estaba muy feliz después de eso, me dijo que usara
hechizos más confinados si los iba a usar en los reporteros", sonrió Harry.
"Puedo poner a mis abogados de familia en contacto contigo si lo deseas, no se les permite acosarte
así, especialmente en tu casa", dijo Gregory cuidadosamente pasando la mano por la mejilla de
"¿De Verdad?" Harry preguntó esperanzado.
"Sí, puede demandarlos, definitivamente los desalentará de ir a su casa. Mis abogados familiares
son muy buenos para presionar por las leyes de privacidad y garantizar que no lo sigan como lo
hace ahora. Han logrado hacerlo así que para toda nuestra familia desde hace trescientos años. Nada
se imprime sobre nuestra familia a menos que haya hechos concretos, incluso Lucius ", dijo
Gregory intencionadamente.
"Eso estaría bien, no pueden seguir viniendo por aquí", suspiró Harry hundiéndose en Gregory
"Los búhos cuando llegue a casa, no te preocupes, estarán en contacto lo antes posible", Gregory
sonrió levemente.
"Es un placer conocerlo, señor Malfoy", dijo Hermione deliberadamente haciendo que Harry se
"¡Oh, lo siento! Chicos, este es Gregory Malfoy, Gregory, esto es Hermione y Ron, y Fred y George
Weasley", dijo Harry avergonzado.
"Es un placer conocerlos a todos", Gregory asintió con la cabeza hacia ellos.
"Es bueno tener una cara para expresar las cosas que hemos estado escuchando", le sonrió
"Así que este es el Malfoy que tiene ..."
"Arrasó a nuestro pequeño Harry", Fred y George estaban radiantes ahora.
"No acepten nada de ellos", dijo Harry rápidamente mirándolos.
"Harry Harry Harry, tienes ..."
"¿Tan poca confianza en nosotros?" Los gemelos comenzaron a poner mala cara.
"Haz cualquier cosa y declararé todo, no aguantes la guerra de las bromas", dijo Harry envolviendo
firmemente sus brazos alrededor de la cintura de Gregory con fuerza.
"Creo que lo declararon fuera de los límites, chicos", se rió Ron al ver las miradas apagadas en las
caras de los gemelos.
"Tienes miedo cuando ..."
"Quieres ser Harry", hicieron un puchero cuando sus hombros se hundieron.
"¡Mantente alejado!" Harry dijo con firmeza.
"Oo, él es protector", corrieron Fred y George juntos antes de palidecer ante el resplandor que
recibieron de Harry. "Iremos y le diremos ..."
"Andrómeda y Bill están claros", dijeron rápidamente antes de regresar rápidamente a la casa.
"¿Bill está aquí?" Harry preguntó animándose.
"Estaba en la Madriguera cuando Andrómeda llamó, todos pasamos", asintió Hermione.
"Vamos, deberíamos volver a entrar", sonrió Gregory inclinándose para pasar un beso sobre los
labios de Harry. Harry se apartó de repente y miró a Hermione con incredulidad, donde se sonrojaba
"¡No acabas de decir aww Hermione!" Harry se ahogó tratando de no reír, especialmente cuando
Gregory estaba luchando con una sonrisa propia.
"¿Lo siento?" Hermione ofreció avergonzada, mirando insegura a Gregory, aliviada cuando vio la
diversión en su rostro.
"Recuérdame que te posponga la próxima vez que tú y Ron decidan jugar hockey de amígdalas", se
quejó Harry entrelazando sus dedos con los de Gregory y llevándolo a la casa por la puerta
principal, los otros se arrastraron hacia atrás mientras conducía de regreso a la cocina. .
"Oh Harry, los gemelos dijeron que eran reporteros, ¿siguen vivos, querida?" Andrómeda levantó la
vista desde donde había logrado calmar a Teddy y volverlo a dormir.
"Por supuesto que todavía están vivos", resopló Harry soltando a Gregory para abrazar a Bill con
"Es bueno verte también", dijo Bill abrazándose más fuerte.
"¿Como has estado?" Harry preguntó preocupado.
"Estamos bien, Fleur es ligeramente hormonal, aparentemente los genes Veela y las hormonas del
embarazo son una mezcla interesante", se rió Bill.
"Bill, este es Gregory Malfoy, Gregory, este es Bill Weasley", sonrió Harry mientras tiraba de él de
nuevo, un poco inseguro.
"Escuché todo sobre ti anoche, es un placer conocerte", Bill dio su sonrisa amistosa que logró
tranquilizar incluso a los Goblins y le tendió la mano a Gregory, que fue rápidamente aceptado.
"¿Anoche?" Gregory preguntó con curiosidad.
"Mi madre nos llamó a todos para informarnos que Harry estaba en una cita anoche, y un relato de
cómo estaba siendo 'corrompido' por un Malfoy, rompiendo el corazón de Ginny, cómo estabas
confundido y alentado por 'malas influencias "conoces sus mejores comentarios", Bill rodó los ojos.
"Creo que eres una de las malas influencias allí Andrómeda", dijo Harry divertido.
"Creo que sí. ¿Supongo que no estás de acuerdo con tu madre?" Andrómeda le dirigió a Bill una
mirada de águila.
"Por supuesto que no, Fleur y Charlie estaban furiosos, simplemente cerré la conexión de la red
flu", dijo Bill rápidamente.
"Acabamos de regresar a nuestro departamento cuando regresaron a The Burrow ...".
"En el momento en que comenzaron y nos dimos cuenta de lo que estaba pasando, simplemente
salimos", Fred y George se encogieron de hombros.
"Sabes, mientras estés feliz de que lo estemos. Solo espera que Fleur te asfixie un poco la próxima
vez que te vea, juro que a veces intenta mamarme", sonrió Bill con los ojos en blanco.
"No pretendo causar problemas", frunció el ceño Gregory, al ver que el grupo se movía ligeramente,
terminó lo que iba a decir. "Pero mientras Harry me quiera, no me voy a rendir", sonrió ligeramente
al apretar que Harry le dio a sus dedos.
"Bien, y tenemos tu espalda. Deberían calmarse, y si no lo hacen, entonces es su pérdida y no
cambiaremos cómo nos sentimos o si eres nuestro hermano pequeño", le aseguró Bill a Harry.
"Y para que sepas que si lo lastimas, haremos que tu vida sea un infierno", dijo Hermione
amablemente haciendo que Gregory parpadeara.
"No tengo intenciones de lastimar a Harry", dijo honestamente.
"Eso es bueno, para que lo sepas. Y también tuvimos que hacer la advertencia", se encogió de
hombros Ron poniendo su brazo alrededor de los hombros de Hermione.
Al oír el reloj del abuelo sonar, Gregory miró el reloj con un suspiro. Inclinándose, envolvió sus
brazos alrededor de Harry y tiró de él contra su pecho, bajándose para hablar al oído de Harry.
"Necesito ponerme en marcha. Lechuza a nuestros abogados y espero a tu lechuza para reunirnos
para almorzar", dijo suavemente.
"Te lo hice saber esta noche. Me alegro de que hayas venido. Perdón por los reporteros y por el
ataque de mi familia", dijo Harry girándose en los brazos de Gregory.
"Disfruté estar con ustedes, reporteros y atacando a la familia y todo. Nos vemos pronto", dijo
Gregory antes de besar a Harry de una manera que una vez más logró hacer que la cabeza de Harry
girara, su corazón se detuvo antes de comenzar un ritmo acelerado. Metió las manos en la túnica de
Gregory y le devolvió el beso con igual entusiasmo, ambos solo retrocedieron cuando el aire se
convirtió en un problema.
"Hasta pronto", asintió Harry lamiéndose los labios. Cuando dejó de mirar lamentablemente a
Gregory flotando para encontrar a todos mirándolo con diversas expresiones de sonrisas, burlas y
diversión. "Cállate", gruñó pisando fuerte en la cocina para servirse otra taza de té.
Capítulo 8
Harry sonrió un poco nervioso mientras entraban en el nuevo y muy caro café en Diagon cuando
vio a Gregory, Marcus, Carina y Mikhail sentados en una mesa muy privada cerca de la parte de
atrás. Todos se pusieron de pie cuando vieron a Harry y su grupo haciéndolo sentir aún más
nervioso. Seguro que los había conocido antes y todos habían sido amables con él, pero Gregory no
lo había cortejado entonces.
Remus colocó su mano sobre la espalda de Harry y lo instó gentilmente hacia adelante cuando su
pausa amenazaba con alargarse demasiado, la mano de Hermione en la suya le dio un suave
apretón. Quería que todo saliera tan bien, y estaba preocupado de que no se llevaran
bien. Respirando hondo, abrió el camino a través de la cafetería hacia los Malfoy luchando contra el
impulso de salir corriendo del lugar gritando, ¿por qué tuvo que elegir un compañero con una
familia tan intimidante?
Y entonces Gregory lo alcanzó, su aroma lo rodeaba, el calor de su cuerpo lo empapaba, y luego sus
labios estaban sobre los suyos. Cerrando los ojos, deslizó los brazos alrededor de la cintura de
Gregory cuando la mano del hombre mayor ahuecó su rostro suavemente. El beso fue suave y casto,
recordaron en qué compañía estaban exactamente, pero el contacto con Gregory calmó los nervios
de su estómago. Apartándose, sonrió a los cálidos ojos azules de Gregory mientras escaneaban sus
"Hola", sonrió Harry.
"Hola", Gregory le devolvió la sonrisa y apartó un cabello de los ojos de Harry.
"Harry, es maravilloso verte de nuevo", Carina sonrió extendiendo la mano y besando las mejillas
de Harry. Él parpadeó un poco sorprendido pero le sonrió a la mujer cuando ella se apartó.
"Es bueno verte de nuevo también. Erm, este es Remus Lupin, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley y
Neville Longbottom," Harry retrocedió al lado de Gregory cuando les presentó a los cuatro.
"Este es mi abuelo Marcus, mi madre Carina y mi hermano menor Mikhail", Gregory presentó a su
lado de la familia antes de extender su mano hacia Remus, que no lo había dejado, observando
atentamente la interacción entre él y Harry. "Y yo soy Gregory"
"He escuchado mucho sobre ti," Remus sonrió ligeramente aceptando la mano.
"¡Remus!" Harry siseó cuando sus mejillas se iluminaron haciéndolo enterrar su rostro en el brazo
de Gregory cuando se pusieron de un rojo más oscuro. Marcus dejó escapar una risita de diversión
incluso cuando sus desvaídos ojos azules brillaban con algo que ninguno de ellos podía realmente
"Es un placer conocerlos a todos, Harry nos ha contado lo suficiente sobre ustedes como para
hacerme ansioso por conocerlos", sonrió sacudiendo la mano de Ron y besando la de Hermione
antes de darse la vuelta para estrechar las manos de Neville y Remus.
"Gracias por invitarnos", dijo Hermione cortésmente mientras todos se arrastraban para sentarse,
Harry terminó entre Gregory y Remus, sonrojándose un poco más cuando Gregory empujó su silla
hacia él antes de sentarse. La mesa redonda los acomodó a todos cómodamente y permitió que
todos se vieran.
"Es un placer, y es agradable conocer a la familia de Harry, especialmente teniendo en cuenta los
acontecimientos recientes", Marcus sonrió a Harry y Gregory, la sonrisa se hizo más amplia cuando
Harry se estiró para jugar con su collar.
"Admito que es bueno tener la oportunidad de conocer a tu familia real y no a la que se susurra",
dijo Remus suavemente.
"Ah, sí, nuestra familia ha estado demasiado tiempo sumergida en la tierra. Esperemos que
podamos aliviar la mancha que se ha deslizado sobre nuestro apellido", suspiró Carina.
"Uno de ustedes que tenga una relación con el Elegido lo acelerará", dijo Remus a la ligera, pero
sus ojos estaban agudos.
"¡Remus!" Harry se ahogó horrorizado por la acusación, pero antes de que pudiera decir algo más,
Gregory se pasó los dedos por la mejilla para llamar su atención y evitar que su familia
respondiera. Con una pequeña sonrisa, Gregory sacudió la cabeza antes de levantar los ojos
decididos para encontrarse con los de Remus.
"Puedo entender por qué piensas que eso podría ser un motivo para que corteje a Harry, entiendo
completamente por qué eso sería una preocupación, y sé que eso es lo que mucha gente va a pensar.
Pero mi pedido a la corte Harry fue puramente por Harry y nadie más en el mundo mágico cree que
es ", dijo Gregory con firmeza.
"Solo Harry," Hermione sonrió suavemente, los cuatro adolescentes en la mesa aparentemente
compartían algunos conocimientos internos mientras se sonreían el uno al otro.
"¿No hay motivación de esto para ser una buena manera de comenzar a mejorar tu nombre en la
comunidad mágica de nuevo?" Ron preguntó con calma, sus ojos escaneando los cuatro de Malfoy.
"Sabemos que nuestra reputación es ser fría, pero la familia es lo más importante para nosotros. No
ha habido un contrato de cortejo en la familia Malfoy desde mi bisabuelo", dijo honestamente
Marcus. "Mi hijo era tonto y codicioso, pero desafortunadamente fue muy bueno para ocultarlo
hasta que fue demasiado tarde, el resto de nosotros puso a la familia en primer lugar".
"Nunca alentaríamos a ninguno de nuestra familia a buscar nada más que amor, no nos casamos por
dinero o fama, tenemos más que suficiente de eso", agregó Mikhail.
"Lamentamos haber comenzado con esa nota", Remus sonrió con su cálida sonrisa normal,
claramente satisfecho con sus respuestas.
"Es comprensible que te preocupes por nuestras intenciones con respecto a este asunto, cuidas de
Harry y quieres ser el mejor para él", Carina sacudió la cabeza.
"Bienvenido a Mike's Magical Meals and Drinks. Aquí están tus menús, soy la camarera Dawn,
¿puedo traerte algo de beber?" La camarera les sonrió brillantemente mientras saltaba hacia la mesa,
los menús flotaban frente a todos y flotaban hasta que los tomaron. Después de que todos hicieron
sus diferentes pedidos de bebidas, recurrieron a sus menús. "Cuando decidas lo que quieres, solo
tócalo con tu varita y se realizará tu pedido".
"Me muero de hambre", gruñó Ron felizmente mirando las comidas.
"Siempre tienes hambre", resoplaron Harry, Neville y Hermione.
"Soy un niño en crecimiento", hizo un puchero Ron.
"Ron, llegaste a tu mayoría el año pasado, ya no vas a crecer", dijo Neville mirando secamente
sobre su menú al pelirrojo.
"Gracias a Merlín", agregó Harry en el murmullo recibiendo una risa de Remus, Gregory y Marcus
que lo escucharon.
"¿Creo que ustedes dos están comprometidos?" Mikhail le preguntó a Hermione y Ron, quienes
normalmente asintieron a la pregunta.
"Pasaron siete años bailando y terminaron saliendo y luego comprometidos en dos meses", se rió
Harry sonriendo ante las miradas gemelas que estaba recibiendo.
"Creo que estás esperando tu primero?" Remus le preguntó a Mikhail que de alguna manera logró
verse pálida y feliz al mismo tiempo. Sonriendo mientras recordaba a Gregory diciendo que había
estado entrando en pánico, Harry se agachó detrás de su menú y miró a Gregory, cuyos ojos
brillaban de diversión cuando se encontraron con los suyos.
"Sí, mi esposa tiene seis meses y medio", asintió Mikhail.
"Era un completo desastre en este momento cuando Tonks estaba embarazada, de repente decidió
que no teníamos nada listo y teníamos que tener todo listo en un mes, nunca tuve que trabajar tanto
en mi vida", Remus sacudió la cabeza. "Sin embargo, vale la pena"
"Teddy es un bebé muy lindo", dijo Gregory.
"Ah, por supuesto que lo viste cuando lo visitaste", Remus sonrió con orgullo.
"Es un bebé muy bueno, y tengo un poco de práctica para cuando el nuevo Malfoy esté cerca", se
rió Gregory. "¿Te metiste en problemas con tus reporteros?" Le preguntó a Harry.
"Nah, justo cuando dije que Kingsley vino, tomó un refunfuño, una taza de té y se relajó un poco",
Harry sonrió ante la preocupación por él.
"Harry cree que se saldrá con la suya porque nadie quiere castigar al héroe de la hora, pero Kingsley
lo ve como un hermano pequeño, no puede decirle que no a Harry o regañarlo", se rió Remus.
"Sin mencionar los ojos de cachorro, debes tener cuidado con eso, los ojos de cachorro de Harry
pueden hacerte derrumbarse en segundos", Neville asintió con la cabeza a Gregory.
"Sirius se los enseñó, no tuvimos oportunidad después de eso", suspiró Remus sacudiendo la cabeza
antes de sonreír cuando Harry lo empujó ligeramente.
"Gracias por la advertencia, lo recordaré", se rió Gregory colocando su brazo a lo largo del respaldo
de la silla de Harry.
"Estás revelando todos mis secretos", protestó Harry en un simulacro antes de alegrarse y voltearse
hacia Gregory. "Oh, sí, gracias por el abogado, por cierto, es brillante. Aunque creo que puede estar
planeando ansiosamente un ataque a gran escala contra el Profeta".
"Ah, ¿hablaste con el señor Blackcreep?" Preguntó Carina.
"Sí, ha dicho que lo mejor que puede hacer es buscarlos por todo lo que han impreso a lo largo de
los años para demostrar que hablamos en serio, eso incluye tomar fotos y publicar artículos
perjudiciales sobre un menor", asintió Harry.
"También me pidió que le diera permiso para que presentara quejas en mi nombre por los artículos
impresos sobre mí durante el cuarto año para darle más poder para perseguirlos", dijo Hermione con
una sonrisa ligeramente viciosa.
"Ah sí, recuerdo esos artículos, decían que estaban juntos ¿correcto?" Marcus preguntó
"Hermione y yo nunca estuvimos juntas, es como mi hermana pequeña, solo iban por la mayor
cantidad de municiones posible", Harry sacudió la cabeza en respuesta a la pregunta no formulada.
"Si no te molesta que pregunte, ¿cómo lograste que la Sra. Skeeter escribiera ese artículo para ti en
tu quinto año?" Mikhail preguntó antes de parecer confundido cuando los cuatro adolescentes
comenzaron a reír, una mirada a Remus mostró que también se veía extremadamente confundido.
"Lo siento, solo ... ah, buenos recuerdos", logró decir Harry a través de su risa.
"Los días en que éramos dulces, inocentes y jóvenes", estuvo de acuerdo Ron.
"Por favor, ese fue el año en que dirigiste un club de artes de Defensa Contra la Oscuridad ilegal
justo debajo de las narices de Umbridge, ayudaste a los gemelos a torturarla con sus bromas y le
diste un miedo eterno a los centauros después de que la llevaras al Bosque Prohibido", Remus bufó
"Bueno, aparte de eso entonces", sonrió Neville.
"La Sra. Skeeter es un animago ilegal, se convierte en un escarabajo, descubrí su secreto al final de
nuestro cuarto año y la mantuve en un frasco durante un mes antes de liberarla con el acuerdo de
que vería exactamente lo que su pluma escribió sobre Harry "sonrió Hermione.
"Sabía que disfrutaría conocerte", Marcus se rió entre dientes aplaudiendo después de unos
momentos de silencio mientras absorbían lo que se les decía.
"Ustedes son increíbles. Es sorprendente que no esté más gris", Remus sacudió la cabeza.
"Y solo piensa que tienes la segunda de la segunda generación de Merodeadores para crecer
todavía", se rió Harry dándole palmaditas a Remus en el hombro mientras gemía.
"Wow, esto se ve muy bien", suspiró Hermione cuando su bocadillo abierto de jamón, queso y
tomate apareció frente a ella junto con su bebida. Harry tarareó mientras tomaba su primer bocado
de su papa con queso. Había estado tan nervioso que no había podido comer nada esa mañana, por
lo que cualquier comida habría sido celestial, pero las papas estaban horneadas a la perfección y el
queso era increíblemente sabroso.
"Confío en que no habrá peleas de comida hoy, creo que la papa y el queso calientes pueden doler",
murmuró Gregory en el oído de Harry haciéndole reír al recordar el rostro de Gregory, sus brillantes
ojos verdes se alzaron para encontrarse con los ojos de Gregory, sonriendo ante el brillo. Vi en
"Sabía que debería haber ido por la pasta fría", hizo un puchero.
"Ah, agradeceré a las deidades por pequeñas misericordias, entonces, ¿te gustaría probar que los
sándwiches abiertos son deliciosos desde aquí?", Preguntó Gregory sosteniendo un pequeño tenedor
del sándwich de pollo tibio con una ligera salsa de ajo y hierbas. Pensando en lo agradable que olía,
Harry automáticamente se inclinó hacia adelante y tomó el bocado ofrecido antes de tararear
ligeramente nuevamente mientras el sabor se extendía por su lengua. El café definitivamente estuvo
a la altura de su reputación.
"Eso es realmente agradable, ¿quieres probar?" Él sonrió sosteniendo un tenedor lleno de los
suyos. Tuvo que apartar la mirada rápidamente con un sonrojo creciendo en sus mejillas cuando la
lengua de Gregory salió rápidamente para limpiar la débil capa de grasa que el queso había dejado
en su labio inferior, pero eso realmente no ayudó cuando se encontró con las miradas de todos los
demás en la mesa que aparentemente habían estado observando la interacción.
"Ustedes dos son muy naturales el uno con el otro", Carina sonrió al llamar la atención de Gregory
desde donde había estado mirando a Harry un poco confundido. Harry sonrió complacido al ver que
Neville le sonreía divertido, pero claramente feliz por él.
"¿Gregory dijo que lograste rastrear a tu familia por la Sra. Granger? Esa fue una forma muy, muy
ingeniosa de mantenerlos a salvo por cierto", Marcus le sonrió a Hermione, que parecía
excesivamente complacida por el cumplido, especialmente de un Malfoy, que era uno de las cosas
por las que había estado nerviosa por venir a conocerlas.
"Gracias, sí, logramos rastrearlos de manera segura, después de seguirlos casi a lo largo de toda
Australia. Una vez más nos obligaron a entrar en una tienda de campaña", Hermione puso los ojos
en blanco.
"¿Debe haber sido un poco más relajante esta vez?" Gregory preguntó antes de parecer confundido
cuando Harry y Neville comenzaron a reír.
"¡No te burles de él!" Hermione la regañó, aunque se veía más que un poco divertida, mientras que
Ron había puesto un espectacular tono rojo en la punta de las orejas.
"Ron ah no disfrutó mucho de la vida salvaje en Australia", dijo Neville a través de sus risitas.
"Las arañas me gustaron, encontré diecisiete en mis pertenencias", hizo un mohín frunciendo el
ceño entre Harry y Neville, que aún no habían logrado controlar su risa. Remus comenzó a reírse
detrás de su mano, mirando a Ron disculpándose cuando se giró para fruncirle el ceño.
"Supongo que no te gustan las arañas?" Mikhail preguntó mirando entre ellos.
"He tenido algunas malas experiencias con las arañas", suspiró Ron.
"Amén," resopló Harry logrando calmarse lo suficiente como para tomar un sorbo de su café
"¿Malas experiencias con las arañas?" Gregory preguntó con curiosidad.
"Solo un poco," Harry arrugó la nariz ante los recuerdos de sus arañazos.
"Hay una historia allí", dijo Marcus, la pregunta en su tono.
"Bueno, la primera vez que me topé con arañas, mis hermanos gemelos pensaron que sería una
buena idea convertir mi oso de peluche en una araña, la que estaba sosteniendo en ese momento,
estaba completamente asustado por eso. Por supuesto, odié las arañas desde entonces. Luego
tuvimos el episodio Bosque Prohibido ", se estremeció Ron ligeramente.
"¿El bosque prohibido?" Remus ahogó sus ojos ensanchándose.
"Fue durante nuestro segundo año, durante la Cámara de los Secretos, Hagrid para defenderse nos
dijo que siguiéramos a las arañas. La Criatura era un basilisco, de la cual las arañas tienen miedo,
así que huyeron del castillo, pero también las criaturas que Hagrid fue acusado de soltarse en el
castillo la primera vez que un Acromantula escapó al Bosque Prohibido ", comenzó a explicar
"Así que, por supuesto, solo teníamos que seguir el rastro de arañas hacia el bosque, por la noche,
solo con Fang, el perro de Hagrid, con nosotros. Los seguimos hasta el bosque y en la guarida de
Acromantula donde vivían Aragog y sus hijos". Nos dio información y nos demostró que Hagrid era
inocente, pero desafortunadamente la regla de no comer solo se aplicaba a Hagrid. Corrimos por él,
por suerte Harry sabía un hechizo para luchar contra ellos, y luego el auto encantado de mi papá al
que habíamos conducido. La escuela al comienzo del curso, apareció y nos rescató, no antes de que
nos hubieran perseguido la mitad del bosque por unas cincuenta enormes arañas ", gruñó Ron
estremeciéndose ligeramente.
"Entonces, por supuesto, Harry se encontró con el Acromantula en el laberinto", dijo Neville al ver
que Harry no iba a decir nada.
"¿Laberinto? ¿El torneo de los Tres Magos?" Gregory frunció el ceño ligeramente.
"Sí, una de las criaturas en el laberinto era un Acromantula que decidió que iba a tener un pequeño
mordisco en mi pierna", dijo Harry a regañadientes.
"¿Qué tan grande es un mordisco?" Gregory preguntó mirando como si no estuviera completamente
seguro de querer saber.
"Lo suficiente como para sentir dolor, pero no tanto como para no poder correr", se encogió de
hombros Harry. "Fawkes lo curó por mí cuando regresé a Hogwarts"
"Puedo ver por qué no te gustan las arañas," Carina se estremeció ligeramente.
"Y desafortunadamente esa es una de sus historias más domésticas. No es de extrañar que me haya
vuelto gris temprano", dijo Remus pasándose la mano por el cabello.
"Nuestra joya de la corona tiene que ser Gringotts", sonrió Ron.
"Eso será difícil de superar", asintió Harry con una sonrisa.
"No es que lo intentes," dijo Remus con advertencia.
"Por supuesto que no", se rió Harry. "Hemos hecho lo suficiente para toda la vida"
"Dos vidas", asintió Ron.
"¿Por qué has aceptado entrenar para romper las maldiciones?" Hermione levantó una ceja ante la
pelirroja que se encogió de hombros.
"¿Te molesta que pregunte por tus NEWT? Draco no ha estado dispuesto a investigarlo, pero hemos
escuchado que todo lo ganado el año pasado básicamente se ha anulado por razones obvias",
preguntó Mikhail cuidadosamente, pero Neville se rió.
"Sí, soy una prueba física de esas razones", se rió por lo bajo.
"Eres tan malo como él," suspiró Hermione señalando a Harry, que parecía ofendido.
"Luna dice que cree que me hacen ver robusto", dijo acariciando fácilmente su mano a lo largo de
una mejilla todavía llena de cicatrices.
"Se nos permite volver a tomar nuestros exámenes, o sentarnos en nuestro caso, el próximo mes de
mayo con el séptimo año de este año, les da a todos casi un año para recuperarse, revisar, etc.",
explicó Harry ignorando a Ron y Neville que estaban discutiendo si las cicatrices eran distinguir o
"¿Qué harás por un año?" Carina preguntó con curiosidad.
"Bueno, aparte de la revisión, todavía se están haciendo muchos esfuerzos de restauración, a mí, a
Harry y a Ron se nos ha pedido que repasemos todo lo que hemos hecho en el último año y todas
las cosas que sabemos con los Inefables que probablemente tomarán un tiempo mientras que Harry
tiene algunas ideas de cosas que quiere hacer. Nos mantendremos ocupados ", se rió Hermione.
"El Ministerio nos persigue por varias posiciones", suspiró Harry después de terminar su último
bocado de su almuerzo y se hundió ligeramente en su silla.
"¿El Ministerio?" Preguntó Marcus.
"Los jefes y los jefes de departamento se están poniendo en contacto con nosotros para tratar de
atraernos a su departamento, poder reclamar uno de los Golden Trio o Líder de la resistencia de
Hogwarts en su departamento sería un gran paso en la escalera, "Ron resopló alejándose de
comparar Neville con Mad Eye.
"Estás siendo Head Hunted", Marcus asintió con la cabeza en comprensión.
"Vamos a tener que tener cuidado con los trabajos que aceptamos a partir de ahora, de lo contrario
es probable que seamos convertidos en un circo mediático", suspiró Harry. Se giró y sonrió
levemente a Gregory cuando el hombre mayor colocó su brazo sobre el respaldo de la silla de
"¿Qué quieres hacer?" Carina preguntó con curiosidad.
"Estoy listo para entrar en Curse Breaking, mi hermano y nuestra ... habilidad con Gringotts
llamaron la atención de los Goblins. Afortunadamente, están lo suficientemente agradecidos
después de la cantidad de Goblins V ... que Voldemort mató para pasar por alto nuestro robo y
convertirlo en algo bueno". También están dispuestos a comenzar a entrenarme después de
Navidad, incluso sin mis NEWT ", sonrió Ron.
"Voy a estar ayudando a replantar y volver a establecer los invernaderos en Hogwarts y trabajar en
ellos hasta después de mis NOTICIAS, entonces el Profesor Spout quiere entrenarme en una
Maestría para que sea su reemplazo", Neville sonrió humildemente a pesar de que Harry le sonreía
con orgullo. .
"Me voy a concentrar en pasar mi NEWT primero antes de considerar mi carrera, aunque estoy
considerando tomar una Maestría en Encantos", suspiró Hermione.
"Quería ser auror, pero he visto suficiente violencia, estoy considerando lo que voy a hacer", se
encogió de hombros Harry.
"Estoy seguro de que se te ocurrirá algo", Gregory acarició suavemente el cuello de Harry con los
dedos y logró estremecerse.

"¿Qué estamos haciendo aquí? ¿Dónde estamos?" Harry preguntó con curiosidad mirando alrededor
del área brillante, cálida y soleada que había llevado a la puerta. Estaban parados en un puerto en un
hermoso mar azul turquesa, el puerto estaba hecho de una piedra blanca brillante y lleno de docenas
de botes de varios tamaños.
"Estamos en Grecia, y en cuanto a lo que estamos haciendo aquí ..." Gregory sonrió mientras tiraba
de Harry hacia adelante por sus manos unidas. Las sospechas de Harry crecieron cuando Gregory lo
condujo por el puerto hasta donde un hombre esperaba junto a un gran bote.
"¡Maestro Gregory! Un placer como siempre, y su invitado, Maestro Harrison", el hombre sonrió
brillantemente cuando lo alcanzaron, su piel estaba bronceada de un color bronce intenso y miró a
los 25 años, su sonrisa amplia y acogedora cuando estrechó sus manos .
"Es bueno verte, Aetos", Gregory asintió con la cabeza y le estrechó la mano.
"Todo está listo, Maestro Gregory", dijo Aetos amablemente antes de subir la tabla de pandillas al
bote haciendo que Harry abriera los ojos.
"¿Entonces vamos?" Gregory extendió su mano nuevamente.
"Esta es nuestra cita?" Harry sonrió mordiéndose el labio.
"Sí. ¿Está bien?" Gregory preguntó, aunque siguiendo el tono de su voz no necesitaba la respuesta
de Harry.
"Supongo que servirá," Harry se encogió de hombros antes de reírse cuando Gregory lo tiró en un
"Vamos, mi descarada", dijo Gregory cálidamente antes de tirar de Harry en el bote. Harry miró
maravillado el bote al que lo conducían, mientras decía que el maldito barco tenía unos 30 pies de
largo y parecía que tenía espacio suficiente para unas treinta personas cómodamente. ¿Pero qué más
se puede esperar de un Malfoy?
Gregory lo condujo a la proa del bote justo cuando los motores se encendieron, el sonido de un
motor eléctrico desapareció y en su lugar lo reemplazó con un suave murmullo. En la proa había un
gran espacio donde se había colocado una manta azul en el suelo con un montón de cojines en la
parte superior, una gran canasta se sentó en una esquina con lo que parecía un refrigerador al
lado. Riendo, Harry lo asimiló todo incrédulo mientras se dirigía al frente del bote, mirando la
brillante extensión de mar que se podía ver a su alrededor mientras el bote se deslizaba fuera del
"Ahora sé por qué insististe en los bañadores", dijo Harry volviéndose hacia Gregory, sabiendo que
el hombre aún no se había alejado de él.
"Quería que fuera una sorpresa", asintió Gregory.
"Realmente lo es. Nunca antes había estado fuera del país", admitió Harry mirando hacia el mar y
hacia las verdes colinas detrás de ellos en la isla a la que habían trasladado. Tan completamente
diferente a cualquier lugar que hubiera visto en casa.
"¿Nunca?" Gregory frunció el ceño ligeramente.
"Mis familiares se tomaron vacaciones pero nunca hubieran soñado con llevarme con ellos", se
encogió de hombros Harry.
"Te llevaré a donde quieras ir Harry", dijo Gregory con firmeza, haciendo que Harry se volviera
hacia él. Al encontrarse con esos ojos azul marino que eran aún más azules, como si reflejaran el
mar, Harry leyó la honestidad en sus palabras y pudo ver los sentimientos crecientes que Gregory
sentía por él escritos claramente en su rostro. Extendiendo sus manos a pedido, las envolvió con
fuerza alrededor de la cintura de Gregory cuando el hombre mayor se colocó contra él, levantó la
cabeza para acariciar besos ligeros a lo largo de la mandíbula de Gregory antes de presionar sus
labios mientras sus ojos se cerraban. Estar con Gregory así alejó cualquier duda o pánico que sentía
cuando no estaban juntos, alejó las inseguridades naturales que se le habían metido en la cabeza
cuando pudo saborear el deseo de Gregory por él, y sintió que lo sostenía con firmeza pero
suavemente. aunque temía desaparecer como la niebla en sus brazos. Pasó la lengua por los labios
de Gregory y se echó hacia atrás, con el rostro completamente satisfecho cuando volvió a
encontrarse con esos ojos.
"En este momento estoy más que feliz de estar aquí contigo", respondió Harry cepillando unos
mechones de cabello largo y rubio que habían escapado de la cola de caballo de Gregory con el
viento cada vez mayor detrás de su oreja.
"Entonces disfrutemos," Gregory asintió. Volviendo a la manta, Harry lo miró con los ojos muy
abiertos mientras comenzaba a desvestirse, quitándose los zapatos y los calcetines antes de
desabrocharse rápidamente la túnica y arrojarlo a un lado, seguido rápidamente por su
camisa. Harry sintió que su boca se secaba mientras sus ojos se deleitaban hambrientos con la carne
bronceada rápidamente expuesta del pecho y el estómago de Gregory, el pecho y el estómago
bronceados muy definidos y musculosos de Gregory que dejaban la boca seca de Harry y su cabeza
giraba preocupantemente. Tuvo que agarrarse a los rieles del bote detrás de él cuando se quitó la
camisa de los hombros anchos y definidos que solo antes se le había permitido tener una idea de
cuándo sus manos los acariciaban, que en realidad eran mejores que él. había logrado imaginarlos,
lo que decía algo.
Inclinándose hacia atrás, observó con los ojos ligeramente abiertos mientras las manos de Gregory
se deslizaban hacia los botones de sus pantalones y sin ningún tipo de vergüenza lo que los jalaba
hacia abajo para revelar sus bañadores azules profundos, ligeramente ajustados, pero aún más
poderosos muslos con cordón y pantorrillas espolvoreadas con cabello dorado. eso hizo que Harry
apretara su agarre en las barandillas casi dolorosamente. Cuando los desviados ojos azules se
encontraron con los suyos y una sonrisa tiró de la boca sensual y se dio cuenta de que acababa de
recibir un espectáculo intencional.
"¿Tengo que pagarte ahora?" Harry preguntó un poco sin aliento antes de reírse de la mirada
confundida que reemplazó a la presumida.
"Hay algunos muggles que se quitan la ropa y se les paga por ello, creo que los sacaría a todos de
una carrera o vivirían muy bien de ella", explicó Harry.
"Creo que fue un cumplido, ¿verdad?" Gregory preguntó lentamente mientras merodeaba hacia
Harry haciéndolo tragar un poco.
"Definitivamente, así como es bueno que me estés cortejando", asintió Harry.
"¿Y por qué es eso?" Gregory preguntó mientras colocaba sus manos a cada lado de Harry en la
"Porque estoy un paso más cerca de asegurarme de que solo yo pueda tocarte", Harry presionó su
rostro contra la mejilla de Gregory, girando para que sus labios rozaran la piel cálida allí.
"Eres el único que me ha permitido tocarme ahora", murmuró Gregory, con las manos levantando la
espalda y el frente de Harry antes de comenzar a desabrochar los botones de la camisa de Harry. Se
detuvo a la mitad de desabotonarlos cuando Harry de repente se tensó y agarró sus muñecas con
fuerza. "¿Qué pasa?"
"Estoy ... tengo cicatrices", respondió Harry vacilante, negándose a levantar los ojos de donde
estaban fijos en el pecho de Gregory.
"Harry, todos tienen cicatrices", dijo Gregory suavemente.
"No ... tengo ... tengo malas cicatrices, muchas de ellas", Harry sacudió la cabeza apretando aún
más su agarre, haciendo que Gregory se estremeciera. Soltando la camisa de Harry, giró sus manos
para cambiar el agarre de Harry, tomando sus manos entre las suyas.
"Harry, eres hermosa para mí, con o sin cicatrices", dijo Gregory honestamente, pero cuando los
ojos de Harry se encontraron con los suyos, pudo ver la duda en ellos. Besó las manos en las suyas
y mantuvo los ojos fijos en los de Harry cuando terminó de deshacer la camisa de Harry y se la
quitó de los hombros. Le dio a Harry unos momentos para recuperarse y esperó antes de bajar los
ojos y dejar que deambulara por el cuerpo de Harry. Tenía un buen bronceado formándose por la
cantidad de tiempo que había pasado afuera mientras corría y con la cantidad de trabajo afuera que
había estado haciendo con los trabajos de restauración, desafortunadamente para la incomodidad de
Harry, esto significaba que las cicatrices plateadas aparecían más claras en su cuerpo. .
Harry saltó cuando el dedo de Gregory pasó suavemente sobre la cicatriz sobre su hombro, el toque
fue suave pero claramente allí. Los ojos de Harry estaban fijos en los dedos de Gregory mientras
trazaban todas y cada una de las cicatrices que marcaban su frente, su toque siempre era el mismo,
acariciando la longitud de cada cicatriz antes de ir a la deriva para encontrar la siguiente. Su
respiración parecía difícil de atrapar con cada toque hasta que respiraba con dificultad, observando
el ascenso y la caída de su propio pecho cuando el dedo de Gregory recorrió la última cicatriz antes
de levantar los ojos para encontrarse con los de Harry. Cada toque se había sentido tan íntimo, casi
demasiado y parecía encender un fuego en el pecho de Harry y sus ojos se abrieron cuando Gregory
levantó la misma mano y apartó el flequillo de Harry de su frente. Involuntariamente, Harry se
agarró a la muñeca de Gregory cuando sus ojos se cerraron al gentil y acariciante dedo que trazó la
forma del rayo en su frente. Cuando sintió los suaves labios rozarlo, se estremeció ligeramente al
sentir que comenzó a atravesar su cuerpo.
"¿Te dolió? Todavía se siente como si estuviera sanando", preguntó Gregory preocupado,
retrocediendo con un pequeño ceño fruncido.
"Es la primera vez que alguien lo toca así. Ya no duele, ya no se cura por completo", Harry se
encogió de hombros manteniendo los ojos cerrados.
"No tienes nada de qué avergonzarte Harry, eres hermosa", suspiró Gregory pasando los dedos por
las mejillas de Harry.
"Tengo miedo", sacudió la cabeza.
"Eso no te hace menos hermoso. Las cicatrices nos muestran dónde hemos estado, no dictan a
dónde vamos", Gregory inclinó la cabeza hacia atrás y abrió los ojos para poder mirarlo. No había
nada más que honestidad en ellos, haciendo que Harry se relajara un poco.
"Me gusta eso", sonrió levemente.
"Es algo que he escuchado. Nunca tienes que esconderte de mí Harry, no voy a pensar menos de ti
porque has quedado cicatrizado, me muestra algunas de las cosas por las que has tenido que pasar, y
haber logrado salir como lo has hecho es algo de lo que estar orgulloso ", Gregory sacudió la
"Gracias", Harry sonrió ligeramente contra el pecho de Gregory mientras se inclinaba hacia
adelante. Descansando la mejilla contra la piel calentada por el sol, miró hacia el infinito mar que
atravesaba el bote, el movimiento de ida y vuelta del bote, los cálidos brazos seguros que lo
envolvían firmemente, el ruido de las olas y el suave, Golpe constante golpeteo debajo de su oreja
alejando el último de sus temores de la reacción de Gregory.

Harry estaba seguro de que su rostro no volvería a su tono normal durante al menos otras cuatro
horas. Estaban sentados en el nido de almohadas, bueno, él estaba sentado, Gregory estaba tumbado
lujosamente sobre su espalda, su piel bronceada brillaba un poco por el sudor, ¡que el bastardo logró
que se viera bien! Una pierna doblada en la rodilla mostrando músculos poderosos cada vez que
automáticamente balanceaba ligeramente la pierna, con los brazos detrás de la cabeza y los ojos
cerrados mientras tomaba el sol.
Harry tomó un trago apresurado del vino blanco frío que Gregory había tomado de la nevera, el
hombre estaba tratando de matarlo, o hacerlo saltar sobre él, estaba seguro. Después de que
simplemente se mantuvieron abrazados durante al menos veinte minutos disfrutando del contacto,
Gregory lo persuadió para que se acercara a las almohadas y se quitara los pantalones, por lo que
solo llevaba sus bañadores rojos y dorados, algo que Gregory se había reído. y una explicación
apresurada que los había sacado de Viktor Krum en broma para un regalo de Navidad mientras se
enviaban artículos temáticos de las tareas.
Luego se encontró sentado en las almohadas, naturalmente, deliciosamente suaves, que de alguna
manera lograron brindar apoyo al mismo tiempo, mientras Gregory sacó dos vasos y les sirvió un
poco del delicioso vino antes de acomodarse cómodamente en las almohadas buscando todo El
mundo como un dios griego de vacaciones. Y Harry no sabía cuál de los hermosos sitios para ver, el
interminable mar espumoso, el cercano terreno donde podía distinguir algunos pueblos, ruinas,
campos, colinas y valles, o Gregory. Realmente fue una decisión difícil, y lo dejaba cada vez más
"Si estás realmente incómodo con tu estado de desnudez, entonces no me ofendería si deseas
ponerte la camisa", la voz de Gregory lo sacó de su sesión de estofado y se encontró con los ojos
azules mirándolo preocupado.
"No es mi 'estado de desnudez' lo que me está causando problemas", resopló Harry alejándose
rápidamente, mejor hacer eso cinco horas antes de que conservara cualquier estado de coloración
normal. Soltó un chillido ... un ruido masculino de conmoción ... cuando un cuerpo cálido
repentinamente lo envolvió por detrás, dos piernas bronceadas que no había visto moverse
aparecieron a ambos lados de él, y lo empujaron contra el pecho que había sido. A tres pasos de
"¿Qué tipo de problemas serían?" Gregory habló directamente en su oído, causando escalofríos
encantados y, a pesar del calor, la piel de gallina estalló sobre su piel.
"Sabes exactamente qué tipo de problemas", se quejó Harry a pesar de encontrarse relajándose en el
pecho de Gregory.
"No hay nada de tímido en mi descarada", Gregory lo apretó suavemente cuando los dedos de Harry
encontraron la trenza de Gregory que se había deslizado sobre sus hombros y comenzó a jugar con
el final.
"Solo verte hace que reaccione como nunca antes había reaccionado con nadie más", gruñó Harry,
resoplando cuando la risa de Gregory retumbó en su oído.
"Eso es algo bueno", se rió Gregory.
"Para ti tal vez," Harry frunció el ceño levemente dando un suave tirón a la trenza en sus manos.
"¿Crees que no reacciono a ti cada vez que te veo? Que ayer, a pesar de que mi familia y tu familia
estaban allí, no solo quería agarrarte y besarte hasta que ambos olvidamos dónde estábamos",
preguntó Gregory en voz baja. , su mano acariciando el muslo interno de Harry de una manera
excitante, pero casi ausente.
"Bueno, cuando lo pones así", se rió Harry, molesto por lo sin aliento que sonaba.
"¿No te gusta que me reacciones tan fácilmente?" Gregory preguntó, un poco de la seducción
desapareció de su voz y fue reemplazado por confusión. Algo que Harry no quería. Colocando su
copa de vino a un lado con seguridad, Harry colocó una mano sobre la parte superior de Gregory y
pasó la otra por la pierna a su derecha.
"No es que no me guste, es solo que me asusta un poco, nadie me ha presionado antes, mi cuerpo
nunca ha reaccionado tan rápido y fácilmente ante la presencia de otra persona", admitió Harry.
"¿Sabes que nunca te presionaría a algo para lo que no estás preparado?" Gregory preguntó
suavemente acariciando la piel detrás de la oreja de Harry.
"Lo sé, eso no es lo que me asusta. Supongo que ya me siento tan fuertemente por ti y reacciono tan
fácilmente ante ti, me preocupa lo que sentiré por ti tres semanas, tres meses más adelante, y eso ...
"Harry bajó la cabeza, no quería decirlo en voz alta, sonaba tan infantil y tonto.
"Harry, no te quedarás siendo el único que siente tanto", dijo Gregory, claramente logrando adivinar
las palabras que Harry no había querido decir. Y no parecía divertido, en todo caso sonaba
aliviado. "Harry, cada vez que te veo logras atraerme aún más. Me juré a mí mismo que nunca me
abriría al dolor de enviar otro contrato, había decidido que no era una de esas personas bendecidas
tener un verdadero amor en su vida. Y luego entraste a nuestro comedor y lograste destrozar cada
una de las paredes que había levantado para protegerme con una mirada y un sonrojo ", se rió
Gregory sacudiendo la cabeza cuando Harry se levantó de par en par. Echó un vistazo para mirarlo.
"Gregory ..."
"Eres algo completamente diferente, Harry Potter, y aunque sabía que había una buena posibilidad
de que fuera rechazado, no pude evitar enviar la oferta de cortejo, porque me dolería más no haberlo
hecho y preguntarme. No somos los únicos que temen lo rápido que se desarrollan sus sentimientos
y ser el único ", Gregory le sonrió cálidamente.
"Eres como el sol", suspiró Harry dejando caer la cabeza sobre el hombro de Gregory y cerrando los
ojos mientras su aroma lo rodeaba.
"¿Lo siento?" Gregory no estaba exactamente seguro de dónde había salido eso.
"Eres como el sol. Prácticamente brillas cada vez que sonríes y estás dorado, cada vez que estoy
contigo me siento un poco más cálido, expulsas el frío que ni siquiera me di cuenta de que había
caído. Eres tan intenso, tan poderoso y fuerte, y me preocupa que si me acerco demasiado me
quemarás, pero cuando no estemos juntos solo quiero verte de nuevo para estar cerca de ti y
disfrutar del calor que das "Admitió Harry, su sonrojo regresó pero no le importó, se sintió bien
decir las cosas que habían estado en su mente desde el primer día que realmente conoció a Gregory.
"En cualquier momento", prometió Gregory. Harry volvió a mirar el paisaje, esta vez desde los
brazos de Gregory, sintiendo su cuerpo contra él en lugar de tener la distracción de mirarlo.
"¿Maestro Gregory?", La voz de Aetos llamó desde algún lugar cercano pero sin entrometerse,
haciendo que Gregory gimiera de mala gana.
"Continúa, voy a llenar nuestras gafas", sonrió Harry girando ligeramente la cabeza para
besarlo. Gregory agarró su barbilla con la mano presionada más profundamente en el beso, usando
su agarre para inclinar la cabeza de Harry en un mejor ángulo, su lengua deslizándose para burlarse
de la de Harry hasta que cuando se retiró, ambos estaban sin aliento y Harry parecía más que un
poco aturdido.
"Ya vuelvo", prometió besar a Harry suavemente antes de desenroscarse y ponerse de pie. Harry se
giró y buscó en el refrigerador donde se guardaba el vino a la temperatura exacta, según Gregory, a
través de hechizos de enfriamiento, pero se congeló cuando extendió la mirada cuando sus ojos
vieron algo en la espalda de Gregory que causó una reacción extremadamente interesante.
Cuando Gregory regresó más de cinco minutos después, fue para encontrar a Harry sentado
mirando fijamente sobre las barandillas, con su vaso tapado en la mano y con un sonrojo para
rivalizar con lo rojo que había estado antes. Cuando Harry saltó y se dio la vuelta buscando
culpabilidad al escuchar los pasos de Gregory, Gregory comenzó a preocuparse un poco.
"¿Harry? ¿Estás bien?" Preguntó lentamente escaneando la cara de Harry.
"Sí", Harry se ahogó rápidamente antes de respirar. "Lo siento, es solo que ... cuando te levantaste
para irte noté algo"
"¿Si?" Gregory frunció el ceño preguntándose qué había notado Harry, su mente examinando
numerosas opciones. Seguramente Aetos lo habría advertido si tuviera algo pegado a la espalda.
"¿Tienes un tatuaje?" Harry salió corriendo dejando a Gregory para ponerse al día antes de sonreír,
solo sonriendo más cuando Harry lo miró adorablemente.
"Sí, ¿te gustaría mirar más de cerca?" Gregory preguntó.
"¡No lo digas así!" Harry gimió tirando una almohada al pecho de Gregory cuando sintió que su
cara estaba en llamas.
"Pido disculpas", se rió Gregory sonando muy poco arrepentido. Se acercó y reemplazó la almohada
que había cogido antes de acostarse sobre su frente, permitiendo que los ojos de Harry dibujaran su
trasero musculoso y esculpido, el cual sus troncos cumplían con cada uno de sus piernas definidas y
musculosas antes de volver a levantarse. Honestamente, el hombre era una obra de arte, y Harry
tenía toda la intención de asegurarse de que fuera suyo y solo suyo.
Pero en este momento, sus ojos estaban enfocados en la parte superior de un diseño en negro que
podía ver asomándose sobre la parte superior de los troncos de Gregory en el lado derecho de su
espalda baja.
"Puedes tocar", le dijo Gregory girando la cabeza para poder mirar a Harry mientras descansaba
sobre sus brazos cruzados.
"Si das permiso para hacerlo, podrías arrepentirte", murmuró Harry haciendo reír a Gregory.
"Dudo mucho que presentaré cargos de abuso sexual contra usted", Gregory sacudió la
cabeza. "Tienes permiso para tocarme cuando y como quieras"
"Te lo digo, te arrepentirás de eso", se rió Harry antes de unir su confianza de Gryffindor,
arrodillándose, rozó un beso a lo largo de los omóplatos de Gregory y bajó la espalda, escuchando
sus respiraciones y suaves gemidos. El ligero sabor de la sal en el sudor de Gregory solo elevó los
sentidos de Harry y no pudo evitar mover su lengua sobre la piel marcada con tinta a la que había
estado apuntando antes de levantar la cabeza.
Lenta y repentinamente, ridículamente, sintiéndose un poco tímido, Harry enganchó la cintura de
los baúles de Gregory y los bajó lo suficiente como para revelar su tatuaje.
"¿Un aguila?" Harry preguntó, pasando su dedo sobre el hermoso y detallado trabajo.
"Cuando era un niño y un adolescente, no importaba cuánto lo intentara la madre, siempre se
esperaba que tuviéramos un cierto estándar de comportamiento, siempre esperábamos lograr los
mejores resultados en todo, siempre teníamos que ser inmaculados. Ir a Hogwarts no era Era el
escape que esperaba que fuera, en lugar de eso tuve que usar el acto cada vez que estaba a la vista
pública de alguien de mi casa en caso de que se corriera la voz con mi padre. Pensé después de que
tuvimos una lección sobre las transformaciones animgus que si pudiera ser cualquier animal, sería
un águila, son libres de volar alrededor del cielo como y donde lo deseen, y son lo suficientemente
feroces como para protegerse y proteger a sus seres queridos. Cuando logramos escapar, hice esto
como una señal de mi libertad, y de asegurar que no importa cuán lejos estuviéramos, nunca
permitiría que Lucius se parezca a nuestro padre ", explicó Gregory.
"Gracias por decirme eso", dijo Harry suavemente presionando otro beso al águila. "Realmente me
gusta, te queda bien"
"¿Nunca piensas en hacer algo tú mismo?" Gregory preguntó tirando de Harry sobre los cojines y
girando sobre su costado para que pudieran mirarse el uno al otro.
"Lo he considerado sí, simplemente no puedo decidir qué quiero hacer. Bill había prometido
llevarme al lugar donde se hizo el tatuaje cuando lo decida", sonrió Harry.
"¿Estás muy cerca de él, sí?" Gregory dijo con algo en el tono de su voz que hizo que Harry lo
"¿Estás celoso?" Él sonrió divertido.
"No ... no celoso solo ..." Gregory frunció el ceño y Harry se rió y lo sacó de su miseria.
"Bill es completamente heterosexual, y como un hermano mayor para mí. Me enamoré brevemente
de él cuando lo conocí, pero eso es todo. Además, ni siquiera quiero imaginar lo que Fleur le haría a
cualquiera que se hubiera imaginado tener amorío con Bill ", se rió, acercándose para besar a
Gregory. "Nunca te engañaré,"
"Nunca digas nunca", Gregory sonrió con tristeza antes de comenzar cuando las manos de Harry se
aferraron a su rostro con fuerza.
"Nunca", dijo con firmeza. Gregory examinó su rostro con atención antes de sonreír suavemente e
inclinarse hacia adelante para besar a Harry nuevamente, no era una aceptación de las palabras de
Harry, pero lo haría por ahora.

Durante las siguientes dos horas simplemente permanecieron acostados, a veces en silencio, pero la
mayoría de las veces hablando de varias cosas mientras tomaban el sol, miraban el mar o se miraban
el uno al otro. Harry descubrió que la canasta contenía su almuerzo, una ensalada griega con queso
y un delicioso aderezo, un plato de pasta con queso, trozos de pollo que comieron con los dedos y
una deliciosa mousse de chocolate para terminar.
Harry estaba recostado sobre su frente con la cabeza apoyada en sus brazos y se volvió hacia
Gregory, donde estaba acostado boca arriba, con los ojos cerrados mientras tomaba el sol después
de su comida. Harry estaba tratando de explicar varias cosas del mundo muggle que tenía la
intención de tratar de que no le hubieran permitido o malcriado en su infancia, incluidos los parques
de atracciones, el zoológico, los cines y cosas por el estilo.
"Creo que me gustaría ir a ver esta película ... suena muy interesante", dijo Gregory
pensativamente. Harry parpadeó una vez antes de estallar en carcajadas, la mirada apagada en el
rostro de Gregory no ayudaba en nada.
"Lo siento, acabo de tener esta imagen de llevarte a ti y a toda tu familia a un cine muggle, todos
ustedes sentados allí con sus trajes y vestidos que probablemente costaron más que la mayoría de
los muggles en el teatro en un mes, "Harry secó una lágrima y presionó sus labios contra el bíceps
de Gregory en disculpa. Gregory simplemente resopló luciendo un poco divertido ante la imagen
que Harry había pintado.
"Sí, bueno, ¿quizás los dos podríamos ir a una de nuestras citas?" Gregory sugirió.
"¿Vendrías conmigo?" Harry sonrió "¿Al mundo muggle?"
"Confío en que me guíes bien, será una experiencia nueva e interesante para mí. Además, esta idea
de cine suena muy interesante. Y es algo que quieres hacer", se encogió de hombros
Gregory. Parpadeó ante la sonrisa casi cegadora que recibió a cambio, pero no obstante parecía
satisfecho de sí mismo por claramente hacer feliz a Harry.
"Es un trato", asintió Harry.

"Eso fue increíble", suspiró Harry contento, sintiéndose perezoso y cansado a pesar de haberse
acostado todo el día mientras él y Gregory regresaban al puerto junto a Aetos, que sonreía entre
"Me alegra que lo hayas disfrutado", sonrió Gregory rozando un beso en la nuca de Harry antes de
extender su mano hacia Aetos. "Gracias mi amigo,"
"El maestro Gregory me permite usar su bote cuando sea, sacarlo a él y a su compañero no es un
problema", Aetos sacudió la cabeza con aire divertido mientras lo sacudía.
"Fue un placer conocerte, gracias", sonrió Harry sacudiendo la mano del hombre cuando se la
"Tú también joven Maestro, buena suerte a los dos", Aetos asintió con la cabeza antes de volver a
subir al bote.
"No creo que haya disfrutado estar allí tanto como hoy", sonrió Gregory envolviendo su brazo
alrededor de la cintura de Harry mientras avanzaban lentamente por el puerto hasta el puerto. El sol
poniente iluminaba la piedra blanca en hermosos colores.
"Creo que es uno de los días más increíbles que he tenido", se rió Harry sacudiendo la cabeza.
"Ahora es bueno escucharlo", sonrió Gregory girándose repentinamente para estar frente a Harry y
lo atrajo hacia su pecho para poder besarlo. "No puedo tener suficiente de ti", admitió suavemente.
"No quiero que tengas suficiente de mí", Harry sonrió contra sus labios, agarrando su túnica abierta.
"¿De Verdad?" Gregory sonrió de lado.
"Uh huh, porque entonces volverás por más", sonrió Harry, sellando sus labios nuevamente y
ahogándose en el aroma, el sabor y la sensación de Gregory. Nunca tendría suficiente de este
hombre. Nunca.
Capitulo 9
"Harry, querido", Harry contuvo el aliento mientras Molly Weasley se apresuraba hacia él a través
de los trabajadores. Afortunadamente, aquellos con los que trabajó con más frecuencia y con los
que se le asignaron áreas eran una mezcla de miembros de la Orden y miembros de DA, por lo que
al menos sabía que todo lo que estaba a punto de explotar se mantendría en silencio, sin embargo,
eso significaba que actualmente le disparaban con simpatía. Parece que sabían de una forma u otra
que había estado evitando a las mujeres Weasley.
"Sra. Weasley", Harry sonrió con fuerza limpiándose la frente. No necesitaba hacer esto ahora,
había estado trabajando durante casi cuatro horas para ayudar a reconstruir el muro hacia el patio
interior del castillo, era el que él, Hermione y Ron habían caminado en su segundo año discutiendo
quién podría ser el heredero de Slytherin después de su lección de Transfiguración.
"Harry, querido, no has estado en la Madriguera por un tiempo", Molly sonrió cuando lo alcanzó.
"Lo siento, las cosas han estado ocupadas últimamente. Y me he estado acomodando en lo de
Andrómeda", Harry agradecido captó la copa de agua que flotaba a su alrededor cuando pasó junto
a él y la drenó con sed.
"Fuiste más que bienvenido a quedarte en la Madriguera querida, ¡deberías estar con tu familia
ahora mismo!" Ella sonrió aún más brillante, haciendo que Harry se preguntara si sus mejillas aún
le dolían.
"Estoy con la familia, Remus y Teddy son mi familia, Tonks y Andrómeda se están convirtiendo
rápidamente en familia también. Además, la Madriguera está lo suficientemente ocupada en este
momento sin que me necesites allí", dijo Harry suavemente pero bruscamente.
"No tiene sentido, aún puedes mudarte, podríamos recoger tus cosas y ..."
"Señora Weasley, estoy feliz de estar en Andromeda's", interrumpió Harry.
"¡No habrías dicho esto antes de empezar ... pasar el rato con ese hombre Malfoy! Quiero decir,
¡tener una comida con Malfoy realmente Harry!" La señora Weasley se encendió. Harry luchó para
no poner los ojos en blanco. La imagen de él y los demás con los Malfoy almorzando había estado
en los periódicos el día después de su comida, completa con otra bonita imagen incriminatoria de
Gregory con su brazo alrededor de la silla de Harry y muchas teorías sobre lo que estaba
sucediendo. Ron había pasado la última semana y media viviendo con los padres de Hermione con
ella después de que la Sra. Weasley había comenzado una discusión con ellos después de que salió
el periódico.
"No, probablemente no lo hubiera hecho porque todavía no me había acostumbrado por completo a
la idea de decir lo que quería y no solo de que todo el mundo me pidiera lo que querían o pensaban
que era lo mejor para mí. Pero eso es hora, no Gregory. Y en cuanto a tener una comida con los
Malfoy, ya que Gregory me está cortejando, creo que almorzar con ellos es lo menos que haré. Fue
realmente muy agradable, Marcus Malfoy, el abuelo de Gregory tiene la mejores historias para
contar, "Harry sabía que estaba siendo descortés al respecto, pero había recibido suficientes cartas
sobre su relación.
"¿Cortejar? ¡No! ¡No! No lo harías", se atragantó la señora Weasley, los demás a su alrededor
habían cedido fingiendo no escuchar y ahora estaban boquiabiertos.
"Sí cortejando, ¿y por qué no lo haría?" Harry preguntó con calma.
"¡No eres gay!" El tono de la Sra. Weasley se estaba elevando lo suficientemente alto como para
que si todos no hubieran estado escuchando, lo estarían haciendo de todos modos.
"Puedo asegurarte que lo estoy", se encogió de hombros.
"¡Pero no!" La señora Weasley sacudió la cabeza.
"Me temo que es verdad, y Gregory me está cortejando", se encogió de hombros Harry. "Y estoy
increíblemente feliz", agregó bruscamente.
"Entonces es verdad, Harry, ¿estás siendo cortejado por Gregory Malfoy?" Seamus preguntó
emocionado apresurándose. Harry sacudió la cabeza ligeramente divertido, Seamus siempre había
sido el chismoso en su dormitorio, manteniéndolos al tanto de la política, los asuntos y las
relaciones de la escuela y su año específicamente. Aunque Harry estaba feliz de decir que después
de los eventos del quinto año, Seamus tenía menos probabilidades de creer de inmediato lo que se
publicó sobre Harry en los periódicos, acudiendo a él para su confirmación.
"Sí, es verdad", Harry sonrió al pensar en el hombre que ahora rara vez salía de sus pensamientos.
"Solo he visto fotos de él aquí y allá, y lo vi en uno de los bailes, pero realmente no parece hablar
con los demás. ¿Cómo es él?" Seamus preguntó con entusiasmo. La Sra. Weasley farfulló un poco
cuando fue empujada hacia un lado mientras Parvarti, Susan, Ernie, Justin, Michael, Dean, Katie y
Angelina se apresuraron a rodearlo para escuchar lo mejor que podían decir. Neville se acercó con
la mano de Luna en su mirada tan divertida como Harry ante las reacciones de sus amigos.
"Bueno, es increíblemente privado, realmente no le gusta la fama que viene con el nombre Malfoy,
a pesar de que él y su familia están tratando de corregir los errores que se han cometido en su
nombre. Él ama mucho a su familia, es increíblemente leal a ellos y creo que realmente haría
cualquier cosa por ellos. Es un oyente increíble y siempre parece saber qué decir o cuándo necesito
escuchar algo. Es inteligente y de mente rápida, y sabe cómo bromear y reírse Él es muy romántico
también, nuestra primera cita me llevó al restaurante de su amigo y se aseguró de que fuéramos
completamente privados, su amigo nos atendió él mismo, y simplemente pasamos la noche cenando
y hablando. Y ayer me llevó a Grecia y hacia el mar en su bote, con vino blanco y una comida
griega para almorzar, solo nosotros dos sentados en la terraza hablando, o simplemente sentados
juntos al sol ", Harry se sonrojó al darse cuenta de que había estado brotando. La Sra. Weasley
parecía que se hubiera tragado un limonero, las chicas y Seamus y Ernie estaban colgando cada una
de sus palabras y parecía que iban a desmayarse cómicamente.
"¡Oh, suena increíble Harry!" Angelina chilló abrazándolo con fuerza de repente. "¡Estoy tan feliz
por ti!"
"¿Y por las fotos se arriesgó a conocer a Remus, Ron, Hermione y Neville?" Justin sonrió
empujando a Neville en broma.
"Y conoció a Andrómeda, Bill, George, Fred y Teddy", asintió Harry.
"Espera, ¿qué te envió con tus flores?" Susan preguntó. Harry había aprendido que era grosero
preguntar qué flores habían sido enviadas, pero el presente parecía un juego justo. Sacando su
collar, permitió que Katie tomara el pentáculo y pasara un dedo sobre él mientras los demás se
apiñaban para verlo.
"Oh, eso es hermoso Harry, y tan perfecto para ti", se rió Parvarti.
"¡Ignoraré esa segunda parte, señorita Patil!" Harry se sorbió la nariz.
"¡Para esto!" El grito de la señora Weasley los hizo girar a todos para mirarla un poco incrédulo y
preocupado, los otros se movieron un poco para bloquear a Harry de la vista directa de ella.
"Creo que deberías irte ahora", Ernie la miró con el ceño fruncido, cruzando los brazos ligeramente,
dejándolos lo suficientemente sueltos como para poder alcanzar su varita rápidamente si era
necesario, Harry lo notó con una pequeña chispa de orgullo.
"¿Con quién crees que estás hablando? Necesitas más respeto. ¡Esto es entre Harry y yo!" La señora
Weasley se levantó con una mirada fulminante.
"En realidad, cuando intentas arruinar la felicidad que Harry finalmente ha conseguido y más de lo
que merece nos involucra a todos", la voz profunda hizo que todos miraran a la derecha para ver
que una figura familiar se había acercado mientras estaban distraídos. Una sonrisa cruzó la cara de
Harry y se estaba moviendo con tres de los otros en un segundo. "¡Ouch! ¡Vamos chicos!"
"¡Te tomaste tu tiempo feliz, te esperábamos hace semanas!" Katie lo fulminó con la mirada
mientras se movía un poco de la pila de cuerpos para poder dirigirlo adecuadamente.
"Oye, pasé de una batalla a ayudar a ganar la final para mi equipo, dame un pequeño descanso,
¿quieres?" Oliver se rio.
"Es bueno verte", sonrió Harry, bajando la mano para ayudar a Oliver a ponerse de pie y darle otro
"Es bueno verte también, y volver para escuchar que finalmente has permitido que alguien te quite
los pies", Oliver sonrió hacia atrás revolviendo el cabello de Harry y riéndose del familiar graznido
de protesta.
"No diría que me levante de mis pies", se rió Harry mientras intentaba peinar su cabello en algún
tipo de orden.
"Ah sí, que sigan persiguiéndote, te enseñamos bien", Oliver asintió sabiamente.
"Ah cállate!" Harry gimió, sus mejillas se pusieron rojas. "¡No me torturaste lo suficiente cuando
era más joven!"
"Nunca", corearon Oliver, Katie, Angelina y Alicia después de mirarse.
"Me rindo", suspiró Harry.
"¡Suficiente!" La Sra. Weasley intervino nuevamente esta vez, dando un fuerte golpe en el
pie. Seamus comenzó a mirar como si estuviera estreñido mientras intentaba desesperadamente no
reírse, mientras Harry estaba parpadeando un poco aturdido.
"Te dijeron que habías dicho lo suficiente. No tienes nada más que decir que Harry necesita
escuchar", dijo Neville en voz baja.
"¡Perteneces con Ginny!" La señora Weasley gritó claramente furiosa por ahora.
"No pertenezco a nadie. Quiero a Gregory," Harry frunció el ceño. Las palabras de Andrómeda
daban vueltas en su cabeza, necesitaba pensarlo un poco más.
"¡Si!" el grupo alrededor de Harry coro.
"Molly, creo que es hora de que te vayas, ya has hecho una escena suficiente", los agudos tonos
escoceses de la directora McGonagall se los llevaron mientras avanzaba hacia ellos, la leve cojera
que había ganado de uno de sus duelos de The Last Battle no hace nada para que se vea menos
intimidante y elegante.
"Minerva seguramente estás de acuerdo conmigo, ¡un Malfoy!" La señora Weasley farfulló.
"No creo que el señor Gregory Malfoy estuviera cerca de la guerra. Y Harry demostró que Lucius y
su familia estaban involucrados en el miedo por la vida del otro. Creo que muestra el corazón y la
amabilidad de Harry de que le está dando una oportunidad a Gregory cuando la mayoría lo haría".
sobre él, busca su nombre ", dijo Minerva bruscamente cuando se detuvo junto a Harry, poniendo su
mano sobre su hombro y apretándola suavemente.
"¡Esto es ridículo! ¡Harry, necesitas sacar esto de tu sistema ahora mismo! No te presionamos para
que volvieras con Ginny, sabíamos que necesitabas y poco tiempo, pero esto es suficiente. Tú y
Ginny se unen, y estarán juntos. Sé que estás desesperado por el afecto de cualquiera que te lo dé,
pero esto te está sacando de quicio ... "Harry no estaba exactamente seguro de quién logró
golpearla, pero el fuerte estallido resonó por el patio y Minerva, Oliver, Angelina, Seamus, Dean y
Neville sacaron sus varitas y señalaron dónde había estado parada. Siendo la palabra clave, la Sra.
Weasley había volado por el aire y hacia la pared frente a ellos cayendo al suelo con la mirada
"Acabo de reconstruir ese trozo de pared", suspiró Luna un poco triste al ver la ligera curva de las
piedras donde la Sra. Weasley había golpeado.
"Sra. Bones, ¿podría llevar a la Sra. Weasley al ala del hospital, decirle a Madame Pomphrey que
sucedió trigo e informarle que quiero que traiga un curandero de San Mungo antes de que sea
liberada", Minerva olisqueó guardando su varita y quitando la pelusa invisible del falda de su
"Por supuesto directora", Susan sonrió dulcemente antes de apresurarse, aplicando un hechizo
impresionante antes de dejar a la señora Weasley.
"¿Estás bien Harry?" Preguntó Neville suavemente poniendo su mano sobre el hombro libre de
"¿Eso es lo que la gente piensa? ¿Que estoy tan desesperado por que alguien me ame que
simplemente me arroje a alguien? ¿Que acepte el cortejo de Gregory porque él se lo ofreció?" Harry
frunció el ceño.
"Merlín no Harry. Incluso si lo que alguien más que tus amigos pensaran importara, solo necesitan
verlos a los dos juntos durante cinco minutos para saber que realmente te gusta Gregory y
viceversa", Neville sacudió la cabeza.
"Aquellos que se preocupan por ti saben que no jugarías con el corazón de alguien así, y que no
aceptarías el cortejo de alguien por quien realmente no tenías sentimientos. Además de eso, no
necesitas una relación para ser amado "Minerva dijo suavemente.
"Tiene razón Harry. No escuches a esa vieja bruja," dijo Seamus. "Lo siento Profesor ... Directora ...
lo siento", Seamus sonrió tímidamente ante la mirada que le dispararon.
"Sin embargo, dijo crudamente que Seamus tiene razón. Ella quiere que Ginny se case con tu
nombre, tu fama, para tener eso para su familia. No te preocupes por eso", sonrió Oliver.
"Vamos, todavía tenemos trabajo que hacer", sonrió Harry.
"Sí, Maestro, por supuesto Maestro", Seamus se inclinó dramáticamente corriendo hacia atrás.
"¡Deja de ser una reina del drama!" Harry bufó una carcajada.
"Todos están haciendo un trabajo maravilloso aquí", Minerva miró alrededor del patio con
"Deberíamos haber terminado para septiembre con la mayor parte", asintió Neville mirando a su
alrededor también.
"Todos ustedes están trabajando muy duro", Minerva les sonrió cuando los otros comenzaron a
filtrarse de regreso a donde habían estado trabajando.
"Gracias a Merlín por la magia o todo habría tardado años en volver a ponerse", dijo Harry mirando
al muro destruido que se estaba reformando lentamente.
"Las empresas de construcción y los trabajadores se vuelven locos evaluando qué necesidades se
hacen, reparando lo que los aficionados no pueden y estableciendo lo que se ha hecho. No creo que
estén durmiendo mucho", asintió Minerva. Había un grupo de ellos corriendo por Hogwarts
tratando desesperadamente de preparar la escuela para septiembre junto con todos los voluntarios.
"Vamos, puedes ayudarme en mi sección", Harry agarró la mano de Oliver y lo arrastró hacia la
pared en la que había estado trabajando. "Todavía es un poco inestable, así que la mitad debe
hacerse a mano, la mitad por arte de magia. En este momento estamos usando hechizos fuertes hasta
que los chicos de la construcción puedan repasarlo con los hechizos correctos", explicó Harry
mientras colocaba otra piedra en su lugar. .
"Entonces, ¿Gregory Malfoy?" Oliver sonrió mientras seguía el ejemplo de Harry.
"Cállate", resopló Harry.

"¡Estoy en casa!" Llamó Harry entrando por la puerta principal. Había entrado dos veces y decidió
que prefería caminar hasta las puertas y volver a aparecer una vez que terminara en
Hogwarts. Flooing nunca estaría de acuerdo con él.
"¿Buen día?" Andrómeda llamó por lo que pensó que era la cocina. Se quitó las botas y gimió
cuando su cuerpo dolorido le gruñó por trabajar demasiado, había sido un día largo.
"Muy bien, la Sra. Weasley apareció en Hogwarts. Supongo que trato de mostrarme el error de mis
caminos", suspiró Harry caminando por el pasillo, levantó la vista cuando entró en la cocina y
parpadeó para ver a Gregory sentado. en la mesa. "Oye,"
"Hola", Gregory le sonrió haciendo que la tensión en él se relajara desde que la señora Weasley
apareció. Cuando cruzó la habitación hacia Gregory, miró a Andrómeda, que estaba en el mostrador
mirando deliberadamente la tetera para permitirles algo de privacidad.
"Estoy sudado", advirtió Harry a Gregory cuando extendió la mano y tiró de Harry más cerca de su
forma sentada.
"No me importa", Gregory se encogió de hombros dando un tirón más fuerte y sonriendo cuando
Harry terminó sentado en su regazo. Riendo, Harry se inclinó hacia adelante presionando sus labios
contra los de Gregory y sumergiéndose en el cálido beso que le dieron, los brazos de Gregory se
enrollaron alrededor de su cintura y lo empujaron más cerca para que se apretaran completamente el
uno contra el otro, dando un pequeño tirón para que Harry descansara todo su peso sobre él.
Harry sonrió contra los labios de Gregory hundiéndose completamente en el beso y dejando que sus
ojos se cerraran mientras absorbía la sensación de estar en los brazos de Gregory, su beso suave y
cálido que empapaba a Harry, el suave roce y el movimiento de la lengua de Gregory contra sus
labios. antes de deslizarse lánguidamente en la boca de Harry cuando la abrió, haciéndolo
acomodarse en el cálido resplandor que estaba sintiendo.
Cuando se separaron, Harry le sonrió un poco tontamente a Gregory, quien simplemente le devolvió
la sonrisa, la risita de Andrómeda les devolvió la atención al hecho de que ella estaba en la
habitación y se volvieron para encontrarla sentada al otro lado de la mesa, cuatro tazas de té.
sentada allí y ella parecía divertida. Gruñendo un poco para sí mismo, Harry dejó caer la cabeza
sobre el hombro de Gregory y simplemente se acurrucó contra él, sintió el shock de Gregory en la
quietud de su cuerpo por un segundo antes de que sus brazos se apretaran a su alrededor.
"Te esfuerzas demasiado Harry", Andrómeda se puso de pie y se dirigió al refrigerador para sacar
un tazón de uvas, colocándolo sobre la mesa frente a Harry, quien le sonrió agradecido. Desde que
ella descubrió su debilidad por las uvas, las había almacenado en el refrigerador desde entonces.
"Queríamos terminar el patio hoy, los muchachos de la construcción tienen que estar en Diagon
mañana, así que necesitábamos hacerlo. Oliver finalmente llegó, así que tuvimos un par de manos
extra", bostezó Harry.
"¿Oliver? ¿El viejo capitán de tu equipo?" Andrómeda preguntó mientras Harry se levantaba para
tomar un sorbo de su té, haciendo un movimiento para salir del regazo de Gregory ahora que estaba
"Sí, está de regreso en el país después de su partido", Harry sonrió feliz, sonriendo un poco y
mirando a Gregory cuando lo apretó un poco más alrededor de su cintura. Al mirar a los ojos azules
del mar, notó el color ligeramente más oscuro en ellos mientras Gregory luchaba con el ceño
fruncido para mantener su rostro neutral. "Oliver es uno de mis amigos más antiguos, él y los
gemelos me cuidaron después de que me uní al equipo de Gryffindor", explicó Harry acariciando
con el dedo la frente de Gregory.
"Tendrás que perdonarlo, los de Malfoy son lamentablemente posesivos y celosos por igual de
aquellos a quienes aman y cuidan", la voz de Marcus hizo que Harry mirara por encima del hombro
para ver al viejo caminando hacia la cocina y sentándose junto a Andrómeda. otro lado de la mesa.
"Lo había adivinado. Hola Marcus", Harry sonrió al anciano sin hacer ningún movimiento para
levantarse cuando Gregory no mostró señales de querer hacerlo.
"Hola Harry, cuando Gregory dijo que vendría a verte pensé que iba a acompañarte, espero que no
te moleste, ya no tengo mucho llamado para salidas sociales agradables", explicó Marcus.
"Por supuesto que no me importa, es bueno verte de nuevo", dijo Harry con sinceridad. Le gustaba
el Malfoy mayor, dijo lo que pensaba y tenía un sentido del humor divertido y era interesante
escucharlo. Y si bien respetaba el poder, no discriminaba de dónde provenía, estaba claramente
impresionado con Hermione.
"Oh, eres dulce querida. Quería preguntarte cómo te va después de los periódicos", preguntó
Marcus preocupado. Harry parpadeó entre él y Gregory cuando Gregory se tensó debajo de él. El
cansancio del día hizo que sus pensamientos trabajaran lentamente y no podía entender cuál era el
"Estoy bien. La Sra. Weasley apareció hoy pero fue manejada", frunció el ceño mirando entre
Marcus y Gregory, automáticamente descansando su mano sobre el hombro de Gregory, frotando su
pulgar en círculos suaves sobre su cuello.
"No estábamos seguros de si estabas listo para que tu cortejo se hiciera público", dijo Marcus al ver
la confusión en los ojos de Harry. Suspirando, Harry se giró para mirar a Gregory, quien mientras se
veía tranquilo tenía preocupación en sus ojos azules, preocupación que rápidamente se convirtió en
sorpresa cuando Harry golpeó la parte posterior de su cabeza lo suficientemente fuerte como para
sentirlo. Ignorando a Andrómeda tratando de ocultar su sonrisa detrás de su taza de té y Marcus los
miraba completamente atónito.
Harry, sin embargo, estaba concentrado en Gregory, que lo miraba completamente
aturdido. Resopló molesto antes de dejar caer la cabeza sobre el hombro de Gregory y acurrucarse
de nuevo en él, cerrando los ojos con cansancio.
"¿Para que era eso?" Gregory preguntó un poco indignado después de un minuto cuando Harry no
dijo nada.
"Porque eres un idiota", dijo Harry sin moverse una pulgada. Podía escuchar a Andrómeda riéndose
"¿Por qué exactamente soy un idiota?" Gregory preguntó.
"Si no quisiera que la gente supiera que me estás cortejando, no habría salido en público contigo y
tu familia, y si no quisiera que la gente supiera que me estás cortejando , nunca habría aceptado tu
oferta ", resopló Harry antes de presionar su nariz contra el cuello de Gregory después de otro
"Es posible que hayas querido mantener las cosas en silencio por un tiempo", dijo Gregory un poco
a la defensiva, aunque sus brazos se apretaron alrededor de Harry.
"No habría salido contigo en público", repitió Harry. "No eres un secreto sucio Gregory"
"Muy bien, punto tomado", sonrió Gregory besando la sien de Harry.
"Mm, bueno ... me voy a dormir ahora", bostezó Harry apretando los brazos de Gregory y
"Tomaré eso mientras te quedas a cenar", Andrómeda se rió mientras Gregory miraba a Harry
sorprendido, pero por su expresión dejó en claro que no se estaba moviendo.
"¿No habrá problemas?" Marcus preguntó preocupado.
"Por supuesto que no. Tonks estará trabajando hasta tarde esta noche, Remus estará en casa, sin
embargo. Ambos son más que bienvenidos", Andromeda les indicó que se fueran.
"Creo que a Harry le gustaría pasar un tiempo contigo, consciente, especialmente si Molly Weasley
se presenta", Andrómeda frunció el ceño un poco.
"Pensé que se preocupaba por Harry, el hombre Weasley más joven definitivamente lo apoyó",
frunció el ceño Marcus.
"Todos los niños varones lo apoyan a él y a Gregory a excepción de Percy. Molly Weasley quiere
que Harry se case con Ginny, y esa chica está obsesionada con él. Ella quiere ser la próxima señora
Potter, Molly quiere a Harry en su familia. Ella se preocupa por él, pero a ella le importa más
conectarse con él, con su dinero y con el conocimiento de que si se convierte en su yerno, se
asegurará de que ella y Arthur vivan cómodos hasta el final de sus días sin querer nada ", suspiró
Andromeda sacudiéndola. cabeza.
"¿Y ella lo enfrentó en Hogwarts hoy?" Gregory frunció el ceño.
"Llamaré a Neville y le preguntaré qué pasó", Andrómeda asintió con la cabeza y se dirigió hacia la
chimenea, sin embargo, antes de que pudiera, el fuego ardió en verde y salió la alta figura del
Ministro de Magia interino. Sus ojos recorrieron rápidamente los dos Malfoy, Andrómeda a mitad
de camino a través de la cocina y Harry se acurrucó en el regazo de Gregory.
"Deberías estar advertido, Harry es tan malo como un gatito o un cachorro por tu reputación", se rió
"Kingsley, siéntate, ¿té? Harry no ha maldecido a más periodistas, ¿verdad? No dijo nada al
respecto y no estaba refunfuñando sobre ellos", preguntó Andromeda preocupado.
"Si tienes jugo, preferiría eso en realidad", preguntó Kingsley cortésmente. "Y no, él no ha atacado
a más reporteros, gracias a Merlín. En realidad, recibí una llamada de San Mungo diciéndome que
la directora McGonagall había solicitado un curandero mental para Molly Weasley después de que
ella atacó verbalmente a Harry", Kingsley levantó las cejas aceptando el vaso de Andrómeda.
"¿Atacado verbalmente?" Gregory gruñó antes de frotar su mano sobre la espalda de Harry cuando
se movió y murmuró en sus brazos.
"Sí, aunque los amigos de Harry hicieron un buen trabajo defendiéndolo, ella todavía está
inconsciente y fue trasladada a San Mungo mientras intentan deshacerle los maleficios", le sonrió
"¿Sabes lo que se dijo Minster?" Marcus preguntó preocupado. Suspirando, Kingsley asintió y los
contó en el intercambio.
"¡No puedo creer que ella le haya dicho esas cosas a Harry! ¡Espera hasta que tenga mis manos
sobre ella, ella verá exactamente qué tan peligroso puede ser un negro defendiendo a su
familia!" Andrómeda siseó.
"Voy a fingir que no escuché eso", dijo Kingsley amablemente. "Llamé a los chicos Weasley y les
conté lo que sucedió, todos estaban furiosos por decir lo menos", agregó Kingsley con una mueca.
"Ronald ya se mudó a la casa de los padres de Hermione para estar lejos de ella", Andrómeda
sacudió la cabeza. "Y Arthur simplemente sigue ciegamente todo lo que dice o hace"
"Arthur es un buen hombre y luchará por lo que es correcto, excepto cuando se trata de luchar
contra su propia esposa", frunció el ceño Kingsley.
"Escuché que lo que sucedió en Hogwarts es Harry casi ..." Remus se detuvo en la puerta antes de
sonreír ante la vista que lo saludó. "Se ve bien"
"Se ha cansado de trabajar de nuevo", dijo Andrómeda mirando con cariño la melena oscura.
"Todos están trabajando muy duro en el castillo", asintió Kingsley.
"Minerva dice que los DA están todos allí casi todos los días, con la excepción de que se toman los
días libres cuando los necesitan en otro lugar o para tomar un descanso", se rió Remus, tomando
asiento en la mesa y quitándose la túnica polvorienta.
"¿El da?" Preguntó Marcus.
"El Ejército de Dumbledore. Harry, Hermione y Ron lo comenzaron en su quinto año para enseñar a
ciertos estudiantes Defensa Contra las Artes Oscuras cuando Umbridge no les estaba enseñando
correctamente. Harry enseñó a los estudiantes la mayor parte del año antes de que los atraparan, lo
estaban manejando sin el conocimiento de Umbridge, por supuesto. Todos los estudiantes de Harry
obtuvieron las mejores calificaciones ese año, "Remus sonrió con orgullo.
"¿Minerva todavía le está pidiendo que tome el puesto de profesor?" Kingsley preguntó.
"Sí", respondió Gregory recibiendo miradas de sorpresa de ellos. "¿Qué? Hablamos de eso varias
veces. Él quiere tomarlo, pero siente que usará su fama ya que aún no tiene las calificaciones
"Creo que vencer a un Señor Oscuro sería más que una calificación", se rió Marcus.
"Seguimos tratando de decirle eso y mostrarle que ha demostrado que puede enseñar bien, pero que
no escucha", Andrómeda frunció el ceño.
"Al menos quiere obtener sus NEWT. Aunque creo que probablemente podría pasar un año libre sin
ninguna responsabilidad real, excepto un poco de revisión para este año después de todo lo que ha
sucedido", dijo Gregory con un poco de frialdad.
"Nosotros ... no lo habíamos pensado de esa manera. Sin embargo, Merlín deberíamos haberlo
hecho, hemos estado tratando de obligarlo a aceptar la oferta de enseñanza cuando deberíamos
haber pensado en el hecho de que podría haber necesitado un poco de tiempo para estar ", Gruñó
Remus frotando el puente de su nariz.
"Ha tenido muchas expectativas sobre él durante mucho tiempo, y ha estado trabajando para lograr
una cosa durante mucho tiempo, necesita poder disfrutar de su libertad por un tiempo. No es que
tenga que trabajar de inmediato "Gregory se encogió ligeramente de hombros asegurándose de no
despertar a Harry.
"Todos esperan más de Harry cada vez que da su todo, incluso nosotros", Kingsley sonrió con
tristeza. "Hablaré con Minerva, le diré que busque a alguien más al menos para este año y que deje
a Harry"
Gregory sonrió cuando sintió a Harry acurrucarse más cerca de él, sus manos aún apretadas
fuertemente en la tela de las túnicas de verano de Gregory mientras daba un pequeño suspiro de
contenido haciendo que Gregory se sintiera contento ante la idea de que su presencia fuera
apreciada y deseada incluso en el sueño de Harry.
Harry lentamente volvió a la conciencia, lo primero que realmente asimiló fue que, aunque estaba
agradablemente cálido y cómodo, sentía un pequeño dolor en la parte baja de la espalda y el cuello
desde el ángulo en el que dormía. El segundo fue el cálido zumbido de las voces a su alrededor y,
ocasionalmente, debajo de su oído. El tercero llegó rápidamente después del segundo en forma de
fuertes brazos que lo envolvieron con fuerza alrededor de él y una gran mano frotando su espalda
cada vez que se movía un poco, el fuerte olor picante que rápidamente había llegado a reconocer en
segundos llenó sus sentidos y dejó escapar un pequeño gemido mortificado enterrándose más
profundamente en el hombro de Gregory.
"¿Harry?", Preguntó Gregory preocupado cuando las voces a su alrededor se detuvieron.
"Me quedé dormido contigo", Harry se disculpó cuando dijo lo obvio.
"No me importó", se rió Gregory, las voces comenzaron rápidamente la conversación
nuevamente. Harry podía escuchar el gorgoteo de Teddy en el fondo también.
"Lo siento mucho, estaba muy cansada y tú estabas cómoda", murmuró Harry.
"Harry, no me importó, fue agradable poder abrazarte", Gregory mantuvo la voz baja mientras
hablaba, su mano acariciando la espalda de Harry de nuevo. Levantando la cabeza, Harry examinó
la cara de Gregory, pero no pudo ver más que la verdad allí.
"Gracias", Harry sonrió un poco presionando un beso en los labios de Gregory.
"Me acabas de hacer esperar poder dormir contigo en mis brazos", sonrió Gregory mientras las
mejillas de Harry se iluminaban, besando la piel caliente.
"Gregory", gruñó Harry girando su rostro para presionarlo contra la mejilla de Gregory.
"Lo siento, ¿demasiado adelante?" Gregory hizo una mueca de dolor.
"No, definitivamente no, pero ahora es todo en lo que pensaré cuando me vaya a la cama esta
noche", dijo Harry suavemente al oído de Gregory, sonriendo cuando los brazos de Gregory se
apretaron alrededor de él. Discutiendo discretamente un hechizo de privacidad entre ellos y los
demás, besó los pómulos de Gregory.
"Eso fue cruel", resopló Gregory.
"¿Qué? ¿No quieres que piense en estar acurrucado a tu alrededor?" Harry preguntó inocentemente
sin mover su rostro del de Gregory.
"Sabes que sí, pero ahora es todo lo que voy a pensar en una noche, y nuestra relación aún no está
lista para lo que quiero hacerte exactamente", dijo Gregory con un gruñido que envió un tiembla por
la columna de Harry.
"No estaría tan seguro de eso", dijo Harry un poco sin aliento.
"Te quiero tanto", suspiró Gregory dejando caer la cabeza sobre el hombro de Harry haciéndolo
"Estoy escuchando un pero en esa declaración", dijo Harry un poco más fuerte de lo que pretendía.
"Pero, quiero hacer esto correctamente, no quiero apurar ningún lado de nuestra relación, incluido el
lado sexual", dijo Gregory honestamente.
"¿Tiene algo que ver con confiar en mí?" Harry preguntó intentando alejarse, pero Gregory se
aferró a sus caderas.
"No, se trata de querer asegurarnos de que estamos listos y de no apresurarnos a nada. Te quiero
tanto que a veces duele, y Merlín sabe cuántas veces cuando estoy contigo desearía poder
presionarte contra el superficie plana más cercana y hacerte gritar mi nombre, pero quiero que
hagamos esto al ritmo correcto para nosotros, quiero que esto sea correcto. Por favor, no te enojes ",
dijo Gregory preocupado.
"No lo estoy. Lo siento, supongo que todavía estoy un poco nervioso al despertar", dijo Harry
tímidamente. Al ver la expresión preocupada en el rostro de Gregory, presionó un beso en sus
labios. "Honestamente, no estoy enojado o molesto contigo, solo quería saber por qué querías
esperar. Cuando estés listo, estamos listos", sonrió Harry besándolo nuevamente.
"¿Estas listo?" Gregory preguntó comenzando a fruncir el ceño.
"Pero no lo eres, y esto se trata de nosotros", Harry sacudió la cabeza presionando un beso en la
frente de Gregory.
"Esto no se trata de que no confíe en ti", dijo Gregory nuevamente escaneando la cara de Harry
"Lo sé, solo tenía que preguntarte, confío en que me estás diciendo la verdad. Además, el hecho de
que no estemos listos para el sexo no significa que en el futuro cercano no podamos dormir juntos",
sonrió Harry. devolver una sonrisa.
"Eso es cierto", asintió Gregory antes de parpadear cuando una naranja rebotó en el brazo de
Harry. Dándose la vuelta, encontraron a Andrómeda, Remus y Marcus sentados mirándolos
divertidos. Harry bajó el escudo de privacidad y miró a Remus, quien sin duda había arrojado la
"Eso parecía una conversación intensa", sonrió Remus, pero Harry notó el destello de preocupación
en sus ojos.
"Lo fue", Harry parpadeó cuando todos lo miraron expectantes, el silencio duró cinco minutos antes
de que Gregory presionara su rostro en el hombro de Harry para tratar de sofocar su risa.
"¡Oh, bien, no nos vas a decir!" Remus hizo un puchero un poco. "¿Buen sueño?" Él sonrió en su
"Muy cómodo", asintió Harry deslizándose del regazo de Gregory hacia la silla a su lado, pero dejó
las piernas apoyadas en el regazo de Gregory. De repente estaba agradecido por el hecho de que
Hermione le había enseñado los hechizos de limpieza y limpieza considerando cuánto trabajo había
hecho ese día, al menos no había olido. Gimiendo un poco, rodó el hombro al sentir el dolor allí.
"¿Estás dolorido?" Gregory frunció el ceño.
"Mucho trabajo de levantamiento hoy," Harry se encogió de hombros con una pequeña sonrisa.
"Escuchamos lo que sucedió en Hogwarts", dijo Andrómeda suavemente.
"¿Quien vino?" Harry suspiró mirando entre todos ellos.
"Kingsley, el equipo de San Mungo lo contactó para informarle que Minerva McGonagall solicitó
que los curanderos mentales miraran a Molly Weasley", explicó Andromeda.
"Oh, alegría", dijo Harry secamente.
"Harry, ¿nos ibas a decir?" Remus frunció el ceño.
"Por supuesto que sí", sonrió Harry parado y dirigiéndose a la nevera.
"Harry", gruñó Remus.
"¡Lo que te iba a decir!" Harry resopló sirviéndose un poco de jugo de naranja.
"Es cuando eso me molesta", Remus sacudió la cabeza.
"Te lo habría dicho", dijo Harry dejándose caer defensivamente en su silla.
"Ya no tienes que guardarte estas cosas para ti Harry", dijo Andromeda suavemente.
"Gracias por el discurso motivador, lo tomaré en serio. Me voy a duchar", dijo Harry agotando su
vaso mientras salía de la habitación.
"Lo siento, no deberíamos haber hecho eso frente a ti", se disculpó Remus con Marcus y Gregory,
este último estaba cuidando a Harry preocupado.
"Estoy más preocupado por su reacción", Gregory frunció el ceño.
"Está acostumbrado a tener que lidiar con todo por sí mismo. Las únicas personas a las que
realmente irá son Hermione y Ron", admitió Remus.
"¿Has considerado que necesitas ganarte esa confianza primero", dijo Gregory en voz baja.
"¿Disculpe?" Remus frunció el ceño ante el Malfoy que simplemente miró hacia atrás sin mostrar
nada en su rostro.
"Harry me habló lo suficiente sobre ti como para saber que mientras estabas aquí para él, no has
sido la figura más constante en su vida. Algo de eso se debe a la guerra, pero no todo. Harry es
alguien que te ganas esa confianza, para que se vuelva automático para que él te cuente cosas ",
respondió Gregory.
"Yo ... él dijo eso", Remus frunció el ceño.
"No tenía que hacerlo", dijo Gregory un poco más suave. "Y empujarlo no ayudará. Iré a esperarlo a
su habitación para hablar con él si no te importa", dijo Gregory de pie.
"Continúa", Andrómeda asintió antes de que Remus pudiera decir algo. "Al final del pasillo, tercera
puerta a la derecha"
"Gracias", asintió Gregory saliendo de la cocina y siguiendo las instrucciones. La habitación frente
a la de Harry tenía el sonido de la ducha al avisarle dónde estaba Harry, entrando en la habitación
de Harry miró a su alrededor con curiosidad. No había muchas cosas personales aquí que hablaran
de Harry, su cerrojo contra la pared, su baúl, algunos libros, una snitch ligeramente maltratada,
túnicas y algo de ropa esparcidos en el piso y en la silla en la esquina, Una jaula de búhos estaba
sentada limpia y vacía en la esquina que obviamente había pertenecido a Hedwig, una foto
enmarcada de Lily y James Potter sentada en la mesita de noche junto a un gran álbum de fotos
encuadernado en cuero.
Sentándose en la cama de Harry, Gregory recogió el álbum de fotos después de considerarlo por
segundos si estaba invadiendo la privacidad de Harry y comenzó a hojearlo. Comenzó con
imágenes de lo que claramente era un James, Remus, Sirius Black y otro niño más jóvenes, en las
diversas imágenes de las que se reían y se abrazaban o se regodeaban. Gregory miró de cerca la cara
de James Potter al ver las similitudes entre él y Harry, definitivamente estaban allí, pero además de
tener los ojos de Lily por las imágenes que miró de Lily, pudo ver que Harry tenía la barbilla y la
nariz. Las fotos de Lily eran de alrededor de 16 años, con James y los otros cuatro ahora.
Sus ojos miraron la foto de la boda de Lily y James, Sirius Black parado como el padrino de
James. Había un par de fotos de la fiesta de bodas, todos sonriendo alegremente a la cámara y
saludando o bailando. Y luego estaban las fotos de Lily y James claramente profundamente
enamoradas y mirándose a los ojos o abrazándose. Y luego vinieron las fotos del bebé Harry con
uno o ambos de sus padres, Sirius o Remus. Y luego, al final, había fotos de Harry de once a
dieciséis años con Hermione y Ron, Neville y varios otros amigos, un grupo que podría presumir
que era el DA del que se les había hablado, una foto de Gryffindor en rojo y dorado. la sala que
Gregory podía presumir era la sala común de Gryffindor.
"¿Ves algo interesante?" La voz de Harry sobresaltó a Gregory de su lectura de las fotos y miró a
Harry con culpabilidad y lo encontró apoyado contra la puerta de su habitación usando solo un par
de jeans muggle, una toalla alrededor de sus hombros, sus hombros desnudos.
"Lamento no haber querido entrometirme", dijo Gregory un poco ahogado mientras lograba juntar
su cerebro lo suficiente como para manejar una oración.
"No estoy enojado", Harry sacudió la cabeza y entró completamente en la habitación cerrando la
puerta detrás de sí mismo. "Ah, ese es el equipo original de Quidditch de Gryffindor cuando me
uní", sonrió Harry sentado al lado de Gregory y señalando la imagen.
"Quería asegurarme de que todo estuviera bien", Gregory enterró los dedos en el cabello mojado de
Harry y levantó la cabeza para mirarlo.
"Estoy bien, no debería haber perdido los estribos de esa manera", Harry sacudió la cabeza.
"Puede que haya interferido", admitió Gregory, al ver la mirada inquisitiva de Harry, explicó lo que
se había dicho.
"Gracias, creo que ... creo que necesitaba que Remus lo entendiera, pero no podía decírselo yo
mismo", suspiró Harry dejándose caer en su cama.
"Eres demasiado tentador", Gregory sacudió la cabeza mirando a Harry.
"Lo siento", Harry le sonrió sin arrepentimiento al ver el destello oscuro en los ojos
azules. Extendiendo sus brazos para ofrecer, respiró contento mientras Gregory se inclinaba sobre
Harry y apretaba sus labios, el hambre siempre presente en sus besos iluminaba la sangre de Harry y
lo hacía arquearse en el beso, ahuecando la parte posterior del cuello de Gregory. Él sonrió cuando
recibió un profundo gemido en respuesta a morder el labio inferior de Gregory antes de hundirse
aún más en el beso.
Se quedaron unos quince minutos intercambiando besos y simplemente disfrutando de la copia del
otro, estando juntos, sintiéndose el uno contra el otro y simplemente disfrutando el tiempo. Ninguno
de los dos quería volver al mundo real, solo queriendo la simple paz y comprensión que existía
entre los dos. Pero finalmente Gregory se apartó y se dejó caer al lado de Harry respirando hondo
mientras intentaba controlarse a sí mismo y su cuerpo, lamiéndose los labios ligeramente hinchados
y aún saboreando a Harry allí.
Jadeando un poco y luchando contra la excitación que atravesaba su cuerpo, se volvió y presionó
sus labios sobre el corazón de Gregory antes de acomodarse cómodamente en sus brazos usando su
pecho como almohada.
"Gracias por hablar con Remus. No es que no confíe en él o no quiera decírselo. Pero es automático
que me lo guarde", admitió Harry.
"Puedes hablar conmigo sobre estas cosas, sé que tu respuesta automática es que te lo guardes para
ti, solo quiero convertirme en una de las personas a las que recurres", sonrió Gregory, pasando los
dedos suavemente por el cabello de Harry.
"Lo harás, sé que lo harás. Solo tomará tiempo, no me guardo las cosas para mí porque no confío en
ti o porque quiero ocultártelo, es solo algo automático para mí", Harry suspiró alcanzando el pecho
de Gregory para unir sus dedos.
"Entiendo Harry, todos tenemos nuestras formas de protegernos o los rasgos que hemos
desarrollado. Sé que coloqué una máscara en público que me hizo parecer frío e indiferente",
Gregory sacudió la cabeza.
"No lo hiciste conmigo", sonrió Harry mirándolo.
"Eres muy diferente. Quería que te molestaras demasiado en ponerme la máscara, y me hiciste
sentir que no era necesario", Gregory sacudió la cabeza. "Vamos, deberíamos regresar, la cena
estará lista ahora"
"¡Urgh, me siento idiota por irme así!" Harry gimió. "¡Qué pensará tu abuelo!"
"Creo que mi abuelo se enamoró de ti, en tus ojos no puedes equivocarte. Prácticamente me tendió
una emboscada y exigió que lo trajera conmigo", se rió Gregory.
"No te creo", Harry sacudió la cabeza.
"No te mentiría, creo que está esperando ansiosamente nuestro vínculo, si no lo está planeando ya",
Gregory sacudió la cabeza. "Dale unos años y creo que te preferirá a mí"
"Está bien, está bien, le gusto, vamos con la lengua plateada", se rió Harry parado y tirando de
Gregory con él de sus manos unidas.
"Entienden a Harry, especialmente después de lo que le dije a Remus", Gregory le dio un último
beso antes de regresar por el pasillo hacia la cocina.
"Hey, ese es un buen momento, estaba a punto de venir y decirte que la cena está lista. ¿Te gusta la
carbonara, verdad Harry?" Andrómeda preguntó caminando y pasó junto a ellos para colocar el gran
tazón de pasta sobre la mesa.
"Sip," Harry asintió ansiosamente, sus nervios por enfrentarlos nuevamente después de su tormenta
olvidada mientras su estómago le recordaba que había estado trabajando duro todo el día.
"Siéntate, te sirves a ti mismo", dijo Andrómeda a Gregory y Marcus.
"Gracias por compartir su comida con nosotros", dijo Marcus formalmente.
"Bienvenido a nuestra mesa", respondió Andrómeda con un movimiento de cabeza. Todos llenaron
rápidamente sus platos y acomodaron lo que querían beber antes de meterse.
"¿Cómo está Oliver?" Remus preguntó después de unos momentos de silencio.
"Lo está haciendo bien, está cansado, yendo directamente de la batalla a un partido importante de
Quidditch, pero siempre ha estado loco de esa manera", se estremeció Harry.
"Ah, he escuchado algunas historias sobre tu primer equipo", se rió entre dientes Andromeda, al ver
las miradas interrogantes que estaba recibiendo de los Malfoy, explicó.
"Oliver estaba completamente loco, para él no era solo la copa de la casa que pretendíamos ganar,
sino la copa del mundo. Los gemelos bromean diciendo que se mojó la primera vez que me vio
persiguiendo la snitch y se dio cuenta de que tenía una copa completa". equipo,"
"Ciertamente suena ... entusiasta", Marcus trató de reírse diplomáticamente ante la descripción de
Harry mientras Remus y Andrómeda se veían un poco avergonzados.
"Obsesionado es más la palabra. Una vez nos tuvo a todos despiertos a las cinco en punto durante
una semana para practicar antes del desayuno, luego tuvimos entrenamiento a las cinco en punto
hasta las siete, casi lo hicimos para cenar. Nos destrozaron , los otros Gryffindors simplemente
expandieron los muebles en los que nos dormimos en la sala común en lugar de despertarnos ", se
rió Harry.
"Tenías que estar frente a los Slytherins", se rió Gregory.
"Por supuesto, ¿puede alguien que no sea la otra casa sacar ese tipo de competitividad en los
Gryffindors y Slytherins? Flint hizo que los Slytherins practicaran después del desayuno durante
una hora, durante el almuerzo y de tres a cinco, y dos días los tuvo allí afuera ocho a diez cuando no
podían preparar el almuerzo "resopló Harry.
"Definitivamente es algo bueno que no te tomes esa competitividad tan en serio", se rió Marcus
mirando entre él y Gregory.
"Creo que para este Malfoy estoy más que dispuesto a enterrar el hacha," Harry le sonrió a Gregory,
quien todavía sostenía su mano debajo de la mesa.
Capitulo 10
Harry movió la bolsa de pañales de Teddy más arriba en su hombro mientras caminaba por el
sendero desde las puertas de Malfoy Manor donde se había aparecido en la propia
mansión. Realmente no podía creer que habían pasado casi dos meses desde que había hecho este
mismo paseo y había conocido a Gregory por primera vez completamente inseguro de su
bienvenida y nervioso como el infierno. Bueno, todavía estaba un poco nervioso hoy, sería la
primera vez que había estado con un grupo más grande de Malfoy, incluido Draco, desde que él y
Gregory habían comenzado a cortejar.
Gregory, bueno, Marcus a través de Gregory, había invitado a Harry a la mansión para almorzar con
Teddy, ya que Remus y Tonks estaban ocupados todo el día con el trabajo y Andromeda estaba
teniendo el día para ella sola en París. No estaba seguro de si realmente quería venir, pero la mirada
esperanzada en el rostro de Gregory, incluso a través de la llamada de la red flu, y el conocimiento
de que tendría que hacerlo tarde o temprano lo había hecho aceptar. Además, Gregory había entrado
en la guarida del León por él, podía caminar de nuevo al pozo de las serpientes. Y tenía a Teddy con
él, lo que sorprendentemente agregaba un poco más de seguridad.
Mirando a Teddy, sonrió cuando se dio cuenta de que estaba profundamente dormido y babeó un
poco contra el pecho de Harry en el portabebés en el que Harry los había atado a ambos antes de
irse. Su cabello parpadeaba entre azul agua y azul zafiro, recordándole a Harry las olas. No podía
creer que Teddy ya tenía tres meses y comenzaba a mostrar signos de travesura, para horror de
Remus y Tonks y la diversión de Harry y Andromeda, después de que puso la piel de Remus en
verde con algo de magia accidental después de que Remus había tomado su botella. lejos de él.
Respirando profundamente mientras caminaba hacia las escaleras hacia las puertas delanteras,
Harry se armó de valor antes de tocar. La puerta fue respondida casi de inmediato por un elfo
doméstico de aspecto pulcro que hizo una reverencia cortésmente.
"El maestro Marcus me está diciendo que lo lleve, la familia está en los jardines", le dijo el elfo
doméstico antes de guiarlo por los grandes y largos pasillos hacia la parte trasera. Honestamente,
Harry pensó que la mayoría de las cosas que se alineaban en los pasillos, en las mesas o colgadas en
las paredes parecían pertenecer a un museo o una galería de arte. Al salir de un conjunto de grandes
ventanas francesas, el elfo doméstico lo condujo más abajo por un camino que estaba bordeado de
rosales rojos y blancos cuidadosamente recortados, que se arrastraban hacia arriba y sobre un
enrejado formando una pasarela bellamente aislada.
Finalmente Harry escuchó voces hablando, algunas risas y el sonido de quién tenía que ser Phoenix
llamando a su padre en voz alta. Al salir, Harry ocultó una mueca cuando se dio cuenta de que casi
todos los Malfoy estaban allí. Marcus, Carina, Samuel, Marcus más joven, Leandre, Gregory,
Mikhail, Julia, Draco, Phoenix y a quien Harry consideró que tenía que ser Tiberio, el hijo mediano
de Leandre y Marcus. Justo cuando estaba considerando si podía olvidar al elfo de la casa y correr
hacia él, Marcus lo vio y su rostro envejecido esbozó una cálida sonrisa mientras se ponía de pie y
se dirigía hacia Harry con una velocidad razonable que desmentía su edad y caminar. palo.
"¡Harry, me alegra que hayas venido!" Marcus sonrió besando la frente de Harry antes de abrazarlo
suavemente. Y de repente Harry se sintió mucho más a gusto, no sabía cómo el hombre mayor logró
hacerlo, pero su verdadera felicidad al ver a Harry ayudó mucho.
"Gracias por invitarme, erm, estaba horneando anoche, así que hice algo extra", dijo Harry un poco
avergonzado, sacando con cuidado una caja encogida de la bolsa del pañal y tendiéndola. No había
querido aparecer con las manos vacías, pero ahora se sentía un poco avergonzado.
"¡Oh! Hecho en casa, ¿qué es?" Marcus preguntó ansioso luciendo como un niño pequeño el día de
Navidad haciendo que Harry sonriera un poco.
"Solo unos bollos y muffins, erm, no estaba seguro de lo que a todos les gustaba, así que hice unos
muffins de arándanos, algunos de chocolate y otros de frambuesa", dijo Harry.
"¿Qué tal si no les contamos a los demás sobre estos zumbidos?" Los ojos de Marcus se habían
iluminado y estaba sacando la tapa de la caja con entusiasmo.
"Demasiado tarde bisabuelo, escuché las palabras horneado en casa y chocolate", se rió Julia.
"Desarrollaste orejas de murciélago junto con un bebé", Marcus le hizo un puchero haciendo que
Harry se riera mientras ella rodaba los ojos hacia él.
"Hola Harry, es maravilloso verte de nuevo", sonrió besando sus mejillas.
"Tú también, ¿cómo están los dos?" Harry preguntó, Julia tenía calma y serenidad acerca de ella,
una tranquilidad que uno pensaría que se perdería entre las fuertes personalidades de los Malfoy,
pero en cambio se destacó y pareció encajar perfectamente.
"Ambos estamos bien, gracias", Julia sonrió brillantemente frotando su mano sobre su
estómago. "Mikhail y los demás están entrando en pánico como si me esperaran mañana en lugar de
otro mes y medio".
"Gregory mencionó que Mikhail estaba un poco presa del pánico", se rió Harry.
"Ya lo hechizaron varias veces. Este debe ser Teddy", Julia sonrió mirando a Teddy donde todavía
dormitaba felizmente.
"Estamos justo en la mitad de su siesta", dijo Harry disculpándose.
"Al menos no estará malhumorado cuando se despierte, Gregory fue terrible por eso hasta que tenía
alrededor de cuatro años, si lo despertabas de su siesta, Merlín te ayuda", se rió Marcus mientras
caminaban más hacia el jardín con Harry riéndose ahora. .
"¿Qué ha estado diciendo el abuelo sobre mí?" Gregory arrastró las palabras cuando los vio y se
"Ahora, ¿por qué crees que dije algo sobre ti?" Marcus preguntó fingiendo sorpresa.
"Porque tienes esa mirada en tus ojos y Harry se está riendo", resopló Gregory cuando los alcanzó,
inclinándose hacia delante con cuidado de Teddy y besando a Harry suavemente. "Hola,"
"Hola", Harry le sonrió.
"Merlín, ustedes dos lo tienen mal!" Marc soltó una risita antes de que su aliento lo dejara
boquiabierto cuando Leandre le golpeó el estómago.
"Lo siento por el idiota con la boca grande. Es bueno verte de nuevo Harry", el hombre de cabello
castaño sonrió cálidamente haciendo que Harry se riera a pesar del sonrojo que aún cubría sus
mejillas, Gregory estaba frunciendo el ceño gruñón a su primo.
"Es bueno volver a verlos a todos también", asintió tímidamente al ver que la atención de todos
estaba en él. Julia se dirigió hacia la mesa y las sillas cercanas del jardín, lo que permitió a Gregory
deslizarse a su lado y rodear su cintura con el brazo, sintiendo la incertidumbre en Harry.
"Creo que Tiberius es el único de nosotros que no has conocido aún", Marcus sonrió colocando su
mano sobre el hombro de Harry y señalando al adolescente que era casi la viva imagen de Leandre
solo con el cabello rubio de Marcus.
"Hola", el adolescente asintió cortésmente a pesar de que estaba mirando a Harry con mucha
"Hola", Harry trató de sonreírle al adolescente, pero se sintió un poco abrumado de nuevo.
"Vamos, sentémonos", Gregory lo llevó a una mesa con Marcus ansiosamente detrás de
ellos. "Gracias por venir", dijo besando suavemente a Harry suavemente una vez más antes de llegar
a la mesa.
"No estoy seguro de si alguna vez me acostumbraré a ver tantos Malfoy sin sentirme abrumado", se
rió Harry débilmente.
"Con el tiempo te acostumbras", le aseguró Marcus con una suave sonrisa.
"No estoy tan seguro de eso", resopló Harry divertido, no estaba seguro de que ver a tantos Malfoy
alguna vez dejara de ser un shock para él.
"Señor Potter", Samuel sonrió cortésmente acercándose a su mesa y sentándose frente a Marcus.
"Llámame Harry por favor", Harry sonrió al hombre mayor cuando Gregory deslizó su mano en la
de Harry.
"Hemos estado escuchando mucho sobre ti en los últimos meses, principalmente de parte de mi
padre", se rió Samuel haciendo que Harry sonriera un poco.
"Eso es cierto, no podemos luchar nada más que los detalles básicos del tío Gregory, no es que el tío
Marc, el tío Mikhail y el padre no lo hayan intentado", sonrió Draco inseguro mientras se acercaba.
"Draco", Harry sonrió al otro adolescente sin estar completamente seguro de qué tipo de saludo
recibiría, especialmente cuando estaba saliendo con su tío.
"¿Es este Teddy?" Preguntó Draco curiosamente acercándose un poco más.
"Sí, debería despertarse en aproximadamente una hora", dijo Harry un poco disculpándose cuando
Draco miró a su primo.
"Es lindo", sonrió Draco cuando el cabello de Teddy se volvió azul más brillante mientras se movía
contra el pecho de Harry frotando un poco su rostro contra él.
"Suenas sorprendido", dijo Harry un poco inseguro.
"El último bebé que vi fue Phoenix, no era un bebé lindo", susurró Draco.
"Escuché que Draco Malfoy", frunció el ceño Leandre haciendo que Draco saltara y lo mirara con
"Se puso más lindo", dijo Draco tímidamente. "A los cinco meses"
"¡Phoenix era un lindo bebé!" Leandre se cruzó de brazos.
"Realmente no lo era", dijo Marcus en voz baja a Harry con una mueca.
"Es hermoso ahora, va a ser un rompecorazones", Harry sonrió a Leandre.
"Él no es así. Temo que vaya a Hogwarts y llegue a su adolescencia", se rió Leandre sentado a la
"Vas a perseguir a los niños y niñas lejos de él", se rió Harry. "¿Asiste a Hogwarts?" Preguntó.
"Marcus y yo hemos decidido mudarnos aquí nuevamente, Orlandus ha conseguido un trabajo aquí
con Ollivander, dijo que necesita ayuda para instalar nuevamente la tienda y administrarla, Tiberius
terminará sus estudios en Hogwarts, y con Phoenix comenzando la escuela, Fue el mejor momento
para regresar, "asintió Leandre.
"También es en parte mi egoísmo, me gustaría tener a toda la familia nuevamente junta, en un solo
lugar", agregó Marcus.
"Debe ser agradable estar juntos de nuevo", sonrió Harry.
"Normalmente solo podíamos hablar a través de las llamadas de fuego y los búhos, apenas
podíamos vernos cara a cara", asintió Draco.
"Es un poco extraño para nosotros estar todos juntos", se rió Gregory.
"¡Imagina lo que es para mí!" Harry bufó. "El resto de ustedes era una especie de mito alrededor de
Hogwarts", dijo haciéndolos reír.
"¿Entonces era una leyenda?" Gregory sonrió de lado.
"Mucho menos de uno en la carne", Harry se encogió de hombros antes de reírse de la mirada de
disgusto que Gregory le lanzó.
"Eso duele, espero que lo sepas," gimió Gregory.
"Te ves devastada", sonrió.
"Realmente lo estoy", Gregory asintió seriamente antes de romperse y sonreír, inclinándose hacia
adelante para besar a Harry suavemente.
"Wow, es increíble ..." La voz de Draco hizo que Harry se alejara y lo mirara con cautela. "Tío
Gregory actuando amado, nunca pensé que vería el día", bromeó Draco, Leandre escondiendo una
sonrisa detrás de su mano.
"Mírate sobrino, ahora estamos todos regresando, vas a tener que traer al novio o novia para que nos
conozca", resopló Gregory colocando su brazo a lo largo del respaldo de la silla de Harry.
"¿Abuelo?" Draco hizo un puchero a Marcus.
"Lo siento Draco, es la alegría de tener familia", se encogió de hombros Marcus.
"Ya me he enfrentado a Harry", se burló Gregory burlándose, capturando la mano de Harry cuando
golpeó su brazo y besó el dorso. Cuando se dio la vuelta, vio la expresión incierta en el rostro de
Draco, sabiendo lo que quería preguntar pero sin querer sacudir el bote.
"Remus, Tonks, Andromeda, Neville, Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ron y Hermione", dijo Harry
"Lo siento" Draco hizo una mueca.
"Está bien, básicamente son familias adoptivas", Harry sacudió la cabeza.
"Han ..." Marcus comenzó a preguntar antes de interrumpirse.
"¿Tener?" Pregunto Harry.
"¿Has oído algo sobre Molly Weasley?" Marcus preguntó suavemente.
"¿Molly Weasley?" Draco preguntó con el ceño fruncido.
"Decidió decirme, en voz alta, en Hogwarts frente a todos mis amigos que estaba confundida,
influenciada y que pertenecía a Ginny. Los otros la hechizaron, McGonagall exigió que la llevaran a
San Mungo y le hicieran un chequeo de salud mental. ", Resumió Harry.
"¿Tú y la Weaselette?" Preguntó Draco lentamente.
"Draco", dijo Gregory bruscamente, claramente aturdiendo a casi todos en la mesa.
"Es una pregunta legítima", dijo Marc caminando suavemente detrás de Leandre y poniendo sus
manos sobre sus hombros.
"Es una pregunta personal", espetó Gregory.
"Después de la guerra, mi perspectiva sobre las cosas cambió, o me dieron tiempo para pensar
realmente en lo que quería en el futuro. Ginny era ... lo que se esperaba ... no lo que quería. E
incluso si lo que quería no hubiera cambiado, con cuánto ella, la Sra. Weasley y Percy me han
estado presionando, ya no la querría ", dijo Harry poniendo suavemente su mano sobre el antebrazo
de Gregory.
"¿Perspectivas?" Samuel frunció el ceño.
"Lo que quiero, qué tipo de pareja quiero", admitió Harry, su brazo libre envolviendo a Teddy.
"Y decidiste ..."
"Suficiente", esta vez fue Marcus quien intervino para interrumpir a Samuel. "Harry nos ha dicho lo
suficiente. No es nuestro lugar preguntar más. Harry ha dicho que no está interesado en Ginerva
Weasley, Gregory confía en eso, eso es suficiente".
"Sin peros. Si alguien tiene razones para sospechar que soy Harry de mi parte. Harry y yo lo hemos
discutido, confío en él, eso es todo lo que necesito saber", dijo Gregory con firmeza.
"Tienen razón, este es un asunto personal de Harry, la única persona que tiene derecho a preguntarle
a Harry es Gregory", agregó Leandre.
"Realmente nunca pensé que te veías muy cómoda cuando estabas con ella, siempre parecías un
poco incómoda, pero supuse que era porque Weas ... Ron también estaba allí", reflexionó Draco.
"Ella también estaba un poco ... elegante y pegajosa, especialmente frente a Ron", se estremeció
Harry. "¡No es gracioso! ¡Juro que tenía marcas de uñas!" Harry hizo un puchero a Draco cuando
comenzó a reír.
"Definitivamente eres gay Potter", se rió Draco.
"Gracias, me di cuenta de eso, Malfoy", Harry puso los ojos en blanco, pero su sonrisa mostró el
tono burlón.
"¿Entonces todavía te persigue?" Preguntó Marcus.
"Ella quiere ser la próxima señora que vivió dos veces", suspiró Harry.
"¿Y Molly Weasley? ¿Qué ha pasado con ella?" Marcus preguntó preocupado.
"Bueno, Arthur, Percy y Ginny intentaron que la liberaran del hospital, pero McGonagall usó su
posición como directora para asegurarse de que se quedara allí. Los Sanadores le están realizando
un control de salud mental, dijeron que podría tomar un par de días, pero Bill dijo que les habían
dicho que no habían encontrado nada hasta ahora, pero ella está mostrando tendencias obsesivas
hacia mí, Ginny, Gregory y yo ", suspiró Harry.
"¿Qué vas a hacer?" Samuel frunció el ceño.
"Andromeda sugirió una orden de restricción, Hermione está preparando una declaración de mi
parte sobre Gregory y yo para que la publiquemos antes de que alguien más pueda vencernos,
Blackcreep revisará la declaración antes de que la publiquemos", Harry les dijo antes de parpadear
cuando vio las miradas que le estaban dando.
"Eso es mucha planificación", dijo Marc sonando un poco aturdido.
"Oh, podríamos tener problemas para controlar que la prensa me acosara, pero sí sabemos cómo
planear con anticipación", se rió Harry.
"Puedo verificar eso, incluso si estaban planeando en el asiento de sus pantalones que lograron
planear. Por cierto, quinto año, ¿cómo organizaron las reuniones de DA?" Preguntó Draco
ansiosamente inclinándose hacia adelante.
"Eso ha sido molesto ¿eh?" Harry sonrió.
"¡Sí! Intentamos averiguar cómo demonios lo planeaste, nunca te conociste a la misma hora o el
mismo día, no pudimos averiguar cómo lo hiciste, no pasaron notas, ¡nunca intercambiaste ninguna
señal! " Dijo Draco frustrado.
"Encantamos a los galeones, Hermione y yo teníamos el galeón maestro, todos los demás tenían uno
conectado al nuestro. Los números de serie alrededor de los bordes del galeón cambiarían a la fecha
y hora de la reunión cuando cambiamos el nuestro y los otros galeones se calentarían. para
avisarles, luego volverían a la normalidad ", explicó Harry riéndose cuando Draco gimió y dejó caer
la cabeza sobre la mesa.
"¡Así es como lo lograste! ¡Oh, vamos! ¡Cómo pensaríamos en eso!"
"Esa fue la idea general", se rió Harry.
"¿De qué están hablando ustedes dos? ¿DA?" Gregory frunció el ceño mirando entre los dos.
"Asociación de Defensa, o Ejército de Dumbledore. Dimos clases ilegales de defensa durante
nuestro quinto año cuando Umbridge nos había prohibido usar magia en las lecciones y se hizo
cargo de la escuela", les dijo Harry divertido.
"¿Dirigiste un grupo de defensa ilegal?" Gregory preguntó divertido.
"Sí, bueno, no estábamos aprendiendo nada, y con la guerra logré convencerme de que la gente
debería aprender a protegerse ..."
"Hermione te convenció ¿eh?" Gregory sonrió.
"Y Ron sorprendentemente", asintió Harry.
"Sabes, solo nos unimos a ese maldito escuadrón para saber qué estaba haciendo y qué estaba
planeando, y para evitar que nos mirara y descubriera que estábamos practicando nuestra defensa en
la sala común". Dijo Draco en voz baja.
"¿Estabas practicando en la sala común?" Harry sonrió divertido, para gran alivio de Draco.
"Sí, no obtuvimos tan buenos resultados como ustedes, pero no íbamos a practicar", se encogió de
hombros Draco.
"Así que todos corrían detrás de ella", se rió Harry.
"Bastante", sonrió Draco. Antes de que se pudiera decir algo más, Teddy se movió y dejó escapar
un gemido de disgusto que comenzó a cambiar tristemente.
"Lo siento", dijo Harry mientras se levantaba, levantando rápidamente a Teddy de su portador y
quitándose la correa de los hombros mientras lo colocaba en sus brazos y le sonreía cuando su
cabello se puso rojo intenso mostrando su disgusto. "¿Tienes algún lugar donde pueda cambiarlo?"
"Te llevaré, tenemos una mesa para cambiar pañales preparada en el invernadero", Gregory se puso
de pie y envolvió su brazo alrededor de la cintura de Harry y condujo el camino de regreso a lo
largo del camino.
"Eso fue mejor de lo que pensaba", dijo Harry sobre los gemidos más tranquilos de Teddy.
"¿Que estabas esperando?" Gregory preguntó quitándole el pañal del hombro a Harry.
"Esperaba que las cosas fueran incómodas entre Draco y yo"
"Ciertamente hablé con él esta mañana, pero casi me dijo que no tenía nada contra ti y que trataría
de hacerte sentir bienvenido aquí. Él quiere que ustedes dos puedan seguir adelante", sonrió
"Eso sería bueno, creo que podríamos seguir adelante si lo intentáramos", se rió Harry mientras
entraban al conservatorio. Se dirigieron al cambiador y Harry rápidamente se puso a trabajar cuando
Teddy comenzó a llorar más fuerte. "Muy bien oso de peluche", Harry besó sus mejillas antes de
acostarlo en el cambiador.
"Eres bueno en eso", dijo Gregory impresionado mientras veía a Harry quitarse rápidamente a
Teddy de sus pantalones cortos y su chaleco, y rápidamente se quitó el pañal.
"Ya cuido un poco", sonrió Harry mientras limpiaba a Teddy y lo engañaba antes de ponerle otro
"¿Se necesitan Remus y Tonks en las reparaciones?" Gregory preguntó.
"Y se necesita a Tonks en el ministerio, podría ser torpe pero es una de las principales auroras. No
les gusta tener que dejar a Teddy tan pronto, especialmente después de que participaron en la
Batalla Final y tuvieron que dejarlo. "
"Eso debe haber sido horrible para ellos", Gregory hizo una mueca.
"Remus se lastimó bastante, fue tocar e irse por unos días", asintió Harry, haciendo una mueca al
recordar los días que pasó sentado junto a la cama de Remus, vendado y recuperándose, Tonks se
negó a dejar el lado de Remus.
"¿Harry?" Gregory ahuecó su rostro haciéndolo mirarlo. "Lo siento, no quise mencionar algo malo"
"No, es solo, casi pierdo a Remus también, Teddy casi lo pierde", Harry hizo una mueca. Gregory
acarició con el pulgar el pómulo de Harry antes de agacharse para besarlo suavemente. Se separaron
de la risa cuando Teddy dejó escapar un chillido, su cabello ahora rubio y negro mientras agitaba
sus brazos con exigencia, luciendo un poco molesto.
"¿Te estábamos ignorando? Me disculpo," Gregory se rió entre dientes haciendo cosquillas en el
estómago de Teddy.
"Ok, pantalones cortos y terminamos oso de peluche", le aseguró Harry al bebé sonriendo cuando
sus ojos se pusieron verdes pero su cabello se volvió completamente negro. Él se rió un poco
cuando Gregory envolvió sus brazos alrededor de su cintura y descansó su barbilla sobre su hombro
para mirar a Teddy en sus brazos, obteniendo una risita y manos entrecortadas del bebé.
"No te quedas molesto por mucho tiempo, ¿verdad?", Dijo Gregory calurosamente dando su dedo
para que Teddy lo agarrara.
"Es un bebé realmente contento", asintió Harry.
"Ah, ¿estamos a punto de comer si ustedes dos están listos?" Carina sonrió brillantemente desde
donde estaba parada en la puerta haciendo que Harry se sonrojara al ser atrapado con Gregory que
lo envolvió. Sin embargo, Carina parecía complacida por alguna razón.
"Creo que estamos listos, sí", dijo Harry avergonzado.
"Es encantador verte de nuevo Harry, me alegro de que hayas venido", dijo Carina una vez que la
alcanzaron, el brazo de Gregory todavía envuelto alrededor de la cintura de la adolescente.
"Me alegro de haber venido, es bueno verte de nuevo", dijo Harry tímidamente, Carina, mientras era
cálida y amigable, tenía un aire de control y poder a su alrededor que la hacía un poco
intimidante. Sin mencionar el hecho de que ella era la madre de Gregory y alguien a quien amaba y
respetaba mucho, y siempre sintió que estaba a un segundo de convertirse en un idiota delante de
"¿Este es el hijo de Remus y Nymphodora?" Preguntó mirando a Teddy, quien parecía estar
tratando de quitarle el dedo a Gregory. "Narcissa estará molesta porque no estuvo aquí hoy"
"¿Dónde están ella y Lucius?" Harry preguntó con curiosidad.
"Están teniendo un fin de semana fuera, solo un tiempo para ellos, se han ido a una de nuestras
casas en Italia", le dijo Gregory besando la mejilla de Harry suavemente.
"Esa es una buena idea, estoy seguro de que podrían usar un descanso después de todo", tarareó
"Podrían, y un poco de tiempo a solas. No han podido salir del país durante casi veinte años, creo
que se necesitaban unas vacaciones", se rió Carina.
"Aunque el abuelo casi tuvo que empujarlos a la chimenea para que se fueran, especialmente con la
pelota mañana", dijo Gregory divertido. Harry hizo una mueca ante el recordatorio.
"Tú también irás, ¿verdad?" Le preguntó a Gregory suplicante haciendo que Carina ocultara una
risa detrás de su mano cuando captó la mirada nerviosa en el rostro de su hijo. Si no fuera por el
hecho de que ella sabía que Harry no tenía idea de lo que estaba haciendo, estaría preocupada de
que él se aprovechara de su hijo, porque él realmente lo tenía envuelto alrededor de su dedo
"¿Estás siendo forzado a ir de nuevo?" Gregory preguntó.
"Sí, aparentemente aún debería salir y 'divertirme'", Harry hizo una mueca de nuevo.
"¿Puedo escoltarte entonces?" Gregory preguntó formalmente, sus ojos brillantes contaban una
historia diferente.
"Supongo que no han llegado mejores ofertas," Harry se encogió de hombros con indiferencia antes
de reírse cuando Gregory lo empujó contra su fuerte pecho y le mordisqueó la oreja. "Me gustaría",
dijo una vez que dejó de reír besando la mejilla de Gregory.
"¿Está tío Gregory haciendo pucheros?" Tiberio preguntó incrédulo cuando regresaron al pequeño
claro de hierba en el que estaban reunidos.
"¡Lo es! ¡Rápido, agarra la cámara!" Mikhail sonrió haciendo que Leandre se lanzara hacia la
cámara mientras Gregory se enderezaba e intentaba poner la cara en blanco.
"¡Aw, Harry, haz que lo haga de nuevo!" Draco se animó desde donde estaba apoyado contra
Marcus, los dos riéndose.
"Oye, ¿por qué me estás buscando? Podría haber sido Carina", Harry hizo un pequeño puchero de
buena gana.
"Oh, confía en nosotros, eso es solo un puchero que un amante puede causar", le informó Leandre,
todavía sosteniendo la cámara con esperanza.
"Todos ustedes son crueles, ¡espero que lo sepan!" Gregory los fulminó con la mirada y le tendió el
asiento de Harry antes de sentarse.
"Para eso es la familia", se encogió de hombros Marc.
"Sí, ¿no recuerdas cuánto te burlaste de Mikhail cuando nos trajo a mí y a mis padres a casa?" Julia
"¿Oh?" Harry la miró interesado mientras Gregory la miraba suplicante.
"Siguió haciendo caras de beso a Mikhail durante la comida cuando nuestros padres no miraban
mientras Mikhail intentaba impresionarlos", le dijo Julia, su sonrisa un poco malvada demostrando
a Harry lo que Gregory había dicho sobre que ella no era tan inocente como él. ella apareció.
"Para ser justos, Julia fue su primera novia, y él se había burlado de mí cuando traje a mi primer
novio a casa", protestó Gregory. "¡Sin mencionar que estuvo amordazado durante casi tres semanas
seguidas cada vez que nos vio después de atraparnos besándonos!"
"¡Tenía nueve años!" Mikhail exclamó. "¡Fue asqueroso pensar en eso a esa edad!"
"No has visto nada hasta que viste a Ron con su ex novia", resopló Harry mientras terminaba de
llenar su plato con una mano.
"Eso fue una cicatrización mental, y realmente sentí pena por Wea ... Ron", asintió Draco.
"Won Won", corrigió Harry antes de que ambos se echaran a reír.
"¿Won Won? ¿Ella lo llamó Won Won?" Gregory se atragantó, aparentemente dividido entre la risa
y el horror. Cuando Harry y Draco lograron asentir, dejó escapar un sonido que parecía estar entre
los dos. "Y te preguntas por qué no me gustan las mujeres"
"¿Entonces no quieres que te llame apodos?" Preguntó Harry mirando a Gregory con los ojos muy
"Erm ..." tartamudeó Gregory, inseguro de si Harry hablaba en serio o no.
"¿Oso de miel? ¿Oso rubio? ¿Muffin? ¿Terrones de azúcar?" Harry sugirió con una cara seria ver a
Gregory cada vez más horrorizado hasta que los demás ya no pudieran contener la risa.
"Oh, creo que tienes más que una carrera por tu dinero allí", Marcus se estaba riendo lo suficiente
como para tener que mantener su lado.
"¿Entonces no?" Pregunto Harry aun logrando mantener su cara mayormente recta.
"¡Por favor, por favor dime que estás bromeando!" Gregory suplicó.
"¿No te gustan Muffin?" Harry preguntó tristemente antes de finalmente reírse del ruido
estrangulado que Gregory hizo. "No te preocupes, te estoy tomando el pelo"
"Oh, gracias a Merlín", Gregory se dejó caer en su asiento mirando a su madre a su lado mientras
Carina se secaba las lágrimas de los ojos.
"Y la tía Hermione dice que tu tío Harry no puede actuar", sonrió Harry a Teddy, quien le respondió
cuando se dio cuenta de que tenía la atención de su padrino.
"Eres cruel y malvado", Gregory sacudió la cabeza.
"Tengo mis momentos," Harry se encogió de hombros.
"Oh, eso fue genial Harry, espera a que le enseñemos a Lucius", Carina sacudió la cabeza.
"¡No, me llamarán Muffin o Blondie Bear por semanas!" Gregory gimió.
"¿Cuánto cuesta?" Tiberio sonrió.
"Tiberio no chantajees a tu primo", le regañó Leandre.
"Al menos no donde podamos escuchar", agregó Marc antes de toser cuando lo golpearon en el
"Solo recuerda que tienes que traer a tu primer novio / novia, y todos estamos aquí para saludarlos",
sonrió Gregory.
"Gregory no amenaces a Tiberius", Carina puso los ojos en blanco.
"¡Lo comenzó!" Gregory protestó.
"Pensé que era el más joven", Harry levantó una ceja a su compañero que le sonrió tímidamente.
"¿Como logras hacer eso?" Mikhail de repente le preguntó a Harry.
"¿Hmm?" Harry preguntó confundido, sintió como si hubiera perdido media conversación.
"Sostén al bebé y come al mismo tiempo, ¿cómo te va?" Mikhail preguntó un poco histéricamente.
"Erm, te acostumbras bastante rápido, especialmente si quieres comer una comida que no esté
particularmente seca al calentar hechizos", dijo Harry lentamente antes de mirar a Gregory, quien
asintió con la cabeza a su pregunta no formulada, Mikhail todavía estaba volviéndose loco.
"Querida, te dije que todo vendrá a ti, o aprenderás a través de prueba y error o será natural", Carina
extendió la mano sobre la mesa para acariciar la mano de Mikhail.
"Voy a hacerlo mal y lastimar al bebé", gimió Mikhail.
"Remus puso los pañales de Teddy al revés durante una semana y siguió envolviéndolo demasiado
fuerte, y está más que bien", ofreció Harry.
"¿Se puso los pañales al revés?" Marcus preguntó divertido.
"Sí, Tonks casi lo mata después de la quinta fuga", asintió Harry.
"Ver que cada nuevo padre comete errores al principio", Julia acarició suavemente el brazo de su
"Casi dejo caer a Samuel la primera vez que lo sostuve", se unió Marcus.
"¡Qué!" Samuel preguntó incrédulo volviéndose para mirar a su padre.
"Bueno, eras una cosa enérgica incluso entonces, el sanador te entregó a mí y comenzaste a patear y
golpear mientras mostrabas muy bien lo saludables que estaban tus pulmones, casi pierdo el control
sobre ti", explicó Marcus alegremente mientras su hijo miraba boquiabierto. él un poco horrorizado.
"Lucius casi deja caer a Gregory la primera vez que lo sostuvo también, ¿recuerdas?" Carina se rio
entre dientes.
"Ah, sí, había pasado casi por toda la familia y se agitó mucho antes de que Lucius lo atrapara,
vomitó sobre él", se rió Marcus.
"Estaba horrorizado y casi lo dejó ir", terminó Carina.
"Encantador", gruñó Gregory divertido.
"Tenías muy buena puntería, lograste llevarle la barbilla al pecho", sonrió Marc, claramente perdido
en el recuerdo. "Creo que casi tienes un poco en el pelo que estaba empezando a crecer"
"¡Harry!" Gregory se quejó al adolescente de cabello oscuro que se aferraba a Teddy con fuerza
mientras trataba de recuperar el aliento entre risas.
"S ... s ... lo siento", Harry logró salir a través de su risa.
"Traidor", Gregory hizo un puchero.

Harry observó divertido mientras Draco miraba fascinado a Teddy, el pequeño bebé ocupado
entreteniéndose con burbujas de saliva, una habilidad recién descubierta. Teddy descansaba de
espaldas sobre la manta frente a Harry, donde Harry estaba cómodamente sentado entre las piernas
de Gregory apoyadas contra su pecho. Ambos estaban jugando un juego de explosión explosiva con
Phoenix y Tiberius, aunque las cartas habían sido colocadas bajo una burbuja de silenciamiento
para no asustar a Teddy.
Tiberius se había entusiasmado con él después de haber escuchado a Harry compartir algunos de los
pasadizos secretos en Hogwarts a Phoenix, el joven ansioso y nervioso de asistir a la escuela la
próxima semana, cuando Harry le aseguró que gastaría una cantidad justa. de tiempo allí ayudando
con la reconstrucción aún en curso y que él vendría y hablaría con él, su hermano mayor parecía
haber dejado ir las reservas que parecía tener sobre Harry, y resultó ser una vez la charlatanería
comenzó, para diversión de Harry.
"... me va muy bien en mis encantos y pociones, pero mi Defensa está disminuyendo y realmente
necesito hacerlo mejor para poder obtener el aprendizaje con el Maestro Michael", Tiberius hizo un
puchero mientras luchaba por las cartas de su hermano.
"Podría ayudarte si quisieras", ofreció Harry antes de parpadear un poco confundido cuando Carina,
Marcus, Marc, Leandre y Mikhail que estaban sentados en la mesa al lado de su manta se
callaron. Estaba a punto de darse vuelta para mirar a Gregory preguntándose si había hecho algo
mal cuando Tiberius habló.
"¿Realmente lo harías? Si no recibo una E al menos en mi OWL, no seré aceptado por él, y necesito
una O en mis NEWT, pero solo soy realmente una A", preguntó Tiberius esperanzado.
"Por supuesto, no estoy calificado, pero siempre obtuve O y los demás que enseñé en quinto año
obtuvieron O en sus OWL y exámenes", dijo Harry inseguro.
"Eso sería increíble, me ha preocupado mucho y Hogwarts tiene estándares más altos", sonrió
"Tiberius, Phoenix, ¿por qué no vas a buscar el tablero para jugar con tu hermano?" Leandre le dijo
a sus hijos. Los muchachos asintieron y se apresuraron hacia la mansión, dejando a Harry
preguntándose si había hecho algo mal.
"Erm ..."
"Harry, por favor, no sientas que tienes que ofrecerte para hacer esto", dijo Marcus suavemente
mientras Harry miraba a su alrededor inseguro, el brazo de Gregory se apretó un poco alrededor de
su cintura.
"No lo hago, quiero ayudarlo si puedo, y si no te importa", agregó nervioso.
"Oh, no nos importa, simplemente no queremos que sientas que tienes que hacerlo porque estás
saliendo con Gregory", Carina sacudió la cabeza.
"Abuela, marihuana ... Harry no haría nada que no quisiera. Y él no es del tipo que intenta ganar
puntos con la familia usando Tiberius. Ofreció porque es un buen zapato que le gusta ayudar". dijo
de buena gana habiéndose decidido a hacer que los juguetes de Teddy levitaran a su alrededor.
"Sinceramente, solo quiero poder ayudarlo si puedo", asintió Harry.
"Si no te importa, entonces gracias. Realmente quiere este aprendizaje", dijo Marc en
agradecimiento a Harry.
"No tengo nada en mi plato, pero las reparaciones, se romperán los días", se encogió de hombros
"Pero las reparaciones," resopló Gregory.
"¿Qué?" Harry puso su cabeza sobre el hombro de Gregory para mirarlo.
"Pero las reparaciones, trabajas tontamente en las reparaciones," Gregory frunció el ceño.
"Fueron días ocupados que me pillaste", protestó Harry.
"Sí, está bien", Gregory sacudió la cabeza incrédulo besando a Harry gentilmente, haciéndole
sonreír un poco en el beso.
"¿Qué?" Harry le preguntó a Draco cuando se separaron al ver que el rubio les sonreía.
"Nunca pensé que te vería así ... siempre te alejabas de Weaslette cuando se ponía demasiado
encantadora", admitió Draco.
"Ginny era mi Pensamiento", dijo Harry simplemente, reprimiendo una sonrisa cuando Draco se
estremeció visiblemente, aunque compartieron una mirada enfática. Harry no pudo evitar
acurrucarse un poco contra Gregory, quien automáticamente apretó sus brazos a su alrededor
mientras seguía hablando con Mikhail y Carina.

"Lo pasé bien", dijo Harry mientras Gregory lo acompañaba a él y a Teddy a través de los jardines
delanteros de la mansión hasta las puertas esa noche.
"Me alegro, estaba un poco preocupado por lo cómodo que estarías con todos ellos", admitió
"Creo que salió bien?" Harry lo miró inquisitivamente.
"Lo hizo, creo que el abuelo está un poco más enamorado de ti, ya todos los demás les agradaste",
le aseguró Gregory.
"Fue una tarde agradable," asintió Harry acurrucándose un poco más al lado de Gregory.
"¿Y todavía deseas que te acompañe al baile mañana?" Gregory preguntó diez minutos después
cuando llegaron a las puertas.
"Me gustaría, podría disfrutar un poco de esa maldita cosa", Harry hizo un mohín ligeramente.
"¿Debo recogerte, entonces podemos ir juntos?"
"¿Te veo a las ocho?"
"Estaré allí", asintió Gregory.
"Supongo que nos veremos mañana entonces", Harry sonrió un poco tímidamente agarrando las
túnicas de verano de Gregory y tirando de él hacia adelante para sellar sus bocas en un beso
"Yo ... he estado ... queriendo hacer ... este ... todo ... día", murmuró Gregory entre besos.
"Me alegro de no haber sido el único", suspiró Harry antes de sellar sus bocas una vez más.

"Siento que estoy en una camisa de fuerza", se quejó Ron tirando torpemente de las solapas de su
"Al menos tienes una túnica nueva esta vez," Harry resopló distraídamente tirando de su túnica
"¿Cómo haces que se vea tan natural cuando llevas una túnica durante diez años, menos que
yo?" Se quejó Ron.
"Porque me he visto obligado a usar estas chaquetas rectas todo el tiempo que estabas jugando
viajero con Hermione"
"Te refieres a ser mutilado por arañas"
"No te mataron, Ron", Hermione puso los ojos en blanco mientras entraba en la
habitación. "Ciérrame", le dijo a Harry volviéndose de espaldas a él.
"Sabes que debería sentirme un poco preocupado de que mi prometido vaya a ti para ser abrochado
en vez de a mí", resopló Ron luchando con su corbata.
"Es automático," Hermione se encogió de hombros mientras Harry la abrochaba.
"Te ves hermosa", sonrió Harry.
"Y te preguntaste por qué pensamos que eras gay", bromeó Ron.
"Podría estar planeando seducir a tu prometido lejos de ti", Harry sacó la lengua.
"Sinceramente espero que no", la voz de barítono de Gregory hizo que Harry girara con una sonrisa
comprada lista en su rostro, sus piernas moviéndose hacia el hombre mayor antes de que pudiera
pensar en eso.
"No tengo nada de qué preocuparme", dijo Ron poniendo su brazo sobre el hombro de Hermione,
mirando a su amigo iluminarse contento, Hermione asintió con la cabeza descansando sobre su
hombro y los miró antes de sonrojarse cuando Harry besó profundamente a Gregory.
"¿Estás listo para esto?" Gregory preguntó una vez que se separaron haciendo que la cara de Harry
se arrugara mientras sacudía la cabeza. "Bueno, te traje estos, para que quizás sea un poco mejor",
sonrió Gregory mientras le tendía un par de guantes de seda negra a Harry, quien de repente se rió
entre dientes.
"Me había olvidado de eso", admitió haber tomado los guantes.
"¿Olvidaste nuestra segunda reunión?" Gregory preguntó en broma, aunque había un pequeño
indicio de vulnerabilidad en sus ojos que hizo que Harry admitiera la verdad.
"En realidad, estaba un poco más centrado en recordarte que en el tema de la conversación"
"Oh", Gregory pareció pensativo por un segundo antes de parecer excesivamente complacido de
hacer que Harry lo golpeara con el codo mientras se sonrojaba.
"Probablemente deberíamos estar preparándonos para irnos", dijo Hermione para recordarles a los
dos su presencia divertida.
"Ah, Sra. Granger, Sr. Weasley, un placer volver a verlo", Gregory asintió con la cabeza.
"Llámenos Hermione y Ron por favor", Hermione sacudió la cabeza mientras tiraba de Ron hacia
"Si me llamas Gregory"
"Ok, terminemos con esto", dijo Harry tristemente.
"Me alegra que estés deseando pasar tanto tiempo conmigo", bromeó Gregory tomando la mano de
Harry una vez que terminó de ponerse los guantes, lamentó la falta de contacto piel con piel, pero
también disfrutó de que Harry estuviera tan cerca de él. camino.
"No es nada personal, quieres pasar tiempo juntos en algún lugar, en cualquier otro lugar, estaré
perfectamente feliz", resopló Harry.
"No nos quedaremos por mucho tiempo, lo suficiente para mantener contentos a tus simpatizantes y
a mi abuelo", prometió Gregory besando su mejilla antes de mirar a Hermione y Ron para ver si
estaban listos para aparecer. Con un asentimiento compartido, el grupo salió y llegó de lado a lado
al punto de aparición en la mansión de otra bruja o mago adinerado que deseaba celebrar. "Confía
en mí", Gregory besó su sien al ver la mirada infeliz en el rostro de Harry antes de subir los
escalones, Hermione y Ron justo detrás de ellos, Ron luciendo ligeramente horrorizado mientras
Hermione hablaba de ellos bailando.
"Sí," suspiró Harry antes de soltar la mano de Gregory y presionar contra su costado para que el
hombre mayor envolviera su brazo alrededor de la cintura de Harry y lo sostuviera más cerca.
"Ah Lord Potter y ... Lord Gregory, un placer verte, ¿los papeles estaban en lo correcto
entonces?" Lady Flint se desinfló un poco cuando se abalanzó sobre ellos justo cuando entraban al
salón de baile.
"Sí, los documentos fueron correctos por una vez, aunque Gregory me está cortejando no solo por
salir", Harry sonrió con fuerza cuando vio a Bernedette Flint flotando cerca.
"Ah ... creo que conoces a mi hija Bernedette", Lady Flint agarró la mano de su hija y prácticamente
la arrojó frente a Harry de todos modos haciéndole fruncir el ceño un poco.
"Ah Bernedette, te ves más hermosa cada año", interceptó Gregory tomando la mano de la joven y
besándola cortésmente, haciendo que Harry, Hermione y Ron lo miraran un poco
confundidos. "Cualquier hombre heterosexual sería más que afortunado de tenerte", agregó
suavemente haciendo que los tres pelearan por mantener la cara recta ante el comentario
puntiagudo. Como era, tanto Lady Flint como Bernadette se sonrojaron y se apresuraron.
"No estoy segura de si eso fue brillante o malo", dijo Hermione suavemente mientras intentaba
controlar sus risas.
"¡Creo que fueron las dos cosas!" Ron le dio una palmada a Gregory en el hombro.
"Simplemente entiendo bien mi punto", Gregory se encogió de hombros, aunque parecía feliz. Le
había preocupado que, si bien los amigos de Harry aceptaban su relación, eso no significaba que
continuarían, pero parecía que lo aceptaban y le daban la bienvenida.
"Señor Potter", un hombre grande y sudoroso agarró la mano de Harry y comenzó a retorcerla antes
de darse cuenta de que el hombre le impedía evitar el apretón de manos.
"Hola", dijo Harry un poco disgustado.
"Lord Garthry, es un placer verte como siempre", Gregory atrajo la atención del hombre hacia él
desde donde se había centrado, demasiado intensamente, en Harry. El hombre palideció cuando
notó a Gregory y el brazo que todavía estaba enrollado alrededor de la cintura de Harry.
"Gregory, un placer, un placer como siempre, ah ... ¿tú y el Sr. Potter se conocen?" El hombre
sonrió débilmente, Harry finalmente pudo deslizar su mano del agarre debilitado del hombre,
mirando cuando Hermione y Ron se escabulleron hacia la barra.
"Estoy escoltando a Lord Potter a esta pelota según lo previsto, ¿seguramente has leído los
periódicos?" La sonrisa de Gregory fue un destello de dientes y peligro, que el hombre claramente
"Por supuesto que sí, pero sabes que no puedes creer todo lo que lees en los periódicos, muchas
cosas, especialmente sobre los jóvenes ... Lord Potter aquí es bastante increíble", Lord Garthry
sonrió bruscamente al recibir su propia excavación. adentro. Antes de que Gregory pudiera
responder, Harry unió sus dedos con los que descansaban sobre su cadera y sonrió dulcemente al
desagradable hombre.
"Lo sé, es increíble, ¿verdad? Es el compañero perfecto para mí, tan cerca y tan lejos, y nos
encontramos por casualidad. Casi demasiado bueno para ser verdad".
"Sí ... bastante ... ah, tendrás que disculparme, necesito hablar con ... por allá", tartamudeó el
hombre bajo la agradable sonrisa de Harry y su inocente parpadeo, apresurándose rápidamente.
"Bueno, estaba un poco preocupado de que alguien estuviera a punto de ser embrujado, pero
aparentemente Harry lo tiene bajo control", se rió Marcus mientras se acercaba a Harry, besando la
mejilla del joven adolescente en señal de bienvenida cuando recibió una sonrisa sincera y cálida en
respuesta. a verlo "Estaba cerca cuando capté tu interacción con Lord Garthy y pensé que podrías
necesitar ayuda, evidentemente no", explicó al ver la mirada curiosa de Gregory.
"Si tienes la capacidad de hablar y manejar cosas así, ¿por qué no?" Gregory preguntó un poco
"No me gustó lo que estaba insinuando sobre ti", murmuró Harry sonrojándose.
"Eres increíble", sonrió Gregory besando la mejilla de Harry mientras Marcus se reía
completamente divertido.
"Lo tomaré como un cumplido"
"¿Ya he hechizado a alguien?" Marc preguntó esperanzado uniéndose a ellos cuando finalmente se
sentaron en una mesa.
"Todavía no", Marcus sacudió la cabeza.
"Maldición, le debo veinte galeones a Julia", Marc se dejó caer sobre la mesa.
"Te dije que no apostaras a que se rompería en cinco minutos, tu primo tiene mucho más control
que eso", dijo Marcus con aire de suficiencia.
"Ustedes dos son traidores," Harry frunció el ceño cuando Hermione y Ron se unieron a su mesa.
"Lo tenías bajo control", se encogió de hombros Ron.
"Traidores", repitió Harry. "¿Está bien que Tiberio venga mañana a su primera lección?" Le
preguntó a Marc.
"Sí, está deseando que llegue, ¿11 todavía está bien?" Marc sonrió.
"Está bien, he preparado un plan básico de lo que haremos para los próximos meses, lo entregaré a
Tiberius para que lo traiga de vuelta para que puedas revisarlo y agregar o quitar cualquier cosa del
plan "
"¿Tienes algún plan importante para él?" Preguntó Marcus.
"Planeo enseñarle el encantamiento Patronus, que siempre impresiona a los examinadores", asintió
"Eso es magia avanzada", Marc frunció el ceño.
"Harry logró aprender a los trece años, y nos enseñó a nosotros y al resto de nosotros a realizarlo de
15 a 14. Es factible", le dijo Hermione.
"¿Trece? ¿En serio?" Marcus parpadeó sorprendido.
"Sí, Remus me enseñó a realizarlo", dijo Harry con timidez.
"Eso es maravilloso, si puedes enseñarle a Tiberius a realizar el Patronus, seguramente pasará sus
OWL", asintió Marcus.
"Si alguien puede enseñarle a manejarlo, Harry puede", dijo Ron con seguridad.
"Haré lo mejor que pueda", les aseguró Harry. "Y me aseguraré de que aprenda lo que necesita, y he
hablado con la directora McGonagall, a los estudiantes se les permite tutores personales si planean
asistir a un aprendizaje, por lo que podré seguir tutoreándolo en la escuela".
"Es una buena noticia, se sentirá aliviado", sonrió Marc.
"Discúlpanos, estoy robando a Harry para un baile", sonrió Gregory hablando de la mano de Harry.
"¡Gregory, no puedo bailar!" Harry chilló incluso cuando se puso de pie.
"Cuídate los pies", gritó Ron antes de gritar cuando Hermione lo golpeó.
"Gregory, realmente no puedo bailar", siseó Harry mientras se dirigían a la pista de baile, los
silenciosos susurros y murmullos a su alrededor le hicieron darse cuenta de que estaban siendo
"Confía en mí para guiarte, estaremos bien", murmuró Gregory tirando suavemente de Harry contra
él y tomando su mano mientras colocaba la otra alrededor de la cintura de Harry.
"Oh Merlín", Harry apretó los dientes y dio un paso atrás cuando Gregory dio un paso adelante, su
cuerpo tenso y estaba bastante seguro de que estaba cerca de romper la mano de Gregory mientras
se aferraba con fuerza mientras comenzaban a moverse por el suelo. bastante seguro de la música
"Mira, solo muévete conmigo, siente cómo se mueve mi cuerpo y sígueme", tranquilizó Gregory
después de unos momentos, girándolos suavemente mientras se movían.
"Lo siento", Harry hizo una mueca al pisar los pies de Gregory.
"Está bien, no lo sentí, ¿por qué crees que la piel de dragón es tan popular en el mundo mágico?"
Gregory le aseguró que soltó una risita ligeramente estrangulada mientras Harry se concentraba en
moverse con Gregory según las instrucciones. "Lo estás haciendo bien, relájate un poco"
"No puedo tropezar con tus pies o algo así", Harry sacudió la cabeza.
"No lo harás, relájate," Gregory sonrió un poco. Finalmente, después de una canción y media más,
Harry comenzó a relajarse en los brazos de Gregory, moviéndose más fácil y libremente, y de hecho
comenzó a disfrutarlo. Sintió que bailar con Gregory, estando tan cerca de él, era una intimidad
completamente nueva, un nuevo descubrimiento de intimidad entre ellos, otro de sus besos y
abrazos, de la mano, de estar presionados uno contra el otro, de quedarse dormido contra ellos.
él. Moviéndose a un ritmo, estando cerca el uno del otro, moviéndose juntos, lo disfrutaba cada vez
más cuanto menos pisaba los pies de Gregory y se ponía al ritmo de la música. "Mira, te lo dije"
"Muy bien te lo dije, aunque si no hubieras estado usando piel de dragón, hubieras cojeado fuera de
aquí", Harry sonrió al encontrarse con los ojos azules de Gregory y lograr relajarse un poco más.
"Uno dos tres, uno dos tres, uno dos tres", Harry presionó su boca contra el hombro de Gregory
para sofocar su risa cuando Hermione y Ron pasaron un poco forzados con Hermione hablando el
ritmo y la cara de Ron se concentró en la concentración.
"Parece que no eres el único que lucha", dijo Gregory divertido mirando a Hermione y Ron
mientras pasaban.
"Creo que Ron podría ser un poco peor que yo", comentó Harry mientras se concentraba en sus
pasos, sin atreverse a apartar la mirada de Gregory o sus pies.
"¿Lo estás disfrutando?" Gregory preguntó preocupado. "Podemos sentarnos si quieres"
"No ... me estoy acostumbrando, tal vez un poco más", dijo Harry lentamente. Gregory asintió y
acercó a Harry un poco antes de que comenzaran a moverse hacia el vals más lento que comenzó.

"¿Te has divertido?" Marcus preguntó mientras Harry se sentaba pesadamente en una silla en su
mesa jadeando levemente, Gregory sonriendo un poco se deslizó con más gracia en su asiento.
"Fue mucho mejor de lo que pensé que sería", se rió Harry, con las mejillas sonrojadas mientras
unía sus dedos con los de Gregory.
"Encantador", sonrió Gregory, levantando las manos para besar la espalda de Harry.
"Sabes a lo que me refiero" Harry rodó los ojos.
"Aquí," Marcus les sirvió a ambos una copa de vino en su mesa, deslizándolos sobre la mesa.
"Gracias", dijo Harry agradecido mientras tomaba un trago necesario.
"Parecía que mejorabas cuanto más bailabas", Marcus lo felicitó.
"Eventualmente, aunque casi pisé el tren ridículamente largo de Lady McDonald con su túnica", le
dijo Harry a Marcus en voz baja, haciendo que el viejo se echara a reír, para el asombro visible de
los que estaban a su alrededor en las otras mesas.
"Abuelo, creo que acabas de causar siete ataques cardíacos en las generaciones mayores", dijo
Gregory con sequedad mientras Harry absorbía la cálida vista de la risa de Marcus, por alguna
razón, el sentimiento de aceptación se filtraba aún más en su pecho.
"Mis disculpas," Marcus se rió entre dientes tomando un sorbo calmante de su vino. "Disculpe,
tengo que ir a hablar con Lady Michaels", Marcus se puso de pie y se dirigió a través de las mesas
hacia una dama de aspecto un poco grande.
"Gracias", Gregory colocó su brazo libre a lo largo del respaldo de la silla de Harry. Moviéndose en
su asiento para descansar un poco contra el pecho de Gregory.
"¿Para qué?" Harry preguntó confundido.
"Está contento con que todos volvamos a estar juntos, pero había una tristeza persistente en él, tú ...
le has dado ese último brillo para lavar esas sombras", Gregory le dio un beso en el cuello de Harry
haciéndole caer un poco él.
"No, es verdad. Has logrado hacerlo feliz, está feliz de que haya encontrado a alguien, y está
creciendo para amarte, más rápido de lo que creo", retumbó suavemente.
"Gregory", Harry se giró para mirar a la cara seria de Gregory, la mirada en los ojos de Gregory
haciendo que no discutiera. En cambio, se inclinó hacia delante y besó a Gregory suavemente.
"Me haces feliz, muy feliz", admitió Harry. El asombro cruzó la cara del rubio mientras miraba a
Harry, buscando cualquier rastro de mentira en él. Al no ver nada, sonrió, la sonrisa más cálida y
sincera que Harry había visto de él. El beso que Gregory presionó en sus labios se hundió
profundamente en sus huesos y calentó una frialdad que no se había dado cuenta de que todavía
existía allí.

"Gregory yo ..." Harry y Gregory hablaron al mismo tiempo antes de que Harry se sonrojara
mirando nerviosamente sus pies. El resto del balón había pasado bastante bien. Marcus e incluso
Marc habían reclamado a Harry para algunos bailes, Hermione había logrado guiarlo a través de un
baile, y había tenido muchos más bailes con Gregory. Habían pasado un par de horas charlando
también en la mesa, Harry estaba feliz de ver que Hermione y Marcus se llevaban
bien. Eventualmente, aunque Harry se había cansado de que los políticos vinieran e intentaran
sacarle algo, incluso con las figuras intimidantes de los Malfoy y un deslumbrante Hermione y Ron.
Todos habían seguido viniendo toda la noche, todos pidiendo algo o preguntando por él y
Gregory. Finalmente, Harry ya había tenido suficiente, y Gregory parecía sentir esto y le habían
dicho buenas noches a todos los demás antes de irse apresuradamente al punto de aparición.
Gregory había abrazado a Harry y los apartaba rápidamente cuando notaron que Lord Thomas se
apresuraba hacia ellos para su séptimo intento de conseguir la ayuda de Harry para conseguir un
lugar más alto en el Wizengamot. Gregory estaba bastante seguro de que Harry iba a hechizar al
hombre si intentaba hacer otra ilusión hacia el soborno. Así que los había apaciguado antes de que a
Kingsley le cortaran el trabajo.
"Lo siento, continúa", Gregory apartó el flequillo de Harry de los ojos de Harry, no queriendo
separarse de él, no queriendo dejarlo pasar por la puerta principal que estaban al lado.
"Will ... ¿quieres ... no importa?" Harry se puso de un espectacular tono rojo e intentó apresurarse
hacia la puerta principal, pero el hombre mayor lo agarró del brazo y tiró de él hacia atrás.
"Harry, ¿qué ibas a preguntar?" La cara abierta y los ojos inquisitivos de Gregory hicieron que
Harry dijera la verdad, a pesar de que su rostro logró volverse aún más oscuro.
"¿Te quedarás a pasar la noche?" Preguntó apresuradamente.
"¿Estás seguro?" Gregory preguntó vacilante mirando hacia la casa.
"Está bien, entiendo que no quieres, no importa que solo fuera ..."
"Harry, detente. Quiero hacerlo, no quiero que pienses que tienes que hacerlo", le tranquilizó
"No pregunté porque creo que debo hacerlo", Harry rodó los ojos, sintiéndose un poco mejor.
"¿Estás seguro de que esto es lo que quieres?" Gregory preguntó mirando de nuevo a la casa.
"Quiero que te quedes", dijo Harry tan honestamente como pudo.
"Andrómeda o Remus no me van a matar por la mañana, ¿verdad?" Gregory preguntó
nerviosamente, pero Harry pareció tomar eso como respuesta porque tomó la mano de Gregory y
comenzó a tirar de él por la puerta principal.
"Por supuesto que no, tengo dieciocho años Gregory"
"Porque Andrómeda y Remus conocen algunos maleficios aterradores, y probablemente Tonks
también", susurró Gregory mientras subían las escaleras tan silenciosamente como podían.
"No te van a hechizar", susurró Harry divertido, tirando de él por el último escalón y bajando por el
pasillo. En silencio, se dirigieron a la habitación de Harry, Gregory se movió para pararse al final de
la cama de Harry mientras el adolescente cerraba la puerta detrás de él y se apoyaba contra ella,
mirando a través de la habitación, encontró cálidos ojos azules y le dio una sonrisa suave. "¿Quieres
usar el baño primero?" Harry preguntó con timidez.
"Gracias", Gregory besó a Harry suavemente una vez antes de deslizarse y pasar al baño privado a
la habitación de Harry. Harry dejó escapar un suspiro tembloroso y se pasó la mano por el pelo
mientras intentaba actualizar su mente con lo que acababa de suceder. Había estado pensando en
ello durante las últimas semanas, pero había pensado que le tomaría mucho más tiempo que esto
preguntarle a Gregory. Pero esta noche había sido tan agradable considerando dónde habían estado
que él no quería decirle buenas noches, no esta noche.
Se quitó la túnica y se puso rápidamente un pantalón de pijama y después de considerar su parte
superior decidió quedarse con la forma en que normalmente dormía. Aprovechó el tiempo para
escanear la habitación rápidamente en busca de cualquier cosa que no quisiera que Gregory viera, y
después de meter el extraño calcetín y los calzoncillos en su canasta de lavado, se sentó a un lado de
su cama esperando que la rubia saliera del baño. .
Cuando Gregory salió, Harry estaba bastante seguro de que su boca se secó antes de amenazar con
la realidad de babear ante la vista. Por supuesto, había recordado con cariño la imagen de Gregory
en traje de baño ajustado, con el pecho desnudo, tomando el sol, pero se sorprendió, y con un poco
de incredulidad, su memoria y sus sueños no le hicieron justicia a la realidad. Gregory había
transfigurado un par de pantalones de pijama blancos que se ajustaban un poco a la forma, dejando
su pecho bronceado y musculoso abierto para la lectura de Harry. Perusal estaba muy feliz de
aprovecharlo al máximo.
El medio Malfoy se dirigió hacia la cama y se deslizó hacia el lado opuesto a Harry, sentándolo
mirándolo con curiosidad.
"Harry, ¿estás seguro de que quieres que me quede?" Gregory preguntó con incertidumbre.
"Sí, de verdad, simplemente, no me he acostado con alguien así antes de que eso esté bien, con lo
que estoy en una relación", Harry dudó un poco para que sus piernas estuvieran en la cama también.
"¿Confías en mí?" Gregory preguntó suavemente.
"Por supuesto que sí," Harry frunció el ceño volviéndose para mirar a su rubia otra vez.
"Entonces ven aquí", Gregory se acostó y abrió los brazos para ofrecer. Harry lo consideró por un
segundo antes de rodar un poco más y arrastrarse hacia el lado de Gregory antes de arrastrarse hacia
abajo para recostar su cabeza sobre el hombro y el pecho de Gregory, tendido mientras Gregory
envolvía su brazo alrededor de la cintura de Harry y lo abrazaba.
Frotando su mano arriba y abajo en la espalda de Harry, Gregory sonrió cuando Harry finalmente se
relajó en él, todo su cuerpo hundiéndose en el suyo mientras hundía sus dedos un poco en los
músculos de la espalda de Harry con su movimiento.
"¿Estás ronroneando?" Gregory preguntó divertido.
"No", murmuró Harry un poco petulante, aunque tuvo que admitir que la petulancia se había
perdido con la falta de huesos que estaba experimentando actualmente.
"Bueno, suena muy parecido", se rió Gregory a la ligera.
"Estoy eligiendo la mejor parte del valor e ignorándote," Harry olisqueó moviéndose un poco en los
brazos de Gregory para acurrucarse más en su costado.
"Me alegra que pudieras ser el mejor hombre", Gregory asintió con fingida seriedad antes de sonreír
cuando Harry se inclinó para besarlo.
"Estoy aniquilado, todos esos moochers me cansan", se quejó Harry.
"Todo ese baile también te cansaría", agregó Gregory mientras tiraba de las mantas sobre ellos.
"Hm, noche en la noche", suspiró Harry descansando su cabeza sobre el pecho de Gregory y
escuchando el relajante sonido de silbido bajo su oreja.
"Noche, noche", Gregory cerró los ojos absorbiendo la sensación del cálido cuerpo de Harry
presionado contra el suyo, de llegar a sostener a Harry en sus brazos.

Gregory frunció el ceño cuando se despertó sabiendo que algo no estaba bien, pero le tomó un par
de latidos y que su mente se despertara por completo para darse cuenta de qué era
exactamente. Poniéndose de pie, miró alrededor de la habitación para aclarar el hecho de que, sí,
Harry no estaba en la cama o en la habitación. Frunciendo el ceño, miró hacia el baño y se sintió un
poco más frío cuando vio que la puerta estaba abierta y que Harry tampoco estaba allí.
Si hubiera estado en casa, le habría preocupado que Harry hubiera entrado en pánico cuando se
despertara y se fuera, pero ¿podría realmente irse cuando sea su propio lugar y su propia
habitación? Aunque tal vez lamentaba haber dormido juntos. Había hecho algo mientras dormía que
hizo que Harry se sintiera incómodo. Merlín esperaba que no hubiera tenido una erección matutina
ni nada vergonzoso como ese. Tal vez había dicho algo mientras dormía o ...
"¡Maldita sea, estás despierto, en serio estabas inconsciente cuando me fui!" El gruñido de Harry lo
hizo parpadear hacia la puerta al ver a Harry parado en la puerta sosteniendo una bandeja y mirando
dormido aún.
"¿Eh?" Gregory preguntó un poco tonto, pero su cerebro no podía pensar en nada más.
"Estuve despierto durante aproximadamente una hora, pero luego Marcus llamó para asegurarse de
que estuvieras aquí cuando eran las diez en punto, Andrómeda llamó, pero seguiste durmiendo, así
que atendí la llamada, luego pensé que nos haría un desayuno para te desperté. No estoy seguro de
si eras una persona mañanera o no ", dijo Harry mientras entraba a la habitación y cerraba la puerta
detrás de él con el pie antes de dirigirse a su lado de la cama y colocar la bandeja. baje antes de
quitarse la suya - Gregory pensó que lo llamaba una sudadera con capucha, una de sus piezas de
ropa muggle - y luego colocó la bandeja en la cama antes de gatear cuidadosamente hacia la
cama. "¿Gregory?"
"No estaba seguro de a dónde te habías ido", dijo Gregory, su mente aún dormida girando para
asimilar todo.
"Realmente pensé que aún estarías dormido, estuve veinte minutos como máximo, y realmente
estabas profundamente dormido cuando me fui, ni siquiera te sacudiste cuando Andrómeda llamó",
dijo Harry en tono de disculpa.
"Está bien, simplemente no estaba seguro de si habías entrado en pánico o ..." Gregory se encogió
de hombros.
"¡No! Fue ... fue realmente bueno despertarse a tu lado", sonrió Harry inclinándose para besar a
Gregory. Alejar la confusión que despertó sin Harry había provocado que Gregory envolviera su
brazo alrededor de la cintura de Harry y lo tirara más cerca, profundizando el beso y deslizando su
lengua para saborear a Harry, lo que lo hizo gemir contento desde el fondo de la garganta de Harry
y el adolescente de cabello oscuro presionando más cerca de él
Cuando se separaron, ambos quedaron claramente satisfechos con el beso, Gregory observó a Harry
lamiéndose los labios con satisfacción. Entonces se dio cuenta de él.
"¿Andrómeda llamó?" Él se atragantó.
"Ella está bien", sonrió Harry sentándose de nuevo contra la cabecera y tirando de la bandeja hacia
adelante para revelar dos tazas de té, un plato con unas tostadas y mermelada, un plato de
panqueques de arándanos y dos pequeños tazones de fruta. "Honestamente, ella me dijo que era un
niño grande. Hubo un intento vergonzoso de ella de decir algo sobre protección y silenciar
encantos, pero agarré la bandeja y corrí hacia ella", Harry se encogió de hombros al ver la expresión
incrédula en el rostro de Gregory.
"Ella ... oh Merlín," gimió Gregory dejándose caer sobre la cama que cubría su rostro. "¡No es
"Es un poco," Harry se encogió de hombros tomando un bocado de su tostada. "Una vez que me
recupere de la vergüenza. En el arrendamiento no hay maleficios".
"Podría estar deseando los maleficios cuando llegue a casa si el abuelo te llamara. Tendré otro
interrogatorio esperando", se quejó Gregory.
"Mejor llénate entonces", dijo Harry colocando una tostada en los labios de Gregory. Ceder a
Gregory mordió el pedazo de pan tostado antes de quitárselo a Harry, presionando un beso
ligeramente pegajoso en sus labios antes de tomar su taza de té y volver a desayunar en la cama con
Capítulo 11
"Oye", Harry sonrió cuando las puertas de entrada a la mansión Malfoy se abrieron y Gregory le
sonrió desde la puerta.
"Hola", Gregory extendió la mano y agarró las solapas de Harry, tirando de él hacia adelante
bruscamente y jalándolo hacia un beso que hizo que los dedos de los pies de Harry se curvaran, su
mano agarró suavemente la parte posterior del cuello de Harry, su pulgar se movió con suaves
movimientos sobre la piel de su cuello. .
"Ustedes dos son repugnantes, lo saben," Draco se rió desde el interior de la mansión haciéndolos
separarse, Harry se sonrojó ligeramente cuando se dio cuenta de que Draco, Lucius, Tiberius y
Leandre estaban parados en la escalera sonriendo de manera prácticamente idéntica, excepto por
Leandre, que estaba con un aspecto generalmente divertido, sus ojos brillantes.
"Gregory realmente, besar al tutor de Tiberius es muy grosero", Lucius sonrió más cuando Gregory
gimió y presionó sus dedos contra sus ojos.
"Déjalos en paz", se rió Leandre.
"¡Sí, eso es realmente asqueroso!" Tiberius arrugó la nariz de una manera que hizo que Harry y
Draco se rieran.
"¿Estas listo para empezar?" Harry le preguntó a Tiberius apretando a Gregory por la cintura.
"Sip", Tiberius bajó apresuradamente las escaleras y se detuvo frente a Harry luciendo tan ansioso
que Harry tuvo que sonreír un poco.
"¿Estás seguro de que estás bien con nosotros sentados?" Gregory preguntó en voz baja.
"Claro", Harry se encogió de hombros con facilidad, no le molestó en absoluto, querían asegurarse
de que Tiberius obtendría la ayuda que necesitaba, también suponía que todos ellos, incluido
Gregory, tenían curiosidad por ver lo que podía. hacer.
"¡Harry!" Marcus bajó las escaleras rápidamente y tiró de Harry del lado de Gregory y lo
abrazó. "Espero que no te importe, pero me agregué a tu lista de observadores"
"Por supuesto que no", Harry sonrió al anciano, abrazándolo y recibiendo una sonrisa feliz a
"Preparamos una habitación por aquí", le indicó Leandre hacia adelante.
"Te veré antes de que te vayas con suerte, señor Potter", Lucius asintió levemente con la cabeza
hacia Harry.
"¿Lo siento?" Lucius parpadeó sorprendido, sin palabras por primera vez desde que Harry lo había
"Puedes llamarme Harry", dijo Harry tranquilamente al encontrar los ojos de Lucius. El hombre
mayor se quedó quieto por unos segundos escaneando la cara de Harry antes de asentir.
"Mientras me llames Lucius", dijo antes de asentir y barrer.
"Creo que es posible que lo hayas dejado en estado de shock", se rió Gregory envolviendo su brazo
alrededor de la cintura de Harry y llevándolo a la habitación que habían preparado, con todos los
muebles a un lado.
"Me gusta mantener a Lucius en estado de alerta", sonrió Harry inclinándose para besar la risa de
Gregory en la mejilla antes de moverse al centro de la habitación y hacer un gesto a Tiberius delante
de él. Los otros cuatro Malfoy se movieron para pararse en la esquina de la habitación.
"¿Qué es primero?" Tiberio preguntó con entusiasmo.
"Muy bien, primero quiero que dispares cada hechizo ofensivo que me conozcas", dijo Harry
dibujando miradas sorprendidas de las otras cinco personas en la habitación.
"Erm ..." Tiberius lanzó una mirada nerviosa a su familia.
"Está bien, me defenderé, necesito poder sentir la fuerza que tienes en tus hechizos y la
concentración para poder trabajar donde mejor necesito ayudarte. No te preocupes, no lo harás me
duele ", le aseguró Harry moviéndose diez pasos hacia atrás y preparando su varita.
"Estuptar", Tiberius lanzó el primer hechizo que Harry desvió rápida y fácilmente.
"Esa no es toda tu fuerza, dispara como si quisieras decirlo, o perderás nuestro tiempo", dijo Harry
con firmeza, y sonrió cuando vio que los ojos de Tiberius se estrechaban ligeramente con
determinación. Los siguientes siete hechizos se dispararon rápida y bastante poderosamente, aunque
Harry los apartó fácilmente.
Durante los siguientes quince minutos, Tiberius le lanzó más y más hechizos a Harry, una selección
realmente impresionante, realmente no le faltaba. Aunque se hizo evidente que a medida que
avanzaba se sentía cada vez más frustrado por el hecho de que no había logrado golpear a Harry una
vez y con la aparente facilidad de que Harry estaba bloqueando sus hechizos.
"Suficiente", llamó Harry y Tiberius dejó caer las manos sobre las rodillas jadeando y
sudando. "Eso era bueno,"
"¡Fue una basura que no te golpeé una vez!" Tiberius espetó. Podía ver a los otros cuatro
moviéndose un poco como para interrumpir, pero habló primero.
"Tiberius, he tenido mucho más entrenamiento que tú, si hubieras logrado golpearme, entonces
estarías listo para recibir tus NEWT en este momento y no necesitarías mi ayuda. Eso fue realmente
bueno, tienes buenos fortalece tus hechizos y tienes un gran conocimiento de los hechizos.
Necesitamos trabajar en tu concentración y liberación, y hacerte sentir más cómodo con tus
hechizos para que seas más inventivo ", le aseguró Harry caminando para acariciar a Tiberius en el
"¿De Verdad?" Tiberius preguntó esperanzado, su ceño se alivió un poco.
"En serio", sonrió Harry. "Ahora, vamos, vamos a trabajar en tus impresionantes hechizos, y
necesitamos un voluntario", sonrió Harry a los cuatro Malfoy que estaban mirando y todos
parpadearon hacia él.
"El tío Gregory lo hará," Draco sonrió antes de esconderlo rápidamente cuando Gregory lo
miró. "Deberías ayudarlo, todo irá bien con él", le susurró asintiendo a Gregory.
"Por supuesto", Gregory se levantó y se dirigió hacia él.
"Ok Tiberius, concéntrate y haz tu mejor esfuerzo", Harry le dio unas palmaditas en el hombro al
adolescente y se paró a su lado mientras apuntaba con su varita a Gregory.
"¡Estuptifica!" Gritó Tiberio. Gregory se sacudió cuando se puso rígido antes de caer hacia atrás.
"Ok, eso fue un buen esfuerzo, pero estás haciendo florecer tu varita innecesariamente. Un estupto
debería ser un golpe corto y agudo, rápido, eficiente, es un hechizo que debes usar rápidamente",
instruyó Harry cuando Draco despertó a Gregory y lo ayudó. arriba. "Ok otra vez"
"¡Estuptifica!" Tiberius lo logró nuevamente con mucho menos éxito.
"Eso fue mejor, pero aún demasiado. Está bien, mira de cerca", Harry se volvió hacia Gregory,
quien estaba siendo ayudado a ponerse de pie por Draco. Draco sonrió y salió corriendo antes de
mirar ansiosamente, haciendo que Gregory mirara nervioso entre ellos. "¿Listo?"
"Sí", asintió Gregory, sonando un poco inseguro.
"Estuptar", Harry realizó el hechizo tan fuerte y limpio como pudo. Hizo una mueca cuando
Gregory fue lanzado de un salto hacia atrás unos pocos pies antes de estrellarse contra el suelo.
"¡Nunca puedo obtener tanto poder detrás de mis hechizos!" Tiberio gimió.
"Florece menos y lo harás, con práctica podrás poner más poder detrás de tus hechizos", le aseguró
Harry antes de moverse para ayudar a Gregory a levantarse cuando gimió y se sentó un poco
rígido. "¿Estas bien?"
"Estoy bien", Gregory hizo una mueca.
"Lo siento, debería haber puesto una estera o algo detrás de ti", se disculpó Harry culpable.
"Estoy bien, solo tienes un buen golpe", se rió Gregory besando a Harry suavemente para
"Muy bien, suficiente besuqueando al tutor", llamó Leandre.
"Draco, puedes reemplazar a Gregory como muñeco de prueba", dijo Harry de pie y tirando de él.
"¡¿Qué? Por qué?!" Draco hizo un puchero.
"Porque sabías exactamente lo que iba a suceder y lo preparaste para hacerlo", dijo Harry sin darse
la vuelta.
"Saberlo todo", se quejó Draco de buena gana pisando fuerte en el medio del suelo y se enfrentó a
"Ok, como lo hice, menos florecer, concentra tu poder, concentra tu concentración. Respira hondo
antes de realizar el hechizo. No hay prisa, no hay prisa, tómate tu tiempo, concéntrate", dijo Harry
descansando suavemente sus manos sobre el hombro de Tiberius. , cuando el adolescente asintió, su
rostro se dibujó con concentración Harry lo soltó y retrocedió. Tiberius lanzó su hechizo a Draco
logrando derribarlo un poco, pero no mucho.
"Eso ya estaba mejor", Harry le dio unas palmaditas en el hombro a Tiberius mientras Gregory
sonreía al despertar a Draco.
"Fue terrible", suspiró Tiberius.
"Necesitas dejar de pensar en lo bueno que quieres y necesitas que sea el hechizo, y solo
concéntrate en el hechizo", dijo Harry suavemente. Tiberius lo miró antes de asentir. "Cierra los
ojos. Respira hondo. No pienses en nada más que en realizar el hechizo". Tiberius respiró hondo y
cerró los ojos, concentrado en sus rasgos.

"Muy bien, suficiente por ahora, buen trabajo", dijo Harry deteniéndose cuando Leandre cayó hacia
atrás, Tiberius logró derribarlo unos metros.
"Puedo ir por más tiempo", argumentó Tiberio.
"No, debes detenerte ahora, continuaremos la próxima semana. Esforzarte demasiado por mucho
tiempo no te ayudará. Has hecho un buen progreso hoy", Harry sacudió la cabeza.
"Muy bien, gracias", Tiberius le sonrió a Harry antes de apresurarse hacia su padre.
"Fue brillante de ver, tienes una verdadera forma de enseñar", Gregory envolvió sus brazos
alrededor de la cintura de Harry desde atrás y besó su mejilla.
"Tiene un potencial realmente bueno", Harry sacudió la cabeza.
"Y un gran maestro, que también es muy sexy", murmuró Gregory al oído de Harry haciéndolo
sonrojar. Harry levantó los ojos verdes hacia Gregory.
"Sexy ¿eh?" Él sonrió un poco.
"Increíblemente", besó Gregory a lo largo de su mejilla hasta sus labios, presionando lentamente sus
labios mientras una de sus manos ahuecaba la mandíbula de Harry.
"¿En serio? ¡Ustedes dos me van a asustar de por vida!" Draco se quejó pisando fuerte al pasar
junto a ellos, con el pelo levantado en todas las direcciones y probablemente un moretón
formándose en su trasero y trasero.
"Puedo pagar tu factura de consejería", Harry le sonrió, haciendo que Gregory y Leandre
comenzaran a reír, Tiberius sonrió, sofocando su propia risa detrás de su mano.
"Oh no, no vas a involucrar a Harry en una broma, lo estoy robando para pasar al menos un poco de
tiempo con mi compañero antes de que tenga que irse a casa", Gregory sacudió la cabeza cuando
Draco abrió la boca, agarrando el brazo de Harry y comenzó a tirar de él hacia la puerta. Riéndose
del entusiasmo de Gregory, Harry se arrastró después de saludar a los demás por encima del
Gregory llevó a Harry a la escalera y deslizó su mano por el brazo de Harry hacia su
mano. Inclinándose sobre él presionó sus labios con los de Harry antes de subirlo por las
escaleras. Nuevamente, Harry miró maravillado los pasillos y pasillos de Malfoy Manor, las
habitaciones por las que pasaban que tenían las puertas abiertas. Cada habitación estaba bellamente
decorada, tantas veces cuando tenía fotos de Malfoy Manor cuando Draco había hablado de eso o
cuando pensaba dónde vivía Draco y había imaginado un lugar frío, vacío y oscuro. Malfoy Manor
estaba lejos de eso, había colores cálidos y decadentes en las paredes en algunos lugares, colores
intensos y audaces en otros, suaves pasteles tranquilos en algunas paredes. Las enormes ventanas
acristaladas dejan entrar mucha luz solar iluminando el lugar aún más.
"Esta era mi habitación favorita cuando era adolescente", le dijo Gregory a Harry que lo condujo a
una gran habitación color crema y marrón, con una gruesa alfombra blanca en el piso. Tres de las
paredes estaban cubiertas de piso a techo en estanterías completamente llenas de libros, la otra
pared tenía estantes llenos de varios elementos de adivinación, bolas de cristal, cartas del tarot, etc.
Frente a un enorme conjunto de ventanas francesas que conducían a un hermoso balcón que Pasó
por alto los jardines. Un sofá blanco de dos plazas se sentaba ligeramente a la derecha de las
ventanas francesas y fue a esto que Gregory lo condujo.
"Es hermoso", suspiró Harry mirando alrededor de la habitación y dándose cuenta de que la madera
alrededor de las ventanas francesas estaba tallada como dos cerezos en flor.
"Es lo único bueno que puedo recordar que mi padre hizo por mí. Me encantó leer y alentó mi
adivinación. Me hizo esta habitación, pasé la mayor parte de mi infancia aquí", explicó Gregory
sentándose en el sofá y arrastrar a Harry hacia abajo también. Harry se sentó y se acurrucó contra su
pecho, descansando su cabeza sobre el hombro de Gregory.
"Es realmente encantador, podría pasar horas aquí", suspiró Harry mirando alrededor de la
habitación luminosa.
"¿Podrías pasar tiempo aquí en la mansión?" Gregory preguntó suavemente. Harry parpadeó y
levantó la cabeza para apoyarla en la barbilla sobre el hombro de Gregory para mirarlo con
curiosidad, tratando de leer lo que quería decir en su rostro. Pero la máscara protectora de Gregory
estaba puesta y Harry no estaba recibiendo una lectura de él.
Frunciendo el ceño ante esto, extendió la mano y presionó su mano contra la mejilla de Gregory,
frotando suavemente su pulgar sobre su pómulo, sus ojos verdes buscando en la cara de Gregory
hasta que se relajó un poco y dejó pasar los nervios que estaba sintiendo.
"¿Qué quieres decir con pasar más tiempo en la mansión?" Harry preguntó manteniendo el
movimiento relajante de su pulgar.
"Me ... me gustó la otra noche y la mañana, dormir a tu lado, despertarme contigo. Eso fue ... fue
bueno y pensé, tal vez, que podríamos hacerlo un poco más a menudo. Aquí ¿Y en casa de
Andrómeda? Gregory se mordió el labio cuando terminó, sus ojos grises miraban a Harry con
"Me gustaría", sonrió Harry levantándose para presionar sus labios suavemente, deslizando su mano
desde la mejilla de Gregory hasta su cuello mientras Gregory apretaba sus labios con más firmeza,
envolviendo su brazo alrededor de su cintura y sosteniéndolo contra su cuerpo. mientras el beso se
profundizaba cuando Harry abrió la boca para permitir que Gregory deslizara su lengua contra la

"¿Harry?" Harry y Gregory levantaron la vista de donde estaban acostados en el sofá, Gregory tenía
su libro favorito, el Kalevala, abierto y estaba leyendo en voz alta para los dos. Lucius estaba
parado en la puerta, luciendo incierto pero firme al mismo tiempo.
"¿Todo bien Lucius?" Gregory preguntó.
"Quiero hablar con Harry, en privado, ¿está bien?" Lucius preguntó mirando entre ellos.
"Sí, está bien", Harry interrumpió a Gregory, poniéndose de pie y agachándose para besarlo
suavemente antes de dirigirse a la puerta y a Lucius. Podía sentir sus nervios burbujeando en su
estómago, no tenía idea de por qué Lucius querría hablar con él en privado, especialmente en este
momento, pero los cubrió lo mejor que pudo y se encontró con los de Lucius cuando lo alcanzó.
Lucius asintió con la cabeza hacia él y luego hacia Gregory sobre su hombro antes de darse la
vuelta y guiar a Harry un poco por el pasillo hacia la habitación contigua a la habitación de
Gregory. Harry entró en la sala de estar, esta con muchos rojos y plateados, siguiendo a Lucius al
sofá de cuero negro y plateado sentado frente a la chimenea, sentándose, respiró hondo antes de
mirar a Lucius expectante.
"Quería hablar contigo", comenzó a decir Lucius antes de fruncir el ceño y al mirar sus manos, sacó
un trozo de pelusa de su túnica.
"Ok", dijo Harry lentamente.
"Quería decir algo sobre ti y Gregory", dijo Lucius en voz baja.
"Lucius, entiendo que estarás preocupado por nosotros pero ..."
"No estoy preocupado", Lucius sacudió la cabeza.
"Oh ... erm ..." Harry tartamudeó sin estar seguro de a dónde iba esto ahora, había estado seguro de
que Lucius le advertiría que no lastimara a Gregory, o que esto era algo sobre la preocupación de
Lucius de que iba a herir a Gregory.
"Si bien podría haber estado actuando para proteger a mi familia lo mejor que pude, fuiste en efecto
mi enemigo por un tiempo, también fuiste la única oportunidad de supervivencia junto con
Dumbledore que realmente pude ver por nosotros. Así que miré y escuché y aprendí sobre ti. Y sé
que no usarías las emociones de alguien contra ellos, especialmente no lo suficientemente lejos
como para aceptar una oferta de cortejo de Gregory. Cualquier duda que haya tenido se borró
cuando vi la forma en que lo miras , llevas tu corazón en la manga Harry, y tu corazón
definitivamente está invertido en esto ", sonrió Lucius.
"No entiendo de qué querías hablarme entonces", Harry frunció el ceño un poco, aunque el sonrojo
que cubría sus mejillas hizo que Lucius sonriera un poco más.
"Quería darte las gracias. Por darle una oportunidad, por ver pasar todo lo que pasó entre nosotros.
Tenías todas las razones para no confiar en Gregory y no mirarlo dos veces, especialmente ahora
que soy bonita seguro de que podrías tener a cualquiera que quisieras. Elegir a Gregory no será la
elección fácil y no se cumplirá con un gran acuerdo del público. Yo ... lo que estoy tratando de decir
es que estoy agradecido de que lo hayas hecho. no permita que nuestro pasado juntos, no importa
cuán comprensivo haya sido sobre la razón detrás de las elecciones que he hecho, para influir en
cómo miró a Gregory ", dijo Lucius, inusualmente inestable en su discurso.
"Yo ... voy a ser sincero, el primer día que vine aquí por Snape, hubo algo sobre Gregory. Cuando
nos encontramos por segunda y tercera vez, cualquier atracción que tuvimos entre nosotros se hizo
aún más fuerte para mí. Cuando envió las flores y el collar, admito que por un momento consideré
cómo el público nos consideraría estar juntos, cómo lo harían mis amigos, pero mis amigos más
cercanos me dijeron que estarían felices por mí mientras Gregory me hiciera feliz. y que él era lo
que yo quería. Yo ... no he tomado muchas decisiones por mí mismo, no he pensado en lo que
quiero mucho en mi vida. En esto estoy dispuesto a ser egoísta. Gregory es a quién quiero que pare
por completo, y mientras yo sea lo que él quiere, nadie nos impedirá que estemos juntos ", Harry
levantó la vista una vez que había terminado de encontrarse con los ojos de Lucius, el brillo en ellos
complementaba su sonrisa y de repente hacía que Harry viera cómo igual que él y Gregory en
realidad lo eran.
"Ha hecho una muy buena elección", actuando por impulso, Lucius se inclinó hacia delante y
abrazó brevemente a Harry, quien se tambaleó por un segundo antes de darle unas palmaditas torpes
a Lucius en la espalda. "No lo hemos visto tan feliz en mucho tiempo. Gracias"
"No tienes nada que agradecerme. Me hace más feliz y me siento más querido de lo que jamás he
conocido", admitió Harry torpemente.
"Ven, será mejor que te devuelva a él antes de que intente espiar a través de la puerta", se rió
Lucius, haciendo reír a Harry también, aunque un poco sorprendido por la señal de un sentido del
humor proveniente de Lucius.

"¿Realmente no vas a decirme lo que dijo Lucius?" Gregory se quejó cuando Harry se quitó la
camisa y se puso un pijama.
"No", sonrió Harry dirigiéndose a un lado de la cama simplemente enorme.
"¿Ni siquiera una pista?" Gregory suplicó, viendo a Harry subirse a la cama y a su lado.
"No fue nada malo, amenazante o algo así", ofreció Harry deslizándose debajo de la delgada sábana
de seda que habían decidido que era todo lo que necesitaban para la noche e inclinándose sobre la
forma medio reclinada de Gregory para besar su hombro.
"¡Bien, me rindo!" Gregory resopló al caer sobre su espalda.
"¿Solo te tomó qué? ¿Ocho horas?" Harry rio.
"Soy persistente", resopló Gregory antes de soltar una bocanada de aire cuando Harry cayó sobre él.
"Es un rasgo muy atractivo para ti, si no un poco molesto", sonrió Harry antes de estallar en
carcajadas cuando los dedos de Gregory se clavaron en su costado y comenzaron a hacer cosquillas.
Diez minutos después, Harry lloró, tío, que había perdido espectacularmente la pelea de cosquillas,
considerando que el único lugar cosquilleante que había logrado encontrar en Gregory eran sus pies
y descubrió que él mismo estaba aparentemente plagado de cosquillas. Estaba recostado sobre su
frente con Gregory a horcajadas sobre sus muslos, las manos que le habían estado haciendo
cosquillas con toda la persistencia que Gregory había afirmado ahora acariciaban sus costados
suavemente. Gregory se inclinó hacia adelante y le dio un beso en la nuca de Harry, haciéndolo
suspirar contento y descansar la cabeza a un lado para permitirle a Gregory más acceso.
Sin embargo, se tensó bruscamente cuando los labios de Gregory se movieron hacia donde sabía
que la primera de sus cicatrices comenzó en su espalda. Se sacudió para sentarse, pero Gregory lo
hizo callar, sus manos nunca detuvieron su suave movimiento de caricias. Se relajó a regañadientes
en el colchón debajo de él, la sensación de los labios de Gregory trazando el camino de cada cicatriz
en su espalda, sintiéndose relajado y dándole la sensación de ser adorado y amado exactamente
como era. Pero prácticamente podía sentir la pregunta flotando en la punta de la lengua de Gregory,
la pregunta que sabía que venía.
"No, por favor no" Harry cerró los ojos, apretando los puños.
"Harry, hay demasiadas cicatrices y algunas son demasiado viejas para las cosas que te sucedieron
en Hogwarts", continuó Gregory.
"Gregory, por favor", suplicó Harry. Gregory le dio la vuelta a Harry y se apartó el flequillo de los
ojos, haciéndolo abrirlos, el dolor en el verde claro e hizo que el corazón de Gregory se apretara.
"Harry, confía en mí"
"Sí," gruñó Harry dolorosamente, levantando sus manos para cubrirse la cara.
"No voy a pensar diferente de ti Harry. Pero tengo que saber, Harry, esto parece un abuso", el
silencio después de sus palabras confirmó todo para él, y levantó las manos para alejar a Harry de
su rostro. El rubor avergonzado en las mejillas de Harry hizo que la furia y la tristeza lo recorrieran
como una ola. "¿OMS?"
"Mi tío. Mi tía a veces. Mi primo no dejó cicatrices pero me rompió el brazo una vez", dijo Harry
volviendo los ojos a un lado mientras las lágrimas brotaban.
"Mírame Harry", dijo Gregory acariciando suavemente la cara de Harry suavemente. Harry
finalmente se armó de valor lo suficiente como para encontrarse con los ojos de Gregory
aterrorizados de que iba a ver asco en la cara de su compañero. "No tienes absolutamente nada de
qué avergonzarte de Harry, esos ... esos animales te lastimaron, eso no tiene nada que ver contigo,
eras un niño. No cambia nada entre nosotros Harry, excepto que yo sepa que eres demasiado más
fuerte, valiente y ... más de lo que pensaba "
"Soy el salvador del mundo mágico, y permití que mi familia muggle me maltratara", resopló
Harry, una lágrima rodando por su mejilla mientras volvía a apartar la mirada de Gregory. El
hombre mayor inclinó firmemente su rostro hacia él.
"Eras un niño al cuidado de personas que se suponía que te amaban y cuidaban de ti, no dejaste que
te hicieran nada. Harry, no tienes nada de qué avergonzarse. Puedo entender que la familia es
completamente diferente a luchar contra el mundo exterior ", Gregory sacudió la cabeza.
"Mi propia familia no podía amarme", Harry susurró el miedo que siempre había hecho eco en su
cabeza desde que tenía la edad suficiente para comprender que lo que estaba sucediendo no era
"Sí, lo hacen", dijo Gregory suavemente. Sorprendido, Harry levantó los ojos una vez más a la cara
de Gregory. "Remus, Tonks, Hermione, Ron, Neville, Andromeda, todos te aman tanto, el abuelo
ya te ama después de unos meses, y estoy bastante seguro de que estoy en el camino correcto para
estar loca por ti, te seguiré hasta el final de la tierra, hacia las estrellas y de regreso si tanto como se
lo pidieran. Estaban equivocados, eran asquerosos y claramente idiotas si no podían amarte, porque
no es algo difícil de hacer ".
"Yo ..." Harry se atragantó tratando de cubrirse la cara otra vez mientras las lágrimas se derramaban
de sus ojos. Gregory agarró sus muñecas para evitar que se cubriera la cara y, en cambio, se inclinó
para rozar sus labios sobre las comisuras de sus ojos, siguiendo las lágrimas que le recorrían las
mejillas. Harry apartó sus manos de las de Gregory y dudó un segundo antes de envolver sus brazos
alrededor de Gregory mientras enterraba su rostro en el hombro del rubio y comenzó a sollozar.
"Shush, está bien, está bien, está bien, va a estar bien", Gregory los meció suavemente mientras los
acomodaba sobre sus costados y sostenía a Harry cerca de su cuerpo.
"Gracias", exhaló Harry segundos antes de que finalmente se durmiera contra el pecho de Gregory,
sus ojos se sintieron hinchados y en carne viva, pero sintiéndose más livianos que en mucho tiempo.
"Siempre voy a estar aquí Harry, siempre", suspiró Gregory, moviéndolos a una posición más
cómoda y asegurándose de que estuvieran cubiertos antes de descansar su mejilla contra el cabello
de Harry y abrazarlo fuertemente mientras se dormía y dormía. protegiendo a Harry lo mejor que
pudo de los recuerdos que habían despertado esa noche. Sus propios sueños llenos de las imágenes
del hombre del que se estaba enamorando de las cosas que deberían haber amado a Harry, y las
imágenes de exactamente lo que le gustaría hacerles.
Capítulo 12
"¿Harry?" Harry se volvió parpadeando un poco confundido cuando fue sacado de sus pensamientos
al ver a Draco parado en la puerta en pijama.
"Hola" Harry sonrió levemente.
"Lo siento, no pude dormir. Me levanté para dar un paseo y tomar algo de beber y vi la chimenea
encendida, no era mi intención entrometerme", Draco divagó un poco haciendo que Harry lo mirara
más de cerca. Tenía pequeñas bolsas debajo de los ojos y parecía bastante arrugado y sacudido.
"No estás entrometiéndote. No podía dormir y no quería despertar a Gregory", Harry sacudió la
"Haz ...", comenzó a decir Draco antes de morderse el labio y mirar inseguro por la habitación.
"Puedes preguntar lo que sea que quieras saber, ven y siéntate, se está poniendo más frío", ofreció
Harry acariciando el sofá en el que estaba.
"No vengo mucho aquí, al tío Gregory no le importaría, pero es tanto su habitación que siempre
tiene ganas de entrometerse un poco", admitió Draco mientras cruzaba rápidamente el espacio hacia
el sofá donde estaba Harry y se acomodaba. abajo, metiendo los pies debajo de sí mismo.
"Me hace sentir segura", admitió Harry.
"¿La habitación lo hace o él lo hace?" Draco preguntó gentilmente.
"Ambos," Harry suavemente.
"¿Crees cuándo ... si Gregory y tú te unieras, podrías ..." Draco comenzó a preguntar, pero se quedó
"¿Podría?" Pregunto Harry.
"Todos tenemos curiosidad por saber si te sentirías cómodo viviendo aquí". Preguntó Draco.
"¿Honestamente? Después de todo lo que sucedió el año pasado, pensé que nunca me sentiría
cómodo en este lugar, vine o Severus esa primera vez, la segunda vez por Gregory, pero cada vez
que temía. Pero durante los últimos dos meses, durmiendo aquí y pasando más tiempo, los buenos
recuerdos y conociendo a su familia adecuadamente, la mansión ya está empezando a sentirse un
poco como en casa ", admitió Harry.
"Ustedes son dioses el uno para el otro", sonrió Draco.
"¿Hmm?" Harry parpadeó ante Draco confundido.
"Soy el único que realmente los ha conocido a ambos separados y separados, puede que no hayamos
sido amigos, pero estoy seguro de que estarán de acuerdo en que nuestra rivalidad permitió una
cierta cantidad de conocimiento mutuo. cuando estabas con Gra ... Hermione y Ron, y más tarde
Neville y Luna, cuando jugabas al Quidditch, después de nuestras aventuras, pero solo tienes esta
mirada en la cara cuando estás con el tío Gregory, hay algo en tus ojos ... " Draco se apagó con una
sonrisa cariñosa mientras apoyaba la barbilla en su mano. "Y el tío Gregory, mi padre solía decirme
cómo era, qué tan seguro estaba, pero no me di cuenta de lo diferente que era hasta que se
reunieron. Él sonríe más, su confianza ya no es fingida a medias, él se enciende cuando están
juntos. Aunque es un poco espeluznante, nunca te quita los ojos de encima apenas cuando están
juntos en una habitación. Ambos parecen saber cuando el otro entra en la habitación ... Desearía
tener algo así "Draco suspiró.
"Todavía somos jóvenes, tienes tiempo de sobra para encontrar a alguien, supongo que tuve mucha
suerte", Harry no pudo evitar sonreír incluso mientras golpeaba a Draco en la pierna con el
pie. Riendo Draco bateo está a un pie de distancia. "¿Hay alguien que tengas en mente?" Harry
preguntó con curiosidad.
"Tal vez," Draco se cubrió.
"¿Alguien que conozco?" Harry sonrió
"Quizás ... ¿no se lo dirás a nadie?" Draco preguntó nerviosamente.
"Lo prometo, se quedará entre nosotros", dijo Harry sobrio al ver cuán nervioso estaba Draco.
"Marcus Flint," soltó Draco.
"¿De Verdad?" Harry parpadeó sintiéndose más que un poco sorprendido.
"Ha cambiado desde la escuela, trabajó en su apariencia y bueno ... siempre fue amable conmigo y
me cuidó, no porque le importara el dinero o el nombre de mi familia, sino porque quería asegurarse
de que estaba bien, porque vio a través de mi máscara y vi al niño asustado debajo, "Draco se
sonrojó sin encontrar los ojos de Harry.
"¿Has hecho un movimiento?" Pregunto Harry.
"No", suspiró Draco. "Parece que pierdo todo mi coraje cuando lo veo"
"Bueno, entonces, si hablas en serio mientras dices que le envías un ramo de cortejo", sugirió Harry.
"¡Qué! No puedo, eso sería ..."
"Probablemente esté preocupado de que no te interese, así que no se ha movido primero. Dices que
no puedes decirle cuando estás con él, así que envíale el ramo, hazle saber que estás interesado.
Hermione dijo que más socios sumisos lo están haciendo "
"Yo ... lo pensaré, si decido ... ¿tú ..." Draco se mordió el labio.
"Cualquier ayuda que necesites solo házmelo saber," Harry empujó sus hombros juntos antes de
ponerse de pie. "Mejor me vuelvo a la cama, necesito intentar dormir un poco"
"Duerme bien Harry ... y gracias", sonrió Draco.
"A Gregory no le importará que te quedes aquí todo el tiempo que necesites a Draco", le aseguró
Harry, haciendo una pausa insegura antes de inclinarse para abrazar a la rubia. "Buenas noches",
sonrió antes de salir por la puerta dejando a un sonriente Draco sentado en el sofá.
Harry se deslizó silenciosamente por los pasillos antes de entrar en la habitación ahora muy
familiar. Le encantaba la habitación de Gregory, los colores suaves y el mobiliario decadente pero
simple, el espacio abierto y amplio después de once años de dormir prácticamente viviendo en un
armario. Sonrió cuando se acercó a su lado de la cama y miró a Gregory acurrucado debajo de las
sábanas. Se deslizó tan silenciosamente como pudo debajo de las sábanas y se acercó a Gregory
antes de acomodarse y tirar de las sábanas sobre sus hombros mientras rodaba para que su espalda
estuviera prácticamente contra el pecho de Gregory.
Él sonrió suavemente cuando sintió un beso presionando la parte posterior de su cuello mientras
fuertes brazos se envolvían alrededor de su cintura, un cuerpo cálido presionado contra su
espalda. Cerró los ojos y aspiró un cálido aroma de la noche mezclado con el cálido y picante aroma
de Gregory que estaba bastante seguro de que podía recoger en cualquier lugar en cualquier
momento. Y como siempre lo hizo, logró relajar la tensión restante de sus hombros y espalda
mientras se hundía en el calor y la comodidad que se le ofrecían sin decir una palabra.
"¿Te desperté?" Preguntó preocupado.
"Te extrañé a mi lado, me desperté cuando me di cuenta de que no estabas en la cama", le aseguró
Gregory, acariciando suavemente el hombro de Harry. "Es completamente injusto, en dos cortos
meses de dormir uno al lado del otro un par de veces a la semana me has arruinado por dormir
"Pido disculpas por completo y sinceramente por eso", se rió Harry.
"De alguna manera, dudo sinceramente de tu sinceridad", resopló Gregory mordisqueando el
hombro de Harry para obtener más risas de él. "¿Fue otra pesadilla?" preguntó preocupado
acurrucándose aún más cerca de él.
"Sí", suspiró Harry, por mucho tiempo había renunciado a tratar de ocultar sus pesadillas a Gregory
después de que dormir juntos se había convertido en un hábito.
"Desearía poder quitártelos"
"No quisiera que los sufrieras", Harry sacudió la cabeza ligeramente para poder ver la cara de
Gregory mientras aún permanecía en sus brazos.
"Ya has tenido que vivir una vez a través de la mayoría de ellos, no deberías tener que revivirlos",
Gregory frunció el ceño inclinándose hacia adelante para pasar sus labios sobre la mejilla de
Harry. Harry rodó en respuesta al toque y se enterró en el pecho de Gregory.
"Esto lo hace mejor", admitió. Los brazos de Gregory se apretaron alrededor de él antes de que una
mano se levantara para peinar el cabello de Harry.
"Desearía poder hacerlo todo mejor"
"Lo eres, poco a poco lo eres", el brazo de Gregory se tensó aún más y tiró del cabello de Harry lo
suficiente como para que levantara la cabeza para poder presionar sus labios en una promesa, sonrió
suavemente y presionó hacia atrás, acurrucándose más cerca el fuerte calor que le ofreció un camino
desde su pasado hacia un futuro que nunca había imaginado.

"¡Gregory! ¡Gregory, tienes una entrega!" Marcus llamó, cojeando por los pasillos a una velocidad
sorprendente para su edad.
"¡Abuelo! ¡Reduce la velocidad! ¡Te lastimarás!" Lucius dijo preocupado cuando Marcus se
apresuró a entrar en la habitación.
"Aquí, son de Harry", Marcus le tendió el bulto a Gregory, quien parpadeó confundido entre su
abuelo y el bulto.
"¿Harry estuvo aquí?" Gregory preguntó.
"Sí", asintió Marcus.
"¿Por qué no se quedó?" Gregory frunció el ceño.
"Me pidió que te pasara esto y te dijera que tenía algunas cosas que resolver antes de esta noche,
pero que te vería entonces", le aseguró Marcus antes de presionar el bulto en los brazos de
Gregory. "¡Ahora abra que tengo curiosidad por saber de qué se trata todo esto! Primero dijo la
carta", señaló Marcus hacia la carta pegada a los envoltorios mientras tomaba asiento, todos los
demás se arrastraron hacia adelante en sus asientos para ver, incluso Mikhail quien tuvo que dividir
su atención entre Gregory y su pequeña hija Selene.
Querido Gregory
Ok, no soy muy bueno en cosas como esta, y Hermione me ha dicho que diga lo que pienso, así que
eso es lo que haré. Han pasado seis meses desde que me enviaste mi ramo de noviazgo, y quería
hacer algo especial para ello, incluida la organización de mi primera cita o la nuestra. Así que
espero que te guste tu regalo y que te unas a mí esta noche en las coordenadas a continuación. Te
veo esta noche.
Gregory sonrió pensando en lo nervioso que había estado hace seis meses enviando su ramo y
preguntándose si Harry sería receptivo a sus avances o no. Dejó la carta en su plato vacío para
poder obtener las coordenadas más tarde antes de retirar con cuidado las ataduras del paquete. Él
sonrió cálidamente cuando se reveló un ramo.
"¡Oh Gregory, son perfectos!" Carina jadeó.
"Almendra floreciente porque sigo esperando, Camelia Roja porque eres una llama en mi corazón,
Mosca Roja por amor juvenil, Margaritas rojas por belleza desconocidas para el poseedor, Narcisos
por felicidad y Althea por amor, eso es un ramo "Marc palmeó a su primo en la espalda mientras
Gregory miraba las flores.
"Amor ... él me ama", sonrió Gregory.
"¡Por su puesto que lo hace!" La mesa entera respondió rodando los ojos.
"Hay algo más", señaló Narcissa a los envoltorios. Gregory se adelantó ansiosamente y tiró de los
envoltorios más atrás para revelar algo que los hizo jadear a todos.
"Sí, definitivamente te ama, muchacho", Marcus le sonrió a su nieto cuando Gregory pasó un dedo
reverente por el presente.
"¡Deben haber costado una fortuna!" Draco se quedó boquiabierto. La baraja del tarot era exquisita,
finalmente hecha y empapada en magia que Gregory podía sentir que provenía del propio Harry a
pesar de que podía sentir que la manada nunca antes había sido tocada.
"Abuelo, ¿puedo hablar contigo en privado, por favor?" Gregory preguntó tomando una decisión
mientras recogía las cartas y las mantenía cerca. Ignoró las sonrisas de complicidad del resto de su
familia y siguió a su abuelo cuando Marcus solo sonrió y se levantó.

"Wow ..." Gregory exhaló mirando alrededor del área a la que lo habían llevado.
"Estableciste algo especial para nosotros en todas nuestras citas, quería hacer lo mismo", dijo Harry
desde un lado, Gregory se volvió para ver a su compañero apoyado contra la pared al lado de donde
se había aparecido.
"¿Dónde estamos?", Preguntó Gregory mirando hacia atrás en el área impresionado.
"Una de las casas negras, pensé que sería perfecta para esta noche. La casa es un desastre, sin
embargo, el jardín era justo lo que quería", Harry se apartó de la pared y se acercó a Gregory,
tirando una flor desde atrás su espalda y rápidamente clavándola en la solapa de Gregory. Gregory
apreció el sonrojo tímido en las mejillas de Harry antes de mirar hacia abajo para ver una rosa
nupcial allí. "Se está adelantando, lo sé, pero es que el significado era perfecto", se sonrojó Harry.
"Amor feliz, ¿lo dices en serio?" Gregory preguntó suavemente capturando las manos de Harry.
"Sí ... estaba demasiado nervioso para decirlo cara a cara primero", se disculpó Harry suavemente,
moviendo una mano para pasar los dedos por la mejilla de Gregory.
"Yo también te amo Harry Potter capaz de detenerse de tirar de Harry sin poder evitar tirar de Harry
contra él, el hombre más joven se encontró con él en el beso.
"Vamos", Harry sonrió brillantemente agarrando la mano de Gregory y bailando fuera de su
alcance, tirando de él a lo largo del camino, a través de un enrejado ligeramente crecido que tenía
hadas brillantes revoloteando a través de ellos. Pequeñas risitas vinieron de ellos haciendo que
Harry rodara los ojos divertido y agitara una mano hacia ellos.
Gregory jadeó una vez más cuando vio exactamente lo que Harry había preparado para ellos. Había
un cenador con rosas enroscadas alrededor de las paredes que emitían un aroma dulce en el aire,
flotando alrededor del techo había una multitud de pequeñas bolas de luces multicolores que se
movían alegremente y proporcionaban la única luz, excepto las velas encendidas. La pequeña mesa
redonda en el centro de los cenadores. La mesa estaba preparada con un mantel blanco y dos
configuraciones para ellos, su entrante ya estaba sentado en sus platos.
"Maestro Malfoy," sonrió Harry sacando la silla para Gregory. Sentándose, Gregory miró el plato.
"Es esto…"
"Paté de pan tostado y pato", asintió Harry sentándose frente a él.
"Mi favorito", sonrió Gregory.
"Lo sé", Harry le devolvió la sonrisa burlonamente, empujándolo suavemente debajo de la mesa con
el pie. "¿Vino?"
"¡Por favor, esto es absolutamente perfecto Harry!" Gregory suspiró mirando a su alrededor. El
lugar a pesar de ser los terrenos masivos de una mansión se sentía completamente íntimo para
ellos, su propio pequeño mundo. Harry le sonrió tímidamente, metiéndose el pelo detrás de la oreja
en un movimiento incierto.
"Has planeado tantas citas increíbles, quería hacer algo especial para ti, para este aniversario",
admitió Harry.
"El solo hecho de que estemos aquí, juntos medio año después, lo haría perfecto. Esto lo hace cien
veces más", se rió Gregory.
"Medio año", se rió Harry "No puedo creerlo realmente"
"¿En el buen sentido o en el mal?" Gregory preguntó, bastante seguro de que sabía la respuesta,
pero con un pequeño destello de duda.
"Definitivamente es una muy buena manera", Harry extendió la mano para apretar la mano de
Gregory. "Hace medio año no pensé que estaría sentado frente a un hombre que amo tanto, con un
futuro juntos que estoy esperando. Nunca puedo agradecerte lo suficiente por darme esto", dijo
Harry suavemente.
"No tienes idea de lo mucho que me ha dado a Harry, la idea de que yo estaría sentado frente a un
hombre que tanto amo y que me ama a pesar de todo, me había perdido la esperanza de volver a
conseguir esto"
"Supongo que los dos estamos contentos con el lugar donde terminamos", dijo Harry aligerando la
atmósfera. Funcionó y ambos se acomodaron con una sonrisa en sus rostros mientras comenzaban a
"Este es delicioso Harry", tarareó Gregory con placer, dándole otro gran mordisco casi
inmediatamente después.
"¿Te gusta?" Harry preguntó con un tono de vulnerabilidad que hizo que Gregory se detuviera a
medio mordisco y parpadeara a su compañero.
"¡¿Tú hiciste esto?!" Se ahogó, toda la sensación de decoro de Malfoy y los modales arraigados de
no hablar con la boca llena salieron de su mente cuando se dio cuenta de por qué Harry lo miraba
tan nervioso.
"Quería hacer algo especial," Harry se encogió de hombros.
"¿Has hecho toda la comida?"
"Sí", Harry sonrió tímidamente a Gregory que estaba sentado mirándolo con asombro.
"Nadie me ha cocinado en casa antes", admitió Gregory.
"Entonces es bueno que haya hecho todos tus favoritos. Y que tengo algo con lo que chantajearte en
el futuro", se rió Harry antes de reír cuando un brindis lo golpeó en el pecho.

Habían terminado su pastel de pastor con puré de queso: Harry se sintió un poco aturdido y aliviado
cuando Marcus le dijo que esa era la comida favorita de Gregory , se había estado preparando para
hacer una comida elegante de la que probablemente nunca había oído hablar, y lo había hecho. solo
lo hizo esforzarse aún más por su compañero. Y se habían pasado a sus postres, pastel de chocolate
con chocolate, Harry se había movido alrededor de la mesa para que estuvieran prácticamente uno
al lado del otro, con los hombros apretados. Harry tenía sus piernas sobre los muslos de Gregory
mientras estaban sentados comiendo del mismo plato.
"Esto ha sido absolutamente increíble", suspiró Gregory presionando un dulce beso en los labios de
"Todavía no he terminado", Harry sacudió la cabeza, se puso de pie y extendió la
mano. Preguntándose qué más había allí Gregory cerró los dedos y siguió a Harry. Observó
confundido mientras la mesa se deslizaba hacia un lado dejando el espacio en el centro de la
glorieta. "¿Bailarias conmigo?" Harry preguntó mientras una música suave brotaba de todos a su
"Me encantaría", Gregory asintió moviéndose con Harry hacia el centro antes de deslizar su brazo
alrededor de la cintura de Harry para mantenerlo cerca antes de que comenzaran a balancearse
suavemente, moviéndose simultáneamente. Harry no estaba seguro de cuánto tiempo bailaron,
ninguno de los dos estaba dispuesto a que la noche terminara o se dejaran ir el uno al otro.
La música continuó, algunas canciones con las que Gregory estaba familiarizado, otras que él pensó
que tenían que ser muggle, pero Harry había elegido unas que sabía que Gregory disfrutaría y que
no había fallado. Finalmente, Gregory sintió que las palabras ardían en su lengua, la magia de la
noche lo instó a que la paz de su momento juntos llegara a un punto en el que debía
detenerse. Harry levantó la cabeza del hombro de Gregory, donde había estado descansando durante
la última media hora al menos. Sonriendo para tranquilizarlo, Gregory dio un pequeño paso atrás
antes de respirar hondo y luego cayó sobre una rodilla.
"Hay tantas palabras bonitas y promesas que podría hacer en este momento, pero me gustaría pensar
que ya las conocerías y conocerías mis sentimientos hacia ti. Así que lo mantendré simple. Hemos
pasado estos últimos seis meses juntos y yo sería el hombre más feliz del mundo que pasaría el resto
de mi vida contigo. Entonces, Harry Potter, ¿me harías el gran honor de casarte conmigo? Gregory
exhaló, sus nervios mordiéndole mientras Harry miraba con los ojos bien abiertos al simple pero
hermoso anillo que había sacado de su bolsillo.
Harry dejó escapar un ruido completamente indescriptible antes de atacar a Gregory en el piso
golpeando sus labios antes de tirar antes de que Gregory pudiera comenzar a devolverle el beso para
esparcir besos sobre su rostro.
"¿Es un sí?" Gregory preguntó débilmente.
"¡Sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí!" Harry cantó entre besos. Riendo un poco histéricamente, Gregory envolvió
sus brazos alrededor de la cintura de Harry y los volteó presionando sus labios con más firmeza
antes de darle a Harry una probada de su propia medicina y se alejó demasiado rápido. Sin
embargo, Harry sintió que la queja moría en su lengua cuando Gregory le agarró suavemente la
muñeca y deslizó el anillo que afortunadamente había logrado mantener a través de la entrada de
Harry en el dedo anular de Harry. Ambos respiraron profundamente mientras la magia se hinchaba
alrededor del anillo sellando su promesa.
En la mansión Malfoy, toda la familia se detuvo y se miró antes de sonreír y animar, la magia
familiar que giraba a su alrededor reconoció la extensión de su familia. Andrómeda, Remus y Tonks
se enderezaron incluso cuando Teddy dejó escapar una risita encantada, los tres sonrieron antes de
darse cuenta exactamente de lo que habían sentido, incluso cuando la magia familiar siguió
bailando y girando sobre su piel.
De vuelta en el cenador, Harry y Gregory ignoraban por completo que sus familias se apresuraban
hacia sus chimeneas para flotar entre sí y básicamente tenían un buen chisme. Estaban
completamente envueltos el uno en el otro, Harry estaba fuertemente envuelto alrededor de
Gregory, sus labios sellados fuertemente en un beso mientras se abrazaban, el anillo en el dedo de
Harry brillaba en las luces aún flotando en lo alto.
Capítulo 13
"¡Estoy asustado, sabes! ¡En serio, traumatizado! Creo que perdí unos veinte años de mi vida",
gruñó Harry al caer sobre la cama. Dio un respingo cuando Hermione se dejó caer encima de él,
Ron se retorció al otro lado y se puso cómodo.
"¡Te estás uniendo!" Hermione sonrió abrazándolo con fuerza.
"Estoy muy consciente de eso gracias, estuve allí ante la propuesta," Harry olisqueó pero no pudo
evitar la sonrisa en su rostro mientras abrazaba a Hermione de vuelta, convenientemente mirando su
"Sí, sí, es hermoso", se rió Ron rodando los ojos mientras se daba la vuelta para pasar el brazo sobre
Hermione y Harry.
"Estoy tan feliz por ti", suspiró Hermione descansando su cabeza sobre el hombro de Harry.
"Estoy bastante feliz ahora mismo", admitió Harry con una risa sin aliento. "Pero realmente no se ha
hundido. Realmente no puedo creer que realmente haya sucedido".
"Se sentirá así por un tiempo," Hermione le sonrió a Ron lanzándole su brazo sobre él.
"Dos bodas", sonrió Ron. "¿Estás planeando tener el tuyo pronto?" Preguntó con curiosidad.
"No sé realmente, creo que los dos queremos casarnos más temprano que tarde, sé que ustedes están
felices esperando un año o dos, pero estamos bastante de acuerdo en que no queremos esperar",
suspiró Harry.
"Todos van a su propio ritmo, sabes lo que es correcto para ti. Además, me da la oportunidad de
correr en seco con tu boda antes que la mía", se rió Hermione.
"Nuestro", corrigió Ron divertido.
"Por supuesto, cariño,"
"¿Cómo lo tomaron Remus, Tonks y Andromeda?" Ron preguntó.
"¡Te lo dije, estoy traumatizada!" Harry resopló.
"¿Así de mal?" Hermione se rio.
"Me perforaron por cada segundo de la propuesta, se abalanzaron sobre mí tan pronto como entré
por la puerta, ¡fue una cicatriz!" Él gimió.
"Están felices por ti", sonrió Hermione.
"Sí, y los Malfoy también lo están, creo que Marcus casi se rompió algunas costillas, sin mencionar
lo emocionado que estaba Tiberius cuando fui a su clase ayer", sonrió Harry suavemente.
"¿Y te estás mudando a la mansión?" Ron preguntó.
"Gregory preguntó, me gusta en la mansión, pero también vamos a tener nuestro propio lugar,
dividiremos nuestro tiempo entre ellos", asintió Harry.
"Suena como una buena idea, aunque estoy bastante segura de que podrías pasar días sin ver a
alguien más en ese lugar a menos que lo intentes", sonrió Hermione.
"¿Estarás bien visitando allí, tal vez quedarte de vez en cuando?" Harry preguntó nerviosamente.
"Lograste superarlo, e imagino que se siente muy diferente ahora que no alberga la personificación
de la locura y el mal", Hermione sacudió la cabeza.
"Está ... empezando a sentirse como en casa", asintió Harry. "Tanto como aquí"
"¿Deberia estar preocupado?" La voz divertida de Gregory llegó desde la puerta, haciéndolos mirar
desde la pila en la que habían estado.
"Sí, estamos planeando hacer un trío, ¿te gustaría hacer cuatro?" Harry sonrió.
"¡Harry!" Hermione farfulló sonrojada mientras Gregory comenzó a reír.
"Sin ofender a Hermione y Ron, pero absolutamente no. No comparto", gruñó Gregory
juguetonamente metiéndose en la pila y arrastrando a Harry, Ron y Hermione riendo mientras veían
a Gregory arrojar a Harry sobre su hombro.
"¡Bruto!" Harry gritó con su propia risa.
"He venido a secuestrarte", le dijo Gregory.
"¿Tienes? ¿Para qué?" Harry preguntó con curiosidad mientras admiraba la vista que tenía mientras
se cernía sobre la espalda de Gregory.
"Es una sorpresa. Por favor, perdona mi secuestro, lo devolveré pronto", Gregory inclinó la cabeza
hacia Hermione y Ron, donde todavía estaban cómodamente tumbados en la cama.
"Está bien, tenemos que ir al Ministerio para registrar nuestra nueva dirección", Ron sacudió la
"Tenemos una reunión en media hora", agregó Hermione.
"Harry me habló de tu casa, felicidades," Gregory les sonrió a los dos.
"Gracias, necesita un poco de trabajo pero es perfecto", sonrió feliz Hermione.
"Disfruta tu sorpresa y felicidades a ti mismo", le dio una palmada a Gregory en la espalda.
"Estamos felices, por los dos", asintió Hermione besando la mejilla de Gregory. Parpadeó antes de
sonreírles a los dos.
"¿Puedo decir adiós antes de que me secuestros?" Harry rio.
"Claro", Gregory asintió girándose para que Harry los enfrentara. Hermione le besó la mejilla con
una sonrisa y Ron logró darle un extraño abrazo. "Bien, vamos entonces"
"Estás nervioso", Harry parpadeó un poco para ver la cara de Gregory mientras se movían afuera y
hacia las apariencias.
"Un poco", admitió Gregory poniendo a Harry de pie. Se balanceó por un segundo antes de acunar
la cara de Gregory.
"¿Qué es esta sorpresa?" Preguntó con curiosidad.
"Es un regalo tradicional de Malfoy para un futuro unido a la mansión", le dijo Gregory.
"¿Qué tipo de regalo?" Harry preguntó con curiosidad.
"¿Ven conmigo a ver?" Gregory preguntó tendiéndole la mano.
"Por supuesto", sonrió Harry, pasando la mano y envolviendo sus brazos alrededor de la cintura de
Gregory. El hombre mayor envolvió sus brazos alrededor de Harry, enterrando su nariz en el
cabello de Harry y respirando su aroma antes de que se apartara y entrara en el hall de entrada de la
mansión. Estaba sospechosamente vacío mientras subían directamente las escaleras, normalmente
una o algunas personas aparecían al azar para ver quién se había aparecido. Y para su preocupación,
los nervios de Gregory solo parecían empeorar. "Sabes con lo nervioso que estás poniendo mi
mente está destellando a todos esos rumores sobre el sacrificio ritual de Malfoy y demás", bromeó
"Lo siento, solo ... realmente quiero que te guste esto", admitió Gregory. Harry trotó un poco para
caer al nivel de él, envolviendo sus brazos alrededor de la cintura de Gregory.
"Estoy seguro de que lo haré", le aseguró Harry. "¿Está en tu habitación?" Harry preguntó
confundido cuando se detuvieron afuera de la habitación ahora muy familiar.
"Sí ... ¿cierras los ojos?" Gregory preguntó suavemente, lamiéndose los labios con nerviosismo.
"Me encantará lo que sea", Harry se inclinó sobre sus dedos para besar a Gregory, lenta y
burlonamente mientras pasaba sus dedos por el cabello rubio que le encantaba tocar. Cuando se
apartó, Gregory parecía mucho más relajado y tenía una sonrisa suave en los labios.
"Gracias", suspiró Gregory inclinándose para besar a Harry suavemente, lamiéndole la boca y
profundizándolo más que el beso anterior antes de alejarse dejando a Harry inclinarse detrás de él
con un gemido persiguiendo sus labios. Sonriendo al resplandor que consiguió, Gregory tomó las
manos de Harry. "Cierra tus ojos,"
Intentando calmar sus propios nervios ahora, y querido Merlín, por favor, que le guste lo que sea
que sea, Harry permitió que Gregory lo llevara a su habitación. Una vez que estuvo parado en lo
que calculó como el centro de la habitación, se detuvieron y escuchó a Gregory respirar
profundamente antes de que lo animaran a abrir los ojos.
Lo que vio le dejó sin aliento. La habitación de Gregory había cambiado. Ahora había tres puertas
que salían del dormitorio en lugar de la única puerta que daba al baño. El color era un verde pastel
suave con alfombras grises, cortinas plateadas que cubrían las ventanas, que ahora eran ventanas
francesas que daban a un pequeño balcón, cortinas plateadas rodeaban la cama, la misma que antes
de que Harry estuviera feliz de ver, y blanco, Las sábanas grises y negras estaban sobre la cama.
"Qué ..." Harry parpadeó mirando a Gregory.
"Ven a mirar al resto?" Gregory volvió a tomar su mano y lo condujo a través de la primera puerta,
esta condujo a una sala de estar con una alfombra roja carmesí en el piso, un sofá negro de tres
plazas y dos plazas frente a una chimenea con una hermosa mesa de centro en el centro . Había
estanterías que cubrían las paredes, que estaban hechas en un profundo color gris y rojo. Y luego
Gregory lo condujo a la última habitación haciendo que Harry jadeara en esta habitación, era una
cocina enorme, una cocina de pie estaba en el centro de una encimera en U que era de mármol
blanco, una gran ventana daba al Orquídea que a Harry le encantaba, había una mesa de comedor
junto a los mostradores. Harry se movió hacia adelante pasando sus manos reverentemente sobre los
mostradores en lo que era la cocina de sus sueños. Al mirar a lo largo de todos los utensilios y
equipos, Harry pudo ver que tenía todo lo que podría desear en la habitación.
"Esto es…"
"¿Si?" Gregory preguntó nerviosamente.
"¿Este es mi regalo? ¿Todo esto?" Harry se dio la vuelta para mirarlo con los ojos muy abiertos.
"Sí, es tradicional cuando alguien se une a la familia y se muda a la mansión para cambiarse o hacer
habitaciones para ellos y para que la nueva pareja los haga sentir más en casa", asintió Gregory.
"Esto es…"
"¡¿Si?!" Gregory gruñó, nervioso claramente llegando a él ahora.
"Demasiado, Gregory, esto es completamente asombroso, pero es demasiado", Harry sacudió la
cabeza incluso cuando sus ojos volvieron a mirar a la cocina.
"Es técnicamente para los dos, por lo que no puedes quejarse demasiado. Por ejemplo, sé que
disfrutas cocinar y que querrías una cocina propia, mientras que me beneficiaré de que cocines para
mí", sonrió Gregory mientras caminaba. a él "¿Te gustan?"
"Los amo. Somos ... nosotros", Harry sonrió en el hombro de Gregory.
"Sé que dijimos que compraríamos un lugar, una casa lejos de aquí, pero mientras estamos aquí
también necesitamos un lugar separado de los demás si lo queremos, esto es para nosotros aquí",
explicó Gregory.
"Sabes que todavía dormimos por separado la mitad de las noches", dijo Harry.
"Sí," Gregory frunció el ceño, confundido.
"Probablemente deberíamos practicar vivir juntos antes de que me mude aquí", ofreció Harry.
"Tú quieres…"
"Todavía no estoy listo para mudarme de Andromeda, pronto pero no ahora. Pero para ser honesto,
odio las noches que no estamos juntos, como dijiste que me has arruinado por dormir solo",
presionó Harry. labios a los de Gregory mientras sonreía alegremente.
"Eso suena increíble", tarareó Gregory. "Me siento solo sin ti en mis brazos"
"Hay una tradición muggle, ya sabes", dijo Harry alejándose de su beso para mirar a Gregory con
ojos brillantes.
"¿Una tradición?" Gregory preguntó haciendo un puchero ligeramente mientras intentaba inclinarse
para besar a Harry nuevamente, gruñendo cuando Harry se echó hacia atrás.
"Sí, cuando se mudan a un nuevo lugar juntos o consiguen un nuevo lugar juntos", Harry asintió.
"Muy bien, ¿cuál es esta tradición?" Gregory preguntó con un suspiro al ver que no iba a poder
continuar con el beso.
"Se llama bautizar el lugar. Tú ... celebras el nuevo lugar disfrutando de la compañía del otro en el
"¿Disfrutando de la compañía del otro? Quieres decir ..." Gregory miró a Harry con ojos que se
oscurecían como una tormenta. Harry apenas terminó de asentir cuando se encontró golpeado contra
el mostrador y su boca devorada por una abrasadora. Gimiendo ruidosamente, envolvió sus brazos
alrededor del cuello de Gregory cuando el hombre mayor envolvió sus manos alrededor de los
muslos de Harry y lo levantó para colocarlo en el borde del mostrador.
Quitarse la ropa se hizo rápidamente y, aunque con poca delicadeza, ambos estaban más que
contentos cuando su piel desnuda se presionó entre sí. Gregory besó el cuello de Harry, haciendo
una pausa para chupar un mordisco de amor en la tierna piel del cuello de Harry mientras su mano
se movía para tomar el culo de Harry.
El gemido que Harry dejó salir fue vergonzosamente fuerte y sucio cuando juntó las caderas por
primera vez, aún más cuando los dientes de Gregory se clavaron en la piel de su cuello antes de
comenzar a moverse con Harry. Les tomó apenas unos segundos ponerse al ritmo el uno con el otro,
sus cuerpos se movían en sincronía mientras se balanceaban, apretándose fuertemente mientras sus
labios se encontraban de nuevo, el beso esta vez desordenado y ligeramente distraído.
Harry jadeó en la boca de Gregory tratando de luchar contra el orgasmo que se acercaba
rápidamente, no queriendo que esto terminara demasiado pronto, pero la sensación de la polla
pesada y caliente de Gregory rozándose contra la suya hinchada y sensible le estaba haciendo girar
la cabeza, la sensación de rozando contra su estómago, dejando un rastro de pre cum hizo temblar
su cuerpo. Gimiendo más fuerte en respuesta al gemido jadeante Gregory estaba dejando que Harry
envolviera sus piernas con más fuerza alrededor de la fuerte cintura de su amante, de su prometido,
del hombre con el que quería pasar el resto de su vida. Y con ese pensamiento, Harry gritó y se
aferró a Gregory mientras se inclinaba sobre el borde.
Apenas estaba volviendo a sí mismo cuando Gregory empujó con fuerza tres veces más contra él
antes de derramarse sobre sí mismo, haciendo que Harry gimiera un poco lastimero al sentir el
esperma caliente de Gregory golpeando su estómago y gastando la polla, pero se aferró fuertemente
a su cabello dorado. amante, frotando su espalda y besándolo suavemente mientras bajaba de su
"Wow", Gregory exhaló cuando se alejaron de intercambiar besos perezosamente.
"Oh, sí", suspiró Harry sabiendo que tenía una estúpida sonrisa en su rostro y sin importarle.
"Creo que deberíamos ir a bañarnos antes de permanecer juntos", se rió Gregory haciendo que
Harry hiciera una mueca antes de asentir cuando se movió.
"También estamos fregando este mostrador," resopló Harry. "No puedo moverme", gimió dejando
caer la cabeza sobre el hombro de Gregory.

Finalmente, Harry logró convencer a Gregory de que lo llevara al baño y se sentaron empapados
contentos durante la última media hora, Harry sentado al frente con la espalda presionada contra el
pecho de Gregory. Estaba perezosamente rozando su mano hacia arriba y abajo del muslo de
Gregory, empapándose en presencia de su amante mientras estaban en sus habitaciones.
"Hermione y Ron preguntaron algo hoy", dijo suavemente, no queriendo realmente romper la paz
entre ellos.
"¿Hmm?" Gregory abrió los ojos.
"Preguntaban si queríamos casarnos tarde o temprano, supuse lo que querrías pero bueno, ¿qué
quieres?" Harry preguntó suavemente, enfocándose en el muslo dorado debajo de sus dedos.
"Preferiría estar unido a ti antes amor", dijo Gregory suavemente apretando su brazo alrededor de la
cintura de Harry. "¡De esa manera no puedes escapar de mí!" Añadió burlonamente al oído de Harry
obteniendo la risa que estaba buscando.
"¿Y a dónde voy a correr?" Harry preguntó divertido.
"No sé, en algún lugar alejado de mi loca familia", se rió Gregory.
"Has conocido a mi suerte, ¿no?" Harry bufó.
"Punto. Me gusta esto", suspiró Gregory.
"¿Hablando de nuestras familias mientras estamos desnudos en el baño?" Harry giró la cabeza para
sonreírle, chillando cuando le pellizcaron el costado en represalia.
"Conseguir relajarte y abrazarte contra mí, aunque la desnudez es definitivamente una ventaja",
sonrió Gregory mientras sus dedos rozaban peligrosamente el estómago de Harry.
"Me gusta", admitió Harry, todas las burlas desaparecieron mientras descansaba su cabeza contra el
hombro de Gregory.
"Te amo", dijo Gregory besando suavemente la mejilla de Harry.
"Yo también te amo siempre", sonrió Harry volviéndose para encontrarse con los labios de su
amante para un beso lento y lujoso.

"¿Es este el plan de lección de Tiberio?" Preguntó Marcus tirando un pergamino hacia él. Harry
levantó la vista de donde estaba detrás de los mostradores de su nueva cocina haciendo bollos de
"Sí, he tenido que cambiarlo un poco", asintió Harry.
"Oh, ¿está todo bien?" Marcus preguntó preocupado.
"No te preocupes, me olvidé de tener en cuenta la determinación pura de Malfoy, él ha estado
haciendo su propia investigación y práctica, por lo que está más adelante de lo que originalmente lo
evalué", se rió Harry.
"¿Le va bien?" Marcus sonrió.
"Muy, estará más que listo para tomar sus exámenes y aprobarlos con gran éxito", asintió Harry.
"Maravilloso. Parece que te estás acomodando bien en las habitaciones aquí", agregó Marcus
mirando alrededor de la cocina, que de alguna manera se había convertido extraoficialmente en un
refugio Malfoy, tuvo que llevar a la pobre Julia a su cama cuando ella entró a buscar Un pequeño
respiro de Selena y terminó durmiendo con la cabeza sobre la mesa.
"Los amo", admitió. "Nunca he tenido un hogar, sabes, Hogwarts fue algo así como por un tiempo,
pero fue una escuela y con todo lo que sucedió allí nunca fue un hogar apropiado. Supongo que The
Burrow sentía algo así como un hogar". Tengo buenos recuerdos de estar allí, pero eso fue más
porque mi familia estaba allí. Andromeda es lo más cerca que he estado de una casa real, y siempre
supimos que no iba a ser por mucho tiempo, especialmente cuando las cosas estaban obviamente
poniéndose serios conmigo y Gregory "
"¿Pero aquí?" Marcus preguntó esperanzado.
"Honestamente, esperaba no relajarme adecuadamente o sentirme como en casa aquí después de
todo lo que sucedió. Pero lo es, de alguna manera se convirtió en mi hogar a lo largo de las semanas
que pasé aquí", sonrió Harry mirando suavemente alrededor de la habitación que Gregory había
hecho. él.
"Me alegro de tenerte aquí hace que parezca que finalmente he reunido a toda mi familia de nuevo",
Marcus admitió sus ojos lejanos y un poco tristes de una manera que siempre le recordó a Harry el
hecho de que este hombre había tenido que vive a través de su hijo separando a su familia e
intentando arruinar a sus nietos y la vida de su bisnieto.
"Solo quieres mantenerme cerca para mi cocina", bromeó Harry besando la mejilla de Marcus
mientras colocaba una taza de té de moras y uno de los panecillos de canela que aún había estado
enfriándose del viejo frente a él. Marcus comenzó pero sonrió cuando se encontró con los ojos de
Harry, extendiendo la mano para apretar su mano antes de tomar su té con gratitud.
"Harry, tienes que esconderme!" Fred gimió pisando fuerte en la cocina y se dejó caer
dramáticamente en la mesa.
"¿Qué has hecho esta vez?" Harry preguntó divertido mientras comenzaba a preparar una taza para
el gemelo.
"¡Solo le volamos las cejas!" Fred hizo un puchero.
"¿Dejaste a George atrás entonces?" Harry negó con la cabeza.
"No, nos separamos. Probablemente llegará pronto"
"¿De quién cejas exactamente?" Preguntó Marcus, sin saber si debía preocuparse o no.
"Charlie", gimió Fred.
"Oh querido, eres un hombre muerto caminando", Harry contuvo la risa.
"Es peor, fue para Bill", se quejó Fred.
"Ah, es por eso que necesitabas separarte", asintió Harry.
"¡Harry!" El gemido de George lo precedió a la cocina donde envolvió sus brazos alrededor de
"Ustedes dos son tales reinas dramáticas", Harry sacudió la cabeza de regreso a su área de cocina,
siguiendo a George detrás de él cuando el gemelo parecía haber decidido dar una impresión de lapa.
"La última vez que los atrapamos a los dos nos arrojaron ese hechizo encerado que depiló cada
cabello de nuestro cuerpo", gritó Fred.
"¡Cada cabello Harry, cada cabello!" George asintió contra su hombro.
"Los convirtieron en drag queens realmente malos durante 48 horas, nadie podía deshacerlo", le dijo
Harry a Marcus cuyas cejas estaban casi en la parte superior de su cabeza ahora.
"Puede que hayamos exagerado un poco la fuerza en la poción", Fred asintió pensativo.
"Te van a matar a los dos, sabes", dijo Ron alegremente mientras entraba a la cocina.
"¡Sabemos!" Los gemelos sollozaron.
"¿Té?" Pregunto Harry.
"Por favor, ¿qué estás haciendo?" Ron preguntó ansiosamente olisqueando el aire.
"Bollos de canela", respondió Harry.
"¿Los pegajosos?" George preguntó esperanzado levantando la cabeza.
"¿Seguramente no privaría a los condenados de una última comida?" Fred agitó las pestañas.
"O tu mejor amigo!" Ron sonrió.
"Oh, ayúdense, el segundo lote está fuera de límites", dijo Harry volviendo firmemente a su mezcla.
"¡Sí señor!" Los tres chicos Weasley intervinieron ya descendiendo sobre el plato.
"Harry", Andrómeda sonrió mientras entraba a la cocina con Teddy saltando alegremente sobre su
"Hola Andrómeda", sonrió Harry moviéndose para besarla en la mejilla y luego a Teddy.
"¿Quiero saber por qué Bill Weasley simplemente apareció en mi casa, buscó en mi cocina, sala de
estar y su dormitorio antes de volver a salir con solo una disculpa?" Andrómeda preguntó mientras
se movía para sentarse al lado de Marcus.
"¡Oh no, las redes se cierran a nuestro alrededor!" Fred gimió.
"Chicos, ustedes se esconden conmigo cada vez que hacen algo para molestar a uno de los demás,
no lo hacen exactamente difícil", rodó los ojos.
"¿Esto pasa mucho?" Preguntó Marcus, luciendo como si se estuviera divirtiendo mucho.
"Sí, te arrepentirás de haberles permitido el acceso a las salas", sonrió Harry a los gemelos mientras
le hacían una mueca.
"Y aquí pensamos que ..."
"¡Nos amabas!" Se sorbieron la nariz.
"Oh, sí, solo prefiero a Charlie y Bill", sonrió Harry, inclinándose para levantar a Teddy sobre su
cadera, donde se había arrastrado hacia él tan pronto como Andrómeda lo dejó.
"¡FRED! ¡GEORGE!" El grito pareció resonar a través de la mansión y el gemelo volvió sus ojos
suplicantes hacia Harry.
"Oh, por favor, entra en el armario de almacenamiento", suspiró señalando el armario más grande
en la habitación.
"¡Gracias!" Los gemelos chirriaron antes de desaparecer en el armario mientras los pasos se
"Y te preguntas por qué siguen viniendo hacia ti", Ron negó con la cabeza riendo.
"Cállate", suspiró Harry frotando su nariz con la de Teddy y devolviéndole un beso.

"Hola, papá me llamó por mamá hoy", dijo Ron en voz baja, haciendo que Harry levantara la vista
del libro que había estado leyendo. Estaba tumbado con la cabeza sobre el regazo de Hermione, la
cabeza de Ron sobre la suya frente a la chimenea. Había pensado que Ron estaba
dormido. Levantando la vista se encontró con los ojos de Hermione pero ella negó con la cabeza,
Ron no le había contado lo que había sucedido entonces. Alcanzando a Harry, pasó los dedos por el
cabello de Ron.
"¿Que pasó?" Preguntó.
"Los curanderos están de acuerdo en que hay algo mal, pero también están de acuerdo en que no
tiene nada que ver con ningún hechizo o maldición. Todavía está obsesionada con el hecho de que
te vas a casar con Ginny, y está intentando incluso de San Mungo ha demostrado que Gregory te ha
hecho algo. Ella no escuchará la razón. Los Sanadores han impedido que papá, Percy y Ginny
puedan verla, dijeron que la estaban alentando, no la verían. que hay algo malo en lo que dice y
hace ", suspiró Ron.
"Los muggles lo llaman habilitador, creo, cuando la familia o los amigos cercanos simplemente
alientan la ilusión de que lo que piensan es correcto", asintió Hermione.
"Lo siento amigo, después de todo lo que has pasado, quería esta vez, cuando tienes todo por
delante para ser feliz, pero no podía decírtelo", le dio unas palmaditas en la pierna de Harry.
"Quería saberlo. Intenté visitarla, pero los Sanadores dijeron que no la ayudaría, que podría
empeorarla en este momento", admitió Harry.
"Apuesto a que a Gregory le encantó eso", Ron sonrió levemente.
"Fue como tener un oso gruñón y sobreprotector siguiéndome", Harry rodó los ojos con cariño.
"Me gusta Gregory", dijo Hermione bajando la cabeza sobre el sofá detrás de ella.
"Yo también", se rió Harry cuando ella le dio un manotazo en el hombro.
"No, él es justo para ti, encajas. Como yo y Ron," continuó Hermione, mirando con cariño a su
propio prometido que le devolvió la sonrisa.
"Lo amo", dijo Harry simplemente.
"Oye Harry, ¿te importa si me siento y leo con ... oh, lo siento, no me di cuenta de que tenías ... yo
solo ..." Draco comenzó a retroceder fuera de la habitación.
"Oh, vamos Malfoy, hay suficiente espacio, solo no te retuerzas demasiado", se palmeó los muslos.
"¿Qué?" Draco parpadeó.
"¡Te está diciendo que te unas a nosotros, pero hay reglas!" Harry dijo en serio. "El tiempo de
lectura también es tiempo para un charco de caricias"
"No me mires, son las reglas, pero no se nos ocurrió ese nombre. Los gemelos lo llamaron así,
cuando solíamos tener miradas graciosas cuando nos reuníamos así en la sala común, el nombre se
pegaba ", Explicó Hermione cuando Draco la miró con la esperanza de que ella fuera la normal.
"Una vuelta dejó a Malfoy ... Draco, si vas a unirte a nosotros", asintió Ron. Draco se acercó
mirando como si todos fueran a saltar y reírse de él, pero cuando ninguno de ellos se movió,
excepto para recoger sus libros, se dejó caer al suelo y lentamente apoyó la cabeza en el regazo de
"Esta es una buena manera de leer", admitió veinte minutos después rompiendo el cómodo silencio
en el que habían leído.
"¿Verdad? Mucho más relajante", estuvo de acuerdo Ron.
"Ok, admito que estoy un poco preocupado de que parezcas incluir a mi sobrino en esto ahora", dijo
Gregory divertido desde la puerta donde estaba parado con Lucius una hora más tarde.
"Queríamos que un Malfoy se agregara a nuestro trío, no te unirías, así que corrompimos y
forzamos a tu sobrino", se encogió de hombros Harry.
"¡Harry! ¡No lo estábamos! ¡Es solo un charco de abrazos!" Draco farfulló sonrojándose
"A ..." con eso los dos hermanos Malfoy en la puerta se echaron a reír.
"¿Por qué casi siempre tiene esa reacción?" Harry suspiró, tratando de reprimir su sonrisa ante la
imagen de sus finanzas apoyada en su hermano mientras se reían. Se parecían aún más cuando se
reían, notó distraídamente. "Muy bien, ¡únete a nosotros o vete y ríete en otro lugar!"
"¿Qué?" Eso detuvo la risa.
"O te unes a nosotros o te vas, ¡estás rompiendo la paz!" Hermione asintió con la cabeza.
"¿Unirte a ti en tu charco de abrazos?" Lucius levantó la ceja.
"En realidad es bastante agradable", agregó Draco mientras se ponía cómodo nuevamente. Los dos
hermanos se miraron el uno al otro antes de encogerse de hombros.

Carina estaba más que un poco desconcertada cuando se acercó para decirles que la cena estaba lista
y encontró a sus hijos, nieto, futuro yerno y sus dos amigos acostados en una extraña pila retorcida
con la cabeza en el regazo del otro, leídos con bastante tranquilidad. Y ella nunca esperó realmente
escuchar las palabras 'abrazar charco' saliendo de la boca de Lucius en toda su vida. Sacudiendo la
cabeza, solo pasó la información de la cena y se volvió para bajar la cabeza, pensando que Harry
había hecho una forma de vida mucho más interesante en la mansión y que aún no se había mudado
Capítulo 14
Harry tarareó satisfecho mientras sonreía somnoliento, girando un poco la cabeza para encontrarse
con la de Gregory. El hombre mayor le devolvió la sonrisa antes de inclinarse y presionar otro beso
en el hombro de Harry. Suspiró y volvió a tararear, estirándose ligeramente mientras la mano de
Gregory rozaba su costado.
"¿Estás cansado?" Gregory preguntó un poco preocupado inclinándose hacia adelante para
cepillarse las narices antes de besar a Harry.
"Un poco, trabajé un poco después de mi clase con Tiberius, lo cual no fue una tarea fácil en sí
misma. Está mejorando cada vez que lo veo", sonrió Harry con orgullo.
"Estás trabajando duro, vi algunas revistas en la cocina", dijo Gregory mientras se acostaba junto a
Harry. Se estremeció ante el murmullo de satisfacción que Harry dio cuando se dio cuenta de que
Gregory estaba sin camisa y se estiró contra él como un gato.
"Los vi cuando estaba de compras con Ron ... ¿te importa?" Harry se mordió el labio nerviosamente
mirando por encima del hombro a su amante.
"¿Quieres empezar a planear la boda?" Gregory preguntó suavemente.
"Pensé que podríamos empezar a buscar, ¿qué te parece?" Harry preguntó de nuevo.
"Creo que tal vez podríamos cenar y comenzar a mirar esas revistas", sonrió Gregory envolviendo
su brazo alrededor de Harry y volviendo a colocar besos en la parte posterior del cuello de Harry.
"¿De Verdad?" Harry se mordió el labio para tratar de ocultar su creciente sonrisa.
"Harry, ¡cuanto antes tenga un anillo en tu dedo, mejor! Estaba aterrorizado de que quisieras esperar
un momento", se rió Gregory.
"Te das cuenta de que quiero un anillo en tu dedo igual", sonrió Harry dándose la vuelta en los
brazos de Gregory frente a su prometido.
"¿De Verdad?" Gregory sonrió, sus ojos azules brillaron.
"De verdad, eres mío, señor Malfoy", Harry rodó para sentarse a horcajadas sobre Gregory
inclinándose para besarlo. Las manos de Gregory ahuecaron las caderas de Harry con fuerza y él
rodó su creciente erección contra Harry tirando un gemido del hombre más joven. Levantó la mano
para retorcer sus dedos en el cabello de Gregory y presionó con más fuerza el beso, rodando las
caderas al ritmo de Gregory.

"Tengo hambre", se quejó Gregory cuando salió del baño trenzando su cabello. Harry levantó la
vista de donde estaba poniéndose los calcetines y tuvo que lamerse los labios al ver que saludaba
solo tenía un par de pantalones de lino suaves en los que le gustaba sentarse, sin camisa con agua
todavía adornando su piel dorada ". ¿Qué?"
"Nada, solo mirarte, mi prometido", Harry sabía que estaba sonriendo como un idiota, pero no pudo
"Es cierto", Gregory se acercó y tiró suavemente de Harry para ponerlo de pie, envolviéndolo en sus
brazos antes de inclinarse para besarlo.
"Te amo", dijo Harry entre besos.
"Yo también te amo", sonrió Gregory pasando sus labios por la mejilla de Harry. "Tanto", fueron a
regresar a su beso cuando el estómago de Gregory dejó escapar un fuerte estruendo.
"¡Quizás deberíamos alimentarte antes de que me comas!" Harry rio alejándose.
"Eso podría arreglarse", sonrió Gregory.
"¡Comida!" Harry lo regañó juguetonamente tomando la mano de Gregory para llevarlo a la cocina.
"Ah Harry, Gregory, buenas noches". Apenas habían entrado en la cocina cuando Marcus entró
"¿Por qué su nombre viene primero? Soy tu nieto", resopló Gregory.
"Ahora no seas mezquino", Marcus sacudió la cabeza.
"Eso significa que él me prefiere", susurró Harry burlándose haciendo reír a los dos.
"¿Te importa si yo, Marc, Lucius y Carina nos acompañamos a cenar? Los demás, salvo a June y
Mikhail, han salido y queremos darles un poco de tiempo juntos", preguntó Marcus.
"Por supuesto que no", sonrió Harry.
"Ahí va nuestra noche romántica", suspiró Gregory.
"¿Estamos interrumpiendo?" Preguntó Marcus preocupado luciendo un poco mortificado.
"¡Por supuesto que no! Eres más que bienvenido, solo está gruñón porque tiene hambre", dijo Harry
con firmeza.
"Y tomará más tiempo hacer comida para todos nosotros", Gregory hizo un puchero.
"Podría ir a comer algo si lo comieras", reflexionó Harry.
"¿Qué es una comida para llevar?" Lucius frunció el ceño al entrar a su cocina.
"Es un restaurante muggle al que vas a llevarte comida a casa", intentó explicar Harry.
"¿Como una bolsa para perros?" Carina preguntó con curiosidad.
"En realidad no, es una comida completa. Y hay muchos tipos diferentes que puedes tener también,
italiano, tai, chino, japonés, indio, pizza, estadounidense", enumeró Harry moviéndose para
encender la tetera mientras Marc entraba.
"¿Pizza?" Marcus preguntó con curiosidad.
"Es muggle", Lucius arrugó la nariz.
"Oh Lucius, ya no tienes cinco años preocupado por los piojos muggle. Esto suena muy interesante,
me gustaría probar algo de este muggle para llevar", dijo Marcus ansioso.
"Me encanta la comida Tai, pero solo ese pequeño lugar en Aberdeen lo hace correctamente",
asintió Carina.
"¿Qué es la pizza?" Gregory preguntó curiosamente envolviendo su brazo alrededor de la cintura de
"¡Oh, es esa comida italiana muggle!" Marc asintió con la cabeza.
"Me gustaría probar eso", asintió Gregory.
"Me gusta la comida china", murmuró Lucius luciendo un poco molesto por su regaño.
"¿Debo ir a cenar?" Harry rio.
"Creo que sería encantador Harry querido", Marcus sonrió alegremente.
"Iré a buscarlo", asintió Harry.
"¿Quieres que vaya contigo?" Gregory preguntó inseguro.
"No te preocupes, creo que necesitamos llevarte al mundo muggle, una comida para llevar es una
tienda, ¿no? Preparas platos, cubiertos y bebidas y volveré en un momento", sacudió Harry. cabeza.
"Ten cuidado,"
"Voy a un par de restaurantes, nos vemos pronto", sonrió Harry.

"Ok, tengo un par de pizzas, algunas chinas, algunas tai, un poco italianas y americanas", anunció
Harry caminando hacia la cocina y comenzó a desempacar sus bolsas sin fondo.
"¡Harry, esto debe haberte costado una pequeña fortuna!" Carina jadeó sorprendida.
"¿Qué? Oh, no, la comida muggle es mucho más barata que el mundo mágico, y las porciones más
grandes, especialmente para llevar. Esto probablemente llegó a veinte galeones", se rió Harry.
"¡Oh wow!" Gregory gimió cuando abrió la caja de pizza y mordió una gran porción de pizza de
"¡Hey! Espera a que todos nos sentemos y desempaquemos", Harry golpeó su mano.
"Pero ..." Gregory hizo un puchero cuando Harry tomó la porción de pizza y la mordió él
mismo. Harry se rió esquivando mientras Gregory lo agarraba, bailando ágilmente lejos de su
Malfoy alrededor de la cocina. Gregory finalmente logró capturarlo alrededor de la cintura,
sofocando besos ligeramente grasientos en toda la mejilla de Harry antes de encontrar sus labios
"Ustedes dos son repugnantes", resopló Hermione caminando hacia la cocina, sonriendo cuando
Harry solo le sacó la lengua.
"¿Espero que no te importe que nos unamos a cenar?" Ron preguntó mirando a los Malfoy en la
habitación, la mayoría de los cuales inspeccionaban su botín.
"Más que suficiente, estoy presentando comida para llevar", Harry asintió con la cabeza hacia la
mesa que rodeaba con sus brazos la cintura de Gregory.
"Oh, ¿tienes chow mein?" Preguntó Hermione ansiosamente agarrando un plato y acercándose.
"Juro que esa mujer puede comer más comida china que yo", le murmuró Ron a Gregory que estaba
mirando con los ojos muy abiertos mientras Hermione apilaba su plato.
"¡Oh, esto es delicioso!" Carina declaró. "¿Qué es?"
"Esa es una hamburguesa, con queso y tocino, creo", sonrió Harry.
"¡Es increíble! ¡Padre, prueba algo de esto!" Carina colocó otra hamburguesa en el plato de Marcus,
quien procedió a tomar una gran porción de ella.
"Está bien", asintió encantado.
"Harry, vas a tener que cocinar más comidas muggles para nosotros", dijo Marc con un bocado de
fideos fritos y pollo al ajo. Gregory escondió una sonrisa en el hombro de Harry cuando Marc y
Lucius comenzaron una batalla de tenedor sobre el arroz frito.
"Intenta esto," Harry sostuvo una papa frita en los labios de Gregory.
"¿Qué es?" Gregory preguntó antes de abrir su boca obedientemente. Harry no pudo evitar reírse
ante la expresión que cruzó la cara de su amante cuando el sabor lo golpeó.
"¡Delicioso!" Gregory los acompañó rápidamente a la mesa cargando su plato tan pronto como
estuvo allí.

"¡Oh Merlín, creo que podría explotar!" Marcus gimió desabrochándose el cinturón con un suspiro.
"¡Eso fue brillante!" Carina hipo un poco mientras tomaba el último bocado de su plato y luego se
deslizaba en la silla contenta.
"Tendremos que ir a visitar algunos restaurantes muggle si dices que son incluso mejores que
esto". Lucius asintió con la cabeza.
"No puedo ... moverme", gruñó Marc.
"No voy a tirar de tu trasero a la cama, Leander puede venir a recogerte cuando regrese a casa",
resopló Gregory empujando a su primo a un lado con el pie donde estaba acostado en el piso de su
sala de estar.
"No, voy a vomitar", gimió Marc patéticamente.
"Ugh, ¿está bien si nos quedamos aquí esta noche? No creo que pueda volver a casa sin estar
enferma", se quejó Hermione.
"Por supuesto, he hecho que los Elfos domésticos preparen habitaciones para todos ustedes, la suya
está un poco más abajo de aquí", se animó Marcus felizmente.
"¡Oh gracias!" Ron dijo sorprendido.
"Teddy tiene su propia guardería aquí", Harry sonrió suavemente, por lo que se acomodó más
firmemente al lado de Gregory.
"¿Oh que es esto?" Hermione sacó algunas revistas de la mesa.
"Solo algunas cosas que recogí," Harry se sonrojó un poco.
"¿Estás comenzando a planear la boda?" Carina sonrió radiante.
"Ambos queremos comenzar, esperar no es realmente algo que queramos hacer", asintió Gregory.
"Además, necesito leer sobre un vínculo más tradicional, no era algo en lo que realmente pasara
mucho tiempo investigando", admitió Harry suavemente.
"¿Quieres algo grande o pequeño?" Preguntó Carina hojeando una de las revistas que Hermione le
"Pequeño", dijo Gregory con firmeza cuando sintió que Harry se tensaba ligeramente contra
él. "Solo familiares y amigos cercanos, no queremos que nuestro día de unión se convierta en un
circo", resopló Gregory.
"Hay tantas cosas que planificar", hizo una mueca Hermione hojeando la revista.
"No pongas esa cara, vas a disfrutar planeando cada detalle de nuestra boda", resopló Ron.
"Probablemente con notas de colores coordinados y varios archivos en todo", asintió Harry. "Y
estoy seguro de que tu experiencia será muy apreciada como mi mejor mujer", agregó Harry
apresuradamente cuando Hermione lo miró mal.
"¿La mejor mujer?" Preguntó presionando su mano contra su pecho.
"Por supuesto, tú eres mi mejor mujer, Ron mi mejor hombre", Harry se encogió de hombros antes
de soltar un umph mientras desaparecía debajo de dos Gryffindors.
"¡Oh Merlín Harry!" Chilló Hermione.
"Compañero", Ron olisqueó un poco.
"Ron, ¿estás llorando?" Harry preguntó divertido.
"¡No! ¡Tengo algo en mi ojo!"
"Ah, ja. ¿Te das cuenta de que te estoy poniendo a cargo de asegurarme de que los Mellizos no
pongan nada en la comida, la bebida o simplemente en los invitados, verdad Hermione?" Harry
sonrió ante la mirada decidida que recibió.
"Parece que hay una historia detrás de eso", preguntó Marcus, siempre infinitamente divertido por
las travesuras de los Mellizos. Y Harry no le estaba escondiendo paquetes de sus productos.
"Convirtieron a la madre de Fleur en un canario gigante en su boda, y le dieron a su ex un pastel
que vomitaba", Hermione sacudió la cabeza.
"En realidad," Harry tosió sonrojándose.
"¡Harry!" Exclamaron Hermione y Ron.
"Ese habríamos sido Charlie y yo para el ex", confesó. "¡Lo que estaba babeando totalmente sobre
ella! E hizo un comentario sobre las cicatrices de Bill, el bastardo se lo merecía", resopló Harry.
"Recuérdame que nunca te moleste", dijo Marc, divertido, mientras Hermione y Ron se apoyaban
unos en otros riendo.
"Esa es una buena teoría para vivir", asintió Harry antes de sonreír.

"Oh, me gusta esto", Harry levantó la vista y vio a Gregory mirando por encima del hombro la
página en la que estaba en su revista. Los había estado hojeando durante la última hora obteniendo
algunas ideas mientras todos conversaban suavemente entre ellos. Marcus y Hermione estaban en
una conversación profunda sobre la creación de hechizos, que Marcus aparentemente era muy hábil
para el deleite de Hermione. Ron, Marc y Carina estaban discutiendo sobre la tabla actual de la liga
de Quidditch y Lucius Gregory había estado hablando en voz baja sobre algunas renovaciones de la
"¿Ese?" Harry señaló.
"Mm, ¿qué te parece?" Gregory preguntó.
"Que es bueno que tengamos un gusto similar, yo también lo estaba viendo", asintió Harry.
"Tal vez algunos colores diferentes, pero que me gusta ese pastel", Gregory se inclinó para besar a
Harry suavemente.
"¿Estaba pensando quizás en diferentes tipos de pastel para cada nivel? ¿No a todos les gusta el
mismo pastel, así que tal vez una esponja, chocolate, pastel de frutas y limón?" Sugirió Harry.
"Es algo tradicional que un pastel de bodas de Malfoy sea bastante grande, normalmente alrededor
de 5 niveles", ofreció Lucius vacilante.
"Podríamos idear un par de tipos diferentes", asintió Harry. "En realidad les da a todos una mejor
"¿No te importa?" Gregory preguntó.
"Tienes tus tradiciones, quiero que sean parte de ella", Harry sacudió la cabeza.
"Bueno, mis disculpas, pero no puedo quedarme despierto tan tarde como solía hacerlo", dijo
Marcus poniéndose de pie.
"Probablemente debería irme a la cama también, tengo una madrugada", hizo un puchero.
"Si la fiesta se está dispersando", Carina asintió.
Harry y Gregory se pusieron de pie para ver a todos afuera, recibiendo muchos abrazos y besos
antes de estar solos. Harry chilló cuando se encontró presionado contra la puerta de sus habitaciones
y besó a fondo, gimiendo y agarrando el cabello dorado de Gregory cuando presionó una rodilla
entre los muslos de Harry y presionó hacia arriba.
Jadeando en la boca de Gregory, Harry inclinó la cabeza hacia atrás y gimió cuando los labios
continuaron besándose y mordisqueando su mentón y su cuello. Podía sentir el hematoma que
Gregory estaba preocupando en su piel, y podía sentir los hormigueos que se disparaban desde su
conexión allí hasta donde estaba meciendo las caderas contra el firme muslo de Gregory.
"Ven, cama", dijo Gregory con voz ronca, sus ojos azules parecían una tormenta mientras recorrían
a Harry.
"Definitivamente", Harry se lamió los labios con avidez y lo siguió rápidamente después de su
prometido a su habitación.

"¡Oh, buen Merlín! ¡Lo siento mucho Gregory!" Harry se sentó parpadeando ante el grito que
atravesó la habitación. Parpadeando mientras dormía, rápidamente envolvió sus sábanas alrededor
de su cintura y se dirigió a la puerta del dormitorio para investigar. Lo que encontró lo hizo
reír. Hermione se sonrojaba furiosamente y miraba hacia otro lado cubriéndose los ojos y todavía
balbuceaba disculpas, mientras Gregory se sonrojaba furiosamente y trataba de cubrirse con un
paño de cocina.
"Está bien, no estoy acostumbrado a que nadie más se levante tan temprano, así que ... erm",
Gregory comenzó a tratar de caminar alrededor de la isla a pesar de que Hermione no estaba
mirando, dándole a Harry la vista perfecta de su desnudo. culo.
"¡Lo siento mucho! Escuché que alguien se movía por aquí cuando vine a buscar mi bolso y pensé
que sería Harry, así que entré para despedirme y tú estabas ... ¡Lo siento mucho!" Hermione
"Realmente está bien", aseguró Gregory a la niña mortificada.
"Lo siento", gimió.
"¡También puedes dejar de reírte, cruel!" Gregory le dio un codazo a Harry mientras pasaba
arrastrando los pies por el dormitorio.
"Harry, estoy tan ..."
"Está bien, no hay daño, y puedes ver que no estoy presumiendo ahora", Harry le guiñó un ojo
caminando hacia ella.
"No debería haber entrado, esta es tu casa", suspiró Hermione.
"Mione, si tuviéramos un problema con la llegada de personas, usaríamos hechizos de bloqueo. Está
bien, no lo hiciste a propósito", sonrió Harry abrazándola. "Ahora vas a llegar tarde. ¿Te veré
mañana para almorzar?"
"Sí, llamaré a la red flu esta noche y te diré cómo va", Hermione lo abrazó y besó su mejilla antes
de salir corriendo, todavía dando la impresión de un tomate.
"¿Sabes cómo va todo?" Gregory preguntó saliendo con un par de calzoncillos de seda azul.
"Molly tiene que hacer algunas pruebas hoy, Hermione, Ron y Bill irán y luego hablarán con los
Sanadores sobre dónde ir después con su cuidado", suspiró Harry extendiéndose para presionarse en
un abrazo.
"Deberías haberme dicho", dijo Gregory suavemente mientras lo abrazaba con fuerza.
"Lo siento, simplemente no quería estropearlo todo", admitió Harry.
"Estoy aquí para compartir estas cosas contigo y tratar de hacerlas un poco más fáciles", regañó
Gregory suavemente. "Y aquí estaba yo tratando de consentirte un poco esta mañana"
"¿Mimarme?" Pregunto Harry.
"Te estaba preparando el desayuno en la cama", señaló Gregory al espacio de trabajo en el que
había estado.
"¿Desayuno?" Harry preguntó un poco vacilante.
"Oye, no puedo hacer mucho, pero hago unas tostadas y huevos revueltos", sonrió Gregory.
"Mmm, te amo", Harry extendió la mano para envolver sus brazos alrededor del cuello de Gregory
y presionar sus labios.

"¡Señor Potter! ¡Señor Potter! ¿Es verdad que está comprometido con Gregory Malfoy? ¡Señor
Potter! ¡Señor Potter! ¿Lo vieron comprando revistas de bodas, eran para usted? ¡Señor Potter!
¡Señor Potter! ¿Cómo se siente al casarse con un familia con lazos tan fuertes con You-Know-
Who? ¡Señor Potter! ¡Señor Potter! ¿Qué tiene que decir sobre el hecho de que Molly Weasley haya
sido ingresada en San Mungo y está siendo tratada por curanderos mentales, y la acusación que
engañó? ¿Señorita Weasley antes de dejarla por Gregory Malfoy? ¡Señor Potter! ¡Señor Potter!
¿Está bajo una poción de amor? " Las preguntas eran interminables mientras intentaba abrirse paso
entre la multitud.
Dos pares de manos agarraron sus brazos haciéndolo comenzar y comenzar a pelear, hasta que se
encontró con los ojos de un determinado Oliver y Katie, Angelina, Fred, George y Lee los rodearon
y rápidamente caminaron por la calle hacia la seguridad del tienda de gemelos.
"Oh, por ..." gruñó George y se dio la vuelta para mirar a la multitud mientras los otros llevaban a
Harry a la tienda. "¡Mira, paquete de buitres entrometidos, interferentes e insensibles! Harry es un
hombre de dieciocho años que se ha sacrificado lo suficiente por ustedes, no necesita que
constantemente persigas sus sombras y pienses que tienes el derecho de tomar sus decisiones por él,
o juzgarlo. Harry ha dado y perdido lo suficiente para que cretinas ingratas, y ahora realmente
quieres juzgarlo por arriesgarse a ser feliz, por enamorarse. Las únicas personas que tienen derecho
a expresar su preocupación por la relación de Harry es su familia, y todos podemos ver lo mucho
que Harry y Gregory se aman claramente. Y estamos más que felices por ellos. Así que ustedes
pueden simplemente salir y dejar las cosas lo suficientemente bien. Oh y quien hizo la pregunta
sobre el poción de amor, eres el imbécil más grande de todo este grupo, incluido el imbécil imbécil
que preguntó si Harry estaba espiando a la familia Malfoy. Si estuviera bajo una poción de amor, no
podría decirte que lo estaba, idiota ! " George escupió.
"¿Qué hay de tu madre y tu hermana?" Alguien gritó desde la multitud.
"Amo mucho a mi madre y siempre lo haré. Sin embargo, ella no está bien y actualmente está en el
mejor lugar para ella en este momento, obteniendo la ayuda que necesita. Y en cuanto a mi
hermana, Harry nunca la engañó, han se rompió hace casi un año y medio. ¡Está amargada porque
Harry se mudó y está feliz! ¡Ahora, todos se mudarán de mis instalaciones! "
"Gracias, no necesitabas hacer eso", suspiró Harry desde donde estaba apoyado contra un soporte en
la tienda frotándose las sienes.
"No, tenía que decirlo. Espera hasta que Marcus se entere de esto, se pondrá furioso", resopló Fred.
"No importa el abuelo," Lucius arrastró las palabras mientras salía de la chimenea detrás del
mostrador de gemelos. Mientras observaba a Lucius metafóricamente arremangarse y deslizarse por
la tienda, Harry se preguntó distraídamente cuándo habían conectado todos sus sistemas de flú bajo
una conexión familiar, lo que significa que podían flotar en cualquier espacio propiedad o
frecuentado por cualquier miembro de su familia.
"Disculpe", Fred y George asintieron antes de salir con Lucius.

Épocas de cambios
Creo que todos los lectores pueden estar de acuerdo en que en los últimos meses desde el final de
la guerra, muchas cosas han cambiado en nuestro mundo. La gente se ha unido para reparar y
reconstruir, todos están dando un paso adelante y nuestra comunidad parece estar más cerca que
nunca. Ha habido algunos ejemplos inusuales de estos cambios, pero creo que todos podemos
estar de acuerdo en que la imagen de Lucius Malfoy se mantiene firme y orgulloso frente a las
sibilancias mágicas de Weasley defendiendo a Harry Potter, el niño que vivió, parado hombro con
hombro con Fred y George Weasley (Propietarios de los mencionados Weasley's Wizarding
Wheezes, el negocio en rápido crecimiento registrado en los últimos cincuenta años) y dar una
conferencia a la multitud sobre el derecho de Harry Potter a la libertad y la privacidad, debe ser
uno de los lugares más inusuales para muchos de nosotros. He visto durante mucho tiempo.
Uno de los Weasley de Messer no se había parado por mucho tiempo en los escalones de su tienda
después de que él, su hermano y algunos amigos escoltaron a Lord Potter a un lugar seguro
después de que una multitud se formara a su alrededor. Messer Weasley luego procedió a ``
regañar '' a la multitud sobre su trato con el salvador. (Para el discurso exacto, vea la página
siete). Antes de que Lord Lucius Malfoy saliera de la tienda y de manera espectacular, le dijera a
la multitud sobre la molestia del joven que simplemente había intentado comprar en el callejón.
Es seguro decir que la multitud se sintió adecuadamente intimidada y culpable por el pantano del
joven, y todos los reporteros, incluido yo mismo, temíamos que Merlín, Morgana y Circe nos
pusieran en peligro con la amenaza de invasión de la privacidad de los Malfoy. Lord nos amenazó
con. El Señor de cabellos dorados defendió con vehemencia a su pronto cuñado.
Así es, Lord Harry Potter, el niño que vivió, parece haber encontrado el verdadero amor y
felicidad con Gregory Malfoy, y planean casarse lo antes posible. Esto lo descubrimos en una
breve carta de Lord Potter, quien declaró que estaba orgulloso de su prometido y muy enamorado
de él, y una solicitud para permitirles planear y disfrutar este importante momento en paz.
Creo que hablo por todos nosotros cuando digo que veremos con entusiasmo este emparejamiento,
desde lejos, y lo que les depara el futuro.
Capítulo 15
Harry cruzó sus brazos lentamente y comenzó a pegar su varita contra su bíceps a un ritmo lento
mientras mantenía un aura tranquila y controlada mientras miraba a los cuatro que estaban frente a
él. Comenzó a golpear lentamente su pie al mismo ritmo que su varita mientras pasaba la vista sobre
ellos, buscando el eslabón débil, el que se rompería primero.
Levantó una ceja y luego entrecerró los ojos cuando finalmente se rompió, una gota de sudor
rodando por su frente mientras tragaba saliva. Harry cambió su peso solo ligeramente a calma
peligrosamente y ganó.
"¡Solo estábamos hablando con él!" Seamus chilló levantando sus manos inocentemente.
"¡Solo Ron, Hermione y Neville han tenido la oportunidad de hablar con él!" Padma asintió
"¡Solo estábamos hablando, como amigos!" Oliver sonrió temblorosamente.
"¡Lo siento!" Justin solo tragó saliva.
"Hola, tus amigos solo me interrogaban", sonrió Gregory mientras se acercaba y rozaba un beso
sobre los labios de Harry.
"Lo sé, Tiberius vino y me atrapó", Harry asintió con la cabeza hacia el lugar donde el menor
Malfoy estaba parado ligeramente detrás de él, un poco preocupado.
"Hola Kiddo", Gregory se apresuró a abrazar a su sobrino y Harry se volvió hacia los otros que
habían estado a punto de intentar escapar, pero bajo su mirada de ojos verdes se congeló.
"Lo vimos caminando por los jardines y solo queríamos ver cómo era y asegurarnos de que fuera
bueno para ti", dijo Padma rápidamente.
"Te casas con él, solo queríamos ver por nosotros mismos", agregó Seamus.
"¿Entonces decidiste acosar a mi prometido?" Espetó Harry.
"¿Realmente lo sentimos?"
"¿Harry si has terminado de torturar a tus amigos?" Gregory llamó divertido.
"¡Lo sentimos!" Oliver llamó cuando Harry les dio una última mirada sucia.
"Fue un placer conocerlos a todos", dijo Gregory simplemente agradablemente, envolviendo su
brazo alrededor del hombro de Harry cuando su amante de cabello oscuro lo alcanzó. Los tres
observaron divertidos cómo los amigos de Harry desaparecían como si se hubieran aparecido.
"¡Eso fue genial Harry!" Tiberius dijo algo asombrado.
"Jaja, no pude evitarlo, todos parecían tan culpables de ser atrapados", se rió Harry.
"¿Debería agradecerte por defenderme y protegerme?" Gregory preguntó divertido.
"¡Sobrino presente!" Tiberius gruñó antes de que Harry pudiera decir algo. Los ojos verdes
centellearon cuando miraron a Tiberius, quien logró parecer disgustado y feliz.
"Echa a perder el deporte", resopló Gregory.
"¿Entonces que estás haciendo aquí?" Harry preguntó acurrucado al lado de su amante.
"Quería venir a verlos a ambos, sabía que hoy habrían tenido lecciones"
"¡Fue increíble, tío Gregory! ¡Harry me enseñó a lanzar un patronus, finalmente lancé uno
totalmente corpóreo! ¡Es un águila!" Tiberio dijo emocionado.
"¡Eso es absolutamente fantástico, Tiberius! ¡Lo estás haciendo increíblemente!" Gregory sonrió
abrazando al joven.
"Gracias, pero es Harry, es un maestro realmente bueno, todo tiene mucho más sentido cuando me
lo cuenta, incluso comenzó a repasar las cosas que cubrimos en clase, así que las entiendo mejor",
dijo Tiberius sonrojándose.
"No tomas suficiente crédito, eres el tipo de estudiante que todo maestro quiere", Harry sacudió la
"¿Puedes esperar para decírselo a papá y a papá? Quiero decírselos yo mismo?" Tiberius le
preguntó a Gregory.
"Por supuesto", asintió Gregory. "Pero bien hecho, estoy muy orgulloso de ti"
"Gracias tío Gregory. Tengo que irme, tengo encantos", dijo Tiberius corriendo hacia donde una
chica lo saludaba.
"¿Quién es ese?" Gregory preguntó mientras Tiberius alcanzaba a la chica y parecía hinchar el
pecho mientras les señalaba.
"Ese es su enamoramiento, Selina", sonrió Harry.
"¿Su enamoramiento?" Gregory se animó y en realidad se movió un poco para ver mejor a la
chica. "¿Él te dijo?"
"No tiene que hacerlo, he escuchado lo suficiente sobre ella de él para contarlo, además vi a Ron y
Hermione tener un flechazo por años", Harry rodó los ojos mientras envolvía sus brazos alrededor
de la cintura de Gregory y presionó su nariz en su hombro. "Te extrañé hoy"
"Al igual que yo, no voy a escuchar el final de esto cuando regresemos a la mansión", resopló
Gregory envolviendo sus propios brazos con fuerza alrededor de Harry.
"¿Por qué?"
"Puede que los haya estado molestando a todos hasta que dije que me iba a ir a verlos a ambos.
Escuché algo murmurar acerca de formar una codependencia antes de irme".
"Solo están celosos", sonrió Harry parado de puntillas para besar a Gregory.
"¡Señor Potter!" La llamada hizo que Harry saltara al menos a siete pulgadas de Gregory y se
arreglara la ropa por instinto antes de recordar que ya no era un estudiante aquí.
"Directora," Harry se aclaró la garganta.
"Estoy muy decepcionado de ti!" Ella se encogió cuando los alcanzó.
"¡Solo estábamos diciendo hola!" Harry hizo un puchero.
"¡No estoy hablando de eso! ¡Estoy hablando del hecho de que tu prometido estaba en el castillo y
no lo trajiste a mi encuentro!"
"Mis disculpas Directora, Gregory, esta es Minerva McGonagall, la que logró aguantarme a mí
misma, Ron y Hermione durante seis años, Directora, este es mi prometido, Gregory Malfoy",
sonrió Harry con orgullo haciendo que el pecho de Gregory se hinchara un poco. .
"Un placer, Sr. Malfoy, creo que ya ha tenido un interrogatorio, así que no lo repetiré", McGonagall
asintió con la cabeza, pero sus ojos lo miraron de arriba abajo y luego captaron su interacción con
Harry también.
"Ah, ¿pasaste a los otros?" Harry sonrió.
"Sí, los detuve para preguntarles por qué huían con tanta prisa, ¡sinceramente, el Sr. Potter
intimidaba a sus amigos!" McGonagall hizo una mueca pero sus ojos brillaban de diversión que
Gregory notó.
"Aprendí de los mejores", sonrió Harry. "Agregué una pizca del profesor Snape, un poco de
Dumbledore y una buena mezcla de tu, estoy muy decepcionado de ti, mira. ¡Fue muy efectivo!"
"Estoy impresionado, habría sido una mezcla interesante de ver. ¿Cuáles son sus planes para el resto
del día, señor Potter? ¿Creo que no ha terminado su lección con Young Malfoy?"
"Sí, lo está haciendo realmente bien, va a pasar los exámenes con rapidez", asintió Harry.
"Tengo que pedirte un pequeño favor, Harry, uno de mis Gryffindors tiene algunos problemas, Sr.
Gretson, tiene una habilidad increíble en Defensa y quiere convertirse en auror, pero cuando se trata
de realizar los hechizos mientras él tiene el poder, la comprensión y el conocimiento de ellos, su
confianza y precisión lo decepcionan. ¿Lo tendrías en tus lecciones con el Sr. Malfoy durante unas
semanas, solo para ayudarlo? " McGonagall pidió primordialmente. Gregory estaba un poco
confundido y sobresaltado cuando Harry resopló después de mirar más de cerca la cara de
"Directora astuta, muy astuta, mucho más sutil y astuta que Dumbledore, ¿estás seguro de que no
eras un Slytherin?"
"Ah, hay un poco de Slytherin en todos nosotros, señor Potter", McGonagall sonrió levemente, de
hecho era muy similar a la sonrisa que había usado cuando le dijo a Oliver que lo había encontrado
un buscador, pensó Harry un poco nostálgico. "¿Lo harás?"
"Supongo que sí", dijo Harry divertido.
"Maravilloso, haré que venga a tu próxima lección. Ahora dejaré que ustedes dos continúen con su
día, hasta mañana, señor Potter, será bueno ver que el patio termine mañana", asintió McGonagall y
regresó a su lugar. La escuela de nuevo.
"¿Qué fue eso?" Gregory le preguntó a Harry tan pronto como la directora estuvo fuera del alcance
del oído.
"Fue un intento de lograr cierta unidad entre Gryffindor y Slytherin. Tiberius, naturalmente, se ha
convertido en uno de los líderes de Slytherin, Gretson es muy parecido para Gryffindor, al ponerlos
en la misma habitación que yo y hacer que trabajen juntos, ella espera que se conviertan en amigos.
Ya ha causado un poco de confusión por las rivalidades de la casa que no solo me estoy casando
con un Slytherin, sino que estoy dando tutoría a uno, y ahora buenos amigos y a punto de
convertirme en familia con Draco. McGonagall es un viejo gato artesanal, lo está usando para tratar
de romper la rivalidad ", explicó Harry.
"Espero que funcione", Gregory sonrió suavemente.
"¿Dudas de mis habilidades? ¡Capturé a Ron y Draco conversando entre ellos, muy agradable y sin
nadie más cerca!" Harry levantó una ceja hacia Gregory.
Nunca dudaría de tus habilidades ", sonrió Gregory. Harry parpadeó antes de golpear suavemente su
"Pervertido, sabes a lo que me refería", se rió Harry.
"¿Estás listo para empezar?" Gregory sonrió sin arrepentimiento.
"Sí, estoy un poco nervioso, en el buen sentido", dijo Harry uniendo sus dedos.
"Yo también estoy un poco, se siente extraño, fijar la fecha de nuestra boda y solicitar la licencia
para casarnos", asintió Gregory.
"¿Te das cuenta de que todos nos van a matar por hacer esto sin decirles?" Harry se rió entre dientes
cuando llegaron a las puertas.
"Oh sí, pero no estoy iniciando una discusión sobre en qué boda de temporada deberíamos tenerla,
cuándo, en qué fecha es la mejor, no nos casaríamos por años", resopló Gregory.
"Sí, puedo imaginar los argumentos," Harry hizo una mueca.
"Creo que ya han comenzado a ser justos", resopló Gregory.
"¿Listo para hacerlo todo oficial entonces?" Harry sonrió envolviendo sus brazos alrededor de la
cintura de Gregory.
"Más que", Gregory los apaciguó rápidamente.

"No me escapes ahora", Gregory besó el hombro de Harry mirando la licencia de matrimonio que
Harry no pudo dejar de mirar.
"Nunca pensé que estaría aquí, con la licencia de matrimonio para mí y el hombre que amo", dijo
Harry alegremente.
"Sabes que solo haces que te ame más y más cuando dices cosas así", suspiró Gregory besando el
hombro de Harry nuevamente, y luego por su cuello para encontrar los labios que esperaban. "Te
"Yo también te amo", sonrió Harry.
"¡Déjame verlo!" Marcus prácticamente rebotó en la habitación, extendiendo su mano con
"¿Lo obtuviste?" Lucius exigió solo unos centímetros detrás de su abuelo, y prácticamente siendo
empujada por Carina, que parecía igual de ansiosa.
"Aquí estamos," Harry le tendió la licencia a la que Carina llegó primero.
"¡Oh, felicidades, oh Merlín, no pensé que vería este día!" Ella chilló.
"Muchas gracias madre", dijo Gregory secamente entrelazando sus brazos alrededor de la cintura de
"¡Oh, ya sabes a qué me refiero, oh, estoy tan feliz por los dos!" Ella sonrió besando ambas
"Sí, felicidades", la sonrisa de Lucius no era tan exuberante como la de su madre, pero no fue
menos intencionada ni honesta, y Harry extendió la mano para agradecerle.
"¡Tenemos que celebrar una fiesta para celebrar esto! Todas nuestras familias y amigos juntos",
Marcus asintió para sí mismo.
"Erm ... eso significaría conocer a todo mi grupo", dijo Harry lentamente. "Has conocido a la
mayoría de ellos y su extrañeza en dribs y monótonos, conocerlos a todos al mismo tiempo es ...
¡algo completamente diferente!"
"Estoy seguro de que todos nos las arreglaremos, será intenso para ellos también tener tantos
Malfoy en un solo lugar. Además, ¿te imaginas a los ancestros rodando en sus tumbas con tantos
Gryffindors y Slytherins mezclándose felices y celebrando una boda Malfoy / Potter? ! " Marcus se
echó a reír encantado.
"Creo que ya están con Harry viviendo aquí", resopló Lucius divertido.
"Si estás seguro," Harry se encogió de hombros.
"Si realmente no lo quieres, Harry, por supuesto, no tendremos la fiesta", dijo Marcus seriamente,
tocando la mejilla de Harry suavemente con una mano y haciendo que Harry le sonriera
"No, sería bueno poder celebrar adecuadamente con las personas que más nos importan. Además,
¡será una buena práctica para la boda!" Harry estuvo de acuerdo.
"¡Maravilloso! ¡Comencemos a planificar!"

"Querido Merlín, ¡los Malfoy son terroríficos cuando planean un evento social!" Harry gimió
dolorosamente dejando caer su cabeza sobre el hombro de Draco quien resopló y le dio unas
palmaditas consoladoras en el hombro.
"Lo sé, ¡pensé que Hermione daba miedo cuando estaba planeando un horario de estudio!" Ron dijo
riéndose mientras esquivaba el hechizo punzante de su prometido. Él esquivó a Draco, quien
comenzó a quejarse de ponerlo en la línea de fuego.
Harry miró al otro lado de la calle donde podía ver la tienda donde Gregory, Marcus y Carina
estaban organizando el catering para la fiesta. Harry estaba bastante seguro de que habían elegido
usar la tienda recién abierta de una hija de muggles que intentaba despegar su negocio a
propósito. Los Malfoy que había aprendido generalmente siempre tenían un propósito o algo que
decir con sus acciones, y sabía que cualquier duda persistente y tenue de su bienvenida a la mansión
Malfoy había sido borrada de la mente de Hermione, sin importar lo que dijera cuando saliera la
noticia. .
Fue con puro instinto que Harry se giró cuando sintió la maldición que se acercaba, su escudo
volando hacia arriba y segundo antes de que Hermione atrapara las maldiciones que venían de
ambas direcciones.
Antes de que cualquiera de ellos pudiera mover sus varitas por el movimiento final de un hechizo
de escudo, Ron levantó el brazo y rodeó su varita sobre su cabeza en un círculo en el sentido de las
agujas del reloj antes de moverla hacia afuera mientras entonaba el inusual hechizo de protección
que habían encontrado durante su tiempo en la carrera El hexágono de fuego que se les había
lanzado desde una tercera posición fue fácilmente absorbido por el escudo de agua.
Hermione y Ron agarraron las manos de Draco y lo arrojaron al centro del triángulo en el que los
tres se movieron automáticamente tan pronto como los pasó.
"Gregory y los demás están en esa tienda, los buscarán en un segundo", Harry gruñó furiosamente.
"Entonces tal vez es hora de que tú y Hermione intenten ese otro hechizo que encontramos",
respondió Ron rápidamente cuando los tres se desviaron y respondieron a las maldiciones que les
"Draco, tú y Ron necesitan protegernos a mí y a Hermione para darnos tiempo para elegir", le dijo
Harry a la rubia.
"Con mucho gusto", Draco ya tenía su varita dibujada y había estado lanzando maldiciones sobre
las cabezas del trío dorado. Parecía que se movían por alguna señal invisible, Hermione y Harry se
movían para que Draco y Ron pudieran protegerlos. Incluso cuando se encontró con los ojos de
Hermione y lanzó los intrincados movimientos de la varita y murmuró palabras de hechizo para
lanzar el hechizo, se dio cuenta del hecho surrealista de que confiaban en Draco Malfoy para
protegerlos, y que Draco lo hiciera con gusto.
Y fue ese pensamiento en el que se enfocó, el amor inquebrantable y profundo que sentía por
Gregory y la forma en que lo hizo sentir, el amor que sintió por Marcus y la forma en que el viejo lo
hizo sentir, esa cálida brasa en su Con el pecho cada vez más brillante el día que calentó al niño del
armario debajo de las escaleras, Carina lo miró como si hubiera colgado las estrellas y le sonrió
como si fuera lo mejor que le había pasado a su hijo. Hermione y Ron, que eran sus mejores
amigos, su familia, que podrían haber hecho que su vida fuera un infierno por su relación, que
podrían haberlo cortado de raíz antes de que fuera a cualquier lado con una sola palabra, pero que
habían dejado de lado toda la historia y el odio y le había dado una oportunidad a los Malfoy, para
Harry, quien había entrado voluntariamente en Malfoy Manor a pesar de lo que sucedió allí porque
Harry lo llamaría su hogar. Pensó en Fred y George, sus hermanos a quienes podía ver en el borde
de la barrera luchando para derribarlo.
Y fue esto lo que alimentó el hechizo junto con su magia, este hechizo se basó en la protección de
sus seres queridos, y cuando él y Hermione se miraron uno al otro y levantaron sus varitas en el
aire, su amor formó una forma. El enorme león dorado salió de la magia dorada que brotaba de sus
varitas, se enroscó en su forma y rugió ferozmente mientras saltaba en el aire.
Las brujas y magos en realidad gritaron de miedo cuando el león de cerca de 10 pies saltó hacia
ellos, rugiendo y golpeándolos. Se arremolinó alrededor del anillo que habían formado,
simplemente derribándolos, y fue solo cuando los que ya habían atacado intentaron disparar
hechizos para destruirlo que descubrieron el verdadero peligro que causaba este hechizo. Su magia
no podría dañar a nadie ni a nada, en particular aquellos en los que los lanzadores de hechizos
habían estado pensando.
Apenas le tomó tiempo lanzar hechizos vinculantes o aturdidores a los aterrorizados atacantes, y
una vez que el león había hecho su trabajo de tocar al último atacante, aunque este tomó lo que solo
podía describirse como una gran delicia al tocar un costado de un construyéndose con fuerza, se
elevó en el aire antes de estrellarse de nuevo y explotar, su luz y calor tocando a todos a menos de
seis metros, con la intención de atrapar a cualquier atacante oculto y derribar la barrera que los
atacantes habían levantado.
"¡Harry!" Gregory prácticamente voló hacia él tan pronto como la barrera cayó y lo jaló a sus
brazos. Algo por lo que Harry estaba agradecido ya que la magia que acababa de usar lo había
borrado por completo. Los fuertes brazos de Gregory lo sostuvieron en alto mientras se hundía en él
y presionó su nariz contra el cabello de Harry. "Merlín Harry, estaba aterrorizado"
"¿Estás bien?" Carina preguntó frenéticamente.
"Además de estar un poco cansada, creo que todos estamos bien", Hermione asintió donde Ron la
estaba abrazando con fuerza también.
"Merlín, ustedes dos, eso fue ..."
"Impresionante hechizo, casi ..."
"Mojarnos cuando ..."
"Al parecer", comentaron Fred y George cuando lo alcanzaron, pero sus ojos estaban serios al
"Fue un hechizo bastante espectacular, pero no debiste haberlo realizado", frunció el ceño Gregory.
Harry se rió contra su pecho mientras veía a Marcus acercarse, su bastón y sus pies se conectaban
con más de unos pocos de sus atacantes caídos en el camino.
"Son mortífagos", dijo el anciano con disgusto antes de extender la mano y tocar primero la cara de
Draco, luego la de Harry. Y luego se volvió y tocó suavemente los rostros de Hermione y Ron
asegurándose de que todos estuvieran bien.
"Todos ustedes fueron increíbles", dijo Carina abrazando suavemente a su nieto a su lado.
"Sí, bastante espectacular por lo que hemos estado escuchando", se volvió Harry y sonrió
tímidamente a Tonks. "Espera a que mamá se entere de esto", sacudió la cabeza.

Les llevó casi cinco horas alejarse del Ministerio de Magia, tener que dar declaraciones sobre lo que
había sucedido, explicar el hechizo que habían usado y lo que hicieron, y dónde lo habían
encontrado, y luego esperar a que los aurores búscalo La única razón por la que Gregory no se había
separado de Harry junto con los demás fue porque había pateado lo que solo podía llamarse feliz
infierno, y comenzó a gritar leyes que Harry no estaba seguro de que fueran reales, pero parecían
intimidar a los aurores lo suficiente como para No arriesgarlo.
Pero finalmente pudieron irse a casa, y habían entrado directamente a sus habitaciones, Harry
enviando un patronus a los demás para avisarles que finalmente se habían escapado pero estaban
cansados. Recibió mensajes de un tipo similar, todos asegurándoles que los otros también habían
sido liberados.
Harry se quedó quieto mientras Gregory lo despojaba de su ropa, su prometido no había podido
dejar de tocarlo ya que había podido alcanzarlo después del ataque, incluso si solo había estado
tocando su hombro o sosteniéndole la mano. Pero ahora que estaban solos, un fuego se encendió en
los ojos que Harry amaba y encendió uno en Harry a pesar de su cansancio.
Los ojos de Gregory no se apartaron de los suyos cuando se agachó y desabrochó el cierre de los
pantalones de Harry y los deslizó lentamente por sus caderas, sus dedos rozaron la piel desnuda a
medida que avanzaba. Harry obedientemente se quitó los pantalones cuando Gregory lo
indicó. Harry cerró los ojos y tarareó cuando las puntas de los dedos de Gregory se deslizaron sobre
su estómago y alrededor de sus caderas antes de apretarlas con fuerza y tirar de Harry contra sí
Se sentía un poco extraño estar completamente desnudo contra el cuerpo completamente vestido de
Gregory, pero el agarre que Gregory tenía sobre él y el fuego en sus ojos hizo que Harry
respondiera fácilmente para alcanzar y envolver sus brazos alrededor del cuello de su amante,
empujándolo suavemente hacia abajo. beso que parecía calmar la ansiedad en el otro más que
cualquier otra cosa hasta ahora. Gregory lo abrazó un poco más fuerte y su beso fue un poco más
hambriento mientras los guiaba hacia su cama.
Harry envolvió sus brazos y piernas con fuerza alrededor de Gregory, dándole la bienvenida en su
abrazo, pero parpadeó confundido cuando Gregory solo lo miró con las manos presionadas a ambos
lados de la cabeza de Harry contra el colchón.
"¿Gregory?" Harry murmuró confundido.
"¡Nunca había estado tan asustada y aterrorizada en toda mi vida! Estabas en peligro y no podía
alcanzarte. Te amo", suspiró Gregory.
"Yo también te amo", Harry sonrió brillantemente extendiendo la mano y gentilmente tirando de
Gregory en un beso. Cuando finalmente se separaron, Harry pasó sus dedos suavemente sobre la
mejilla de Gregory. "Estoy bien,"
"Merlín Harry", Gregory dejó caer su frente sobre el hombro de Harry.
"Está bien que la mayoría de los demás se asustaron un poco la primera vez que fui atacado delante
de ellos también".
"¡No me asusté!" Gregory protestó levantando la cabeza para fruncir el ceño a Harry.
"¡Si lo hiciste!" Harry asintió alegremente.
"¡No hice!"
"¡También lo hice!" Harry rio escapando justo cuando Gregory se abalanzó.
"¡Vuelve aquí! ¡No me asusté!"
"¡Oh, tú también!" Harry se rió bailando mientras Gregory se abalanzó sobre él.
"¡Retira eso Harry!" Gregory gruñó.
"¡NO!" Harry continuó bailando fuera del camino de las manos de Gregory.
"¡Los Malfoy no se asustan!" Gregory logró agarrar a Harry por la cintura y los arrojó a los dos de
vuelta a la cama.
"¡Si tu puedes!" Harry sonrió envolviendo sus brazos y piernas alrededor de Gregory.
"Sé lo que estás haciendo", sonrió Gregory, pasando los dedos por la mejilla de Harry y siguiendo
con los labios. Harry cerró los ojos al tocarlo y parecía estar rodeado por el aroma de Gregory más
que nunca.
"¿Oh, qué es eso?" Preguntó antes de jadear cuando la otra mano de Gregory se deslizó por su
estómago para agarrar su erección.
"Me estás distrayendo de lo que realmente sucedió antes. Lo sé, gracias", Gregory selló sus labios
antes de que Harry pudiera responder, pero sintió los labios de Harry sonreír contra los suyos. Harry
apretó sus brazos alrededor de Gregory, presionando su cuerpo más cerca y profundizando su beso

"Harry, ¿cómo estás esta mañana?" Marcus sonrió y apartó el flequillo de Harry de sus ojos.
"Marcus, buenos días", sonrió Harry alegremente. "Estoy bien esta mañana, gracias!"
"Puedo ver eso", se rió Marcus.
"Siéntate, te prepararé un poco de té y desayuno", dijo Harry ya moviéndose para hacerlo.
"¡Oh, gracias! ¡No esperaba probar más de tu buena cocina cuando vine a ver cómo estás!"
"Ah, ja, es por eso que apareciste a la hora del desayuno, viejo", se quejó Gregory mientras salía de
su habitación poniéndose la camisa.
"¡Gregory!" Advirtió Harry mientras atrapaba el tazón de masa que se había estado mezclando para
"¡Qué! ¡Sigue entrando y comiendo mi porción de comida!" Gregory resopló.
"¡Hay más que suficiente! ¿Te gustan los crepes, Marcus?" Pregunto Harry.
"¡Oh crepes! ¡Me encantan los crepes!" Marcus tarareó.
"Sí, hay más que suficiente cuando solo somos tres, pero después de él ..."
"Buenos días, solo quería ver cómo les iba a todos", Carina sonrió caminando hacia la cocina.
"También vinimos a revisar", Charlie, Fred y George saludaron caminando detrás de ella. Harry
sonrió mientras miraba a Gregory, cuyos hombros cayeron.
"Para eso están los hechizos de duplicación", dijo Harry besando suavemente su mejilla.
"Lo sé, pero quiero tener tu cocina para mí solo", Gregory hizo un puchero.
"Me gusta tener a nuestra familia unida, mezclarse, conversar y llevarse bien", dijo Harry mirando
la mesa donde todos estaban sentados, y sonriendo más cuando Ron, Hermione y Draco entraron
juntos charlando.
"Sí, sé que lo haces, tienes suerte, te amo tanto, ¡espero crepes adicionales!" Gregory resopló
tirando de Harry contra su pecho.
"Haré algunas de tus galletas de vainilla también", se rió Harry.
"Ooo, ¿escuché algo sobre crepes?" Lucius preguntó alegremente caminando hacia la cocina.
"Necesito comprarnos una mesa más grande, no es bueno que se extienda con tanta frecuencia",
suspiró Gregory.
"¡Muy bien todos, comiencen a poner la mesa! Ron, Fred, Draco comienzan a ordenar bebidas para
todos", ordenó Harry.
"¡Ahora!" Los ojos verdes de Harry brillaron cuando los miró, Gregory observó divertido mientras
los tres luchaban por hacer lo que se les ordenaba. "Lucius que te incluye a ti, saca los tenedores y
cuchillos por favor"
"¿He mencionado que te amo?" Gregory rio al ver a su hermano mayor correr hacia el utensilio.
"Hoy no", lo besó Harry.
"Bueno, sí. Incluso amo tu amor por nuestra loca familia"
"¿Por qué pensamos que era una buena idea combinar a nuestras dos locas familias juntas?" Harry
se rió mientras Marcus aplaudía la nueva broma que George le estaba mostrando. Sonrió contento
cuando Gregory se inclinó y lo besó.
En algún lugar en el fondo de su mente, Harry escuchó el ataque, escuchó las palabras de la
maldición cortante, pero lo sintió más mientras cruzaba la cocina y golpeaba a Gregory en el
costado. Harry gritó cuando Gregory fue lanzado lejos de él, golpeando los mostradores con fuerza,
jadeó cuando el rojo manchó densamente los gabinetes blancos y se agrupó demasiado rápido
alrededor de Gregory.
Escuchó a los demás gritar y lanzar hechizos, pero ya se había agachado detrás de los mostradores,
con la varita extraída y el hechizo de curación de Snape ya se había formado. Gregory tosió e hizo
una mueca de dolor, moviéndose para sostener su costado mientras miraba a Harry con
confianza. Su amante de cabello oscuro hizo una mueca y luchó por mantener el control mientras
Gregory tosía y la sangre salpicaba de sus labios, pero él se agachó y continuó el encantamiento.
El rubio cerró los ojos cuando el dolor que había estado sintiendo disminuyó un poco, pudo sentir la
magia de Harry rodeándolo, abriéndose camino hacia la herida demasiado profunda y comenzando
a sanarla, el hermoso sonido de la voz de Harry mientras la canción caía como encantamiento. de
eso lo calmó casi tanto.
"Harry", dijo Gregory tan pronto como la herida se curó lo suficiente.
"¿Gregory?" Harry tembló ligeramente y cayó hacia los brazos de su amante esparciendo besos
sobre su rostro, ignorando la sangre que los cubría a ambos.
"Está bien, estoy bien, lo hiciste increíble, gracias", consoló Gregory frotando su espalda e
ignorando el dolor de la herida no completamente curada.
"¡Gregory!" Carina se apresuró a doblar la esquina frenéticamente, exhalando un suspiro de alivio
cuando ella estuvo bien.
"¡¿Que pasó?!" Pregunto Harry agarrando a Gregory.
"Era Ginny, se disfrazó de Charlie, la idiota atacó mientras estábamos todavía aquí", frunció el ceño
Hermione al doblar la esquina también. "¿Estás bien Gregory?"
"Estoy bien, Harry me curó bastante bien, no queda mucho para los sanadores", Gregory tuvo que
sonreír, incluso si salió más como una mueca, ante la sincera preocupación en el rostro de la joven.
"Ahora la llevaremos a Tonks, Harry", dijo Fred, su rostro inusualmente serio mientras miraba por
encima de los mostradores. "Nos dio un poco de miedo, amigo"
"Siempre me gusta ... mantener a la gente alerta", tosió e hizo una mueca.
"Vamos, tenemos que llevarte a San Mungo", dijo Harry agarrando el brazo de Gregory, Lucius se
apresuró y agarró al otro.
"¡Ah Merlín, el pequeño y amable Lucius!" Gregory se quejó mientras lo levantaban.
"¡Bastardo, deberías haber muerto! ¡Murió! ¡Y entonces Harry habría sido mío!" Ginny gritó desde
donde estaba en el piso, luciendo más que un poco golpeada, enganchada en su lugar por la
maldición de Hermione.
"Nunca sería tuyo, eres egoísta, arrogante, irritante, vacío y completamente insoportable, nunca en
un millón de años estaría contigo. Y ahora que has demostrado lo estúpido que eres, voy a tirar todo
lo que te tengo ahora ", Harry lo fulminó con la mirada, pisoteando con fuerza su varita y
escuchando el crujido satisfactorio al pasar.
Ginny gritó mientras veía su varita romperse bajo la ira de Harry justo en frente de ella, mirando a
sus hermanos con ojos llorosos.
"Ni siquiera pienses que vamos a defenderte, no eres mejor que un Mortífago. Atacando a Gregory
porque Harry lo ama, ¡pensando que tienes derecho a Harry! ¡Eres egoísta y no eres nuestra
hermana! ! " Ron gruñó furiosamente.
"Vamos, tenemos que llevarte a San Mungo", dijo Harry suavemente.

"¿Como te sientes?" Harry preguntó preocupado mientras entraba al dormitorio con una bandeja
balanceada en sus manos.
"Estoy bien, sinceramente, no necesitas preocuparte", sonrió Gregory. "Sin embargo, es bueno estar
de vuelta en nuestra cama"
"Bien, supuse que teniendo en cuenta las quejas que hiciste mientras estábamos en San Mungo",
resopló Harry.
"Es eso ..." Gregory olisqueó el aire ansiosamente haciendo que Harry se riera y coloque la bandeja
en su regazo antes de sentarse a su lado.
"Galletas de vainilla que te prometí que sí, y un poco de leche con miel", Harry besó suavemente a
Gregory. Parpadeó confundido cuando Gregory se agarró a su blusa y lo atrajo hacia un beso más
"No es tu culpa, ni siquiera te molestes en negarlo, puedo verlo escrito en toda tu cara. No fue tu
"Lo sé, pero al mismo tiempo, este es mi tipo de vida, no un ataque, sino dos. Te he puesto a ti y a
tu familia en peligro, ella logró entrar a través de las salas", suspiró Harry.
"Las cosas se calmarán, a medida que pasen los años se calmarán. Y ella usó magia oscura para
atravesar las barreras, usándola también contra su hermano y contra mí en el ataque. Ella irá a
prisión". Ahora ven a acostarte a mi lado ", Gregory acarició la cama. Huffing Harry hizo lo que le
dijeron, acurrucado contra el lado de Gregory. "Te amo, e incluso si esto es algo que podemos
esperar de manera regular, vales la pena. Te amo y confío en que eres lo suficientemente fuerte
como para protegernos. Sabía quién eras cuando dijimos esta,"
"Gracias", Harry besó a Gregory suavemente. "Te quiero,"
"También te amo", Gregory tiró de él para otro beso que sabía a vainilla y miel, haciéndolo tararear
Capítulo 1 6
"Shhh", susurró Gregory a través de su risa ahogada. Harry amortiguó su propia risa en el hombro
de Gregory mientras se acercaba a su prometido.
"¿A dónde fueron?" Ambos dejaron de respirar cuando escucharon la voz de Carina cerca.
"Eh, vinieron aquí, no tenían otra salida", dijo Ron.
"¡Oh, mi Hermione los va a matar!" Remus rio por lo bajo.
"¿Matar a quién?" La voz de Hermione se unió a las demás.
"Harry y Gregory han desaparecido", dijo Ron lentamente.
"Qué, pero la única salida se nos pasó a todos", podían escuchar la confusión en su voz.
"Se han escapado", Remus se estaba riendo ahora.
"¡¿Por qué ?! ¡Pero estábamos en medio de la planificación!" Protestó Hermione.
"Cariño, sabes cuánto te amo, y lo quiero tanto, pero ibas un poco por la borda, hasta que Harry dijo
que tomaron más bebidas y ninguno de los dos había dicho nada en más de una hora ... cariño "Ron
"Qué ... estaban ofreciendo opiniones", protestó Hermione.
"Tal vez podríamos usar un hechizo de localización en ellos", sugirió Carina haciendo que Gregory
mirara a Harry con los ojos de lado, solo para que Harry le sonriera maliciosamente.
"Eso no funcionaría, sabía que no debería haberle enseñado el encanto para bloquear ese hechizo",
gruñó Hermione.
"Honestamente los dejé a los dos solos, Ronald tiene razón, no han podido decir una palabra
durante horas", resopló Marcus. "Venga,"
"¿Cuánto tiempo piensas antes de que se vayan?" Susurro Harry.
"Otra media hora más o menos," susurró Gregory. Agarró las caderas de Harry y lo levantó sobre el
armario bajo que guardaban en el armario de su cocina antes de acomodarse entre las piernas de
"No puedo creer que tengamos que escondernos de ellos aquí por nuestros planes de boda, pensé
que no iban a detenerse, gruñó Harry.
"Sabía que iban a estar emocionados por esto, pero no pensé que estarían tan emocionados", resopló
Gregory, se inclinó hacia delante para morder la mejilla de Harry. Harry se giró y capturó sus labios
en un beso suave.
"¿Seguro que no quieres huir?" Susurro Harry.
"No me tientes," gimió Gregory.
"Ok ... ¿azul, verde o turquesa?" Preguntó Harry rodeando la cintura de Gregory con sus brazos.
"Me gusta el azul,"
"También me gusta el azul, me recuerda a tus ojos, ¿qué pasa con la plata?" Sugirió Harry.
"Me gusta eso, fundas de los asientos?" Gregory sonrió.
"Básico, no me gustaron todas esas cosas rudas y tipográficas" Harry arrugó la nariz.
"Aquí", dijo Harry.
"¿Aquí, en serio?" Gregory preguntó sorprendido.
"Sí, ¿en el salón de baile con tal vez la ceremonia en los jardines?" Pregunto Harry.
"En el jardín de rosas", asintió Gregory.
"Me encantaría", sonrió Harry.
"Pequeño, sin grandes problemas ni trompetas", suspiró Gregory.
"Solo familiares y amigos, algo personal", asintió Harry.
"Ahí, ordenado", sonrió Gregory.
"La costa está despejada ahora, mis muchachos, y no se preocupen, hablaré con Carina, y creo que
Ronald está hablando con Hermione", dijo Marcus por la puerta. Harry y Gregory se congelaron
mirándose el uno al otro antes de estallar en carcajadas al escuchar a Marcus caminando por la

"¡¿Cómo hay tantos tonos de azul ?!" Harry gimió cuando rebotó a Teddy en su cadera.
"Bienvenido a la pesadilla de planear una boda", se rió Andrómeda.
"Honestamente, hay tantas decisiones que tomar sobre decisiones que no sabía que existían",
resopló Harry.
"¿Has comenzado a armar la lista de alimentos?" Andrómeda preguntó.
"¡Oh, eso es todo Gregory! Puedo cocinar, pero no tengo idea de qué tipo de comida sirven en cosas
como esta. Solo voy a revisar su lista al final y sí o no", sonrió Harry.
"Me encanta este tono y quedará encantador con la plata", Andrómeda levantó una muestra.
"Oh, me gusta esa," asintió Harry. Lo agregó a la pequeña pila de franjas azules que le gustaban.
"Entonces, aparte de toda la planificación de la boda, ¿cómo va todo?" Andrómeda preguntó.
"Perfectamente para ser honesto," Harry sonrió ampliamente. "Lo amo, él es ... perfecto. Merlín,
sueno como un tonto enfermo de amor", suspiró Harry rebotando un poco más a Teddy.
"Por supuesto que sí, te vas a casar con él, estaría preocupado si no parecieras un tonto enfermo de
amor", se rió entre dientes Andromeda.
"Tengo algo que preguntarte, algo de lo que quería hablarte", dijo Harry lentamente.
"Quieres mudarte completamente a la mansión", sonrió Andrómeda.
"Yo ... sí", Harry miró preocupado a Andrómeda.
"Harry, siempre iba a suceder, te has estado quedando aquí más y más. Y nosotros también, sé que
no lo ves, pero gravitamos hacia ti, este lugar, esta cocina se está convirtiendo en hogar y un lugar
seguro para nosotros cada vez más. ¡Sin embargo, esto significa que vienes y visitas más! No
pienses que te vas a alejar de mí tan fácil ", sonrió Andrómeda.
"Ni siquiera he hablado con Gregory sobre esto todavía", dijo Harry sentándose a la mesa.
"¿De verdad crees que va a decir que no?" Andrómeda resopló.
"No, en realidad no", se sonrojó Harry.
"¿Harry? ¿Estás aquí?" Gregory llamó a través de sus habitaciones.
"Bueno, ahora es un momento tan bueno como cualquier otro", parpadeó Andrómeda. "Gregory, lo
siento, me estaba yendo", sonrió mientras el prometido de Harry entraba a la cocina.
"Oh, espero no haber interrumpido", Gregory miró entre ellos.
"No, para nada honestamente, no debería haberme quedado tanto tiempo, solo se suponía que debía
dejar a Teddy, por suerte Narcissa estaba corriendo detrás, como de costumbre", sonrió Andromeda.
"¿Vas a salir con Narcissa?" Gregory dijo alegremente.
"Sí, almorzaremos juntos. Ahora, mejor me voy", Andrómeda le dio un beso en las mejillas de
Harry y Teddy y luego a un sorprendido de Gregory.
"El almuerzo es bueno, hará que el mes de Narcissa", sonrió Gregory.
"Lo sé, parece que están haciendo un buen progreso", asintió Harry.
"¿Todo está bien?" Gregory frunció el ceño.
"¿Qué tal si me muevo contigo?" Harry soltó. Incluso Teddy estaba parpadeando hacia él un poco
confundido, no importa Gregory.
"¿Disculpa que?" Gregory preguntó sentándose al lado de Harry.
"He estado pensando en las cosas, cómo van las cosas, y bueno, estoy aquí la mayor parte del
tiempo, y solo estaba pensando, bueno, parece un poco tonto ir y venir y bueno, he estado pensando
y preguntándome si te importa ... "Harry chilló cuando Gregory se inclinó hacia adelante para sellar
sus labios.
"¿Estás preguntando si me importaría que vivieras aquí permanentemente?" Gregory preguntó
cuando se apartó.
"Sí" Harry se mordió el labio.
"Realmente quieres ... ¡Merlín sí!" Gregory tiró de Harry hacia adelante para otro beso
profundo. "Oh, lo siento Teddy", Gregory se echó hacia atrás para besar la parte superior de la
cabeza de Teddy cuando hizo un ruido ofendido cuando fue aplastado entre ellos.
Cuando levantó la vista, Harry le estaba sonriendo alegremente.
"Te amo", dijo inclinándose para besar a Harry.
"Yo también te amo", dijo Harry contra sus labios.

"¡Harry! ¡¿Harry es verdad ?!" Marcus llamó emocionado apresurándose lo más rápido que pudo a
la habitación.
"Sí, sí, estoy haciendo stroganoff de carne de res", dijo Harry distraídamente mientras cortaba
suficiente carne para alimentar a un ejército.
"¿Qué es realmente? ¡Oh maravilloso! No ... no, ¿quise decir que te mudarías? Completamente,
correctamente", dijo Marcus felizmente.
"Sí, casi todo está aquí de todos modos", Harry sonrió suavemente.
"¡Maravilloso!" Marcus sonrió envolviendo sus brazos alrededor de Harry y abrazándolo con
"¡Marcus!" Harry rio.
"¡Estoy tan feliz, muchacho! Esto es maravilloso, esperaba que te mudaras completamente pronto.
¡Traes tanta vida a este viejo lugar!" Dijo Marcus.
"Gracias", Harry sonrió abrazando a Marcus.
"¡Oh, esto es maravilloso, toda mi familia bajo un mismo techo!" Marcus sonrió. Parpadeó cuando
Harry se inclinó y besó su mejilla. "¿Harry?"
"Familia ... la familia es algo importante para mí, más importante que casi cualquier otra cosa.
Realmente no creo haberlo dicho antes, pero muchas gracias por darme la bienvenida a tu familia y
por hacerme sentir un parte de eso. Significa más para mí de lo que nunca sabrás ", dijo Harry
"Oh Harry, te has convertido en una gran parte de esta familia, estamos contentos de tenerte a todos
nosotros", sollozó Marcus mientras tiraba de Harry en un abrazo para romper huesos.
"¿Todo está bien?" Gregory preguntó confundido cuando entró en la habitación.
"Solo le estaba diciendo a Harry que estoy feliz de que se mude", Marcus le sonrió a su nieto.
"Querido Merlín, ¿cómo demonios ya te enteraste de eso? Juro que estas paredes tienen orejas",
gimió Gregory dejándose caer en un asiento.
"¿Día duro?" Harry preguntó preocupado.
"¡Juro que todos son idiotas! ¡¿Qué tan difícil es hacer lo que les pago por hacer ?!" Gregory se
"Bueno, ellos dirigen varias compañías masivas, y no tienen tu cerebro y encanto para ayudarlos a
hacerlo", sonrió Harry ante el ceño inicial de Gregory y luego apaciguó la mirada. Puso su taza de
té frente a él antes de presionar sus manos sobre sus hombros y masajearlas suavemente.
"¿Cómo fue la reconstrucción?" Gregory preguntó.
"Ocupado, llegaremos allí lenta pero seguramente, si nada más tengo una buena opción en el trabajo
de construcción", se rió Harry inclinándose para besar a Gregory antes de regresar a terminar la
"Entonces, ¿cuánto de la boda has planeado?" Marcus preguntó casualmente mientras se sentaba a
la mesa. "Oh, no me mires así, no soy un idiota", Marcus puso los ojos en blanco.
"La mayor parte," Harry se encogió de hombros.
"¿Y cuándo vas a sacar a Carina y Hermione de su miseria?" Preguntó Marcus.
"Cuando dejan de intentar planear nuestra boda para nosotros", sonrió Gregory,
"En un par de días más, una vez que tengamos las cosas importantes reservadas", corrigió Harry.
"Mima el deporte", se quejó Gregory antes de reírse cuando Harry le arrojó un poco de zanahoria
cruda a la cabeza.

"¿Bien?" Harry se aclaró la garganta mientras extendía los brazos incómodo. Él se movió cuando lo
miraron sin decir nada. "Ok, en serio tienes que decir algo aquí"
"Remus, ¿estás llorando?" Harry preguntó preocupado.
"Te ves hermosa", sorbió Remus apresurándose para abrazar a Harry.
"Te ves encantadora, es simplemente ... ¡perfecto!" Andrómeda sonrió radiante.
"Se ve bien hermanito", corearon George y Fred.
"Gregory va a quedar impresionado", Hermione lo rescató de los brazos de Remus para abrazarlo
ella misma.
"No sabrá qué lo golpeó", asintió Ron.
"Perfecto, simplemente hermoso, muy guapo", se olió Tonks abrazándolo con fuerza.
"Mi nieto es un hombre afortunado", sonrió Marcus.
"Honestamente, es muy inusual tener tanta gente aquí", se quejó el dueño, al menos hasta que
Marcus lo calmó con lo que Harry había llamado la mirada de Malfoy. Casi chilló y corrió hacia
Harry. "Entonces, ¿estás contento con el diseño?" El tosió.
"Sí, se siente cómodo", asintió Harry, bajando la mano para tirar suavemente de las solapas de la
túnica blanca. "¿Estás seguro de que me veo ..."
"¡Te ves perfecto!" todos dijeron haciendo que Harry sonriera tímidamente.
"Me gustan", asintió Harry, pasando su mano a lo largo de la túnica.
"Maravilloso, solo déjame fijar tu túnica y los llevaré al lugar correcto", sonrió el caballero.
"¿Estás seguro de que no son similares a los de Gregory?" Harry le preguntó a Marcus.
"No, son bastante diferentes en diseño", le aseguró Marcus.
"Bueno, entonces estas son mis túnicas de boda ... Merlín, eso suena realmente extraño de decir, tan
extraño", Harry contuvo el aliento rápidamente, mirando a un lado para mirarse en el espejo.
"Va a ser un día perfecto", sonrió Hermione acercándose a su lado mientras el dueño se alejaba.
"Nos aseguraremos de eso amigo," asintió Ron empujando su hombro en el de Harry.
"¡No puedo esperar!" Harry admitió con una sonrisa suave mirando la imagen de sí mismo en su
túnica de boda.
Capítulo 1 7
"Gregory ... Gregory ... Gregory ... se supone que debemos concentrarnos", se rió Harry empujando
a su amante de él solo para que Gregory retrocediera y comenzara a presionar besos sobre su
hombro nuevamente. "¡Gregory!"
"Eres demasiado tentador", resopló Gregoy deslizando su mano por la camisa de Harry y
acariciando su costado.
"¿Entonces no estás interesado en planear nuestra boda?" Pregunto Harry. Gregory parpadeó y
apoyó la barbilla en el hombro de Harry haciendo pucheros.
"No es justo,"
"Aww lo siento", Harry lo empujó en la mejilla.
"No suenas verdaderamente comprensivo con mi dolor"
"¿Es un gran dolor?" Pregunto Harry, sus ojos brillaban divertidos.
"¡Sí, lo es! Planifique mi boda con el hombre que amo, o aproveche que estaba tendido en topless
en nuestro piso luciendo lo suficientemente bueno como para comer", la atención de Gregory volvió
al cuerpo de Harry, sus labios se arrastraron sobre su grito y espalda.
"Sigues postergando la comida de tu madre y Hermione se hará cargo de nuevo", dijo Harry. Pero
se dio la vuelta y cayó al suelo, envolviendo sus brazos alrededor del cuello de Gregory.
"En este punto, estoy pensando que eso podría no ser algo malo, que los mantendrá contentos,
dejaremos de tener que preocuparnos de a quién le gusta qué, quién tiene alergias y quién es
vegetariano. Y puedo pasar mi tiempo comiéndote". Gregory se inclinó y cedió a la tentación de los
labios de Harry besándolo profundamente, su mano arrastrándose sobre el costado de Harry y
ahuecando su trasero.
"Harry, Gregory, la música ha llegado para la boda, solo tenemos que elegirla y la selección de la
banda de bodas", gritó Ron.
"He escuchado a esta banda, son maravillosos", la voz de Draco se dirigió con los demás hacia la
"También he oído hablar de ellos, uno de mis nietos amigos los hizo jugar en su boda también",
acordó Marcus.
"Depende realmente del estilo de música que quieras", murmuró Carina.
"¿Crees que si mentimos realmente realmente no sabrán que estamos aquí?" Gregory murmuró
contra los labios de Harry.
"No lo sé, pero podríamos intentarlo", murmuró Harry.
"¿Están ustedes dos aquí? ¡Oh Merlín!" Ron gritó cubriéndose los ojos.
"Ahí va ese plan", suspiró Harry antes de pararse con la ayuda de Gregory.
"Chicos", Marcus les sonrió cuando entraron en la habitación una vez que Harry se puso una blusa.
"¿En serio? ¿Te vas a casar en dos semanas, y todavía están juntos?" Carina se rio por lo bajo.
"Estaría preocupado si no lo estuviéramos", resopló Gregory envolviendo sus brazos alrededor de la
cintura de Harry.
"Tu abuela y yo estábamos a punto de matarnos tres semanas antes de la boda, aunque, por
supuesto, éramos un matrimonio arreglado y solo habíamos pasado más de una hora juntos antes de
la planificación de la boda". sonrió
"Estábamos trabajando en la música para la boda", dijo Harry poniendo su libreta sobre la mesa de
la cocina donde habían establecido su residencia.
"Claramente," Ron resopló.
"¡Gregory se distrajo!" Harry se defendió.
"Soy una mala influencia", asintió Gregory, con un tono de sarcasmo pesado.
"Una influencia muy mala, ¡me alegra que finalmente lo admitas!" Harry sonrió brillantemente.
"¿A dónde llegaste?" Preguntó Hermione, sus mejillas se enrojecieron mientras evitaba mirarlas.
"No muy lejos en realidad", suspiró Harry.
"Bueno, la comida ..." Carina comenzó a decir.
"Todo arreglado", dijo Gregory rápidamente.
"¿De Verdad?" Harry, Carina y Marcus dijeron al mismo tiempo.
"Sí, quería que fuera una sorpresa, Keith nos atenderá y planificará el menú si decimos las
necesidades dietéticas para cualquier persona con alergias", dijo Grgeory un poco nervioso.
"¡¿De Verdad?!" Harry sonrió radiante.
"Sí, ¿está bien?" Gregory lo comprobó a pesar de que la sonrisa de Harry lo decía todo.
"¡Eres tan romántico!" Harry rio girándose y presionando un dulce beso en los labios de
Gregory. "¡Su restaurante fue nuestra primera cita! ¡Por supuesto que está bien que nos atienda! Su
comida también es increíble"
"¿Estás seguro de que eso es lo que quieres hacer para ..."
"¡Si!" Harry y Gregory interrumpieron firmemente a Hermione.
"Bien", resopló arrastrando un conjunto de papeles debajo de la pila frente a ella.
"Sin embargo, necesitamos asesoramiento sobre la música", ofreció Gregory. "Tenemos nuestro
primer baile ordenado, pero el resto de la música nos está costando. Queremos música más ligera
mientras comemos, y luego para el baile nocturno queremos una mezcla de baile divertido y
"¡Podemos trabajar con eso!" Hermione, Carina y Marcus sacaron una lista haciendo que Harry
mirara a Gregory, preguntando en silencio si podían correr por ella. Draco y Ron estaban saliendo
de la mesa.

"Voy a morir, esto es lo más peligroso que he visto, ¡no puedes esperar que arriesgue mi
vida!" Draco divagó mientras miraba con los ojos abiertos la estructura frente a él.
"¡No seas tan dramático Draco! ¡Parece divertido!" Marcus sonrió corriendo hacia la montaña rusa
y subió al carro con una velocidad que impresionó a Harry. Sonriendo, Harry también se apresuró a
agarrarse fuertemente de la mano de Gregory y tirar del hombre con los ojos abiertos detrás de
él. Su valiente prometido agarró a su sobrino y también lo arrastró con fuerza.
"¡Harry, esto realmente no parece seguro!" Gregory tragó saliva mientras la delgada barra de metal
caía sobre sus vueltas, lo único que los mantenía dentro del auto.
"Harry, tengo que estar de acuerdo!" Ron tosió agarrándose al frente del auto.
"Honestamente Ron, vuelas alrededor de cientos de pies en el aire en un palo sin nada que te
sostenga en su lugar y vaya a velocidades estúpidas, ¡¿y estás preocupado por esto ?!" Hermione
puso los ojos en blanco. Tres pares de ojos se abrieron cuando la montaña rusa comenzó a moverse
hacia adelante.
"¡Sí! ¡Diviértete un poco!" Carina se echó a reír inclinándose hacia un lado mientras comenzaban a
subir la pista.
"¡Abuela, siéntate en el carro!" Draco suplicó agarrándola.
"Esto es interesante", tosió Lucius, mirando nerviosamente por el costado.
"¡Va a mejorar en un minuto!" Hermione dijo emocionada cuando llegaron a la cima de la pista.
"¿Por qué nos detenemos? ¿Ha salido algo mal?" Gregory preguntó preocupado.
"No, nada está mal, es por la anticipación, pero me sentaría", sonrió Harry.
Harry, Hermione, Carina y Marcus se reían a carcajadas mientras se alejaban de la montaña rusa,
Gregory, Draco, Ron y Lucius habían gritado por la pista, sosteniéndose de la barra frente a ellos
por su querida vida. aunque Hermione y Harry también se reían por el hecho de que Marcus y
Carina habían dado vueltas con los brazos en alto, copiando a los muggles y riéndose todo el
"Eso fue maravilloso, ¿a dónde sigue?" Marcus preguntó emocionado, uniendo los brazos con
"¿Qué tal el barco que se balancea?" Sugirió Harry.
"Eso se ve un poco mejor", asintió Gregory.
"¡Quiero seguir con eso después!" Carina señaló uno de los viajes que actualmente inclinaba
verticalmente a sus pasajeros en el aire al piso y giraba lo suficientemente rápido como para que
fueran borrosos.
"¡Y ese!" Marcus señaló a otro que estaba hundiendo a sus pasajeros en un agujero en el suelo.
"¿No podemos seguir con eso después?" Lucius hizo un puchero apuntando a la noria.

Harry sonrió y tarareó alegremente mientras Gregory se pasaba los dedos por el cabello donde yacía
sobre la hierba con la cabeza en el regazo de su prometido. Se habían detenido para hacer su picnic
y luego se dirigían a un par de atracciones más. Habían venido aquí para pasar un poco de tiempo
relajándose y divirtiéndose un poco a medida que aumentaba la tensión de los planes de boda, y
aquellos que eran la mayor parte de ayudar a planificar la boda habían venido con ellos.
"¡No es gracioso!" Lucius resopló mirando a su hermano que le sonreía arrogante.
"Nunca te había escuchado golpear ese lanzamiento antes, ni siquiera cuando Mikhail creó eso ..."
"¡Alto ahí!" Lucius espetó.
"¿Creaste eso qué? Preguntó Draco mirando entre los dos con entusiasmo.
"¡Payaso!" Gregory dijo rápidamente antes de que Lucius pudiera detenerlo.
"¿Tienes miedo de los payasos?" Harry sonrió.
"¡No!" Lucius espetó.
"¿Ahí fue a donde iba mi juguete de payaso cuando era pequeño? ¡La que la mamá de Pansy me
consiguió, esa fue mi favorita!" Draco hizo un puchero.
"¡No, lo dejaste en alguna parte!" Lucius dijo rápidamente, luciendo más que un poco vacilante para
que le creyeran.
"¿Te sientes mejor?" Hermione trató de ocultar su risa mientras miraba a su propio novio acostado
en su regazo gimiendo ligeramente.
"¡No! ¡Me siento enfermo! ¡No voy a dar más paseos!" Ron gimió lastimosamente.
"Realmente no entiendo, ¡has hecho gotas que me hacen sentir mal con tu escoba!" Hermione
sacudió la cabeza.
"¡No es lo mismo en absoluto!" Draco se defendió haciendo sonreír a Harry.
"¡Exactamente, es completamente diferente!" Ron asintió con la cabeza.
"¡Creo que es maravilloso!" Carina se echó a reír empujando a Marcus.
"Madre", se quejó Lucius.
"Espera hasta que les diga a los demás que no irías a montar tu madre", se rió Marcus.
"¿De quién fue esta buena idea?" Ron preguntó inclinándose para mirar a Harry, quien solo le
devolvió la sonrisa.

"¿Harry?" El joven de cabello oscuro parpadeó ante la voz familiar, volviéndose hacia la puerta de
su habitación.
"¡Aquí Remi!" Llamó, el hombre lobo entró en la habitación con una pequeña sonrisa cuando vio a
Harry sentado en la cama mirando su túnica de boda. "¿Olvidé que ibas a venir? Juro que si no tiene
que ver con flores, música, color de cinta o votos, se me escapa de la cabeza", hizo una mueca
"No, solo pensé en pasar por aquí y pasar un poco de tiempo contigo, sé que Grgeory está fuera
hasta la mañana", dijo Remus sentándose junto a Harry, mirando las túnicas colgadas al costado del
armario también.
"Gracias, mi mente ha estado girando sin él aquí", admitió Harry doblando las piernas y apoyándose
en Remus, quien inmediatamente envolvió su brazo alrededor de su cachorro.
"¿Pies fríos?" el hombre lobo preguntó preocupado.
"No realmente, solo ... abrumado, supongo. Me casaría con él esta noche si pudiera, pero todo ha
sucedido tan rápido al mismo tiempo, ¡y me voy a casar! ¡No puedo creer que me vaya a casar! una
semana ", se rió Harry.
"Estoy tan feliz de que hayas encontrado a alguien que te mira como Gregory", Remus lo apretó
"Lo sé, nunca pensé que alguien fuera honesto", tarareó Harry.
"Estarían tan orgullosos de ti, ya sabes, los tres", sonrió Remus cuando Harry lo miró con los ojos
muy abiertos.
"A veces pienso que son Malfoy", se mordió el labio.
"Les encantaría Gregory, si no solo por la forma en que te mira y la forma en que te trata, sino por
el hecho de que no están cerca de lo que todos creíamos que era Malfoys", Remus sacudió la
"Ojalá ... pudieran estar allí", suspiró Harry abrazándose a Remus.
"¿Recuerdas lo que SIrius solía decir? Los que nos aman nunca nos dejan, siempre estarán con
nosotros aquí", Remus tocó el corazón de Harry sonriendo mientras los ojos verdes y acuosos lo
miraban, pero Harry también sonreía alegremente.
"Me alegra que estés aquí conmigo, Remi", sonrió Harry.
"Te amo cachorro," Remus resopló un poco.
"Remi, ¿me regalarás?" Harry preguntó suavemente.
"¡¿De Verdad?!" Remus preguntó con los ojos muy abiertos.
"Sí, realmente quiero que seas tú quien camine por el pasillo conmigo", Harry miró a Remus
"Sería un honor", sonrió Remus abrazando a Harry con fuerza hasta que lo apretó. "¡Lo siento lo
"Está bien", se rió Harry.
"Muchas gracias Harry, no tienes idea de lo que esto significa para mí", admitió Remus
"No querría a nadie más conmigo", sonrió Harry.
"Vamos, consigamos algo de comer", Remus tiró de Harry para ponerlo de pie, extendiendo la
mano cuidadosamente para guardar las túnicas de boda nuevamente.
"¡Eso suena como un plan!" Harry se puso de pie de un salto y envolvió su brazo a través de Remus
tirando de él hacia la cocina.
Capítulo 1 8
"¿Harry? ¡Harry!" Gregory susurró sacudiendo suavemente al hombre más joven en sus
brazos. Harry gruñó y se metió en una bola más apretada en los brazos de Gregory. "Harry,"
"¿Gregory? ¿Qué?" Harry murmuró abriendo un green abierto para mirar a Gregory. El hombre
rubio reprimió su sonrisa, Harry parecía un gatito enojado, especialmente con su cabello negro
cayendo alrededor de su rostro.
"Harry, sabes que te amo ¿verdad?" Gregory preguntó lentamente haciendo que Harry abriera
completamente los ojos.
"Sí", dijo Harry rodando lentamente para enfrentar a Gregory.
"Lamento que mi cerebro se haya apoderado, solo quería decir antes de mañana ... Real y
verdaderamente te amo. Desearía haberte tenido antes en mi vida, desde que te conocí no he sido
más feliz. Tienes hizo la vida mucho más brillante y le dio muchas esperanzas a mi futuro "
"¿De dónde viene esto?" Harry preguntó un poco preocupado, moviendo un brazo libre de las
mantas para acunar la mejilla de Gregory.
"Solo necesitaba decírtelo, mañana va a estar loco, y no vamos a tener mucha paz hasta la noche.
Solo necesito que sepas cuánto te amo, y que pasaré el resto de nuestras vidas. juntos amándote ",
Gregory avanzó para presionar sus labios.
Harry aún dormía un poco pesado y un poco nebuloso, y Gregory podía saborear eso en su beso, lo
atrajo más cerca y profundizó el beso, deslizando su lengua en la boca de Harry cuando abrió la
boca para ofrecer.
"No puedo esperar para casarme contigo y tener el resto de nuestras vidas juntas", murmuró Harry
cuando se separaron. "Pero tienes que dormir si vas a lucir fabuloso Malfoy mañana"
"Malfoy fabuloso?" Gregory soltó una risita mientras permitía que Harry lo tirara de nuevo debajo
de las mantas y se arrastró a medias sobre el cuerpo de su amante para descansar sobre él.
"Es lo que Neville y yo llamamos todo lo que ustedes están pasando, luciendo perfecto y elegante",
dijo Harry presionando con cansancio la nariz en el cuello de Gregory.
"Malfoy fabuloso. Espera hasta que le cuente a Lucius", se rió Gregory.
"A Marcus le gustó", murmuró Harry ya asintiendo de nuevo.
"Por supuesto que lo haría," Gregory puso los ojos en blanco abrazando a Harry un poco más cerca
cuando sintió que el sueño lo arrastraba hacia abajo.
"Te amo", murmuró Harry más dormido que despierto. Gregory sonrió contento para sí mismo,
permitiendo que las suaves respiraciones de Harry lo arrastraran también.

"Te veré en unas horas", Gregory agarró a Harry por la cintura y lo atrajo para un beso.
"Te amo, hasta pronto", Harry lo atrajo para otro beso.
"¡Muy bien, los pájaros del amor lo rompen y lo ponen en movimiento!" Lucius puso los ojos en
blanco agarrando a Gregory y tirando de él hacia la puerta con la ayuda de Mikhail y Carina,
mientras que Hermione y Remus empujaron a Harry de regreso a la habitación.
"¡Te amo!" Gregory llamó justo cuando fue empujado al pasillo.
"Muy bien, tú en la ducha, ten una buena limpieza y aquí están las hierbas", Hermione empujó la
bolsa en sus manos y lo empujó hacia el baño.
"Me siento enfermo", gruñó Harry.
"Es solo la idea de pararse frente a la gente", Andrómeda sonrió besando su mejilla.
"Son solo nervios," Remus asintió sonriendo.
"Te prepararé un poco de té y tostadas secas para que comas después de tu ducha", Tonks le dio un
codazo en el hombro antes de correr a la cocina con Teddy en la cadera.
"¿Está todo listo? ¡Siento que he olvidado algo!" Harry se preocupó incluso cuando lo empujaron
aún más cerca del baño.
"Oye, mientras tú y Gregory estén aquí y tengas los anillos, nada más importa", sonrió Ron. "Tienes
los anillos ¿verdad?"
"Sí, tengo los anillos, están ahí", sonrió Harry un poco. "Me siento realmente estúpido"
"Es el día de tu boda, si no estuvieras nervioso, ¡estaría preocupado!" Remus se rio entre dientes.
"Pasé la mañana de mi boda temblando tanto que casi derramo té sobre mi vestido de novia", dijo
Andrómeda con cariño.
"No puedo creer que estemos haciendo esto"
"Va a ir perfectamente, el día será hermoso y al final estarás casado con el hombre que amas", dijo
Neville acercándose y abrazándolo. "¡Ahora mete tu trasero en la ducha!"
"Muy bien, me voy, ¡antes de que uno de ustedes intente entrar conmigo!" Harry resopló divertido
volviéndose y finalmente caminando hacia el baño.

Harry pasó las manos por su túnica de boda con un poco de reverencia, suspirando felizmente
mientras las miraba en la percha por última vez antes de ponérselas. La ducha, el té y las tostadas le
ayudaron a calmar su estómago. Se sentía mucho más tranquilo y menos asustado, aunque la
emoción ahora lo atravesaba, especialmente cuando el sonido del trabajo se desarrollaba fuera de su
ventana para preparar las cosas para la boda.
"Hola cariño", Andrómeda entró en la habitación y caminó hacia él, envolviéndole el brazo
mientras ella también miraba su túnica. "¿Estas bien?"
"Sí, se siente un poco surrealista pensar que esta noche me casaré con Gregory", sonrió Harry.
"¿Te sientes mejor?"
"Mucho, tenías razón, era solo una pequeña explosión de nervios"
"Le pasa a todos, creo que si no estás un poco nervioso antes de tu boda, hay algo mal", se rió
Andromeda. "Te verás tan guapo hoy"
"Gracias por estar aquí", dijo Harry suavemente volviéndose para mirarla.
"Soy yo quien necesita agradecerte por dejarme ser parte de tu vida, por dejarme ser parte de esto",
Andrómeda besó su mejilla. "Ahora voy a abrir esa puerta y dejar que los lobos desciendan, vamos
a prepararte para tu boda".

"¿Harry? ¿Podría decir una palabra rápida por favor?" Marcus asomó la cabeza por las habitaciones
justo cuando Harry se reía con Ron y Hermione en la mesa de la cocina. Todavía estaban en sus
"Por supuesto", Harry se levantó y siguió a Marcus al pasillo y a la biblioteca de Gregory. El
hombre mayor se sentó en uno de los sillones de la habitación y esperó a que Harry se sentara en el
asiento de amor que él y Gregory habían pasado horas acurrucados juntos.
"Ahora Harry, sé que sabes que te tengo mucho cariño. Y ya te he dicho cuánto impacto has tenido
en nuestras vidas. Pero quería tener una pequeña charla antes de la boda".
"¿Esta todo bien?" Harry preguntó un poco preocupado.
"¡Oh, sí, por supuesto! No es nada malo, lo prometo. Solo quería decir, antes de la locura de la
boda, donde no tendremos un momento en privado ... gracias. Muchas gracias por todo lo que has
hecho para esta familia, has logrado que todo sea un poco más brillante para nosotros y un poco
mejor. Diría que es un poco tonto acerca de darte la bienvenida a la familia hoy, pero ya eres
familia, hoy solo lo estoy haciendo oficial. Harry, me encanta Gregory, ese chico tiene un corazón
honesto y una de las almas más ligeras que Malfoy ha poseído durante mucho tiempo. Y verlo tan
feliz y tan enamorado, significa más de lo que nunca sabrás. Y Harry, yo también te amo. Eres un
joven amable y generoso con más amor en tu dedo meñique que la mayoría de la gente en su vida.
Has hecho mi vida ... mucho más feliz y más completa desde que entraste en ella. Puede que no seas
mi Nieto de sangre, pero por Merlín eres mi nieto, y quiero que sepas que iré a los confines de la
tierra y Volvería por ti si me necesitaras ", Marcus se ahogó un poco secándose los ojos antes de
reírse un poco avergonzado.
Sin embargo, Harry se levantó y cruzó el espacio entre ellos. Cayó de rodillas y abrazó a Marcus
con fuerza, el hombre mayor le devolvió el abrazo con la misma ferocidad.
"No tienes idea de cuánto significa para mí escuchar eso, gracias ... abuelo", Harry levantó la vista
con cautela al ver a Marcus sonriéndole.
"Ven, vamos a llevarte de regreso para que puedas terminar de prepararte para la boda, antes de que
Hermione nos persiga", se rió Marcus.

"¿Cómo te va?" Ron llamó por la puerta.

"Creo que he terminado!" Harry volvió a llamar. Hermione, Ron y Remus entraron. Tonks y
Andrómeda habían ido a Narcissa para vestirse para la boda, y porque Narcissa había querido ver a
Teddy con las batas que le había comprado especialmente.
"Oh, wow", sonrió Remus.
"Harry", sorbió Hermione apresurándose hacia adelante para abrazar a Harry.
"¡Estás preciosa!" Dijo abrazándola de vuelta. Su túnica púrpura era hermosa y se veía totalmente
impresionante. "Te ves bastante impresionante", arqueó las cejas hacia Ron, quien se
sonrojó. Resoplando, empujó a Harry suavemente antes de darle una palmada en el hombro.
"¿Que hay de mí?" Preguntó Remus con un puchero simulado que extendía sus brazos.
"¡Remi, habla sobre cosas interesantes, si yo fuera un poco mayor y no fueras como mi tío /
padre!" Harry silbó.
"¡Tengo casi la misma edad que Gregory!" Remus resopló haciéndolos reír a todos.
"Es casi la hora de bajar", dijo Hermione suavemente.
"Está bien", asintió Harry y se acercó a su tocador. Pasó los dedos sobre las flores que Gregory le
había enviado al comienzo de su cortejo, bien conservadas con magia aún y sentadas en su
habitación, haciéndolos sonreír con frecuencia. Cogió su collar y se lo puso, lo había usado todos
los días desde que Gregory se lo había enviado. Se la metió en la túnica, puso la mano sobre el
collar y cerró los ojos pensando en todo lo que él y Gregory habían pasado desde que el hombre
mayor le había enviado el collar y las flores.
"¿Harry?" Remus le tocó el hombro.
"Tu padre usó esto el día de su boda, me las arreglé para recuperarlo. Quería dártelo el día de tu
boda, habló sobre eso después de que naciste, así que lo agarré para pasarlo a la derecha "Remus le
tendió la caja de madera adornada a Harry antes de sacar a Hermione y Ron de la habitación.
Harry giró la caja en sus manos por un momento reuniendo el coraje para abrir la caja, mientras
luchaba contra el nudo en su garganta. Aclarando su garganta, finalmente se levantó y abrió la caja
de madera. Lo primero que llamó su atención fue el hermoso reloj del mago que estaba
dentro. Impulsado por la magia, le diría la hora en cualquier parte del mundo que lo solicitó,
también le mostraría las coordinaciones para ayudar con la aparición, y podría transformarse en una
clave de puerto que dañe las propiedades mágicas del reloj, una de las pocos objetos mágicos que
podrían haber repetido la magia de la llave de puerto lanzada sobre él. Era un reloj hermoso,
dorado, por supuesto, con rubíes en las marcas de la hora, las manecillas eran piezas de oro
delicadamente talladas, pero cuando miró más de cerca notó que ambas manecillas tenían lirios en
el centro, y el punto era la forma. de una hoja de lirio. Sintiendo sus ojos bien arriba notó una talla
en el interior de la tapa de las cajas y la inclinó para verla mejor.
A nuestro querido hijo, James. No podemos creer que ella finalmente dijo que sí.
Riéndose alegremente de la leve comprensión de sus abuelos, sacó el reloj de la caja y lo cerró
alrededor de su muñeca. Dudó por un segundo antes de que la magia lo reconociera y cambiara el
tamaño para que se ajustara perfectamente a su muñeca. Mirándose una vez más en el espejo, sonrió
al verlo antes de asentir con la cabeza y darse la vuelta para encontrarse con los demás y bajar la
cabeza para casarse.

"Ahora hay algo que tenemos que decirte antes de salir", dijo Ron con una cara seria justo cuando
entraban al conservatorio donde esperaban su señal.
"Oh Merlín, ¿qué pasa ahora?" Harry gimió teniendo visiones de reporteros invasores a los
"Nada malo, solo los chicos Weasley de cabeza dura", se rió Hermione.
"¿Qué quieres decir?' Harry frunció el ceño confundido.
"No importa, ahí está nuestra señal, ya está," Remus los empujó mientras las chispas blancas
iluminaban el cielo.
"¿Remus? ¿Qué está pasando?" Harry preguntó mientras Hermione y Ron salían del brazo para
caminar por el pasillo. No podía ver el área que habían establecido para la ceremonia de la boda
desde aquí, ya que la línea de setos bloqueaba la vista. La alfombra roja abriría el camino a través
de la carpa que se había instalado con hechizos de calefacción para proteger a todos del clima
invernal. Afuera estaba nevando perezosamente, dando una sensación pacífica, casi de otro mundo
al día.
"No te preocupes por eso", sonrió Reus extendiendo su brazo para que Harry lo tomara. Al fruncir
los ojos al mismo tiempo, Harry suspiró y se relajó al darse cuenta de que no iba a ser nada
malo. Se acercó a Remus y deslizó su brazo a través de la respiración profunda del hombre
lobo. "¿Okay?" Remus sonrió.
"Más que", sonrió Harry.
"Bueno, ¿de acuerdo?" Dijo Remus y dio un paso adelante solo para detenerse y girarse cuando
Harry no dio un paso con él.
"Remus, me alegra que estés aquí conmigo. Te amo, lo sabes, ¿verdad?" Harry dijo suavemente.
"¿Qué provocó eso?" Los ojos de Reus eran brillantes y felices.
"Parece que es el día para eso. Solo quería que supieras cuánto significas para mí", dijo Harry
besando su mejilla.
"Yo también te amo cachorro, ahora vamos a casarte", Remus lo abrazó brevemente pero con
fuerza, antes de que rescataran su posición y salieran.

Gregory se arrastró nerviosamente en su lugar, tirando de las solapas de su túnica mientras miraba
por encima del hombro hacia donde vendría Harry. Todos ya estaban sentados y esperando en las
filas que habían establecido. El aroma de las rosas era celestial en el aire.
Al final lograron ganar para su boda sencilla. Se colocó una carpa blanca en el jardín de rosas,
estaba hecha de encaje blanco simple que todavía era hermoso, tenían sillas colocadas en cuatro
filas a cada lado del pasillo, almohadas blancas con lazos de plata en la parte posterior. Distintas
flores en tonos azules se enroscaron alrededor de la carpa. Y alrededor del altar estaba parado frente
a rosas blancas y ipheion azul entrelazados junto con hiedra. Harry y él se habían quedado aquí ayer
por la mañana uno al lado del otro y conjuraron el altar y las flores para que crecieran a su alrededor
como era tradicional, solo se permitiría su magia en esta área.
Había una paz tranquila en el área, incluso cuando la magia zumbaba en el aire esperando lo que
estaba por suceder. Estaba configurado exactamente como lo habían querido, y no podía dejar de
arrastrar los pies por la emoción y los nervios. Lucius y Mikhail lo miraban con diversión apenas
escondida mientras él daba otro arrastrar los pies. Podía escuchar a su abuelo riéndose abiertamente
detrás de él mientras su madre, Andrómeda y Narcissa, se alejaban con entusiasmo.
El sacerdote se acercó al altar y le sonrió cálidamente a Gregory, había realizado las bendiciones de
nacimiento para él, Lucius, Mikhail, Marcus, Selene, Tiberius, Draco, Orlandus y Phoenix. Él fue
quien se casó con Lucius y Narcissa, Marcus y Leander y Mikhail y Mikhail y Julia. Harry accedió
de inmediato cuando Gregory le habló del sacerdote y le pidió que fuera él quien se casara con
ellos. Estaba sonriendo a Gregory como un orgulloso miembro de la familia, que en este punto
prácticamente era. Miró a Gregory, quien asintió para mostrar que estaba listo. Inmediatamente,
chispas blancas iluminaron el cielo cantando a Harry y es una fiesta que estaban listos para
Tomó un respiro más antes de girarse para mirar hacia el pasillo. Podía ver por el rabillo del ojo a
todos sus amigos y familiares girando para mirar también. Y entonces Ron y Hermione aparecieron
a la vista, caminando juntos por el pasillo luciendo bastante aturdidos con sus túnicas de boda, y se
complementaron muy bien. Ambos le sonrieron ampliamente cuando llegaron a su lugar y se
hicieron a un lado para esperar a Harry, Ron le dio un pequeño pulgar hacia arriba que lo hizo
sonreír también.
Y luego Harry apareció a la vista. Nunca se había visto más impresionante o hermoso a los ojos de
Gregory como lo hizo en ese momento caminando hacia él, cogidos del brazo con un Remus
orgulloso y radiante. Pero no tenía ojos para nadie más que para Harry en ese momento. Sus ojos se
encontraron y se sostuvieron cuando Harry caminó hacia él, y todo por un momento pareció
detenerse. Se estaba casando con el hombre del que estaba enamorado, en realidad se iban a
casar. Nunca había esperado estar parado aquí.
Remus le tocó el brazo antes de tomar la mano de Harry y colocarla dentro de la suya. Hizo un leve
olfateo mientras besaba la mejilla de Harry antes de bajar los escalones para ir a pararse junto a Ron
y Hermione. Harry apretó su mano suavemente mientras se acercaban, tomándose un momento para
mirarse y apreciar este momento, solo entonces se volvieron hacia el sacerdote que los estaba
esperando pacientemente.
"Estamos reunidos aquí hoy para presenciar el matrimonio de Gregory y Harry, han venido hoy
dispuestos a abrazar la magia de la madre y pedirle su bendición en este día para unirlos".
Gregory apretó su mano alrededor de la de Harry, incapaz de evitar que su sonrisa se ensanchara
aún más.
"Gregory, prometes respetar y cuidar a Harry mientras vivas. Prometes amarlo y cuidarlo, estar allí
para él en los buenos y malos momentos, en la enfermedad y en la salud. ¿Prometes? ser leal a él y
nunca romper la confianza con la que te está confiando en este día?
"Sí," Gregory asintió rápidamente.
"Harry, prometes respetar y cuidar a Gregory mientras vivas. Prometes amarlo y cuidarlo, estar allí
para él en los buenos y malos momentos, en la enfermedad y en la salud. ¿Prometes? ser leal a él y
nunca romper la confianza con la que te está confiando en este día?
"¡Hago!" Harry dijo un poco sin aliento. Su corazón estaba haciendo algo interesante en su pecho en
este momento.
"Por favor, miren el uno al otro y unan las manos", el sacerdote miró entre ellos.
Se volvieron y unieron sus manos libres, aprovechando otra oportunidad para sonreír el uno al
otro. El sacerdote sacó un pedazo de cinta blanca del altar y la puso sobre sus manos, antes de tomar
la mezcla de agua y hierbas que había mezclado. esto se derramó sobre sus manos y luego las
salpicaron, y casi de inmediato pudieron sentir que el aire se volvía más puro.
"Gregory, juras tu magia a Harry, ¿la vincularás con él aquí y entrelazarás voluntariamente la tuya
con él en un vínculo que durará toda la vida?"
"Lo haré", Gregory asintió. Ante sus palabras, la mitad de la cinta que colgaba sobre su mano se
movió y se envolvió alrededor de sus manos en un par de bucles.
"Harry, juras tu magia a Gregory, ¿la vincularás con él aquí y entrelazarás la tuya con él en un
vínculo que durará toda la vida?"
"Lo haré", sonrió Harry. Su extremo de la cinta se movió y se envolvió alrededor de sus manos. Se
encontró con el final de la primera parte y se selló nuevamente, un tenue resplandor comenzó a
hacerse más brillante.
"Gregory y Harry han prometido sus vidas, magia y amor aquí delante de todos ustedes. ¿Quién
aquí regala a Gregory?" El sacerdote levantó la vista.
"Sí," Carina se levantó y se dirigió hacia ellos, con una cálida sonrisa y con lágrimas en los ojos,
tocó su varita con la cinta y su magia hizo que brillara un poco más.
"¿Y quién está contigo?"
"Sí," Lucius y Mikhail se adelantaron y tocaron la varita con sus varitas. Lucius se encontró con los
ojos de Harry y le sonrió cálidamente, asintiendo con la cabeza antes de tomar su lugar nuevamente.
"¿Y quién de aquí regala a Harry?"
"Sí," Remus dio un paso adelante y tocó con su varita la cinta, olfateó un poco y se secó los ojos
con lo que Harry pensó que era el pañuelo de Andrómeda mientras volvía a su lugar. El brillo de la
cinta ahora era casi demasiado brillante para mirarlo.
"¿Y quién lo representa aquí?"
"¡Hacemos!" Hermione y Ron dieron un paso adelante, su parte en la ceremonia ahora hacía que la
cinta brillara aún más.
"Su matrimonio ha sido bendecido libre y amorosamente por su familia. Gregory, Harry, permite
que tu magia sea libre".
Harry cerró los ojos y soltó su magia como Marcus había pasado interminables horas enseñándole a
hacer. Escuchó jadeos de la multitud antes de concentrarse firmemente en asegurarse de hacerlo
Hermione le sonrió a Ron y le dio un codazo asintiendo con la cabeza hacia los aturdidos
Malfoy. Incluso en este momento Harry logró aturdirlos. Teddy dio un chillido feliz y gorgoteó
entre la multitud al reconocer la magia de su padrino, aplaudiendo con entusiasmo. La magia de
Gregory era un hermoso y sorprendente azul eléctrico, sin embargo, Harry fue lo que causó la
reacción, un hermoso tono dorado brillante y conmovedor, está rodeado de magia y bailaba
juguetonamente con la magia de Gregory, rodeándola con amor y protección.
Su magia se asentó y rodeó sus manos, filtrándose en la cinta que brilló cegadoramente por un
segundo y luego desapareció en sus manos.
"Gregory, por favor coloca tu anillo en el dedo de Harry como símbolo del amor sin fin que tienes
por él", dirigió el Sacerdote una vez que su magia se resolvió.
Gregory tomó el anillo de Lucius y lo deslizó sobre el dedo de Harry, levantando su mano y
besando el anillo allí antes de bajar la mano.
"Harry por favor coloca tu anillo en el dedo de Gregory como símbolo del amor sin fin que tienes
por él"
Harry tomó el anillo de Hermione y lo deslizó en el dedo de Gregory, respirando profundamente
cuando se dio cuenta de que eso era todo, estaban casados.
"Ahora te declaro unido. Puedes besar al novio", sonrió el sacerdote.
Se echó a reír cuando Gregory tiró de Harry contra él y lo besó con firmeza, Harry solo pudo
sostenerlo y devolverle el beso lo mejor que pudo. Sin embargo, se alejaron al escuchar el sonido de
las campanas musicales, abriendo los ojos levantaron la vista para ver los fuegos artificiales
explotando sobre sus cabezas, pero en lugar de fuertes golpes, fue el sonido de las campanas. De
repente, los murmullos sobre los chicos Weasley tenían sentido y Harry se volvió para sonreír a los
gemelos Weasley cuando una ovación aumentó entre la multitud una vez más.

Harry estaba un poco aturdido, estaba de pie junto a Gregory frente a su asiento favorito para
tomarse una foto. Estaba mirando los profundos ojos azules de Gregory, y todo lo que podía pasar
por su cabeza era que este hombre era su esposo, en realidad su esposo.
Ya se habían tomado lo que parecían unos miles de fotos, y su sonrisa comenzaba a dolerle un poco,
aunque no creía que pudiera dejar de sonreír tampoco cuando la palabra marido zumbó alrededor de
su cabeza.
"Ok, regresaré y tomaré algunas fotos de la familia, no los necesitaré por al menos diez minutos", el
camarógrafo les sonrió a sabiendas antes de darse la vuelta y alejarse.
Gregory hizo un leve ruido antes de agarrar a Harry y tirar de él a otro beso. Estos no fueron los
besos dulces y castos que habían intercambiado por las fotos, o el beso más suave cuando se les
anunció casados. Este beso fue exigente y hambriento, algo que Harry regresó con igual hambre,
sosteniendo el de Gregory con fuerza y devolviéndole el beso con fiereza. Devolviendo el beso a su
esposo con la misma ferocidad.
"¿Para qué es la sonrisa?" Gregory preguntó alejándose un poco.
"Estamos casados, eres mi esposo ahora", sonrió Harry.
"Por ahora y siempre", suspiró Gregory con satisfacción.
"Lo hicimos, en realidad lo hicimos", se rió Harry tirando de Gregory para otro beso.
"¿Cómo se siente el Sr. Malfoy-Potter?"
"Muy bien señor Malfoy-Potter"
Gregory se echó a reír y barrió a Harry, pegándolos en un fuerte abrazo. Sobre sus cabezas, los
fuegos artificiales todavía explotaban en chispas doradas, plateadas y azules que caían para aterrizar
en un fino polvo en el suelo alrededor de todo el jardín.
Pero Harry y Gregory no sabían nada de esto mientras se abrazaban y se besaban en el hecho de que
estaban casados. Finalmente se casaron.
Capítulo 1 9
Harry echó la cabeza hacia atrás cuando sintió que la brisa nocturna le pasaba por la cara, el olor a
especias y hierbas, al calor y al mar pesaba en el aire a su alrededor. Hubo voces parloteando,
riendo y llamándose unos a otros un poco lejos de donde estaba parado. A pesar de que tenía los
ojos vendados, estaba bastante seguro de que una vez más estaba parado en el bote de Gregory.
Habían terminado su velada con sus amigos y familiares, riéndose y bailando, Narcissa y
Andrómeda habían mostrado a todos presentando un paso rápido increíble juntos, mientras que Ron
lo bendijo, había hecho todo lo posible por valsar a Hermione por el piso y había fallado, su
radiante Sin embargo, la sonrisa y la risa feliz lo habían animado. Marcus le había robado a Harry
de 5 bailes con Gregory hasta que su esposo, su esposo, le gruñó a su abuelo y le dijo que fuera a
buscar a su propio esposo, solo para comenzar a gruñir cuando Tiberius se lo llevó a pasear por la
pista de baile mientras se reía. Estaba distraído. Gregory levantó las manos cuando Carina
interrumpió su próximo baile. Harry se había reído tanto que apenas había sido útil bailar con su
nueva suegra.
Había sido un día increíble, a Harry le había encantado cada segundo. A pesar de todo, sin importar
dónde estuvieran, él y Gregory se habían mirado a los ojos cada pocos segundos, no queriendo dejar
al otro fuera de su vista. Estaba seguro de que ninguno de ellos había dejado de sonreír desde que
habían dicho sus votos, sus mejillas en realidad estaban empezando a dolerle, pero no pudo evitar la
abrumadora felicidad que lo atravesaba. Él estaba casado. A un hombre que amaba con todo su
corazón. Tenía una familia extensa que amaba y con la que se sentía como en casa.
Comenzó un poco antes de tararear cuando los labios rozaron sus mejillas justo debajo de la venda
y luego a sus labios.
"¿Por qué sonríes tanto?" Gregory preguntó suavemente, sus dedos bailando a lo largo de la cintura
de Harry.
"La vida es perfecta", suspiró contento recostándose en el fuerte cuerpo de su esposo.
"Sí, lo es. No mucho más y me quitaré la venda de los ojos", prometió Gregory antes de alejarse
Una vez que su noche había terminado, se habían despedido de todos, muchos abrazos, besos y
promesas de escribir o fluo. Y luego Gregory le colocó la venda en los ojos y se los aparto para su
luna de miel de un mes. El había aterrizado en el bote, y Gregory lo había llevado al frente antes de
desaparecer para hacer los preparativos de último minuto. Harry no tenía idea de lo que estarían
haciendo para su luna de miel, Gregory había insistido en planearlo todo para ellos.
Comenzó cuando los motores arrancaron y se movieron, el viento se levantó y comenzó a jugar con
las puntas de su cabello, revolviéndolo más de lo que probablemente ya era. Debieron haber pasado
quince minutos antes de que fuertes brazos lo envolvieran nuevamente, dándole la vuelta y
capturando sus labios. Él gimió levemente y se pasó los dedos por el cabello dorado sin vacilar, el
movimiento automático ahora, y se hundió en el beso. Sin ver a Gregory, de alguna manera se sintió
más íntimo y sensual, el sabor de Gregory, del whisky ligeramente amargo que había estado
bebiendo, y la dulzura de su pastel de bodas, todo realzado en su propia lengua.
Se separaron demasiado pronto para el gusto de Harry, pero luego los dedos de Gregory tiraban del
nudo de la venda y lo alejaban de sus ojos. Se quedó sin aliento al ver el bote, rosas blancas y luces
de hadas habían sido enroscadas alrededor de las barandillas de todo el bote. Estaban parados en la
cubierta, que tenía un colchón en el centro cubierto con sábanas de seda y cojines, y alrededor de
ella, pequeños orbes de luz brillaban hermosamente sobre el espacio para dormir. Y cubriendo cada
centímetro de la cubierta había miles y miles de pétalos de rosas rojas.
Miró a Gregory con los ojos muy abiertos después de haberlo asimilado todo, incapaz de creer lo
hermoso que era. "Quería que nuestro primer tiempo apropiado juntos, nuestra primera noche como
esposos fuera especial", admitió Gregory suavemente.
"Esto es definitivamente perfecto", suspiró Harry envolviendo sus brazos alrededor de la cintura de
Gregory y presionando su mejilla contra su pecho.
"Bueno, para el próximo mes navegaremos por Grecia y luego por Italia, y terminaremos en el sur
de Francia".
"¡Oh Merlín, eso es increíble! Gracias, gracias, gracias", jadeó Harry, abrazando el cuello de
Gregory y presionando besos en toda su cara y labios.
"Te prometí que te mostraría el mundo, este es el comienzo. Y solo seremos nosotros dos", Gregory
presionó sus labios contra los de Harry.
"¿Nos estás navegando?" Harry sonrió.
"Sí, y tenemos un permiso internacional, por lo que podemos detenernos donde queramos, ver lo
que nos gusta, ir a donde queramos", sonrió Gregory. "Me aprovisioné de libros turísticos para
todos los lugares por los que pasaremos, así que mañana podemos sentarnos juntos y planear las
cosas que queremos ver, los lugares que queremos visitar".
"Gregory, esto es ... esto es increíble, gracias", dijo Harry suavemente. Su corazón ya lleno se sentía
como si se estuviera hinchando aún más de amor.
"Quería que esto fuera especial, te mereces especial", Gregory sacudió la cabeza y pasó los dedos
por el cabello de Harry. "Y ahora, realmente quiero sacarte de esas túnicas"
"Estoy nervioso", se rió Harry.
"¿Bien nervioso?" Gregory preguntó preocupado.
"Sí, definitivamente bien nervioso. Es tan tonto, ¡todo lo que hemos hecho juntos, estamos casados!
Y estoy nervioso"
"No es tonto. Estoy un poco nervioso para ser sincero, quiero que esto sea perfecto", admitió
"Estás aquí, yo estoy aquí. Ya es perfecto", le aseguró Harry dulcemente.
"Tienes razón", dijo Gregory suavemente, con una sonrisa amorosa. Acercó a Harry y lo besó
profundamente, distrayéndolo fácilmente de sus nervios cuando se perdieron en el beso una vez
más. Esto, esto era natural, perfecto, y para Harry le gustaba volver a casa.
Los dos estaban tan perdidos en su beso que Harry no se dio cuenta de que se habían mudado a la
cama, y Gregory los desnudó a ambos en ropa interior, solo se dio cuenta cuando la mano de su
esposo se movió para ahuecarlo. Jadeó en la boca de la rubia y se arqueó más cerca, necesitando ...
queriendo más.
"Gregory, por favor", jadeó Harry.
"No te preocupes, te cuidaré", prometió Gregory.
Con ternura, recostó a Harry sobre las suaves coberturas, sellando sus labios unas cuantas veces
más antes de moverse para barrer la mandíbula de Harry. El hombre más joven jadeó y se retorció
en el agarre de su marido, tarareando cuando esos labios se movieron por su cuello, chupando
suavemente la piel. Trazó el camino hasta el pecho de Harry, prestando atención cuidadosa tanto
como pudo antes de que sus labios encontraran pezones turgentes.
Harry sintió como si se estuviera volviendo loco, su piel estaba ardiendo y estaba tan duro que
sintió que debería doler. Estaba ardiendo de deseo y ansiaba a Gregory entre las piernas. El gemido
que Gregory dejó escapar cuando tiró de su cabello para alejarlo de sus pezones tampoco hizo nada
para ayudar.
"Gregory, te necesito, por favor, te necesito!" Rogó Harry, retorciéndose en su cama.
"Estoy aquí", la voz de Gregory era varias octavas más baja de lo normal, y cuando miró a Harry
sus ojos estaban prácticamente negros de deseo. También se veía hermoso, simplemente
hermoso. Como un dios griego, la luz de la luna y el resplandor de las luces alrededor del bote
hacían que su piel dorada brillara celestial, su cabello dorado parecía una lluvia de seda. Estaba
mirando a Harry con tanto amor, tanta pasión que el aliento de Harry se quedó atrapado en su
"¡No, más te necesito dentro de mí!" Rogó Harry.
"No puedo decir que no a eso", Gregory exhaló sin aliento. Sus labios se sellaron una vez más y
Harry gimió cuando Gregory se quitó la ropa interior. Hubo un alivio de la piel en contacto con la
piel, y Gregory tembló ligeramente debajo de las manos de Harry cuando sintió a su joven esposo
pronunciar el hechizo de lubricación y estiramiento contra sus labios. "¡Harry!"
"No quiero esperar", Harry sacudió la cabeza.
"Me vas a matar"
"La pequeña Mort", jadeó Harry cuando Gregory presionó tres dedos lentamente dentro de él,
probando y sintiendo, sus ojos bebiendo al ver a Harry arqueándose de placer.
"De hecho," gimió Gregory mientras se movía para presionarse entre las piernas pálidas lechosas de
Harry, y se recostó contra su entrada.
Sus miradas se encontraron, y todo pareció detenerse por un momento, ese momento colgando entre
ellos mientras absorbían que este era el paso final. El pecho de Harry se movía ligeramente mientras
envolvía sus brazos alrededor del cuello de Gregory e inclinaba su mitad inferior solo un poco para
presionarse sobre la erección dura de su esposo.
Gregory lo agarró con fuerza, una mano en su cadera, la otra envolviéndola debajo de su espalda, y
lo presionó con una presión exquisita, enterrándose poco a poco en el calor de Harry. El Malfoy
tuvo que agarrarse fuerte y dejar caer su cabeza sobre el hombro de Harry mientras luchaba por
empujar sin pensar mientras su cuerpo exigía que lo hiciera. Quería que esto durara, su primera vez
juntos, y quería ver a Harry deshacerse.
Harry se retorció como una cosa salvaje debajo de él mientras se movían juntos, sus dedos mordían
la espalda de Gregory mientras se movían juntos. Las piernas del hombre más joven estaban
envueltas alrededor de la cintura de Gregory y su hermosa voz gritaba de placer, elevando el deseo
y el placer de su esposo cada vez más alto. Se movían juntos en perfecta sincronización, y el joven
moreno sintió que se estaba volviendo loco de placer cuando Gregory encontró su próstata.
Finalmente, aunque Gregory no pudo aguantar más, era demasiado perfecto y demasiado placer, él
buscó entre sus cuerpos resbaladizos y sudorosos para agarrar a Harry en su mano, y eso fue todo lo
que necesitó. Con un suave grito, Harry se derramó en su mano y entre sus cuerpos, el cálido y
cálido agarre del cuerpo de Harry alrededor del suyo acabó con Gregory, y con un fuerte grito de
placer se derramó dentro de su esposo, presionando profundamente y manteniéndose allí por tanto
como pudo.
Ambos colapsaron juntos en la cama, y Harry levantó las mantas alrededor de los dos mientras
yacían acurrucados bajo las estrellas. Sonrió al darse cuenta de que había hechizos de calentamiento
sobre las sábanas de seda para mantenerlos calientes en el aire fresco de la noche. Era hermoso,
yacía bajo las estrellas con la suave iluminación que brillaba a su alrededor. Gregory era cálido y
perfecto contra su costado cuando ambos recuperaron el aliento.
Se quedaron intercambiando besos perezosos por un momento antes de que Harry se alejara y
presionase su mano contra la cara de Gregory, acariciando con sus dedos esas facciones queridas.
"¿Qué?" Gregory preguntó con una sonrisa cansada.
"Te amo mucho", suspiró Harry con satisfacción.
"Yo también te amo Harry. Aquí está el resto de nuestras vidas", Gregory lo acercó para un último
beso antes de que se acurrucaran debajo de las sábanas para dormir.

Gregory gimió y se movió un poco, antes de rendirse y sacar la cabeza de las sábanas, todavía se
movían como había escrito el bote, pero Harry no estaba a su lado.
"Buenos días Sr. Malfoy-Potter", dijo Harry.
"Buenos días señor Malfoy-Potter", sonrió Gregory perezosamente. Se sentó un poco y vio a Harry
caminando hacia él con una gran bandeja. Gregory gimió cuando se dio cuenta de que Harry estaba
usando solo su propia camisa del día anterior, que yacía justo frente a sus muslos.
"Pensé que podrías tener hambre después de todo ese ejercicio de ayer", dijo Harry colocando la
bandeja en la cama junto a las piernas de Gregory antes de sentarse a su lado.
"Anoche definitivamente me cansó", sonrió Gregory moviendo las cejas.
"¡Estaba hablando del baile, pervertido!" Harry jadeó con fingido horror. Se rió cuando Gregory lo
golpeó, presionando besos en toda su cara.
"¿Estas adolorido?" Gregory preguntó preocupado.
"No, fuiste amable. Estaba un poco tenso, pero cuando comencé a moverme estaba bien", le aseguró
Harry. Él le sonrió, envolvió sus brazos alrededor de su cuello y tiró de él hacia abajo para un dulce
beso. "Fue perfecto, gracias"
"Ahora tenemos el resto de nuestras vidas para disfrutarnos el uno al otro", sonrió Gregory.
Se acomodaron cómodamente en la cama y se acomodaron en el gran desayuno que Harry les había
preparado, alternando entre alimentarse y besarse mutuamente donde pudieran llegar.
Una vez que terminaron, Gregory convocó los libros turísticos que había recogido y los extendió a
su alrededor. Se pusieron cómodos, Harry se acomodó entre las piernas de Gregory con la espalda
presionada contra su pecho, y comenzaron a moverlas juntas.
Harry no se había divertido tanto en mucho tiempo, se reían y bromeaban, leían todo y hablaban de
las cosas que querían hacer y ver. Gregory aconsejó algunos de los lugares que sabía que a Harry le
gustaría que hubiera visitado antes, también le mostró a Harry algunos de los lugares que quería
Permanecieron allí la mayor parte de la mañana, y Gregory se iba solo de vez en cuando para
asegurarse de que todavía estaban en curso, o dirigirlos a través de un parche más difícil. Durante
una de estas veces Harry se estiró lánguidamente sobre su cama, cerrando los ojos con un suspiro al
sentir el sol brillando sobre él, el calor acariciando su piel mientras el viento hacía lo mismo. Se
sentía despiadado y lleno de felicidad. Abrió un ojo y miró el anillo sentado en su dedo, admirando
mientras el sol rebotaba en el metal.
Comenzó con una risa con su mano capturada de repente, Gregory parado sobre él con una sonrisa
más brillante que cualquier otra que Harry hubiera recibido del otro hombre. Su esposo levantó la
mano capturada y presionó un beso en cada dedo, hasta los nudillos, y luego presionó un beso en el
anillo que había puesto en la mano de Harry solo el día anterior.
El joven tarareó en agradecimiento cuando Gregory le soltó la mano y, en cambio, se recostó sobre
su marido, se acomodó cómodamente entre las piernas entreabiertas de Harry y lo atrajo para un
beso drogadicto. Ambos jadearon cuando la dureza desnuda de Gregory presionó contra la entrada
aún suelta de Harry, y con un suave empujón cuestionaron si Harry lo quería de nuevo. Era una
pregunta tonta, y el hechizo de lubricación pronunciado contra sus labios fue su respuesta.
Sus libros flotaban distraídamente de la cama mientras los dos se perdían el uno en el otro,
disfrutando de su primer día juntos casados adecuadamente.
Aunque Harry se alegró por todos los hechizos de privacidad alrededor del bote cuando casi sufrió
un ataque al corazón cuando un gran yate pasó junto a ellos poco después de que hubieran
terminado y se acurrucaran juntos.

Harry suspiró contento mientras entrelazaba sus dedos con los de Gregory mientras caminaban por
las calles empedradas de Atenas. Era hermoso, absolutamente impresionante, y claramente un
mundo completamente diferente. Acababan de terminar con el Partenón. Las ruinas mismas eran
impresionantes, aún intactas, se sentía mientras caminaban por la historia. Había docenas de
edificios para mirar, y algunos en los que podían entrar.
Sonrió un poco divertido cuando Gregory contó otro hecho del libro de turismo en el que tenía la
nariz enterrada. Aparentemente, la advertencia de Julia había sido algo que debería haber
escuchado, su esposo era un turista serio. Pero todos eran hechos interesantes, y estaba disfrutando
caminando por la ciudad con Gregory, disfrutando de la belleza y aprendiendo más sobre ella. Su
primer viaje de luna de miel iba bastante bien.
Gregory los había aparecido en tierra cuando habían atracado en el puerto, y habían caminado
lentamente hacia la ciudad. El almuerzo había sido en un hermoso y pequeño café donde habían
ordenado algunas cosas diferentes para que Harry pudiera probar la comida griega, algo que
Gregory se había deleitado en mostrarle. Y luego continuaron paseando por la ciudad. Luego fueron
al Partenón y pasaron unas horas caminando por allí, antes de regresar a la ciudad.
Solo sabiendo que tenía un mes, solo con Gregory en días como este, navegando sin fin,
apareciendo en tierra y explorando, y repitiendo, eso se sentía increíble, y ya lo estaba disfrutando
mucho. Era el cielo, no podría haber pedido una mejor luna de miel.
"¿Te estoy aburriendo?" Gregory preguntó sonando divertido.
"Hmm, no, para nada", le aseguró Harry, acercándose un poco y acurrucándose más cerca cuando
Gregory envolvió su brazo alrededor de sus hombros.
"¿Mirabas a mil millas de distancia, pensando en algo bueno?" él movió las cejas curiosamente
haciendo que Harry resoplara.
"Dos días de casados y has mostrado tus verdaderos colores como un pervertido", sacudió la cabeza
con fingida decepción, incluso cuando sus ojos brillaron.
"Lo sé, lo sé, fue un trabajo muy duro ocultártelo por tanto tiempo"
"Me preguntaba qué era esa mirada de concentración"
"Es por eso que seguía soltero después de todo este tiempo"
"Eso todavía me cuesta creerlo, pero no voy a decir nada porque la pérdida de todos fue mi suerte",
sonrió Harry. Gregory no dijo nada, pero se detuvo y se agachó para presionar sus labios.
Ambos parpadearon cuando hubo un flash a su lado, volteándose para ver a un hombre sonriendo y
sosteniendo una cámara. Comenzó a decir algo en griego que agitaba la cámara, a lo que Gregory
respondió rápidamente y asintió con la cabeza al hombre.
"¿Que esta pasando?" Harry preguntó mientras lo seguían de regreso a una pequeña tienda.
"Me preguntó si queríamos una copia de la foto", dijo Gregory mientras sacaba algo de dinero. Un
poco de trabajo rápido y luego el hombre estaba deslizando una foto por el mostrador de su tienda
recién salido de la impresora. Harry parpadeó cuando lo vio antes de sonreír brillantemente y
acercarlo. Era consciente de Gregory hablando con el hombre a su lado, pero estaba perdido en la
hermosa foto.
El hombre era muy bueno y lo había enmarcado perfectamente con una de las grandes ruinas detrás
de ellos, los dos perfectamente en el centro. Gregory se inclinaba ligeramente para alcanzar sus
labios mientras se estiraba, su propio cabello oscuro era un shock al lado del cabello dorado de
Gregory, que estaba iluminado por el sol que los rodeaba. Se veían tan felices y tan enamorados. El
hombre había logrado capturar exactamente cómo Harry se había sentido perfectamente en ese
"Me encanta", dijo Harry sonriendo alegremente al hombre. Él le devolvió la sonrisa ampliamente,
entendiendo claramente los sentimientos. Rápidamente metió la foto en una billetera de plástico
para ellos y se la pasó a Harry. "Deberíamos intentar tomar fotos en todos los lugares que
"Esa es una buena idea", estuvo de acuerdo Gregory, tomando la foto para echarle otro vistazo.
"Gracias", Harry lo besó en la mejilla.
"¿Para qué?"
"Esto, todo", Harry lo besó de nuevo y luego en los labios, envolviendo sus brazos alrededor de su
Parpadearon cuando hubo otro flash y se volvieron para ver al mismo hombre moviendo su cámara
hacia ellos. Gregory se volvió hacia Harry para ver los ojos verdes mirándolo con una expresión
"Oh bien," resopló caminando de regreso a la tienda.

Harry se dejó caer sobre la toalla de playa, extendiendo los brazos y tomando el sol. Su libro estaba
cerrado en su mano, todavía marcando su lugar, mientras cerraba los ojos y se relajaba por un
momento. Era diferente a relajarse en el bote, aunque eso también era encantador. Esta vez habían
venido tierra adentro a Lindos, y dieron un pequeño paseo por la hermosa ciudad, visitando el
mercado allí donde había recogido algunas cosas y almorzado antes de ir a la playa.
La playa era parte de un resort mágico, cuidadosamente deletreado lejos de los muggles, por lo que
había todo tipo de magia que Harry amaba mirar. Actualmente estaba tendido sobre la toalla con
una bebida en el codo y disfrutando del sonido de las olas, que rápidamente se estaba convirtiendo
en su favorito.
Comenzó y abrió los ojos verdes para mirar a su esposo cuando gotas frías de agua golpearon su
piel caliente, aunque su mirada no duró mucho cuando vio el agua rodando deliciosamente por la
piel dorada y los ojos azules que brillaban intensamente.
"¡Ven conmigo!"
"¿A dónde vamos?" Harry preguntó mientras colocaba un marcador en su libro y lo metía con
seguridad debajo de la toalla, antes de tomar la mano de Gregory y dejar que lo pusiera de pie.
"Alguien más adelante está montando en el hipocampo", dijo Gregory con entusiasmo.
Moviéndose más abajo de la playa de lo que habían explorado antes, Harry vio un pequeño
embarcadero de madera flotando a unos pocos metros del mar. Caminaron a lo largo de él, y cuando
se acercaron lo suficiente, Harry vio a varios hipocampos chapoteando al final del embarcadero,
eran tan hermosos, de un blanco brillante con puntas azules.
"¿Crees que se cuidan bien?" Harry preguntó de repente, las voces de Hagrid y Hermione
despotricaron sobre lo maltratados que los magos eran por los magos apareciendo en su cabeza.
"Son libres de ir y venir", le aseguró Gregory. "Hermione no tendrá una razón para gritarte", agregó
con picardía. Harry lo empujó suavemente antes de sonreír a la bruja al final del embarcadero
cuando la alcanzaron. Uno de los hipocampo se mudó al lugar donde fácilmente podrían subirse a
"No serías luna de miel por casualidad, ¿verdad?" La bruja preguntó alegremente.
"¿Si, como lo sabías?" Pregunto Harry.
"Lachesis siempre sabe, a ella le gusta llevar a los recién casados"
"Destino, apropiado", Gregory asintió mientras Harry bajaba y se sentaba en la espalda de Lachesis.
"Es por eso que se llama así", explicó la bruja. Gregory se subió detrás de Harry, y el hombre más
joven se arrastró hacia atrás para que descansara contra su pecho. A esta distancia, podía ver que la
piel de Lachesis tenía una cualidad translúcida, brillando en un arco iris de colores cuando el sol la
miraba, como la gasolina en el agua. "Encantos de cabeza de burbuja, por favor, tortolitos"
Ambos aplicaron los encantos y luego aguantaron mientras Lachesis salía disparada hacia el mar,
subiendo las olas fácilmente, su hermoso y elegante cuerpo moviéndose debajo de ellos. Se
zambulló brevemente y luego volvió a atravesar el agua, antes de sumergirlos en el mundo
Fue espectacular, nada parecido a lo que había sido cuando Harry tuvo que ir debajo del Gran Lago
para la segunda tarea en el Torneo de los Tres Magos. Todo el lugar estaba iluminado con un
resplandor azul de otro mundo, pero era brillante, reluciente y lleno de vida.
Las plantas subacuáticas de colores brillantes de muggle y variedad mágica barrían debajo de ellas
en el fondo del mar, ahora Lachesis las sumergía más abajo y nadaba a través de la vida
vegetal. Peces de un arco iris de colores nadaban en bancos de arena hasta donde alcanzaba la vista,
especialmente cuanto más lejos se encontraban en el mar. Hipocampo aparecía de vez en cuando
girando alrededor de ellos en una manada, y Harry incluso vio a algunas personas de la gente
asomando la cabeza de algunas de las profundidades para mirarlas con curiosidad.
Estuvieron nadando durante una hora y media antes de que Lachesis saliera a la superficie y nadara
lejos del embarcadero, Harry descansó más atrás contra Gregory y tarareó alegremente cuando
envolvió sus brazos alrededor de su cintura, se acurrucaron cerca mientras disfrutaban el viaje de
regreso a tierra , las hermosas olas frescas lamían sus piernas mientras el sol las secaba.
"Gracias, eso fue increíble", Harry le dio unas palmaditas a Lachesis mientras salía de ella y
regresaba al embarcadero con un gentil empujón de Gregory, antes de darse la vuelta y ayudar a su
esposo a levantarse.
"Gracias", dijo la bruja agradecida mientras Gregory le entregaba unos cuantos billetes de efectivo.
"Lo disfruté", suspiró Harry envolviendo sus brazos alrededor de la cintura de Gregory mientras
regresaban a sus toallas en la playa.
"Pensé que podrías," Gregory sonaba presumido pero Harry simplemente lo apretó sacudiendo la
cabeza con fuerza. Presionó un beso en la piel de su pecho sobre su corazón, saboreando la sal en su
piel de su viaje en el mar.

Gregory se sobresaltó cuando gentiles brazos se enroscaron alrededor de su cuello, su abuelo se

iluminó aún más al ver a Harry.
"¡Querida! ¡Estás brillando positivamente!" Marcus dijo alegremente.
"Hola abuelo", Harry se sentó junto a Gregory en el hogar del pub mágico. Se las habían arreglado
para conseguir una habitación privada para hacer una llamada de regreso a casa.
"¿Lo has estado pasando bien? ¡Gregory me acaba de contar sobre algunos de los lugares que has
visitado! ¡Honestamente, han sido las dos semanas más tranquilas de mi vida, sin que ustedes dos
escuchen que la mansión se siente medio vacía!"
"También los estamos extrañando a todos", dijo Harry con cariño. "Me estoy perdiendo nuestras
charlas nocturnas"
"¡Oh, también me lo estoy perdiendo! No importa, hay mucho de qué hablar cuando estás en casa.
Ahora te estás divirtiendo, ¿no?"
"¡Ha sido maravilloso, hemos estado en tantos lugares!" Harry dijo emocionado.
"¿Dónde estás actualmente?" Preguntó Marcus.
"Estamos en Mystras, acabamos de pasar la mañana caminando y viendo las ruinas en la parte
muggle de la ciudad, decidimos almorzar temprano, y Gregory me llevará al mercado mágico esta
tarde". Harry explicó emocionado.
"¿Esta todo bien?" Los agudos ojos de Marcus los examinaron a los dos.
"Oh, solo siendo tonto, no creo que haya bebido suficiente agua mientras caminábamos, me sentía
un poco mareado y débil", dijo Harry avergonzado. "¡Estoy bien ahora!" Dijo exasperado cuando
captó las miradas que Gregory y Marcus le estaban disparando.
"Pasaremos unas horas sentados adentro y refrescándonos", aseguró Gregory a su abuelo. Harry
puso los ojos en blanco y luego chilló cuando Gregory se abalanzó sobre él presionando besos sobre
su rostro.
"¡Basta de eso! Han pasado dos semanas en su luna de miel, ¡no han tenido suficiente el uno del
otro para hablar con su pobre abuelo durante dos minutos sin hacerse daño!" Dijo Marcus con
tristeza, pero cuando levantaron la vista los estaba mirando felizmente.
"¡Nunca!" Declararon al mismo tiempo, antes de que los tres se rieran.
"Gregory estaba contando acerca de tu viaje a la garganta de Samaria, ¿lo disfrutaste?" Marcus
preguntó una vez que se habían calmado.
"¡Oh, fue hermoso, tan hermoso! Caminamos tan lejos como pudimos a lo largo de él. ¡Y nos
detuvimos a medio camino para nadar en este hermoso lago! Fue un día encantador, tomamos
algunas fotos".
"Harry insistió en que obtuviéramos una cámara, hemos estado tomando fotos en todos los lugares
en los que hemos estado, y le hemos pedido a alguien que nos tome una foto en cada lugar", dijo
Gregory a su abuelo.
"¡Oh, maravilloso! No puedo esperar para verlos"
"Haré un poco de mi pan de plátano y podremos tomar un té mientras los miramos, hay algunos de
nosotros encantadores", prometió Harry.
"Ahora eso es realmente algo que esperar", asintió Marcus.
"Nos detendremos en la playa de Myrtos mañana, y en un par de días después de eso, el teatro
Delphi y Meteora. Luego estamos en Italia", Gregory sacó su lista.
"Tienes una lista", dijo Marcus con cariño.
"¡Estamos muy organizados! Y volveremos con unos 100 nuevos libros de historia para su
biblioteca, y eso es solo de Grecia", bromeó Harry suavemente.
"Y estamos regresando con alrededor de 1000 chucherías de todas partes que hemos estado
visitando", bromeó Gregory.
"Dejaré que ustedes dos se vayan, cuídense Harry querido", dijo Marcus preocupado.
"Lo haré, sinceramente, no te preocupes, fue solo un pequeño mareo", le aseguró Harry.
"Si estás seguro", murmuró Marcus.
"Hablaremos contigo en un par de días más", prometió Harry besando al hombre mayor.
"Los amo a ambos, ¡diviértanse!" Marcus saludó con la mano.
"También te amo", saludó Harry.
"Te amo abuelo, hablamos pronto", dijo Gregory antes de terminar la llamada y luego hacer la
"¡Harry! ¡Gregory!" Ron, Hermione, Remus, Tonks y Andromeda llamaron tan pronto como se
realizó la conexión.
"Hola a todos", Harry saludó apoyándose en el lado de Gregory mientras acogía a su
familia. Obviamente habían estado esperando ansiosamente su llamada.
"¡Ambos parecen haber estado pasando un tiempo maravilloso!" Andrómeda suspiró feliz.
"Lo estamos, es muy relajante. Entre pasar tiempo en el bote y llegar a explorar es perfecto",
suspiró Harry felizmente.
"¡Oh Merlín, ustedes dos son aún más amados!" Ron bromeó.
"Sí, lo estamos", Gregory presionó un beso en la frente de Harry causando gemidos de su audiencia.
"¿Has estado ocupado entonces?" Preguntó Remus.
"Sí y no, simplemente nos hemos tomado nuestro tiempo y lo hemos disfrutado. Un día más o
menos en el bote, y luego entrando a tierra para explorar, y luego volviendo a navegar en el bote",
explicó Harry.
"¡Suena maravilloso que tus cartas hayan sido encantadoras! Tantos lugares para visitar", dijo
Hermione emocionada.
"¡Ha sido maravilloso! Y todavía tenemos mucho que ver", dijo Harry antes de decirles con un poco
más de detalle lo que habían estado haciendo y los lugares que habían visto.
"¿Hablaremos contigo pronto entonces?" Andrómeda preguntó cuándo habían terminado.
"Sí, volveremos a llamar", asintió Harry.
"Te estamos extrañando", Ron sonrió suavemente.
"Yo también te extraño, aunque te veré pronto"
"¡Sigues disfrutando! El sol y la aventura obviamente te están haciendo bien, estás radiante", lo
felicitó Tonks.
"¡Eres el segundo en decir eso!" Harry negó con la cabeza.
"Probablemente sea todo el sexo", dijo George cuando él y Fred aparecieron a la vista de la llamada.
"¡Oh Merlín!" Harry gimió cubriendo su rostro ardiente antes de mirar las risitas que Gregory
estaba dejando escapar.
"¡Oh vamos chicos!" Ron hizo una mueca.
"¡Qué! Están en su luna de miel, ¿creías que lo estaban gastando jugando a las damas?" Fred rio por
lo bajo.
"Quería fingir que lo eran", se quejó Remus con timidez.
"Hemos estado muy ocupados jugando a las damas", Gregory asintió seriamente.
"¡Gregory!" Harry gimió medio tacleando para tratar de cubrirse la boca.
"Te dejaremos ir antes de que esto se vuelva aún más juguetón", sonrió Hermione.
"¡Hermione!" Harry se quejó.
"Lo siento, lo siento, sigue divirtiéndonos y manteniéndonos al día", saludó.
"Hasta pronto, los amo a todos", Harry les devolvió el saludo.
Harry suspiró y se dejó caer al suelo cuando terminó la llamada y levantó la mano para buscar a
Gregory. Tirando de su esposo hacia abajo, selló sus labios en un beso dulce y drogadicto que hizo
que su sangre cantara y sus corazones latieran un poco más rápido.
"Mmm, eres demasiado tentador, no quiero nada más que llevarte de regreso al bote y hacerte el
amor", suspiró Gregory contra sus labios.
"¿Qué tal si vamos a ver el mercado y luego volvemos al bote, bajamos a nuestra habitación y te
llevo en nuestra cama?"
"Harry", gimió Gregory cuando Harry se rió malvadamente.
"Entonces, nos ponemos en marcha, cuanto antes lo hagamos, antes volveremos al barco", sugirió
"¿Estás seguro de que te sientes bien?" Gregory preguntó preocupado.
"Sí, estoy seguro, ¡sinceramente, me sentí un poco mareado, eso es todo! He bebido mucha agua y
me he enfriado lo suficiente en las últimas dos horas. Ahora, vamos", Harry se movió debajo de él,
antes de ponerlo de pie. .
Rápidamente se acomodaron en el bar, y Gregory les compró dos botellas grandes de agua,
haciendo que Harry rodara los ojos con cariño, antes de que salieran y se dirigieran al mercado
mágico. Estaba escondido en uno de los edificios en ruinas, por lo que se colocaron muy buenos
encantos en todo el lugar para protegerlo de los ojos muggle.
Entrar en el mercado fue revelador. Pensó que Diagon había sido impresionante, y lo era, pero esto,
esto era otra cosa. Fue una explosión de color y ruido, los puestos estaban en todas partes en líneas
torcidas mientras sus dueños llamaban y promocionaban sus productos, diferentes animales y
bestias gritaban en el ruido, y coloridas telas y artículos estaban en todas partes.
A Harry le encantó. Caminaban de la mano, metiéndose entre la multitud para mirar los puestos que
les llamaron la atención. Se detuvieron en uno de los puestos de joyería donde Harry vio un
hermoso brazalete de plata con piedras negras, le recordó fuertemente a su collar, el primer regalo
que Gregory le había comprado, la pieza que no había quitado ni una vez desde que había sido
enviado. eso. Justo cuando lo estaba alcanzando, la mano de Gregory lo recogió y se lo entregó a
los dueños de la tienda junto con el dinero.
Harry miró por encima del hombro para mirar a su marido juguetonamente, solo para ser yo con una
mirada impenitente. Sacudiendo la cabeza, se apartó del camino con Gregory y permitió que su
esposo deslizara el brazalete en su muñeca y deslizó el broche en su lugar.
"Gracias", Harry admiraba el brazalete en su muñeca antes de envolver sus brazos alrededor del
cuello de Gregory y besarlo dulcemente.
"Te queda bien", dijo Gregory, pero sus dedos fueron al collar que rodeaba la garganta de Harry.
"Estaba tan nervioso cuando recibí el ramo, la carta y el collar", admitió Harry.
"¿Por qué?"
"Hermione me dijo lo que era todo, lo que significaba. Tenía miedo de mirar la carta, porque quería
que fuera de cierta persona, y no estaba segura de cuánto me lastimaría si no la veía. su nombre en
la parte inferior de la carta, "
"¿Qué tan contento estabas de que se llamara así?"
"Extremadamente. Aunque no podría haber imaginado que estaríamos parados aquí"
"Yo tampoco, cuando envié eso, esperaba que me dieras una oportunidad, que me dieran el tiempo
para cortejarte. No en mis sueños más locos imaginé esto", dijo Gregory acercando a Harry y
besando sus besos. cara. Harry cerró los ojos y se hundió en los besos con satisfacción.
"He estado pensando", tarareó Harry.
"¿Mm hm?"
"¿Sabes que dijimos sobre una segunda casa, lejos de la mansión Malfoy?"
"¿Si?" Gregory lo miraba con curiosidad ahora.
"¿Qué te parece comprar una pequeña villa aquí en Grecia como una pequeña casa de vacaciones?"
"Y cuando estamos en Gran Bretaña", preguntó Gregory.
"La mansión se ha convertido en mi hogar, el hogar que he estado esperando, realmente no quiero
en ningún otro lugar", dijo Harry.
"¿Lo dices en serio?" Gregory preguntó alegremente.
"Me encanta allí, me encanta tener a la familia a nuestro alrededor, apareciendo, la mía y las tazas
de té y charlas de Marcus, todos viniendo a nosotros si quieren conversar".
"Has logrado convertirte en el corazón de ese viejo lugar y darle vida de nuevo", Gregory besó su
"No seas tonto, no he hecho nada", protestó Harry.
"Cuando vivía allí antes, y cuando volvía, siempre había algo, una pesadez, has respirado aire fresco
en el lugar, le has dado una nueva vida. ¿Estás seguro de que serás feliz?"
"No quiero estar en otro lugar que no sea mi hogar. Y si tenemos algún lugar aquí, y el barco para
escapar de vez en cuando, será perfecto", aseguró Harry.
"El abuelo y la madre estarán encantados", sonrió Gregory.
"¿Esperemos hasta que volvamos a decirles?" Sugirió Harry.
"O podríamos salvar nuestros oídos y escribirles"
"¡De todos modos eso es hablar con tu esposo! Debería llevarte sobre mis rodillas", gruñó Gregory
en su oído.
"Promesas promesas", suspiró Harry mirando a Gregory con ojos ardientes.
"Sabes que tienen un mercado como este muy cerca de Delphi", la voz de Gregory era ronca cuando
hizo la sugerencia.
"Realmente, ya sabes que lo mencionas, probablemente podría hacer con regresar al bote y tener un
agradable ... largo ... relajante descanso" Harry se lamió los labios acercándose.
"Tienes que dejar de mirarme así por un momento, o voy a sobrepasar el bote o astillarnos", se
quejó antes de aparecer y volver a su bote.
Capítulo 20
Harry se paró en la proa del bote observando con emoción cómo Italia aparecía a la vista. Gregory
estaba ocupado manejando su bote durante el último tramo, pero Harry estaba emocionado de ver
otro país. Todavía no podía creer que esta fuera su luna de miel, que esto era lo que iban a
hacer. Tarareaba alegremente con la música que se escuchaba detrás de él, algo de música suave al
estilo griego que le había gustado mientras habían estado allí.
Su piel estaba agradable y bronceada ahora, se sentía 100 veces más relajado que cuando se habían
ido. También le encantaba tener tiempo para los dos. Ya estaban planeando otras vacaciones que
podrían tomar haciendo algo como esto. Harry estaba seguro de haber convencido a Gregory de que
sus próximas vacaciones serían a lo largo del Nilo para poder ver Egipto. También esperaban poder
convencer a Ron y Hermione de que también vinieran de vacaciones con ellos.
Se dio la vuelta y corrió a través del bote hasta llegar a donde Gregory estaba de pie dirigiendo el
"Sabes que te ves increíblemente sexy así", dijo Harry caminando hacia su esposo. El realmente lo
hizo. Usando solo pantalones cortos y una camisa suelta de lino blanco que mostraba su piel dorada
y su pecho musculoso, su cabello dorado estaba trenzado hoy, y el viento lo capturaba y los
mechones sueltos y lo soplaba alrededor de su rostro. Levantó la vista ante las palabras de Harry y
le sonrió, pero sus ojos eran juguetones y le indicó al joven que se acercara.
"Podría decir lo mismo, creo que no te llevaré de regreso a casa, simplemente recorreremos este
bote, veremos el mundo".
"No tendrás argumentos de mi parte. Sin embargo, temo lo que tu abuelo nos haría".
"Tienes un buen punto, tendré que encadenarte en nuestra habitación", Gregory asintió seriamente.
"No te atreverías. Sin embargo, te verías increíblemente encadenado a nuestra cama", sonrió Harry.
"Ugh, me vas a matar uno de estos días", resopló Gregory.
"¡Tú empezaste!"
"Lo sé", Gregory lo besó, y luego se volvió para mirar hacia el agua a medida que la tierra se volvía
más y más clara.
"Es extraño, estoy emocionado de llegar aquí, y al mismo tiempo parece que estamos un paso más
cerca de tener que irnos a casa", suspiró Harry presionando contra su costado.
"Bueno, entonces nos vamos a casa y comenzamos adecuadamente nuestra vida de casados.
Planificamos lo que queremos hacer con nuestro futuro, tal vez ampliando las habitaciones un poco
ahora que nos quedamos allí a tiempo completo. Mira agregar una guardería o dos tal vez".
Harry sonrió ante su intento completamente sutil de ser sutil. "¿O dos?"
"Solo un pensamiento," Gregory se encogió de hombros con indiferencia.
"¿Eres melancólico querido?"
"¡No! Bueno, tal vez un poco, solo un poco. Vamos a verte con Teddy, y ahora Selena no puedes
culparme por pensar en cómo te verías cargando a nuestros bebés", se quejó Gregory.
"Solo te estoy tomando el pelo", Harry besó su mejilla. "Me encantaría comenzar a pensar en una
familia para ser honesto".
"¿De Verdad?"
"Sí, una vez que nos establezcamos, pensé que tal vez podríamos comenzar a intentarlo. Quiero
algunos hijos".
"Lo has mencionado algunas veces, ¿tienes un número en mente?" Gregory preguntó interesado.
"Bueno, no tanto como los Weasley, pero estaba pensando que quizás 5 o 6", se encogió de
hombros Harry. Parecía preocupado cuando Gregory se atragantó y farfulló.
"¡6! ¡Estaba pensando que ibas a decir 3 o 4!"
"Te dije que quería una gran familia, ¿no querrías tantas?" Harry preguntó nerviosamente.
"No, no, me encantaría un montón de niños corriendo", Gregory le aseguró rápidamente.
"¿Pero?" Harry frunció el ceño al escuchar el trasfondo.
"Pero los Malfoy no saben por poder tener grandes familias, sinceramente, ninguna familia de
sangre pura lo es. Mere y su padre fueron bendecidos de tener 3 de nosotros", explicó Gregory
gentilmente. "La probabilidad de que tengamos más de 3 no es muy probable"
"Oh cariño", Harry sonrió brillantemente ahuecando la cara de Gregory y presionando un dulce
beso en su boca. "¿No lo has escuchado? Soy muy bueno para vencer todas las probabilidades.
Entonces, de 5 a 6, tendremos que planear dónde vamos a agregar sus habitaciones a las nuestras",
tarareó Harry.
Gregory parpadeó hacia él antes de sonreír felizmente.

Sassi Di Matera, era hermosa y misteriosa al mismo tiempo. Los dos caminaron por la ciudad
abandonada observando todo y entrando y saliendo de las casas hechas de cuevas. Eran
encantadores y geniales, y fue muy interesante ver las diferentes adiciones de historia al lugar.
"... una de las primeras viviendas humanas en Italia ... ¿qué?" Gregory preguntó deteniéndose en su
explicación de la historia de la ciudad de memoria.
"Nada, solo disfruto verte así", Harry sacudió la cabeza.
"Lo siento, me dejo llevar", se sonrojó Gregory.
"No, no, me encanta", Harry sacudió la cabeza.
"Si estás seguro"
"Tu inteligencia es increíblemente sexy Gregory", le aseguró Harry, caminando un poco por delante
de él. Gregory sonrió para sí mismo antes de apresurarse a ponerse al día, ya retomando desde
donde lo dejó.
Se pusieron cómodos en la cima de una colina y sacaron el almuerzo para llevar que Harry había
preparado para ellos. Descansando con la cabeza en el regazo de Gregory, donde estaban sentados
debajo de un olivo, Harry respiró el aire más seco y dulce que los rodeaba. Los largos dedos de
Gregory se peinaban a través de su cabello, tirando ligeramente de vez en cuando.
Se sentía deshuesado bajo la atención, y estaba bastante seguro de que no quería moverse por un
buen rato. Calculó que pudo haber comido demasiado de la buena comida que habían abastecido ya
que se sentía un poco mareado. Sin embargo, no pudo evitarlo, le encantaron los alimentos que
estaban probando. Había divertido a Gregory al recopilar recetas de diferentes restaurantes que
habían visitado, ahora tenía un pequeño arsenal de recetas para probar cuando regresaran a casa. No
podía esperar para cocinar una gran comida para la familia cuando regresaran, estaba planeando
hacer algo por todos ellos, ayudar a toda la familia al día siguiente de su regreso y cocinar una
selección de comidas de todos los lugares. que habían estado
"¿Qué estás tramando?" Gregory preguntó haciéndole abrir un ojo para ver que lo había estado
"Solo una comida familiar cuando regresemos," Harry se encogió de hombros. "Además, voy a
tener que ponerme al día con Tiberius en sus lecciones que se ha perdido este mes mientras
estuvimos fuera. Ha llegado a pasos agigantados, pero tiene sus exámenes por venir, así que quiero
hacer seguro de que se siente seguro antes de entrar en ellos "
"Estoy seguro de que lo entenderá, no te perdiste ni siquiera una semana antes de la boda", dijo
Gregory divertido.
"Es un buen estudiante", Harry se encogió de hombros.
"Y tiene un muy buen maestro"
"No sé sobre eso,
"Sí," sonrió Gregory comenzando a pasar sus dedos por el cabello de Harry
nuevamente. Felizmente, los ojos verdes de Harry se cerraron nuevamente mientras absorbía la

"¿Todo está bien?" Harry preguntó mientras entraba a su habitación para ver a Gregory acostado en
la cama con cartas de tarot a su alrededor.
"Hay algo que me molesta, pero no sé qué es", resopló Gregory frustrado.
"¿Estás viendo algo?" Harry preguntó con curiosidad. Gregory había tenido algunas visiones en su
tiempo juntos, de lo que le había hablado. Pero no lo había visto así.
"Sí, pero no está muy claro, solo viene algo, algo grande"
"¿Bueno o malo?" Harry preguntó nerviosamente.
"Definitivamente no está mal, simplemente no puedo ver qué es", Gregory le aseguró rápidamente,
extendiendo su mano hacia Harry. Se deslizó sobre la cama junto a Gregory, con un pequeño
pliegue preocupado en la frente mientras miraba hacia la nueva cubierta que Gregory había
tendido. "Me molesta lo vago que es, odio tener visiones como esta".
"¿No siempre están claros?" Pregunto Harry. Gregory estaba tan distraído que no tenía su defensa
normal levantada que aún no había logrado defraudar cuando se trataba de su regalo, a pesar de
encontrarse con Luna varias veces.
"No, a veces se ven cristalinas, y luego la próxima vez que hay mucha niebla, a veces serán algunas
visiones, cada una de las cuales se aclarará un poco. Es frustrante".
"¿Por qué no te tomas un descanso? Puede ser más claro después de que ... te hayas distraído",
sugirió Harry tímidamente. Gregory frunció el ceño y abrió la boca claramente para protestar, pero
luego la mano ágil de Harry se deslizó dentro de sus pantalones, y cuando se volvió, su amante tenía
una sonrisa con una mirada de promesa en su rostro. Agitando su varita, Gregory rápidamente
movió las cartas hacia afuera mientras se daba la vuelta en el agarre de Harry para besarlo, sus
caderas rodaban en el agarre que Harry tenía a su alrededor mientras se hundían en el colchón.
En la pequeña mesa de su habitación, cuatro de las tarjetas se reorganizaron con un suave
resplandor, extendiéndose en una línea, y sin ser vistas por los dos hombres, las cartas Amantes,
Reina de copas, As de Copas y Emperatriz volvieron a sus lugares normales. .
"¡¿Nunca lo has hecho ?!" Gregory preguntó sorprendido.
"¡No! Sabes que Hogwarts solo tiene escobas", se rió Harry mientras lo sacaban del mercado,
apuntando a un puesto en particular. Rodó los ojos con cariño cuando Gregory escogió la alfombra
más elegante que pudo encontrar, y luego llevó a Harry a la pequeña área de despegue que tenía al
lado. Acomodándose en la alfombra, Harry miró un poco dudoso a Gregory, haciéndolo reír y
agacharse para presionar un beso en sus labios.
"No te preocupes, sé cómo volar uno perfectamente", prometió antes de que volaran sobre la ciudad
costera de Tropea.
"Si comienzas a cantar sobre un mundo completamente nuevo, estoy saltando", resopló Harry.
"¿Cantar qué?" Gregory preguntó confundido.
"Nada, te lo diré más tarde", se rió Harry. "Entonces, ¿cuéntame sobre este lugar?"
"Bueno, se suponía que debía ser fundada por Hércules ..." Gregory comenzó a explicar. Para
Harry, este tenía que ser el mejor viaje que habían hecho, excepto por su viaje en el Hipocampo,
presionado contra el costado de Gregory, dejando que el cálido y ronco rumor de la voz de su
esposo lo cubriera mientras le contaba sobre la ciudad, y señaló varios cosas al respecto, incluidas
las dos catedrales, una con una bomba muggle sin explotar de la Segunda Guerra Mundial que se
encuentra fuera de sus puertas.
La ciudad era hermosa y parecía haber sido construida sobre el acantilado sobre el que se asomaba
con vistas al mar, el color de la piedra de los edificios combinaba perfectamente. Los edificios
parecían girar alrededor del acantilado boca abajo sobre la playa. Fue realmente encantador.
Gregory los tomó en un par de vueltas, y luego, al mar por un momento, Harry tuvo que reír
nuevamente cuando su esposo los sumergió ligeramente en el mar para que Harry pudiera pasar los
dedos por las hermosas aguas turquesas, realmente iba tener que encontrar una manera de mostrarle
a Aladdin.
Finalmente aterrizaron en la playa, y mientras Gregory enrollaba su alfombra, Harry se alejó para
traerles algunas tumbonas a la concurrida playa. Se sentía mucho más seguro deambulando por un
país diferente, la primera semana que se había quedado al lado de Gregory cada vez que iban hacia
el interior, el choque cultural era algo importante para él, pero a medida que pasaba el tiempo
descubrió que todos era acogedor y siempre había alguien para ayudarlo si se volvía un poco.
Mientras se acomodaba en la tumbona y esperaba a Gregory, cerró los ojos y respiró el aire, listo
para disfrutar de otro día en el paraíso.

Harry se rió y se llevó la cabeza al hombro mientras Gregory le acariciaba los cosquilleantes besos
en el cuello y la oreja, distrayéndolo un poco de su cocina. Los empujaron a la pequeña cocina en el
bote, con Gregory 'ayudándolo' a cocinar. Era simplemente algo simple, habían tenido un día
completo y se habían dado un gran almuerzo para que Harry no tuviera que cocinar mucho para
Habían pasado el día en Paestum, viendo sus tres grandes templos. Gregory se había sonrojado
cuando admitió que realmente quería visitar este sitio porque tenía dos templos para Hera, la Diosa
del Matrimonio, así como un templo para Atenea, también habían ido a un pequeño templo para la
Capitoline Triad Minerva, Júpiter y Juno. Habían recorrido los templos y la ciudad en ruinas, habían
recorrido el museo que, mientras Harry había disfrutado, había disfrutado más viendo la reacción de
Gregory, su última visita después del almuerzo había sido a las tumbas pintadas que albergaba el
lugar, Harry había estado asombrado. de los hermosos colores y escenas de la vida cotidiana y las
heroicas misiones que tenían las paredes.
Habían tenido un muy buen día, y ahora solo estaban disfrutando su velada en el bote. Gregory
había cubierto nuevamente la cubierta superior del bote, menos la cama esta vez, y ahora estaban
cocinando. Bueno, Harry estaba y Gregory estaba haciendo todo lo posible para distraerlo. Y estaba
funcionando. Se giró y presionó sus labios contra los de Gregory agitando distraídamente su varita
para continuar con su comida. Envolviendo sus brazos alrededor del cuello de Gregory, saltó al
mostrador y tiró de su esposo entre sus piernas, sus manos ya deambulaban hambrientamente sobre
su cuerpo, sus labios hambrientos mientras lo probaba.
Cocinar podría esperar.

Gregory se detuvo donde estaba, sosteniendo sus helados mientras bebía al ver a su esposo acostado
sobre una manta en la arena leyendo. Su mano de piel bronceó un hermoso tono marrón que hizo
que sus ojos verdes parecieran aún más brillantes. Parecía egoísta, pero le gustaba pensar que esos
ojos brillaban aún más desde el día de su boda, parecían estar llenos de felicidad, amor y vida. Algo
se había liberado en Harry en el momento en que dijeron sus votos, como una pequeña tristeza a la
que se había aferrado finalmente se había soltado, y él podía vivir su vida y esperar su futuro ahora.
Ver a Harry y su familia bromear juntos, reír y burlarse de él lo había llenado de una alegría que no
podía expresar. Harry llenó su vida y la completó de una manera que no se había dado cuenta de
que faltaba hasta que esos ojos verdes se encontraron con los suyos, y ese hermoso sonrojo cruzó
sus mejillas. Era tan afortunado que lo sabía, por ser la persona de la que Harry se enamoró y eligió
entregar su corazón, fue más bendecido de lo que podría haber esperado ser.
Harry pareció sentir sus ojos sobre él, y se volvió con una sonrisa brillante cuando vio a Gregory
parado allí, su sonrisa y sus ojos lo llamaban hacia adelante. Nunca tendría suficiente de este
hombre. Caminando hacia Harry, se arrodilló a su lado, y antes de que el hombre más joven pudiera
decir algo se agachó para presionar un beso en sus labios.
"¿Para que era eso?" Harry se rió cuando se separaron, de ninguna manera quejándose. Aceptó su
helado mientras dejaba su libro a un lado y se sentaba.
"Nada, solo porque adoro el suelo sobre el que caminas", Gregory tan fuerte que las dos mujeres en
la manta a su lado se rieron.
"Gregory", gruñó Harry, sus mejillas iluminando ese hermoso tono de nuevo.
"No siento haberte dicho la verdad", Gregory se encogió de hombros. "Tengo una sorpresa para ti
después del almuerzo"
"¿Qué es?" Harry pregunto ansioso.
"Una sorpresa", Gregory sacudió la cabeza antes de resoplar cuando Harry hizo un mohín. "Si eso
no funciona con Phoenix, ¿crees que funcionará contigo?"
"Vería cómo dices eso, ¿estás diciendo que no soy lindo?" Harry levantó una ceja mirando a
Gregory con seriedad.
"Bueno, no, no lindo, no como Phoenix porque eso sería extraño, pero guapo, hermoso y hermoso y
maravilloso, y por supuesto soy susceptible a tus encantos, simplemente no quiero arruinar esta
sorpresa ! " Gregory cayó preocupado.
Harry volvió a levantar la ceja y parpadeó dos veces antes de sonreír, haciendo que Gregory se
hundiera un poco hacia adelante.
"Eres cruel", suspiró.
"Lo sé", dijo Harry alegremente antes de tomar otro trago de su helado.

"¿Esto es lo que estamos haciendo?" Harry preguntó emocionado mientras caminaban por el

pequeño embarcadero. Hacia un pequeño bote de remos rojo y dorado.
"Sí, pensé que la mejor manera de ver la costa de Amalfi sería remar por ella. Sé que ya estamos
pasando mucho tiempo en un barco, pero esto es ..."
Harry se inclinó y presionó un beso rápido pero acalorado en los labios de Gregory. "Llegar a verte
remando, músculos tensos bajo el sol italiano, sudoroso, estoy en ese bote"
"Vamos entonces", Gregory sacudió la cabeza ante la mirada traviesa de su marido.
Se acomodaron en el bote y luego Gregory comenzó a remarlos por la costa. Recorrieron la costa,
contemplando la playa, el mar, la vida salvaje, la ciudad que era interesante ver desde diferentes
ángulos. Era una ciudad tan hermosa, y la costa era simplemente impresionante, incluso mejor de lo
que los libros habían descrito. Cerró los ojos mientras respiraba el aroma del mar.
Se movieron por la costa, y Gregory luego los remaron en una pequeña cala, fue simplemente
impresionante, la luz del sol que entraba por la entrada iluminó la cala en una fascinante sombra
azul brillante.
"Oye, espera", dijo Harry extendiendo la mano para tocar la mano del otro hombre y evitar que los
sacara de la ensenada. Volviéndose para mirarlo, Gregory lo miró inquisitivamente. "Quería
encontrar el momento adecuado para darte esto, ahora parece bastante perfecto"
"¿Dame que?" Gregory preguntó con curiosidad.
"Lo vi hace un par de días, y fue bastante perfecto para ti, pensé, así que, aquí," Harry le tendió la
caja envuelta a Gregory, lo que lo hizo sentir mucha curiosidad cuando vio el sonrojo en las mejillas
de Harry.
Tomando la caja, deshizo cuidadosamente los envoltorios y quitó la tapa. Lo que había dentro lo
dejó sin aliento, el simple corazón plateado tenía cuatro esmeraldas en un lado y un grabado en el
otro que decía 'Siempre tendrás mi corazón', descansaba sobre una cadena de cuero. Se mordió el
labio y miró hacia donde Harry estaba sentado nerviosamente mirándolo.
"Me encanta, me encanta, muchas gracias", Gregory rápidamente sacó el collar y se lo puso,
pasando los dedos por el corazón. "Me encanta,"
"Me alegro", suspiró Harry.
"¿Estabas nervioso?" Gregory preguntó.
"Un poco, nunca usas joyas y bueno, no estaba seguro, pero pensé que te podría gustar"
"Me encanta", le aseguró Gregory. Se movió cuidadosamente hacia adelante y presionó un beso en
los labios de Harry.
"Me ha encantado, sé que lo he dicho antes, pero gracias", tarareó Harry volviendo a la barca.
"Yo también. No puedo creer que solo nos quedan cuatro días, ha pasado volando", suspiró
Gregory, sus dedos aún jugando con el relicario.
"Estaba preocupado, ya sabes", se rió Harry enredando sus dedos.
"¿Acerca de?" Gregory preguntó con curiosidad.
"No lo sé, solo tenía esta locura pensando que podríamos pasar un mes juntos y ... No sé, que te
aburrirías de pasar tiempo solo conmigo", se rió Harry nerviosamente.
"Harry, nunca, nunca me aburriré de pasar tiempo contigo, nunca. Te prometí toda mi vida"
"Gracias, te dije que era una tontería", sonrió Harry. Se arrodilló cuidadosamente en el bote, un
poco preocupado por volcarlos, y envolvió sus brazos alrededor del cuello de Gregory. "Es solo que
todo esto es tan nuevo"
"También para mí", se rió Gregory envolviendo sus propios brazos alrededor de la cintura de Harry.
"Creo que lo estamos haciendo bastante bien hasta ahora"
"Creo que lo estamos haciendo excelente", asintió Gregory inclinándose para otro beso
persistente. "Lucius y Narcissa no hablaron durante dos días en su luna de miel cuando se rió de
cuánto tiempo pasa en el baño".
"¿Se enfurruñó por 2 días?" Harry bufó.
"2 días completos ... y dormí en el baño, al abuelo le preocupaba que iban a terminar separados
antes de que la tinta se secara".
"Eso es brillante" Harry sofocó su risa en el hombro de Gregory. Él gimió un poco cuando Gregory
presionó un beso en su cuello, y luego otro, finalmente Harry estaba temblando un poco en sus
brazos, y se aferró a sus hombros, respiró hondo para intentar que su cerebro volviera a funcionar.
en la entrada de la cala, y golpeé los remos para remarlos a través de la pequeña playa al final.
"Harry, qué ..." Gregory parpadeó cuando Harry se levantó y se quitó toda la ropa, antes de pasar al
costado y entrar al agua cristalina. Gregory lo miró atónito mientras veía a Harry nadar a través del
agua cristalina, capaz de ver cada parte de su hermoso esposo. Los ojos verdes brillaron cuando
Harry rodó sobre su espalda, haciendo señas a Gregory.
Estaba de pie en el bote, observando con avidez cómo su marido nadaba con gracia en el agua como
una ninfa de las leyendas que había estado leyendo recientemente. Estaba brillando y brillando en la
luz que entraba en la cala. Lentamente se quitó la ropa, sin apartar los ojos de Harry todo el tiempo,
no queriendo perder un momento de esto. Estaba bastante seguro de que este se convertiría en uno
de los muchos recuerdos favoritos de Harry.
Al nadar también en el agua, nadó lentamente hacia Harry, con los ojos hambrientos mirándolo, se
sintió un poco depredador mientras acechaba al joven que ahora reía en el agua, el sonido de su risa
rebotando en las paredes de la ensenada, haciendo señas y llamando a Gregory a él.
Varias veces nadó rápidamente fuera de su alcance cuando Gregory lo alcanzó, lanzándose lejos
antes de que pudiera rodearlo con los brazos, la piel húmeda rozándose tentadoramente sobre sus
manos antes de perseguirlo nuevamente. Finalmente, aunque el deseo ardiente en su estómago era
demasiado fuerte, decidió que era hora de terminar su juego ahora. Con un estallido de energía usó
sus músculos para acelerar a través del agua entre ellos. Tuvo tiempo de ver los grandes y lujuriosos
ojos verdes de Harry antes de saltar sobre él, acercándolo a él mientras apretaba los labios y
alimentaba las llamas de su deseo mientras saboreaba a Harry.
Sus manos vagaron bajo el agua, sintiendo la piel resbaladiza de Harry, moviendo sus manos hacia
abajo para ahuecar su trasero y acariciar suavemente sus mejillas, haciendo que Harry temblara
lujuriosamente en brazos. Levantándolo fácilmente en el agua, Harry enroscó sus piernas
inmediatamente alrededor de su cintura y lo sostuvo sobre sus hombros, sus propias manos vagaron
acariciando sobre los hombros y brazos de Gregory, bajando por su pecho y a través de su cabello,
sus labios quemando un camino detrás de sus manos, sus lengua y dientes salen ocasionalmente
para saborear la piel mojada y bronceada debajo de sus labios.
Gregory estaba duro y ardiendo por Harry, desesperado por unirse a él nuevamente. moviéndose
rápidamente hacia la pequeña sección de la playa, tumbó a Harry, sus caderas y piernas todavía
estaban siendo golpeadas por las olas, pero Gregory podía arrodillarse sobre Harry y comenzar a
adorar a su cuerpo, tratando de mostrar con sus toques cómo vio a Harry, rozando y masajeando su
piel bronceada, calmando y encendiendo la pasión en ese cuerpo más pequeño hasta que Harry se
retorcía debajo de él, los maullidos y las súplicas caían de sus labios, y aún así Gregory lentamente
descendía por su cuerpo, adorando cada centímetro que podía, luchando respaldar sus propios
deseos tanto como pudo.
Finalmente, aunque volvió a deslizarse por el cuerpo de Harry para compartir un beso con su amor,
mientras se alineaba con el cuerpo de Harry. Un empuje firme hizo que se unieran por segunda vez
ese día, el cuerpo de Harry un abrazo cálido y acogedor a su alrededor, sus paredes revoloteando y
acariciándolo, más que listos para él después de su tiempo juntos esta mañana.
Mirando a su hermoso esposo, extendido sobre la arena blanca, ojos verdes ardiendo como el fuego,
sus mejillas enrojecidas de placer, el agua cristalina lamiendo a su alrededor, Gregory nunca se
había sentido más afortunado en su vida. Esto, esto era solo para sus ojos, los gritos de placer de
Harry solo para sus oídos. Esta era su vida, su amor. Y nunca sería más perfecto.
Capítulo 21
Gregory le sonrió a su joven esposo que estaba prácticamente dormido en sus brazos. Habían tenido
un último día ocupado explorando y sacando el máximo provecho, levantarse temprano y explorar
los alrededores de París durante el día. Harry había estado tan emocionado, arrastrándolo hasta allí
y a todas partes. Habían terminado de explorar Versalles, deambulando por el hermoso palacio de la
mano. Gregory lo había sorprendido al organizar que cenasen en el palacio, pidiendo un gran favor
y pagando una cantidad ligeramente exorbitante. Pero después de que el palacio se cerró para los
visitantes, escoltó a Harry al comedor, que había sido preparado para ellos con velas.
A Harry le había encantado, y habían tenido su última comida de la luna de miel de una manera que
sabía que Harry nunca, nunca olvidaría. Después de eso, habían paseado por los ornamentados
jardines que estaban iluminados para ellos y para ellos solos. Caminando y conversando
suavemente, había sido como si estuvieran en su propio mundo, disfrutando de la compañía del otro
y de la paz de los jardines que los rodean.
Eventualmente, aunque tuvieron que regresar, sus maletas ya habían sido enviadas delante de ellos
por los trabajadores en el muelle parisino donde Gregory había dejado su bote esta mañana. Todo lo
que había era que aparecieran en casa. Harry había estado tan cansado que Gregory estaba
preocupado de que él se inmovilizara, así que insistió en ponerse de lado.
Estaba contento de haberlo hecho, porque por el segundo salto que los llevó a Londres, Harry había
estado cayendo. Su tercer salto los llevó a Malfoy Manor, y Harry prácticamente se había quedado
dormido contra su hombro. Eran las 0130 de la mañana, y la mansión estaba en silencio, los otros
ocupantes sin duda dormían profundamente.
"¿Gregory?" Bueno, casi todos ellos.
"Abuelo", sonrió Gregory volviéndose para ver a Marcus sosteniendo una taza de té.
"Quería asegurarme de que volviste bien", admitió Marcus tímidamente caminando rápidamente y
envolviéndolo en un fuerte abrazo. "Te ves maravilloso, la vida de casado está claramente
de acuerdo contigo", sonrió mirando a su nieto con cariño antes de mirar a Harry. Se rió entre
dientes cuando se dio cuenta de que Harry se había quedado dormido en los brazos de Gregory.
"Tuvimos un día ocupado", se rió Gregory, inclinándose y levantando a Harry en sus brazos. Harry
murmuró algo para sí mismo, algo con el nombre de Gregory, y luego se acurrucó en su hombro,
pareciéndose más profundamente dormido.
"Ve a la cama, te veré en la mañana", Marcus le dio unas palmaditas en el hombro libre de Gregory.
"¿Venir a almorzar?" Gregory preguntó.
"No quiero entrometerme en tu primera mañana de regreso", Marcus sacudió la cabeza.
"Harry querrá verte", dijo Gregory rozando firmemente un beso en la mejilla de Marcus antes de
darse la vuelta y dirigirse a sus habitaciones, con su preciosa carga pegada al pecho. Le había
encantado su luna de miel, pero también era bueno estar en casa.

Harry bostezó ampliamente mientras se ponía la bata. Él tarareó mientras miraba alrededor de su
habitación, feliz de estar en casa. Le encantaba el bote, pero tenía que admitir que la cabina había
comenzado a sentirse un poco apretada. Estaba acostumbrado a grandes habitaciones ahora, ya sea
en el dormitorio de Hogwarts, su habitación en la de Andrómeda, pero especialmente aquí.
Inclinándose, presionó un suave beso en los labios de Gregory sonriendo contra ellos cuando su
esposo se movió y presionó hacia atrás.
"Se ha ido 1000 amor, iré a preparar té y desayuno", explicó Harry.
"Le pregunté al abuelo por el almuerzo", bostezó Gregory acurrucándose un poco más en las
mantas, pero abriendo sus ojos azul océano para mirar a Harry.
"Oo bien, veré lo que tenemos adentro", sonrió Harry besando a Gregory nuevamente antes de
arrastrarse a la cocina. Sacó la lista de compras que había hecho con todos los artículos que
necesitaría para preparar la comida de su familia mañana por la noche y la dejó a un lado, junto con
las cartas a todos para informarles. Los elfos domésticos los tomarían y se asegurarían de que se
"¡Harry!" El hombre de cabello oscuro se echó a reír cuando lo enterraron en un abrazo de pelirrojas
gemelas, Carina no muy lejos, y los tres fueron empujados para que Marcus pudiera reclamar su
abrazo. "Marcus dijo que tendrías un brunch"
"¿Has estado viniendo?" Harry preguntó, un poco sorprendido.
"He tenido que tener algo para mantenerme ocupado sin tu compañía", sonrió Marcus.
"¡Tiene ideas increíbles! Tenemos algunos productos nuevos y algunos más por venir", asintió feliz
George. Harry sonrió suavemente para sí mismo mientras se movía para encender la tetera.
"¡Te ves tan bronceada! ¡Y brillante! ¡Es tan bueno tenerte en casa!" Carina sonrió al empujarlo
hacia otro abrazo antes de moverse para bajar algunas tazas de té.
"¡Finalmente estás vivo!" Lucius dijo mientras entraba. "¡Honestamente, he venido y me he ido dos
veces!" Harry parpadeó un poco cuando se vio envuelto en un abrazo antes de que su cuñado mayor
se dirigiera a la mesa. Tuvo que sacudirse un poco ante ese pensamiento. Lucius era su cuñado.
"Literalmente acaban de regresar de su luna de miel, déjenlo junto a Lucius", Julia puso los ojos en
blanco mientras se acercaba y lo abrazaba. La besó en la mejilla y luego en la de Selina.
"¡Merlín, ella ya ha crecido!" Él negó con la cabeza y miró al pequeño bebé bonito.
"¿Merlín ya?" Gregory se burló mientras salía de la habitación trenzando su cabello.
"¿Pensaste que podrías escapar de nosotros?" Lucius sonrió de lado.
"Pensamos que podríamos tener un poco de paz y tranquilidad. Honestamente, estaremos aquí los
365 días del año, ¿no podrías darnos una mañana?" Dijo casualmente mientras abrazaba a Carina
con fuerza.
"¡¿Esperar lo?!" Carina jadeó tirando hacia atrás y mirando entre él y Harry con los ojos muy
abiertos. Marcus estaba un segundo atrás, con los ojos muy abiertos.
"Ustedes ni siquiera esperaron hasta la hora oficial del bruncheon", Gregory asintió abrazando a
Lucius, Fred, Julia, Selina, George y Marcus antes de finalmente alcanzar a Harry y tomar la taza de
té de su esposo divertido que estaba sacudiendo su cabeza hacia él.
"365 ..." Lucius se detuvo, también mirando entre ellos.
"Bueno, quizás no 365, tomaremos vacaciones y pequeños descansos en el extranjero", Gregory se
encogió de hombros tomando un sorbo de su té.
"Pero, ¿qué hay de tu segunda casa?" Marcus preguntó con los ojos muy abiertos mirando entre
"Decidimos que el dinero que habíamos planeado podría destinarse a un par de pequeñas casas de
vacaciones. Ampliaremos nuestras habitaciones aquí un poco, si eso está bien". Pregunto Harry.
"Por supuesto que lo es, pero, es eso lo que realmente quieres o estás haciendo esto por nosotros
porque ..." Carina hizo una pausa cuando Harry la abrazó.
"Mientras estábamos fuera, me di cuenta de que, aunque estaba pasando un momento increíble,
tenía muchas ganas de volver a casa", enfatizó la palabra y se sonrojó cuando todos los Malfoy le
"¡Oh Merlín!" George de repente soltó y todos se volvieron hacia él. "¡Lo siento, lo siento, me
acabo de dar cuenta de que eres un Malfoy ahora!"
"¿Olvidaste la boda a la que asistimos hace un mes?" Fred le preguntó a su gemelo secamente.
"¡No! Por supuesto que no, pero tampoco había golpeado, realmente no había pensado en eso",
George agitó la mano. "¡Pero es un Malfoy!"
"Y yo soy un Potter", bromeó Gregory.
"¡Oh Merlín, un Malfoy Potter!" George se quedó boquiabierto.
"Creo que lo rompiste", se rió Harry mientras se movía para comenzar a cocinar.
"¿Estás seguro de esto Harry? Por favor, no sientas que tienes que hacerlo", dijo Marcus
suavemente mientras los demás se burlaban de George.
"Sé que no tengo que hacer nada que no quiera", sonrió Harry. "Quiero abuelo"
"Podemos comenzar a expandir las habitaciones para ti", sonrió Marcus.
"Teníamos algunas ideas en realidad. Queríamos tener una segunda sala de estar, un poco más
grande para cuando todos vengan", tarareó Gregory mientras se apoyaba contra el mostrador al lado
de donde Harry estaba cocinando en la estufa.
"¿Qué pasa con una guardería?" Carina preguntó casualmente, pero sus ojos brillaban.
"En realidad, queríamos agregar dos y cuatro habitaciones para niños", dijo Gregory con
coincidencia casual, pero no pudo evitar sonreír cuando los Malfoy en la mesa se callaron, los
gemelos comenzaron a rugir de risa mientras obviamente hacían clic. en.
"Basta", Harry puso los ojos en blanco a su marido divertido.
"Harry y yo queremos algunos hijos"
"Es decir, suavemente, Harry ha querido una bandada de niños desde su segundo año", se rió
"En serio, ha estado adoptando primeros años desde su segundo año, de todas las casas", se rió
"¡Suenas como si los hubiera secuestrado!"
"Prácticamente lo hiciste. Honestamente, lo siguieron como patitos"
"¡No fui tan malo!" Harry protestó.
"Fue adorable de ver, lo llamamos mamá Harry a sus espaldas", sonrió Fred.
"¡No lo hiciste!" Harry se quedó boquiabierto.
"Oh, realmente lo hicieron", resopló Ron mientras entraba claramente al escuchar la
conversación. "¡Te ves tan bronceada!" Él sonrió mientras caminaba sobre el abrazo de Harry con
"Te extrañé", Harry le devolvió la sonrisa.
"Realmente te extrañé", sonrió Ron antes de soltarlo y moverse para abrazar a Gregory. "También
te extrañé, no he tenido a nadie a quien molestar"
"Ha estado tranquilo sin ti", bromeó Gregory.
"¿Cuántos nietos estoy esperando entonces?" Carina obviamente no podía esperar más.
"Estábamos pensando en unos pocos," Harry se encogió de hombros, apareciendo una mirada
"5 o 6." Gregory asintió antes de reírse cuando Lucius se atragantó con su té. Carina y Marcus los
miraban con los ojos muy abiertos.
"¿Estás bromeando, verdad?" Selina se atragantó.
"No, esa es la cantidad que quiero", se rió Harry.
"Maldita sea, pensé que Marcus y Leandre eran conejos", resopló Lucius.
"¡Lucius, no seas tan grosero!" Carina lo regañó.
"Lo siento Madre", Harry tuvo que presionar su rostro contra el hombro de Gregory, nunca se
cansaría de ver a Lucius intimidado por su madre.
"5 o 6 ?!" Marcus preguntó esperanzado mirando entre ellos.
"Sí, hablamos de eso mientras estábamos fuera", sonrió Gregory mientras le entregaba a Harry los
platos a los que se dirigía.
"¿Te das cuenta de que Malfoy no ha logrado tener tantos hijos?" Carina dijo suavemente.
"Lo sé, pero como señaló Harry, es bastante conocido por cambiar las cosas de lo imposible", se rió
"Eso es lo que hace, si alguien puede romper eso, será Harry", resopló Fred.
"Recuerdas esa vez ..."
"¡No!" Harry señaló a Ron.
"¡Ni siquiera sabes lo que iba a decir!" Ron rio.
"¡No me importa, quieres comida, mantén el estómago!" Advirtió Harry.
"Malo", se quejó Ron.
"Lo sé", se rió Harry.
"¿Cómo fue estar en casa?" Preguntó Lucius, tomando una tostada cuando el plato pasó flotando.
"Fue extraño despertarse en nuestra propia cama", admitió Harry.
"Y no mecerse en el bote", tarareó Gregory.
"Apuesto a que ese bote se balanceó un poco", Harry se echó a reír mientras Lucius hacía un
movimiento de cejas ridículo antes de gritar cuando Carina lo cortó con un hechizo
punzante. Gregory solo rodó los ojos antes de sentarse en la mesa mientras Harry flotaba todo lo
demás en la superficie y se unía a todos él.

Marcus se reía y conversaba con los gemelos cuando entraron en la cocina de Harry y Gregory, solo
para detenerse cuando vieron a Harry sentado en la mesa con Gregory quejándose de él. También
había una pequeña línea de elfos domésticos retorciéndose las manos con preocupación.
Lo que era aún más preocupante era que ninguno de los dos parecía darse cuenta de que ahora
tenían una audiencia.
"... estoy bien Gregory, no necesitas llamar al Sanador", estaba discutiendo Harry.
"Harry, tuviste otro mareo, no puedes culparlo por la falta de agua", suspiró Gregory.
"Estoy bien", sonrió Harry pasando los dedos por el cabello de Gregory. El anciano estaba
arrodillado frente a la silla en la que Harry estaba sentado, preocupado. "Honestamente, solo fui yo
tonto, no he comido bien hoy"
"Harry", Gregory parecía amotinado.
"Estoy bien, sinceramente", Harry sacudió la cabeza.
"¿Qué ha pasado?" Marcus frunció el ceño al entrar completamente.
"Tuvo un hechizo mareado", Gregory balbuceó antes de que Harry pudiera decir algo.
"Me mareé un poco, eso fue todo. He estado parado sobre la cocina caliente por un tiempo y no he
tenido mucho para comer, eso es todo. ¡Ahora me siento 100%!" Harry puso los ojos en blanco.
"¿Tal vez un sanador no sería una mala idea Harry?" George frunció el ceño y se tocó la frente.
"¡Deja de preocuparte, estoy bien!" Harry negó con la cabeza.
"¿Has tenido otros hechizos que no me hayas contado?" Gregory preguntó. Harry frunció los
labios. "¿Harry?"
"Me he sentido mareado un par de veces, tuve algunos golpes de cabeza, eso es todo", Harry
sacudió la cabeza.
"¡Por favor, déjame llamar a un sanador!" Gregory parecía preocupado ahora.
"Gregory, estoy absolutamente bien", Harry ahuecó su rostro. "Hemos estado ocupados, y no estaba
acostumbrado al calor, eso es todo. Si tengo otro hechizo mareado iré al Sanador, pero necesito
terminar la cena".
"Los elfos domésticos podrían terminar", protestó Gregory ligeramente, manteniendo las manos en
la cintura de Harry mientras se levantaba.
"No, es nuestra primera comida familiar desde la boda, ahora estoy bien. Sin ofender, chicos y
chicas", agregó Harry mirando a los elfos domésticos.
"Mientras el joven maestro esté bien", chilló uno de los elfos antes de salir.
"Los aterrorizaste", regañó Gregory.
"Sí, ellos," Harry levantó una ceja a su inquieto esposo. "Ahora, ustedes pueden comenzar a poner
la mesa, Fred, ¿pueden sacar los tazones grandes, por favor?", Ordenó Harry regresar a la
cocina. Ignoraba las miradas preocupadas que todos le estaban disparando mientras volvía a
cocinar, Gregory se cernía cerca, sus ojos azules apenas lo abandonaban.
Harry extendió la mano y juntó sus manos, apretó la mano de Gregory con comodidad y pasó el
pulgar sobre la banda en el dedo de su marido, antes de volverse para volver a cocinar. Esto pareció
relajar a Gregory mucho más, y para cuando cada vez que se acumulaba en la habitación, él estaba
mucho más relajado.
"¿Qué estoy haciendo con esto?" Hermione le preguntó. Gregory estaba en la mesa riéndose con
Remus, Ron, Bill, Lucius y Marcus sr. Carina, Ron Tonks, Andromeda y Narcissa estaban hablando
de algo más, algo que supuso que conspiraba teniendo en cuenta las miradas que seguían
disparándole a él y a Gregory. Leandre, Mikhail Marcus jr. y Julia aún no había llegado.
"Necesito que mezcles esta salsa lentamente, por favor", Harry le pasó la salsa antes de mirar por
encima del hombro y acercarse a ella. "Mione"
"Necesito tu ayuda con algo", murmuró mirando por encima del hombro una vez más antes de
Gregory entrecerró los ojos hacia su esposo y su amigo, todo sobre su comportamiento decía que
estaban discutiendo algo que no querían compartir, ambos parecían inquisitivos. Él entrecerró los
ojos aún más cuando Harry miró por encima del hombro y miró a su alrededor para asegurarse de
que nadie estuviera cerca de escuchar nada.
Algo estaba sucediendo con Harry, y él no era lo suficientemente estúpido como para enamorarse
de "no comido lo suficiente" y su esposo tenía una idea de lo que estaba sucediendo. No iba a hacer
una escena al respecto, sabía que Harry estaría mortificado si hacía una escena frente a su familia,
pero una vez que todos se hubieran ido.
Se volvió para sonreír cuando llegaron los tres familiares desaparecidos, gritando sus saludos, y
Harry anunció que la cena estaba lista.
"¿Puedes traer las bebidas a la mesa, por favor, amor?", Lo llamó Harry.
"Por supuesto", se puso de pie y se dirigió al armario de enfriamiento, levitando una variedad de
bebidas alcohólicas y ninguna bebida alcohólica para todos. Enganchó a Harry por la cintura y fue a
caminar, lo pasó y le dio un beso profundo en los labios. La sonrisa que Harry le dio, con ojos
brillantes fue lo único que le impidió arrastrar a Harry a su habitación para exigir respuestas.
"¡Oh Merlín, Harry, te has superado a ti mismo!" Andrómeda tarareó cuando la comida descendió
sobre la mesa frente a todos ellos.
"Son las recetas que tomé mientras estábamos fuera", explicó Harry.
"Se ha estado muriendo por probarlos", se rió Gregory sentado junto a Harry y uniendo sus
dedos. "Recibió las recetas de la gente donde quiera que fuéramos".
"La comida era increíble, y tan diferente, Gregory me compró un montón de libros de recetas
mientras estuvimos allí también", Harry sonrió dulcemente a su esposo.
"Bueno, si necesitas un conejillo de indias para algunas recetas, ya sabes dónde estoy", murmuró
Ron con la boca llena de comida. "Santo Merlín Harry, ¡esto es increíble!"
Harry se sonrojó cuando todos comenzaron a amontonar sus platos y a felicitarlos. Todo parecía ir
bien, y todos intentaban un poco de todo. Algunos de ellos reconocieron los platos, en particular los
Malfoys, que han viajado mucho. Pero Hermione reconoció un par de platos franceses, Andrómeda
y Tonks el italiano. Aparentemente, Remus había pasado un tiempo en Grecia investigando
hombres lobo, por lo que estaba familiarizado con algunos de esos platos.
"También tenemos una pequeña sorpresa para ti", sonrió Andrómeda, y su pequeño grupo de todos
antes parecía satisfecho de sí mismos. Estaban en sus desiertos y todos estaban relajados y cómodos
"Armamos esto para ti", Narcissa deslizó un álbum sobre la mesa hacia ellos. Harry parpadeó ante
el hermoso álbum de bodas, dejando que Gregory lo levantara para mirar.
"Estos son ..." Harry miró las fotos de la mañana de su boda, cuando ambos se estaban preparando y
no había forma de que alguien hubiera tenido una cámara.
"Encontré un hechizo, puedes convertir un recuerdo en una foto, es como pevensive, solo en papel",
"Todos nos juntamos y obtuvimos las mejores fotos que pudimos del día. Sabemos que tienes las
fotos del fotógrafo profesional por venir, pero pensamos que también te podría gustar, es un poco
más personal", Carina realmente miró un poco nervioso, haciéndole darse cuenta de cuánto tiempo
había pasado en esto.
"¡Es maravilloso!" Gregory les aseguró.
"También dejamos un pequeño espacio para tus fotos de luna de miel", sonrió Ron.
"¡Oh! ¡Iré por ellos, Hermione, ven a ayudarme!" Harry sonrió saltando sobre sus pies. Él palideció
ante la mirada estrecha, sabia que su esposo le dirigió, diciéndole que no lo había engañado. Pero
Gregory no dijo nada mientras arrastraba a Hermione a su habitación, enganchando rápidamente las
fotos donde las había preparado desde esta mañana para presumir. En cambio, se volvió hacia
Hermione con una cara seria y asintió.

"¡Oh, te ves tan feliz!" Carina suspiro.

"Sí, la pasamos de maravilla", asintió Gregory, pero sus ojos estaban en Harry, que había estado
más que un poco distraído desde que él y Hermione habían regresado de "encontrar" las fotos.
"Bueno, será mejor que nos vayamos, estoy segura de que ustedes dos todavía están cansados",
bostezó Hermione y se estiró ruidosamente. Harry le dirigió una mirada por sus movimientos
"¡Qué, pero iba a tener más, empuje! Sí, cansado, bastante cansado", gritó Ron. Harry puso los ojos
en blanco y miró a Hermione, Ron tratando de frotar discretamente su espinilla donde Hermione sin
duda lo había pateado.
Gregory miró entre Harry y Hermione, completamente consciente de que algo estaba sucediendo
entre ellos, lo único que le impedía enloquecer ante la discreta llamada de Hermione para dejarlos
solos era la sonrisa radiante que tenía en su rostro.
"¿Estaba pensando en que todos nos reuniremos para almorzar en Diagon mañana?" Sugirió Carina
mientras todos se paraban.
"Trataremos de lograrlo", Fred y George sonrieron inclinándose para besar las mejillas de Harry,
luego Gregory para su sorpresa.
"Estaba pensando en cenar juntos el sábado, ¿está bien para todos?" Harry preguntó de pie con el
álbum de fotos.
"Eso sería maravilloso", sonrió Marcus Sr sonriendo.
"¿Estas cocinando?" Julia preguntó esperanzada.
"Sí, estaré arrullando. Los elfos se quedarán con los restos de esta noche y te los dejarán a ti", se rió
"Gracias, fue maravilloso", Tonks besó su mejilla.
"Realmente lo hiciste increíble", murmuró Remus.
"Estamos ansiosos por ver las fotos de la luna de miel", Andrómeda lo besó.
Gregory estaba apretando los dientes. No quería nada más que echar a todos y exigirle a Harry lo
que estaba sucediendo, pero tenía que ser paciente y sonreír a todos. Honestamente, no hizo el
seguimiento de decir buenas noches a todos, solo los llevó a la puerta tan cortés pero rápido como
Finalmente, finalmente cerró la puerta detrás del último de su familia y se dio la vuelta para ver a
Harry dirigiéndose a la sala de estar. Siguiéndolo rápidamente, abrió la boca para confrontar a
Harry mientras su esposo se sentaba y acariciaba el sofá a su lado. Entrecerrando los ojos, Gregory
se movió para sentarse al lado de Harry, tratando de luchar contra el edificio de pánico en su
pecho. Se detuvo un poco cuando vio que Harry estaba mirando una foto en el álbum de los dos en
la boda, teniendo su primer baile.
Se balanceaban juntos, y Harry lo miraba con tanto amor y felicidad, y miraba a Harry como si
fuera la luna misma.
"Harry, ¿qué está pasando?" Preguntó.
"He tenido una sospecha durante los últimos días sobre lo que está sucediendo", Harry se lamió los
labios y finalmente levantó la vista para encontrarse con los ojos preocupados de
Gregory. Poniendo el álbum a un lado, se giró para enfrentar a su esposo y tomó una de sus manos.
"Harry, me estás preocupando. ¿Qué está pasando?" Gregory admitió suavemente.
"Lo siento, no quise preocuparte, simplemente no quería decir nada hasta estar segura. Hermione
sabe cómo realizar el hechizo, así que quería esperar esta noche cuando la vi, "Harry se mordió el
labio nervioso.
"Entonces, quizás tengamos que adelantar la extensión de nuestras habitaciones, para la guardería
en particular," Harry lo miró mientras movía sus manos unidas para presionar contra su estómago.
"¡Oh ... oh, oh! ¡Oh! Tú y ... ¡Oh!" Los ojos de Gregory se abrieron casi cómicamente.
"¿Está bien? Sé que es mucho más rápido de lo que planeamos pero ..." Harry chilló cuando
Gregory se abalanzó sobre él besándolo sobre lo que estaba seguro era cada centímetro de su rostro.
"¡Oh Merlín! ¡Un bebé! ¡Vamos a tener un bebé!" Gregory se echó a reír saltando sobre sus
pies. Pasó una vuelta alrededor de la habitación que parecía incapaz de quedarse quieto mientras
Harry se ponía de pie, riéndose suavemente de la emoción en su esposo.
"Sí, un bebé", se rió Harry.
"¡Oh! Voy a ser papá, vamos a ser padres, vamos a tener un hijo, juntos, ¡hicimos un bebé!" Harry
se cubrió la boca para tratar de sofocar la risa ante la excitación de su marido.
"Sí, vas a ser papá"
"¡Oh Merlín, Harry!" Gregory lo levantó, girándolo en un círculo cerrado mientras lo abrazaba,
alternando entre besos dispersos sobre su rostro y besos profundos en sus labios.
"Estaba un poco preocupado de que no fueras feliz, demasiado rápido", Harry lo miró con ojos
verdes llenos de alma.
"Esto, nosotros creando algo, nunca podría ser más que perfecto. Tenemos todo el tiempo del
mundo para todo lo que queremos hacer. Tener una familia contigo, nunca podría ser otra cosa que
perfecto", sonrió Gregory.
"Te amo", gruñó Harry tirando de la rubia para un beso profundo.
"Yo también te amo", murmuró Gregory cuando se separaron, antes de que una enorme sonrisa
volviera a apoderarse de su rostro, "¡Vamos a ser padres!" Gregory se echó a reír balanceándolo en
el aire.
Capítulo 22
"¡Ok! ¡Ya tuve suficiente!" Harry y Gregory levantaron la vista sobresaltados cuando Marcus y
Carina irrumpieron en su cocina. Harry estaba sentado a la mesa de la cocina y Gregory les
preparaba a ambos una taza de té, fruta para Harry.
"¡No! ¡Has estado actuando extraño durante tres meses desde que regresaste de la luna de miel!
Evitas todas las preguntas o consultas que hacemos. ¡Algo está sucediendo y quiero saber qué!
¡Estoy preocupado, preocupado! pasando? Marcus gritó, irrumpiendo y sentándose frente a Harry y
mirando entre los dos.
"Erm ..." Harry dijo de nuevo.
"Te íbamos a contar la semana que viene lo que está pasando, hemos estado esperando un tiempo
hasta que todo estuviera seguro", dijo Gregory caminando de regreso a la mesa y colocó las tazas,
con la mano apoyada en el hombro de Harry mientras estaba sentado. abajo a sí mismo.
"¿Seguro?" Carina frunció el ceño.
"¿Está todo bien? ¿Qué está pasando?" Marcus se veía más frenético por segundos.
"Tenemos buenas noticias, abuelo", Gregory sonrió más y más mientras tomaba la mano de Harry y
se enfrentaba a su familia.
"¡¿Que esta pasando?!" los dos exigieron.
"Vamos a tener un bebé", dijo Harry. Los dos parpadearon ante él antes de que una gran sonrisa
comenzara a formarse y crecer cuando lo que acababan de decir se les vino a la mente.
"¿Un bebé?" Dijo Carina suavemente.
"Un bebé", sonrió Harry asintiendo y descansando su mano sobre el pequeño bulto que se había
formado en las últimas semanas.
"¿Qué tan lejos?" La sonrisa de Marcus parecía doler, y la emoción comenzaba a mostrarse en él.
"Cuatro meses la próxima semana, no queríamos hacer el anuncio hasta que estuviéramos más
avanzados", explicó Harry.
"Cuatro ... la luna de miel?" Carina se rio.
"Ustedes dos estaban ocupados!"
"¡Abuelo!" "¡Padre!" Los otros tres protestaron haciendo reír mal al viejo.
"Realmente eres ..." Carina presionó sus manos contra su boca mientras las miraba con los ojos muy
"Lo estamos. Solo Hermione y Ron saben a nuestro lado, le pedí que realizara el hechizo para
verificar por mí la noche después de que regresáramos de la luna de miel, tenía mis sospechas pero
no quería despertar las esperanzas de Gregory", explicó Harry .
"Has arruinado nuestra gran revelación", se rió Gregory.
"¡Oh, no me importa! Felicitaciones", Carina y Marcus se apresuraron alrededor de la mesa y los
abrazaron a ambos.
"La mansión va a estar viva con pies pequeños y risas otra vez, finalmente", Marcus les sonrió con

"¡Es verdad!" Harry apenas logró evitar escaldarse mientras saltaba en estado de shock al abrir de
golpe la puerta y Lucius, Narcissa y Andrómeda se apresuraron a entrar.
"¡Maldita sea, me vas a poner en parto prematuro! ¡Y el abuelo no puede guardar un secreto para
salvar su vida!" Harry gruñó trapeando las pocas gotas que se habían derramado del sofá.
"¿Cómo sabes que no fue la madre la que nos lo dijo?" Lucius preguntó con curiosidad, cuando
Harry solo le lanzó una mirada aguda, se encogió de hombros. "Punto a favor,"
"¿Entonces es verdad?" Andrómeda chilló. Harry miró a la bruja normalmente tranquila y tranquila
con leve horror.
"¿Estamos bajo ataque?" Gregory salió a trompicones de su habitación vistiendo solo sus bóxers y
agarrando su varita mientras los ojos adormilados miraban alrededor de la habitación.
"Sí, creo que lo estamos", resopló Harry divertido.
"¡¿Es verdad?!" Fred y George aparecieron de la nada en la habitación, encontrando rápidamente a
Harry y mirándolo expectante.
"Las bolas de Merlín ... abuelo!" Grito Harry.
"¿Esto significa que es verdad o no?" Exigió Fred.
"¿Estamos bajo ataque?" Gregory preguntó confundido aún sosteniendo su varita.

"Estaba tan emocionado", murmuró Marcus en su desayuno haciendo todo lo posible para parecer
"¡Cantaste a toda la familia y lo anunciaste a los periódicos!" Gregory frunció el ceño arrojando los
papeles sobre la mesa frente a su abuelo. El titular principal de la portada decía: 'Los Potter-Malfoy
esperan su primer bebé en solo cinco meses. ¿Niño o niña?'
"¿Estaba muy emocionada?" Marcus se arrugó un poco más para lograr parecer a Phoenix siendo
"Al menos nos ahorró el alboroto", Harry se encogió de hombros colocando una taza de té frente a
Marcus y besó su mejilla.
"Puede que hayamos querido el alboroto", resopló Gregory. Cuando Harry le lanzó una mirada,
cedió un poco. "Ok, ninguno de nosotros es del tipo que le gusta el alboroto"
"Lo siento", murmuró Marcus.
"Está bien, listo ahora. Podemos anunciar el segundo", Harry se encogió de hombros volviendo a la
cocina para terminar de enchapar.
"Ya estás hablando del segundo cuando ni siquiera has tenido el primero", se rió Hermione mientras
ella y Ron entraban y tomaban asiento en la mesa.
"¿Deberías estar haciendo ese compañero, sabes que estás embarazada y todo eso?" Ron preguntó
preocupado viendo a Harry levantar la sartén pesada de la cocina.
"Estoy embarazada Ron, no paralizado, estoy bien", se rió Harry. Su amigo había estado rondando a
su alrededor como una sombra preocupada cada vez que tenía la oportunidad, era peor que
Gregory. "Y planeamos tener más, así que el próximo es nuestro anuncio".
"Estoy bastante seguro de que estás haciendo el siglo del abuelo", dijo Lucius arrastrando las
"¡No seas tan grosero Lucius! ¡Cuando llegues a 190 podrás hablar de siglos!" Marcus resopló.
"No te ves más de 150 días", dijo Harry besando su mejilla mientras se movía para sentarse en la
"Gracias ... ¡Hey!" Marcus le lanzó una mirada traicionada cuando todos en la mesa se echaron a
"Acuéstate", instruyó y todos se sumergieron en su desayuno, discutiendo ansiosamente sobre la
nueva incorporación o burlándose de Marcus.
Harry se recostó y mordisqueó un trozo de tocino mientras miraba a todos. Venían a desayunar
todos los días, todos se reunían para comenzar el día juntos, la charla y las risas llenaban su
cocina. No cocinaba todas las mañanas, a veces permitía que los elfos lo hicieran, pero la mayoría
de las veces lo hacía. Y a él le encantó. Hermione y Ron tenían su propio traje aquí ahora para
cuando querían quedarse, y todos usaban la Mansión como base de operaciones para reunirse para
comidas y reuniones, si alguien estaba aburrido o quería compañía, irían a la mansión. y pasar
tiempo aquí A Marcus le encantó y a Harry también.
Su mente pasó a un chico flaco, pequeño y solitario que estaba parado en la cocina de Private Drive
preparando el desayuno para una familia que no lo amaría, observando con envidia mientras Dudley
contaba sus regalos y luego comenzó a quejarse en voz alta de que había menos regalos que el año
anterior. Recordó haber visto con envidia cómo Petunia y Vernon se quejaban y amaban a Dudley,
sabiendo que nunca lo amarían así. Recordaba al niño del armario debajo de las escaleras, tan triste
y solo.
Y luego miró lo que tenía ahora, su esposo estaba sentado a su lado riéndose de algo que dijo su
mejor amigo, sonaba como si se estuviera burlando de Ron por sus problemas con Harry, Hermione
estaba en una profunda discusión con Lucius sobre el pociones adecuadas para alguien que estaba
embarazada, su cuñado parecía emocionado. Carina y Marcus prácticamente se retorcían en sus
asientos y hablaron de que Selina tenía compañía en la mansión. Julia también parecía bastante
emocionada ante la perspectiva de un compañero de juegos para Selina y estaba repasando todas las
cosas de Selina de las que había crecido o era demasiado vieja por ahora que Harry y Gregory
podrían usar cuando llegara su pequeño. Fred y George parecían ocupados tratando de comenzar un
grupo de apuestas sobre el género del bebé, y proclamando en voz alta que iban a ser los tíos
favoritos, Harry estaba bastante seguro de que Leandre los abordaría por el título, Marcus jr estaba
sonriendo y sonriendo. sin duda tramando cómo sería el favorito mientras conversaba con Bill y
Charlie. Tonks y Remus estaban hablando con Andromeda sobre su familia en expansión y el hecho
de que todavía no planeaban tener otro hijo. En el corralito, Teddy y Selina balbuceaban en
excitadas charlas de bebés y se lanzaban peluches el uno al otro.
"¿Hm?" Parpadeó y se volvió cuando Gregory besó su mejilla.
"¿Okay?" Gregory preguntó preocupado.
"Más que," Harry sonrió alegremente. Gregory se echó a reír y se inclinó para presionar sus labios.

"¿Harry?" Remus sonrió mientras entraba a la habitación que estaban cambiando a la guardería para
el bebé. El hombre de cabello oscuro estaba sentado en medio de la habitación con un círculo de
ropa de bebé a su alrededor. Ahora cinco meses a lo largo de su estómago estaba visiblemente
"Oh, ¿es casi la hora del cine?" Harry parpadeó. "Perdí la noción del tiempo, lo siento", sollozó.
Remus pareció entrar en pánico por un momento antes de cruzar la habitación para sentarse a su
lado en el suelo, mirándolo con preocupación cuando notó las lágrimas en su rostro. "¿Que esta
"Solo ... estaba mirando esto y pensando ... Estaba triste porque Sirius y mamá y papá no estaban
aquí con nosotros, estaba mirando la ropa y pensando en cargar al bebé, y Me di cuenta de que no
podrían sostener a mi bebé, o verlos, no los conocerían ", Harry agarró al bebé con fuerza en sus
"Oh Harry", Remus envolvió su brazo alrededor del hombro del hombre más joven y lo atrajo hacia
sí. "No es fácil. Desearía que estuvieran aquí para conocer a Teddy, desearía haber visto a Sirius y
James abrazarlo y arrullarlo, desearía que Lily pudiera haberse preocupado por él y comenzar a
tratar de enseñarle encantos desde el momento él puede hablar. Pero estarán allí contigo en todo
momento, verán a tu bebé, verán sus primeros pasos, sus primeras palabras, cada momento, estarán
allí contigo ".
"Eso ... suena un poco espeluznante, ¿te imaginas a Sirius colgando sobre tu hombro?" Harry rio
entre lágrimas.
"Oh, Merlín, lo retiro", se burló Remus.
"Lo siento, solo estoy siendo emocional", Harry sacudió la cabeza antes de girar y envolver sus
brazos alrededor de Remus con fuerza. "Me alegra que estés aquí, Remi", dijo suavemente.
"Te amo Harry", Remus lo apretó. "Me alegro de estar aquí contigo para esto"
"Soy tan afortunado, tengo tanta gente a mi alrededor ahora, gente que amo"
"Y las personas que te aman", Remus lo dejó ir y le sonrió cálidamente mientras tomaba una
pequeña chaqueta y acariciaba con reverencia una mano suave. "Vamos, tenemos un viaje al cine
que esperamos", se inclinó y besó la mejilla de Harry.
"¡No te veas tan divertido!" Harry lo regañó burlonamente.
"No me digas que no planeaste este viaje con al menos un 85% de diversión al ver a los Malfoy en
el cine", resopló Remus ayudando a Harry a ponerse de pie.
"Lo niego todo"
"Por supuesto que no tengo vergüenza de admitir que estaré mirando sus caras tanto como la
película", se rió Remus. "¿Qué vamos a ver?"
"... Mago de Oz," sonrió Harry.
"Oh, Merlín ..." Remus se cubrió la boca.
"Puede que los convenza de que se trata de un poderoso mago y de él gobernando su país", se echó
a reír Harry.
"Definitivamente estoy esperando esto!" Remus se unió, guiándolo por el pasillo.
Harry le sonrió a Remus mientras Gregory le apretaba la mano mientras miraba la enorme pantalla
con los ojos muy abiertos. Harry estaba bastante seguro de que su esposo no había parpadeado en
casi una hora, y lo mismo podría decirse del resto de los Malfoy. Phoenix seguía siendo mirado por
la gente frente a él mientras se inclinaba más y más sobre los asientos tratando de acercarse a la
pantalla. Marcus le estaba murmurando a Lucius que estaba completamente embelesado en la
película, Harry estaba bastante seguro de que también estaba tomando notas para los gemelos,
estaba un poco preocupado de haber visto a Flying Monkies en la lista.
El resto de los Malfoy quedaron embelesados, completamente con la película. Había sido divertido
escucharlos quejarse acerca de tener que vestirse con ropa muggle e ir al mundo muggle para esto,
pero Harry había hecho una mueca al abuelo que les había ordenado todo lo que tenían que ir.
Los pucheros habían sido divertidos, y todos habían estado tan decididos a no disfrutar ni quedar
impresionados por el cine. Se habían desvanecido rápidamente en el momento en que la película
comenzó a reproducirse. Todos se quedaron sin aliento y saltaron al ver la pantalla previamente
negra que estallaba en color y el cine se llenaba de sonido. Gregory extendió la mano y tomó la
mano de Harry, apretándola con fuerza.
Ahora no podían quitar la vista de la pantalla. Tonks y Remus estaban sentados un poco lejos de él
y Gregory, el hombre lobo disfrutaba más viendo las expresiones divertidas de los Malfoy,
particularmente Draco que había estado sentado con la boca abierta desde el principio, mientras
Tonks estaba sentado cómodamente acurrucado en su asiento, ella pies descansando en el respaldo
de la silla frente a ella masticando alegremente palomitas de maíz.
Carina se acomodó cómodamente en su silla masticando sus palomitas de maíz y mirando la
pantalla mientras luchaba con Julia por la bebida de tango que estaba entre ellas.
Volviendo a su asiento, sonrió para sí mismo y se contentó con mirar el asombro de la cara de su
marido mientras veía la película encantada.

"¡Eso fue increíble!" Orlandus cantó mientras caminaban por la calle. "Necesitamos ir y ver más"
"¡Pero en serio la derritieron con agua! ¿Cómo funciona eso?" Draco se quejó pero sus ojos
brillaban con entusiasmo.
"Ella debe haber olido realmente, no habría podido ducharse o lavarse", asintió Leandre asintiendo.
"Fue maravilloso, no puedo creer que lograron convertir una historia en una película, ¿por qué
nunca lo hemos hecho?" Carina sacudió la cabeza.
"Tiene que haber una manera de hacerlo, y hacerlo aún mejor", Orlandus frunció el ceño frotándose
la barbilla y claramente comenzando a resolver las formas de hacer lo que habían visto en el mundo
"¿Qué te pareció la historia?" Harry le sonrió a Gregory, su esposo tenía su brazo alrededor de la
cintura de Harry, su cabeza descansaba suavemente sobre la protuberancia que parecía crecer cada
"Lo disfruté, la idea de que todo fue un sueño, sin embargo, ella nunca conoció a todas esas
personas", Gregory frunció el ceño, un poco molesto. Pausando y deteniendo a su esposo, Harry se
puso de puntillas y se frotó los labios.
"Bueno, puedo decirte que hay un musical que proviene del punto de vista de la Bruja Malvada del
Oeste, y que no es malvada en él. ¿Podríamos ir a verlo en algún momento?" El sugirió.
"Eso suena maravilloso, ahora deja de besarte en la calle, insististe en que también fuéramos a un
restaurante muggle", gruñó Lucius cuando pasó al acecho.
"¡No te van a envenenar, Lucius!" Harry bromeó con su cuñado cuando él y Gregory comenzaron a
caminar de nuevo.
"Está dolorido porque no quiere admitir que disfrutó de otra cosa muggle", se rió Gregory.
"¡No hice!" Lucius lo fulminó con la mirada.
"Realmente, porque estoy bastante seguro de que vi lágrimas en tus ojos al final", Mikhail se rió y
se movió para pararse al otro lado de Harry.
"Yo ... solo recuerda que seré completamente Lord Malfoy sin el abuelo aquí que me mire un día,
¡puedo expulsarlos de la mansión y hacerlos vivir como pobres!" Lucius declaró en gran medida.
"Mi dinero está en Harry", se rió Tiberio haciendo que su primo le lanzara una mirada traicionada.
"¿Deseándome la muerte de mi muchacho?" La ceja del abuelo se elevó a una altura impresionante
mientras miraba a Lucius, que palideció cuando el bastón del anciano comenzó a golpear el suelo.
"Bien hecho, ¡ahora va a vivir hasta 900 para ser terco!" Leandre resopló.
"¡Oye!" El abuelo hizo un puchero.
"¿Dónde está este maldito restaurante? ¡Me muero de hambre!" Bill gimió mirando a su alrededor.
"Justo aquí", se rió Harry señalando al restaurante que estaban parados afuera.
"Oh ... genial", el mayor Weasley tomó de nuevo la mano de Fleur y lo condujo al restaurante.
"Esto es realmente elegante Harry", susurró Remus mirando a su alrededor mientras se sentaban.
"Tan tentado como estaba de llevarlos a McDonalds solo para ver sus expresiones, pensé que un
lugar de clase superior los haría sentir más cómodos", dijo Harry. "Gregory fue lo suficientemente
divertido", agregó.
"¡Harry! ¡Dijiste que no le dirías a nadie!" Siseó Gregory.
"¡Oh, Merlín! ¡No!" Hermione se echó a reír.
"Parecía que había entrado en un laboratorio de pociones que había explotado", se rió Harry antes
de dar la impresión de sostener cada miembro lo más fuerte que podía.
"¡Harry!" Gregory gimió.
"Lo siento mi amor", Harry le dio un beso en la mejilla antes de girarse. Con una sonrisa más
amplia, articuló a Hermione "hilarante", haciendo que la bruja comenzara a reír aún más fuerte.
"Lo sé,"
"Sé que lo amas,"
"No estoy seguro, extraño a mi tímido Harry que se sonrojaba cada vez que lo miraba", suspiró
Gregory y luego jadeó con fingido dolor cuando Harry golpeó su brazo.
"Caray, se ponen peor", Tiberio sacudió la cabeza.
"¡Oye!" Harry y Gregory se volvieron hacia el adolescente con miradas.
"Recuerda quién te ayudó a obtener el 100% de tus pruebas, chico", Harry golpeó suavemente su
"Tienes razón, gracias ..."
"Hey, silencio, estaba bromeando, eso fuiste puramente tú", Harry sacudió la cabeza.
"No sin ti ..."
"No fui yo quien realizó el examen, solo te ayudé a darte la información, la usaste de la manera
correcta y aceleró tus exámenes", Harry le palmeó el hombro. "Estoy realmente orgulloso de ti"
"Todos lo estamos", dijo con orgullo el abuelo.
"¿Eso significa que puedo tomar una copa de vino con la cena?" Tiberius preguntó esperanzado
volviéndose hacia sus padres.
"¡Uno!" Marcus Jr suspiró vertiendo un vaso extra.
"A Tiberius," Harry levantó su vaso de jugo de manzana, y el resto levantó sus vasos y brindó por el
sonrojado chico.
"Mientras hacemos anuncios, tenemos uno propio", tosió Bill, pero parecía que estaba radiante.
"¡¿Seriamente?!" Harry estaba radiante de emoción mirando a Fleur y su vaso de coca.
"¡¿Qué?!" Gregory frunció el ceño.
"Estamos embarazadas", sonrió Fleur.
"¡Bien hecho!"
"¡Esto es increíble!"
"¡Bill y Fleur!" Otro brindis rodeó la mesa cuando la joven pareja se sonrojó y sonrió alegremente.
"Esto es maravilloso. ¡Teddy, Selina y los dos bebés crecerán juntos!" Harry dijo emocionado.
"A la familia", dijo Carina sonriendo con orgullo mientras miraba a su alrededor y levantaba su
vaso una vez más.

"¿Harry?" Gregory bostezó mientras entraba en la sala de estar y se pasaba los dedos por el pelo
revuelto. No llevaba nada puesto que había dormido desde la luna de miel. Harry se sintió
revolviéndose los pantalones de pijama al ver a su hermoso esposo, preguntándose cómo había
logrado encontrar a un hombre tan hermoso tanto por fuera como por dentro.
"¿Te desperté?" Harry preguntó preocupado dejando su libro a un lado.
"No, tuve un sueño, te desperté y me di cuenta de que te habías levantado", sonrió Gregory vagando
y presionando dulcemente sus labios antes de enderezarse y mirar el libro que Harry había dejado a
un lado, sonriendo cuando leyó el título. , nombres de bebé.
"¿Una vision?" Pregunto Harry.
"¿Todo está bien?" Harry preguntó gentilmente. Gregory estaba mucho más cómodo discutiendo
sus visiones y su vista, pero a veces después de tener una, estaba un poco nervioso, particularmente
si era un poco oscuro.
"Sí", Gregory frunció el ceño y se pasó los dedos por el pelo otra vez. Harry se lamió los labios
cuando sus hormonas se dispararon por completo al ver los músculos bronceados ondularse justo en
frente de sus ojos. Hablando de frente a sus ojos, bajarlos para mirar directamente a cierta parte de
Gregory estaba justo frente a él, y no pudo evitar lamerse los labios.
"No pareces seguro", Harry volvió a enfocarse y miró a los ojos azules, que se sonrojaron en sus
"Creo que vi un destello de nuestro futuro. No estaba muy claro ya que obviamente tenemos mucho
que influiría en ese futuro pero ..."
"¿Pero?" Harry preguntó interesado.
"Fue feliz y cálido, el sentimiento de amor y muchos niños", sonrió Gregory.
"¿De Verdad?" Harry sonrió felizmente.
"Sí, todo lo que podía sentir era satisfacción", suspiró Gregory con satisfacción.
"Espero con ansias todos los días contigo", Harry se inclinó hacia adelante y besó la cadera de
Gregory suavemente antes de que su lengua saliera y lamiera la piel allí, sonriendo cuando Gregory
respiró hondo.
"Hablando de más niños", Gregory se lamió los labios cuando Harry comenzó a acariciar la carne
pesada frente a él, alentando rápidamente a su esposo a la dureza total.
"¿Si?" Harry dijo antes de lamer la cabeza de su polla.
"¿Qué tal si tenemos un poco de práctica para el bebé número 2?" Gregory sonrió, empujando un
poco sus caderas hacia adelante.
"¿La cantidad que hemos hecho esto y crees que necesitamos practicar?" Harry rio antes de tomar la
carne en su boca en un movimiento suave. Gregory gimió y enterró sus dedos en el cabello de
"¿Puede ... v ... nunca tener demasiado ... mucha práctica ... Merlín Harry! ¡Tu boca!"
"¿Qué tal si nos mudamos a la habitación?" Harry preguntó alejándose un poco.
"Muévete ahora", gruñó Gregory.
"¡Oye, chico amante, vas a tener que ayudarme a levantarme!" Harry rio moviendo sus dedos hacia
su esposo.
"¡Lo siento!" Gregory se sonrojó apresuradamente a través de la habitación y tirando de Harry a sus
pies. "Me sigo olvidando", admitió tímidamente.
"Puedes hacer las paces conmigo", murmuró Harry tirando de Gregory para otro beso y
presionándose contra el cuerpo de su marido lo mejor que pudo con su estómago sobresaliente.

Gregory miró boquiabierto a su esposo mientras su familia amorosa, cariñosa y maravillosa se reía a
su alrededor.
"¡Oh Merlín, bienvenido al maravilloso mundo de esto es tu culpa!" Lucius se echó a reír
palmeando a su hermano en el hombro.
"No entiendo ..." murmuró Gregory.
"Son sus hormonas querida, está un poco fuera de control en este momento. En realidad no está
enojado contigo", le aseguró Carina.
"Pero ... todo lo que dije fue ..."
"Está un poco emocional en este momento, eso es todo", se rió Marcus Jr.
"Aunque tiene razón, Agnes y Gertrude son nombres terribles", se rió Hermione.
"Sin embargo, quería algo diferente", Gregory frunció el ceño.
"No es tan diferente", Narcissa sacudió la cabeza.
"¿Cómo lo arreglo?" Gregory frunció el ceño.
"Mi mejor consejo sería una gran barra de chocolate y abrazos", le dio una palmada en el hombro.
"Siempre terminabas comiendo la mayor parte del chocolate que me trajiste como disculpa, cariño",
se rió Tonks.
"¡Es la intención lo que cuenta!" Remus dijo alegremente ganándose una risa y un beso de su
"Correcto, chocolate y abrazos", Gregory asintió de pie. "¡Merlín, no se ha movido tan rápido en
"Ok, esto es el cielo", suspiró Harry bajando la cabeza hacia atrás.
"Pensé que podríamos tomar un pequeño descanso. Tienen buenas intenciones, pero nuestra familia
se ha puesto a flotar", Gregory puso los ojos en blanco vertiendo un poco más de aceite en sus
manos y volviendo a masajear los pies ligeramente hinchados de Harry.
"Les importa, pero se están poniendo un poco demasiado", gruñó Harry cuando Gregory golpeó un
punto particularmente dolorido, aliviando la incomodidad de sus músculos. "Esta fue una idea
perfecta, gracias"
"Bueno, llevas seis meses, no podrás aparecer pronto, fue ahora o nunca", sonrió Gregory
levantando un poco la pierna de Harry para darle un beso en la pantorrilla antes de volver al masaje.
"Es perfecto, gracias", Harry dejó caer la cabeza sobre la almohada y sintió el cálido sol que lo
Gregory lo había llevado a la nave durante el fin de semana, estaban sentados en la cubierta en un
pequeño nido de almohadas. Estaba tendido tumbado, apoyado cómodamente en bañador mientras
Gregory se masajeaba los músculos doloridos, su marido estaba en bañador propio.
Aetos había estado fuera de sí cuando aparecieron y vieron que Harry estaba embarazado, los
felicitó una y otra vez y les entregó las llaves del bote con un último apretón de manos.
Gregory había establecido el rumbo alrededor de las islas griegas y las había sacado del puerto antes
de unirse a Harry en la cubierta.
Le recordaba tanto a su cita que no pudo evitar que la sonrisa feliz cruzara por su rostro mientras
tomaba el sol y escuchaba el suave regazo de las olas a su alrededor, sin importar los recuerdos de
su luna de miel.
"¿De qué estás sonriendo?" Gregory preguntó suavemente, moviéndose más arriba de su pierna y
clavando sus dedos justo en su pantorrilla.
"Recordando", Harry abrió un ojo a tiempo para ver la cálida expresión que cruzaba el rostro de
"Tenemos mucho tiempo para hacer muchos más recuerdos", sonrió Gregory.
"Sí, tú, yo y el bebé", Harry acarició su estómago con amor.
"Tú, yo y el bebé", Gregory asintió colocando su mano junto a la de Harry. "¡Oh hola!" Se echó a
reír cuando sintió una pequeña patada en la mano.

"¿Qué tal ... Nathanial?" Pregunto Harry.

"Nathanial ... me gusta", asintió Gregory. "¿Sofía?"
"Definitivamente como ese," asintió Harry. "¿Guillermo?"
"William ... realmente me gusta eso", asintió Gregory.
"No, esa no me gusta", Gregory sacudió la cabeza después de un momento.
"¿Ok Oliver?"
"Sí en la lista"
"Sí," asintió Harry.
"¿Te das cuenta de que vamos a tener que reducir esto pronto?" Gregory se echó a reír para alcanzar
el jugo de manzana frío y llenar sus vasos.
"¿Te das cuenta de que si sigues haciendo que me hidrate de esta manera voy a ir al baño cada cinco
minutos?" Harry bromeó pero tomó el vaso.
"El sanador dijo que tenías que mantenerte hidratado si iba a llevarte", Gregory se encogió de
"¿Te das cuenta de que muchos hombres y mujeres tienen bebés en climas cálidos todo el tiempo
sin arriesgarse a ahogarse?" Harry rio por lo bajo. "Mamá gallina,"
"¡Yo no soy!" Gregory protestó.
"¡Oh, lo eres totalmente!" Harry empujó su muslo suavemente con su pie.
"¡Soy un Malfoy sincero!"
"Sí, no, todos ustedes son ositos de peluche, y olvidaron al Sr. Malfoy-Potter, ¡ahora también soy un
Malfoy!" Harry sonrió.
"Oh, eso nunca lo olvido, agradezco a la madre magia todos los días"
"Encantador", Harry sacudió la cabeza pero se levantó para besar a Gregory.
"Solo contigo", prometió Gregory.
"Ja, te vi encantador, esa vendedora nos dio ese último catre", Harry sacudió la cabeza, sus ojos
verdes brillaban intensamente.
"Ok, para ti también", Gregory se encogió de hombros sin arrepentirse. "Realmente te gustó esa
"Mi héroe", Harry sonrió ampliamente tirando de él para otro beso.

"Ok, futuros padres y madres, bienvenidos a su primera clase. Este es el primero de los seis para
prepararlos para el nacimiento del bebé. Cubriremos qué esperar durante el parto y el período previo
al parto, y nosotros repasaremos cómo ayudarás a cuidar al bebé una vez que estén aquí ". La bruja
se parecía a Trelawney con esteroides.
"¿Me estás tomando el pelo?" Gregory siseó al oído de Harry desde donde estaba sentado en la
estera detrás de él.
"¿Que es ese olor?" Harry gimió frotando su protestante estómago. No era el único padre que
esperaba hacerlo, muchos de los otros estaban sentados con las narices arrugadas.
"Esto es una broma", gimió Gregory.
"¿Son Mikhail y Julia haciendo una broma sobre nosotros?" Murmuró Harry mirando a la mujer
con horror.
"¿Y ustedes caballeros?" La mujer se volvió hacia ellos y se dieron cuenta de que les había estado
"Erm, perdón, ¿qué fue eso?" Pregunto Harry.
"Nos presentamos y decimos a qué distancia estamos, y decimos un poco sobre nosotros", les sonrió
con tanta fuerza que Harry resistió el impulso de gritar nox.
"Erm, soy Gregory, este es Harry, llevamos siete meses y medio, no sé lo que estamos teniendo ... y
es nuestro primer bebé", Gregory farfulló cuando se hizo evidente que Harry no estaba No voy a
"Maravilloso, maravilloso", sonrió la mujer antes de pasar a las próximas víctimas ... pareja.
"Ella es una asesina en serie", murmuró Harry haciendo que Gregory sofocara su risa. "¡Lo digo en
serio! Nadie es tan feliz y agradable, te lo digo, tenemos que hacer que Kingsley envíe a los aurores
a revisar debajo de su patio"
"¿Por qué debajo del patio?" Gregory preguntó confundido.
"Oh, cosa muggle, es una broma estereotipada que cuando alguien mata a alguien más, los entierran
debajo del patio", Harry sacudió la cabeza.
"¿Te gustaría compartir con la clase Harry? Gregory?" La mujer les sonrió.
"Estábamos hablando de asesinato", Gregory sonrió alegremente.

"¿Cómo te fue en la clase? Llegaste antes de lo que pensábamos", el abuelo sonrió cuando entraron.
Julia y Mikhail comenzaron a reírse y se miraron confundidos.
"Nos echaron," Harry se encogió de hombros, dejándose caer en el sofá y gimiendo felizmente.
"¿Expulsado? ¡¿Por qué ?!" Carina se atragantó.
"Conversación inapropiada", respondió alegremente antes de sonreír cuando Gregory le entregó un
"Inapropiado ... ¿de qué demonios estaban hablando?" Ron tosió.
"Asesinato", Harry se encogió de hombros. "Ustedes dos, por cierto, ¡van a lamentar eso!" Añadió
señalando a su hermano y cuñada que intentaron parecer inocentes.
"¡¿Por qué estabas hablando de asesinato en una clase de lamaze ?!" Carina farfulló.
"No conociste al maestro", murmuró Gregory sentándose junto a Harry y moviéndose para que su
esposo pudiera acomodarse cómodamente contra él, arrojando sus piernas sobre las de Gregory.
"Ella es totalmente una asesina, nadie puede ser tan amable", hizo una mueca Harry.
"Tienen un punto", murmuró Mikhail.
"Eres cruel", resopló Harry.
"Ella nos ayudó a aprender", defendió Julia levantando las manos, la sonrisa en su rostro, sin
embargo, no podía ocultarse.
"¡Cruel!" Gregory sacudió la cabeza.

"¿Aquí?" Gregory se volvió hacia Harry para verlo sacudiendo la cabeza. Suspirando, levitó el catre
5 pulgadas más a la izquierda. "¿Aquí?"
"No", Harry sacudió la cabeza de nuevo.
"No", Harry sacudió la cabeza y luego hizo una mueca cuando Gregory suspiró nuevamente. "Lo
siento, estoy siendo muy exigente"
"No, bueno, sí, pero está bien, quieres que todo sea perfecto, eso es completamente comprensible",
Gregory dejó caer la cuna y se dirigió hacia Harry, envolviendo sus brazos alrededor de su cintura y
besando su frente.
"Es solo que ... tuve un nursey cuando era un bebé, pero después de que mamá y papá ... mi
habitación era ... era el armario debajo de las escaleras hasta que fui elfo y los Dursley se asustaron
lo suficiente como para que pusieran yo en la segunda habitación de Dudley. Solo quiero que
nuestro bebé tenga todo perfecto ", Harry frunció el ceño y se acarició el estómago.
"Harry", Gregory levantó la barbilla. "¿Cuánto tiempo te ha pasado por la cabeza?"
"Desde que me enteré realmente", admitió Harry.
"¿Por qué no me lo dijiste?" Gregory sacudió la cabeza antes de besar la frente y las mejillas de
"Fue ... fue como una especie de giro en mi cabeza, no quería decirlo en voz alta porque me siento
tonto", se mordió el labio.
"Harry, la forma en que te trataron, estos pensamientos que tienes, no son tontos, es perfectamente
normal preocuparse de que nuestro bebé tenga la vida que tuviste, es perfectamente normal querer
que tengan una vida mejor. I Sé que pienso de la misma manera, sé que me preocupa que resulte ser
como si mi padre estuviera con nosotros con nuestros hijos. Lo que hace que me preocupe por eso
es 1) ver cómo Lucius y Mikhail están con Draco y Selina y 2) Sabiendo que estarás aquí, sabiendo
que tu amor y amabilidad nunca me permitirán convertirme en él. Tener preocupaciones es normal
Harry ".
"Gracias", suspiró Harry.
"Nuestro bebé no tendrá la vida que tuviste, tendrá una buena vida, una feliz", Gregory pasó los
dedos por el cabello de Harry. "Él o ella tendrán tanto amor, familia y felicidad a su alrededor,
tendrán primos con quienes jugar, tendrán tías y tíos, abuelos que los adorarán, tendrán lo mejor de
todo y querrán para nada. Merlín no permita que nos pase nada, nunca terminarán en la misma
situación que tú ", le aseguró Gregory.
"¿Promesa?" Pregunto Harry.
"Lo prometo", sonrió Gregory, sellándolo con un beso.
"¿Prométeme otra cosa?" Harry preguntó cuando se separaron, sus ojos verdes brillaban con
"¿Qué?" Gregory sintió una sonrisa formarse al ver esa travesura.
"¿Prometes que nuestros hijos no terminarán siendo mocosos malcriados como Draco cuando
éramos niños?" Gregory no pudo detener la risa que se formó ante la solicitud.
"Lo prometo", se rió Gregory acercando a su esposo nuevamente y besándolo dulcemente.
"Vas a ser un padre increíble", suspiró Harry felizmente.
"Tú también. Merlín, te amo, Harry, mucho, ahora y siempre", prometió Gregory.
"Siempre te amaré también", sonrió Harry, su felicidad brillando.
"Vamos, cama, necesitas descansar", Gregory envolvió su brazo alrededor de la cintura de Harry y
comenzó a llevarlo a su habitación.
Harry bostezó cuando entraron en la habitación. Sonrió cuando Gregory lo siguió a su lado de la
cama y lo ayudó a subir, levantando sus piernas suavemente y cubriéndolo con las mantas. Solo
entonces rodeó la cama y se subió a sí mismo.
Harry se revolvió para acostarse con la espalda presionada contra el pecho de Gregory, su esposo
envolvió un brazo fuerte y cálido alrededor de su cintura, su mano se extendió sobre la suave
hinchazón del estómago de Harry y comenzó a frotarlo suavemente.
"No tenemos tanto tiempo ahora", murmuró Harry cansado.
"No mucho tiempo, entonces tendremos a nuestro pequeño bebé perfecto en nuestros brazos",
sonrió Gregory presionando su nariz en la parte posterior del cuello de Harry.
"¿Te arrepientes de no haber descubierto el sexo?" Harry dijo y luego bostezó ampliamente
haciendo que Gregory se riera con cariño.
"No, quiero una sorpresa, hasta el punto de que me he concentrado tanto en no ver el sexo del bebé
que casi he reventado un vaso sanguíneo", resopló Gregory.
"No puedo esperar", Harry unió sus dedos y levantó sus manos unidas para presionar un beso en el
anillo de bodas de Gregory antes de dejar caer sus manos nuevamente sobre su estómago.
"Ve a dormir mi amor", Gregory se acurrucó más cerca.
"M no tird"
Gregory sonrió cuando la respiración de Harry se desvaneció mientras se dormía. Había estado
luchando para dormir toda la noche en las últimas semanas, el bebé pateaba o necesitaba orinar, o
tenía acidez estomacal. Gregory trató de estar allí para él a través de todo, queriendo compartir todo
lo que pudiera con Harry.

"Chicos ..." Harry miró maravillado los regalos que se extendían frente a él.
"Ahora, antes de convertirte en todo noble y ..."
"... comienza a decir que no puedes tomar esto ..."
"... de nosotros, solo recuerda que todo esto ..."
"... necesitan pruebas y nos ayudarán. Ellos ..."
"... están completamente seguros, por supuesto!" Fred y George tranquilizaron a Harry y Gregory.
"Ustedes dos deben haber estado trabajando en esto durante meses!" Gregory dijo asombrado
mientras levantaba el móvil que tenía criaturas brillantes y felices saludando y bailando a su
Una hada se rió y voló en el aire, dirigiéndose hacia Harry aterrizando sobre su estómago, ella se
agachó y frotó su mejilla suavemente contra la hinchazón de su vientre haciendo pequeños ruidos
arrulladores y palmeando.
"Ella es una niñera, vigilará al bebé, y si él o ella necesita algo vendrá por usted. No podrá hacer
mucho, arreglar una tapa, colocar un muñeco de nuevo, tal vez pasarle un pequeño peluche, pero
pensamos que podría ser útil ", explicó Fred.
"¿La hiciste?" Gregory preguntó asombrado.
"Sí, ella tomó un poco de trabajo, pero esperamos que te sea útil", asintió George.
"Esto es brillante. ¡Muchas gracias chicos!" Harry sonrió radiante.
"Nada más que lo mejor para nuestra pequeña sobrina y sobrino", George se inclinó y besó su
mejilla y luego abrazó a Gregory.
"¡Gracias chicos!" Gregory sonrió abrazando a Fred también. "¡Realmente hicieron todo lo posible
por esto!" Miró los numerosos artículos que los gemelos les habían traído.
"Deben haber estado trabajando día y noche en esto", acordó Harry, tocando la silla hinchable y
observando cómo se activaba y comenzaba un suave rebote rítmico.
"Esto es brillante", Gregory levantó el porta cofre empujándolo. "Calentando y enfriando hechizos
según sea necesario, encantando rayos"
"¡Eso definitivamente será útil!" Harry asintió con la cabeza.
"Todos están muy emocionados por el bebé", Gregory se dejó caer al suelo junto a Harry, donde
estaba sentado apoyado contra el sofá.
"Teddy nació durante la guerra, ninguno de nosotros pudo celebrarlo realmente, hubo una media
bendición para él, pero no pudimos hacer una adecuada hasta después de la guerra, e incluso
entonces tuvimos que esperar a que todos se recuperaran". "Este es el primer bebé familiar fuera de
la guerra del que realmente podemos celebrar la existencia", se encogió de hombros Harry.
"Sé lo que quieres decir, es por eso que todos estaban tan entusiasmados con Selina, ella fue la
primera bebé desde Orlandus que pudimos celebrarlo correctamente, todos los otros niños nacieron
con una nube sobre sus cabezas. Ahora, estamos libres de la mancha familiar y todos podemos estar
aquí para celebrar. La bendición de Orlandus estaba bajo una nube ", suspiró Gregory.
"¿Que pasó?" Harry preguntó gentilmente uniendo sus dedos.
"Padre. Él estaba allí, estaba escupiendo su basura sobre V ... Voldemort, cuando la madre trató de
calmarlo y le pidió que no estropeara el día, él fue a golpearla. El abuelo estaba furioso, y todo el
día estuvo mimado ", suspiró Gregory, esa mirada lejana en sus ojos con un dolor sordo que sintió
cuando habló de su padre.
"No tenemos nada de eso por lo que preocuparnos ahora, solo un futuro, uno bueno", Harry se
inclinó para besar su mejilla.
"Sí, una muy buena", se rió Gregory, apartándose del momento y concentrándose en el aquí y el
ahora. "Sin embargo, hay un problema"
"¿Qué?" Harry frunció un poco el ceño levantando la cabeza del hombro de Gregory.
"¡No tengo idea de qué diablos es esa cosa!" Gregory señaló uno de los artículos que se encontraba
en el suelo y parecía completamente desconcertado. Harry inclinó la cabeza hacia un lado y luego
hacia el otro, entrecerró los ojos y luego se inclinó un poco más.
"¡No tengo ni idea!" Admitió Harry. "Tócalo,"
"No lo estoy empujando, ¡lo tocas!" Gregory resopló.
"¡Tócalo!" Harry empujándolo.
"No lo estoy empujando, ¡conozco a los gemelos!" Gregory protestó.
"¡Oh, entonces enviarás a tu esposo embarazado a pincharlo!" Harry dijo indignado.
"Lo habrán puesto a prueba de fallas si lo tocas", Gregory sacudió la cabeza.
"¿Porque estoy embarazada?" Pregunto Harry.
"No, porque saben lo que les harás si te atrapan en una broma. No son estúpidos", comenzó a reír
Gregory. "Tienes miedo cuando estás enojado"
"¿No tienes suerte de que estés casado conmigo?" Harry sonrió.
"Sí, lo estoy", se suavizó Gregory.
"Big softie", Harry se inclinó presionando sus labios suavemente.
Capítulo 2 3
Harry entró en la sala de estar y sonrió ante la vista que lo saludó. Gregory estaba sentado en el piso
con su hijo William de 9 meses sentado en su pecho, saltando alegremente mientras se reía.
El cabello rubio de Gregory estaba extendido sobre la alfombra y se veía un poco cansado, pero la
mirada de amor en su rostro mientras miraba a su hijo llenó el corazón de Harry. El cabello rubio de
William se estaba volviendo más largo y rizado y Harry pudo ver que sus ojos verdes brillaban
mientras miraba a su papá.
"Hola", dijo Harry suavemente para no asustarlos mientras entraba completamente en la habitación.
"Papi", William le sonrió, rebotando un poco más en el estómago de Gregory.
"Hola, Nina me despertó, William estaba preocupado, creo que está volviendo a la dentición",
asintió Gregory a su hada que cuidaba a los niños y que estaba sentada en la mesa de café cerca
"¿Otra vez? Todos vienen a la vez," Harry se acostó al lado de Gregory, extendiendo la mano hacia
William cuando se acercó a Harry.
"Mmm, aunque el pequeño monstruo decidió calmarse en el momento en que nos acostamos aquí.
Creo que solo queríamos un poco de atención", Gregory le hizo cosquillas en el estómago a William
"Te ha extrañado los últimos días, ambos lo hemos hecho", Harry se inclinó para besar a Gregory
suavemente antes de reírse contra su boca cuando una pequeña mano golpeó suavemente la parte
posterior de su cabeza. Se volvió y agarró la regordeta mano de William y la besó. "Chico celoso",
"También los extrañé a los dos, olvidé lo difícil que era", Gregory había estado fuera en Grecia
durante tres semanas lidiando con negocios que exigían su atención pero habían sido pospuestos
después del nacimiento de William.
"No tanto tiempo la próxima vez", tarareó Harry.
"No creo que me vaya a alejar de ustedes por tanto tiempo hasta que este tenga al menos 18, tal vez
30", sonrió Gregory.
"Suena bien para mí", suspiró Harry contento descansando su cabeza sobre el hombro de Gregory y
se puso cómodo mientras William se entretenía jugando con las manos de su papá.

Harry se quejó para sí mismo mientras se acurrucaba más profundo debajo de las sábanas y trataba
de luchar contra el impulso de despertarse. Gregory y él habían tardado un par de horas en dormir a
William la noche anterior, y parecía que acababan de volver a la cama.
Escuchó el sonido de pequeños susurros desde el interior de su habitación, y junto a él sintió a
Gregory agitarse antes de soltar un gemido, obviamente escuchando el susurro. De repente hubo un
grito de batalla y pequeños cuerpos chocaron con ellos y comenzaron a saltar sobre la cama.
"¡Papá! ¡Papá! ¡Vamos, levántate, levántate!"
"¡Papi, quiero panqueques!"
"¡No hay huevos revueltos!"
"¡No! ¡Tocino!"
Gregory gruñó y causó chillidos de risas y risas cuando agarró a dos de los pequeños demonios por
la cintura y los tiró hacia abajo, dos chillidos más llenaron el aire cuando Harry se zambulló y
agarró a los otros dos.
"¿Y quién exactamente te ayudó a salir de tu cama, señor?" Harry le preguntó a Oliver, su hijo de
tres años dándole una gran sonrisa descarada mientras agitaba inocentemente sus ojos verdes.
"Que", respondió Oliver.
Gregory y Harry se volvieron para mirar a su hijo mayor, Nathaniel había perfeccionado la mirada
inocente ahora a los nueve años, que le estaba enseñando a su hermano, y lo usó ahora para
sonreírles descaradamente.
"Y Olivia y Sophia, ¿no tuvieron nada que ver con eso?" Gregory miró a sus hijas en sus garras, las
de 7 y 5 años respectivamente se rieron enterrando sus rubias cabezas en los hombros de su papá.
"Papi, ¿puedes hacerme panqueques?" Sophia preguntó.
"¡Huevos!" Oliver discutió.
"¡Quiero tocino!" Nathaniel hizo un puchero.
"¡Ok, ok! Es como es sábado, prepararé el desayuno que quieras", se rió Harry.
"¿Yo también?" Gregory levantó la mano para obtener risas de sus hijos.
"Hmm, no sé, ¿qué piensan ustedes?" Harry preguntó a los niños.
"¡No!" Oliver sacudió la cabeza.
"¡¿No?!" Gregory jadeó agarrándose el pecho.
"¡No!" Oliver asintió con la cabeza.
"¡Herido! ¡Estoy herido!" Gregory se dejó caer dramáticamente sobre la cama. Las chicas se rieron
y se dejaron caer sobre él, lo que le hizo soltar un jadeo, y luego de nuevo cuando los muchachos se
soltaron de Harry y se dejaron caer sobre él también.
"Mientras aplastas a papá, voy a ir a desayunar", Harry sacudió la cabeza divertido, saliendo de la
cama y poniéndose la bata.
"Ok, saldremos una vez que hayamos terminado", Sophia le informó alegremente.
Riéndose para sí mismo e ignorando las súplicas de ayuda de su esposo, Harry se dirigió por el
pasillo hacia la cocina, deteniéndose en la guardería para encontrar a William ya despierto y
dándole una sonrisa todavía un poco gomosa.
"Da da", levantó las manos hacia Harry.
"Al menos eres agradable y pacífico por ahora. Dale unos meses más", se rió Harry mientras
levantaba a William sobre su cadera y lo llevaba a la cocina.
"¡Nana, nana!" William vitoreó.
"Oh, ¿estás haciendo demandas de desayuno ahora también?" Harry resopló soplando una
frambuesa en la mejilla de William, provocando una gran cantidad de risas.
"Ahora ese es un sonido que nunca me aburro de escuchar a primera hora de la mañana", se rió el
abuelo de la mesa mientras dejaba el periódico.
"Aquí vamos", Harry depositó a William en la mesa frente al abuelo y se inclinó para besar su
mejilla antes de dirigirse a la cocina.
"¿Están aplastando a Gregory de nuevo?" El abuelo preguntó alegremente mientras le hacía
cosquillas en la barriga de William.
"Sí, lo extrañaron", dijo Harry mientras comenzaba a preparar los diferentes desayunos.
"También lo extrañamos, ¿supongo que no lo veremos por un tiempo?" Carina se sentó junto al
abuelo y comenzó a hacer muecas por su nieto.
"No es probable. Hoy tenemos una selección", dijo Harry inclinando la cabeza para aceptar un beso
en la mejilla de su suegra mientras ella se acercaba para hacerse una taza de té.
"¡Mañana!" Fred y George llamaron mientras saltaban a la habitación.
"Buenos días muchachos, ¿a qué hora llegaron a casa anoche? Debe haber sido tarde", preguntó el
abuelo con curiosidad mientras se acomodaban en la mesa.
"No llegamos hasta alrededor de las 0300 de la mañana. Sin embargo, el cine ha sido un éxito
absolutamente masivo, ha estado repleto todas las noches durante los últimos 4 meses desde que
abrimos. Ayer tuvimos un gran grupo de Estados Unidos que vino a verlo, por eso estuvimos
abiertos tan tarde. Quieren invertir en él y ayudarnos a abrir un cine en Nueva York ", sonrió Fred.
"¡Felicidades!" Harry se apresuró a abrazar a Fred, George y el abuelo, y Carina lo siguió.
Los tres habían trabajado incansablemente en los últimos años para descubrir cómo hacer que las
ideas muggle funcionen en la magia. Había sido un trabajo duro y les tomó muchos errores y
explosiones para perfeccionar su trabajo. Los gemelos incluso se habían mudado a la mansión hace
siete años, y el abuelo había reservado 3 habitaciones para que los usaran como talleres.
Pero ahora tenían una línea masiva de productos que la gente no podía tener suficiente. Móviles,
cines, televisores que podían reproducir las películas que estaban haciendo, y estaban trabajando en
más. Con bastante frecuencia, los tres desaparecieron en el mundo muggle para obtener ideas.
"¿Qué estamos felicitando?" Ron preguntó mientras él, Hermione, Hugo y Rose entraban.
"¡Tio Harry!" Rose sonrió mientras ella y su hermano corrían hacia él. Recogiéndolas, las abrazó
mientras escuchaba a Hermione y Ron felicitar al trío problemático mientras la familia los llamaba.
"Los otros están aplastando al tío Gregory si quieres unirte a ellos", sonrió Harry.
"¡Hurra!" Observó a los niños salir corriendo por el pasillo y luego parpadeó cuando se dio cuenta
de que había una cabeza rubia entre el cabello rojo. Se volvió y sonrió cuando Draco y Astoria
entraron en la habitación.
"¿Dónde está Scorpius?" Draco frunció el ceño mirando a su alrededor.
"Se adelantó para ayudar a aplastar a Gregory", se rió Harry abrazando a Draco y luego a
Astoria. "Ustedes no han estado alrededor por un tiempo"
"El negocio nos mantiene ocupados. Neville se queja de que sigo vaciando sus invernaderos de
ingredientes para usar en mis pociones antes de que alguien más pueda comprarlos", Draco puso los
ojos en blanco.
"Le dijimos que era prerrogativa familiar", sorbió Astoria moviendo su cabello antes de inclinarse
para abrazar a Hermione.
"Todos ustedes son crueles", gruñó Gregory tropezando por el pasillo con lo que parecían todos los
niños agarrados de una extremidad. Oliver estaba en el suelo envuelto alrededor de la pierna de
Gregory y riendo mientras lo arrastraban.
"¡Tio Harry!" Teddy se abalanzó sobre él por detrás.
"¡Maldita sea Teddy, te haces más y más grande cada vez que te veo!" Harry rio abrazando
fuertemente a su ahijado. Estaba en casa para las vacaciones de Navidad de Hogwarts y Harry
disfrutaba pasar todo el tiempo que podía con él.
"Todo lo que tenemos son gruñidos, murmullos y miradas, obtienes abrazos y sonrisas", resopló
Remus mientras él y Tonks se sentaban, el bebé Kelly estaba posado en la rodilla de Tonks y
sonreía sin dientes a todos.
"No me ignores", gimió Gregory cubriéndose con Teddy y abrazó tanto a él como a Harry mientras
el adolescente cercano se reía.
"¡Ver!" Remus se quejó.
"¡Eso es porque somos los tíos geniales!" Gregory sonrió.
"Tú y papá no son geniales", se rió Sophia.
"¡Herido! ¡Herido!" Harry gimió. "¿Cómo puedes decir que no somos geniales?" Él hizo un
"¡Papá!" Nathaniel gimió.
"Creo que eres realmente genial tío Harry", Rose le aseguró.
"¡Eso es porque él no es tu papá, solo es vergonzoso!" Sophia puso los ojos en blanco.
"Gracias, Rose, al menos tienes buen gusto, no sé qué pasó con nuestros hijos querida, de alguna
manera logramos producirlos con mal gusto, con suerte, Will al menos tendrá algo de sabor".
"¡Papá!" Sus cuatro hijos mayores gruñeron mientras William solo se rió y rebotó en los brazos del
abuelo al escuchar su nombre.
"Soy un padre genial, Potter-Malfoy, no lo eres", se sorbió Draco.
"No, tu no, papá", resopló Scorpius causando una carcajada alrededor de la mesa.
"Sin embargo, soy un abuelo genial, ¿verdad Scorpius?" Lucius agarró a su nieto por detrás
abrazándolo con fuerza.
"Por supuesto abuelo," sonrió Scorpius.
"Encantador", Draco hizo un puchero.
"Ahí, Draco, podemos comenzar un club para padres no geniales", se rió Harry mientras agitaba
algunos de los platos y cuencos de comida hacia la mesa. Sacudió la cabeza mientras veía a los
niños animar y descender sobre la mesa y la comida, los adultos se acercaban para tratar de
controlar la situación.

Harry se sobresaltó y luego sonrió cuando le rodeó la cintura con los brazos y un cuerpo fuerte y
cálido presionó contra su espalda. Él tarareó y dejó caer la cabeza hacia adelante cuando los labios
presionaron la parte posterior de su cuello y giraron hacia su mandíbula.
Suspiró contento y presionó contra el pecho de Gregory, levantando sus propios brazos a los de
Gregory, uniendo sus dedos. Automáticamente su pulgar fue al anillo en el dedo de Gregory,
frotando el metal ahora desgastado.
Recordó el día en que deslizó ese anillo en el dedo de Gregory, recordó haber visto a Gregory por
primera vez, esos intensos ojos azules ardiendo en él. Recordaba su primera cita, los nervios y la
emoción, y el sentimiento de rectitud.
No cree que pudiera haber imaginado que más de una década después estaría aquí.
Miró la luz de la luna que brillaba en el mar y las tenues luces de la tierra que brillaban en la
distancia. Su bote se balanceaba suavemente con el movimiento de las olas llevándolo a una
sensación de satisfacción aún más profunda mientras dejaba que su cabeza descansara sobre el
hombro de Gregory para poder mirar las estrellas.
"Estás pensativo esta noche", dijo su esposo suavemente, besando su cuello nuevamente, donde
estaba su cadena, el colgante que Gregory le había enviado en su solicitud de cortejo aún
descansaba con seguridad alrededor de su cuello.
"Solo pensando. ¿Están todos dormidos?" Pregunto Harry.
"Sí, William estaba luchando, pero se conquistó. Las chicas estaban dormidas en el momento en
que sus cabezas golpearon las almohadas", se rió Gregory. "¿Qué estás pensando?"
"Tener una aventura loca y apasionada con alguien más", sonrió Harry.
"¿En serio? ¿Tienes a alguien en mente?" Gregory se rio entre dientes.
"Hmm, tendría que ser rubia, definitivamente tengo algo para las rubias con ojos azules", tarareó
"Puedo tener a alguien en mente para ti"
"Te das cuenta de que no puedo tener una aventura amorosa con mi esposo, eso frustra el
propósito", resopló Harry girándose en los brazos de Gregory y envolviendo el suyo alrededor del
cuello de Gregory.
"Estaría preocupado si no me recordaran constantemente que todavía estamos repugnantemente
enamorados", Gregory resopló besando sus mejillas besadas por el sol. "Todavía tan hermosa"
"Me veo cansado", Harry sacudió la cabeza.
"No, hermosa", sonrió Gregory.
"No has cambiado desde esa mañana entré en el comedor y te vi sentado allí", Harry inclinó la
cabeza mientras pasaba los dedos por las mejillas de su marido.
"Me he vuelto viejo", Gregory sacudió la cabeza.
"No lo has hecho", se rió Harry tirando de él para besarlo.
"Entonces, ¿en qué estabas pensando?" Gregory presionó y Harry volvió a reír.
"Si debes saber, cuán feliz estoy. Tenemos cinco hijos increíbles, tengo un esposo que amo con todo
mi corazón y que me ama igual, tengo una familia increíble aunque un poco loca que siempre está
cerca, tenemos una hermosa en casa, estoy feliz, muy feliz "
"Pensé que no llegaría a tener esto. Agradezco a la madre magia todos los días por lo que he sido
bendecido", suspiró Gregory. "Ya sabes…"
"¿Qué es?" Harry preguntó con curiosidad, alejándose de descansar la cabeza sobre el hombro de
Gregory para ver a su esposo un poco avergonzado.
"Nunca te dije esto, pero ... la noche antes de regresar a Gran Bretaña, estaba en el mar en este
barco, y estaba pensando en nuestro futuro en Gran Bretaña. Estaba seguro de que fue un error e
íbamos a traer oscuridad y desdén a toda la familia. Fui a la habitación y lancé mis cartas de tarot "
"¿Qué te dijo?" Harry preguntó con curiosidad cuando Gregory se detuvo nuevamente.
"Que había una gran posibilidad de amor y una vida de felicidad en mi futuro si me arriesgaba",
Gregory sonrió con cariño. "Es la primera vez que no confío totalmente en mi vista, pensé que era
para otra persona de la familia, pero fue suficiente para convencerme de ir a Gran Bretaña. Y luego
entraste en la habitación y ... "Esperaba haber sido yo. Si no hubiera tenido esa lectura,
probablemente no habría corrido el riesgo de intentarlo".
"Me alegro de que lo hayas hecho, no puedo imaginar otra vida"
"Yo tampoco. Te amo, señor Malfoy-Potter"
"Yo también lo amo, señor Malfoy-Potter", sonrió Harry. "Nunca me harto de decir eso"
"Yo tampoco", se rió Gregory bajándose para besar a Harry dulcemente. "Feliz aniversario mi

Harry y Gregory miraron alrededor de la guardería tratando de detectar el escurridizo oso de

peluche que William estaba exigiendo. Ambos estaban seguros de que el último lugar donde lo
habían visto era aquí, pero no pudieron encontrarlo.
Harry hizo una pausa cuando se topó con algo empujado en la esquina del armario y sus risitas de
diversión atrajeron a Gregory a su lado, quien después de mirar por encima del hombro y detectar el
artículo, también se echó a reír.
"¿Crees que deberíamos preguntarles a Fred y George qué es?" Harry preguntó mirando el objeto en
la esquina del armario.
"Han pasado más de 9 años, tal vez deberíamos", tarareó Gregory.
"O podrías empujarlo," Harry se encogió de hombros.
"No lo estoy empujando, tú lo tocas", resopló Gregory.
"No lo estoy empujando, podría ser peligroso, lo pinchas", protestó Harry.
"Como te he dicho un millón de veces que no te lastimarían, lo tocas"
"Entonces, ¿vas a hacer que tu pobre esposo embarazado lo toque?" Harry levantó la ceja.
"Sí, habrá una prueba de fallos, te lo digo, lo tocas", Gregory señaló el misterioso objeto.
"No lo estoy empujando, tú lo tocas"
"No soy po… ¿esperas que dijiste embarazada?" Gregory parpadeó cuando su cerebro lo alcanzó.
"Sí", sonrió Harry.
"¿De nuevo?"
"De nuevo", Harry asintió.
"¡Oh, Merlín!" Gregory se echó a reír envolviendo sus brazos alrededor de Harry y besándolo
dulcemente mientras los hacía girar.

El matrimonio es un mosaico que construyes con tu cónyuge: millones de pequeños momentos que
crean tu historia de amor

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