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Sometime between the two a day practices, the extreme conditioning, and the vigorous weight lifting, I

had to ask myself a question that would determine who I am. A question that I was scared to answer. Is
this really what I love?

Ever since I was 11 years old, my life was centered around basketball. My identity alone was basketball.
Hours daily were spent in the gym. (not really related, maybe put in different paragraph) My parents
always supported my love and passion for the game. Constantly driving me to and from team practices,
and dropping me off at the local ymca. My high school spring and summers were spent on the road,
travelling to different cities almost every weekend to play in prestigious basketball tournaments and

Pressured into reclassing

Transferred for basketball

This question consumed my mind to the point to where I questioned what my purpose was

Once I answered this question: I found myself, I found out who I truly am, I was relieved

Once I came to realize that basketball was a game, I began to have more fun with it than I ever have.

My parents always supported what I was passionate about

My parents driving me everywhere and spending their valuable time and money in the gyms supporting
my passion showed me how much they love and care for me, which I will forever be grateful for.

Practices and workouts became chores.

Paragraph 1 – intro

Paragraph 2 – love for basketball at a young age/growing up and how passionate I was for it

Paragraph 3 –

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