Linguistic Goal: Time: Main Objectives: Materials

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Teacher’s Name: Level: 7 th # of Students: 20 Date: Nov.

21 / 2017

Linguistic goal: Modal verb Can/Cannot

Time: 45-50 minutes
Main Objectives:  To be able to use the modal verb 'can' in order to talk about ability.
 Learn some verbs in order to use with the modal verb “can” “can not”
Materials:  Student worksheet
 Piece of paper with grammar explanation
 Color marker
 Flashcards

Assumptions: I hope that my students are familiar with the use of modal verb “can” in terms of abilities

Introduction: Introduce some sentences using “I can….” “I can’t….” using different pronouns,
so students can relate orally to the use of modal verbs

Warm-up: 15 minutes 1. Introductory activity. Introduce some sentences using the modal verbs “can” “cannot”.
2. We will play a game with a ball, “apple, apple, lemmon” and the person who has the ball when
the teacher says “apple”, will have to go to the front to make a sentence with some cards that
they will choose
3. Then some students will have to describe some images, and write on the board a sentence with
“can” or “can not”
Grammar explanation: 10 minutes 1. Give a piece of paper with grammar explanation to the students and give a short explanation
about how to use the modal verb can, in terms of abilities or capacities. (Affirmative and
negative structure).

Task: 15 minutes 1. Set worksheet with gap-fill exercises for homework.

Other options are: Transformation exercises (changing affirmative statements
Into negative sentences or questions), free writing exercise (describe things
You can and can't do), etc.



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