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 Sea Mother: Blibdoolpoolp

o Ploopploopeen: Archpriest of Sea Mother (Blibdoolpoolp).
o Glooglugogg: Ploopploopeen’s Son.
 Deep Father: Leemoogoogoon
o Bloppblippodd- Ploopploopeen’s daughter, Archpreist of Leemoogoogoon.
o Klibdoloogut: Kua-Toa Whip


 1 Gate:
o As you near the village of Sloobludop, its great walls loom above you. Standing
20 feet tall, these walls are made of a heavy mesh net interwoven with sharp
hooks carved from bone. Set in the center of the wall is a massive gate, with four
Koa-Toa standing guard. As you move towards the village, its stench finally hits
you. Mildew and rotten fish. Beyond the gate patches of phosphorescent fungi
illuminate the lopsided structures that comprise the Kua-Toa homestead.
Throughout the village, a series of rickety towers are linked together by
numerous clumsy rope bridges. Even from afar, the layout of the city is
noticeably haphazard and senseless.
o As you approach the gate, Sarith softly speaks. “Be mindful in this place. Years of
slavery under the Mindflayers has greatly distorted the Kua-Toa. Madness runs
through veins.”
 Shushaar warmly responds: “What some may call madness, others
recognize as enlightenment!”
 2 Docks:
o The Western edge of the city aligns with the Darkelake. Along the shoreline, a
series of wooden docks stretch into the black waters. Along the docks you spot
half-a-dozen kuo-toan keelboats. Meandering between the docks are five groups
of guards, each groups consisting of four kuo-toa.
 3 Shrine of the Sea Mother
o A nine-foot-tall statue stands here. Its body is roughly carved from some kind of
wood in the shape of a humanoid female, its head and forearms formed from
the severed head and claws of a giant albino crayfish. These parts are lashed on
with strands of gut, and emit an overpowering stench of rotting shellfish. Shells,
brightly colored stones, mushrooms, and rotting fish are piled at the statue’s
feet and strung in garlands around its neck. Four stern kuo-toa slowly circle the
statue, alert and on guard, while a few others mill about, gazing up at the
statue and bowing repeatedly while chanting.
o Several Kuo-tao make offerings at the feet of the shrine. Coins, and bits of jewely
as well as discared fish bones and tattered strips of cloth. Some even kneel and
vomit and her feet.
o Gaurded by 4 Monitors and 2d4 Worshipers.
o Ploop’s home
 Ploopploopeen leads you to his home, a small shakey hovel constructed
adjacent to the shrine. The interior is scantly furnished with a small net
hammock, a warped wooden table and chairs, and in the back corner a
modestly sized chest. A perpetual layer of slime seems to cling to the
 Treasure: The home of the archpriest contains a closet full of
“offerings” taken from less fortunate travelers or culled from
the depths of the lake. This includes 500 cp, 2,000 sp, 150 gp, 27
pp, a strand of matched pearls worth 1,000 gp total,
two potions of healing, a potion of water breathing, and a spell
scroll of light.
 4 Altar of the Deep Father:
o The idol to Leemooggoogoon the Deep Father consists of a large hide cut
roughly in the shape of a manta ray and stretched out on cords between two
support poles. A dead, splayed-out manta ray is pinned to the center of the hide.
Two dead octopuses are draped across the top, their tentacles pinned and
artfully arrayed, their heads tied together and painted with red and blue
pigments. The idol reeks of decay, and the broad stone altar below the idol is
stained dark with blood.
 Near the shrine stands a narrow three-story shack.
 This is Blop’s house.
 Treasure: Bloppblippodd’s hovel contains wealth accumulated
since her rise to power: 1,000 cp, 500 sp, 290 gp, an
embroidered silk handkerchief with a spider design worth 25 gp,
three azurite gems worth 10 gp each, a duergar-made bronze
cup worth 25 gp, and a silver choker with a spider design worth
30 gp.
o Six kuo-toa work the altar, and Klibdoloogut, the whip.

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