Wisdom Comes With Experience

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This history took place in Armero Guayabal, Tolima, I was born there, I had
finished my high school and I wanted to enlisted in the Colombian Air force, I
had done all the tests in Bogota. The tests consisted in physical training test,
psychological test, knowledge test and an interview with a Colombian Air
Force’s Captain, however the last test and the most important for me was
waiting all the results.
Finally, the day came and my grandfather was with me, he did military service
in the army many years ago and he wanted that I also enlisted in one of the
Colombian military forces in this case the best “Air Force”, but unfortunately
the results weren’t the expected and I could not enlisted.
I was sad for several days but my grandfather, a man of great knowledge
looked at me and told me it was fine to feel sad, but then he said that it was
not a good idea to give up and if one door closes many more open. He told me
to let go of those feelings and receive the many blessings that would come to
my life. He said that you don't always get what you want but that we must be
strong and try to achieve our goals in the best way.
So, after a year I did the tests not in the air force but in the Navy and I was
able to enlist, now I have 10 years in active service and I am proud of the
words that my grandfather told me at that time.

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