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Version 2018.1

Development History: 2014 onwards

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

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ECLIPSE® is a mark of Schlumberger.

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The software described herein is configured to operate with at least the minimum
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ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Table of Contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 1
2 2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments ....................................................... 2
New facilities ..................................................................................................................... 2
ECLIPSE 100 .................................................................................................................. 2
ECLIPSE 300 .................................................................................................................. 3
Behavioral changes .......................................................................................................... 5
ECLIPSE 100 .................................................................................................................. 5
ECLIPSE 300 .................................................................................................................. 7
New keywords ................................................................................................................. 11
ECLIPSE 100 ................................................................................................................ 11
ECLIPSE 300 ................................................................................................................ 12
Altered keywords ............................................................................................................ 12
ECLIPSE 100 ................................................................................................................ 12
ECLIPSE 300 ................................................................................................................ 14

3 2016.1 and 2016.2 New Developments ..................................................... 19

New facilities ................................................................................................................... 19
ECLIPSE 100 ................................................................................................................ 19
ECLIPSE 300 ................................................................................................................ 20
Behavioral changes ........................................................................................................ 21
ECLIPSE 100 ................................................................................................................ 21
ECLIPSE 300 ................................................................................................................ 24
New keywords ................................................................................................................. 27
ECLIPSE 100 ................................................................................................................ 27
ECLIPSE 300 ................................................................................................................ 28
Altered keywords ............................................................................................................ 28
ECLIPSE 100 ................................................................................................................ 28
ECLIPSE 300 ................................................................................................................ 31

4 2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments ..................................................... 35

New facilities ................................................................................................................... 35
ECLIPSE 100 ................................................................................................................ 35
ECLIPSE 300 ................................................................................................................ 37
Behavioral changes ........................................................................................................ 39
ECLIPSE 100 ................................................................................................................ 39
ECLIPSE 300 ................................................................................................................ 43
New keywords ................................................................................................................. 46
ECLIPSE 100 ................................................................................................................ 46

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

ECLIPSE 300 ................................................................................................................ 47

Altered keywords ............................................................................................................ 48
ECLIPSE 100 ................................................................................................................ 48
ECLIPSE 300 ................................................................................................................ 52

5 2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments ..................................................... 55

Licensing changes .......................................................................................................... 55
New facilities ................................................................................................................... 56
ECLIPSE 100 ................................................................................................................ 56
ECLIPSE 300 ................................................................................................................ 58
Behavioral changes ........................................................................................................ 61
ECLIPSE 100 ................................................................................................................ 61
ECLIPSE 300 ................................................................................................................ 65
New keywords ................................................................................................................. 68
ECLIPSE 100 ................................................................................................................ 68
ECLIPSE 300 ................................................................................................................ 69
Altered keywords ............................................................................................................ 71
ECLIPSE 100 ................................................................................................................ 71
ECLIPSE 300 ................................................................................................................ 76

6 Legacy formats and keywords ................................................................. 80

RUNSPEC section: pre-95A fixed record structure ..................................................... 80
Detailed description of RUNSPEC records ................................................................... 81
ECLIPSE Pre-2002A integer controls ............................................................................ 90
RPTPROPS ................................................................................................................... 91
RPTGRID ...................................................................................................................... 94
RPTRST ........................................................................................................................ 99
RPTSCHED ................................................................................................................. 103
RPTSOL ...................................................................................................................... 112
Retired keywords .......................................................................................................... 118
LSCRITL ...................................................................................................................... 120
PSEUDOS ................................................................................................................... 121
WCONINJ .................................................................................................................... 122

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

This document contains information about ECLIPSE developments from the 2014 releases onwards. It also
contains information about legacy formats and keywords. The information is taken from the New
Developments information from each release. For the full development history, use this guide with the
"ECLIPSE Development History: to 2013".
For information on the updates in the 2018.1 release, please refer to the "ECLIPSE Suite Release Notes" or
see "New Developments" in the "ECLIPSE Reference Manual".

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

2017.1 and 2017.2 New
The 2017 release of the ECLIPSE suite includes new facilities as well as extensions to existing
functionality and other behavioral changes. These are described in this chapter in the following sections.
• The new facilities which have been added to the simulators for this release are described for ECLIPSE
100 and ECLIPSE 300.
• Behavioral changes, which may change the results of a simulation, or alter the form or content of the
output, have been made for ECLIPSE 100 and ECLIPSE 300.
• The new keywords added in this release are described for ECLIPSE 100 and ECLIPSE 300.
• Some keywords have been altered in this release and these changes are described for ECLIPSE 100
and ECLIPSE 300.
New and changed information (outside of this chapter) in this release is shaded with a gray background.

New facilities
The new facilities in ECLIPSE 100 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• GRID section
• PROPS section
• SUMMARY section
• SCHEDULE section

RUNSPEC section
• ECLIPSE 300 values of surface mass density of air and pure water at standard conditions are now
available in ECLIPSE 100 by setting item 294 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1. Table Constants used in

2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

the four unit conventions in the ECLIPSE Technical Description shows the small differences between
the density values defined in the two simulators.
• The performance of the CPR linear solver has been improved due to modifications in the decoupling
of the pressure equations. This applies when the CPR linear solver is used in either ORIGINAL mode
or in ADAPTIVE mode, and can reduce the simulation time significantly in some cases. The
pre-2017.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 297 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.

GRID section
• An alternative method of calculating the contact area between the two active cells on either side of a z-
pinchout is now available. This assumes that the two cells are in contact for the purposes of
calculating the area only, even if the pinched-out cells between them have significant thickness. It has
an effect only when item 4 of the PINCH keyword is set to TOPBOT and item 286 of the OPTIONS
keyword is set to 1.
• Logarithmic sizing and spacing of local grid cells can now be generated automatically with the
LXFIN, LYFIN and LZFIN keywords.

PROPS section
• A new mnemonic has been added to the RPTPROPS keyword. PLYALL will now output all polymer
flood information relevant to the model. The individual polymer flood mnemonics now output only
information associated with that particular mnemonic.

SUMMARY section
• New multisegment well keywords have been added. SOFT, SOFTA, SWFT, SWFTA, SGFT and
SGFTA have been added, giving the total flow through a segment up to a given time. For example,
SOFT gives the total oil flow through the segment in the direction of the segment. SOFTA, on the
other hand, gives the total absolute oil flow through the segment. Contributions at each timestep are
positive, whatever the flow direction.

SCHEDULE section
• The WELTARG keyword now allows a single well target or limit to be re-specified by a user-defined
argument (UDA).
• New keyword DRSDTR now allows users to limit the rate of increase of GOR in oil per PVT regions.
Previously, the constraint on the rate of gas solution could only be set for the whole reservoir by using
the DRSDT keyword.

The new facilities in ECLIPSE 300 are described in the following sections:
• GRID section
• EDIT section
• PROPS section
• SOLUTION section
• SUMMARY section

2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• SCHEDULE section

GRID section
• An alternative method of calculating the contact area between the two active cells on either side of a z-
pinchout is now available. This assumes that the two cells are in contact for the purposes of
calculating the area only, even if the pinched-out cells between them have significant thickness. It has
an effect only when item 4 of the PINCH keyword is set to TOPBOT and item 359 of the OPTIONS3
keyword is set to 1.
• Logarithmic sizing and spacing of local grid cells can now be generated automatically with the
LXFIN, LYFIN and LZFIN keywords.

EDIT section
• It is now possible to specify negative values in the DEPTH keyword, as for ECLIPSE 100. Previously,
while ECLIPSE 300 calculated and used negative values internally when appropriate, they could not
be explicitly user-specified. Additionally, it is now possible to explicitly default individual or multiple
values in the DEPTH keyword, and grid blocks for which this is done will use the internally calculated

PROPS section
• If any of the GASVISCT, OILVISCT or WATVISCT keywords are specified, the viscosity
information associated with the keyword will be now presented in the PRT file for each PVT region.
• Cross phase diffusion coefficients are now reported in the PRT file if any of the DIFFCGW,
DIFFCWG, DIFFCGO or DIFFCOG keywords are specified.
• The chemical reaction functionality for water-based reactions has been extended. Density and
saturation can now be excluded from the factors to which the order term in the REACCORD keyword is
applied. This functionality is activated using the new item 5 of the REACOPS keyword. The default
behavior is unchanged.

SOLUTION section
• It is now possible to use the TEMPI keyword to initialise part of the grid while still using TEMPVD or
RTEMP, or if neither is specified, the default ECLIPSE 300 reservoir temperature of 100 °C, to
initialise the temperature of the remainder of the grid. Prior to 2017.1, if TEMPI was specified for part
of the grid, all remaining cells would have an initial temperature of 0 °C.

SUMMARY section
• New multisegment well keywords have been added. SOFT, SOFTA, SWFT, SWFTA, SGFT and
SGFTA have been added, giving the total flow through a segment up to a given time. For example,
SOFT gives the total oil flow through the segment in the direction of the segment. SOFTA, on the
other hand, gives the total absolute oil flow through the segment. Contributions at each timestep are
positive, whatever the flow direction.

SCHEDULE section
• The WELTARG keyword now allows a single well target or limit to be re-specified by a user-defined
argument (UDA).

2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Behavioral changes
The behavioral changes in ECLIPSE 100 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• GRID section
• PROPS section
• SOLUTION section
• SCHEDULE section

RUNSPEC section
• The performance of the CPR linear solver has been improved due to modifications in the decoupling
of the pressure equations. In some cases this may lead to small differences in results. The pre-2017.1
behavior can be restored by setting item 297 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.

GRID section
• The treatment of diffusivity for the coal bed methane model in non-neighbor connections which are in-
lined has been improved. The pre-2017.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 284 of the
OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• If the MINNNCT keyword is not specified, the default minimum NNC transmissibility cutoff is now
applied to non-neighbor connections specified using the NNC keyword. Previously these NNCs would
be preserved even if their transmissibility was less than the default of 1E-6 unless the MINNNCT
keyword was explicitly specified. The pre-2017.1 (but post 2016.1) behavior can be restored by setting
item 221 of the OPTIONS keyword to 3.
• The algorithm used for upscaling the TOPS property in coarsened grid blocks has been improved so
that for multi layer coarse grid blocks it does not consider the value of TOPS for layers other than the
top one. Additionally, improvements have been made to the transmissibility upscaling for extreme
geometry involving pinchouts and faults, and dual porosity. The pre-2017.1 behavior can be restored
by setting item 291 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.

PROPS section
• There is now an error check to ensure that the number of entries in the ADSALNOD and PLYADSS
keywords and the SALTNODE and PLYVISCS keywords are compatible. This can be downgraded to a
warning by setting item 289 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• The RPTPROPS mnemonics associated with polymer flood now each control output of their own data
to the PRT file, replacing the pre-2017.1 behavior where specifying any one of them output data for all
polymer flood mnemonics. To output all polymer flood data, there is a new mnemonic called
• There are some differences in the generation of capillary pressure scanning curves. The pre-2017.1
behavior may be recovered by setting item 301 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.

2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• There are some improvements in the calculation of velocity dependent flows (such as Forchheimer
and Herschel-Bulkley) at the edge of local grid refinements. The pre-2017.1 behavior may be
recovered by setting item 303 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• The method for calculating shear effects on polymer rheology at injecting well connections has been
improved to give better physical accuracy and better convergence. The pre-2017.1 behavior may be
recovered by setting item 304 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• A correction has been made to scaling procedures following application of SWATINIT keyword data
to systems exhibiting capillary pressure hysteresis behavior. Previously, only the drainage curve was
scaled, which was unphysical and could lead to errors and performance deterioration. Now the
imbibition capillary pressure saturation curve is scaled to ensure that both curves have the same value
at connate water saturation. The pre-2017.1 behavior may be recovered by setting item 305 of the
OPTIONS keyword to 1.

SOLUTION section
• The algorithm used to determine the depths used in fine scale equilibration has been improved. It now
ensures that all depths considered are physically within the range of z-coordinate values of the grid
block, even in cases where the DEPTH value of the block is not in its geometric centre. It also
effectively disables fine scale equilibration for aquifer cells, for which the variation in depth is poorly
defined. This improvement can be disabled by setting item 293 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• Attempting to default individual table values in the PBVD, PDVD, RSVD and RVVD is now an error.
Previously a default value of 0 was used. The pre-2017.1 behavior can be obtained by specifying 0
explicitly in the table rather than defaulting the value. The behavior when an entire table is defaulted is

SCHEDULE section
• The TRACK algorithm for well connection ordering has been improved to give better results when
used with the DUALPERM keyword. The TRACK algorithm is the default algorithm, with alternatives
available using the COMPORD keyword. This improvement can be disabled by setting item 292 of the
OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• The keyword processing algorithm for identifying well connections which are located in coarsened
blocks has been improved. The new algorithm will apply modifications to connections which no
longer match the coordinates specified in the keyword because they have been moved to the
representative cell, while the old algorithm will not identify these as matches. Keywords affected are
WPIMULT and WSCCLEAN. This improvement can be disabled by setting item 296 of the OPTIONS
keyword to 1.
• The algorithm used to write data associated with the ACTIONX family of keywords to the restart file
has been improved. All the useful information is still written out but in some cases the restart files
generated will be smaller.
• Group efficiency factors are now applied to pressure drop calculations in the extended network solver
for all flows above the group specified with GEFAC (unless item 3 of GEFAC has been set to NO). In
previous releases the efficiency factor was applied to flows between nodes starting with the parent
node of the group specified with GEFAC. The pre-2017.1 behavior may be recovered by setting item
298 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• The interaction between group production targets and well historical controls has been improved. Prior
to this release some combinations of controls for GCONPROD and WCONHIST led to well limits other

2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

than that set in item 3 of WCONHIST being imposed on wells controlled by both of these keywords.
The pre-2017.1 behavior may be recovered by setting item 299 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• A small correction has been made to the implementation of items 4 and 6 of the WREGROUP keyword
so that all tests are now for a strict inequality. Prior to 2017.1, the test used included equality rather
than being a strict inequality. The pre-2017.1 behavior may be recovered by setting item 300 of the
OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• A change has been made to the restart mechanism which improves the match between base case and
restart results when the Boberg method is selected in the ROCKCOMP keyword. This improvement is
not available for restart files created with version of ECLIPSE 100 prior to 2017.1, which will
continue to produce the same results as before even when the restart case is run with the current

The behavioral changes in ECLIPSE 300 are described in the following sections:
• GRID section
• EDIT section
• PROPS section
• SOLUTION section
• SUMMARY section
• SCHEDULE section

GRID section
• When the ROCKCON keyword is specified such that a valid connection can be made to more than one
face of a particular grid block, the areas of the faces will be totalled in the final connection. If more
than one record refers to the same face of the same grid block, then the transmissibility multiplier in
item 9 will be cumulative for that face's contribution to the total area. Pre-2017.1 behavior can be
restored by setting item 360 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• The algorithm used for upscaling the TOPS property in coarsened grid blocks has been improved so
that for multi layer coarse grid blocks it does not consider the value of TOPS for layers other than the
top one. Additionally, improvements have been made to the transmissibility upscaling for extreme
geometry involving pinchouts and faults, and dual porosity. The pre-2017.1 behavior can be restored
by setting item 361 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• There is now an error check for an LGR being placed adjacent to a coarsened grid block. It can be
downgraded to a warning by setting item 363 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1, and in this case the run
will proceed with non-upscaled transmissibilities between the coarse and LGR grid blocks. This was
the behavior pre-2017.1. Placing an LGR in a coarsened grid block has always been treated as an error
and is not affected by this option switch.
• The calculation of matrix-fracture transmissibility in non-coal dual porosity cases now incorporates
the NTG ratio for compatibility with ECLIPSE 100. If item 369 of the OPTIONS3 keyword is set to 1,
the pre-2017.1 behavior is restored. There is no change in behavior for cases where the NTG keyword
is not used or for coal bed methane models.
• Some performance optimizations have been implemented for the calculation of NNCs connecting
LGRs. In parallel simulations where the domain boundaries split an LGR set-up time and overall

2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

memory consumption will be reduced, in some cases quite dramatically. The new algorithm may also
change the overall NNC count in diffusion cases by excluding some NNCs which were previously
included in error. These changes are not intended to alter the results of any simulation, however there
may be cases where small numerical differences occur. If item 372 of the OPTIONS3 keyword is set
to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior is restored.
• An inconsistency in the parsing of the MULTREGT and MULTREGP keywords has been corrected.
Previously it was possible for the parser to incorrectly stop processing records if the first item of a
record other than the first one was defaulted. In 2017.1, this will only happen if items 1–3 (for
MULTREGT) and 1–2 (for MULTREGP) are all defaulted. To obtain pre-2017.1 behavior for an affected
dataset, remove the unwanted lines from the keyword, which can be identified from a “spurious data”
warning in the PRT file.

EDIT section
• An inconsistency in the parsing of the MULTREGT and MULTREGP keywords has been corrected.
Previously it was possible for the parser to incorrectly stop processing records if the first item of a
record other than the first one was defaulted. In 2017.1, this will only happen if items 1–3 (for
MULTREGT) and 1–2 (for MULTREGP) are all defaulted. To obtain pre-2017.1 behavior for an affected
dataset, remove the unwanted lines from the keyword, which can be identified from a “spurious data”
warning in the PRT file.

PROPS section
• When processing the COMPVD keyword, the calculation of the component mole fractions at depths
between the GOC and its neighboring sample has been improved. If the composition specified at the
GOC is liquid, the corresponding vapor composition at the GOC will be calculated, and vice-versa.
Pre-2017.1 this calculated vapor (liquid) composition would be assigned to every depth between the
GOC and the neighboring vapor (liquid) sample. This has been changed so that the composition is
now interpolated between this composition and that of the neighboring sample. This creates a more
realistic composition profile, particularly if there is a large depth difference between the GOC and the
next sample. The pre-2017.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 368 of the OPTIONS3 keyword
to 1.
• The default value for the DNGL keyword has been changed for cases where the keyword was specified
with one or all component values were defaulted. The default values used for each defaulted
component are now the same as those used if the keyword is not specified at all, and are also used if a
component value is explicitly set to 0. Previously the default value was 0 for any unset components if
the keyword was present in the deck, which resulted in extremely large partial molar volumes. The
pre-2017.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 371 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• An inconsistency in the processing of the SDREF keyword with the CO2STORE option has been
corrected. Previously the special default component values were only used if the SDREF keyword was
not specified, with the standard default value used if the SDREF keyword was specified with
individual items defaulted. The pre-2017.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 375 of the
OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• A correction has been made to scaling procedures following application of SWATINIT keyword data
to systems exhibiting capillary pressure hysteresis behavior. Previously, only the drainage curve was
scaled, which was unphysical and could lead to errors and performance deterioration. Now the
imbibition capillary pressure saturation curve is scaled to ensure that both curves have the same value
at connate water saturation. The pre-2017.1 behavior may be recovered by setting item 376 of the
OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.

2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• The velocity dependent relative permeability model has been improved. The previous formulation
calculated capillary number for each positive direction connection for a cell and then used the largest
value in the velocity dependent relative permeability calculation. From 2017.1 the negative direction
connections will also be considered for a given cell. The velocity dependent relative permeability
model is activated by the VELDEP keyword. The pre-2017.1 behavior can be restored by setting item
379 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• The table interpolation algorithm has been improved to provide smoother results in cases where all
values in a table column are extremely small, such as the first column of the SOLIDMMC keyword.
Previously no interpolation was performed for values which differed by less than 10–6. This cutoff has
been decreased to 10–8 for tables where the entire range of the column is less than 10–4.
• When performing per-EOS separator calculations for models which use the KVTABTn keyword, the
table corresponding to the EOS region is now used if it exists. When generating tables of K-values for
the PRT file, if a saturation table is needed, the table corresponding to the EOS region is also used if it
exists. Prior to 2017.1, table 1 was used for both. The pre-2017.1 behavior can be restored by setting
item 381 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• The solid saturation is now taken into account for model types 1–3 in the EQLDREAC keyword. The
pre-2017.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 382 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.

SOLUTION section
• If the TEMPI keyword is specified for only part of the grid, the remainder of the grid cells will have
their temperature set using TEMPVD or RTEMP, or if neither is specified, the default ECLIPSE 300
reservoir temperature of 100 °C. Pre-2017.1 behavior was to default the temperature of these cells to 0
°C. The old behavior can be obtained by specifying RTEMP as 0 °C for all EOS regions.
• If the THPRES keyword is used, and there are NNCs connecting cells in different threshold pressure
regions, then a potential source of numerical error in the formulation of the solver equations has been
removed. Some improvements to the treatment of such NNCs in parallel have also been made. The old
behavior can be restored by setting item 364 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1. This also affects
keyword THPRESFT in the grid section.
• The algorithm used to determine the depths used in fine scale equilibration has been improved. It now
ensures that all depths considered are physically within the range of z-coordinate values of the grid
block, even in cases where the DEPTH value of the block is not in its geometric centre. This
improvement can be disabled by setting item 365 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• Fluid in place calculations at surface conditions have been improved for models with the water
component option (activated with the COMPW keyword), multiple equation of state regions (set with
the EOSNUM keyword) and multiple fluid in place regions (set with the FIPNUM keyword). Changes
in results may be observed for water surface volumes reported in the fluid in place reports in the PRT
• Fluid in place reports of mass in the PRT file have been improved. The reported mass is calculated
from the moles based on the molecular weight input for the given EOSNUM region they belong to.

SUMMARY section
• The SUMMARY section mnemonics FWIP, RWIP, and BWIP are now compatible with multiple
equation of state regions (set with the EOSNUM keyword) and multiple fluid in place regions (set with
the FIPNUM keyword) for models with the multi-water component option (activated with the COMPW

2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• For thermal models with multiple EOS regions, the calculations have been improved to take full
account of the different properties in different regions when calculating oil and gas mobilities. The
new calculations give improved results for oil and gas saturation and density. Pre-2017.2 behavior
may be recovered using item 387 of the OPTIONS3.

SCHEDULE section
• The TRACK algorithm for well connection ordering has been improved to give better results when
used with the DUALPERM keyword. The TRACK algorithm is the default algorithm, with alternatives
available using the COMPORD keyword. This improvement can be disabled by setting item 362 of the
OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• The keyword processing algorithm for identifying well connections which are located in coarsened
blocks has been improved. The new algorithm will apply modifications to connections which no
longer match the coordinates specified in the keyword because they have been moved to the
representative cell, while the old algorithm will not identify these as matches. Keywords affected are
WPIMULT and WSCCLEAN. This improvement can be disabled by setting item 370 of the OPTIONS3
keyword to 1.
• An inconsistency in the parsing of the MULTREGT keyword has been corrected. Previously it was
possible for the parser to incorrectly stop processing records if the first item of a record was defaulted.
In 2017.1, this will only happen if items 1–3 are all defaulted. To obtain pre-2017.1 behavior for an
affected dataset, remove the unwanted lines from the keyword, which can be identified from a
“spurious data” warning in the PRT file.
• A small correction has been made to the implementation of items 4 and 6 of the WREGROUP keyword
so that all tests are now for a strict inequality. Prior to 2017.1, the test used included equality rather
than being a strict inequality. The pre-2017.1 behavior may be recovered by setting item 374 of the
OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• Fluid in place calculations at surface conditions have been improved for models with the water
component option (activated with the COMPW keyword), multiple equation of state regions (set with
the EOSNUM keyword) and multiple fluid in place regions (set with the FIPNUM keyword). Changes
in results may be observed for water surface volumes reported in the fluid in place reports in the PRT
• Fluid in place reports of mass in the PRT file have been improved. The reported mass is calculated
from the moles based on the molecular weight input for the given EOSNUM region they belong to.
• A correction has been made to the application of rock connection to well connection factors.
Previously, where multiple tables were specified using either ROCKTAB or one of the related
keywords, it was possible for the wrong table to be applied for a connection. In most cases this would
only affect the summary vector CTFAC, though in some simulations it could also cause minor
changes to other simulation results. The pre-2017.1 behavior may be recovered by setting item 377 of
the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• Satellite groups specified by the GSATPROD and GSATINJE keywords and used as source nodes in
the extended network model using the BRANPROP and NODEPROP keywords now correctly add and
subtract flow to and from the network at the specified points. Pre-2017.1 behavior may be recovered
by setting item 378 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• A bug in the code affecting use of LANGMEXT keyword with zero Langmuir volume constant has been
discovered and fixed. The bug often resulted in bad convergence and incorrect results. Starting from

2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

2017.1, correct behaviour is instated, however old, pre-2017.1 results can be obtained by setting item
380 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• The calculation of generalized pseudo-pressure (GPP) blocking factors has been improved for blackoil
models. Under certain circumstances the saturation pressure was being incorrectly calculated prior to
2017.2. The pre-2017.2 behavior may be recovered using item 383 of the OPTIONS3.
• The behavior of the WDFAC and WDFACCOR keywords has been improved for cases with different or
very tiny directional permeabilities. The pre-2017.2 behavior may be recovered using item 384 of the
• The calculation of water mobility in the well for models with the multi-component water option active
has been improved to take account of all water components. This improvement may impact models
with gas lift, changes to well connection factor made using the WELPI keyword, and productivity/
injectivity (PI) reporting. The pre-2017.2 behavior may be recovered using item 388 of the
• The calculation of well drawdown limits (see WELDRAW) has been improved for wells using
generalized pseudo-pressure (GPP) to correctly take account of the GPP blocking factor. The
pre-2017.2 behavior may be recovered using item 389 of the OPTIONS3.
• Well reports have been improved to explicitly report when a well is under drawdown control.

New keywords
The new keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are described in the following sections:
• GRID section
• SUMMARY section
• SCHEDULE section

GRID section
The new GRID section keywords are:
• Automatic logarithmic sizing of local grid cells can be activated with keywords LXFIN>, LYFIN and

SUMMARY section
The new SUMMARY keywords are:
• Segment phase cumulative flows can be output with keywords SOFT, SOFTA, SWFT, SWFTA, SGFT
and SGFTA.

SCHEDULE section
The new SCHEDULE keywords are:
• Maximum rate of increase of solution GOR per PVT region is provided by keyword DRSDTR.

2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

The new keywords in ECLIPSE 300 are described in the following sections:
• GRID section
• SUMMARY section

GRID section
The new GRID section keywords are:
• Automatic logarithmic sizing of local grid cells can be activated with keywords LXFIN, LYFIN and

SUMMARY section
The new SUMMARY section keywords are:
• Segment phase cumulative flows can be output with keywords SOFT, SOFTA, SWFT, SWFTA, SGFT
and SGFTA.

Altered keywords
The altered keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are described in the following sections:
• PROPS section
• SOLUTION section
• SCHEDULE section
• OPTIONS keyword

PROPS section
The altered PROPS keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are:
• A new mnemonic has been added to the RPTPROPS keyword. PLYALL now outputs all polymer
flood information relevant to the model. The individual polymer flood mnemonics now output only
information associated with that particular mnemonic.

SOLUTION section
The altered SOLUTION keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are:
• The defaulting behavior for PBVD, PDVD, RSVD and RVVD has been altered. Individual table values
can not now be defaulted. Previously the default value used for individual values was 0. The behavior
when an entire table is defaulted is unaltered.

SCHEDULE section
The altered SCHEDULE keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are:

2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• Item 3 of the WELTARG keyword can now be a user-defined argument (UDA).

OPTIONS keyword
The altered OPTIONS are:

Switch Description
221 If set to 3, then the pre-2017.1 (but post 2016.1) behavior for defaulted minimum NNC
transmissibility cutoff is restored. No cutoff is applied to non-neighbor connections explicitly
provided using the NNC keyword unless the MINNNCT keyword is specified.
284 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 treatment of diffusivity in inline NNCs for the coal bed methane
model is used. The new treatment is more consistent with neighbor connections and non-inlined
286 If set to 1, an alternative method of calculating the contact area between active cells on either
side of a pinchout is used. This only has an effect if item 4 of the PINCH keyword is set to
289 If set to 1, then if the ADSALNOD and PLYADSS keywords or the SALTNODE and PLYVISCS
keywords have a mismatch in the number of entries, it is treated as a warning rather than an
error. Use of this option switch is not recommended except for backwards compatibility
291 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 algorithm for upscaling the TOPS property in coarsened grid blocks is
restored. The old algorithm takes the value of TOPS into account for layers within each coarse
cell other than the top cell, and can result in a coarse cell having a TOPS value of a greater depth
than any of the fine cells in its top layer. Additionally in 2017.1, improvements have been made
to the transmissibility upscaling for extreme geometry involving pinchouts and faults, and dual
porosity. Setting this option switch to 1 reverts to the old behavior.
292 If set to 1, the pre-2016.2 algorithm for connection ordering is used. This only differs from the
default algorithm for cases using the DUALPERM keyword where one or more wells is using the
TRACK option for connection ordering, either by using the COMPORD keyword or by default.
The TRACK option is only used if the well has one or more connections with a penetration
direction of X or Y. The 2016.2 algorithm places matrix and fracture connections adjacent to one
293 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 algorithm for the depths used in fine scale equilibration is used. The
new algorithm is more robust in cases where either the pore-volume averaged depth (for
coarsened grid blocks) or the user-specified depth, is not in the vertical centre of the grid block.
There are also improvements for aquifer cells.
294 If set to 1, ECLIPSE 300 values of surface mass density of air and pure water at standard
conditions are used in the ECLIPSE 100 computations, see Table Constants used in the four unit
conventions in the ECLIPSE Technical Description for more details.
295 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 method for determining whether aquifer connections are allowed to a
particular face of a local grid block when processing the AQANCONL keyword is used. This can
lead to connections being made which would not exist for the equivalent geometry in a global

2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Switch Description
296 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior for modifying connections which are located in coarsened
blocks is restored. The new algorithm applies modifications to connections which no longer
match the coordinates specified in the keyword because they have been moved to the
representative cell, while the old algorithm will not identify these as matches. Keywords
297 If set to 1, ECLIPSE uses the pre-2017.1 version of the CPR linear solver. This option switch
applies to both ADAPTIVE mode and ORIGINAL mode.
298 If set to 1, ECLIPSE will use the pre-2017.1 implementation of GEFAC with the extended
network solver. This affects how the efficiency factor is used when GEFAC item 3 is set to the
default option of YES. From 2017.1 onwards, the efficiency factor is used when calculating
pressure drops between the group specified and its parent node as well as pressure drops above
the parent node. In previous releases, the efficiency factor was only applied to pressure drop
calculations above the parent node.
299 If set to 1, ECLIPSE will use the pre-2017.1 implementation of GCONPROD with of
WCONHIST. Prior to 2017.1 some combinations of controls for these keywords led to well
limits other than that set in item 3 of WCONHIST being imposed on wells controlled by both of
these keywords.
300 If set to 1, ECLIPSE will use the pre-2017.1 implementation of items 4 and 6 of the
WREGROUP. Prior to 2017.1, the test used included equality rather than being a strict inequality.
301 If set to 1, ECLIPSE will use the pre-2017.1 implementation of capillary pressure scanning
303 If set to 1, ECLIPSE will use the pre-2017.1 treatment of velocity dependent flow at the
boundary of local grid refinements. If set to 2 or 3 then partial recovery of this treatment is
possible. See the OPTIONS keyword for full details.
304 If set to 1, ECLIPSE will use the pre-2017.1 method to calculate shear effects to polymer
rheology at injecting well connections. Prior to 2017.1 the shear effects on connection fluid
mobility were calculated using wellhead polymer concentrations. In some cases this led to
anomalous transient increases in injectivity as other elements of the injection mobility are based
on downstream properties. The 2017.1 method no longer shows these transient issues and has
been found to converge more rapidly. This change affects cases with the PLYSHEAR or
PLYSHLOG keywords.
305 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behaviour for leaving imbibition capillary pressure saturation curve
unscaled, with SWATINIT data supplied in the capillary pressure hysteresis conditions, is
restored. The drainage capillary pressure curve is normally scaled as a consequence of
SWATINIT application.
306 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior of the ACTION and ACTIONX keywords will be used. This
facility has been added for back-compatibility and diagnostic purposes and is not recommended.
Prior to 2017.1 the combination of these keywords with the GCONPRI, NETWORK or WRFTPLT
keywords occasionally resulted in unintended behavior.
Table 2.1: Altered OPTIONS

The altered keywords in ECLIPSE 300 are described in the following sections:

2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• PROPS section
• SOLUTION section
• SCHEDULE section
• OPTIONS3 keyword

PROPS section
The altered PROPS keywords are:
• The default values used for each defaulted component in the DNGL keyword are now the same as those
used if the keyword is not specified at all, and are also used if a component value is explicitly set to 0.
Previously, the default value was 0 for any unset components if the keyword was present in the deck,
which resulted in extremely large partial molar volumes. The pre-2017.1 behavior can be restored by
setting item 371 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• The REACOPS keyword now has an additional item 5 which can be used to activate a new formulation
for chemical reactions in water.

SOLUTION section
The altered SOLUTION keywords are:
• The arguments RFIP and SFIPWAT of the RPTRST keyword have been extended for compatibility
with models with the water components option (activated with the COMPW keyword) and
independently of the definition of equation of state regions, and fluid in place regions.

SCHEDULE section
The altered SCHEDULE keywords are:
• Item 3 of the WELTARG keyword can now be a user-defined argument (UDA).
• The arguments RFIP and SFIPWAT of the RPTRST keyword have been extended for compatibility
with models with the water components option (activated with the COMPW keyword) and
independently of the definition of equation of state regions and fluid in place regions.

OPTIONS3 keyword
The altered OPTIONS3 switches are:

Switch Description
359 If set to 1, an alternative method of calculating the contact area between active cells on either
side of a pinchout is used. This only has an effect if item 4 of the PINCH keyword is set to
360 If set to 1, pre-2016.1 behavior for the ROCKCON keyword is restored. This only uses the area of
the first face specified for any given grid block, with only the multiplier being used from any
subsequent records even if a different face is specified.

2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Switch Description
361 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior for upscaling the TOPS property in coarsened grid blocks is
restored. The old algorithm takes the value of TOPS for layers within each coarse cell other than
the top one into account, and can result in a coarse cell having a TOPS value for a greater depth
than any of the fine cells in its top layer. Additionally, in 2017.1, improvements have been made
to the transmissibility upscaling for extreme geometry involving pinchouts and faults, and dual
porosity. Setting this option switch to 1 reverts to the old behavior.
362 If set to 1, the pre-2016.2 algorithm for connection ordering is used. This only differs from the
default algorithm for cases using the DUALPERM keyword where one or more wells is using the
TRACK option for connection ordering, either by using the COMPORD keyword or by default.
The TRACK option is only used if the well has one or more connections with a penetration
direction of X or Y. The 2016.2 algorithm places matrix and fracture connections adjacent to one
363 If set to 1, the check for local grids being placed adjacent to coarsened blocks is downgraded
from an error to a warning. Prior to 2017.1, there was no check for this in E300, although it has
always been banned in the documentation. Transmissibilities between LGR cells and coarsened
blocks are not upscaled.
364 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior for the THPRES and THPRESFT keywords is restored. This
may cause numerical errors in cells that have NNCs that cross threshold pressure regions, as
well as disabling some improvements to the treatment of such NNCs in parallel simulations.
365 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 algorithm for the depths used in fine scale equilibration is used. The
new algorithm is more robust in cases where either the pore-volume averaged depth (for
coarsened grid blocks) or the user-specified depth is not in the vertical centre of the grid block.
367 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 treatment of oil-wet hysteresis is restored
368 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 setting of initial compositions near the GOC when supplied by the
COMPVD keyword is restored.
369 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior for the calculation of matrix-fracture transmissibility in non-
coal dual porosity cases is restored. The new algorithm incorporates the NTG ratio for
compatibility with ECLIPSE 100.
370 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior for modifying connections which are located in coarsened
blocks is restored. The new algorithm applies modifications to connections which no longer
match the coordinates specified in the keyword because they have been moved to the
representative cell, while the old algorithm does not identify these as matches. Keywords
371 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior for defaulted component values in the DNGL keyword is
restored. The new algorithm defaults individual components using the same rules as when the
DNGL keyword is not present in the dataset.
372 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior for generating NNCs connecting to LGRs is restored. The
new algorithm should be faster and use considerably less memory in cases where an LGR is
split by a parallel domain boundary. The new algorithm may also change the overall NNC count
in diffusion cases by excluding some NNCs which were previously included in error.
373 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior for dealing with NMATOPTS in multi-porosity time-
dependent adsorption CBM models is restored. In 2017.1 the use of NMATOPTS for these
models is prohibited, and for correct evaluation of coal volume, and, therefore, gas in place, it is
recommended to use the ROCKFRAC keyword.

2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Switch Description
374 If set to 1, E300 uses the pre-2017.1 implementation of items 4 and 6 of the WREGROUP. Prior
to 2017.1, the test used included equality rather than being a strict inequality.
375 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior for individually defaulted values in the SDREF keyword is
restored. When the CO2STORE option is used, the special component-specific defaults will only
be used if SDREF is not specified. The standard default is used for individual defaulted items if
the SDREF keyword is specified with some items defaulted.
376 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior for leaving imbibition capillary pressure saturation curve
unscaled, with SWATINIT data supplied in the capillary pressure hysteresis conditions, is
restored. The drainage capillary pressure curve is normally scaled as a consequence of
SWATINIT application.
377 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior for calculating the affect of rock compaction on well
connection factors is restored. Where multiple tables were specified using ROCKTAB or one of
the related keywords, this could cause the wrong table to be used for the calculation.
378 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior for including satellite groups in extended networks is
restored. This will result in satellite groups' contributions to flow not being included in network
pressure drop calculations. Satellite groups are specified using the GSATPROD and GSATINJE
keywords, while extended networks are specified using the BRANPROP and NODEPROP
379 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior of velocity dependent relative permeabilities is restored.
Prior to 2017.1, ECLIPSE calculated capillary numbers for each cell connection in the positive
direction and then applied the largest of these to the velocity dependent relative permeability
calculation. From 2017.1, the negative connection direction is also considered. Velocity
dependent relative permeabilities are activated using the VELDEP keyword.
380 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior for models using LANGMEXT keyword with zero Langmuir
volume constant is restored. Prior to 2017.1, a bug in the code led to convergence problems and
incorrect results when the volume constant was zero. The bug is fixed in versions starting from
381 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior for the choice of KVTABTN table when performing per-EOS
separator calculations is restored. Prior to 2017.1, table 1 was used. From 2017.1 the table
corresponding to the EOS region is used.
382 If set to 1, the pre-2017.1 behavior for the EQLDREAC keyword in models with solids is
restored. Prior to 2017.1, the saturations used in model types 1–3 did not take the solid
saturation into account.
383 If set to 1, the pre-2017.2 behavior of the generalized pseudo-pressure (GPP) calculation is used
for blackoil models. The pre-2017.2 behavior occasionally calculated saturation pressure
incorrectly when constructing fluid mobility tables for use in blocking factor calculations.
384 If set to 1, the pre-2017.2 behavior for the WDFAC and WDFACCOR keywords is restored. The
new behavior gives improved results for cases with different or very tiny directional
387 If set to 1, the pre-2017.2 calculations for oil and gas mobilities are used. The new calculations
give improved results for oil and gas saturation and density in thermal models with multiple
EOS regions.

2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Switch Description
388 If set to 1, the pre-2017.2 algorithm for calculating water mobility in the well for models with
the multi-component water option active is restored. The new algorithm accounts better for the
effect of all water components for models with gas lift, changes to well connection factor made
using the WELPI keyword, and productivity/injectivity (PI) reporting.
389 If set to 1, the pre-2017.2 implementation of WELDRAW is used. Prior to 2017.2 drawdown
limits did not correctly account for generalized pseudo-pressure (GPP).
Table 2.2: Altered OPTIONS3 switches

2017.1 and 2017.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

2016.1 and 2016.2 New
The 2016 release of the ECLIPSE suite includes new facilities as well as extensions to existing
functionality and other behavioral changes. These are described in this chapter in the following sections.
• The new facilities which have been added to the simulators for this release are described for ECLIPSE
100 and ECLIPSE 300.
• Behavioral changes, which may change the results of a simulation, or alter the form or content of the
output, have been made for ECLIPSE 100 and ECLIPSE 300.
• The new keywords added in this release are described for ECLIPSE 100 and ECLIPSE 300.
• Some keywords have been altered in this release and these changes are described for ECLIPSE 100
and ECLIPSE 300.

New facilities
The new facilities in ECLIPSE 100 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• GRID section
• PROPS section
• SUMMARY section
• SCHEDULE section

RUNSPEC section
• A new argument has been added to the WPOTCALC keyword to allow the segment volumes to be
included in the potential calculations of multisegment wells. This can improve the convergence at the
expense of introducing some transient effects.

2016.1 and 2016.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• A new keyword MESSSRVC has been added that allows the user to control the generation of a
database of message output for use by the new message service facility available in Petrel.
• Extra messages about changes in well status are also generated to improve visualisation of well events
in Petrel. If not wanted, these can be turned off by setting item 278 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• An adaptive CPR method has been implemented for the CPR linear solver. This can improve the
overall performance, by applying the computationally more expensive CPR preconditioner only when
it is required. If the CPR keyword is used, it now activates ADAPTIVE CPR, which generally
performs better than or comparable to original CPR. The CPR now accepts ADAPTIVE and
ORIGINAL mnemonics.

GRID section
• The sector modelling facility has been improved and extended to allow Chemical Enhanced Oil
Recovery (CEOR) quantities, API tracking and tracers to flow in and out of the sector. This means that
the FLUX file will now store the tracer/EOR quantity during the base run and use it as a boundary
condition during the sector run. For Pressure Boundary Conditions, API, TRACER and Surfactant
(SURFACT) and BRINE are allowed to flow in or out of the sector. This development completes the
already available set of quantities with full sector modelling compatibility, including SOLVENT,
POLYMER, and BRINE together with POLYMER. For flow boundary conditions, TRACER and BRINE
have been implemented. Additionally, the robustness of the sector modelling algorithms in both
Pressure and Flow boundary conditions has been improved. For further information see "Flux
boundary conditions" in the ECLIPSE Technical Description.
• When deleted NNCs are output to the PRT file using the ALLNNC mnemonic in RPTGRID, the
information provided now includes diffusivity and thermal transmissibility.

PROPS section
• The functional form of the Foam model has been extended to allow describing the decay of foam as a
function of water saturation using keyword FOAMDCYW.

SUMMARY section
• Segment phase densities can be output with keywords SODEN, SWDEN and SGDEN.
• Segment mixture densities and viscosities can be output with keywords SMDEN and SMVIS. This
includes the flowing fraction exponents input using items 16–21 of WSEGAICD.

SCHEDULE section
• Six new arguments have been added to the WSEGAICD keyword to set the exponents of the oil, water
and gas flowing fractions in the density and viscosity mixture calculations.

The new facilities in ECLIPSE 300 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• PROPS section
• SUMMARY section

2016.1 and 2016.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

RUNSPEC section
• A new keyword MESSSRVC has been added that allows the user to control the generation of a
database of message output for use by the new message service facility available in Petrel.
• Extra messages about changes in well status are also generated to improve visualisation of well events
in Petrel. If not wanted, these can be turned off by setting item 355 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.

PROPS section
• The new set of keywords SSWL, SSWCR, SSWU, SSGL, SSOWCR, SKRO, SKRORW, SKRW and SKRWR
has been added for the scaling of the miscible saturation functions when the end-point scaling
(ENDSCALE) and surfactant (SURFST or SURFSTES) options are specified. Prior to the 2016.1
version, end-point scaling was not available for the miscible saturation functions. Pre-2016.1 behavior
can be restored by setting item 343 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
SAKRWR and SAPCW has been added for the scaling of the saturation functions used to represent the
high concentration of solid adsorption when the end-point scaling (ENDSCALE) and solid wettability
(SOLID and SOLWTAB) options are specified. Prior to the 2016.1 version, the same set of end-points
specified via the keywords SWL, SWCR, SWU and related keywords was applied to both the low and
high concentrations of solid adsoprtion. This set is now used only for the saturation functions used to
represent the low concentration of solid adsorption. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting
item 343 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.

SUMMARY section
• Segment phase densities and viscosities can be output with keywords SOVIS, SWVIS, SGVIS,
• Segment mixture densities and viscosities can be output with keywords SMDEN and SMVIS. This
includes the flowing fraction exponents input using items 16–21 of WSEGAICD.

Behavioral changes
The behavioral changes in ECLIPSE 100 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• GRID section
• PROPS section
• SUMMARY section
• SCHEDULE section
• Reporting

2016.1 and 2016.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

RUNSPEC section
• The Block Parallel license now allows up to 16 parallel processes. Releases up to the 2015.1 version
of ECLIPSE only allowed 8 parallel domains. See the BPARA for further details.
• If the CPR keyword is used, it now activates ADAPTIVE CPR, which generally performs better than
or comparable to ORIGINAL CPR. In some cases this may lead to differences in results, which will be
within the numerical tolerances of the simulation. If the simulation performance or results are
adversely affected, the pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by using the ORIGINAL mnemonic with
the CPR keyword.

GRID section
• An improvement has been made to the algorithm used to determine which global cells are connected
to the cells at the edge of an LGR. Previously, for some extreme geometries, a connection with very
small transmissibility could be made for two cells which did not quite touch. The old algorithm can be
selected by setting item 236 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• Improvements have been made to the MINNNCT keyword which can change the number of NNCs in
some extreme cases. In particular, this applies to NNCs which have a non-zero thermal
transmissibility but zero transmissibility, and NNCs with very small transmissibility in cases where it
was specified with the arguments defaulted. Cut-off values are now also applied to NNC
transmissibilities altered using the MULTREGT, EDITNNC or EDITNNCR keywords. Pre-2016.1
behavior can be obtained with item 221 of the OPTIONS keyword.
• A modification which was made for 2015.1 to the PINCH keyword has been reverted. It is now felt
that the pre-2015.x treatment of these cases is preferable, so it has been restored for 2016.1.
Pre-2016.1 behavior can be obtained with item 247 of the OPTIONS keyword. The cases affected are
those where item 4 of PINCH is set to ALL and multiple inactive layers with non-zero pore volume
within a pinchout have different values of MULTZ within a single pinchout,
• Use of the LGRCOPY keyword in a parallel run will now result in an error message as it could lead to
incorrect behavior in cases where the LGR cells are not on the same processor as their host cells. The
error message can be suppressed by setting item 275 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• Improvements have been made to the API calculation in sector runs. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be
obtained with item 276 of the OPTIONS keyword.
• Additional area information has been added to NNC types which did not previously contain it. This
improves velocity calculations for some geometries and combinations of features in coarsened grids.
Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 282 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• The scaling activated by the JFUNC and JFUNCR keywords has been improved in cases where
extreme values were specified for function parameters and permeabilities. The new limits are
compatible with those used by E300. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 283 of the
OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• The method of processing ADDZCORN and EQLZCORN in columns where only some of the cells have
discontinuous surfaces has been improved. Where arguments 8–11 are set to maintain continuous
surfaces, no modifications due to these keywords are carried out on a cell where they would result in
the top corner being below the bottom corner. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be obtained with item 285 of
the OPTIONS keyword.
• Behavior has been improved for coarsening cases where the MINNNCT keyword is used to allow very
tiny transmissibilities, and also for cases where the fine cell adjacent to a coarse cell has zero

2016.1 and 2016.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

transmissibility across the shared face. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 141 of the
OPTIONS keyword to 3.

PROPS section
• Changes to the input data checking of the end-point scaling keywords have been made in order to
tighten some constraints, for example, the check SWCR <= SWU has been changed to SWCR < SWU. In
addition, further checks have been added for the surfactant gas end-points. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be
restored by setting item 274 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• The FOAMDCYW keyword used to describe the decay of foam as a function of water saturation is now
compatible with the functional form of the Foam model. Pre-2016.1 the keyword was ignored and a
warning message emitted. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by removing FOAMDCYW from the data

SUMMARY section
• The SMSPEC file has been extended to contain a new INTEHEAD record (specified in the ECLIPSE
File Formats Reference Manual). This record encodes the simulator and units convention used in the
simulation. To revert to the pre-2016.1 SMSPEC file structure, set item 259 of the OPTIONS keyword
to 1. Note that in the 2015.1 and 2015.2 releases of ECLIPSE this OPTIONS item worked in the
reverse sense, allowing users to test this new format.
• The calculation of the strength of an ICD on a segment (SSTR) for AICDs (WSEGAICD) has been
altered to bring it in line with other ICD devices. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting item
277 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.

SCHEDULE section
• The default number of well iterations has increased to 40 when using the WSEGITER keyword. To
return to the pre-2016.1 behavior explicitly enter a value of 20 into the first item.
• If MULTPV is specified with a zero or negative value, the value will be now be ignored and simulation
will continue (with a warning), as it does in ECLIPSE 300. Prior to 2016.1, ECLIPSE 100 would fail
with an error.
• The tracer-tracking option has been refined for oil or gas tracers in simulations with VAPOIL and/or
DISGAS. The convergence criteria in the tracer solve is now more stringent for the solution phase
well residual term. This change may be reverted by setting item 154 of the OPTIONS keyword to 2.
• If item 3 of the WPAVE keyword is set to RES, the grid block reservoir density for each phase will be
calculated when required for a UDQ. Prior to 2016.1, if the density was needed and had not been pre-
calculated, the UDQ would be given the 'undefined' value.
• Specifying the CSKIN keyword no longer updates the reference value used in calculating the
connection transmissibility factor for certain model types. This is now consistent with the behavior in
ECLIPSE 300. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 279 of the OPTIONS keyword to
• The restart functionality for API tracking has been modified for consistencies with sector modeling
and parallel runs. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 280 of the OPTIONS keyword
to 1.
• A bounds check on surfactant concentration has been removed in the cascade tracer solver when
surfactant is used with alkali and reversible adsorption. This improves the mass conservation of

2016.1 and 2016.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

surfactant under certain circumstances. This change may be reverted using item 287 of the OPTIONS
keyword and is related to the SURFACT and ALKALINE keywords.
• An improvement has been made to the behavior of the COMPORD keyword in parallel simulations. In
previous releases, if the second argument was set to INPUT, and the well crossed a parallel domain
boundary, the connection order would not be honored. This may affect the calculation of bottom hole
pressure if bottom hole depth is defaulted (WELSPECS item 5), and may affect well workovers which
close connections in response to economic limits (e.g. through the WECON keyword). This change
may be reverted using item 288 of the OPTIONS keyword.
• Item 3 of the WVFPEXP keyword will now only apply to currently THP-controlled wells. Previously it
was possible for the check to be applied to wells which were not under THP control at the point of the
check. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 290 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• The TRACK algorithm for well connection ordering has been improved to give better results when
used with the DUALPERM keyword. The TRACK algorithm is the default algorithm, with alternatives
available using the COMPORD keyword. This improvement can be disabled by setting item 292 of the
OPTIONS keyword to 1.

• The calculation of mobile OIIP has been changed when used in conjunction with the ROCK/ROCKTAB
family of keywords. This calculation is used for FIP reports requested through the RPTSOL and
RPTSCHED keywords and is also used in oil recovery efficiency SUMMARY section keywords. Pore
volumes as modified by the ROCK/ROCKTAB family of keywords are now used. Prior to 2016.1
ECLIPSE would use the pore volumes at reference pressure in this calculation, and this behavior can
be restored by setting item 281 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1. Note that when restarting from
pre-2016.1 versions of ECLIPSE the values produced by the old calculation will be loaded from the
restart file and used, so the base case will need to be re-run in 2016.1 if this is not desired.

The behavioral changes in ECLIPSE 300 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• GRID section
• EDIT section
• PROPS section
• SOLUTION section
• SUMMARY section
• SCHEDULE section

RUNSPEC section
• The size of the memory buffer used to write the header information for the INIT and RESTART files
can now be increased or reduced if required via item 352 of the OPTIONS3 keyword. By default the
buffer size is set to 10,000 but this may be modified by specifying a non-zero positive value. Users are
most likely to need to use this feature if directed to do so by a message from the simulator.

2016.1 and 2016.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• The Block Parallel license now allows up to 16 parallel processes. Releases up to the 2015.1 version
of ECLIPSE only allowed 8 parallel domains. See the BPARA for further details.
• The HWELLS keyword may now be added to a flexible restart case even when it was not present in the
base case.

GRID section
• The THPRESFT keyword should not be specified for a fault which crosses a local grid or coarsened
region, as the threshold pressure cannot be set for these faults. Prior to the 2016.1 version, checks for
this were only carried out if the MULTFLT keyword was also specified. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be
restored by setting item 345 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• The numerical aquifer cells defined by the AQUNUM keyword which lay outside the sector boundary
and have connections inside the sector will now be activated in the reduced run. This means that
numerical aquifers with connections inside the sector will now be active in the reduced run.
Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 346 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• Behavior has been improved for coarsening cases where the MINNNCT keyword is used to allow very
tiny transmissibilities, and also for cases where the fine cell adjacent to a coarse cell has zero
transmissibility across the shared face. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 197 of the
OPTIONS3 keyword to 3.
• Additional area information has been added to NNC types which did not previously contain it. This
improves velocity calculations for some geometries and combinations of features. Pre-2016.1 behavior
can be restored by setting item 248 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• For the single porosity coal bed methane model, unset local grid coal regions are now inherited from
the host global grid cells rather than defaulted to 1. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting
item 350 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• For multiporosity cases which have only one layer, the algorithm for calculating solver directions has
been improved so that the z-direction can no longer be the inner direction. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be
restored by setting item 351 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1, but this may cause some cases to fail.
• When the two region numbers specified in the MULTREGT keyword are the same and positive,
multipliers are also applied to non-neighbor connections where only one of the cells is in the specified
region. This is consistent with the behavior in ECLIPSE 100. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored
by setting item 353 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• The PINCH keyword has been modified when item 4 is set to ALL and multiple inactive layers with
non-zero pore volume within a pinchout have different values of MULTZ. The pre-2016.1 behavior
may be obtained using item 328 of the OPTIONS3 keyword.
• The scaling activated by the JFUNC keyword has been improved in cases where extreme values were
specified for function parameters and permeabilities. The new limits match those used by the JFUNCR
keyword. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 358 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.

EDIT section
• When the EDITNNCR keyword is used to supply replacement values for an NNC, these values will be
used for a single NNC between the two connected cells. Pre-2016.1, if there was more than one NNC
between the same two cells, the new values would be applied individually to each of them. The new
behavior is consistent with ECLIPSE 100. Additionally, NNCs generated internally in parallel runs are
not affected by user edits using the EDITNNC or EDITNNCR keywords, so that results are consistent

2016.1 and 2016.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

between runs using different numbers of processors. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting
item 356 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.

PROPS section
• The values defined by the VDKRG, VDKRO and VDKRGC keywords are now copied to the internally
generated saturation tables when single conductive faults are being modeled. That is, the properties
specified for the input matrix table properties are copied to the corresponding internally generated
table. Prior to the 2016.1, the values for these keywords items were not assigned for the internally
generated tables. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 342 of the OPTIONS3 keyword
to 1.
• When surfactant is being modeled and the relative permeabilities are interpolated between immiscible
and miscible saturation functions (SURFST or SURFSTES keyword specified), if end-point scaling is
also specified (ENDSCALE), the miscible saturation functions are now scaled using the new set of end-
2016.1 version, no end-point scaling was applied to the miscible saturation functions. Pre-2016.1
behavior can be restored by setting item 343 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1. (The immiscible
saturation functions are scaled using the set of end-points SWL, SWCR, SWU, SGL, SGCR, SGU,
• When solid is being modeled, and the relative permeabilities are interpolated between low and high
concentrations of solid adsorption (SOLWTAB keyword specified), if end-point scaling is also
specified (ENDSCALE), the saturations functions used to defined the high concentration of solid
adsorption are now scaled using the new set of end-points SASWL, SASWCR, SASWU, SASGL,
SASOWCR, SAKRW, SAKRWR, SAKRO, SAKRORW and SAPCW. Prior to the 2016.1 version, the same
KRO, KRORW, KRORG, PCW and PCG. was applied to the sets of saturation functions used to model
both low and high concentrations of solid adsorption. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting
item 343 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• Corrections have been made to the derivative calculations when surfactant is being modeled and the
relative permeabilities are interpolated between immiscible and miscible saturation functions
(SURFST or SURFSTES keyword specified) and also when solid is being modeled and the relative
permeabilities are interpolated between low and high concentrations of solid adsorption (SOLWTAB
keyword specified). Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 344 of the OPTIONS3
keyword to 1.
• The PCW and PCG end-points are now reported as the capillary pressure scaling factors when JFUNCR
is specified. Prior to 2016.1, these were reported as the maximum J-Function values in the input
saturation function tables. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 347 of the OPTIONS3
keyword to 1.

SOLUTION section
• Non-equilibrium initialization has been enhanced to detect situations where the requested cell
saturations sum to greater than 1. In such circumstances ECLIPSE will inform users of the issue with
their data and, furthermore, will not use such cells when determining if the Li factor should be
adjusted to give single hydrocarbon phase cells of the indicated phase. This may give rise to changes
in behavior with this release for datasets using the NEI keyword where SWAT, SGAS and/or SOIL
have been set with values summing to more than 1 for any given cell. See "Initialization with NEI" in
the ECLIPSE Technical Description for more details on this facility.

2016.1 and 2016.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

SUMMARY section
• The SMSPEC file has been extended to contain a new INTEHEAD record (specified in the ECLIPSE
File Formats Reference Manual). This record encodes the simulator and units convention used in the
simulation. To revert to the pre-2016.1 SMSPEC file structure, set item 335 of the OPTIONS3
keyword to 1. Note that in the 2015.1 and 2015.2 releases of ECLIPSE this OPTIONS3 item worked
in the reverse sense, allowing users to test this new format.
• The calculation of the strength of an ICD on a segment (SSTR) for AICD's (WSEGAICD) has been
altered to bring it inline with other ICD devices. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by setting item
354 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.

SCHEDULE section
• Corrections have been made to the calculation of the well inflow blocking factor when the generalized
pseudo-pressure option has been specified with velocity dependent relative permeability and rock
compaction effects applied to the calculation. Pre-2015.2 behavior can be restored by setting item 349
of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• Where the OPERATER keyword is used to modify permeabilities in the SCHEDULE section, the
calculations of the new transmissibilities have been improved. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by
setting item 340 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 2.
• The TRACK algorithm for well connection ordering has been improved to give better results when
used with the DUALPERM keyword. The TRACK algorithm is the default algorithm, with alternatives
available using the COMPORD keyword. This improvement can be disabled by setting item 362 of the
OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.

New keywords
The new keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• SOLUTION section
• SUMMARY section

RUNSPEC section
The new RUNSPEC section keywords are:
• Output for the new message service facility available in Petrel can be generated using the MESSSRVC

SOLUTION section
The new SOLUTION section keywords are:
• Salt concentration at restarts for brine-neutral base runs can be set with keyword SALTREST.

2016.1 and 2016.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

SUMMARY section
The new SUMMARY keywords are:
• Segment phase densities can be output with keywords SODEN, SWDEN and SGDEN
• Segment mixture densities and viscosities can be output with keywords SMDEN and SMVIS. This
includes the flowing fraction exponents input using items 16–21 of WSEGAICD

The new keywords in ECLIPSE 300 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• PROPS section
• SUMMARY section

RUNSPEC section
The new RUNSPEC section keywords are:
• Output for the new message service facility available in Petrel can be generated using the MESSSRVC

PROPS section
The new PROPS section keywords are:
• The new set of keywords SSWL, SSWCR, SSWU, SSGL, SSOWCR, SKRO, SKRORW, SKRW and SKRWR
has been added for the scaling of the miscible saturation functions when the end-point scaling
(ENDSCALE) and surfactant (SURFST or SURFSTES) options are specified.
SAKRWR and SAPCW has been added for the scaling of saturation functions used to represent the high
concentration of solid adsorption when the end-point scaling (ENDSCALE) and solid wettability
(SOLID and SOLWTAB) options are specified.

SUMMARY section
The new SUMMARY section keywords are:
• Segment phase densities and viscosities can be output with keywords SOVIS, SWVIS, SGVIS,
• Segment mixture densities and viscosities can be output with keywords SMDEN and SMVIS. This
includes the flowing fraction exponents input using items 16–21 of WSEGAICD.

Altered keywords
The altered keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are described in the following sections:

2016.1 and 2016.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• RUNSPEC section
• GRID section
• PROPS section
• SCHEDULE section
• OPTIONS keyword

RUNSPEC section
The altered RUNSPEC keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are:
• A new argument has been added to the WPOTCALC keyword to allow the segment volumes to be
included in the potential calculations of multisegment wells. This can improve the convergence at the
expense of introducing some transient effects.
• The Block Parallel license now allows up to 16 parallel processes. Releases up to the 2015.1 version
of ECLIPSE only allowed 8 parallel domains. See the BPARA for further details.
• A new argument has been added to the CPR keyword to switch between ADAPTIVE CPR and
ORIGINAL CPR. If the CPR keyword is used, it now activates ADAPTIVE CPR, which generally
performs better than or comparable to ORIGINAL CPR. Pre-2016.1 behavior can be restored by using

GRID section
The altered GRID keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are:
• Use of the LGRCOPY keyword is not compatible with parallel runs and ECLIPSE will now issue an
error message if this combination is requested as it could lead to incorrect behavior in cases where the
LGR cells are not on the same processor as their host cells. This error message can be suppressed by
setting item 275 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.

PROPS section
The altered PROPS keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are:
• Use of the FOAMDCYW keyword to describe the decay of foam as a function of water saturation is now
compatible with the functional form of the Foam model.

SCHEDULE section
The altered SCHEDULE keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are:
• Six new arguments have been added to the WSEGAICD keyword to set the exponents of the oil, water
and gas flowing fractions in the density and viscosity mixture calculations.
• The default number of well iterations has increased to 40 when using the WSEGITER keyword. To
return to the pre-2016.1 behavior explicitly enter a value of 20 into the first item.
• If MULTPV is specified with a zero or negative value, the value will be now be ignored and simulation
will continue (with a warning), as it does in ECLIPSE 300. Prior to 2016.1, ECLIPSE 100 would fail
with an error.

2016.1 and 2016.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

OPTIONS keyword
The altered OPTIONS are:

Switch Description
141 If set to 3, the pre-2016.1 behavior for transmissibility calculations between coarse cells, and
coarse and fine cells, is restored. For the 2016.1 version onwards, behavior has been improved
for coarsening cases where the MINNNCT keyword is used to allow very tiny transmissibilities,
and also for cases where the fine cell adjacent to a coarse cell has zero transmissibility across
the shared face.
154 Setting this switch to 2 reverts the 2016.1 changes to the behavior of the tracer-tracking option
for oil or gas tracers in simulations using VAPOIL and/or DISGAS. This change introduced
more stringent convergence checks for the solution phase well residual.
221 Setting this switch to 2 reverts the 2016.1 improvement in minimum NNC transmissibility logic
to the algorithm used from 2014.1.
236 In addition to its old behavior, setting this switch to 1 also reverts the recent improvement in the
geometry calculations for LGR-global connections to the pre-2015.2 algorithm.
247 Setting this switch to 2 reverts the calculations for pinchout transmissibility to the algorithm
used in 2015.x, in cases where item 4 of the PINCH keyword is set to ALL and multiple
pinched out layers have different values of MULTZ. The default behavior in this case is now to
use the algorithm used prior to 2015.1.
259 If set to 1, ECLIPSE will revert the SMSPEC file structure to the pre-2016.1 format. This
removes the INTEHEAD element of the SMSPEC file.
274 If set to 1, this restores the pre-2016.1 input data checking for the end-point scaling keywords.
275 If set to 1, this re-enables the use of the LGRCOPY keyword in parallel runs.
277 If set to 1, this restores pre-2016.1 AICD segment strength calculation for summary keyword
278 If set to 1, additional messages will be added to the PRT file (and the Event Reporter database
file, if it has been enabled using MESSSRVC) about changes in well status.
279 If set to 1, then whenever the CSKIN keyword is specified or the value updated with a UDA, the
reference value used in calculating the connection transmissibility factor for certain model types
is also updated. This was the default behavior in ECLIPSE prior to 2016.1.
280 If set to 1, then whenever the CSKIN keyword is specified or the value updated with a UDA, the
reference value used in calculating the connection transmissibility factor for certain model types
is also updated. This was the default behavior in ECLIPSE prior to 2016.1.
281 If set to 1, the code will follow the pre-2016.1 behavior for calculating mobile OIIP, which is
output by FIP reports and used in some oil recovery efficiency summary vectors. This will use
the pore volumes at reference pressure in the calculation rather than using the values calculated
by the ROCK/ROCKTAB family of keywords.
282 If set to 1, the pre-2016.1 calculation of NNC areas is used. Prior to 2016.1, some areas in
coarsened regions were always set to zero, and in some situations this could lead to inaccurate
velocity calculations. Use of this option switch is not recommended except for back
compatibility purposes.
283 If set to 1, the pre-2016.1 limits for extreme capillary pressure values generated by the JFUNC
and JFUNCR keywords are used. The new limits are more compatible with those used by E300.

2016.1 and 2016.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Switch Description
284 Reserved
285 If set to 1, then the pre-2016.1 method of processing ADDZCORN and EQLZCORN in columns
where only some of the cells have discontinuous surfaces will be used. Where arguments 8–11
are set to maintain continuous surfaces, then this will be applied even if only one side of a cell is
continuous and the modification results in the top of the cell being below the bottom. This will
produce geometry errors as these cells will then have negative DZ. The default behavior from
2016.1 is for no modifications due to these keywords to be carried out on a cell where they
would result in the top corner being below the bottom corner.
286 Reserved
287 If set to 1, bounds checking is restored for surfactant concentration calculation by the cascade
solver when alkali is present and reversible adsorption has been selected. This will restore
pre-2016.1 behavior, but may lead to material balance errors when surfactant adsorption drops
rapidly in response to alkali injection.
288 Reserved
289 Reserved
290 If set to 1, the pre-2016.1 behavior of item 3 of the WVFPEXP keyword will be restored, where a
well which is not operating on the stabilized part of its VFP curve may be shut even if it is not
currently under THP control.
291 Reserved
292 If set to 1, the pre-2016.2 algorithm for connection ordering is used. This only differs from the
default algorithm for cases using the DUALPERM keyword where one or more wells is using the
TRACK option for connection ordering, either by using the COMPORD keyword or by default.
The TRACK option is only used if the well has one or more connections with a penetration
direction of X or Y. The 2016.2 algorithm will place matrix and fracture connections adjacent to
one another.
Table 3.1: Altered OPTIONS

The altered keywords in ECLIPSE 300 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• SCHEDULE section
• OPTIONS3 keyword

RUNSPEC section
The altered RUNSPEC keywords are:
• The Block Parallel license now allows up to 16 parallel processes. Releases up to the 2015.1 version
of ECLIPSE only allowed 8 parallel domains. See the BPARA for further details.

SCHEDULE section
The altered SCHEDULE keywords are:

2016.1 and 2016.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• Six new arguments have been added to the WSEGAICD keyword to set the exponents of the oil, water
and gas flowing fractions in the density and viscosity mixture calculations.
• The WELSPECS and WELSPECL keywords preferred phase argument (item 6 and 7 respectively in
these keywords) now checks for errors more thoroughly. In previous versions of ECLIPSE the first
letter of this argument was used to set the preferred phase, causing incorrect inputs to appear to work
when in fact an inappropriate phase might be set. One example is that if WGRA were input then the
result was WATER. Such inputs now generate an error message.

OPTIONS3 keyword
The altered OPTIONS3 switches are:

Switch Description
197 If set to 3, the pre-2016.1 behavior for transmissibility calculations between coarse cells, and
coarse and fine cells, is restored. For the 2016.1 version onwards, behavior has been improved
for coarsening cases where the MINNNCT keyword is used to allow very tiny transmissibilities,
and also for cases where the fine cell adjacent to a coarse cell has zero transmissibility across
the shared face.
328 Setting this switch to 2 reverts the calculations for pinchout transmissibility to the algorithm
used in 2015.x, in cases where item 4 of the PINCH keyword is set to ALL and multiple
pinched out layers have different values of MULTZ. The default behavior in this case is now to
use the algorithm used prior to 2015.1.
335 If set to 1, ECLIPSE will revert the SMSPEC file structure to the pre-2016.1 format. This
removes the INTEHEAD element of the SMSPEC file.
340 If set to 2, pre-2016.1 behavior is used when processing permeabilities using the OPERATER
keyword in the SCHEDULE section.
342 If set to 1, the pre-2016.1 behavior for the use of keywords VDKRG, VDKRO and VDKRGC will
be restored when single conductive fractures are being modeled; that is, the properties defined
by these keywords will not be applied to the internally generated saturation tables.
343 If set to 1, the pre-2016.1 behavior for the application of end-point scaling to the surfactant
(SURFACT) and the solid wettability (SOLID plus SOLWTAB) options will be restored; that is,
when ENDSCALE is specified, no end-point scaling is applied to the miscible saturation
functions and the same set of end-points consisting of SWL, SWCR, SWU, SGL, SGCR, SGU,
the saturation functions used to model both low and high concentrations of solid adsorption.
For 2016.1 onwards:
• the miscible saturation functions are scaled using the new set of end-points SSWL, SSWCR,
• the saturation functions used to defined the high concentration of solid adsorption are scaled
using the new set of end-points SASWL, SASWCR, SASWU, SASGL, SASOWCR, SAKRW,
• the saturation functions used to define the low concentration of solid adsorption are scaled
using the set of end-points SWL, SWCR, SWU, SGL, SGCR, SGU, SOWCR, SOGCR, KRW,

2016.1 and 2016.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Switch Description
344 If set to 1, this will revert the corrections which have been made to the derivative calculations
when surfactant is being modeled and the relative permeabilities are interpolated between
immiscible and miscible saturation functions (SURFST or SURFSTES keyword specified) and
also when solid is being modeled and the relative permeabilities are interpolated between low
and high concentrations of solid adsorption (SOLWTAB keyword specified).
345 If set to 1, checks to find whether the THPRESFT keyword has been specified for a fault which
crosses a local grid or coarsened region are only carried out if the MULTFLT keyword is also
specified. This was the pre-2016.1 behavior. Use of this option switch is not recommended as
the threshold pressure cannot be set for these faults.
346 If set to 1, numerical aquifer interconnections which fall outside a flux region will be ignored in
the reduced run.
347 If set to 1, the pre-2016.1 reporting of the PCW and PCG end-points is restored when JFUNCR is
specified. Prior to 2016.1 these end-points were reported as the maximum J-Function values in
the input saturation function tables. These are now reported as the capillary pressure scaling
348 If set to 1, the pre-2016.1 calculation of NNC areas is used. Prior to 2016.1, some areas were
always set to zero, and in some situations this could lead to inaccurate velocity calculations. Use
of this option switch is not recommended except for back compatibility purposes.
349 If set to 1, the pre-2015.2 method of calculating the well inflow blocking factor when the
generalized pseudo-pressure option has been specified with both velocity dependent relative
permeability and rock compaction effects applied to the calculation.
350 If set to 1, the pre-2016.1 behavior for the single porosity coal bed methane model is restored.
Unset local grid coal regions will be defaulted to 1 rather than inherited from the host global
grid cells.
351 If set to 1, the pre-2016.1 behavior for the choice of solver directions in multiporosity cases with
only one layer is restored. In some models this can cause simulation failures.
352 If set to a positive non-zero value, this will be used to specify the size of the memory buffer
used to write the INIT and RESTART file header records. By default this value is set to 10,000
which should be sufficient for the majority of models. However, if a larger or smaller size is
required it may be specified via this item. The buffer size is constrained to a minimum value of
353 If set to 1, the pre-2016.1 behavior for MULTREGT is restored. If the two region numbers
specified are the same and positive, multipliers will not be applied to non-neighbor connections
where only one of the cells is in the specified region.
354 If set to 1, this restores pre-2016.1 AICD segment strength calculation for summary keyword
355 If set to 1, additional messages about changes in well status will not be added to the PRT file (or
the Event Reporter database file, if it is generated. See MESSSRVC).
356 If set to 1, this restores pre-2016.1 behavior for the EDITNNCR keyword in cases where there is
more than one NNC between the same pair of cells, and for both the EDITNNC and EDITNNCR
keywords for cases where an internal NNC has been created to assist the solver in parallel runs.
357 If set to 1, this enables E100 handling of the unscaled maximum gas saturation when using
SGOF and SGOF relative permeability tables. Specifically, the maximum gas saturation value
would be taken simply as the maximum value of the gas saturation column.

2016.1 and 2016.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Switch Description
358 If set to 1, the pre-2016.1 limits for extreme capillary pressure values generated by the JFUNC
are used. The new limits match those used by the JFUNCR keyword.
359 Reserved
360 Reserved
361 Reserved
362 If set to 1, the pre-2016.2 algorithm for connection ordering is used. This only differs from the
default algorithm for cases using the DUALPERM keyword where one or more wells is using the
TRACK option for connection ordering, either by using the COMPORD keyword or by default.
The TRACK option is only used if the well has one or more connectionx with a penetration
direction of X or Y. The 2016.2 algorithm will place matrix and fracture connections adjacent to
one another.
Table 3.2: Altered OPTIONS3 switches

2016.1 and 2016.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

2015.1 and 2015.2 New
The 2015.2 release of the ECLIPSE suite includes:
• The new facilities which have been added to the simulators for this release are described for ECLIPSE
100 and ECLIPSE 300.
• Behavioral changes, which may change the results of a simulation, or alter the form or content of the
output, have been made for ECLIPSE 100 and ECLIPSE 300.
• The new keywords added in this release are described for ECLIPSE 100 and ECLIPSE 300.
• Some keywords have been altered in this release and these changes are described for ECLIPSE 100
and ECLIPSE 300.

New facilities
The new facilities in ECLIPSE 100 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• PROPS section
• REGIONS section
• SUMMARY section

RUNSPEC section
• The AITS and AITSOFF keywords have been added to enable the turning on/off of the Intelligent
Timestepping algorithm.
• The RPTCPL keyword has been added to facilitate the output of data used by coupled simulators.

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

GRID section
• The sector modelling facility has been improved and extended to allow Chemical Enhanced Oil
Recovery (CEOR) quantities and tracers to flow out of the sector. For Pressure Boundary Conditions,
TRACER, Environmental Tracers, ALKALINE, Surfactant (SURFACT) and BRINE are allowed to
flow out of the sector. SOLVENT, POLYMER, and BRINE together with POLYMER, are allowed to
flow in or out of the sector. For flow boundary conditions, outflow for single phase TRACER and
Environmental Tracers, Surfactant (SURFACT) and BRINE has been implemented. Additionally, the
parallel robustness of the sector modelling algorithms with tracers in both Pressure and Flow boundary
conditions has been improved. For further information see "Flux boundary conditions" in the
ECLIPSE Technical Description.
• If item 243 of the OPTIONS keyword is set to 1, then where COORD or ZCORN values within an LGR
do not align with the global grid values as required, they will be accepted and realigned with the
global grid. This realignment only takes place for lines which are common to both grids - so if the
LGR is significantly out of line, the geometry may still be invalid. This option is intended only to
allow data sets to be run which are failing due to numerical rounding issues with very short LGR
coordinate lines.
• When using the PINCHXY keyword with complex geometry, for instance where pinchouts are needed
across faults or where layers are extremely slanted or twisted, the most appropriate active cell to
connect to can be ambiguous. Setting item 266 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1 activates an alternative
algorithm for choosing this active cell, which may be useful in cases where the default algorithm
behaves poorly.
• If item 134 of the OPTIONS keyword is set to 2, then the full length of the global grid coordinate line
is output to the EGRID file for coordinate lines which are common to LGR and global grid cells. This
can be useful in cases where the LGR coordinate lines are otherwise very short and numerical issues
can cause them to be significantly different from the global coordinate lines after manipulation using
another program.
• When using the DOMAINS mnemonic in the RPTGRID keyword, the SOLVDIRS and DOMAINS
keywords are now output in the PRT file in such a format that you can copy-paste them into the GRID
section for another run and modify them if you want to use other settings.

PROPS section
• Improvements have been made to the performance of polymer flood models suffering from a
particular type of convergence issue. This particular convergence problem occurs during a timestep
solve as a result of the solution oscillating between two distinct intervals in the adsorption data
supplied using either PLYADS or PLYADSS. ECLIPSE applies a bisection to the proposed solution
change when such an oscillation is detected, but only after a minimum number of Newton iterations.
The latter is specified using Item 11 of Record 3 of the TUNING keyword.

REGIONS section
• The keyword HBNUM has been added to allow for greater control over which Herschel-Bulkley table is
used for a given grid block.

SOLUTION section
• For surfactant models, specifying keyword RPTSOL with mnemonic SURFBLK now outputs the
effective water viscosity due to surfactant to the PRT file, in addition to those quantities previously

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

SUMMARY section
• The SUMMARY section keyword WGVIR has been added to query the well gas voidage injection rate
• The SUMMARY section keyword WGVPR has been added to query the well gas voidage production rate
• The SUMMARY section keyword WWVIR has been added to query the well water voidage injection rate
• The SUMMARY section keyword WBHPT has been added to query the well BHP target/limit.
• The SUMMARY section keyword SALQ has been added to query the well segment artificial lift
• The SUMMARY section keyword BESVIS has been added to output the effective water viscosity due to
surfactant, for grid blocks. Whilst this feature is already present via existing keyword BEWV_SUR, the
latter cannot be used to output the effective water viscosity due to surfactant in local grid blocks. The
output from new keyword BESVIS therefore matches that from BEWV_SUR for global cells, but may
also be used in conjunction with local grids.

SCHEDULE section
• The AITS and AITSOFF keywords have been added to enable the turning on/off of the Intelligent
Timestepping algorithm.
• The FBHPDEF keyword has been added to allow customization of the default BHP target or limit
values to be used where none is specified for a well.
• The default wellbore volume for standard wells, see keyword WBOREVOL, can now be reduced by a
factor of 10OPTIONS(258).
• Argument 12 of the WCONPROD keyword can now be specified using a UDA, to allow more
convenient user control of the artificial lift quantity.
• For surfactant models, specifying keyword RPTSCHED with mnemonic SURFBLK now outputs the
effective water viscosity due to surfactant to the PRT file, in addition to those quantities previously
• A number of warning messages regarding PVT extrapolation that were previously controlled by item
94 of the OPTIONS keyword have been moved to item 239
• If item 257 of the OPTIONS keyword is set to 1, ECLIPSE will use the 2015.1 treatment of the "UN-
PHYSICAL" values from PVT tables messages. The behavior using this switch is to immediately
chop the timestep and advise the PVT data be looked at. If the simulation is already at the minimum
timestep the run will produce an error message.

The new facilities in ECLIPSE 300 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• GRID section
• PROPS section
• SUMMARY section
• SCHEDULE section

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

RUNSPEC section
• The AITS and AITSOFF keywords have been added to enable the turning on/off of the Intelligent
Timestepping algorithm.
• The "Water components option" activated with the COMPW keyword has been extended for
compatibility with the "Flux boundary conditions" option, activated with keywords DUMPFLUX or
• It is now possible to use the "Flux boundary conditions" option if the full field model has the standard
water model active (water properties input with PVTW) and the reduced run has the "Water
components option" active. This workflow allows the simulation of the injection of waterborne
components in a given section of the reservoir without the need to run the full field model. For
instance, this set up allows you to investigate the effects of foam, surfactant or polymer flooding on a
sector of the reservoir without having to run the full field model with the "Foam model", "Surfactant
model" or "Polymer model" active.
• The WELLDIMS keyword has been extended to include the additional item 14. This may be used to
specify the maximum number of rows permitted for the construction of the generalized pseudo-
pressure (GPP) integral table when calculating well inflow. If this item is not specified, the maximum
number of rows will default to 201. If the GPP option is not selected or if item 330 of the OPTIONS3
keyword is set 1, this item will be ignored.

GRID section
• Extensions have been added to the "Flux boundary conditions" option to improve the performance of
reduced models experiencing convergence issues. Convergence degradation might be observed in
reduced runs as the molar density of a given component crossing the flux boundary approaches zero.
In such cases, item 2 of the FLUXOPTS keyword can be set to improve convergence. Note that
currently this item is ignored on thermal runs.

PROPS section
• The SOLIDMMS and SOLIDMMC keywords have been extended to allow the input of mobility
multipliers larger than one. This extension makes it more convenient to model the increase in mobility
caused by dissolution of solids.
• The SURFOPTS keyword has been extended to include item 2. You can use it to modify the
smoothing factor used to improve the numerical stability of effective salinity calculations. See the
SALTEFF keyword.

SUMMARY section
• The mnemonic CKFRL has been added to output the hydrocarbon component molar flow rate in
• The mnemonic CKFTL has been added to output the hydrocarbon component molar flow total in
• The keyword WBHPT has been added to query the well BHP target/limit.
• The keyword SALQ has been added to query the well segment artificial lift quantity.
• The keyword CGPPTN has been added to output the number of update calculations applied to the
generalized pseudo-pressure table for a given well connection. This value is incremented by one each

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

time the table is recalculated but will be reset to zero if the generalized pseudo-pressure calculations
are deselected.
• The keyword CGPPTS has been added to output the status of the calculations applied to the
generalized pseudo-pressure table for a given well connection. This value is updated each time the
table is recalculated but will be reset to zero if the generalized pseudo-pressure calculations are
deselected. The status values used are described in "Generalized pseudo-pressure in ECLIPSE 300" in
the ECLIPSE Technical Description.

SCHEDULE section
• The AITSOFF keywords have been added to enable the turning on/off of the Intelligent Timestepping
• The FBHPDEF keyword has been added to allow customization of the default BHP target or limit
values to be used where none is specified for a well.
• You can specify item 12 of the WCONPROD keyword using a UDA, to allow more convenient control
of the artificial lift quantity.
• The generalized pseudo-pressure model has been revised and extended. This new version is described
in "Generalized pseudo-pressure in ECLIPSE 300" in the ECLIPSE Technical Description.
• The WPICOND keyword has been added to provide more flexible control over the well generalized
pseudo-pressure (GPP) calculation. This is similar to the PICOND keyword in terms of the control
provided over the construction of the integral tables but additionally permits specification of these
controls together with the selection and deselection of the GPP option on a per well basis. Essentially,
therefore, this combines the functions of the PICOND and PSEUPRES keywords. This keyword is not
available if the GPP option is not selected or if item 330 of the OPTIONS3 keyword is set 1 to select
the pre-2015.1 version of the GPP model.
• The RPTPRINT keyword has been extended to include the additional item 19. This may be used to
report the status of the well Generalized Pseudo-Pressure (GPP) calculations to the PRT file. If the
GPP option is not selected or if item 330 of the OPTIONS3 keyword is set 1, this item will be ignored.

Behavioral changes
The behavioral changes in ECLIPSE 100 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• GRID section
• PROPS section
• SUMMARY section
• SCHEDULE section

RUNSPEC section
• The value of NSTACK will be automatically reduced to the maximum number of linear iterations
requested. This behavior can be stopped by setting item 256 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• Modifications have been made to the flow calculations where the GRAVDRM keyword is specified.
This avoids the situation where a non-dual porosity non-neighbor connection could in some situations
have dual porosity settings applied to it when calculating flow. Pre-2015.1 behavior can be obtained
by setting item 263 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• The default algorithm algorithm for solving local grid refinements using the CPR linear solver has
been modified to improve performance. Pre-2015.1 behavior can be obtained by setting item 255 of
the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• The Block Parallel license now allows up to 16 parallel processes. Previous versions only allowed 8
parallel domains. See the BPARA for further details.

GRID section
• The default for PARAOPTS item 8 is now 1. All available tables are now written in parallel by default
but may be suppressed by setting the item back to 0.
• When item 4 of the PINCH keyword is set to ALL, the algorithm has been improved to avoid a
situation where a valid pinchout was sometimes not made. The old algorithm can be used by setting
item 247 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1. This is not recommended except for back compatibility
• In models which have rock volume calculated rather than entered using the ROCKV keyword, the
output values are now more consistent with ECLIPSE 300. Simulation results are not affected. The old
output can be obtained by setting item 250 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• The region set selection behavior when using data manipulation keywords such as EQUALREG has
been improved to remove dependency on keyword order. The pre-2015.1 behavior can be restored by
setting item 253 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• When the PINCHXY keyword is used in a dual porosity model, the algorithm has been improved to
ensure that no pinchout connections can be made between a matrix and a fracture cell. This new
algorithm is also more efficient when generating fault NNCs in dual porosity decks which are not dual
permeability. The old algorithm can be used by setting of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• The memory allocation algorithm for LGRs has been updated to be more robust. In general this will
require more memory than in previous versions. The pre-2015.1 behavior can be restored by setting
item 267 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1 but this is strongly discouraged as it may lead to numerical
• The use of API and TEMP together with flux boundary conditions has been banned for this release.
The ban can be lifted by setting item 232 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1. For a full list of allowed
Tracer/CEOR quantities in sector modelling refer to "Flux boundary conditions" in the ECLIPSE
Technical Description .
• When a threshold pore volume is set via the MINPORV, MINPV or MINPVV keyword, a cell is
considered active if its pore volume is strictly above this value. Prior to 2015.1, if a cell was given a
pore volume which is exactly the value of the threshold, this cell may have been considered active or
inactive depending on the scenario.
• The treatment of connections generated by the PINCH keyword has changed, for cases where the pore
volume was modified in the EDIT section to fall below the minimum threshold specified by
MINPORV. This change will only affect parallel simulations, and the pre-2015.1 behavior can be
restored by setting item 268 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• The tolerance used when checking whether an LGR host cell has no thickness has been reduced from
10-3 to 10-4. This allows ECLIPSE to handle geometry which has very large, very thin active cells
which contain local grids, but may cause issues with datasets where coordinates are specified with
relatively low precision. If item 243 of the OPTIONS keyword is set to 2, the pre 2015.1 value of 10-3
is used.
• The method for calculating the transmissibility of the circle completion NNC in radial grids has been
updated to take better account of the system geometry. This can be reverted to the 2015.1 behavior by
setting item 271 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• Polymer shear effects are no longer applied to NNCs where the area multiplied by porosity value is
zero (see for instance item 15 of the NNC keyword). The pre-2015.1 behavior can be restored by
setting item 272 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• The treatment of transmissibilities for non-directional NNCs has been improved. In particular this may
affect effective viscosity calculations when shear effects are included with the polymer model. The
pre-2015.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 273 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• An improvement has been made to the algorithm used to determine which global cells are connected
to the cells at the edge of an LGR. Previously, for some extreme geometries, a connection with very
small transmissibility could be made for two cells which did not quite touch. The old algorithm can be
selected by setting item 236 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.

PROPS section
• The reporting of PCW and PCG (and their imbibition counterparts and other variants) in the PROPS
section (via RPTPROPS) has been changed for models for which either JFUNC or JFUNCR has been
specified. These values are now reported as capillary pressures. Prior to the 2015.1 version these
values were reported as J-Function scaling factors for JFUNC and as default values for JFUNCR.
Pre-2015.1 reporting behavior may be obtained by setting item 240 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
The PCW and PCG values may alternatively be reported as J-Function scaling factors by setting this
item to 2.
• For the 2014.2 version, modifications have been made to the calculation of the PCW and PCG values
(and their imbibition counterparts and other variants) for local grids when JFUNCR has been specified.
These values are now calculated according to the local grid properties and saturation functions. Prior
to the 2014.2 version, these values were defaulted from the global grid. Pre-2014.2 behavior may be
obtained by setting item 241 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• For the 2014.2 version, modifications have been made to the interpretation of the EHYSTR keyword
when items 2 and 5 are set to -1 and PC respectively. For the 2014.2 version onwards, if item 2 is set
to -1, the drainage curves are used for equilibration and the imbibition curves are used for simulation
irrespective of the value assigned to item 5. Prior to the 2014.2 version, if item 2 is set to -1, the
drainage curves are used for equilibration and the imbibition curves are used for simulation if item 5 is
set to BOTH or KR, but the drainage curves are used for both equilibration and simulation if item 5 is
set to PC. Pre-2014.1 behavior may be obtained by setting item 242 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• For the 2014.2 version, corrections have been made to the interpretation of directional transmissibility
multipliers in the ROCKTABH keyword. These values are now always assigned to the x, y, z directions
in that order regardless of the order of the solver directions. Pre-2014.2 behavior may be obtained by
setting item 252 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• Connate gas is now included in all end-point scaling calculations by default. This includes the oil
relative permeability to water and gas at maximum oil saturation when two-point scaling is specified
(SCALECRS not specified or specified with item 1 set to NO), and water relative permeability at

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

residual oil saturation when three-point scaling is specified (SCALECRS specified with item 1 set to
YES). It therefore supersedes the functions of OPTIONS keyword item 205 and item 212. In addition,
connate gas is now included in the calculation of oil relative permeability to gas and water for the
LOWSALT and SURFACT options. Previously this was not included when item 205 of the OPTIONS
keyword was set to 1. Pre-2015.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 260 of the OPTIONS
keyword to 1.
• Improvements have been made to the performance of polymer flood models suffering from a
particular type of convergence issue. This particular convergence problem occurs during a timestep
solve as a result of the solution oscillating between two distinct intervals in the adsorption data
supplied using either PLYADS or PLYADSS. ECLIPSE applies a bisection to the proposed solution
change when such an oscillation is detected, but only after a minimum number of Newton iterations.
The latter is specified using Item 11 of Record 3 of the TUNING keyword. This bisection algorithm
can be deactivated by setting item 261 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• Improvements have been made to the capillary number calculations for the surfactant model in local
grid cells, see "Surfactant model" in the ECLIPSE Technical Description. Pre-2015.1 behavior may be
obtained by setting item 269 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1. This item is intended for back
compatibility purposes only as the 2015.1 calculations are more robust.

SUMMARY section
• In ECLIPSE 2016.1, the SMSPEC file will be extended to contain a new INTEHEAD record (specified
in the ECLIPSE File Formats Reference Manual). This record encodes the simulator and units
convention used in the simulation. To use the new SMSPEC file structure now, set item 259 of the
OPTIONS keyword to 1.

SCHEDULE section
• Where the base case has transmissibility multipliers on the same timestep as the restart, the new
transmissibilities are not reflected in the restart file. These multipliers will now not be skipped if they
are present in the restart data file at the same report step as they were in the base case. For restart data
sets of this type, it is crucial that the timestepping and multiplier keywords within the time period
controlled by SKIPREST are exactly the same as those in the base case.
If this behavior is not required, delete the multiplier keywords on the restart timestep from the restart
data file.
• The behavior of the WCONINJP keyword has been improved in cases where the BHP upper limit has
been defaulted. However, it is still recommended to set a value rather than defaulting. Pre-2015.1
behavior may be obtained by setting item 248 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• The default behavior of the “TRNC” timestepping control has been modified to refine the
normalization of POLYMER/BRINE concentrations in its calculation, improving its integration with
other solution variables. The 2014.1 behavior can be restored using a value of 2 for item 230 of the
OPTIONS keyword. A value of 1 for this option will, as before, restore the pre-2014.1 behavior.
• The well efficiency factor is adjusted to give the correct drilling time for wells using the WDRILTIM
or GRUPRIG keywords, and to give the correct ramp up for wells using the WTEST keyword. This
calculation has been refined in the 2015.1 release to better take account of timestep adjustments
implemented during the Newton solve to limit large saturation changes. The pre-2015.1 calculation
may be recovered by setting item 254 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• When UDAs are used as arguments to set ALQ (item 8) in the keyword WSEGTABL, segment UDQs
are now required, and the values are now only applied to those segments selected in the keyword. In

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

versions earlier than 2015.1, well UDQs could be used, but these values were never updated, and for
segment UDQs the value was applied to all segments in the well. The pre-2015.1 behavior may be
restored by setting item 262 of keyword OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• Well convergence with multi-segment wells using the WSEGMULT keyword is improved in certain
cases where the VAPOIL or DISGAS keywords are used.

The behavioral changes in ECLIPSE 300 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• GRID section
• PROPS section
• SOLUTION section
• SUMMARY section
• SCHEDULE section

RUNSPEC section
• The Block Parallel license now allows up to 16 parallel processes. Previous versions only allowed 8
parallel domains. See the BPARA for further details.

GRID section
• When item 4 of the PINCH keyword is set to ALL, the algorithm has been improved to avoid a
situation where a valid pinchout was sometimes not made. The old algorithm can be used by setting
item 328 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1. This is not recommended except for back compatibility
• A message with the number of cross-processor NNCs is now emitted after processing the GRID
section rather than giving a message for every cross-processor NNC. The previous message set can be
recovered by setting item 339 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• The use of the FLUXREG keyword in the GRID section is now enforced.

PROPS section
• The velocity dependent relative permeability calculation has been modified for calculations specified
via item 5 of the VELDEP keyword. The connate water saturation is now used to calculate the
reference gas relative permeability krg at Sg = 1-Swco whereas prior to 2015.1, the critical water
saturation was used, that is, the reference gas relative permeability krg was calculated at Sg = 1-Swcr .
Pre-2015.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 329 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• The SOLIDMMS and SOLIDMMC keywords have been extended to allow the input of mobility
multipliers larger than 1. Therefore, error messages will no longer be output to the PRINT file when
the multipliers are set to values larger than 1.

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• Improvements have been implemented for the use of defaulted tables in keywords FOAMFCN,
FOAMFSC, FOAMFSO, FOAMFSW and FOAMFST. The old implementation can be used by setting item
334 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1; this is intended for back compatibility purposes only.
• A smoothing factor has been introduced in the effective salinity calculations using Formula 2 defined
by the SALTEFF keyword to improve numerical stability when the surfactant concentration in the
water phase is negligibly small. You can change the default value of this factor using item 2 of the
SURFOPTS keyword.
• VDKRG, VDKRO and VDKRGC items which are defaulted to zero but which are required to be non-zero
for the current specification of VELDEP parameters are now treated as errors. Prior to the 2015.1,
these were treated as warnings. Pre-2015.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 341 of the
OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.

SOLUTION section
• When the keyword RESTART specifies a restart file older than 2012 and the restart file contains the
keyword WINJTEMP for a given well, the defaulted values of steam quality, temperature, pressure or
enthalpy of this well will be recomputed at the beginning of the current run, instead of using the values
from the restart file. This only applies to the defaulted values; the ones set by the user in the base case
are still read from the restart file. Pre-2015.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 326 of the
OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.

SUMMARY section
• The keywords FCHMR, GCHMR, FCHMT and GCHMT now report the component molar flow rates/totals,
which includes both production and injection wells. Previously the keywords only included the
contributions from production wells. Molar production rates/totals can still be queried using the
• In ECLIPSE 2016.1, the SMSPEC file will be extended to contain a new INTEHEAD record (specified
in the ECLIPSE File Formats Reference Manual). This record encodes the simulator and units
convention used in the simulation. To use the new SMSPEC file structure now, set item 335 of the
OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• In RESTART runs, well summary vectors are now reported as zero for wells outside the flux
boundaries. See "Flux boundary conditions" in the ECLIPSE Technical Description. Please refer to the
results from the full field run (DUMPFLUX) in order to visualize well summary vectors for wells
outside the flux boundaries.

SCHEDULE section
• An error is now emitted if the injection composition for a well with group vapor reinjection is assigned
to a group containing no production wells (see keywords WINJGAS and GINJGAS). This may be
reverted by setting item 324 of keyword OPTIONS3 to 1.
• The number of warnings messages emitted for wells where the output of derivatives has been
requested via keyword RPTHMW is now limited to 10 when the well has yet to be solved. All warning
messages can be enabled by setting item 325 of keyword OPTIONS3 to 1.
• Multisegment wells under tubing head pressure control now more accurately take account of
differences between bottom hole depth specified for the well and for the VFP table. Differences may
also be seen for wells under saturation pressure and saturation temperature control. Pre-2015.1
behavior may be recovered using item 327 of keyword OPTIONS3.

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• The generalized pseudo-pressure (GPP) option has been revised and extended to provide more
flexibility over calculation control. Pre-2015.1 behavior may be selected by setting item 330 of
keyword OPTIONS3 to 1. This is described in "Generalized pseudo-pressure in ECLIPSE 300" in the
ECLIPSE Technical Description.
• By default, items 7 and 8 of the PICOND keyword are now interpreted as absolute changes.
Alternatively these are interpreted as fractional changes if item 330 of the OPTIONS3 keyword is set
to 2 or if the pre-2015.1 version of the GPP model is selected by setting item 330 of the OPTIONS3
keyword to 1.
• The method used to calculate the velocity dependent relative permeabilities (VDRP) for the well
inflow generalized pseudo-pressure (GPP) option has been changed. The permeability used for the
calculation of the capillary number is now based upon the completion cell permeability. Prior to the
2015.1 version, the permeability was based upon a weighted value of the permeabilities of the
completion cell and its neighbors. This change is only relevant if the velocity dependent relative
permeability modeling is selected via the VELDEP keyword, the GPP model for well inflow
performance is selected and, in addition, velocity dependent relative permeability effects are included
in the GPP calculation, that is, if item 4 of the PICOND keyword or item 6 of the WPICOND keyword
is set to YES. Pre-2015.1 behavior may be restored by setting item 332 of keyword OPTIONS3 to 1.
• For 2015.1, if the maximum time step entered using NEXT or NEXTSTEP is smaller than the
minimum allowed time step then it will be ignored. This may be reverted by setting item 333 of
keyword OPTIONS3 to 1.
• When UDAs are used as arguments to set ALQ (item 8) in the keyword WSEGTABL, the values are
now only applied to those segments selected in the keyword. In versions earlier than 2015.1, the value
was applied to all segments in the well. The pre-2015.1 behavior may be restored by setting item 336
of keyword OPTIONS3 to 1.
• The flash calculation used by the well model has been altered to carry out a flash calculation for wells
with low or negative (that is injecting) total flow. This change has been introduced to improve the
quality of well PI calculations for production wells with a zero flow target. For wells with very low
production the well PI is calculated as the sum of the connection PIs with no factor to correct for the
change in phase split as fluids from different connections are mixed. These changes may be reverted
by setting item 337 of keyword OPTIONS3 to 1.
• The gas formation volume factor is calculated and written to the restart file for 3D visualization when
the mnemonic BG is used with the RPTRST keyword. From 2015.1 this calculation has been altered
for Coal Bed Methane cases to treat adsorbed gas correctly.
• The treatment of the MULTREGT keyword in the SCHEDULE section has been improved, both in
speed of processing and in better convergence after it is used. The pre-2015.1 behavior may be
restored by setting item 340 of keyword OPTIONS3 to 1, but this is recommended for back
compatibility purposes only.
• Corrections have been made to the calculation of the well inflow blocking factor when the generalized
pseudo-pressure option has been specified with velocity dependent relative permeability and rock
compaction effects applied to the calculation. Pre-2015.2 behavior can be restored by setting item 349
of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

New keywords
The new keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• REGIONS section
• SUMMARY section
• SCHEDULE section

RUNSPEC section
The new RUNSPEC section keywords are:
• The AITS and AITSOFF keywords have been added to enable the turning on/off of the Intelligent
Timestepping algorithm.
• The RPTCPL keyword has been added to facilitate the output of data used by coupled simulators.

REGIONS section
The new REGIONS section keywords are:
• HBNUM Inputs the Herschel-Bulkley region number to specify which Herschel-Bulkley table is used in
each grid block.

SUMMARY section
The new SUMMARY keywords are:
• WGVIR Well gas voidage injection rate
• WWVIR Well water voidage injection rate
• WGVPR Well gas voidage production rate
• WBHPT Well BHP target/limit
• SALQ Segment artificial lift quantity
• BESVIS Effective water viscosity due to surfactant in grid blocks

SCHEDULE section
The new SCHEDULE keywords are:
• The AITS and AITSOFF keywords have been added to enable the turning on/off of the Intelligent
Timestepping algorithm.
• The FBHPDEF keyword has been added to allow customization of the default BHP target or limit
values to be used where none is specified for a well.

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

The new keywords in ECLIPSE 300 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• SUMMARY section
• SCHEDULE section

RUNSPEC section
The new RUNSPEC section keywords are:
• The AITS and AITSOFF keywords have been added to enable the turning on/off of the Intelligent
Timestepping algorithm.

SUMMARY section
The new SUMMARY section keywords are:
• WBHPT Well BHP target/limit
• SALQ Segment artificial lift quantity
• CGPPTN Number of generalized pseudo-pressure table update calculations for a given connection.
• CGPPTS Status of generalized pseudo-pressure table update calculations for a given connection. The
status values used are described in "Generalized pseudo-pressure in ECLIPSE 300" in the ECLIPSE
Technical Description.
• CKFRL Completion hydrocarbon component molar flow rate.
• CKFTL Completion hydrocarbon component molar flow total.

SCHEDULE section
The new SCHEDULE keywords are:
• The WPICOND keyword has been added to provide more flexible control over the well generalized
pseudo-pressure (GPP) calculation. This is similar to the PICOND keyword in terms of the control
provided over the construction of the integral tables but additionally permits specification of these
controls together with the selection and deselection of the GPP option on a per well basis. Essentially,
therefore, this combines the functions of the PICOND and PSEUPRES keywords. This keyword is not
available if the GPP option is not specified or if item 330 of the OPTIONS3 keyword is set 1 to select
the pre-2015.1 version of the GPP model.
• The AITS and AITSOFF keywords have been added to enable the turning on/off of the Intelligent
Timestepping algorithm.
• The FBHPDEF keyword has been added to allow customization of the default BHP target or limit
values to be used where none is specified for a well.

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Altered keywords
The altered keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• GRID section
• SOLUTION section
• SCHEDULE section
• OPTIONS keyword

RUNSPEC section
The altered RUNSPEC keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are:
• The Block Parallel license now allows up to 16 parallel processes. Previous versions only allowed 8
parallel domains. See the BPARA for further details.

GRID section
The altered GRID keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are:
• The default for PARAOPTS item 8 is now 1. All available tables are now written in parallel by default
but may be suppressed by setting the item back to 0.

SOLUTION section
The altered SOLUTION keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are:
• For surfactant models, specifying keyword RPTSOL with mnemonic SURFBLK now outputs the
effective water viscosity due to surfactant to the PRT file, in addition to those quantities previously

SCHEDULE section
The altered SCHEDULE keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are:
• Where the base case has transmissibility multipliers on the same timestep as the restart, the new
transmissibilities are not reflected in the restart file. These multipliers are not now skipped if they are
present in the restart data file at the same report step as they were in the base case. For restart data sets
of this type, it is crucial that the timestepping and multiplier keywords within the time period
controlled by SKIPREST are exactly the same as those in the base case.
If this behavior is not required, delete the multiplier keywords on the restart timestep from the restart
data file.
• For surfactant models, specifying keyword RPTSCHED with mnemonic SURFBLK now outputs the
effective water viscosity due to surfactant to the PRT file, in addition to those quantities previously
• Item 12 (artificial lift quantity) of the WCONPROD keyword can now be specified using a UDA.

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• Item 11 of Record 3 of the TUNING keyword can be used to specify the minimum number of Newton
iterations required prior to applying a bisection algorithm that counters a particular type of
convergence problem in polymer flood models. The problem addressed is caused by an oscillation
between two distinct intervals in the adsorption data supplied by PLYADS or PLYADSS.

OPTIONS keyword
The altered OPTIONS are:

Switch Description
94 A number of PVT extrapolation messages were previously controlled by this option. They have
been moved to OPTIONS keyword item 239.
134 If set to 2, then the full length of the global grid coordinate line is output to the EGRID file for
coordinate lines which are common to LGR and global grid cells. This can be useful in cases
where the LGR coordinate lines are otherwise very short and numerical issues can cause them to
be significantly different from the global coordinate lines after manipulation using another
230 If set to 2, the 2014.1 behavior of the 'TRNC' timestepping control for POLYMER/BRINE runs is
restored. This option is included for backward compatibility. The behavior of the value 1 is
unchanged. The default value now refers to control for these keywords using a refinement of the
normalization method for these variables.
236 In addition to its old behaviour, setting this switch to 1 also reverts the recent improvement in
the geometry calculations for LGR-global connections to the pre-2015.2 algorithm.
239 If set to 1, PVT extrapolation messages previously controlled by OPTIONS keyword item 94
are emitted.
240 If set to 1, the pre-2015.1 behavior is restored for the reporting of PCW and PCG (and their
imbibition counterparts and other variants) in the PROPS section (via RPTPROPS) when
JFUNC or JFUNCR has been specified. For the 2015.1 version, these values are reported as
capillary pressures by default or alternatively as J-Function scaling factors if this item is set to 2.
(Prior to the 2015.1 version, these values were reported as J-Function scaling factors for JFUNC
and as default values for JFUNCR.)
241 If set to 1, the pre-2014.2 behavior is restored for the calculation of PCW and PCG (and their
imbibition counterparts and other variants) in local grids when JFUNCR has been specified. For
the 2014.2 version, these values are calculated according to the local grid properties and
saturation functions. Prior to the 2014.2 version, these values were defaulted from the global
242 If set to 1, the pre-2014.2 behavior is restored for the use of saturation functions when items 2
and 5 of the EHYSTR keyword are set to -1 and PC respectively. Prior to the 2014.2 version, if
item 2 is set to -1, the drainage curves are used for equilibration and the imbibition curves are
used for simulation if item 5 is set to BOTH or KR, but the drainage curves are used for both
equilibration and simulation if item 5 is set to PC. For the 2014.2 version onwards, if item 2 is
set to -1, the drainage curves are used for equilibration and the imbibition curves are used for
simulation irrespective of the value assigned to item 5.

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Switch Description
243 If set to 1, then where COORD or ZCORN values within an LGR do not align with the global grid
values as required, they are accepted and realigned with the global grid. This realignment only
takes place for lines which are common to both grids — so if the LGR is significantly out of
line, the geometry may still be invalid. This option is intended only to allow data sets to be run
which are failing due to numerical rounding issues with very short LGR coordinate lines. If set
to 2, then in addition to this, the pre-2015.1 tolerances used to determine whether an LGR's host
cell has zero thickness are used.
246 Reserved.
247 If set to 1, pre-2015.1 behavior for MULTZ (and DIFFMZ if relevant) treatment in pinched-out
columns is restored. Use of this option is recommended only for back compatibility, as it can
result in valid pinchouts not being made for certain combinations of input data.
248 If set to 1, pre-2015.1 behavior is restored when the BHP is defaulted in the WCONINJP
249 Reserved.
250 If set to 1, pre-2015.1 values are output for calculated rock volumes. This option is intended
only for checking purposes. Simulation results are not affected.
251 Reserved.
252 If set to 1, then the pre-2014.2 behavior for directional transmissibility multipliers defined in the
ROCKTABH keyword is restored. This can lead to the columns being interpreted as being in
solver direction order rather than x, y, z order.
253 If set to 1, then the pre-2015.1 behavior for region set selection with data manipulation
keywords such as EQUALREG is restored. Use of this option is recommended only for back
compatibility, as for some datasets it can lead to FLUXNUM being used as the region set when
MULTNUM should be used.
254 If set to 1, ECLIPSE uses the pre-2015.1 calculation of well efficiency factor when making
adjustments to take account of wells coming online when drilled after a delay due to keywords
WDRILTIM or GRUPRIG, or ramping up when coming online due to a WTEST keyword.
255 If set to 1, ECLIPSE will use the pre-2015.1 algorithm for solving local grid refinements when
using the CPR linear solver.
256 If set to 1, ECLIPSE does not override the input value of the NSTACK keyword.
257 If set to 1, ECLIPSE will use the 2015.1 treatment of the "UN-PHYSICAL" values from PVT
tables messages. The behavior using this switch is to immediately chop the timestep and advise
the PVT data be looked at. If the simulation is already at the minimum timestep the run will
produce an error message.
258 The default wellbore volume for standard wells, see keyword WBOREVOL, can now be reduced
by a factor of 10OPTIONS(258).
259 If set to 1, ECLIPSE will enable the SMSPEC file structure intended for default use in 2016.1.
This adds the INTEHEAD element of the SMSPEC file.

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Switch Description
260 If set to 1, the pre-2015.1 behavior will be restored for the treatment of connate gas in the end-
point scaling calculations. For the 2015.1 version connate gas is included in all end-point
scaling calculations. Prior to the 2015.1 version connate gas was omitted from the end-point
scaling calculations applied to the maximum oil saturation for oil relative permeability to water
and gas when two-point scaling is specified (SCALECRS not specified or specified with item 1
set to NO) and for water relative permeability at residual oil saturation when three-point scaling
is specified (SCALECRS specified with item 1 set to YES). For the 2015.1 version, the functions
of the OPTIONS keyword items item 205 and item 212 have been superseded. In addition,
connate gas is now included in the end-point scaling of the relative permeability of oil to gas
and water for the LOWSALT and SURFACT options. Previously, this was not included when the
OPTIONS keyword item 205 was set to 1.
261 If set to 1, this triggers the pre-2015.1 behavior for the Newton iteration solution update in
POLYMER flood models with adsorption. This is done by deactivating a bisection algorithm (the
algorithm is otherwise applied to deal with a particular type of convergence problem caused by
an oscillation between two distinct intervals in the adsorption data supplied by either PLYADS
262 If set to 1, pre–2015.1 behavior is used when a UDA is used for the artificial lift quantity
(argument 8) in the WSEGTABL keyword. This option is intended for back compatibility
purposes only, as it can result in the artificial lift quantity not being updated as expected, or
being applied for all segments in a well when it was only specified for some of them.
263 If set to 1, pre–2015.1 behavior is used when the GRAVDRM keyword is used. This option is
intended for back compatibility purposes only, as it can result in non-dual porosity non-neighbor
connections having dual porosity settings applied to them when calculating flow.
264 If set to 1, the pre-2015.1 method is used to generate geometry-based NNCs in dual and multi-
porosity models. This can result in connections being made between different porosities when
the PINCHXY keyword is used. The new method is also more efficient when generating fault
NNCs in dual porosity decks which are not dual permeability.
265 If set to 1, pre–2015.1 behavior is used when setting up NNC handedness in parallel. This
option is intended for back compatibility purposes only as it can result in differences between
serial and parallel in some parallel decks which include NNCs.
266 If set to 1, an alternative algorithm for generating x or y pinchouts is used. For complex
geometry, for instance where pinchouts are needed across faults or where layers are extremely
slanted or twisted, this can produce better results than the default algorithm. However, it may be
better to use a specialist gridding package to generate these NNCs.
267 This item is meant for back-compatibility purposes only and its general use is strongly
discouraged. If set to 1, the memory allocation algorithm for LGRs is reverted to the pre-2015.1
method. This will use less memory than in 2015.1 but may lead to unexpected behavior or
numerical errors.
268 If set to 1, pre-2015.1 behavior is used for generating pinch connections when the cell pore
volumes are modified in the EDIT section. This will only affect parallel simulations.
269 This item is intended for back compatibility purposes only. If set to 1, pre-2015.1 capillary
number calculations for the surfactant model in local grid cells are restored. See "Surfactant
model" in the ECLIPSE Technical Description.
270 Reserved.

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Switch Description
271 If set to 1, pre-2015.1 behavior for NNCs in completed radial grids will be used (see keyword
272 If set to 1, pre-2015.1 treatment of NNCs with zero values for area multiplied by porosity will
be used in polymer shear calculations.
273 If set to 1, pre-2015.1 treatment of non-directional NNC transmissibility will be used.
Table 4.1: Altered OPTIONS

The altered keywords in ECLIPSE 300 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• PROPS section
• SCHEDULE section
• OPTIONS3 keyword

RUNSPEC section
• The WELLDIMS keyword has been extended to include the additional item 14. This may be used to
specify the maximum number of rows permitted for the construction of the generalized pseudo-
pressure (GPP) integral table for the GPP option used when calculating well inflow. If this item is not
specified, the maximum number of rows will default to 201. If the GPP option is not selected, or if the
pre-2015.1 version of the GPP option is selected, this item will be ignored.
• The FLUXOPTS keyword has been extended to include the additional item 2. This item can be used to
improve convergence on reduced runs. Note that currently this item is ignored on thermal runs.
• The Block Parallel license now allows up to 16 parallel processes. Previous versions only allowed 8
parallel domains. See the BPARA for further details.

PROPS section
The altered PROPS keywords in ECLIPSE 300 are:
• The SOLIDMMS and SOLIDMMC keywords have been extended to allow the input of mobility
multipliers larger than one. This extension makes it more convenient to model the increase in mobility
caused by dissolution of solids.
• The SURFOPTS keyword has been extended to include the additional item 2. This item can be used to
change the default value of the smoothing factor introduced in the effective salinity calculations using
Formula 2 defined by the SALTEFF keyword.

SCHEDULE section
The altered SCHEDULE keywords are:
• The RPTPRINT keyword has been extended to include the additional item 19. This may be used to
report the status of the well Generalized Pseudo-Pressure (GPP) calculations to the PRT file. If the
GPP option is not selected, or if the pre-2015.1 version of the GPP option is selected, this item will be

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• Item 12 (artificial lift quantity) of the WCONPROD keyword can now be specified using a UDA.

OPTIONS3 keyword
The altered OPTIONS3 switches are:

Switch Description
323 If set to 1, the reservoir pore volume will not be reset to the bulk volume of a cell which is
found to have a negative rock volume during simulation. This facility is intended to allow
particular boundary conditions to be specified and should be used with care, as it removes the
checks which ensure that the reservoir pore volume of each cell is physically sensible.
324 If set to 1, no error will be emitted if the injection composition for a well with group vapor
reinjection is assigned to a group containing no production wells (see keywords WINJGAS and
325 If set to 1, all warning messages will be emitted for wells where output of derivatives have been
requested but the well has yet to be solved, see keyword RPTHMW.
326 If set to 1, this reverts to the pre-2015.1 behavior for reading WINJTEMP data in RESTART
files: the enthalpy of injected water is not recomputed.
327 If set to 1, pre-2015.1 behavior of multisegment wells on tubing head pressure, saturation
pressure or saturation temperature control is recovered. Use of this option is strongly
discouraged and may lead to unpredictable results.
328 If set to 1, pre-2015.1 behavior for MULTZ (and DIFFMZ if relevant) treatment in pinched-out
columns is restored. Use of this option is recommended only for back compatibility, as it can
result in valid pinchouts not being made for certain combinations of input data.
329 If set to 1, the pre-2015.1 behavior is restored for velocity dependent relative permeability
calculations specified via item 5 of the VELDEP keyword. For the 2015.1 version the connate
water saturation is used to calculate the reference gas relative permeability krg at Sg = 1-Swco
whereas prior to 2015.1, the critical water saturation was used, that is, the reference gas relative
permeability krg was calculated at Sg = 1-Swcr .
330 If set to 1, the pre-2015.1 version of the generalized pseudo-pressure (GPP) option will be
selected. For the current version, this option has been revised and extended to provide more
flexibility over calculation control. By default, for the current version, the changes in water
saturation and saturation pressure (specified via either the PICOND (items 7 and 8) or
WPICOND (items 9 and 10) keywords) sufficient to trigger a recalculation of a GPP table for a
given well connection are measured in terms of the magnitude of the difference between the
current value and the value when the table was previously updated. If set to 2, the current
version of the GPP option will be selected; however, the changes in water saturation and
saturation pressure will be interpreted instead as fractional changes, that is, the difference
between the current and previous values normalized by the previous value.
331 Reserved.

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Switch Description
332 If set to 1, the pre-2015.1 version of the velocity dependent relative permeability (VDRP)
calculation used in the well inflow generalized pseudo-pressure (GPP) option will be selected.
For the current version, the VDRP calculation has been changed such that permeability used for
the calculation of the capillary number is based on the completion cell permeability. Prior to the
2015.1 version, the permeability was based upon a weighted value of the permeabilities of the
completion cell and its neighbors. This change is only relevant if the velocity dependent relative
permeability modeling is selected via the VELDEP keyword, the GPP model for well inflow
performance is selected and, in addition, velocity dependent relative permeability effects are
included in the GPP calculation, that is, if item 4 of the PICOND keyword or item 6 of the
WPICOND keyword is set to YES.
333 If set to 1, maximum time steps may be entered using NEXT or NEXTSTEP that are smaller than
the minimum allowed time step.
334 If set to 1, the pre-2015.1 treatment for defaulted tables in the Functional Foam Model will be
used. This option is intended for back compatibility purposes only.
335 If set to 1 ECLIPSE will enable the SMSPEC file structure intended for default use in 2016.1.
This adds the INTEHEAD element of the SMSPEC file.
336 If set to 1, pre-2015.1 behavior is used when a UDA is used for the artificial lift quantity
(argument 8) in the WSEGTABL keyword. This option is intended for back compatibility
purposes only, as it can result in the artificial lift quantity being applied for all segments in a
well when it was only specified for some of them.
337 If set to 1, pre-2015.1 behavior is used for the well flash calculation for production wells with
zero or negative production. From 2015.1 the calculation of phase saturations is carried out for
negative (that is injection) flows. This change was introduced to improve the quality of the well
PI calculation for production wells with very small or zero production targets.
338 If set to 1, pre-2015.1 behavior is used for radial LGRs when dual porosity is active. This may
restore some changes in behavior, but is not recommended as the 2015.1 version corrects an
earlier access of unset memory and may cause errors.
339 If set to 1, a full list of cross-processor NNCs will be output to the PRT file as was the case prior
to 2015.1.
340 If set to 1, pre-2015.1 behavior is used when processing the MULTREGT keyword in the
SCHEDULE section. This option is intended for back compatibility purposes only, as it can
result in extremely poor convergence.
341 If set to 1, the pre-2015.1 behavior for the checking of keywords VDKRG, VDKRO and VDKRGC
will be restored. Values which are defaulted to zero but which are required to be non-zero for
the current specification of VELDEP parameters will be treated as warnings instead of errors.
346 If set to 1, numerical aquifer interconnections which fall outside a flux region will be ignored in
the reduced run.
349 If set to 1, the pre-2015.2 method of calculating the well inflow blocking factor when the
generalized pseudo-pressure option has been specified with both velocity dependent relative
permeability and rock compaction effects applied to the calculation.
Table 4.2: Altered OPTIONS3 switches

2015.1 and 2015.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

2014.1 and 2014.2 New
The 2014 release of the ECLIPSE suite includes some major developments enhancing the functionality,
usability and performance capabilities of the simulators. We have focused on additions to chemical EOR,
consistency and robustness of our relative permeability hysteresis models in addition to general client
requests. The release also includes performance improvements with a new solver in both the ECLIPSE 100
and ECLIPSE 300 simulators. Licensing has also been significantly simplified, many options now being
included into the standard eclipse license, allowing for more ready accessibility to simulator functions. The
addition of a new parallel option specifically designed for workstation use is also offered as an alternative
to the fully feature parallel/MR feature.
• The changes made to licensing in this release are described.
• The new facilities which have been added to the simulators for this release are described for ECLIPSE
100 and ECLIPSE 300.
• Behavioral changes, which may change the results of a simulation, or alter the form or content of the
output, have been made for ECLIPSE 100 and ECLIPSE 300.
• The new keywords added in this release are described for ECLIPSE 100 and ECLIPSE 300.
• Some keywords have been altered in this release and these changes are described for ECLIPSE 100
and ECLIPSE 300.

Licensing changes
There have been significant changes to licensing in this release.

ECLIPSE 100 licensing changes

• An alternative license option for parallel simulation has been introduced called the "block parallel"
license. This option allows access to the PARALLEL option at a level suitable for current desktop
machines without having to invest in the fully flexible parallel licenses. The BPARA keyword has been
added to request that a block parallel license is used rather than standard parallel licenses. A
simulation can be run with up to eight parallel domains using a single block parallel license. Block
parallel licenses may not be "stacked" to run more than eight parallel domains.

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• From 2014.1 the following licenses are no longer required or checked out. Functionality previously
covered by these licenses is now available as part of the base license.
• Coal Bed Methane Model
• Environmental Tracers
• Flux Boundary Conditions
• Foam Model
• Gas Calorific Value Control
• Polymer Flood Model
• Gi Pseudo-Compositional Model
• Solvent Model
• Surfactant Model

ECLIPSE 300 licensing changes

• An alternative license option for parallel simulation has been introduced called the "block parallel"
license. This option allows access to the PARALLEL option at a level suitable for current desktop
machines without having to invest in the fully flexible parallel licenses. The BPARA keyword has been
added to request that a block parallel license is used rather than standard parallel licenses. A
simulation can be run with up to eight parallel domains using a single block parallel license. Block
parallel licenses may not be "stacked" to run more than eight parallel domains.
• From 2014.1 the following licenses are no longer required or checked out. Functionality previously
covered by these licenses is now available as part of the base license.
• CO2 Storage

• Coal Bed Methane Model

• Flux Boundary Conditions

New facilities
The new facilities in ECLIPSE 100 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• GRID section
• PROPS section
• REGIONS section
• SUMMARY section

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

RUNSPEC section
• The CPR keyword has been added to activate the CPR linear solver, which employs the Constrained
Pressure Residual method to solve the linear equations. This can often be useful for more difficult
problems, when the standard ORTHOMIN linear solver takes a large number of linear iterations to

• The MESSAGES keyword now has a 13th item which controls the maximum number of times some
messages are output to the PRT file.

GRID section
• The MINNNCT keyword has been extended to allow the user to specify a minimum diffusivity and
thermal transmissibility for a non-neighbor connection as well as (or instead of) a minimum
Additionally, the logic has been improved so that values below the threshold are not preserved just
because the NNC is preserved for other reasons.
• The ROCKFRAC keyword, previously supported in ECLIPSE 300 only, has been added to ECLIPSE
100 to simplify the input of cell volume fractions representing rock in Coal Bed Methane or Shale Gas
model runs.
• Item 215 of the OPTIONS keyword can now be used to replace unset enumerated values with the
value from an adjacent cell. This can be useful in coarsened models where a representative cell is
inactive in the original model.

PROPS section
• The keywords SURFSTES and ESSNODE are added to activate the salinity dependent Surfactant
model which allows the water-oil surface tension to vary with salinity as well as surfactant
concentration. These tables can be output to the PRINT file with RPTPROPS argument SURF.
• The keyword LANGMPL can be used to scale the pressure used to calculate the adsorption capacities
for a Coal Bed Methane Model.

• The keyword EHYSTR now has a 13th item. If set to 1, a modification of the Killough method for the
calculation of the hysteresis scanning curve on the wetting phase relative permeability is activated.
This modification will, in general, ensure that the scanning curve remains within the region enclosed
by the drainage and imbibition bounding curves. This correction is only applicable to the Killough
wetting phase relative permeability hysteresis model, in both water-wet and oil-wet systems; if
specified with other hysteresis models, it will be ignored.
• The end-point scaling keywords LSWL, LSWLPC, LSWCR, LSWU, LSOWCR, LSOGCR, LKRW, LKRWR,
LKRO, LKRORW, LKRORG and LPCW have been added to permit scaling of the low salinity (oil-wet)
water and oil saturation table end-points when the LOWSALT and ENDSCALE options have been
• The end-point scaling keywords HWSWL, HWSWLPC, HWSWCR, HWSWU, HWSOWCR, HWSOGCR,
HWKRW, HWKRWR, HWKRO, HWKRORW, HWKRORG and HWPCW have been added to permit scaling of
the surfactant (high salinity) water-wet water and oil saturation table end-points when the SURFACTW
and ENDSCALE options have been specified.
• The end-point scaling keywords LWSWL, LWSWLPC, LWSWCR, LWSWU, LWSOWCR, LWSOGCR,
LWKRW, LWKRWR, LWKRO, LWKRORW, LWKRORG and LWPCW have been added to permit scaling of

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

the low salinity water-wet water and oil saturation table end-points when the LOWSALT, SURFACTW
and ENDSCALE options have been specified.
• The polymer keyword PLYATEMP has been added to control temperature dependence of the polymer
adsorption tables (keywords PLYADS or PLYADSS) in the PROPS section).

REGIONS section
• The saturation region keywords LSNUM, HWSNUM and LWSNUM have been introduced as aliases to the
existing keywords LWSLTNUM, SURFWNUM and LSLTWNUM respectively to provide a more evident
association between the saturation region and the end-point scaling array keyword for models utilizing

SUMMARY section
• The SUMMARY section keyword BTSTSUR that returns the water-oil surface tension that depends on
surfactant concentration (when SURFST is used) can now also be used to output values of water-oil
surface tension that depends on surfactant and salt concentrations (when SURFSTES and ESSNODE
are used).
used in conjunction with the PLYSHEAR option. These mnemonics were previously compatible only
with the PLYSHLOG option.
• The SUMMARY section keywords MLINEARP, MSUMLINP, NCPRLINS and NLINEARP have been
added to output performance data for the pressure solve, when using the CPR linear solver.
• The SUMMARY section keywords WPIO, WPIG, WPIW and WPIL have been added to output the well
productivity index for the oil, gas, water and liquid phases respectively.
• The SUMMARY section keyword CPRL has been added to output the average connection pressure for
lumped completions.
• The SUMMARY section keywords SSFR and SSCN are now also valid for the salinity dependent
surfactant model.
display the water shear rates prior to and following shear effects in the relevant direction, for models
that combine the brine option with the polymer shear option activated using the PLYSHLOG and
SHRATE keywords.

SCHEDULE section
• The keyword CSKIN has been added to allow connection skin factors to be updated using a user-
defined argument.

The new facilities in ECLIPSE 300 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• GRID section

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• PROPS section
• SOLUTION section
• SUMMARY section
• SCHEDULE section

RUNSPEC section
• The WAGHALT keyword has been provided to select an alternative WAG hysteresis model which
conforms more closely with the ECLIPSE 100 WAG hysteresis model both in terms of the saturation
direction change transitions and in the application of conventional hysteresis to those phases not
subject to WAG hysteresis.
• The CPR keyword has been added to activate the CPR linear solver, which employs the Constrained
Pressure Residual method to solve the linear equations. This can often be useful for more difficult
problems, when the standard WARP linear solver takes a large number of linear iterations to converge.

GRID section
• The MINNNCT keyword has been extended to allow the user to specify a minimum diffusivity and
thermal transmissibility for a non-neighbor connection as well as (or instead of) a minimum
Additionally, the logic has been improved so that values below the threshold are not preserved just
because the NNC is preserved for other reasons.

PROPS section
• A polymer model, similar to the ECLIPSE 100 Polymer Flood option, can now be used in ECLIPSE
300. The new model is described in the "Polymer Flood Model" in the ECLIPSE Technical
Description. The model is activated when at least one water component is identified as a polymer
using the CWTYPE keyword.
• Item 4 of keyword REACOPS has been added to allow the user to specify a scaling factor controlling
the reaction rate of zero-order reactants in equilibrium deviation reactions (see EQLDREAC keyword).
• A salinity dependent Surfactant model can be activated using keywords SURFSTES and ESSNODE to
allow the water-oil surface tension to vary with salinity as well as surfactant concentration. The
SURFSTES tables can be output to the PRINT file with RPTPROPS argument SURFSTES.
• The effective salinity calculation model required for the salinity dependent Surfactant and Polymer
models, is activated using keyword SALTEFF. The salinity nodes can be input with the keywords
ESSNODE and ESPNODE, respectively. The ESSNODE and ESPNODE tables can be output to the
PRINT file with RPTPROPS arguments ESSNODE and ESPNODE.
• The Alkaline model can now be activated with the Surfactant model by setting at least one water
component as an alkaline with the CWTYPE keyword and using keyword ALSURFST. The
ALSURFST table can be output to the PRINT file with RPTPROPS argument ALSURFST.
• The keyword LANGMPL can be used to scale the pressure used to calculate the adsorption capacities
for a Coal Bed Methane or Shale Gas model.

• The keyword EHYSTR has now a 13th item. If set to 1, a modification of Killough method for the
calculation of the hysteresis scanning curve on the wetting phase relative permeability is activated.
This modification will, in general, ensure that the scanning curve remains within the region enclosed

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

by the drainage and imbibition bounding curves. This correction is only applicable to the Killough
wetting phase relative permeability hysteresis model, in both water-wet and oil-wet systems; if
specified with other hysteresis models, it will be ignored.
• The keywords PLYVISC and PLYVISCS may be used to specify the polymer viscosity multiplier
functions. These tables can be output to the PRINT file with RPTPROPS arguments PLYVISC and
PLYVISCS, respectively.
• The keyword PLYOPTS may be used to set optional parameters for the "Polymer Flood Model" in the
ECLIPSE Technical Description.

SOLUTION section
• The arguments POLY and POLYVM have been added to keywords RPTSOL and RPTRST to output
polymer concentration and polymer viscosity multiplier in polymer flood studies, respectively.
• The arguments ESALTP and ESALTS have been added to keywords RPTSOL and RPTRST to output
effective salinity values calculated using inputs to keyword SALTEFF in polymer and surfactant flood
studies, respectively.

SUMMARY section
• BSURFST and BSURFCP may now also be used to output water-oil surface tension and capillary
pressure respectively as functions of surfactant concentration and effective salinity of the water phase
when the salinity dependent Surfactant model is activated by keywords SURFSTES and ESSNODE.
• BPOLY and BPOLYVM may be used to output the block values of polymer concentration and polymer
viscosity multiplier respectively when the Polymer Flood Model is active. See the "Polymer Flood
Model" in the ECLIPSE Technical Description.
• BESALTP and BESALTS may be used to output the block values of effective salinity calculated as
defined with keyword SALTEFF if item 1 is set to POLY or SURF, respectively.
• BALSURF and BALSTML may now be used to output alkaline concentration and alkaline surface
tension multiplier determined from data provided in ALSURFST.
• The SUMMARY section keywords WPIL has been added to output the well productivity index for the
liquid phase.
• The SUMMARY section keyword CPRL has been added to output the average connection pressure for
lumped completions.
• The SUMMARY section keywords MLINEARP, MSUMLINP, NCPRLINS and NLINEARP have been
added to output performance data for the pressure solve, when using the CPR linear solver.

SCHEDULE section
• The keywords PLYVISC and PLYVISCS may be used to update the polymer viscosity multipliers
previously specified in the PROPS section.
• The keyword CSKIN has been added to allow connection skin factors to be updated using a user-
defined argument.
• The arguments POLY and POLYVM have been added to keywords RPTSCHED and RPTRST to output
polymer concentration and polymer viscosity multiplier in polymer flood studies, respectively.

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• The arguments ESALTP and ESALTS have been added to keywords RPTSCHED and RPTRST to
output effective salinity values calculated using inputs to keyword SALTEFF in polymer and
surfactant flood studies, respectively.

Behavioral changes
The behavioral changes in ECLIPSE 100 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• GRID section
• EDIT section
• PROPS section
• REGIONS section
• SOLUTION section
• SCHEDULE section

RUNSPEC section
• When using the SURFACT and DUALPORO models together, a contribution to the capillary number is
now made for the matrix-fracture connection. The behavior can be reverted by setting item 211 of the
OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• When using the SURFACT or LOWSALT models with GRAVDR, the calculation for component cell
heights now uses end-points interpolated from the relevant saturation tables. The behavior can be
reverted by setting item 214 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• The GRIDOPTS can now only be specified once.
Pre-2014.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 223 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• When the PARALLEL option is in use, messages output to the PRT files from the slave processors will
be copied to the master PRT file. The pre-2014.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 219 of the
OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• Item 13 has been added to the MESSAGES keyword to set the print limit for some frequently repeated
output messages. This limit is set to 10 by default but can be ignored by setting item 220 of the
OPTIONS keyword to 1.

GRID section
• Values set in a work array by the OPERATE or OPERATER keyword are now preserved to the end of
the GRID section, or until a keyword is encountered which defines or switches to a different grid (such
as CARFIN). Prior to 2014.1, values were reset to zero by each invocation of the keyword.
• The logic used to determine how a non-neighbor connection with very small transmissibility should be
treated has been improved and standardized across NNC types. The new behavior is described in more
detail in the MINNNCT keyword, which can be used to customize the minimum values.

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

This may lead to slight differences in exactly how the number of non-neighbor connections is reported
in the PRT file, with more connections created initially and then those which are too small for the new
standard test being discarded.
Pre-2014.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 221 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• Field units of volumes COALV and PORVF (Coal Bed Methane option) output to the INIT file via
RPTINIT arguments with the same names have been changed from FT3 to RB in order to unify their
output with ECLIPSE 300 and postprocessors. For the same reason, COALV and PORVF values
previously output as undefined are now reported as zero. These changes do not affect output to the
PRT file (keywords RPTGRID and RPTGRIDL) which remains as in the previous releases. In addition
to these changes, it is now possible to output COALV and PORVF to the INIT file for LGRs in parallel
• The Flux Boundary Conditions option (keyword USEFLUX) can no longer be used in decks containing
Pre-2014.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 232 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• The corner point geometry neighbor transmissibility calculations have been enhanced to ensure that
cells which do not physically touch can never have a non-zero neighbor transmissibility between them.
Pre-2014.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 236 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• Corrections have been made to the calculation of the fault threshold pressure to make it independent of
the solver direction. Pre-2014.2 behavior for determining the threshold pressure of a fault
(THPRESFT) through a non-neighbor connection can be restored by setting item 244 of the OPTIONS
keyword to 1.
• In models using corner point geometry, the global-local transmissibilities are now calculated, by
default, using any input cell transmissibilities entered using TRANX, TRANY and TRANZ. Note that
setting item 245 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1 reverts to the pre–2014.2 behavior in which the cell
transmissibilities used in the global-local transmissibility calculation are instead calculated internally.

EDIT section
• Values set in a work array by the OPERATE or OPERATER keyword are now preserved to the end of
the EDIT section, or until a keyword is encountered which defines or switches to a different grid (such
as REFINE). Prior to 2014.1, values were reset to zero by each invocation of the keyword.

PROPS section
• Connate gas can be included in the end-point scaling calculation of the saturation at which KRWR
occurs in the end-point scaled space by setting item 212 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
By default connate gas is omitted from these calculations.
• Corrections have been made to the calculation of water relative permeability when used as a
component in the calculation of the three-phase oil relative permeability for Stone's Second Model
STONE2 when end-point scaling and hysteresis have been specified.
Pre-2014.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 213 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• Values set in a work array by the OPERATE or OPERATER keyword are now preserved to the end of
the PROPS section, or until a keyword is encountered which defines or switches to a different grid
(such as REFINE). Prior to 2014.1, values were reset to zero by each invocation of the keyword.

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• For 2014.1, new versions of the LOWSALT, SURFACT and SURFACTW options are available which
support separate sets of end-point scaling keywords for scaling the water and oil table saturation
functions associated with the high salinity (oil-wet) (SWL etc.), the low salinity (oil-wet) (LSWL etc.),
the (high salinity) (water-wet) (HWSWL etc.) and the low salinity water-wet (LWSWL etc.) saturation
regions. Prior to 2014.1, end-point scaling was only available for these options via the single set of
end-point scaling keywords SWL etc. and this was only applied to the high salinity saturation table
end-points. Pre-2014.1 behavior can be selected by setting item 225 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• If the pre-2014.1 version of the LOWSALT, SURFACT and SURFACTW options is selected by setting
item 225 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1, a correction has been applied to ensure that the minimum
water saturations specified via the end-point scaling keyword SWL are used for the calculation of the
oil and water relative permeabilities. This correction may be reverted by setting item 210 of the
OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• The value of inertial coefficient specified via VDFLOW is now applied to all saturation regions when
two or more regions have been specified. Pre-2014.1 behavior, for which the value of inertial
coefficient was only applied to the first saturation region, can be restored by setting item 217 of the
OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• In 2014.1, the diffusive flow equation expressed in FIELD units has been modified. The pre 2014.1
behavior is restored by multiplying diffusion coefficients by 5.614583, which is the conversion factor
between bbl and ft3. Diffusion coefficients are input through the DIFFC keyword. METRIC and LAB
unit systems remain unchanged.
• For the 2014.1 version, corrections have been made to the input processing of the two-dimensional
capillary pressure data specified via the PCG32D and PCW32D keywords. Prior to 2014.1, only the
first table was used for all saturation regions. If more than one table was specified, the second and
subsequent tables were ignored. For the 2014.1 version, successive tables are read and allocated to
their associated saturation regions. Pre-2014.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 233 of the
OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• For the 2014.1 version, corrections have been made to the calculation of the saturation used to
determine the gas relative permeability at the residual saturation of the displacing phase (KRGR) for
gas-water models with end-point scaling. Prior to the 2014.1 version, this residual saturation was
calculated using the critical oil in water saturation. For the 2014.1 version, this is calculated using the
critical water saturation. Pre-2014.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 234 of the OPTIONS
keyword to 1.
• For the 2014.1 version, Killough hysteresis for water-wet systems has been modified. Corrections
have been made to the calculation of the wetting phase relative permeability when subject to hysteresis
and end-point scaling. Pre-2014.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 222 of the OPTIONS
keyword to 1.
• For the 2014.1 version, Killough hysteresis for oil-wet systems has been modified. Corrections have
been made to the calculation of the two phase oil to water relative permeability, and connate water
saturation has been included in the calculation of oil to gas relative permeability. Pre-2014.1 behavior
can be restored by setting item 229 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• For the 2014.1 version, corrections have been made in the inverse lookup (used when modeling
hysteresis) with three-point end-point scaling (SCALECRS keyword activated). Pre-2014.1 behavior
can be restored by setting item 231 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• By default, prior to polymer shear calculations, ECLIPSE 100 now includes the mobile water
saturation in the conversion from flow rate to velocity and, for runs including keyword SHRATE,
applies a modified conversion factor from velocity to shear rate.

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• If item 228 of OPTIONS is set to 1, this activates the pre-2014.1 conversion from flow rate to
velocity in which the mobile water saturation is excluded and may be applied to models that use
• If OPTIONS item 228 is set to 2, this activates the pre-2014.1 conversion from velocity to shear
rate and may only be applied to models that use keyword SHRATE.
• If OPTIONS item 228 is set to 3, this activates the pre-2014.1 conversions from flow rate to
velocity and from velocity to shear rate and may only be applied to models that use keyword
Please see "Polymer Flood Model" in the ECLIPSE Technical Description for precise details of the
forms of these conversions.
• For the 2014.2 version, modifications have been made to the calculation of the PCW and PCG values
(and their imbibition counterparts and other variants) for local grids when JFUNCR has been specified.
These values are now calculated according to the local grid properties and saturation functions. Prior
to the 2014.2 version, these values were defaulted from the global grid. Pre-2014.2 behavior may be
obtained by setting item 241 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• For the 2014.2 version, modifications have been made to the interpretation of the EHYSTR keyword
when items 2 and 5 are set to -1 and PC respectively. For the 2014.2 version onwards, if item 2 is set
to -1, the drainage curves are used for equilibration and the imbibition curves are used for simulation
irrespective of the value assigned to item 5. Prior to the 2014.2 version, if item 2 is set to -1, the
drainage curves are used for equilibration and the imbibition curves are used for simulation if item 5 is
set to BOTH or KR, but the drainage curves are used for both equilibration and simulation if item 5 is
set to PC. Pre-2014.1 behavior may be obtained by setting item 242 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• For the 2014.2 version, corrections have been made to the interpretation of directional transmissibility
multipliers in the ROCKTABH keyword. These values are now always assigned to the x, y, z
directions in that order regardless of the order of the solver directions. Pre-2014.2 behavior may be
obtained by setting item 252 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.

REGIONS section
• Values set in a work array by the OPERATE or OPERATER keyword are now preserved to the end of
the REGIONS section, or until a keyword is encountered which defines or switches to a different grid
(such as REFINE). Prior to 2014.1, values were reset to zero by each invocation of the keyword.

SOLUTION section
• The calculation of the threshold pressure when defaulting item 3 of the THPRES keyword will be
calculated from the initial conditions considering any phase present in the upstream cell. Pre 2014.1
behavior can be restored by setting item 238 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.

SCHEDULE section
• An error will now be emitted in parallel when a well is defined using WELSPECL on an LGR that is
switched off. This can be downgraded to a warning by setting item 216 of the OPTIONS to 1.
• For the 2014.1 version, when either VDFLOW or VDFLOWR is specified, the non-Darcy component is
not applied by default to the phase mobility calculations in the well connections under any
circumstance. Prior to the 2014.1 version, the non-Darcy component was only applied to the well
connections if the FHERCHBL keyword was specified. Pre-2014.1 behavior can be restored by setting

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

item 218 of OPTIONS to 1. Alternatively if this item is set to 2, the non-Darcy component calculated
from the VDFLOW or VDFLOWR keyword will be applied to the wells unless the WDFAC or
WDFACCOR keywords or item 12 of the COMPDAT (or item 13 of the COMPDATL keyword have been
• Connection ordering of RFT and PLT data (see WRFTPLT) is now controlled by the keyword
COMPORD for standard wells, and always follows the TRACK method for multisegment and friction
wells. Prior to 2014.1 connections were always output in the order they were input. This behavior can
be reproduced setting item 2 of COMPORD to 'INPUT'.
• When UDAs are used as arguments in the keyword CECON the values are now only applied to those
connections selected in the keyword. In versions earlier than 2014.1, the value is applied to all
connections in the well. The pre-2014.1 behavior may be restored by setting item 224 of keyword
• For polymer, brine and solvent runs a minor change has been made to the 'TRNC' timestepping
control. Pre-2014.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 230 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
2014.1 behavior can be restored by setting the option to 2.
• The use of the WSALT keyword in dual porosity models with local grid refinements is no longer
allowed. This restriction can be overridden by setting item 237 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1; this is
not recommended.
• Some changes have been made to the TRACER solution method to improve convergence in parallel
runs when NNCs are present. This could affect any quantity based on passive tracers or environmental
tracers. Note that this includes, but is not limited to, BRINE, when not used with POLYMER and

The behavioral changes in ECLIPSE 300 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• GRID section
• PROPS section
• SOLUTION section
• SUMMARY section
• SCHEDULE section

RUNSPEC section
• The multi-component water option activated with the COMPW keyword, cannot be used when the Flux
boundary option is used (DUMPFLUX or USEFLUX keywords).

GRID section
• The logic used to determine how a non-neighbor connection with very small transmissibility should be
treated has been improved and standardized across NNC types. The new behavior is described in more
detail in the MINNNCT keyword, which can be used to customize the minimum values.

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

This may lead to slight differences in exactly how the number of non-neighbor connections is reported
in the PRT file, with more connections created initially and then those which are too small for the new
standard test being discarded.
Pre-2014.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 311 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• The Flux boundary option (DUMPFLUX or USEFLUX keywords) is not compatible with the multi-
component water option which is activated with the COMPW keyword.

PROPS section
• For models with end-point scaling specified, corrections have been made to the scaling algorithms for
the case where the saturations at which the end-points KRWR, KRGR, KRORW and KRORG (relative
permeabilities at residual saturation of the displacing phase) occur are the same as the saturations at
which KRW, KRG, KRO and KRO (relative permeabilities at maximum saturation) respectively occur.
This also applies to the imbibition counterparts if hysteresis is being modeled. Pre-2014.1 behavior
can be selected by setting item 306 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• For models which use the ODD3P coupled three-phase relative permeability and capillary pressure
hysteresis option, warning messages have been suppressed where the oil-water or gas-oil primary
capillary pressure curves cross the secondary (increasing) or tertiary (decreasing) capillary pressure
curves. Pre-2014.1 behavior can be selected by setting item 307 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• Water relative permeability hysteresis for oil-wet reservoirs is now available for all reservoir models
for which hysteresis is available. Prior to 2013.2 this was only available for black oil models and for
other models only the drainage curve was used.
Pre-2013.2 behavior can be restored by setting item 310 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• For models which use three-point endpoint scaling of the saturation functions, (that is, where item 1 of
the SCALECRS keyword has been set to YES), inverse look-up of the saturation functions will also be
performed using three-point endpoint scaling. (This form of inverse look-up is typically used for
hysteresis calculations.) Pre-2014.1 behavior for the inverse lookup of the saturation functions can be
selected by setting item 312 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• For models which use the WAGHYSTR keyword together with end-point scaling and alternative three-
phase water relative permeability saturation tables specified via the WH3NUM keyword, a correction
has been made to prevent these defaulting to the imbibition saturation tables specified via the IMBNUM
keyword. Pre-2014.1 behavior can be selected by setting item 314 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• For models which use Killough hysteresis for oil-wet systems (item 2 of EHYSTR keyword set to 4), a
correction has been made in the construction of scanning curves for the oil relative permeability to
gas. Pre-2014.1 behavior can be selected by setting item 316 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• For models where hysteresis has been specified via the HYSTER option of the SATOPTS keyword in
the RUNSPEC section but the EHYSTR keyword has been omitted from the PROPS section and, in
addition, none of the alternative keywords used for specifying hysteresis, for example, HYKR, HYPC,
HYST, HYSTJ or HYSTK have been specified, corrections have been made to the default hysteresis
parameter selection. For the 2014.1 version, if hysteresis has been specified via the HYSTER option of
the SATOPTS keyword but the EHYSTR keyword has been omitted, the hysteresis parameters will be
assigned to the default values specified for the EHYSTR keyword and any alternative definitions
associated with alternative hysteresis keywords will be superseded. Pre-2014.1 behavior can be
selected by setting item 320 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• For models where negative capillary pressure end-points are specified via either the PCW or the PCG
keywords (or their imbibition counterparts) or where negative capillary pressure end-points are
calculated via the JFUNC or JFUNCR keywords, these values will now be used in the simulation.
Prior to 2014.1, if negative capillary pressure end-points were defined via either of these mechanisms,
the capillary pressure end-point values used would default to the corresponding saturation table
values. Pre-2014.1 behavior can be selected by setting item 321 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.

SOLUTION section
• When using enumeration to set the pressure, it is now an error if values are not set explicitly for all
active global cells by the end of the SOLUTION section. Pre-2014.1 behavior (where the pressure in
such cells was defaulted to atmospheric pressure) can be selected by setting item 313 of the
OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.

SUMMARY section
• Improved consistency of open/shut status reporting for production wells subject to economic limits
(keyword WECON).
• Region flow rates and totals for wells with cross flow now account for connections that are still net
injectors at the point where the well is opened.
• Wells retested for economic viability using the keyword WTEST now report zero flow rates when the
well remains shut.
• The SUMMARY section mnemonic WDRPR will now return zero for wells that have left the priority
drilling queue.

SCHEDULE section
• Connection ordering of RFT and PLT data (see WRFTPLT) is now controlled by the keyword
COMPORD for standard wells, and always follows the TRACK method for multisegment wells. Prior to
2014.1 connections were always output in the order they were input. This behavior can be reproduced
setting item 2 of COMPORD to 'INPUT'.
• For the 2014.1 version, in models with more than one equation of state region, the calculation of the
generalized pseudo pressure properties for a given well completion utilizes the equation of state
number associated with the grid block containing the completion rather than the equation of state
number associated with the well.
Pre-2014.1 behavior (which utilizes the equation of state number associated with the well rather than
the completion) can be restored by setting item 315 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.
• For the 2014.1 version, if the effective well bore radius, set with WELSPECS item 7 and COMPDAT
item 9, is less than the actual radius, the effective radius will be set to the actual radius. This is in line
with the ECLIPSE 100 behavior. The pre-2014.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 317 of the
OPTIONS3 keyword to 1. The ECLIPSE 100 behavior may be changed to the pre-2014.1 ECLIPSE
300 behavior by setting item 226 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1.
• For the 2014.1 version, an additional check has been added to avoid negative discriminants in the
solution of the quadratic inflow rate used to calculate the D-Factor multiplier for wells or well
completions for which D-Factors have been specified via the WDFAC keyword, the WDFACCOR
keyword or item 12 of the COMPDAT keyword (or item 13 of the COMPDATL keyword). The
pre-2014.1 behavior can be restored by setting item 319 of the OPTIONS3 keyword to 1.

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• For the 2014.1 version, if the MULTX keyword is modified using MULTIREG, the new multipliers are
reapplied to the transmissibility only in the region which has been changed. This also applies to all
combinations of MULTX, MULTY and MULTZ when modified using MULTIREG, ADDREG and
• From 2014.1, for the multi-component water option (COMPW), the initial composition of analytic
aquifers must be specified using the AQSTREAW keyword.
• From 2013.2 additional checks have been put in place to ensure that user-defined relative
permeabilities for injector completions in locally refined grids defined with the COMPKRIL keyword
are correctly applied. The pre-2013.2 behavior can be restored by setting item 309 of the OPTIONS3
keyword to 1.

New keywords
The new keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• GRID section
• PROPS section
• REGIONS section
• SUMMARY section
• SCHEDULE section

RUNSPEC section
The new RUNSPEC section keywords are:
• CPR Activates the CPR linear solver.
• BPARA Requests a block parallel license.

GRID section
The new GRID section keywords are:
• ROCKFRAC Inputs rock volume fractions for the Coal Bed Methane or Shale Gas model.

PROPS section
The new PROPS section keywords are:
• SURFSTES Water-oil surface tension versus surfactant and salt concentrations
• ESSNODE Salt concentration nodes for water-oil surface tension
• LANGMPL Pressure multiplier when computing adsorption capacities for the Coal Bed Methane

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

LPCW Low salinity (oil-wet) water and oil saturation table end-points.
HWKRORG and HWPCW Adsorbed surfactant (high salinity) water-wet water and oil saturation table
LWKRORG and LWPCW Adsorbed surfactant low salinity water-wet water and oil saturation table end-
• PLYATEMP Temperature dependence of the polymer adsorption tables.

REGIONS section
The new REGIONS section keywords are:
• LSNUM Low salinity (oil-wet) saturation region numbers (abbreviated alias for existing keyword
• HWSNUM (High salinity) water-wet saturation region numbers (abbreviated alias for existing keyword
• LWSNUM Low-salinity water-wet saturation region numbers (abbreviated alias for existing keyword

SUMMARY section
The new SUMMARY keywords are:
• WPIO Oil phase productivity index
• WPIG Gas phase productivity index
• WPIW Water phase productivity index
• WPIL Liquid phase productivity index
• CPRL Average connection pressure in a lumped completion
• MLINEARP, MSUMLINP, NCPRLINS and NLINEARP may now be used to output performance data
for the pressure solve, when using the CPR linear solver.

SCHEDULE section
The new SCHEDULE keywords are:
• CSKIN Updates well connection skin factors.

The new keywords in ECLIPSE 300 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• PROPS section
• SUMMARY section

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• SCHEDULE section

RUNSPEC section
The new RUNSPEC section keywords are:
• WAGHALT Selects alternative WAG hysteresis model.
• CPR Activates the CPR linear solver.
• BPARA Requests a block parallel license.

PROPS section
The new PROPS section keywords are:
• PLYVISC Provides a table of water phase viscosity multipliers as a function of polymer
• PLYVISCS Provides a table of water phase viscosity multipliers as a function of polymer
concentration for salt sensitive studies.
• ESPNODE Provides a table of effective salinity nodes for salt sensitive polymer flood studies.
• PLYOPTS Polymer model options.
• SURFSTES Provides a table of water-oil surface tension versus surfactant and salt concentrations.
• ESSNODE Salt concentration nodes for water-oil surface tension.
• ALSURFST Surfactant model: provides a table of water-oil surface tension multipliers as a function of
alkaline concentration.
• SALTEFF Provides a means to compute effective salinity values for polymer and surfactant flood
• LANGMPL Pressure multiplier when computing adsorption capacities for the Coal Bed Methane or
Shale Gas model.

SUMMARY section
The new SUMMARY section keywords are:
• WPIL Liquid phase productivity index.
• CPRL Average connection pressure in a lumped completion.
• BPOLY Polymer concentration, measured as the mass of polymer per volume of water phase (Polymer
• BPOLYVM Polymer viscosity multiplier (Polymer option).
• BALSURF and BALSTML may now be used to output alkaline concentration and alkaline surface
tension multiplier determined from data provided in ALSURFST.
• BESALTS and BESALTP may now be used to output effective salinity values computed using data
specified by SALTEFF for Surfactant and Polymer models, respectively.

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• MLINEARP, MSUMLINP, NCPRLINS and NLINEARP may now be used to output performance data
for the pressure solve, when using the CPR linear solver.

SCHEDULE section
The new SCHEDULE keywords are:
• PLYVISC Provides a table of water phase viscosity multipliers as a function of polymer
• PLYVISCS Provides a table of water phase viscosity multipliers as a function of polymer
concentration for salt sensitive studies.
• CSKIN Updates well connection skin factors.

Altered keywords
The altered keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are described in the following sections:
• RUNSPEC section
• GRID section
• PROPS section
• SOLUTION section
• SCHEDULE section
• OPTIONS keyword

RUNSPEC section
The altered RUNSPEC keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are:
• MESSAGES New item for setting the print limit for some frequently repeated output messages. This
limit is set to 10 by default but will be ignored if item 220 of the OPTIONS keyword is set to 1.

GRID section
The altered GRID keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are:
• RPTGRID New argument ROCKFRAC enables reporting of rock volume fractions for the Coal Bed
Methane and Shale Gas options.
• RPTGRIDL New argument ROCKFRAC enables reporting of rock volume fractions for the Coal Bed
Methane and Shale Gas options.
• RPTINIT New argument ROCKFRAC enables reporting of rock volume fractions for the Coal Bed
Methane and Shale Gas options.
• MINNNCT In addition to a minimum transmissibility, it is now possible to specify a minimum
diffusivity and/or thermal transmissibility below which a non-neighbor connection will be deleted.
Connections are only deleted if all three properties are below the required minimum values.

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

PROPS section
The altered PROPS keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are:
• EHYSTR Setting item 13 to 1 enables the construction of the wetting phase relative permeability
Killough's hysteresis scanning curve from a restrained imbibition curve. This will prevent errant
behavior of the scanning curve, in cases where the original scanning curve deviates from the region
bounded by imbibition and drainage curves.
• RPTPROPS When existing argument SURF is requested, the output additionally includes the water-oil
surface tension table (SURFSTES) and the effective salinity nodes table (ESSNODE).

SOLUTION section
The altered SOLUTION keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are:
• RPTSOL When existing argument SURFBLK is requested, the output additionally includes water-oil
surface tension (SURFST or SURFSTES).

SCHEDULE section
The altered SCHEDULE keywords in ECLIPSE 100 are:
• RPTSCHED When existing argument SURFBLK is requested, the output additionally includes water-
oil surface tension (SURFST or SURFSTES).
• The use of the WSALT keyword in dual porosity models with local grid refinements is no longer
allowed. This restriction can be overridden by setting item 237 of the OPTIONS keyword to 1; this is
not recommended

OPTIONS keyword
The altered OPTIONS are:

Switch Description
94 A number of PVT extrapolation messages were previously controlled by this option. They have
been moved to OPTIONS keyword item 239.
191 This item has been deprecated. To control the number of messages output for dead block
connections use item 13 of the MESSAGES keyword or item 220 of the OPTIONS keyword.
210 If set to 1, the pre-2014.1 behavior is restored for the calculation of relative permeabilities when
using the SURFACT or LOWSALT models with ENDSCALE.
211 If set to 1, the pre-2014.1 behavior is restored for the calculation of the capillary number when
using the SURFACT and DUALPORO models.
212 If set to 1, connate gas will be included in the end-point scaling calculation of the saturation at
which KRWR occurs in end-point scaled saturation space. By default, connate gas is omitted
from these calculations.
213 If set to 1, the pre-2014.1 behavior is restored for the calculation of water relative permeability
used as a component in the calculation of the three-phase oil relative permeability for Stone's
Second Model STONE2.
214 If set to 1, the pre-2014.1 behavior is restored for the calculation of the component cell heights
for the GRAVDR model when used with either the SURFACT or LOWSALT models.

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Switch Description
215 If set to 1, unset values for enumerated initial pressures in coarsened grids will be replaced with
the value from an adjacent cell.
If set to 2, unset values for all enumerated initial conditions in coarsened grids will be replaced
with the value from an adjacent cell.
This can be used to avoid issues where a pre-processor is unable to assign an enumerated value
to an inactive cell which is used as the representative cell for its coarsened cell.
216 If set to 1, the error emitted in parallel when a well is defined using WELSPECL on an LGR that
is switched off is downgraded to a warning.
217 If set to 1, the pre-2014.1 behavior for VDFLOW is restored such that the value of the inertial
coefficient for non-Darcy flow is only applied to the first saturation region when more than one
saturation region has been defined. For the 2014.1 version, the inertial coefficient is applied to
all saturation regions.
218 If set to 1, the pre-2014.1 behavior is restored for the non-Darcy flow component specified via
the VDFLOW or VDFLOWR keyword. Prior to 2014.1 this was only applied to the phase mobility
calculations for the well connections if the FHERCHBL keyword had also been specified. For the
2014.1 version, by default, the non-Darcy flow component due to the VDFLOW or VDFLOWR
keyword is not applied to the well connections in any circumstance. If the VDFLOW or
VDFLOWR flow component is required to be applied to the well connections, this may be
enabled by setting this OPTIONS item to 2. Wells or well completions for which D-Factor
calculations have been specified via the WDFAC keyword the WDFACCOR keyword or item 12 of
the COMPDAT keyword (or item 13 of the COMPDATL keyword) will supersede those due to the
VDFLOW or VDFLOWR keyword.
219 If set to 1, the pre-2014.1 message output format for parallel runs is used; messages from slave
processors will not appear in the output files for the master process.
220 If set to 1, the message output limit from MESSAGES item 13 is ignored.
221 If set to 1, the pre-2014.1 behavior for determining when a non-neighbor connection should be
deleted based on its transmissibility is restored. Additionally, values which are below the cutoff
value for all of transmissibility, diffusivity and thermal transmissibility will be preserved
provided that the NNC itself is preserved. Note that, if this option is used, the diffusivity and
thermal transmissibility settings from the MINNNCT keyword will have no effect.
222 If set to 1, the pre–2014.1 behavior for Killough hysteresis model for water-wet systems will be
selected. For the 2014.1 version, corrections have been made to the calculation of the wetting
phase relative permeability when subject to hysteresis and end-point scaling.
223 If set to 1, the pre 2014.1 behavior of allowing multiple uses of the GRIDOPTS keyword is
224 If set to 1, the pre-2014.1 behavior for CECON is restored. UDAs used in CECON are applied to
all connections in the wells specified with the particular UDA.
225 If set to 1, the pre 2014.1 behavior for modeling the saturation functions for low salinity
LOWSALT, surfactant SURFACT and surfactant wettability SURFACTW effects is restored. For
the 2014.1 version, extensions have been made to facilitate the end-point scaling of the low
salinity saturation functions together with a number of amendments to the calculation process.

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Switch Description
226 If set to 1, the effective well bore radius, used in the calculation of the well productivity index,
can be larger than the drainage radius. Otherwise, the ratio of the two radii will be set to unity in
the calculation of the productivity index. For the ECLIPSE 300 equivalent please refer to item
317 of the OPTIONS3 keyword.
227 If set to 1, the preferred phase of an injection well is not enforced to match the actual injection
phase. For the ECLIPSE 300 equivalent please refer to item 318 of the OPTIONS3 keyword.
228 By default, prior to polymer shear calculations, ECLIPSE 100 now includes the mobile water
saturation in the conversion from flow rate to velocity and, for runs including keyword
SHRATE, applies a modified conversion factor from velocity to shear rate. If OPTIONS item
228 is set to 1, this activates the pre-2014.1 conversion from flow rate to velocity in which the
mobile water saturation is excluded and may be applied to models that use either PLYSHEAR or
PLYSHLOG. If OPTIONS item 228 is set to 2, this activates the pre-2014.1 conversion from
velocity to shear rate and may only be applied to models that use keyword SHRATE. If
OPTIONS item 228 is set to 3, this activates the pre-2014.1 conversions from flow rate to
velocity and from velocity to shear rate and may only be applied to models that use keyword
SHRATE. Please see the chapter entitled "Polymer Flood Model" in the ECLIPSE Technical
Description for precise details of the forms of these conversions.
229 If set to 1, the pre-2014.1 behavior for the Killough hysteresis model for oil-wet systems will be
restored. For the 2014.1 version, corrections have been made in the two phase oil to water
relative permeability, and connate water saturation is included in the calculation of oil to gas
relative permeability.
230 If set to 1, the pre-2014.1 behavior of the 'TRNC' timestepping control for POLYMER/BRINE
and SOLVENT runs will be restored. If set to 2, the 2014.1 behavior of the 'TRNC' timestepping
control for POLYMER/BRINE runs will be restored. This option is included for backward
compatibility. The behavior of the value 1 is unchanged. The default value now refers to control
for these keywords using a refinement of the normalization method for these variables.
231 If set to 1, the pre-2014.1 behavior for inverse lookup (used when modeling hysteresis) with
three-point end-point scaling will be restored. For the 2014.1 version, corrections have been
made in cases where SCALECRS item 1 has been set to YES.
232 If set to 1, this removes the ban on EOR/tracer functionality with DUMPFLUX and USEFLUX
keywords. You must ensure that no information on EOR/tracer functionality is needed from
outside the flux boundary.
233 If set to 1 If set to 1, the pre-2014.1 behavior for the input processing of the two-dimensional
capillary pressure data specified via the PCG32D and PCW32D keywords will be restored. Prior
to 2014.1, only the first table was used for all saturation regions. If more than one table was
specified, the second and subsequent tables were ignored. For the 2014.1 version, successive
tables are read and allocated to their associated saturation regions.
234 If set to 1, the pre-2014.1 behavior for the scaling of gas relative permeability at residual
saturation of the displacing phase (KRGR) for gas-water models with end-point scaling will be
restored. Prior to the 2014.1 version, the residual saturation used to determine the gas relative
permeability was calculated using the critical oil in water saturation. For the 2014.1 version, this
is calculated using the critical water saturation.
235 If set to 1, grid property tables in the PRT file will be printed so that the maximum scaled value
always lies between 1 and 10, and no significant digits are lost from that value. The default
value of 0 corresponds to earlier versions of the simulator where for some small values only one
significant digit would be printed.

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Switch Description
236 If set to 1, the pre–2014.1 geometry calculations are used to calculate neighbor transmissibilities
for corner point geometry. Prior to the 2014.1 version, in some extreme cases (principally with a
perfectly vertical fault which has cells on both sides sloping towards the fault) a small
transmissibility value can be calculated between cells which are neighbors in i,j,k space even
though the cells do not physically touch. When this switch is used, these cell indices and
transmissibility values are also output to the debug file.
237 If set to 1, this removes the ban on brine injection with WSALT in dual porosity models with
local grid refinements. The use of this option is not recommended and it is the user's
responsibility to ensure that the local grid properties do not differ from global cells.
238 If set to 1, the the pre-2014.1 behavior of the default interphase threshold pressure calculation
will be activated. For the 2014.1 version, the interphase threshold pressure when defaulting item
3 of the THPRES keyword, will be calculated from the initial conditions considering any phase
present in the upstream cell.
239 If set to 1, PVT extrapolation messages previously controlled by OPTIONS keyword item 94
will be emitted.
240 Reserved.
241 If set to 1, the pre-2014.2 behavior is restored for the calculation of PCW and PCG (and their
imbibition counterparts and other variants) in local grids when JFUNCR has been specified. For
the 2014.2 version, these values are calculated according to the local grid properties and
saturation functions. Prior to the 2014.2 version, these values were defaulted from the global
242 If set to 1, the pre-2014.2 behavior is restored for the use of saturation functions when items 2
and 5 of the EHYSTR keyword are set to -1 and PC respectively. Prior to the 2014.2 version, if
item 2 is set to -1, the drainage curves are used for equilibration and the imbibition curves are
used for simulation if item 5 is set to BOTH or KR, but the drainage curves are used for both
equilibration and simulation if item 5 is set to PC. For the 2014.2 version onwards, if item 2 is
set to -1, the drainage curves are used for equilibration and the imbibition curves are used for
simulation irrespective of the value assigned to item 5.
243 Reserved.
244 If set to 1, the pre-2014.2 behavior for determining the threshold pressure of a fault
(THPRESFT) through a non-neighbor connection is restored. For the 2014.2 version, corrections
have been made to the calculation of the fault threshold pressure to make it independent of the
solver direction.
245 If set to 1 then, in models using corner point geometry, the pre-2014.2 calculation of global-
local transmissibilities is restored in which the relevant cell transmissibilities are calculated
internally rather than using values input via TRANX, TRANY and TRANZ.
246 Reserved.
247 Reserved.
248 Reserved.
249 Reserved.
250 Reserved.
251 Reserved.

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Switch Description
252 If set to 1, then the pre-2014.2 behavior for directional transmissibility multipliers defined in the
ROCKTABH keyword is restored. This can lead to the columns being interpreted as being in
solver direction order rather than x, y, z order.
Table 5.1: Altered OPTIONS

The altered keywords in ECLIPSE 300 are described in the following sections:
• GRID section
• PROPS section
• SOLUTION section
• SCHEDULE section
• OPTIONS3 keyword

GRID section
The altered GRID keywords are:
• MINNNCT In addition to a minimum transmissibility, it is now possible to specify a minimum
diffusivity and/or thermal transmissibility below which a non-neighbor connection will be deleted.
Connections are only deleted if all three properties are below the required minimum values.

PROPS section
The altered PROPS keywords in ECLIPSE 300 are:
• EHYSTR Setting item 13 to 1 enables the construction of the wetting phase relative permeability
Killough's hysteresis scanning curve from a restrained imbibition curve. This will prevent errant
behavior of the scanning curve, in cases where the original scanning curve deviates from the region
bounded by imbibition and drainage curves.
• CWTYPE The water component type POLY has been added to define a polymer for the Polymer Flood
• RPTPROPS arguments:
• PLYVISC outputs the polymer viscosity table specified by the PLYVISC keyword.
• PLYVISCS outputs the polymer viscosity table specified by the PLYVISCS keyword.
• SURFSTES outputs the polymer viscosity table specified by the SURFSTES keyword.
• ESPNODE and ESSNODE output the effective salinity nodes table specified by the ESPNODE and
ESSNODE keywords, respectively.
• REACOPS Item 4 enables you to specify a scaling factor used when calculating the reaction rate of
zero-order reactants in equilibrium deviation reactions.
• CWTYPE The water component type ALK has been added to define an alkaline for the Alkaline Model.

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

SOLUTION section
The altered SOLUTION keywords are:
• RPTSOL New arguments POLY and POLYVM output polymer concentration and polymer viscosity
multiplier in polymer flood studies, respectively.
• RPTRST New arguments POLY and POLYVM output polymer concentration and polymer viscosity
multiplier in polymer flood studies, respectively.
• RPTSOL New arguments ESALTP and ESALTS output effective salinity values calculated using
inputs to keyword SALTEFF in polymer and surfactant flood studies, respectively.
• RPTRST New arguments ESALTP and ESALTS output effective salinity values calculated using
inputs to keyword SALTEFF in polymer and surfactant flood studies, respectively.

SCHEDULE section
The altered SCHEDULE keywords are:
• RPTSCHED New arguments POLY and POLYVM output polymer concentration and polymer viscosity
multiplier in polymer flood studies, respectively.
• RPTRST New arguments POLY and POLYVM output polymer concentration and polymer viscosity
multiplier in polymer flood studies, respectively.
• RPTSCHED New arguments ESALTP and ESALTS output effective salinity values calculated using
inputs to keyword SALTEFF in polymer and surfactant flood studies, respectively.
• RPTRST New arguments ESALTP and ESALTS output effective salinity values calculated using
inputs to keyword SALTEFF in polymer and surfactant flood studies, respectively.

OPTIONS3 keyword
The altered OPTIONS3 switches are:

Switch Description
306 If set to 1, the pre-2014.1 behavior will be restored for models with end-point scaling specified,
where the saturations at which the end-points KRWR, KRGR, KRORW and KRORG (relative
permeabilities at residual saturation of the displacing phase) occur are the same as the
saturations at which KRW, KRG, KRO and KRO (relative permeabilities at maximum saturation)
respectively occur. For the 2014.1 version, corrections have been made to prevent the maximum
scaled relative permeabilities exceeding the maximum specified relative permeabilities under
these circumstances. This also applies to the imbibition counterparts if hysteresis is being
307 If set to 1, warning messages will be issued for models which use the ODD3P coupled three-
phase relative permeability and capillary pressure hysteresis option, where the oil-water or gas-
oil primary capillary pressure curves cross the secondary (increasing) or tertiary (decreasing)
capillary pressure curves.
308 If set to –1, then even when the DPGRID option is set and local grids with corner point
geometry are specified, any unset corner depths in the fracture will not be copied from the
matrix. This was the default behavior prior to 2014.1.

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Switch Description
309 If set to 1, this will revert to the pre-2013.2 behavior of the COMPKRIL keyword for defining
user relative permeabilities for injector completions in locally refined grids.
310 If set to 1, this will revert to the pre-2013.2 behavior for the calculation of water relative
permeability hysteresis in oil-wet systems. Prior to the 2013.2 version, water relative
permeability hysteresis in oil-wet systems was only available for black oil reservoir models. For
other models only the drainage curve was used.
311 If set to 1, the pre-2014.1 behavior for determining when a non-neighbor connection should be
deleted based on its transmissibility is restored. Additionally, values which are below the cutoff
value for all of transmissibility, diffusivity and thermal transmissibility will be preserved
provided that the NNC itself is preserved. Note that, if this option is used, the diffusivity and
thermal transmissibility settings from the MINNNCT keyword will have no effect.
312 If set to 1, this will revert to the pre-2014.1 behavior for the calculation of the inverse lookup
with two-point end-point scaling. If defaulted, inverse lookup will be performed with three-
point endpoint scaling.
313 If set to 1, this will revert to the pre-2014.1 behavior for the treatment of pressure by
enumeration in cells where no value has been set, where such cells were assumed to have
atmospheric pressure. If defaulted, it is an error to have an active global cell without an
explicitly set pressure at the end of the SOLUTION section.
314 If set to 1, this will revert to the pre-2014.1 behavior for the modeling of water relative
permeability hysteresis scanning curves for models using the WAGHYSTR keyword when end-
point scaling has been specified and where the three-phase water relative permeability saturation
table numbers have been specified via the WH3NUM keyword.
315 If set to 1, this will revert to the pre-2014.1 behavior for the modeling of generalized pseudo
pressure in models with more than one equation of state region. For the 2014.1 version, the
generalized pseudo pressure calculations for a given well completion utilize the equation of state
properties associated with the grid block containing the completion rather than those associated
with the well. Prior to 2014.1, the equation of state region number associated with the well
rather than the completion was used.
316 If set to 1, this will revert to the pre-2014.1 behavior for the modeling of Killough hysteresis in
oil-wet systems.
317 If set to 1, this will revert to the pre-2014.1 behavior for the calculation of well productivity
indices. If set to 1, the effective well bore radius, used in the calculation of the well productivity
index, can be larger than the drainage radius. Otherwise, the ratio of the two radii will be set to
unity in the productivity index calculation. For the ECLIPSE 100 equivalent please refer to item
226 of the OPTIONS keyword.
318 If set to 1, the preferred phase of an injection well is updated to match the actual injection phase.
For the ECLIPSE 100 equivalent please refer to item 227 of the OPTIONS keyword.
319 If set to 1, this will revert to the pre-2014.1 behavior for the application of D-Factors for wells
or well completions for which values have been specified via the WDFAC keyword, the
WDFACCOR keyword or item 12 of the COMPDAT keyword (or item 13 of the COMPDATL
keyword). For the 2014.1 version, an additional check has been added to avoid negative
discriminants in the solution of the quadratic in flow rate used to calculate the D-Factor
multiplier. In all other respects, the calculation itself has not been changed.

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Switch Description
320 If set to 1, this will revert to the pre-2014.1 behavior for the defaulting of the hysteresis control
parameters when hysteresis has been specified via the HYSTER option of the SATOPTS
keyword in the RUNSPEC section but the EHYSTR keyword has been omitted from the PROPS
section. For versions prior to 2014.1, neither relative permeability or capillary pressure
hysteresis were selected correctly if, in addition to omitting the EHYSTR keyword, none of the
alternative keywords used for specifying hysteresis, for example, HYKR, HYPC, HYST, HYSTJ
or HYSTK were specified. For the 2014.1 version, if hysteresis has been specified via the
HYSTER option of the SATOPTS keyword but the EHYSTR keyword has been omitted, the
hysteresis parameters will be assigned to the default values specified for the EHYSTR keyword
and any alternative definitions associated with alternative hysteresis keywords will be
321 If set to 1, this will revert to the pre-2014.1 behavior for the specification of negative capillary
pressure end-points via the PCW and PCG keywords and their imbibition counterparts. Prior to
2014.1, if negative values were specified, the values actually used would default to the
corresponding saturation table end-point values. For the 2014.1 version, if negative PCW or PCG
values are specified, these will be used instead of the saturation table end-point values. This
change of behavior also applies to capillary pressure end-points calculated via the JFUNC and
JFUNCR keywords.
Table 5.2: Altered OPTIONS3 switches

2014.1 and 2014.2 New Developments

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Legacy formats and keywords
Your datasets may use legacy structures and formats and include retired or deleted keywords. This section
provides information on these objects:
• The pre-95A RUNSPEC fixed record structure
• The ECLIPSE pre-2002A integer controls for RPTPROPS, RPTGRID, RPTRST, RPTSCHED and
• The retired keywords - LSCRITL, PSEUDOS and WCONINJ

RUNSPEC section: pre-95A fixed record structure

To maintain compatibility with older data sets, the fixed record structure used by ECLIPSE 100 before 95A
is still recognized. However, this allows a limited set of facilities, and newer RUNSPEC keywords should
not be used in conjunction with the fixed record format. Use of this structure in new work is strongly
discouraged, and it is recommended that old data sets be converted to the current form of RUNSPEC. To
help interpret older data sets, the original form of the RUNSPEC section is described below.
In this format, the RUNSPEC section should occupy 30 records or lines. Record 1 contains the keyword
name RUNSPEC starting in column 1. All subsequent odd numbered records are comments for user
guidance and are ignored by ECLIPSE. The data in the even numbered records are a mixture of numbers
and logical switches. Each data record must be terminated by a slash (/). All data items with the exception
of the title, number of blocks, and units have set default values (shown in angled brackets in the detailed
description below). If a data record is terminated early with a slash the remaining data items are set to their
default values. For most runs, the majority of the data items can be left at their default values.
The minimum data required for the RUNSPEC records are:

Record Description
Record 2 Title
Record 4 Number of blocks in X,Y,Z directions
Record 6 Phases solved for, that is which saturations, Rs or Rv vary
Record 8 Units
Record 18 Maximum number of wells, groups, wells per group, connections per well.
Record 28 Start date of the simulation

Legacy formats and keywords

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Record Description
Record 30 Run Simulation (default) or Data Check

An explanatory listing of the contents of the RUNSPEC section will be written to the PRINT file if the
RUNSPEC section is followed immediately by the keyword RPTRUNSP, before the GRID keyword.

Detailed description of RUNSPEC records

The contents of each record are listed below. For a more detailed explanation of each item, please refer to
the description of the equivalent keyword in the new RUNSPEC format.

Record 1
Record 1 should contain the RUNSPEC keyword in columns 1 to 8.

Record 2
Record 2 should contain the run title (up to 72 characters). It need not be enclosed in quotes. This record
need not be terminated by a slash.

Record 3
Record 3 and all subsequent odd-numbered records (5,7,9,...,29) are ignored by ECLIPSE and may be used
for explanatory comments. Note that the first character in these records should not be a letter, as lines
which begin with a letter may be interpreted as a keyword by some applications.

Record 4
Record 4 contains the grid dimensions, the radial/Cartesian switch, the non-neighbor connection switch, the
numerical aquifer dimensioning information, and switches for dual porosity runs.
• NDIVIX the number of cells in the X (or R) direction
• NDIVIY the number of cells in the Y (or Theta) direction
• NDIVIZ the number of cells in the Z direction (keyword DIMENS)
Options Radial, NNC, Numerical Aquifers, Dual Porosity, Faults
• QRDIAL T for radial geometry or F for Cartesian (keyword RADIAL)
• NUMRES The number of reservoirs in the study (keyword NUMRES
• QNNCON T if there are non-neighbor connections (keyword NONNC)

Legacy formats and keywords

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• MXNAQN The maximum number of lines of numerical aquifer data entered in GRID section keyword
• MXNAQC The maximum number of lines of connection data for numerical aquifers entered in GRID
section keyword AQUCON (keyword AQUDIMS)
• QDPORO T for a dual porosity run (keyword DUALPORO)
• QDPERM T to allow flow between matrix cells in a dual porosity run (dual porosity/dual permeability)
(keyword DUALPERM)
• MFSEGS Maximum number of fault segments (keyword FAULTDIM
• QGMLTL T if negative direction transmissibility multipliers will be used (keyword GRIDOPTS)

Record 6
Record 6 contains flags to specify which phases are present (T if the phase is present or F if not), and
switches for the Fluid Tracking options.
Phases present:
• OIL T or F (keyword OIL)
• WATER T or F (keyword WATER)
• GAS T or F (keyword GAS)
Dissolved GAS in LIVE OIL T or F (keyword DISGAS)
Vaporized OIL in WET GAS T or F (keyword VAPOIL)
Options API, Brine, Tracers, Miscible, Polymer, GI, Solvent, Surfactant.
• QAPITR Set to T if the API Tracking option is required (keyword API)
• QPOLYM Set to T if the polymer flood option is required (keyword POLYMER)
• QBRINE Set to T if the Brine option is required (keyword BRINE

Legacy formats and keywords

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• NOTRAC The number of passive oil tracers (keyword TRACERS)

• NWTRAC The number of passive water tracers (keyword TRACERS)
• NGTRAC The number of passive gas tracers (keyword TRACERS)
• QMISCL Set to T if the Miscible Gas Flood option is required (keyword MISCIBLE)
• QGGICO Set to T if the GI-model is required (keyword GIMODEL)
• QSOLVT Set to T if the Solvent Model (keyword SOLVENT)
• QSFACT Set to T if the Surfactant Model is required (keyword SURFACT)
• QQFOAM Set to T if the Foam Model is required (keyword FOAM)

Record 8
Record 8 contains the unit convention for all data in this run
• ('METRIC', 'FIELD' or 'LAB') (keywords METRIC, FIELD, LAB)

Record 10
Record 10 contains the dimensions of the pressure tables.
Note that the PVT properties of live oil (oil with dissolved gas) are entered as 2-dimensional tables - Bo and
μo against pressure for various values of Rs. Similarly wet gas (gas with vaporized oil) PVT properties are
entered as Bg and μg against Rv for various values of pressure.

• NRPVT The maximum number of Rs nodes in a live oil PVT table (PVTO, PVCO) or Rv nodes in a wet
gas PVT table (PVTG).
Set to 1 if there is no live oil or wet gas. (keyword TABDIMS)
• NPPVT The maximum number of pressure nodes in any PVT table (PVDG, PVDO, PVTO or PVTG)
and Rock Compaction table (ROCKTAB). (keyword TABDIMS)
• NTPVT The number of PVT tables (keyword TABDIMS)

Legacy formats and keywords

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Options Rock compaction, Compressed VE, Pcap/surface tension functions, Molecular diffusion, Coal
Bed Methane.
• NTROCC The number of Rock Compaction tables (keyword ROCKCOMP)
• QROCKC Set to T if the Rock Compaction option is to be used (keyword ROCKCOMP)
• QRCREV Set to T if rock compaction is reversible (keyword ROCKCOMP)
• QROCKH Set to T if rock compaction is hysteretic (keyword ROCKCOMP) The reversibility switch is
ignored if QROCKH is set to T
• QVEO2D Set to T if the compressed vertical equilibrium option is to be used (keyword VE)
• QSURFT Set to T if the oil-gas or oil-water capillary pressures vary with surface tension (keyword
• QMDIFF Set to T if the molecular diffusion option is required (keyword DIFFUSE)
• QQCOAL Set to T if the Coal Bed Methane Model is required (keyword COAL)
• QQHEAT Set to T if the Temperature option is required (keyword TEMP)

Record 12
Record 12 Contains the dimensions of the saturation tables, and flags for directional relative permeability,
Vertical Equilibrium, Hysteresis, saturation table End-point Scaling and Miscible options.
• NSSFUN The maximum number of saturation nodes in any saturation table (keyword TABDIMS)
• NTSFUN The number of saturation tables (keyword TABDIMS)
Options Directional Kr, VE, Hysteresis, End-point Scaling, Miscible

• QDIRKR Set to T if directional relative permeability tables are to be used (keyword SATOPTS)
• QREVKR Set to F if directional relative permeabilities are irreversible (keyword SATOPTS)

Legacy formats and keywords

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• QVEOPT Set to T if the Vertical Equilibrium option is required (keyword VE)
• QHYSTR Set to T if the Hysteresis option is required (keyword SATOPTS)
• QSCALE Set to T if the saturation table End-point Scaling option is to be used (keyword ENDSCALE)
• QSCDIR Set to T if the saturation table End-point Scaling option is directional (keyword ENDSCALE)
• QSCREV Set to F if the saturation table End-point Scaling option is irreversible (keyword ENDSCALE)
• NSENDP The maximum number of nodes in any saturation table end point versus depth table
(keyword ENDSCALE)
• NTENDP The maximum number of saturation table end point versus depth tables (keyword
• QTWOPT Set to T if the two point upstreaming algorithm is to be used to calculate the hydrocarbon
component relative permeabilities when the miscible gas flood option is activated (keyword
• NSMISC The maximum number of saturation nodes in any table of miscible residual oil saturations
versus water saturation (keyword MISCIBLE)
• NTMISC The maximum number of tables of miscible residual oil saturation versus water saturation
and the maximum number of mixing parameter regions (keyword MISCIBLE)

Record 14
Record 14 contains dimensions and parameters that control the equilibration calculation (see SOLUTION
• NDRXVD The maximum number of depth nodes in any RSVD, RVVD or PBVD table (keyword
• NTEQUL The number of equilibration regions (keyword EQLDIMS).

Legacy formats and keywords

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• NDPRVD The number of depth nodes in the table of phase pressure against depth constructed
internally by the equilibration code (keyword EQLDIMS).
Options Quiescence, Threshold Pressure, Mobile Oil, Tracers.
• QUIESC Set to T if pressure modifications are required to achieve initial quiescence (keyword
• QTHPRS Set to T to enable the Threshold Pressure option (keyword EQLOPTS).
• QREVTH If set to T, the threshold pressures are assumed to apply equally to flow in either direction
(keyword EQLOPTS).
• QMOBIL If set to T, the initial mobile fluid critical saturation end-point correction is activated
(keyword EQLOPTS)
• NTTRVD The number of initial tracer concentration versus depth tables (keyword EQLDIMS).
• NSTRVD The maximum number of depth nodes in any initial tracer concentration versus depth table
(keyword EQLDIMS).

Record 16
Record 16 contains the number of fluid-in-place regions and other flags.
• NTFIP The maximum number of fluid-in-place regions defined with keyword FIPNUM in the
REGIONS section (keyword REGDIMS).
Options Gravity Imbibition (for dual porosity), Tracers, LGR, Flux, Independent Reservoirs,
Additional Fluid-in-place regions, Environmental Tracers.
• QGRAID If set to T, gravity imbibition between a fracture cell and its corresponding matrix cell is
activated in dual porosity runs (keyword GRAVDR).
• QINTRP If set to T, pressures are interpolated in global cells neighboring a Cartesian local grid
refinement to enhance the accuracy of flow calculations between local and global cells (keyword
• QTDISP If set to T, a numerical diffusion control algorithm will be invoked during the calculation of
single phase tracer concentrations in tracer tracking runs (keyword TRACERS).

Legacy formats and keywords

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• NTFREG The maximum number of flux regions (keyword REGDIMS).
• QTDISK If set to T, the tracer disking option is invoked (keyword DISKING).
• NRFREG The maximum number of independent reservoir regions (keyword REGDIMS).
• NMFIPR The number of sets of fluid-in-place regions (keyword REGDIMS).
• NETRAC The number of environmental tracers in the Environmental Tracers option (keyword
• QVISCD If set to true, the viscous displacement mechanism will be activated in dual porosity runs
(keyword VISCD).

Record 18
Record 18 contains well and local grid refinement (LGR) dimensioning data.
• NWMAXZ The maximum number of wells in the model (keyword WELLDIMS).
• NCWMAX The maximum number of grid blocks connected to any one well (keyword WELLDIMS).
• NGMAXZ The maximum number of groups in the model (keyword WELLDIMS).
• NWGMAX The maximum number of wells in any one group (keyword WELLDIMS).
• MAXLGR The maximum number of local grid refinements (keyword LGR)
• MAXCLS The maximum number of cells in any local grid refinement (keyword LGR)
• MCOARS The maximum number of amalgamated coarsened cells (keyword LGR)
• LSTACK The length of the stack of previous search directions used by the linear solver for the LGR
simulations (keyword LGR).

Legacy formats and keywords

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• MAMALG The maximum number of LGR amalgamations (keyword LGR).

• MXLALG The maximum number of LGRs in any amalgamation (keyword LGR)

Record 20
Record 20 contains miscellaneous data for well control.
• QEXGOP Set to T if you want to use the extended compressor option or define multiple contract
groups for the Gas Field Operations Model (keyword GASFIELD).
• NWFRIC Maximum number of wells requiring the Wellbore Friction calculation (keyword
• NUPCOL Number of non-linear iterations in each timestep in which the flow targets of wells under
group control or drawdown control are updated (keyword NUPCOL).

Record 22
Record 22 contains Production well Vertical Flow Performance table dimensions (keyword VFPPDIMS).
• MXMFLO The maximum number of flow values per table.
• MXMTHP The maximum number of tubing head pressure values per table.
• MXMWFR The maximum number of water fraction values per table.
• MXMGFR The maximum number of gas fraction values per table.
• MXMALQ The maximum number of artificial lift quantities per table.
• NMMVFT The maximum number of production well VFP tables.

Record 24
Record 24 contains injection well Vertical Flow Performance table dimensions. (keyword VFPIDIMS)
• MXSFLO The maximum number of flow values per table.

Legacy formats and keywords

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• MXSTHP The maximum number of tubing head pressure values per table.
• NMSVFT The maximum number of injection well VFP tables.

Record 26
Record 26 contains dimensioning data for analytic (Fetkovich, Carter-Tracy or constant flux) aquifers and
quantities written to the SUMMARY file.
• NANAQU The number of analytic aquifers in the model (keyword AQUDIMS).
• NCAMAX The maximum number of grid blocks connected to any single analytic aquifer (keyword
• NIFTBL Number of influence function tables for Carter-Tracy aquifers (keyword AQUDIMS).
• NRIFTB Maximum number of rows in any influence function table. (keyword AQUDIMS).
• NSUMMX Maximum number of quantities written to the SUMMARY file (keyword SMRYDIMS).
• QWRSSP Requests a restart index file (keyword RSSPEC)

Record 28
Record 28 contains the date at the start of the simulation (keyword START)
• DAY Day of month
• MONTH The name of the month
• YEAR 4 digits

Record 30
Record 30 contains Data Check switch, Solver Stack size, File types, Disking, Non-Orthogonal correction,
and Parallel option domains.
• QSOLVE Set to F for data checking mode only (keyword NOSIM).

Legacy formats and keywords

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

• NSTACK The length of the stack of previous search directions used by the linear solver (keyword
• QFMTOU Set to T if output SUMMARY, RESTART, GRID and PSEUDO files are to be formatted
(keyword FMTOUT).
• QFMTIN Set to T if the run is to be restarted from a formatted RESTART file (keyword FMTIN).
• QUNOUT Set to T if a single unified SUMMARY file and/or a single unified RESTART file is to be
output (keyword UNIFOUT).
• QUNINP Set to T if the run is to be restarted from a unified RESTART file (keyword UNIFIN).
• NGDISK The number of matrix disking groups (keyword DISKING).
• IDYNAM GRID data disking option (keyword DISKING).
• QOPT9P Set to T if the finite-volume 9-point option is to be used (obsolete keyword NOPC9, now
• NDMAIN The number of domains for the Shared Memory Parallel option (keyword PARALLEL).

ECLIPSE Pre-2002A integer controls

This section describes the pre-2002A listing of the integer controls for the following keywords:

Legacy formats and keywords

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

RPTPROPS Controls on output from PROPS section

This section contains the pre-2002A listing of the PROPS keywords and lists the integer controls for
SPECIAL The keyword should be followed by a list of mnemonics which control the output of PROPS section data to
RUNSPEC the Print file. The list should be terminated by a slash (/).
In ECLIPSE 100, entering the mnemonic NOTHING clears all the reporting flags.
x PROPS For additional control over the output in ECLIPSE 100, integer values greater than one may be assigned to
selected mnemonics using the syntax:
SOLUTION mnemonic=integer
where there must be no spaces either side of the equals sign.
Optionally, for back compatibility when using ECLIPSE 100, a list of integers (terminated with a slash)
may be used to indicate the required output. A value less than or equal to zero switches off the
corresponding output. Values greater than zero switch the output on. Repeat counts (for example 3*0) can
be used if required (with no spaces before or after the asterisk). If fewer than 25 integers are read, the
remainder are left unchanged. The integer list cannot be mixed with mnemonics.

Note: In ECLIPSE 100 any of the entries marked with an integer control of 9 gives the output of endpoint
scaling values.

The following table lists the mnemonics available, and also their equivalent integers for the ECLIPSE 100
integer lists. Mnemonics without an integer in the E100 column are not available in ECLIPSE 100.
Mnemonics available in ECLIPSE 300 are identified by an x in the E300 column.

Input Keyword or Output E100 Integer E300

Mnemonic Control
AQUTAB Outputs the Carter-Tracy influence tables 25
DENSITY, GRAVITY, Output of surface densities/gravities 7 x
7 x
7 x
DIFFC or DIFFCOAL Output of the diffusion data 18
DETAILVD Output of the DETAILVD tables x
ENDPT Output of endpoint scaling values 9
ENDPTVD Output of endpoint versus depth tables x
FOAM Output of the foam properties 23
FRACMOVE Output of fracture propagation (fracture modeling only) 27
GINODE etc. Output of Gi-model saturated fluid properties 12
HERCHBL Output of Herschel-Bullkey data (fracture modeling only) 29
KRG Output of maximum gas relative permeabilities 9 x
KRGR Output of gas relative permeabilities at residual 9 x
KRO Output of maximum oil relative permeability x

Legacy formats and keywords RPTPROPS

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Keyword or Output E100 Integer E300

Mnemonic Control
KROR Output of oil relative permeabilities at residual x
KRW Output of maximum water relative permeabilities 9 x
KRWR Output of water relative permeabilities at residual 9 x
LANGMUIR, Output of the Langmuir Isotherms 22
MISC, PMISC Output of the miscibility function and the pressure 17
miscibility function
OVERBURD Overburden pressure data x
PCG Output of scaled maximum gas capillary pressures 9 x
PCW Output of scaled maximum water capillary pressures 9 x
PLYVISC etc. Output of Polymer Flood Model properties 11
PVDG, PVTG Output of gas PVT tables 6
PVDO, PVTO Output of oil PVT tables 4 x
PVDS Output of Solvent PVT properties 15
PVTW Output of water PVT tables 5 x
PVTWSALT Output of brine properties 20 x
ROCK, Output of rock properties 8
ROCKTAB Output of rock properties 8 x
ROCKTABH Output of rock properties (Hysteretic option only) x
SGCR Output of scaled critical gas saturations 9 x
SGFN Output of gas saturation tables 3 x
SGL Output of scaled connate gas saturations 9 x
SGU Output of scaled maximum gas saturations 9 x
SOF2, SOF3, Output of oil saturation tables, three-phase relative 1 x
TLMIPAR, permeability tables, Todd-Longstaff mixing parameter,
SORWMIS Miscible residual oil saturation tables.
If control is set = 2, the output includes a print of the
residual oil saturation as a function of water and gas
SOGCR Output of scaled critical oil-in-gas saturations 9 x
SOWCR Output of scaled critical oil-in-water saturations 9 x
SOLU Output of aqueous phase property data x
SPECHEAT, VISCVT Output of the temperature-dependent properties 24
SSFN Output of Solvent/Gas relative permeabilities 16
STOG, STOW Output of Surface Tension properties 14
SURFVISC etc. Output of surfactant properties 19

Legacy formats and keywords RPTPROPS

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Keyword or Output E100 Integer E300

Mnemonic Control
SWCR Output of scaled critical water saturations 9 x
SWFN Output of water saturation tables 2 x
SWL Output of scaled connate water saturations 9 x
SWU Output of scaled maximum water saturation 9 x
TRACER Output of passive fluid tracer names 10
TRADS, TRDCY, etc. Output of environmental tracer properties 21
VDKRG Velocity-dependent relative permeability for gas. x
VDKRO Velocity-dependent relative permeability data for oil. x
VEFRACV, VEFRAC Output of Vefrac values 13

ECLIPSE 100 If a value equal to 5 is used for any (or all) of SOF3, SWFN or SGFN, the saturation tables are printed at
saturation interval of 5 percent. These values are printed in addition to the user-specified values and are
calculated using the user-specified values. Similarly, if a value equal to 5 is used for the fourth, the fifth
and the sixth control, the PVT tables are printed at a pressure interval of 200 psi (FIELD), 10 bars
(METRIC) or 10 atm (LAB). As before, these values are printed in addition to the user-specified values.

ECLIPSE 300 If directional end point scaling is active via the DIRECT and IRREVERS arguments of the ENDSCALE
keyword, then each of the preceding set of mnemonics (except for the capillary pressure mnemonics PCG
and PCW) can be followed by either X, Y or Z (for the DIRECT option) and X-, Y- or Z- (if the
IRREVERS option is active), for example KRGRZ-.

Example 1


Example 2
Changing the level of output in ECLIPSE 100:

SOF3=5 SWFN=5 SGFN=5 /

Example 3
The old integer format (ECLIPSE 100):

10*1 10*0 1 1 0 1 /

Legacy formats and keywords RPTPROPS

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

RPTGRID Controls on output from GRID section

The keyword should be followed by a string of mnemonics to request output of grid data to the print file.
The appropriate keywords used to input grid data, such as DX and DY may be used as mnemonics. Aliases
may be used; for example DR may be used in place of DX and DTHETA may be used in place of DY. The
data should be terminated by a slash (/).
x GRID In ECLIPSE 100, entering the mnemonic NOTHING clears all the reporting flags.
In ECLIPSE 100, to provide additional control over the output, integer values greater than one may be
PROPS assigned to selected mnemonics using the syntax:
SUMMARY where there must be no spaces either side of the equals sign.
In ECLIPSE 100 there is, optionally, for back compatibility, a list of integers (terminated with a slash)
which may be used to indicate the required output. A value less than or equal to zero switches off the
corresponding output. Values greater than zero switch the output on. Repeat counts (for example 3*0) can
be used if required (with no spaces either side of the asterisk). If fewer than 57 integers are read, the
remainder are left unchanged. The integer list cannot be mixed with mnemonics.
The following table lists the mnemonics available, and also their equivalent integers for the ECLIPSE 100
integer lists. Mnemonics without an integer in the E100 column are not available in ECLIPSE 100.
Mnemonics available in ECLIPSE 300 are identified by an x in the E300 column.

Input keyword Output E100 E300

or mnemonic integer availability
ALLNNC Output of all non-neighbor connections from all sources 24 x
AQUCON Output of numerical aquifer connections 23 x
AQUNUM Output of numerical aquifer definitions 22 x
COALNUM Output of coal region numbers x
COALV Output of grid block coal volumes x
COLLAPSE Output of VE compression flag 40
COORD Output of coordinate lines 19
COORDSYS Output of coordinate systems 18
DEPTH Output of grid block center depths 14 x
DIFFMMF Output of Matrix/Fracture diffusivity multipliers 30
DIFFMX Output of X diffusivity multipliers 27 x
DIFFMY Output of Y diffusivity multipliers 28 x
DIFFMZ Output of Z diffusivity multipliers 29 x
DIFFX or Output of X diffusivities 31 x
DIFFY or Output of Y diffusivities 32 x

Legacy formats and keywords RPTGRID

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input keyword Output E100 E300

or mnemonic integer availability
DIFFZ or Output of Z diffusivities 33 x
DOMAINS Output of domains (Parallel Option). See also the 43
DOMAINS keyword. The output consists of:
• The solver direction, which ECLIPSE calculates
automatically but which may be modified by using
the SOLVDIRS keyword.
• The split of the outer solver dimension into
domains. The split can be entered using the
DOMAINS keyword, otherwise ECLIPSE will
calculate it automatically.
DPCON or Output of dual porosity connections 39
DPNUM Output of dual porosity/single porosity regions 44
DX Output of X direction grid block sizes 1 x
DY Output of Y direction grid block sizes 2 x
DZ Output of Z direction grid block sizes 3 x
DZMTRXV Output of Dzmtrx values 26
DZNET Output of net Z-direction grid block sizes x
EXTHOST or Output the host cell map for Pebi local grid refinements 57
EXTFIN supplied using the EXTFIN keyword
FAULTS Output of fault data 42 x
FLUXNUM Output of flux region numbers 36 x
FRACTURE Output of fracture data (fracture modeling only) 61
HEATTX X thermal transmissibility x
HEATTY Y thermal transmissibility x
HEATTZ Z thermal transmissibility x
HM**** Outputs multipliers for gradient parameters x
ISOLNUM Output of independent reservoir region numbers 37
KOVERD Output of K/D values (Surfactant Model) 34
LIMITS Outputs limits (max/min) of grid arrays x
LX Output of matrix block size, X-direction (Viscous 48
Displacement Option)
LY Output of matrix block size Y-direction 49
LZ Output of matrix block size Z-direction 50
MIDS Output of cell mid-point depths x

Legacy formats and keywords RPTGRID

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input keyword Output E100 E300

or mnemonic integer availability
MINPV or Output of cells with pore volume less than the input 35 x
MINPVV minimum values
MPFANUM Output the MPFANUM data when using the multi-point x
flux approximation
MPFORTH Output the multi-point flux k-orthogonality error x
MPFTRAN Output the multi-point flux forward transmissibilities x
MPFTREV Output the multi-point flux reverse transmissibilities x
MULTNUM Output of regions for inter-region transmissibility 53 x
MULTPV Output of the pore volume multipliers 41 x
MULTREGP Output region pore volume multipliers 59 x
MULTREGT Output of multipliers between regions 47 x
MULTX Output of X transmissibility multipliers 7 x
MULTY Output of Y transmissibility multipliers 8 x
MULTZ Output of Z transmissibility multipliers 9 x
NINENUM Output the NINENUM data when using the nine-point 56 x
NNC Output of non-neighbor connections 21 x
NTG Output of grid block net-to-gross ratios 11 x
PERMX Output of X direction permeabilities 4 x
PERMY Output of Y direction permeabilities 5 x
PERMZ Output of Z direction permeabilities 6 x
PERMXY, Output of all tensor permeability coefficients x
PINCH or Output of pinchout data 51
PINCHNUM Output of pinchout region numbers 52
POLYMER or Output of 1/(porosity*area) (Polymer and Foam Models) 38
PORO Output of grid block porosities 10 x
PORV Output of grid block pore volumes 13 x
PORVF Output of grid block fluid pore volumes x
ROCKVOL Output of bulk (net and gross) rock volumes to the print x
file. In addition, if FIPNUM regions are defined, the bulk
rock volumes for each region will be output.
SIGMAGDV Output of SIGMAGD values (gravity drainage option) x

Legacy formats and keywords RPTGRID

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input keyword Output E100 E300

or mnemonic integer availability
SIGMAK fx ∙ Kx fy ∙ Ky fz ∙ Kz 55
Output of the processed 2
+ 2
+ 2
lx ly lz
for the matrix-fracture transmissibility in dual porosity
runs, if item 5 of the LTOSIGMA keyword is set to
SIGMAV Output of Sigma values 25 x
SOLVMUM Output the mapping between cells in the input order and 54 x
the order used for the nested factorization solver when
using Pebi grid data and supplied by the SOLVNUM
THCONR Output of thermal conductivities 45 x
TOPS Output of grid block top depths 12 x
TRANX Output of X transmissibilities 15 x
TRANY Output of Y transmissibilities 16 x
TRANZ Output of Z transmissibilities 17 x
TRTHERM Output of thermal transmissibilities 46
ZCORN Output of cell corner depths 20
Table 6.1: RPTGRID output controls
ECLIPSE 100 The coordinate line data (COORD) and the corner depth data (ZCORN) can be written out to the DEBUG file
in keyword form, by setting the 19th and 20th controls greater than 1. This keyword data can be read
directly into the program. When used in conjunction with the BOUNDARY keyword, a grid corresponding to
a small portion of the field can easily be generated. Note that block centered grids input using the DX, DY,
DZ, TOPS keywords can also be output in corner point form.
Control 19

0 No output

1 Output to the PRINT file.

2 COORD keyword written to the DEBUG file in floating point format (F12.2)

3 COORD keyword written in exponent format (1PE12.6)

Control 20

0 No output

1 Output to the PRINT file.

2 ZCORN keyword written to the DEBUG file in floating point format (F12.2)

3 ZCORN keyword written in exponent format (1PE12.6)

Legacy formats and keywords RPTGRID

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Example 1


Example 2
ECLIPSE 100 Changing the level of output


Example 3
ECLIPSE 100 The old integer format:

14*1 3*0 /

Legacy formats and keywords RPTGRID

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

RPTRST Controls on output to the RESTART file

Integer controls of the RPTRST keyword do still work from 2002A onwards; the use of mnemonics is
preferable. You are recommended to use mnemonics as it makes data sets more readable and they are less
prone to errors on input. ECLIPSE OFFICE performs this job automatically.
RUNSPEC For old data sets with the RPTRST keyword in the integer format, the integer controls are listed below.
EDIT The integer control on output to the RESTART file
A list of integers (terminated with a slash) may be used to indicate the required output. A value less than or
equal to zero switches off the corresponding output. Values greater than zero switch the output on. Repeat
counts (for example 3*0) can be used if required (with no spaces before or after the asterisk). If fewer than
SUMMARY 29 integers are read, the remainder are left unchanged. The integer list cannot be mixed with mnemonics.
Output to the RESTART file may also be controlled by using the mnemonic RESTART (switch 7) of the
RPTSCHED and RPTSOL keywords. However, RPTRST allows greater flexibility when specifying extra
data to be written to the RESTART file. If the first control of RPTRST (or mnemonic BASIC) is set to 1 or
2, subsequent use of RPTSCHED will override the output frequency. However, if the first control (or
mnemonic BASIC) is set to 3 or more, then any value of 7th switch of RPTSCHED will be ignored.
The following table lists the mnemonics available, and also their equivalent integers in the integer lists.

Input Output Integer

Keyword Or Control
ALLPROPS Requests output of the data required by some programs that can interface 19
with ECLIPSE. The output includes fluid densities, viscosities formation
volume factors and phase relative permeabilities.
BASIC Output of basic RESTART files 1
If set to 1 then RESTART files are created at every report time, but if the
files are not unified, only the last one in the run is kept designed for fail-
safe restarts).
If set to 2 then RESTART files are created at every report time until this
switch is reset, and all are kept.

If set to 3 then RESTART files are created every nth report time. The
frequency of the restarts is governed by the mnemonic FREQ.
If set to 4 then a RESTART file is written at the first report step of each
year. Optionally, if the mnemonic FREQ is set >1 then the restart is written
only every nth year.
If set to 5 then a RESTART file is written at the first report step of each
month. Optionally, if the mnemonic FREQ is set >1 then the restart is
written only every nth month.
If set to 6 then a RESTART file is written at every timestep.

Legacy formats and keywords RPTRST

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Output Integer

Keyword Or Control
COMPRESS Requests output of the well connection data on a well by well basis to make 31
the RESTART file smaller. This can be useful when a model has large
numbers of wells, with just a few wells having a large number of
DEN Output of phase reservoir densities 9
DRAIN Output of the drainage regions. 10
If set >1 than an addition array is output marking the sinks (typically wells)
in the drainage region calculation.
(These may also be output to the debug file - See item 25 in the OPTIONS
FIP Output of fluids-in-place 3
FLOWS Output of interblock flows 2
(including non-neighbor connection flows and flows between global and
local grids).
FREQ=n Controls the frequency of the RESTART files if BASIC is set >2 6
GIMULT Outputs RSGI, RVGI, BOGI and BGGI values 25
KRG Output of gas relative permeabilities 13
KRO Output of oil relative permeabilities 11
KRW Output of water relative permeabilities 12
NOGRAD Output of total derivatives for the Gradient option 15
If set > 0 then extra information will not be written to the RESTART file for
the Gradient option.
NORST Requests a graphics only RESTART file. 16
If set to 1 then the RESTART file will not contain arrays required for
restarting but not usually required for graphical output (for example
hysteresis arrays).
If set to 2 then the well arrays will not be included on the RESTART file. In
a standard black oil case the RESTART file will contain header data and 4
PRESSURE, SWAT, SGAS and RS (+ any other arrays requested by the
other controls in this keyword).
The RESTART files dumped while this control is set > 0 cannot be used to
restart the run. You could, however, opt to have the restart data written to
the Save file (see the mnemonic SAVE, and keyword RESTART).
PBPD Output of bubble point and dew point pressures 5
PCOW, PCOG Output of capillary pressures 27
PORO Output of effective porosities (Gradient Option only) 14

Legacy formats and keywords RPTRST

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Output Integer

Keyword Or Control
POT Output of phase potentials (including the initial contact corrected potential) 4
PRES Output of water and gas phase pressures 7
RK or Permeability reduction for the aqueous phase due to polymer retention in 29
PERMREDN the rock (Polymer Flood Model)
ROCKC Output of the modified pore volume and transmissibility multiplier (for the 20
rock compaction model).
Setting this to 2 also gives the modified DZ assuming compaction in the Z-
direction (for hysteretic compaction).
RSSAT Output of saturated Rs values (dissolved gas-oil ratio). 23
RVSAT Output of saturated Rv values (vaporized oil-gas ratio). 24
SAVE Requests a RESTART file be written to the Save file. This item has a similar 17
effect to item 1, the BASIC restart control, but governs the writing of time-
dependent restart data to the Save file.
If set to 1 or 2 then restart data is written to the Save file every report time
until this switch is reset.

If set to 3 then restart data is written every nth report time. The frequency of
the restarts is governed by the mnemonic SFREQ.
If set to 4 then restart data is written at the first report step of each year.
Optionally, if SFREQ is set >1 then the restart is written only every nth year.
If set to 5 then restart data is written at the first report step of each month.
Optionally, if SFREQ is set >1 then the restart is written only every nth
If set to 6 this setting is reserved for use by FrontSim.
Note that the Save file must be requested either by using the SAVE keyword
in the RUNSPEC section or by requesting a Save file in the LOAD keyword,
otherwise no restart data will be output to the Save file.
SFREQ=n Controls the frequency of the RESTART files written to the Save file if the 18
mnemonic SAVE is set >2.
SGTRAP Output of the trapped gas saturation Sgtrap for the WAG hysteresis option. 21
STREAM=n Reserved for use by FrontSim 28
SURFBLK Output of surfactant concentrations (SURFACT), maximum surfactant 26
concentrations (SURFMAX), adsorption (SURFADS) and log (capillary
number) (SURFCNM).
Surfactant option.
VELOCITY Output water velocity for polymer shear-thinning in the Polymer Flood 30
Model and /or output of gas velocity for shear thinning in the Foam Model
VISC Output of fluid viscosities 8
Reserved for internal use 22

Legacy formats and keywords RPTRST

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Example 1


Example 2
The old integer format:

2 1 0 1 1 /

Legacy formats and keywords RPTRST

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

RPTSCHED Controls on output from SCHEDULE section

The keyword should be followed by a list of mnemonics which control the output of SCHEDULE section
data to the PRINT file. Wherever possible, the mnemonics correspond to the related keywords. The list
should be terminated by a slash (/).
RUNSPEC The RPTSCHED keyword may be used to reset output controls for the SCHEDULE section as often as
GRID required.
In ECLIPSE 100, entering the mnemonic NOTHING clears all the reporting flags.
REGIONS For additional control over the output in ECLIPSE 100, integer values greater than one may be assigned to
selected mnemonics using the syntax:
SUMMARY mnemonic=integer
where there must be no spaces either side of the equals sign.

ECLIPSE 100 Optionally, for back compatibility, a list of integers (terminated with a slash) may be used to indicate the
required output. A value less than or equal to zero switches off the corresponding output. Values greater
than zero switch the output on. Repeat counts (for example 3*0) can be used if required (with no spaces
before or after the asterisk). If fewer than 79 integers are read, the remainder are left unchanged. The
integer list cannot be mixed with mnemonics.
The following table lists the mnemonics available, and also their equivalent integers for the ECLIPSE 100
integer lists. Mnemonics without an integer in the E100 column are not available in ECLIPSE 100.
Mnemonics available in ECLIPSE 300 are identified by an x in the E300 column.

Input Keyword Output E100 E300

or Mnemonic integer
AIM Output of AIM status array (1 for implicit cells; 2 for explicit cells) x
AMF Output of aqueous mole fractions (CO2SOL option) x
AQUCT or Output of Fetkovich or Carter-Tracy aquifer status 13
BFORG Output of gas Forchheimer B-factor (VELDEP option) x
BFORO Output of oil Forchheimer B-factor (VELDEP option) x
BGAS Output of gas reservoir molar densities x
BOIL Output of oil reservoir molar densities x
BWAT Output of water reservoir molar densities x

Legacy formats and keywords RPTSCHED

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Keyword Output E100 E300

or Mnemonic integer
CPU Output of breakdown of CPU and elapsed time for current run. 12
If set to 1 then report is sent to Print file.
If set to 2 then in addition, a copy of the report is sent to the short
form output (terminal)
If set to 3 then report is sent to short form output only.
See "Timing Reports" in the ECLIPSE Technical Description for an
explanation of the outputs. Internal clocks within TS are not
recorded during intermediate timestep when set to 0.
DENG Output of grid block gas reservoir density 53 x
DENO Output of grid block oil reservoir density 51 x
DENW Output of grid block water reservoir density 52 x
ENERGY Output total energies/bulk volume (energy/(rock+pore volume)) x
(ECLIPSE 300 Thermal)
FFORG Output of Forchheimer Non-Darcy flow factor for Gas (VELDEP x
FFORO Output of Forchheimer Non-Darcy flow factor for Oil (VELDEP x
FIP Output of fluid in place and inter-region flow reports. 8
If set to 1: then fluids in place are reported for the whole field.
If set to 2: then in addition, a balance sheet is produced for each
fluid in place region defined with the FIPNUM keyword. This shows
current and initial fluids in place, cumulative flows to wells and
other regions and material balance errors.
If set to 3: then in addition, a balance sheet is produced for all sets of
fluid-in-place regions defined with the FIP keyword.
FIPFOAM Output of foam fluid in place reports (for the Foam Model) 64
1 gives a report for the whole field
2 in addition gives a report for each fluid in place region
FIPRESV Output of region reservoir volume reports 76
FIPSALT Output of salt fluid in place reports (for Brine option and salt- 38
sensitive Polymer Flood option)
1 gives a report for the whole field
2 in addition gives a report for each fluid-in-place region
FIPSOL Output of the Solvent fluid in place reports. 43
1 gives a report for the whole field
2 in addition gives a report for each fluid-in-place region

Legacy formats and keywords RPTSCHED

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Keyword Output E100 E300

or Mnemonic integer
FIPSURF Output of surfactant fluid in place reports (for the Surfactant Model) 46
1 gives a report for the whole field
2 in addition gives a report for each fluid-in-place region
FIPTEMP or Output of energy in place reports (for the Temperature option) 66
1 gives a report for the whole field
2 in addition gives a report for each fluid-in-place region
FIPTR Output of tracer fluid-in-place reports (for Tracer Tracking) 32
1 gives a report for the whole field
2 in addition gives a report for each fluid-in-place region
FIPVE Output of fluid in place in original oil, water and gas zones (for the 21
VE option)
FLOCn Output of inter-block component flows (for component n, where n is x
an integer)
FLOE Output of inter-block energy flow (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal option, x
using THERMAL keyword)
FLOGAS Output of inter-block gas flows (black oil cases only) 74 x
FLOOIL Output of inter-block oil flows (black oil cases only) 72 x
FLOSOL Output of inter-block solvent flows 77
FLOWAT Output of inter-block water flows (except for GASWAT and 73 x
CO2STORE options)
FMISC Output of relative permeability miscibility factor (Miscible option) x
FOAM Output of grid block foam concentration (for the Foam option) 63
FOAMADS Output of grid block foam adsorption (for the Foam option) 68
FOAMDCY Output of grid block foam decay (for the Foam option) 69
FOAMMOB Output of gas mobility factor due to foam (for the Foam option) 70
FPC Output of capillary pressure miscibility factor (Miscible option) x
FUGG Output of component fugacities in gas (Activity Driven Diffusion) x
FUGO Output of component fugacities in oil (Activity Driven Diffusion) x
GASCONC Output of matrix grid block gas concentration (for the Coal Bed 54
Methane option)
GASPOT Output of gas potentials x
GDOWAT Output of gas displaced into oil and water zones (for the VE option) 29
1 = by regions and field,
>1 = by grid blocks

Legacy formats and keywords RPTSCHED

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Keyword Output E100 E300

or Mnemonic integer
GI Output of current Gi value for Gi Pseudo-compositional Model. 40
Setting the value greater than 1 will also output the cell RSGI,
RVGI, BOGI and BGGI multipliers.
GMEG Output gas phase energy mobility (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal) x
GMEO Output oil phase energy mobility (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal) x
GMEW Output water phase energy mobility (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal) x
GOC Output of current gas-oil contact (GOC) depths (for VE option) 23
(Output is AAAAA if contact depth is above top of cell; output is
BBBBB if contact depth is below bottom of cell)
GOCDIFF Output of current GOC depth - initial GOC depth (for VE option) 25
GRAD Summary of gradient calculations for the Gradient Option 79
HGAS Output gas enthalpies (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal) x
HOIL Output oil enthalpies (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal) x
HWAT Output water enthalpies (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal) x
JV Output of capillary pressure miscibility factor (Miscible option) x
KRG Output of grid block gas relative permeabilities 59 x
KRN Output of grid block solvent relative permeabilities (for the Solvent 78
KRO Output of grid block oil relative permeabilities 58 x
KRW Output of grid block water relative permeabilities 57 x
LAMB Output saturation dependent thermal conductivity transmissibility x
multiplier (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal)
MLSC Output of total molar density x
MULT Output of grid block pore volumes and transmissibilities if they have 60 x
been modified
NCNG Output of Normalized Capillary Numbers for Gas (VELDEP option) x
NCNO Output of Normalized Capillary Numbers for Oil (VELDEP option) x
NEWTON Output of a summary of the convergence of the Newton iteration. 15
If set to 1 then report is sent to print file.
If set to 2 then in addition, a copy of the report is sent to the short
form output (terminal)
If set to 3 then report is sent to short form output only.
ODGAS Output of oil displaced into gas zone (for VE option) 27
1 = by regions and field,
>1 = by grid blocks

Legacy formats and keywords RPTSCHED

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Keyword Output E100 E300

or Mnemonic integer
ODWAT Output of oil displaced into water zone (for VE option) 28
1 = by regions and field,
>1 = by grid blocks
OILAPI Output of grid block oil API values (for API Tracking) 31
OILPOT Output of oil potentials x
PART Output of domain partitions (Parallel option) x
PB or PBUB Output of grid block bubble point pressures 55 x
1 outputs bubble point pressures only
2 in addition, outputs the saturated dissolved gas-oil ratios
PBLK or Output of grid block polymer concentration values (for Polymer 34
POLYMER Flood option)
PCOG Output of gas-oil capillary pressures x
PCOW Output of oil-water capillary pressures x
PCGW Output of gas-water capillary pressures x
PD or PDEW Output of grid block dew point pressures 56 x
1 outputs dew point pressures only
2 in addition, outputs the saturated vaporized oil-gas ratios
PGAS Output of grid block gas phase pressures 19 x
PGASD or POTG Output of grid block gas phase pressures (corrected to datum depth) 20
(See also the DATUM keyword)
PLYADS Output of current adsorbed polymer concentration on the formation 36
rock (for Polymer Flood option)
POILD or POTO Output of grid block oil phase pressures 16
(corrected to datum depth)
POTC Output of initial contact corrected potential 67
PRES or POIL Output of grid block pressures 1 x
PRESMIN Output of minimum pressures (Irreversible rock compaction option) x
PSAT Output of saturation pressures (Compositional mode) x
PWAT Output of grid block water phase pressures 17
PWATD or POTW Output of grid block water phase pressures 18
(corrected to datum depth)
RECOV Output of recovery mechanisms (See "Recovery Mechanisms" in the 71
ECLIPSE Technical Description)

Legacy formats and keywords RPTSCHED

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Keyword Output E100 E300

or Mnemonic integer
RESTART Output of Restart files 7
If set = 1 then Restart files are created at every report time, but if the
files are not unified only the last one in the run is kept (designed for
fail-safe restarts).
If set > 1 then Restart files are created at every report time until this
switch is reset, and all are kept.
If set > 2 then the inter block flows of each phase are written to the
Restart files.
If set > 3 then the current fluids-in-place and phase potentials in
each grid cell are written to the Restart files.
If set = 6 then Restart files are created at every timestep.
See also the keywords RESTART, FMTOUT, FMTIN, UNIFIN and
UNIFOUT. The value of this control will be ignored if the
mnemonic BASIC (switch 1) in keyword RPTRST has previously
been set > 2.
Output of the initial Restart file (at 0.0 Days) is governed by the
mnemonic RESTART (switch 7) in keyword RPTSOL, but there
must be at least one timestep.
In ECLIPSE 300 the keyword OUTSOL controls output to the
Restart file.
RK Output of the permeability reduction factor currently being applied 37
to water phase relative permeability (for Polymer Flood option)
ROCKC Output of the modified pore volume and transmissibility multiplier 41
(for the Rock Compaction model).
2: gives the modified DZ assuming compaction in the Z-direction
(for hysteretic compaction)
3: in addition sums DZ for each column of grid blocks (for hysteretic
RPORV Output of reservoir pore volumes x
RS Output of grid block solution gas-oil ratios 5 x
RV Output of grid block vapor oil-gas ratios 6 x
If set >1: With the discretized matrix option active, the solution
values into the matrix are also reported.
SALT Output of grid block salt concentration values (for Brine option and 35 x
salt-sensitive Polymer Flood option)
SGAS Output of grid block gas saturations 4 x
SGTRAP Trapped gas saturation and dynamic trapped gas saturation (for 75
WAG Hysteresis model only)

Legacy formats and keywords RPTSCHED

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Keyword Output E100 E300

or Mnemonic integer
SL Output liquid mole fractions (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal) x
SOIL Output of grid block oil saturations 2 x
SPENGAS Output gas internal energy (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal) x
SPENOIL Output oil internal energy (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal) x
SPENWAT Output water internal energy (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal) x
SSOL Output of the current Solvent saturation. 42
STEN Output of oil/gas surface tensions (Miscible option) x
SUMMARY Output of solution summary at end of each timestep 11
If set to 1 then report is sent to Print file.
If set to 2 then in addition, a copy of the report is sent to the short
form output (terminal)
If set to 3 then report is sent to short form output only.
For runs using Local Grid Refinement, adding 4 to the above reports
the fluid-in-place errors in global cells due to adjacent local grids.
SURFADS Output of current adsorbed surfactant concentration on the 45
formation rock (for the Surfactant Model)
SURFBLK Output of the surfactant concentrations and the SURFBLK capillary 44
number (for the Surfactant Model).
SV Output vapor mole fractions (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal) x
SW Output water mole fractions (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal) x
SWAT Output of grid block water saturations 3 x
T2 Output temperature at the two to three phase transition (ECLIPSE x
300 Thermal)
T3 Output bubble point (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal) x
TBLK or Output of grid block tracer concentrations (for Tracer Tracking) 33
TEMP Output of the grid block temperature 65 x
(for the Temperature option or ECLIPSE 300 Thermal)
TET Output temperatures at last time level (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal) x
TO Output temperature at which the oil phase leaves the system x
(ECLIPSE 300 Thermal)
TOTCOMP Output the total compressibility of the fluid system (excluding the x
TW Output temperature at which the water phase leaves the system x
(ECLIPSE 300 Thermal)
TRADS or Output of tracer adsorption and decay (for Environmental Tracers) 47

Legacy formats and keywords RPTSCHED

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Keyword Output E100 E300

or Mnemonic integer
TUNING Output of simulator control parameters set by TUNING keyword 39
UGAS Output gas phase specific volumes (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal) x
UOIL Output oil phase specific volumes (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal) x
UWAT Output water phase specific volumes (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal) x
V2 Output vapor mole fraction at the system two to three phase x
transition (ECLIPSE 300 Thermal)
VFPPROD Output of vertical flow performance tables. (In order to obtain this, 10
RPTSCHED must be placed before VFPPROD etc.)
This also turns on network convergence messages in the Network
If set > 1 then a table is also written comparing the maximum
dimensions as defined in the VFPPDIMS keyword with those
observed in the input tables.
If set > 2 then only the table comparing the maximum dimensions is
VGAS Output of grid block gas viscosity 50 x
VMF Output of vapor mole fractions (fraction of total hydrocarbon moles x
in gas)
VOIL Output of grid block oil viscosity 48 x
VWAT Output of grid block water viscosity 49 x
WATPOT Output of water potentials x
WDOGAS Output of water displaced into oil and gas zones 30
(for VE option)
1 = by regions and field,
1= by grid blocks
WELLS Output of well reports with production and injection rates and totals. 9
1 gives a report of well flows
2 gives a report of well and connection flows
3 gives a report of layer totals
4 gives a report of layer totals and well flows
5 gives a report of layer totals, well and connection flows.
WELSPECS or Output of connection, well and group keyword data from the 14

Legacy formats and keywords RPTSCHED

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Keyword Output E100 E300

or Mnemonic integer
WOC Output of current water-oil contact (WOC) depths (for VE option) 22
(Output is AAAAA if contact depth is above top of cell;
output is BBBBB if contact depth is below bottom of cell)
WOCDIFF Output of current WOC depth - initial WOC depth (for VE option) 24
WOCGOC Output of current WOC depth - current GOC depth (for VE option) 26
XGAS Output of gas fractional saturations (Sudation option) x
XMF Output of liquid component mole fractions (fraction of each x
component in liquid)
XWAT Output of water fractional saturations (Sudation option) x
YMF Output of gas component mole fractions (fraction of each x
component in vapor)
ZMF Output of total component mole fractions (fraction of each x
component in liquid)

• Saturation pressures (PSAT) are not normally used in ECLIPSE 300, and their calculation may involve
significant extra CPU time.
• In ECLIPSE 300, to output the distribution of a tracer, add the name of the tracer as one of the

Examples for ECLIPSE 100

Example 1


Example 2
Equivalent to Example 1

0 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 2 0 2 2 1 1 1 /

Example for ECLIPSE 300


Legacy formats and keywords RPTSCHED

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

RPTSOL Controls on output from SOLUTION section

This section is the pre-2002A description of the RPTSOL keywords and includes the integer controls for
SPECIAL The keyword should be followed by a list of mnemonics which control the output of SOLUTION section
RUNSPEC data to the Print file. Wherever possible, the mnemonics correspond to the related keywords. The list
GRID should be terminated by a slash (/).
In ECLIPSE 100, Entering the mnemonic NOTHING clears all the reporting flags.
For additional control over the output in ECLIPSE 100, integer values greater than one may be assigned to
selected mnemonics using the syntax:
SUMMARY mnemonic=integer
where there must be no spaces either side of the equals sign.

ECLIPSE 100 Optionally, for back compatibility, a list of integers (terminated with a slash) may be used to indicate the
required output. A value less than or equal to zero switches off the corresponding output. Values greater
than zero switch the output on. Repeat counts (for example 3*0) can be used if required (with no spaces
before or after the asterisk). If fewer than 81 integers are read, the remainder are left unchanged. The
integer list cannot be mixed with mnemonics.
The following table lists the mnemonics available, and also their equivalent integers for the ECLIPSE 100
integer lists. Mnemonics without an integer in the E100 column are not available in ECLIPSE 100.
Mnemonics available in ECLIPSE 300 are identified by an x in the E300 column.

Input Keyword Output E100 E300

or Mnemonic Integer
AIM Output AIM status array (1 for implicit cells; 2 for explicit x
AMF Output of aqueous mole fractions (CO2SOL option) x
APIVD Output of tables of initial API versus depth 14
AQUFET or Output of analytic (Fetkovich, Carter-Tracy or Constant Flux) 12 x
AQUFETP or aquifer data (entered using AQUFET, AQUFETP, AQUCT,
(only *
If set to 2 then in addition, data for each aquifer-grid block
connection will be printed (input using AQUANCON)
BFORG Output of gas Forchheimer B-factor (Velocity-dependent flow) x
BFORO Output of oil Forchheimer B-factor (Velocity-dependent flow) x
BGAS Output of water reservoir molar densities x
BOIL Output of oil reservoir molar densities x
BWAT Output of gas reservoir molar densities x
DENG Output of grid block gas reservoir density 53 x
DENO Output of grid block oil reservoir density 51 x
DENW Output of grid block water reservoir density 52 x

Legacy formats and keywords RPTSOL

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Keyword Output E100 E300

or Mnemonic Integer
ENERGY Internal energy / bulk volume (THERMAL option) x
EQUIL Output of equilibration data 9
FFORG Forchheimer Non-Darcy flow factor for Gas (VELDEP option) x
FFORO Forchheimer Non-Darcy flow factor for Oil (VELDEP option) x
FIP Output of fluid in place reports: 8
If set to 1 then initial fluids in place are reported for the whole
If set to 2 then in addition, initial fluids in place are reported
for each fluid in place region defined with the FIPNUM
If set to 3 then in addition, initial fluids in place are reported
for all sets of fluid in place regions defined with the FIP
FIPFOAM Output of foam fluid in place reports (for the Foam Model) 64
1 gives a report for the whole field
2 in addition gives a report for each fluid-in-place region
FIPPLY Output of polymer/salt fluid in place reports (for Brine option 38
and salt-sensitive Polymer Flood Model)
1 gives a report for the whole field
2 in addition gives a report for each fluid-in-place region
FIPRESV Output of region reservoir volume reports 76
FIPSOL Output of the solvent fluid in place reports. 43
1 gives a report for the whole field
2 in addition gives a report for each fluid-in-place region
FIPSURF Output of surfactant fluid in place reports (for the Surfactant 46
1 gives a report for the whole field
2 in addition gives a report for each fluid-in-place region
FIPTEMP or Output of energy in place reports (for the Temperature option) 66
1 gives a report for the whole field
2 in addition gives a report for each fluid-in-place region
FIPTR Output of tracer fluid in place reports (for Tracer Tracking) 32
1 gives a report for the whole field
2 in addition gives a report for each fluid-in-place region

Legacy formats and keywords RPTSOL

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Keyword Output E100 E300

or Mnemonic Integer
FIPVE Output of fluid in place in original oil, water and gas zones in 21
the VE option
FLOCn Output of inter-block component flows (for component n) x
FLOE Output of inter-block energy flow (THERMAL option only) x
FLOGAS Output of inter block gas flows (black oil cases only) 74 x
FLOOIL Output of inter block oil flows (black oil cases only) 72 x
FLOSOL Output of inter block solvent flows (for the Solvent Model) 77
FLOWAT Output of inter block water flows 73 x
FMISC Output of relative permeability miscibility factor (Miscible x
FOAM Output of grid block foam concentration (for the Foam option) 63
FOAMADS Output of grid block foam adsorption (for the Foam option) 68
FOAMDCY Output of grid block foam decay (for the Foam option) 69
FOAMMOB Output of gas mobility factor due to foam (for the Foam option) 70
FPC Output of capillary pressure miscibility factor (Miscible option) x
FUGG Output of component fugacities in gas (Activity Driven x
FUGO Output of component fugacities in oil (Activity Driven x
GASCONC Output of matrix grid block gas concentration (for the Coal Bed 54
Methane option)
GASPOT Output of gas potentials x
GI Output of initial GI value for condensate/volatile oil model. 40
GOC Output of initial gas-oil contact depths in the VE option 23
(Output is AAAAA for contact depth above top of cell; output
is BBBBB for contact depth below bottom of cell)
JV Output of ln(KV) values x
KRG Output of grid block gas relative permeabilities 59 x
KRN Output of grid block solvent relative permeabilities 78
(for the Solvent Model)
KRO Output of grid block oil relative permeabilities 57 x
KRW Output of grid block water relative permeabilities 58 x
LAMB Saturation dependent thermal transmissibility multiplier Λ x
(THERMAL option)
MLSC Output of total molar density x
NCNG Output of Normalized Capillary Numbers for Gas (VELDEP x

Legacy formats and keywords RPTSOL

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Keyword Output E100 E300

or Mnemonic Integer
NCNO Output of Normalized Capillary Numbers for Oil (VELDEP x
OILAPI Output of initial grid block API values (for API tracking) 31
OILPOT Output of oil potentials x
PART Output of domain partitions (Parallel option) x
PB or PBUB Output of grid block bubble point pressures 55 x
1 outputs bubble point pressures only
2 in addition, outputs the saturated dissolved gas-oil ratios
PBLK or Output of initial grid block polymer concentration values (for 34
Polymer Flood Model)
PCGW Output of gas-water capillary pressures (GASWAT cases) x
PCOG Output of gas-oil capillary pressures x
PCOW Output of oil-water capillary pressures x
PD or PDEW Output of grid block dew point pressures 56 x
1 outputs dew point pressures only
2 in addition, outputs the saturated vaporized oil-gas ratios
PGAS Output of initial grid block gas phase pressures 19
PGASD or POTG Output of initial grid block gas phase pressures corrected to 20
datum depth) (See also the DATUM keyword)
PKRG Output of processed max. oil relative permeability and the gas 62
relative permeability at residual oil if the end point scaling is
PKRO Output of processed max. oil relative permeability and the oil 60
relative permeability at residual gas and water if the end point
scaling is activated.
PKRW Output of processed max. water relative permeability and the 61
water relative permeability at residual oil if the end-point
scaling is activated.
PLYADS Output of polymer concentration currently adsorbed by the rock 36
formation (for Polymer Flood Model)
POIL Output of initial grid block pressures 1 x
POILD or POTO Output of initial grid block oil phase pressures (corrected to 16
datum depth)
POTC Output of initial contact corrected potential 67
PPCG Output of the processed maximum gas-oil capillary pressures 81
(End Point Scaling option).
PPCW Output of the processed maximum oil-water capillary pressures 80
(End Point Scaling option).

Legacy formats and keywords RPTSOL

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Keyword Output E100 E300

or Mnemonic Integer
PRES or Output of initial oil pressures 1 x
PRESMIN Output of minimum pressures (irreversible Rock Compaction x
PSAT Output of saturation pressures (Compositional mode) x
PWAT Output of initial grid block water phase pressures 17
PWATD or POTW Output of initial grid block water phase pressures (corrected to 18
datum depth)
RECOV Output of recovery mechanisms 71
RESTART Output of Restart files: 7
If set > 1 then an initial Restart file is created.
If set > 2 then the inter block flows of each phase are written to
the Restart files.
If set > 3 then the current fluids in place and phase potentials in
each grid cell are written to the Restart files.
(There must be at least one TIME, TSTEP or DATES keyword
if an initial Restart file is required; but the simulation mode can
be turned off by the keyword NOSIM in the RUNSPEC section)
In ECLIPSE 300 the keyword OUTSOL controls output to the
Restart file.
RK Output of permeability reduction factor currently being applied 37
to the water phase (for Polymer Flood Model)
ROCKC Output of the modified pore volume and transmissibility 41
multiplier (for the Rock Compaction Model).
2 gives the modified DZ assuming compaction in the Z-
direction (for hysteretic compaction)
3 in addition sums DZ for each column of grid blocks (for
hysteretic compaction)
ROCKMASS Output rock mass (Polymer, Surfactant and Environmental 15
Tracer options)
RPORV Output of reservoir pore volumes x
RS Output of initial grid block solution gas-oil ratios 5 x
RSVD or PBVD Output of tables of either initial Rs versus depth or initial Pb 10
versus depth
RV Output of initial grid block vapor oil-gas ratios 6 x
RVVD Output of tables of initial Rv versus depth 11
SALT Output of initial grid block salt concentration values (for Brine 35 x
option and salt-sensitive Polymer Flood Model)

Legacy formats and keywords RPTSOL

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Keyword Output E100 E300

or Mnemonic Integer
SALTVD Output of tables of initial salt concentration 29 x
versus depth (entered using SALTVD keyword)
SGAS Output of initial grid block gas saturations 4 x
SGCO or SGCR Output of the connate, critical and maximum gas saturations for 27
or SGL or SGU each grid cell if the end-point scaling or the mobile fluid
correction option is activated.
SOCRS Output of critical oil saturations following a surfactant flood 82
(Surfactant option with end point scaling active)
SOGCR Output of the critical oil-in-gas saturations for each direction 25
for each grid cell if the end point scaling or the mobile fluid
correction is activated.
SOIL Output of initial grid block oil saturations 2 x
SOWCR Output of the critical oil-in-water saturations for each direction 24
for each grid cell if the end point scaling or the mobile fluid
correction is activated.
SSOL Output of the initial solvent saturation. 42
STEN Output of oil/gas surface tensions (Miscible option) x
SURFADS Output of current adsorbed surfactant concentration on the 45
formation rock (for the Surfactant Model)
SURFBLK Output of the Surfactant concentrations (for the Surfactant 44
SWAT Output of initial grid block water saturations 3 x
SWATINIT Output of scaled maximum water-oil capillary pressures 30
generated from initial water distribution entered with keyword
SWCO or SWCR Output of the connate, critical and maximum water saturations 26
or SWL or SWU for each grid cell if the end point scaling or the mobile fluid
correction option is activated.
TBLK or Output of initial grid block tracer concentrations (for Tracer 33
TRACER Tracking)
TEMP Output of the grid block temperature (for the Temperature 65 x
option in E100 or the THERMAL option in E300)
THPRES Output of threshold pressures (see keywords EQLOPTS and 13
TRADS or Output of tracer adsorption and decay (for Environmental 47
TRDCY Tracers)
TVDP Output of initial tracer concentration versus depth tables for the 28
Tracer Tracking option (input using TVDP)
VGAS Output of grid block gas viscosity 50 x

Legacy formats and keywords RPTSOL

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

Input Keyword Output E100 E300

or Mnemonic Integer
VMF Output of vapor mole fractions (fraction of total hydrocarbon x
moles in gas)
VOIL Output of grid block oil viscosity 48 x
VWAT Output of grid block water viscosity 49 x
WATPOT Output of water potentials x
WOC Output of initial water-oil contact depths in the VE option 22
(Output is AAAAA for contact depth above top of cell; output
is BBBBB for contact depth below bottom of cell)
XGAS Output of gas fractional saturations (Sudation option) x
XMF Output of liquid component mole fractions (fraction of each x
component in liquid)
XWAT Output of water fractional saturations (Sudation option) x
YMF Output of vapor component mole fractions (fraction of each x
component in gas)
SOLVD Output of initial solution versus depth tables x
ZMF Output of total component mole fractions x

Examples 1 and 2 refer to ECLIPSE 100 and example 3 refers to ECLIPSE 300.

Example 1


Example 2

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 /

Example 3


Retired keywords
This appendix provides information on keywords that are no longer supported. They have been retired, are
obsolete or are associated with external products that are no longer supported. However, you may have
them in your data sets. The keywords are:

Legacy formats and keywords RPTSOL

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards


Legacy formats and keywords RPTSOL

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

LSCRITL Linear solution convergence criteria for all local

This keyword was retired in 2001A.

Legacy formats and keywords LSCRITL

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

PSEUDOS Requests output of data for the PSEUDO package

If this keyword is included in the GRID section, ECLIPSE writes out the binary data files which are
required for input to the PSEUDO package. The PSEUDO package is now retired and no longer supplied
with the ECLIPSE suite. These files are:
RUNSPEC root. INIT (where root is the file name root for the current run). This file contains a summary of data
x GRID entered in the GRID, PROPS and REGIONS sections.
root. X0001, X0002, X0003 and so on. The inter-block flow rates are appended to the restart files. Note
that if PSEUDOS is specified, a restart file is generated at every timestep, regardless of the setting of the
REGIONS setting of the RESTART mnemonic in the RPTSCHED keyword or the BASIC mnemonic in the RPTRST
SOLUTION keyword.
The file naming convention can vary slightly according to the make of computer.
These files may be formatted (for transfer between computers of different makes, or just for readability), or
unformatted (the default). The type of file created is controlled by the keyword FMTOUT in the RUNSPEC
section. Formatted files have slightly different names, to distinguish them from unformatted files.
The PSEUDOS keyword has no associated data.
See also keyword INIT and "File Handling in ECLIPSE".

Legacy formats and keywords PSEUDOS

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

WCONINJ Injection well control data, with no group control

Attention: This keyword is obsolete and has been superseded by the simpler keyword WCONINJE in the
ECLIPSE Reference Manual, which is recommended in place of this one. However, if you have not
replaced the keyword in your data sets, you can use the information here.

This keyword can be used to set individual control targets and limits for injection wells. WCONINJ can also
x ECLIPSE 100 be used to supply individual reinjection and voidage replacement targets for injectors. But reinjection and
ECLIPSE 300 voidage replacement can be performed with more flexibility by group injection control using keyword
SPECIAL GCONINJE, which is recommended wherever possible. Injectors under group control should be specified
RUNSPEC with the keyword WCONINJE instead of this one.
The keyword is followed by any number of records, each containing the following items of data, and each
EDIT terminated with a slash (/).
The records may be terminated at any item after Item 5. The remaining items will assume their default
values. Default values can be specified before the slash by null repeat counts of the form n*, where n is the
number of consecutive items to be defaulted.
x SCHEDULE The set of records must end with a blank record, containing only a slash (/).
1. Well name, well name root or well list name
A well name root, enclosed in quotes and ending with an asterisk (*), can be used to refer to several
wells in one record. Alternatively a well list name, enclosed in quotes and beginning with an asterisk
(*), may be used. Well lists are constructed with the keyword WLIST.
2. Injector type
OIL Oil injector

WATER Water injector

GAS Gas injector

3. Open/shut flag for the well

OPEN Well open for injection

STOP Well stopped off above the formation, allowing crossflow through the well bore

SHUT Well completely isolated from the formation

AUTO Well initially SHUT, but are opened automatically as soon as constraints on drilling rate
(keyword WDRILTIM), drilling rig availability (keyword GRUPRIG), and the maximum
number of open wells per group (keyword GECON item 9) allow. If no such constraints are
specified, the well will open immediately. Wells on AUTO are opened in the order in which
they are first specified in keyword WELSPECS, unless any belong to a group that already has
its maximum number of open wells or has all its available drilling rigs already occupied.

4. Control mode
RATE Controlled by surface flow rate

Legacy formats and keywords WCONINJ

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

RESV Controlled by reservoir fluid volume rate

BHP Controlled by BHP

THP Controlled by THP

5. Surface flow rate target or upper limit (the constant part)

For reinjection wells (see items 7 and 8) this quantity is added to the reinjection flow. It can be
negative if the reinjection flow is to be reduced by a constant amount. Set this to zero if no constant
term is required in the reinjection rate. For wells that do not have a reinjection target, a zero value
entered here prevents the well from flowing.

UNITS: sm3/day (METRIC), stb/day for oil or water (FIELD), Mscf/day for gas (FIELD), scc/hr
(LAB), sm3/day (PVT-M)
DEFAULT: Infinity (1.0E20)
6. Reservoir fluid volume rate target or upper limit (the constant part)
For voidage replacement wells (see items 7 and 8) this quantity is added to the voidage replacement
rate. It can be negative if the voidage replacement rate is to be reduced by a constant amount. Set this
to zero if no constant term is required in the voidage replacement rate. For wells that do not have a
voidage replacement target, a zero value entered here prevents the well from flowing.

UNITS: rm3/day (METRIC), rb/day (FIELD), rcc/hr (LAB), rm3/day (PVT-M)

DEFAULT: Infinity (1.0E20)
7. Reinjection or voidage replacement fraction (see Item 8)
8. Reinjection or voidage replacement flag
NONE No reinjection or voidage replacement

GPRD Well reinjects a fraction of its group’s production

FPRD Well reinjects a fraction of the field’s production

GVDG Well replaces a fraction of its group’s voidage

FVD Well replaces a fraction of the field’s voidage

If GPRD is specified, the target or limiting surface flow rate = Item 5 + Item 7 * group production rate
If FPRD is specified, the target or limiting surface flow rate = Item 5 + Item 7 * field production rate
If GVDG is specified, the target or limiting reservoir volume rate = Item 6 + Item 7 * group voidage
If FVDG is specified, the target or limiting reservoir volume rate = Item 6 + Item 7 * field voidage rate
Reinjection and voidage replacement wells cannot be under group control and cannot go into the
drilling queue.

Legacy formats and keywords WCONINJ

ECLIPSE Development History: 2014 onwards

9. BHP target or upper limit

It is recommended that this quantity should be set to a value not exceeding the highest pressure in the
PVT tables, to ensure the tables are not extrapolated in the well. It is best not to default this quantity,
as its value is used in calculating the well potential. A warning message will be printed if this is
UNITS: barsa (METRIC), psia (FIELD), atma (LAB), atma (PVT-M)
DEFAULT: 1.0E5 psia = 6895 barsa = 6804 atma
10. THP target or upper limit
UNITS: barsa (METRIC), psia (FIELD), atma (LAB), atma (PVT-M)
DEFAULT: Infinity (1.0E20)
11. Injection well VFP table number (See keyword VFPINJ)
Set this to zero if no THP calculations are required and the limiting THP value has been defaulted
12. Vaporized oil concentration in the injected gas, or dissolved gas concentration in the injected oil

UNITS: sm3/sm3 (METRIC), stb/Mscf for gas injectors (FIELD), Mscf/stb for oil injectors (FIELD),
scc/scc (LAB), sm3/sm3 (PVT-M)
End data record with a slash (/).
End the set of records with a blank record, containing just a slash.
See also keyword WELTARG, which can be used to reset selected control quantities individually.

INJ1 Reinjects half its group’s gas production less 200 Mscf/day, subject to a BHP upper limit of 5000
psia and a THP upper limit of 1000 psia. The THP is calculated using Injection Well VFP Table
number 2.

INJ2 Injects water to replace 0.2 of the field voidage, subject to a BHP upper limit of 4000 psia.

INJ3 Injects water at a constant rate of 500 stb/day, subject to a BHP upper limit of 5000 psia.

INJ1 GAS OPEN RATE -200 1* 0.5 GPRD 5000 1000 2 /
INJ2 WAT OPEN RESV 1* 0.0 0.2 FVDG 4000 /
INJ3 WAT OPEN RATE 500 3* 5000 /

Legacy formats and keywords WCONINJ


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