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The Key Players in Contemporary Geopolitics


Question 1
Choose one of the options below to fill in the gaps.

yOn the one hand, geopolitics includes about global contest for power and superiority through
control over certain ____. On the other hand, geopolitics looks at ____ of control such as transport,
technologies, alliances, power of ideas and ideology

1 / 1 point

geographic locations; points

geostrategic places; mechanisms

geostrategic instruments; points

geostrategic ideas; sources

Question 2
Choose one of the options below to fill in the gaps.

While traditional geopolitics focuses on direct military or political control, classical geopolitics deals
with military alliances which have ____ background. Furthermore, post-classical geopolitics looks
at political and ____ means of influence

1 / 1 point

political; psychological

psychological; ideological
ideological; economic

economic, military

Question 3
Which two of the following countries have the largest military capabilities in terms of military

1 / 1 point



United States




South Korea

Question 4
Choose two statements from the options below to answer the question why it is debatable that such
countries as Great Britain, France and Germany could be considered as global geopolitical actors?

1 / 1 point

Those actors design their geopolitical actions in the international arena to guarantee European
security, which makes them regional rather than global actors

Those actors orient their geopolitical actions in the international arena towards European security,
which makes them not only regional but also global powers

Many issues are settled by those countries on the basis of compromise and negotiation in the
European Union’s institutional framework


Many issues are settled by those countries on the basis of compromise and negotiation in the United
Nation’s institutional framework

Question 5
In terms of economic power, which two countries have had the largest GDP throughout the historical
period from 1 AD to modernity?

1 / 1 point

Russia and United States

China and India

China and United States

Great Britain and India

Question 6
Choose all the correct options below to answer the question.

Geopolitical boundaries between which of the following regions are characterised by inherent
tensions and conflicts?

1 / 1 point

Eurasian Continental Realm (Russia) and Maritime Europe


Middle East Shatterbelt and Sub-Saharan Africa Shattelbelt

North and Middle America (United States) and Maritime Europe

East Asia Realm (China) and Asia Pacific Rim (United States)

Question 7
Choose all the correct options below to answer the question.

Why did Cohen consider Middle East Shatterbelt as a geopolitical territory of the intrinsically most
intense competition between the great powers?

0.75 / 1 point

The Middle East is rich of vital energy resources

The Middle East region incorporates primarily Muslim states

The Middle East is located in geographic proximity to the main geopolitical actors


The Middle East region is inherently belligerent towards the global community

This should not be selected

Question 8
Choose one of the options below to fill in the gap.

The ____ are the shipping routes running along the Russian Arctic coast

1 / 1 point
Northwest Passage and Northern Sea Route

Northern Passage and Northwest Sea Route

Northeast Passage and Northern Sea Canal

Northwest Passage and Northern Sea Canal

Question 9
Choose all the correct options below to fill in the gap.

In terms of geopolitics, relatively stable regionalism requires the presence of a leader or hegemon. In
other words, without a hierarchy of relations in a regional association of states, it is difficult to build a
community due to ____

0.833 / 1 point

less active geopolitical planning among neighbouring states


rising concerns about global security and international economic cooperation

a continuous rivalry between competing great powers and their geostrategies

an absence of anarchy and disorder in the region

intense competition and controversies


explicit expression of a common identity and purpose by regional actors

This should not be selected
Question 10
Write down a correct answer to fill in the gap.

While geopolitically weak regionalism is perceived as an intrinsically negative phenomena, an

absence of geopolitical background may not necessarily have adverse consequences but it could
result instead in ____ regionalism

0 / 1 point
No answer
Question 11
Choose all the correct options below to fill in the gap.

Major geopolitical actors share an array of similar characteristics such as ____ 

0.5 / 1 point

regional backing in a form of geopolitical and geo-economic alliance

historical experience of geopolitical planning


beneficial geopolitical locations, namely outside the World Island

strong military and economic capabilities


global geopolitical agenda

global ideological leadership and political dominance

This should not be selected

Question 12
Choose all the correct options below to fill in the gap.

Contemporary geopolitical issues include several political and economic concerns, among which the
most acute are ____

0.5 / 1 point

sustainability of geopolitical infrastructure

new strategic places and geopolitical battlegrounds


old strategic places and geopolitical battlegrounds

regional geopolitical planning and alliances

This should not be selected

access to resources


sustainability of trade

Question 13
Choose one of the options below to fill in the gaps.

Whereas both the United States and Russia have a rich history of ____ thinking and experience,
China as a rising great power can offer a ____ to revise current international rules

1 / 1 point

geopolitical; geo-economic strategy

geo-economic political; geopolitical strategy

geopolitical; new ideology

ideological; geostrategy

Question 14
Choose all the correct options below to fill in the gap.

The United States could be considered one the main geopolitical actors it ____

1 / 1 point

defeated communism in the Cold War

has the largest military capabilities


is one of the leading economic powers


is a rising economic power and Eurasian hegemon

is the only remaining superpower after the end of the Cold War


is a revisionist states seeking global leadership

Question 15
As the newly emerging economic powers, such countries as China and India are expected to be
increasingly involved in the global geopolitical competition. Drawing on the main conclusions of
classical geopolitical thought, many scholars believe that competition in the sphere of economics
might eventually transform commercial thinking into the geopolitical one, making geo-economics a
powerful instrument. From the following statements, choose one which best explains why an
increased involvement of the rising economic powers in geopolitics is inevitable.

1 / 1 point

The need to secure political and military support from neighbouring states drives the newly emerging
economies to participate in the global geopolitical contest

The need to secure imports and make trade alliances with rival states drives the newly emerging
economies to participate in the global geopolitical contest

The need to achieve international political and ideological leadership drives the newly emerging
economies to participate in the global geopolitical contest and thereby challenge other rivals

The need to secure markets and an access to limited resources drives the newly emerging
economies to participate in the global geopolitical contest

Question 16
Why is it possible to include the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea geopolitically in the list of geopolitically
significant features, or choke points? 

1 / 1 point

Energy pipeline system runs from Russia to Europe across the Baltic Sea and Black Sea

The Baltic Sea and the Black Sea are important as the locations of oil and gas extraction

The Northern Sea route runs across the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea

The Baltic Sea and Black Sea are part of Russia's exclusive economic zone


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