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Statistical analysis: key

element to make decisions

Content list

Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3

Mind Map ........................................................................................................................ 4

1. Let’s listen ................................................................................................................. 5

Welcome back! ........................................................................................................... 5
Congratulations! You’ve got the job! ........................................................................... 6
First impressions – Getting ready for your first day! .................................................... 6

2. Let’s talk..................................................................................................................... 7
At work ........................................................................................................................ 7
Your duties .................................................................................................................. 7
Understanding the company needs ............................................................................ 7

3. Let’s read ................................................................................................................... 8

Mind Maps: Organizing your ideas .............................................................................. 8
How to make a mind map ........................................................................................... 8
Needs of the company - Mind Map ............................................................................. 9
Displaying Information - Mind Map ............................................................................ 10
Making a decision: Decision trees............................................................................. 10

4. Grammar Focus ....................................................................................................... 11

Comparatives ............................................................................................................ 11
Superlatives .............................................................................................................. 14

5. Vocabulary Builder .................................................................................................. 17

Presenting results: Key words / concepts in a statistical analysis ............................. 17

References ................................................................................................................... 19

Making correct decisions is the key element for any enterprise to fail or succeed. Such
important process, however, is something we cannot learn by the book as the options
will always vary according to the context. That is why, special training is necessary to
analyze the available information in order to have a clear picture of what the pros and
cons are when trying to set what is best for you and your company interests.

Thus, being able to choose between A and B, between black and white, between what
is good and what is not so good for the company is an essential ability every Physical
Distribution Student must work on. In order to do so, there are many steps to have in
mind regarding the almost endless choices that globalization and this technological era
is providing us with.

The following material will give you some elements for you to access information by
means of the International Business Language: English, so you have complete and
accurate information for you to make the best decision according to your needs.
Additionally, you will learn some elements for you to justify your decision, once you
have made one.

Tomar las decisiones adecuadas es fundamental para el éxito o

fracaso de cualquier empresa. Sin embargo, un proceso tan
importante como éste, no es algo que se aprenda en un libro, ya
que las opciones a considerar siempre cambiarán, de acuerdo al
contexto. De ahí que se requiera una especie de entrenamiento
especial para hacer un análisis de la información disponible para
cada caso y así, tener claridad respecto a los pro y los contra en el
momento de decidir lo que es mejor para usted y para su empresa.

Así, tener la habilidad para escoger entre A o B, blanco o negro, lo

que es bueno y lo que no es tan bueno para la empresa, es una
habilidad esencial que cada aprendiz de Distribución Física
Internacional debe desarrollar. Para conseguirlo, existen varios
pasos que se deben tener en cuenta, considerando las casi
interminables opciones que la globalización y esta era tecnológica
actual nos ofrecen.

El presente material le proporcionará algunos elementos para

acceder a la información necesaria en el idioma internacional de los
negocios: inglés, para que usted pueda contar con información
completa y precisa para tomar la decisión necesaria, de acuerdo a
sus necesidades y, adicionalmente, le brindará elementos para que
usted pueda justificar sus decisiones, una vez las haya tomado.

Mind Map

The following mind map will show you what the distribution of topics for this material is:

1. Let’s listen

Welcome back!

Hi, welcome back!

As a SENA Physical Distribution Student, you should be able to look for information
regarding any topic of interest in order to make the best decision for your personal
growth and the growth of your company.

Within this material, you’ll find some information on the variables to have in mind when
analyzing the data or information available to help your company move forward in its
way to growing up. To do so, we will help John, a SENA Physical Distribution Student
who was applying for a job position during our last session.

Let’s see what the new challenges for him are.

Fuente: SENA

Congratulations! You’ve got the job!

Dear Mr. Rodriguez.

This is Jane from Pace Run. Within the last days

you applied for an intern position with us. This
phone call is to certify that we have examined your
application and believe you to be perfect for the
temporary Distribution Manager assistant position at
our company.

We are happy to have you joining our company

upon completion of a background check (medical
tests and references checkup) expected within the
next 5 working days.

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to

your services. I await your acceptance. You can call
Fuente: SENA us at 355-78-22 or e-mail your answer to


First impressions – Getting ready for your first day!

Well, well, well… You accepted the intern position at Pace Run and now it seems like it
is your first day at your new job. Congratulations, but remember to dress smart: Picking
the right suit and shoes is absolutely important to make a very good first impression. Do
not wear trainers or caps at your workplace.

2. Let’s talk

At work

Very well. Now you are ready to start your internship. In this section you will study some
important vocabulary to have in mind at your workplace. Pay attention to the context
and the function of the different expressions John will use to understand what his new
obligations are.

Your duties

B. Good morning. I am Esteban Rodríguez, the new Distribution Manager Assistant.
C. Good morning Esteban! I am Jane McArthur. We spoke on the telephone. I am
glad to see you here. Welcome!
B. Thanks for considering my profile and having me here! I am sure I will be a good
asset for your company.
C. That sounds great. Let me show what your duties are going to be.
B. Let’s see. I’m very excited about it!

Understanding the company needs

Pace Run is a Small Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) or PYME (because of its name
in Spanish - Pequeña y Mediana Empresa) in charge of distributing goods all around
Colombia, but this year we started importing and exporting from all around the world.

At the moment, we are managing a lot of information, but we don’t know how to use
all that information in a proper way. We need to find a system or software that helps
us to make our decisions in an intelligent and fast way.

That is why, your main duty is to find a software that helps us to grow internationally.

Fuente: SENA

3. Let’s read

Mind Maps: Organizing your ideas

Skimming and scanning are good strategies to find proper information when
researching on a specific topic. However, being able to organize all the information to
present it in an organized and schematic way is even more important.

Your decisions or suggestions can only be supported with the best arguments.
Mind maps help you to organize all the information.

Very well, then… The company needs to

organize all the information they have to be more
efficient. It means that they need a Statistical
Software to be able to organize the information
they have and, besides, be able to predict what is
going to happen in the market, based on their

That means that I need…


 Establish the needs of the Company.

 Look for the appropriate software.
 Compare the information among the
Fuente: SENA available software.
 Make a decision map.

How to make a mind map

Now that you know what you should do, let’s organize all the information we have by
using Mind Maps. But first, let’s see how to make an effective Mind Map:

Mind maps are useful to increase your
productivity, creativity and memory. To do a
mind map, you need:

1. Establish your central Idea. It represents

the topic you are going to explore.

2. Add branches to your central Idea. The

branches represent the different subtopics
you are interested in exploring.

3. Add key-words. Insert words that will help

you to understand the relationship between
the topics you have selected. Fuente: SENA

4. Use arrows to connect ideas. Arrows are a

visual aid to display how the different
concepts are connected or their hierarchy
when compared to other concepts.

Needs of the company - Mind Map

This company needs to use statistics in order to analyze the data they have and so, be
able to interpret the results in terms of current efficiency and also, predict what may

In other words.

Displaying Information - Mind Map

Making a decision: Decision trees

Once you have identified the different options you have and you have fully understood
what the Pros and Cons for each option are, you are ready to make a Decision Tree, a
similar structure to a Mind Map which will help you to visually understand the
differences and similarities between the different options you have to make the best

Fuente: SENA

4. Grammar Focus

When presenting results and comparisons, the use of comparatives and superlatives is
useful to express similarities or differences, and also to highlight things that are unique.

In this section we will study the use of comparatives and superlatives to present the
results of your research:


We use this grammar structure when we are comparing the characteristics of TWO
different elements.

Look at the following image and answer the question:

The new restaurant will be:

A. Different from the old restaurant.

B. The same as the old restaurant.

Fuente: SENA

Let’s check the rules to use this grammar form.

Fuente: Fuchs y Booner (2001)

Fuente: Fuchs y Booner (2001)


We use the superlative form to show the specific characteristic on why something is
special or unique when comparing MORE THAN TWO ELEMENTS. Check the example
and answer the question:

In the image, the three animal have

one common characteristic. They
are all BIG; however, there is a
difference and one animal gets the
most of this quality.

Which is THE BIGGEST animal?

A. The dog.
B. The zebra.
C. The elephant.

Fuente: SENA

The rules to use the superlative form are very similar to the ones for comparatives.

Fuente: Fuchs y Booner (2001)

Fuente: Fuchs y Booner (2001)

5. Vocabulary Builder

Presenting results: Key words / concepts in a statistical analysis

Fuente: SENA

Once you get the results of your study, it is necessary to present the results in such
terms that your presentation looks professional. Let’s work on some vocabulary for your

Enumeration: First, second, third, etc.

Perspective: On the one hand, on the other
Addition: Additionally, again, also, as well as,
further, furthermore, moreover.
ORGANIZERS Comparison: equally, similarly, likewise, in the
same way.
Transition: Now, regarding, with respect/regard
Summary: hence, in brief, in conclusion, to
sum up, to summarize, to conclude.
COSTS (Money): Expensive, cheap,
reasonable price.
BENEFITS (Good for the company): Data
CONTENT WORDS – CHOOSING manipulation, Versatility, Statististical Analysis,
A STATISTICAL SOFTWARE Graphics, Simulation Packages, Light
interface, software access.
PROs (What is good or an advantage for the

CONs (What might result into a complication
for the company).

YOU SHOULD + Verb (This expression is a

recommendation. It is a good idea. Ex. You
should get this software to handle all your
YOU SHOULD NOT + Verb (This expression
shows that something is not a good idea. Ex.
You shouldn’t invest a lot of money on a
LISTENER shows that something is recommended for
better results. Ex. It is advisable to run this
software on Windows).
conditional form is telling us what is necessary
to be done, to get the results that we want. Ex.
If we want to improve, we need to implement
one of these software).


Fuchs, M. y Bonner, M. (2001). Grammar Express: Intermediate with Answer Key (For
Self-Study and Classroom Use). Richmond: Pearson Longman.

Merriam-Webster. (s.f.). Learner's Dictionary. Recuperado de

NYU Data Services. (s.f.). Summary. Recuperado de

PMC US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. (2015). How to

choose the right statistical software?—a method increasing the post-purchase
satisfaction. Journal of Thoracic Disease, 7(12), 585-598.

Sample Templates. (s.f.). 8+ Decision Tree Samples. Recuperado de

Document control

Nombre Cargo Dependencia Fecha

Centro de Gestión
de Mercados,
Autor Logística y
Karen Yolima Experta Mayo de
Tecnologías de la
Torres Tafur técnica 2017
Regional Distrito
Andrés Felipe Guionista - Centro
Junio de
Adaptación Velandia Línea de Agroindustrial.
Espitia Producción Regional Quindío


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