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Tiempo libre

On my free time I often watch series on netfix, the last one was The Haunting of Bly Manor. It was
amazing, it counts the story of a mansión where the princess viola died 4 centuries ago and
brougth a curse with her. Nowaday, two children are haunted by the spirits living in the mansión
and the serie shows how the characters face up the situation and get rid of the curse.

I enjoy cooking exotic plates like bbq baby back ribs in the oven, lasagna or chicken wings. The
secret is the sauce, i prepare it with kétchup, mustard, vinegar, wáter, dry chiles, garlic pouder,
salt, pepper and paprika.

Rutina diaria

On my daily routine i go to the gym at the morning before have my breackfast, then i take a bath
and after that, i take a seat at my desk to continue a course in VBA, at noon i cook the lunch and
the rest of the afternoon i usually keep studying until 5 pm more or less, when i finish, i go to my
gf apartment and we watch series or movies toguether, take a walk or have a dessert.


I love travelling to new places, i have had the opportunity to travel to many countries aorund the
world like, spain, italy, france, usa, Bahamas, chile and Brasil and i hope to meet countries like
japan or mexico in the future.

I also went on an exchange to the United Kingdom for six months in 2017 and the main porpouse
of that trip was to improve my english, there was where i got my c1 certificated.


What i think about covid 19 is that its a World tragedy and we just can follow the instructions
gived to us by the scientist and medical doctors, help our loved ones in whatever way we can do,
adapt to the new reality and hope the best


Slice of bred and a hot cup of chocolate at the morning or just before sleep

Por que este trabajo

I have the time, the equipment and i want to work. This would be a great opportunity to practice
my english, earn money and have a contribution in your company

Ecopetrol and many other companies suspended hiring, so i dont have a job expectation in the oil
and gas industry for the momment and This would be a great opportunity to practice my english,
earn money and have a contribution in your company

Quien soy

I am 23 years old, I am a graduated petroleum engineer from the america university, i live in
bogota and i currently study programming in vba, i am form Valledupar, i came to bogota when i
started my carreer and i am Good looking.

Cinco años

In five years i hope to be finishing a master in electronic system and be working in software design.
In adition, rent an apartment, have my own space and why not, have a car.

Igt solutions de la india

Viajes y turismo

Agente call center aerolínea

Termino fijo 3 meses

Indefinido 1.800.000

26 con cali

Lunes a viernes de 6 am a 2 pm

5 dias a la semana turnos de 8 horas y media

Servicio de ruta



Mañana estar pendiente.


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