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Homework July 3rd

"Tell-Tale Heart."

 What does the narrator try to convince the reader of? 

The narrator tries to convince the reader that he is not crazy, and that he can calmly relate
how he made a plan to kill the old man who was disturbing him, he told his reasons that
according to him were valid to commit the crime and these were that the eye of the old man
was something annoying and scary for him. On the other hand, another way of convince us
that wasn't crazy was how he hid the body without leaving any trace.

 What is the narrator's relationship to the old man? 

The narrator lives with the Old Man in the same house, it seems he knew him very well and
even at one point was very fond of him. It can be deduced that he was a relative or most
likely a caregiver.

 What does the heart symbolize? 

The old man's heart was a resonance that became faster and louder. It resembled the sound
of a drum that for the narrator was something infernal that filled him with an uncontrollable
terror as it seemed to explode and his fear was that some neighbor would hear it.

 What does the eye symbolize? 

The eye was the main reason why the murderer decided to execute the crime. It symbolized
a wicked eye compared to that of a vulture, it was a cursed spot that was extremely
annoying, every time he observed this eye the blood would freeze.

v) In the end, why does the narrator feel compelled to confess to the killing? 

While the policemen were in the deceased's room, he began to hear a sound, as the sound
grew continually louder and louder, and in the meantime the men continued to talk.
However, this sound became unbearable and he evidenced that the policemen already knew
about the crime and were mocking him. According to him he could not stand it any longer
as he was listening to his heart beating and asked the policemen to lift the boards where the
body was.

1. Who’s
2. Don’t
3. Not
4. Has
5. Haven’t
6. So
7. They
8. Which
9. Don’t
10. Neither
11. Doesn’t
12. Let’s

1. Where do you live?
2. What are you thinking about?
3. Would you like to come to my room?
4. Didn’t you watch the football match on television?
5. May I take a photo?
6. Have you seen Polly?
7. How many letters have you written?
8. Who is coming to your party?
9. How often does Martin cook?
10. What will the weather be tomorrow?
1. No, it hasn’t.
2. No, I hate it
3. Yes, I expect so.
4. It isn’t very nice, is it?
5. Yes, please.
6. I am too.
7. I hope not.
8. Neither did the second.
1. How old are you?
2. Did you go to college?
3. What are your interests?
4. Which company do you work for?
5. What don’t you like about your job?

1. Doesn’t
2. Course
3. Neither
4. No
5. For
6. Did
7. Won´t
8. Not
9. Will
10. Far
11. So
12. Don’t
13. Which
14. So
15. Hasn’t
16. Which


I believe that if society could understand the cause and effect, we would still be an
imperfect society, but we would have a society with fewer problems, since if
everyone knew the result that an action entails, we would not feel the emotion of
waiting for the result that is going have at some point, although it would be a perfect
scenario to think that we could predict the consequences of all our actions

The perfect Society is something impossible to achieve, since in imperfection lies

the balance. Although society understands cause and effect, and this is predictable,
human beings have malice in their genes, and although many people may be
naturally good, others will be predominantly bad regardless of their awareness of
their actions. These predictions are subject to mathematical models that will always
have a certain degree of error. The only way would be raising children by a
Welcome to Robot land. The city is 4,000 square miles large. Its inhabitants are
governed by Mother who is in charge of raising human beings from scratch in order
to create the perfect human being. The only governor of Robot land is Mother.
Technology is the most important thing because mother has been creating the
perfect environment for all the citizens and of course Robot land is completely self-
sustaining all the individuals respect mother because if they go against her, they will
be excluded from the society back to the old world where humans live in a less
perfect society.


1. Minidialogues

1. Uh-oh I forgot to pick her up from the airport

-Well, you are going to be in hot water when she sees you.
2. I slept only three hours last night
-Why don’t you take a nap?
3. Id like you to take out the handout I gave you yesterday
-I can’t find it. Can I have another please?
4. If you don’t hit the books a little more, you’ll be sorry
-You’re right. I’ll try to work harder.
5. I ran all the way. I’m I late?
-No, you are lucky, you got here in the nick of time.
6. After I cram for a test. I forget everything I studied
-So do I. That’s the problem with studying at the last minute.
7. How did he do on the test
-I think he did pretty well.
8. Ssh! The baby’s taking a nap
-Sorry I didn’t know,
9. Can I ask you a question? Why did you take five points off my
-Because you turned this assignment in late.

Grammar practice
1. He’s tired because he pulled an all-nighter.
2. Shh! The baby is taking a nap
3. I’m going to the library to hit the books.
4. He’s happy because he got an A again.
5. She is unhappy because the got a C,
6. They got in class in the nick of time.

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