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Oscar David Ramirez G

Why summer is the best season?

When I think about the seasons, they all have something that I like but if you ask me which
one is my favorite, I would definitely say summer. This season has many positive aspects
but the ones that I could highlight the most are the warm weather, the fact that when there
is summer most people are on vacation and the last one would be the possibility to exercise

First of all, the weather in summer is perfect since it has many benefits for the body such as
vitamin D, stress reduction and even though many people do not know it, it improves
memory. On the other hand, we have to take into account that the excess of sun is harmful
and we need a sunscreen.

Secondly, when we talk about summer is synonymous with vacation and it is because during
this time, we can make many activities that I personally love like going to the beach, or just
travel and see new cities and about the food, nothing better than the smell of a BBQ and
picnics are pretty amazing too.

Thirdly, in the summer we can do more outdoor activities such as sports, I personally like to
jogging around the city and the summer allows me to do it every morning before going to
work without running the risk of catching a cold. I really love doing sports like surfing, is
incredible how on summer you can see many sea animals like dolphins and fishes.

In conclusion I am sure that most people prefer summer over other seasons because
everyone is on vacation enjoying the weather and doing activities that make us all happy.

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