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Ian Gaver

Rhodesian Independence

“I would say colonialism is a wonderful thing. it spread civilization to Africa before it had no
written language, no wheel as we know it, no schools, no hospitals, not even clothing.​” by Ian
Douglas Smith. Ian Smith saw this as a wonderful thing, the people that were colonized often did
not, and this led to a struggle between colonizers and the native people.

Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, was colonized by the British. Ian Smith was the first native-born
Prime minister of the British colony in Southern Rhodesia. Some of the major events In
Rhodesian history were when ​European settled(1890-1963), Ian Smith declared
independence(1964-1979), and Independence was felicitated(1980-present). The Rhodesian bush
war, a civil conflict from July 1964 to December 1979 in the unrecognized country of Rhodesia,
was the first step towards independence with the help of Ian D. Smith.

Ian Douglas Smith, the first native-born prime minister, played a large role in moving Rhodesia
towards independence and its subsequent withdrawal from the British Commonwealth.​ ​Forming
the UK government granted majority rule in Nyasaland and made moves towards the same in
Northern Rhodesia: “Ian Smith decided that the Federation was a lost cause and resolved to
found a new party that would push for Southern Rhodesian independence without an immediate
transfer of power.” (“Ian Smith”) This example is saying that the UK government has formed a
majority government in Nyasaland and has taken steps to achieve it in Northern Rhodesia.

One of the first actions of the Smithian government was to crack down on black nationalist
political violence that erupted after the founding of the second black nationalist
organization.These organizations ​wanted greater part rule (implying that local Africans would be
in the bulk share, which would remove power from white individuals). Likewise they wanted a
more socialist government.​This example is important because it talks about Ian Smith’s fight
against a social and political movement resisting assimilation of Black people into white or
mixed societies and advocating self-reliance and self-government in Black communities. It
shows that he is fighting for his state but that nobody is perfect and he still has a bit of racial
prejudice to him or that ​he wants independence, but not if it means black Africans also get
political power.​ This example proves my thesis by talking about Ian D. Smith and his fight for
independence in Zimbabwe.

The Rhodesian Bush War and the negotiations that came from it were other steps towards
independence in the ​unrecognized country of Rhodesia​: "The war ended when, at the behest of
both South Africa (its major supporter) and the United States, the Zimbabwe-Rhodesian
government ceded power to Britain in the Lancaster House Agreement in December 1979. The
UK Government held another election in 1980 to form a new government. The election was won
by ZANU(​Z​imbabwe ​A​frican ​N​ational ​U​nion).” ​This example is saying the war finished when,
at the command of both South Africa (its significant ally) and the United States, the
Zimbabwe-Rhodesian government surrendered capacity to Britain in the Lancaster House
Agreement in December 1979. The UK Government held another political decision in 1980 to
frame another legislature. The political race was won by ZANU. This is an important example
because it talks about how when the Rhodesian settlers and the Brittian’s lost the war it led to
elections and independent elections at that. This example proves my thesis because it talks about
the aftermath of the war. They did achieve more power and political say but they had their
fluctuations in how much political power they had.

This is a significant subject even today since it discusses how it now and then takes a struggle to
improve a community, region, country, district, state, and even a household. It also talks about
how the person who is fighting to save your community, region, country, district, and or state is
not always going to be perfect. That sometimes losing the fight like the “Rhodesian Bush War”
can bring you or your community, region, country, district, and or state to a better place. I hope
that this writing gave you some inspiration and/or the knowing of the benefits that you might
gain from the things that you do. History is filled with unintended outcomes, so it benefits
battling for the things you trust, regardless of whether you probably won't win right away.

Works Cited

“Rhodesian Bush War.” ​New World Encyclopedia.​. Last Date
Accessed 29, October 2020.

FrogCast. “Rhodesian Bush War: ​A Youtube video.​” Nov 11, 2017.​. Last Date accessed: 22, September 2020.

“Zimbabwe And Related Topics.”ZIMBABWE AND RELATED TOPICS: ​A weebly website​.​ Last Date accessed 27, september

“Ian Smith.” ​wikipedia​.​ Last Date Accessed 26, October 2020

“Rhodesian Bush War” ​wikipedia.​ Last Date Acessed 27, October 2020

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