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Time for History

In the year 500 BC, Punkha, the predecessor of today’s modern ceiling fan, was invented in India. It was
essentially made up of woven square of bamboo strips, or, in most cases, a frond of Fan Palm which was
basically a manually operated handheld tool. It got immense popularity in India during the British colonial
The first modern day rotary ceiling fans came into existence in the 1860s and 1870s in the United States
of America. Thanks to electricity which made it more efficient and popular. However, during the Great
Depression, its market began to die down. With the market size already on decrease, the advent of
electrical air condition worked as the last nail in the coffin.
Though the use of ceiling fans has become a history in the USA and other countries alike, it is still popular
in countries endowed with hot climates. Economic condition of a particular country may also account for
its wide-spread use in that particular country. Whether it’s a case of climate or economic condition,
Bangladesh falls in both categories.
Right now, in Bangladesh, there are many players in the ceiling fan market. To name a few, companies like
BRB, Super Start, Tongi National, GFC, PAK etc. are worth mentioning. However, one of the salient
features of this market is that non-branded local product covers the market by around 40 percent. And to
talk about the branded products, BRB consistently rules the top place.

A Glimpse of Click
RFL launched one of its electrical brand ‘’CLICK’’ in the year of 2014. Under this brand there are Fan, Light,
Switch & other electrical accessories. With a quick span of time, Click has been successfully able to grab
the 2nd largest share in Fan business just after BRB Fan.

However, CLICK” Ceiling fan has no special feature from that of the competitors. There is a point to be
noted that they have auto machine project which ensures world class quality ceiling fan. CLICK CEILING
FAN has Scope to communicate effective campaign in Bangladesh. At present market standard is 7 years
warranty for local ceiling fans.

At present, 99% components of ceiling fan are being produced in RFL Factory. So they can easily claim
that the quality of the products is the best in the market, which is also assured by the customers, dealers,
and other stake holders. Some parts of net fan and table fan are being imported from different countries.
But regular R&D procedure is going on to build up a strong mechanism for Stand fan, wall fan, table fan too
as like as Ceiling Fan.
As said earlier, features of CLICK ceiling fan are quite similar to the rest of the fans in Market. Still they
are focusing on some of the key features below:
• Competitive price (Compared with BRB, National, Energypac, Jamuna etc.)
• 07 years warranty. ( Although some other competitors are giving 8 - 12 years warranty)
• Low power consuming (80 Watt) - Energy saving Fan (at least 12% saving). However, some other
companies are also providing these things and highlighting this feature.
• Using tempered aluminum sheet with aero dynamics blade design giving high air delivery.
• Aerodynamic Fan blade (Other competitors may also have this but are not highlighting this feature)
• Motor made by silicon steel sheet with 100% pure copper wire wound, and using high quality Japanese
ball bearing

Key Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

If you are only selling ceiling fans, then why should the customers buy from you? There are other
companies who are selling fans as well. Setting them apart, some key USPs of CLICK ceiling fans are in
the following:
• 16 pore Silicon Armature: Ensures highest Air Circulation/ Air Delivery
• Aerodynamic Blade: Fan blade angle is very important to ensure maximum air circulation and circulate
the air in all corners of an area. Our fan blade angles are very uniform and of aerodynamic which ensures
even spread of the air.
• 2.5MF Capacitor: It helps for instant start of the Ceiling fan. It also helps the durability of Fan Cole.
• E-Class Insulation: 99.99% pure copper wire, which includes E-class insulation. It helps to operate
within 373k temperature.

At present there are 8 types of Ceiling Fan under Click brand. In addition to that, there are also 3 types of
table fans, 2 types of wall & stand fans. Along with this regular fan, they have exhaust fan and closet fan
The key challenge of CLICK FAN is in general market used to give credit to the businessman. Distributors
and retailers were making business by taking product on credit from the suppliers. Even Bangladeshi
market players also follow this practice. But RFL’s fundamental was not to provide any credit; rather it
collects cash from the stakeholders first, and then provides the product.

The primary objective is to persuade consumers to buy and use CLICK CEILING FAN, as well as to create
and characterize a Brand Identity and a TVC that will effectively engage with the target group.

Required tasks:
For this round, teams will have to create a Brand Identity with the help of their acquired knowledge from
the BRANDrill Grooming Session and make a 60 second TVC for RFL’s CLICK CEILING FAN along with a
PowerPoint presentation slide explaining reasoning behind creating the Brand Identity and what they are
trying to communicate through the TVC campaign. Teams will also need to design a brief ATL campaign
to promote the TVC. The TVCs will be uploaded on facebook from our page. Teams will then have to
promote their TVCs on facebook. 10% of the total marks in this round will depend on the number of likes
a team’s TVC gets on facebook. On the day of the presentation, teams will have to present the slides they
submitted earlier and show their TVC in front of the judges.

To simplify all that,

• Create a Brand Identity for CLICK CEILING FAN.
• Make PowerPoint Slides explaining the reasoning behind the Brand Identity and TVC along with a brief
ATL campaign plan.
• Send it to us and prepare for presentation.
• Don’t forget to promote the TVC once it’s uploaded from the Voice of Business facebook page.

1) Teams will have to submit their slides as well as their TVCs within April 25, 10:00 p.m. Late submissions
will be penalized.
2) Teams can either mail us their material to or if the file size is too large to be
sent on mail, they can upload it to Google Drive and then mail us the link to their materials. (Please make
sure that the link works)
3) All the materials (Slides, Video and others) should be named as “Team name_Team ID_Round2 (i.e.
Team Batman On-207 Round 2)
4) The TVC video length should not exceed 60 seconds’ limit. The video should include the logos of CLICK
Electrical Accessories, BRANDrill and Voice of Business at the end. Teams violating these rules will
encounter penalty
5) You will get 10 minutes (It excludes the TVC) to present on your plan. However, after the presentation,
there will be a 5 minutes Q/A session.
6) The deadline for promoting the TVC will be communicated through our Facebook page. Any likes after
the deadline will not be counted.
7) Violation of any rules mentioned above, will result in penalty for the team.
8) It is encouraged to do some research on the brand/tasks you are given. But any kind of unauthorized
help from the concerned party (Voice of Business, PRAN-RFL Group) regarding the task will result in a
green flag for direct DISQUALIFICATION from the competition if proven.
9) Voice of Business holds the complete right to change the instructions at any time.

*** All contents can be used in Future by RFL Group and Voice of Business.
*** RFL Group and Voice of Business have full authority to make any changes during the competition.

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