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School of Arts and Sciences

This faculty has been very busy designing courses, being innovative,
serving 3 campuses, and serving on the Governance and Appeals
Committee. She touches students’ lives, through her firm, but
empathetic and kind approach. An email from a student says it all:
“This faculty has been exemplary, compassionate, and a Professor that
has exceeded any expectations I could ever have in a Professor or
Mentor. She has encouraged me to power through with my condition,
focus on my education and has really touched me in a way I did not
know that a Professor could. Just yesterday, I mentioned that I am
working on my research topic for an upcoming paper however I am also
creating a resume and statement of purpose. I mentioned that I was
going to get my resume professionally done. Within 7 minutes she
emailed me, and Ms. Kirstie Colin, introducing us and asked me to
upload my resume informing me that Ms. Colin is a Brandman Career
Coach and helps with resume writing and interview skills. I was not
aware that Brandman offered such services. I was touched that she
cared enough to make such an effort to help me. She further offered to
review my statement of purpose and that literally brought tears to my
eyes. I have been really working hard on my statement of purpose and
it is a daunting process. To say she has gone over and beyond her
scope as a Professor does not begin to sum up the way that I
feel. Whenever I have any questions regarding an assignment she
immediately replies, she is thoughtful, insightful and provides such a
passion about the subject matter and her students that it is
contagious. It motivates me even more to do my absolute best because
I want to meet her expectations and capture that passion. She truly
cares about her students in a genuine and sincere way. I can only hope
that one day I will have the ability to touch my future clients in the way
that she has touched my life.” The Faculty of the Year for the School of
Arts and Sciences is Dr. Nakisha Castillo.

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