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Cancer Letters 221 (2005) 123–129

Mini review

Glutathione S-transferase genotypes and cancer risk

Fritz F. Parl*
Department of Pathology and Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN 37232, USA
Received 1 June 2004; accepted 7 June 2004

Over 500 studies have examined the association of genetic variants of glutathione S-transferases with various malignancies
yielding inconsistent results. The genotyping was based on PCR assays that identified the GSTM1 and GSTT1 null (K/K)
genotypes but did not distinguish homozygous wild-type C/C and heterozygous C/K individuals. Complete GSTM1 and
GSTT1 genotyping can be accomplished by recently developed assays [Cancer Res. 64 (2004) 1233–1236; Pharmacogenetics
10 (2000) 557–565] that allow the definition of C/C, C/K, and K/K genotypes by separate identification of the respective
GSTM1 and GSTT1 wild-type and null alleles. Application of the new GSTM1 assay to a breast cancer case-control study
revealed that the relative risk of breast cancer for the C/C genotype compared to the K/K genotype was 2.83 (95% confidence
interval 1.45–5.59; PZ0.002), suggesting a protective effect of the GSTM1 deletion [Cancer Res. 64 (2004) 1233–1236].
Regardless of the explanation for the association between the C/C genotype and increased breast cancer risk, these results
warrant application of true GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotyping to additional or previously analyzed groups with breast cancer or
other malignancies.
q 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Genotype; Molecular epidemiology; Cancer; Enzyme conjugation

1. Introduction of the tripeptide glutathione (GSH) to a wide variety

of exogenous and endogenous chemicals with elec-
Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) constitute a trophilic functional groups (e.g. products of oxidative
superfamily of ubiquitous, multifunctional enzymes, stress, environmental pollutants, and carcinogens),
which play a key role in cellular detoxification, thereby neutralizing their electrophilic sites, and
protecting macromolecules from attack by reactive rendering the products more water-soluble [2].
electrophiles [1]. The GSTs catalyze the conjugation Based on sequence homology and immunological
crossreactivity, human cytosolic GSTs have been
grouped into seven families, designated GST Alpha,
Abbreviations: GSTM1, glutathione S-transferase M1; GSTT1, Mu, Pi, Sigma, Omega, Theta, and Zeta [3–5]. The
glutathione S-transferase T1. GSTs have presumably arisen from a single common
* Address: Department of Pathology, TVC 4918, Vanderbilt
University Medical Center, Nashville, TN 37232, USA.
ancestor and their substrate specificity and diversity
Tel.: C1-615-343-9117; fax: C1-615-343-9563. have been reshaped by gene duplication, gene
E-mail address: recombination, and an accumulation of mutations.
0304-3835/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
124 F.F. Parl / Cancer Letters 221 (2005) 123–129

In view of the importance of GSTs in cellular involving the left and right 4.2-kb repeats [10].
detoxification of carcinogens, genetic variants of Analysis of 20 GSTM1*0 alleles from 13 unrelated
GSTs have attracted the attention of epidemiologists individuals showed the same recombination pattern,
with respect to cancer risk. A search of the literature which results in a 16-kb deletion containing the entire
up to April 2004 listed more than 500 studies of GST GSTM1 gene. The GSTM1 gene is excised relatively
genotypes in relation to breast, lung, colon, brain, and precisely leaving the adjacent GSTM2 and GSTM5
various other types of cancer [6–8]. Since GSTM1, genes intact. Therefore, one can rule out recombina-
GSTP1, and GSTT1 have been the most commonly tion with neighboring GSTM genes as a possible
examined genes I will briefly review the GSTm, p, and mechanism for the GSTM1*0 deletion, despite
q families. I will also review the genotyping of GST extensive homologies in certain regions. A missense
variants, which has been definitive for single- single nucleotide polymorphism also occurs in the
nucleotide polymorphisms of the GSTP1 gene, but GSTM1 gene, i.e. nucleotide 534 G/C (172 Lys/
inadequate for GSTM1 and GSTT1 variants. Asn, corresponding to GSTM1*A and GSTM1*B,
respectively), which does not appear to affect the
enzyme function [12]. Analysis of the other GSTM
2. GSTm isoforms shows extensive homologies. For example,
exon 8 of the GSTM2 gene and exon 8 of the GSTM1
The GSTm subfamily is encoded by a 100-kb gene gene are more than 99% identical over 583 nucleo-
cluster at 1p13.3 arranged as 5 0 -GSTM4-GSTM2- tides [13]. The GSTM3 gene is considerably shorter
GSTM1-GSTM5-GSTM3-3 0 [9,10] (Fig. 1). Deletion than the other GSTM isoforms and oriented tail-to-tail
of the GSTM1 gene, GSTM1*0, frequently affects in the cluster [14] (Fig. 1). In the GSTM3 gene, the
both alleles, resulting in the so-called K/K genotype, GSTM3*A wild type and GSTM3*B variant alleles
GSTM1K/K. A meta-analysis of 30 studies [11] differ from each other by a deletion of 3 bp in intron 6,
involving over 10,000 individuals identified the resulting in the generation of a recognition sequence
GSTM1 null genotype in 53% Caucasians (with a for the YY1 transcription factor in the latter [15].
42–62% range for individual studies). The frequency A linkage disequilibrium has been noted between the
of the GSTM1 K/K genotype was similar in Asians GSTM1*A and GSTM3*B alleles [15]. GSTM4
but lower in African–Americans, 27% (16–36%). shares amino acid sequence identity with GSTM1
Detailed mapping of the GSTm gene cluster revealed (87%), GSTM2 (83%) and GSTM3 (70%) [16].
that the GSTM1 gene is flanked by two almost Numerous studies have analyzed the GSTM1
identical 4.2-kb regions (Fig. 1). The GSTM1*0 genotype using a PCR-based assay designed
deletion is caused by a homologous recombination to identify the wild-type allele of GSTM1 [17].

Fig. 1. The GSTM1 gene is part of the Mu-class GST gene cluster at 1p13.3, which is arranged as 5 0 -GSTM4-GSTM2-GSTM1-GSTM5-
GSTM3-3 0 (top of diagram). The GSTM1 gene (black box) consists of 8 exons, which range in size from 36 to 112 bp, while the introns vary
from 87 to 2641 bp. GSTM1 is embedded in a region with extensive homologies and flanked by two almost identical 4.2-kb regions (gray
boxes). The GSTM1 null allele arises by homologous recombination of the left and right 4.2-kb repeats, which results in a 16-kb deletion
containing the entire GSTM1 gene (bottom of diagram). The point of deletion cannot be precisely localized because of the high sequence
identity between the repeats.
F.F. Parl / Cancer Letters 221 (2005) 123–129 125

In this assay, the absence of a PCR product (273 bp) approximately one third of primary breast cancers
indicates the GSTM1 K/K genotype and study [23,24]. In these tumors, the hypermethylation was
participants were categorized as either wild-type or associated with loss of GSTP1 expression as demon-
null ‘genotypes’. This analytical approach has one strated by immunohistochemistry. Several single
basic flaw in that it does not positively identify the nucleotide polymorphisms have been described in
null allele and, therefore, cannot distinguish homo- the GSTP1 gene. Two of the polymorphisms result in
zygous wild-type C/C from heterozygous C/K amino acid substitutions in codons 104 (Ile/Val)
individuals. We analyzed the GSTM gene cluster and and 113 (Ala/Val) in exons 5 and 6, respectively
recently developed a long-range PCR assay (14 kb [25] (Fig. 2). Both amino acids 104 and 113 affect
product) to allow positive identification of the null substrate specificity to the point of distinguishing
allele. In combination with the identification of the between planar and nonplanar substrates [26,27].
wild-type allele, we could perform true GSTM1
genotyping and define the C/C, C/K, and K/K
genotypes. Thus, we could determine the frequency of
4. GSTq
the GSTM1 wild-type and null alleles in the
Caucasian and African–American populations. We
The GSTq subfamily consists of two genes, GSTT1
found that the GSTM1 wild-type allele is nearly twice
and GSTT2, which are located at 22q11.2 and
as common in African–American (0.407) than in
separated by about 50 kb [8,28,29] (Fig. 3). Both
Caucasian (0.225) women [18].
genes have five exons with identical intron/exon
boundaries but share only 55% amino acid identity.
About 20% of Caucasians are homozygous for a
3. GSTp GSTT1 null allele, GSTT1*0. The GSTT1 K/K
genotype is more common in Asians, with frequencies
The single GSTP1 gene at 11q13 is 2.8 kb long and ranging from 47 to 64% [11,30]. The deletion of the
contains seven exons [19–21] (Fig. 2). The open GSTT1 gene does not include GSTT2 [28]. Analysis
reading frame starts at the 3 0 end of the first exon and of a 119-kb section containing the GSTT1 and GSTT2
is 630 bp long, encoding a protein of 209 amino acids genes revealed extensive homologies, e.g. two 18 kb
(most authors exclude the initiator methionine). regions, HA3 and HA5, with >90% homology
GSTP1 is expressed in many tissues including breast flanking GSTT1. HA3 and HA5 contained two
where it is the predominant GST [22]. A CpG island identical 403-bp repeats, which were identified as
in the GSTP1 promoter was shown to be unmethy- deletion/junction regions of the GSTT1 null allele
lated in normal breast but hypermethylated in [31]. Similar to GSTM1*0, the GSTT1*0 deletion is

Fig. 2. Overview of GSTP1 gene, mRNA, and protein. The GSTP1 gene at 11q13 is about 2.8 kb long and contains seven exons. The open
reading frame starts at the 3 0 end of the first exon and is 630 bp long, encoding a protein of 209 amino acids with a relative molecular weight Mr
23,224. The arrows indicate polymorphic sites. Two of the polymorphisms result in amino acid substitutions in codons 104 (Ile/Val) and 113
(Ala/Val) in exons 5 and 6, respectively.
126 F.F. Parl / Cancer Letters 221 (2005) 123–129

Fig. 3. The GSTT1 gene is part of the Theta-class GST gene cluster at 22q11.2 (top of diagram). GSTT1 and GSTT2 are separated by
approximately 50 kb. GSTT2 lies head-to-head with a gene encoding the D-dopachrome tautomerase (DDCT). The GSTT2 and DDCT genes
have been duplicated in an inverted repeat. The duplicated GSTT2 is a pseudogene (named GSTT2P) because an abnormal exon 2/intron 2 splice
site causes a premature translation stop. The GSTT1 gene (black box) consists of five exons, which range in size from 88 to 195 bp, while the
introns vary from 205 to 2363 bp. The GSTT1 gene is embedded in a region with extensive homologies and flanked by two 18 kb regions, HA3
and HA5 (gray boxes), which are more than 90% homologous. In their central portions HA3 and HA5 share a 403-bp sequence with 100%
identity. The GSTT1 null allele arises by homologous recombination of the left and right 403-bp repeats, which results in a 54-kb deletion
containing the entire GSTT1 gene (bottom of diagram). The point of deletion cannot be precisely localized because of the sequence identity
between the 403-bp repeats.

most likely caused by a homologous recombination nucleotide polymorphisms. Deletions are less com-
event involving the left and right 403-bp repeats. The mon and the complete absence of a gene in form of a
recombination results in a w54-kb deletion contain- null allele is rare. It is for this reason that the GSTM1
ing the entire GSTT1 gene (Fig. 3). Determination of and GSTT1 K/K genotypes have attracted so much
GSTT1 enzyme activity in erythrocytes showed a attention and become the focus of over 500 publi-
trimodal phenotypic distribution corresponding to the cations in molecular epidemiology. The underlying
C/C, C/K, and K/K genotypes [31]. hypothesis of these studies is that normal or increased
Similar to GSTM1, numerous studies of the GST enzyme activity may protect susceptible tissues
GSTT1 genotype employed a PCR-based assay that from somatic DNA mutations by facilitating the
identified the wild-type allele [32]. The absence of a detoxification of electrophilic carcinogens. In con-
PCR product signified the GSTT1 K/K genotype. trast, homozygous deletions of GSTM1 or GSTT1 are
However, this assay did not positively identify the expected to have an impaired ability to metabolically
null allele and therefore could not distinguish eliminate carcinogenic compounds and may therefore
homozygous C/C from heterozygous C/K individ- place GSTM1 K/K or GSTT1 K/K individuals at
uals. Sprenger et al. [31] performed an analysis of the increased cancer risk.
GSTT gene cluster and designed a PCR assay for the Since GSTs have overlapping substrate specifici-
positive identification of the null allele. They further ties, deficiency of an individual GST isoenzyme may
developed a multiplex PCR for the coamplification of be compensated by other isoforms. Therefore, simul-
both wild-type and null alleles, permitting GSTT1 taneous determination of all GST genotypes appears
genotyping in a single assay. In Caucasian men the to be a prerequisite for reliable interpretation of the
frequencies of the wild-type and null alleles were 0.57 role of the GST family in cancer development.
and 0.43, respectively.
Several molecular epidemiological studies have
examined the relation between breast cancer
risk and genotypes of one, two, or three GST subtypes
5. GST genotypes and cancer risk [7,33]. Overall, no clear pattern has emerged.
Individual studies of one or two GSTs observed
The majority of polymorphisms affecting genes associations that were not confirmed by other studies
involved in carcinogen metabolism are single [34–39]. Simultaneous analysis of three GSTs did not
F.F. Parl / Cancer Letters 221 (2005) 123–129 127

clarify risk associations but rather led to more Thus, the combined conjugation activities of all
contradictory results. For example, Helzlsouer et al. GSTs may lead to GSH depletion and thereby
[40] reported significantly increased risk for women become counterproductive. Instead of protecting, the
with GSTM1 K/K and GSTT1 K/K genotypes GSTs collectively may expose the cell to injurious
together with the GSTP1 (104 Val/Val) genotype, effects such as oxidative DNA damage and associ-
whereas Mitrunen et al. [33] did not observe any ated mutagenic lesions. Alternatively, GSTs can
association with this genotype combination. Millikan convert several classes of compounds, via conju-
et al. [41] found the lowest risk for women gation with GSH, into cytotoxic, genotoxic, or
simultaneously carrying the GSTM1 K/K, GSTT1 mutagenic metabolites [44]. Although conjecture,
K/K, and GSTP1 (104 Val/Val or Ile/Val) geno- the GSTM1 and GSTT1C/C genotypes may be
types, whereas Mitrunen et al. [33] noted an increased disadvantageous under certain circumstances,
risk in premenopausal women lacking the GSTM1 explaining the high frequency of the GSTM1 and
and GSTT1 genes and carrying the GSTP1 (104 Ile/ GSTT1 K/K genotypes in the general population.
Ile) genotype. Yet another study of 500 breast cancer It seems that the deletion of the GSTM1 and GSTT1
patients and 395 controls found no increase in risk genes occurred not only with impunity but
associated with any combination of GSTM1, GSTP1, may actually have offered a survival advantage for
and GSTT1 genotypes [42]. The different results of the cell.
these studies may be attributed to differences in the
study populations and their exposure to environmental
or dietary factors. On the other hand, none of the
preceding studies truly genotyped GSTM1 and 6. Conclusions
GSTT1. They only identified K/K homozygosity
and thereby oversimplified the phenotype as all or
Deletions of the GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes are
none. The positive identification of the wild-type and
common in the general population. The expected
null alleles described by Roodi et al. [18] for GSTM1
increase in cancer risk associated with the GSTM1
and by Sprenger et al. [31] for GSTT1 allowed
and GSTT1 K/K genotypes has not been consist-
definition of the C/C, C/K, and K/K genotypes
ently observed in over 500 epidemiological studies.
and unambiguous assignment of high, low, and none
However, the genotyping was based on PCR assays
conjugator phenotypes.
that did not distinguish homozygous wild-type C/C
Application of true GSTM1 genotyping to a
and heterozygous C/K individuals. Complete
breast cancer case-control study revealed that the
relative risk of breast cancer for Caucasian women GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotyping can be accom-
with the C/C genotype compared to women with plished by recently developed assays [18,31] that
the K/K genotype was 2.82 (95% CI 1.45–5.49; allow the definition of C/C, C/K, and K/K
PZ0.002) [18]. The association between the genotypes by separate identification of the respect-
GSTM1C/C genotype and elevated breast cancer ive GSTM1 and GSTT1 wild-type and null alleles.
risk was unexpected and requires an explanation, Application of the new GSTM1 assay to a breast
which is speculative at this time, ranging from cancer case-control study showed a significantly
linkage of GSTM1 with other genes to the substrate increased risk of breast cancer for the C/C
GSH and population genetics of the null deletion. genotype compared to the K/K genotype,
With regard to GSH, mammalian cells have evolved suggesting a protective effect of the GSTM1
protective mechanisms such as GSH conjugation to deletion [18]. Regardless of the explanation under-
minimize injurious events that result from toxic lying the association between the C/C genotype
chemicals and normal oxidative products of cellular and increased breast cancer risk, true GSTM1 and
metabolism. GSH depletion to about 20–30% of GSTT1 genotyping of additional or previously
total glutathione levels can impair the conjugation analyzed groups with breast cancer or other
defense against the toxic actions of such compounds malignancies should improve our understanding of
and become detrimental to cellular processes [43]. GSTs in cancer development.
128 F.F. Parl / Cancer Letters 221 (2005) 123–129

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