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Rugene N.

2nd Year – Medicine
Jose Maria College of Medicine

“The Affordable Dream”

A Reflection paper on the implementation of Primary Health care and Universal
Health Care

According to World Health Organization, Primary Health Care is a whole-of-

society approach to health and well-being centered on the needs and preferences of
individuals, families and communities.  It addresses the broader determinants of health
and focuses on the comprehensive and interrelated aspects of physical, mental and
social health and wellbeing. It provides a person a lifespan comprehensive care for
health needs as everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health
and wellbeing of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical
care and necessary social services.

As health care needs arise, an ambition was also conceptualized that no one
should be left behind and health care should be made available, accessible and
affordable to everyone regardless of race and social status. Universal Health Care is the
product of this ambition. Hence, the “affordable dream”.

Having been exposed to a medical environment while growing, I have seen and
encountered people who had struggles on acquiring the health care services that they
supposed to have. It is unfortunate that only privileged ones can acquire the best health
care. From then, it has become my dream and vision to give people the best and
affordable health care regardless of their social status.

Unintentionally, I was given an enormous responsibility of running a medical

facility that was ill-timed left by my mother, a midwife. Economically, I cannot let go of
the responsibility since it was our bread and butter since then. I took it as a challenge
and used it as an opportunity to actualize my dreams and visions in providing the most
affordable and excellent health care that is made available to all people from all walks of
life. It is made possible through the aid of a health insurance provided by our
government, the PHILHEALTH. I also created programs that will allow even those who
have no PhilHealth membership to avail free services in our facility.

As medical student, I can create an impact through giving impression that

affordable and accessible health care is possible. It is my desire to influence my
colleagues in promoting social justice through sharing my experiences in implementing
PHC and UHC in my own facility. I will become an advocate of promoting the UHC as it
will force all the medical facility and medical professionals including doctors to provide
“same standard of care at low cost.”

As human beings, it is our responsibility to care for one another. We exist to fight
for everyone’s right and to promote good well-being. Health is a fundamental right and
that we, in the medical field, should be a strong advocate of it. It is our innate duty as a
person to make sure that no one is left behind and we, as future medical professionals,
will be a channel for all to reach that “affordable dream.”

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